Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
My friend, you are missing the point of my legal arguments of Preponderance 
of Evidence.

For instance, when a witness appears in court to testify about something he 
saw, the opposing counsel has his chance to impeach the credibility of that 
witness.  After he has done so, and the witness has passed certain legal 
standards of reliability, his testimony is considered reliable and true. 
Obviously, you can not examine and verify what he has actually seen 
cause he was the only one who has seen it.  But we have a process, rules to 
qualify a witness to see if he can be accepted as a realible witness.

For instance, the opposing counsel might attempt to question him about 
something in his life to see if he would lie or not.  If found to have lied, 
his credibility is diminished and he is not considered a reliable witness 
for the things he saw.  But if he told the truth and the opposing counsel 
can not impeach his honesty, the judge will accept his testimony as 
reliable.  In our justice system, we call that a reliable witness.

This my friend is the standard I want you to apply when evaluating the 
Bible.  See, if you can impeach the Bible's honesty on some other thing. 
If you can, then the Bible's credibility is diminished.  If you can't, then 
the Bible should be considered reliable.

How can you say for sure that Ezekiel did not actually see a wheel in the 
sky, after all, no one else was there.  And how can you go about evaluating 
his honesty? and his reliability as a witness, cause after all, that's what 
he was - a witness to the wheels in the sky.  You say Exekiel must have been 
lying or hallucinating.  What is your baiss for that?  You baiss is simply 
that there were no flying machines at that time; whcih is an extension of 
your initial assumption that there is NO God.

You see, you assumed there is No God, then reason from that that there are 
no flying machines, and then reason from that that Exekiel must have been 
lying or hallucinating.  If you use a chain of logic like this in court, the 
judge will throw you out.  You can not use an assumption to be the basis of 
your argument.

If however, you look at other parts of Exekiel's life and found him to be a 
liar, then you have impeached his honesty and has a legal basis to throw his 
testimony out.  There's a big difference in the 2 approachs my friend.

So, I am saying, evaluate the Bible and see if it has been lying about other 
things.  If it has, its other statements may be dismissed.  If not, then by 
our legal standard, we should accept it as reliable.


- Original Message - 
From: Craig

Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

On 01/01/2013 05:59 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

No, I am suggesting that you count the facts written in the Bible that
have found to be true.  Then count the facts found to be false and
then count the facts that have not be found true or found false yet.
If the number of facts that have found to be true is 51% or greater,
then the Bible has satisfied the principle of preponderance of
evidence and should be treated as a verified document, and a reliable

Shall we do this?

To be fair, I will count the facts found to be true, you count the
facts that have been found to false and the facts found to be neither
true nor false.


But no, that's not the way to ascertain truth. Each assertion has to be
evaluated on its own merits.

You can have a book that contains many truths, along with many un-proven
assertions. This is why books, per-se, cannot be used to ascertain
truth. They can only add to available evidence.

But notice, that when an assertion is made, that the truth of the
assertion has to be evaluated within the context of existing, known,
truths. So when we hear of stories that a wheel came down from the sky,
as in Ezekiel, we have to immediately dismiss it as hearsay, unless
there is other evidence that such a thing occurred. If it turns out that
numerous other sources confirmed the event, then we have to interpret
the event in the context of known truths. So the immediate explanation
would be that it's an illusion. If there was enough evidence that such a
thing was NOT an illusion, then the best interpretation is that the
event was conducted by an alien species with superior technology.

What you cannot do is manufacture an explanation which defies
metaphysics and epistemology. You cannot say that such an event was the
act of a God -- because the concept of God cannot be defined and does
not exist within the Universe, as I've mentioned before.

So when you allude to the idea that we have to interpret words, written
in a book, in such a way that the explanation defies metaphysics and
epistemology, then you are on very thin ice. If such a thing could be
absolutely ascertained to have occurred, (such as a wheel coming down
from the sky in an era

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
Tell me Chan or Ny Min, what degrees do you have?


  - Original Message - 
  From: leaking pen 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 9:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  if  at least half the facts are true, its a reliable witness and we can 
treat them all as true?
  Please, take a logic course at your local community college. From the sounds 
of things, its the most true education you would ever have had in your life. 

  On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

No, I am suggesting that you count the facts written in the Bible that have 
found to be true.  Then count the facts found to be false and then count the 
facts that have not be found true or found false yet.  If the number of facts 
that have found to be true is 51% or greater, then the Bible has satisfied the 
principle of preponderance of evidence and should be treated as a verified 
document, and a reliable witness.

Shall we do this?

To be fair, I will count the facts found to be true, you count the facts 
that have been found to false and the facts found to be neither true nor false.


- Original Message - From: Craig

Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 5:50 AM

Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Jaro, are you suggesting that we meet here, in this forum, and vote as
  to whether you have presented a 'preponderance of evidence' that your
  assertions are true? And if we vote 'no', will you then agree that the
  Bible has not been proven to be true, and is considered, therefore, to
  be false?


  On 01/01/2013 02:58 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Aha, but there is this concept of Preponderance of Evidence.  While
this is a legal concept, we can nevertheless apply its principles in
our discussion.

Basically, what Preponderance of Evidence says is that if one side can
present a preponderance of evidence to support his side, what he is
saying may be considered true.  If one side can present 51% evidence,
his argument may be construed as true.  This is the standard of
Preponderance of Evidence.  While absolute 100% certainty may not be
reached, it is acceptable to acknowledge its truth based on the amount
of evidence one has supplied.  Preponderance of Evidence is a legal
standard that a Judge in a civil case may use to decide a case.  If it
is acceptable in our legal system, I submit to you that it should be
acceptable in our discussion.

We can apply the standard of Preponderance of Evidence when we
evaluate the integrity of the Bible.  Has the Bible stated facts that
can be proven and does that constitute 51%.  If so, the Bible may be
considered a verified and reliable source in our legal system.  In
other words, it is considered a reliable witness.

Has the Bible satisfied the Preponderance of Evidence criteria.  I
submit to you that it has.  There are thousands of scientific,
historical, archeological, literary, etc facts that can be and has
been verified.  Based on that, we can not legally say that the Bible
is an unverified source. By law, it is considered a verified source
by virtue of Preponderance of Evidence.


- Original Message - From: Craig
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  On 01/01/2013 11:59 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

But this is exactly where you're wrong.  You can in fact verify the
Bible. It's very simple. find one, just one fact that has been
categorically found to be false.  This one erroneous fact alone 
sink the entire credibility of the Bible.

  With regard to epistemology, it's not up to anyone to disprove a 
  Rather, it's up to the proponent of an idea to PROVE his assertions.
  There is nothing to disprove here.

  You can't take a source and claim that all the wild assertions in it 
  true, just because you can't find anything wrong with it. I can write 
  book about life on Pluto, and you won't be able to prove it wrong.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-02 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Tell me Chan or Ny Min, what degrees do you have?

leaky pen is not Chan.  AAMoF he has been around a lot longer than you

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-02 Thread Jojo Jaro
Who is leaky pen?  Do you mean leaking pen?  Who is leaking pen?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Terry Blanton 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 11:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Tell me Chan or Ny Min, what degrees do you have?

  leaky pen is not Chan.  AAMoF he has been around a lot longer than you have. 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-02 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:13 AM 1/2/2013, Craig wrote:

You can have a book that contains many truths, along with many un-proven
assertions. This is why books, per-se, cannot be used to ascertain
truth. They can only add to available evidence.

As a general principle, one of the known techniques of deception is 
to put together a series of statments that will be accepted as true, 
and only introduce the desired deceptive statement after the habit of 
agreement is established.

Basically, no statement can be assumed to be true merely because it 
was preceded by true statements.

Legal principles were asserted, but out of context.

The common-law principle is that testimony is presumed true unless 

But there are basic principles involved. They are:

1. Legal accountability for perjury.
2. An ability to cross-examine a witness, to determine *how the 
witness knows* what the witness claims to know.

3. The lack of contrary evidence (as implied by controverted)

God is not an explanation for anything, except within certain 
narrow parameters. To say that God did something is no more 
explanatory than to say that something is real.

When we want explanations, and we think of God as Reality, we are 
seeking to know *how* God did or does something. That may or may not 
be accessible to us, it depends on the something. Generally, I assume 
that if a thing happens in the observable world, it has observable 
causes. That doesn't negate that God did it, because God can act 
through observable causes. God is not limited by time, which is an 
illusion that appears to limited consciousness. (To light, there is 
no time, it all happens at once. That's how Einstein reasoned, in fact.)

no more original text below.

But notice, that when an assertion is made, that the truth of the
assertion has to be evaluated within the context of existing, known,
truths. So when we hear of stories that a wheel came down from the sky,
as in Ezekiel, we have to immediately dismiss it as hearsay, unless
there is other evidence that such a thing occurred. If it turns out that
numerous other sources confirmed the event, then we have to interpret
the event in the context of known truths. So the immediate explanation
would be that it's an illusion. If there was enough evidence that such a
thing was NOT an illusion, then the best interpretation is that the
event was conducted by an alien species with superior technology.

What you cannot do is manufacture an explanation which defies
metaphysics and epistemology. You cannot say that such an event was the
act of a God -- because the concept of God cannot be defined and does
not exist within the Universe, as I've mentioned before.

So when you allude to the idea that we have to interpret words, written
in a book, in such a way that the explanation defies metaphysics and
epistemology, then you are on very thin ice. If such a thing could be
absolutely ascertained to have occurred, (such as a wheel coming down
from the sky in an era when there was no flight), and it could be
absolutely ascertained that it was not an illusion, and was not the
product of alien manufacture... Then if all this could be ascertained,
then we would simply be stumped as to the explanation. It still could
not be the produce of a God because 'God' cannot be defined, as I've
mentioned in a previous post. Without an explanation which exists in
this Universe, you simply have no reference by which you could tie such
an event to another Universe.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Daniel Rocha
Works of fiction can blend reality and the craziest of fictions, to make it
look plausible. Take as an example zombie stories: they are thrilling to
many people precisely because the authors makes the dead raising plausible
by setting it in the real world, with common people, not heroes or kings.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jojo Jaro
Date: 2013/1/1
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Now, we are getting into Philosophy.  OK, I'll bite since I am not too busy

As to the issue of unverfiiable source.  You need to define what you mean
by unverifiable.  How does one go about verifying a history book like the
Bible?  You call it unverifiable because you choose to not believe it
despite evidence as to its integrity.  Archeologists have verified many of
the statements in the Bible.  Long lost cities, locations, practices and
cultures have been verified to have existed according to what is written in
the Bible.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Craig
On 01/01/2013 01:38 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 As to the issue of unverfiiable source.  You need to define what you
 mean by unverifiable.  How does one go about verifying a history book
 like the Bible?  

You can't... and that's the point.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Jojo Jaro
OK, who in this forum doubts the existence of Julius Ceasar, the Roman Emperor. 
 No one in his right mind would.

But, people call the existence of Jesus Christ a myth.  When in fact, the 
existence of Jesus Christ is supported by a hundred times more literary, 
archeological and historical evidence compared to Julius Ceasar.

My friends, it is not about facts, why people don't believe.  It's about 
choice.  People reject what they don't want to believe.  That is why no matter 
how the Bible is verified, how many facts I present,  it would still be fiction 
to some people.  Acknowledging otherwise would upset their belief system so 
much as to be untenable for them.

If Jesus Christ were to physically show up in front of Daniel Rocha, he would 
still find a way to rationalize it.  Heck, maybe it was just that heavy bologna 
sandwich he had for dinner.  That was nothing more than indigestion.  It's sad 
but true.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 10:37 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Works of fiction can blend reality and the craziest of fictions, to make it 
look plausible. Take as an example zombie stories: they are thrilling to many 
people precisely because the authors makes the dead raising plausible by 
setting it in the real world, with common people, not heroes or kings.

  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Jojo Jaro
  Date: 2013/1/1
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Now, we are getting into Philosophy.  OK, I'll bite since I am not too busy 

  As to the issue of unverfiiable source.  You need to define what you mean 
by unverifiable.  How does one go about verifying a history book like the 
Bible?  You call it unverifiable because you choose to not believe it despite 
evidence as to its integrity.  Archeologists have verified many of the 
statements in the Bible.  Long lost cities, locations, practices and cultures 
have been verified to have existed according to what is written in the Bible. 

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Daniel Rocha
You assume I was talking about Jesus and that is not rational. I mentioned
an example of how a genere iction can be blend with real facts to make it
look more real. For example, the whole creation business, paradise story,
tower of babel, flood, are all fiction, but as story progresses it starts
to blend with reality or (pseudo) historical record.

2013/1/1 Jojo Jaro


 If Jesus Christ were to physically show up in front of Daniel Rocha, he
 would still find a way to rationalize it.  Heck, maybe it was just that
 heavy bologna sandwich he had for dinner.  That was nothing more than
 indigestion.  It's sad but true.


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Jojo Jaro
But this is exactly where you're wrong.  You can in fact verify the Bible. 
It's very simple. find one, just one fact that has been categorically found 
to be false.  This one erroneous fact alone would sink the entire 
credibility of the Bible.

I issued a challenge to anyone reading to do this.  I think this might be a 
worthwhile little project for you, instead of just complaining all day long. 
If you want to prove that the Bible is an unverfiable source, find one fact 
that has been proven to be wrong.  It's very simple; very straitforward and 
very effective at shutting those people who believe in the Bible.

Find something and If I do not have an answer, I'll research it.

Doing this is the only way one can verify for himself that the Bible is 
indeed an accurate book when it comes to science.


- Original Message - 
From: Craig

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 10:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

On 01/01/2013 01:38 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

As to the issue of unverfiiable source.  You need to define what you
mean by unverifiable.  How does one go about verifying a history book
like the Bible?

You can't... and that's the point.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Craig
On 01/01/2013 11:59 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 But this is exactly where you're wrong.  You can in fact verify the
 Bible. It's very simple. find one, just one fact that has been
 categorically found to be false.  This one erroneous fact alone would
 sink the entire credibility of the Bible.

With regard to epistemology, it's not up to anyone to disprove a source.
Rather, it's up to the proponent of an idea to PROVE his assertions.
There is nothing to disprove here.

You can't take a source and claim that all the wild assertions in it are
true, just because you can't find anything wrong with it. I can write a
book about life on Pluto, and you won't be able to prove it wrong.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 11:48 AM 1/1/2013, Jojo Jaro wrote:
OK, who in this forum doubts the existence of Julius Ceasar, the 
Roman Emperor.  No one in his right mind would.

Me. Where does he exist? I don't only have a right brain, I have a 
left brain as well. Now, what does this have to do with Moon God, 
Dozens of wives, and marriageable age.

Yes, Jojo has an excuse, he said the above for a reason, but that 
reason was an introjection of a new topic, the fairytale Jesus trope.

Of course Caesar exists, in our imaginations. The name and stories 
exist in books. None of that is real. It's interpretation, 
explanation, theory, conclusion. Human stuff.

Epistemology and ontology. Don't leave home without them. 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Jojo Jaro
Do you have evidence that all this things you mentioned are fiction?  I don't 
believe you have.  You just decided not to believe it so in your eyes it is 

As a matter of fact, there is evidence of these things you call fiction.  There 
is scientific evidence for a young Earth consistent with the creation story.  
There is evidence for the existence of Eden (Paradise).  There is evidence for 
the tower of babel.  In fact, archeologists are excavating this site as we 
speak.  There is surely evidence for the flood.  The grand canyon is a gorge 
created by the great flood.  Fossil Graveyards are accumulation of fossils from 
different animals swept by the flood into a single location.

My friend, there is evidence.  The Bible is not fiction.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:56 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  You assume I was talking about Jesus and that is not rational. I mentioned an 
example of how a genere iction can be blend with real facts to make it look 
more real. For example, the whole creation business, paradise story, tower of 
babel, flood, are all fiction, but as story progresses it starts to blend with 
reality or (pseudo) historical record.

  2013/1/1 Jojo Jaro

If Jesus Christ were to physically show up in front of Daniel Rocha, he 
would still find a way to rationalize it.  Heck, maybe it was just that heavy 
bologna sandwich he had for dinner.  That was nothing more than indigestion.  
It's sad but true.


  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Peter Gluck
Contradictory news/rumours re Mr X are circulating. Some tell he is dead
but the others say he is still alive.
The truth as usual, is someway in the middle.


On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 9:58 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Aha, but there is this concept of Preponderance of Evidence.  While this
 is a legal concept, we can nevertheless apply its principles in our

 Basically, what Preponderance of Evidence says is that if one side can
 present a preponderance of evidence to support his side, what he is saying
 may be considered true.  If one side can present 51% evidence, his argument
 may be construed as true.  This is the standard of Preponderance of
 Evidence.  While absolute 100% certainty may not be reached, it is
 acceptable to acknowledge its truth based on the amount of evidence one has
 supplied.  Preponderance of Evidence is a legal standard that a Judge in a
 civil case may use to decide a case.  If it is acceptable in our legal
 system, I submit to you that it should be acceptable in our discussion.

 We can apply the standard of Preponderance of Evidence when we evaluate
 the integrity of the Bible.  Has the Bible stated facts that can be proven
 and does that constitute 51%.  If so, the Bible may be considered a
 verified and reliable source in our legal system.  In other words, it is
 considered a reliable witness.

 Has the Bible satisfied the Preponderance of Evidence criteria.  I submit
 to you that it has.  There are thousands of scientific, historical,
 archeological, literary, etc facts that can be and has been verified.
  Based on that, we can not legally say that the Bible is an unverified
 source. By law, it is considered a verified source by virtue of
 Preponderance of Evidence.


 - Original Message - From: Craig
 Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  On 01/01/2013 11:59 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 But this is exactly where you're wrong.  You can in fact verify the
 Bible. It's very simple. find one, just one fact that has been
 categorically found to be false.  This one erroneous fact alone would
 sink the entire credibility of the Bible.

 With regard to epistemology, it's not up to anyone to disprove a source.
 Rather, it's up to the proponent of an idea to PROVE his assertions.
 There is nothing to disprove here.

 You can't take a source and claim that all the wild assertions in it are
 true, just because you can't find anything wrong with it. I can write a
 book about life on Pluto, and you won't be able to prove it wrong.


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Daniel Rocha
It must be sad when when it's impossible to even get anyone remotely
serious about science that you are right. Everyone that listen to you are
people that hold to religious fundamentalism to overcome emotional problems.

2013/1/1 Jojo Jaro

 Do you have evidence that all this things you mentioned are fiction?  I
 don't believe you have.  You just decided not to believe it so in your eyes
 it is fiction.

 As a matter of fact, there is evidence of these things you call fiction.
 There is scientific evidence for a young Earth consistent with the creation
 story.  There is evidence for the existence of Eden (Paradise).  There is
 evidence for the tower of babel.  In fact, archeologists are excavating
 this site as we speak.  There is surely evidence for the flood.  The grand
 canyon is a gorge created by the great flood.  Fossil Graveyards are
 accumulation of fossils from different animals swept by the flood into a
 single location.

 My friend, there is evidence.  The Bible is not fiction.


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Craig
Jaro, are you suggesting that we meet here, in this forum, and vote as
to whether you have presented a 'preponderance of evidence' that your
assertions are true? And if we vote 'no', will you then agree that the
Bible has not been proven to be true, and is considered, therefore, to
be false?


On 01/01/2013 02:58 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Aha, but there is this concept of Preponderance of Evidence.  While
 this is a legal concept, we can nevertheless apply its principles in
 our discussion.

 Basically, what Preponderance of Evidence says is that if one side can
 present a preponderance of evidence to support his side, what he is
 saying may be considered true.  If one side can present 51% evidence,
 his argument may be construed as true.  This is the standard of
 Preponderance of Evidence.  While absolute 100% certainty may not be
 reached, it is acceptable to acknowledge its truth based on the amount
 of evidence one has supplied.  Preponderance of Evidence is a legal
 standard that a Judge in a civil case may use to decide a case.  If it
 is acceptable in our legal system, I submit to you that it should be
 acceptable in our discussion.

 We can apply the standard of Preponderance of Evidence when we
 evaluate the integrity of the Bible.  Has the Bible stated facts that
 can be proven and does that constitute 51%.  If so, the Bible may be
 considered a verified and reliable source in our legal system.  In
 other words, it is considered a reliable witness.

 Has the Bible satisfied the Preponderance of Evidence criteria.  I
 submit to you that it has.  There are thousands of scientific,
 historical, archeological, literary, etc facts that can be and has
 been verified.  Based on that, we can not legally say that the Bible
 is an unverified source. By law, it is considered a verified source
 by virtue of Preponderance of Evidence.


 - Original Message - From: Craig
 Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

 On 01/01/2013 11:59 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 But this is exactly where you're wrong.  You can in fact verify the
 Bible. It's very simple. find one, just one fact that has been
 categorically found to be false.  This one erroneous fact alone would
 sink the entire credibility of the Bible.

 With regard to epistemology, it's not up to anyone to disprove a source.
 Rather, it's up to the proponent of an idea to PROVE his assertions.
 There is nothing to disprove here.

 You can't take a source and claim that all the wild assertions in it are
 true, just because you can't find anything wrong with it. I can write a
 book about life on Pluto, and you won't be able to prove it wrong.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Jojo Jaro
No, I am suggesting that you count the facts written in the Bible that have 
found to be true.  Then count the facts found to be false and then count the 
facts that have not be found true or found false yet.  If the number of 
facts that have found to be true is 51% or greater, then the Bible has 
satisfied the principle of preponderance of evidence and should be treated 
as a verified document, and a reliable witness.

Shall we do this?

To be fair, I will count the facts found to be true, you count the facts 
that have been found to false and the facts found to be neither true nor 


- Original Message - 
From: Craig

Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Jaro, are you suggesting that we meet here, in this forum, and vote as
to whether you have presented a 'preponderance of evidence' that your
assertions are true? And if we vote 'no', will you then agree that the
Bible has not been proven to be true, and is considered, therefore, to
be false?


On 01/01/2013 02:58 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Aha, but there is this concept of Preponderance of Evidence.  While
this is a legal concept, we can nevertheless apply its principles in
our discussion.

Basically, what Preponderance of Evidence says is that if one side can
present a preponderance of evidence to support his side, what he is
saying may be considered true.  If one side can present 51% evidence,
his argument may be construed as true.  This is the standard of
Preponderance of Evidence.  While absolute 100% certainty may not be
reached, it is acceptable to acknowledge its truth based on the amount
of evidence one has supplied.  Preponderance of Evidence is a legal
standard that a Judge in a civil case may use to decide a case.  If it
is acceptable in our legal system, I submit to you that it should be
acceptable in our discussion.

We can apply the standard of Preponderance of Evidence when we
evaluate the integrity of the Bible.  Has the Bible stated facts that
can be proven and does that constitute 51%.  If so, the Bible may be
considered a verified and reliable source in our legal system.  In
other words, it is considered a reliable witness.

Has the Bible satisfied the Preponderance of Evidence criteria.  I
submit to you that it has.  There are thousands of scientific,
historical, archeological, literary, etc facts that can be and has
been verified.  Based on that, we can not legally say that the Bible
is an unverified source. By law, it is considered a verified source
by virtue of Preponderance of Evidence.


- Original Message - From: Craig
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

On 01/01/2013 11:59 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

But this is exactly where you're wrong.  You can in fact verify the
Bible. It's very simple. find one, just one fact that has been
categorically found to be false.  This one erroneous fact alone would
sink the entire credibility of the Bible.

With regard to epistemology, it's not up to anyone to disprove a source.
Rather, it's up to the proponent of an idea to PROVE his assertions.
There is nothing to disprove here.

You can't take a source and claim that all the wild assertions in it are
true, just because you can't find anything wrong with it. I can write a
book about life on Pluto, and you won't be able to prove it wrong.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2013-01-01 Thread Craig
On 01/01/2013 05:59 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 No, I am suggesting that you count the facts written in the Bible that
 have found to be true.  Then count the facts found to be false and
 then count the facts that have not be found true or found false yet. 
 If the number of facts that have found to be true is 51% or greater,
 then the Bible has satisfied the principle of preponderance of
 evidence and should be treated as a verified document, and a reliable

 Shall we do this?

 To be fair, I will count the facts found to be true, you count the
 facts that have been found to false and the facts found to be neither
 true nor false.


But no, that's not the way to ascertain truth. Each assertion has to be
evaluated on its own merits.

You can have a book that contains many truths, along with many un-proven
assertions. This is why books, per-se, cannot be used to ascertain
truth. They can only add to available evidence.

But notice, that when an assertion is made, that the truth of the
assertion has to be evaluated within the context of existing, known,
truths. So when we hear of stories that a wheel came down from the sky,
as in Ezekiel, we have to immediately dismiss it as hearsay, unless
there is other evidence that such a thing occurred. If it turns out that
numerous other sources confirmed the event, then we have to interpret
the event in the context of known truths. So the immediate explanation
would be that it's an illusion. If there was enough evidence that such a
thing was NOT an illusion, then the best interpretation is that the
event was conducted by an alien species with superior technology.

What you cannot do is manufacture an explanation which defies
metaphysics and epistemology. You cannot say that such an event was the
act of a God -- because the concept of God cannot be defined and does
not exist within the Universe, as I've mentioned before.

So when you allude to the idea that we have to interpret words, written
in a book, in such a way that the explanation defies metaphysics and
epistemology, then you are on very thin ice. If such a thing could be
absolutely ascertained to have occurred, (such as a wheel coming down
from the sky in an era when there was no flight), and it could be
absolutely ascertained that it was not an illusion, and was not the
product of alien manufacture... Then if all this could be ascertained,
then we would simply be stumped as to the explanation. It still could
not be the produce of a God because 'God' cannot be defined, as I've
mentioned in a previous post. Without an explanation which exists in
this Universe, you simply have no reference by which you could tie such
an event to another Universe.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-31 Thread Craig
On 12/30/2012 11:09 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 OK, since you asked, do not call me a troll by answering this.

 Genesis chapter 6 is the source of this.  This passage is the reason
 why God destroyed the Earth 

I think this is the source of the conflict:

Epistemology dictates that all knowledge comes from observation. When we
converse with each other in an attempt to exchange knowledge, we use the
Universe around us as a reference point in the exchange of truth. There
is no such thing as communication without this common reference point.
Words refer to existents and communication is act of exchanging
observations about the Universe. There is no other source for knowledge
since the Universe is all that exists, by definition. This epistemology
is at the foundation of science.

Using a book, such as Genesis, as a source of information is not valid.
It is heresay from an unverifiable source. Likewise, faith is not a
means of cognition, since there is no independent way of ascertaining
which faith is correct -- and what correct even means without a
reference to the Universe.

So Jaro, what you're seeing as insults, are challenges to your
epistemology. They are not insults, but you may interpret them as such
since such challenges rip at core beliefs. I also see a problem with
definitions you use. You use terms like 'God' and 'Angels' without
defining these terms. When I've spoken with Christians before on such
terms, they have never provided a definition. With 'God', they will
typically say that he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present, but
such descriptions defy definition. To define something is to delimit it
from other existents. Without a way to delimit its characteristics, it
simply cannot exist. There is no difference between something that is
'everything' and something that is 'nothing'. Which characteristics
would be different? There can't be a difference when there are no
identifiable characteristics.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-31 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Thanks, Jojo, I appreciate your response to my query.

It seems to me that you have faith that Genesis is literally accurate. How did 
you find your way to this faith? Was it difficult? Easy?  How unshakeable is 
your faith?

Again,thank you for your response.

On Dec 30, 2012, at 11:09 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 OK, since you asked, do not call me a troll by answering this.
 Genesis chapter 6 is the source of this.  This passage is the reason why God 
 destroyed the Earth with the flood.
 6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, 
 and daughters were born unto them,
 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they 
 took them wives of all which they chose.
 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he 
 also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the 
 sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to 
 them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that 
 every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
 6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved 
 him at his heart.
 7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of 
 the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the 
 air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
 The Hebrew word translated as Giants is Nephilim.
 The Hebrew words for Sons of God literally means sons of Elohim.  In the 
 Old Testament, only direct creations of God are referred to as Sons of God. 
 Only Adam, Eve and Angels are direct creations of God;  but Eve is not a son, 
 so that leaves Adam and Angels.  So, clearly this passage refers to fallen 
 angels mating with human females producing giants and mighty men of renown.  
 Men of renown means these men are known by the various histories of the 
 Throughout history and in every culture - Romans, Greeks, Assyrian, 
 Babylonian, Persian, Sumerian, etc, there is mythology relating to gods 
 mating with human women producing extraordinary hybrids.  The Sumerians have 
 their Annunaki.  The Greeks with their pantheon of gods which the Romans 
 adopted wholesale more or less.  In these mythology, there is Hercules, half 
 god half man with great size and strength.  There is Perseus, half god son of 
 Zeus.  There is Atlas, half god, big and strong depicted as carrying the 
 Earth on his back.  These are the men that are renown.
 Google the video Return of the Nephilim by Chuck Missler.  Chuck used be in 
 the Defense Industry.  He was an insider.  In his videos, he tries to 
 document the link between Nephilims and modern UFOs.  Watch it and judge for 
 Of course, there are also other videos when you google UFOs, Nephilim, 
 Annunaki, NWO, illuminati, etc.  Some good some crazy.  Judge for 
 There are books about this subject.  I do not play video games so I do not 
 know if there are.  I'm pretty this is as this is a common theme the 
 illuminati wants to desensitize people on.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 1:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age
 Thanks. This is fascinating.
 What are the sources for this information? There is reason to believe that 
 fallen angels are trying to breed with humans to create a hybrid race.  The 
 Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. They were universal during the days of 
 Noah. They interbred with human women to give birth to giant hybrids - 
 Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They interbreed with normal animal to give 
 birth to hideous dinasaurs and loathsome creatures.
 What are the sources for this information, and for the rest of your 
 statements in this email?  Books?
 Are there any movies or video games that depict these themes?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 OK, since you asked.  Don't say I am trolling.
 There is reason to believe that fallen angels are trying to breed with 
 humans to create a hybrid race.  The Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. 
 They were universal during the days of Noah. They interbred with human women 
 to give birth to giant hybrids - Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They 
 interbreed with normal animal to give birth to hideous dinasaurs and 
 loathsome creatures.  This was the primary reason why God had to wipe out 
 the entire race of life on Earth with a global flood.  Fallen angels and 
 demons wanted to subvert the plan of God by corrupting man.  If human DNA 
 are all tainted with demonic DNA, the messiah, which has

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-31 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Thanks, Jojo, I appreciate your response to my query.

It seems to me that you have faith that Genesis is literally accurate. How did 
you find your way to this faith? Was it difficult? Easy?  How unshakeable is 
your faith?

Again,thank you for your response.

On Dec 30, 2012, at 11:09 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 OK, since you asked, do not call me a troll by answering this.
 Genesis chapter 6 is the source of this.  This passage is the reason why God 
 destroyed the Earth with the flood.
 6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, 
 and daughters were born unto them,
 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they 
 took them wives of all which they chose.
 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he 
 also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the 
 sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to 
 them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
 5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that 
 every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
 6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved 
 him at his heart.
 7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of 
 the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the 
 air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
 8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
 The Hebrew word translated as Giants is Nephilim.
 The Hebrew words for Sons of God literally means sons of Elohim.  In the 
 Old Testament, only direct creations of God are referred to as Sons of God. 
 Only Adam, Eve and Angels are direct creations of God;  but Eve is not a son, 
 so that leaves Adam and Angels.  So, clearly this passage refers to fallen 
 angels mating with human females producing giants and mighty men of renown.  
 Men of renown means these men are known by the various histories of the 
 Throughout history and in every culture - Romans, Greeks, Assyrian, 
 Babylonian, Persian, Sumerian, etc, there is mythology relating to gods 
 mating with human women producing extraordinary hybrids.  The Sumerians have 
 their Annunaki.  The Greeks with their pantheon of gods which the Romans 
 adopted wholesale more or less.  In these mythology, there is Hercules, half 
 god half man with great size and strength.  There is Perseus, half god son of 
 Zeus.  There is Atlas, half god, big and strong depicted as carrying the 
 Earth on his back.  These are the men that are renown.
 Google the video Return of the Nephilim by Chuck Missler.  Chuck used be in 
 the Defense Industry.  He was an insider.  In his videos, he tries to 
 document the link between Nephilims and modern UFOs.  Watch it and judge for 
 Of course, there are also other videos when you google UFOs, Nephilim, 
 Annunaki, NWO, illuminati, etc.  Some good some crazy.  Judge for 
 There are books about this subject.  I do not play video games so I do not 
 know if there are.  I'm pretty this is as this is a common theme the 
 illuminati wants to desensitize people on.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 1:19 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age
 Thanks. This is fascinating.
 What are the sources for this information? There is reason to believe that 
 fallen angels are trying to breed with humans to create a hybrid race.  The 
 Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. They were universal during the days of 
 Noah. They interbred with human women to give birth to giant hybrids - 
 Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They interbreed with normal animal to give 
 birth to hideous dinasaurs and loathsome creatures.
 What are the sources for this information, and for the rest of your 
 statements in this email?  Books?
 Are there any movies or video games that depict these themes?
 On Dec 27, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 OK, since you asked.  Don't say I am trolling.
 There is reason to believe that fallen angels are trying to breed with 
 humans to create a hybrid race.  The Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. 
 They were universal during the days of Noah. They interbred with human women 
 to give birth to giant hybrids - Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They 
 interbreed with normal animal to give birth to hideous dinasaurs and 
 loathsome creatures.  This was the primary reason why God had to wipe out 
 the entire race of life on Earth with a global flood.  Fallen angels and 
 demons wanted to subvert the plan of God by corrupting man.  If human DNA 
 are all tainted with demonic DNA, the messiah, which has

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-31 Thread Jojo Jaro
Now, we are getting into Philosophy.  OK, I'll bite since I am not too busy 

As to the issue of unverfiiable source.  You need to define what you mean 
by unverifiable.  How does one go about verifying a history book like the 
Bible?  You call it unverifiable because you choose to not believe it 
despite evidence as to its integrity.  Archeologists have verified many of 
the statements in the Bible.  Long lost cities, locations, practices and 
cultures have been verified to have existed according to what is written in 
the Bible.  Most notably, the existence of theAssyrian Kingdom have recently 
been verified.  For decades, nobody can find proof of the existence of the 
Assyrian Empire and its capital Nineveh.  The Bible stood alone in its 
defense for the existence of the Assyrian Empire and its capital Nineveh. 
People scoofed at the Bible because it was wrong.

Well, lo and behold, Nineveh has been found and replete with amazing 
cultural and archeological finds that establishes once and for all that it 
existed at the time period and location that the Bible said it was.  But, 
did that increase you belief in the integrity of the Bible?  I do not 
believe so.  You still call it a fairy tale and unverifiable.  Despite 
this kinds of discovery occuring hundreds and thousands of time, in all 
fields of science, you still call the Bible unverifiable.

The Bible has verifed that the Earth was round in 3 different locations in 
the Bible.  Yet, that is not enough to verfiy it.  There are literally 
hundreds of statements about scientific facts we did not discover until 
recently, that is in the Bible.  Yet, that is not enough to verify it.

What will it take to verify the Bible for you my friend?   You will finally 
believe that the Bible is true when you see Demons and fallen Angels descend 
down on you.  But by then, it would be too late for you.

You see my friend, you do not believe the Bible because you chose not to 
believe it; not because you CAN NOT believe it.  Facts are there if you 
choose to believe it.


- Original Message - 
From: Craig

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

On 12/30/2012 11:09 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK, since you asked, do not call me a troll by answering this.

Genesis chapter 6 is the source of this.  This passage is the reason
why God destroyed the Earth

I think this is the source of the conflict:

Epistemology dictates that all knowledge comes from observation. When we
converse with each other in an attempt to exchange knowledge, we use the
Universe around us as a reference point in the exchange of truth. There
is no such thing as communication without this common reference point.
Words refer to existents and communication is act of exchanging
observations about the Universe. There is no other source for knowledge
since the Universe is all that exists, by definition. This epistemology
is at the foundation of science.

Using a book, such as Genesis, as a source of information is not valid.
It is heresay from an unverifiable source. Likewise, faith is not a
means of cognition, since there is no independent way of ascertaining
which faith is correct -- and what correct even means without a
reference to the Universe.

So Jaro, what you're seeing as insults, are challenges to your
epistemology. They are not insults, but you may interpret them as such
since such challenges rip at core beliefs. I also see a problem with
definitions you use. You use terms like 'God' and 'Angels' without
defining these terms. When I've spoken with Christians before on such
terms, they have never provided a definition. With 'God', they will
typically say that he is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present, but
such descriptions defy definition. To define something is to delimit it
from other existents. Without a way to delimit its characteristics, it
simply cannot exist. There is no difference between something that is
'everything' and something that is 'nothing'. Which characteristics
would be different? There can't be a difference when there are no
identifiable characteristics.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-31 Thread Jojo Jaro
Yes,  I believe Genesis and the Bible to be literraly true.  (Not that I 
believe Jesus was a chicken because he said he would like to gather 
Jerusalem under his wings.)  I believe it is true because I have verified it 
to be true.

Beleive it or not, I was and am an engineer.  I studied science.  And I have 
found that the Bible is a science book.  Not that it is exclusiviely a book 
about science, but it does contain enough science for one to verify.  If the 
Bible had said that the Earth was a big plate standing on the backs of 4 
elephants, then you would have a valid reason to call it a fairy tale.  But 
every statement made by the Bible about science has been found to be true. 
After having read it over 29 times, I have still to encounter a statement in 
the Bible that science has found to be categorically false.

I challenge you or anyone to prove me wrong on this.  But do it one at a 
time so that I can respond properly to it.  Do not cut and paste a blog from 
an Atheist web site.  I won't have time or the capability to respond to that 
in a meaningful way.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Thanks, Jojo, I appreciate your response to my query.

It seems to me that you have faith that Genesis is literally accurate. How 
did you find your way to this faith? Was it difficult? Easy?  How 
unshakeable is your faith?

Again,thank you for your response.

On Dec 30, 2012, at 11:09 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK, since you asked, do not call me a troll by answering this.

Genesis chapter 6 is the source of this.  This passage is the reason why 
God destroyed the Earth with the flood.

6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the 
earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and 
they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that 
he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when 
the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children 
to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that 
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it 
grieved him at his heart.

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face 
of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls 
of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

The Hebrew word translated as Giants is Nephilim.

The Hebrew words for Sons of God literally means sons of Elohim.  In the 
Old Testament, only direct creations of God are referred to as Sons of 
God. Only Adam, Eve and Angels are direct creations of God;  but Eve is 
not a son, so that leaves Adam and Angels.  So, clearly this passage 
refers to fallen angels mating with human females producing giants and 
mighty men of renown.  Men of renown means these men are known by the 
various histories of the region.

Throughout history and in every culture - Romans, Greeks, Assyrian, 
Babylonian, Persian, Sumerian, etc, there is mythology relating to gods 
mating with human women producing extraordinary hybrids.  The Sumerians 
have their Annunaki.  The Greeks with their pantheon of gods which the 
Romans adopted wholesale more or less.  In these mythology, there is 
Hercules, half god half man with great size and strength.  There is 
Perseus, half god son of Zeus.  There is Atlas, half god, big and strong 
depicted as carrying the Earth on his back.  These are the men that are 

Google the video Return of the Nephilim by Chuck Missler.  Chuck used be 
in the Defense Industry.  He was an insider.  In his videos, he tries to 
document the link between Nephilims and modern UFOs.  Watch it and judge 
for yourself.

Of course, there are also other videos when you google UFOs, Nephilim, 
Annunaki, NWO, illuminati, etc.  Some good some crazy.  Judge for 

There are books about this subject.  I do not play video games so I do not 
know if there are.  I'm pretty this is as this is a common theme the 
illuminati wants to desensitize people on.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Thanks. This is fascinating.

What are the sources for this information? There is reason to believe 
that fallen angels are trying to breed with humans

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-30 Thread Jojo Jaro

OK, since you asked, do not call me a troll by answering this.

Genesis chapter 6 is the source of this.  This passage is the reason why God 
destroyed the Earth with the flood.

6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, 
and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and 
they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he 
also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when 
the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to 
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that 
every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved 
him at his heart.

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of 
the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the 
air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

The Hebrew word translated as Giants is Nephilim.

The Hebrew words for Sons of God literally means sons of Elohim.  In the 
Old Testament, only direct creations of God are referred to as Sons of God. 
Only Adam, Eve and Angels are direct creations of God;  but Eve is not a 
son, so that leaves Adam and Angels.  So, clearly this passage refers to 
fallen angels mating with human females producing giants and mighty men of 
renown.  Men of renown means these men are known by the various histories of 
the region.

Throughout history and in every culture - Romans, Greeks, Assyrian, 
Babylonian, Persian, Sumerian, etc, there is mythology relating to gods 
mating with human women producing extraordinary hybrids.  The Sumerians have 
their Annunaki.  The Greeks with their pantheon of gods which the Romans 
adopted wholesale more or less.  In these mythology, there is Hercules, 
half god half man with great size and strength.  There is Perseus, half god 
son of Zeus.  There is Atlas, half god, big and strong depicted as carrying 
the Earth on his back.  These are the men that are renown.

Google the video Return of the Nephilim by Chuck Missler.  Chuck used be 
in the Defense Industry.  He was an insider.  In his videos, he tries to 
document the link between Nephilims and modern UFOs.  Watch it and judge for 

Of course, there are also other videos when you google UFOs, Nephilim, 
Annunaki, NWO, illuminati, etc.  Some good some crazy.  Judge for 

There are books about this subject.  I do not play video games so I do not 
know if there are.  I'm pretty this is as this is a common theme the 
illuminati wants to desensitize people on.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Thanks. This is fascinating.

What are the sources for this information? There is reason to believe that 
fallen angels are trying to breed with humans to create a hybrid race.  The 
Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. They were universal during the days of 
Noah. They interbred with human women to give birth to giant hybrids - 
Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They interbreed with normal animal to give 
birth to hideous dinasaurs and loathsome creatures.

What are the sources for this information, and for the rest of your 
statements in this email?  Books?

Are there any movies or video games that depict these themes?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK, since you asked.  Don't say I am trolling.

There is reason to believe that fallen angels are trying to breed with 
humans to create a hybrid race.  The Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. 
They were universal during the days of Noah. They interbred with human 
women to give birth to giant hybrids - Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They 
interbreed with normal animal to give birth to hideous dinasaurs and 
loathsome creatures.  This was the primary reason why God had to wipe out 
the entire race of life on Earth with a global flood.  Fallen angels and 
demons wanted to subvert the plan of God by corrupting man.  If human DNA 
are all tainted with demonic DNA, the messiah, which has to come as a man 
(pure human) can not come.  They would have effectively thwarted God's 
plan for redemption.

The recent spate of UFO activity and the more blatant abduction of women 
seems to support this speculation.  In almost all UFO abduction 
experience, what is the most common theme that these abductees are 
experiencing?  It almost always has to do with the human reproductive 
system.  Women's eggs

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-30 Thread Jojo Jaro
I forgot movies.  Yes, there are movies.  And any movie of this genre always 
facinate me.  It gives me a chance to peer into the minds of the illuminati. 
The themes they portray are the themes they would like to desensitize people 

Watch The Lightning Thief, where a kid, half son of Zeus is depicted as an 
ordinary boy.  This is how the illuminati wants you to view hybrids.  Watch 
The wrath of the Titans.  where Zeus is depicted as a benevolent god with 
limited powers.  Satan fancies himself as a god.  And depicting Zeus as 
having limited powers is an attempt to insult God insinuating He has limited 
power.  This is the work of the Illuminati.

I find movies like Blade runner, The 4400, Limitless particularly 
instructing.  It tells me the illuminati plans to enhance man with 
bioengineering and drugs.

Then of course there are the Sexual Theme movies.  I don't watch these as I 
already know what they are promoting.

Remember, movies today are not just for entertainment anymore.  They contain 
subliminal messages, themes, belief systems, trends and plans on what the 
illuminati is doing or plan to do.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Thanks. This is fascinating.

What are the sources for this information? There is reason to believe that 
fallen angels are trying to breed with humans to create a hybrid race.  The 
Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. They were universal during the days of 
Noah. They interbred with human women to give birth to giant hybrids - 
Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They interbreed with normal animal to give 
birth to hideous dinasaurs and loathsome creatures.

What are the sources for this information, and for the rest of your 
statements in this email?  Books?

Are there any movies or video games that depict these themes?

On Dec 27, 2012, at 11:12 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK, since you asked.  Don't say I am trolling.

There is reason to believe that fallen angels are trying to breed with 
humans to create a hybrid race.  The Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. 
They were universal during the days of Noah. They interbred with human 
women to give birth to giant hybrids - Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They 
interbreed with normal animal to give birth to hideous dinasaurs and 
loathsome creatures.  This was the primary reason why God had to wipe out 
the entire race of life on Earth with a global flood.  Fallen angels and 
demons wanted to subvert the plan of God by corrupting man.  If human DNA 
are all tainted with demonic DNA, the messiah, which has to come as a man 
(pure human) can not come.  They would have effectively thwarted God's 
plan for redemption.

The recent spate of UFO activity and the more blatant abduction of women 
seems to support this speculation.  In almost all UFO abduction 
experience, what is the most common theme that these abductees are 
experiencing?  It almost always has to do with the human reproductive 
system.  Women's eggs are removed, men's sperms are collected, women are 
impregnated, etc.  If these were truly biological beings - as in ET, why 
the preoccupation with the reproductive system .

When we study lower lifeforms, are we preoccupied with how they reproduce? 
Yes, we study their reproduction but we also study their other systems. 
This is the normal behavior of a curious higher being studying a lower 
lifeform.  But these UFO's are almost always studying human reproductive 
systems.  Curious.

There is reason to believe that these malevolent spiritual entities are 
trying to breed a super race of humans.  Abduction have been going on for 
thousands of years and it is reasonable to speculate that they have 
successfully breed hybrids almost indistinguishable from normal humans. 
These hybrids have now risen to power worldwide and have infiltrated all 
of our institutions.  These hybrids are the powers behind the Illuminati. 
So powerful and so entrenched are these hybrids that even presidents fear 
crossing them.  They sent a clear lesson to all future presidents when 
they assasinated JFK.  These illuminata satan worshippers and their hybrid 
handlers are the shadow government parasites bleeding our society dry.

No one can oppose these hybrids.  They can drive you mad with a thought - 
telepaths or they can squeeze your heart - Telekenetic.  You can not 
oppose TEPs and TEKs.  Only God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is 
holding them at bay.  When the Holy Spirit is removed from this Earth at 
the Rapture of Christians, the floodgates of hell will literally open and 
these demonic hybrids will consume all life.

This my friends is what you are looking forward to if you are not a saved 


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-29 Thread Axil Axil
Faith is the most precious of God’s gifts.

I envy the faith of the fundamentalist who can see beyond the human
failings and cardinal sins of the men that seem to have come to universally
affect the establishment, doctrine, practice, and liturgy of most
established religions.

As a human endeavor, religion is tainted by the weaknesses of man.

I find it overwhelming to parse out God’s truth from the perversions that
man has insidiously injected into the worship of God since the very dawn of

This work to discover God’s truth is more than a lifelong pursuit that
leaves little time for other important things.

With this having been said, I view engineering in all it varied forms as an
unselfish expression and practice of a high religion well-grounded in the
golden rule,  one of the most noble, yet simple philosophical concepts that
has been revealed directly by God.

The Ethic of Reciprocity -- often called the Golden Rule in Christianity --
simply states that we are to treat other people as we would wish to be
treated ourselves.
Almost all organized religions have such an ethic. In this teaching, this
ethic is normally intended to apply to the entire human race.
 Unfortunately, due to the frailty of human nature it is too often applied
by some people only to fellow believers.

If engineering is practiced at a minimum to advance the human condition for
the benefit of our neighbor, to eliminate poverty and ignorance, to enable
contact, understanding, and dialog among people, to encourage reasoning,
innovation and evaluation of theory, to feed, clothe, house, and nurture
man in all his needs and wants, to cure his illnesses, discomforts and
infirmities; and in general, to advance the assent of man, in every sense
and context, engineering can be practiced as a high art in selfless praise
and worship of God.

To my way of thinking, Edison and Tesla are now raised to archangels in the
heavenly host and the viceroys of the heavens.

Rossi, Papp, Ed Storms, Leclair among many others may be someday canonized
as saints if their work comes to its intended fruition for the benefit of
all mankind who rightfully deserve to sit at the right hand of the Father.

So now let us redirect our conversations to the only true religion that
glorifies both man and God.

Cheers:   axil
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Zell, Chris wrote:

 How about some Klonopin or other treatments for OCD?  That's what I'm
 seeing here ( yes, from my own experience).  I can't imagine anything
 more pointless than arguments about religious dogma.

 Time would be better spent discovering/developing free energy - by which
 means the entire Middle East would become gloriously irrelevant.  Build a
 Golden Age and forget about these distractions forever.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-29 Thread Axil Axil
Faith is the most precious of God’s gifts.

I envy the faith of the fundamentalist who can see beyond the human
failings and cardinal sins of the men that seem to have come to universally
affect the establishment, doctrine, practice, and liturgy of most
established religions.

As a human endeavor, religion is tainted by the weaknesses of man.

I find it overwhelming to parse out God’s truth from the perversions that
man has insidiously injected into the worship of God since the very dawn of

This work to discover God’s truth is more than a lifelong pursuit that
leaves little time for other important things.

With this having been said, I view engineering in all it varied forms as an
unselfish expression and practice of a high religion well-grounded in the
golden rule,  one of the most noble, yet simple philosophical concepts that
has been revealed directly by God.

The Ethic of Reciprocity -- often called the Golden Rule in Christianity --
simply states that we are to treat other people as we would wish to be
treated ourselves.
Almost all organized religions have such an ethic. In this teaching, this
ethic is normally intended to apply to the entire human race.
 Unfortunately, due to the frailty of human nature it is too often applied
by some people only to fellow believers.

If engineering is practiced at a minimum to advance the human condition for
the benefit of our neighbor, to eliminate poverty and ignorance, to enable
contact, understanding, and dialog among people, to encourage reasoning,
innovation and evaluation of theory, to feed, clothe, house, and nurture
man in all his needs and wants, to cure his illnesses, discomforts and
infirmities; and in general, to advance the assent of man, in every sense
and context, engineering can be practiced as a high art in selfless praise
and worship of God.

To my way of thinking, Edison and Tesla are now raised to archangels in the
heavenly host and the viceroys of the heavens.

Rossi, Papp, Ed Storms, Leclair among many others may be someday canonized
as saints if their work comes to its intended fruition for the benefit of
all mankind who rightfully deserve to sit at the right hand of the Father.
So now let us redirect our conversations to the only true religion that
glorifies both man and God.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Zell, Chris wrote:

 How about some Klonopin or other treatments for OCD?  That's what I'm
 seeing here ( yes, from my own experience).  I can't imagine anything
 more pointless than arguments about religious dogma.

 Time would be better spent discovering/developing free energy - by which
 means the entire Middle East would become gloriously irrelevant.  Build a
 Golden Age and forget about these distractions forever.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-29 Thread Eric Walker
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 The Ethic of Reciprocity -- often called the Golden Rule in Christianity
 -- simply states that we are to treat other people as we would wish to be
 treated ourselves.

 Almost all organized religions have such an ethic. In this teaching, this
 ethic is normally intended to apply to the entire human race.
  Unfortunately, due to the frailty of human nature it is too often applied
 by some people only to fellow believers.

This nice passage is also found here:


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro

Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts (teenage 
female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the equivalent 
of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first estrus.  If 
you mate a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will normally not take 
hold and the gilts will exhibit another estrus on their next cycle about 21 
days later.  The gilts are not sexually mature despite the obvious occurence 
of the estrus cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy takes hold, you will 
end up with radically fewer piglets born and smaller piglets born.  A normal 
sow pregnancy is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2 kgs of piglet weight.  If 
you mate a gilt on her first estrus, on average you will get less than 3 
piglets with about 1/3 lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg is 2-5 lbs for a normal 
pregnancy.  A first cycle pregnancy is 1/3 lbs piglet.)  Very very small 
piglets that will not normally survive to weaning age.  What I am saying is 
documented by pig breeders everywhere so no one who is honest will claim I 
am lying about this.  In fact, if you read pig breeding books, they would 
recommend that you wait until the second estrus to mate that gilt.  This my 
friends are facts.

In fact, in fact, in fact.  The older the gilt is when you first mate her, 
the more and bigger your piglets.  This is easy to understand.  An older 
gilt's body is more mature and will support more piglets compared to a young 
gilt on her first cycle.

The same is true with human girls.  Everyone agrees that exhibiting 
menstrual cycle at 9 years of age is unusually early for a little girl. 
Normal menstrual age is about  11-12, most even don't cycle until they are 
14.  Ask any doctor.  Now here comes Lomax and argues that a 9 year old 
little girl is sexually mature because she has had her first cycle. 
Apparently, she was not because we have no documented pregnancy of A'isha 
when she was 9.  Her body was simply not mature enough to carry a full term 
baby to delivery, much like a young gilt.  My friends, despite what Lomax 
would like you to believe, nature and experience tells us an early 
menstruating girl of 9 is clearly not sexually mature.

BTW, Lomax claims that a little girl's mammary glands would develop if she 
has a baby.   Apparently, Lomax has not seen mammary glands of first cycle 
gilts who became pregnant.  They are not developed despite having piglets. 
It contains little milk.  Piglets of young gilts need to have supplemental 
milk.   This my friends is the truth of the normal order of things.  But 
Lomax, twist it, to justify the actions of his retrograde HOLEY prophet. 
(Lomax still has not caught on why I spell Holy - HOLEY. Contrary to what 
Lomax would like to believe, I do know how to spell Holy.  LOL ...)


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 10:01 PM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she was 9 or 
10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

No, *Jojo* is abhorrent and retrograde. That's because he's now. What 
Muhammad did wasn't abhorrent, because nobody hated it. Then. It wasn't 
retrograde, either, it was not odd or strange or unusual.

If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is a 
sexually mature woman.

Yes. That's what the word means. It does not mean that no further 
maturation can occur. It means that she is capable of becoming a mother.

Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to swallow this.

No, I don't care what Vorticians think, but I'm not seeing any support, 
here, for Jojo's viciousness.

OK, show of hands, which of us with daughters 9 or 10 years old, that have 
had their first mentrual cycle that we would consider to be sexually 

Hand up. That is, if I knew that my daugher had her first period, I'd know 
that she was sexually mature. That has consequences.

For pete's sake.  These little girls do not have fully developed mammary 
glands yet, and Lomax thinks they are sexually mature. This is the 
corruption of islam for all to see.

The glands will work if she gets pregnant. Jojo is making silly arguments. 
The issue is not today's girls, and the conditions girls face today. The 
issue is Jojo's claim that was was done *then* was abhorrent and 
retrograde *then*.

And we don't now the age. Some sources conclude that Ayesha was much 

OK, show of hands, which of the following sources does one consider more 

Reliable for what?

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari vs. wikipedia and Internet blogs.

For hadith, Muslim and Bukhari. For general information on Islam, hands 
down, Wikipedia. Muslim and Bukhari are not manuals

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Peter Gluck
Dear Jojo,

Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa
domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the
first  proverb here:

I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected
President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual,
you don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499
religions except yours and so on but all these are only
illusions and errors.
Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white man:unstoppable
 and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the fatum of
Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and will
not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your
presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

 I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts
 (teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the
 equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first
 estrus.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will
 normally not take hold and the gilts will exhibit another estrus on their
 next cycle about 21 days later.  The gilts are not sexually mature despite
 the obvious occurence of the estrus cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy
 takes hold, you will end up with radically fewer piglets born and smaller
 piglets born.  A normal sow pregnancy is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2
 kgs of piglet weight.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, on average
 you will get less than 3 piglets with about 1/3 lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg
 is 2-5 lbs for a normal pregnancy.  A first cycle pregnancy is 1/3 lbs
 piglet.)  Very very small piglets that will not normally survive to weaning
 age.  What I am saying is documented by pig breeders everywhere so no one
 who is honest will claim I am lying about this.  In fact, if you read pig
 breeding books, they would recommend that you wait until the second estrus
 to mate that gilt.  This my friends are facts.

 In fact, in fact, in fact.  The older the gilt is when you first mate her,
 the more and bigger your piglets.  This is easy to understand.  An older
 gilt's body is more mature and will support more piglets compared to a
 young gilt on her first cycle.

 The same is true with human girls.  Everyone agrees that exhibiting
 menstrual cycle at 9 years of age is unusually early for a little girl.
 Normal menstrual age is about  11-12, most even don't cycle until they are
 14.  Ask any doctor.  Now here comes Lomax and argues that a 9 year old
 little girl is sexually mature because she has had her first cycle.
 Apparently, she was not because we have no documented pregnancy of A'isha
 when she was 9.  Her body was simply not mature enough to carry a full term
 baby to delivery, much like a young gilt.  My friends, despite what Lomax
 would like you to believe, nature and experience tells us an early
 menstruating girl of 9 is clearly not sexually mature.

 BTW, Lomax claims that a little girl's mammary glands would develop if she
 has a baby.   Apparently, Lomax has not seen mammary glands of first cycle
 gilts who became pregnant.  They are not developed despite having piglets.
 It contains little milk.  Piglets of young gilts need to have supplemental
 milk.   This my friends is the truth of the normal order of things.  But
 Lomax, twist it, to justify the actions of his retrograde HOLEY prophet.
 (Lomax still has not caught on why I spell Holy - HOLEY. Contrary to what
 Lomax would like to believe, I do know how to spell Holy.  LOL ...)


 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 1:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  At 10:01 PM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she was 9
 or 10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

 No, *Jojo* is abhorrent and retrograde. That's because he's now. What
 Muhammad did wasn't abhorrent, because nobody hated it. Then. It wasn't
 retrograde, either, it was not odd or strange or unusual.

  If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is a
 sexually mature woman.

 Yes. That's what the word means. It does not mean that no further
 maturation can occur. It means that she is capable of becoming a mother.

  Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to swallow this.

 No, I don't care what Vorticians

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax;
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 10:01 PM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she 
was 9 or 10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

No, *Jojo* is abhorrent and retrograde. That's because he's now. 
What Muhammad did wasn't abhorrent, because nobody hated it. Then. 
It wasn't retrograde, either, it was not odd or strange or unusual.

If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is 
a sexually mature woman.

Yes. That's what the word means. It does not mean that no further 
maturation can occur. It means that she is capable of becoming a mother.

Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to swallow this.

No, I don't care what Vorticians think, but I'm not seeing any 
support, here, for Jojo's viciousness.

OK, show of hands, which of us with daughters 9 or 10 years old, 
that have had their first mentrual cycle that we would consider to 
be sexually mature.

Hand up. That is, if I knew that my daugher had her first period, 
I'd know that she was sexually mature. That has consequences.

For pete's sake.  These little girls do not have fully developed 
mammary glands yet, and Lomax thinks they are sexually mature. 
This is the corruption of islam for all to see.

The glands will work if she gets pregnant. Jojo is making silly 
arguments. The issue is not today's girls, and the conditions girls 
face today. The issue is Jojo's claim that was was done *then* was 
abhorrent and retrograde *then*.

And we don't now the age. Some sources conclude that Ayesha was much older.

OK, show of hands, which of the following sources does one 
consider more reliable.

Reliable for what?

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari vs. wikipedia and Internet blogs.

For hadith, Muslim and Bukhari. For general information on Islam, 
hands down, Wikipedia. Muslim and Bukhari are not manuals of Islam. 
They are collections of stories, which require interpretation. They 
are, in Wikipedia terms, primary sources. Use with care.

 One of us cited Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari indicating a 
testimony from A'isha herself that intercourse occured when she 
was 9 or thereabouts.

No. Sahih Muslim has an account attributed to Ayesha that she was 
taken to the Prophet's house when she was nine. Not that they had 
intercourse. However, that can reasonably be inferred.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle 
(may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, 
and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and 
her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she 
was eighteen years old.

There is no isnad (which is typical for my edition of Sahih 
Muslim). Muslim narrates a series of traditions on Ayesha, which 
are unattributed. He did not hear this from Ayesha!

 Lomax cited Internet Blogs to say that A'isha was a different age.

I didn't say she was a different age. One page gave arguments she 
was. I was citing this to show the range of opinion among Muslims. 
It wasn't a blog.

  Which of us is more credible with better evidence?  Lomax seems 
to think that his evidence is stronger because he writes lengthy 
tiresome essays to confuse the issue.  If you are buying it, you 
have the right to be stupid enough to be deceive by lies.

What Jojo is effectively lying about would be that I claimed Ayesha 
was *not* nine. I pointed to evidence that she was, and evidence 
that she wasn't. I wrote that I don't know how old she was, but 
that she was sexually mature, regardless. Jojo wants to quibble 
on that, but a sexually mature woman is not barely out of 
diapers, which he's said over and over, unless there is some problem!

I write lengthy essays because I actually do research and report 
it, and I discuss the issues. Jojo hates that. He just wants to 
toss his mud and be done with it. Someone who actually checks his 
claims? Horrors!

OK, show of hands, which of us would follow our neighbors to 
commit an abhorrent act.

*What abhorrent act?* Jojo has never been specific. And nobody here 
is proposing that girls be married at nine. What I've been saying, 
though, is that this *was not an abhorrent act* in the culture, the 
time and place where it occurred. Nobody cared about her age, they 
care about her *maturity*. And Islamic law, in some places, is 
still the same. Maturity, by the way, one of the sources I cited 
noted, includes her reasoning and sound judgment. But that's dicta, 
in a way, because only one aspect of marriageability is being considered here.

Heck, if all our neighbors practiced beastiality, does that make 
our practice of it OK?

Straw man argument. And nobody has claimed that a practice is OK. 
Rather, if a practice is universally accepted in a time, we cannot 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro
As a matter of fact my friend, the practice of Abraham, Jacob, David, 
Solomon and other old testament Jews are in fact Abhorrent and retrograde. 
And you will never hear a Christian justifying these acts.  Jesus corrected 
these retrograde acts.  In the New Testament, you will never hear of a 
Christian having multiple wives ever again.  That is the act of a real God 
and teacher.  He corrects and ends retrograde practices.

Now, what did muhammed do?  Instead of ending it, he embraced it and 
justified it.  His propaganda book the koran,  teaches that a man must only 
have 4 wives.  He had 12 according to Lomax.  History tells us that he had 
dozens of wives and concubines and sex toys.  But instead of condemning this 
erroneous act of his HOLEY prophet, he justifies it and try to spin it away. 
How enlightened and progressive of you Lomax.  This is the corruption of 
islam for all to see.

Once again, Just because it was done by all peoples, does not mean it is 
right.  God's intention has always been 1 man to 1 wife.  It's as simple as 
that.  I promise you, you will never find me justifying the actions of David 
by saying that it is OK, because that was the culture at that time.  Both 
David and Solomon are some of the most admired teachers of Christians.  But 
we do not justify their wrong actions.  We do not justify their sins.  We 
tell it as it is.  That my friends, is the action of honest men.

Contrast that to the acts of Lomax.  He comes up with various spins, 
irrelenvancies and lies, to confuse the issue.  He then justifies the 
retrograde acts by claiming that that is the normal cultural thing that 
people do.  I'm not surprised.  Lomax feels he is justified in doing this 
because what he is doing is for the good of islam and muhammed.

One prominent Christian once said: (and I quote to the best of my 
recollection.) A muslim will lie if he feels his lie will serve islam. 
Remember this fact when you are debating with a muslim.  And now, the truth 
of this statement is evident for all to see.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 02:43 AM 12/28/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK Lomax, let's agree to disagree.

No, because Jojo lies about what we supposedly disagree about. In this 
agree to disagree post, he again lies, after having been corrected many 
times, about what I say. I haven't said what he opposes to his positino. 
In one case, in this series, he says for himself, what he has not 
prevously said. He says that polygamy is abhorrent and retrograde. 
Retrograde it might be, that's arguable, but abhorrent, not. Here is a 
Christian effectively claiming that what Abraham did, with the support of 
his first wife, Sarah, is abhorrent. Yet it was within the customs of 
the time. Nobody telling the story, which is how we know it, thought it 
was abhorrent. The analogy with what Muhammad did and Jojo's claims about 
it is clear.

In another thread, Re: [Vo]:[OT]Birther Myth? or Lomax lies , Jojo lies 
about what he, himself, quoted, included in the mail, the Executive Order 
from President Obama, and continues to lie about it. This is perfect, 
because he lies about what is in his own mail. When he lies about the 
truth, and doesn't provide sources -- the norm for him -- it's possible 
to imagine he is merely mistaken, or, for some, that he's telling the 
truth, *unless one investigates.* But where the subject he's lying about 
is right in front of us, that's no longer possible -- unless, of course, 
what he's claimng is there is actually there.

There are only a few possibilities remaining here.

1. Jojo is high-functioning, in certain ways, but insane. Hallucinating.
2. Jojo is a troll, and lies because it continues the trolling.

I had an excuse for responding to some of his posts. Most of what he's 
written consists of things that are believed by a substantial number of 
people, or at least many think that what he's saying is possible. He's 
asserting common ignorant tropes. So responding to them places information 
about these subjects in a public record, apposite to the claims.

It's been suggested by someone I respect that the job is done. Jojo has 
revealed his complete insanity, and that takes us to a possible 
understanding of the second possibility above. Jojo's mission has been to 
discredit all the positions he takes. It's called a straw puppet, a 
combination of straw man and sock puppet. It's rare, but I've seen it.

In the thread on FGM, I came upon and acknoweldged a tragedy, that 
Muslim scholars had inadequately educated the Muslim public about the true 
meaning of female circumcision as found in the classical sources for 
Islam, but have allowed ignorance and fundamentalist populism to hold 
sway. There is a parallel tragedy here, that sane Christian

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro
Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is your 
4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your site 
again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to promote and 
recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But if you feel that 
this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to illustrate 
the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything particularly 
nasty with my real life example.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter Gluck 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Dear Jojo,

  Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
  that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa 
domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
  Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the 
  first  proverb here:

  I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected 
President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual, you 
don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499 religions 
except yours and so on but all these are only 
  illusions and errors.
  Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white man:unstoppable  
and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the fatum of Vortex. I 
have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and will not be 
converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your presence and 
all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
  It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts (teenage 
female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the equivalent of 
what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first estrus.  If you mate 
a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will normally not take hold and the 
gilts will exhibit another estrus on their next cycle about 21 days later.  The 
gilts are not sexually mature despite the obvious occurence of the estrus 
cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy takes hold, you will end up with 
radically fewer piglets born and smaller piglets born.  A normal sow pregnancy 
is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2 kgs of piglet weight.  If you mate a gilt 
on her first estrus, on average you will get less than 3 piglets with about 1/3 
lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg is 2-5 lbs for a normal pregnancy.  A first cycle 
pregnancy is 1/3 lbs piglet.)  Very very small piglets that will not normally 
survive to weaning age.  What I am saying is documented by pig breeders 
everywhere so no one who is honest will claim I am lying about this.  In fact, 
if you read pig breeding books, they would recommend that you wait until the 
second estrus to mate that gilt.  This my friends are facts.

In fact, in fact, in fact.  The older the gilt is when you first mate her, 
the more and bigger your piglets.  This is easy to understand.  An older gilt's 
body is more mature and will support more piglets compared to a young gilt on 
her first cycle.

The same is true with human girls.  Everyone agrees that exhibiting 
menstrual cycle at 9 years of age is unusually early for a little girl. Normal 
menstrual age is about  11-12, most even don't cycle until they are 14.  Ask 
any doctor.  Now here comes Lomax and argues that a 9 year old little girl is 
sexually mature because she has had her first cycle. Apparently, she was not 
because we have no documented pregnancy of A'isha when she was 9.  Her body was 
simply not mature enough to carry a full term baby to delivery, much like a 
young gilt.  My friends, despite what Lomax would like you to believe, nature 
and experience tells us an early menstruating girl of 9 is clearly not sexually 

BTW, Lomax claims that a little girl's mammary glands would develop if she 
has a baby.   Apparently, Lomax has not seen mammary glands of first cycle 
gilts who became pregnant.  They are not developed despite having piglets. It 
contains little milk.  Piglets of young gilts need to have supplemental milk.   
This my friends is the truth of the normal order of things.  But Lomax, twist 
it, to justify the actions of his retrograde HOLEY prophet. (Lomax still has 
not caught on why I spell Holy - HOLEY. Contrary to what Lomax would like to 
believe, I do know how to spell Holy.  LOL ...)


- Original

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro

2 questions.

First' Which statement specifically do you think I am just making up?

Second, Are you serious in wanting to know, or are you just intending to 
insult me?

If you are serious, I will answer you and explain to you where I get these.


- Original Message - 
From: Craig

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

On 12/27/2012 11:12 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK, since you asked.  Don't say I am trolling.

There is reason to believe that fallen angels are trying to breed with
humans to create a hybrid race.  The Bible called these hybrids
Nephilims. They were universal during the days of Noah. They interbred
with human women to give birth to giant hybrids - Hercules, Persues,
Atlas etc.  They interbreed with normal animal to give birth to
hideous dinasaurs and loathsome creatures.  This was the primary
reason why God had to wipe out the entire race of life on Earth with a
global flood.  Fallen angels and demons wanted to subvert the plan of
God by corrupting man.  If human DNA are all tainted with demonic DNA,
the messiah, which has to come as a man (pure human) can not come.
They would have effectively thwarted God's plan for redemption.

You know you're just making this stuff up, right?

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro

Excellent analysis of my motives there Lomax.

Hmmm, could it be? might it be possible? that I just don't want people to be 
deceived by your propaganda - that's why I am responding so vigorously to 
your lies.

KISS, my friend.  Keep It Simple Stupid!


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 02:43 AM 12/28/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

OK Lomax, let's agree to disagree.

No, because Jojo lies about what we supposedly disagree about. In this 
agree to disagree post, he again lies, after having been corrected many 
times, about what I say. I haven't said what he opposes to his positino. 
In one case, in this series, he says for himself, what he has not 
prevously said. He says that polygamy is abhorrent and retrograde. 
Retrograde it might be, that's arguable, but abhorrent, not. Here is a 
Christian effectively claiming that what Abraham did, with the support of 
his first wife, Sarah, is abhorrent. Yet it was within the customs of 
the time. Nobody telling the story, which is how we know it, thought it 
was abhorrent. The analogy with what Muhammad did and Jojo's claims about 
it is clear.

In another thread, Re: [Vo]:[OT]Birther Myth? or Lomax lies , Jojo lies 
about what he, himself, quoted, included in the mail, the Executive Order 
from President Obama, and continues to lie about it. This is perfect, 
because he lies about what is in his own mail. When he lies about the 
truth, and doesn't provide sources -- the norm for him -- it's possible 
to imagine he is merely mistaken, or, for some, that he's telling the 
truth, *unless one investigates.* But where the subject he's lying about 
is right in front of us, that's no longer possible -- unless, of course, 
what he's claimng is there is actually there.

There are only a few possibilities remaining here.

1. Jojo is high-functioning, in certain ways, but insane. Hallucinating.
2. Jojo is a troll, and lies because it continues the trolling.

I had an excuse for responding to some of his posts. Most of what he's 
written consists of things that are believed by a substantial number of 
people, or at least many think that what he's saying is possible. He's 
asserting common ignorant tropes. So responding to them places information 
about these subjects in a public record, apposite to the claims.

It's been suggested by someone I respect that the job is done. Jojo has 
revealed his complete insanity, and that takes us to a possible 
understanding of the second possibility above. Jojo's mission has been to 
discredit all the positions he takes. It's called a straw puppet, a 
combination of straw man and sock puppet. It's rare, but I've seen it.

In the thread on FGM, I came upon and acknoweldged a tragedy, that 
Muslim scholars had inadequately educated the Muslim public about the true 
meaning of female circumcision as found in the classical sources for 
Islam, but have allowed ignorance and fundamentalist populism to hold 
sway. There is a parallel tragedy here, that sane Christian evangelists (I 
do not think that an oxymoron) have not spoken up to distance their faith 
from people like Jojo. The result is a discredit to the religion, as a 
social phenomenon. Islam has suffered from the same, to a degree, but 
that's ending. Scholars *are* speaking up against the often violent and 
brutal -- and ignorant -- fundamentalists.

End of topic.

Jojo has claimed that he'll let [me] have the last word on this topic. 
He has said the like of that before and was lying -- or if he wasn't 
lying, he did not honor his word. Let's see what he does this time. He can 
keep his word or not, I'm done here.

I say intercourse between a 50 year old man and a 9 year old little girl 
is abhorrent and retrograde.  You say it is justified because people 
around him were not offended.  Let's allow the readers to decide if this 
is abhorrent.

I say marrying multiple wives is abhorrent and retrograde, you say it is 
OK because other tribes do it.  Let's allow the reader to decide if this 
is abhorrent.

I say worshipping a 2nd rate moon god of muhammed's tribe is retarded, you 
say it is not, Let's allow the readers to decide if the mood god is their 
cup of tea over a the Universal God of Judaism and Christianity.

I say a 9 year old little girl is not sexually mature to be a mother, you 
say she is because she has had her first menstrual cycle.  Let's allow the 
readers to decide if this is abhorrent.

I say the practice of FGM is abhorrent, since it does not have any 
redeeming or medical value, you say it is OK.  Let's allow the readers to 
decide if this is abhorrent.

I say the truth and cite quality evidence, you tell lies and cite 
wikipedia and Internet blogs as your evidence.  Let's allow the readers to 
decide if this is abhorrent.

I tell the truth

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Mark Gibbs
Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what is
the matter with you people?

Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything
constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable
discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly)
responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions
and endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats.
Now Peter has been sucked in ...

It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a
list is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts.

Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better if
it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists die.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is
 your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

 Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

 And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your
 site again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to
 promote and recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But
 if you feel that this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


 PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to
 illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything
 particularly nasty with my real life example.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Peter Gluck
 *Sent:* Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

 Dear Jojo,

 Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
 that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa
 domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
 Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the
 first  proverb here:

 I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected
 President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual,
 you don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499
 religions except yours and so on but all these are only
 illusions and errors.
 Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white man:unstoppable
  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the fatum of
 Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and will
 not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your
 presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
 It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

 I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts
 (teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the
 equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first
 estrus.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will
 normally not take hold and the gilts will exhibit another estrus on their
 next cycle about 21 days later.  The gilts are not sexually mature despite
 the obvious occurence of the estrus cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy
 takes hold, you will end up with radically fewer piglets born and smaller
 piglets born.  A normal sow pregnancy is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2
 kgs of piglet weight.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, on average
 you will get less than 3 piglets with about 1/3 lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg
 is 2-5 lbs for a normal pregnancy.  A first cycle pregnancy is 1/3 lbs
 piglet.)  Very very small piglets that will not normally survive to weaning
 age.  What I am saying is documented by pig breeders everywhere so no one
 who is honest will claim I am lying about this.  In fact, if you read pig
 breeding books, they would recommend that you wait until the second estrus
 to mate that gilt.  This my friends are facts.

 In fact, in fact, in fact.  The older the gilt is when you first mate
 her, the more and bigger your piglets.  This is easy to understand.  An
 older gilt's body is more mature and will support more piglets compared to
 a young gilt on her first cycle.

 The same is true with human girls.  Everyone agrees that exhibiting
 menstrual cycle at 9 years of age is unusually early for a little girl.
 Normal menstrual age is about  11-12, most even don't cycle until they are
 14.  Ask any doctor.  Now here comes Lomax and argues that a 9 year old
 little girl is sexually mature because she has had her first cycle.
 Apparently, she was not because we have no documented pregnancy of A'isha
 when she was 9.  Her body was simply not mature enough

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread ChemE Stewart
Unfortunately I sense lots of bad mojo behind many of the posts in this

On Friday, December 28, 2012, Mark Gibbs wrote:

 Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what
 is the matter with you people?

 Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything
 constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable
 discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly)
 responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions
 and endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats.
 Now Peter has been sucked in ...

 It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a
 list is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts.

 Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better
 if it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists


 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is
 your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

 Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

 And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your
 site again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to
 promote and recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But
 if you feel that this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


 PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to
 illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything
 particularly nasty with my real life example.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Peter Gluck
 *Sent:* Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

 Dear Jojo,

 Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
 that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa
 domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
 Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the
 first  proverb here:

 I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected
 President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual,
 you don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499
 religions except yours and so on but all these are only
 illusions and errors.
 Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white man:unstoppable
  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the fatum of
 Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and will
 not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your
 presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
 It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

 I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts
 (teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the
 equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show the

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro
Mark, how far back have you followed this exchange.  Were you here 6 months 
ago?  1 year ago?

Before you even start to insult me, please please please study up on the 
history of this.  

Abd responds politely  Come on, either be objective or just go ahead and 
start insulting.  Abd started this round of insults as he did a few months ago.

Please refrain from making these hurtful comments until you've investigated the 
matter more closely.  For crreps sake, you're supposed to be an investigative 
reporter.  So investigate properly.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Mark Gibbs 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what is 
the matter with you people? 

  Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything 
constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable 
discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly) 
responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions and 
endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats. Now Peter 
has been sucked in ... 

  It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a list 
is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts. 

  Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better if 
it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists die.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is 
your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your site 
again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to promote and 
recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But if you feel that 
this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to 
illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything 
particularly nasty with my real life example.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter Gluck 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Dear Jojo, 

  Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
  that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa 
domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
  Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the 
  first  proverb here:

  I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected 
President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual, you 
don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499 religions 
except yours and so on but all these are only 
  illusions and errors.
  Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white 
man:unstoppable  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the 
fatum of Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and 
will not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your 
presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
  It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts 
(teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the 
equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first 
estrus.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will normally 
not take hold and the gilts will exhibit another estrus on their next cycle 
about 21 days later.  The gilts are not sexually mature despite the obvious 
occurence of the estrus cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy takes hold, you 
will end up with radically fewer piglets born and smaller piglets born.  A 
normal sow pregnancy is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2 kgs of piglet weight. 
 If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, on average you will get less than 3 
piglets with about 1/3 lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg is 2-5 lbs for a normal 
pregnancy.  A first cycle pregnancy is 1/3 lbs piglet.)  Very very small 
piglets that will not normally survive to weaning age.  What I am saying is 
documented by pig breeders everywhere so no one who is honest will claim I am 
lying about this.  In fact, if you read

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro
Mark, has it occured to you or to Peter or to others that it is precisely these 
kinds of biased hurtful insults that cause me to lash out at you, Peter and 

I am capable of discussing rationally with civility as many in this list can 
attest.  But I will not suffer insults like this.  Please consider this as my 
final warning.

If you have investigated this properly, you will conclude that I was discussing 
calmly and politely with some members here before Lomax, SVJ and others started 
their round of insults.  Please be objective before you start mouthing off.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Mark Gibbs 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what is 
the matter with you people? 

  Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything 
constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable 
discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly) 
responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions and 
endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats. Now Peter 
has been sucked in ... 

  It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a list 
is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts. 

  Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better if 
it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists die.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is 
your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your site 
again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to promote and 
recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But if you feel that 
this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to 
illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything 
particularly nasty with my real life example.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter Gluck 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Dear Jojo, 

  Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
  that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa 
domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
  Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the 
  first  proverb here:

  I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected 
President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual, you 
don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499 religions 
except yours and so on but all these are only 
  illusions and errors.
  Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white 
man:unstoppable  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the 
fatum of Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and 
will not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your 
presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
  It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts 
(teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the 
equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first 
estrus.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will normally 
not take hold and the gilts will exhibit another estrus on their next cycle 
about 21 days later.  The gilts are not sexually mature despite the obvious 
occurence of the estrus cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy takes hold, you 
will end up with radically fewer piglets born and smaller piglets born.  A 
normal sow pregnancy is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2 kgs of piglet weight. 
 If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, on average you will get less than 3 
piglets with about 1/3 lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg is 2-5 lbs for a normal 
pregnancy.  A first cycle pregnancy is 1/3 lbs piglet.)  Very very small 
piglets that will not normally survive to weaning age.  What I am saying is 
documented by pig breeders everywhere so no one who is honest will claim I am 
lying about

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jed Rothwell
I have set this thread to auto-delete, but I noticed this --

Mark Gibbs wrote:

 It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a
 list is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts.

 Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better
 if it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists

I don't suppose it is that bad, but the conversation should be moved to the
alternate list VortexB-L. That is what the second list is for.


VORTEX B: Besides vortex-L, there is also 'vortexB-L.' This is a
secondary forum which has no rules. We use it for extremely off-topic
discussions, and also as a flameproof place for any groups who feel a need
to engage in verbal fisticuffs.

Speaking of B lists and B-this-or-that, I have learned that you can get
influenza-B even after getting an influenza shot. You get both the needle
and the disease, or what the Japanese call a bee stinging a crying face
(adding insult to injury).

If it isn't going to work, they could at least make it a nasal spritz.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro
Of course there's a lot of bad mojo.  How would you feel if you are insulted at 
every turn? by people ignorant of the real situation.  First Lomax, then SVJ, 
then Rocha, then Craig, then Walker then Jouni then Peter and now Mark.   All 
openning their comments with insults.  ( I have not included those people who 
made mild insults like you.)  I am capable of discussing with civility as I 
have with David and a few others.

If people want to insult, an insult is what they will receive back.


  - Original Message - 
  From: ChemE Stewart 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 2:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Unfortunately I sense lots of bad mojo behind many of the posts in this 

  On Friday, December 28, 2012, Mark Gibbs wrote:

Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what is 
the matter with you people? 

Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything 
constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable 
discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly) 
responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions and 
endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats. Now Peter 
has been sucked in ... 

It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a 
list is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts. 

Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better if 
it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists die.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is 
your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

  Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

  And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your 
site again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to promote 
and recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But if you feel 
that this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


  PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to 
illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything 
particularly nasty with my real life example.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Gluck 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Dear Jojo, 

Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus 
scrofa domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the 
first  proverb here:

I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected 
President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual, you 
don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499 religions 
except yours and so on but all these are only 
illusions and errors.
Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white 
man:unstoppable  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the 
fatum of Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and 
will not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your 
presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

  I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts 
(teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the 
equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show the

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Mark Gibbs
Does anyone know how to get William Beaty to manage the conduct on this

If you look at the recent messages on this list ( the ration
of science to squabbling is ridiculous and mots of the traffic comes from
just a few people going seriously off topic.

If Beaty isn't willing to moderate and push the OT stuff over to Vortex B
then someone (Jed?) should seriously consider starting an alternative list.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Of course there's a lot of bad mojo.  How would you feel if you are
 insulted at every turn? by people ignorant of the real situation.  First
 Lomax, then SVJ, then Rocha, then Craig, then Walker then Jouni then Peter
 and now Mark.   All openning their comments with insults.  ( I have not
 included those people who made mild insults like you.)  I am capable of
 discussing with civility as I have with David and a few others.

 If people want to insult, an insult is what they will receive back.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* ChemE Stewart
 *Sent:* Saturday, December 29, 2012 2:24 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

 Unfortunately I sense lots of bad mojo behind many of the posts in this

 On Friday, December 28, 2012, Mark Gibbs wrote:

 Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what
 is the matter with you people?

 Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything
 constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable
 discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly)
 responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions
 and endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats.
 Now Peter has been sucked in ...

 It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a
 list is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts.

 Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better
 if it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists


 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is
 your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

 Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

 And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your
 site again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to
 promote and recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But
 if you feel that this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


 PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to
 illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything
 particularly nasty with my real life example.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Peter Gluck
 *Sent:* Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

 Dear Jojo,

 Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
 that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa
 domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
 Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the
 first  proverb here:

 I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected
 President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual,
 you don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499
 religions except yours and so on but all these are only
 illusions and errors.
 Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white
 man:unstoppable  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are
 the fatum of Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive
 intellectually and will not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be
 happy, I am accepting your presence and all I wish is that some people will
 not forget LENR completely.
 It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

 I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts
 (teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the
 equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show the

RE: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Zell, Chris
How about some Klonopin or other treatments for OCD?  That's what I'm seeing 
here ( yes, from my own experience).  I can't imagine anything more pointless 
than arguments about religious dogma.

Time would be better spent discovering/developing free energy - by which means 
the entire Middle East would become gloriously irrelevant.  Build a Golden Age 
and forget about these distractions forever.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mark Gibbs wrote:

Does anyone know how to get William Beaty to manage the conduct on this

He is probably busy with the holiday season stuff. He'll get around to
responding by and by.

Frankly, I don't understand why people are worked up about this. Maybe it
is just me floating along in a mellow decongestant stupor but I don't see a
problem. (Pseudoephedrine decongestants are the second best medical mood
enhancers, after alcohol. You get a sense why they make such potent illegal

This is why God gave us e-mail filters. You click a few times and presto,
the messages and Joro Jaro vanish into the cybernetic continuum. It is one
of the great features of life in the 21st century. Better than book clubs
in 1965 when you could not escape the boors.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Mark Gibbs
The only problem with filters is that they are a blunt tool so when someone
you're filtering out is in a thread that you're interested in you can miss
out on something useful. Sure, you might assume that there's really not
much you'll miss by using filtering but it's not really an optimal
solution. What's needed is a moderator who can enforce adult, civilized


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Mark Gibbs wrote:

 Does anyone know how to get William Beaty to manage the conduct on this

 He is probably busy with the holiday season stuff. He'll get around to
 responding by and by.

 Frankly, I don't understand why people are worked up about this. Maybe it
 is just me floating along in a mellow decongestant stupor but I don't see a
 problem. (Pseudoephedrine decongestants are the second best medical mood
 enhancers, after alcohol. You get a sense why they make such potent illegal

 This is why God gave us e-mail filters. You click a few times and presto,
 the messages and Joro Jaro vanish into the cybernetic continuum. It is one
 of the great features of life in the 21st century. Better than book clubs
 in 1965 when you could not escape the boors.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-28 Thread Jojo Jaro
Yes, please Jed, why don't you start an alternative list.  Isn't that what I've 
been calling for all along.  That way, you can flood it with off-topic posts 
and  make it into a social club.  Leave the science in Vortex-L.  Play in your 
own list.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Mark Gibbs 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 3:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Does anyone know how to get William Beaty to manage the conduct on this list?

  If you look at the recent messages on this list 
( the ration of 
science to squabbling is ridiculous and mots of the traffic comes from just a 
few people going seriously off topic. 

  If Beaty isn't willing to moderate and push the OT stuff over to Vortex B 
then someone (Jed?) should seriously consider starting an alternative list.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Of course there's a lot of bad mojo.  How would you feel if you are 
insulted at every turn? by people ignorant of the real situation.  First Lomax, 
then SVJ, then Rocha, then Craig, then Walker then Jouni then Peter and now 
Mark.   All openning their comments with insults.  ( I have not included those 
people who made mild insults like you.)  I am capable of discussing with 
civility as I have with David and a few others.

If people want to insult, an insult is what they will receive back.


  - Original Message - 
  From: ChemE Stewart 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 2:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Unfortunately I sense lots of bad mojo behind many of the posts in this 

  On Friday, December 28, 2012, Mark Gibbs wrote:

Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... 
what is the matter with you people?  

Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve 
anything constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable 
discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly) 
responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions and 
endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats. Now Peter 
has been sucked in ...  

It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a 
list is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts. 

Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot 
better if it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists 


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

  Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection 
this is your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

  Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

  And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote 
your site again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to 
promote and recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But if 
you feel that this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


  PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to 
illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything 
particularly nasty with my real life example.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Gluck 
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable 

Dear Jojo, 

Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus 
scrofa domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the 
first  proverb here:

I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your 
re-elected President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid 
individual, you don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 
11,499 religions except yours and so on but all these are only 
illusions and errors.
Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white 
man:unstoppable  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the 
fatum of Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and 
will not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your 
presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
It would e

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 what I'm saying. There is no substitute for 
developing an intimate relationship with Reality, which requires 
being willing to set aside all that we have believed, to find out 
what is Real.

Not because someone told us, but because Reality is recognizable. If 
not, it would be hopeless.

And there are signs of the recognition. Really, any real Christian 
could fill out the rest of this.

Love, hope, generosity, trust, serenity, compassion that is effective 
in the world, and peace of mind.

Get a cranial enema my friend.

He's now speaking to Daniel. If Daniel ever wants his brain washed -- 
it's actually not a bad idea -- I can help, I know where the services 
can be obtained. Nothing is removed, and this isn't sectarian or 
religous in nature, though there are certainly impacts on how we 
understand religion. I.e., fuzzy thinking, fuzzy religion. Clear 
thinking, clear religion.

You have been mesmerized by Lomax's excessive verbal diarrhea.

I've been trained in hypnosis, but I'm not using the techniques here. 
It's not easy in writing.

 All the crap is getting into your head and Lomax is laughing at 
you for swallowing his spin and lies lock, stock and barrel.  LOL.

That's got to be Jojo's belief, that I'm a troll like him. It is 
*possible* that he doesn't believe anything he writes, and that he is 
enjoying *any* response, and he does write LOL a lot. Some of what he 
writes is so preposterous that I occasionally laugh, but not out loud.

Jojo is in hell. I'm not *ever* going to laugh about that. It's 
tragic. There's a door for him, ready at any time. I don't know what 
Christians he hangs out with, but that door is available to him 
always, and Jesus is waiting. Just speaking to him through someone he 
doesn't expect.

He could get it right now. Really.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:danieldi...@gmail.comDaniel Rocha
To: mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.comJohn Milstone
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

He actually rebuted evertything. It's just that you are crazy 
religious fundamentalist and cannot see beyond your prejudices.

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro
I provided sources from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari.  Two of the 
most respected and venerated muslim scholarly works ever. I even 
provided the actual arabic in Sharia that shows that FGM mutilation 
of the clitoris is required in Sharia.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

I think the intended reference may have been to Zeta Reticuli.

At 09:55 PM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
My goodness, you have no idea how close to the truth you are with 
this joke.  Yes, residents of Eta Reticuli.  Except that they are 
not aliens from another world as in ET  - biological aliens.  They 
are in fact residents of another dimension beyond our 4 dimenstions 
- as in Fallen angels, jinns, demons and all sorts of malevolent 
spirits.  This my friend is who has you mesmerized.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:danieldi...@gmail.comDaniel Rocha
To: mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.comJohn Milstone
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

I think It's more likely that the inhabitants of Eta Reticuli mesmerized me!

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro
Get a cranial enema my friend.  You have been mesmerized by Lomax's 
excessive verbal diarrhea.  All the crap is getting into your head 
and Lomax is laughing at you for swallowing his spin and lies lock, 
stock and barrel.  LOL.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 08:05 PM 12/26/2012, you wrote:
Liar liar liar .  I'm not surprised after all I know who you are 
and your religion.

There is an executive order.  Obama issued it on the day he took 
power.  It covers his BC in Hawaii, his Occidental College records 
and his other thesis records from Harvard.

Cool. I cited that Executive Order. It has zero effect on his birth 
certificate or other pre-Presidential papers. It's an order covering 
Presidential papers.

That order has *nothing* to do with the documents Jojo mentions. He's 
lying, and he keeps lying. For some time, it was possible to claim 
that he was merely mistaken. No, he's lying, he's responsible, 
because he has turned away from the most obvious opporunties to notice error.

Like right now, let's see if he takes advantage of it this time.

Here is a copy of the order.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the
laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies
and procedures governing the assertion of executive privilege by incumbent
and former Presidents in connection with the release of Presidential records
by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) pursuant
to the Presidential Records Act of 1978, it is hereby ordered as follows


(e) ''Presidential records'' refers to those documentary materials maintained
by NARA pursuant to the Presidential Records Act, including Vice Presidential

Because it's obvious that some people have looked at it and jumped to 
conclusions, here is a page that goes into great detail:

Lomax is getting blatant in his lies hoping that Vorticians reading 
are dumb.  He has such a low opinion of the intelligence of 
Vorticians, or a superior sense of his intelligence, that he does 
not even bother to hide the lies.  He lies outright.

I say what I say openly, in plain sight. There is nothing to hide. I 
am a known person, I have a reputation to maintain, my future depends on it.


PS.  Expert spin with Naudin.  I am not, never have, and never will 
be associated with Naudin.  This is guilt by association.  A well 
known debating technique to spin the issue.

I did not claim or imply that Naudin and Jojo are associated. Jojo is 
not responsible for Naudin, nor Naudin for Jojo.

Rather, I related these discussions to matters which are of list 
import. That is, I said similar things about Naudin. I'm making a 
general argument, that when one is in egregious disregard of the 
truth, is informed and has a clear and extended opportunity to 
correct false statements of weight, one becomes a liar even if it was 
not originally intended that way.

Ignorance *is* an excuse when it comes to the sin of lying. But when 
ignorance becomes wilful, out of pride or arrogance or hatred, or any 
of the other niceties, the excuse vanishes. Liars lose credibility, 
as Naudin has lost credibility, and as Jojo has lost whatever 
credibility he might have had.

I was suprised, but I received mail today from one of the top cold 
fusion scientists in the world, thanking me about my comments about 
Islam here. Apparently they were found interesting. I received 
another mail today from a prominent activist in the field, pretty 
much the same.

I wasn't seeking this. But I don't mind it. Don't worry, I have no 
intention of turning this list into a Muslim tract. I've only been 
responding to gross misinformation, of a kind that has some credence 
in some segments of society in the U.S. I would not bring this stuff 
here, without that reason, and I would not use this list to generally 
try to correct society on these topics.

This whole birther thing was brought here by Jojo, entirely. He 
thinks that some of us like Obama, so he's trying to get us riled up. 
Now he's off onto the Illuminati, [Z]eta Reticuli, and what else?

- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Conclusion, there is no such Executive Order. It appears that Jojo 
Jaro believes birther myths, long after they have been conclusively 
and with evidence debunked. If he fails to apologize, or point to 
an actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a liar.

I've said similar things about Naudin, because he made blatant 
errors in his MAHG investigation, stonewalled friendly inquiries, 
and eft the page with those major errors (that totally reverse his 
conclusions) without corrections, thus continuing to mislead the 
public. That's culpable. Until he fixes this, he's a *liar*.

If Naudin were a serious investigator, he'd do it in a flash. He 
made a mistake. Embarrassing. So what? All it takes is Oops! and 
it is almost entirely over.

And if Jojo were interested

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Jojo: However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about 
who these people are.

I am curious. Please elaborate.

On Dec 26, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 The Illuminati satanic occultic pagan group of powerful men and bankers 
 behind everything in our society, including the President, Congress, Supreme 
 Court, Federal Reserve, the Smithsonian and other institutions.  The 
 Illuminati is the shadow government that FDR was alluding to and the reason 
 JFK was assasinated.  He spoke too much when he called for the dissolution of 
 secret societies.
 This above is not speculation.
 However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about who 
 these people are.
 - Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 12:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age
 On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:
 Lomax is lying again.  I'm not surprised.  It is OK for him to lie as long 
 as his goal are honorable and good for islam and muhammed.
 OK, let me ask anybody here.  Who has actually seen Obama's Birth 
 Certificate in actuality?  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the 
 Internet.  Not snopes which is a political hack job.  If Obama supposedly 
 was issued an official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax 
 claims, that originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, 
 right?  OK, if Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to 
 one, only one, highly respected individual.  Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike 
 Huckabee, Sarah Palin or the like.  Just one well respected Tea Party member 
 or a well respected Republican congressman or senator.   Let him handle that 
 original BC, feel the official seal, look at the folds, and make an official 
 scan open to the public and call an open honest press conference.  Not a 
 white house press conference which is questionable to begin with.  This is 
 very simple and the Birther movement will die an untimely death and I will 
 apologize and tuck my tail between my legs in shame and go away.  Lomax lies 
 when he says we have seen the official BC. We have not; no one has.   What 
 we've seen which Lomax claims is the official BC is a scanned photoshop 
 file.   No one except Obama and alledgedly snopes have seen it.  Why?  Is 
 anybody buying Lomax's argument? It's very simple my friends, if there is an 
 officially issued BC, complete with seal, and signature of the official 
 representative of the State of Hawaii, just show it.  No amount of spin or 
 eloquence or tiresome lengthy essay will overcome this very strong argument. 
 Just show it. Period.
 Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii  Ambercrombie - a democrat, 
 strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once and 
 for all.  So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC.  Guess what?   Even he 
 can't penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block access to 
 his vault records.  Why is there an executive order to block access to 
 Obama's vault BC.  This is the first time it has ever happened to a sitting 
 president.  What the heck is wrong with seeing the original vault copy BC? 
 If he has alledgedly issued an official copy, what's wrong with verifying it 
 with the vault copy?   Why does Obama feel the need to go out of his way to 
 issue an executive order to block access?
 You know, only corrupt and lying leaders find the need to hide their 
 history.  Obama is a corrupt lying usurper.
 And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are concerned 
 with this issue.  Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should come clean on this 
 issue.  But of course, the illiminati finds it convenient to forcibly 
 reintall their puppet president.  And they have found willing sheeple in 
 Lomax.  LOL..
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age
 At 11:15 AM 12/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
 The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful 
 for several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong Christian 
 faith and that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an 
 equally strong degree.
 David is addressing this to Jojo. However, there is a difference here. I'm 
 the only Muslim on this list, as far as I know. And I have not used the 
 list to propagandize Islam. But Jojo has used the list to propagandize a 
 whole series of issues that are not actually Christian, per se, but 
 specifically Evangelical Christian tropes, intensely anti-Muslim, in ways 
 that have offended other list members, apparently non-Muslim. These are not 
 necessirly favoring the Muslim faith, rather

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread de Bivort Lawrence
Hey!  I'm the one living in the snowy mountains, and looking out the windows of 
my office at a fine winter storm, large dry flakes tumbling out of the sky, 
dancing with the breeze, playing hide-and-go-seek among the aspens


On Dec 26, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

 Alright, so you are living under a snowy barricade on a very high mountain.
 2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro
 Ridicule all you want.  There's nothing the Illuminati wants more than 
 ignorant sheeple like you.
 Here is what Theodore Roosevelt has to say about a shadow government.
 Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government 
 owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
 Theodore Roosevelt
 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Jojo Jaro
Brrr.. I don't know how one could live in such cold climates.

But to each his own.


  - Original Message - 
  From: de Bivort Lawrence 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 5:56 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Hey!  I'm the one living in the snowy mountains, and looking out the windows 
of my office at a fine winter storm, large dry flakes tumbling out of the sky, 
dancing with the breeze, playing hide-and-go-seek among the aspens


  On Dec 26, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Alright, so you are living under a snowy barricade on a very high mountain.

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

  Ridicule all you want.  There's nothing the Illuminati wants more than 
ignorant sheeple like you.

  Here is what Theodore Roosevelt has to say about a shadow government.

  Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government 
owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
  Theodore Roosevelt


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Jojo Jaro
What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she was 9 or 
10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is a 
sexually mature woman.  Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to 
swallow this.  OK, show of hands, which of us with daughters 9 or 10 years 
old, that have had their first mentrual cycle that we would consider to be 
sexually mature.  For pete's sake.  These little girls do not have fully 
developed mammary glands yet, and Lomax thinks they are sexually mature. 
This is the corruption of islam for all to see.

OK, show of hands, which of the following sources does one consider more 
reliable.  Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari vs. wikipedia and Internet blogs. 
One of us cited Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari indicating a testimony from 
A'isha herself that intercourse occured when she was 9 or thereabouts. 
Lomax cited Internet Blogs to say that A'isha was a different age.  Which of 
us is more credible with better evidence?  Lomax seems to think that his 
evidence is stronger because he writes lengthy tiresome essays to confuse 
the issue.  If you are buying it, you have the right to be stupid enough to 
be deceive by lies.

OK, show of hands, which of us would follow our neighbors to commit an 
abhorrent act.  Heck, if all our neighbors practiced beastiality, does that 
make our practice of it OK?  Lomax and a few others seems to think that 
because all the tribes surrounding muhammed practice child molestation of 9 
year old little girls, that muhammed's practice of it was OK. If you are 
buying it, you have the right to be stupid enough to be deceive by lies.

'Nuff said.  I can never convince a retrograde moon god worshipper about his 
abhorrent acts.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 5:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 09:41 PM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
What has he rebuted?  Has he rebuted that A'isha was 9 years old when 
muhammed had intercourse with her?

I've shown that the age is uncertain. What Muslim and Bukarhai show that 
there was a rumor that she was nine. Other sources indicate that the age 
may have been different, nine is the *youngest* of the possible ages. We 
don't actually know, from Muslim and Bukhari, that they had intercourse at 
this time but that's the usual assumtion. What it actually says is that 
she went to live with him.

What is universally accepted, however, in all sources, is that she was 
sexually mature when the marriage was completed.

 I presented source like Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari saying that this 
was true.

No, they quote two stories, that slightly contradict each other, that say 
that she was nine. They actually don't say that it is true that she was 
nine. They don't even address the issue. Hadith are not assertions of 
truth, generally, they are reports of testimony, usually at least 
third-hand. Jojo assigns an authority to hadith that he imagines Muslims 
must assign, because he thinks that way about the Bible. Some Muslims do 
think that way, in fact, but the position I'm stating is that of Muslim 
scholars, not the multitides, who sometimes know less about the Qur'an and 
the sources for Islam than the ordinary Christian knows about the Bible.

 Lomax presented wikipedia and blogs and he rebuted what I said?

Yes. I presented far more than that. But Jojo has acknowedged that he 
doesn't read what I've written.

I have some land in Florida I'd like to sell you for cheap.  Very close to 
the beach?  LOL

And we expect that it would be like everything else Jojo offers. A lie.

Trust, not me or him, but the balance of the evidence, and know that our 
judgement is easily flawed.

What has he rebuted?

Like nearly everything expect certain obvious facts that were never in 
question. That Muslim and Bukhari report 9 at marriage is fact. That was 
never in question. How old Ayesha actually was is controversial, we do not 
actually know. So what was refuted was the idea that the actual age is 
known, as if this were a certainty merely because it's found in certain 
hadith. Muslims disagree about the age, but it's also true that many 
Muslims, from far back, have accepted nine as the age. And that's not 
impossible, nor, personally, do I consider it outside of the bounds of 
possiblity. But this does *not* establish nine as some clearly permitted 
age, because, in fact, the law was not about age, though later sources do 
mention ages.(I have another 13th century treatise on marriage that shows 
the modern tendency to use age rather than specific condition). The 
traditions cited were not *interpreted*. They are just reports of what 
people said that people said had happened.

 He said that pre-islam tribes practiced child marriage

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Jojo Jaro

OK, since you asked.  Don't say I am trolling.

There is reason to believe that fallen angels are trying to breed with 
humans to create a hybrid race.  The Bible called these hybrids Nephilims. 
They were universal during the days of Noah. They interbred with human women 
to give birth to giant hybrids - Hercules, Persues, Atlas etc.  They 
interbreed with normal animal to give birth to hideous dinasaurs and 
loathsome creatures.  This was the primary reason why God had to wipe out 
the entire race of life on Earth with a global flood.  Fallen angels and 
demons wanted to subvert the plan of God by corrupting man.  If human DNA 
are all tainted with demonic DNA, the messiah, which has to come as a man 
(pure human) can not come.  They would have effectively thwarted God's plan 
for redemption.

The recent spate of UFO activity and the more blatant abduction of women 
seems to support this speculation.  In almost all UFO abduction experience, 
what is the most common theme that these abductees are experiencing?  It 
almost always has to do with the human reproductive system.  Women's eggs 
are removed, men's sperms are collected, women are impregnated, etc.  If 
these were truly biological beings - as in ET, why the preoccupation with 
the reproductive system .

When we study lower lifeforms, are we preoccupied with how they reproduce? 
Yes, we study their reproduction but we also study their other systems. 
This is the normal behavior of a curious higher being studying a lower 
lifeform.  But these UFO's are almost always studying human reproductive 
systems.  Curious.

There is reason to believe that these malevolent spiritual entities are 
trying to breed a super race of humans.  Abduction have been going on for 
thousands of years and it is reasonable to speculate that they have 
successfully breed hybrids almost indistinguishable from normal humans. 
These hybrids have now risen to power worldwide and have infiltrated all of 
our institutions.  These hybrids are the powers behind the Illuminati.  So 
powerful and so entrenched are these hybrids that even presidents fear 
crossing them.  They sent a clear lesson to all future presidents when they 
assasinated JFK.  These illuminata satan worshippers and their hybrid 
handlers are the shadow government parasites bleeding our society dry.

No one can oppose these hybrids.  They can drive you mad with a thought - 
telepaths or they can squeeze your heart - Telekenetic.  You can not oppose 
TEPs and TEKs.  Only God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is holding 
them at bay.  When the Holy Spirit is removed from this Earth at the Rapture 
of Christians, the floodgates of hell will literally open and these demonic 
hybrids will consume all life.

This my friends is what you are looking forward to if you are not a saved 


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 5:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Jojo: However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations 
about who these people are.

I am curious. Please elaborate.

On Dec 26, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

The Illuminati satanic occultic pagan group of powerful men and bankers 
behind everything in our society, including the President, Congress, 
Supreme Court, Federal Reserve, the Smithsonian and other institutions. 
The Illuminati is the shadow government that FDR was alluding to and the 
reason JFK was assasinated.  He spoke too much when he called for the 
dissolution of secret societies.

This above is not speculation.

However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about who 
these people are.


- Original Message - From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age


On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax is lying again.  I'm not surprised.  It is OK for him to lie as 
long as his goal are honorable and good for islam and muhammed.

OK, let me ask anybody here.  Who has actually seen Obama's Birth 
Certificate in actuality?  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the 
Internet.  Not snopes which is a political hack job.  If Obama supposedly 
was issued an official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax 
claims, that originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, 
right?  OK, if Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to 
one, only one, highly respected individual.  Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike 
Huckabee, Sarah Palin or the like.  Just one well respected Tea Party 
member or a well respected Republican congressman or senator.   Let him 
handle that original BC, feel the official seal, look at the folds, and 
make an official scan open to the public and call an open honest press

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:01 PM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she 
was 9 or 10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

No, *Jojo* is abhorrent and retrograde. That's because he's now. What 
Muhammad did wasn't abhorrent, because nobody hated it. Then. It 
wasn't retrograde, either, it was not odd or strange or unusual.

If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is a 
sexually mature woman.

Yes. That's what the word means. It does not mean that no further 
maturation can occur. It means that she is capable of becoming a mother.

Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to swallow this.

No, I don't care what Vorticians think, but I'm not seeing any 
support, here, for Jojo's viciousness.

OK, show of hands, which of us with daughters 9 or 10 years old, 
that have had their first mentrual cycle that we would consider to 
be sexually mature.

Hand up. That is, if I knew that my daugher had her first period, I'd 
know that she was sexually mature. That has consequences.

For pete's sake.  These little girls do not have fully developed 
mammary glands yet, and Lomax thinks they are sexually mature. This 
is the corruption of islam for all to see.

The glands will work if she gets pregnant. Jojo is making silly 
arguments. The issue is not today's girls, and the conditions girls 
face today. The issue is Jojo's claim that was was done *then* was 
abhorrent and retrograde *then*.

And we don't now the age. Some sources conclude that Ayesha was much older.

OK, show of hands, which of the following sources does one consider 
more reliable.

Reliable for what?

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari vs. wikipedia and Internet blogs.

For hadith, Muslim and Bukhari. For general information on Islam, 
hands down, Wikipedia. Muslim and Bukhari are not manuals of Islam. 
They are collections of stories, which require interpretation. They 
are, in Wikipedia terms, primary sources. Use with care.

 One of us cited Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari indicating a 
testimony from A'isha herself that intercourse occured when she was 
9 or thereabouts.

No. Sahih Muslim has an account attributed to Ayesha that she was 
taken to the Prophet's house when she was nine. Not that they had 
intercourse. However, that can reasonably be inferred.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle 
(may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, 
and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her 
dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was 
eighteen years old.

There is no isnad (which is typical for my edition of Sahih Muslim). 
Muslim narrates a series of traditions on Ayesha, which are 
unattributed. He did not hear this from Ayesha!

 Lomax cited Internet Blogs to say that A'isha was a different age.

I didn't say she was a different age. One page gave arguments she 
was. I was citing this to show the range of opinion among Muslims. It 
wasn't a blog.

  Which of us is more credible with better evidence?  Lomax seems 
to think that his evidence is stronger because he writes lengthy 
tiresome essays to confuse the issue.  If you are buying it, you 
have the right to be stupid enough to be deceive by lies.

What Jojo is effectively lying about would be that I claimed Ayesha 
was *not* nine. I pointed to evidence that she was, and evidence that 
she wasn't. I wrote that I don't know how old she was, but that she 
was sexually mature, regardless. Jojo wants to quibble on that, but 
a sexually mature woman is not barely out of diapers, which he's 
said over and over, unless there is some problem!

I write lengthy essays because I actually do research and report it, 
and I discuss the issues. Jojo hates that. He just wants to toss his 
mud and be done with it. Someone who actually checks his claims? Horrors!

OK, show of hands, which of us would follow our neighbors to commit 
an abhorrent act.

*What abhorrent act?* Jojo has never been specific. And nobody here 
is proposing that girls be married at nine. What I've been saying, 
though, is that this *was not an abhorrent act* in the culture, the 
time and place where it occurred. Nobody cared about her age, they 
care about her *maturity*. And Islamic law, in some places, is still 
the same. Maturity, by the way, one of the sources I cited noted, 
includes her reasoning and sound judgment. But that's dicta, in a 
way, because only one aspect of marriageability is being considered here.

Heck, if all our neighbors practiced beastiality, does that make our 
practice of it OK?

Straw man argument. And nobody has claimed that a practice is OK. 
Rather, if a practice is universally accepted in a time, we cannot 
condemn those who practiced it, it was their culture. The practice 
itself could be awful, but obviously was not from theirs. If we are 
going to judge 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-27 Thread Jojo Jaro

OK Lomax, let's agree to disagree.

I say intercourse between a 50 year old man and a 9 year old little girl is 
abhorrent and retrograde.  You say it is justified because people around him 
were not offended.  Let's allow the readers to decide if this is abhorrent.

I say marrying multiple wives is abhorrent and retrograde, you say it is OK 
because other tribes do it.  Let's allow the reader to decide if this is 

I say worshipping a 2nd rate moon god of muhammed's tribe is retarded, you 
say it is not, Let's allow the readers to decide if the mood god is their 
cup of tea over a the Universal God of Judaism and Christianity.

I say a 9 year old little girl is not sexually mature to be a mother, you 
say she is because she has had her first menstrual cycle.  Let's allow the 
readers to decide if this is abhorrent.

I say the practice of FGM is abhorrent, since it does not have any redeeming 
or medical value, you say it is OK.  Let's allow the readers to decide if 
this is abhorrent.

I say the truth and cite quality evidence, you tell lies and cite wikipedia 
and Internet blogs as your evidence.  Let's allow the readers to decide if 
this is abhorrent.

I tell the truth about islam and highlight the corruption of a retrograde 
and violent religion, you lie and lie for the good of muhammed and islam. 
Let's allow the readers to decide.

Frankly, I grow tired of reading you boring lengthy tiresome lies of an 
essay.  I guess you've found a way to shut me up.  Just bore me with 
tiresome spin and lies.  So, I bow out and let you have the last word on 
this topic.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 10:01 PM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she was 9 or 
10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

No, *Jojo* is abhorrent and retrograde. That's because he's now. What 
Muhammad did wasn't abhorrent, because nobody hated it. Then. It wasn't 
retrograde, either, it was not odd or strange or unusual.

If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is a 
sexually mature woman.

Yes. That's what the word means. It does not mean that no further 
maturation can occur. It means that she is capable of becoming a mother.

Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to swallow this.

No, I don't care what Vorticians think, but I'm not seeing any support, 
here, for Jojo's viciousness.

OK, show of hands, which of us with daughters 9 or 10 years old, that have 
had their first mentrual cycle that we would consider to be sexually 

Hand up. That is, if I knew that my daugher had her first period, I'd know 
that she was sexually mature. That has consequences.

For pete's sake.  These little girls do not have fully developed mammary 
glands yet, and Lomax thinks they are sexually mature. This is the 
corruption of islam for all to see.

The glands will work if she gets pregnant. Jojo is making silly arguments. 
The issue is not today's girls, and the conditions girls face today. The 
issue is Jojo's claim that was was done *then* was abhorrent and 
retrograde *then*.

And we don't now the age. Some sources conclude that Ayesha was much 

OK, show of hands, which of the following sources does one consider more 

Reliable for what?

Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari vs. wikipedia and Internet blogs.

For hadith, Muslim and Bukhari. For general information on Islam, hands 
down, Wikipedia. Muslim and Bukhari are not manuals of Islam. They are 
collections of stories, which require interpretation. They are, in 
Wikipedia terms, primary sources. Use with care.

 One of us cited Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari indicating a testimony 
from A'isha herself that intercourse occured when she was 9 or 

No. Sahih Muslim has an account attributed to Ayesha that she was taken to 
the Prophet's house when she was nine. Not that they had intercourse. 
However, that can reasonably be inferred.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may 
peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was 
taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with 
her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

There is no isnad (which is typical for my edition of Sahih Muslim). 
Muslim narrates a series of traditions on Ayesha, which are unattributed. 
He did not hear this from Ayesha!

 Lomax cited Internet Blogs to say that A'isha was a different age.

I didn't say she was a different age. One page gave arguments she was. I 
was citing this to show the range of opinion among Muslims. It wasn't a 

  Which of us is more credible

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread de Bivort Lawrence

On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Lomax is lying again.  I'm not surprised.  It is OK for him to lie as long as 
 his goal are honorable and good for islam and muhammed.
 OK, let me ask anybody here.  Who has actually seen Obama's Birth Certificate 
 in actuality?  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the Internet.  Not 
 snopes which is a political hack job.  If Obama supposedly was issued an 
 official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax claims, that 
 originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, right?  OK, if 
 Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to one, only one, 
 highly respected individual.  Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin 
 or the like.  Just one well respected Tea Party member or a well respected 
 Republican congressman or senator.   Let him handle that original BC, feel 
 the official seal, look at the folds, and make an official scan open to the 
 public and call an open honest press conference.  Not a white house press 
 conference which is questionable to begin with.  This is very simple and the 
 Birther movement will die an untimely death and I will apologize and tuck my 
 tail between my legs in shame and go away.  Lomax lies when he says we have 
 seen the official BC.  We have not; no one has.   What we've seen which Lomax 
 claims is the official BC is a scanned photoshop file.   No one except Obama 
 and alledgedly snopes have seen it.  Why?  Is anybody buying Lomax's 
 argument?   It's very simple my friends, if there is an officially issued BC, 
 complete with seal, and signature of the official representative of the State 
 of Hawaii, just show it.  No amount of spin or eloquence or tiresome lengthy 
 essay will overcome this very strong argument. Just show it. Period.
 Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii  Ambercrombie - a democrat, strong 
 supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once and for all.  
 So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC.  Guess what?   Even he can't 
 penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block access to his 
 vault records.  Why is there an executive order to block access to Obama's 
 vault BC.  This is the first time it has ever happened to a sitting 
 president.  What the heck is wrong with seeing the original vault copy BC? If 
 he has alledgedly issued an official copy, what's wrong with verifying it 
 with the vault copy?   Why does Obama feel the need to go out of his way to 
 issue an executive order to block access?
 You know, only corrupt and lying leaders find the need to hide their history. 
  Obama is a corrupt lying usurper.
 And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are concerned with 
 this issue.  Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should come clean on this 
 issue.  But of course, the illiminati finds it convenient to forcibly 
 reintall their puppet president.  And they have found willing sheeple in 
 Lomax.  LOL..
 - Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age
 At 11:15 AM 12/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
 The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful 
 for several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong Christian faith 
 and that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an equally 
 strong degree.
 David is addressing this to Jojo. However, there is a difference here. I'm 
 the only Muslim on this list, as far as I know. And I have not used the list 
 to propagandize Islam. But Jojo has used the list to propagandize a whole 
 series of issues that are not actually Christian, per se, but specifically 
 Evangelical Christian tropes, intensely anti-Muslim, in ways that have 
 offended other list members, apparently non-Muslim. These are not necessirly 
 favoring the Muslim faith, rather, they are, first, noting the 
 inappropriateness of such highly sectarian and abusive expressions here, 
 and, secondly, supporting a list member who is a relatively long-time 
 participant here, who has never used the list to promote Islam.
 The anti-Muslim material was completely off-topic, not necessary for any 
 discussion here, on-topic or off-topic, except to establish Jojo Jaro's 
 thesis, that I'm a liar, and to him, Muslim means liar. The real thing 
 that is happening is that he argued other topics, like the whole birther 
 myth, kept up an anti-Obama drumbeat, and on the birther issue, 
 specifically, I researched his claims and reported them as being utterly 
 bogus. Not as a prejudgment, but as the result of research. And he could not 
 tolerate that, and, I believe, that's where his attack came from.
 Essentially, I disagreed with him and provided evidence. That's intolerable 
 to him, so he then attacked with everything he could

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Eric Walker
On Dec 25, 2012, at 21:41, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 However, there is a difference here. I'm the only Muslim on this list, as far 
 as I know.

Bingo. As members of modern, pluralistic societies, we shouldn't allow hate 
propaganda. We shouldn't allow it in relation to Jews, and we shouldn't allow 
it in relation to Muslims. I personally do not mind the occasional snarky 
comment about religion; but in that instance it is generally about *all* 
religion and does not single out one group.

There is no off-topic problem. This is a manufactured issue meant to serve as 
a pretext for what is essentially parasitic behavior. The one proposing that 
such an issue exists has shown little to no interest in providing a meaningful 
contribution to the on-topic threads. He is no doubt here primarily to get 
attention and to stir the pot; ie, whatever he was here for a year ago, he is 
now here to troll. Once this is recognized, we can deal with the matter  in the 
way that this kind of thing is normally dealt with -- summarily and with little 


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age--for the education of Jojo

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 07:34 PM 12/25/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Once again, Lomax diverts the issue and attempts to spin it away.

The issue is not A'isha actual age, it is irrelevant what her actual 
age was.  She could have been 5 years older and what muhammed did 
would still be an abhorrent sex perverted act.

That's fascinating. Presumably he's referring to the commonly stated 
age of 9. So she'd be 14. That's commonly been a legal age of 
marriage in the U.S. It's still legal in many states. What's the 
abhorrent sex perverted act? I went over the hadith, it looks like 
Jojo may be imagining something that is not there. There is nothing 
there remotely perverted, except in Jojo's mind.

The issue is not A'isha mentrual cycle, it is irrelevant that she 
has had a menstrual cycle.  A girl of 9 is clearly an immature child 
not prepared for the rigors of being subjected to sex, being a wife 
and starting a family.

We don't actually know her age. We know some stories about it. What 
we *know*, relatively speaking, is that she was sexually mature. 
That, by the way, is completely sufficient to kill the pedophile 
argument. Actual pedophiles lose interest in the objects of their 
attention when they sexually mature.

The issue is not whether muhammed's tribe considered this as wrong 
or not. People can clearly see that it is wrong.

is. What is wrong. This all happened 1400 years ago. It happened 
under radically different circumstances.

The issue is not that pre-islam tribes do it.  The issue is that 
islam does it.

Does it? First of all, only a few Muslim countries allow early 
marriage. The trend in Muslim countries is pretty much the same as 
everywhere, toward an emphasis on extending childhood, for extended 
education, basically.

  The great prophet should have corrected this practice.  He should 
have disavowed this retrograde practice, not assimilate it and 
embrace it with gusto.

He repeats phrases that he's used before, that have been shown to be 
inapplicable. It's actually a characteristic of trolling.

What someone should have done depends on context. Above, Jojo says 
that it all would have been the same if she'd been 14. Perverted, 
allegedly. Now, some sources say she was 18. Still perverted? He said 
14, but didn't really mean it.

Just compare the behavior of the real true God Jesus Christ compared 
with a sex perverted HOLEY prophet like muhammed.

Uh, if Jesus was God what are you doing comparing him to a man? Hey, 
if you are going to call the Prophet holy, how about spelling it 
correctly? If you are going to call him sex perverted, how about an 
example of a sex perverted act, because the diagnostic standards of 
modern psychiatry -- or older psychiatry -- do not recognise sex 
perversion simply for an attraction by a man to a sexually mature 
woman -- of any age -- as perverted. It's *normal*. That is *not* 
pedophilia if she's sexually mature.

For *other reasons,* we now limit marriage to a higher age, but U.S. 
law still, in many places, readily contemplates marriage at 14. And 
marriage laws do not have any upper limit. Consider the marriage of 
Woody Allen to the adopted daughter of his wife. That certainly 
raised eyebrows, and Islamic law would generally consider that a 
prohibited relationship, that would be my judgment. (I won't go into 
the reasons, but it makes sense, if you think about what's behind the 
prohibited degrees.) But Woody Allen isn't a pervert. He's a 
normal man to be attracted to his wife.

When Jesus came on the scene, the practice of multiple wives to one 
man was still prevalent and Jews practiced it contrary to the 
original intent of God.  But it was a retrograde and abhorrent 
practice and what did Jesus do?  He put a stop to it.  Hence, 
Christians now do not have multiple wives, even when their 
predecessors the Jews had.

Jesus did not establish that law. He didn't bring law, remember? He 
didn't change law, remember? He said precisely that. I come not to 
change the law, but to fulfill it.

Now, were the Jews practicing something abhorrent? Be careful, 
Jojo, for Abraham had two wives, right? And it appears God approved 
of that, didn't he?

This is what the real God Jesus Christ or real progressive prophets 
do.  They correct abhorrent practices.  No, but not muhammed, he 
enjoyed it too much.

Ayesha accused him of that! Feisty one, she was.

Having dozens of wives and concubines and a 9 year old little girl 

He now puts it in capital letters, it's pure trolling, because he 
*likes* that I point it out as a lie.

(He could claim that if she was nine, but when was she out of 
diapers. Barely would surely mean that it was close to nine. Like 
8, 7, what? But -- Arabs almost certainly didn't use diapers then, 
and even if they did, she'd have been out of them by two or three 
if the parents were really unfortunate.)

No, this is my point, and Jojo has acknowledged it. He's writing what 
he's writing, not because it 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 just said that for myself. Your turn.

Don't say it if you are not sure.

And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are 
concerned with this issue.  Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should 
come clean on this issue.  But of course, the illiminati finds it 
convenient to forcibly reintall their puppet president.  And they 
have found willing sheeple in Lomax.  LOL..

If over 60% of Americans believe that, there is something they could 
do. How does Jojo know what 60% of Americans believe?

I believe that President Obama should come clean on this, if there 
is anything hidden. I don't get that there is anything hidden, so how 
I'd answer a survey would depend on the question, and, as well, on 
when it was asked.

This post is separately sent, I have not yet verified or falsified 
the claim that Abercrombie, the governor of Hawaii, could not access 
the Obama birth records because of an executive order. I will follow up.


(I am now removing copies of prior posts in the thread, per list 
rules. Jojo was respondng to the following post.)

- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Conclusion, there is no such Executive Order. It appears that Jojo 
Jaro believes birther myths, long after they have been conclusively 
and with evidence debunked. If he fails to apologize, or point to an 
actual order doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a liar.

I've said similar things about Naudin, because he made blatant errors 
in his MAHG investigation, stonewalled friendly inquiries, and eft 
the page with those major errors (that totally reverse his 
conclusions) without corrections, thus continuing to mislead the 
public. That's culpable. Until he fixes this, he's a *liar*.

If Naudin were a serious investigator, he'd do it in a flash. He made 
a mistake. Embarrassing. So what? All it takes is Oops! and it is 
almost entirely over.

And if Jojo were interested in truth, he'd do the same. From long 
experience, now, I concluded he isn't interested in truth. He is 
interested in *insult* and *winning.*

At 02:24 PM 12/26/2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 01:07 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii  Ambercrombie - a 
democrat, strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther 
movement once and for all.  So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault 
BC.  Guess what?   Even he can't penetrate the veil of corruption 
Obama has put up to block access to his vault records.  Why is 
there an executive order to block access to Obama's vault BC.

Fascinating. Is there such an Executive Order? That would be quite 
odd. Legally, the President has no authority over Hawaiian 
officials, unless a federal issue could be shown. and this would not qualify.

Jojo went on to repeat the Executive Order claim that Obama is 
preventing access to the vault certificate. Is that true? Is there an 
Executive Order to block access.

What can be found on this?

The basis for the claim might be covered here:

Is Politifact results from checking claims. It's remarkable how many 
claims are shown as flaming lies, and how many of the rest are shown 
as false. There really are only a few related claims that they show 
as true. This is not one of them:

The claim: State Rep. Leo Berman says Hawaii governor can't find 
anything that says Obama was born in Hawaii

They consider the claim by Berman to be false. What they found showed 
that Berman apparently misinterpreted statements by Abercrombie. What 
had actually happened?

... The Associated Press reported that Abercrombie's office had 
ended its effort to make public more information about Obama's 
birth. The story does not say that Abercrombie had failed to find 
evidence of Obama's birthplace, but that the state's attorney 
general had told the governor that he can't disclose birth 
documentation without the person's consent. There is nothing more 
that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document, 
Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said.

We wondered whether Abercrombie sought Obama's permission to obtain 
more proof of his birth. The White House wouldn't comment, but 
Abercrombie told CNN on Dec. 27 that we haven't had any of those discussions.

Per the authenticity of the document posted online by Obama, our 
colleagues at PolitiFact National pointed out July 1, 2009, that, a respected fact-checking unit at the University of 
Pennsylvania, had traveled to Chicago to examine the document and 
concluded that it's legitimate.

Unfortunately, that would be a reference to the short form 
certificate. This page was written before the long form was released.

Abercrombie had apparently not requested permission.. My speculation 
about why he'd not look at the vault certificate himself, and 
announce it, turns out to be confirmed as the reason. It's illegal 
without consent!

Were there later developments on this? (Sure: Obama requested the 
long form, and then released copies of it, both as direct copies, 
given to the media, and on-line, as a readable, but compressed copy, 
as would be a necessity.)

Was there an Executive Order? Jojo claims it. That's a specific kind 
of document, and is not informal, and obviously is not binding on 
anyone not informed of it (and may not be binding, period, but that's 
another issue.) I was concerned about Jojo's claim of such an Order, 
which is why I'm investigating.

The claim is common. There was an Obama Executive Order that is 
commonly asserted to prevent release of his birth certificate. That's 
a totally naive and imbalanced understanding of the Order. covers 
it and links to the Order itself.

However, is there *another* Executive Order? To get the real poop (or 
genuine bullshit), I'll need to go to birther sources, perhaps. 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 11:54 AM 12/26/2012, de Bivort Lawrence wrote:


On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are 
concerned with this issue.  Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should 
come clean on this issue.  But of course, the illiminati finds it 
convenient to forcibly reintall their puppet president.  And they 
have found willing sheeple in Lomax.  LOL..

I actually missed that. Illuminati.

Yes, very consistent.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:30 PM 12/26/2012, Eric Walker wrote:

On Dec 25, 2012, at 21:41, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 However, there is a difference here. I'm the only Muslim on this 
list, as far as I know.

Bingo. As members of modern, pluralistic societies, we shouldn't 
allow hate propaganda. We shouldn't allow it in relation to Jews, 
and we shouldn't allow it in relation to Muslims. I personally do 
not mind the occasional snarky comment about religion; but in that 
instance it is generally about *all* religion and does not single 
out one group.

There was one unfortunate comment that made a reference to 
Christians, an indirect reference to Jojo. It was relatively mild, 
had a similar comment been made about me, I'd certainly not have 
dived in to argue with it. An equivalent might be, talking about some 
irrelevant topic, say some terrorist event involving Muslims, Will 
we hear from our resident fanatic Muslim.

Well, I hope I'm not fanatic, but that's really only a minor 
interpretive error. So what?

But some extended rant about, say, ignorant creationists, would be 
provocative, such discussions, if they are to take place at all, 
should not be allowed to become uncivil.

There is no off-topic problem. This is a manufactured issue meant 
to serve as a pretext for what is essentially parasitic behavior. 
The one proposing that such an issue exists has shown little to no 
interest in providing a meaningful contribution to the on-topic 
threads. He is no doubt here primarily to get attention and to stir 
the pot; ie, whatever he was here for a year ago, he is now here to 
troll. Once this is recognized, we can deal with the matter  in the 
way that this kind of thing is normally dealt with -- summarily and 
with little comment.


The evidence support's Eric's interpretation, generally. It might be 
enough to issue a specific warning, though, and then only deal with 
it summarily if the warning is ignored. It's up to the list owner, 
how much effort he wants to put into this. I've recommended the warning route.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:12 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
My friend, just because your morality allows you to troll and lie in 
wikipedia does not mean that I am like you.

I never lied on Wikipedia. I did one action that I allowed as a form 
of trolling. It's more like what a soldier might do in a war, present 
himself as a  target so that a sniper betrays his position. There was 
no lying involved, and the purpose wasn't actually to outrage.

The action itself was completely legitimate. In fact, here it is:

A talk page edit, not actually controversial, just providing information.

It worked. The admin took the bait, following his ego. And he lost 
his privileges as a result. My purpose was to allow him to do that, 
to take himself out of the Wikipedia adminstrative corps, where he'd 
been doing damage for years. Mostly, Jojo's not realized this, he'd 
been acting to harass and ban global warming skeptics, but he was 
also generally allied with the pseudoskeptics when it comes to 
anything fringe or psychic. He was famous, probably the most famous 
abusive Wikipedia administrator.

There was no purpose to insult him. The edit had nothing to do with 
him, except that he'd declared a total ban, something he did not 
actually have the authority to do. And we were in the middle of a 
case, over whether the ban was legitimate. His action showed a total 
loss of balance, and even his friends were backpedalling, distancing 
themselves from it.

Stop the off-topic posts and I will go away never to post here 
again, but I will read.  I am sacrificing my participation, my 
chance to ask questions if the chronic off-topic violators would 
simply stop their abuses.  JUST DO IT.

Off-topic posts are not going to stop, period. These threads might 
stop. But these threads are maintained by Jojo's continued insistence 
on the points he makes in them.

Clearly you understood Bill's no off-topic rule cause you quoted 
parts of it here and still claim that I am lying about it.  You are 
such a blatant liar. I'm not surprised.

I quoted the rules, and I didn't just quote parts, I quoted the 
entire set, as far as I know. I don't recall having say that Jojo was 
lying about the rules, only that they don't contain what he claimed. 
Since I don't know if he even read the rules recently, I have no idea 
whether he lied or not. He was merely incorrect or misled.

I'm leaving the relevant part of the post to which Jojo was 
responding, so that it can be seen that he is incorrect in his claim 
that I said he was lying about the rules. I don't see any reference 
to lying. When he said I still claimed that he was lying, was he 
lying, or was he so engaged in his anger and attack that he wasn't 
aware of what was in front of him?


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

If Bill changes the rules, I will follow.  But in the meantime, 
people should follow his rules and not make it up as we go - as 
famously said by one chronic off-topic poster here.


So, what are the rules? I don't know if they have been changed, but 
below is what I was sent. There *are* rules that could easily be 
applied to this situation. Some of the rules were obviously written 
long ago, because behind some of the rules are conditions that used 
to apply, that hardly ever apply any more. Off-topic isn't a 
rule, per se. What is there related to that is

3. Small email files please.  The limit is set to 40K right now, those
   exceeding the limit will be forwarded to Bill Beaty.  If you wish to
   start extremely off-topic discussions, please feel free to exchange
   initial messages on vortex-L, but MOVE THE DISCUSSION TO PRIVATE MAIL
   IMMEDIATELY.  Some members are on limited service, or have to pay for
   received email.  Diagrams and graphics can be mailed to me and posted
   on a webpages for temporary viewing.

In other words, starting extremely off-topic discussions is 
specifically allowed, but the instruction is to move these to 
private email immediately. That does not resolve a certain 
problem, where a poster has posted something to the list which is 
broadly offensive. It assumes what is really a private discussion 
that merely starts here.

I'm not discussing with Jojo, not any more. I responding to his 
egregiously offensive claims here that attack all Muslims and what 
they believe, that attack the President of the United States, that 
attack almost the entire community of climate scientists, and that 
personally attack and deliberately insult anyone who dares to 
disagree with him, including many long-term participants on this 
list, such as Jed Rothwell.

He's acknowledged it, even today. This is what he does. He escalates.

I have *not* started

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
Liar liar liar .  I'm not surprised after all I know who you are and 
your religion.

There is an executive order.  Obama issued it on the day he took power.  It 
covers his BC in Hawaii, his Occidental College records and his other thesis 
records from Harvard.

Lomax is getting blatant in his lies hoping that Vorticians reading are 
dumb.  He has such a low opinion of the intelligence of Vorticians, or a 
superior sense of his intelligence, that he does not even bother to hide the 
lies.  He lies outright.


PS.  Expert spin with Naudin.  I am not, never have, and never will be 
associated with Naudin.  This is guilt by association.  A well known 
debating technique to spin the issue.

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 5:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Conclusion, there is no such Executive Order. It appears that Jojo Jaro 
believes birther myths, long after they have been conclusively and with 
evidence debunked. If he fails to apologize, or point to an actual order 
doing what he claimed, he is, effectively, a liar.

I've said similar things about Naudin, because he made blatant errors in 
his MAHG investigation, stonewalled friendly inquiries, and eft the page 
with those major errors (that totally reverse his conclusions) without 
corrections, thus continuing to mislead the public. That's culpable. Until 
he fixes this, he's a *liar*.

If Naudin were a serious investigator, he'd do it in a flash. He made a 
mistake. Embarrassing. So what? All it takes is Oops! and it is almost 
entirely over.

And if Jojo were interested in truth, he'd do the same. From long 
experience, now, I concluded he isn't interested in truth. He is 
interested in *insult* and *winning.*

At 02:24 PM 12/26/2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

At 01:07 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii  Ambercrombie - a democrat, 
strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once 
and for all.  So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC.  Guess what? 
Even he can't penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block 
access to his vault records.  Why is there an executive order to block 
access to Obama's vault BC.

Fascinating. Is there such an Executive Order? That would be quite odd. 
Legally, the President has no authority over Hawaiian officials, unless a 
federal issue could be shown. and this would not qualify.

Jojo went on to repeat the Executive Order claim that Obama is preventing 
access to the vault certificate. Is that true? Is there an Executive 
Order to block access.

What can be found on this?

The basis for the claim might be covered here:

Is Politifact results from checking claims. It's remarkable how many 
claims are shown as flaming lies, and how many of the rest are shown as 
false. There really are only a few related claims that they show as true. 
This is not one of them:

The claim: State Rep. Leo Berman says Hawaii governor can't find anything 
that says Obama was born in Hawaii

They consider the claim by Berman to be false. What they found showed that 
Berman apparently misinterpreted statements by Abercrombie. What had 
actually happened?

... The Associated Press reported that Abercrombie's office had ended its 
effort to make public more information about Obama's birth. The story does 
not say that Abercrombie had failed to find evidence of Obama's 
birthplace, but that the state's attorney general had told the governor 
that he can't disclose birth documentation without the person's consent. 
There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to 
produce a document, Abercrombie spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said.

We wondered whether Abercrombie sought Obama's permission to obtain more 
proof of his birth. The White House wouldn't comment, but Abercrombie told 
CNN on Dec. 27 that we haven't had any of those discussions.

Per the authenticity of the document posted online by Obama, our 
colleagues at PolitiFact National pointed out July 1, 2009, that, a respected fact-checking unit at the University of 
Pennsylvania, had traveled to Chicago to examine the document and 
concluded that it's legitimate.

Unfortunately, that would be a reference to the short form certificate. 
This page was written before the long form was released.

Abercrombie had apparently not requested permission.. My speculation about 
why he'd not look at the vault certificate himself, and announce it, turns 
out to be confirmed as the reason. It's illegal without consent!

Were there later developments on this? (Sure: Obama requested the long 
form, and then released copies of it, both

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro

Here is how guile is defined:

 Noun 1. guile - shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in 

 craftiness, cunning, foxiness, slyness, wiliness, craft
 astuteness, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, shrewdness - intelligence 
manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)

2. guile - the quality of being crafty
 deceitfulness, craftiness
 disingenuousness - the quality of being disingenuous and lacking 
3. guile - the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract 
money from them)

 chicanery, wile, shenanigan, trickery, chicane
 dissimulation, deception, dissembling, deceit - the act of deceiving
 dupery, hoax, put-on, humbug, fraud, fraudulence - something intended 
to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
 jugglery - artful trickery designed to achieve an end; the senator's 
tax program was mere jugglery

My friend, what you did is known as guile.  Guile is a form of lying.  It 
is condemed in the Bible and equated to outright lying.  But apparently, by 
your own testimony of having commited it in Wikipedia, you have no problem 
with it.  OK.  I'm not surprised.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 01:12 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
My friend, just because your morality allows you to troll and lie in 
wikipedia does not mean that I am like you.

I never lied on Wikipedia. I did one action that I allowed as a form of 
trolling. It's more like what a soldier might do in a war, present himself 
as a  target so that a sniper betrays his position. There was no lying 
involved, and the purpose wasn't actually to outrage.

The action itself was completely legitimate. In fact, here it is:

A talk page edit, not actually controversial, just providing information.

It worked. The admin took the bait, following his ego. And he lost his 
privileges as a result. My purpose was to allow him to do that, to take 
himself out of the Wikipedia adminstrative corps, where he'd been doing 
damage for years. Mostly, Jojo's not realized this, he'd been acting to 
harass and ban global warming skeptics, but he was also generally allied 
with the pseudoskeptics when it comes to anything fringe or psychic. He 
was famous, probably the most famous abusive Wikipedia administrator.

There was no purpose to insult him. The edit had nothing to do with him, 
except that he'd declared a total ban, something he did not actually have 
the authority to do. And we were in the middle of a case, over whether the 
ban was legitimate. His action showed a total loss of balance, and even 
his friends were backpedalling, distancing themselves from it.

Stop the off-topic posts and I will go away never to post here again, but 
I will read.  I am sacrificing my participation, my chance to ask 
questions if the chronic off-topic violators would simply stop their 
abuses.  JUST DO IT.

Off-topic posts are not going to stop, period. These threads might stop. 
But these threads are maintained by Jojo's continued insistence on the 
points he makes in them.

Clearly you understood Bill's no off-topic rule cause you quoted parts of 
it here and still claim that I am lying about it.  You are such a blatant 
liar. I'm not surprised.

I quoted the rules, and I didn't just quote parts, I quoted the entire 
set, as far as I know. I don't recall having say that Jojo was lying about 
the rules, only that they don't contain what he claimed. Since I don't 
know if he even read the rules recently, I have no idea whether he lied or 
not. He was merely incorrect or misled.

I'm leaving the relevant part of the post to which Jojo was responding, so 
that it can be seen that he is incorrect in his claim that I said he was 
lying about the rules. I don't see any reference to lying. When he said I 
still claimed that he was lying, was he lying, or was he so engaged in 
his anger and attack that he wasn't aware of what was in front of him?


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

If Bill changes the rules, I will follow.  But in the meantime, people 
should follow his rules and not make it up as we go - as famously said 
by one chronic off-topic poster here.


So, what are the rules? I don't know if they have been changed, but below 
is what I was sent. There *are* rules that could easily be applied to 
this situation. Some of the rules were obviously written long ago, 
because behind some of the rules are conditions that used to apply, that 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro

Lomax uses guile and deception again to spin the issue.

It's very simple friends.  Supposedly, they showed an original to snopes 
with the seal, the folding and other distinctive marking.  Snopes then 
certified it to be true and original and posted a blog about it.  Just show 
that to a respected Tea Party member or some respected individual. 
Finished.  End of the Birther movement.

But no, Lomax has to spin it with his verbal diarrhea.  Typical and I am not 


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 01:07 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Lomax is lying again.  I'm not surprised.  It is OK for him to lie as long 
as his goal are honorable and good for islam and muhammed.

No. It is not OK for me to lie for a supposedly noble goal. I wrote about 
when it's permissible to lie, and it's only permissible to prevent serious 
physical harm. And islam and muhammad can't be harmed.

OK, let me ask anybody here.  Who has actually seen Obama's Birth 
Certificate in actuality?

I'll answer that. What is a birth certificate? I had to supply oodles of 
them to the U.S. government, to the Chinese government, and the Ethiopian 
government. What they actually wanted was something that is legally 
*completely equivalent* to the original birth certificate. That is, a 
copy that is signed and sealed by a state employee as being a true copy of 
the original.

But perhaps Jojo means the original. Okay, it's been seen by the clerk 
who filled it out. The doctor who signed it. The state agency that filed 
it. Any employee of that agency who made a copy of the birth certificate 
had to see it, legally, to verify that the copy was a true copy. And the 
original sat in an archive, being occasionally accessed to make copies.

Then Hawaii computerized. Apparenty all the birth certificates in the 
state were computerized. They entered the data into a secure computer 
system. Did they enter all the data? No. They only entered the legally 
relevant data that is needed for what birth certificates are needed for. 
The date and time of birth, the parents, the location of birth, and other 
information, but not such things as the name of the delivering physician. 
Once that was done, providing a birth certificate for Hawaii then became 
a matter of accessing the computer record and printing it out, and 
certifying the copy.

That's what Obama originally provided, *the same as everyone else needing 
to certify a birth in Hawaii.* But the birthers demanded to see the 
vault certificate. It was legally insane. If someone really suspected 
that the ordinary certificate was forgery, the appropriate action would be 
to make a complaint under Hawaiian law (and to knowingly provide a false 
birth certificate for federal purpose could also violate federal law).

Hawaii does not routinely provide a copy of the vault certificate, and the 
reason is obvious: they want to limit access to those highly valuable 
original documents. Obama eventually requested a copy. He *cannot* request 
the original. Members of the public cannot view these, access is 
restricted. A court could order inspection, to be sure. If there were a 
criminal investigation, where fraud were suspected, the original is there, 
and that is the very reason it is so protected. So it will be there. I 
would assume tight access control.

The Hawaiian Secretary of State, who has authority over the records, 
decided to allow a certified copy of the vault certificate to be made. 
This is all covered in news reports, by the way. An offical signed the 
copy, and it was provided to Obama.

Obama then held a press conference. He showed the certified copy. He also 
provided ordinary copies to the press. A scan was put up on the internet. 
Had the scan been a full, high-resolution scan, it would have been an 
enormous file, and given the demand for the copy, it would have crashed 
the server.

  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the Internet.

There copy on the internet is altered. Not in a way that you can 
casually see, though, because the alteration is simply file compression, 
using standard procedures, it's done automatically by PDF programs. What 
they do is to search the document for areas that are similar enough to 
each other that they can be replaced by a single image, with the other 
similar instances becoming *exact* copies of that. You see this all the 
time, most images on the internet have been compressed. It's subtle, you 
have to closely examine these similar areas -- which have become *exact* 
areas -- and notice that the fine detail, pixel by pixel, is identical --  
which is highly unlikely in an original scan of typewritten material. 
Letters are very similar, but not exact on a pixel scale.

So people looked at the internet images

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
He is reasoning and lying correctly. He gives links, provides reasonable
arguments that should prove beyond any reasonable doubt the he is correct
and you are not accepting his arguments, thus, being unreasonable beyond
doubt. You clearly show your lack of arguments by making childish comments
without any base.

2012/12/26 Jojo Jaro

 Lomax is getting blatant in his lies hoping that Vorticians reading are
 dumb.  He has such a low opinion of the intelligence of Vorticians, or a
 superior sense of his intelligence, that he does not even bother to hide
 the lies.  He lies outright.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
sorry, arguing correctly, not lying correctly'.

2012/12/26 Daniel Rocha

 He is reasoning and lying correctly. He gives links, provides reasonable
 arguments that should prove beyond any reasonable doubt the he is correct
 and you are not accepting his arguments, thus, being unreasonable beyond
 doubt. You clearly show your lack of arguments by making childish comments
 without any base.

 2012/12/26 Jojo Jaro

 Lomax is getting blatant in his lies hoping that Vorticians reading are
 dumb.  He has such a low opinion of the intelligence of Vorticians, or a
 superior sense of his intelligence, that he does not even bother to hide
 the lies.  He lies outright.

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
Really, no off-topic problem?  I don't understand how you can say that. 
History has shown it to be a problem.  Many have left Vortex-L because of 
it.,  Many have complained about it.  You simply choose to see what you want 
to see.

OK, Let's agree to disagree.


- Original Message - 
From: Eric Walker

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

On Dec 25, 2012, at 21:41, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

However, there is a difference here. I'm the only Muslim on this list, as 
far as I know.

Bingo. As members of modern, pluralistic societies, we shouldn't allow hate 
propaganda. We shouldn't allow it in relation to Jews, and we shouldn't 
allow it in relation to Muslims. I personally do not mind the occasional 
snarky comment about religion; but in that instance it is generally about 
*all* religion and does not single out one group.

There is no off-topic problem. This is a manufactured issue meant to serve 
as a pretext for what is essentially parasitic behavior. The one proposing 
that such an issue exists has shown little to no interest in providing a 
meaningful contribution to the on-topic threads. He is no doubt here 
primarily to get attention and to stir the pot; ie, whatever he was here for 
a year ago, he is now here to troll. Once this is recognized, we can deal 
with the matter  in the way that this kind of thing is normally dealt 
with -- summarily and with little comment.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
The Illuminati satanic occultic pagan group of powerful men and bankers 
behind everything in our society, including the President, Congress, Supreme 
Court, Federal Reserve, the Smithsonian and other institutions.  The 
Illuminati is the shadow government that FDR was alluding to and the reason 
JFK was assasinated.  He spoke too much when he called for the dissolution 
of secret societies.

This above is not speculation.

However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about who 
these people are.


- Original Message - 
From: de Bivort Lawrence

Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age


On Dec 26, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax is lying again.  I'm not surprised.  It is OK for him to lie as long 
as his goal are honorable and good for islam and muhammed.

OK, let me ask anybody here.  Who has actually seen Obama's Birth 
Certificate in actuality?  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the 
Internet.  Not snopes which is a political hack job.  If Obama supposedly 
was issued an official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax 
claims, that originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, 
right?  OK, if Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to 
one, only one, highly respected individual.  Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike 
Huckabee, Sarah Palin or the like.  Just one well respected Tea Party 
member or a well respected Republican congressman or senator.   Let him 
handle that original BC, feel the official seal, look at the folds, and 
make an official scan open to the public and call an open honest press 
conference.  Not a white house press conference which is questionable to 
begin with.  This is very simple and the Birther movement will die an 
untimely death and I will apologize and tuck my tail between my legs in 
shame and go away.  Lomax lies when he says we have seen the official BC. 
We have not; no one has.   What we've seen which Lomax claims is the 
official BC is a scanned photoshop file.   No one except Obama and 
alledgedly snopes have seen it.  Why?  Is anybody buying Lomax's argument? 
It's very simple my friends, if there is an officially issued BC, complete 
with seal, and signature of the official representative of the State of 
Hawaii, just show it.  No amount of spin or eloquence or tiresome lengthy 
essay will overcome this very strong argument. Just show it. Period.

Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii  Ambercrombie - a democrat, 
strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once and 
for all.  So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC.  Guess what?   Even 
he can't penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block access 
to his vault records.  Why is there an executive order to block access to 
Obama's vault BC.  This is the first time it has ever happened to a 
sitting president.  What the heck is wrong with seeing the original vault 
copy BC? If he has alledgedly issued an official copy, what's wrong with 
verifying it with the vault copy?   Why does Obama feel the need to go out 
of his way to issue an executive order to block access?

You know, only corrupt and lying leaders find the need to hide their 
history.  Obama is a corrupt lying usurper.

And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are concerned 
with this issue.  Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should come clean on 
this issue.  But of course, the illiminati finds it convenient to forcibly 
reintall their puppet president.  And they have found willing sheeple in 
Lomax.  LOL..


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 11:15 AM 12/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very 
useful for several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong 
Christian faith and that others within this group favor the Muslim faith 
to an equally strong degree.

David is addressing this to Jojo. However, there is a difference here. 
I'm the only Muslim on this list, as far as I know. And I have not used 
the list to propagandize Islam. But Jojo has used the list to 
propagandize a whole series of issues that are not actually Christian, 
per se, but specifically Evangelical Christian tropes, intensely 
anti-Muslim, in ways that have offended other list members, apparently 
non-Muslim. These are not necessirly favoring the Muslim faith, rather, 
they are, first, noting the inappropriateness of such highly sectarian 
and abusive expressions here, and, secondly, supporting a list member who 
is a relatively long-time participant here, who has never used the list 
to promote Islam.

The anti-Muslim material

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
The elders of zion? :D

2012/12/26 Jojo Jaro

 However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about who
 these people are.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
I provided sources from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari.  Two of the most 
respected and venerated muslim scholarly works ever. I even provided the actual 
arabic in Sharia that shows that FGM mutilation of the clitoris is required in 
Sharia.  So, I provided the highest quality of evidence and Lomax provided 
links to wikipedia and blogs, and you have the audacity to complaim that I do 
not have any base.  How can I not consider you to be the dumbest of the dumb 
when you can not evaluate simple evidence quality like this.


- Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  He is reasoning and lying correctly. He gives links, provides reasonable 
arguments that should prove beyond any reasonable doubt the he is correct and 
you are not accepting his arguments, thus, being unreasonable beyond doubt. You 
clearly show your lack of arguments by making childish comments without any 

  2012/12/26 Jojo Jaro

Lomax is getting blatant in his lies hoping that Vorticians reading are 
dumb.  He has such a low opinion of the intelligence of Vorticians, or a 
superior sense of his intelligence, that he does not even bother to hide the 
lies.  He lies outright.

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
Ha ha ha ROTFL.  I did not even notice this but it sure seems that the truth 
eventually came out.  NO NO NO  you were right the first time.  Lomax was 
lying correctly.  LOL LOL LOL 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:24 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  sorry, arguing correctly, not lying correctly'. 

  2012/12/26 Daniel Rocha

He is reasoning and lying correctly. He gives links, provides reasonable 
arguments that should prove beyond any reasonable doubt the he is correct and 
you are not accepting his arguments, thus, being unreasonable beyond doubt. You 
clearly show your lack of arguments by making childish comments without any 

2012/12/26 Jojo Jaro

  Lomax is getting blatant in his lies hoping that Vorticians reading are 
dumb.  He has such a low opinion of the intelligence of Vorticians, or a 
superior sense of his intelligence, that he does not even bother to hide the 
lies.  He lies outright.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
He actually rebuted evertything. It's just that you are crazy religious
fundamentalist and cannot see beyond your prejudices.

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

 I provided sources from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari.  Two of the most
 respected and venerated muslim scholarly works ever. I even provided the
 actual arabic in Sharia that shows that FGM mutilation of the clitoris is
 required in Sharia.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
Ridicule all you want.  There's nothing the Illuminati wants more than ignorant 
sheeple like you.

Here is what Theodore Roosevelt has to say about a shadow government.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing 
no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
Theodore Roosevelt


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 9:40 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  The elders of zion? :D

  2012/12/26 Jojo Jaro

However, if you want speculation, I have some other speculations about who 
these people are.

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
Alright, so you are living under a snowy barricade on a very high mountain.

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

 Ridicule all you want.  There's nothing the Illuminati wants more than
 ignorant sheeple like you.

 Here is what Theodore Roosevelt has to say about a shadow government.

 *Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government
 owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
 *Theodore Roosevelt


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
What has he rebuted?  Has he rebuted that A'isha was 9 years old when muhammed 
had intercourse with her?  I presented source like Sahih Muslim and Sahih 
Bukhari saying that this was true.  Lomax presented wikipedia and blogs and he 
rebuted what I said?  I have some land in Florida I'd like to sell you for 
cheap.  Very close to the beach?  LOL

What has he rebuted?  He said that pre-islam tribes practiced child marriage 
and therefore muhammed's practice of it was acceptable?  OK, whatever.  
Progressive religions need to correct abhorent retrograde practices, not 
embrace it with gusto.  LOL

What has he rebuted?  That FGM is not required in Sharia Law.  I presented the 
actual arabic text of what it says in Sharia.  The female's clitoris needs to 
be cut off.  I presented actual Sharia Text and Lomax presented internet blogs. 

What has he rebuted?  That Birthers are crazy.  He can't even answer a simple 
challenge.  Tell me who has actually seen the originally issued BC of Obama.  
Lomax presented links to internet blogs and he has rebuted me?  LOL ...

Get a cranial enema my friend.  You have been mesmerized by Lomax's excessive 
verbal diarrhea.  All the crap is getting into your head and Lomax is laughing 
at you for swallowing his spin and lies lock, stock and barrel.  LOL.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  He actually rebuted evertything. It's just that you are crazy religious 
fundamentalist and cannot see beyond your prejudices.

  2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

I provided sources from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari.  Two of the most 
respected and venerated muslim scholarly works ever. I even provided the actual 
arabic in Sharia that shows that FGM mutilation of the clitoris is required in 

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
I think It's more likely that the inhabitants of Eta Reticuli mesmerized me!

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

 Get a cranial enema my friend.  You have been mesmerized by Lomax's
 excessive verbal diarrhea.  All the crap is getting into your head
 and Lomax is laughing at you for swallowing his spin and lies lock, stock
 and barrel.  LOL.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
Not quite, but that's a good idea.  Not a snowy mountain though, I hate snow.  
Hey.  maybe some land in the Texas Pecos region.  Sounds good, thanks for 
the advice.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Alright, so you are living under a snowy barricade on a very high mountain.

  2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

Ridicule all you want.  There's nothing the Illuminati wants more than 
ignorant sheeple like you.

Here is what Theodore Roosevelt has to say about a shadow government.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government 
owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
Theodore Roosevelt


  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Daniel Rocha
Basically the Demon and his fallen companions.

2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

 My goodness, you have no idea how close to the truth you are with this
 joke.  Yes, residents of Eta Reticuli.  Except that they are not aliens
 from another world as in ET  - biological aliens.  They are in fact
 residents of another dimension beyond our 4 dimenstions - as in Fallen
 angels, jinns, demons and all sorts of malevolent spirits.  This my friend
 is who has you mesmerized.


Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Jojo Jaro
My goodness, you have no idea how close to the truth you are with this joke.  
Yes, residents of Eta Reticuli.  Except that they are not aliens from another 
world as in ET  - biological aliens.  They are in fact residents of another 
dimension beyond our 4 dimenstions - as in Fallen angels, jinns, demons and all 
sorts of malevolent spirits.  This my friend is who has you mesmerized.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  To: John Milstone 
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:43 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  I think It's more likely that the inhabitants of Eta Reticuli mesmerized me!

  2012/12/27 Jojo Jaro

Get a cranial enema my friend.  You have been mesmerized by Lomax's 
excessive verbal diarrhea.  All the crap is getting into your head and Lomax is 
laughing at you for swallowing his spin and lies lock, stock and barrel.  

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-26 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 08:12 PM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Here is how guile is defined:

 Noun 1. guile - shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
 craftiness, cunning, foxiness, slyness, wiliness, craft
 astuteness, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, shrewdness - 
intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)

2. guile - the quality of being crafty
 deceitfulness, craftiness
 disingenuousness - the quality of being disingenuous and lacking candor
3. guile - the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to 
extract money from them)

 chicanery, wile, shenanigan, trickery, chicane
 dissimulation, deception, dissembling, deceit - the act of deceiving
 dupery, hoax, put-on, humbug, fraud, fraudulence - something 
intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage
 jugglery - artful trickery designed to achieve an end; the 
senator's tax program was mere jugglery

My friend, what you did is known as guile.

Who was deceived?

Guile is a form of lying.  It is condemed in the Bible and equated 
to outright lying.  But apparently, by your own testimony of having 
commited it in Wikipedia, you have no problem with it.  OK.  I'm not surprised.

Right. Not only have I no problem with what I did, it's one of the 
best things I did that year.

The administrator in question had written: I can demonstrate 
functional evidence of my bans existence.

I saw that and knew immediately what to do. He was saying that he 
could prove that his ban existed, and how was obvious: if I violated 
it, he'd block me. So I announced my intention:

The core of it: I now withdraw that voluntary ban extension. Nobody objected.

And the next day, about 24 hours later, a question was asked on the 
Cold fusion talk page that I could answer, and so I answered, and the 
rest followed like clockwork.

Guile? Only by some of the first meaning. I wouldn't mind 
perspicacious. I knew what I was doing, and there is no harm in 
that. I simply stopped cooperating with an improper ban, declared by 
a highly involved adminstrator, against policy. The policy, in fact, 
was clarified by this case, bans like he'd issued became known as 
improper. I looked him in the eye, openly, and said, No.

Really, I was not a powerful editor, directly. This was David and 
Goliath. But I didn't take him down, he took himself down. I knew he 
would do it. He'd committed himself, and he was proud, very proud. He 
was not about to make an empty threat. He said he'd prove it, he'd prove it.

I did not hate him. I said nothing about him that I could not 
absolutely prove. He was far from the worst Wikipedia administrator, 
but he was doing damage. And he'd come after me. (He didn't give a 
fig about cold fusion, but he was a friend of JzG, who'd blocked and 
banned Pcarbonn, and Jed Rothwell. He was really just supporting his 
friend. I had taken JzG to the Arbitration Committee, successfully 
getting him reprimanded, over the blacklisting of, and 
that was not to be allowed. These people strongly disliked any 
challenge to their authority., and they retaliated.)

I'm being reminded that I'm a Muslim. We are not pacifists, we are 
permitted to establish justice, we are permitted to defend the weak 
and stand for freedom from oppression, and sometimes we are even 
commanded to do these things, where we are able. This never excuses 
going beyond limits, the verses on fighting are very explicit, it is 
not allowed to attack those who don't attack us, and responding in 
kind is *the limit*, and forgiveness is better *if justice is established.*

Hmph. End speech.


- Original Message - From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 01:12 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
My friend, just because your morality allows you to troll and lie 
in wikipedia does not mean that I am like you.

I never lied on Wikipedia. I did one action that I allowed as a 
form of trolling. It's more like what a soldier might do in a war, 
present himself as a  target so that a sniper betrays his position. 
There was no lying involved, and the purpose wasn't actually to outrage.

The action itself was completely legitimate. In fact, here it is:

A talk page edit, not actually controversial, just providing information.

It worked. The admin took the bait, following his ego. And he lost 
his privileges as a result. My purpose was to allow him to do

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Jojo Jaro
Yes, you are right of course, but It would even be better if all off-topic 
threads be terminated and brought to Vortex-B.

I am doing this is highlight a problem.  If you call for the termination of 
this thread, you need to call for the termination of all off-topic threads.  I 
believe that is only fair.  For why should the Vortex-L membership only be 
subjected to off-topic threads you consider interesting.  In other words, why 
are you the arbiter of what off-topic posts should be discuss or not?  They are 
all off-topic and should be banished from Vortex-L forever.  Isn't that what 
I've always asked for only to be insulted, ridiculed and ignored?  No offense 
intended, just asking your thinking process on this.

I consider this discussion with Lomax interesting.  So, on that aspect, this 
thread has as much right to be discussed in Vortex as any other off-topic 
thread you consider interesting.  Or are you saying that because you are an 
longer time member of Vortex-L, that you opinion carries more weight than mine? 
 Isn't that what the chronic off-topic posters are essentially saying?

It's all or nothing my friend.  No off-topic threads or ALL off-topic threads 
allowed.  Am I not being fair?  Is what I'm saying unfair?


PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads that I 
participate in, but only if there is a corresponding commitment from other 
chronis off-topic posters to moderate incessant off-topic posts.

  - Original Message - 
  From: David Roberson 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 1:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread were to be terminated.  It 
is apparent that there will never be agreement between the parties involved in 
the dispute and highly unlikely that one or the other will modify his beliefs.  
Why not just shake hands (electronically of course) and change the subject to 
LENR or something else more interesting. 

  I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread David Roberson
Of course you have the right to be offended by the off topic threads that seem 
to show up often.  I tend to be more concentrated on the LENR subject than 
many, but it is refreshing to have my attention averted on occasions.  Do not 
consider my opinion as any more valid than that of yours or others when seeking 
off topic offense levels.  I find vortex-l a location where a number of 
intelligent and science minded individuals hang out that I can utilize as a 
sanity check for many unusual concepts.

The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful for 
several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong Christian faith and 
that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an equally strong 
degree.  This in itself is a good thing and I say nothing against the religious 
beliefs of you or anyone else.  The world has enough conflict over religion 
already and it is of little practical use for us to continue that tradition 
here.  As I said, neither side to this argument appears to be capable of giving 
an inch toward a common resolution.  For this reason, all I see within the 
arguments presented is a repetition of the same disgusting issues.  Why waste 
so much energy toward this type of discussion when it is known ahead of time 
that nothing will change?

Most of the off topic subjects do not result in the amount of conflict that is 
seen within the religious type.  As you have noted, there has been awful and 
unwarranted name calling engaged in and insults which I find offensive.  I 
would not object if you or anyone else suggests an off topic subject that 
encourages discussions as long as they do not result in that sort of behavior 
and they were at least related to science.  You will find me objecting if these 
unrelated threads begin to become too long or cause serious personal attacks.  
The recent discussions concerning global warming came close to that threshold 
due to the sometimes heated exchanges that resulted from what some perceive as 
a world endangering situation.  I can understand the passion since there are 
some convinced that the fate of the world is in the balance unless something is 
done quickly.  Of course you and I fall on the same side of this issue where we 
seek reasonable, cautious, and thoughtful preparation.

I am attempting to understand the nature of the religious issues that keep this 
and other threads like it alive and so passionate.  Do both sides of the 
argument believe that they must prevail and have the last word?  Is God 
watching the debate and pushing each side forward in a manner that seems a 
little less than brotherly?  For some reason I do not believe so.  Why don't 
both parties to this discussion realize that they will never make headway in 
convincing the other side and just stop the insanity?  I find both sides 
equally guilty and plead for each to abandon the discussion.

Forgive me if I offended anyone as that was not my intent.


-Original Message-
From: Jojo Jaro
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 4:04 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Yes, you are right of course, but It would even be better if all off-topic 
threads be terminated and brought to Vortex-B.
I am doing this is highlight a problem.  If you call for the termination of 
this thread, you need to call for the termination of all off-topic threads.  I 
believe that is only fair.  For why should the Vortex-L membership only be 
subjected to off-topic threads you consider interesting.  In other words, why 
are you the arbiter of what off-topic posts should be discuss or not?  They are 
all off-topic and should be banished from Vortex-L forever.  Isn't that what 
I've always asked for only to be insulted, ridiculed and ignored?  No offense 
intended, just asking your thinking process on this.
I consider this discussion with Lomax interesting.  So, on that aspect, this 
thread has as much right to be discussed in Vortex as any other off-topic 
thread you consider interesting.  Or are you saying that because you are an 
longer time member of Vortex-L, that you opinion carries more weight than mine? 
 Isn't that what the chronic off-topic posters are essentially saying?
It's all or nothing my friend.  No off-topic threads or ALL off-topic threads 
allowed.  Am I not being fair?  Is what I'm saying unfair?
PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads that I 
participate in, but only if there is a corresponding commitment from other 
chronis off-topic posters to moderate incessant off-topic posts.
- Original Message - 
From:   David   Roberson 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 1:45   PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens   of wives, and marriageable age

Guys, I would very much   prefer it if this thread were to be terminated.  It 
is apparent

RE: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson


First you post an opinion that this particular conversation thread, a
conversation which I would agree has been extensively researched, should be
taken elsewhere. 


But then, in your next post you begin to participate in the conversation!


Perhaps you have succumbed the dark side of The Force, my young Jedi Knight!


Season's Greetings!



Steven Vincent Johnson



 From: David Roberson


 Of course you have the right to be offended by the off topic threads that
seem to show up often.







Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 for the 
community. And on many other lists, where I'm an owner, I have 
another owner, who can then take over if something happens to me. 
(And there are other ways to handle this.)

No more original comment below.


PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads 
that I participate in, but only if there is a corresponding 
commitment from other chronis off-topic posters to moderate 
incessant off-topic posts.

- Original Message -
From: mailto:dlrober...@aol.comDavid Roberson
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread were to be 
terminated.  It is apparent that there will never be agreement 
between the parties involved in the dispute and highly unlikely that 
one or the other will modify his beliefs.  Why not just shake hands 
(electronically of course) and change the subject to LENR or 
something else more interesting.

I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Jojo Jaro
Dave, I honestly respect the amount of thought and consideration you have given 
to your response.  But, let me clarify a few more things with you.

First, I did try what you are saying.  I did try to start an off-topic posts 
regarding a subject matter that seems to be of interest to a lot of people 
here.  After I started the New Data  . thread, a few of us were 
exchanging thoughts and I thoroughly found that enjoyable.  Although one 
individual started a single insult, I actually let that pass and did not 
retalitate.  After telling him to stop insulting me, he did stop and the 
discussion continued in a civilized manner with no one able to convince the 
other.  That was expected.  The point is, it was a civilized exchange of 
opinions.  Exactly what Vortex-L was meant to be, except that the topic was a 
little off-topic.

But then, Lomax started his new round of insults out of the blue.  What he 
posted has absolutely nothing about the New Data  thread, but instead was 
a renewal of him calling me a troll and a liar and called for my banning.  That 
level of bullying has to be answered with the same level of nastiness.  Hence, 
I started calling his god a moon god, which of course is true, but is quite 
offensive to muslims; simply because they like to pretend that their god is the 
same as the universal God of Judaism and Christianity.  Of course, that insult 
involve identifying his great prophet as a sexual pervert with dozens of wives 
and a child molester molesting a 9 year old little girl barely out of diapers.  
All of which is true.  No lies, just truth intended to insult.  Most muslims 
find these truths embarassing, so I used these to retaliate.  Everyone can see 
that and it did have the intended effect on Lomax.  He was insulted.  Of course 
he was, it was intended to be more an insult than an openning of the discussion 
about religion.  Mind you, this was intended to be a response to his blatant 
insult out of the blue.  And the rest is what you see here in this thread.

Of course, this all stated a long time ago when he and a couple of other 
bullies here started their round of insults, when I started the Darwinian 
Evolution series of posts, to try to highlight the problem of Off-topic 
trolling here.  These bullies feel that my Darwinian Evolution fallacies 
threads were inappropriate.  Of course, they were inappropriate, they were 
off-topic intended to highlight a problem here.  I believe you are seasoned 
enough to see the truth as I believe you have been following this saga from the 
beginning.  Me and Terry even had a friendly bet as to the outcome of this ( 
which I lost, so I'll be buying Terry, and he said Jed, lunch at the Officer's 
club, when I get back there.)  But to me, this was all about trying to fix a 
problem.  But instead of being more sensitive to how they are destroying this 
forum, these chronic off-topic posters and gang of bullies started insulting 
and calling for my banning.  This of course I found to be an insult and started 

That my friend is the problem.  And my friend, I am not the problem..  Just 
that a gang of bullies have started coming out of the woodwork and team up to 
gang up of me.

I have said it before, have said it for close to a year now, and will say it 
again.  My off-topic posts will stop as soon as the blatant off-topic posts 
destroying this forum stops.  And while I'm at it, I will respond to insults, 
with insults equally insulting.  

I hope you are honest enough to acknowledge that what I am saying is true.  But 
as for Lomax, I did not really expect him to be honest.  What I am about to say 
is also true.  Muslims will lie, can lie according to their religion, if their 
lie will serve the good of muhammed or islam.  This my friend is the truth.


  - Original Message - 
  From: David Roberson 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:15 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Of course you have the right to be offended by the off topic threads that 
seem to show up often.  I tend to be more concentrated on the LENR subject than 
many, but it is refreshing to have my attention averted on occasions.  Do not 
consider my opinion as any more valid than that of yours or others when seeking 
off topic offense levels.  I find vortex-l a location where a number of 
intelligent and science minded individuals hang out that I can utilize as a 
sanity check for many unusual concepts. 

  The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful for 
several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong Christian faith and 
that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an equally strong 
degree.  This in itself is a good thing and I say nothing against the religious 
beliefs of you or anyone else.  The world has enough conflict over religion 
already and it is of little practical use for us to continue

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Jojo Jaro
Interesting how Lomax believes that off-topic posts are not harmful. 
Essentially the same position as one of the other chronic off-topic posters 
have said.  This of course is wrong and selfish.

Of course, off-topic posts are harmful.  It started way before I joined here 
and I am not the first or the only member to complain about it.  Though I am 
the most vocal about it.  Other members simply choose to leave instead of 
highlighting the problem, leaving Vortex-l a lot less intelligent because 
the membership left are simply not as smart as those who left due to 
excessive noise.I am currently in communication with several members 
(very old members) of this list who expressed agreement with what I am 
saying though they may not agree with what I am doing to solve the problem. 
They simply choose to not participate anymore, which is such a lost to this 
community.  Lomax and other chronic posters here simply do not think of the 
greater good; it's all about them and gabbing with friends instead of 
fostering a greater community trying to solve the Cold Fusion problem.

Lomax claims that my attempts to stop off-topic posts are coercive.  I'm 
not sure which twilight zone Lomax live in, but of course they are coercive. 
People must be coerced to follow the rules.  We have laws in this country 
where people must be coerced to follow.  This forum has rules that people 
must follow.  It's that simple.

Lomax claims that I am the troll here.  But have you ever found a troll 
willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.  I am willing to 
sacrifice my participation here, which I find useful especially for my 
Carbon Nanotube research, for the greater good of more signal and less noise 
in this forum.  If you ask me, Lomax and the other chronic off-topic posters 
are the real trolls cause they insist on doing it their way or ban those who 
disagree or don't like their off-topic trolling like me.  Their solution is 
a gang solution.  Do it our way or we will insult you or better still,  we 
will ban you.  It's fortunate that Bill appears to be more reasonable and 
more objective than these gang of bullies.

If Bill changes the rules, I will follow.  But in the meantime, people 
should follow his rules and not make it up as we go - as famously said by 
one chronic off-topic poster here.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 04:03 AM 12/25/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

I am doing this is highlight a problem.  If you call for the termination 
of this thread, you need to call for the termination of all off-topic 
threads.  I believe that is only fair.

There is no general off-topic problem. Judging posts as off-topic is, 
itself, hazardous, and is impractical. Most mature mailing lists create a 
community, that chats a bit, including off topic chatting.

That's not the problem here. The problem is trolling for outrage. There 
has been some level of teasing of Jojo Jaro, but trolls *always* attract 
some level of that.

As I've reported in posts covering the history of these conversations, and 
to respond to David, Jojo originally attracted my respose to his 
information about the location of Obama's birth. I have a habit of 
taking fringe positions seriously, of giving them some benefit of the 
doubt, so I actually researched this, and reported what I found which was 
essentially that what Jojo was telling us was very old hat, claims that 
had been made, and thoroughly debunked, with Obama having provided --  
without any legal necessity -- what was called the archival certificate. 
He had to go through a special process to get that, the Hawaii department 
of public records does not ordinarily provide it.

Jojo then began attacking me, on many fronts. At one point, he loudly 
resigned from the list, as a last comment. I responded, and left it at 
that. (If you want to make a last comment, that doesn't prohibit the 
other person from responding! Making a last comment as a way to shut 
people up is obviousy abusive.

Jojo came back and continued. So then I said that I was going to stop 
responding, and I did, for quite a long period of time. When he kept it 
up, kept mentioning the Moon God thing, kept referring to me as a 
self-declared expert and whatever he could think of as something that 
might be irritating, and when he turned to others and similarly attacked 
them, I started to comment again, simply to document the history.

He's promising to stop responding if others respond. That did not work, 
because he doesn't stop. He makes very few posts here which are on-topic. 
The people he tangles with are regular posters, who occasionally comment 
off-topic. He obviously watches the list for anything he disagrees with, 
and dives in with extreme commentary, most of the time

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age--for the education of Jojo

2012-12-25 Thread Jojo Jaro

Once again, Lomax diverts the issue and attempts to spin it away.

The issue is not A'isha actual age, it is irrelevant what her actual age 
was.  She could have been 5 years older and what muhammed did would still be 
an abhorrent sex perverted act.

The issue is not A'isha mentrual cycle, it is irrelevant that she has had a 
menstrual cycle.  A girl of 9 is clearly an immature child not prepared for 
the rigors of being subjected to sex, being a wife and starting a family.

The issue is not whether muhammed's tribe considered this as wrong or not. 
People can clearly see that it is wrong.

The issue is not that pre-islam tribes do it.  The issue is that islam does 
it.  The great prophet should have corrected this practice.  He should have 
disavowed this retrograde practice, not assimilate it and embrace it with 

Just compare the behavior of the real true God Jesus Christ compared with a 
sex perverted HOLEY prophet like muhammed.  When Jesus came on the scene, 
the practice of multiple wives to one man was still prevalent and Jews 
practiced it contrary to the original intent of God.  But it was a 
retrograde and abhorrent practice and what did Jesus do?  He put a stop to 
it.  Hence, Christians now do not have multiple wives, even when their 
predecessors the Jews had.  This is what the real God Jesus Christ or real 
progressive prophets do.  They correct abhorrent practices.  No, but not 
muhammed, he enjoyed it too much.  Having dozens of wives and concubines and 
a 9 year old little girl BARELY OUT OF DIAPERS.

My friends, God created Adam and one wife - Eve.  Not Adam and Eve, Ethel, 
Ally, Mary, Courtney, Elizabeth, Martha etc.  and certainly not Adam and 
Steve and most certainly not Adam and little A'isha.

Progressive religions correct retrograde acts; and islam is certainly not a 
progressive religion.  In fact, it is the retrograde religion itself.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age--for 
the education of Jojo

At 01:48 PM 12/24/2012, de Bivort Lawrence wrote:

A discussion of the issue of Ayesha and her age and condition at the time 
of marriage, and some related descriptions. Thanks.

I had not discussed this issue for probably almost a decade. I've been 
rummaging around and found three web sites that address the age of Ayesha 
at marriage. 
links to the other two sites for a discussion of the issue of Ayesha's 
age. For itself, it's concerned with what the Qur'an says about marriage. 
The points to take away:

There is mention of marriageable age. It is not given in years, and the 
context makes it clear why: different people mature at different times. It 
appears, as we would sanely expect, that sexual maturity -- 
which might be the meaning of marriageable age in some contexts-- 
might also not be the only criterion, i.e., sound judgment is also 

Marriageable age is also the age of consent. The traditional material 
I cited yesterday made it clear that if a marriage is contracted before 
marriageable age, it is not final until the parties, having reached the 
age of consent, have confirmed it personally. Consent before that is 
considered moot, except that traditions mentioned considered it offensive 
to even contract a marriage, as for a very young girl, *absent her 
request,* and, of course, this could only be done with parental 

The web site above also points to two pages, each taking a very different 

The first page is

It takes the position that, yes, marriage at nine would be offensive, but 
it didn't happen. It addresses and purports to debunk the traditions that 
establish the age of consummation of Ayesha's marriage as nine. It makes 
many points that might seem to be solid. However, it's sociologically 
naive, assuming that marriage at sexual maturity -- which can happen 
before nine -- would be offensive to anyone. One thing is clear about 
the widespread story that Ayesha was nine: this only arouses rage or 
disgust among people from different cultures, often unaware of the history 
of their own culture, certainly what the culture of their ancestors might 
have been fourteen hundred years ago.

In the other direction is

I may know the author of this page fairly well; the position is highly 
conservative. The author uses polemic, and dismisses the concerns of the 
questioner -- which match those of the first page above -- as ignorant. On 
the other hand, it's also fairly clear that the depth of knowedge of the 
writer of this page is greater. Unfortunately, the page quotes material 
(from the first site above

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
It's obvious that the goal here is not agreement. It's also obvious 
that there will be no handshake (though I'd not refuse to agree, no 
matter what I say now; the Qur'an actually says, Do not let your 
oaths keep you from doing what's right.)

Okay, the Qur'an does not actually say that. I lied. The Qur'an says 
something in Arabic. That's merely a translation, my own. I made it 
up. But anyone who knows the Qur'an will recognize it.

At 12:45 AM 12/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread were to be 
terminated.  It is apparent that there will never be agreement 
between the parties involved in the dispute and highly unlikely that 
one or the other will modify his beliefs.  Why not just shake hands 
(electronically of course) and change the subject to LENR or 
something else more interesting.

I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.

I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.

I've acted to make sure that these seriously off-topic threads have 
the [OT] tag. Others keep expanding this, with new threads, but I'm 
continuing to make sure that the [OT] designation is maintained. I 
would also respect *whatever* the list owner requests. That's a 
promise. If somehow that made my participation here untenable (I 
doubt that), I simply would go away.

Perhaps people here are familiar with the cartoon of the fellow who 
is being called to dinner by his wife. I can't come now, Someone is 
Wrong on the Internet. I get it. Been there, done that. I have the 
T-shirt. That way lies madness.

I'm close enough to madness, routinely, as it is.

RE: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:44 AM 12/25/2012, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

Couldn’t agree more, that there will never be 
agreement… and that’s ok, but take the debate elsewhere, guys…


This forum is being abused to host material that 
is (1) not relevant and (2) highly offensive. 
This isn't just the anti-Islamic stuff, it's 
whatever topic the troll brings. The birther 
stuff had no place here at all. The global 
warming stuff, some justification, but again 
taking discussion completely out of the realm of 
our collective interest, and blaming regular list 
paticipants for making relatively 
non-controversial comments, and the anti-Islamic 
comments had zero justification, they were pure 
trolling and deliberate offense.

All this goes into the archive, which is internet 
searchable, and these posts come up in searches, 
even prominently. So I've answered here, because 
there is no other place more appropriate to 
answer. If this forum were being abused to 
promote Islam, for example, then there would be 
at least some level of excuse for Jojo Jaro's 
claims. But it hasn't been. Those anti-Muslim 
claims were *entirely* gratuitous, and highly 
offensive to about a billion people. Who increasingly are internet-savvy.

If this list permits those posts, and if they are 
left in the archive without answer, they will 
impugn the list. The whole list will be judged by the lack of response.

Jojo many times has promised to stop if others 
stopped. He lied. He's brought these materials 
back in the total absence of response to his 
earlier posts. He was allowed to have the last 
word, and that was not enough, because he's 
really looking for something other than what he says.

And that's obvious, to anyone who has actually 
followed his posting here. Just looking at the 
latest thread, say, you can easily come up with 
a pox on both your houses. I get that.

However, until the list owner makes some 
decision, or delegates it to someone or some 
process, it might continue. Hence my 
recommendation: ignore whatever does not interest 
you. I will continue to make sure that any posts 
that are clearly off-topic have [OT] in the 
subject header. I will continue to have subject 
headers indicate that the debate or discussion is 
the kind of material that some object to.

But I don't intend to stop unless the drumbeat 
from the troll stops. I've done this before, by 
the way, on Wikimedia Foundation web sites. I've 
been effective. Some people didn't like it, but 
it did get the attention of those with superuser 
powers, and they handled the situation, whereas 
other administrators had been asleep. I was, in 
fact, enforcing policy, with the tools available to me.

And I did not care about personal consequences. 
I'm not that important. Should I be banned here 
-- I don't think that's likely, but it's also not 
impossible -- there are plenty of people who 
would forward a post from me to this list, if I 
ever need to post here in the future. To an 
extent, this list is a distraction from my work 
elsewhere, particularly the CMNS list, and my actual research.

I could write more about being banned, because I 
was ultimately banned on Wikipedia, but actually 
I'd rather not. It's not something I'd encourage 
everyone to do. Yet I accomplished exactly what I 
set out to do, and discovered exactly what I needed to know. Story of my life.

From: David Roberson []
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread 
were to be terminated.  It is apparent that 
there will never be agreement between the 
parties involved in the dispute and highly 
unlikely that one or the other will modify his 
beliefs.  Why not just shake hands 
(electronically of course) and change the 
subject to LENR or something else more interesting.

I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 hide, but *that is a 
religious position.* Happens to be Qur'an. I know that if I were to 
lie, there would be no place I could hide from my own corruption.

(no more original content below)


-Original Message-
From: Jojo Jaro
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 4:04 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Yes, you are right of course, but It would even be better if all 
off-topic threads be terminated and brought to Vortex-B.

I am doing this is highlight a problem.  If you call for the 
termination of this thread, you need to call for the termination of 
all off-topic threads.  I believe that is only fair.  For why should 
the Vortex-L membership only be subjected to off-topic threads you 
consider interesting.  In other words, why are you the arbiter of 
what off-topic posts should be discuss or not?  They are all 
off-topic and should be banished from Vortex-L forever.  Isn't that 
what I've always asked for only to be insulted, ridiculed and 
ignored?  No offense intended, just asking your thinking process on this.

I consider this discussion with Lomax interesting.  So, on that 
aspect, this thread has as much right to be discussed in Vortex as 
any other off-topic thread you consider interesting.  Or are you 
saying that because you are an longer time member of Vortex-L, that 
you opinion carries more weight than mine?  Isn't that what the 
chronic off-topic posters are essentially saying?

It's all or nothing my friend.  No off-topic threads or ALL 
off-topic threads allowed.  Am I not being fair?  Is what I'm saying unfair?


PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads 
that I participate in, but only if there is a corresponding 
commitment from other chronis off-topic posters to moderate 
incessant off-topic posts.

- Original Message -
From: mailto:dlrober...@aol.comDavid Roberson
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Guys, I would very much prefer it if this thread were to be 
terminated.  It is apparent that there will never be agreement 
between the parties involved in the dispute and highly unlikely that 
one or the other will modify his beliefs.  Why not just shake hands 
(electronically of course) and change the subject to LENR or 
something else more interesting.

I suspect that I am not the only one with this opinion.


RE: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 12:27 PM 12/25/2012, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:


First you post an opinion that this particular conversation thread, 
a conversation which I would agree has been extensively researched, 
should be taken elsewhere.

But then, in your next post you begin to participate in the conversation!

Perhaps you have succumbed the dark side of The Force, my young Jedi Knight!

This is exactly what trolls do. That's why, in fact, ignore them, 
sometimes, while it's a reasonble first response, may fail to suffice.

Trolls love it when they can get people fighting with each other. 
It's exactly what they want.

Season's Greetings!

Steven Vincent Johnson

 From: David Roberson

 Of course you have the right to be offended by the off topic 
threads that seem to show up often.



Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
. But that's not Islam, and it's prohibited.

(No more original material below)


- Original Message -
From: mailto:dlrober...@aol.comDavid Roberson
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Of course you have the right to be offended by the off topic threads 
that seem to show up often.  I tend to be more concentrated on the 
LENR subject than many, but it is refreshing to have my attention 
averted on occasions.  Do not consider my opinion as any more valid 
than that of yours or others when seeking off topic offense 
levels.  I find vortex-l a location where a number of intelligent 
and science minded individuals hang out that I can utilize as a 
sanity check for many unusual concepts.

The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very 
useful for several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong 
Christian faith and that others within this group favor the Muslim 
faith to an equally strong degree.  This in itself is a good thing 
and I say nothing against the religious beliefs of you or anyone 
else.  The world has enough conflict over religion already and it is 
of little practical use for us to continue that tradition here.  As 
I said, neither side to this argument appears to be capable of 
giving an inch toward a common resolution.  For this reason, all I 
see within the arguments presented is a repetition of the same 
disgusting issues.  Why waste so much energy toward this type of 
discussion when it is known ahead of time that nothing will change?

Most of the off topic subjects do not result in the amount of 
conflict that is seen within the religious type.  As you have noted, 
there has been awful and unwarranted name calling engaged in and 
insults which I find offensive.  I would not object if you or anyone 
else suggests an off topic subject that encourages discussions as 
long as they do not result in that sort of behavior and they were at 
least related to science.  You will find me objecting if these 
unrelated threads begin to become too long or cause serious personal 
attacks.  The recent discussions concerning global warming came 
close to that threshold due to the sometimes heated exchanges that 
resulted from what some perceive as a world endangering 
situation.  I can understand the passion since there are some 
convinced that the fate of the world is in the balance unless 
something is done quickly.  Of course you and I fall on the same 
side of this issue where we seek reasonable, cautious, and 
thoughtful preparation.

I am attempting to understand the nature of the religious issues 
that keep this and other threads like it alive and so 
passionate.  Do both sides of the argument believe that they must 
prevail and have the last word?  Is God watching the debate and 
pushing each side forward in a manner that seems a little less than 
brotherly?  For some reason I do not believe so.  Why don't both 
parties to this discussion realize that they will never make headway 
in convincing the other side and just stop the insanity?  I find 
both sides equally guilty and plead for each to abandon the discussion.

Forgive me if I offended anyone as that was not my intent.


-Original Message-
From: Jojo Jaro
To: vortex-l
Sent: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 4:04 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Yes, you are right of course, but It would even be better if all 
off-topic threads be terminated and brought to Vortex-B.

I am doing this is highlight a problem.  If you call for the 
termination of this thread, you need to call for the termination of 
all off-topic threads.  I believe that is only fair.  For why should 
the Vortex-L membership only be subjected to off-topic threads you 
consider interesting.  In other words, why are you the arbiter of 
what off-topic posts should be discuss or not?  They are all 
off-topic and should be banished from Vortex-L forever.  Isn't that 
what I've always asked for only to be insulted, ridiculed and 
ignored?  No offense intended, just asking your thinking process on this.

I consider this discussion with Lomax interesting.  So, on that 
aspect, this thread has as much right to be discussed in Vortex as 
any other off-topic thread you consider interesting.  Or are you 
saying that because you are an longer time member of Vortex-L, that 
you opinion carries more weight than mine?  Isn't that what the 
chronic off-topic posters are essentially saying?

It's all or nothing my friend.  No off-topic threads or ALL 
off-topic threads allowed.  Am I not being fair?  Is what I'm saying unfair?


PS, Of course, I am ready and prepared to stop all off-topic threads 
that I participate in, but only if there is a corresponding 
commitment from other chronis off-topic posters to moderate 
incessant off-topic

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Again, brilliant.

At 07:11 PM 12/25/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Lomax claims that my attempts to stop off-topic posts are 
coercive.  I'm not sure which twilight zone Lomax live in, but of 
course they are coercive.

Like Jojo can't bring himself to agree with me. I.e., he acknowledges 
that what he's proposing and doing is coercive, but wants to assert 
that I'm delusional.

 People must be coerced to follow the rules.  We have laws in this 
country where people must be coerced to follow.  This forum has 
rules that people must follow.  It's that simple.

Sure. It's that simple. However, what are the rules? I just re-read 
them. Some of them are routinely violated. I've violated some of 
them. I intend to stop that immediately.

Lomax claims that I am the troll here.

I've said that.

But have you ever found a troll willing to sacrifice himself for the 
greater good.

Frequently. That is, this is how a troll justifies his behavior to 
himself, and attempts to so justify it to others. And I've seen this 
from trolls who very openly admitted being trolls. They believe that 
they are serving a greater good. And I've trolled, and actually 
accomplished what I set out to do, on Wikipedia. There was a certain 
abusive administrator. He banned me from cold fusion, unilaterally. I 
took him before the Arbitation Committee. During the case, he claied 
that his ban was still in effect. Now, generally, I respected 
administrative decisions, and did not violate them, instead following 
due process, which can take months, even for a minor matter, 
sometimes. I decided the time was right for direct action. I 
announced that I had no more intention to honor his ban. This was on 
a Talk page presumably seen by Arbitrators and many administrators, 
in direct response to his boast that I was still banned and he could prove it.

Essentially, I invited him to prove it, by deciding to ignore the ban 
and give him the opportunity. I waited until a simple question was 
asked on the Cold fusion talk page, and I knew a clear answer. It 
wasn't a controversial edit, and the only thing *wrong* with it was 
that he'd banned me. It took me a couple of minutes. I went to bed. 
When I woke up in the morning, all hell had broken loose. I'd been 
blocked by him, and my edit had been reverted. An arbitrator had 
unblocked, restored my edit, and the Arbitration Committee was 
considering an immediate revocation of his administrative privileges. 
They didn't -- he was very popular -- but, in the end, they did 
revoke the privileges when the decision was issued. He'd gone over 
the edge, blocking a participant in a case involving him. They could 
not ignore that, it would have been way too obvious.

They also wanted to get rid of me, that became obvious later, when 
their private mailing list was hacked. I made them *very* 
uncomfortable, I was *not one of them* -- they are all 
administrators, and, while I almost was made an admin on Wikipedia, I 
was quite new then. Later, it would have been completely impossible, 
by that time the cabal knew what I was up to and they can easily 
torpedo any candidacy that they don't like. It's part of the problem 
with Wikipedia process.

But I didn't consider my own right to edit to be important. I was far 
more concerned about a biased admin who would cheerfully block people 
because they disagreed with him. This is an irony here. That 
administrator was a climate scientist, and was famous as abusive. 
People had complained about him for years, but every attempt to 
sanction him was blocked by the cabal. A discussion would start, they 
would pour in with enough comments rejecting the complaint that the 
discussion would show no consensus, and they would then claim 
vindication. Nope. Any sane judgment would have shown there was a 
serious problem.

Adminstrators had resiged in disgust over what this guy had done. I 
fixed it, with an edit trolling to be blocked, took a couple of 
minutes. It was probably the most efficient thing I ever did on 
Wikipedia. And eventually I handled a lot of situations, but, 
eventually, the Wikipedia problem was not ultimately addressed, and 
what had long been expected came to pass, I was community banned. 
That's what they do when the Arbitration Committee won't do it. All 
it takes is a handful of editors showing up on an obscure page, 
mostly not watched by the general community, and it's done.

Theoretically, you can appeal to the Arbitration Committee, but the 
politics are such that the Arbitration Committee will bail. It will 
reject the case, refusing to second guess the Community. Really, 
more than half of the Committee is sympathetic to the abusive 
administrators, but they can't let that be seen. It would look bad!

I am willing to sacrifice my participation here, which I find useful 
especially for my Carbon Nanotube research, for the greater good of 
more signal and less noise in this forum.  If you ask me, Lomax and 
the other chronic 

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Jojo Jaro
Lomax is lying again.  I'm not surprised.  It is OK for him to lie as long 
as his goal are honorable and good for islam and muhammed.

OK, let me ask anybody here.  Who has actually seen Obama's Birth 
Certificate in actuality?  Not the scanned and altered copy posted on the 
Internet.  Not snopes which is a political hack job.  If Obama supposedly 
was issued an official Birth Certificate by the State of Hawaii as Lomax 
claims, that originally issued BC should be in the possesion of Obama, 
right?  OK, if Obama wants to kill the Birther movement, just show it to 
one, only one, highly respected individual.  Let's say, Ron Paul, Mike 
Huckabee, Sarah Palin or the like.  Just one well respected Tea Party member 
or a well respected Republican congressman or senator.   Let him handle that 
original BC, feel the official seal, look at the folds, and make an official 
scan open to the public and call an open honest press conference.  Not a 
white house press conference which is questionable to begin with.  This is 
very simple and the Birther movement will die an untimely death and I will 
apologize and tuck my tail between my legs in shame and go away.  Lomax lies 
when he says we have seen the official BC.  We have not; no one has.   What 
we've seen which Lomax claims is the official BC is a scanned photoshop 
file.   No one except Obama and alledgedly snopes have seen it.  Why?  Is 
anybody buying Lomax's argument?   It's very simple my friends, if there is 
an officially issued BC, complete with seal, and signature of the official 
representative of the State of Hawaii, just show it.  No amount of spin or 
eloquence or tiresome lengthy essay will overcome this very strong argument. 
Just show it. Period.

Funny thing is, the new governor of Hawaii  Ambercrombie - a democrat, 
strong supporter of Obama, wanted to silence the birther movement once and 
for all.  So, he sought to dig into Obama's vault BC.  Guess what?   Even he 
can't penetrate the veil of corruption Obama has put up to block access to 
his vault records.  Why is there an executive order to block access to 
Obama's vault BC.  This is the first time it has ever happened to a sitting 
president.  What the heck is wrong with seeing the original vault copy BC? 
If he has alledgedly issued an official copy, what's wrong with verifying it 
with the vault copy?   Why does Obama feel the need to go out of his way to 
issue an executive order to block access?

You know, only corrupt and lying leaders find the need to hide their 
history.  Obama is a corrupt lying usurper.

And Lomax's is really naive to think that only Republicans are concerned 
with this issue.  Over 60% of Americans feel Obama should come clean on this 
issue.  But of course, the illiminati finds it convenient to forcibly 
reintall their puppet president.  And they have found willing sheeple in 
Lomax.  LOL..


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 11:15 AM 12/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
The recent intense concentration upon religious issues is not very useful 
for several reasons.  It is apparent that you have a strong Christian 
faith and that others within this group favor the Muslim faith to an 
equally strong degree.

David is addressing this to Jojo. However, there is a difference here. I'm 
the only Muslim on this list, as far as I know. And I have not used the 
list to propagandize Islam. But Jojo has used the list to propagandize a 
whole series of issues that are not actually Christian, per se, but 
specifically Evangelical Christian tropes, intensely anti-Muslim, in ways 
that have offended other list members, apparently non-Muslim. These are 
not necessirly favoring the Muslim faith, rather, they are, first, 
noting the inappropriateness of such highly sectarian and abusive 
expressions here, and, secondly, supporting a list member who is a 
relatively long-time participant here, who has never used the list to 
promote Islam.

The anti-Muslim material was completely off-topic, not necessary for any 
discussion here, on-topic or off-topic, except to establish Jojo Jaro's 
thesis, that I'm a liar, and to him, Muslim means liar. The real thing 
that is happening is that he argued other topics, like the whole birther 
myth, kept up an anti-Obama drumbeat, and on the birther issue, 
specifically, I researched his claims and reported them as being utterly 
bogus. Not as a prejudgment, but as the result of research. And he could 
not tolerate that, and, I believe, that's where his attack came from.

Essentially, I disagreed with him and provided evidence. That's 
intolerable to him, so he then attacked with everything he could muster.

This in itself is a good thing and I say nothing against the religious 
beliefs of you or anyone else.  The world has enough

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-25 Thread Jojo Jaro
My friend, just because your morality allows you to troll and lie in 
wikipedia does not mean that I am like you.

Stop the off-topic posts and I will go away never to post here again, but I 
will read.  I am sacrificing my participation, my chance to ask questions if 
the chronic off-topic violators would simply stop their abuses.  JUST DO IT.

Clearly you understood Bill's no off-topic rule cause you quoted parts of it 
here and still claim that I am lying about it.  You are such a blatant liar. 
I'm not surprised.


- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

Frequently. That is, this is how a troll justifies his behavior to 
himself, and attempts to so justify it to others. And I've seen this from 
trolls who very openly admitted being trolls. They believe that they are 
serving a greater good. And I've trolled, and actually accomplished what I 
set out to do, on Wikipedia. There was a certain abusive administrator. He 
banned me from cold fusion, unilaterally. I took him before the Arbitation 
Committee. During the case, he claied that his ban was still in effect. 
Now, generally, I respected administrative decisions, and did not violate 
them, instead following due process, which can take months, even for a 
minor matter, sometimes. I decided the time was right for direct action. I 
announced that I had no more intention to honor his ban. This was on a 
Talk page presumably seen by Arbitrators and many administrators, in 
direct response to his boast that I was still banned and he could prove 

Essentially, I invited him to prove it, by deciding to ignore the ban and 
give him the opportunity. I waited until a simple question was asked on 
the Cold fusion talk page, and I knew a clear answer. It wasn't a 
controversial edit, and the only thing *wrong* with it was that he'd 
banned me. It took me a couple of minutes. I went to bed. When I woke up 
in the morning, all hell had broken loose. I'd been blocked by him, and my 
edit had been reverted. An arbitrator had unblocked, restored my edit, and 
the Arbitration Committee was considering an immediate revocation of his 
administrative privileges. They didn't -- he was very popular -- but, in 
the end, they did revoke the privileges when the decision was issued. He'd 
gone over the edge, blocking a participant in a case involving him. They 
could not ignore that, it would have been way too obvious.

They also wanted to get rid of me, that became obvious later, when their 
private mailing list was hacked. I made them *very* uncomfortable, I was 
*not one of them* -- they are all administrators, and, while I almost was 
made an admin on Wikipedia, I was quite new then. Later, it would have 
been completely impossible, by that time the cabal knew what I was up to 
and they can easily torpedo any candidacy that they don't like. It's part 
of the problem with Wikipedia process.

But I didn't consider my own right to edit to be important. I was far more 
concerned about a biased admin who would cheerfully block people because 
they disagreed with him. This is an irony here. That administrator was a 
climate scientist, and was famous as abusive. People had complained about 
him for years, but every attempt to sanction him was blocked by the cabal. 
A discussion would start, they would pour in with enough comments 
rejecting the complaint that the discussion would show no consensus, and 
they would then claim vindication. Nope. Any sane judgment would have 
shown there was a serious problem.

Adminstrators had resiged in disgust over what this guy had done. I fixed 
it, with an edit trolling to be blocked, took a couple of minutes. It was 
probably the most efficient thing I ever did on Wikipedia. And eventually 
I handled a lot of situations, but, eventually, the Wikipedia problem was 
not ultimately addressed, and what had long been expected came to pass, I 
was community banned. That's what they do when the Arbitration Committee 
won't do it. All it takes is a handful of editors showing up on an obscure 
page, mostly not watched by the general community, and it's done.

Theoretically, you can appeal to the Arbitration Committee, but the 
politics are such that the Arbitration Committee will bail. It will reject 
the case, refusing to second guess the Community. Really, more than half 
of the Committee is sympathetic to the abusive administrators, but they 
can't let that be seen. It would look bad!

I am willing to sacrifice my participation here, which I find useful 
especially for my Carbon Nanotube research, for the greater good of more 
signal and less noise in this forum.  If you ask me, Lomax and the other 
chronic off-topic posters are the real trolls cause they insist on doing 
it their way or ban those who disagree or don't like

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

2012-12-24 Thread Jojo Jaro
, you accuse me of lying for not providing proof that allah is the mood 
god of muhammed beduin tribe.  Are you prepared to eat your words and 
apologize for that?  Are you prepared to see proof that allah was the moon 
god of muhammed's beduin tribe that is the same moon god who got promoted to 
the universal god of islam.  One look at the islamic moon crescent would 
have tipped people off to this history, yet Lomax finds the audacity to 
accuse me of lying.

So, shall I present proof from muslim sources?Of course not, why waste 
people's time, eh?   LOL    At least I give you credit for recognizing 
that I was about to give you a cargoship full of whupass.  ROTFL.

But, enough of this.  I'm bowing out of this insanity correctling your lies 
and spin.  Let the readers decide whether they find it acceptable for 
muhammed to have fondled a 9 year old little girl, and yes, barely out of 
diapers.  I'm bowing out at least until after Christmas.  You have a few 
days to really set up a good spin of the truth.  I hope you make the most 
out of your time?  Quickly, off to the library to do some real research. 

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 10:30 PM 12/23/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Lomax accuses me of cherry picking what I read, but he does that even 
better than I.  Quite honestly, I have never met anyone with such an 
innate skill at spinnng the truth.  Excellent work Lomax.

The point is, Lomax conveniently ignores that the 2 muslim works I quoted 
are some of the most respected and venerated works of any muslim.

That's sort-of true. I did not deny the works. Rather, I simply pointed 
out that there exists controversy on the age. And then I mostly responded 
assuming the age.

  Yet, he finds it convenient to ignore what it says in favor of his 
spin.  To any sane man, these works are clear.  They tell of a story of a 
sex perverted child molesting prophet..

If Jojo is sane, give me insanity. Please.

There is nothing in the stories to indicate sex perversion. That's a 
conclusion, not truth. How would Jojo know? And is a sexually mature 
woman, capable of becoming a mother, a child?

Do child molesters openly marry the child, with the parent's permission, 
the knowledge of the whole society?

Lomax criticizes me for using diapers to describe A'isha.  Of course, I 
know there were no diapers.

My point, actually.

 I used that term to describe the situation in a more descriptive 

Right. It's called spin, i.e., what he accuses me of.

Just imagine your daugther just barely out of diapers still preoccupied 
with dolls being fondled by a 50 year old fart.

Again, fart? And why should I imagine such an image? How is a 
*six-year-old just out of diapers? Even modern kids, with delayed toilet 
training that seems to be common, most are out by two.

SPIN. That's really what the whole set of claims is about.

 Just imagine if you would consider that acceptable?

Of course I wouldn't. Just barely out of diapers, i.e., maybe three? In 
this case, it's quite clear, Ayesha wanted to be married; and the marriage 
would not have been consummated later if she'd changed her mind. That's 
what the Muslim sources show, and *there are only Muslim sources on this.* 
So what people like Jojo do is to spin those sources, to try to create 
something that is definitely not in them. A child-molester.

  Lomax justifies the holey prophet's actions

I have not justified anything. I've described what we can know about the 
situation, and about Jojo's claims.

 by saying that it is acceptable because the little girl has reached 
menstrual cycle.

Sexually mature, it's called. Puberty. The dividing line between an 
immature human female and a mature one.

That, my friends is exactly the point I am trying to make.  Islam is the 
only religion that would justify and condone and celebrate this kind of 
child molestation just because the little girl is already menstruating.

I cited a Christian source for medieval Christian practice. The dividing 
line is puberty. Ages are *arbitrary*, and tribal societies don't even 
know ages with any rigor. That's why there is doubt about Ayesha's age, we 
don't know that she even knew how old she was.

Neither Judaism, nor Christianity does this. Even Hinduism who used to 
have this retrograde practice, renounced it thousands of years ago.  Long 
long long time before muhammed came to the scene.

I cited plenty of evidence to the contrary. The age of consent begins with 
puberty. Modern societies have added additional conditions. Tribal 
societies likewise typically required parental consent. (Muslim tradition 
is no different on that; indeed, it's mostly considered that marriage 
without the consent of a wali (guardian) isn't lawful

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age--for the education of Jojo

2012-12-24 Thread de Bivort Lawrence

Greetings, everyone,

It would seem that Jojo is finding comfort in repeating assertions on the 
historical marital mores of the Arabian peninsula that are flat-out incorrect. 
I am worried that other readers on this list may take repetition for reality, 
and so will summarize things here.

There are several themes to be comprehended:

1. Marital patterns of contemporary Arabia
2. The difference between betrothal, marriage, and consummation
3. The several differing roles of marriage in tribal and other society
4. Muhammad and A'isha.

I'll take these one by one.

1) The man who eventually came to be recognized as a prophet and the 
institutional founder of Islam, Muhammad, lived in the late sixth and early 
seventh centuries, C.E. Like everyone else, he and his family abided by the 
marital customs of the time and place.  These identical customs were practiced 
by the Jewish, Christian, and pantheistic communities that inhabited the 
peninsula at that time. Islam had yet to emerge.

At that time, there were no limits to the number of wives a husband could take, 
other than his ability to provide for each of them and to protect them. 
(Solomon is reputed to have had 99 wives.) Again, this was true for all 
Christians, Jews and pantheists. And there were no limits to the age at which a 
girl could become betrothed, that is, entered by her family into an agreement 
for eventual marriage.

2) This brings us to the second theme -- betrothal, marriage and consummation.

The way marriages took place was first with a betrothal -- an agreement for 
eventual marriage when and only when the girl became a woman, that is, had her 
first period -- and then with the marriage itself. This consisted of a formal 
contract providing, typically for a dowery payment to the bride and other 
conditions as were desired, the explicit consent of both the bride and the 
husband-to-be, and typically the bride's move along with her possessions (which 
remained her property) into the husband's household. Typically, the marriage 
was then consummated. Besides the evident pleasures of the moment, this was 
also important in demonstrating the virginity of the bride.  A long amount of 
time might elapse between the betrothal and the marriage. Pre-pubsecent 
betrothal was not uncommon, but marriage itself and consummation could only 
occur after the bride had her first period.

If a girl was betrothed by her family she retained the right to eventually 
reject the pending marriage. In other words, regardless of the betrothal the 
woman retained the right of consent or refusal.  

To reiterate, these practices were common to all the communities of the Arabian 
peninsula-- whether Jewish, Christian, pantheistic, or, with the emergence of 
Islam, Muslim.  Child molestation did not enter into these practices of any 
of these communities.

For purposes of comparison, please note that in New Hampshire in the USA, girls 
can with parental consent be married as young as thirteen years old. Until 
recently repealed by statute, girls in Colorado could by common law be married 
as young as 12 years old.

3) In the West, today, the common motive for marriage is love.  But this is 
atypical of the human experience. Marriages are routinely also made for reasons 
a) extending protection to widows and orphans
b) cementing commercial alliances
c) consolidating land holdings
d) creating political alliances

4) A'isha and Muhammad were betrothed when she was young and pre-pubescent. It 
is not clear when their marriage and consummation became official, but all 
accounts, including hers, specify that she was eligible for marriage, that is, 
that she had 'become a woman' with her first period.

A'isha was the daughter of Abu Bakr, one of Muhammad's companions. A'isha was 
nineteen when Muhammad died, and lived to the age of sixty-three. She was 
highly respected among the emerging Muslim community, becoming both a Muslim 
scholar and a rich source of information about Muhammad and his household. 
Before he died, Muhammad instructed his followers to Take your religion for 

When Muhammad asked Abu Bakr for his daughter in marriage, she was already 
betrothed to another man. Her father sought and received the man's agreement to 
end their betrothal, as his interest had moved elsewhere.

Muhammad had a total of twelve wives during his life-time (not the dozens 
that some mistakenly allege), and at one point in time had nine at the same 
time, prior to the revelation that a Muslim could have no more than four. 
Muhammad was not required to divorce five of them. This is the source of some 
understandable confusion as to whether Muhammad himself abided by the (new) 
limit of four among Muslims. Those Christian, Jewish and pantheistic 
communities that chose not to convert to Islam of course could stay with the 
practice of unlimited wives.

Muhammad's marriages were motivated often by the need to extend protection 

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