ugnet_: Muhoozi: seriously injured or oba what?

2004-01-09 Thread Y Yaobang

Has any one heard about Museveni's son Muhoozi's whereabouts?

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Re: ugnet_: Muhoozi: seriously injured or oba what?

2004-01-09 Thread Y Yaobang

Next ...

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Muhoozi: seriously injured or oba what? 
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 21:01:09 EST 
In a message dated 1/9/2004 8:52:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
  Has any one heard about Museveni's son Muhoozi's whereabouts? 
He is said to be "absent". nursing hisbullet riddenlimbs 
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2004-01-25 Thread Y Yaobang

I wish Comrade Mugabe well. I liked what he did in DRC intervention. But I dslike what heand his hangers-on have put the Zimbabwean populace under economic and political duress. Why: he cannot even trust to gettreatment in his own country! African dictators like Mugabe and Museveni deserve no sympathy.
yFrom: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 01:21:46 -0500 
President Mugabe collapsed at his house and air lifted to South African hospital 
 The Mulindwas Communication Group 
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" 
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" 
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Re: ugnet_: Kabaka to Meet Sudan Elders Over LRA Rebels

2004-01-25 Thread Y Yaobang

Zakoomu R.,
I like a federal Ugandan state, but please do not bore us with what we already know.Your Items 1 to 4 (below) used to exist and were practiced until mad man Lt. Gen, Museveni came to power with his "Fundamental change" bull shit. Your 5th and 6th points are interesting, but again those are details to be ironed out in a fedral arrangement. First, change the constitution back to what it was in the the 1960's when, yes, Uganda was a federal state!
yFrom: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Kabaka to Meet Sudan Elders Over LRA Rebels 
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 16:07:37 -0800 (PST) 
You've got a nice point here with your question:What is the best strategy for bringing about federalism in Uganda?Below are my contributions towards an answer. 
1st. getting all districts under "regions" together at the round table and discuss their union and how they are going to make things work in their union. 
2nd. getting regions (Busoga, Bunyoro, Acholi, Lango, W.Nile, Ankole, Tooro, Kigezi, etc) to form workable settings of their governing administrations (democratic  cultural) within and around. 
3rd. getting all regions together on the national table to discuss key issues of the federation.I refer you to the website for farther information. 
4th. Democratic mult-partism in all regional states should be formed.Political parties should form branches in every region they want political participation in.Thus, DP-Bunyoro branches, CP-Acholi branches, NRM-O Busoga branches, etc... 
5th.Political parties should contest in regional politics (democratic) and traditional / cultural posts should be left to be set through traditional customs and norms. 
The separation of democratic politics from cultural politics should emphasized even if both kinds of politics will at one point or the other get intertwined, They'll have to be separated, written in the law of the land. 
6th.Regional politics should be separated from National politics by the law of the land, even if at one point or the other they'll get intertwined, we'll have to separate them.This is the avoid what some people called Buganda politics affecting National politics.This time around things have to be separated by the law. 
Continues next timeI'm waiting for your contributions. 
Zakoomu R. 
Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
Now, I do happen to have expressed in various fora the view that I see a 
lot of merit in federalism. So, really, you're not telling me anything new. 
The crucial question is, what is the best strategy for bringing about 
federalism in Uganda? 
BTW, the bad news for those who are so obsessed with limiting Buganda's 
role in Ugandan politics, federalism may not be the magic wand they 
seek. In any case, I don't see how Buganda's demographic and geographic 
preponderance in national politics will go away under federalism. For the 
foreseeable future, (whether under a federal or unitary government) the 
Baganda will remain the single most populous nationality in Uganda. That 
reality will continue to be reflected in Uganda's political and cultural life. 
And I'd really really appreciate it if you took the time to spell my name 
At 07:34 PM 1/24/2004 -0800, you wrote: 
 Lasanga: You wrote below, 
 "It's just that demographically and geographically Buganda looms large in 
 our politics." 
 Have you ever thought of how to put a balance to the demographic dominance 
 of Buganda in Uganda politics?? My resolution to this demographic 
 dominance is FEDERALISM to all regions of Uganda. What do you think, Lasanga?? 
 Have you ever thought of how to put a balance to the geographic dominance 
 of Buganda in Ugandan politics?? FEDERALISM is the solution. With each 
 region holding power to decide its future, geographic dominance's impact 
 will be reduced. Equal federal representation on the talking table will 
 over look geographic dominance. 
 What has caused this demographic and geographic dominance of Buganda in 
 our politics?? Unitarism is the driving force behind this 
 unfairness. Unitarism centralizes most of gov't resources towards its 
 center (Buganda). We should not blame Buganda for Uganda's bloody past, 
 we should put the blame on our gov'ts that have over and over again 
 refused a federal arrangement for Uganda. Federalism will make sure that 
 even if one region (Buganda) is wooed by false leaders like Obote and 
 Museveni, the rest of the federation (Acholi, Lango, Bunyoro, Tooro, 
 Ankole, Busoga, Kigezi, etc...) are not affected to the maximum they were 
 when these false leaders make/made their woo-wooings. 
 Zakoomu R. 
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RE: ugnet_: South Africa leading renaissance

2004-01-25 Thread Y Yaobang

Mitayo Potosi,
Mbeki's so called "African renaissance" remains to be seen. It has been almost 4 years ago since he mouthed out the concept. Is Africa any better now?
South Africa was supposed to lead the rest of sub-Saharan Africa to salvation. But underpresident Mbeki, there has been nothing but hell. In his own country, he let AIDS/HIV ravage the population, saying he neded proof about HIV causing AIDS oba something like that. What a son-of-a-bitch! In southern Africa he continues to baffle us with the Zimbabwe question: why support an almost senile dictator making his people suffer? In the rest of Africa, he does not say anything about the lack of democracy in states like Uganda, where dictator Museveni contunies to reign like Hitler.
Mbeki, like his renaissance idea, is a failure to Africa!
From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: South Africa leading renaissance 
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 22:06:58 + 
South Africa leading renaissance 
Unemployment, poverty and lack of essential government services have 
replaced the insecurity and mayhem that until very recently reigned 
in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). 
Not that the country itself is poor. According to a U.N. report 
regarding the conflict in the DRC, the abundance of natural 
resources has been the curse that has attracted foreign exploiters 
who in turn have funded the chaos to perpetuate the illegal 
exploitation of the country's resources. Yet, if all goes according 
to South African President Thambo Mbeki's plan, the natural 
resources of the DRC could become its blessing. 
Mbeki rode into Kinshasa last week leading a powerful delegation of 
seven Cabinet Ministers and 60 of South Africa's top private sector 
businesses in an effort to consolidate the South African-sponsored 
peace deal in the DRC with an infusion of meaningful and long-term 
economic investments. 
The visit, which comes on the heels of the African National 
Congress' launching of its own reelection bid, also carries a 
message for the rest of Africa that goes beyond the DRC. For 
President Mbeki-a firm believer in the African renaissance-the DRC 
could hold the key to Africa's social, economic and political 
Mbeki believes that success in the DRC could be replicated elsewhere 
in Africa. This is a message he was eager to deliver to Congolese 
lawmakers last week. "Without peace in the DRC we cannot have an 
African renaissance," Mbeki declared. This message is important, 
accompanying a heavy purse from the leader of a government that is 
not only sponsoring the peace but the desire and enough resources to 
help the Congolese economy turn around. 
Until recently, numerous invaders crossed the nine borders of the 
DRC to exploit its resources, most notably from Rwanda, Uganda, 
Zimbabwe and South Africa. It is therefore welcome news that South 
Africa is leading a team of legitimate investors to Africa's largest 
and wealthiest country. 
While there is no doubt that the much needed South African 
commitment will bring stability across the continent and spin-offs 
from these investments could spark positive developments elsewhere 
on the continent, it may well be naïve to expect South African 
capital to behave more humanely and more sensitively to Africa's 
environmental and labour needs than their Western counterparts. 
Evidently, citizens of the DRC have been here before. They have seen 
international investors come and go, only to fatten Congo's former 
President Mobutu's personal holdings at their (the citizens') 
expense. Can citizens in the DRC expect South African capital to 
behave any differently? 
Mbeki's visit could not have come at a better time. Today, one-third 
of DRC's civil servants are unpaid. Corruption is on the rise and 
war-weary soldiers are becoming increasingly restive as poverty 
festers in the countryside. 
As things are, the Kabila government is too fragmented and shaky to 
exert respectable authority. A shrunken revenue base that is 
struggling to support much needed services further exacerbates the 
situation. But, turning to foreign investment, even if it is South 
African, has its risks. Just how responsive are South African 
entrepreneurs likely to be to the needs of the government and 
war-weary peasants of the DRC? 
Among the latest South African arrivals in Kinshasa are Mvelephande 
Holdings and Afrimineral Holdings which have already signed a 
memorandum of understanding with the DRC for investments worth an 
estimated R60 billion or the equivalent of US$8 billion over the 
next decade. Siemens South Africa has already signed a $50-million 
contract with the national electricity board of the DRC to install 
35,000 electricity connections in the country. 
Siemens, with several partners, including Eskom, is also involved in 
the rehabilitation of Inga One and Two electricity 

RE: ugnet_: The Dark Side of the Outsourcing Revolution

2004-01-28 Thread Y Yaobang

In dictator Museveni's Uganda, the 'best' education is the military one -- how to use AK47, etc., at Kyankwazi!
From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients: ; 
Subject: ugnet_: The Dark Side of the Outsourcing Revolution 
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 02:27:06 + 
The Outsourcing Revolution. 
India now produces 60% more engineers and scientists than the USA. 
And what scares the shit out of the USA is that they are even 
Over 7 years ago we were crying here on this net, to Hon J NKuuhe 
and our very beloved Higher Education Minister, Hon Dr Abel 
Rwendeire, to change/overhaul Uganda's curricula. 
1. Introduce Triple Maths in all schools - including 'Discrete 
2. Throw away the old crazy Biology where teaching was that "a tree 
consists of three parts: the leaves, the stem and the roots", and 
replace it with a new Biology that prepares students for the new 
world of molecular Biology. 
3. Introduce basic computer science. 
4. Get the whole country, from m7 downwards to zero in on this 
National effort. 
I sent them Canadian up-to-date syllabi for Maths, Bio, Comp Sc, 
etc to compare with. I even sent some to Teachers' college - 
But the Church/Mosque wanted more timetable slots for religion 
instead. They made Hon Rwendeire a political liability to m7, and he 
was moved from Education to Industry. 
Now we hear Uganda is banking on sending all her children to go 
abroad to wash latrines - 'kyeyo'. 
As was mentioned then, with an exceptionally trained workforce, tons 
of jobs and billions of $ willalways flow to Uganda. It is still 
true today. 
Maybe it is time to take stock and see how we are doing!! 
Mitayo Potosi 
AlterNet headlines. Share them. Forward them to your family, 
friends and co-workers, or sign them up for a free subscription: 
The Dark Side of the Outsourcing Revolution 
By Naeem Mohaiemen, AlterNet 
January 25, 2004 
Two years ago, I lost my credit card on a trip. Dialing the American 
Express 800 number, I asked the polite customer rep to read the list 
of recent charges. As she went through each charge, I noticed 
something familiar about the way she said words like "Duane Reade" 
and "Blockbuster." 
"Excuse me," I interrupted. "Where are you?" 
"Oh, we're the American Express Call Center in Bangalore, India," 
she replied. 
Over the coming months, I started noticing this phenomenon more 
often. When I called AOL trying to cancel my account for the fifth 
time, the helpful woman giving instructions was in India. Palm 
Pilot's "Level 1" help desk seemed to be in America, but when they 
were stymied and bumped me to "Level 2," an unmistakably Indian 
voice came on. Recently, I even started getting sales calls hawking 
credit cards from India. 
A few months back, a new pattern began to emerge. Suddenly, the 
customer service reps weren't eager to divulge where they were from. 
"Oh, we're not allowed to disclose location," said one nervous 
voice. It was very cloak and dagger. Maybe it's some new security 
measure, I thought to myself. 
Then the New York Times article, titled "We're From Bangalore (But 
We're Not Allowed To Tell You)" revealed all. Indian call centers 
now had to acquire American accents and generic Anglo names, 
displaying a new-found nervousness in the face of an incipient 
backlash: Dell was closing its Indian call center in the face of 
protests; New Jersey was trying to pass a bill blocking outsourcing 
to India; and an angry Indiana politician huffed, "I represent 
Indiana, not India!" 
All Roads Lead to India 
India is at the red-hot center of the Outsourcing Revolution. Thirty 
percent of all new Information Technology (IT) work for U.S. 
companies is now done abroad, mostly in India. McKinsey Consulting 
estimated that three countries received $20 billion in outsourcing 
revenue from the U.S. in 2002: Ireland ($8.3 billion), India ($7.7 
billion) and Canada ($3.7 billion). Analysts forecast that by 2008 
Indian IT services and back-office support will grow to a $57 
billion a year industry with four million workers. 
International multinationals have had offices in India for almost a 
decade, and they include Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Intel, IBM, 
Cisco, Motorola, HP, Oracle, Yahoo, Ernst  Young, HSBC, and, of 
course, the trailblazer in "discovering" India, Microsoft. But 
Indian offices whose main business is outsourced work from the U.S. 
are a relatively new phenomenon. Recent high profile firms include 
MphasiS, which processed tax returns of 20,000 Americans this year 
(analysts predict that 200,000 U.S. tax returns will be processed in 
India next year). Then there is OfficeTiger, which employs 1,200 
people to do research and analysis for eight Wall 


2004-02-06 Thread Y Yaobang

Thank you, J Ssemakula. Admittedly, I snore that's why I was so interested in this article.
From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: WHY DO PEOPLE SNORE? 
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:42:39 + 
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service:  2 months FREE*Sorry, something went wrong. Here is the article:


Why do people snore?

G. AlvaradoIligan City, Philippines

Lynn A. D'Andrea, a sleep specialist at the University of Michigan Medical School, explains. 
Snoring is the sound produced by vibrating structures of the upper airway, typically during inhalation. Any membranous part of the airway lacking cartilaginous support, including the tongue, soft palate, uvula, tonsillar pillars and pharyngeal walls, can vibrate. When you sleep, muscle tone throughout your body decreases, or becomes hypotonic. This relaxation of the upper airway muscles during sleep may decrease the size of the airway space and cause airflow limitation and turbulence. It is the combination of turbulent airflow through the hypotonic airway structures that results in the harsh vibratory noise known as snoring. 
Snoring is not an illness, but it is a symptom. Just as a cough can be a symptom of pneumonia, snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by snoring, labored breathing and repetitive obstructed pauses or gasps in a person’s breathing during sleep. The obstructed pauses result from complete obstruction or blockage of the airway and may be associated with decreases in oxygen levels. Typically, the obstruction is terminated by an arousal—that is, the snorer briefly wakes up--leading to fragmented, less restful sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea can cause excessive daytime sleepiness, decreased attention and poor concentration, and decreased energy levels. The consequences of these behavioral problems can be quite severe and include motor vehicle accidents if a sufferer becomes inattentive or falls asleep while driving. Obstructive sleep apnea is also causally related to vascular complications such as hypertension. Snor
 ing without evidence of obstructive sleep apnea may be an independent risk factor for hypertension and the daytime behavioral problems mentioned above, but how snoring alone causes problems remains unknown. 
The reported prevalence of snoring varies, and depends on the population studied and the wording of the questionnaire. Data from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study found that 44 percent of all men surveyed and 28 percent of all women surveyed were habitual snorers. Overall, 4 percent of these men and 2 percent of these women had snoring that was associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Furthermore, the prevalence of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea seems to increase with age, especially after 65 years of age. Additional risk factors associated with the development of snoring include weight gain, alcohol consumption, allergies, nasal obstruction, use of muscle relaxants or sedatives, and smoking. 
Snoring remedies run the gamut from simple, noninvasive devices that open the nasal passages to more invasive surgical procedures. An external nasal dilator, the Breathe RightR brand nasal strip, enhances nasal breathing by attaching to the outside of the nose like a bandage, and gently lifting and opening the nasal passages. A common observation suggests that snoring improves if the person sleeps on his side or in a semi-upright position rather than on his back. To encourage this position, many snorers have tried solutions ranging from sewing a tennis ball to the back of pajamas to propping up on wedge-shaped pillows. Other noninvasive ways to reduce snoring include losing weight, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, and managing any allergic symptoms. Smoking may lead to airway inflammation and swelling that can further narrow the upper airway, thus smoking cessation may improve snoring. Oral appliances and nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) devices 
 are mechanical apparatuses that act to prevent the tongue and soft palate from collapsing back into the upper airway. Finally, surgery--previously performed with a scalpel and now with a laser--removes some of the vibratory tissues from the back of the airway. Success rates for this procedure are reported to range from 50 percent to 100 percent, although it is described as quite painful. Snoring also occurs in children. Researchers have found that 20 percent of normal children snore occasionally and 7 percent to 10 percent of children snore every night. In many cases, children who snore are perfectly healthy, but about 1 percent of children who snore have obstructive sleep apnea. Children with sleep apnea may snore at night and exhibit decreased attention during the day. There is also concern that children with sleep apnea have symptoms similar to those children diagnosed with attention-deficit 

ugnet_: Museveni speaks on Abia attack

2004-02-10 Thread Y Yaobang
Where " ... At least 47 civilians died ..,", dictator Museveni says "... It was not a massacre a massacre means killing defenceless people... whereas people in camps do not live very comfortably, they are still alive, their children go to school and theyget relief food and other items however modest If their conditions were unbearable, they would have got out. They are not in prison," ...".

These and other statements belowsure suck!! In civilized democracies, the president and commader-in-chief of the UPDF would have resigned. But the dictator instead calls this ".. not a massacre ...". It seems, the only massacre he will acknowledge is whenhis own family is kiiled!!


Museveni speaks on Abia attack (The MOnitor)By Frank NyakairuFeb 9, 2004KAMPALA - Last week's attack on a camp for the internally displaced in Lirain which about 47 people died was not a massacre, President Museveni hassaid."It was not a massacre as Mr Pike put it," the President said at theweekend.He was speaking to the editors in chief of The Monitor and The New Vision,Mr Wafula Oguttu and Mr William Pike, whom he invited to State House,Nakasero, on Saturday.Mr Museveni wanted to make a clarification on the incident, which he saidwas not presented accurately by the media.At least 47 civilians died in Thursday's gruesome attack by the rebel Lord'sResistance Army on Abia internally displaced persons camp.The camp is located in Moroto County, 25km north of Lira town. On Friday,the Vision carried a report on the incident with a ba
 nner headline reading,Massacre.Museveni said a massacre means killing defenceless people. He said the Amukamilitia fought gallantly and repulsed the bandits, as he called the JosephKony-led rebels.Museveni said it was during the fighting that some innocent civilians werekilled.The President was particularly concerned that the media did not bring outthe "vital and commendable role played" by the militia in resisting therebel attack.In his statement to the two media chiefs, Museveni criticised the UPDF areacommanders for the mistakes made before and during the attack. He said theUPDF made two big mistakes.Mistake number one, he said, was for the commanders to send off the Amukamilitia on a lone mission to search for the rebels.He said all the commanders know that searching for rebels is the work of theUPDF.The militia fighters are supposed to guard the rear and the 
 roads. Mistakenumber two, he added, was that after the militia fighters sighted thebandits in Akwanga sub-county, they immediately informed the UPDF.The latter, however, did not respond as expected, the commander in chiefsaid. Instead the militia had to fight the enemy alone, he said.It was after the battle at Akwanga, he said, that the rebels moved to attackthe Abia camp.The President said that as a result of these "obvious" mistakes committed bythe UPDF, the Army Commander, Maj. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, set up a board ofinquiry into the incident.The army commander also attended the Saturday briefing together with theMinister of State for Information, Mr Nsaba Buturo.Museveni said the offensive against the Kony fighters was going on verywell.Most of their senior commanders, he said, have been killed by the army inrecent encounters reducing their estimated force to about 400 men split ineight 
 groups.He said five groups under Kony, Otti, Abudema, Banya and Kapere are in Sudanwhile three groups under the overall command of Odhiambo are still roamingnorthern Uganda.The President said that Odhiambo is the next rebel commander UPDF is goingto kill.Asked why government was not giving sufficient relief support to the campsfor the displaced, Museveni said that whereas people in camps do not livevery comfortably, they are still alive, their children go to school and theyget relief food and other items however modest."If their conditions were unbearable, they would have got out. They are notin prison," Museveni said. On the peace initiative, the President said hehas done everything possible.Museveni said that, at the request of the Carter Centre, he even wrote apeace letter to Kony guaranteeing the safety of the rebels if theysurrendered.The letter was 
 later delivered to Kony in person at Situ in Sudan by one offormer US President Jimmy Carter's men involved in the peace negotiations.Nyakairima informed the President that the said letter was found on the bodyof rebel commander Yardin Tolbert Nyeko, who was killed on January 19, atWii-Lacic in Aruu County in Pader district.The President said LRA were not serious about the peace talks. He said thosewho wish to keep trying the peace initiative should do so as he continueshis work on the military front.[Protect your PC - Click here for VirusScan Online 

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RE: ugnet_: Empuuta

2004-02-12 Thread Y Yaobang

What is the scientific name of Uganda's "Emputa" or Nile perch?
From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Empuuta 
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 20:16:37 + 
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*---BeginMessage---

Call to patent Nile perch fishBy Martin Luther OketchFeb 10 - 16, 2003

KAMPALA - Fish processors in East African countries have called on their governments to patent the Nile Perch.

A girl admires a Nile Perch fish. If patented, processors expect better returns and protection (File Photo).Fish processors from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania want this fish species to be registered regionally and globally in the name of Victoria Perch. 

The proposed registration will be raised at the next East African Customs Union meeting this month.
If it is registered as native to this region under the World Trade Organisation, regional fish producers could have a trade advantage. 
Currently fish processors fear that China, Thailand and Egypt are trying to cultivate the Nile Perch.
Mr Sliver Ojaakol, a senior commercial trade officer at the ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, told The Monitor on February 4 that the fish processors have written to their respective ministries asking for the fish to be registered.
“This is because the species have got distinctive character (taste) in nature in the whole world but it is at the verge of being encroached on by some countries (who) want to produce the same fish through scientific means,’’ Ojaakol said.
A geographical indication indicates that a product is from a particular place and possesses particular qualities because of that.
For example, France has a geographical indication for champagne, which is produced in the part of the country of the same name.
He said the ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry has welcomed the move by the private sector but warned that the process would be expensive. For the process to succeed, the quality and quantity needs to be harmonised across the region.
Similarly, there are proposals to patent ripe banana (ndizi) and grass hoppers (nsenene).

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---End Message---


2004-02-23 Thread Y Yaobang

Reads like Mr. Ssemakula just went bananas!!!Not sure how long the recovery will be.
yFrom: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: ON OBOTE, UPC AND UGANDA 
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 20:48:46 -0500 
That is why I keep quit, for such argument is either hollow or just plain stupid. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: J Ssemakula 
 Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 5:05 PM 
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: ON OBOTE, UPC AND UGANDA 
 Mr. Oracha, 
 While it is true that Obote inherited a fairly proseprous country at independence with a good infra-structure -- by African standards; we should not forget that he proceeded to drive it into the ground, nearly on all fronts, at a fast clip. (Before you fire off one of your knee-jerk responses, bear in mind that there are historical records available of what we had at independence.) 
 Obote did not kill "Bagandans". Really? 
 What happened to the Kisubi boys? What happened at Nakulabye? What happened when he and his chum Amin, invaded our Kabakka's Lubiri at Mmengo? What happened to all those "Bagandans", and others, he picked up in daily panda gari swoops? What happened in the so-called Luweero-Trangle?, etc, etc, etc. 
 Original Message Follows 
 Subject: ugnet_: ON OBOTE, UPC AND UGANDA 
 Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 12:00:45 EST 
 There are a lot of lies attributed to Dr. Obote with the intent of making him 
 hated by people. The main aim is to exclude him from the political leadership 
 in the country. Obote has not killed Bagandans but there was a clash between 
 the central government and the Kabaka in which Kabaka forcibly attempted to 
 chase away the central government from Kampala and Buganda. many people who were 
 alive then remember the blocking of roads with logs and other obstacles to 
 defeat the central government. While some would rejoice at the loss of life many 
 people of principle regret such losses. The people who died were Ugandans. 
 Obote attempted at all costs to unite the people of Uganda on the principle 
 that all were created equal. Most of his thinking are summed up in the common 
 charter which enable all Ugandans to feel part of one and fair country. Others 
 saw this as taking away their privileges and so they started labeling Dr. 
 Obote as anti Baganda. Fortunately, only a few people in Buganda have this 
 mentality. Unfortunately, they suppress the other open minded people in the region. 
 Not all Baganda share the same view or subscribe to and submit to the Kabaka. 
 This is normal in any society. So if Dr. Obote is not popular why be afraid of 
 him in an election? 
 Obote has done more for Uganda than any other leader for the short time he 
 was in power. The medical system was a wonder in many parts of Africa. The 
 education system was excellent and the infrastructure was very good. The words that 
 come out that man's mouth galvanizes and motivates people. UPC like any 
 organizations, has some undesirable elements. But that is not Obote. It takes time 
 to straighten the crooked members of any society. 
 Now whenever Museveni stands on the podium, he finds himself so bereft of 
 ideas that he thinks the problem is Dr. Obote. Obote's ghost is everywhere 
 haunting the usurpers of Ugandan's freedom. There is only one way to get rid of 
 Obote and his ghost: Speak a message of unity, bring development everywhere 
 especially the forgotten north respect human lives. You will have successfully got 
 rid of DR. Obote. 
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RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

2004-03-06 Thread Y Yaobang

Rehema Mukooza,
How soon you forget! Dictator Museveni gave 50 cows toKabaka Mutebi sometime ago: I believe it was just before or after the presidential elections of 2001? Was that not bribery??
From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 21:50:53 -0800 (PST) 
Buying Obote for what??Obote can not function at his age!He is of no use to any thinking Ugandan who is looking forward to the future.The Kabaka will never be "bought"; he stays, president after president.Who ever thinks so, is indeed misguided and misinformed, like Obote.You can never ever buy a Kabaka. 
Obote tried it once, when he offered money to the Ankole, Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies in order to ban them real good, but the Kabaka of Buganda refused and he was exiled.Obote even wanted to chose who among the princes should take over after Kabaka Muteesa was exiled.Wrong decision - Poor, stupid, Obote! 
My advice to the anti-Kabaka camps is that, the monarchy of Buganda shall exist no matter what.The monarchy has already proved resilient towards blows (Obote, Amin).People, ya'll better use that energy of yours on something else and leave the Kabaka alone.The Kabaka has us regular folks to back him up no matter what.That is how strong an alliagence can be to our King(s), present and future. 
Some politicians like Obote, Museveni might think that they are "buying" the Kabaka, but in reality they are to move out and our Prince (Kabaka) is to stay in.A monarchy is a monarchy, unlike seasonal political leadership i.e Obote, Mu7.Mr. Yaobang, come up with a better example of folks being 'bought' by cows or money.I don't know why you people don't understand that Buganda and her Kabakaship are inseparatable."Buying" something that will never go away, that has always existed is a sick example of how some Ugandans will never get it. 
Zakoomu R. 
Y Yaobang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
J Ssemakula, 
Unlike your Kabaka, Obote cannot be bought with 25 cows, or any other bribe! 
 From: "J Ssemakula" 
 Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 01:59:09 + 
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  ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822 
From: "J Ssemakula" 
Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 01:59:09 + 
Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
By Patrick Opio 
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has donated 25 heifers to the family of exiled former president Milton Obote’s brother, Obadiah Akaki. 
Akaki, 80, Obote’s elder brother said he received the cows through state minister for wildlife and antiquities Jovino Akaki-Ayumu, his clansman. 
He said in an interview at his home at Abeibuti village, Akokoro sub-county, Apac, recently that the cattle provide him with plenty of milk. 
He said he supplies the milk to the local community for money. 
“My family now harvests a good amount of milk daily. We consume part of it and sell the rest to people in the neighbourhood,” he said. 
Museveni gave Akaki sh10m when he visited his home in September 9, 2000. 
He then promised to donate heifers for milk production to the family. 
Akaki said Museveni sent drugs for the animals. He said the district veterinary officers help him control vectors such as tsetse flies and ticks by reg ularly spraying and dipping the animals. 
He praised minister Akaki-Ayumu for linking him with Museveni. 
“With Akaki’s efforts, Museveni was able to visit us and consequently donated money and cattle to the family,” Obadiah said. 
Published on: Thursday, 4th March, 2004 
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Re: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin

2004-03-07 Thread Y Yaobang

J. Ssenyange:
Dictator Museveni is a very crafty son-of-a-bitch. He invites the Kabaka to rwakitura, pays for all his expenses to come to rwakitura(central government expense), gives him the 50 cows, and then later, bang!-- he SPITS on the Kabaka: the dictator warned the Kabaka not to meddle in politics, and to leave itto "us the bakopi". Remember? He does that all the time to all the inept political opportunists who cross his path, including, unfortunately,your Mutebi II.
From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 16:54:25 -0500 
 By simple logic, If I know that you want to come ( visit) 
would be very stupid of Mu7 to transport Kabaka by presidential 
helicoptors to Rwakitura if the purpose of the visit is known to be 
begging. Lastly, who requests for a visit? Kabaka or Mu7? 
J. Ssenyange 
From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 20:56:00 -0500 
But why does Kabaka go to Rwakitura to beg? 
The very nonsense I do not respond to. 
The Mulindwas Communication Group 
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" 
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" 
 - Original Message - 
 From: ssenya nyange 
 Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 6:52 PM 
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 How does Kabaka come into your equation? Kabaka 
does not beg 
 or request for your information. 
 Who ever wants to donate will donate freely. Who ever does not 
want to 
 donate is not requested by Kabaka to donate. However, his 
subjects and 
 officials can request for donations to help Kabaka's projects. 
His assets 
 alone generate more revenue than the president's "official" 
income. The 
 difference is that Kabaka wants to share it with his subjects 
unlike Mu7 who 
 wants to "milk" his subjects without "feeding" them.Mu7 gave 
those cows to 
 Kabaka as gifts just like any other Ugandan. Even non Ugandans ( 
 Bazungu) have been pictured in newspapers kneeling while 
donating to Kabaka 
 ( after marrying Baganda women) as a sign of respect to the 
Institution of 
 Kabakaship. All this is done to show respect to the Instituion 
of Kabakaship 
 which is represented by Mutebi 11, ( not to Mutebi as a person). 
 From: "Y Yaobang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 02:17:10 + 
 Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 
 J Ssemakula, 
 Unlike your Kabaka, Obote cannot be bought with 25 cows, or any 
other bribe! 
 From: "J Ssemakula" 
 Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 01:59:09 + 
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RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives ...

2004-03-07 Thread Y Yaobang
ns).This murderer Museveni saw the 
civilians as people who were getting in his way, so he ordered for 
their slaughter.Up to now, Luwero people want Museveni to pay for 
their financial losses (including blood) by financially supporting 
the living since the dead are already dead.Money can not pay for 
a life, but the living have got to continue living.Living is 
supported by money, you go and figure this one out. 
 Ever since Buganda witnessed both Obote and Museveni's 
murderous nature, we decided to go back on survival 101; you've got 
to work with the enemy whether you like it or not!You can call 
Buganda names like Uganda sellers etc, but that does not change the 
fact that Obote murdered people. 
 Once again, Buganda is to play her part.Buganda can not 
avoid interacting with presidents in power.Buganda's capital is 
Uganda's capital city.How can they avoid each other??You can 
slip into fantasia but I'll not go with you.The colonialists 
could not avoid interacting with Buganda, the dictators of Uganda 
can not either. 
 My dear, I want to bring you back to reality. GOD WILL NOT 
STOP THEM (murderer Mu7).Let us bring back federalism in Uganda 
and empower regions to make decisions on their security matters. 
Under this unitary system, the central gov't will continue to 
declare some northern regions not disaster areas.Yet in a federal 
system, the Acholi or Lango states can declare their areas, 
disaster regions and protect themselves.Today, the Arrow/Amuka 
boys are not paid for their services and they why they lack moral. 
Under federalism, the states of Acholi and Lango can easily pay the 
Arrow/Amuka boys because these states can actually collect taxes 
and boost their security. 
 Lisa, come up with better cases!This business of you wishing 
on God to come down and make a miracle, yet God gave humans power 
to decide over their destiny is indeed foolish!Wake up!Support 
Federalism for All!And let me remind you that Obote killed 
federalism, we need to start from scratch now. 
 Zakoomu R. 
 Lisa Toro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
 Yaobang and others, 
 How many cows did the Misevenis and NRA take from Dr. 
Obote's home when they killed his frail father? How many did they 
takes from Obote's relatives and indeed the whole area plus 
district!. You will be more stupid to say it is 25 Cows.Infact 
they are harrassing and intimidating the Obotes brother then shout 
that they gave 25 blood cows! Those NRM vultures NEVER GET ENOUGH, 
 Rehema Mukoozawhatever garbage you are talking about, 
some of us including Obote have always mean well for the future of 
Ugandans but your are busy digging future holes! But then again 
Ugandan sellers have always perferred to work with colonialist , 
imperialist etc etc and once more they have to keep the system 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Rehema Mukooza 
 Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 5:50 AM 
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 Buying Obote for what??Obote can not function at his 
age!He is of no use to any thinking Ugandan who is looking 
forward to the future.The Kabaka will never be "bought"; he 
stays, president after president.Who ever thinks so, is indeed 
misguided and misinformed, like Obote.You can never ever buy a 
 Obote tried it once, when he offered money to the Ankole, 
Bunyoro, Tooro, and Busoga monarchies in order to ban them real 
good, but the Kabaka of Buganda refused and he was exiled.Obote 
even wanted to chose who among the princes should take over after 
Kabaka Muteesa was exiled.Wrong decision - Poor, stupid, Obote! 
 My advice to the anti-Kabaka camps is that, the monarchy 
of Buganda shall exist no matter what.The monarchy has already 
proved resilient towards blows (Obote, Amin).People, ya'll better 
use that energy of yours on something else and leave the Kabaka 
alone.The Kabaka has us regular folks to back him up no matter 
what.That is how strong an alliagence can be to our King(s), 
present and future. 
 Some politicians like Obote, Museveni might think that 
they are "buying" the Kabaka, but in reality they are to move out 
and our Prince (Kabaka) is to stay in.A monarchy is a monarchy, 
unlike seasonal political leadership i.e Obote, Mu7.Mr. Yaobang, 
come up with a better example of folks being 'bought' by cows or 
money.I don't know why you people don't understand that Buganda 
and her Kabakaship are inseparatable."Buying" something that will 
never go away, that has always existed is a sick example of how 
some Ugandans will never get it. 
 Zakoomu R. 
 Y Yaobang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
 J Ssemakula, 
 Unlike your Kabaka, Obote cannot be bought with 25 cows, 
or any other bribe! 
 From: "J Ssemakula" 

RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives

2004-03-08 Thread Y Yaobang

J. Ssenyange,
I do respect the institution of the Kabaka of Buganda, and I do hope that one day real power is returned to it. But, dont expect to get it back from dictator Museveni.
From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives .\ yaobang 
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 21:33:09 -0500 

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RE: ugnet_: RE: Museveni Gives ...

2004-03-09 Thread Y Yaobang

Zakoomu R.,
Why dont you go suck on a lemon. 
From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: RE:Museveni Gives ... 
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 01:42:59 -0800 (PST) 
Whose future is Ssenyange ruinning??Buganda's??Is UPC planning on a revenge attack on Buganda in the future.UPC will never forget and so will Buganda.This is reason anough for Buganda to view UPC as an enemy and put her guards up!A future strategy is in place as we speak!Buganda shall never allow any genocide to happen on the mother soil ever again. 
Zakoomu R. 
Y Yaobang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
J. Ssenyange, 
From what I'm told, you are a very smart man. Why do you spew shit like this, in support of Museveni? Museveni will die, why do you want to ruin your future with such statements? We'll forgive, but we will never forget! 
 From: "ssenya nyange" 
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2004 17:15:40 -0500 
  Just continue giving your vote to your man OBOTE. He 
 will continue ruling you even in exile, by sustaining you with 
 J. Ssenyange 
 From: "Edward Mulindwa" 
 To: , 
 Subject: ugnet_: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
 Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 09:41:40 -0500 
 Buganda can never move ahead again until when Uganda gets a 
 nationalistic president as Obote, who develops all Uganda areas 
 equally. Does Uganda have a chance to get such a leader again 
 today? No not on a nation which has Ssebagala as the best out there 
 to look at. The developments in Buganda including Hospitals, 
 Schools, job creation on and on stopped at the exit of Obote from 
 Uganda politics. One can not help but wonder how Buganda has even 
 failed to clear her own roads of Bulungi Bwansi, a project they 
 would even do by their own hoes. What value is Mengo? 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lisa Toro 
  Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 7:20 AM 
  Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
  Rehema Mukooza . 
  Present me the evidence, that is howsome of you Bagandans 
 conieved with Museveni in Killing you own Kayirra in the name of 
 elections were rigged! you are so blind that you only sport a goat 
 from a far and not see an hayena at your foot !!! . The Baganda 
 peasantry should takes control and su[pport of thier Kingdom and 
 destinyrather than leaving it to some of this opportunists 
 beatting thier seasonal drums to any order of the day and claiming 
 latter they are not part of it. 
 Your are squarely responsible for impossing Museveni and the 
 NRA/M killers on Banganda and Ugandans with all the blood let, take 
 responsiblility. The sooner the kingdom and the peasantry weed out 
 these flees the sooner Buganda and Uganda will move a head. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Rehema Mukooza 
  Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 4:31 AM 
  Subject: [Ugandacom] Re: Museveni Gives 25 Cows To Obote Kin 
  Some of you including Obote have never always meant well for 
 the future of Uganda.What is the future of Uganda??May I ask? 
 Obote has never worked for the future of democracy in Uganda.He 
 banned political parties and ridged elections.I want you to be 
 sensible enough to acknowledge that.Do not let your imagination 
 run wild! 
  Museveni and his NRA are thugs and murderers, any sensible 
 person knows that.There is nothing new you are informing me about 
 the dictator in charge today! 
  What "future holes" am I digging by speaking the truth about 
 Obote??What actually do you mean by that??Should I take the 
 "future holes" for a future revenge against Buganda and her 
 Kingdom??I personaly, think that this kind of garbage you are 
 blutting out is indeed a product of denial and lack of focus on 
 real issues. 
  If you knew better than you know now, you would find out who 
 is truelly digging the future holes you are talking about.He is 
 none other than the thug, Museveni!He has made enemies out of our 
 neighbors surrounding Uganda and in Uganda.Blame Museveni, do not 
 even start with me, or Buganda and her Kabaka. 
  Now, let me teach you about some things in history and life as 
 in general.The colonialist or imperialists came to Buganda with 
 their big guns and shit.Buganda had no choice but to work with 
 these armed imperialists because they possed a real, dangerous 
 threat to our ancenstors. 
  Survival 101; you've got to work with the enemy whether you 
 like it or not.Buganda was not ready to sacrifice itself to be 

RE: ugnet_: Dogs Eat Barlonyo Remains- New Vision 17/3/2004

2004-03-17 Thread Y Yaobang

Dear Ugandan human beings,
Why do we Ugandanslet Museveni and his dogs do this to our fellow Ugandans?
From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Dogs Eat Barlonyo Remains- New Vision 17/3/2004 
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 11:12:20 -0800 (PST) 
Dogs Eat Barlonyo Remains 
SHAME: (Top) a skull and (above) a rib cage of the dead lying exposed on the ground 
By Ali Mao in Lira 
THE dead in Barlonyo are not resting in peace. Four commissioners from the Human Rights Commission last Saturday struggled to control their tears on seeing dogs eating decomposing bodies. 
The commissioners, who were on a spot assessment of internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in the north, arrived at Barlonyo in time to witness a dozen dogs feeding on rotting human limbs. 
It was a rare chance in the hot afternoon when over 10 dogs were roaming the place as they carried away bones of the victims of the February 21 LRA rebel massacre in Barlonyo in Erute in Lira. Many families fled and the dead were hurriedly buried by the army in shallow graves from where the dogs dug up the bones. 
Soon after the massacre, controversy erupted about the number of the dead. Pathologists exhumed 143 bodies in a bid to establish the exact number. 
The Pathologists later wrapped the bodies in polythene bags and placed them in army trenches to await a decent burial promised by the Government. 
When the UHRC team visited, the hungry canines took off, leaving skeletons littered all over the compound as the commissioners arrived at the scene. 
Lira deputy RDC Sylvestor Opira yesterday said the inquiry into the massacre had not been completed. 
“But we have to make sure the remains are kept properly. As soon as the report is released, there will be a decent burial,” he said. 
Erute north MP Charles Angiro Gutomoi said on phone that they asked the army to protect the abandoned camp but they had failed to do so. 
“When we met President Yoweri Museveni at his camp in Okwang sub-county, he told us he would call the state minister for disaster preparedness over the matter,” he said. 
Disaster preparedness ministers Moses Ali and Christine Amongin could not be reached for comment. 
Angiro said, “The Government seems to be slow in deciding yet this is its responsibility.” 
“Unless something is done immediately to rebury the remains of the Barlonyo dead in deeper graves, they will find nothing because the dogs are really working on the bodies,” UHRC spokesperson Justus Muhanguzi said. 
The team looked disturbed by the sight of human bones littered in the burnt-out area. 
Published on: Wednesday, 17th March, 2004 
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Re: ugnet_: NaijaPolitics not wanted on UgandaNet

2004-03-23 Thread Y Yaobang

One day, you'll find yourself disconnected, dont be suprised. There was a great debate here, yeson this Ugandanet, about me being disconnected. But sound minds,including The Monitor's Onyango-Obbo's (I dont like many of his writings), prevailed and I'm still on.
Remember that Kiggundu is a businessman, where does he get the time/money to maintain Ugandanet?
Hang in there, dear.
From: Anyomokolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: NaijaPolitics not wanted on UgandaNet 
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 17:13:20 -0500 (EST) 
Kiggundu Mukasa, so you are the moderator of Ugandanet. Wow! Most administrators don't like me, except that of acholinet. Do you ever read what I post on Ugandanet? If yes, what do you think about my postings? 
I would appreciate it very much if you respond. I don't want to wake up one morning and find that my membership Ugandanet has been terminated. 
Kiggundu Mukasa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
I have been trying to stop this for a while. 
Could the person who is trying to subscribe UgandaNet to NaijaPolitics 
please stop it!! The suspects are the usuall people who cross post to 
those lists. 
If UgandaNet does not stop receiving Naija posts then I shall 
unsubscibe all list members who have ever cross-posted to the Naija 
list. That way they can stay on the Naija list they love and leave us 
on UgandaNet. 
You have 2 days before you start getting unsubscribed. 
UgandaNet List Administrator 
On Mar 23, 2004, at 3:33 AM, x xx wrote: 
  List Admin: 
  Plase save Ugandanet from the deluge of mail from 
  Thank you, 
  Xxx xxx. 
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RE: ugnet_: MUSEVENI's SS (as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's Republican Guards = 10,000 PGB

2004-03-24 Thread Y Yaobang

Listen up. My sources tell me that the PGB strength is real, and that its soldiers get preferential treatment compared to the rag-tag regular UPDF. But remember what happened to Mobutu's presaidential brigade? The same fate faces the PGB! 
And, by the way talking about the PGB, where is Major Kaneirugaaba, Museveeni's son, still recovering from the wounds? He is not in Soroti anymore, I know that, or is he?
 From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: ugnet_: MUSEVENI's "SS" (as in Hiltler's SS) or Sadam's "Republican Guards" = 10,000 PGB 
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 15:57:51 -0800 (PST) 
That's a very good question.The odds are there especially when we hear that State House, Entebbe needs US $77millions for renovation.The possibility of these odds are even higher when we hear that the State House is asking to have an Office of the First Lady, requesting for funds direct from the Uganda Treasury!They even raise more when we hear about the huge State House budget.These odds skyrock when we hear of 'ghosts' in the UPDF. 
Personally, I don't know if there are 'ghosts' in the Presidental Guard Brigade.We shall all find out when this information becomes available to us.10,000 guards and heavy arms for just one man!!! 
Zakoomu M. 
Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
What are the odds that at least 50% of these are 
'ghost' guards? 
--- Rehema Mukooza wrote: 
  Why would Museveni's brigade have 6,000 to 7,000 
  soldiers more than a normal brigade?? And why is 
  this brigade doing the army job?? It is supposed to 
  stick to protecting the president alone. 
  In case, and this is only in case, if Mu7 leaves 
  power in 2006, who is going to take care of this 
  huge brigade?? 6,000 to 7,000 soldiers will have to 
  be dessolved into the Uganda Army after this 
  dictator. My take is that he is not going to leave 
  power any time soon! His empire is crumbling and 
  that's why he needs all this extra protection. 
  You are right to compare Mu7's PGB to Hitler's SS 
  and Sadam's Republican Guards. These dictators are 
  insecure and hence a need for all these soldiers, 
  just protecting one man and maybe his family. This 
  is insane and a wastage of donor and taxpayers' 
  Zakoomu M. 
  Museveni has 10,000 guards 
  By David Kibirige 
  March 24, 2004 
  Gets modern weaponsENTEBBE – The presidential 
  brigade is about 10,000 men strong, military experts 
  say.This is about 7,000 to 6,000 soldiers more than 
  a normal brigade, they add.Army spokesman Maj. 
  Shaban Bantariza declined to establish the exact 
  military strength of the Presidential Guard 
  Brigade.He however, defended its size.“The number 
  has to be big because of the formation. The 
  Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) is independent of 
  other divisions. They have their own artillery, tank 
  and armored units. So that is why the number is 
  bigger than the usual brigades,” he said.He said 
  PGB soldiers have to be at every presidential lodge 
  in the country.The Monitor has learnt that for the 
  last five years the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) 
  has been under going restructuring. It was upgraded 
  from a Presidential Protection Unit (PPU) to a 
  PGB.The commander of the Reserve Force Lt. Gen. 
  Salim Saleh has overseen the restructuring. Lt. Col. 
  Leo Kyanda is the PGB commandant.The headq 
  of the PGB will be at Entebbe. Some of its soldiers 
  will be stationed in every battalion.Highly placed 
  sources told The Monitor that the PGB has also 
  acquired sophisticated weapons. The brigade has 
  anti-aircraft guns, battle cars like mamba and 
  buffalo, tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers 
  (APCs).The commanders of the PGB mechanized unit are 
  different from those of the regular army.On the 
  sophisticated weapons, Bantariza said when at a war, 
  the PGB fights independently of the regular army.He 
  gave an example of Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba who at 
  one time commanded PGB troops against the rebel 
  Lord’s Resistance Army in Soroti.President 
  Museveni is currently in Lira over seeing operations 
  against LRA rebels led by Joseph Kony. The PGB 
  soldiers are helping in the fight. 
  © 2004 The Monitor Publications 
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RE: ugnet_: Re: Radio Katwe-Salim Saleh

2004-03-29 Thread Y Yaobang

Talking about Salim, what about his nephew Ruhooza, where is he now? Might he also be on the same one-way path? The last time I heard was that he had abandoned Soroti (Aloet), true?
From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: ugnet_: Re:Radio Katwe-Salim Saleh 
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:38:09 -0800 (PST) 
1st, I am not "Honey".I am a human being.Got that?? 
About this "diet pepsi" thing.I am not fat.I am a normal sized, healthy looking woman.I like to watch my sugar/carbohydrate intake.Regular sodas are loaded with too much excess, unneeded sugars.I ONLY drink diet sodas (pepsi is my favorite), water, and skimmed/fat-free milk.What more do I need than a cold diet pepsi at a celebration of a death of an enemy of freedom?? 
My refrigerator is loaded with cans and cans of diet pepsi, water, and a can of skimmed, fat-free milk.Guests (I don't care if they are Africans, Americans, or whatever) have got to adopt to what I have in my house.When one goes to Rome, he/she does what the Romans do.That applies and falls really well into my world. 
Am I diabetic?? = NO!Again, I am a person who maintains a good well balanced diet.Am I on a diet?? = NO!I do not need to be on a diet with the kind of healthy foods I eat.It is all about eating and drinking healthy.You better start to do the same.I am pro-healthy eating  living and not anti-healthy living.Let me tell you a bit of how I am living. 
I observe Kosher foods.The meats, chicken have got to have been killed in a certain, accepted way.They have got to be clean, free from bacteria.The chicken must be skinless, with no visible fat on it.The meats must have no visible fat on them either.I do not eat pork, sausage, bacon, etc (anything that comes from pigs).And I do not drink wine, beer, etc (anything that intoxicates my body).My liver is too important to intoxicate it with alcohol. I neither take drugs (anything that gets people high).My brain is too important to intoxicate it with such things.I am an ever sober person, in touch with nature. 
I use cholestoral-free, low saturated oils from plants (not animals) for cooking.Olive oil is the best.I do not use highly hydrogenated oils at all - they will clog up in your blood vessels.I do use fish oil here and there - the best healthy oil nature has ever produced.Those are just a few examples of how I live and what I eat.I am who I am.Do what I do.Do what I want.Live how I live.Enjoy what I enjoy. 
You can be a true African all you to, that will not stop me from drinking my diet pepsi and water.I drink what I want and I have no problem with it.Maybe you have a problem with what I drink, but hey that's your problem.Well, it does not bother me. 
I do not know about your wishing of the late Wapa to rest in peace.I have just finished celebrating his death.Thanks be to Allah - that one of the supporters of the enemies of my freedom is dead.Allah is powerfull. 
Zakoomu M. 
okello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Hello Honey, 
I am just wondering about this diet thing! Are you that fat? Don't get me wrong, I am a true African if you know what I mean. 
Now about the late Wapa, I will just say may his soul RIP. 
Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
If and only if that Radio Katwe could be right, I would be the first person to buy bottles of diet pepsi (I don't drink wine, beer, etc) to celebrate.I would celebrate like there is no tomorrow.I would party like its my birthday.I would praise Allah like I've never praised him before, for Saleh's death. 
By hey, then again this is Radio Katwe which is known for passing false rumors!Who believes such?? = Not I.This rumor is dismissed! 
Zakoomu M. 
"Vovi Uganda e.V." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Radio Katwe has it that Salem Saleh is out of the country, down and about to take a walk the path of Wapa. They say he might be in one of the hospitals in Germany. Keep watching the new vision newspaper website for breaking news, less some people end up buying bottles of whiscky to early. 
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Re: ugnet_: Uganda using torture to deter opposition -report

2004-03-29 Thread Y Yaobang

emmanuel musaazi,
What was the 'excellent point'? Please clarify for me.
yFrom: "emmanuel musaazi" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda using torture to deter opposition -report 
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:28:14 -0500 
Excellent point. 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda using torture to deter opposition 
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:15:07 EST 
Uganda set up a shadow sector of security operations to contend 
with armed 
rebel groups and crime waves," Jemera Rone, a Human Rights Watch 
said in a statement 
HRW also said that Al Qeda terrorists should be released from 
Balkan rapists should not be extradited to the Hague and the 
perpetrators were in overcrowded jails.HRW has never seen a 
terrorist it does not 
like and whose rights are always violated.As for victims of 
terrorism well never 
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2004-03-29 Thread Y Yaobang

emmanuel musaazi,
aka Kabonero cheer leader (maybe one and the same)? 

From: "emmanuel musaazi" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 14:00:39 -0500 
Excellently put...couldn't have said much better. 
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:30:14 EST 
In a message dated 3/29/2004 11:17:24 AM SA Pacific Standard Time, 
Is the man lying? 
What some of these terrorists and their HRW sympathizers don't tell 
you is 
some of their plans that were stopped. How about trying to blow up 
fuel tanks on 
Kampala Road during Christmas season, what about efforts to blow up 
falls and plunge the country into darkness let alone from flooding 
Jinja.What of 
the plans to assassinate govt. officials and blow up a sports 
stadium. How 
about those that seek amnesty and go back to their old ways right 
from the court 
steps?.please spare us misplaced sympathises.There is a difference 
political opposition and terrorism and we know those who genuinely 
oppose govt. 
policies and those who would kill thousands without losing sleep 
over it. 
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ugnet_: Looking for Muhoozi

2004-03-29 Thread Y Yaobang
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RE: ugnet_: Movement in power for the next 20years - Monitor 5/4/2004

2004-04-05 Thread Y Yaobang

Ed Kironde,
The silliness continues  Do these people, including dictator Museveni,really think that Ugandans are so stupid! Anyway, the rwakitura rat-hole will soon be operational, and that's where they'll spend the "next 20 years". Yup!
From: "Ed Kironde" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Movement in power for the next 20years - Monitor 5/4/2004 
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 20:30:16 -0600 
I think Mr Moses Byaruhanga has contracted himself already: 
He said the movement system was still very strong to be challenged by 
the old or any of the newly registered political parties in the 
elections to come.NRM-O is one of the newly registered organizations. 
“We have already registered our party and we shall defeat the rest in 
the 2006 polls,” he boasted. 
My understanding is that the Movement system of governance is different 
from the system of political parties.By registering NRM-O, it is a 
clear departure of what Moses Byaruhanga is talking about 
-Original Message- 
Of Omar Kezimbira 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 11:21 AM 
Subject: ugnet_: Movement in power for the next 20years - Monitor 
Movt in power for next 20 yrs’ 
By Rogers Mulindwa  
April 5, 2004 
WOBULENZI - The ruling Movement is not set to leave power in the next 
twenty years, the Presidential assistant on political affairs Mr Moses 
Byaruhanga has publicly mentioned. 
“I don’t see the Movement leaving power in the next 20 years,” said 
Byaruhanga. He was speaking as chief guest at the swearing-in ceremony 
of Mr Tito Ddamulira Mutuluki as the new mayor for Wobulenzi town 
council, April 1. 
He said the movement system was still very strong to be challenged by 
the old or any of the newly registered political parties in the 
elections to come. 
“No one can take away the power from the Movement,” he said amidst 
scanty cheers. Byaruhanga told celebrants that the Movement was still 
very popular among Ugandans and called on the opposition to get ready to 
face the challenge in the next elections to come. 
“We have already registered our party and we shall defeat the rest in 
the 2006 polls,” he boasted. Byaruhanga said the Movement party will vet 
all its candidates in the 2006 and other elections to come in order to 
avoid any collisions among the members of the same party. 
He warned that the government had lost many seats to the opposition 
because of having more than one Movement candidates in a single race. He 
cited an example of Lubaga South constituency where he said Hon. Ken 
Lukyamuzi went to parliament with a percentage victory of only 28% in 
1996 because the Movement had many of its own candidates in the race. 
Byaruhanga made a stunning prediction that the Movement party might have 
over 50% of its candidates going through unopposed in the 2006 
Parliamentary elections. 
The new Mayor, Mr. Tito Ddamulira Mutuluki called on the losing camps to 
join him in implementing his manifesto for the remaining two years. Mr. 
Richard Mubeezi, one of the three candidates attended the function but 
Mr. Sebastian Ssebagala never showed up. 
The function was attended by Education Minister, Prof. Khidu Makubuya, 
RDC, Geoffrey Kyomukama and the CAO, Mr. Simon Mpiira Bigairwe among 
© 2004 The Monitor Publications 
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Re: ugnet_: DR Batta is dead\ Lisa

2004-04-13 Thread Y Yaobang

From what I hear,you are not a medical doctor. So shut the fuck up! Let's hear it from the medical doctors about the ethics of treating "rebels" and "former rebels".
yFrom: "ssenya nyange" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: DR Batta is dead\ Lisa 
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:36:34 -0400 
Lisa Toro, 
 There is no way a doctor can be forced to treat 
bush war fighters for all that long. I cant beleave that. A forced 
doctor can kill as many as he can without being detected. If Mu7 
cannot trust any doctor in Uganda at this moment, you think he could 
have trusted a "forced" Dr. Batta ( RIP) to treat them in the bush? 
The late Dr. had the will. 
From: "Lisa Toro" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: DR Batta is dead 
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 07:31:09 +0100 
May his soul rest in peace, i remember when i met him way back in 
1990, he carried his heart out about the terrible things that the 
NRM/A was doing in the North. Dr. Batta is a man who lived as a 
prisioner from the NRM abducting him and forcing him to be their 
doctor in the bush to serving them with wounded consience while his 
people are being butchered and demeaned under his nose! 
Now he has lasting peace. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ed Kironde 
 Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 8:51 PM 
 Subject: ugnet_: DR Batta is dead 
 The New Vision 
 Dr. Ronald Batta is dead 
 THE First National Resistance Army (NRA) now UPDF doctor, Dr. 
Ronald Batta is dead, his family said yesterday. Batta served as 
the Director of Medical Services for the NRA guerrillas and its 
infancy stages in power. He passed away at Mulago Hospital on 
Sunday after a long battle with cancer, family members said. 
 Published on: Monday, 12th April, 2004 
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. 
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 Version: 6.0.573 / Virus Database: 363 - Release Date: 1/28/2004 
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Re: ugnet_: Minister of State for Health Mukula Under Fire Over Army Uniform

2003-07-28 Thread Y Yaobang

Mukula is often referred to as captain. Is Mukula a military captain, or a 
civilian air pilot captain?

Subject: ugnet_: Minister of State for Health Mukula Under Fire Over Army 
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 20:04:39 EDT

Minister of State for Health Mukula Under Fire Over Army Uniform

Monitor/A (Kampala)

July 28, 2003
Posted to the web July 28, 2003
Kennedy Lule
The Lwemiyaga MP, Mr Theodore Ssekikubo, has accused Mr Mike Mukula of
exploiting the war in Teso for personal gain.
Mukula, a minister of state for Health, appeared at Parliament on Saturday 
military fatigues with a pistol and bayonet hanging from his right hip.

The minister said that he had joined the Arrow Group (a local militia 
by the Internal Security Organisation chief, Col. Elly Kayanja) to fight 
Lord's Resistance Army rebels in Teso.

According to Ssekikubo, however, Mukula's showy actions are opportunistic 
lacking in nationalism.

Why join the battle against [Joseph] Kony only when he reaches Teso? Why
hasn't he been commanding troops against the LRA in Acholi? Ssekikubo 

The MP also wondered whether Mukula had joined the UPDF or was simply 
military uniforms to gain easy publicity.

But the army spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza, yesterday defended Mukula
saying that the minister is free to wear army uniform and carry a pistol.
Mukula is a minister who has undergone military training at Kyankwanzi. Is
he using the gun for robbery? Bantariza said.

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2003-07-31 Thread Y Yaobang
emmanuel musaazi,

What a silly way to write!   Please re-consider the way you write, if you 
want a wider audience.

Hit the delete button!

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
YOU.(Does It Make Sense?)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 15:01:19 -0500

Mr. Kipenji, i stated in my earlier response that the status quo in Uganda 
is not perfect viz a viz politics, economics and what have you...criticism 
has to be relative...what i can't stand is people criticizing out of 
context in order to promote an agendain order for criticism to be fair 
and even handed one has to look at what was and what is in the context of 
Uganda...i take it as an insult to my intelligence when someone begins 
to insinuate for example that amin's regime was better or equivalent to the 
present and then blowing stories out of proportion and making all sorts of 
ridiculous conclusions as if i can't read or understand what is going...if 
you want to have an intellectual debate on Uganda from all perspectives 
looking at where we have come from and where we were that's fine with 
meabout opinions of Ugandans if you recall in some eras passed even 
discussing about politics in bar got you killed Mr. Kipenji you know that, 
as a matter of fact in Obote II and during amins time that was the 
casei'm surprised you are complaining about the media being pro Museven 
when most of the negative articles you post are from Ugandan newspapers in 
Uganda so i don't see where you are going with the way does 
Uganda have any political prisonersand if your only strike against 
Museveni is that he is not allowing you to form a party then it is only 
fair that the impact of multiparty politics in Uganda be analysed and see you keep throwing around the term DEMOCRACY but the 
statements you and some of your friends make do not show that you are 
democratically inclined.Democracy is supposed to serve the people and 
not the other way around as a matter of fact whatever political system we 
adopt has to serve us (THE PEOPLE) of Uganda and not the other way 
around...we shouldn't be straped to Democracy to sink or float with..that 
seems to be your view you want to shove Democracy down every Ugandans 
throat whether they are ready for it or not whether it works or not and 
that is very seem to be using democracy as a banner or 
vehicle to power after which your true colours will be revealedthis has 
been politics 101Uganda as a sovereign country should have a right to seek 
or experiment with alternative political systems if previous ones failed 
you certainly must agree with that.

From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
YOU.(Does It Make Sense?)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 15:12:16 +0100 (BST)

Emmanuel,I really do not what to dwell too much on which side of the 
divide this said journalist is.You have yourself stated that there is much 
more that meets the eye for many Ugandans to understand what is at stake 
between the Government and the Byanyima family.Unfortunately for me,even 
though I could be a little privy to some of those things,I will not 
indulge myself in divulging whatever it is because it is against my own 
ethos.Having said that,you sound like many of the buffet intellectuals 
that have mushroomed in Uganda especially so during the regime of Mu7 who 
are very ready to make conclusions about the theatricals they see allowed 
to happen in Uganda and use that as their holy grail to dismiss what other 
opinions of and about Mu7 and his governance style without critiquing.
In communication,there is usually a reason for one to engage others,be it 
for information,inspiration motivation,provocation or education among 
other things.What do you in your of read of things think is making Mu7 
allow what you allude to as open criticisms without arrest?.If you got 
people in their binge states criticising government and they are not 
arrested,should that really be the yardstick for measure of tolerance by 
the government?.If these same people on recovering from their inebriated 
state were to be questioned of their previous day's opinions would they be 
prepared to own up to it?That explains why such is very common,for 
whatever they yap about does in no way stop Mu7 from doing what he does!.
Many other people have contested to wrest the presidency from Mu7 and with 
the exception of one,they are living freely in Uganda.Should that really 
surprise you?.On the contrary I  believe you should be surprised if that 
only one person was allowed to live freely in Uganda.Is it not so?.The 
reason is all related to that which you conceded does not meet the 
eye.That is why there is that 

Re: ugnet_: Don't Worry About Federo-Museveni

2003-08-04 Thread Y Yaobang

The Baganda are going to be duped again on federo by tyrant dictator 

From: Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Don't Worry About Federo-Museveni
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 04:40:31 -0700 (PDT)
Don’t worry about federo – Museveni
By Rogers Mulindwa
August 4, 2003 -Monuitor
President Yoweri Museveni has said that the issue of federo would be 
settled when the Constitution is amended.
Lt. Gen. Museveni said: “On this question of federo [federal system of 
government], you don’t need to worry. That’s why I put in place the 
committee of Ssempebwa”.

Prof. Frederick Ssempebwa is the chairman of the Constitutional Review 

The President was speaking at the 10th coronation anniversary of Kabaka 
Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II at Bbowa in Luwero district on Saturday.

The function was broadcast live on Central Broadcasting Services (CBS) 
radio based at Bulange-Mengo.

Mutebi was installed king of Buganda on July 31, 1993.

“Some people don’t sleep and have developed ulcers over the third term, 
federo and multiparty politics. They forget that the power belongs to the 
people,” Museveni said.

The President flew to Bbowa from Gulu by helicopter.

He said that the Cabinet has started discussing some crucial matters ahead 
of Ssempebwa’s report.

Where need be, he said, the government would call a referendum.

He said that Mr Milton Obote’s UPC government had stolen the key that gives 
power to the people but the Movement has since “rescued the situation”.

“When someone gives you the key to the house, you don’t need permission to 
enter the bedroom or the sitting room,” Museveni said. “Government returned 
the key that empowers the people to take vital decisions on crucial 

Museveni urged Buganda to be patient about her demands. “Don’t worry, the 
power is still in our hands,” he said.

The Kabaka pleaded with the government to end the 17-year-old insurgency in 
the northern region.

Kabaka Mutebi said that he feels a lot of sympathy especially for the 
innocent children suffering in the north.

“We pray that everything possible is done to restore peace in this region,” 
he said.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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Re: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru

2003-08-05 Thread Y Yaobang
Who are these 'enemies of gthe state'? Watch your tongue, young man.
Please re-read the Monitor article: inciting to kill anyone for any reason 
is illegal under Uganda's laws!

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 17:11:44 -0500
Obviously there is a big difference between inciting people to genocide and 
inciting people to kill enemies of the state or crimianls such as rebels.

Subject: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 13:43:38 EDT
Prosecute RDC Ecweru

Monitor/A (Kampala)

August 4, 2003
Posted to the web August 4, 2003
Stephen Mwanga
At the height of the 2001 acrimonious presidential election campaigns, two
leading opposition politicians; Rubaga South MP. Ken Lukyamuzi and former
Kampala mayor Nasser Ssebagala were arrested and charged with incitement 

The former was accused of inciting people at a political rally in his
constituency when he allegedly called for the butchering of all Rwandese 
who dared to
vote in the presidential elections. While the latter was accused of 
people not to pay graduated tax.

The two were charged under Penel Code sections 50(a) and 50(b) 
Though both politicians were acquitted, they were subjected to gross 
of their fundamental human rights.

A number of other opposition politicians have fallen victim to this law. 
question is; why does government enforce this law only when opposition
politicians are the suspects?

Recently, Kasese resident district commissioner Musa Ecweru was quoted in 
media urging Iteso in Kumi, Soroti, and Katakwi, to kill every adult rebel
they capture.

A number of radio stations in Kampala up to a few weeks ago, were playing
recordings of him saying that whereas rebels below the age of 18 years 
were to be
arrested, those above that age should be showed their way to heaven. 
reasoning is based on the fact that the rebels, mainly Acholis, are 
insurgency into Teso region.

Ecweru now heads a militia group trained specifically to hunt, capture and
kill the would be prisoners of war.
According to a story; UPDF kills 5 more LRA rebels, (The Monitor July 
Ecweru's militia group killed nine of the LRA rebels. No problem if the 
die fighting. But it must be borne in mind that Ecweru's call for the 
of captured rebels is criminal under section 50a(l) of the Penal Code Act 

This section states that any person who without any lawful excuse,
publishes, prints or to any assembly makes any statement indicating or 
implying that it
would be incumbent or desirable to do any acts calculated to bring death 
physical injury to any person or to any class or community of persons, is
guilty of an offence and is under subsection(b) of the same law liable on
conviction to an imprisonment for a term of 3 years.

Ecweru clearly knows the role of the media - to disseminate information - 
how the media was used in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. This means he had
knowledge of the broader context of his statement.

By the mere fact that he made such a statement through the media is enough
evidence to prove that he had the mens rea (criminal mind) to commit the 
of incitement to violence within the meaning of section 50a of the Penal 
of Uganda.

Even under the international laws on genocide, public incitement
characterized by a call for criminal action to a number of individuals in 
a particular
place or members of the general public at large, by such means as the mass 
constitutes an international crime.

To show that the law of incitement to violence is not only meant for
opposition politicians, an example must be made of Ecweru.

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Re: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru

2003-08-09 Thread Y Yaobang
Emmanuel Musaazi:

I demand that you immediately retract with an aopopgy to me the following 
statement contained in your e-mail:

... it seems Mr. Yaobang that you have some hidden affection for the 

Statements like these have serious implications and I take them seriously.

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 17:09:54 -0500
..common, even President Bush once said we want Saddam dead or alive, 
this was shortly b4 the invasion of Iraq. Now that didn't get Bush arrested 
did it. Ugandans have a right to self my opinion there is 
nothing wrong in telling people to defend themselves with all means 
possible, when those LRA thugs come around, after all they never show mercy 
on anyone including childrenit seems Mr. Yaobang that you have some 
hidden affection for the LRA.

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2003 13:51:48 +
Who are these 'enemies of gthe state'? Watch your tongue, young man.
Please re-read the Monitor article: inciting to kill anyone for any reason 
is illegal under Uganda's laws!

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 17:11:44 -0500
Obviously there is a big difference between inciting people to genocide 
and inciting people to kill enemies of the state or crimianls such as 

Subject: ugnet_: Prosecute RDC Ecweru
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 13:43:38 EDT
Prosecute RDC Ecweru

Monitor/A (Kampala)

August 4, 2003
Posted to the web August 4, 2003
Stephen Mwanga
At the height of the 2001 acrimonious presidential election campaigns, 
leading opposition politicians; Rubaga South MP. Ken Lukyamuzi and 
Kampala mayor Nasser Ssebagala were arrested and charged with incitement 

The former was accused of inciting people at a political rally in his
constituency when he allegedly called for the butchering of all Rwandese 
who dared to
vote in the presidential elections. While the latter was accused of 
people not to pay graduated tax.

The two were charged under Penel Code sections 50(a) and 50(b) 
Though both politicians were acquitted, they were subjected to gross 
of their fundamental human rights.

A number of other opposition politicians have fallen victim to this law. 
question is; why does government enforce this law only when opposition
politicians are the suspects?

Recently, Kasese resident district commissioner Musa Ecweru was quoted 
in the
media urging Iteso in Kumi, Soroti, and Katakwi, to kill every adult 
they capture.

A number of radio stations in Kampala up to a few weeks ago, were 
recordings of him saying that whereas rebels below the age of 18 years 
were to be
arrested, those above that age should be showed their way to heaven. 
reasoning is based on the fact that the rebels, mainly Acholis, are 
insurgency into Teso region.

Ecweru now heads a militia group trained specifically to hunt, capture 
kill the would be prisoners of war.

According to a story; UPDF kills 5 more LRA rebels, (The Monitor July 
Ecweru's militia group killed nine of the LRA rebels. No problem if the 
die fighting. But it must be borne in mind that Ecweru's call for the 
of captured rebels is criminal under section 50a(l) of the Penal Code 
Act of

This section states that any person who without any lawful excuse,
publishes, prints or to any assembly makes any statement indicating or 
implying that it
would be incumbent or desirable to do any acts calculated to bring death 
physical injury to any person or to any class or community of persons, 
guilty of an offence and is under subsection(b) of the same law liable 
conviction to an imprisonment for a term of 3 years.

Ecweru clearly knows the role of the media - to disseminate information 
- and
how the media was used in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. This means he had
knowledge of the broader context of his statement.

By the mere fact that he made such a statement through the media is 
evidence to prove that he had the mens rea (criminal mind) to commit the 
of incitement to violence within the meaning of section 50a of the Penal 
of Uganda.

Even under the international laws on genocide, public incitement
characterized by a call for criminal action to a number of individuals 
in a particular
place or members of the general public at large


2003-08-11 Thread Y Yaobang


Another option to hanging oneself would have been be mastarubation.

From: Assumpta Kintu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 02:53:12 -0700 (PDT)
Mr. Mulindwa,
Pardon me for my naivity, but in my naivity,
upbringing etc. I have never seen or even for seen a
so badly starved money sexually he had to commit
suicide.  Are you sure.
In this world where women outnumber men almost 3 to
one why wouldn't the man talk to another woman before
he starved and finally killed himself
And let us not forget that in our culture our men run
the show.
So please forgive me but your story does a good sale
but carries no credibility.  I still want to believe
that my African Ugandan Man has a backbone to approach
a woman and win, and if he does not move on to another
available woman instead of being cowardly and kill
himself. I do not remember my man ever being such a
jelly fish!
--- Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sexually starved man commits Suicide

 A man who is alleged to have threatened to kill
 himself for being sexually starved by his wife for 6
 months has finally hung himself.

 Virado Bukenya who is 40 a peasant farmer and
 charcoal dealer Kisizidi village in Bageze sub
 county Mbubende district was found dead in his

 Virado always blamed his wife for starving him
 sexually instead of fulfilling her conjugal

 Bukenya's death brings the number of people
 committing suicide over sexual starvation to four in
 a month in the same area.

 Recently Juma Senyonga a butcher in Mubende town
 committed suicide after his wife starved him
 sexually for three months.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans

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ugnet_: Wow!!!! Check this site out (

2003-08-14 Thread Y Yaobang


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ugnet_: Yaobang: No tears for Museveni

2003-08-19 Thread Y Yaobang

Yaobang: No tears for Museveni
By a Senior reporter
August 19, 2004
President Y Yaobang is not mourning for Museveni who died in
Burumbarara on Saturday. I am not mourning at all, Mr Yaobang said in
Sorooti yesterday as he met more than 200 Taso leaders at the Sorooti Hotel.
Yaobang said that the former president was an illiterate who killed many
Ugandans and caused problems for the country.Did he think he was immortal,
that he wouldn't die? I would not bury Museveni. I will never touch
Museveni. Never. Not even with a very long spoon.
Yaobang said that Ugandan embassy officials in Burumbarara who went to visit
Museveni in hospital did not amuse him.I hear that they went to visit
Museveni in hospital. For what purpose? This Museveni who died the other
day. Mbu he was buried in Mbarara as if that is going to improve his chances
[in the other world].The President said that he had refused to listen to
his government officials who wanted him to accord Museveni a state funeral
or a burial in Uganda in order to trap votes from West Burumbarara 
home region).I don't need that support at all from political malayas.
Those are political prostitutes.

People must have principles, Yaobang said, drawing thunderous applause from
delegates drawn from all the four districts of Taso. If Museveni had been a
respected former leader, Yaobang would have ordered flags to fly at
half-mast when he died.Instead, the President said, Museveni only caused
problems for Uganda during his eighteen-year rule from 1986 to 2003.An
estimated at least 300,000 Ugandans were killed or simply disappeared 
during that
period which ended when a combined force of Ugandan exiles and the army
toppled Museveni on April 11, 2004.

Why was Museveni [causing] all these problems? What did he achieve? What
did he do for Uganda? What will Museveni be remembered for? Yaobang asked.
That he killed, the audience volunteered.Yaobang however said that the
government had supported Museveni's wife, to go and see her husband in
hospital.I assisted his wife. I said this is your family problem, but we
shall help you. Even Museveni's children are not the ones who committed the
crimes and I have been looking after Museveni's children in Uganda. But
Museveni himself? I am not mourning at all.
Yaobang said that he was the first Ugandan to oppose Museveni.Museveni took
power on January 25 and I fled Uganda on the 26th. So he ruled me for only
one day, on the 26th.He said that while Museveni's predecessor, Mr Milton
Obote, had made a lot mistakes, the man who overthrew him on January 25 was
more dangerous.I could not support Museveni even if I had problems with
Obote.  I don't want to be nasty. But many of those people who celebrated
when Museveni took over lost a lot individually and personally, Yaobang
said.According to Yaobang, all those who supported Museveni were partly
guilty of his crimes.It was not the fault of Museveni alone. He was not the
main problem. The main problem was the people like ... Ikunyuk Mukuula  
who supported him,
the president said.

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RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office

2003-08-19 Thread Y Yaobang
J Ssemakula,

Give it a rest, man!

Or are you getting paid to divert attention from what is happening in Uganda 
right now, as we speak, with:
*  Dictator Museveni's gunships mowing down innocent Ugandans in a funeral 
procession in Teso mistaking them for 'rebels'?
* Dictator Museveni now manipulating his way to life presidency, 
sugar-coating it with federo (buying-off gullible Baganda like you)??

Or are you waiting to revise the dictaor's history?

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:50:42 +
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Mr. Kipenji,

Provide facts: if you have any credible documentation about Obote providing Mandela with a passport by all means provide it, instead of grand-standing. 

However, even if it were true, I fail to see how this would redeem that barbarian.

--- Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Mwaami Ssemakula,did Nelson Mandela also state that the first  travel document(Passport) that he used to travel outside South  Africa et Africa was a Ugandan passport that was recommended by this samesome Obote?. Lets always talk facts not figments of our imaginations that obscure  whatever we really want to say for we are wont to expose our rabid loathe of someone. Thanks. Kipenji. ===  J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Mr. Fugee,  I see that you have no substantive rebuttal to Mr. Ibingira's expose' of Obote as a conniving power-hungry megalomaniac.   As fo
 r the bit about Obote's attempts to bar the ANC from the OAU's pre-cursor, it is from an impeachabe source: Mr. Mandela himself. Original Message Follows  From: "The Fugee"  Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To:  Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office  Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 10:33:52 +0200   Ssemakula,   Many of us have decided to leave you to your rabid hatred of Obote. You  seem to be so confused by your hatred that you would absolve everyone,  including yourself, of any responsibility in ensuring that Ugandans and  Uganda gets what it truly deserves. As such I find it very difficult to  even begin to discuss or debate any matter as you have concluded where  all blame should lie. Th
 ough I must confess that I have seriously  thought about tackling an issue raised by you through Ibingira's  writings and time willing I may still do so.   The real question is: What have you done and what are you doing for a  truly democratic Uganda where all citizens have and can enjoy their God  given personal to holder fundamental human rights and freedoms?   The Fugee   PS "Why did he try to have Mandela and the ANC -- which he termed a  "tribal organization" -- banned from attending the OAU's precursor  meeting in Addis Ababa? Who were/are Obote's masters whose interests he  worked so hard to uphold?"  Where did this come from?-Original Message-  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of J Ssemakula  Sent: 15 August 2003 21:25  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office   Is it safe to assume that even the UPC zealots have finally seen the  light that power-hungry megalomaniacal Obote was and is a liability?   Is there any doubt that Obote single-handedly set Uganda on the course  of decay that it has never recovered from?  Where the heck is Mr. Dambisya's promised (threatened?) defense of  Obote?  Original Message Follows  From: "J Ssemakula"  Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office  Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 20:15:51 +   MSN 8:  Get 6 months for $9.95/month. 

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---End Message---

Re: ugnet_: Museveni is like Amin, says UPC

2003-08-20 Thread Y Yaobang

Museveni is WORSE that Amin

yFrom: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Museveni is like Amin, says UPC 
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:44:38 + 
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Museveni is like Amin, says UPC By Halima Abdallah August 21, 2003

But govt spokesperson says UPC is betraying the country
The Uganda People’s Congress yesterday compared President Yoweri Museveni's regime to that of Idi Amin.
But in a rejoinder, a government spokesman accused the party of betraying the country by making such statements.
The chairman of the UPC's Presidential Policy Commission, Dr James Rwanyarare, told journalists at the party's weekly media briefing at Uganda House that the rule of law has vanished in the country.
Rwanyarare said that the misuse of security agencies, abuse of the Constitution, abuse of Parliament, orders to shoot on sight and kill, safe houses and attempts to create a life presidency were highest during Idi Amin's regime.And he said this is recurring.
“With all these behaviors, the distinction between Amin and Museveni is getting darker,” Rwanyarare said.
However, the Presidential Press Secretary, Ms Mary Okurut, dismissed Rwanyarare's claims.
"Anyone who makes such comments should have his head examined not to be taken seriously. UPC is betraying Uganda by saying that the Museveni government is in the Hitler group," she said. 
Rwanyarare had earlier said that government has used its muscle to negate the rights and freedoms of Parliament in making laws and regulating actions of the executive. 
The politician said that some people operate above the law, citing the members from the security agencies who, he said, are a law unto themselves.
He accused the security organs of detaining, torturing people and committing murder with impunity.
Rwanyarare criticised government for not legalising the operations of the army.“UPDF has never been legally transformed from the National Resistance Army, a Museveni guerrilla army. It operates as a personal army of Lt. Gen. Museveni,” he said.
'Obote has no case to answer'
Rwanyayare also told journalists that UPC does not have to defend itself on its human rights record during its two spells in office.
The New York-based body, Human Rights Watch had earlier listed Obote among the former leaders who should be prosecuted for committing crimes against humanity.The rights body cited the second reign of Obote from 1980 to 1985 as one that was characterised by human rights violations, especially in Luwero.
Rwanyarare told journalists that Amin investigated Obote using the Scotland Yard, "which cleared him".
The politician added that when President Museveni came to power, he appointed Justice Arthur Oder to chair a commission that investigated alleged violations of human rights in the Obote regime, and that the commission gave a clean bill of health.
Rwanyarare said that the Senior Presidential Adviser on Media and Public Relations, Mr John Nagenda, was a member of the panel that cleared Obote. 
He told journalists that the only reason Museveni has not taken steps to prosecute Obote is because he knows that the former leader is innocent.
However, Nagenda told The Monitor on phone that Obote has never been cleared.
"I sat in the Human Rights Commission for nearly nine years; we never cleared Obote at all. He has a lot of questions to answer in the report filed," Nagenda said.
The presidential adviser said that the UPC is the worst party that has ever existed.
Nagenda said that whoever shall use the report from the Oder Commission for purposes of prosecuting Obote "shall find it very useful", adding that it is upon the government to prosecute him or not.
Museveni has always said that Obote will be prosecuted or shot if he returned to Uganda.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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---End Message---

ugnet_: censorship??

2003-08-20 Thread Y Yaobang

I have posted several messages today critical of the Museveni dictatorship - many have not appeared on the Ugandanet, WHY not? Is it selective CENSORSHIP on the paret of the net administrator or his/her sponsors

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Re: ugnet_: Museveni’s failings make Ugandans yearn for Amin

2003-08-20 Thread Y Yaobang

Mitayo Potosi:
".But when many people see the vanishing promise of Museveni and his Movement, perhaps the equation changes. Thousands of Ugandans have died in senseless wars under this [Museveni's] government. And hundreds have been tortured in safe houses that are reminiscent of Amin’s infamous State Research Bureau. Meanwhile, poverty continues to bite, with many people increasingly believing they are poorer today. ..." 

True, sir. Amin's administration was a Sunday picnic compared to how many Ugandan people have been killed, displaced and made poor under dictator Museveni! Museveni calls them rebels, rebel supporters, rebel sympethisers, etc.,mows them down on funeral processions, and no count! And the Americans and the British continue to support the dictator! This really pisses me off! I am angry, so are my people!

From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Museveni’s failings make Ugandans yearn for Amin 
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 23:09:28 + 
 By Peter G. Mwesige 
Museveni’s failings make Ugandans yearn for Amin 
August 21, 2003 
BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA — I had set out to write about last week’s 
blackout in New York and other American cities, which left over 50 
million people without power. 
It was big news here. Very big news! You see, such blackouts are not 
known here, although the biggest state, California, has in the 
recent past had what they call rolling blackouts. But even that was 
always big news. 
In fact Governor Gray Davis, who is facing a recall by California 
voters, must have seen the New York blackout as a godsend. At least 
he can now boast about how California’s blackouts were never of the 
magnitude that New York and other cities saw last Friday. 
There are so many comparisons I had wanted to make between the 
American “historic” blackout and our routine power outages in Uganda 
and much of the developing world. 
For instance, millions of Americans, perhaps twice as many as the 
population of Uganda, have never experienced a power blackout in 
their whole lives. 
Also, I had wanted to suggest that the collective sigh of relief 
after it became clear that the blackout was not another terrorist 
attack in the making speaks volumes about how, in the public mind 
and the government agenda, security and terrorism have replaced so 
many other important issues. Which is exactly how George W. Bush 
wants it before next year’s presidential elections. 
Finally, I had wanted to opine that the New York blackout had 
brought to the fore the case of those who think there should be 
limits to deregulation. Leaving such important public utilities 
completely in the hands of the private sector may not always secure 
the best results. 
Then another blackout occurred in another part of the world. Idi 
Amin died in exile in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. How sad! Lt. Gen. Yoweri 
Museveni does not get to arrest the Field Marshal upon arrival in 
The death by natural causes, of a former dictator who has been out 
of power for more than 24 years should not be as important as more 
pressing issues of the day, such as the shortage of electricity. 
So I was tempted to stick to my original script about power 
blackouts in these United States, and tease out some lessons for 
But then I was intrigued that although there have been so many local 
commentaries about Amin, to my knowledge none had tried to make 
sense of why many people appear to have embraced “Big Daddy” in more 
recent years. 
I do not pretend to have the answers, but clearly the 
rationalisation of the Amin excesses that we have seen in the local 
media recently could not simply have been pity for a man who was 
about to breathe his last or, when he finally passed, respect for 
the dead. 
At the weekend memorial prayers at Old Kampala Mosque, Sheikh 
Hussein Rajab Kakooza, the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council (UMSC) 
director for Sharia, reportedly described Amin as, “our beloved 
Attorney General Francis Ayume praised him for living to his word 
and not fighting to return to power, while former Attorney General 
Abu Mayanja, who said he had “proudly served” as Amin’s minister, 
called him “a great Ugandan.” The UMSC Secretary for Religious 
Affairs, Sheikh Mahdi Kakooza, also called Amin “a great man,” while 
MPs from Arua and the Muslim Parliamentary Caucus also heaped 
praises on the former dictator. 
Of course, one could argue that either these were people who 
benefitted from Amin’s regime, or they were playing religious 
(Muslim) and constituency (Arua and Koboko) politics. 
Yet, many others, who cannot be easily pigeonholed, have 
rationalised Amin’s exploits in power. 
In fact, the only high profile person who has been categorical yet 
characteristic in his unforgiving stance is President Yoweri 
Museveni, who said he would not mourn Amin 

Re: ugnet_: censorship??

2003-08-21 Thread Y Yaobang
Net Administrator,

My messages showed up finally on the net.  My apologies.

Subject: ugnet_: censorship?? Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 02:36:11 +

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I have posted several messages today critical of the Museveni dictatorship - many have not appeared on the Ugandanet, WHY not? Is it selective CENSORSHIP on the paret of the net administrator or his/her sponsors

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---End Message---

Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office

2003-08-21 Thread Y Yaobang

Many of us are now looking beyond Musevenism, defined here as enjoyment to 
kill at will and for ever in the interest of personal/family wealth and 
political power. Soon the Museveni dictatoriship will fall, just like Amin's 
collapsed like a deck of cards in 1979!

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:41:38 -0500
Netters can we please raise the level of the discourse on this forum? 
Uganda's future is bigger than the Obotes and Amins of this world. People 
are wasting time defending the indefensible. The facts, whether we want to 
believe it or not are that Obote and Amin Presided over some of the most 
brutal times of Uganda's history and they are responsible for that. So 
those of you trying to defend their records, do it in vanity, 'cos the 
facts are there and they are overwhelming, even hitler did some good things 
for Germany but that does not exonerate him from the crimes that he was 
responsible for. What Uganda needs is a complete break from that nigtmarish 
past. For those of you clamouring for democracy, Uganda does not need 
Obote like democracy or Amin like democracy, what Uganda needs is a new 
dispensation, with new and positive ideas that will move the country 
forward. But what we keep getting on this forum is a continual defense of 
the past wrongs and this coming from those who claim they are for 
democracy, by association alone such people disqualify themselves. Can't 
some of you think beyond Obote and Amin? Is Oboteism and Aminism the 
begining and the end of your philosphy? These two leaders belong to the 
unfortunate past, it is time to move on.

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:45:17 -0400
As we who were young at those times

Did UPC come to power for individuals did everything possible to bring it 
to power, or because Ugandans elected it? For knowing the answer to that 
question, one can know the strength of Mwaami Ssemakula's statement, or 
its you know what!!


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Ed Kironde
  Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:29 PM
  Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of 

  “…. Whatever the case, nothing can alter the fact that Obote massacred 
Ugandans, just as did Idi Amin.

  For me this is a sufficient reason to do everything possible under the 
sun to ensure that the UPC never holds power again in Uganda as we know it 
today, for they'd do exactly the same thing Obote did the moment they step 
in the State House.”

  J Ssemakula

  I commend you for joining the rest of the peace loving Ugandans in 
ensuring that political party haters, the UPC with their autocracy 
tendencies, do not sniff at power again in this century.  I will also pass 
over the message to the grandchildren of my grandchildren. So they can 
tell the grandchildren of their grandchildren too!

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Re: ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Idi Amin's Exile Dream

2003-08-21 Thread Y Yaobang
J Ssemakula:

Go kiss Ronald Mutebi's ass!

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Idi Amin's Exile Dream
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 20:10:59 +
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Just like Obote ...
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Idi Amin's Exile Dream 

August 21, 2003 


The Idi Amin I met in 1997 was unchanged from the 
Big Daddy" of Uganda 
who, in the 1970's, was proud of being the most feared 
leader in Africa. It was hot that day in Jidda, the Saudi 
Arabian resort city he had been living in since 1980. A big 
man with a raucous voice and strangely protuberant eyes, he 
was dressed in a white tunic, speaking loudly in his broken 
English. He talked just as he had ruled: walking the thin 
rope that separates madness from political satire, the 
tragic from the comic. 

I knew he had spent the previous years taking a morning 
swim in the pool of the local Hilton, having his back 
massaged by an Egyptian masseur at the Intercontinental, 
and finally having lunch at a third hotel. It was a life 
spent in the lobby, with suitcases packed for a journey 
that never happened. 

A friend of a friend had finally taken me to his home. The 
villa - the average white building where the average Saudi 
millionaire lives - was full of the sounds of domesticity: 
a baby crying, women chatting, food being prepared. 

"I'm still on top of things, I'm still a man of influence," 
he told me, and to prove the point he started flicking the 
remote control of his satellite TV, going from a Congolese 
station to a Libyan one. "I'm still following international 
affairs," he boasted, finally switching to CNN. 

"Do you have any regrets, Mr. president?" I asked. And the 
man who killed at least 300,000 Ugandans, who had the 
Anglican bishop of Kampala assassinated and dumped on the 
side of a road, and who had several of his own ministers 
thrown to the crocodiles of Lake Victoria, placidly 
replied, with his trademark Big Smile: "No, only 
nostalgia." I asked how he wanted to be remembered. 
Apparently recalling his boxing days, he replied, "Just as 
a great athlete." 

It's called the banality of evil. Idi Amin was never an 
exceptional person. As someone said, you have to be a great 
man to do great good, but even an imbecile can do great 
evil. You just need to be in the right place at the right 
time. Idi Amin was a former cook of a British colonial 
regiment who happened to be among the few Ugandans with 
military experience when his country became independent. 

He was guilty of great atrocities, of course. But an entire 
generation of African leaders was guilty, too. The 
difference is that Idi Amin did what he did in a 
transparent way: the mayhem and the horror, but also the 
famous photograph of white businessmen forced to carry him 
on his chair; his satirical wedding ceremony in front of a 
huge portrait of Queen Elizabeth II of England; his 
repeated claims to the throne of Scotland. When asked about 
allegations of cannibalism, instead of denying it he 
answered: "I don't like human flesh. It's too salty for 

He had an unconscious genius for political theater, mocking 
the grand statesmen of the era with telegrams full of 
condescending words. To Henry Kissinger: "You are not 
intelligent because you never come to see me when you need 
advice." To the queen: "I hear that England has economic 
problems. I'm sending a cargo ship full of bananas to thank 
you for the good days of the colonial administration." To 
Leonid Brezhnev and Mao Zedong: "If you need a mediator I 
am at your disposal." 

On Saturday Idi Amin died in his Saudi exile. Africa is a 
different place than when he left it, but not necessarily 
better. There are fewer buffoons, but still many devils on 
the continent. Along with Jean-Bedel Bokassa, the 
self-proclaimed emperor of the Central African Republic, 
Idi Amin represented the simpler days when the West could 
believe that Africa's problem was a handful of mad 
dictators. We now know we were wrong. 

Most Liberians, for instance, are cynical - or experienced 
- enough to understand that life will be tough even with 
Charles Taylor departed. Likewise, at their current stage 
of national decay, Zimbabweans know that to send Robert 
Mugabe away is only half of the solution: who will restore 
the economy once he's gone? 

To send a tyrant into foreign asylum doesn't necessarily 
help his victims. As for the tyrants themselves, they know 
that a little luxury and a quiet death in a foreign city 
cannot match the real 

RE: ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Idi Amin's Exile Dream

2003-08-22 Thread Y Yaobang
Ed Kironde,
Go suck on a lemon!
From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Fwd: Article: Idi Amin's Exile Dream
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 21:46:05 -0600
J Ssemakula:
Go kiss Ronald Mutebi's ass!
Y Yaobang

  “You can get a man out of the village, but you cannot get the
village out him”
Author unknown
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Re: ugnet_: Lutimba!: BEER LOVER!

2003-08-26 Thread Y Yaobang

Lutimba Matovu,
The BEER LOVER (alcoholic?)!

From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Lutimba! 
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 13:11:30 + 
Add photos to your messages with  MSN 8.  Get 2 months FREE*.---BeginMessage---

PS!!! Lutimba,
Am in your "neck of the woods", see if u can buy me that beer u once promised me!
U know where u can find me.


I have been watching you deteriorate from a serious analytical fellow to now this childish and lackluster performance you put up these days. 

Look, if you have nothing to say simply shut up. Stop these personal attacks on your "enemies". If you have "Bwino" on the non insisting agreement btwn M7 and Buganda bring it out without going native on your opponentsbar habits. 

I know you as a beer loving fellow. I have even had a few bouts with you. This can never make me call you an alcoholic! If you are losing an argument..please accept it with grace and bow out.

The little faith i once had in you as an NRA/M (wannabe) i could do business with is fast fading out. What a waste for such a potatial political mate!



"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 

Original Message Follows From: Lutimba Matovu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kasangwao, Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was an Alcoholic! Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 14:55:52 -0700 (PDT) Bwambuga, The real Alcoholic is Mulindwa. Mulindwa is the man who really loves the bottle. I now have bwino on this guy. He loves the bottle like his hero AMO. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kasangwao,  Your arguement is too cheap for me. I am very well  learned and knowledgeable Uganda in case you did not  know. I think you are doing total deservice to your  nation, abd people by involving your self in "...he  said she said." scheme.  You are displaying mere ignorance and lack of  information and ability to know what you are saying.  God Bless your heart and children who God Willing,  will grow up under your deceitfull environment. An  behold you take pride in them.   Bwambuga. "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:   KasangwawoOn all accusations made, on all love Buganda has to  her Kingdom, would Obote  poison Muteesa and the person who knew about it  decide to be anonymous  except to you?  Let us remember that what we are discussing today  is both of great  importance to a whole mass of people and the  History of Uganda as a nation.  So I would encourage every one to stick on the  facts, for there are those  who are going to read these facts and take them for  whole truth and help you  God. That is why I stated before that the cause of  death of Mutesa was not  by poison from Obot
 e. Can I back that claim? Yes  the Post Mortem made in  London and in a nation which was against Obote is  available. I hope you can  produce the evidence backing "that Some one",  Secondly I stated that the  funds which were sent to Mutesa and his family even  after his death all way  through to Amin, can be backed up by records in  Bank of Uganda, which is in  Uganda today. So let us not take these things that  likely, for they are of  great Historical importance.Em  The Mulindwas Communication Group  "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"Groupe de communication Mulindwas  "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans  l'anarchie" 
  - Original Message -  From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 4:05 PM  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was  an Alcoholic!   Bwambuga, we also know that someone (identity known) put  poison in Sir Freddie's   drink, which led to his eventual death. This  evidence comes from someone  who   spent the last few years of the King's life  looking after him and was   therefore very close to him. I therefore fail to  see why you think that  your   allegations are stronger than what you call  Matovu's "false accusations".   On the other hand, you might be confusing your  information with that about  a 
   known alcoholic in Lusaka. Kasangwawo   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Subject: ugnet_: Matovu! Eddy Mutesa (RIP) was  an Alcoholic!   Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 23:19:36 -0400  Matovu,   We know that Kabaka Fred Mutesa (RIP) was a  seroius alcoholic case. And  he   died from Alcohol Poisoning. My evidence comes  from a cery good friend of   mine, but he was sharing a girl friend with the  Late Kabaka while he was   still in power as President. This friend is a  typical Muganda and big  time   supporter of the royalty. He says it was a 
 well  known fact among the late   Kabaka's 

[no subject]

2003-08-26 Thread Y Yaobang

Would someone kindly re-post the URL to access the Ugandanet archives.



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Re: ugnet_: RE:

2003-08-27 Thread Y Yaobang

Ed Kironde,

Thank you.

From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: RE: Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 14:52:16 -0600
The archives[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

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Re: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy

2003-08-27 Thread Y Yaobang

Now I can spare time to read your postings because of your improved writing, 
good boy.
Now you need to work on your paragraphs, to give some fresh air to your 

From: emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 16:12:20 -0500
Whoever was responsible for this editorial, does not understand the concept 
of federalism. First of all how does he know that the final federal system 
agreed upon will take the shape he is outlining (talk about puting the cart 
before the horse). The final system will depend on negotiations which will 
involve a lot of tradeoffs and compromises, it's not about 'winner takes 
all'. Secondly, the Primeminister does not have to be the Kabaka (there 
doesn't even need to be a prime minister). Federalism will help spread 
development around the country, new city capitals will spring up and along 
with them jobs, institutions of learning and investements. Federalism will 
also help to reduce the concentration of power at the center which will on 
the long run enhance democracy. As for taxes, well a tax sharing and 
allocation formular will be part of the negotiations, this is why i said 
that the more the number of regions involved in the negotiations the better 
for the whole country. Right now everybody is only hearing the Buganda 
proposal because other regions have not formaly and in an organized 
fashion, put forward their proposals. The other regions should stop wining 
and come with ideas, that is what democracy is all about, isn't it, 
democracy lovers?

From: Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 17:35:19 +
Editorial : newvision 26/8/2003

‘Federo’ is a fantasy

CABINET HAS decided to push for the lifting of term limits for the 
presidency and a return to federo.

However, a representative of the Buganda kingdom has responded that the 
two issues should be delinked.

He is right. The two issues are both too complex to consider together.

In particular the restoration of federo, or a federal kingdom, is risky.

Firstly, the dominance of the Buganda kingdom at independence created a 
political imbalance that destabilised the country.

Secondly, a federal kingdom is not the most progressive form of 
government. As head of state, the Kabaka will appoint chiefs, ministers 
and officials. What will happen to the authority of democratically elected 
LC5 and LC3 officials?

Thirdly, is an additional layer of administration in Buganda even 

Fourthly, this administration will have to be funded either by local 
taxation or by increased taxation by the central government. If the 
central government pays, a peasant in West Nile might ask why his tax 
payments go to the Kabaka of Buganda.

Fifthly, how many Baganda truly want federo? Many elected LC officials 
favour loose cooperation under a charter, as Busoga is attempting, but 
oppose the idea of an administrative federal kingdom.

Federo has become a fantasy, a dream for a return to the 1950s and 1960s 
when people were more prosperous and society more orderly. But it is 
impossible to turn the clock back. If the kingdom returns, Baganda will 
still find themselves in today’s Uganda where the world coffee price is 
lower than the 1960s and KCC cannot fix the roads.

It is not worth changing the Constitution for the sake of an illusion.

Published on: Tuesday, 26th August, 2003

Email this article to a friend.

Mitayo Potosi

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Re: Fwd: ugnet_: How Obote Amin, Two of Africa's Most Brutal Killers,Co-Evolved

2003-08-28 Thread Y Yaobang
J Ssemakula,

You conveniently exclude Museveni from your list of butchers. Why?

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: ugnet_: How Obote  Amin, Two of Africa's Most Brutal 
Killers, Co-Evolved
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 19:46:05 +

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Messrs. Dambisya, Kipenji, Y, and other UPC fans:One Yoswa allegedly asked me to diversify my sources (i.e. quote someonelse other than Ibingira, for whom he failed tofind no worthy rebuttal) before he engange in 'mental combat'.
Well, I did, andYoswa is hiding under the bed! Or rather, he is still hiding his head in the sand.
The fact is that the legacies of these two brutal savages, Obote and Amin, are intimately inter-twined. They each killed in excess of three hundred thousand (300,000) Ugandans, easily qualifying as the most ruthless and most blood-thirsty killers on the African continent in the last 200 years. 
No amount of white-washing, spin-doctoring or revisionist apologia can alter that sad fact in any substantive manner. About the only'issue' left to debate is which of these two butchered more people.
ps: as surely as night follows day, you can count on more reminders of the extent of the brutality of these two in their crimes against humanity, for, we must never forget! In an effort to stem charges of 'bias', as far as possible, I'll continue to let other voices speak. I'll merely convey their message to this forum.
Original Message Follows 
From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: How Obote  Amin, Two of Africa's Most Brutal Killers, Co-Evolved 
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:49:45 + 

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Re: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy

2003-08-29 Thread Y Yaobang

Jonah Kasangwao,
In your PS, you stated about the New Vision's editorial "... How come you do not give any comments on the other topic you started with - the lifting of term limits for the presidency ? ..."
It's because this is an NRM organ and the editorshave NO VISION!
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy 
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 17:00:02 + 
I must admit that I've never found the New Vision editorials 
brilliant, but this one was one of the worst I've read. It was 
written from a position of ignorance and assumptions. Here just a 
few questions/comments to the editor: 
- What sort of dominance are you talking about - political, economic 
or what ? 
- Where did you get the idea that officials in the Federal State of 
Buganda will be appointed by the Kabaka ? 
- You ask what will happen to LCs. Excuse me, where have you been ? 
There will be no LCs in Buganda under federal governance. We have 
our long-tested councils such as Ssaza, Muluka, Ggombolola councils. 
Consequently, there will be no additional layer of administration. 
- Your fourth point does not make any sense. At the core of 
federalism is the sharing of power between the Federal (central) 
government and State (regional) governments. Underlying this 
responsibility is the fiscal issue which is also part of the essence 
of the federal system of governance. So, regardless of the nonsense 
emanating from the corner of the National Political Commissar (oh, 
how reminiscent of the communist times), under a true federal 
system, Buganda would collect taxes. 
You seem to forget that under a unitary system as we have now, a 
peasant in Buganda might also rightly ask why his tax payments go to 
Lango or Jopadholaland. 
- I don't know where you got the information that Baganda don't like 
federo, but the only record available (the Odoki comm. report) 
points to the opposite, and it was done when the LC system was in 
existence. In any case, LC officials do not make up the majority of 
the population. 
Dear Editor, federo, far from being a fantasy, is the future of a 
more prosperous and peaceful Uganda. You only need to get educated 
about it. 
How come you do not give any comments on the other topic you started 
with - the lifting of term limits for the presidency ? 
From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: ‘Federo’ is a fantasy 
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 17:35:19 + 
Editorial : newvision 26/8/2003 
‘Federo’ is a fantasy 
CABINET HAS decided to push for the lifting of term limits for the 
presidency and a return to federo. 
However, a representative of the Buganda kingdom has responded that 
the two issues should be delinked. 
He is right. The two issues are both too complex to consider 
In particular the restoration of federo, or a federal kingdom, is 
Firstly, the dominance of the Buganda kingdom at independence 
created a political imbalance that destabilised the country. 
Secondly, a federal kingdom is not the most progressive form of 
government. As head of state, the Kabaka will appoint chiefs, 
ministers and officials. What will happen to the authority of 
democratically elected LC5 and LC3 officials? 
Thirdly, is an additional layer of administration in Buganda even 
Fourthly, this administration will have to be funded either by 
local taxation or by increased taxation by the central government. 
If the central government pays, a peasant in West Nile might ask 
why his tax payments go to the Kabaka of Buganda. 
Fifthly, how many Baganda truly want federo? Many elected LC 
officials favour loose cooperation under a charter, as Busoga is 
attempting, but oppose the idea of an administrative federal 
Federo has become a fantasy, a dream for a return to the 1950s and 
1960s when people were more prosperous and society more orderly. 
But it is impossible to turn the clock back. If the kingdom 
returns, Baganda will still find themselves in today’s Uganda where 
the world coffee price is lower than the 1960s and KCC cannot fix 
the roads. 
It is not worth changing the Constitution for the sake of an 
Published on: Tuesday, 26th August, 2003 
Email this article to a friend. 
Mitayo Potosi 
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Re: ugnet_: Obote for Trial? Crazy!---Museveni too!

2003-08-29 Thread Y Yaobang

Adam Dada,
Any relation to the late Amin Dada? Also, have you been to Museveni's indoctrination camps, given this common Museveni sychophant-type silly statement you make "... This is the kind of talk and reasoning one normally hears around kwete/Malwa clubs..."?
Museveni, and his sychophants, must have to face the international courts, and, hopefully, the gallows!
Chill, man.
From: "Adam Dada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Obote for Trial? Crazy!---Newvision chatline. 
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:29:25 + 
Jacob - Your man was not removed by Baganda - he was removed by hi 
kin and keith - the Acholi, who accused him of being tribalistic and 
murderous. I dont know how you missed that fact in your lop-sided 
drunken narration, however crappy it is. By the way, just because he 
wasnt seen doing something, doesnt absolve him of responsibility. I 
know legal matters may be rather complicated for you to grasp, but 
because he was the head of state and commander in chief means he has 
criminal charges to answer to as the top man in the line of command. 
You are going on about alot of crap - what if the man turns around 
and confesses with a hope of a lesser punishment? To me your 
reasoning is too simplistic to warrant any serious consideration. 
This is the kind of talk and reasoning one normally hears around 
kwete/Malwa clubs and you are perfectly entitled to bring it up in 
this forum, although I have reservations, if only on grounds of 
respect for most of the esteemed intellectual and right-thinking 
netters on this forum 
Good luck Jacob. 
From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Obote for Trial? Crazy!---Newvision chatline. 
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 07:06:22 + 
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Re: ugnet_: UPDF Soldier to Face Firing Squad For Cowardice

2003-09-07 Thread Y Yaobang

From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: UPDF Soldier to Face Firing Squad For Cowardice 
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 19:07:26 + 
Two issues here: 
1. A time to do away with capital punishment in Uganda has long 
since passed; we have to struggle to change this law. 
2. With extreme ease and callousness the junta in Uganda is killing 
this Mr. Pimundu. The flimsy charges against him are laughable. May 
be it is naive of us to expect justice from arch-criminals like 
Museveni, Salim Saleh, Kazini, and all the goons in there 
Mitayo Potosi 
From: "Chris Opoka-Okumu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: UPDF Soldier to Face Firing Squad For 
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 10:38:36 -0400 
This is serious miscarriage of Justice. 
"THE UPDF field court martial on Friday sentenced a soldier to 
death by firing squad after he was found guilty of cowardice and 
failure to execute his duties." 
He is said to have committed the offence when he failed to respond 
to information that LRA had attacked a village and because he did 
not respopnd to this information, LRA executed 8 civilians. His 
defence is that his brief was to guard the students and the 
internally displaced persons at Uganda College of Commerce. 
Is right to say the failure to respond constituted cowardice? Is it 
right to say that failure to respond to a situation outside once 
immediate duty constitute neglect of duty? What would have 
happened if Pimundu took his soldiers to this village and the LRA 
came and butchered the students in Uganda College of Commerce and 
the IDP camps as they did in Kichwamba precisely because those who 
were to guard the students were not at their post? Would he not be 
also accused of neglect of duties? 
What happened to those soldiers who abandoned their post at 
Kichwamba Technical School, were they also executed by firing 
squad? Why now Pimundu? 
Can the death of 8 civilians be the necessary result of Pimundu nor 
responding or the LRA would have executed them anyway as is their 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Omar Kezimbira 
 Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 4:55 AM 
 Subject: ugnet_: UPDF Soldier to Face Firing Squad For Cowardice 
 Firing Squad For Coward -New Vision-7/9/2003 
 THE END: Pimundu is led off to await death 
 By Nathan Etengu 
 THE UPDF field court martial on Friday sentenced a soldier 
to death by firing squad after he was found guilty of cowardice and 
failure to execute his duties. 
 Corporal Pimundu Gimaro, attached to the Military Police, 
committed the offences on August 31 when he failed to respond to 
information from a civilian that the Lord's Resistance Army rebels 
had attacked a village near his station. 
 The nine-member court martial, chaired by the UPDF 3rd 
Division Commander, Col. Andrew Guti, ruled that Pimundu's 
omissions led to the death of eight civilians at the hands of the 
rebels who had attacked Agasi village. 
 "This court is final. There is no appeal. You have been 
sentenced to death," Guti announced at around 6:50pm. 
 Pimundu who had waited outside as the panel deliberated 
his fate sighed and looked down as colleagues from the Military 
Police handcuffed him and led him to a waiting pick-up truck. 
 He was to be execut ed yesterday morning after President 
Yoweri Museveni, the commander-in-chief of the army, was briefed on 
the court decision. 
 Each of the two counts on which Pimundu was charged 
carried a maximum punishment of death. 
 A prosecution witness told court how he struggled to reach 
the UPDF unit after the rebels had abducted him. He said Pimundu 
ignored his report. 
 Pimundu, in his defence, said that his brief was to guard 
the students and the internally displaced persons at Uganda College 
of Commerce. 
 Published on: Sunday, 7th September, 2003 
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Re: ugnet_: NRM Consults Frelimo's On How to Stay in Government

2003-09-08 Thread Y Yaobang

Remember that it was Frelimo which taught now dictator Museveni the art of guerrilla warfare. So, now he, dictator Museveni,thinks Frelimo can also teach him and hisNRM in the tricks of keeping power. 
Birds of the same feather!





Subject: ugnet_: NRM Consults Frelimo's On How to Stay in Government 

Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 21:23:55 EDT 


NRM Consults Frelimo's On How to Stay in Government 





African Church Information Service 


August 8, 2003 

Posted to the web September 8, 2003 


Crespo Sebunya 



Uganda now considers Frente de Liberta Veo de Mozambique (Frelimo) experience 

as more relevant to its democratic process, and has thrown aside the African 

National Congress (ANC) model it previously admired. 


President Yoweri Museveni told a delegation of Frelimo officials, led by 

their Secretary General, Armando Emilio Guebuza, that National Resistance Movement 

(NRM) will study how Frelimo retained power after opening up its political 

system to a multi-party one. 



The Frelimo delegation spent three days in Uganda from August 25, and signed 

a memorandum of understanding with the NRM. 


Museveni says Frelimo experience is relevant to NRM, since they share a lot 

in common. Both launched a protracted struggle against oppression, then later 

faced a long-winded, externally supported insurgency. 


Frelimo's resilience has also drawn respect from NRM stalwarts. Frelimo has 

already held two general elections, so we have a lot to learn from it, says Dr 

Ruhakana Rugunda, Minister for Internal Affairs. 


Frelimo fought a protracted struggle for independence and took power. It then 

faced South-African backed Resistancia Nacional Mocambicana (Renamo) in a 

bloody confrontation, before reconciliation talks resulted into Renamo 

transforming itself into a political party. 


Similarly, NRM is battling Lords Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel force that 

Uganda suspects is being supported by Sudan. The Government is under 

international pressure to reconcile with LRA, and there are suggestions that the rebel 

group be allowed to transform into a political party. 


Nevertheless, co-operation with Frelimo signals a change of heart. In 2001, 

NRM contacted ANC to assist it build strong structures that will enable it to 

remain dominant on the Ugandan scene. 






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Re: ugnet_: Re: Presidents of Uganda and Burundi discuss Burundi peace process

2003-09-11 Thread Y Yaobang

As another saying goes ... a one-eyed man among the blind is a genius. Dictator Musevenihas so blinded most African leaders (re: the Great Lakes region) and Ugandans, especially the Baganda, about democracy, that the man is now king, soon to be life presidente. Where is the AU? the EAC? to help Ugandans get rid off dictator Museveni?
From: Assumpta Kintu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Presidents of Uganda and Burundi discuss Burundi peace process 
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:33:40 -0700 (PDT) 
Isn't Charity supposed to start at home? 
What is this? Blind person leading another blind one? 
Why don't we start with peace in Northern Uganda, Teso 
Then we can talk Burundi! Or is it the principle of 
"do as I say, but do not do as I do." 
The hiight of hypocricy 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Presidents of Uganda and Burundi discuss Burundi 
  peace process 2003-09-09 23:24 
  KAMPALA, Sept. 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Visiting President 
  of Burundi Domitien 
  Ndayizeye held talks with Ugandan President Yoweri 
  Museveni at State House here on 
  The Burundi president arrived in Uganda on Tuesday 
  morning on atwo-day 
  working visit for consultations with President 
  Museveni onthe progress of the 
  Burundi peace process, according to a press release 
  issued by the Ugandan State 
  House here. 
  President Museveni is the chairman of the regional 
  peace initiative on 
  The talks between the two presidents mainly 
  centered on the restoration of 
  total peace in Burundi as well as the building of 
  apost transitional 
  government in that central African country, the 
  press release said. 
  Ugandan Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister 
  of Foreign Affairs James 
  Wapakhabulo, Minister in charge of the Presidency 
  Ali Kivejinja Kirunda, 
  Minister of State for Regional Cooperation Nshimye 
  Sebutulo attended the talks. 
  The Burundi leader is accompanied by Minister of 
  External Relations and 
  Cooperation Therence Sinunguruza, Minister of 
  Defense Major General Vincent 
  Niyungeko and Minister of Education Prosper 
  The Burundi president will meet rebel leader 
  Pierre Nkurunziza during his 
  two-day visit in Uganda, according to local media 
  report on Tuesday. 
  The meeting between the Burundi president and 
  Secretary Generalof the rebel 
  Forces for the Defense of Democracy (FDD) Hussein 
  Radjabue is ahead of a 
  regional summit on Burundi peace process which is 
  expected to hold in Dar es 
  Salaam next Monday. 
  The forthcoming regional summit will discuss how 
  the governmentand the 
  rebels can share power in the central African 
  country. Enditem 
  meanwhile, in Burundi 
  Armed gangs in Burundi kill 17 civilians in 
  NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) - Armed gangsters killed 17 
  civilians after 
  ambushing a bus in northwest Burundi on Wednesday, 
  highlighting insecurity in the 
  country despite efforts to end a decade of civil 
  war, witnesses said. 
  The ambush happened in Mabayi commune in the 
  province of Cibitoke. 
  "A van carrying 17 passengers and full of goods was 
  ambushed by gunmen who 
  killed the passengers one by one and stole their 
  goods and burned the vehicle," 
  said one witness. 
  An army spokesman put the death toll at 14. 
  Civilians have suffered the most in the war that has 
  killed some 300,000 
  The conflict pits various rebel groups from the Hutu 
  majority against a 
  politically dominant Tutsi minority. 
  Both the main rebel groups, the Forces for the 
  Defense of Democracy and the 
  Forces for National Liberation, have been blamed for 
  ambushes, cattle raids and 
  armed robberies. But attacks have also been 
  perpetrated by armed gangsters. 
  09/10/03 16:04 ET 
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Re: ugnet_: Museveni's daughter flew Presidential jet to deliver

2003-09-27 Thread Y Yaobang

Dictator Museveni and his family think ordinary Ugandans don't notice these excesses, but they do. When they andtheir bunch arerun off Kampala, I'm sure dictator Museveni, Natasha, et al.,will wake up to reality! Trappings of power, stay out of it!
The end is near.
From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Museveni's daughter flew Presidential jet to deliver 
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 14:18:27 -0700 (PDT) 
Natasha's Shs 180m jet baby sparks off uproar 
Special Report --- By Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda  Nabusayi L. Wamboka 
September 28, 2003 - Monitor 
President Yoweri Museveni's eldest daughter Natasha Kainembabazi Karugire is at the centre of a public controversy after she flew the presidential jet to Germany in August to give birth to her second child. Sunday Monitor's Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda  Nabusayi L. Wamboka put the $90,000 (Shs 180 million) trip into perspective: - 
Barely two months since Parliament asked the first family to drop their "luxurious life" which costs the tax payer huge sums of money, it has emerged that one of the first daughters flew the presidential jet to Europe to give birth. 
The Presidential Press Secretary Ms Maria Karooro Okurut confirmed when Sunday Monitor rang her on September 25, that indeed President Yoweri Museveni's daughter Natasha Kainembabazi Karugire flew to Germany on August 19, using the presidential jet GulfStream IV-SP to deliver her second child. 
"It is true the jet went with the mum," said Karooro. 
The daughter and her entourage returned on August 29 aboard British Airways with the baby. 
Ms Natasha Kainembabazi Karugire speaks to the press in this 1998 file photo. Natasha's Germany flight to deliver using the presidential jet has sparked questions about the country's priorities (File photo). 
Samia Bugwe North MP Aggrey Awori with fair aviation knowledge told Sunday Monitor on September 25, that it costs $5,000 (Shs 10 million) for every hour the jet is in the air. 
The standard flight hours to any European destination from Entebbe Airport is eight hours. The Gulf Stream takes fewer hours by its technology. The jet spent between 12 to 
18 hours in the air the day it flew Natasha. 
The cost of flying it for 18 hours to Germany and back to Entebbe therefore would be $90,000, which is Shs 180 million. 
The first daughter flew to Germany with her mother Janet Kataha Museveni and sister Patience Kokundeka Rwabwogo. 
"This doesn't include expenses like flight crew allowances, air fees, parking fees and accommodation," explains Awori. 
Sunday Monitor could not establish how much per diem was spent on the first family for the ten days, on the crew and any contingence as State House comptroller, Mr Richard Muhinda, was not answering his cellphone. Conservative estimates by officials who preferred anonymity put the figure to about $50,000 (Shs 100 million). Ms Karooro Okurut said she had no idea how much was spent. 
State House says it is legal 
Ms Karooro said the law provides for such a flight. She said that the Presidential Emoluments and Benefits Act provides that each of the four biological or adopted children of the president shall be entitled to one trip abroad per year. 
She explained that any trip for education or medical purposes shall not be counted as the mandatory one. 
Karooro said that the law states that such trips shall be at the expense of the State. 
It further stipulates that when the child travels with either or both parents shall travel first class or by the presidential aircraft. 
Natasha had her first child at Kololo Hospital, a private hospital in Kampala. 
At least 1,200 deliveries 
Normal delivery in Mulago Hospital Complex's private wing costs Shs 150,000. This means that the money spent on Natasha flying to Germany can actually pay for 1,200 mothers that choose to deliver at Mulago's private wing. 
According to Mulago deputy director Dr Gideon Kikampikaho, depending on the level of sophistication, patients' charges vary. 
Ordinary Very Important People (OVIPs) in a private wing pay up to Shs 200,000 for three days including meals and medication while Very Very Important People (VVIP) pay up to Shs 400,000 for normal deliveries. 
However if there are complications and the patient needs to stay in the ward for between 7- 10 days, OVIPs pay between Shs 500,000 - 600,000 while VVIP pay up to one million shillings. 
In the ordinary wing the money would facilitate thousands of deliveries. In the general wing, what you need is a pair of Shs 1,000 gloves, Shs 2,500 cotton wool and a polythene sheet of Shs 1,500. This brings the total to Shs 5,000 that an ordinary mother needs for delivery at Mulago. 
The $90,000 would therefore give 36,000 mothers an opportunity to have their babies delivered in a hospital. 
19,000 mosquito nets 
According to the ministry of Health, malaria is a very serious problem in Uganda - as in most 

Re: ugnet_: Re: [Kistmo] How M7's letter torpedoed Cancun talks

2003-09-30 Thread Y Yaobang

Museveni is indeed a shallow thinker. The sad thing is, he thinks is smart! Remember when he introduced barter trade to do international business; and those rotting bananas at Entebbe? 
From: Assumpta Kintu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Re: [Kistmo] How M7's letter torpedoed Cancun talks 
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 23:36:38 -0700 (PDT) 
Where have you been hiding all this time? 
So we finally managed to re-discover YOU? 
Oh yes! those two share plenty and I keep telling 
people they are lying in the same bed. Every time they 
wake up to act, Planet Earth loses plenty in terms of 
life, freedom, resources which they confine only to 
themselves. By the time they are done Planet Earth 
will be non-existance but they would have bought land 
on the moon and flawn there at our expense. 
Welcome back and don't disappear again and deprive us 
of your talents on the net. 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  M7 is erratic in thought and an intellectual 
  pretender. Incidentally, he shares many traits with 
  the current US president. 
  Batera emundu, batunga obusingye! 
  In a message dated 9/29/2003 11:56:39 AM Eastern 
  Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
   Mw. Semakula, 
   This is from Daily Nation. 
   How M7's letter torpedoed Cancun talks 
   Reports that President Yoweri Museveni has 
  confirmed sending a letter to the 
   head of Uganda's delegation at the WTO conference 
  at Cancun, urging them to 
   support the European and US position rather than 
  that of the developing 
   countries displays a failure to understand the 
  factors that affect poor 
   economies in globalisation. 
   We know that Museveni wholeheartedly embraced the 
  Agoa Bill when it was being 
   debated in the US and offered little or no support 
  to the HOPE of Africa Bill 
   that was floated as an alternative to Agoa. 
   I really wonder whether he understood Agoa and its 
  implications and whether he 
   ever tried to examine the rationale of HOPE. 
   Museveni’s arguments against dumping in the 
  African context are rather shallow. 
   African countries produce primarily agricultural 
  products. They have not dumped 
   these goods on the US market. On the contrary, the 
  US has dumped agricultural 
   products ranging from maize to soya, in Africa 
  directly, or indirectly in the 
   form of aid. 
   On the other hand, Asian countries have dumped 
  electronic goods on the African 
   market, undercutting the expensive Western 
  electronic goods. This Asian dumping 
   is in Africa's interests, given that we don’t 
  manufacture any electronic goods. 
   What African governments should do in the short 
  term is to welcome the cheap 
   manufactured goods from Asia and draw up a 
  strategy on how to reverse this in 
   the long term. 
   For 18 years, Museveni has not put a long-term 
  strategy in place for the local 
   manufacturing sector. He is therefore responsible 
  for the Asian dumping of 
   their manufactures on our market. 
   Museveni also fails to understand that the main 
  reasons why African governments 
   can’t sell their agricultural products in Western 
  markets is because of 
   artificial restrictions caused by Europeans and US 
  government subsidies that 
   distort the market, tilting the balance in favour 
  of Western farmers. 
   The US legislature passed a Bill authorising 
  massive subsidies to US farmers 
   just weeks after passing the Agoa Bill. Does Mr 
  Museveni really think this was 
   intended to promote Agoa? Does he think Africans 
  can ever trade freely and 
   fairly in an open market without proper reforms? 
  We all know that Museveni is a 
   strong advocate of Uganda’s reflexive solidarity 
  with the US and EC, something 
   that is not out of love for his country, but 
  rather, the need to entrench 
   himself in Uganda's politics. 
   These imperialists, out of their national economic 
  interests, have bank-rolled 
   his regime; turned a blind eye to the chaos in our 
  country; paid no attention 
   to Museveni's activities in Rwanda; overlooked 
  Uganda’s activities in the DRC, 
   and remained silent on rampant corruption in the 
   As a result, he torpedoed the WTO conference in 
  Cancun through his letter, and 
   the end loser in this game was the poor Ugandan 
   In his letter, Museveni showed a degree of envy 
  for emerging economies like 
   India and Brazil. The performance of the Indian 
  economy, for example, today 
   threatens jobs in the developed world, be it in 
  the IT sector where Western 
   companies have out-sourced their cheap services; 
  in pharmaceutical industries, 
   and in manufacturing. Now, companies like Rover 
  are engaged in delicate 
   negotiations with TATA of India. 
   We should learn from them and not look at them 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni still lying lying lying!

2003-10-01 Thread Y Yaobang

Yes, she,Mrs. Okurut will soon 'get a life' in exile!
yFrom: Joicye nansikombi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Subject: ugnet_: Museveni still lying lying lying! 

Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 19:39:48 -0700 (PDT) 





Yesterday, Ms. okurut came out with an article lying about the circumstances underwhich Dictator Museveni left Kigali and ran back to Uganda. She lied. 




Today she again lied. In her first statement she did not indicate that M7 had urgent matters to attend to at home. She said that, "... even the Nigerian leader Olusegun Obasanjo left before lunch." 




The Rwandese Offical said that, "I am surprised that people in Kampala are trying to confuse the world. President Obasanjo was the last to leave. In fact, although he was supposed to go to Sierra Leone, he said it was not proper in the African culture to refuse to have lunch in one's home. He stayed and had lunch with all other heads of stateFor reasons best known by our neighbour, brother and others, he [Museveni] did not have lunch in Kigali. That is to put the record straight..." 






Now monitor commented that..."He also didn't have any formal talks with Kagame, to the chagrin of Rwanda government officials who thought the two leaders would use the opportunity to make up." 




Need I say more.Okurut, STOP LYING. Ugandans are fed up and are wide awake and watching. They are even hearing. They know the truth about your lies. People are sick and tired of lies. Get a life! 




Nansikombi J. 






Soroti made Museveni cut Kagame lunch 

By Badru D. Mulumba  Evelyn Lirri 

Oct 1, 2003 




KAMPALA – President Yoweri Museveni did not skip lunch in Kigali after Mr Paul Kagame inauguration out of anger at the presence of Mr Eriya Kategaya. 


In separate statements, the Regional Co-operation state minister, Mr Augustine Nshimye, and president’s press secretary, Ms Mary Karooro Okurut said the Rwandan president’s luncheon was competing against Museveni’s ‘tight’ schedule in Soroti. 


Kagame was sworn in on September 12 in the presence of nine African leaders, amongst them South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki. 


Kategaya (ex-Internal Affairs minister), Major Gen. Mugisha Muntu and East African Community secretary general, Mr Amanya Mushega – leading opponents of perceived attempts by Museveni to rule beyond 2006 - attended. 


“The president had no reason to be troubled by the presence of anybody at the function,” said Karooro. 


“To say that he did not take too kindly the presence of his fellow countrymen – who also happen to be close colleagues – is a cheap attempt to lower the dignity of His Excellency,” she added. 


Nshimye said that Museveni went to Kigali in spite of his heavy schedule in Soroti where he was overseeing army operations against Lord’s Resistance Army rebels. 


He said that Kigali was consulted ahead of the inauguration. 


“Based on the programme received, it was also decided well in advance that [he would] only attend the inauguration ceremony at the stadium and return immediately to Kampala,” Nshimye said. 


“This position was conveyed well in advance to the Rwandese Government through our Ambassador in Kigali.” 


Mr Adonia Ayebare is the ambassador. 


Karooro said that Kagame accorded Museveni “the highest recognition of all that were present.” 


“He sat next to him and greeted him warmly, addressing him as ‘Mzee’. It was significant that he was the first president that Kagame introduced.” 


A schedule released by Karooro, to back her statement indicates that Museveni left Soroti to Entebbe by helicopter. 


He then boarded the presidential jet for a direct flight to Kigali the same morning, Karooro said. 


Karooro says Museveni had to be in Soroti in “good time”. Museveni, she said, flew back to Entebbe and boarded the chopper non-stop to Soroti. 





© 2003 The Monitor Publications 




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Re: ugnet_: Beware of beautiful women

2003-10-05 Thread Y Yaobang

I dont know about Toronto, but Iagree with you, especially about women from Iran and Indonesia, h! My oh my! I used to think the Baganda women, who are urguably the best in Uganda,were also the best in the world, until this! 
To contribute to your question: I think our African women under-estimate their competition -- they need more than a nice book-shell butt!
From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Beware of beautiful women 
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2003 17:50:48 + 
If you want good, nice, beatiful women come to Toronto. 
Sweet ones from Iran, Chile, Indonesia, China, Japan, Germany 
etc The sky is the limit. 
It is unfortunate African women are so hostile to black men. 
Even innocent 'hi' is greated with hostility, can you imagine? 
Is it our poverty or it is backwardness? 
Mitayo Potosi 
From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Beware of beautiful women 
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2003 22:32:30 +0100 (BST) 
Beware of beautiful women 
MAN TO MAN --- By Hilary Joseph Bainemigisha 
Oct 4, 2003 
Have you seen a very beautiful woman? Don't direct me there because 
I am a peace-loving Ugandan. 
And I have been so since the time I started active combat. I always 
saw friends who bragged about their beautiful women without telling 
us about the actual cost of maintaining them. They just enjoyed 
walking arm-in-arm with a knockout girl, welcomed the envy of the 
public and what they thought was respect, admiration and approval. 
Behind the scenes, they would literally throw themselves at her 
feet, unaware that they were signing proposals to give her more 
power. Sooner, and never later, she would use those powers to 
dissolve the parliament and leave the cabinet tumbling after. 
And when it came to the romantic balance sheet with this 
beauty-dating pal, we had more timber than his firewood. We were 
safer in Rwakitura while he was in the Soroti trenches. And it was 
him who would always complain about congotimbering people. 
You see, extremely beautiful women came packaged with natural 
disasters like pride, selfishness and attitude. It is easier to 
march Kony down Old Port Bell Road than to find a real looker who 
will not give you a hard time and leave when some Gaetano shows up. 
I know there are lots of guys out there who wouldn't mind having 
the misfortune of boyfriending some distilled Abby but look again 
and see if it is not merely an ego rush problem. What is meaty 
about women is the thrill, love, respect, honesty, commitment and 
Beauty is a wrapping that will peel off when the first baby's cries 
are heard in your room. And then you will have a woman who believes 
that all ministries should suffer a 30 percent budgetary cut to 
fund her vain attempts to retain her previous looks. 
Don't you see yourself forfeiting your cold bell beer until she 
discovers that she cannot attract catcalls anymore? By then either 
you or her (but most probably you) will be on your deathbed, hoping 
in vain for a third term. 
As a veteran in the dating trenches, I must tell you that in a 
lasting relationship, beauty should only be treated like Kakooza 
Mutale. It helps you come in and, by the time it gets to the point 
of commitment, it will no longer matter whether he is a major or 
captain. All you want to do is get him out of your space. 
If you have a beautiful woman, you are likely to be one of the 
people who think women are generally selfish. Because she doesn't 
help you carry the bags and is overly concerned with material 
things, you think it is a woman thing. 
But it is not. There are many women of integrity. Those who are 
dependable and keep their word. 
You can stay with your beauties and suffer an everlasting struggle 
to improve yourself. For most beauties are complainers. They are 
very selfish and consider anything that takes them out of their 
comfort zone a terrorist. 
They prefer flying private jets to produce children in Germany. If 
you have no relationship with State House, and you cannot raid DR 
Congo for timber, you will have to dust your spear and rob a micro 
finance office. Because a beauty cannot change her plans to fit 
yours. It is you who is supposed to rearrange yours to fit her 
So, brothers, beware of the package that looks perfect. She is a 
bomb, dresses to assault, attracts attention to you and all that. 
But you just don't seem to really have fun. You find yourself 
skipping presidential lunches, picking up enemies as you go along 
and fighting imaginary foes only to be told that there is no third 
So it is best to weed this woman out of your garden of lovelies as 
quickly as you can. 
© 2003 The Monitor Publications 


2003-10-08 Thread Y Yaobang

Dictator Museveni has been caught with his hands deep in the tax payers' cookie jar. And now you are trying to placate him. Why?
From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: NATASHA KARUGIRE'S BABY 
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 14:03:19 -0500 
...but Mr. Kipenji you must agree with Mr.Kironde that previous 
regimes did far worse and again this is not to excuse the 
indesgrations of the present government. This has always been my 
point of strong disagreement with you UPC people, your in ability to 
first and foremost "remove the log of wood from your own eyes before 
trying to remove the splinter in someone elses eye". The "holier 
than thou" image you portray does not wash because we Ugandans know 
what happened during idi amin, Obote/Okello eras. Nobody is saying 
that Uganda is perfect and even with the present inperfections 
Uganda is better off than many countries (i should know 'cos i have 
been around Africa and world) however what everybody with a sincere 
and object mind acknowledges and sees is that Uganda is FAR BETTER 
OFF than the days of your murderous heroes Obote/Okelo and Amin. 
Infact im my opinion Obote is the genesis of all Ugandas problems 
because he introduced authoritarian rule to Uganda and from that 
point on it was down hill for Uganda. Obote elevated Idi Amin in the 
army (just to use him to eradicate monarchy and destroy our 
constitution), in so doing gave Amin the opportunity to take power. 
It is said that to whom much is given much is expected, Obote had 
the grandest opportunity to realy make Uganda great, he inheritated 
a sound economy, a very good public service, a very good 
constitution. In short he inheritated a very good SYSTEM (THE SAME 
SYSTEM THAT MULINDWA IS YAPPING ABOUT), well what did he do with it? 
He proceded to destroy it, now the same UPC people like Mulindwa are 
barking about SYSTEM , SYSTEM after they destroyed. I have been 
saying and will continue to say that President Museveni is basically 
doing a clean up job, cleaning Obote, Okelo and Amins messes. 
Unlike Obote, President Museveni inherited virtually NOTHING, i 
don't even think there was anything in Uganda's treasury when 
President Museveni took over. So when i hear the Kipenjis, Mulindwas 
and Mateks of this world going on about DEMOCRACY, PEACE, SYSTEM and 
all that i don't get angry, rather i just feel sorry for Uganda and 
Africa, because they exemplify the African tragedy, which is a 
vicious cycle of "not learning". We Africans have a habbit of 
refusing to learn from our mistakes or tragedies. Right now i am 
ready to bet any amount that if the UPC got back to power they would 
just continue from where they were stoped and the mayhem which 
Ugandans were spared when they were removed would start right back. 
From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: NATASHA KARUGIRE'S BABY 
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 13:08:22 +0100 (BST) 
Kironde,in the 21st Century,I do believe all people who have 
sought enlightenment through schooling/education,would be the last 
to put to disuse what they will have invested heavily in interms 
time and money.Blanket statements like "Vagabond regimes taking 
people to Namanve" should really be qualified and proven to have 
been government policies before being uttered like you have just 
If you indeed believe in transparency as you appear to aver,why not 
tell your murderous hero Mu7 to stop killing innocent Ugandans,or 
to you,they are just biological substances who afterall need to be 
decimated so that your kingdom gets its lost glory? 
What does this transparency stuff help you achieve if your thief 
is caught red handed and this has been going on for the past 18 
Has it made the money so spend to be refunded to the treasury? 
The politics of unprincipled proganda will not help you and your 
Ugandan are just sick of being fleeced by your kleptomaniac and 
in the Kavuyo you have gotten something you would rather praise it 
transparency.That is indeed crap that is reminiscent of warped 
Thank you. 
Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: 
the noise made is simply because of the transparency. Gone 
vagabond regimes used state assets at will. Some of the soldiers 
abused government property and one owned the Coffee Marketing Board 
and would only cut the government a check if he felt it was 
This is a regime where the president would be challenged on his 

ugnet_: No Uhuru yet for Ugandans!

2003-10-09 Thread Y Yaobang
Fellow true Ugandans,

Today is October 9th. 

It should have been a day of celebration. Time to indulge and enjoy lots of good food, drink and sex. But it is nowa day to remember that the enslavement of Ugandans by foreigners has been in phases and has not ended. The phase I process, unavoidably and benign, took place on October 9th, 1962. The violent phase II process started on Jan 25th 1971 and reccurred in a different - and more violent and unfortunateform -on January 25, 1986. I hope Ugandans have learned the hard lesson and will now move into phase III - the reclamation on their sovereignty, and keep it for ever. 

Do it for posterity. Dump dictator Museveni!

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Re: ugnet_: Hereoes boycott state luncheon(Is it the case of the Old Man and The Medal?)

2003-10-09 Thread Y Yaobang

There is indeed nothing to celebrate about in dictator Museveni's 9th October!!!y
From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Hereoes boycott state luncheon(Is it the case of the Old Man and The Medal?) 
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 22:02:28 +0100 (BST) 
Heroes boycott state luncheon 
By Elizabeth Agiro  Badru D. Mulumba 
Oct 10, 2003 
Kakoma, Akorimo dejected at Kololo 
KOLOLO – Two national heroes who were invited to the 41st Independence Day celebrations boycotted a scheduled state luncheon after they left Kololo Airstrip disappointed. 
Retired Maj. Kanuti Akorimo, the man who brought down the Union Jack for the last time and raised the black-yellow-red flag at Independence, and Prof. George Kakoma, who composed the national anthem, had apparently expected some sort of reward at Kololo yesterday. 
However, all they got was a handshake from President Yoweri Museveni and an invitation to a luncheon, which they chose not to honour. 
“Me and Kakoma decided not to go,” Akorimo told The Monitor on phone last night from the College Inn in Wandegeya, where he is booked. 
“We didn’t want to deal with politicians,” he added. “I have decided to pack my bags and go back to my home.” 
The Minister of State for Information, Mr Nsaba Buturo, had promised that two former traditional leaders, Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda and Omukama Kabalega of Bunyoro, were to be recognised as national heroes at yesterday’s ceremony. 
But they were not even mentioned. 
The minister told The Monitor last night that Uganda’s heroes have not yet been identified. 
“We gave the wrong impression,” he said. “We had no reliable system on who heroes should be.” 
The minister said that the government is yet to decide what form of reward or formal recognition it will give such heroes. 
“We haven’t decided and it is still under discussion,” he said. 
Buturo said the heroes would probably have to wait for another year to get their laurels. 
“We’ll put in place a system next year whereby a committee will decide on who the heroes will be,” he said by phone. 
Akorimo had earlier told The Monitor at Kololo that he was looking forward to his moment in the sun. 
He got to stand in the sweltering midday heat, all right, but it was not exactly what he had been looking forward to. 
“It was very exciting bringing down the Union Jack and replacing it with the National Flag,” he told The Monitor at the spot where he did the historic act exactly 41 years ago yesterday. 
The retired officer said he received a letter from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of England promoting him to the rank of Staff Major. 
He claims that envious officers in the army hounded him and forced him out four years later. 
“I retired on August 24, 1966,” he said. “I didn’t [like] the leadership which [Milton Obote] had.” 
What followed were more than three decades of obscurity for Akorimo – until he was fished out of his native Kumi district this week to attend the ceremony. 
It was the first time he had attended the Independence anniversary at Kololo because, in his words, “I have never been invited.” 
Akorimo told The Monitor that President Museveni’s son-in-law, Mr Odrek Rwabwogo, who owns the public relations firm TERP, brought him to Kampala. 
“I feel we should be honoured,” he said at Kololo after the ceremony. “[We] were also expecting a military package but nothing has happened”. 
Akorimo’s local MP, Mr Patrick Amuriat (Kumi), said: “Well, I thought he should be given a medal. Hoisting a flag is a simple thing but it is historic; this should have come long before. He should not have been just left like that. He deserves more than just appearing in public.” 
The Monitor caught up with Kakoma as he was rushed to a waiting car that was taking invited guests to the Kabira Country Club for lunch – the lunch that he and Akorimo later boycotted. Did he expect anything, an award? 
“I have merely been introduced. We don’t know [if there is more]. We don’t know,” he said, as a guide prompted him not to answer. 
MP Oboi said it is time Parliament took up the issue of honouring Uganda’s heroes. 
“Well, for us, we think he [Akorimo] still remains an hero,” Oboi said. “He remains our hero; it is something that I, as an MP, will bring up.” 
Aiding the faint hearted 
Meanwhile, many people got injured or suffered heat exhaustion while attending the celebrations at Kololo Airstrip. 
Sr. Helen Bileti, a senior nursing officer at Mulago hospital, said that about 74 people went to the Mulago tent for treatment after having suffered various injuries. 
Mulago, Red Cross and the army operated separate tents to help people. 
Earlier two UPDF soldiers fainted while on parade. They were carried off on stretchers to the UPDF tent. 
A nurse at the UPDF tent, who declined to reveal her name, said there were only about five soldiers who 

ugnet_: His Excellency the Thief!

2003-10-09 Thread Y Yaobang

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2003-02-12 Thread Y Yaobang


China Keitetsi's letter below raises the question of whether some NRM 
leaders might be Pedophiles. If this proves to be the case, a serious case 
could be made in The Hague to have such leaders arrested if they ever 
venture outside Uganda.

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 18:33:10 -0500

China Keitetsi; the NRM Quest to shut me up
Dear Editor,

I write to make a few comments on a commentary sent to you by Hussein 
Kashillingi that appeared in your paper sometime last week.

The government of Uganda have for some time been trying to make me keep 
quiet about my experiences as a child soldier. They have used many tricks 
in their attempt to make the world believe that my book is nothing but 
lies. After the first lies published by Government-owned News paper New 
Vision I wrote one article ( see The Monitor of 17 February 2002 ), which 
I responded to. New Vision refused to publish this article of mine, but The 
Monitor accepted to. New Vision kept on writing and I knew (of cause) that 
I am not as big as the NRM government of Uganda, who can print a new 
article every day, besides, I didn't see it necessary to reply to all the 
government machinated attempts in its quest to shut me down.

In the best of my knowledge, Afande Yoweri Museveni's government still uses 
children, just see the Global Report of 2001. January 2001 700 children 
were taken from Democratic Republic of Congo to Kyankwanzi in Uganda for 
military training. UNICEF managed to rescue 163, this even managed to reach 
CNN. The way it looks here is that Afande Yoweri Museveni and ministers 
Amama Mbabazi and Nagenda have forgotten the hundreds of children they 
marched with in 1986 when taking over Kampala. If Afande Museveni has 
forgotten let me remind him of a friend of mine who was his bodyguard as a 
9-years-old until he died: F. Kayanja. For me it is not a new thing. Anyone 
who talked ill of the NRM government is an `Adui´ (meaning enemy). When you 
are a girl or woman, they will use words such as: Malaya (whore) or/and a 
liar. Imagine your name being associated with such words o n a newspaper 
headline; maybe you will be part of the many who say no more. For me I 
cannot, because NRA (UPDF) took away my dignity, my childhood and much 
more. For this reason and for the sake of the little children, I will never 
keep quiet, I will keep on, that no child goes through the same long road I 
have walked. The NRM government cannot abuse me anymore. I am safe now, but 
there are many like the 700 kids from the DRC who were taken away from 
their country and their parents to train for war. This is a mark for life, 
a scar that I will always feel, and it can't be washed away. This is one of 
the reasons that I refuse to enjoy this freedom alone. No matter how many 
international courts the NRM government threaten to take me to including 
the Hague, I'll keep on being the free voice of those children still forced 
into wars.

I challenge Afande Museveni's Team of lawyers and ministers to bring their 
evidence to Den Hague. But remember my friends, fellow Ugandans; there 
are still a few of my comrades left who go further back in NRA history than 
me (I got there in 1984!).  They know me, as well as you. I must say to 
Afande Shaban Bantariza that I joined the NRM/A in 1984. I still wonder 
where you got the false information. I wasn't born in 1970. If you have 
read the book, then you have chosen to say the opposite. Bantariza chooses 
to forget that I rejoined the army, and that was in Nyakyishara, and not in 
Ibanda or Kamukuzi, as he happily lies. He is just like many other 
dishonest intellectuals who have been telling a lot of lies in order to 
protect their job. Just like them, Bantariza is being paid to turn the 
truth into lies. I am so scared because four ministers an d their 
ministries are after me, as if I had committed a crime against humanity. 
All I did is to tell the truth on what happened to me and other 
children-comrade. If Afande Museveni has a heart he would have appointed a 
team of lawyers and soldiers to bring the person who have been terrorising 
children for the past 17 years in the north. If anyone should be taken to 
court, it is Afande Museveni and other Afandes of NRM/A that should be 
taken to Court for having abused me and other children of my generation or 
the hundreds taken from the DRC for military training in Uganda. After the 
pain and the dignity they took away from me as a woman, I thought of taking 
them to court but I was scared because I had the fear that the NRM with all 
the team of intellectuals trained in telling 


2003-02-12 Thread Y Yaobang

... “I knew he was dead. I could not cry - I simply couldn’t for fear of 
breaking down... the time he fell, we couldn’t stop. We had to carry on 
because we had to cross that bridge. We dedicated our very souls to the NRA, 
to Museveni, but it is all for nothing,” she says. ...

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:53:14 -0500

  China, War Child
  Date : 02 September 2001 Producer : Susan Puren Presenter : Ruda 
Landman Genre : Africa

  At only 24 years of age, she has long lost count of those she'd seen 
dying in the name of freedom. In fact, she can't even recall how many of 
those she'd killed herself.  It's a summer's day in Denmark and at the 
world-famous Tivoli in Copenhagen people are streaming through the gates. 
Apart from the Danes, tourists from all over come here for some fun and 
entertainment. But this visitor is no tourist, she speaks Danish and lives 
  Looking so relaxed and happy, no one would believe that for most of 
her life she'd been caught up in a spiral of violence in Africa. At only 24 
years of age, she has long lost count of those she'd seen dying in the name 
of freedom. In fact, she can't even recall how many of those she'd killed 

  It's hard to say, and I usually say to myself, 'It's not me who has 
killed them, it's the gun'. That makes it a little easier for me to go on 
with my life, she says.

  It's these horrid memories that she's now put in writing - in what's 
probably the first book of its kind, written by a former child soldier in 
Uganda. One evening about 16-years ago, an eight-year-old girl got lost in 
the bush near her home in western Uganda. She came across two men who 
offered the tired child a place to sleep. When she woke up, her whole life 
had changed.

  When I woke up there were different ages, younger than me, older 
than me. I heard kids... someone training... 'left, right, left, right'. 
That's what it was - a beautiful game. I couldn't wait to join in, she 

  It was 1984 and in Uganda the National Resistance Army of the young 
Yoweri Museveni had been fighting for three years against the tyranny that 
the country's president, Milton Obote, had unleashed upon the Ugandan 

  She soon realised that it was not beautiful and not a game: He took 
me out of the parade and asked me my name. I told him my name and he 
couldn't pronounce it and then I looked down and he said to me, 'Look at me 
you, with your small Chinese eyes'. I looked at him and then he said, 
'China left right, China left right'.

  And from that day on, her name was China: I wasn't the only one 
with China, for example. There were others with names of 'Suicide', 'Chuck 
Norris', 'Rambo', 'Strike Commando', and you feel with that name that you 
can kill the entire battalion alone.

  China had inadvertently landed herself in the NRA - an African rebel 
movement of which some soldiers were barely eight-years old. We were told 
that the gun was our mother, is our friend, is our everything, she says.

  Many of these children were orphans - their parents had been 
massacred by the Obote government's troops or thrown into jail. For five 
years, as they were progressing towards the capital, Kampala, the NRA 
simply just took these children into their ranks. And because so many of 
them were destitute, they had no other option - they had to become 

  Those taken captive by the NRA were not only tortured. Back at the 
camp the commanders would order them to dig their own graves and then they 
were told how they would be killed.

  Some of the kids wanted to practice by using a kakumbi to hit them 
on the forehead and the back of the head. That was a terrible death because 
you could see the whole forehead going inside, but the person still not 
dead. And then a stronger guy would come and finish the men, she says.

  It's hard to imagine, but the eight-year old China was exposed to 
these horrors before she took part in her first battle, at a time when she 
was still physically too small to carry a gun. What confused the child most 
was that she was feeling sorry for the enemy.

  But I had to get rid of that, somehow to say, 'I am now a killer 
because this is what I came to do here', she says.

  After surviving two major battles, China and her fellow child 
soldiers were taken into the NRA's 5th Battalion. The Entebbe International 
Airport was their next target. But first they had to cross a narrow bridge 
called Katonga - a mission many thought to be suicidal. Among the fallen on 
that day was China's best friend, a 


2003-02-13 Thread Y Yaobang

Where the comments on this from the Lutimba Matovu's et al?


Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:11:34 +


China Keitetsi's letter below raises the question of whether some NRM 
leaders might be Pedophiles. If this proves to be the case, a serious 
case could be made in The Hague to have such leaders arrested if they ever 
venture outside Uganda.

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 18:33:10 -0500

China Keitetsi; the NRM Quest to shut me up
Dear Editor,

I write to make a few comments on a commentary sent to you by Hussein 
Kashillingi that appeared in your paper sometime last week.

The government of Uganda have for some time been trying to make me keep 
quiet about my experiences as a child soldier. They have used many tricks 
in their attempt to make the world believe that my book is nothing but 
lies. After the first lies published by Government-owned News paper New 
Vision I wrote one article ( see The Monitor of 17 February 2002 ), which 
I responded to. New Vision refused to publish this article of mine, but 
The Monitor accepted to. New Vision kept on writing and I knew (of cause) 
that I am not as big as the NRM government of Uganda, who can print a new 
article every day, besides, I didn't see it necessary to reply to all the 
government machinated attempts in its quest to shut me down.

In the best of my knowledge, Afande Yoweri Museveni's government still 
uses children, just see the Global Report of 2001. January 2001 700 
children were taken from Democratic Republic of Congo to Kyankwanzi in 
Uganda for military training. UNICEF managed to rescue 163, this even 
managed to reach CNN. The way it looks here is that Afande Yoweri Museveni 
and ministers Amama Mbabazi and Nagenda have forgotten the hundreds of 
children they marched with in 1986 when taking over Kampala. If Afande 
Museveni has forgotten let me remind him of a friend of mine who was his 
bodyguard as a 9-years-old until he died: F. Kayanja. For me it is not a 
new thing. Anyone who talked ill of the NRM government is an `Adui´ 
(meaning enemy). When you are a girl or woman, they will use words such 
as: Malaya (whore) or/and a liar. Imagine your name being associated with 
such words o n a newspaper headline; maybe you will be part of the many 
who say no more. For me I cannot, because NRA (UPDF) took away my dignity, 
my childhood and much more. For this reason and for the sake of the little 
children, I will never keep quiet, I will keep on, that no child goes 
through the same long road I have walked. The NRM government cannot abuse 
me anymore. I am safe now, but there are many like the 700 kids from the 
DRC who were taken away from their country and their parents to train for 
war. This is a mark for life, a scar that I will always feel, and it can't 
be washed away. This is one of the reasons that I refuse to enjoy this 
freedom alone. No matter how many international courts the NRM government 
threaten to take me to including the Hague, I'll keep on being the free 
voice of those children still forced into wars.

I challenge Afande Museveni's Team of lawyers and ministers to bring their 
evidence to Den Hague. But remember my friends, fellow Ugandans; there 
are still a few of my comrades left who go further back in NRA history 
than me (I got there in 1984!).  They know me, as well as you. I must say 
to Afande Shaban Bantariza that I joined the NRM/A in 1984. I still wonder 
where you got the false information. I wasn't born in 1970. If you have 
read the book, then you have chosen to say the opposite. Bantariza chooses 
to forget that I rejoined the army, and that was in Nyakyishara, and not 
in Ibanda or Kamukuzi, as he happily lies. He is just like many other 
dishonest intellectuals who have been telling a lot of lies in order to 
protect their job. Just like them, Bantariza is being paid to turn the 
truth into lies. I am so scared because four ministers an d their 
ministries are after me, as if I had committed a crime against humanity. 
All I did is to tell the truth on what happened to me and other 
children-comrade. If Afande Museveni has a heart he would have appointed a 
team of lawyers and soldiers to bring the person who have been terrorising 
children for the past 17 years in the north. If anyone should be taken to 
court, it is Afande Museveni and other Afandes of NRM/A that should be 
taken to Court for having abused me and other children of my generation or 
the hundreds taken from

Re: ugnet_: Security use snakes to force confession

2003-02-13 Thread Y Yaobang

Please re-read the article. It doesnt say anywhere in the report as you say 
 .. one train a snake and a crocodile to torture a human being ... The 
message was that the NRM uses roomfulls/cages of snakes and crocs to 
threaten people. Lutimba, even you, if someone threatened to throw you into 
a cage of cobras wouldnt you wet and even take a dump in your pants?

Read this: ... He said Lt. Mugarura remained blindfolded for four nights 
before his tormentor unleashed red ants unto him. He said the man was 
finally ushered into a room with big snakes ready to bite and he accepted 
working with Besigye. ...

By the way, dont forget to respond to the China story.


From: Lutimba Matovu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Security use snakes to force confession
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 10:36:23 -0800 (PST)


Do you really believe this story? How can one train a
snake and a crocodile to torture a human being? This
is pure fantasy, and only fools believe this and even
waste time to comment on it.

The movement government has more important things to
do like stoping Kony mayhem than waste time unleashing
snakes and croco's on opponents.


--- J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Museveni's clear-headed government is the greatest
danger to democracy and freedom in Uganda today. In
its use of torture and wanton abuse of  human rights
-- in addition to total disregard of the provisions of
it's own Constitution -- there is no difference
between it and the regimes of Obote and Amin.

Totalitarianism by any name, e.g. Movement, is still
plain old dictatorship.

Original Message Follows From:
Subject: ugnet_: Security use snakes to force
confession Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 23:00:24 EST
Security use snakes to force confessions By Ssemujju
Ibrahim Nganda MPs claim even crocodiles used Security
organs are using snakes and crocodiles to make treason
suspects confess, Parliament heard yesterday. The
treatment of suspects detained in alleged torture
chambers dominated debate as Parliament resumed work
from a long Christmas and New Year holiday. Kashari MP
John Kazoora informed the House that he had received
reports that suspects are dumped into cages of snakes
and crocodiles. “As Parliament, we must do
something,” Mr. Kazoora said. Holding a copy of the
latest Uganda Human Rights Commission magazine,
Kazoora drew the attention of Speaker Edward Ssekandi
to “unconstitutional arrests and detentions that
happened during the recess”. His submission was
supported by Tororo County MP Geoffrey Ekanya. Mr.
Ekanya began on rather a low tone but turned angry and
spoke with a lot of energy when it came to arrests. He
said most of the people arrested belong to the Reform
Agenda, a political pressure group formed by
supporters of former presidential candidate Kizza
Besigye. A visibly furious Mr. Ekanya said in some
cases, the suspects' private parts are exposed before
they are tortured. Makindye East MP Michael Mabikke
got on to a rather bad start when Aruu MP Odonga Otto
suggested disciplinary action against him for bragging
about “ interfering” in Kenya elections. Mr.
Mabikke redeemed himself when he addressed himself to
the issue of torture that is allegedly going on in the
‘safe houses’. Mr. Mabikke said Ugandans had hope
in the Movement and that it is very unfortunate that
the regime is slowly following in the footsteps of
former president Idi Amin. “It has surpassed¼,”
chorused some MPs. Mr. Mabikke spoilt things for
himself again when he alleged that the 23 percent
budget cut from ministry budgets was used to buy
snakes and crocodiles. Minister of Defence Amama
Mbabazi raised a point of order and asked Speaker
Ssekandi whether Mr. Mabikke was in order to allege
that the extra budget provision extended to the
Defence ministry was for establishing cages and to
fill them with snakes. Mr. Mabikke replied by telling
Mr. Mbabazi that most “of these things happened when
the minister was busy in Kinkizi West campaigning
against himself”. Mr. Mbabazi’s supporters in
Parliament got angry with Mr. Mabikke, and the first
to protest with a point of order was Victoria
Sebagereka (Kayunga). Because no ruling had been made
about Mr. Mbabazi’s earlier point of order, hers was
simply ignored. Mr. Isa Kikungwe (Kyaddondo South)
came to the rescue of his Democratic Party colleague
and said Lt. Dan Mugarura had the worst of his life
during detention. He said Lt. Mugarura remained
blindfolded for four nights before his tormentor
unleashed red ants unto him. He said the man was
finally ushered into a room with big snakes ready to
bite and he accepted working with Besigye. Mr. Mbabazi
denied that such things were happening. He said
although he doesn’ t believe in the story, he would
investigate it. National Political Commissar Dr.
Crispus Kiyonga 

Re: ugnet_: Movement Decides On Parties March 25

2003-02-25 Thread Y Yaobang
The script is already written. The fat lady has already sang. Dictator 
Museveni, dying to be life president and realising that he could not muster 
enough local and diplomatic support to get a fith term for president under 
the monolithic MRM/NRA, now uses the only trick left - change the political 
system to multiparty (or a version of his making). That way he has two more 
5-year terms (according to his 1995 constitution).

Kids, 2016 is soon coming up, wait in line. And how old and what rank will 
Major Kaneirugaba (Museveni's son) be then? Fit to take over from his old 

Subject: ugnet_: Movement Decides On Parties March 25
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 18:38:10 EST
Movement Decides On Parties March 25

Monitor/A (Kampala)

February 25, 2003
Posted to the web February 25, 2003
Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda
The top Movement organs convene next month to debate and take a decision on
the possible return to multiparty politics.
The Movement National Conference will also choose new leaders.

President Yoweri Museveni's term as Movement chairman and that of Mr Moses
Kigongo as vice chairman expire mid this year.
This is to give notice to all members of the National Executive Committee 
the National Conference of the meeting of the 7th National Executive
Committee to take place on 25-28 March 2003 at

the National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi, reads Museveni's 

Museveni signed the instrument summoning the meeting on 20 February.

The Movement Act provides for at least two NEC meetings every year but none
was convened in 2002.
The National Executive Committee (NEC) would convene first to receive a
report on the calls to free political parties from an ad hoc committee set 
in December 2001, during a retreat at Kyankwanzi.

This followed open calls from ministers Bidandi Ssali, Eriya Kategaya and
James Wapakhabulo that it is time to free the political space.
National Political Commissar Dr Crispus Kiyonga was appointed to head the
committee, of which Mr Bidandi and Mr Kategaya are members.
Others include Attorney General Francis Ayume, Minister of State for
Parliamentary Affairs Felix Okot, Minister of State for High Education 
Akech and Maj. Roland Kakooza Mutale. The committee was given four months 
compile its report. It would then present it to Mr Museveni for onward
presentation to the NEC. Committee members thought it would be appropriate 
compile their report after discussions with Mr Museveni but the president
didn't find time to meet them in 2002.

The president this year found time and has since reportedly met the 
at least three times.

Sources close to the committee said that a final meeting would be convened 
adopt the report, which would again be officially presented to Mr Museveni.

Museveni would then present the report to the NEC.

NEC members would debate it and if adopted recommend it to the National
According to the instruments Mr Museveni signed, the Movement National
Conference would convene in Kampala between March 29-31.
Mr Kiyonga issued a press release yesterday announcing that the Movement
Secretariat has started sending out the necessary documents to Movement
Presentation of the ad hoc committee report is item number 6 on the NEC
Mr Museveni will also deliver a keynote address to both the NEC and 

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Re: ugnet_: BBC News E-mail: Kenya frees death row inmates

2003-02-25 Thread Y Yaobang
Ed Kironde,

When shall we free those being tortured/suffering/dying in Museveni's Uganda 
safe houses and other jails?


From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: BBC News E-mail: Kenya frees death row inmates
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 01:31 +
Ed Kironde saw this story on BBC News Online and thought you should see it.


*Kenya frees death row inmates*
The Kenyan Government  releases 28 prisoners on death row and commutes
the death sentence of 195 others to life in prison.

BBC Daily E-mail
Choose the news and sport headlines you want - when you want them, all in 
one daily e-mail

Disclaimer: The BBC is not responsible for the content of this e-mail, and 
anything said in this e-mail does not necessarily reflect the BBC's views.

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Re: ugnet_: MPs confirm snake torture in safe houses

2003-02-26 Thread Y Yaobang
This is dictator Museveni's reptilian culture of violence! What does Mr. 
Lutimba Matovu say to this now?

From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: MPs confirm snake torture in safe houses
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 06:42:28 +

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*


MPs confirm snake torture in ‘safe houses’
By Ssemujju Ibrahim NgandaMembers of Parliament who last week visited prisoners at Kigo Prison have confirmed allegations that security personnel use snakes and red ants to extract confessions from suspects.The MPs on the Parliamentary committee on Defence and Internal Affairs visited Kigo Prison off Entebbe Road on 19 February and interviewed prisoners, mostly those on treason charges.Mr Joseph Kule Muranga (Busongora North) led the parliamentary team. The committee chairman Simon Mayende did not accompany the delegation. The committee went to Kigo Prison following allegations by some MPs in the House that they had received reports that snakes, crocodiles and red ants are unleashed on prisoners to force them to confess.“Some of the prisoners said they were badly tortured. Two of them showed me their testicles which they claimed were smashed,” committee member Mr Harry Kasigwa told The Monitor yesterday. Kasigwa is MP for Jinja Municipality W!
 est.He said some of the prisoners had scars on their buttocks, which showed that they had been seriously caned.“One of them said his buttocks were knifed,” the MP said. He said some prisoners told the committee that security agencies pierced their nails with pins. “One of them had a panga [machete] cut in his head,” Mr Kasigwa said.He said prisoners claimed that 461 inmates were at one time kept in an underground prison in Makindye army barracks.But Army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza dismissed that claim. He said MPs have the powers under the law to access any Defence installations. He said they should photograph those inmates and move a motion in Parliament.Mr Kasigwa said inmates Wilson Kyaligonza and Nicholas Ruzinda had wounds.He said Lt. Dan Mugarura told the committee that he was blindfolded after his arrest and was dumped inside a ‘safe house’ (ungazetted detention centres). He said Mugarura told the MPs that he was once put !
 in a room full of red ants and later in another one where ther!
e was a 
snake.Mr Kasigwa said the chairman of Bugantira LC-III in Gulu was also severely tortured.He said a woman called Lagulu, who was picked with 19 others from Gulu Prison by the army, said she was sexually abused while in Gulu army barracks.Maj. Bantariza refuted all these claims. He said if the army wanted to torture people it wouldn’t use such primitive methods.Treason suspects who were transferred from Gulu to Kigo told the committee that while in Gulu they used a single basin as a urinal, toilet and food utensil.There are 98 treason suspects at Kigo and 104 others who were arrested by Operation Wembley soldiers. “Wembley suspects are the most tortured,” Mr Kasigwa said.In total there are 720 prisoners at Kigo but the prison was constructed to accommodate 420.Aswa MP Ronald Reagan Okumu, who has been following the case of Gulu treason suspects, said the inmates had told him of these horrible stories.The committee will make its report t!
 his week and table it before Parliament.February 25, 2003 12:14:09


“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of bad people but also for the appalling silence of good people". M.L.King

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---End Message---

Re: ugnet_: [Ugandacom] Museveni Promotes Officers

2003-02-26 Thread Y Yaobang
Good questions to our brother Matovu. Museveni is like Amin, if not worse! 
Amin made himself Field Mrshall, Museveni made himself Lt. General. Is this 
military mastarbation? That's what it is, mastarbation. Now Museveni has 
done a notch better than Amin. Museveni has promoted his son. Now that's I'd 
call incestual military mastarbation.

Not even Gaddafi has promoted himself?

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: [Ugandacom] Museveni Promotes Officers
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 19:45:11 -0500
Mwaami Matovu

It does not help you to call me stupid when you have not understood the
question. You see I am trying my best to see that you do not embarrass your
self again, as you came into the forum and called the claims of snakes in
the safe houses a stupid statement. So let us go slow here my Ugandan
friend. Museveni, Your president, is a Lt. General, and a commander in 
of the UPDF. But having stated that, my question was and still is Who
commissioned a man Yoweri Museveni to be a commissioned officer? This is a
very simple question, he can promote all of them as I can as well promote
you now to be a Captain. That is all I want to know. Who commissioned
Museveni in the armed forces?
Matovu answer my question, don't be like Mwaami Kigundu who made 
on my posting and then moderated my response, to the effect that it was 
received by those on Ugandacom. Yet in his Blab Blab he stated that Uganda
has allot of news for there is no limit, any one can write what he/she
They are very strange days indeed, to see how our fellow Baganda treat us.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy
 Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy 

- Original Message -
From: Lutimba Matovu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] Museveni Promotes Officers

 Don't expose your stupidity. Museveni apart from being
 a Lt.General is also commander in chief of the UPDF.

 The constitution also empowers him to promote, demote
 and expell any soldier or officer of the UPDF.

 --- Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But how can Museveni a non commissioned officer,
  commission officers?
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
  With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy
   Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
   avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy 
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 6:51 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Museveni Promotes Officers
As if to say this newly appointed officers will
  save Museveni  neck!
Museveni Promotes Officers
The Monitor (Kampala)
February 24, 2003
Posted to the web February 25, 2003
Alex B. Atuhaire
President Yoweri Museveni has promoted 69 army
  officers, including Leo Kyanda, the commanding
  officer of the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB).
The PGB is the former Presidential Protection Unit
  (PPU), which was recently upgraded to a full
The promotions include four majors elevated to
  lieutenant colonel, 54 captains elevated to major
  and 11 lieutenants elevated to captain.
Army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza confirmed the
  promotions yesterday but declined to give details.
Lt. Col. Kyanda, who is abroad on a course, was
  promoted alongside three other majors; Timothy
  Sabiiti, Kimbowa and Paul L'Okech. Lt. Col. Kimbowa
  is the acting commander of the PGB.
Also promoted is President Museven's son, who now
  becomes Maj. Muhoozi Kainerugaba. The former captain
  recently returned from further military training in
  Egypt. He is now in charge of the PGB's motorised
Nuwe Kyepaka, formerly a captain, has been
  promoted to Major. Maj. Kyepaka, a long time aide to
  Army Commander Maj. Gen. James Kazini, is now the
  officer in charge of operations and training in the
  Military Police.
Maj. Kyepaka recently trained in Egypt with Maj.
  Muhoozi Kainerugaba. Other newly promoted majors are
  David Lumumba, O. Buturo, Felix Nyero, Kabanda,
  James Kateera, Otim, Pande and Sunday. Maj. Lumumba,
  formerly the intelligence officer for the 2 Division
  in Mbarara, is reportedly the new director of
  counter intelligence at the Chieftaincy of Military
  Intelligence (CMI), a post formerly held by Maj.
Maj. Buturo has been re-assigned to head another
  CMI directorate.
Maj. Kateera, formerly the PPU intelligence
  officer, has been re-assigned as officer in charge
  of training and operations in the PGB.
Maj. Nyero is the commanding officer for 


2003-02-28 Thread Y Yaobang
Ed Kironde,
Talking about e-mail, what happened to your buddy Mr. Lutimba Matovu. He has 
kept quiet over the denial statements he made about snake/croc tortures by 
the Museveni dictatorship. And while we are at it, what about the reported 
denials by Kigongo, the vice-chair of the NRM/NRA, that dictator Museveni 
had not allowed party politics (it was all media hype).

Tell us the truth; you seemed to know all before!

From: Ed Kironde [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 11:45:17 -0700
When you talk of updates, many of E-mail addresses of our Hon members do
not work.  Good many of them have bounced back.  Some of them, when
their accounts were configured, they may not have ever signed in to be
prompted to change their passwords and the period may have lapsed.
The other issue, changing servers does not necessarily mean that you
E-mail account changes.  Changing providers, your E-mail goes – though
these days you can pay a fee to have your –personal E-mail for life.
-Original Message-
Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 1:53 AM
Importance: High

I have decided to put  note on what many of us have taken for granted,
an E-mail address, or Electronic address, for we have failed to
understand how important it is to the people who communicate with us.
Good as technology has become, we are still having a problem of changing
a server and we maintain the old Email address. That is why they all end
up with @ at something, that some thing is the provider of your E-mail
address. Now many times we change these servers due to several reasons,
companies go under belly, we get better services or we even get cheaper
services. The moment we change them, our E-mail addresses change.
Now this is the problem we are finding in Uganda E-mail users, and it
does not matter whether they are companies, Government offices, travel
agents, or even government ministers. When they change a server they do
not alert the people who communicate with them. And it is not necessary
to send a note to every body that you have changed the address, but if
your E-mail address is on a permanent list, a list which you know that
we go to, please by all means change it. It is very absurd when you go
to a permanent page like Uganda Pages, a page where I am supposed to
find current information on Uganda companies, and find that all travel
agents which are on Uganda Pages, at least 80% of them have dead E-mail
addresses. When you call the travel agent and ask them why their E-mail
address is bad then she tells you how you have a wrong one, but mom I
got it from Uganda Home pages?
Why do I have to go to a list of Uganda government, and three quarters
of MP's email addresses are wrong? As we speak how many Minister's
E-mail addresses are good today? And I take it that some MP knows that
his/her E-mail address is on the Uganda Government page and that is
where we all go to look for them. People computers have a thing called
address, and they all go into that thing, why are the ones in Uganda the
only ones we can not depend on?
Please note, that because our communicating with people is important for
example here, Simpatico is giving better deals these days, but I can not
change from my server, for I have been with him for such a long time and
my E-mail address is all over the place. So if it is looking for cheaper
ones, please sacrifice those little Uganda Shillings and stay where you
are. But most of all, if you know that your address is on a permanent
list please up date it.
And can some one from Uganda Government get off their butt and up date
that page for crying out loud, or we still need some one from World Bank
to do it for us?
Talk about strange days.
Edward Mulindwa
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy
 Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy 
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2003-06-06 Thread Y Yaobang

Museveni should sack himself, since:

...Museveni has ... himself been accused by U.N. officials of involvement 
in the illegal exploitation of the Democratic Republic of Congo's natural 
wealth. ...

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 18:52:31 -0400

KAMPALA, June 6 (Reuters) - Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni sacked his 
army commander on Friday, removing a figure accused by United Nations 
experts of playing a key role in the plundering of Congo's natural 

Museveni has faced pressure from aid donors to tackle corrupt officials and 
has himself been accused by U.N. officials of involvement in the illegal 
exploitation of the Democratic Republic of Congo's natural wealth.

A statement from Museveni's office said Major-General James Kazini, who was 
appointed in November 2001, would be replaced by Major-General Aronda 

The president has promoted Brigadier Aronda Nyakairima to Major-General 
and appointed him the new army commander of the Uganda People's Defence 
Forces, the statement said.

A report issued last year by U.N. experts on looting in the mineral-rich 
Congo named Kazini as one of the key figures in an elite Ugandan network it 
accused of pillaging gold, diamonds, timber and other commodities.

The report, which followed a similar U.N. investigation published in 2001, 
accused members of the Ugandan, Rwandan and Zimbabwean armed forces of 
involvement in the plunder.

Officials in the three country's have denied the charges. Museveni has 
dismissed allegations by U.N. investigators that he was involved.

A Ugandan probe to investigate the U.N. charges said in May it had 
exonerated Museveni, but recommended that Kazini and Museveni's 
sister-in-law be investigated in connection with alleged diamond smuggling 
in the Congo.

Congo's war, now gradually subsiding, began in 1998 when Rwanda and Uganda 
invaded eastern Congo to help rebel groups fight the Kinshasa government, 
which was propped up by troops from Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia.

The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
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Re: ugnet_: Hate malwa groups if you fear free speech

2003-05-27 Thread Y Yaobang
So every muganda should sing, Akalulu ka Museveni yekka!.
From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Hate malwa groups if you fear free speech
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 20:11:47 -0400

At least Museveni loves Baganda, for now we are very powerful in Uganda. It 
does not matter what you say about him. This is a man who gave us the 
kingdoms back, he is soon giving us Federalism and he has killed very many 
Northerners who are the political problem of Uganda. And we must continue 
to be on the bus singing Museveni Oye !!! Ffe kasita twebaka. This is not a 
right time to abandon him.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: J Ssemakula
  Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 8:03 PM
  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Hate malwa groups if you fear free speech
  These days Mu7's maxim seems to be:

  If I need your opinion, I'll give it to you.

  (who said that?)

  Original Message Follows
  From: gook makanga
  Subject: ugnet_: Hate malwa groups if you fear free speech
  Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 23:21:15 +
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ugnet_: VP Bukenya talks

2003-05-31 Thread Y Yaobang
What a disgusting statement from Uganda's VP-elect:

“I will support Museveni like it or not. Museveni has moulded me, he has 
taught me politics, he is my political mentor and I cannot leave him. Where 
would I go if I decided to leave Museveni?”


I Started 3rd Term Talk, Says Bukenya

By Edris Kisambira
VICE President Prof. Gilbert Bukenya said yesterday that he initiated the 
third-term talk and he cannot stop it.

Speaking in Luganda at Kakiri at the launch of a Euros1.1m food security 
project, Bukenya said, “Nze natandika okwogera ku kisanja ekyokusatu, ate 
nyinza ntya okutandika okugaana abantu oku’kyogerako? (I initiated the third 
term talk, how can I then come out and try to stop it?).”

Bukenya, who hosted the European Union (EU), Italian and Chinese ambassadors 
was reacting to a lead story in The Monitor newspaper of Friday that said he 
had stopped people from agitating for a third term for President Yoweri 
Museveni. “Yesterday (Thursday) we were in Namayumba launching a new malaria 
drug. I did not mention anything to do with the third term but The Monitor 
has come out with a story that is contrary to what happened. The Monitor’s 
headline today should have been like . Bukenya launches new malaria 
drug,” he said.

“Writing wrong sensational news is what is going to bring us trouble. 
Newspapers should not write headlines to disturb and cause us problems. If 
there is nothing to write about, nothing should be written. I think it was 
confusing, and could result into divisions in the country.” Ambassadors 
Sigurd Illing, Li Qiangmin and Maurizio Teucci were present.
Bukenya spoke passionately about Museveni saying that he is stuck with 
Museveni and that he will never forsake him for whatever reason.

“I will support Museveni like it or not. Museveni has moulded me, he has 
taught me politics, he is my political mentor and I cannot leave him. Where 
would I go if I decided to leave Museveni?”

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ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?

2003-06-01 Thread Y Yaobang
Finally, some gallant officers are asking questions. What took you so long?
Speak out louder, or else you'll be finished like ensenene, one by one!!
Who is murdering UPDF officers?
We appreciate the efforts by the army leadership to investigate and expose 
the mysterious thefts, murders and scandals involving the army, especially 
the recently released reports on Commissions of Inquiry into the murder of 
Father Declan O'Toole, Junk Choppers and the Potter Commission on Congo. But 
there are other issues that the army and the public wish to know more. For 
instance, in March 2001, Tito Abiriga, formerly an officer attached to 
Military Police hailing from Arua, was shot by 'unknown gunmen' at Natete. 
Investigations into this incidence have never been conclusive, yet some of 
us seem to see much more that the ordinary eye can see. In 2001 again, Lt. 
Makoko, also of Military Police, was shot and killed at his home in Busega. 
To date, nothing is known about his killing, yet there indeed is a lot to be 
exposed. In the 1990's, Lt. Shalita, attached to ISO was shot in a pub in 
Bukoto. This was a very well publicised incident, but not much came out of 
the investigations. But more importantly, Lt.Atwoki Baguma, a close friend 
of the three dead officers, mysteriously disappeared, and his whereabouts 
are not known. Is it by coincidence that close UPDF officers are shot, 
killed and then one of them disappears? Can the army leadership come out and 
explain these situations?
Concerned Army Officers,

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Re: ugnet_: Re: [CONGOTRIBUNE] Museveni loves power more than Obote-Sabiiti -Monitor

2003-06-01 Thread Y Yaobang
Akalulu ka Obote yeka!

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Re: [CONGOTRIBUNE] Museveni loves power more than 
Obote-Sabiiti - Monitor
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 21:52:33 -0400

 Yet he speaketh every day.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Mulindwa Edward
  Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 9:49 PM
  Subject: [CONGOTRIBUNE] Museveni loves power more than Obote-Sabiiti - 

  Way early in the 80's I said that by the time Uganda gets out of the 
Mr. Itwe Twarile Twatunga Obwogyerero crisis, Obote will have the last 
laugh. Here we are his name coming up again.
  How powerful is selling an idea, Obote's idea to Ugandans has kept on 
speaking for him, for as much as he has said nothing in all these years, 
yet he spiked every day.


  The Mulindwas Communication Group
  With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
  avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  - Original Message -
  From: Omar Kezimbira
  Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 1:56 PM
  Subject: ugnet_: Museveni loves power more than Obote-Sabiiti - Monitor
  Museveni loves power more than Obote - Sabiiti
  By Henry H. Ssali
  Posted June 1, 2003-Monitor
The MP for Rukiga County, Jack Sabiiti, has accused President 
Yoweri Museveni of being more power hungry than former President Milton 
Obote is.
Mr Sabiiti was speaking at a public debate at Makerere 
University's Nkrumah Hall on Friday. It was organised by the youth wing of 
Reform Agenda, a political pressure group headed by exiled former 
presidential candidate, Dr Kizza Besigye.

Mr Sabiiti said Mr Museveni wants a third term though he does not 
speak about it himself.

When you hear Rwomushana, Ofwono Opondo, the Movement Secretariat 
and NEC (National Executive Committee) asking for third term; who is doing 
it? It is Museveni, he said.

Mr Sabiiti denied press reports that he had quit the movement. I 
did not state that I had quit the Movement, he said.

He however regretted having supported Mr Museveni to come to 
power. All my years have been wasted. I apologise because what Museveni is 
doing is not what we fought for, he lamented.

The MP was opposed to the third term. He said: I request the man 
I helped come into power to desist from changing the constitution. Of 
course there are areas where change should be done, but not on the third 
term, he said.

The constitution limits a president to serve two five-year terms.

The MP for Aswa County, Mr Reagan Okumu said the Reformists were 
not worried about the third term.

We can always beat him if he stands as long as the ground is 
level, he said, adding Our Reform Agenda chairman Dr Besigye will return 
to Uganda as soon we have cleared a few things.

The function was also used to inaugurate the Reform Agenda youth 

  © 2003 The Monitor Publications


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2003-06-01 Thread Y Yaobang
NRM is an old dog that should have been put away by the SPCA long time ago!!


From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 20:10:00 -0400

Prof. Dani W. Nabudere
Posted June 1- 6, 2003
The habit to monopolise power by the NRM has infected it with an incurable 
disease called political correctness, which informs all its actions and 
inactions. From this incurable disease, all are judged to be backward, 
correct, or primitive.
President Yoweri Museveni

The idea that the Movement System was the solution to Uganda's political 
problems of sectarianism, tribal and religious divisions has indeed 
been discredited. The NRM used this false political reasoning to try to 
entrench itself as the sole political player in the country, knowing fully 
well it would not work.

That is why they tried to put roadblocks in the activities of political 
parties, which they feared would create an opposition to some of their 
policies on the ground that their legitimate political activities would 
confuse the people.

The people were assumed to be ignorant and incapable of making judgement on 
issues that affected their lives. That is why it was assumed that by 
creating a broad-based, all-inclusive political structure, the correct 
political line of the NRM leaders would take care of their interests.

Yet the same Movement went to them and asked them to vote for their 
candidates and president, whose manifesto was a complex, neo-liberal 
document. They were assumed to be backward and pre-industrial in 
mentality, yet they were expected to endorse a complex neo-liberal economic 

Therefore the lie, that once the NRM was entrenched in power all problems, 
which the past regimes had created would go away, has proved unfounded.

For one thing, the same people have begun to sing the song that the World 
Bank and the IMF had misled the NRM in accepting neo-liberal economic 
projects, while at the same time, the same people who are complaining are 
being invited to Washington to be honoured for embracing once more the 
same neo-liberal economic projects such as the AGOA! Yet these honours 
and rewards for co-operating with the US in the fight against terrorism 
is part of the global pact to enrich the rich and impoverish the poor all 
the time. This is what globalisation has come to mean, and which NRM 
embraced so that they may be able to rule indefinitely.

But time has changed and all the lies are coming out for all of us to see. 
Now that these lies are being exposed, new lies and manipulations are being 
hatched to keep the people of Uganda in bondage; imprisoned in 
authoritarian political systems that serve these global political forces to 
the detriment of the interests of Ugandans. The lie is still maintained 
that we are too backward to understand the complexities of multiparty 
politics and that the only way we can get out of this wretched situation is 
for the NRM with its global linkages to create a middle class out of 
corruption, plunder and abuse.

The result is there for us to see in the poverty stricken Uganda 
countryside and Bunia in the DRC. No thank you! The backward Ugandans 
have said NO to these manipulations from a Movement that cannot even 
respect its own leaders who are referred to as spokes in the wheels of a 
monopolistic system. It renders these leaders powerless. They have to 
continually wriggle their hands into submission, to the dictates of those 
who know best, in order to be accommodated once again to the high table 
from katebes where they are pushed into submission.

The habit of monopolising power by the NRM has also infected it with an 
incurable disease called political correctness, which informs all its 
actions and inactions. From this incurable disease, all are judged to be 
correct, or primitive. This has rendered the movement incapable of 
and managing conflicts even within its own ranks. That is when the hens 
come home to roost.

This disease of intolerance of other points of view, embedded in the 
militaristic approach to politics in this country, is what has multiplied 
conflicts inside Uganda and neighbouring countries. Even some donors who 
first praised us as the beacon of light on the African continent are 
beginning to see this tragedy in Congo.

The disease of intolerance has also infected the way the NRM is going 
about, to turn itself into a political party. It is this 
monopolistic-militaristic attitude that cannot even allow free expression 
of opinions in the formation of a new organisation. The disease cannot 
allow freedom of association and freedom of self-determination to operate 
even within its own ranks.

It cannot allow the idea of NRM being a 

Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?

2003-06-03 Thread Y Yaobang
J  Ssemakula,

This was a letter to the editor of The Monitor of May 30th or 31st. For the 
record, I dont belong to dictator Museveni's UPDF - and never will - and 
thus did not 'pen it [the letter]'.

Why, are you ESO?

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 20:07:33 +
Mr. Y,

what is the souce of this note: did you pen it?

Original Message Follows
From: Y Yaobang
Subject: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 17:34:00 +
Finally, some gallant officers are asking questions. What took you so long?
Speak out louder, or else you'll be finished like ensenene, one by one!!
Who is murdering UPDF officers?
We appreciate the efforts by the army leadership to investigate and expose 
the mysterious thefts, murders and scandals involving the army, especially 
the recently released reports on Commissions of Inquiry into the murder of 
Father Declan O'Toole, Junk Choppers and the Potter Commission on Congo. But 
there are other issues that the army and the public wish to know more. For 
instance, in March 2001, Tito Abiriga, formerly an officer attached to 
Military Police hailing from Arua, was shot by 'unknown gunmen' at Natete. 
Investigations into this incidence have never been conclusive, yet some of 
us seem to see much more that the ordinary eye can see. In 2001 again, Lt. 
Makoko, also of Military Police, was shot and killed at his home in Busega. 
To date, nothing is known about his killing, yet there indeed is a lot to be 
exposed. In the 1990's, Lt. Shalita, attached to ISO was shot in a pub in 
Bukoto. This was a very well publicised incident, but not much came out of 
the investigations. But more importantly, Lt.Atwoki Baguma, a close friend 
of the three dead officers, mysteriously disappeared, and his whereabouts 
are not known. Is it by coincidence that close UPDF officers are shot, 
killed and then one of them disappears? Can the army leadership come out and 
explain these situations?
Concerned Army Officers,

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Mr. Y,
what is the souce of this note: did you pen it?
Original Message Follows 
From: "Y Yaobang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers? 
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 17:34:00 + 

Finally, some gallant officers are asking questions. What took you so long? 
Speak out louder, or else you'll be finished like ensenene, one by one!! 

Who is murdering UPDF officers? 

We appreciate the efforts by the army leadership to investigate and expose the mysterious thefts, murders and scandals involving the army, especially the recently released reports on Commissions of Inquiry into the murder of Father Declan O'Toole, Junk Choppers and the Potter Commission on Congo. But there are other issues that the army and the public wish to know more. For instance, in March 2001, Tito Abiriga, formerly an officer attached to Military Police hailing from Arua, was shot by 'unknown gunmen' at Natete. Investigations into this incidence have never been conclusive, yet some of us seem to see much more that the ordinary eye can see. In 2001 again, Lt. Makoko, also of Military Police, was shot and killed at his home in Busega. To date, nothing is known about his killing, yet there indeed is a lot to be exposed. In the 1990's, Lt. Shalita, attached to ISO was shot in a pub in Bukoto. This was a very well publicised incident, but not much came out of the 
 investigations. But more importantly, Lt.Atwoki Baguma, a close friend of the three dead officers, mysteriously disappeared, and his whereabouts are not known. Is it by coincidence that close UPDF officers are shot, killed and then one of them disappears? Can the army leadership come out and explain these situations? 
Concerned Army Officers, 


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---End Message---

Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?

2003-06-05 Thread Y Yaobang
J Ssemakula,
I'll definitely do that next time.

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 16:10:05 +
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

It is good netiquette to quote one's sources, especially if they happen to be public. ESO? Use your imagination, if possible.
Original Message Follows 
From: "Y Yaobang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers? 
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 02:51:06 + 

J Ssemakula, 

This was a letter to the editor of The Monitor of May 30th or 31st. For the record, I dont belong to dictator Museveni's UPDF - and never will - and thus did not 'pen it [the letter]'. 

Why, are you ESO? 

From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers? 
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 20:07:33 + 
Mr. Y, 

what is the souce of this note: did you pen it? 

Original Message Follows 
From: "Y Yaobang" 
Subject: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers? 
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 17:34:00 + 
Finally, some gallant officers are asking questions. What took you so long? 
Speak out louder, or else you'll be finished like ensenene, one by one!! 
Who is murdering UPDF officers? 
We appreciate the efforts by the army leadership to investigate and expose the mysterious thefts, murders and scandals involving the army, especially the recently released reports on Commissions of Inquiry into the murder of Father Declan O'Toole, Junk Choppers and the Potter Commission on Congo. But there are other issues that the army and the public wish to know more. For instance, in March 2001, Tito Abiriga, formerly an officer attached to Military Police hailing from Arua, was shot by 'unknown gunmen' at Natete. Investigations into this incidence have never been conclusive, yet some of us seem to see much more that the ordinary eye can see. In 2001 again, Lt. Makoko, also of Military Police, was shot and killed at his home in Busega. To date, nothing is known about his killing, yet there indeed is a lot to be exposed. In the 1990's, Lt. Shalita, attached to ISO was shot in a pub in Bukoto. This was a very well publicised incident, but not much came out of the investigations. But more importantly, Lt.Atwoki Baguma, a close friend of the three dead officers, mysteriously disappeared, and his whereabouts are not known. Is it by coincidence that close UPDF officers are shot, killed and then one of them disappears? Can the army leadership come out and explain these situations? 
Concerned Army Officers, 
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*. 

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* 
Add photos to your messages with  MSN 8.  Get 2 months FREE*.

---End Message---

Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?

2003-06-05 Thread Y Yaobang

I have already  indicated to Ssemakula that indeed I should have referenced 
the article.
In your previous case, the dates of references posted were embedded in the 
postings, but you never bothered to look carefully.

Thank you for nothing!

From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 16:44:05 +

this is the sort of problem I was pointing out to you (in order to avoid 
confusion) when you were making funny remarks about my request to a netter 
to give details about an article. It seems you haven't learned a thing.


Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 02:51:06 +
J  Ssemakula,

This was a letter to the editor of The Monitor of May 30th or 31st. For 
the record, I dont belong to dictator Museveni's UPDF - and never will - 
and thus did not 'pen it [the letter]'.

Why, are you ESO?

From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 20:07:33 +
Mr. Y,

what is the souce of this note: did you pen it?

Original Message Follows
From: Y Yaobang
Subject: ugnet_: Who is murdering UPDF officers?
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 17:34:00 +
Finally, some gallant officers are asking questions. What took you so 
Speak out louder, or else you'll be finished like ensenene, one by one!!
Who is murdering UPDF officers?
We appreciate the efforts by the army leadership to investigate and expose 
the mysterious thefts, murders and scandals involving the army, especially 
the recently released reports on Commissions of Inquiry into the murder of 
Father Declan O'Toole, Junk Choppers and the Potter Commission on Congo. 
But there are other issues that the army and the public wish to know more. 
For instance, in March 2001, Tito Abiriga, formerly an officer attached to 
Military Police hailing from Arua, was shot by 'unknown gunmen' at Natete. 
Investigations into this incidence have never been conclusive, yet some of 
us seem to see much more that the ordinary eye can see. In 2001 again, Lt. 
Makoko, also of Military Police, was shot and killed at his home in 
Busega. To date, nothing is known about his killing, yet there indeed is a 
lot to be exposed. In the 1990's, Lt. Shalita, attached to ISO was shot in 
a pub in Bukoto. This was a very well publicised incident, but not much 
came out of the investigations. But more importantly, Lt.Atwoki Baguma, a 
close friend of the three dead officers, mysteriously disappeared, and his 
whereabouts are not known. Is it by coincidence that close UPDF officers 
are shot, killed and then one of them disappears? Can the army leadership 
come out and explain these situations?
Concerned Army Officers,

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Re: ugnet_: Fwd: Andrew Mwenda's opinion

2003-06-08 Thread Y Yaobang
Andrew Mwenda stated:
... President Museveni and the Movement have done a lot for Uganda; 
reconstructing an almost collapsed state, rebuilding a shattered economy, 
restoring political sanity and recasting Uganda's international image from a 
pariah state to a nation with a proud people. ...

What a pile of bull shit!

Is Mwenda planning to be the next press sec after Ms Karoro?

From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Fwd: Andrew Mwenda's opinion
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2003 20:01:33 +
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"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 

Original Message Follows 

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Re: ugnet_: Fwd: Darlington Sakwa on Bidandi Ssali

2003-06-07 Thread Y Yaobang
Who really is Darlington Sakwa?

From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Fwd: Darlington Sakwa on Bidandi Ssali
Date: Sat, 07 Jun 2003 19:46:08 +
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Re: ugnet_: MUSEVENI IN THE WHITE HOUSE (click on photos to enlarge)

2003-06-11 Thread Y Yaobang


So, where are the pics of the ceremony to award/crown dictator Museveni by 
Bush?  Nothing!

From: Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: MUSEVENI IN THE WHITE HOUSE (click on photos to enlarge)
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 18:38:52 -0400

 U.S. President George W. Bush smiles toward first lady Laura Bush and 
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (L) during a performance by the Watoto 
Children's Choir of Uganda in the Rose Garden of the White House, June 10, 
2003. The performance followed an Oval Office meeting between Bush and 
Museveni. The choir, consisting of children orphaned by HIV /AIDS or 
conflict, is touring the U.S., Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom to 
raise money for housing for other orphans in Uganda. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
  Reuters - Jun 10 5:55 PM


 U.S. first lady Laura Bush walks into the White House with children 
of the Watoto Children's Chior of Uganda, after they performed in the Rose 
Garden, June 10, 2003. Their performance followed an Oval Office meeting 
between President George W. Bush and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. The 
choir, consisting of children orphaned by HIV /AIDS or conflict, is touring 
the U.S., Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom to raise money for 
housing for other orphans in Uganda. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
  Reuters - Jun 10 5:48 PM


 President Bush , right, and first lady Laura Bush, left, help seat 
the President of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, center, before the start of 
the performance of the Watoto Children's Choir of Uganda in the Rose Garden 
of the White House Tuesday June 10, 2003 in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo 
Martinez Monsivais)
  AP - Jun 10 5:41 PM


 President Bush , right, listens to the President of Uganda Yoweri 
Kaguta Museveni, left, before the start of their meeting in the Oval Office 
of the White House Tuesday June 10, 2003 in Washington. Bush is letting 
Israel know he's not happy with today's Israeli attack in Gaza. Bush says 
he worries it will bring more violence. But, he says he's 'determined to 
keep the process on the road to peace.' Israel's attempt to kill a Hamas 
leader today has sparked fury among Palestinians. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez 
  AP - Jun 10 5:41 PM


 A member of the Watoto Children's Choir of Uganda reaches out to 
touch the flowers as he walk down the West Wing Colonnade accompanied by 
first lady Laura Bush after their performance in the Rose Garden of the 
White House Tuesday June 10, 2003 in Washington. The choir consist boys and 
girls ages 6-12 who have been orphaned by HIV /AIDS or conflict. (AP 
Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
  AP - Jun 10 5:41 PM


 First lady Laura Bush looks out into the Rose Garden of the White 
House as she waits for her husband's arrival before the start of the 
performance by the Watoto Children's Choir of Uganda Tuesday June 10, 2003 
in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
  AP - Jun 10 5:42 PM


 U.S. President George W. Bush shakes hands with Ugandan President 
Yoweri Museveni in the Oval Office of the White House, June 10, 2003. After 
the meeting, the two leaders enjoyed a performance by the Uganda Children's 
Choir in the Rose Garden. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
  Reuters - Jun 10 5:28 PM


 President Bush shakes hands as he greets the members of the Watoto 
Children's Choir of Uganda after their performance in the Rose Garden of 
the White House Tuesday June 10, 2003 in Washington. The choir consist boys 
and girls ages 6-12 who have been orphaned by HIV /AIDS or conflict. (AP 
Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
  AP - Jun 10 5:15 PM


 President Bush address members of the media before the start of his 
meeting with the President of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in the Oval 
Office of the White House Tuesday June 10, 2003 in Washington. Bush is 
letting Israel know he's not happy with today's Israeli attack in Gaza. 
Bush says he worries it will bring more violence. But, he says he's 
'determined to keep the process on the road to peace.' Israel's attempt to 
kill a Hamas leader today has sparked fury among Palestinians. (AP 
Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
  AP - Jun 10 5:16 PM



ugnet_: Third-term stamp

2003-06-17 Thread Y Yaobang
This stamp is supposed to be  ... a dedication to all the children of 
Uganda   BULL SHIT.
There are better ways to select a Ugandan child  than this nonsensical 

Posta launches Princess Katrina stamps
By Patrick Onyango
June 17, 2003
Posta Uganda yesterday launched three new stamps honouring Princess 
Katrina-Sarah Ssangalyambogo of Buganda.

The stamp is a dedication to all the children of Uganda, company officials 

The princess was chosen to promote the cause, in recognition of her mother – 
Nnabagereka Slyvia Nagginda’s work.

The Nnabagereka is the patron of the Christian Children’s Fund.

The stamp is in three denominations.

The stamp for Shs 400 features Princess Katrina in front of the Bulange 
(Buganda parliament). The stamp for Shs 1,200 features her in front of the 
Twekobe, the palace of the Kabaka at Mengo.

The Shs 1,400 stamp features the princess in front of a man playing a royal 
drum that always accompanies the Kabaka of Buganda during his official 

Launching the stamps at the General Post Office in Kampala yesterday, the 
Nnabagereka said that she is delighted that Posta Uganda decided to issue 
the stamps not only to honour Princess Katrina but all Uganda’s children, 
who have for long been denied a voice.

She said that the new stamps are culturally important to Buganda and they 
would help to display its vast heritage.

Posta Uganda launched the stamp in part to commemorate Princess Katrina’s 
second birthday.

She was born on 4 July 2001.

The chairman of the board of directors of Posta Uganda, Mr Patrick Kabonero, 
said that management has invested heavily in recruiting new staff and 
training in leadership skills, sales, and marketing.

The acting managing director, Ms Sarah Kiyingi Kaweesa, said that Posta 
Uganda is associating with the Nnabagereka because of her inspirational role 
in uplifting the life of the children.

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ugnet_: Rebel group breaks out in Teso?

2003-06-19 Thread Y Yaobang
from radio simba:
Rebel group breaks out in Teso
A new Rebel group is feared to have emerged in parts of Teso sub region .The 
group identified by sources as the Union For Democracy is suspected to have 
ganged up with Joseph Kony’s LRA .

The group whose Leaders have not yet gone public have submitted a hand 
written letter to Government through the state Minister for Disaster 
Preparedness Christine Aporu.

When called for verification Thursday afternoon the Minister’s phone was 
off. However Kumi county MP Amuriat Oboi Patrick says there is growing fear 
in Teso.

Army spokesman Shaban Bantariza says the UPDF is not scared, because it has 
the capacity to deal with any submissive group.

He noted that any body who forms a rebel group at a time when political 
space is being opened up is mad, because he should instead form a political 
party in order to compete for political power.

Bantariza said,” what is the rebel group going to do and how long will it 
last more than the UPA we put out of action? They can gang up with Kony or 
the even with the Devil, but we shall be in charge of Uganda until Jesus 
comes back.’

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ugnet_: Re: ugnet:Rebel group breaks out in Teso?

2003-06-19 Thread Y Yaobang

The statement below about Jesus is scary. Batarinza was quoted as saying:

They can gang up with Kony or the even with the Devil, but we shall be in
charge of Uganda until Jesus comes back.
Jesus might not be coming back for quite a while! But I suspect this is yet 
another trick by dictator Museveni and his military sychophants to round up 
more Itesos and label them as rebels and  terrorists. Disgusting!

(from radio simba)
Rebel group breaks out in Teso
A new Rebel group is feared to have emerged in parts of Teso sub region .The
group identified by sources as the Union For Democracy is suspected to have
ganged up with Joseph Kony's LRA .
The group whose Leaders have not yet gone public have submitted a hand
written letter to Government through the state Minister for Disaster
Preparedness Christine Aporu.
When called for verification Thursday afternoon the Minister's phone was
off. However Kumi county MP Amuriat Oboi Patrick says there is growing fear
in Teso.
Army spokesman Shaban Bantariza says the UPDF is not scared, because it has
the capacity to deal with any submissive group.
He noted that any body who forms a rebel group at a time when political
space is being opened up is mad, because he should instead form a political
party in order to compete for political power.
Bantariza said, what is the rebel group going to do and how long will it
last more than the UPA we put out of action? They can gang up with Kony or
the even with the Devil, but we shall be in charge of Uganda until Jesus
comes back.'
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Re: ugnet_: Police close Soroti radio over rebels

2003-06-22 Thread Y Yaobang

Kill the messenger. Typical of dictator Museveni and his sychophants.

From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Police close Soroti radio over rebels
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:06:03 +
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Police close Soroti radio over rebels By Monitor teamJune 23, 2003

Police yesterday closed a Soroti-based radio station that defied a minister’s directive not to broadcast news about LRA rebel attacks in the area.
Radio Kyoga Veritas FM had gone off air by 3 p.m. after it was stormed by police officers and Soroti Resident District Commissioner, Mr Edward Masiga.
Armed policemen and security operatives in plain clothes accompanied the Soroti District Police Commander (DPC) Patrick Awai and Regional CID officer Vincent Aisu to the station.
The station is located within the premises of Soroti Catholic Diocese Integrated Development Organisation (SCDIO), about half a kilometre on the Soroti-Serere road.
For several hours, no one was allowed to enter or leave the SCDIO premises. 
All the people, including Soroti Catholic Bishop Erasmus Wandera were only allowed to leave at 6 p.m. 
Mr Awai said on phone that the security operatives were carrying out a security search. 
The search is to continue this morning, the police said.
Upon coming out of the station yesterday Fr Athanasius Mubiru, a Catholic priest linked to the station, said that the security people took away 25 videotapes bearing testimonies of people affected by the war and the station’s news scripts dating back to 1 January.
Fr Mubiru said that he had in the morning met the Army Commander, Maj. Gen.Aronda Nyakairima and other security officials. 
It was during the morning meeting that he was informed that the station would be "inspected".
Lies or the truth?
Bishop Wandera yesterday held a meeting with the Minister of State for Defence, Ruth Nankabirwa, in Soroti but no details were available.
The Monitor could not readily establish the official reason for closing the station, but sources in Soroti said that the office of the RDC had recently wanted to "edit" the radio station’s war reports before they are aired.
This request was reportedly not fully complied with. 
It is said that Fr Mubiru has been recording voices of civilians affected by the war and then having them aired.
The station, sources said, was perceived by the authorities as "alarming" the population. 
Fr Mubiru denied this yesterday.
“The whole gist of this inspection is that they have been saying that we have been putting on air sensational news,” Fr Mubiru said. “But we have not. What the people of Teso need is the truth, it is only the truth which will solve this war situation. Lies will not.”
Veritas FM has been reaching about 14 districts, including those affected by the rebel insurgency. 
At a security meeting in Soroti last Tuesday, the Minister of State for Refugees and Disaster Preparedness Christine Amongin "banned" Soroti radio stations from airing news about attacks by the LRA rebels.
Fr Mubiru told the minister that what people needed were not condoms and food, but security that is supposed to be guaranteed by the UPDF.
This is not the first time that the media is punished for reporting the Kony-led insurgency. 
The UPDF, police and military intelligence personnel on 10 October 2002 ransacked The Monitor offices and shut down the paper for seven days over its coverage of the war up north.
Civilians flee 
The Monitor yesterday morning interviewed terrified civilians who continued fleeing from their villages into Soroti town.
From Soroti to Akakai, a six-kilometre column of people with bits and pieces of luggage and livestock was seen walking towards Soroti town.
One of the younger boys interviewed reported that a group of rebels taunted a UPDF unit at Akissim, near the home of Soroti County MP, Samuel Anyoro.
He that said the army later shelled the rebel positions.
Funeral raid
The LRA had on Friday disrupted the funeral of the late Kapelebyong intelligence officer Mr Moses Amou at Oditel village in Katakwi.
Kapelebyong MP, Johnson Malinga who visited the area on Saturday told The Monitor yesterday that among those abducted were the deceased's relatives who include his brother, Mr Michael Amou and his wife Ms Achen. 
Also abducted but later released was the deceased’s elderly mother.
Malinga said that the rebels also reportedly abducted some children aged between 10 and 14, which is their favourite age group for recruitment.
The LRA shot Amou dead on 18 June as he was driving with Fr Boguslow Zero, the parish priest for Acumet. 
The LRA on Saturday night attacked Odudui trading centre killing two people, burning 35 houses and looting drugs from the health centre. 
UPDF response
The rebels are reportedly camped in Amuria County, from 

ugnet_: remember these faces

2003-06-23 Thread Y Yaobang

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Re: ugnet_: Closing Soroti radio is wrong

2003-06-24 Thread Y Yaobang

This is typical of the Museveni dictatorship: treating Ugandans like 
mushrooms -- keep them in the dark and feed them shit.

From: gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Closing Soroti radio is wrong
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:32:14 +
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Closing Soroti radio is wrongEditorialJune 24, 2003

The closure of a private FM radio station that defied a minister’s directive not to broadcast news about rebel Lord’s Resistance Army attacks in eastern Uganda is most unfortunate.
The Police raid on Radio Kyoga Veritas FM in Soroti was in itself unwarranted, because there are legal instruments for the supervision and control of the press in Uganda without recourse to extremism.
However, it is the thinking behind the news blackout that is even more worrying.Ugandans, especially those living in affected areas, have a right to information that affects their lives.
It is therefore wrong to keep them in the dark about rebel attacks in their communities.
The government may have some legitimate concerns about the rebels using the media, especially radio, to sow seeds of terror.
But a people with information are better enabled to make logical decisions, such as whether to leave a rebel-infested area.
On the other hand, keeping people in the dark about life-threatening events is bound to provide fertile ground for imagination, hysteria and misinformation.
The right thing to do is to urge self-regulation by the media; after all, there is the Anti-Terrorism Act that would punish them if they did otherwise.
News, on the other hand, should not be subjected to such undue restrictions. If the rebels attack an area, the people have a right to know, and the media have a responsibility to inform them.
In the event that the news being broadcast on the radio station is not accurate, the Media Council should have the responsibility of sanctioning the errant media house, rather than have security operatives raiding it.
Rather than wrap a news blackout over the war, government should provide accurate and regular information to Ugandans through the media.
In the recent war on Iraq, the United States government “embedded” journalists with their troops as they went into battle.
While critics questioned the accuracy and objectivity of the reports from the embedded journalists, the people were informed about the war all the way.
Ugandans in the north and east have suffered a lot under the LRA. Keeping them in the dark about the next rebel attack is to punish them twice.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications


"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."- Malcom X 

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Re: ugnet_: Latest update: Profiles of the African nations Bush will visit

2003-07-02 Thread Y Yaobang
The author of this article states that Uganda is a semi-democracy. How 
ridiculuous! It is like saying one is semi-pregnant. Who doesnt know that 
under Museveni, Uganda is a dictatorship??  I wish the UPC rally against 
Bush a success.

From: Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Latest update: Profiles of the African nations Bush will 
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 04:21:33 -0700 (PDT)

REPORT: Profiles of the African nations Bush will visit next week -New 
Vision Web, 2nd July 2003

NEXT week, President Bush voyages to Africa, vowing to raise the profile of 
a vast continent that has stood small on America's radar screen since the 
end of the Cold War.
Beginning July 7, Bush's five-nation trip will spotlight the 
administration's new $15 billion commitment to battle the AIDS scourge that 
has left Africa the most infected region on Earth, according to a June 26 
speech Bush made to African business leaders.
Bush also will emphasize the emerging importance of Africa in the U.S. war 
on terrorism and push for the end of bloodshed in Congo and Liberia. He 
will dole out both praise and aid to those nations that are cultivating 
free-market economies and democratic political systems.
We will work as partners in advancing the security and the health and the 
prosperity of the African peoples, said Bush, who has been to Africa just 
once before, when he represented his father at a 1992 independence 
celebration in the Gambia.
Here's a snapshot of the five countries Bush will visit:

ONE reason this French-speaking West African land of 10 million is a star 
on the generally unstable continent is because of its peaceful transition 
to democracy in 2000 after 40 years of socialist rule.
Since President Abdoulaye Wade's election that year, the country's peanut- 
and cotton-based economy has grown by 5 percent a year and media freedom 
has blossomed. Even so, one in four Senegalese live on less than $1 a day, 
and a 30-year, low-intensity guerrilla war for independence continues in 
Senegal's southern province of Casamance.
Considered a global role model in the anti-AIDS battle in developing 
countries, Senegal has managed to keep the disease at bay by an aggressive 
education and prevention program begun in the mid-1980s. In Africa, only 
Uganda is credited with comparable success.
Overwhelmingly Muslim, Senegal gained favor with the White House for 
convening an African forum on terrorism shortly after the 9/11 attacks. 
But, during the run-up to the war in Iraq, Wade criticized America for 
acting without United Nations support. Still, the Pentagon is considering 
putting a skeleton base in Senegal as part of the U.S. military's worldwide 
Following the footprints of then-President Bill Clinton who traveled there 
in 1998, Bush is slated to visit Goree Island, the site of a notorious 
former slave port that saw an estimated 2 million slaves pass through, many 
on their way to the American colonies. The White House says Bush will offer 
no apology for the U.S. history of slavery; Clinton didn't either during 
his visit.

WINSTON Churchill once dubbed this East African country the pearl of 
Africa. That was before dictator Idi Amin took power in the 1970s, 
triggering more than a decade of brutal state-sponsored violence that took 
the lives of as many as 500,000 people.
In one of Africa's biggest turnarounds, Uganda now is a relatively stable, 
semi-democracy, though its president, former guerrilla fighter Yoweri 
Museveni, is cracking down on political dissent. He has warned he will deal 
severely with members of the Ugandan People's Congress if, as they have 
vowed, they stage a demonstration against Bush's visit.
A tropical, English-speaking country of 23 million people who are a mix of 
Christians and Muslims, Uganda is also home to half the world's remaining 
mountain gorillas. Coffee and vanilla are top exports, as well as clothing. 
In April alone, Ugandan factories sent more than 88,000 shirts, dresses and 
pants to America for sale.
Bush has praised Uganda for managing the most dramatic decline in the rate 
of HIV infection of any country in the world - from 31 percent of its 
population in 1990 to about 15 percent now.
Uganda also is a White House favorite for joining the global coalition of 
the willing assembled for the war in Iraq. But the U.N. has slapped Uganda 
for arming fighters who are committing slaughter in Congo and pillaging the 
For 18 years, Uganda has been fighting an internal rebel war - one of the 
longest ongoing civil conflicts in the world - against the rebel Lord's 
Resistance Army in northern Uganda, which has abducted and enslaved an 
estimated 20,000 children.

Defying the foreign stereotype of the continent as one big banana republic, 
Botswana is fast becoming Africa's biggest success story. Land-locked and 
dominated by the Kalahari Desert, the 

Re: ugnet_: Bush says Taylor must go, won't take no for answer

2003-07-05 Thread Y Yaobang
I hope Presidnet George Bush can say and do the same to despot Yoweri 
Museveni of Uganda when he visits Uganda next week!! Otherwise, why the 
American double standards!

Museveni must go!

Subject: ugnet_: Bush says Taylor must go, won't take no for answer
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 20:30:10 EDT
Bush says Taylor must go, won't take no for answer

WASHINGTON, July 5 (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said Liberian
President Charles Taylor must step down and that the United States was not 
going to
take 'no' for an answer, according to remarks released by the White House 

The American president, who visits Africa next week, has urged Taylor to
leave Liberia immediately, but Taylor says he wants to see international 
troops on
the streets first in case his soldiers and rebels run amok.

Asked in an interview with Voice of America what he would do if Taylor
refused to comply with U.S. demands, Bush said: You know, I suspect he 
will, and
so, therefore, I'm an optimistic person. I'm not going to take 'no' for an

I have made up my mind there needs to be stability in Liberia, and one of
the conditions for a peaceful and stable Liberia is for Mr. Charles Taylor 
leave the country, Bush said in the interview, which took place on July 3 
was released by the White House on Saturday.

07/05/03 13:19 ET

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Re: ugnet_: (no subject)

2003-07-08 Thread Y Yaobang
What is the source of this article?


Subject: ugnet_: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 18:24:11 EDT

President Bush's Africa Trip

merican presidents do not travel to Africa often. President Bush's 
five-nation visit, starting today, marks a significant step in America's
deepening relations with the continent. For too long, Washington and other 
capitals treated Africa as if it were condemned to war, poverty and
preventable epidemics. Mr. Bush understands that Africans are entitled to a 
future, and that America can help them achieve it.

Turning that vision into reality will take more than whirlwind tours and
inspiring speeches. Mr. Bush must press Congress to provide ample financing 
his multiyear AIDS and development initiatives. He should also speak 
with African leaders about steps they themselves need to take. More than 11
percent of the world's people live in sub-Saharan Africa. Their future 
depends on
how well their countries handle the intertwined problems of H.I.V.-AIDS, 
and civil conflict, corrupt and abusive government and economic growth too
feeble to provide jobs for rising populations. In each of the countries Mr. 
is visiting — Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria — one 
more of these issues belongs high on the agenda.

Senegal is a strong democracy, though plagued by a low-grade separatist
insurgency in the Casamance region. Despite this, Senegal has set a healthy 
in a deeply troubled neighborhood and has participated in efforts to
negotiate peace in Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Liberia.

South Africa has one of the continent's most developed economies and 
H.I.V.-AIDS problems. President Thabo Mbeki is sub-Saharan Africa's most
prestigious leader. But his failure to confront the AIDS pandemic has 
caused public
health damage at home and hurt efforts elsewhere to overcome the
stigmatization that undermines effective prevention and treatment. If Mr. 
Bush can
persuade Mr. Mbeki to follow a more enlightened course, America's AIDS 
programs will save more lives. Mr. Mbeki has also failed to do all he 
should to
help resolve the crisis in neighboring Zimbabwe, where President Robert 
has clung to power through repression and fraud.

Botswana is blessed with mineral wealth, a relatively small population,
vigorous democracy and enlightened environmental policies. But it is cursed 
Africa's highest H.I.V. infection rate, with two of five adults affected. 
contrast to Mr. Mbeki, President Festus Mogae has worked hard to contain 
disease. Even more energetic steps could be taken, modeled on the anti-AIDS
campaign led by Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni. By mentioning AIDS in 
every speech and carrying the campaign into every village, Mr. Museveni has 
far to destigmatize the disease. That has helped reduce the infection rate 
two-thirds, a remarkable life-saving achievement. Mr. Museveni's leadership
would be far more impressive if he permitted opposition parties and free
elections, a point Mr. Bush should insist on.

The Bush visit concludes in Africa's most populous country, Nigeria.
President Olusegun Obasanjo has been a consistent opponent of military 
but his first term as an elected civilian ruler was extremely 
disappointing. He
has failed to crack down on corruption and army human rights abuses,
neglected the economy and done little to heal dangerous religious and 
divisions. Now Mr. Obasanjo has become actively involved in efforts to 
bring peace and
a transitional administration to Liberia. Yesterday the Liberian leader,
Charles Taylor, said he would accept Nigeria's offer of safe haven. Mr. 
Bush needs
to tell Mr. Obasanjo that he would be a more credible advocate of good
governance abroad if he did more to practice it at home.

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Re: ugnet_: Uganda Army in 'Severe Human Rights Abuses' in the North-BBC

2003-07-16 Thread Y Yaobang
... If we are so stupid as not to see ourselves as brothers and sisters,  
we should at least remember that imperialism [ALSO MUSEVENI AND HIS 
SYCHOPHANTS] sees all of us as just inconvenient 'biological substances'...

From: Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda Army in 'Severe Human Rights Abuses' in the 
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 20:17:17 +

The International Court of Justice has just opened a docket on the 'crimes 
against humanity' in the Ituri Province of the DRC.

Let us watch them and see whether it is just a white wash or something 

And of course Brother Ocan Otim was right when he pointed out that there 
are forces out there who want to wipe the Acholis off the face of the earth 
and take the land,  to be passed on to settler colonists from Rhodesia.  
Except that he made it seem like the so-called Southerners are to be 

The early 1960's Population explosion control report, 200NSS, of Henry 
Kissinger etc...  to get rid of  'excess population', from the present 6 
billion people to only 500 million envisages far more people than Acholis.  
Even some  'useless excess'  Americans are in its cross hairs.

Smug so-called Southerners should remember the old saying:

I did not protest when they came for the Jews because I am not a Jew;
I did not protest when they came for the communists  because I am not a  
communist ;
I did not protest when they came for the .  because I am not a ... ;
And when they came for me, there was nobody left to protest..

If we are so stupid as not to see ourselves as brothers and sisters,  we 
should at least remember that imperialism sees all of us as just 
inconvenient 'biological substances'.

Mitayo Potosi

From: Chris Opoka-Okumu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Uganda Army in 'Severe Human Rights Abuses' in the 
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 11:14:56 -0400


Thanks for posting this report. As you can see there is deliberate policy 
to use AIDS as an instrument to obliterate the Northern population, and 
Bush comes woith all the praises for the devil.

Chris Opoka-Okumu
  - Original Message -
  From: Omar Kezimbira
  Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 10:20 AM
  Subject: ugnet_: Uganda Army in 'Severe Human Rights Abuses' in the 

Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 July, 2003, 14:01 GMT 15:01 UK

   E-mail this to a friend   Printable version

Uganda army in 'severe rights abuses'

  By Will Ross
  BBC, Kampala, Uganda

  The Ugandan president has admitted the army is not made up 
of angels
The Ugandan army has been accused of carrying out severe human 
rights abuses on the civilian population in the north of the country.

A report by a group of human rights organisations says the 
atrocities of the rebels of the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) on the 
civilian population are well documented.

But it says the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) and 
officials of other government-related military security agencies have 
committed multiple abuses including summary execution, torture, rape and 
child recruitment.

The report - entitled Abducted and Abused: Renewed Conflict in 
Northern Uganda - paints a grim picture of the lives of civilians in 
northern Uganda.

  There are two young girls who were returning from the 
garden and they found soldiers who intercepted and raped them. Both were 
tested for HIV and the result was positive

  Samuel Tindifa
  Makerere University
There are two young girls, one 12 years old and the other 17, 
who were returning from the garden and they found soldiers who intercepted 
and raped them, says Samuel Tindifa, the director of the human rights and 
peace centre at Makerere University, which contributed to the report.

Both girls were tested for HIV and the result was positive.

The report concludes that the presence of Ugandan soldiers has 
increased the HIV-Aids infection rate in the north of the country.

Data proves that while in general Uganda has taken great strides 
in tackling the Aids pandemic, with government claiming the HIV infection 
rate is around 6%, in northern Uganda the rates are higher.

When I visited Kitgum District hospital recently I learnt that 9% 
of pregnant mothers are HIV-positive, while 29% of people who voluntarily 
get tested are HIV-positive.

'Torture rampant'

The report also alleges that, often against their will, former 
LRA child soldiers are recruited into the Ugandan army.

It cites an example of one boy who was badly tortured under 
interrogation by the Ugandan army about his LRA activities.

The report says when asked if he wanted to join the army he was 
threatened: If 

ugnet_: M7 prescribes military solution for Burundi!

2003-07-17 Thread Y Yaobang

Listen to the mad utterances of Museveni, a war monger.  This man has failed 
defeat his own opponents at home and in DRC, but is now prescribing a 
military solution for Burundi, i.e., the military defeat of the National 
Liberation Forces-Party for Liberation of Hutu People.  Is Museveni probably 
aware that FNL's success in Burundi could welll mean the end of Tutsi 
military-cum-political dominance in Uganda and Rwanda? Is that why he wants 
them crushed?

Burundi 'needs military solution'
Rebel attacks hinder humanitarian assistance
The Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, has suggested that a military 
solution is needed to end Burundi's decade of fighting.

Mr Museveni was speaking in Kampala on Tuesday after a meeting with South 
Africa's deputy president Jacob Zuma, the main mediator in the Burundi 

Mr Zuma said the option of sending a regional force to Burundi would be 
discussed at a weekend summit in Tanzania, and that the region was ready to 
do everything to implement peace in Burundi.

 We deplore the abduction of our colleagues and any form of harassment 
directed towards our staff members

Statement from aid agencies in Burundi

Mr Museveni described the acceleration of hostilities by Hutu rebels in 
Burundi as unacceptable.

It's not a good precedence that the whole region could spend almost seven 
years on an issue - and just a handful of people come and torpedo it. It's 
not a good idea at all, he said.

Mr Zuma's diplomatic mission follows renewed attacks on the capital, 
Bujumbura, by rebels of the National Liberation Forces-Party for Liberation 
of Hutu People (FNL), who have been battling the Tutsi-dominated government 
troops for more than a week.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has removed the non-essential international 
staff from its 100-strong mission in Bujumbura due to continuing fighting in 
the capital.

The deputy spokeswoman for the UN Secretary General, Hua Jiang, told BBC 
News Online that the organisation would maintain its humanitarian emergency 

In pictures: Burundi's besieged capital

We will assess the security situation and take further appropriate action, 
she said.

Fighting was reported on Tuesday night between government forces and rebels 
in a predominantly Hutu district of Bujumbura.


This is the third time in a week that foreign organisations have decided to 
withdraw their staff from Bujumbura.

On Sunday, the US state department ordered the departure of non-essential 
staff from the American embassy in Burundi, and advised American nationals 
to leave the country.

On Tuesday, seven international charity organisations in Burundi condemned 
the abduction of three humanitarian workers in two separate incidents in the 
southern Makamba Province.

The Burundi army and rebel forces are blamed for human rights violations

Following the abductions on July 9th and 10th, the three charities (the 
German Technical Co-operation, the Norwegian Refugee Council and the 
International Rescue Committee), that employed the workers have suspended 
their operations in Makamba.

In a statement, non-governmental organisations including the Agro Action 
Allemande and World Vision sought the support of the government and people 
of Burundi in ensuring the safety of their workers to enable them continue 
to carry out their humanitarian missions.


As a collective body of organisation dedicated to providing humanitarian 
relief to vulnerable populations, we deplore the abduction of our colleagues 
and any form of harassment directed towards our staff members, they said in 
the statement.

At the same time, international human rights organisation Amnesty 
International condemned on Tuesday what it said were serious human rights 
abuses committed by government and rebels troops during the past week's 
fighting in the southern suburbs of Bujumbura.

Amnesty said that unless immediate preventive action was taken, 
indiscriminate reprisals by government forces against Hutus suspected of 
supporting or colluding with the rebels was likely.

A 3,000-strong force of African Union (AU) peacekeepers is in Burundi as 
part of AU efforts to end the conflict, which has killed an estimated 
300,000 people

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Re: ugnet_: FM Idi Amin in coma

2003-07-19 Thread Y Yaobang
Statement from saint Museveni:

... She said Museveni told her that Amin had abused Ugandans' human rights 
and so
had to answer for his sins the moment he is brought back.

Museveni will have to answer for the monstrous atrocities he and his 
sychophants have committed!

Subject: ugnet_: FM Idi Amin in coma
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 15:07:23 -0400
Former president IDi Amin Dada in coma
By David Kibirige
July 20, 2003
'Museveni refuses him to return, promises to arrest him'

Former Ugandan President Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada is sick and in coma.

Amin, 80 has been sick for the last three months and is admitted at an 
undisclosed hospital in Saudi Arabia, where he has been in exile since 

Sunday Monitor has learnt that for the last three months Amin had been 
admitted at a Saudi Arabia hospital suffering from hypertension and 
general fatigue.

About three weeks back he was discharged, depicting improvement.

However, on Friday night, his condition deteriorated and he went into coma.

His two sons, Amin Mwanga and Hussein Kato are attending to him.

Highly placed sources in State House told Sunday Monitor that Amin's family 
approached President Yoweri Museveni and requested him to allow them bring 
back the ageing general so that he could die here.

The general's favourite wife Nalongo Madina Amin confirmed that her husband 
is sick and in coma.

I have talked to the children, attending to him, and they have confirmed 
that he is in coma. He deteriorated last night. At first they thought he 
would improve but the situation is not improving at all, she said sobbing.

She said sometime back that she had met President Museveni and requested 
him to allow her husband to be brought back.

She said Museveni told her that Amin had abused Ugandans' human rights and 
so had to answer for his sins the moment he is brought back.

Surely he should be allowed back home so that if he is to die he dies 
here, she said crying.

Madina said Museveni had promised her to address the matter, but lamented 
that the President's aides are frustrating her.

The Minister in charge of the presidency Kirunda Kivejinja feigned 
ignorance when contacted.

Let me find out and then I will brief you, he said.

Museveni's Press Secretary Mary Karooro Okurut said she was going to 
consult and then brief Sunday Monitor.

But as usual, by press time, she had not called back this reporter as 

Amin overthrew Dr Apollo Milton Obote's government on January 25, 1971 and 
the country up to April 11, 1979 when a combined force of Ugandan exiles 
and the Tanzanian army toppled him.

He first flew into exile to Libya, then to Iraq from where he relocated to 
Saudi Arabia in December 1980.

In Saudi Arabia the royal family refused him to get involved in politics, 
let alone speak to the press.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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Re: ugnet_: Malcom X, Martin King films /videos

2003-07-22 Thread Y Yaobang

Go on the Internet, stupid.

From: dbbwanika db [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Malcom X, Martin King films /videos
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 17:18:24 +0200
I am appealing to you or anyone to help me get hold of videos or films 
about the following figures in their social struggles;

Martin Luther King
Malcom X
Fidel Castro
Nation of Islam
South African struggles
European and missionary  films of all types filmed between 1700 -1900 in 

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Re: ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s, Ibingira andtheConspiracies

2003-07-22 Thread Y Yaobang

J Ssemakula:

Why dont you just buy (or borrow from your nearest library) the book, read 
it and then comment. Skip the drivel, man. You seem to have a pathological 
hatred for Obote. Why?


From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s, Ibingira 
and theConspiracies
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 18:46:05 +

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Mr. Dambisya,
I have not read/seen Kanyeihamba's book. What you state of the gentleman's credentials hardly impresses anyone as to his credibility as a source of information. 
Here is what would help me determine if his book is worthspending time on. 
a. What was his role in those days (1960s)?i.e. did he personally witness the events he writes about, or did he, like the rest of us, depend on the rumor-mill(a.k.a. 'Radio-Katwe') as his source of information.
b. If he did not witness the evenst from close quarters, as Ibingira did, whom did he interview (it usual to give your source in academic endeavors of this nature, e.g. see Michael Wright's book, Buganda in the Heroic Age or other historical writings).
c. Since much of yourexcerpt depends on a letteralleged written to the Queen of England by consiratorial Baganda traditionalists, does Kanyeihamba or can you, give us a reprint of this letter, or point us a source where this letter has been published,  so we satisfy ourselves that:
(i) its existence not a figment of somebody's imagination 
(ii) not a forgery (the miracle mordern technology can assist one in determining if something is a genuine article or not).
This is because we can hardly beleive that if such a letter actually existed-- and were genuine -- Obote and his indefatigible henchmen would not have publicized to the widest possible extent asproof-positive of Ssekabaka Muteesa's and Baganda's wickedness! 
Please keep in mind that the British government has released/leaked a great many documents -- even supposedly secret documents -- concerning Uganda (and other areas), and that various archives of those documents are accessible to the ordinary Kibuuka and Opio. If I am not mistaken, they in fact relaese documents 25 years or so after the events, except for 'sensitive' or 'active' ones. 
Finally, in the meantime could you please gives us the books TOC (Table of Contents)?
I'll be happy to address the specific issues in your excerpt once I hear from you. Ideally, I'd very much prefer to reply to you after I have had a chance to read the book and have formed an informed opinion of it.
ps: why does a book whose title suggests that it deals with events in the 1984-Present time frame dabble in events that happened in the early 1960s?
Original Message Follows 
Subject: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s, Ibingira and theConspiracies 
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 16:20:20 +0200 

Omw Ssemakula, 

As I await the evidence which you expect me to dispute in defense of Milton Obote and his part in the 1960s developments, I have been reading "Justice Prof Dr GW Kanyeihamba; LLB, LLM, PhD, JSC, SC" 's recently released book: Constitutional and Political History of Uganda: From 1984 to the Present. 

I found a section on what he refers to as the "Dramatic Years, 1962-1966" and "The Conspiracies" therein particularly relevant to the issue of the phantom arms. I have attempted to reproduce sections of the book for the edification of those who may not have got hold of the book yet. I apologise for any mistakes that I may have made in the process but are willing to correct them as the discussions proceed. The quotes are taken from pages 88-94. 

"...By 1965, the divisionist and traditionalist elements had penetrated the party, and acquired active supporters within the rank and file of the party followers**. The party was torn by confusion because many of those voices belonged to some of the most influential leaders of the party* After the successful referendum and successful transfer of the two "Lost Counties" to Bunyoro in 1964, the animosity of Buganda towards the Obote government and UPC escalated. Buganda traditionalists at Mengo  begun to exploit all possible political angles with the aim of undermining and eventually removing Obote from power. A political alliance between the Kabaka, his ministers and disgruntled elements within UPC was reached. The latter included and was led by the then Minister of Justice, Grace Ibingira, who was at the same time, the Secretary General of UPC. He had **Balaki Kirya, George Magezi and Dr Emmanuel Lumu, who were also Cabinet Ministers in Obote's government*.. 

" In conjunction 

Re: ugnet_: The Great Catfish War

2003-07-22 Thread Y Yaobang
J Ssemakula;

It would be nice if you cut/paste the articlers you refer to, rather than 
just giving us the url. Most times some of us cant access them!

Thank you.


From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: The Great Catfish War
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 16:17:13 +
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

This article and the one I sent yesterday on the US's protectionist trade policies indicate that AGOA, NEPAD, globolization, etc are nothing but smoke-and-mirrors as far as the Third World, especially Africa, is concerned.
Africans need to tell the US and the rest of the world in no uncertain terms: unless you open your markets and stop subsidies to your farmers, forget African oil.
While this is the only thing the US will understand, the chance of it happening is just a tad less that Africa putting a man on the moon in a month of Sundays...
The Great Catfish War 

July 22, 2003 

The fate of Vietnam's catfish offers a warning to poorer nations who try to play by the big boys' rules in the world trading system. 
ps:To the internet police:- Let's be realistic, federo does not grow in a vacuum, much less in poverty... (Man cannot live on bread alone!)

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8  and get 2 months FREE*

---End Message---

Re: ugnet_: News Update: UPDF Gunship kill nine civilians

2003-07-24 Thread Y Yaobang

This is a very sad story indeed. Very sad because dictator Museveni is 
turning his gunships on innocent civilians with impunity.  Museveni 
apologist-sychophants like Bantariza's unforgivable utturences that the army 
regrets the 'incident' does not cut it. An army that cannot tell the 
difference between a civilian funeral and a rebel convoy is no peoples' 
defence force.  Lt Gen Museveni as C-n-C of the army should take the 
responsiblity and do the honorable thing - resign.

 ... the helicopter gunships bombed the villages. ...
... the killing of nine people by the choppers that also injured several 

 Many suffered bullet wounds but had received no treatment

...There are women ... whose breasts were split by bullets ...

Ugandans deserve better protection than this offered by the so-called UPDF!

From: Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: News Update: UPDF Gunship kill nine civilians
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:21:55 -0700 (PDT)
Gunships kill nine civilians
By Our Reporters
July 25, 2003 -Monitor
Army says it was a mistake

Military helicopters killed nine civilians and injured several others in 
anti-rebel bombing raids in Obalanga in Katakwi district on Tuesday.

The LC-V councillor representing Obalanga sub-county, Mr Julius Ochen, said 
that the civilians were fleeing the fighting between the Uganda People's 
Defence Forces and the Lord's Resistance Army rebels at Alito village, 
Angica parish in Obalanga.

We are saddened by the killing of nine people by the choppers that also 
injured several others at Alito, Ochen told The Monitor in Soroti town 
last night.

He was in Soroti, which borders Katakwi, to look for transportation to move 
injured civilians to hospital.

Many suffered bullet wounds but had received no treatment.

Children hurt most

Ochen said that some of the injured were being carried to his house in 
Obalanga trading centre.

There are women in my house whose breasts were split by bullets and I have 
asked the security organs to assist in transporting them to Soroti Hospital 
for treatment, he said.

The army spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza, yesterday regretted the 
incident, saying that the helicopters were targeting rebels.

He said that civilians had previously deserted the area.

What happened was that the rebels killed a person but we didn't know that 
some people had taken their dead back for burial, Bantariza said.

Ochen said that he was compiling a list of all those killed or injured when 
the helicopter gunships bombed the villages.

The UPDF has deployed three MI-24 attack helicopters to provide aerial 
support for ground troops and local militia fighting the LRA rebels.

The LRA have started renaming sub-counties in the Teso sub-region, which 
they first invaded on June 15.

The Tuesday killings bring to 31 the number of people killed by UPDF 
gunships since the army's offensive against the LRA started in Teso last 

Local sources said that those killed on Tuesday were mostly children.

Army denies losses

Meanwhile, the Missionary News Agency (Misna) yesterday reported that 30 
UPDF soldiers were killed in a firefight with the rebels.

The fighting is said to have taken place in Apala, 20km north of Lira.

But the UPDF yesterday said it had not suffered heavy casualties.

The fighting broke out last Tuesday at 16:00hrs local time, and lasted for 
a couple of hours. In the morning of the same day another group attacked 
the small town of Ngai, Misna reported.

Maj. Bantariza laughed off the Misna report as wishful thinking.

The spokesman of the army's 5th Division, Lt. Chris Magezi, also denied 
that the army had lost any men.

There were only a few skirmishes, Lt. Magezi said. There has not been any 
fighting apart from small skirmishes including one in which about seven 
rebels fired a few bullets at our convoy in Apala, he said.

Misna also reported that the rebels killed one civilian and abducted at 
least 20 people at Iceme, 50km west of Lira.

The LRA rebels have been fighting the government since 1988.

The war in northern Uganda has left thousands dead and forced one million 
into camps for the internally displaced.

On Tuesday, Lt. Gen. Yoweri Museveni told members of Parliament that the 
key factors why the northern war has not ended are the Sudan government's 
support for the rebels, bad leadership in the north, poor infrastructure 
and inadequate funding for Defence.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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Re: ugnet_: Army Dares UPC to firing practice

2003-07-24 Thread Y Yaobang

... I am challenging the UPC leaders to line up at the Constitutional 
Square and we use that fake ammunition from Nakasongola to fire at them to 
see whether it is fake, the army spokesman said. ...

What a trigger-happy army asshole!!

From: Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Army Dares UPC to firing practice
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:24:16 -0700 (PDT)
Army dares UPC to firing practice
By Alex B. Atuhaire
July 25, 2003 -Monitor
The Uganda People's Congress on Wednesday said that an inquiry into ghost 
soldiers was a cover up by the government.

Lt. Gen. Yoweri Museveni last month ordered an inquiry into ghost soldiers 
on the army payroll.

But the UPC's acting presidential commission chairman, Mr Henry Mayega, 
said that the inquiry only confirmed what Ugandans had known for a long 
time: That the UPDF is a bastion of theft, greed and source of primitive 
accumulation by leaders.

But the army spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza, could not take it lying 
He said that the UPDF has held the state together for 17 years unlike the 
UPC government that was twice overthrown in a military coup.

If they were such exemplary leaders, where were they when they were twice 
overthrown by their armies? Bantariza said.

The UPC leaders had also accused the UPDF of producing fake ammunition at 
the Nakasongola arms factory.

But again Bantariza dared them.

I am challenging the UPC leaders to line up at the Constitutional Square 
and we use that fake ammunition from Nakasongola to fire at them to see 
whether it is fake, the army spokesman said.

© 2003 The Monitor Publications

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[Ugnet] yaobang is back!

2005-07-10 Thread Y Yaobang
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2005-07-12 Thread Y Yaobang
Mbabazi, like you yourself Abayombo, is trying to protect his job, but soon that will be no more, EXILE kids. Even if you guys have padded your bank accounts, we will get to them!



Bush Opposed to Third Term: Response by Hon. Amama Mbabazi


In the front page headline, Bush opposed to third term for Museveni, the Sunday Monitor newspaper of July 10, 2005 the US ambassador to Uganda, Mr. Jimmy Kolker, is reported to have made the following points:

President Bush advised President Museveni to retire from politics in 2006

The Uganda Parliament was manipulated into voting for the Constitutional Amendment Bill

It is odd for a 9 year old constitution without allowing it to run, and on more than 100 articles some of which had not been tested, to be amended. The US Constitution was enacted in 1789 and only 27 articles have been amended.

It is true that in the White House meeting between the two Presidents, which I had the honour and privilege to attend, President Bush asked President Museveni about the proposed constitutional amendment in Uganda on term limits and if the latter was preparing to retire at the end of his second term of office. He stated that the two term limit had worked well for the US. He raised the matter by way of inquiry. President Museveni in his response said that the Ugandan leadership was studying the issue and would come up with a position when ready. President Bush did not enunciate a US policy that Uganda should not consider amending her constitution or that, if it is amended, President Museveni should not consider offering himself for re-election. Indeed in the numerous interactions I have had with US Administration officials I have been told repeatedly that the US Administration has no problem wi
 Uganda amending her constitution if it is done legally and transparently.

Uganda Government policy on term limitation

However, even if indeed the US government policy was that they were opposed to removal of term limits from our constitution, clearly this is a matter for Ugandans to decide for themselves. We can listen and even adopt foreign friendly advice, but clearly the decisions are for Ugandans to make. 

Uganda is currently undergoing constitutional review. The Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) proposed a comprehensive constitutional change in December 2003. The Government then made proposals to Parliament in September 2004 including the introduction of full multiparty political system and the lifting of term limits among other things. 

Taking into account that the National Resistance Movement struggle in Uganda was to restore the sovereignty of the population in decision making which principle was captured by the 1995 Constitution in article ONE which provides that ?all power belongs to the people who shall exercise their sovereignty in accordance with [the] Constitution? and who ?shall express their will and consent on who shall govern them and how they should be governed, through regular, free and fair elections of their representatives or through referenda?, the National Conference of the Movement passed, among others, a resolution in March 2003 to open up political space to allow people to organise themselves to compete for political power as they wished and to remove presidential term limits. 

The Bills incorporating the proposed amendments are now before Parliament undergoing consideration and decision making in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Constitution.

Constitutional review is not the invention of Uganda. In the US itself, as the ambassador correctly observes, there have been amendments of their constitution. Whereas it is true that there have been 27 amendments (and not amendment of only 27 articles as the report in the Monitor suggests, after all there are only 7 original articles of that constitution), over 10,000 Constitutional amendments have been introduced in Congress since 1789; in a typical Congressional year in the last several decades, between 100 and 200 are offered.
In fact the first ten amendments of the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, were all adopted within a few years of the ratification of the Constitution. The amendments were proposed by Congress as part of a block of twelve in September 1789. By December 1791 a sufficient number of states had ratified ten of the twelve proposals, and the Bill of Rights became part of the Constitution only 2 years after promulgation! What is ?odd? about Uganda amending her constitution 9 years after its promulgation?!
There are currently some amendments which have entered mainstream political debate in the US Congress. These include the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, the Flag-Burning Amendment, etc. So if it has been ok for this to happen in the US, why should it be taboo for Uganda to do? The Parliament of Uganda is just doing what the Constitution of Uganda enjoins them to do ? if it is so desirable, to amend the 


2005-07-13 Thread Y Yaobang
Whom do you mean by the "Great teacher Joseph"?


Hi Y,
Long time.we missed you.Had you gone to pay a visit to the Great teacher Joseph?-Original Message-----From: Y Yaobang [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: ugandanet@kym.netSent: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 09:33:24 +0800 (CST)Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Fwd: [UNAANET] HON MBABAZI,S RESPONSE .

Mbabazi, like you yourself Abayombo, is trying to protect his job, but soon that will be no more, EXILE kids. Even if you guys have padded your bank accounts, we will get to them!



Bush Opposed to Third Term: Response by Hon. Amama Mbabazi


In the front page headline, Bush opposed to third term for Museveni, the Sunday Monitor newspaper of July 10, 2005 the US ambassador to Uganda, Mr. Jimmy Kolker, is reported to have made the following points:

President Bush advised President Museveni to retire from politics in 2006

The Uganda Parliament was manipulated into voting for the Constitutional Amendment Bill

It is odd for a 9 year old constitution without allowing it to run, and on more than 100 articles some of which had not been tested, to be amended. The US Constitution was enacted in 1789 and only 27 articles have been amended.

It is true that in the White House meeting between the two Presidents, which I had the honour and privilege to attend, President Bush asked President Museveni about the proposed constitutional amendment in Uganda on term limits and if the latter was preparing to retire at the end of his second term of office. He stated that the two term limit had worked well for the US. He raised the matter by way of inquiry. President Museveni in his response said that the Ugandan leadership was studying the issue and would come up with a position when ready. President Bush did not enunciate a US policy that Uganda should not consider amending her constitution or that, if it is amended, President Museveni should not consider offering himself for re-election. Indeed in the numerous interactions I have had with US Administration officials I have been told repeatedly that the US Administration has no problem wi
 Uganda amending her constitution if it is done legally and transparently.

Uganda Government policy on term limitation

However, even if indeed the US government policy was that they were opposed to removal of term limits from our constitution, clearly this is a matter for Ugandans to decide for themselves. We can listen and even adopt foreign friendly advice, but clearly the decisions are for Ugandans to make. 

Uganda is currently undergoing constitutional review. The Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) proposed a comprehensive constitutional change in December 2003. The Government then made proposals to Parliament in September 2004 including the introduction of full multiparty political system and the lifting of term limits among other things. 

Taking into account that the National Resistance Movement struggle in Uganda was to restore the sovereignty of the population in decision making which principle was captured by the 1995 Constitution in article ONE which provides that ?all power belongs to the people who shall exercise their sovereignty in accordance with [the] Constitution? and who ?shall express their will and consent on who shall govern them and how they should be governed, through regular, free and fair elections of their representatives or through referenda?, the National Conference of the Movement passed, among others, a resolution in March 2003 to open up political space to allow people to organise themselves to compete for political power as they wished and to remove presidential term limits. 

The Bills incorporating the proposed amendments are now before Parliament undergoing consideration and decision making in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Constitution.

Constitutional review is not the invention of Uganda. In the US itself, as the ambassador correctly observes, there have been amendments of their constitution. Whereas it is true that there have been 27 amendments (and not amendment of only 27 articles as the report in the Monitor suggests, after all there are only 7 original articles of that constitution), over 10,000 Constitutional amendments have been introduced in Congress since 1789; in a typical Congressional year in the last several decades, between 100 and 200 are offered.
In fact the first ten amendments of the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, were all adopted within a few years of the ratification of the Constitution. The amendments were proposed by Congress as part of a block of twelve in September 1789. By December 1791 a sufficient number of states had ratified ten of the twelve proposals, and the Bill of Rights became part of the Constitution only 2 years after promulgation! What is ?odd? about Uganda amending her constitution 9 years after its promulgation?!
There are currently some amendments which ha

[Ugnet] I wish sychophant Nsibambi acted the same way on corruption!

2005-07-14 Thread Y Yaobang

Drinking hours to be restricted
By Henry Mukasa and James Odong YOU might have a deeper pocket and in the habit of drowning in alcohol anytime you wish, but that is set to change within a few months. Stung by the World Health Organisation (WHO) report ranking Uganda as having the highest alcohol per-capita, government will soon institute a policy to regulate drinking hours. The Prime Minister, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, yesterday directed the ethics and integrity minister, Tim Lwanga, to study the alcohol problem and come up with a policy within three months. “People are drinking a lot of alcohol. This matter affects a number of ministries. It’s a health hazard. The Minister of Ethics and Integrity should interface with other ministries and come up with a policy within three months to study the quantum, cause of the problem and possible panacea,” Nsibambi told Parliament yesterday. Nsibambi’s directive was in response to concern by Sarah Kiyingi (Rakai) that 
 WHO had
 ranked Uganda as “champions of alcohol” and radio presenters had made the tragedy a joke as if it were a score for the country. 
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