[Vo]:Re: CMNS: Life Imitating Science

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart

I agree with most of that statement.  I believe Nature keeps them as far
away from life as possible, locked into large black holes in the vacuum of
space, possibly within stars corona's and on earth gravity should act on
them over time as they make their way to the core.  These are all safe
places away from life as we know it.  While they generate heat that allows
life, they are also uncertain for life.  Maybe collapsed matter is a better
definition?  There are recent theories that they do not evaporate


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 9:56 AM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have updated my blog, sounds like some are interested, some are not and
 that is fine.  I am up to 22 predictions from my theory, some of which may
 be a stretch but are relevant from my set of QM goggles.  Prediction No. 22
 is particularly interesting and relates to the foundation of quantum
 mechanics so I will list it below and it might explain the delays of cold
 fusion products hitting the market:

 The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the
 momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa.
 --Heisenberg, uncertainty paper, 1927

 Uncertainty.  Based upon Heisenburg's Uncertainty Principal the creation
 of singularities, which are a pure quantum mechanical construct, will
 create uncertainty in their surroundings.  It is therefore theorized that
 any location in the universe that has a large mass of these micro
 singularities either residing or being created will have an increase in
 uncertainty within their surroundings.  Within a piece of equipment this
 uncertainty will manifest itself as equipment failures and reliability
 issues as the singularities created over time take up residence in the
 structure of the equipment and gradually destroy it from low level Hawking
 radiation, Fission, Fusion and Chemical Reactions.  This might be seen as
 short circuits in wiring, plug failure, vessel failure, brittleness,
 extreme energy events, etc.  If these singularities escape the device they
 may take up space in biological organisms.  Although they may instantly
 find a stable state, over time as they are excited by outside radiation,
 they may become unstable and trigger radiation, fission, fusion and
 chemical reactions within an organism.  Due to gravity, they should find
 their way over long periods of time to the earths core where nature
 isolates them.



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Re: [Vo]:Stunning slide from Technova

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart

According to my theory, at the moment the hydrogen collapses in a void or
crack (singularity), you should get an instant burst of low level Hawking
Radiation(full spectrum) since quantum singularities are very hot to start
with and they will immediately evaporate matter down near local steady
state thermodynamic and spatial equilibrium conditions within a void or
crack in the lattice.  If/once it settles down within a void it then will
start slowly consuming hydrogen gas that it pulls gas matter into the void
from outside and will continue emitting very low levels of radiation and
heat. According to theory, some of this radiation is quarks and gluons and
I am not sure these will register on your devices.  Over time, the Hawking
radiation and or collapse of nearby matter will create local/brittleness
within the lattice at which point any internal collapse will create another
immediate and local instability and burst of energy at which point it will
come to a new thermodynamic equilibrium point.  This will go one until a
point at which enough matter is consumed that their is a complete collapse
of the wire.  Singularities can create temperature inversions as their
surface area changes and they consume more/gas matter than they evaporate.
 Over time this should balance out at the end of the universe.

These singularities will act as a quantum heat pump, pulling in matter from
hydrogen or the lattice (or any other matter) and rewarding you with heat
and radiation, much of it as heat. The Rohner/Papp video that shows a coil
sucking gas from a reactor vessel and balloon is the same effect.  The
singularities have built up on the inside surface of the coil (he mentions
that the surface has changed and sticks to the cyclinder) with a voltage
and are acting as a quantum heat pump pulling in gas matter and liberating
heat trying to achieve equilibrium in their environment.


According to my theory, collapsed matter generates radiation and appear to
exists in nature within cracks and voids of metals and rocks of the earth
and is probably concentrated in the earth at the core, away from life.

I believe it is the singularity(s) themselves that are more dangerous than
the low level radiation.  As you can see it is devouring the lattice with
primary collapse, hawking radiation and some fission and fusion events as
well as probably some chemical events from the heat release.  Be careful of
getting a singularity on/in you which will be hard to do since they are
invisible.  According to theory a singularity might be as small as 22 micro
grams at planck length, about like a grain of sand but will be completely
invisible.  They might even be smaller based upon actual quantum gravity
effects.  Gravity wants to take it to the earth and dispose of it at the
center where it safetly produces heat for the earth.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Akira Shirakawa shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com

 On 2012-08-17 16:43, Peter Gluck wrote:

 According to Piantelli and to Defkalion. Ni does not work at all with
 deuterium, Why it works (?) here is a good/bad question.

 Celani reported strange results with Deuterium too (with his treated
 nanostructured ISOTAN44 wires). It works, but poorly compared to Hydrogen.
 See here, slide 45:


 His observations on Deuterium use:

  21) After D2 intake, we increased, as usual, the temperature by power to
 the inert wire. The absorption was really of small amount.

 22) We observed, for the first time in our experimentation with such kind
 of materials, some X (and/or gamma emission), coming-out from the reactor
 during the increasing of the temperature from about 100°C to 160°C. We used
 a NaI(Tl) detector, energy range 25-2000keV used as counter (safety
 purposes), not as spectrometer. Total time of such emission was about 600s
 and clearly detectable, burst like.

 23) About thermal anomalies, we observed, very surprising, that the
 response was endothermic, not eso-thermic. The second day the system
 crossed the zero line and later become clearly eso-thermic. Similar effects
 were reported also by A. Takahashi and A. Kitamura.

 24) After about 35s from the beginning of D2 intake the temperature
 abruptly increased and the wire was broken. We observed that the pressure
 decreased, because some problems to the reactor gas tight, but at times of
 8s before. The SEM observations showed fusion of a large piece of wire.
 The shape was like a ball. Further analyses are in progress.


Re: [Vo]:Life Imitating Science

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart
Are you certain or uncertain?

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 9:56 AM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:


 My mind is obviously filled with singularities.


[Vo]:Re: CMNS: Papp Noble MisheGas Engine

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart
According to my theory these devices magnify the Heisenburg Uncertainty
Principal by design (the larger the singularities or the more of them are
created, the more uncertainty there is).  Which, as you said and I agree is
not good for life.  Actually it is probably more of a love/hate
relationship, heat is good, singularities are bad.  Nature wants to create
certainty within life organisms and repeatable processes to sustain it,
singularities go against the mechanisms that support that and can trigger

We are witness to what they can do to a piece of wire and should apply that
to the rest of the world.  Papp died of colon cancer, Tom Rohner recently
died of pancreatic cancer and Dr. Richard Feynman who was there when a Papp
device exploded died of two rare forms of cancer (he also worked for Los
Alamos, which may have had something to do with it...)  The Papp device was
always malfunctioning and the Plasma Popper malfunctioned during the demo
with Mr. McKubre.

Note I am not saying the device causes cancer.  I am merely stating facts
about how people died.  I said these devices create singularities and you
said singularities are bad in nature and we agree 100% on that.  The rest
is pure speculation by others.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Brian Ahern ahern_br...@msn.com wrote:

 Step aside and ask yourself why after 50 years there is no working two
 cylinder engine. They have the prototype seemingly finished. Why doesn' it

 The general answer is we need xxx,xxx Dollars and 6 months to get it
 running.  Their excuse is actually much more rediculous. If we finish it
 will be stolen. That is an absurd explanation for failing to show even a
 video of a running papp engine. They should join the Rossi club and fade

  Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:41:09 -0500
  To: c...@googlegroups.com; c...@googlegroups.com
  From: a...@lomaxdesign.com
  Subject: CMNS: Papp Noble MisheGas Engine

  Original subject: RE: CMNS: Grand Unification Theory of Cold Fusion
  At 03:09 PM 8/16/2012, Brian Ahern wrote:
  None of the five competing groups have a working engine. Their
  excuse is a classic. We do not want to have a working engine
  because the MEN IN BLACK will take it.
  They cannot even provide a video of one running at any time, but
  they want your investment money nonetheless !
  This is a new page from the Rossi play book.
  This comment is, unfortunately, misleading.
  To establish the Papp Effect, an engine is not necessary. All that is
  necessary is a device (or even a complete, detailed report, enough
  for replication) that shows the effect, such that it can be
  independently verified. Of course, selling or making available such a
  device or report will reveal the secret. In a field like this, there
  is reluctance to reveal whatever secrets one has possession of,
  because then someone could, indeed, steal it. However, if one has
  protected the secret with a patent, this risk is routinely taken.
  One of the problems here is that the original Papp patents have
  expired. On the other hand, those patents were not adequate to allow
  anyone to build a working device. (An Inteligentry employee explains
  in a video referenced below that Papp included red herrings that flat
  out won't work.) So those patents were not valid anyway, it could be
  claimed. Or they could be treated as having placed everything in them
  into the public domain (John Rohner is claiming that).
  The comment from Brian lumps all of the five competing groups
  together as if they tell the same story. The history of the Papp
  engine is complex, and was heavily interwoven with Papp's paranoia.
  While it's possible that, at one point or other, each of the five
  groups or a principal in them gave the reason of avoiding theft of
  the property, the major secrecy seems to have been abandonded by
  Plasmerg, John Rohner's company, and a kit is being offered. The kit
  documents disclose the fuel formula, already (reportedly it is the
  same formula as in the original Papp patent). The kit apparently
  discloses everything one needs to build a popper, and it includes
  (essentially, it *is*) the electronics, which would automatically
  apply the stimulation protocol at the push of a button.
  That is not a working engine, but one could make an engine from
  one, two, or more of these. Measuring the work done by the piston in
  this would be trivial, and measuring the input energy, as well.
  (Actually, if the device assembled per kit instructions works, it's
  an engine. Just a single-stroke one. But, sure, we think of
  something designed for continuous running.)
  (If the kit is built out of plastic, it might not be able to
  withstand continuous running. The popper was designed and built to
  test gas mixtures and electronic protocols, which is just what would
  be done. Struggling with a full engine would be a very Bad Idea.)
  Because I don't know of 

Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart
Any upset to the thermodynamic or spatial equilibrium of a micro
singularity(collapsed matter), once formed, will trigger an instant
response Once a singularity is present within matter, they take in matter
and energy in and return radiation out. The collapse of matter and/or
radiation can trigger a secondary fission or fusion event.  They are a
nuclear furnace.  You can kick them, drop them, wave them around, yell at
them,  cool them, heat them, radiate them and they return radiation as well
as expand and contract. Gremlins.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 2:39 PM, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:

 Pardon if I missed this in the deluge of recent postings

 ICCF-17 Presentation -

  Surface Effect for Gas Loading Micrograin Palladium for Low Energy
 Nuclear Reactions LENR
 - Heinrich Hora1, George H Miley, Mark Prelas, Kyu Jung Kim, Xiaoling Yang


 (Slide 2)

 Absolute confirmation of Nuclear Fusion from deuterated titanium using
 - Mark Prelas: 62Million Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

 It sounds like LENR appears in many guises.

 Does anyone have the accompanying paper?

 -- Lou Pagnucco

Re: [Vo]:Brillouin ICCF17 Presentation

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart
Can a cold neutron capture reaction create a temperature inversion like an
inhaling singularity can?

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 10:24 PM 8/16/2012, you wrote:

  From: Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com
  Jed just informed me that it's okay to open this one:

 They quietly endorse Widom-Larsen :

 A Hamiltonian with ≥ 782keV can cause a proton to capture an electron
 to yield an ultra cold neutron.
 p + ≥ 782KeV + e- » n + νe

 Unreadable for me. Krivit is making a Big Deal out of this presentation,
 and McKubre's co-authorship. I rather doubt that McKubre has reversed his
 position on neutrons. It is not clear at all that co-authorship represents
 endorsement of all of a presentation's conclusions or speculations.

Re: [Vo]:Re: ProdEngAssemble.avi

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart
If you just sell plans for poppers, electronic circuit boards and licenses
for the technology, then all of the liability rests with the OEM's they
drag in.  They probably give them a short demo in the shop before the thing
malfunctions.  I notice everytime I see a demo it is behind explosion proof



On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 11:17 PM 8/16/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

  I am putting two and two together here. The Papp engine ash was a brown

 Thanks for letting us know that this was your speculation, not a
 conclusion from strong evidence.

   J Ronner talks about a two helium atom fusion process.

 And what J Rohner (I presume that was a mispelling) says about the process
 has as much -- or does it have more -- reliability than an angry monkey
 typiing would have? Rohner has said a lot that quite simply is not true
 when investigated. It starts with simple things, such as the availability
 of videos. But it continues with many examples of stuff that was, ah, a tad
 exaggerated. If we can call claiming to have a running test engines is an
 exaggeration if you only have test engines that may not have run at all.
 He's admitted to that whopper (last year, to PESN). Or claiming to have 2
 MIT PhDs, but, when challenged, apparently, says they are secret and his
 resume now claims his education is irrelevant.

 Fine. It might be irrelevant, but why then did he claim the PhDs? Why did
 he claim the running test engines? He says why. He had to say *something*
 or investors would bail. That's called fraud. Saying what you think an
 investor wants to hear, when it isn't the truth, to induce them to maintain
 or make investments. Someone will nail him on this, I suspect, eventually.
 (However, he might be adequately covered by various agreements. We have to
 remember that it isn't illegal to lie, under some conditions. I'm just
 saying that we can't rely on what the man says for anything. If he says
 it's 3 PM, look at the clock before agreeing.)

 Basically, J Rohner's company, Inteligentry, is offering a popper kit,
 which, if it's real, would actually be an engine, albeit a single-stroke
 one. $350 for the electronics package, including coils and spark plugs, and
 the kit includes plans for the piston assembly, and the fuel formula (taken
 from the patent). He claims this device is what they used to test fuel and
 the electronic protocol to fire the thing, and that is sensible and
 believable. However, unlike the competing Bob Rohner, John hasn't shown
 even a single firing of the Popper. Caveat emptor. I consider that we would
 need to be aware of the possibility that the John Rohner kit is actually a
 Bob Rohner killer, aimed at discrediting his brother when the kit fails.

 Crazy? Sure. *But these people are crazy. At least John is, that's
 obvious. That has nothing to do with whether or not his various claims are
 true. Some of them might be. Indeed, he might be responding to
 long-standing family dysfunction. Lots of crazy people are.

 I still don't see any significant evidence for nuclear. The level of
 energy released is sometimes cited as evidence for nuclear, but really all
 that, if established, would show is not chemical. Some brown powder isn't
 evidence for nuclear unless we actually know what the powder is.

 Cold fusion was not actually established as nuclear until helium was
 identified as the predominant ash. Then we could say it was nuclear, and we
 could even go further because of the specific value of the correlation
 between anomalous heat and helium production. It was fusion. Because I'm
 being watched (they are under every rock), I'll point out that fusion
 does not just refer to d-d fusion, and the correlation value (estimated
 at 25+/-5 MeV/He-4 by Storms, 2007 and 2010) would result from any reaction
 that converts deuterium to helium, no matter what intermediates are
 involved. That conversion is called fusion. Fusion is the term for a
 whole class of reactions, not just one.

 However, interesting speculation, perhaps:

   This type fusion does not produce energy in fusing to boron8 atoms. But
 all boron isotopes under B11 will decay by fission. There are two
 conceivable ways in which the excited state in boron-8 could decay by
 emitting one proton, making a brief pit stop at beryllium-7. However, one
 of these ways is energy forbidden and the other does not conserve isospin.

 While conserving isospin is not a hard and fast rule, if there is any
 other way for the nucleus to decay, it will jump at that alternative. In
 this case the alternative, one that is both energy and isospin allowed, is
 to decay by emitting two protons in one step to an excited state in
 lithium-6, which is itself an isobaric-analog of the ground state of
 helium-6. Recently, this decay mode was observed for the first time  by
 emitting two protons at the same time between isobaric analog states.


Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart

My singularity will rip matter apart in the near vacinity.  Any neutrons
that escape it will be very low momentum, since the singularities quantum
gravity pull sucked all of the energy out of them.  It also devours them.

I am thinking about a new newsgroup for Evaporative Matter Nuclear Science.

On Friday, August 17, 2012, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

 On 2012-08-17 20:39, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:

 Absolute confirmation of Nuclear Fusion from deuterated titanium using
 - Mark Prelas: 62Million Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

 I'm not a theoretician (so please correct me if I'm wrong), but isn't this
 *not* predicted by the W-L theory?


Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-17 Thread ChemE Stewart
Feed yor gremlin a steady diet of hydrogen without any powder and you will
not get neutrons.  This thing is ripping atoms apart

On Friday, August 17, 2012, Robert Lynn wrote:

 Neutrons are hard to shield and when absorbed can produce radioactive
 materials. Could this be a potentially killer blow to otherwise safe LENR?

 Fission reactors typically create up to 10^13 neutrons per cm² per second,
 and this experiment was only making about 20 per s, over (I assume) the
 full 4Pi sphere but was also probably only a few watts of power.  If this
 is a standard feature of LENR and is scaled up to 10's or 100's of kW for
 transport applications maybe we are looking at more like 10^10 per s will
 it be ultimately be dangerous?  The oil industry will be looking for
 exactly this sort of flaw to keep themselves in business.

 Why haven't other researchers seen Neutrons, were they not looking or are
 they at too low an energy or flux to be easily detected?

 On 17 August 2012 22:10, Akira Shirakawa 
 shirakawa.ak...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 

 On 2012-08-17 20:39, pagnu...@htdconnect.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 'pagnu...@htdconnect.com'); wrote:

 Absolute confirmation of Nuclear Fusion from deuterated titanium using
 - Mark Prelas: 62Million Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

 I'm not a theoretician (so please correct me if I'm wrong), but isn't
 this *not* predicted by the W-L theory?


Re: [Vo]:Re: ProdEngAssemble.avi

2012-08-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
Fast Recomb?  What the hell is that?  Matter collapse?  What was the
chemical reaction?

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 12:57 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 That death was from a chemical explosion. SRI, recombiner gunked up,
 researcher picked up the cell, gunk fell off, fast recomb,. Bang! He died,
 McKubre still has glass in him. As I recall reading. Closed cells are
 dangerous. LENR *could* be dangerous. Unreliable can cut both ways.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Aug 17, 2012, at 4:22 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 In a post today integral sited a death of a LENR developer in an
 explosion. The take away, LENR is dangerous when the power is high. It is
 best to be as safe as you can.


 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 4:11 PM, ChemE Stewart  cheme...@gmail.com
 cheme...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you just sell plans for poppers, electronic circuit boards and
 licenses for the technology, then all of the liability rests with the OEM's
 they drag in.  They probably give them a short demo in the shop before the
 thing malfunctions.  I notice everytime I see a demo it is behind explosion
 proof glass.



 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax a...@lomaxdesign.com
 a...@lomaxdesign.com wrote:

 At 11:17 PM 8/16/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

  I am putting two and two together here. The Papp engine ash was a brown

 Thanks for letting us know that this was your speculation, not a
 conclusion from strong evidence.

   J Ronner talks about a two helium atom fusion process.

 And what J Rohner (I presume that was a mispelling) says about the
 process has as much -- or does it have more -- reliability than an angry
 monkey typiing would have? Rohner has said a lot that quite simply is not
 true when investigated. It starts with simple things, such as the
 availability of videos. But it continues with many examples of stuff that
 was, ah, a tad exaggerated. If we can call claiming to have a running test
 engines is an exaggeration if you only have test engines that may not
 have run at all. He's admitted to that whopper (last year, to PESN). Or
 claiming to have 2 MIT PhDs, but, when challenged, apparently, says they
 are secret and his resume now claims his education is irrelevant.

 Fine. It might be irrelevant, but why then did he claim the PhDs? Why
 did he claim the running test engines? He says why. He had to say
 *something* or investors would bail. That's called fraud. Saying what you
 think an investor wants to hear, when it isn't the truth, to induce them to
 maintain or make investments. Someone will nail him on this, I suspect,
 eventually. (However, he might be adequately covered by various agreements.
 We have to remember that it isn't illegal to lie, under some conditions.
 I'm just saying that we can't rely on what the man says for anything. If he
 says it's 3 PM, look at the clock before agreeing.)

 Basically, J Rohner's company, Inteligentry, is offering a popper kit,
 which, if it's real, would actually be an engine, albeit a single-stroke
 one. $350 for the electronics package, including coils and spark plugs, and
 the kit includes plans for the piston assembly, and the fuel formula (taken
 from the patent). He claims this device is what they used to test fuel and
 the electronic protocol to fire the thing, and that is sensible and
 believable. However, unlike the competing Bob Rohner, John hasn't shown
 even a single firing of the Popper. Caveat emptor. I consider that we would
 need to be aware of the possibility that the John Rohner kit is actually a
 Bob Rohner killer, aimed at discrediting his brother when the kit fails.

 Crazy? Sure. *But these people are crazy. At least John is, that's
 obvious. That has nothing to do with whether or not his various claims are
 true. Some of them might be. Indeed, he might be responding to
 long-standing family dysfunction. Lots of crazy people are.

 I still don't see any significant evidence for nuclear. The level of
 energy released is sometimes cited as evidence for nuclear, but really all
 that, if established, would show is not chemical. Some brown powder isn't
 evidence for nuclear unless we actually know what the powder is.

 Cold fusion was not actually established as nuclear until helium was
 identified as the predominant ash. Then we could say it was nuclear, and we
 could even go further because of the specific value of the correlation
 between anomalous heat and helium production. It was fusion. Because I'm
 being watched (they are under every rock), I'll point out that fusion
 does not just refer to d-d fusion, and the correlation value (estimated
 at 25+/-5 MeV/He-4 by Storms, 2007 and 2010) would result from any reaction
 that converts deuterium to helium, no matter what intermediates are
 involved. That conversion is called fusion. Fusion is the term for a
 whole class of reactions, not just one.

 However, interesting speculation, perhaps:

   This type fusion

Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

2012-08-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
Right,  they made up a new state called Inverted Rydberg State  that has
ultra high density.  Don't they really mean collapsed?

Axil, I really don't think we are that far off.  In both my theory and
Miley a cluster of ultra high density matter is shredding it's environment
and leaving a host of products.

Do these inverted states hang around in their environment once they are

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 It gets even better. Many of my most favored words are in the
 description.as follows:

 *Clusters* of 156 deuterons (10pm diameter) in *non-localized
 Bose-Einstein** *state react with Pd

 nucleus (or as *inverted Rydberg state*) for element production via *compound
 nucleus *element with A

 = 306 (or 310) having two *magic numbers*.


 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am pleased to draw your attention to this opinion from the experimenter.

 The presentation states:

 Based on solid experiment of neutron emission and LENR-element
 generation: hypothetical models:

 Reactions in 2 pm distance due to *Coulomb screening* by factor 13 (5
 for hot plasmas).
 Coulomb screening is confirmed; no gremlins here.

 *It is Coulomb screening that is ripping atoms apart.*


 *Cheers: Axil*

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 5:44 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.comwrote:


 My singularity will rip matter apart in the near vacinity.  Any neutrons
 that escape it will be very low momentum, since the singularities quantum
 gravity pull sucked all of the energy out of them.  It also devours them.

 I am thinking about a new newsgroup for Evaporative Matter Nuclear

 On Friday, August 17, 2012, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

 On 2012-08-17 20:39, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:

 Absolute confirmation of Nuclear Fusion from deuterated titanium using
 - Mark Prelas: 62Million Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully

 I'm not a theoretician (so please correct me if I'm wrong), but isn't
 this *not* predicted by the W-L theory?


[Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
They are proposed to range from the largest of 6.6 billion solar masses
down to 23 micrograms, the planck mass, about a grain of sand, but
collapsed.  I propose that they are not really stable they are always
emitting some form of Ultra Low Momentum Radiation (see I can event my own
terms also!)   Whenever they come close enough to external matter or are
fed energy of any kind they instaneously convert that matter to energy and
evaporate it back to their environment, going back to a stable
thermodynamic state.

Large black holes belch higher levels of radiation when they consume a star
or other matter that comes close enough all I am saying is that their
babies do the same.




On Friday, August 17, 2012, wrote:

 In reply to  ChemE Stewart's message of Fri, 17 Aug 2012 17:53:15 -0400:
 Feed yor gremlin a steady diet of hydrogen without any powder and you will
 not get neutrons.  This thing is ripping atoms apart

 How big/heavy does a gremlin have be in order to remain stable, i.e. for
 mass consumption rate to equal the evaporation rate?

 (I realize that the mass consumption rate is variable, but please provide
 reasonable limits.)


 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Re: CMNS: Papp Noble MisheGas Engine

2012-08-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
Also, I forgot to mention that Jim Patterson's grandson who was helping him
develop a commercial product from his cell, died at age 31 from some type
of brain anuerism or hemmorage (not sure still checking).

We all know what this reaction is doing to the matter in a wire or lattice,
what if according to my theory, some collapsed matter escapes and enters
the environment?

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 2:57 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:

 According to my theory these devices magnify the Heisenburg Uncertainty
 Principal by design (the larger the singularities or the more of them are
 created, the more uncertainty there is).  Which, as you said and I agree is
 not good for life.  Actually it is probably more of a love/hate
 relationship, heat is good, singularities are bad.  Nature wants to create
 certainty within life organisms and repeatable processes to sustain it,
 singularities go against the mechanisms that support that and can trigger

 We are witness to what they can do to a piece of wire and should apply
 that to the rest of the world.  Papp died of colon cancer, Tom Rohner
 recently died of pancreatic cancer and Dr. Richard Feynman who was there
 when a Papp device exploded died of two rare forms of cancer (he also
 worked for Los Alamos, which may have had something to do with it...)  The
 Papp device was always malfunctioning and the Plasma Popper malfunctioned
 during the demo with Mr. McKubre.

 Note I am not saying the device causes cancer.  I am merely stating facts
 about how people died.  I said these devices create singularities and you
 said singularities are bad in nature and we agree 100% on that.  The rest
 is pure speculation by others.


 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Brian Ahern ahern_br...@msn.com wrote:

 Step aside and ask yourself why after 50 years there is no working two
 cylinder engine. They have the prototype seemingly finished. Why doesn' it

 The general answer is we need xxx,xxx Dollars and 6 months to get it
 running.  Their excuse is actually much more rediculous. If we finish it
 will be stolen. That is an absurd explanation for failing to show even a
 video of a running papp engine. They should join the Rossi club and fade

  Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:41:09 -0500
  To: c...@googlegroups.com; c...@googlegroups.com
  From: a...@lomaxdesign.com
  Subject: CMNS: Papp Noble MisheGas Engine

  Original subject: RE: CMNS: Grand Unification Theory of Cold Fusion
  At 03:09 PM 8/16/2012, Brian Ahern wrote:
  None of the five competing groups have a working engine. Their
  excuse is a classic. We do not want to have a working engine
  because the MEN IN BLACK will take it.
  They cannot even provide a video of one running at any time, but
  they want your investment money nonetheless !
  This is a new page from the Rossi play book.
  This comment is, unfortunately, misleading.
  To establish the Papp Effect, an engine is not necessary. All that is
  necessary is a device (or even a complete, detailed report, enough
  for replication) that shows the effect, such that it can be
  independently verified. Of course, selling or making available such a
  device or report will reveal the secret. In a field like this, there
  is reluctance to reveal whatever secrets one has possession of,
  because then someone could, indeed, steal it. However, if one has
  protected the secret with a patent, this risk is routinely taken.
  One of the problems here is that the original Papp patents have
  expired. On the other hand, those patents were not adequate to allow
  anyone to build a working device. (An Inteligentry employee explains
  in a video referenced below that Papp included red herrings that flat
  out won't work.) So those patents were not valid anyway, it could be
  claimed. Or they could be treated as having placed everything in them
  into the public domain (John Rohner is claiming that).
  The comment from Brian lumps all of the five competing groups
  together as if they tell the same story. The history of the Papp
  engine is complex, and was heavily interwoven with Papp's paranoia.
  While it's possible that, at one point or other, each of the five
  groups or a principal in them gave the reason of avoiding theft of
  the property, the major secrecy seems to have been abandonded by
  Plasmerg, John Rohner's company, and a kit is being offered. The kit
  documents disclose the fuel formula, already (reportedly it is the
  same formula as in the original Papp patent). The kit apparently
  discloses everything one needs to build a popper, and it includes
  (essentially, it *is*) the electronics, which would automatically
  apply the stimulation protocol at the push of a button.
  That is not a working engine, but one could make an engine from
  one, two, or more of these. Measuring the work done by the piston in
  this would be trivial, and measuring the input energy, as well

Re: [Vo]:Stunning slide from Technova

2012-08-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
I think the invention was real, powerful and very uncertain and unreliable,
prone to failures, malfunctions and explosions, nature of the beast.

On Saturday, August 18, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 10:30 AM 8/17/2012, Arnaud Kodeck wrote:

 I think AR is smarter than this.

 He said Ni+p - Cu when it knew it was not the case. With this statement,
 was sure that Cu will not be taken as a potential catalyst and only a

 Note that this could be parallel with Jospeh Papp. Papp apparently planted
 red herrings in his patent applications, things that he knew would not
 work, to throw people trying to imitate his engine off. Too bad that this
 is the opposite of the intention of a patent

 Rossi can say whatever he likes about the theory of his work. It's legal.
 Lying is legal, under many conditions.

 The problem is that once we know someone is willing to lie for a good
 purpose, i.e., to protect his secrets, we can't trust anything he says
 unless we independently verify it. If someone would lie, shamelessly, they
 would also arrange a fraudulent demonstration. There isn't much

 People become confused when this is pointed out, they think I'm saying
 that there *was* a fraudulent demonstration. No, I'm saying that we can't
 trust the demonstrations. That and little more.

 That NiH reactions might produce power is not and was not a big surprise,
 because there had been other reports (more sober, more scientific in
 nature). The surprise with Rossi was the level of heat and the claim of
 reliability. Many knowledgeable people think Rossi really did find an
 approach that generates significant heat, at least sometimes.

 It was the appearance of reliability that was new and surprising. If Rossi
 did not actually solve the reliability problem, which is the
 trillion-dollar question in all of cold fusion, it would explain the
 delays, the confident announcements followed by failures to perform as
 promised, followed by more confident announcements. Any day now, he'd
 think or hope, I'll solve this, and then nobody will worry about my
 fudging this or that.

 Comparisons with Papp are a bit shaky, because Papp was not using an
 approach analogous to that of anyone else. Rossi's work is an extension of
 what was already known as possible, or at least that had some level of
 experimental evidence of possibility. (As to theory, since we don't know
 what is happening with NiH, we only have speculations. In general, theory
 cannot establish the impossibility of any specific experimental outcome,
 for a number of reasons. Well-established theory can give us some guidance,
 that's about all. Independently confirmed experiment trumps theory, no
 matter how well-established, at least provisionally.)

 However, having said that, Papp and Rossi share a paranoia about others
 ripping off their invention. With Papp the paranoia was deep and quite
 damaging. It's unclear how deep it is with Rossi, some think it is a
 pretense with him, a game he plays to confuse competition.

 My general point is that we do not know if the Rossi devices really do
 produce power, or really are reliable, without independent confirmation.
 With the Papp Effect, there is also a lack of independent confirmation,
 still -- as far as anything published, I hear *rumor* of independent
 confirmation, which is almost useless -- and it is clear that Papp opposed
 all such. Rossi, as well, has declined many friendly opportunities for
 independent confirmation of his claims.

 With Papp, though, there were ample demonstrations, witnessed by many
 people, that establish one of two major possibilities: the engine was real,
 and powerful, or there was an extremely sophisticated fraud. Compressed air
 has been mentioned as one possibility, there could be others. Any given
 fraud mode might be ruled out for any given demonstration, there is nothing
 that limits an inventor to one mode of pretense. This is why we want to see
 *independent* confirmations, where the inventor is not present to guide
 the experimenters.

 We have another reason for wanting independent demonstrations, entirely
 independent. It forces the inventor to communicate what is necessary to
 others, thus making it unlikely that some secret will be lost. Sometimes,
 unfortunately, that's not possible. SRI, replicating the Case Effect, used
 material supplied by Case. It worked. This material was a catalyst prepared
 from coconut charcoal and plated with palladium, as I recall. When the
 material was accidentally discarded, nobody was able to create a new batch
 of material that worked. So the SRI replication was not *entirely*
 independent. Yet it did show that the particular material worked, it was
 independent in that way. But, unless someone figures out how to make that
 catalyst again, which I consider unlikely, there isn't any gold there
 commercially, and this is a dead end, useful only for certain facts
 developed. The Case replication did show 

[Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-18 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree.  Basically I am talking about collapsed matter as the primary
trigger for all of the secoondary reactions which Abd is working on
figuring out.   In quantum mechanics this is effected by the strength of
quantum scale gravity and also the hoop effect caused by a void.  Once
matter collapses it will still obey quantum mechanic and thermodynamic
laws.  I am going to do some calculations and see what I come up with.

I see a similarity in what Axil is calling ultra high density inverted
rydberg matter and what I am talking about.  I of course have done a top
down approach.

The thing I am also concerned with now is does any of this stuff stay
around in the environment and not evaporate or decay completely which I
think would be very bad for the surroundings, including people.

I just put the theory out there last week.  I am going to continue
developing it.

One last thought that I am adding to my theory regarding the big picture:
 If this anomalous heat effect is basically evaporating matter under
relatively normal conditions then basically that tells us that all of the
matter in the universe will evaporate over time.  And since hawking showed
that matter and anti-matter particles pop out of the vacuum and either
destroy each other or the anti-matter particle might get sucked into a
singularity to aid in its evaporation and leave a particle of matter that
escapes into space then the universe might be stuck in sort of an endless
do-loop of matter creation and evaporation to and from the quantum field.

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Jojo Jaro
jth...@hotmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'jth...@hotmail.com');

 CE, I think you need to gather your thoughts in one place, write a
 comprehensive paper and flesh out many lacking details to your theory,
 instead of repeating yourself ad nauseam here in Vortex, and interject your
 theory at every post.

 Your theory as posted in your blog is glaringly incomplete.  I read your
 theory and I found it a bit lacking.  I would like to see some mathematical
 support to your suppositions.  Mathematical computations as to energy
 levels required, creation rates and evaporation rates.  If you can come up
 with these, it would go a long ways in providing guidance for
 experimentation, which I would be willing to do if it is within my

 Also an explanation with mathematical data as to why a singularity is
 formed in a void or crack as you propose instead of fusion occuring.
 Saying that quantum gravity is large, hence it creates a singularity
 ain't gonna cut it.

 I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, of course, and assuming that you
 are serious about developing your theory and not just playing with your
 colleages here in Vortex, seeing how many your can loop around for a spin.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* ChemE Stewart javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'cheme...@gmail.com');
 *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 *Sent:* Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:09 PM
 *Subject:* [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

 They are proposed to range from the largest of 6.6 billion solar masses
 down to 23 micrograms, the planck mass, about a grain of sand, but
 collapsed.  I propose that they are not really stable they are always
 emitting some form of Ultra Low Momentum Radiation (see I can event my own
 terms also!)   Whenever they come close enough to external matter or are
 fed energy of any kind they instaneously convert that matter to energy and
 evaporate it back to their environment, going back to a stable
 thermodynamic state.

 Large black holes belch higher levels of radiation when they consume a
 star or other matter that comes close enough all I am saying is that their
 babies do the same.




 On Friday, August 17, 2012, wrote:

 In reply to  ChemE Stewart's message of Fri, 17 Aug 2012 17:53:15 -0400:
 Feed yor gremlin a steady diet of hydrogen without any powder and you
 not get neutrons.  This thing is ripping atoms apart

 How big/heavy does a gremlin have be in order to remain stable, i.e. for
 mass consumption rate to equal the evaporation rate?

 (I realize that the mass consumption rate is variable, but please provide
 reasonable limits.)


 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:LENR and Fermi Acceleration

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart
The act of measuring requires one to impart some energy (photons or other)
or matter upon the particle.  Upon the object being measured, the object
may instantly increase in mass or change velocity.  Over time this energy
will be transferred back to its environment as it evaporates...

On Saturday, August 18, 2012, Harry Veeder wrote:

 BTW, I appear to contradict myself when I said measuring cannot
 increase the energy of the particle
 vs I agree with the claim that measuring can concentrate energy in a
 system. In the former, I mean I don't accept the idea that measuring
 can somehow increase the energy the particle without the transfer of
 energy from somewhere else.


 On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Harry Veeder hveeder...@gmail.com
  Hi LP,
  I haven't read the paper, but I don't disagree with claim. In fact it
  should not be unexpected.
  Even in a macroscopic system a concentration energy can come about as
  a result of energy being transferred from the measuring system  to the
  system being measured. Of course, such a measuring system would be
  considered defective because it provides a distorted picture of the
  energy content of system being measured. However, classical mechanics
  says a measuring system can be designed in theory to have an
  arbitrarily small distorting effect, whereas quantum mechanics says
  this is not possible in theory.
  On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 2:44 PM,  pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
  Hello Harry,
  To be really precise, though, an energy measurement of a particle in a
  superposition of energy eigenstates might find it in one of the states
  higher than the weighted average energy of its wavefunction.  So, you
  might say that the measurement increased its energy, but over many such
  measurements would just produce the mean energy of the wavefunction.
  While I am not convinced they are correct, the authors of the paper I
  referenced end with the conclusion -
  From a general perspective a phenomenon like the energy concentration
  a composite quantum system can indeed be motivated physically. There
  processes, where there is a redistribution of energy among different
  system degrees of freedom making possible some amounts of system
  self-organization. In particular, one could examine the possibility of
  concentrating the total energy of the system into a subset of degrees of
  freedom producing a decrease of its entropy, which in order to avoid a
  violation of the second law of thermodynamics, would compel the release
  energy to the environment, thus keeping the free energy constant. This
  possible only if the system is open...
  Concentrating Energy by Measurement
  Interesting theory.
  -- LP
  Harry Veeder wrote:
  Actually, I tend agree with Robin that measuring cannot increase the
  energy of the particle. My question reflects my own attempt to
  understand why it is so. Now that I have thought about it, it is
  because one doesn't measure energy per se. Most measurements are
  really the result of calculations based on measurements of length and
  time plugged into a formula. BTW, the same is true of measurements of
  momentum. The modern physicists habit of refering to energy and
  momentum as observables is a perscription for phenomenological
  confusion. The resulting measures of length and time  are only
  consistent with the supposed law-like properties of energy and
  momemtum on a statiscal level.
  On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 11:31 PM,  pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
  Hello Harry,
  You asked --
  So, the measuring instrument itself will produce energy, if it is
  to precisely measure the energy of a particle?
  Probably not.
  But maybe there are subtleties that obey the 2nd Law of
  but allow for some counterintuitive effects.  For example, refer to --
  Concentrating Energy by Measurement
  -- LP
  Harry Veeder wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 8:57 PM,  

Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart
I have been using black hole and singularity interchangeably and that is
confusing and inconsistent.   I will refer to it as a quantum black hole
that obeys quantum mechanics:

In quantum mechanics, the black hole emits Hawking
and so can come to thermal
equilibriumhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_equilibrium with
a gas of radiation. Since a thermal equilibrium state is time reversal
invariant, Stephen Hawking
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking argued
that the time reverse of a black hole in thermal equilibrium is again a
black hole in thermal
implies that black holes and white holes are the same object. The Hawking
radiation from an ordinary black hole is then identified with the white
hole emission. Hawking's semi-classical argument is reproduced in a quantum
mechanical AdS/CFT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdS/CFT
a black hole in anti-de Sitter
 is described by a thermal gas in a gauge theory, whose time reversal is
the same as itself.

In the Rohner video, i believe that the phenomena he describes fits the
above description.  I believe quantum black hole(s) from collapsed helium
have built up on the inside of that one coil and are acting as a bridge
that is collapsing matter (gas) and radiating energy  through the coil to
achieve thermodynamic equilibrium in its surroundings.

Collapsed matter acts like a quantum heat pump, which is useful.  Downside
is that it is a bad actor.  When not in equilibrium it tends to devour
matter releasing radiation and creating uncertainty, which is very hard on
equipment and people.

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 Once matter collapses it will still obey quantum mechanic and
 thermodynamic laws.  I am going to do some calculations and see what I
 come up with.

 Once matter collapses, it is no longer part of this unicerse, and as such,
 no longer obeys quantum mexhanics and thermodynamic laws.

 A *gravitational singularity* or *spacetime singularity* is a location
 where the quantities that are used to measure the 
 gravitationalhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitationalfield become
 infinite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinity in a way that does not
 depend on the coordinate system. These quantities are the scalar invariant
 spacetime, which includes a measure of the density of matter.

 According to general 
 the initial state of the universe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe,
 at the beginning of the Big Bang http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang,
 was a singularity. Both general 
 relativityhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_relativityand quantum
 mechanics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics break down in
 describing the Big Bang, but in general, quantum mechanics does not permit
 particles to inhabit a space smaller than their wavelengths. Another type
 of singularity predicted by general relativity is inside a black 
 any star http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star collapsing beyond a certain
 point (the Schwarzschild 
 would form a black hole, inside which a singularity (covered by an event
 horizon) would be formed, as all the matter would flow into a certain point
 (or a circular line, if the black hole is rotating). This is again
 according to general relativity without quantum mechanics, which forbids
 wavelike particles entering a space smaller than their wavelength. These
 hypothetical singularities are also known as curvature singularities.

 If a singularity would ever form on earth, that would be the end of earth
 in this universe.


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 12:36 AM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.comwrote:

 I agree.  Basically I am talking about collapsed matter as the primary
 trigger for all of the secoondary reactions which Abd is working on
 figuring out.   In quantum mechanics this is effected by the strength of
 quantum scale gravity and also the hoop effect caused by a void.  Once
 matter collapses it will still obey quantum mechanic and thermodynamic
 laws.  I am going to do some calculations and see what I come up with.

 I see a similarity in what Axil is calling ultra high density inverted
 rydberg matter and what I am talking about.  I of course have done a top
 down approach.

 The thing I am also concerned with now is does any of this stuff stay
 around in the environment and not evaporate or decay completely which I
 think would be very bad for the surroundings, including people.

 I just put

[Vo]:Papp demo and explosions, the end game, and John Rohner

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart

Just a thought... Papp may have known that the containment coil needed to
remain energized in order to collect and contain charged, collapsed matter
particles at the coil's inside surface that was being produced at each
cycle.  Possibly when Dr. Feynman unplugged the power the collapsed matter
began devouring the walls of the cylinder leading to vessel failure from
embrittlement and excess heat.

I will make an analogy which I am sure will gather consternation:  do you
remember in ghostbusters when they closed the breaker on the containment
device housing the...gremlins?

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 Subject was: Re: [Vo]:Re: ProdEngAssemble.avi

 At 03:11 PM 8/17/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 If you just sell plans for poppers, electronic circuit boards and
 licenses for the technology, then all of the liability rests with the OEM's
 they drag in.  They probably give them a short demo in the shop before the
 thing malfunctions.  I notice everytime I see a demo it is behind explosion
 proof glass.


 There was one explosion of a Papp engine, as such, AFAIK. That's the one
 where Feynman turned off the control electronics by pulling the plug. He
 expected the engine to run down, and he held on to the plug while Papp
 frantically tried to get it from him and plug it back in. The incident
 demonstrates that a Papp engine can be dangerous.

 Papp did a demonstration where an explosion was deliberately caused, that
 was filmed. That was not an engine, it was a cannon. Really, a big

 I'm not aware of other explosions, but I've only begun to read in this

 Running Papp engines were witnessed and measurements were made with a
 dynamometer. This is not some marginal effect. It radically violates our
 expectations of what a noble gas mixture could do. I see only two

 1. Sophisticated fraud, begun by Papp and continued after his death by
 others. A sophisticated fraud can convince expert witnesses; this is why we
 demand independent verification; while collusion can exist between multiple
 parties, it is rare and the rarity increases with the number and variety of
 independent verifications.

 2. An anomaly of vast implications, deserving of urgent investigation,
 with all deliberate speed.

 In science, ordinarily, one independent verification is enough to
 establish even an unusual result as valid. Cold fusion is a remarkable case
 where hundreds of independent verifications have been considered inadequate
 by some. My claim is, generally, that some are practicing cargo cult
 science. That goes back to what Jed recently mentioned: 
  this interchange between Noninsky and David Lindley, an editor at
 Nature, including commentary by Nathan Lewis, lead author of the Cal Tech
 negative replication report that Nature had published, is utterly shocking
 as an example of misbehavior by one whom we would expect to be a guardian
 of scientific neutrality and objectivity. Taken together with the Lindsey's
 Nature editorial, http://newenergytimes.com/v2/**inthenews/1990/Nature-**
 we can see how the Scientific Fiasco of the Century (Huizenga's language)
 was set up. Huizenga only knew the half of it. I'll write separately on

 Here, it is clear, the apparent impossibility of the Papp engine can be
 seen as a primary reason why the Papp Effect, I'm calling it, has not been
 deeply investigated. There is another reason, equally important. Papp kept
 his methods secret, fearing loss of them to other interests. Others, with
 more or less access to the secrets, have likewise kept them hidden. So,
 until now, independent verification was difficult or impossible. Because of
 his history and apparent imbalance, John Rohner cannot be easily trusted,
 but if his recent offer of demonstration kits is real, we will soon have
 some independent testimony regarding the Papp Effect. For the first time,
 investigation will be divorced from the demand for a full-out engine, and
 can be focused on the Effect itself.

 John Rohner is making an implied claim that the original Papp formula for
 the fuel, from the patent, works. The only secret, then, would be the
 nature of the stimulation, and that's what Rohner is offering to sell, in
 the form of the electronics that provide it, together with the custom coils
 and electrodes, with complete specifications for everything else. I presume
 that he knows that it will not be long before the stimulation will be known
 in exact detail, even if he hasn't provided that information, through
 examination of what his circuit board and the coils do.

 We have seen public demonstration of a popper, by Bob

Re: [Vo]:

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart

Very nice post.  As you know, I believe this reaction might have a bit of
heaven and hell locked within it.

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 7:42 AM, Peter Gluck peter.gl...@gmail.com

  The second part is inspired by Defkalion's technology but also by my
  of ICCF-17 and to these I have added an overdose of wishful thinking.

 And a good deal of poetry to the prose.  Very good.


Re: [Vo]:LENR and Fermi Acceleration

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree with that.  Either way you have changed the measured.

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Harry Veeder wrote:

 The measuring system can either transfer energy from itself to the
 system being measured or do the reverse and transfer energy from the
 system being measured to itself.


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:58 AM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:
  The act of measuring requires one to impart some energy (photons or
  or matter upon the particle.  Upon the object being measured, the object
  instantly increase in mass or change velocity.  Over time this energy
  be transferred back to its environment as it evaporates...
  On Saturday, August 18, 2012, Harry Veeder wrote:
  BTW, I appear to contradict myself when I said measuring cannot
  increase the energy of the particle
  vs I agree with the claim that measuring can concentrate energy in a
  system. In the former, I mean I don't accept the idea that measuring
  can somehow increase the energy the particle without the transfer of
  energy from somewhere else.
  On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Harry Veeder hveeder...@gmail.com
   Hi LP,
   I haven't read the paper, but I don't disagree with claim. In fact it
   should not be unexpected.
   Even in a macroscopic system a concentration energy can come about as
   a result of energy being transferred from the measuring system  to the
   system being measured. Of course, such a measuring system would be
   considered defective because it provides a distorted picture of the
   energy content of system being measured. However, classical mechanics
   says a measuring system can be designed in theory to have an
   arbitrarily small distorting effect, whereas quantum mechanics says
   this is not possible in theory.
   On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 2:44 PM,  pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:
   Hello Harry,
   To be really precise, though, an energy measurement of a particle in
   superposition of energy eigenstates might find it in one of the
   higher than the weighted average energy of its wavefunction.  So, you
   might say that the measurement increased its energy, but over many
   measurements would just produce the mean energy of the wavefunction.
   While I am not convinced they are correct, the authors of the paper I
   referenced end with the conclusion -
   From a general perspective a phenomenon like the energy
   a composite quantum system can indeed be motivated physically. There
   processes, where there is a redistribution of energy among different
   system degrees of freedom making possible some amounts of system
   self-organization. In particular, one could examine the possibility
   concentrating the total energy of the system into a subset of degrees
   freedom producing a decrease of its entropy, which in order to avoid
   violation of the second law of thermodynamics, would compel the
   energy to the environment, thus keeping the free energy constant.
   possible only if the system is open...
   Concentrating Energy by Measurement
   Interesting theory.
   -- LP
   Harry Veeder wrote:
   Actually, I tend agree with Robin that measuring cannot increase the
   energy of the particle. My question reflects my own attempt to
   understand why it is so. Now that I have thought about it, it is
   because one doesn't measure energy per se. Most measurements are
   really the result of calculations based on measurements of length
   time plugged into a formula

[Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart

I absolutely agree that they will want to fall to earth, i just do not
agree that micro black holes will necessarily zoom directly thru the earth.
 At 23 micrograms, about like a grain of sand, the smallest predicted mass
of one at a planck length, I more pictured it acting like ball lighting
while it is in the air. In addition to the acceleration due to gravity, i
envisioned it might be also be subject to thermal currents and magnetic
fields causing it to drift some on its way down.  I envisioned it might get
lodged in matter such as rocks and metal lattices in the ground.  Over time
it should make its way to the center, triggering local fusion and fission
reactions in local matter on its way to the core, safetly away from life.

I think the only safe place for this stuff might be the center of the
earth.  1/3 of the heat at the center of the earth is thought to be from
radiation of some kind.  Jupiter and Saturn are also thought to have
something generating excess heat at their core.

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, wrote:

 In reply to  MarkI-ZeroPoint's message of Sat, 18 Aug 2012 22:50:51 -0700:
 Robin stated,
  Other factors to take into consideration are that a neutral black hole
 would oscillate back and forth through the planet
 Funny, that's exactly how electrons behave in my physical model... with
 electron 'hole' being the other half of the electron.  So whatever is
 oscillating is constantly traversing the nucleus, only it is traveling so
 fast that it is only 'inside' the nuclear volume for a very short time
 Robin, do you have a ref for your above statement?

 Not necessary. If you drop a brick it will land on your toes. ;)

 If you drop a black hole it's density is such that nothing will stop it.
 It will
 keep on going, building in speed and mass till it reaches the core of the
 planet, then start slowing down as it comes out the other side. Eventually
 will come to a stop, then start falling back again.

 Well that's what I originally thought. ;)

 However it's actually quite a bit more complicated. Everything on the
 has angular momentum due to the rotation of the planet. Conservation of
 momentum means that as the radius decreases, the tangential momentum must
 increase. Since the latter comprises both mass and velocity, there will be
 velocity increase in the West to East direction, which may mean that
 it may go into an orbit at some depth. This is complicated by the fact
 the mass changes over time, both due to Hawking radiation, and due to the
 that gremlins get hungrier as they grow, so whether the mass increases or
 decreases depends on which process dominates. Neither process has a
 rate, as both rates depend on the momentary size of the gremlin.

 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Stunning slide from Technova

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 12:15 PM 8/18/2012, James Bowery wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax mailto:
 a...@lomaxdesign.coma...@lomaxdesign.com wrote:
 Note that this could be parallel with Jospeh Papp. Papp apparently
 planted red herrings in his patent applications, things that he knew would
 not work, to throw people trying to imitate his engine off. Too bad that
 this is the opposite of the intention of a patent

 More importantly, as I have already stated in this forum, it vitiates the
 patent in all countries.  Moreover in all countries but the US, which is
 first to invent rather than first to file, it opens the door to a valid
 patent filing in the present by those who decipher the prior patent.  In
 other words, the noble gas engine has never been in the public domain
 because its patent disclosure did not, in fact, disclose in such a way that
 those skilled in the art (what art?) could reproduce the benefit of the

 Whether or not this is so depends on the exact language of the patent.
 Probably so. But I'd check with a lawyer before depending on new

 John Rohner, or one of his companies, which he might or might not still
 control -- this whole thing is too complicated for the average bear --
 obtained a new patent fairly recently, which might or might not cover
 current work. I haven't read it. Not planning to.

 Beware of investing in the Papp Engine at this point. The whole situation
 is a tangled mess. If interested, building a popper would be in order. If
 Bob Rohner has any sense, he'll encourage people to buy a popper from him,
 since he's actually demonstrated it. He could easily provide plans for it,
 with a license to build one, for cheap, and at a decent profit. John's
 going to eat his lunch if he doesn't.

 Unless John doesn't really have a popper and is just bluffing

 See what I mean about mess? Don't risk your life savings just because
 someone talks a good line. Even if they have a running engine, it could
 turn out that they don't own the technology, they will lose their shirts,
 and you along with them.

 Be careful!

Re: [Vo]:Stunning slide from Technova

2012-08-19 Thread ChemE Stewart
I do not believe this engine will ever make it to market.  When it is
working as designed it is destroying itself, much in the way that a wire
that shows the anomalous heat effect is considered a successful result just
before the wire becomes embrittled and breaks apart.

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Eric Walker wrote:

 Le Aug 19, 2012 à 6:20 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 
 'cvml', 'janap...@gmail.com');
 a écrit :


 Is it normal to mount the electronics on the engine block like that?  Even
 though it not understood to heat up like a normal engine, I understand that
 it still gets hot.  I do not imagine that it is necessary to place the
 controllers on the engine like that; or am I mistaken?


Re: [Vo]:Rossi Wakes Up

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
It is assumed that the brain is the closest thing in life to a quantum
mechanical device or at a minimum requires precise calculations.  It makes
sense that those working around these devices unprotected succumb to
strange behavior and ill health.

On Monday, August 20, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 I haven't verified that Rossi actually wrote this. If he did, That is
 lamer than anything I've ever seen from Rossi. He may be completely losing
 it. So to speak, the clowns have empty boxes, they will fill with our
 small e-cats. Therefore we won't sell small e-cats. That'll show them!

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Aug 19, 2012, at 2:56 PM, ny@aol.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 'ny@aol.com'); wrote:


  Andrea Rossi
 August 19th, 2012 at 2:16 

 Dear ivan:
We have decided, so far, to limit our sales to the 1 MW plants because
this dimension is the one that gives to Leonardo Corp. the maximum economic
momentum, considering our present structure. We foresee, anyway, to lower,
in future, the power of the products for sale. In this monent there is also
a pending situation regarding the Intellectual Property and there are
around clowns ( think to the ones that claim to have been able to copy us)
that have just mock ups (empty boxes) which they will inmmediately fill up
with our technology as soon as cheap E-Cats will be in the market: this has
been their strategy from the beginning. Marketing only the 1 MW plants we
can select our Customers. When the domestic Ecats will be certified the
numbers will be enough big to allow us a big scale production, so that our
prices will be enough low to defeat the competition even after they will be
able to copy us. About the chance of our competitors to reach us and
compete with us, without copying us, from what I saw recently, they all are
lightyears far from being able to produce something able to produce real
energy: they are making paper aeroplanes, we are manufacturing Boeing 707.
With all respect.
Warm Regards,


Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device -- Third paper

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
Super Atom or ultra dense atomic clusters: It can be expected that any
radiation escaping this super atom will be reshifted to lower frequencies
and energy levels and that any particles approaching this super atom will
be blueshifted to extremely high frequencies and energy levels.  Very
disruptive to ANYTHING in nature

On Monday, August 20, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 The super-atom produced as a large collection of coherent and entangled
 particles can completely lowers the Coulomb barrier. This is how atomic
 clustering fits into the LENR+ process.


 *Cheers: Axil*


 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Axil Axil 
 janap...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'janap...@gmail.com');

 According to this paper, clusters of atoms drop the coulomb barrier. The
 paper you reference  in thiis post sites this as a cause of coulomb
 barrier lowering.
 Cheers:   Axil


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jeff Berkowitz 
 pdx...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'pdx...@gmail.com');

 I read it too. The work has also been published in an influential
 peer-reviewed journal, JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
 Physics), a leading Russian journal also published in English:


 It is hard to know what to make of this. It says the Coulomb barrier
 drops away to low levels under conditions we can in principle control. If
 true, that would be ... big.

 Wouldn't it be amusing if the uncontrolled variable that accounts for
 variation of results over the last 23 years turned out to be the RFI
 background in the vicinity of the experiment?


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Alan Fletcher 
 a...@well.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'a...@well.com');

  From: Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
  Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
  If you open this link:
  It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
  papers stuck together end to end.

 The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the
 peaks in Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

 Ni+p = Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

 Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF
 stimulator (any more?)

Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device -- Third paper

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
Let's assume these Super Atoms or Super Atom Clusters obey the
Heisenburg Uncertainty Principle as do other particles.  On one hand they
can reward you with redshifted lower energy radiation usable as heat but on
the other hand they consume and destroy all matter within their
gravitational reach.  They bust up coloumb barriers due to the extremely
high frequencies they can generate through blueshifting near their center.
 They magnify uncertainty within their surroundings much more than typical
particles due to their size or quantities.  They can also collapse into
each other creating Super Duper Atoms...

On Monday, August 20, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 Super Atom or ultra dense atomic clusters: It can be expected that any
 radiation escaping this super atom will be reshifted to lower frequencies
 and energy levels and that any particles approaching this super atom will
 be blueshifted to extremely high frequencies and energy levels.  Very
 disruptive to ANYTHING in nature

 On Monday, August 20, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 The super-atom produced as a large collection of coherent and entangled
 particles can completely lowers the Coulomb barrier. This is how atomic
 clustering fits into the LENR+ process.


 *Cheers: Axil*


 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 According to this paper, clusters of atoms drop the coulomb barrier. The
 paper you reference  in thiis post sites this as a cause of coulomb
 barrier lowering.
 Cheers:   Axil


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.comwrote:

 I read it too. The work has also been published in an influential
 peer-reviewed journal, JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
 Physics), a leading Russian journal also published in English:


 It is hard to know what to make of this. It says the Coulomb barrier
 drops away to low levels under conditions we can in principle control. If
 true, that would be ... big.

 Wouldn't it be amusing if the uncontrolled variable that accounts for
 variation of results over the last 23 years turned out to be the RFI
 background in the vicinity of the experiment?


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Alan Fletcher a...@well.com wrote:

  From: Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
  If you open this link:
  It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
  papers stuck together end to end.

 The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the
 peaks in Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

 Ni+p = Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

 Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF
 stimulator (any more?)

Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device -- Third paper

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
Quantum gravity blueshifts the incoming particles/radiation to ultrahigh
frequencies and ultrahigh energy levels right near its surface.  It is this
high energy level which busts up the coloumb barrier of atoms pulled close.

It is the same effect in reverse which makes any energy leaving this
collapsed matter to be of low energy level/frequencies redshifted and less

Red Shift  Blue ShiftA light source moving *away* from the listener (*v* is
positive) would provide an *fL* that is less than *fS*. In the visible
light spectrum http://physics.about.com/od/lightoptics/a/vislightspec.htm,
this causes a shift toward the red end of the light spectrum, so it is
called a *red shift*. When the light source is moving *toward* the listener
(*v* is negative), then *fL* is greater than *fS*. In the visible light
spectrum http://physics.about.com/od/lightoptics/a/vislightspec.htm, this
causes a shift toward the high-frequency end of the light spectrum. For
some reason, violet got the short end of the stick and such frequency shift
is actually called a *blue shift*. Obviously, in the area of theelectromagnetic
spectrum http://physics.about.com/od/lightoptics/a/electrspectrum.htm outside
of the visible light spectrum, these shifts might not actually be toward
red and blue. If you're in the infrared, for example, you're ironically
shifting *away*from red when you experience a red shift.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:01 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com wrote:

 Axil, perhaps there is something going on that results in the lowering of
 the barrier.  I have to ask where the additional energy comes from to
 satisfy the actual energy needed?  If it is taken from other particles that
 might make sense, otherwise it sounds like a free lunch.

  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 2:20 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device --
 Third paper

  The super-atom produced as a large collection of coherent and entangled
 particles can completely lowers the Coulomb barrier. This is how atomic
 clustering fits into the LENR+ process.


 *Cheers: Axil*

  On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

  According to this paper, clusters of atoms drop the coulomb barrier.
 The paper you reference  in thiis post sites this as a cause of coulomb
 barrier lowering.
 Cheers:   Axil


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com wrote:

 I read it too. The work has also been published in an influential
 peer-reviewed journal, JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
 Physics), a leading Russian journal also published in English:


  It is hard to know what to make of this. It says the Coulomb barrier
 drops away to low levels under conditions we can in principle control. If
 true, that would be ... big.

  Wouldn't it be amusing if the uncontrolled variable that accounts
 for variation of results over the last 23 years turned out to be the RFI
 background in the vicinity of the experiment?


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Alan Fletcher a...@well.com wrote:

  From: Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
  If you open this link:
  It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
  papers stuck together end to end.

 The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the
 peaks in Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

 Ni+p = Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

 Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF
 stimulator (any more?)

Re: [Vo]:110 automobile batteries to power the Oklahoma Noble Gas Engine?

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
I think Papp knew that the charged particles generated from his devices
were bad actors and needed to be contained as much as possible, thus his
containment coil.

I am of the opinion, that the only way to safetly confine this collapsed
matter(gremlin) is some type of magnetic/inertial/gravitational confinement
field once you have created the collapsed matter.  After that you need to
feed the suspended gremlin hydrogen to minimize harmful radiation and
remove the heat and do not feed him too much too fast (although I think he
is so hot that it would be hard to grow him in size very quickly)

If I knew collapsed matter evaporated I would feel better.  Results from
Celani and that Papp video tend to make me believe it sticks around for
awhile on its way ultimately to the center of the earth.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 3:19 AM, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com wrote:

 You're right about the wire size calculations but during the test with
 Feynman, the Papp engine was not connected to a dyno.  Wasn't it just free
 spinning?  Somebody correct me.

 If it was just free spinning without a load, a single battery would have
 suffice for a long time.

 If you are talking about the dyno test with the affidavit from 2 men, I
 guess it all boils down the veracity of those two men.

 But the obvious question is, why don't we have a working Papp engine by
 now. If the patent is public domain, surely someone close to Papp would
 have realized the potential of this engine and recreated it.  The Rohner
 boys would have been in such a position and yet, after 30 years, all they
 have are kits and demo poppers.


 - Original Message - From: Alan Fletcher a...@well.com
 To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 8:29 AM

 Subject: Re: [Vo]:110 automobile batteries to power the Oklahoma Noble Gas

  From: Alan Fletcher a...@well.com\
 Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 4:46:13 PM

  While you're at it, calculate the diameter of the 3-wire extension
 cord needed to power it from the mains!

 107 hp = 78.7 KW / 120 V = 655 Amps


 Highest gauge listed =  = 260A (in insulated 3-wire cable)
  = Diameter 0.46 (1.6mm).

 Allowing for insulation, that makes a bundle of about 1 inch diameter.

 To carry 655 amps you need 2.5 of them -- round up to 3

 So, Feynman would have needed to yank out 3 1-inch diameter extension

Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device -- Third paper

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree.  I also believe this army is wearing blue uniforms.  These are all
blue-shifted high energy particle/waves working together as a concentrated
and cohesive force at the location of the battle (horizon).  Nothing can
stop them, neither matter or energy as they consume both.

You might be able to contain this army in some type of magnetic field or
inertial confinement, but they are elusive by nature.  They magnify the
Uncertainty Principle many times over.  Best though to keep them isolated
as best you can.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you can think of the coulomb barrier as a soldier, a very good and
 strong one, this hero, can defeat any individual soldier of the opposing
 army. Even if the opposing army attacks our hero one fighter at a time the
 hero can resist the attack since the attack is uncoordinated.

 But when the opposing army gets its act together and acts a cohesive unit
 the hero is overcome by the combined and additive strength of the combined
 and coordinated action of the army.
 The bigger that the coordinated army is, the more soundly that the hero is

 Since electrons and protons are  waves also see:



 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:01 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 Axil, perhaps there is something going on that results in the lowering of
 the barrier.  I have to ask where the additional energy comes from to
 satisfy the actual energy needed?  If it is taken from other particles that
 might make sense, otherwise it sounds like a free lunch.

  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 2:20 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device --
 Third paper

  The super-atom produced as a large collection of coherent and entangled
 particles can completely lowers the Coulomb barrier. This is how atomic
 clustering fits into the LENR+ process.


 *Cheers: Axil*

  On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

  According to this paper, clusters of atoms drop the coulomb barrier.
 The paper you reference  in thiis post sites this as a cause of coulomb
 barrier lowering.
 Cheers:   Axil


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.comwrote:

 I read it too. The work has also been published in an influential
 peer-reviewed journal, JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
 Physics), a leading Russian journal also published in English:


  It is hard to know what to make of this. It says the Coulomb barrier
 drops away to low levels under conditions we can in principle control. If
 true, that would be ... big.

  Wouldn't it be amusing if the uncontrolled variable that accounts
 for variation of results over the last 23 years turned out to be the RFI
 background in the vicinity of the experiment?


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Alan Fletcher a...@well.com wrote:

  From: Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
  If you open this link:
  It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
  papers stuck together end to end.

 The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the
 peaks in Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

 Ni+p = Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

 Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF
 stimulator (any more?)

Re: [Vo]:110 automobile batteries to power the Oklahoma Noble Gas Engine?

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
Collapsed Matter.  No fraud.  No conspiracy theories.  Call it Inverted
Rydberg Matter, call them Super Atoms, they create blueshifted, high
frequency radiation at their surface able to rip apart any matter in their
vicinity. They all behave the same way.  Papp knew the coil needed to stay
energized to collect these charged particles else the machine may quickly
self-destruct - that is the secret only he knew.  They consume matter and
energy and release energy.  They can grow and shrink resulting in temporary

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 10:59 AM, James Bowery jabow...@gmail.com wrote:

 There are no good explanations for the Papp phenomenon.  One isn't simply
 talking about the veracity of two men signing an affidavit but of
 world-class experts in high power machinery who actually fabricated the
 device attested by the two men.  We can ignore, for the sake of argument,
 all of the midwestern investors who were from a long tradition of agrarian
 self-sufficiency which featured a great deal of on-the-spot fabrication of
 make-shift inventions to get the job done without the support of urban
 infrastructure.  Let's just talk about these 5 people (excluding, of
 course, Papp himeself).  One might be convinced that the Rohner brothers
 were in some kind of conspiracy to defraud with Rohner but one cannot be
 convinced that Rohner Machine Works was so inept as to mistake negative net
 work from one of their own machines for 100 horsepower.

 So let's run with the Rohner conspiracy theory:

 The two highest-likelihood conditional hypotheses involving the Joint
 Affidavit signed by George J. Nolan, PhD and Dennis Hodges are, again,
 ineptitude in mistaking net negative work for 100hp -- or collusion in the
 Rohner conspiracy.  Do we have any reason to believe that either of Nolan
 or Hodges had any prior connection with Papp or the Rohners or that Nolan
 or Hodges had a background of suspected fraud?  It seems ineptitude is more
 likely since neither Nolan nor Hodges could be considered in the same class
 as the Rohners when it comes to high power machinery.  So let's run with
 that branch in the conditional hypotheses tree:

 The geographically remote Papp and the Rohners entered into a conspiracy
 to defraud the public and sought out, as dupes in their scheme, a PhD in
 chemistry and the owner of an independent diesel service, also
 geographically remote from Papp and the Rohners.  Papp and the Rohners then
 presented their dupes with a form in which the dupes were to place numbers
 and signatures.  Papp then managed to make it appear that 100hp came out of
 his fraudulent device for an hour to the satisfaction of the dupes, so that
 they would sign the affidavit.

 Papp took the secret to his grave and the Rohners continued in their
 efforts to defraud to the present day (we can, I suppose, explain the
 rancor between the brothers Rohner as a continuation of the fraud taking
 the form of two fraud artists competing for the same pool of marks).

 Does that about sum up the best alternative to For some mysterious reason
 no one has been able to get this thing to work for decades but its real.

 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:19 AM, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com wrote:

 You're right about the wire size calculations but during the test with
 Feynman, the Papp engine was not connected to a dyno.  Wasn't it just free
 spinning?  Somebody correct me.

 If it was just free spinning without a load, a single battery would have
 suffice for a long time.

 If you are talking about the dyno test with the affidavit from 2 men, I
 guess it all boils down the veracity of those two men.

 But the obvious question is, why don't we have a working Papp engine by
 now. If the patent is public domain, surely someone close to Papp would
 have realized the potential of this engine and recreated it.  The Rohner
 boys would have been in such a position and yet, after 30 years, all they
 have are kits and demo poppers.


 - Original Message - From: Alan Fletcher a...@well.com
 To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 8:29 AM

 Subject: Re: [Vo]:110 automobile batteries to power the Oklahoma Noble
 Gas Engine?

  From: Alan Fletcher a...@well.com\
 Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 4:46:13 PM

  While you're at it, calculate the diameter of the 3-wire extension
 cord needed to power it from the mains!

 107 hp = 78.7 KW / 120 V = 655 Amps


 Highest gauge listed =  = 260A (in insulated 3-wire cable)
  = Diameter 0.46 (1.6mm).

 Allowing for insulation, that makes a bundle of about 1 inch diameter.

 To carry 655 amps you need 2.5 of them -- round up to 3

 So, Feynman would have needed to yank out 3 1-inch diameter extension

Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device -- Third paper

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart

Yes, it is borrowing the energy from the red-shifted low energy radiation
leaving the surface and focusing it with the blueshifted high energy
radiation at the point of battle at the surface.  Total energy stays the
same, perfect conservation. Velocity of all particles stay the same, just
cohesive shifts in frequency and lambda all maximizing energy at a point
near the surface guided in by quantum gravity. No atom stands a chance.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:23 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com wrote:

 Yeah, the group can defeat the guy soundly!  I also believe that there is
 some form of coordinated effort that overcomes the coulomb barrier.  I am
 merely searching for the lost energy that is required and attempting to see
 from where it originates.  My suspicion is that the surrounding atoms
 become a bit cooler as the energy is borrowed from them.  Once the fusion
 occurs, all of the borrowed energy would of course be paid back.  The net
 effect is the same, but then there would be no free lunch.

  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 12:48 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device --
 Third paper

  If you can think of the coulomb barrier as a soldier, a very good and
 strong one, this hero, can defeat any individual soldier of the opposing
 army. Even if the opposing army attacks our hero one fighter at a time the
 hero can resist the attack since the attack is uncoordinated.
 But when the opposing army gets its act together and acts a cohesive unit
 the hero is overcome by the combined and additive strength of the combined
 and coordinated action of the army.
 The bigger that the coordinated army is, the more soundly that the hero is

 Since electrons and protons are  waves also see:



  On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:01 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 Axil, perhaps there is something going on that results in the lowering of
 the barrier.  I have to ask where the additional energy comes from to
 satisfy the actual energy needed?  If it is taken from other particles that
 might make sense, otherwise it sounds like a free lunch.

   -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 2:20 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device --
 Third paper

  The super-atom produced as a large collection of coherent and entangled
 particles can completely lowers the Coulomb barrier. This is how atomic
 clustering fits into the LENR+ process.


 *Cheers: Axil*

  On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

  According to this paper, clusters of atoms drop the coulomb barrier.
 The paper you reference  in thiis post sites this as a cause of coulomb
 barrier lowering.
 Cheers:   Axil


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.comwrote:

 I read it too. The work has also been published in an influential
 peer-reviewed journal, JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
 Physics), a leading Russian journal also published in English:


  It is hard to know what to make of this. It says the Coulomb barrier
 drops away to low levels under conditions we can in principle control. If
 true, that would be ... big.

  Wouldn't it be amusing if the uncontrolled variable that accounts
 for variation of results over the last 23 years turned out to be the RFI
 background in the vicinity of the experiment?


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Alan Fletcher a...@well.com wrote:

  From: Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
  If you open this link:
  It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
  papers stuck together end to end.

 The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the
 peaks in Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

 Ni+p = Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

 Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF
 stimulator (any more?)

Re: [Vo]:Stronghold argument and Feynman (was:Feynman on the Papp engine and explosion)

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
They were probably both guilty of ignorance of what the reaction actually
was/is and its potential although Papp had an idea.  Unfortunately more
injury may result until the reaction(s) are nailed down.  There is a reason
Plasmerg/Rohners maintain Lexan bullet proof glass around their devices,
they have no %^%! idea how to control it from self-destructing the

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Let's cut thru this cloud of confusion, shall we?

 In historical warfare, opposing armies would build Strongholds.  A
 stronghold is a fortified position from which an army could launch
 offensive strikes or retreat to for defense.  A typical example would be a
 walled city and/or a tower in such a wall.  A typical charateristic of a
 Stronghold is that it takes considerably less resources and manpower to
 defend a stronghold than to overcome it.  Such a stronghold is very hard to
 overcome.  It would take considerable effort, energy and resources to
 overcome a well fortified stronghold.  Any action of the opposing army for
 any other tactical goal becomes less important as long as the stronghold
 remains intact - in fact, they are irrelevant.  Any tactical goal achieved
 by the opponent will quickly be overcomed by offensive actions launched
 from a stronghold.  This operating base doctrine is still applicable
 today, of which our concept of a carrier battle group is based on.  (Why do
 you think other countries like China are so concerned about our carriers?)
  Overcoming a stronghold requires an overwhelming majority of forces and
 resources.  In fact, the outcome of the battle is always determined on
 whether such a stronghold holds or is overrun.  In ancient times, the
 capital of the Assyrian Empire Nineveh was surrounded by an inner and
 outer wall over 60 feet high.  The walls enclosed an area with enough
 planting land to sustain a population of over 600,000.  Such a stronghold
 is very difficult to overcome as any tactical gains achieved by the enemy
 can quickly be recovered with offensive stikes launched from such a
 stronghold.  In fact, it took the combined resources of 3 rival
 kingdoms (Babylonians, Medes and Scythians) to finally overcome Nineveh.

 With this background, I would like to introduce my way of thinking, to
 help me cut thru the cloud of wrong information, confusing statements, and
 incomplete facts, I always like to identify what I call Stronghold
 arguments that are very hard to demolish.  Every argument point or logic by
 the opponent is less important and even irrelevant until he can
 satisfactorily address and overcome the Stronghold Argument.  Let me
 illustrate a couple of actual examples of a Stronghold argument.

 1.  In the case of Darwinian Evolution, there are over a dozen Stronghold
 arguments.  These include:  Abiogenesis, Genetic Improbabality, Specified
 Complexity, Irreducible Complexity, Biological Chirality and others.  Until
 such time as proponents of DE can address these concerns, any other
 argument they make is irrelevant.  For example, proponents can introduce
 clever arguments like Punctuated Evolution, but until they can address how
 life arose out of non-life chemicals, all their Punctuated Evolution
 arguments are irrelevent.  Now, I am only mentioning this to illustrate my
 point.  I am not necessarily inclined to reopen the DE vs Intelligent
 Design argument.

 2.  With the Brither issue, the Stronghold argument is Why Obama still
 has a gag order in place for access to his vault Birth Certificate.
 College dropouts can argue with all their verbose eloquence that the BC
 presented was real, etc. etc., but until they can answer why Obama is still
 restricting access to this most basic of all documents, all their other
 arguments are irrelevant.

 3.  In the case of this Papp engine.  The stronghold argument consists of
 asking why after 30 years, is there still no viable Papp engine we can
 buy.  We can argue about whether confinement, gremlins, Rydberg matter or
 plasma is the source of the power, but until we can answer this simple
 question, all those arguments are irrelevant.

 4.  In the case of Rossi and his cats, I have not identified a stronghold
 argument, that is why I am still undecided.  His lying and misbehaviour can
 be explained as part of his business strategy.

 5.  In the case of DGT, the stronghold argument may consist of recognizing
 why DGT has not released the data from half a dozen third party testers.
 This glaring and deliberate omission is a very strong argument for
 recognizing whether DGT has something or nothing.

 6. In the case of whether Feynman or Papp was at fault for manslaugther,
 well, let's examine a few facts and I will present my stronghold argument.

 First, Papp sued Feynman.  The University defended their star professor.
 A settlement was reached.

 The stronghold argument consists of recognizing that the University would
 not settle unless Feynman was guilty.  A 

Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device -- Third paper

2012-08-20 Thread ChemE Stewart
Well,  now that I think about it, I am not really sure they need to borrow
any energy, the Blue-shifting of the incoming particle waves diverging upon
the same point in space might be enough to do it by themselves.  Need to
break out the calculator.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:50 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:


 Yes, it is borrowing the energy from the red-shifted low energy radiation
 leaving the surface and focusing it with the blueshifted high energy
 radiation at the point of battle at the surface.  Total energy stays the
 same, perfect conservation. Velocity of all particles stay the same, just
 cohesive shifts in frequency and lambda all maximizing energy at a point
 near the surface guided in by quantum gravity. No atom stands a chance.

 On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:23 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

  Yeah, the group can defeat the guy soundly!  I also believe that there
 is some form of coordinated effort that overcomes the coulomb barrier.  I
 am merely searching for the lost energy that is required and attempting to
 see from where it originates.  My suspicion is that the surrounding atoms
 become a bit cooler as the energy is borrowed from them.  Once the fusion
 occurs, all of the borrowed energy would of course be paid back.  The net
 effect is the same, but then there would be no free lunch.

  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 12:48 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device --
 Third paper

  If you can think of the coulomb barrier as a soldier, a very good and
 strong one, this hero, can defeat any individual soldier of the opposing
 army. Even if the opposing army attacks our hero one fighter at a time the
 hero can resist the attack since the attack is uncoordinated.
 But when the opposing army gets its act together and acts a cohesive unit
 the hero is overcome by the combined and additive strength of the combined
 and coordinated action of the army.
 The bigger that the coordinated army is, the more soundly that the hero
 is defeated.

 Since electrons and protons are  waves also see:



  On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:01 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 Axil, perhaps there is something going on that results in the lowering
 of the barrier.  I have to ask where the additional energy comes from to
 satisfy the actual energy needed?  If it is taken from other particles that
 might make sense, otherwise it sounds like a free lunch.

   -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 2:20 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
 -- Third paper

  The super-atom produced as a large collection of coherent and
 entangled particles can completely lowers the Coulomb barrier. This is how
 atomic clustering fits into the LENR+ process.


 *Cheers: Axil*

  On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

  According to this paper, clusters of atoms drop the coulomb barrier.
 The paper you reference  in thiis post sites this as a cause of
 coulomb barrier lowering.
 Cheers:   Axil


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.comwrote:

 I read it too. The work has also been published in an influential
 peer-reviewed journal, JETP (Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
 Physics), a leading Russian journal also published in English:


  It is hard to know what to make of this. It says the Coulomb barrier
 drops away to low levels under conditions we can in principle control. If
 true, that would be ... big.

  Wouldn't it be amusing if the uncontrolled variable that accounts
 for variation of results over the last 23 years turned out to be the RFI
 background in the vicinity of the experiment?


 On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Alan Fletcher a...@well.com wrote:

  From: Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
  If you open this link:
  It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
  papers stuck together end to end.

 The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the
 peaks in Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

 Ni+p = Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

 Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF
 stimulator (any more?)

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
You are describing a horny gremlin...

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Gang,  There has been a lot of discussion about various LENR results
 lately.  In these discussions, I think a consensus is building up that the
 key to successful LENR is topology.

 There has been flurry of discussions about ICCF papers that we keep on
 forgetting that ICCF results like Celani's are the old ways.  Even if
 Celani perfects his technology, it would still be a far cry from beng

 I say we take it a notch further.  I say we moved from LENR (FP, Celani)
 to LENR+ (Rossi) to LENR2 (Carbon nanostructures).  I say we move from Pd
 and Nickel lattice to a topology that can be easily engineered and
 created.  With new capability to engineer a specific topology, we can
 create topologies of various sizes and experiment on them.

 I am talking about carbon nanotubes to be exact.  Oxidized Carbon
 nanotubes (Carbon Nanohorns) to be specific.

 Let me elaborate.

 Recent studies indicate that vertically aligned CNTs can be created in a
 straightforward and repeatable process.  The diameters of these CNTs can be
 adjusted by adjusting catalyst deposition rates (Hence particle size),
 catalyst kind and many other experimental conditions.  SWNTs from 0.4 nm up
 to 100 nm  MWNTs can be easily synthesized on various substrates like
 Nickel, steel and stainless steel.  CNT heights up to 7 mm has been
 achieved.  (That's right, 7 millimeters, not micrometers)  The tops of such
 CNT forest can then be chopped off by high temperature oxidation in air
 or some mild acid.  With that, we are left with a mat of CNTs with open
 tops of various sizes.  These open Carbon nanohorns would have a variety of
 void sizes ranging from 0.4 nm to maybe 50 nm.  With a plurarity of void
 sizes, one void ought to be the perfect size for LENR   Such mats are ideal
 topologies to hunt for the size of the ideal NAE structure.

  We then pump an electrostatic field on the tips of these CNTs to allow
 for charge accumulation and field emission on the tips.  The huge Charge
 accumulation would provide an environment where the Coulomb Barrier is
 screened.  Any H+ ion who happens to drift by this huge charge environment
 would be greatly at risk of being fused with a similarly screened ion.  The
 open voids of the Carbon nanohorns would further enhance such effects.
 This is of course the envronment we are aiming for based on our current
 understanding of how LENR proceeds.

 When we achieve LENR/Cold fusion on such a void, it would then be a matter
 of narrowing the search for the best void size to improve efficiency and
 output.   And Carbon Nanohorns enable us to do this with known and
 repeatable processess to engineer these voids of specific sizes.  Carbon
 nanohorns give us this unprecedented capability that metal lattice can not
 afford.  Metal lattice cracks and voids can not be easily engineered and
 are quite susceptible to metal diffusion, metal migration, sintering and
 melting.  This complicates the search.  Carbon nanohorn voids are
 chemically and thermally stable lending itself to more repeatable
 experiments.  And the nice thing about this, is that all the parameters are
 adjustable - such as void size, CNT height, electrostatic field strength,
 ion concentration via pressure adjustments, temps etc.  Such environments
 affords us a good platform to hunt for the right voids.

 Axil contends that Ed Storms introduced this idea of topology as key, but
 I say, he also recognized the huge potential of Carbon Nanotubes as
 possible NAEs.

 I say we move past LENR and even LENR+ and concentrate on hunting for the
 right topology using Carbon Nanohorn mats.


 PS.  In the spirit of scientific openness that gave us gremlins and
 Chameleons, I dub this new idea of mine as the Horny Theory of LENR

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
I realize Axil has been harping on Rydberg matter for months.  Inverted
Rydberg matter sounds even more interesting to me.  Miley states that once
the D(-1) inverted state is created in voids it may reside permanently.  I
also wonder what happens if it resides in a void and that void
closes/compresses on it when heated and with electrical stimulation
creating further collapse.

I wonder at what point its ultrahigh density is able to blueshift particle
waves around it such that the extremely high local energies along with its
gravitational pull are able to strip atoms apart that are nearby.  At this
point it might also take on all of the quantum mechanical properties I have
been discussing.

Also, if this inverted matter hangs around in nature and is reactive it
cannot be very good for biological organisms.


Rydberg Matter is a long-lived form of matter, and the lowest possible
excitation level D(1) or H(1) exists more or less permanently in the
experiments (Badiei et al 2009). The clusters are not formed transiently.
There is no indication that the phase D(-1) is not formed almost
permanently. In the experiments both forms D(1) and D(-1) were observed
simultaneously. The experiments indicate that the material changes rapidly
with almost no energy difference states D(1) and D(-1).

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 You are describing a horny gremlin...

 On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Gang,  There has been a lot of discussion about various LENR results
 lately.  In these discussions, I think a consensus is building up that the
 key to successful LENR is topology.

 There has been flurry of discussions about ICCF papers that we keep on
 forgetting that ICCF results like Celani's are the old ways.  Even if
 Celani perfects his technology, it would still be a far cry from beng

 I say we take it a notch further.  I say we moved from LENR (FP, Celani)
 to LENR+ (Rossi) to LENR2 (Carbon nanostructures).  I say we move from Pd
 and Nickel lattice to a topology that can be easily engineered and
 created.  With new capability to engineer a specific topology, we can
 create topologies of various sizes and experiment on them.

 I am talking about carbon nanotubes to be exact.  Oxidized Carbon
 nanotubes (Carbon Nanohorns) to be specific.

 Let me elaborate.

 Recent studies indicate that vertically aligned CNTs can be created in a
 straightforward and repeatable process.  The diameters of these CNTs can be
 adjusted by adjusting catalyst deposition rates (Hence particle size),
 catalyst kind and many other experimental conditions.  SWNTs from 0.4 nm up
 to 100 nm  MWNTs can be easily synthesized on various substrates like
 Nickel, steel and stainless steel.  CNT heights up to 7 mm has been
 achieved.  (That's right, 7 millimeters, not micrometers)  The tops of such
 CNT forest can then be chopped off by high temperature oxidation in air
 or some mild acid.  With that, we are left with a mat of CNTs with open
 tops of various sizes.  These open Carbon nanohorns would have a variety of
 void sizes ranging from 0.4 nm to maybe 50 nm.  With a plurarity of void
 sizes, one void ought to be the perfect size for LENR   Such mats are ideal
 topologies to hunt for the size of the ideal NAE structure.

  We then pump an electrostatic field on the tips of these CNTs to allow
 for charge accumulation and field emission on the tips.  The huge Charge
 accumulation would provide an environment where the Coulomb Barrier is
 screened.  Any H+ ion who happens to drift by this huge charge environment
 would be greatly at risk of being fused with a similarly screened ion.  The
 open voids of the Carbon nanohorns would further enhance such effects.
 This is of course the envronment we are aiming for based on our current
 understanding of how LENR proceeds.

 When we achieve LENR/Cold fusion on such a void, it would then be a
 matter of narrowing the search for the best void size to improve efficiency
 and output.   And Carbon Nanohorns enable us to do this with known and
 repeatable processess to engineer these voids of specific sizes.  Carbon
 nanohorns give us this unprecedented capability that metal lattice can not
 afford.  Metal lattice cracks and voids can not be easily engineered and
 are quite susceptible to metal diffusion, metal migration, sintering and
 melting.  This complicates the search.  Carbon nanohorn voids are
 chemically and thermally stable lending itself to more repeatable
 experiments.  And the nice thing about this, is that all the parameters are
 adjustable - such as void size, CNT height, electrostatic field strength,
 ion concentration via pressure adjustments, temps etc.  Such environments
 affords us a good platform to hunt for the right voids.

 Axil contends that Ed Storms introduced this idea of topology as key, but
 I say, he also recognized the huge

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree with most of that although i expect carbon nanotubes to remain
rigid while heated.  I think having a metallic lattice crack/void
completely filled inverted irydberg matter and then having that voild
collapse arond it when it thermally expands due to heating and electrical
stimulation is what triggers/ignites the magic.

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Let me ellucidate another reason why I believe in Carbon Nanohorns is the
 right NAE.

 Understand that a Carbon Nanohorn is essentially a long long pipe with an
 open end on one end.  H2 in molecular form can diffuse into the carbon
 nanohorn or pass thru from the open end and accumulate inside the pipe.
 This is a known phenomena as CNTs have been investigated as possible
 hydrogen storage media for fuel cells and hydrogen cars.

 Now, imagine a long pipe and you pass a high voltage spark along this
 pipe.  What would happen is you would ionize the H2 molecules inside this
 pipe by virtue of the high temps.  Then you would have an environment with
 huge electrostatic potential and charge accumulation.  An environment where
 the coulomb barrier is screened.  So what will the H+ ions do?  Invariably,
 they now have a strong tendency to fuse into He instead of chemically
 reacting back to H2.  When H2 becomes H+, the H+ ions are especially
 confined inside the nanohorn due positive charge repulsion from the carbon
 atoms making up the Carbon nanohorn walls.  Once H2 ionizes, it is
 essentially trapped inside the nanohorn wall cage.  This, together with
 compression due to pressure, charge repulsion towards the center of the
 nanohorn,  coulomb barrier screening due to charge accumulation and thermal
 collisions should increase H+ chances of fusing.

 This is the environment I am endeavoring to achieve and I believe it has
 great potential.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Jojo Jaro javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'jth...@hotmail.com');
 *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 *Sent:* Tuesday, August 21, 2012 7:14 PM
 *Subject:* [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

 Gang,  There has been a lot of discussion about various LENR results
 lately.  In these discussions, I think a consensus is building up that the
 key to successful LENR is topology.

 There has been flurry of discussions about ICCF papers that we keep on
 forgetting that ICCF results like Celani's are the old ways.  Even if
 Celani perfects his technology, it would still be a far cry from beng

 I say we take it a notch further.  I say we moved from LENR (FP, Celani)
 to LENR+ (Rossi) to LENR2 (Carbon nanostructures).  I say we move from Pd
 and Nickel lattice to a topology that can be easily engineered and
 created.  With new capability to engineer a specific topology, we can
 create topologies of various sizes and experiment on them.

 I am talking about carbon nanotubes to be exact.  Oxidized Carbon
 nanotubes (Carbon Nanohorns) to be specific.

 Let me elaborate.

 Recent studies indicate that vertically aligned CNTs can be created in a
 straightforward and repeatable process.  The diameters of these CNTs can be
 adjusted by adjusting catalyst deposition rates (Hence particle size),
 catalyst kind and many other experimental conditions.  SWNTs from 0.4 nm up
 to 100 nm  MWNTs can be easily synthesized on various substrates like
 Nickel, steel and stainless steel.  CNT heights up to 7 mm has been
 achieved.  (That's right, 7 millimeters, not micrometers)  The tops of such
 CNT forest can then be chopped off by high temperature oxidation in air
 or some mild acid.  With that, we are left with a mat of CNTs with open
 tops of various sizes.  These open Carbon nanohorns would have a variety of
 void sizes ranging from 0.4 nm to maybe 50 nm.  With a plurarity of void
 sizes, one void ought to be the perfect size for LENR   Such mats are ideal
 topologies to hunt for the size of the ideal NAE structure.

  We then pump an electrostatic field on the tips of these CNTs to allow
 for charge accumulation and field emission on the tips.  The huge Charge
 accumulation would provide an environment where the Coulomb Barrier is
 screened.  Any H+ ion who happens to drift by this huge charge environment
 would be greatly at risk of being fused with a similarly screened ion.  The
 open voids of the Carbon nanohorns would further enhance such effects.
 This is of course the envronment we are aiming for based on our current
 understanding of how LENR proceeds.

 When we achieve LENR/Cold fusion on such a void, it would then be a matter
 of narrowing the search for the best void size to improve efficiency and
 output.   And Carbon Nanohorns enable us to do this with known and
 repeatable processess to engineer these voids of specific sizes.  Carbon
 nanohorns give us this unprecedented capability that metal lattice can not
 afford.  Metal lattice cracks and voids can not be easily engineered and

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
If that Hydrogen exists in the voids as Inverted Rydberg Matter I am not so

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com wrote:

 I believe you are incorrect with this hypothesis.

 The walls of a metal crack or void are not solid.  They are porous such
 that a hydrogen ion can easily slip pass and diffuse in between the
 inter-atomic gaps.  I don't believe a collapse of the void will compress
 the H+ ions in it enough for it to fuse.

 I believe this hypothesis of yours is similar in concept to cavitation
 collapse fusion.  Which I believe is generally considered Hot fusion.

 What you need is an environment that screens the coulomb barrier repulsion
 to allow these ions a chance to fuse.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com
 *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Tuesday, August 21, 2012 9:49 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

 I agree with most of that although i expect carbon nanotubes to remain
 rigid while heated.  I think having a metallic lattice crack/void
 completely filled inverted irydberg matter and then having that voild
 collapse arond it when it thermally expands due to heating and electrical
 stimulation is what triggers/ignites the magic.

 On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Let me ellucidate another reason why I believe in Carbon Nanohorns is the
 right NAE.

 Understand that a Carbon Nanohorn is essentially a long long pipe with an
 open end on one end.  H2 in molecular form can diffuse into the carbon
 nanohorn or pass thru from the open end and accumulate inside the pipe.
 This is a known phenomena as CNTs have been investigated as possible
 hydrogen storage media for fuel cells and hydrogen cars.

 Now, imagine a long pipe and you pass a high voltage spark along this
 pipe.  What would happen is you would ionize the H2 molecules inside this
 pipe by virtue of the high temps.  Then you would have an environment with
 huge electrostatic potential and charge accumulation.  An environment where
 the coulomb barrier is screened.  So what will the H+ ions do?  Invariably,
 they now have a strong tendency to fuse into He instead of chemically
 reacting back to H2.  When H2 becomes H+, the H+ ions are especially
 confined inside the nanohorn due positive charge repulsion from the carbon
 atoms making up the Carbon nanohorn walls.  Once H2 ionizes, it is
 essentially trapped inside the nanohorn wall cage.  This, together with
 compression due to pressure, charge repulsion towards the center of the
 nanohorn,  coulomb barrier screening due to charge accumulation and thermal
 collisions should increase H+ chances of fusing.

 This is the environment I am endeavoring to achieve and I believe it has
 great potential.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Jojo Jaro
 *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Tuesday, August 21, 2012 7:14 PM
 *Subject:* [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

 Gang,  There has been a lot of discussion about various LENR results
 lately.  In these discussions, I think a consensus is building up that the
 key to successful LENR is topology.

 There has been flurry of discussions about ICCF papers that we keep on
 forgetting that ICCF results like Celani's are the old ways.  Even if
 Celani perfects his technology, it would still be a far cry from beng

 I say we take it a notch further.  I say we moved from LENR (FP, Celani)
 to LENR+ (Rossi) to LENR2 (Carbon nanostructures).  I say we move from Pd
 and Nickel lattice to a topology that can be easily engineered and
 created.  With new capability to engineer a specific topology, we can
 create topologies of various sizes and experiment on them.

 I am talking about carbon nanotubes to be exact.  Oxidized Carbon
 nanotubes (Carbon Nanohorns) to be specific.

 Let me elaborate.

 Recent studies indicate that vertically aligned CNTs can be created in a
 straightforward and repeatable process.  The diameters of these CNTs can be
 adjusted by adjusting catalyst deposition rates (Hence particle size),
 catalyst kind and many other experimental conditions.  SWNTs from 0.4 nm up
 to 100 nm  MWNTs can be easily synthesized on various substrates like
 Nickel, steel and stainless steel.  CNT heights up to 7 mm has been
 achieved.  (That's right, 7 millimeters, not micrometers)  The tops of such
 CNT forest can then be chopped off by high temperature oxidation in air
 or some mild acid.  With that, we are left with a mat of CNTs with open
 tops of various sizes.  These open Carbon nanohorns would have a variety of
 void sizes ranging from 0.4 nm to maybe 50 nm.  With a plurarity of void
 sizes, one void ought to be the perfect size for LENR   Such mats are ideal
 topologies to hunt for the size of the ideal NAE structure.

  We then pump an electrostatic field on the tips of these CNTs to allow
 for charge accumulation and field emission on the tips.  The huge

Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
As I mentioned before, quantum gravity pull has a few advantages:

1)  It acts as a guiding beacon for incoming particle waves, aligning them
on the way in.

2)  If you consider the particles as waves the incoming blueshift gives you
high power right where you need it at the point of collapse.

3)  Conversely, any radiation leaving is redshifted leaving only low power
radiation to the outside observers, you and I.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 04:55 PM 8/20/2012, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

 In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sun, 19 Aug 2012 18:27:41 -0400

 That would be consistent with my suggestion below.

 I have always wondered exactly what happens to matter that is heading
 directly toward the singularity.  Doesn't time for the matter slow down due
 to the intense gravity to such a degree that it appears to stop in mid path
 at the horizon from our observation perspective?

 Well, I suppose it's too much to expect for the average Vortician to
 understand relativity.

 Time does not slow down in any inertial reference frame. Like ours. If
 matter is attracted by gravity, it accelerates according to the
 gravitational field. It will not appear to stop as it approaches any point.
 However, its velocity is limited by the speed of light. As I understand
 this, it will be sweallowed by the black hole. It will not stop at the
 event horizon. Its momentum will become part of the momentum of the black
 hole. (Momentum is conserved, and so is energy.)

 Time dilation means something else. If the matter falling in is
 radioactive, for example, with a certain half-life, as the matter is
 gravitationally accelerated, the decay rate, to us, would appear to slow
 down. As the matter approaches the speed of light, the decays we could see
 would slow toward a rate of zero.

 I don't want to make up more than that at the moment. Putting together the
 relativistic effects of gravity with those purely resulting from relative
 velocity hurts my head.

 (Time dilation is actually easy to understand, if one accepts that the
 speed of light in a vacuum is constant in all frames of reference, no
 matter what their relative velocity. It falls out easily from that.)

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
that support this bright idea? It is possible that I am not well
  informed, in this case I apologize for my ignorance.
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:45 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com
  You are describing a horny gremlin...
  On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Gang,  There has been a lot of discussion about various LENR
  lately.  In these discussions, I think a consensus is building up
  that the key to successful LENR is topology.
There has been flurry of discussions about ICCF papers that we keep
  on forgetting that ICCF results like Celani's are the old ways.
  Even if Celani perfects his technology, it would still be a far cry
  from beng commercializable.
I say we take it a notch further.  I say we moved from LENR (FP,
  Celani) to LENR+ (Rossi) to LENR2 (Carbon nanostructures).  I say we
  move from Pd and Nickel lattice to a topology that can be easily
  engineered and created.  With new capability to engineer a specific
  topology, we can create topologies of various sizes and experiment
  on them.
I am talking about carbon nanotubes to be exact.  Oxidized Carbon
  nanotubes (Carbon Nanohorns) to be specific.
Let me elaborate.
Recent studies indicate that vertically aligned CNTs can be created
  in a straightforward and repeatable process.  The diameters of these
  CNTs can be adjusted by adjusting catalyst deposition rates (Hence
  particle size), catalyst kind and many other experimental
  conditions.  SWNTs from 0.4 nm up to 100 nm  MWNTs can be easily
  synthesized on various substrates like Nickel, steel and stainless
  steel.  CNT heights up to 7 mm has been achieved.  (That's right, 7
  millimeters, not micrometers)  The tops of such CNT forest can then
  be chopped off by high temperature oxidation in air or some mild
  acid.  With that, we are left with a mat of CNTs with open tops of
  various sizes.  These open Carbon nanohorns would have a variety of
  void sizes ranging from 0.4 nm to maybe 50 nm.  With a plurarity of
  void sizes, one void ought to be the perfect size for LENR   Such
  mats are ideal topologies to hunt for the size of the ideal NAE
We then pump an electrostatic field on the tips of these CNTs to
  allow for charge accumulation and field emission on the tips.  The
  huge Charge accumulation would provide an environment where the
  Coulomb Barrier is screened.  Any H+ ion who happens to drift by
  this huge charge environment would be greatly at risk of being fused
  with a similarly screened ion.  The open voids of the Carbon
  nanohorns would further enhance such effects.This is of course
  the envronment we are aiming for based on our current understanding
  of how LENR proceeds.
When we achieve LENR/Cold fusion on such a void, it would then be a
  matter of narrowing the search for the best void size to improve
  efficiency and output.   And Carbon Nanohorns enable us to do this
  with known and repeatable processess to engineer these voids of
  specific sizes.  Carbon nanohorns give us this unprecedented
  capability that metal lattice can not afford.  Metal lattice cracks
  and voids can not be easily engineered and are quite susceptible to
  metal diffusion, metal migration, sintering and melting.  This
  complicates the search.  Carbon nanohorn voids are chemically and
  thermally stable lending itself to more repeatable experiments.  And
  the nice thing about this, is that all the parameters are adjustable
  - such as void size, CNT height, electrostatic field strength, ion
  concentration via pressure adjustments, temps etc.  Such
  environments affords us a good platform to hunt for the right voids.
Axil contends that Ed Storms introduced this idea of topology as
  key, but I say, he also recognized the huge potential of Carbon
  Nanotubes as possible NAEs.
I say we move past LENR and even LENR+ and concentrate on hunting
  for the right topology using Carbon Nanohorn mats.
PS.  In the spirit of scientific openness that gave us gremlins
  and Chameleons, I dub this new idea of mine as the Horny Theory
  of LENR
Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart

The micro black hole would begin life without momentum, so it would not
immediately zip off through the earth.

A 22 microgram black hole would not consume the earth, read up, lots of
recent studies. A micro black hole with the mass of a mountain only exerts
one gram of force on its surroundings.

It would be acted on by gravity just like any other 22 microgram particle,
such as a grain of sand.  Over time I could see these destroying most
pieces of equipment they are created in.

Yes, I could see the charge changing as it consumes different particles and
at times they might even act stable.  A micro black hole will behave just
as any other particle with mass, angular momentum and charge and at times
the charge can be neutral.

High Power at the surface will help it break up other particles -
collective energy.

All of the LHC Cern studies I referenced predicted a micro black hole would
either 1)evaporate down to stable remanants or 2) evaporate completely
almost instantly.

I realize you have been too busy profusely chatting AbdOgabble to read any
of them...

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 12:14 PM 8/21/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 As I mentioned before, quantum gravity pull has a few advantages:

 1)  It acts as a guiding beacon for incoming particle waves, aligning
 them on the way in.

 2)  If you consider the particles as waves the incoming blueshift gives
 you high power right where you need it at the point of collapse.

 3)  Conversely, any radiation leaving is redshifted leaving only low
 power radiation to the outside observers, you and I.

 That's a convenient set of assumptions.

 What high power is needed? Consider this: if a particle is in a region
 where the gravity of a black hole attracts it, so too would be attracted
 all other particles in the same region; as well, the black hole will be
 attracted to them. That is, it's unlikely that inbound accelerated
 particles will be impacting anything.

 Outbound particles (generated by what?) would be redshifted, but that is,
 from any position, a fixed shift. That is, from any position there is an
 escape velocity. If the outbound particle has less than the escape
 velocity, it will be slowed and then reversed. If it has exactly the escape
 velocity, it will indeed escape, but in the process will be slowed to a
 very low level. However, there is no limit to the level of energy of
 outbound particles, it depends on how close they are to the black hole at
 generation. Their velocity will be reduced by the escape velocity at that
 specific point.

 If the points of generation of high-energy radiation are *extremely close*
 to the black hole, then the radiation would not escape at all. However, all
 the products of the reaction, and anything else in that region, would be
 sucked in by gravity (or the hole will travel to suck them in). Mostly,
 though, the hole will be affected by the earth's gravity. It will fall
 through the material -- through any material. It cannot be contained by
 materials. If it has a charge, it may be contained by electrostatic fields,
 that's about it.

 What do you need high power for? At the point of collapse, matter
 simply falls (gravity) into the hole, it disappears. Not really, the
 hole's mass and charge and energy and momentum increase as needed for
 conservation laws. But it all gets placed at the singularity.

 That's how I'd expect a black hole to behave. Gravity would pull it out of
 the matrix, quickly, unless it was very small and the electrostatic forces
 were greater. Suppose it starts as with the conversion of a proton at a
 cubic lattice position, into the hole. Assuming no other charge, the black
 hole would prefer to remain at the same site, that's what electrostatic
 forces will do. It will behave like a proton.

 The charge will repel other protons But the thing might eat an
 electron. Charge neutral now. A proton could come along and be eaten.
 Positive charge. Same sequence. Rapidly the mass would grow, until
 gravitational forces pull the gremlin out of position and it falls through
 the lattice, eating whatever it encounters, and then through the lab table,
 the floor of the lab, and the earth.

 It could get quite massive and not leave visible holes. However ... if it
 keeps growing, there goes the planet. It was a nice idea, eh? Planet, life,
 you know. All that.

 What has not been done here is to look at details such as lifetime,
 minimum mass, etc. If a very small black hole forms, how long does it live?
 Does it live long enough to capture particles?

 It's been pointed out that this theory attempts to explain cold fusion by
 introducing another unknown phenomenon.

 It might be simpler to just say that cold fusion is caused by gremlins.
 Any kind of gremlin, except that they are very small, or operate in a
 parallel dimension, and they can do anything they choose to do, they are
 very smart, have what we think of here

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
That was just an example of a perfect sphere.  A crack or cylinder that
winds it way would of course be smaller diameter.  It was just a first pass
and did not rely on any other effects that might reduce the volume
requirements.  For example if quantum gravitation effects are higher than
predicted, it may take much less volume/mass for collapse.  I would
consider that sphere radius a maximum.

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Hmmm, you're saying that the right void radius dimension is 37.35221
 micrometers?  At first glance, that seems too large to me.

 I think a better way would be to imagine a cylinder (a nanohorn) and
 calculate the charge repulsion exerted on an H+ ion inside that cylinder
 such that if it is the right radius, the charge repulsion from the nanohorn
 walls would confine the H+ ions into a cluster in the middle or even in a
 line along the axis of the nanohorn.   This would involve calculating the
 kinetic movement of the H+ ion, it's mutual repulsion against each other
 and the charge repulsion from the nanohorn walls, based on sp2 bonded
 structure of the carbon nanohorn.
 We know that the interlayer distance of a MWNT is around 0.3 nm.  This is
 the distance that a layer would repel another layer.  So I suspect that
 this may be close to the ideal void radius with the conditions I've
 outlined in my previous post.

 I would do the calculation myself but alas, having not taken a class under
 Feynman, I don't know how to do this.  I hope those experts who are lucky
 enough to have taken a class under Feynman would know how to do this.


 - Original Message -
 *From:* ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com
 *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, August 22, 2012 2:29 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

 Just as a first pass I calculated a minimum crack/void volume if you were
 filling the crack/void with inverted Rydberg Matter and then collapsing it
 to a micro black hole...  If anybody is strange and wants to kill time like
 me you can check my calcs...

 Inverted Rydberg Matter Density 1.00E+29 ions/cm3 Hydrogen Ion Weight
 1.01E-27 kg Hydrogen Ion Weight 1.01E-24 g Planck Mass(Minimum Mass
 Required) 2.20E-02 g Number of hydrogen Ions 2.18E+22 ions Void/Crack
 Volume 2.18E-07 cm3 Void radius (spherical) 0.003735221 cm Planck Length
 1.62E-35 m Planck Length 1.6162E-33 cm Schwarzschild radius=Planck Radius
 3.26E-29 cm

 The trick is getting it to collapse upon itself.  What you have going for
 you:  Quantum Gravity, Hoop Effect, Charge across void.  Thermal
 compression of lattice as it is heating.

 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 1:45 PM, pagnu...@htdconnect.com wrote:


 This may be a good area to do further carbon-LENR experimentation.
 You can find some experimental data, albeit not exactly what you propose,
 by doing a web search on LENR carbon.

 Also, don't forget that some carbon nanostructures are excellent
 ballistic- and/or super-conductors - even at high temperatures.

 It would be interesting to know how high voltage gradients can develop at
 the tip of a carbon nano-filament.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

 Jojo Jaro wrote:
  No experimental facts yet.  I am working from a theoritical top-down
  approach.  However, I believe it shouldn't take long to get some kind of
  proof of concept, which I should be able to do when I am able to get
  back to the States.  A go or no go decision can easily be reached,
  Expected amount of investment in actual reactors is less than $100.  CVD
  equipment about $4000.  SEM and TEM around $10,000 - $20,000.  All in
  a very modest investment considering the potential benefits to
  My posts and my belief in Carbon Nanohorns structures is due to
  recognizing the prevalent shortcomings in our current experimental
  approach.  This is due to limitations of our chosen platform.  Let me
  First, we need to recognize that Topology is Key.  In essense, hunting
  for the right LENR process is essentially a hunt for the right topology.
  There are many problems with our current approach with metal lattice.
  Second, Reproducibility is very low in our experiments.  I believe this
  inherently due to the shortcomings of the metal lattice we are working
  with.  As mentioned, metal lattice have a tendency to mutate due to
  metal migration, diffusion, sintering and melting.  Hence, they are
  essentially one shot structures.   A single fusion event essentially
  destroys your NAE.  With a destroyed NAE, we can not examine what is the
  exact size and structure of that NAE that was successful.
  With Carbon Nanohorns on the other hand, a fusion event simply burns the
  top off the CNT, making it shorter but still has the right topological
  size and structure to host a subsequent fusion reaction, which it surely
  will, since it is the right size and structure.  With lengths in the 7

Re: [Vo]:Not simply a surface effect

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
I am sure some of you are already aware of this

Dissimilar metals and alloys have different electrode
potentialshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrode_potential and
when two or more come into contact in an electrolyte a galvanic couple is
set up, one metal acting as anode and the other as cathode

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 For to record ... and to correct potential disinformation.

 Excess heat as seen recently in Celani/Technova etc. is NOT simply a
 morphology effect, according to Ahern's EPRI report.

 Rather, excess heat depends on both nano-geometry and the proper alloy
 found together in the same powder.

 Unfortunately, EPRI have not yet published this report, but the experiments
 showed clearly that identical nano-geometry, in a variety of metal powders,
 have massively different thermal effects, dependent on the alloy.

 The original Copper-Nickel alloy which inspired Celani to do this recent
 work came from Ahern, and showed the excellent predicted results, much
 better than palladium, which corroborated the Romanowski paper. That paper
 was based on simulation, not experiment; and Ahern's work offered the first
 important corroboration. He chose the alloy (which was supplied by Ames
 Labs) specifically from the Romanowski data (details of which Celani
 curiously misquoted in his paper).

 BTW - with titanium-nickel alloys (both metals implicated in prior LENR
 experiments) - there was NO excess heat, despite having good nano-features.
 That pretty much tells you that it is completely incorrect to label this as
 a surface morphology effect only. Pure nano-nickel is poor, pure
 nano-palladium is poor but an alloy of 90% Pd and 10% Ni is excellent
 (though not as good as the Cu-Ni alloys). The differences are not small.

 For excess heating, according to Ahern - you must have the 2-12 nm surface
 features and you must ALSO have the proper spillover alloy, which
 essentially nailed.

 Hopefully EPRI will publish the study soon.


Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes - dangerous?

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
a few atoms missing here and there.

Now think what that will do over time to any piece of equipment or
biological process which relies on any degree of certainty and
repeatability to function.  As opposed to assuming fraud with all of these
companies I would like to believe they are all having one hell of a time
controlling the reaction and maintaining equipment once it gets started.

Collapsed matter might very well evaporate instantly releasing a burst of
energy or collapse instantly in a burst of energy down to a stable stated
known as a WIMP:

From what I read, inverted Rydberg matter is a good indication of how
reactive ultra high density or collapsed matter can be based upon Miley's
studies.  Even if it does not collapse down to the point of a micro black
hole absorbing light, it will still trigger chaos in its surroundings and
may hang around for a long time.

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 02:05 PM 8/21/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:


 The micro black hole would begin life without momentum, so it would not
 immediately zip off through the earth.

 I didn't say it would. Not immediately. If it's born very small, it will,
 every time it eats a proton, accumulate a positive charge, and every time
 it eats an electron a negative charge. Initially, charge
 attraction/repulsion effects would dominate.

  A 22 microgram black hole would not consume the earth, read up, lots of
 recent studies.

 Nah, too much work.

   A micro black hole with the mass of a mountain only exerts one gram of
 force on its surroundings.

 Ahem. A micro black hole would exert that force at what distance? Inverse
 square law, last I looked.

 The earth would not go to the mountain, so the mountain would go to the
 earth, which would exert a force equal to the weight of the mountain on
 that black hole. It would fall, with the accleration of gravity. Nothing
 could stop it. Period.

  It would be acted on by gravity just like any other 22 microgram
 particle, such as a grain of sand.  Over time I could see these destroying
 most pieces of equipment they are created in.

 Indeed. This back to the 22 microgram BH. A grain of sand will fall. The
 only way to stop it would be to charge it and repel that charge. Absent
 significant charge repulsion, this thing would likewise fall through
 whatever, leaving a tiny hole. Very tiny. I don't know the size of such a
 black hole, but the thing would pass through matter sort of like a neutron,
 if it is neutral. Unlike a neutron, it would not bounce off of stuff.

 More likely, it would have a small charge imbalance, so it would behave a
 bit like charged particle radiation, I'd expect. It would disrupt. However,
 because of its mass, it wouldn't be much diverted by atomic repulsion, the
 force is too small. It would just go straight, eating whatever it
 encounters, but, as long as it is very small, the hole* would be small. A
 few atoms missing here and there, not many. But this process would continue
 as it fell through the earth.

 This neglects evaporation of the hole, and I'm not seeing any analysis of

 The problem is gravitational attraction of the hole by the earth. Once
 that force becomes significant, the hole will travel toward the center of
 the earth.

  Yes, I could see the charge changing as it consumes different particles
 and at times they might even act stable.  A micro black hole will behave
 just as any other particle with mass, angular momentum and charge and at
 times the charge can be neutral.

 High Power at the surface will help it break up other particles -
 collective energy.

 All of the LHC Cern studies I referenced predicted a micro black hole
 would either 1)evaporate down to stable remanants or 2) evaporate
 completely almost instantly.

 I realize you have been too busy profusely chatting AbdOgabble to read
 any of them...

 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax mailto:
 a...@lomaxdesign.coma...@lomaxdesign.com wrote:
 At 12:14 PM 8/21/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:
 As I mentioned before, quantum gravity pull has a few advantages:

 1)  It acts as a guiding beacon for incoming particle waves, aligning
 them on the way in.

 2)  If you consider the particles as waves the incoming blueshift gives
 you high power right where you need it at the point of collapse.

 3)  Conversely, any radiation leaving is redshifted leaving only low
 power radiation to the outside observers, you and I.

 That's a convenient set of assumptions.

 What high power is needed? Consider this: if a particle is in a region
 where the gravity of a black hole attracts it, so too would be attracted
 all other particles in the same region; as well, the black hole will be
 attracted to them. That is, it's unlikely that inbound accelerated
 particles will be impacting anything.

 Outbound particles (generated by what?) would be redshifted, but that is,

Re: [Vo]:Dark Matter around the Sun

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
Now, read the Encyclopedia Brittanica and report back to me...We will
reserve your temporary allotment of unused bandwidth while you are occupied
and the mail servers cool down.

Hey i just found out they have an online version!

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 04:51 PM 8/21/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:


 Waiting for Abd to confirm what this is or isn't...

 Okay, I looked. I confirm that this is an article on Science 2.0,
 containing speculative interpretation of a computer model. The model was
 based on study of the motion of thousands of (stated in one paragraph) or
 more than 400 (stated in another) orange K dwarf stars in the vicinity of
 the Sun. From this, it appears to me that they inferred the total mass in
 the vicinity of the sun. The article is incoherent, parts seem
 unintelligible or self-contradictory. It's hard to find good help.

 Dark matter is a name for stuff we don't know about. The reearchers
 are reportedly saying that they are 99% confident that there is dark
 matter near the sun, but then the text manages to confuse this totally.

 Then the article explains that one of the coauthors of the study said, If
 dark matter is a fundamental particle, billions of these particles will
 have passed through your body by the time your finish reading this article.

 What if I'm a speed reader? What if I'm not reading the article? What if
 I'm so offended by your finish reading that I never finish, I pass away
 in a fit of grammar frenzy? Ah, what if dark matter is really tiny so that
 there are trillions and trillions of them. However, quoting the same
 source, we are told:

 Knowing the local properties of dark matter is the key to revealing just
 what kind of particle it consists of.

 I couldn't have guessed that knowing the properties of a thing would help
 reveal what it is.

 It *really is hard* to find good help.

 Next question?

Re: [Vo]:Stronghold argument and Feynman (was:Feynman on the Papp engine and explosion)

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart
I wonder how many pops it takes to knock out enough brain cell atoms so
that you either forget why you bought the popper or at a minimum start
acting like Rossi...Wierd Science.

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, wrote:

 In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Tue, 21 Aug 2012 11:31:18
 I don't think anyone knows what the reaction is, if it's real. The
 work has not been done. However, Bob Rohner demonstrated his popper
 behind that glass. He doesn't use it in his own shop/lab, see the
 video. The popper is highly unlikely to explode, unless one runs it
 outside the known safe envelope.
 If someone is building the Plasmerg popper, I'd suggest building it
 so that if a reaction results in unexpectedly high pressure, it will
 fail in a specific way, such as blowing a large relief valve. If the
 piston is plastic, score the plastic so that high pressure will blow
 the side off the piston in a certain direction, away from the
 operator/observer. It's not likely.

 Isn't there a balloon attached to the end of the popper? (Which would
 automatically function as a safety valve).

 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Stronghold argument and Feynman (was:Feynman on the Papp engine and explosion)

2012-08-21 Thread ChemE Stewart

I size pressure safety relief devices all the time.  Typically you select a
PSV relief orifice size to handle the maximum instantaneous relief flow
required to keep the vessel with 10% of its ASME design pressure.  You
usually do not let the device/vessel crack or explode.  In deflagration
events you sometimes will design an explosion hatch (like on a grain silo)
or enclosed tank with volatile gasses to prevent complete vessel failure,
shrapnel and high replacement costs

Of course if you are dealing with an unknown, somewhat uncontrollabe
nuclear type reaction it will be virtually impossible to size a relief
device to insure safety until the reaction kinetics are understood.

On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 09:23 PM 8/21/2012, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

  Isn't there a balloon attached to the end of the popper? (Which would
 automatically function as a safety valve).

 No, if there really were a rapid increase in pressure, rapid enough, the
 balloon fitting would not pass the gas fast enough and the cylinder could
 rupture, pieces flying. That's why I suggested, in one post, scoring the
 cylinder so that it would break in a predictable way, immediately relieving
 the pressure and sending a large piece in particular direction.

 Just an idea.

Re: [Vo]:Stronghold argument and Feynman (was:Feynman on the Papp engine and explosion)

2012-08-22 Thread ChemE Stewart

I agree.  I have the best hope for these reaction(s).  They need to be
understood before products hit the market to insure public safety.  At
times they appear safe, at other times I am not so sure.

On Wednesday, August 22, 2012, David Roberson wrote:

 Let's hope that this does not come to pass.  I would rather find out that
 the device operates with more or less standard physics instead of something

  -Original Message-
 From: ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 Sent: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 10:39 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Stronghold argument and Feynman (was:Feynman on the Papp
 engine and explosion)

  I wonder how many pops it takes to knock out enough brain cell atoms so
 that you either forget why you bought the popper or at a minimum start
 acting like Rossi...Wierd Science.

 On Tuesday, August 21, 2012, wrote:

 In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Tue, 21 Aug 2012 11:31:18
 I don't think anyone knows what the reaction is, if it's real. The
 work has not been done. However, Bob Rohner demonstrated his popper
 behind that glass. He doesn't use it in his own shop/lab, see the
 video. The popper is highly unlikely to explode, unless one runs it
 outside the known safe envelope.
 If someone is building the Plasmerg popper, I'd suggest building it
 so that if a reaction results in unexpectedly high pressure, it will
 fail in a specific way, such as blowing a large relief valve. If the
 piston is plastic, score the plastic so that high pressure will blow
 the side off the piston in a certain direction, away from the
 operator/observer. It's not likely.

 Isn't there a balloon attached to the end of the popper? (Which would
 automatically function as a safety valve).

 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Dark Matter around the Sun

2012-08-22 Thread ChemE Stewart
You Da Man!

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 At 09:34 PM 8/21/2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 Now, read the Encyclopedia Brittanica and report back to me...We will
 reserve your temporary allotment of unused bandwidth while you are occupied
 and the mail servers cool down.

 Done. Whew! Now, what do you wish a report on?

Re: [Vo]:IRH = DDL = Dark Matter

2012-08-23 Thread ChemE Stewart

I agree.  I believe this reaction starts with a collapse of matter
compressed within a crack or void.  As in the macro scale universe, the
degree of collapse may vary all the way down to a micro black hole, which
is the extreme case.  Any collapse should be instantly followed by a burst
of energy, as observed.

It makes sense that Rydberg or inverted Rydberg matter should be more
reactive since you can cram more mass into a given size void due to its
ultra-high densities.

Add electrical charge, compression and the repulsion from the walls of the
crack/void and you get the correct environment for a further collapse of

If the collapsed matter hangs around it should have extreme localized
blue-shifted radiation near it's surface to trigger fission and fusion
events with other atoms near its surface.  It may or may not evaporate
completely and in my opinion would be a bad actor if it hangs around.

It would also create magnified quantum mechanical/uncertainty events in its
surroundings if it does hang around and behave like a super atom.

On Wednesday, August 22, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 The Rice/Kim paper below gives a pretty good introduction to the DDL or
 Dirac Layer (put forth by Maly and Va'vra in Fusion Technology). Rice/Kim
 al make a valiant effort to disprove, or at least cast doubt on the reality
 of the DDL, but the underlying assumptions in eq. 9,10,11 have problems of
 their own.


 Curiously Rice/Kim et al do not mention Miley  Holmlid's conception of
 or Inverted Rydberg Hydrogen. But they do mention Mills conception of
 redundant ground states, but not accurately.

 At any rate - the main point of all this is the similarity of Mills, Miley
 Holmlid and Maly  Va'vra - at least when all of their suggestions are
 together and mashed, so to speak; making a putative case for the identity
 so-called dark matter. Perhaps one must cherry-pick amongst them to get the
 best details, but there seems to be something very intuitive in this
 correlation of dense-hydrogen to dark matter.

 All of them, and Mills is first in the chronology IIRC, suggest that this
 dense state of hydrogen can be the ash of reactions such as those which
 occur in the corona of our sun and most other starts, and which the end
 product consists of tightly bound hydrogen atoms with an extremely tight
 orbital. This has appeal in being the best way to account for the missing
 mass (dark matter) of the universe, since that mass is really nothing new
 all, but is in effect another form of hydrogen. The electron orbit radius
 the DDL is only ~ 5 fm.

 I mention this today since the group has been graced by the presence of the
 honorable Mark Gibbs, who may be looking for every science journalist's
 dream story - to not just report the little incremental advances in science
 - but to pick a winner of major importance and deep significance.  A game


Re: [Vo]:IRH = DDL = Dark Matter

2012-08-23 Thread ChemE Stewart
Gremlins come in different colors:

Brown dwarf ~  Brown Gremlin
White dwarf ~   White Gremiln
Black hole ~.Black Gremlin
Micro black hole ~ Invisible Gremlin

The smaller they are the more elusive and more trouble they cause in their

On Thursday, August 23, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:


 I agree.  I believe this reaction starts with a collapse of matter
 compressed within a crack or void.  As in the macro scale universe, the
 degree of collapse may vary all the way down to a micro black hole, which
 is the extreme case.  Any collapse should be instantly followed by a burst
 of energy, as observed.

 It makes sense that Rydberg or inverted Rydberg matter should be more
 reactive since you can cram more mass into a given size void due to its
 ultra-high densities.

 Add electrical charge, compression and the repulsion from the walls of the
 crack/void and you get the correct environment for a further collapse of

 If the collapsed matter hangs around it should have extreme localized
 blue-shifted radiation near it's surface to trigger fission and fusion
 events with other atoms near its surface.  It may or may not evaporate
 completely and in my opinion would be a bad actor if it hangs around.

 It would also create magnified quantum mechanical/uncertainty events in
 its surroundings if it does hang around and behave like a super atom.

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 The Rice/Kim paper below gives a pretty good introduction to the DDL or
 Dirac Layer (put forth by Maly and Va'vra in Fusion Technology). Rice/Kim
 al make a valiant effort to disprove, or at least cast doubt on the
 of the DDL, but the underlying assumptions in eq. 9,10,11 have problems of
 their own.


 Curiously Rice/Kim et al do not mention Miley  Holmlid's conception of
 or Inverted Rydberg Hydrogen. But they do mention Mills conception of
 redundant ground states, but not accurately.

 At any rate - the main point of all this is the similarity of Mills,
 Holmlid and Maly  Va'vra - at least when all of their suggestions are
 together and mashed, so to speak; making a putative case for the identity
 so-called dark matter. Perhaps one must cherry-pick amongst them to get
 best details, but there seems to be something very intuitive in this
 correlation of dense-hydrogen to dark matter.

 All of them, and Mills is first in the chronology IIRC, suggest that this
 dense state of hydrogen can be the ash of reactions such as those which
 occur in the corona of our sun and most other starts, and which the end
 product consists of tightly bound hydrogen atoms with an extremely tight
 orbital. This has appeal in being the best way to account for the missing
 mass (dark matter) of the universe, since that mass is really nothing new
 all, but is in effect another form of hydrogen. The electron orbit radius
 the DDL is only ~ 5 fm.

 I mention this today since the group has been graced by the presence of
 honorable Mark Gibbs, who may be looking for every science journalist's
 dream story - to not just report the little incremental advances in
 - but to pick a winner of major importance and deep significance.  A game


Re: [Vo]:IRH = DDL = Dark Matter

2012-08-23 Thread ChemE Stewart
I will also suggest that the dark matter around the sun  is consuming
hydrogen and radiating heat at up to 5.6×1032K
Dark Matter = Dark Gremlin
They come in different shades and sizes.
On earth as near the sun, best to feed them a steady diet of hydrogen else
you will end up with a mess of fission and fusion products along with
quantum goo
On Thursday, August 23, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 Gremlins come in different colors:

 Brown dwarf ~  Brown Gremlin
 White dwarf ~   White Gremiln
 Black hole ~.Black Gremlin
 Micro black hole ~ Invisible Gremlin

 The smaller they are the more elusive and more trouble they cause in their

 On Thursday, August 23, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:


 I agree.  I believe this reaction starts with a collapse of matter
 compressed within a crack or void.  As in the macro scale universe, the
 degree of collapse may vary all the way down to a micro black hole, which
 is the extreme case.  Any collapse should be instantly followed by a burst
 of energy, as observed.

 It makes sense that Rydberg or inverted Rydberg matter should be more
 reactive since you can cram more mass into a given size void due to its
 ultra-high densities.

 Add electrical charge, compression and the repulsion from the walls of
 the crack/void and you get the correct environment for a further collapse
 of matter.

 If the collapsed matter hangs around it should have extreme localized
 blue-shifted radiation near it's surface to trigger fission and fusion
 events with other atoms near its surface.  It may or may not evaporate
 completely and in my opinion would be a bad actor if it hangs around.

 It would also create magnified quantum mechanical/uncertainty events in
 its surroundings if it does hang around and behave like a super atom.

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 The Rice/Kim paper below gives a pretty good introduction to the DDL or
 Dirac Layer (put forth by Maly and Va'vra in Fusion Technology).
 Rice/Kim et
 al make a valiant effort to disprove, or at least cast doubt on the
 of the DDL, but the underlying assumptions in eq. 9,10,11 have problems
 their own.


 Curiously Rice/Kim et al do not mention Miley  Holmlid's conception of
 or Inverted Rydberg Hydrogen. But they do mention Mills conception of
 redundant ground states, but not accurately.

 At any rate - the main point of all this is the similarity of Mills,
 Holmlid and Maly  Va'vra - at least when all of their suggestions are
 together and mashed, so to speak; making a putative case for the
 identity of
 so-called dark matter. Perhaps one must cherry-pick amongst them to get
 best details, but there seems to be something very intuitive in this
 correlation of dense-hydrogen to dark matter.

 All of them, and Mills is first in the chronology IIRC, suggest that this
 dense state of hydrogen can be the ash of reactions such as those which
 occur in the corona of our sun and most other starts, and which the end
 product consists of tightly bound hydrogen atoms with an extremely tight
 orbital. This has appeal in being the best way to account for the missing
 mass (dark matter) of the universe, since that mass is really nothing
 new at
 all, but is in effect another form of hydrogen. The electron orbit
 radius of
 the DDL is only ~ 5 fm.

 I mention this today since the group has been graced by the presence of
 honorable Mark Gibbs, who may be looking for every science journalist's
 dream story - to not just report the little incremental advances in
 - but to pick a winner of major importance and deep significance.  A game


Re: [Vo]:Miley, et al - 62M Neutrons within 5 minutes -- Fully reproducible

2012-08-23 Thread ChemE Stewart

Agreed.  So far I have just been revising my document as I go instead of
posting new announcements, etc.  I am very new to blogging. I also cannot
figure out how to automatically add a signature/link to my blog
automatically to the bottom of my Gmail emails.  I am boldfacing any
changes to my document as I go with each revision.  I am on revision 11 and
have made 25 predictions based upon my theory.

In the CMNS newsgroup the largest opposition has been to my humor.  Their
is some consensus on differing degrees of collapsed states of matter due
to DDL, hydrinos, Rydberg, etc but there are also plenty of fusion related


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:43 AM, James Bowery jabow...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 4:44 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am thinking about a new newsgroup for Evaporative Matter Nuclear

 To help increase the signal-to-noise ratio of your contributions to
 vortex-l I suggest you post here in two modes:

 1) As a regular participant but with your signature hyperlinking to your
 best explanation of your gremlin theory AND hyperlinking to your

 2) As an _occasional_ poster on significant advances/changes in the
 content of your current best explanation of your gremlin theory.

Re: [Vo]:Giovanni Caproni compared to Rossi

2012-08-23 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree with Jed on safety.  In the US these devices would need to pass
ASME, NFPA,  OSHA,  UL certifications as well as NRC guidelines which I
have no familiarity with but I am sure will apply based upon the
preliminary results DGT is showing of transmutations, low level radiation,
heat  operating pressures and temperatures.

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.com wrote:

 James Bowery has it wrong. I am not actually making fun of Caproni and his
 Ca-60 Transaereo. This was tragic case. Caproni was a gifted aircraft
 designer. During WWI he made over 400 heavy bombers; the largest aircraft
 outside of Russia. The biggest one was the Ca-43 triplane, 7 tons, 100 foot
 wingspan. The thing is, with the Ca-60 he overreached. He did not know his
 own limitations, or the limitations of the technology in 1918. As Bill
 Yenne wrote: It was a true case of an airplane company that clearly should
 have known better . . .

 There is a lesson here, and in other grandiose projects such as IBM's
 ill-fated Future Systems initiative in the 1970s. Don't overreach!

 Andre Blum andre_vor...@blums.nl wrote:

 Where you say: equally close to commercialization, this of course is
 not true. The 1 MW reactor is for sale now and has industrial certification.

 I did not know it has industrial certification. I regard this as
 gross negligence on the part of the authorities who issued the certificate.
 I would not *think* of certifying that machine without 10,000 hours of
 intense testing in several different independent safety labs. I think it is
 lunacy to start using a nuclear fusion reactor that works by unknown
 principles without first testing it extensively.

 Anyway, the fact that it is for sale does not mean much, because evidently
 no one has bought it.

 (unless -- the usual caveat -- it is all a lie.

 Even if it is the truth, I regard this product as a useless white elephant
 that no sane customer would buy except to reverse engineer.

 The comparision with the Caproni Ca-60 Transaereo is unfair. That was an
 early attempt to scale up a working product.

 It was an inept attempt. Totally hopeless. It contributed nothing to
 progress in aviation.

 If it had been done by amateurs it would be forgivable, but Caproni and
 his colleagues at the company had a track record of success. They were
 experts. They built 400 successful airplanes! Aviation was advanced enough
 by 1918 that any expert should have been able to look at that design and
 see it would not work.

 Rossi's attempt to scale up did not fail, too. It is a pretty sound, safe
 and useful idea to scale up energy devices by running my of them in

 I disagree!

 This idea helped him to (1) lend more credibility to his invention; . . .

 How can that be?!? No one has any idea whether the thing actually worked
 or not! He did not allow anyone to make independent measurements. For all
 we know it was a lot of noise and hot water from the generator.

 (2) come up with a useful product for the market which can be tapped
 soonest, because of lighter certification requirements.

 This is about as far from a useful product as the Ca-60 Transaereo was.
 Lighter certification for any cold fusion device would 9,800 hours of
 intense testing in 50 laboratories, instead of 10,000 hours in 60

 In my opinion we should not even consider using cold fusion for commercial
 or practical purposes before we are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN it can be fully
 controlled, and it does not produce dangerous radiation. Not at start up,
 not in an accident, not ever. Until that has been PROVED by hundreds of
 experts it would be crazy to sell reactors. What will happen if a reactor
 blows up, or irradiates someone? It could set back the field for years. An
 accident might even lead overzealous regulators and people opposed to
 technology to ban the use of cold fusion. And for what?!? What possible
 benefit could there be to selling the thing now? If Rossi needs money, I am
 sure I could raise a hundred million dollars for him practically overnight.
 All he has to do is start acting like a sane businessman.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-23 Thread ChemE Stewart

On Thursday, August 23, 2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Does anyone have access to this paper?

 Charge screening effect in metallic carbon nanotubes.

 I think this paper may hold the key to engineering the right size carbon


Re: [Vo]:video: An Explanation of Low-energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold Fusion) by Edmund Storms

2012-08-24 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree with Frank.

I will only add that a local STRONG QUANTUM GRAVITATIONAL FORCE can also
red-shift any energy that escapes its grasp, resulting in weak radiation to
outside observers.  It also has the advantage of creating collective, high
energy blue-shifted radiation near the SOURCE of quantum gravity that can
take down local coulomb barriers of atoms that happen by.

This is number 7 on my list of predictions from revision 12 of my theory.


On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:57 AM, fznidar...@aol.com wrote:

 Ed's theory can not explain the lack of radiation.  The ONLY way a nuclear
 reaction can proceed without producing radiation is in the case where the
 range of the strong nuclear force exceeds that of the coulombic.

  Ed start by assuming that the range of the force fields is not a
 conserved property.

  Frank Znidarsic

 -Original Message-
 From: Ruby r...@hush.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Fri, Aug 24, 2012 12:40 am
 Subject: [Vo]:video: An Explanation of Low-energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold
 Fusion) by Edmund Storms

 I have uploaded an interview with Edmund Storms on his new theory of what
 starts the cold fusion reaction.


 I'll be on the road, in my truck, headed to the Bay area (San Francisco
 California region for you non-left-coasters) for another interview, then up
 to Humboldt County to visit my storage unit (next to Hiro's), camp out in
 the Redwoods and edit lots more video.

 As such, I won't be monitoring comments on Cold Fusion Now, and I'm going
 to send any individuals interested in discussing the work here to this
 thread.  Is that illegal on Vortex?

 I am having alot of fun making these videos.
 Especially now that I've discovered the Zoom text on iMovie.


 Ruby Carat

 United States 1-707-616-4894
 Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:If You Liked Segway

2012-08-24 Thread ChemE Stewart
I guess even though it might me simpler just having three wheels, a
tricycle will not attract babes like at the end of the video...

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:14 PM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 You will love Lit:


 albeit, a bit more expensive.



Re: [Vo]:ECAT Model with Interesting Correlations

2012-08-24 Thread ChemE Stewart

I started my career with Honeywell in industrial controls so I understand
your viewpoint and agree.

The bugger becomes that if this reaction is triggering local fission,
fusion and high temperature chemical events (as it appears to be from a
wide range of data)  it will most likely degrade and collapse over time any
lattice material/matter within its local environment.  Thus the RELIABILITY
and STABILITY issue.  I predict any local collapse within a
void/crack/lattice may instantly shift the reactions to a new thermodynamic
equilibrium point.  I am not sure there is ANY material in the universe
that can withstand this combination of reactions over time.

If the energy source happens to be related to collapsed matter we should
learn from nature, isolate it within magnetic and gravitational fields and
feed it a steady dose of hydrogen and you will get a steady source of high
temperature red-shifted black-body type radiation out.  Sounds easy..


On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 1:27 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com wrote:

 OK, I played a bit more with the model to see if this sort of behavior was
 demonstrated.  Actually it was relatively easy to incorporate a mechanism
 that did the trick.

 I reviewed the picture of the Rossi test cylinder and realized that the
 surface of the device was radiating the heat that was being generated
 within.  This implied a forth order energy release mechanism due to the
 blackbody radiation equation.  I added a heat energy sink that absorbed the
 output in proportion to the forth power of the absolute temperature and
 adjusted the second order term that I had established earlier in the model
 to compensate for interaction and things got interesting.

 First of all, there remains performance as before where a well defined
 self sustaining temperature is reached.  If the drive is of my original
 description, where the temperature is driven to within 90 % of the critical
 run away value, then it can be totally controlled by duty cycle of the
 drive mechanism.  This makes perfect sense since operation is below the
 critical region.

 If the input is allowed to remain for long enough in the drive mode, the
 device temperature will reach the self sustaining trigger point.  From this
 point onward, the output heat energy increases exponentially due to the
 positive feedback that we are so familiar with until an output level is
 reached that remains stationary.  The stationary level is established at
 the temperature where the forth order radiation energy sink exactly matches
 the second order (in this model) energy release source.  Of course the
 drive signal is taken away at some point in the procedure just to
 demonstrate that the device operates in a self sustaining mode.  This
 effect is consistent with the real world ECAT as described by Rossi.

 So, to design a device such as the ECAT, one needs to have a curve that
 defines the internally generated heat energy as a function of the device
 temperature.  He then must establish an operating temperature such as 1000
 C that is determined by the requirements for the unit.   At this time, the
 blackbody radiation rules will lead to a calculatible energy density being
 removed from the surface.  Next, you adjust the surface area that is to be
 set at 1000 C by working on the dimensions of the device until a match is
 achieved.  I believe that this process could be used to establish the
 amount of active material that contributes to the desired energy release.
 One could adjust the inside hole dimensions as a method of reducing the
 nickel mixture until exactly the correct amount of material is reached.  A
 secondary use for the hole is to allow introduction of gas heating to
 initialize the reaction.

 Please recall that my model is very speculative and an interesting
 exercise.  I do not imply that it is accurate in any way, but the
 correlation to the real world behavior of ECAT devices might have


  -Original Message-
 From: Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 9:07 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:ECAT Model with Interesting Correlations

  Nice model Dave.

 Now, try it if the output temperature remains steady at 1200C as Rossi
 claims.  This implies very little positive feedback.  What COP would he


 - Original Message -
 *From:* David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com
 *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Friday, August 24, 2012 7:54 AM
 *Subject:* [Vo]:ECAT Model with Interesting Correlations

  I have been fiddling with one of my models of the ECAT and just wanted
 to let the group have a peek.   Rossi has been active on his journal and
 suggested that his device has certain characteristics which my model tends
 to support.  It should be noted that any model of Rossi's device is going
 to be lacking at this point in time since very little reliable information
 is available.


Re: [Vo]:IRH = DDL = Dark Matter

2012-08-24 Thread ChemE Stewart
It depends upon your calculation of the strength of quantum gravity and the
number of additional dimensions of spacetime it acts upon.  The
blue-shifted collective radiation surrounding the surface of the collapsed
matter will be more than enough to take down a nearby coulomb barrier.  A
22 microgram black hole is predicted to have a local temperature as high
as  5.6×1032 K .  It only takes 40 million degrees to trigger fusion, not a
problem for one of these guys.

You definitely would not want to lock horns with one of these buggers if
they do not evaporate completely.

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:36 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

 In reply to  ChemE Stewart's message of Thu, 23 Aug 2012 09:22:57 -0400:
 Gremlins come in different colors:
 Brown dwarf ~  Brown Gremlin
 White dwarf ~   White Gremiln
 Black hole ~.Black Gremlin
 Micro black hole ~ Invisible Gremlin
 The smaller they are the more elusive and more trouble they cause in their

 For the gravitational field of an Invisible Gremlin with a single positive
 charge to be strong enough to attract another proton against the repulsive
 Coulomb force, it would need to have a mass in excess of 2 billion kg.
 Such a
 gremlin would have a Schwarzschild radius = 3E-3 fm (hundreds of times
 than a proton), exerting a pressure of

 2 billion kgf / Pi*SR^2 = 1E41 psi on the containment.

 Perhaps needless to say, it's going to be impossible to hang on to one.


 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:video: An Explanation of Low-energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold Fusion) by Edmund Storms

2012-08-24 Thread ChemE Stewart
Great, and how much of the environment did we just irradiate with high
level gammas?

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:55 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

 In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Fri, 24 Aug 2012 02:13:37 -0400:
  The Nuclear reactions that ED Storms thinks is happening is not
 to what Rossi and Piantelli see as nuclear reaction products. These
 reaction products include copper, cobalt, zinc, iron, calcium, and so on,
 together with a mix of the first 19 of the lightest elements.
 Yes, Rossi's info is questionable by Piantelli info is solid.
 PS: a top of the line presentation.

 1H+1H+58Ni = 60Zn + 8.538 MeV
 1H+1H+58Ni = 59Cu + 1H + 3.419 MeV
 1H+1H+58Ni = 56Ni + 4He + 5.829 MeV
 1H+1H+58Ni = 32S + 28Si + 1.859 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 62Zn + 11.277 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 61Cu + 1H + 4.801 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 58Ni + 4He + 7.909 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 4He + 4He + 54Fe + 1.417 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 50Cr + 12C + 0.365 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 32S + 30Si + 0.555 MeV
 1H+1H+60Ni = 34S + 28Si + 1.530 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 62Zn + n + 3.457 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 63Zn + 12.570 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 62Cu + 1H + 5.866 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 59Ni + 4He + 9.088 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 4He + 4He + 55Fe + 2.895 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 51Cr + 12C + 1.806 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 47Ti + 16O + 0.026 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 33S + 30Si + 1.376 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 34S + 29Si + 2.184 MeV
 1H+1H+61Ni = 35S + 28Si + 0.696 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 63Zn + n + 1.974 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 64Zn + 13.835 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 63Cu + 1H + 6.122 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 60Ni + 4He + 9.879 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 4He + 4He + 56Fe + 3.495 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 52Cr + 12C + 3.249 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 48Ti + 16O + 1.057 MeV
 1H+1H+62Ni = 34S + 30Si + 2.197 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 65Zn + n + 5.319 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 66Zn + 16.378 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 65Cu + 1H + 7.453 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 62Ni + 4He + 11.800 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 4He + 4He + 58Fe + 4.690 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 54Cr + 12C + 4.411 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 50Ti + 16O + 3.642 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 34S + 32Si + 1.491 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 36S + 30Si + 2.576 MeV
 1H+1H+64Ni = 33P + 33P + 0.154 MeV


 Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:It's fission

2012-08-24 Thread ChemE Stewart
micro black holes have a balding phase like I did at age 40

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:32 PM, Harry Veeder hveeder...@gmail.com
  encrusted protons?

 Hairy protons, Harry.  Shaved for energy.


Re: [Vo]:It's fission

2012-08-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
Nuclear fusion-fission hybrid

In contrast to current commercial fission reactors, hybrid reactors
potentially demonstrate what is considered inherently
safehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inherently_safe behavior
because they remain deeply
subcriticalhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subcritical under
all conditions and decay heat removal is possible via passive mechanisms.
The fission is driven by neutrons provided by fusion ignition events, and
is consequently not self-sustaining. If the fusion process is deliberately
shut off or the process is disrupted by a mechanical failure, the fission damps
out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damping and stops nearly instantly.


On Saturday, August 25, 2012, Harry Veeder wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Terry Blanton 
  On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 9:32 PM, Harry Veeder 
  encrusted protons?
  Hairy protons, Harry.  Shaved for energy.

 things you can do with a beard


Re: [Vo]:It's fission

2012-08-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
*Two-stage thermonuclear
* are essentially a chain of fusion-boosted fission weapons...

On Saturday, August 25, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:16 AM, ChemE Stewart 
  Nuclear fusion-fission hybrid

 Didn't we make a bomb like that?


Re: [Vo]:It's fission

2012-08-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
Latest photo of Rossi fat_cat_man...


On Saturday, August 25, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:43 AM, ChemE Stewart 
  Two-stage thermonuclear weapons are essentially a chain of fusion-boosted
  fission weapons...

 Hybrid cars are essentially electrically-boosted gasoline vehicles.

 I think of thermonukes as fission-triggered fusion weapons, at least
 in the Teller-Ulam design.  Who knows what's really out there.


Re: [Vo]:It's fission

2012-08-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
If anybody asks that is a fan on the back blowing the heat away.

He is still working on some stability  criticality issues...

On Saturday, August 25, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 Latest photo of Rossi fat_cat_man...


 On Saturday, August 25, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:43 AM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com
  Two-stage thermonuclear weapons are essentially a chain of
  fission weapons...

 Hybrid cars are essentially electrically-boosted gasoline vehicles.

 I think of thermonukes as fission-triggered fusion weapons, at least
 in the Teller-Ulam design.  Who knows what's really out there.


Re: [Vo]:It's fission

2012-08-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
So the plasma engine is a rail gun?


On Saturday, August 25, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 If anybody asks that is a fan on the back blowing the heat away.

 He is still working on some stability  criticality issues...

 On Saturday, August 25, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 Latest photo of Rossi fat_cat_man...


 On Saturday, August 25, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 7:43 AM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com
  Two-stage thermonuclear weapons are essentially a chain of
  fission weapons...

 Hybrid cars are essentially electrically-boosted gasoline vehicles.

 I think of thermonukes as fission-triggered fusion weapons, at least
 in the Teller-Ulam design.  Who knows what's really out there.


Re: [Vo]:Superatoms

2012-08-26 Thread ChemE Stewart
Hey, if you can build superatoms why not make the collapse and explode,
 triggering secondary fusion and fission reactions.  I'm just say'n...

*Form Of Matter Shows Ability To Collapse  Explode*

Led by CU-Boulder Distinguished Physics Professor Carl Wieman and NIST
Senior Scientist Eric Cornell, the team created a material that shared a
quantum state and behaved like a single superatom.
JILA is a joint institute of CU-Boulder and NIST headquartered on campus.
By tinkering with the magnetic fields, the researchers have been able to
shrink the condensate, which is followed by a tiny explosion -- similar in
some ways to a microscopic supernova explosion and which Wieman's team has
dubbed a Bosenova. About half of the original atoms appear to vanish
during the process, he said.

He said Donley and the team have been able to thoroughly investigate the
condensate behavior when the interactions suddenly are changed from being
repulsive to strongly attractive. This is a particularly interesting
regime because the physics equations that describe the condensate do not
have stable solutions under these conditions, said Wieman.

He likened the situation to the way the equations of gravity cannot be
solved under the conditions where the gravitational attraction is so large
that a black hole can form. In this paper, we report the first
measurements of what happens to a condensate when the interactions suddenly
are made attractive.

The unexpected behavior included parts of the condensate shrinking down
into small clumps and a sudden explosion of atoms flying out of the
condensate, spewing more energy in one direction than another. Other
observations included a fraction of the atoms simply disappearing from
sight and a small, quivering condensate left behind as a result of the
collapse, he said.

On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 Gold can come in many colors. Since ancient times, glass artists and
 alchemists alike have known how to grind the metal into fine particles that
 would take on hues such as red or mauve. Carbon nanotubes are the same,
 different sizes shade water in different colors.

 At scales even smaller, clusters of just a few dozen atoms display even
 more outlandish behavior. Gold and other transition metals when combined
 with certain other atoms often tend to aggregate in specific numbers and
 highly symmetrical geometries, and sometimes these clusters can mimic the
 chemistry of single atoms of a completely different element. They become,
 as some researchers say, superatoms.

 Recently researchers have reported successes in creating new superatoms
 and deciphering their structures. In certain conditions, even familiar
 molecules such as buckyballs--the soccer-ball-shaped cages made of 60
 carbon atoms—can unexpectedly turn into superatoms.

 Today at the cutting edge of science, researchers are already studying how
 superatoms bind to each other and to organic molecules. Tracking superatoms
 can help researchers learn how biological molecules move inside cells and
 tissues, or determine the structure of those molecules precisely using
 electron microscopes.

 And by assembling superatoms of elements such as gold, carbon, aluminum,
 titanium and tungsten researchers may soon be able to create entirely new
 materials. Such materials could store hydrogen fuel in solid form at room
 temperature, make more powerful rocket fuels or lead to computer chips with
 molecule-sized features.

 Designer materials made of superatoms could have combinations of
 physical properties that don't exist in nature. As Kit Bowen, a chemical
 physicist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, puts it, it's as if you
 felt like eating something hot and something cold at the same time, and
 could have it both ways. Like a hot-fudge sundae.

 Small numbers of atoms often form structures as symmetrical, and almost as
 intricate, as those of snowflakes. But while no two snowflakes, even if
 they have the same number of water molecules, are identical, a small,
 specific number of atoms of the same element typically will assemble into
 the same, specific shape. The quintessential example is how 60 carbon atoms
 form buckyballs.

 The strange behavior of atoms in small groupings has been known for a long
 time, though only recently have scientists begun to understand it in

 The whole idea is that small is different, The physical properties of a
 material, such as hardness and color, are the same for a l-pound lump of
 the stuff as they are for a 100-ton chunk. But when you get to specks made
 of a few million atoms or less, properties usually begin to change.

 *A job for superatoms*

 For larger clusters, it's not always clear when atoms will aggregate into
 regular structures or into shapeless blobs with any number of atoms.

 For example, in clusters of gold atoms each cluster member donates an
 electron to the cluster, just as inside 

Re: [Vo]:Superatoms

2012-08-26 Thread ChemE Stewart

I like your description.  I liken it to a hot condensate under extreme
pressure and temperature within a void) If you relieve pressure quickly
(structural failure of the lattice containing it) it might flash matter
to achieve a new equilibrium.  Just food for thought.

On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

   Before getting too worked up over the superatom, remember that it may
 be a good metaphor for energy gain in condensed matter systems – but the
 superatom simply cannot be involved in the Rohner scam. 

 ** **

 BTW - even Stirling Allan is covering his backside on this scam and
 apparently now believes that the “pop” effect is due to strong eddy
 repulsion in a hidden aluminum ring. The plastic piston does not work
 without the ring, and you get the same pop without or without the special
 gas. Clever showmanship, but not gainful.

 ** **

 Anyway – moving on to real physical anomalies – in order to create the
 required BEC phenomenon, these researchers cooled atoms to what is
 essentially absolute zero, and saw the lowest temperature ever achieved.**

 ** **

 If they could have done it at higher temperature, they would have. 

 ** **

 It is also worth noting, in looking for correlates in the real world of
 energy systems, that although each hydrogen atom has spin ½, when they are
 a bound-pair in a Casimir cavity, they can act as a composite boson. Other
 factors in quantum magnetic alignment would indicate that a bound pair of
 protons is much easier to take to a “bosenova” state. IIRC, we on vortex
 coined that neologism long before these guys. Check the archives.

 ** **

 Having said that – it is worth mentioning again in this context - the
 concept of “comperature” (introduced by F. Grimer). Comperature is a single
 variable which is an amalgam of pressure and temperature at the atomic
 level. These two properties should not be separated in the practical sense,
 as Boyle observed many years ago – and perhaps they cannot be truly
 separated at all.

 ** **

 Hydrogen, which has been captured in the Casimir pores of a ferromagnetic
 metal at ambient - can experience the equivalent of absolute zero by having
 high effective over-voltage which is the same as extreme compression. At a
 loading of 1:1 in a metal matrix, the effective pressure is well over
 10,000 bar, and the comperature would have an effective temperature
 equivalent to near absolute zero, even at ambient ‘normal’ temperature. It
 is not known how high the normal temperature can go to maintain Bose
 statistics in the bound and aligned pair.

 ** **



2012-08-26 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree,  just one micro void collapse triggering a flash of ultra hot
radiation as the condensate restabilizes or evaporates completely.  The
more voids of the correct size the more the effect is seen.

The up pumping  could be the added energy from quantum scale gravity
further collapsing the Rydberg or other condensed matter in the void until
their is a local void collapse to release the energy.

 We use gravity in the macro world as a pump for power generation, why
not quantum gravity.  In the macro world anytime you pump pressurized, hot
condensate through an orifice you will flash heat on the low pressure side.
 The hot BEC/super atoms/matter might be flashing matter to
radiation(hawking or similar) whenever the hot, compressed and collapsed
BEC condensate within the enclosed void sees a drop in pressure/temp

In order to trigger fusion you need intense radiation/heat in the millions
of degrees.  Evaporation of collapsed  matter is one of the only ways of
getting you there...


On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

  Yes, Stewart – good point - and it does not have to be complete
 structural failure of the cavity. 

 ** **

 A former contributor here, Michel Julian, notoriously described this
 mechanism “the sphincter effect” … which is decidedly not food for thought.
 Whatever happened to Michel anyway?

 ** **

 When a regular and insightful poster here drops out of view, one often
 wonders if they have caught a glimpse of the “grail” and are not ready to
 share it yet.

 ** **

 Anyway – two protons in a Casimir cavity can get pumped up in some
 not-exactly nuclear fashion (time distortion, ZPE, or superatom repulsion,
 or whatever) and then when pushed through a pore wall, there will be a
 greatly enhanced acceleration gradient which is thermalized as the OU heat.

 ** **

 Elegant … err … if we drop Michel’s descriptive terminology J

 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* ChemE Stewart 

 ** **


 ** **

 I like your description.  I liken it to a hot condensate under extreme
 pressure and temperature within a void) If you relieve pressure quickly
 (structural failure of the lattice containing it) it might flash matter
 to achieve a new equilibrium.  Just food for thought.

 On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 Before getting too worked up over the superatom, remember that it may be a
 good metaphor for energy gain in condensed matter systems – but the
 superatom simply cannot be involved in the Rohner scam. 


 BTW - even Stirling Allan is covering his backside on this scam and
 apparently now believes that the “pop” effect is due to strong eddy
 repulsion in a hidden aluminum ring. The plastic piston does not work
 without the ring, and you get the same pop without or without the special
 gas. Clever showmanship, but not gainful.


 Anyway – moving on to real physical anomalies – in order to create the
 required BEC phenomenon, these researchers cooled atoms to what is
 essentially absolute zero, and saw the lowest temperature ever achieved.**


 If they could have done it at higher temperature, they would have. 


 It is also worth noting, in looking for correlates in the real world of
 energy systems, that although each hydrogen atom has spin ½, when they are
 a bound-pair in a Casimir cavity, they can act as a composite boson. Other
 factors in quantum magnetic alignment would indicate that a bound pair of
 protons is much easier to take to a “bosenova” state. IIRC, we on vortex
 coined that neologism long before these guys. Check the archives.


 Having said that – it is worth mentioning again in this context - the
 concept of “comperature” (introduced by F. Grimer). Comperature is a single
 variable which is an amalgam of pressure and temperature at the atomic
 level. These two properties should not be separated in the practical sense,
 as Boyle observed many years ago – and perhaps they cannot be truly
 separated at all.



2012-08-26 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree,  just one micro void collapse triggering a flash of ultra hot
radiation as the condensate restabilizes or evaporates completely.  The
more voids of the correct size the more the effect is seen.

The up pumping  could be the added energy from quantum scale gravity
further collapsing the Rydberg or other condensed matter in the void until
their is a local void collapse to release the energy.

 We use gravity in the macro world as a pump for power generation, why
not quantum gravity.  In the macro world anytime you pump pressurized, hot
condensate through an orifice you will flash heat on the low pressure side.
 The hot BEC/super atoms/matter might be flashing matter to
radiation(hawking or similar) whenever the hot, compressed and collapsed
BEC condensate within the enclosed void sees a drop in pressure/temp

In order to trigger fusion you need intense radiation/heat in the millions
of degrees.  Evaporation of collapsed  matter is one of the only ways of
getting you there...

On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

  Yes, Stewart – good point - and it does not have to be complete
 structural failure of the cavity. 

 ** **

 A former contributor here, Michel Julian, notoriously described this
 mechanism “the sphincter effect” … which is decidedly not food for thought.
 Whatever happened to Michel anyway?

 ** **

 When a regular and insightful poster here drops out of view, one often
 wonders if they have caught a glimpse of the “grail” and are not ready to
 share it yet.

 ** **

 Anyway – two protons in a Casimir cavity can get pumped up in some
 not-exactly nuclear fashion (time distortion, ZPE, or superatom repulsion,
 or whatever) and then when pushed through a pore wall, there will be a
 greatly enhanced acceleration gradient which is thermalized as the OU heat.

 ** **

 Elegant … err … if we drop Michel’s descriptive terminology J

 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* ChemE Stewart 

 ** **


 ** **

 I like your description.  I liken it to a hot condensate under extreme
 pressure and temperature within a void) If you relieve pressure quickly
 (structural failure of the lattice containing it) it might flash matter
 to achieve a new equilibrium.  Just food for thought.

 On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 Before getting too worked up over the superatom, remember that it may be a
 good metaphor for energy gain in condensed matter systems – but the
 superatom simply cannot be involved in the Rohner scam. 


 BTW - even Stirling Allan is covering his backside on this scam and
 apparently now believes that the “pop” effect is due to strong eddy
 repulsion in a hidden aluminum ring. The plastic piston does not work
 without the ring, and you get the same pop without or without the special
 gas. Clever showmanship, but not gainful.


 Anyway – moving on to real physical anomalies – in order to create the
 required BEC phenomenon, these researchers cooled atoms to what is
 essentially absolute zero, and saw the lowest temperature ever achieved.**


 If they could have done it at higher temperature, they would have. 


 It is also worth noting, in looking for correlates in the real world of
 energy systems, that although each hydrogen atom has spin ½, when they are
 a bound-pair in a Casimir cavity, they can act as a composite boson. Other
 factors in quantum magnetic alignment would indicate that a bound pair of
 protons is much easier to take to a “bosenova” state. IIRC, we on vortex
 coined that neologism long before these guys. Check the archives.


 Having said that – it is worth mentioning again in this context - the
 concept of “comperature” (introduced by F. Grimer). Comperature is a single
 variable which is an amalgam of pressure and temperature at the atomic
 level. These two properties should not be separated in the practical sense,
 as Boyle observed many years ago – and perhaps they cannot be truly
 separated at all.


Re: [Vo]:Superatoms

2012-08-26 Thread ChemE Stewart
The experiments led by Randall Hulet at Rice University from 1995 through
2000 showed that lithium condensates with attractive interactions could
stably exist, but only up to a certain critical atom number. Beyond this
critical number, the attraction overwhelmed the zero-point energy of the
harmonic confining potential, causing the condensate to collapse in a burst
reminiscent of a supernova explosion where an explosion is preceded by an
implosion. By quench cooling the gas of lithium atoms, they observed the
condensate to first grow, and subsequently collapse when the critical
number was exceeded.

When the JILA team raised the magnetic field strength still further, the
condensate suddenly reverted back to attraction, imploded and shrank beyond
detection, and then exploded, expelling off about two-thirds of its 10,000
or so atoms. About half of the atoms in the condensate seemed to have
disappeared from the experiment altogether, not being seen either in the
cold remnant or the expanding gas
 Carl Wieman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Wieman explained that
under current atomic theory this characteristic of Bose–Einstein condensate
could not be explained because the energy state of an atom near absolute
zero should not be enough to cause an implosion; however, subsequent mean
field theories have been proposed to explain it. The atoms that seem to
have disappeared almost certainly still exist in some form, just not in a
form that could be accounted for in that experiment. Most likely they
formed molecules consisting of two bonded rubidium
 The energy gained by making this transition imparts a velocity sufficient
for them to leave the trap without being detected.

Quantum gravitational triggered explosion/evaporation of matter triggering
intense supernova level heat triggering secondary fusion and fission events
in nearby matter? I realize temperatures are much lower but within a
compressed void the external pressures are much higher...


On Sunday, August 26, 2012, ChemE Stewart wrote:

 I agree,  just one micro void collapse triggering a flash of ultra hot
 radiation as the condensate restabilizes or evaporates completely.  The
 more voids of the correct size the more the effect is seen.

 The up pumping  could be the added energy from quantum scale gravity
 further collapsing the Rydberg or other condensed matter in the void until
 their is a local void collapse to release the energy.

  We use gravity in the macro world as a pump for power generation, why
 not quantum gravity.  In the macro world anytime you pump pressurized, hot
 condensate through an orifice you will flash heat on the low pressure side.
  The hot BEC/super atoms/matter might be flashing matter to
 radiation(hawking or similar) whenever the hot, compressed and collapsed
 BEC condensate within the enclosed void sees a drop in pressure/temp

 In order to trigger fusion you need intense radiation/heat in the millions
 of degrees.  Evaporation of collapsed  matter is one of the only ways of
 getting you there...


 On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

  Yes, Stewart – good point - and it does not have to be complete
 structural failure of the cavity. 

 ** **

 A former contributor here, Michel Julian, notoriously described this
 mechanism “the sphincter effect” … which is decidedly not food for thought.
 Whatever happened to Michel anyway?

 ** **

 When a regular and insightful poster here drops out of view, one often
 wonders if they have caught a glimpse of the “grail” and are not ready to
 share it yet.

 ** **

 Anyway – two protons in a Casimir cavity can get pumped up in some
 not-exactly nuclear fashion (time distortion, ZPE, or superatom repulsion,
 or whatever) and then when pushed through a pore wall, there will be a
 greatly enhanced acceleration gradient which is thermalized as the OU heat.

 ** **

 Elegant … err … if we drop Michel’s descriptive terminology J

 ** **

 ** **

 *From:* ChemE Stewart 

 ** **


 ** **

 I like your description.  I liken it to a hot condensate under extreme
 pressure and temperature within a void) If you relieve pressure quickly
 (structural failure of the lattice containing it) it might flash matter
 to achieve a new equilibrium.  Just food for thought.

 On Sunday, August 26, 2012, Jones Beene wrote:

 Before getting too worked up over the superatom, remember that it may be a
 good metaphor for energy gain in condensed matter systems – but the
 superatom simply cannot be involved in the Rohner scam. 


Re: [Vo]:Superatoms

2012-08-27 Thread ChemE Stewart
Yeah nice animations.  To me it explains the higher reactivity of packing
superatoms like Rydberg matter into voids that then behave like a Bose
Einstein Condensate only at higher temperatures to create the amplified
reactions seen in LENR+.

My first swag at a calculation on my blog show that within a void of
volume 2.18E-07
cm3 you can pack enough ultra high density Rydberg matter to satisfy the
requirements for a micro-black hole at Planck mass.  I think collapses can
happen at lesser volumes/masses and do not necessarily need to end up as a
micro black hole, just as a form of collapsed matter which then basically
evaporates into one of these Bosanovas.  The Rydberg or inverted Rydberg
matter might continue to stick around in the void waiting for another
collapse to be triggered as well as pulling in new atoms/participants.

Of course you need to believe you can trigger the collapse within the void
which should be coerced  based upon alignment/concentration of charge
(and possible resulting magnetic fields created within the voids) and
diameter of the voids (hoop conjecture effect due to void radius) and the
repulsion of the atoms within the lattice.

I tend to believe the Zero Point Field  is basically the result of
quantum gravity collapsing matter and releasing radiation/heat - a quantum
heat pump per se.  Some of that radiation may not even be detectable as
heat, ie. quarks, gluons, neutrinoes, etc. as the atoms are vaporized.  So
a heat/mass balance would be tricky..

Collapsed matter/micro-black holes can take in matter or energy in (they
are not that selective) and always give you energy back in the form of
radiation, just like their big brothers...



On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 10:34 AM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:


 Vid on the sidebar.


Re: [Vo]:Superatoms

2012-08-27 Thread ChemE Stewart

It should.  Steven Spielberg produced GREMLINS (I could not resist that)


See, everything in the universe is making more sense now...

Also, as I state in prediction #22 on my blog, the effect of this reaction
creating bosanovas and lost Bosons at relatively normal earthly
conditions is in fact Nature's way of evaporating all matter over time
which also explains why the universe is expanding more rapidly since f=ma
and matter is slowly vaporizing...


On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Jones Beene jone...@pacbell.net wrote:

  This hypothesis of the lost bosons

 Sounds like the latest Spielberg production.


Re: [Vo]:Terawatt.com, magnetic-based power production device

2012-08-28 Thread ChemE Stewart
Looks like it to me.  Approx. 5:1 gain @ 20 hz.  Looks like gain may
continue rising steeply past 20 hz.  Wonder what it will do @ 60?

At least their website is nicer than the Rohner bros... Lots of x men in
black listed on the staff

On Tuesday, August 28, 2012, Harry Veeder wrote:

 This is a magnetic overunity device?


 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:54 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint 
  Serendipitously  came across this company… anyone familiar with them?
  They have a very impressive group of people working for them, and
  third-party testing.

Re: [Vo]:Obscure possible LENR explosion

2012-08-28 Thread ChemE Stewart


On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Jones Beene jone...@pacbell.net wrote:


 ** **

 this is a lame article, and most of the field has blacklisted, but have a

 ** **

 *From:* David Roberson 

 ** **

 This thread leaves me wondering about the manifestations of other LENR
 accidents of the past that were not understood.  Do any of our vort members
 recall references to similar occurrences that were merely brushed aside as
 unknown?  I am searching for incidents where an obviously large amount of
 energy was released in a short period of time that exceeded anything
 expected of a chemical reaction.


 ** **

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-28 Thread ChemE Stewart
I believe unless you remove energy from the condensate, the energy radiated
from the collapse of matter will instantly heat the condensate and quench
further collapse since you reach new thermodynamic stability.  Possibly the
only way to counteract that (beyond removing heat) is a stronger magnetic
field or further compression within the lattice.

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:48 PM, helloke...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 Hello Jojo:

 One thing to consider is the opposite of high speed kinetic movement.  K.
 P. Sinha induced LENR by using a laser and REMOVING energy from the
 system.  And Kim theorizes that Bose-Einstein Condensates are the primary
 cause, which points again to a REMOVAL of energy from the system.  If you
 slow those Deuterium atoms down enough, they become attracted to each
 other.  So if you do end up with a mat of these carbon nanohorns, you might
 try a laser operating at the frequency KP Sinha published instead of
 inducing current.

 --- On *Thu, 8/23/12, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com* wrote:

   Now, given that you've just jolted these H+ into high speed kinetic
 movement due to the high temperature you just applied with your spark, add
 the fact that they are screened, meaning they don't have the coulomb
 repulsion anymore; guess what would happen when 2 of these H+ ions collide.

 Instant p + p fusion.  Success!!!

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-28 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree.  I believe a metallic lattice is probably a crude first attempt at
harnessing this effect but will be discarded quickly once other types of
engineered confinement and/or isolation is designed.

I also can't stop thinking about what TerraWatt and the original Papp
Engine are/were possibly doing and wonder if a strongly focused
electrical/magnetic pulse might be triggering a
similar instantaneous collapse/energy emission effect and would possibly be
a cleaner approach to energy generation.  BTW terrawattdotcom put up some
new pictures on their website today.  (Their legal docs said you could not
link directly to them without permission)

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 On the face of it, there seems to be an engineering dilemma associated
 with the concept of removing kinetic energy from atoms in designing a
 mechanism to produce power from heat.

 But we can do what we want to do if we take another tack. At the end of
 the day, the formation of an entangled ensemble of particles is a great
 multiplier of LENR subatomic manipulation. But at the most fundamental
 level, it’s all about control of electrons.

  At the broadest level of explanation, cold fusion is a result of the
 heavy compression of electrons to such a high level that their mutually
 repulsive forces overlap causing the various quantum constituents to
 disaggregate into separated piles of quantum waves: charge, spin,
 orbit(aka,  angular momentum). Electric charge is stripped en mass from the
 rest and the location and activity of these waves are distinct and removed
 to a distance from their originating particles.

 This compression of such an energetic and chaotic electron fluid is not
 easy to do because the electrons are so small and slippery.  In an analogy,
 both water and CO2 can be maintained in a liquid state if it is confined
 and constrained by enough pressure within a pressure vessel with thick
 steel walls..

 Confining electrons together to prohibit the electrons following their
 usual state of free motion requires special materials configured in just
 the right way. When this chaotic electron fluid is tamed in this way,
 coherent waves of charge will form. It is this pressure exerted on
 electrons that cause their charge to disaggregate and dislocate from liked
 charge particles. And it is the concentrated action of these waves of
 charge that take down the coulomb barrier.

 But it's not easy to squeeze the energetic electrons together, because
 these tiny particles can leak away into even the tiniest holes of a lattice
 of atoms. And even under pressure, the electrons must also be able to move.
 They cannot be frozen solid in place as happens in a Mott insulator. To
 engineer a situation where electron movement is strongly restricted in just
 the right way, one must look toward the newly evolving field of materials
 engineering:  topological materials.

 The chemical organization of topological materials, their size and shape
 of certain combinations of atoms and their positions relative to each other
 will project electromagnetic force to break apart electrons and protons
 into their most elemental quantum mechanical parts.

 Just in the last few years, one and two dimensional materials have been
 discovered and strange new classes of matter are being formed. These
 designer materials can produce factional angular momentum, the magnetic
 monopole and the Majorana particle…A particle that is its own antiparticle
 and thus capable of self – annihilation…but these new creations can only
 exist in their own very special atomic topological neighborhood.

 Designer materials made of superatoms and long atomic strings could have
 combinations of physical properties that don't exist in nature. We can
 produce an ultra-cold condensate at 700C, As Kit Bowen, a chemical
 physicist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, puts it, it's as if you
 felt like eating something hot and something cold at the same time, and
 could have it both ways. Like a hot-fudge sundae.

 Cheers:   Axil

 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:48 PM, helloke...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

  Hello Jojo:

 One thing to consider is the opposite of high speed kinetic movement.  K.
 P. Sinha induced LENR by using a laser and REMOVING energy from the
 system.  And Kim theorizes that Bose-Einstein Condensates are the primary
 cause, which points again to a REMOVAL of energy from the system.  If you
 slow those Deuterium atoms down enough, they become attracted to each
 other.  So if you do end up with a mat of these carbon nanohorns, you might
 try a laser operating at the frequency KP Sinha published instead of
 inducing current.

 --- On *Thu, 8/23/12, Jojo Jaro jth...@hotmail.com* wrote:

   Now, given that you've just jolted these H+ into high speed kinetic
 movement due to the high temperature you just applied with your spark, add
 the fact that they are screened, meaning they don't have the coulomb
 repulsion anymore; 

Re: [Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-28 Thread ChemE Stewart
They appear more legit to me and with alot of big names on the board, for
what that is worth.

I am going to guess if that device sees wear and tear and premature
failures, they will occur between the surfaces of those magnets on the
magnetic oscillator where all of the uncertainty takes place...

Both the TUV and UL testing was first done in 2008.  This device does not
appear that complicated. Must be a reliability or safety issue keeping it
off the market.

On Tuesday, August 28, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 Terawatt.com sure reminds me of Steorn.com


[Vo]:Topology is Key. Carbon Nanostructures are King

2012-08-29 Thread ChemE Stewart
Yeah, anytime you are creating collapsed matter you are creating
uncertainty - money, markets, equipment, possibly health do not thrive in
that environment.  I hope it all evaporates.  Best to keep volumes below
that which will contain a Planck mass of ultra dense matter.  Life
imitating science...

Just my take on it.


On Tuesday, August 28, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:52 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:
  They appear more legit to me and with alot of big names on the board,
  what that is worth.

 Yeah, but what is their involvement.  I know lots of people who sit on
 boards if companies who have no idea of why they are there.

 Stoern had well machined devices:

 How Free Energy 

 Blew several millions of investors' bucks.


Re: [Vo]:Another View-Understanding of eCat working

2012-08-29 Thread ChemE Stewart
To further that thought...

Massive black holes are the ultimate sub-woofer and micro black holes the
ultimate high-range tweeter.


Yes, I believe cold fusion is nothing but the effects of quantum gravity
making its presence felt in the macro world.  This goes for SonoFusion,
Bubble Fusion, ColdFusion, PappFusion, TerraWattFusion,
LightningBallFusion, PattersonBeadFusion, MileyVoidFusion, DGTMicroFusion,
CelaniWireFusion and RossiMediaCircusFusion.

Matter or Energy In Energy Out


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Compose Music composemu...@inbox.lvwrote:

 For Musicians, Artists, Fat Bureaucrats  Others Unwilling to Examine a
 New Beat,
 Take off the blinders and at least investigate this concept:
 Found in Rossi's Journal ---  This means that all the theories based on
 current Theoretical Physics, (*as for instance the attempts made by Peter
 Hagelstein, Widom-Larsen, Edmund Storms, etc.*), actually are very far
 away from the true explanation for cold fusion, and they are wasting their
 time trying to understand cold fusion with their surpassed understanding on
 Nuclear Physics.

 So, there is need, indeed, a New Physics, with new foundations.

 Perhaps Rossi is using the flyback suggested by me in May-2012:
 *Is Rossi’s New Solid State e-Cat a gravity device ? (Score: 1)*


 If yes, then Rossi’s new Hot e-Cat is indeed a gravity device.

 End of paste.

 Left click that Blue line hyperlink if you dare.

 Harmonize The Thought to a 3/4 Waltz

Re: [Vo]:Rossi said...

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart

His progress seems fast to you because he has figured how to warp time with
his not yet disclosed T-cat device.  To him he has been working on it for
50 years .  That is approx 25:1 time dilation... If you watch his hair grow
closely you can tell. :)

On Thursday, August 30, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 I find it extremely difficult to take anything AR says seriously.  His
 research seems to be advancing too fast even if he does have
 assistance from the NRL, which I doubt would be taking place in a
 warehouse in Italy.

 Just my opinion.  I could be wrong.


Re: [Vo]:Rossi said...

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
Of course I agree with Jed.  This is the same plague that effects all of
these devices.

Uncertainty?  Instability?  Unreliability?   Collapsed matter?  Life
imitating science?  I also worry about health effects unless properly
shielded and isolated.


On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.comwrote:

 Daniel Rocha danieldi...@gmail.com wrote:

 To bet in what sense? That he has a work able device or that he has
 anything at all?

 Everything that Rossi does  says is in a state of Quantum Indeterminacy.
 The act of betting may tilt events one way or the other. It is best not to
 go there.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Rossi said...

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
Only I think in the case of these devices the cat can also jump thru the
box or consume the box if he/she is large and hungry enough...

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Michele Comitini 
michele.comit...@gmail.com wrote:

 2012/8/30 Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.com:
  Daniel Rocha danieldi...@gmail.com wrote:
  To bet in what sense? That he has a work able device or that he has
  anything at all?
  Everything that Rossi does  says is in a state of Quantum Indeterminacy.
  The act of betting may tilt events one way or the other. It is best not
  go there.

 Shrodinger's cat had only 2  states once the box was opened: dead or alive.
 Rossi's E-cat keeps staying in multiple states because the box can't
 be opened.  One may wonder if there's a cat after all...


Re: [Vo]:Rossi said...

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree, I think Rossi has come upon anomalous heat/energy like many others
including SRI, DGT, etc.

You are right, the smaller the scale, the more the reliability/less
uncertainty.  Nature keeps atoms, electrons and protons small because by
themselves, they are uncertain.  Orbits due to gravity/repulsion maintain
some level of certainty.  Magnify atoms into superatoms and collapsed
matter and you increase uncertainty/unreliability.

Many of the researchers that have passed, some untimely, and have taken
their knowledge with them.  Reding, De Palma, Patterson, Fox, etc.  but the
effect remains.

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.comwrote:

 ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:

 Of course I agree with Jed.  This is the same plague that effects all of
 these devices.

 Well, not the small scale cold fusion devices at places like SRI, thank
 goodness. They are established beyond any rational doubt.

 If I may be a little more serious about Rossi . . . It is clear to me that
 his policy is the same as Patterson's was. He does not want credibility. He
 *does not want* people to know for sure that his device is real -- or
 that it is fake. (I assume it is real, mainly because there are a growing
 number of credible nanoparticle Ni-H results.)

 Rossi has repeatedly gone out of his way to prevent people from
 independently confirming his claims. People including me. I could have
 verified it to a far greater extent than it has been so far. I could have
 done this easily in a few hours. He knows I could have. He put his foot
 down. Let me repeat with emphasis, and let me make this clear: he told me
 and he told several other people that *he will he will never allow
 independent public testing*.

 I and many others have proposed such tests. We could arrange them in a few
 days. He says no tests! He means it. He only allows tests that will
 remain secret under NDAs. As I have said here before, I know of some secret
 tests. I never publish things without permission. The last thing I need is
 to have researchers upset with me. I get in enough trouble with Rossi and
 others when I say the sort of thing I am saying here, in this message.

 I assume Rossi cultivates this ambiguity for the same reason Patterson
 did. I doubt it is because he is trying to cover up a fraud, and I can't
 think of any other reasons. Patterson and Reding both told me they wanted
 most people to think they were wrong, or crazy, or frauds, because that
 gave them 100% market share. I told him Patterson he would end up with
 100% of nothing. Needless to say, he took his technology and his market
 share to the grave with him. I predicted he would. I predict Rossi will do
 the same thing if he persists with this strategy. There is no chance you
 can keep this secret to the extent he is trying to do yet also achieve
 commercial success.

 Rossi and Patterson also shunned mass media exposure. No kidding. They
 went out of their way to make themselves look bad in the mass media. This
 is a business strategy, not lunacy. It is a lousy strategy, in my opinion.
 It usually fails.

 Defkalion has done the same thing, by the way. Last January they said they
 wanted tests with the results made public. Apparently they changed their
 minds, or they changed the schedule. As far as I know, all tests done since
 then have been under restrictive NDAs. I do not know if any of these NDAs
 have a time limit. A little information has leaked out despite the NDAs. As
 far as I can tell the tests have been unimpressive. But who knows? Until
 they publish a complete independent data set, you don't know whether their
 claims are valid. I see no point to speculating. It is a waste of time
 trying to suss out information people do not want you to have.

 Generally speaking, in my experience, the value of a technical claim is
 inversely proportional to the level of secrecy applied to it.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:ECAT Simulations With Third Order Temperature Dependency

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
Those are pretty tough questions for a device that is generating fission,
fusion, chemical and possibly some forms of collapsed matter, all with
different reaction kinetics, time constants and instabilities...I would
think it would be very hard to wrestle that pig to the ground (I grew up on
a farm)...

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 Great stuff Dave.

 On the face of it, this Rossi reaction control mechanism seems primitive
 and problematic. Do you have additional details?

 When the reaction is operating at 1200C, what level of temperature spike
 is required to reverse a dropping reaction temperature profile? Does the
 maximum level of external temperature spike ever get above 1450C at any
 point?  How long does the reaction take to respond to the temperature
 spike? What causes the reaction temperature to fall? How long does the
 reaction take to regain stability?  How much power does the external
 temperature impulse consume in a 10 KW system? How much heat loss from pore
 insolation can the reactor tolerate?

 Cheers:  Axil

 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1:50 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 I performed additional analysis and have a couple of items to add to the
 simulation results.  The first one is that it is obvious that the Rossi
 controlled devices operate within the thermal run away region to achieve a
 COP of 6.  In these cases, the positive feedback is responsible for the
 gain and also set the time constants required to keep the units stable with
 drive.  Other implicit components that effect the time constant are the
 thermal capacitance of the core and thermal resistance through which the
 heat energy flows.

 One consequence of operation within the unstable region is that a strong
 shock is required to force the rising temperature function of the device to
 reverse direction.  Once reversed, the temperature will head toward zero
 and stable operation unless another external positive heating shock occurs
 at an important time.  This behavior might well explain why Rossi continues
 to insist that he can not use the heat  output of an ECAT to drive
 additional ones.  The slow response time of the ECAT driver would not
 constitute a thermal shock that could control the operation of its
 brothers.  An electric or gas heater can respond rapidly enough to achieve
 the desired results.

 Perhaps I sound like a Rossi fan by continuing to support his claims
 while many of the other vorts seem to question them.  I guess my confidence
 in many of his statements is that they tend to be confirmable by my model
 performance.  If he were totally full of *** then why insist upon a COP
 that is reasonable, but low, when claiming a higher value would be
 advantageous?  How would extending this claim make him more of a dud?


  -Original Message-
 From: David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Wed, Aug 29, 2012 4:50 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:ECAT Simulations With Third Order Temperature Dependency

  Earlier I posted information obtained by simulating the ECAT device.
 The last version assumed that the ECAT internal LENR energy generation
 mechanism depended upon the core temperature as a second order function.
 The latest trial runs were obtained by using a model that allowed this
 temperature dependency to be of the third power.  I was curious as to how
 much more critical the system would behave at this higher power and gave it
 a test run.

 I was able to obtain a COP of almost 18 if I pushed the operation of the
 core to the brink of critical run away temperature.  This would not be
 acceptable unless an active cooling method was also available that could
 extract heat rapidly from the core if its temperature became too great.
 Rossi may have something of this nature in his latest design, but it is not
 evident.  The power drive duty cycle was required to be approxiamtely 10%
 during this test run.

 If I operated the device within a conservative mode where I kept the
 temperature at 90% of the run away value I only obtained a COP of 3.61.  I
 noted that the duty cycle of the drive was 50% which is as Rossi has
 stated within his journal.

 With these two independent runs available for reference it is clear that
 I could obtain the expected COP of 6 if I carefully chose the peak
 temperature excursion of the device.  In the earlier experiment with the
 temperature dependency of second order the matching seemed to be easier and
 I achieved a good level with the first attempt.  The implication of
 my modeling is that it is likely that Rossi or anyone who has a device that
 follows this general rule would be capable of making the COP of 6.0 if
 the design contains a reasonable geometry and has the internal thermal
 resistances properly adjusted.

 If anyone is aware of the power output-temperature functional
 relationship of Rossi's device please direct me to that data so that I can
 adjust the model to match the 

Re: [Vo]:ECAT Simulations With Third Order Temperature Dependency

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
Nanopowder typically melts at lower temperatures than its equivalent solid.

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 Does the maximum level of external temperature spike ever get above 1450C
 at any point?

 Ah. Google tells me that is the melting point of Ni . . .

 Actually, you cannot get close to a melting point without bad stuff
 happening. Sintering and local melting. The temperature is not likely to be

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Important claims are patented or published as quickly as possible

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
I think the Papp engine is electric charge accumulation, magnetic
alignment, compression and collapse followed by an instant energy burst.
 Same thing happening in the voids/cracks of the lattice each pop of DGT's
spark plugs.

I think we saw yesterday that TerraWatt Research LLC also has a patent for
their magnetic motor.  That electric motor is spinning those magnets and
creating a magnetic impulse/alignment and possible compression within the
gap between them at 20 times/sec.  Electric charge also builds in the gap
over time since the burst of matter should release charged particles.

It is all the same effect aided by quantum level gravitational attraction
finishing the collapse.

I am going to continue pounding that thought into everyone's collective


On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 The Papp engine is the only LENR device that has ever been patented.

 What makes you think it is LENR? I guess in the broader sense it probably
 is, but I doubt it has anything to do with hydride cold fusion (the F-P

 But, who knows?!

 Until it is independently reincarnated and tested I will have little
 confidence it is real, even if it convinced the Patent Office. I do not
 dismiss it.

 - Jed

[Vo]:Important claims are patented or published as quickly as possible

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
Papp/rohners mentioned it starts overheating above 2800 rpm.  If the effect
releases a large spectrum of radiation/charged particles only a portion
might get absorbed locally resulting in heat.  The rest might pass right
out of the device after also propelling the piston

On Thursday, August 30, 2012, David Roberson wrote:

 Sounds like a pretty effective test.  It is apparent that the Papp device,
 if real, is not a heat engine due to the cool touch.  I suspect LENR
 activity working in conjunction with some form of electric motor behavior.
 The axial magnetic field would give the ions a twist in direction that
 would induce a circulating current within the piston and opposing cap.

  -Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
 Sent: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 6:13 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Important claims are patented or published as quickly as

   Correction: Rothmen logic should have been Jed Rothwell logic…
 as demonstrated in the touch test by an observer of a hot Rossi reactor to
 prove over unity and life after death during late stage of the demo
 conducted by Rossi just before the last public October demo/test conducted
 by/for the Government. Remember? This man jumped when he burnt his
 fingers after he touched a hot reactor surface.
  Cheers: Axil

 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 Let’s use some Rothmen logic here. How can plasma be produced if the
 temperature of the engine is just warm to the touch? How can 500 HP be
 produced sustainably without the presence of huge external electrical feed
 that is easily detectable?

 Michael McKubre is a man of common sense; according to Mike, the internal
 power source is either LENR or derived from the vacuum. All that power
 coming from the vacuum would be hard to believe.

 How can 500,000 watts come from the vacuum? So most probably LENR is
 involved in powering the Papp engine.

 Cheers:  Axil

   On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Alan J Fletcher a...@well.com wrote:

  At 12:50 PM 8/30/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

  Michael McKubre said that the reason he believes completely in the
 reality of the Papp engine reaction for the last 14 years is that Papp ran
 a full demo of his engine in front of patent examiners to their total
 satisfaction using a dynamometer… it worked as advertised. On the strength
 of this demo, the patent office was forced to give Papp a patent on his

  Is that documented anywhere? (googling doesn't give any quick,
 definitive links). Are patent office communications archived?

  The Papp engine is the only LENR device that has ever been patented.

  Since it depends on a plasma, I'd call it Hot fusion.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi said...

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
Or it might be that after 3 years he does not yet have a stable reactor,
like DGT, Rohners, Terrawatt, etc.  these things might last for a short
period of time for a demo but then break down in short order.  They run
just long enough to show a patent officer or inspector or investor...

On Thursday, August 30, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 Many viral infections are successful in infecting other hosts because
 these pathogens delay symptoms until they have had an almost certain
 opportunity to spread. Evolution has proven that such a delaying survival
 tactic allows the pathogen to survive and prosper, ADS and influenza are
 examples of the “kept  it quiet” infection strategy.

 Rossi is using this dormancy infection strategy to imbed his product
 deeply in the marketplace before it can be stuffed out by a countering
 competitive eradication procedure by another form of energy production.  .

 Cheers:  Axil

 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Jed Rothwell 
 jedrothw...@gmail.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'jedrothw...@gmail.com');

 ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 'cheme...@gmail.com'); wrote:

 Of course I agree with Jed.  This is the same plague that effects all of
 these devices.

 Well, not the small scale cold fusion devices at places like SRI, thank
 goodness. They are established beyond any rational doubt.

 If I may be a little more serious about Rossi . . . It is clear to me
 that his policy is the same as Patterson's was. He does not want
 credibility. He *does not want* people to know for sure that his device
 is real -- or that it is fake. (I assume it is real, mainly because there
 are a growing number of credible nanoparticle Ni-H results.)

 Rossi has repeatedly gone out of his way to prevent people from
 independently confirming his claims. People including me. I could have
 verified it to a far greater extent than it has been so far. I could have
 done this easily in a few hours. He knows I could have. He put his foot
 down. Let me repeat with emphasis, and let me make this clear: he told me
 and he told several other people that *he will he will never allow
 independent public testing*.

 I and many others have proposed such tests. We could arrange them in a
 few days. He says no tests! He means it. He only allows tests that will
 remain secret under NDAs. As I have said here before, I know of some secret
 tests. I never publish things without permission. The last thing I need is
 to have researchers upset with me. I get in enough trouble with Rossi and
 others when I say the sort of thing I am saying here, in this message.

 I assume Rossi cultivates this ambiguity for the same reason Patterson
 did. I doubt it is because he is trying to cover up a fraud, and I can't
 think of any other reasons. Patterson and Reding both told me they wanted
 most people to think they were wrong, or crazy, or frauds, because that
 gave them 100% market share. I told him Patterson he would end up with
 100% of nothing. Needless to say, he took his technology and his market
 share to the grave with him. I predicted he would. I predict Rossi will do
 the same thing if he persists with this strategy. There is no chance you
 can keep this secret to the extent he is trying to do yet also achieve
 commercial success.

 Rossi and Patterson also shunned mass media exposure. No kidding. They
 went out of their way to make themselves look bad in the mass media. This
 is a business strategy, not lunacy. It is a lousy strategy, in my opinion.
 It usually fails.

 Defkalion has done the same thing, by the way. Last January they said
 they wanted tests with the results made public. Apparently they changed
 their minds, or they changed the schedule. As far as I know, all tests done
 since then have been under restrictive NDAs. I do not know if any of these
 NDAs have a time limit. A little information has leaked out despite the
 NDAs. As far as I can tell the tests have been unimpressive. But who knows?
 Until they publish a complete independent data set, you don't know whether
 their claims are valid. I see no point to speculating. It is a waste of
 time trying to suss out information people do not want you to have.

 Generally speaking, in my experience, the value of a technical claim is
 inversely proportional to the level of secrecy applied to it.

 - Jed

[Vo]:ECAT Simulations With Third Order Temperature Dependency

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart

That is a good paper that I need to reference.  I see it more like alot of
different research/results are pointing us in a common direction.  I am
trying to piece together alot of observations and other theories, some from
astro physics and some from nuclear physics and some from just plain old
engineering sense  logic.

Unexpectedly, I have also scared myself a bit by what I think the reaction
might be,  what it implies and how to make it safe when you scale it up.
 There is a reason that it is taking taking decades to produce a device
that is stable.  Many very smart people have built devices that worked at
one time and yet they were not able to make it to market.  I also see some
health issues that concern me with some of the people most involved in the

Interestingly, I came across an article from around the year 2000 or so
that mentioned Jed and also mentioned Frank Z. telling Ed Storms he thought
there was a link between cold fusion, superconductivity and gravity.  I
think Frank was right and Ed is still looking primarily at a nuclear fusion

Sometimes I think scientists seem so bent on one theory that fits their
discipline that they close their eyes to others.

Just the way I see it.


On Thursday, August 30, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:41 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:
  Those are pretty tough questions for a device that is generating fission,
  fusion, chemical and possibly some forms of collapsed matter, all with
  different reaction kinetics, time constants and instabilities...

 Someone is beating you to the draw:



Re: [Vo]:ECAT Simulations With Third Order Temperature Dependency

2012-08-30 Thread ChemE Stewart
When I  see/read something like the following


I think that the magnetic fields created across a void/gap due to charge
concentrations must align the condensate atoms such that the repulsion
between atoms within the condensate is reduced further allowing quantum
gravity to then trigger a collapse and instant, intense radiation and heat
release.  I think the effect is most likely enhanced by external
pressure/repulsion from the lattice on the condensate, ultra high densities
and total charge accumulation.  I am a chemical guy so think less about
magnetic fields but that seems to an important parameter.  Based on that
Papp engine and terrawatt engines I think a lattice is optional, magnetic
field induced across a metallic gap definitely.


On Thursday, August 30, 2012, wrote:

 Thanks  Stewart,

  Yes,  I have been saying the same thing for quite a while.  Miley showed
 a long time ago that is was the fission of a compound nucleus.
  Many nucleons acting as one.  How can that be?  The nucleus are of  Fermi
 meter dimensions and the inter nuclear spacing is in angstroms?

  Once again the only way is if the range of the strong nuclear force is
 extended.  My analysis suggests that the spin orbit nuclear-magnetic effect
 is the actor.  I am an Electrical Engineer and I think in terms of fields
 and forces.  Nuclear physicists think in therms of particle like nucleons.
 I know the magnetic force is not conserved.  The spin orbit force must by
 analogy also be non-conservative. The magnetic field is extend within soft
 iron.  I believe that the nuclear spin orbit force is extended within a
 vibrating inverse Bose condensate.  A condensate of protons.  For some
 reason over the last few days my book has started selling.  The article on
 IE produced no sales.  I know not why.


  The mathematics also produced the quantum condition and a unification of
 Special Relativity and quantum physics.
 I completed this stuff 10 years ago and adjusted a little since.  My
 experiments have not produced any anomalous energy by I will soon try again
 with something different.


  Frank Znidarsic

  Interestingly, I came across an article from around the year 2000 or so
 that mentioned Jed and also mentioned Frank Z. telling Ed Storms he thought
 there was a link between cold fusion, superconductivity and gravity.  I
 think Frank was right and Ed is still looking primarily at a nuclear fusion

  Sometimes I think scientists seem so bent on one theory that fits their
 discipline that they close their eyes to others.

  Just the way I see it.


 -Original Message-
 From: ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 Sent: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 8:22 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:ECAT Simulations With Third Order Temperature Dependency


  That is a good paper that I need to reference.  I see it more like alot
 of different research/results are pointing us in a common direction.  I am
 trying to piece together alot of observations and other theories, some from
 astro physics and some from nuclear physics and some from just plain old
 engineering sense  logic.

  Unexpectedly, I have also scared myself a bit by what I think the
 reaction might be,  what it implies and how to make it safe when you scale
 it up.  There is a reason that it is taking taking decades to produce a
 device that is stable.  Many very smart people have built devices that
 worked at one time and yet they were not able to make it to market.  I also
 see some health issues that concern me with some of the people most
 involved in the past.

  Interestingly, I came across an article from around the year 2000 or so
 that mentioned Jed and also mentioned Frank Z. telling Ed Storms he thought
 there was a link between cold fusion, superconductivity and gravity.  I
 think Frank was right and Ed is still looking primarily at a nuclear fusion

  Sometimes I think scientists seem so bent on one theory that fits their
 discipline that they close their eyes to others.

  Just the way I see it.


  On Thursday, August 30, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 3:41 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com
  Those are pretty tough questions for a device that is generating
  fusion, chemical and possibly some forms of collapsed matter, all with
  different reaction kinetics, time constants and instabilities...

 Someone is beating you to the draw:



Re: [Vo]:a new interview with Defkalion

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart

I totally agree.  Our firm designs industrial ASME certified vessels to
handle high temperatures and pressures. These vessels also have to confirm
to API and NFPA guidelines.   If a customer came to us with a reactor
design that they could not define what the exact reaction kinetics were
along with emissions it would be impossible to design and certify an
industrial product.

Nuclear Regulations are a whole new level of certification and I am by no
means qualified to comment on them.

It is best that this technology be studied by as many experts as possible
to nail down the reaction(s), kinetics and emissions.  That is the only way
to insure public safety.

Who knows, maybe it is very benign/safe at a low levels but becomes more of
a bad actor had higher level energy output.


On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.comwrote:

 This paragraph makes no sense to me:

 So, the LENR term is problematic due to such serious scientific reasons.
 But there is one more problematic effect from the use of such wrong
 definition: Certification of products based on such technologies when named
 “nuclear”, will result the involvement of lobbies dominating the present
 related Nuclear Authorities, that they will use any of their spades to
 delay any improvement out of their control or interest, when the area of
 interest and responsibility of such Authorities has nothing to do with the
 phenomena we are talking about!

 The phenomenon is what it is. It makes no difference what you call it:
 LENR, cold fusion or HENI-heat. It makes no difference what you claim the
 theoretical explanation is. The actual explanation will eventually emerge.
 It the effect is nuclear, then the present Nuclear Authorities must
 regulate it. They are obligated by law.

 If it is not nuclear, they will not regulate it. The opinions of the
 people at Defkalion -- and their theories, and what they choose to call it
 -- can play no role in the decision to regulate this, or not to regulate
 it. The decision is entirely out of their hands. As I said, the authorities
 are *obligated by law* to regulate a nuclear effect. Defkalion, or Rossi,
 cannot change regulations. The are not governments. They can lobby to have
 the law changed. They can appeal to the public to put pressure on
 governments. But they cannot magically change laws by using different
 terminology to describe their technology. The true nature of the technology
 will be established by having thousands of researchers examine the effects
 in laboratory tests worldwide.

 In my opinion, there is not the slightest chance this effect will be used
 in any end-user application until thousands of laboratories have
 replicated, confirmed that it is safe, determined whether it is nuclear or
 not, and developed a working model if not a complete theory to explain it.
 Society will not allow an unexplained, unknown source of energy that looks
 a lot like nuclear fusion to be used in thousands of houses, buildings and
 automobiles without regulation and without careful testing. Rossi -- and
 apparently Defkalion -- seem to be betting that they can slide in under the
 radar as it were, and start selling this profitably without first spending
 billions of dollars to ensure safety. I think that is preposterous. That is
 not how the world works in the 21st century.

 Some people think it is a shame that our society is heavily
 regulated. They prefer the 19th or early 20th century freedom to start
 selling things that have not been carefully vetted and approved. In the
 early 1900s, people sold water with lots of radium as a health drink. This
 killed the people who drank it. Many other dangerous products were allowed
 back then. We are never going to return to those freewheeling times. I
 agree that regulations slow down the pace of progress, and some regulations
 are absurd, but whether they are good or bad, I am sure they are not going
 away, and it is not possible for Defkalion to do an end-run around them by
 renaming the phenomenon.

 Some people hope that cold fusion will get its start in places like India,
 where regulators have little power. I doubt it. Regulators in India and
 China have lots of power. Far too much. They are corrupt and will demand
 more control and a larger kickback than they would in the U.S. They are not
 responsive to public pressure on the legislatures.

 This technology will be developed, certified safe and sold in the first
 world -- the U.S., Europe and Japan -- or it will not be developed at all.
 It will be developed like any other major innovation, with the full
 cooperation, involvement and compliance of government regulators and
 private regulators such as UL. Or it will not be developed at all.
 Something as big as this will not be secretly, gradually introduced. It
 will not be manufactured in cottage industry fashion, or bootstrapped by
 Rossi. This is wishful thinking.

 It is likely there will be opposition from 

Re: [Vo]:Magnetic/Inertial Drive Motors: Important claims are patented or published as quickly as possible

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
I think I will send without an attachment

 Found this recent 2011 patent application for an inertial drive similar to
 the TerraWatt drive and attached the google patent version and another link


 Filed by this guy:
 Joseph P. Firmage, 28, founded USWeb, a leading Internet consulting firm,
 in 1995. Like his previous ventures, the company prospered wildly. For
 fiscal 1998, USWeb posted revenue of $228 million - a 100% increase over
 the previous year.

 He referenced one of the early magnetic motor developers, Bruce De Palma
  MIT/Harvard grad (Brian's brother - Scarface Director).  Bruce evidently
 had a working demo unit  filed a patent application back in the 1990's
 before succumbing to stomach cancer and/or internal bleeding at age 52.
  The motor was never brought to market.


 Just food for thought.

 I wish some of these guys stayed healthier.


 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Jeff Berkowitz pdx...@gmail.com wrote:

 A patent is not the only way to protect an idea. In practice, trade
 secret law may be more important. This is particularly true when the idea
 to be protected is not the product itself, but the process used to produce

 Consider the high-K metal gate process used by Intel at the 45nm and 32nm
 nodes. Intel published a small amount of information about the process when
 they introduced it. And competitors have undoubtedly reverse engineered the
 results, determining the precise geometries and elemental makeup of the

 But they do not know the process used to produce them. They are forced to
 hypothesize about the process technology and then test each hypothesis.
 Certainly, knowing the final result is a huge advantage over having to
 dream it up in the first place. But reverse engineering the manufacturing
 process is still daunting, even for engineers already skilled in the art.

 I think there may be analogies in LENR. Now frankly in the long run, I
 don't expect this fact to be especially significant. If this stuff plays
 out as some of us hope, the economic incentive will ensure that what can be
 done, will be done, and quickly. If it doesn't play out, there are no
 useful secrets to protect.

 But trade secrecy may have a large effect on the likelihood of people
 like me, a curious non-specialist, ever being able to satisfy my curiosity
 about what the heck is going on. Bummer.  ;-)

 Jeff, speaking for myself.
 I have never been employed by Intel or had access to any Intel
 trade-secret information through NDA or anything like that.

 On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.comwrote:

 I wrote:

 Generally speaking, in my experience, the value of a technical claim is
 inversely proportional to the level of secrecy applied to it.

 I am not being cynical. Well, not completely cynical. In technology,
 when you make an important claim you file a patent. A patent must reveal
 everything or it is invalid. In pure science, when you make an important
 breakthrough you rush to publish it as soon as possible to establish

 Sometimes, foolish people make what they think is an important
 breakthrough and they try to keep it secret. These breakthroughs are
 usually mistakes or stuff that everyone knows already.

 Howard Aiken's dictum applies: Don't worry about people stealing your
 ideas. If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them down people's

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Magnetic/Inertial Drive Motors: Important claims are patented or published as quickly as possible

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
Either (1) Medical Marijuana patient...(2)  a surge of quarks/gluons to the
synapses.  Either one will trigger similar events

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 I remember Joe Firmage from my MUFON days:


 Good thing it wasn't an Incubus.


Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:The energy of the vacuum causes the Bosenova

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
I agree with the condensation/ultra dense matter in the voids. We can agree
to disagree about where the energy actually comes from for now.   It would
be nice to have a mass and energy balance around what is going on in a
controlled lab setting, I am sure that is somewhat tricky.

The Papp/Rohner/TerraWatt/DePalma/Firmage devices make me think you can
charge/compress/magnetically pulse/shock matter and get a similar energy

I pulled this paragraph from a recent Caltech article:

Recent work by Christian Beck at the University of London and Michael
Mackey at McGill University may have resolved the 120 order of magnitude
problem. In that case dark energy is nothing other than zero-point energy.
In Measureability of vacuum fluctuations and dark
 and Electromagnetic dark energy http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0703364 they
propose that a phase transition occurs so that zero-point photons below a
frequency of about 1.7 THz are *gravitationally active* whereas above that
they are not. If this is the case, then the dark energy problem is
solved: *dark
energy is the low frequency gravitationally active component of zero-point

I am sure we can all google something that supports our ideas.  That is the
great thing about Google!

My new motto is It's just gravity  This will make cold fusion more
palatable for everyone...or should I name my theory Gravifusion?


On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Roarty, Francis X 
francis.x.roa...@lmco.com wrote:


 I think you are on the right track – it fits with MAHG, Mills, Rossi and
 even the compressing gases in Noble gas engine claims. Not saying it
 negates all the other theories but it sounds like a nice fit that minimizes
 the number of miracles needed and is based on observed facts. We all try to
 exploit HUP effect on gas in this confined environment but your focus on
 the condensate threshold rather than my focus on covalent bond threshold or
 Lamb pinch seems to ring truer.

 Very good theory my hat is off to you


 ** **

 *From:* Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com]
 *Sent:* Friday, August 31, 2012 2:20 AM
 *To:* vortex-l
 *Subject:* EXTERNAL: [Vo]:The energy of the vacuum causes the Bosenova

 ** **

 The energy of the vacuum causes the Bosenova



 From:  http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0412041

 *The collapsing condensate was observed to lose atoms until the atom
 number reduced to about the critical value below which a stable condensate
 can exist. The dependence of the number of remaining atoms on time since
 initiation of the collapse _evolve was measured for the case of an initial
 state with Ninit = 16000 atoms and repulsive interaction corresponding to
 ainit = +7a0, where a0 is the hydrogen Bohr radius. *

 *The onset of number loss is quite sudden, with milliseconds of very
 little loss followed by a rapid decay of condensate population (within 0.5
 ms) after which the condensate stabilizes again. This behavior results from
 the scaling of the loss rate with the cube of the density, the peak value
 of which rises as 1/(tcollapse − t) near the collapse point. *

 *This allows a precise definition of the collapse time tcollapse, the
 time after initiation of the collapse up to which only negligible numbers
 of atoms are lost from the condensate. Another quantitative result of the
 experiment is the dependence of tcollapse on the magnitude of the
 attractive interaction that causes the collapse, parametrised by the
 (negative) scattering length acollapse. These measurements are performed
 from an initial state with Ninit = 6000 atoms in an ideal gas state (with
 interaction between them tuned to zero). The tcollapse datapoints presented
 in the original paper have undergone one revision of their acollapse values
 by a factor of 1.166(8) due to a more precisely determined background
 scattering length.  *

 * Although the main focus of this paper shall be on the collapse time, we
 mention two other striking features of the experiment: the appearance of
 ’bursts’ and ’jets’. One fraction of the atoms that are lost during the
 collapse is expelled from the condensate at quite high energies (**∼100
 nK to **∼400 nK, while the condensate temperature is 3 nK); this
 phenomenon was referred to as ’bursts’. Finally, when the collapse was
 interrupted during the period of number loss by a sudden jump in the
 scattering length, another atom ejection mechanism was observed: ’jets’ of
 atoms emerge, almost purely in the radial direction and with temperatures a
 lot lower than that of the bursts (a few nK)*  

 My theory of the bosenova explosion

 When too many atoms are packed into too confined a space, the uncertainty
 principle comes into play. A confined space means an uncertain(aka high)
 kinetic energy. When confinement gets high enough, the associated increase
 in kinetic energy destabilizes the condensate and the 

Re: [Vo]:Rossi said... Domestic certification problem?

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
It is if you don't know what the reaction is!

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Daniel Rocha danieldi...@gmail.com wrote:

 A cold fusion nuclear reactor that that puts out as much energy and
 density as a common nuclear reactor cannot possibly be dangerous.

 2012/8/31 Alan J Fletcher a...@well.com

  More tea-leaf reading : problems with the domestic certification ?

 Andrea Rossi
  August 31st, 2012 at 9:34 

 Dear Koen Vandewalle:
 We have all the resources necessary for a development of our technology,
 based on our businessplant. I do not think we will have delays as for the
 industrial apparatuses. For the domestic ones, certification will be
 possible, I think, after the industrialplants will have produced enough
 Warm Regards,

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:a new interview with Defkalion

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
If a piece of metal/wire just sits there and generates long term anomalous
heat while slooowly losing mass, which is what this is doing, let's just
call it evaporation like we do with water, sounds soothing.  We might even
have RossiSauna franchises very soon.

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com wrote:

 In the field of politics and public relations, the words that are used are
 tools to influence perceptions. Some words are good and some words are bad
 in forming impressions and connections  in people’s minds.   LENR and
 CANR are acronyms and contain bad words in themselves. These terms should
 not be used in conversations with the general public. It has the word
 nuclear associated with it.  The acronym HENI is better but is
 restrictive to the element nickel. Nickel will be replaced by other
 elements as the future of LENR unfolds. The associations in the word HENI
 will be weaken over time and such a situation should be avoided. It’s
 better to get the right word up front like what has been done for LASER and
 RADAR.  The advocates of LENR should stay away from association with
 physics and especially nuclear physics.   We want to be associated with
 chemistry.  Instead of using words like fission and fusion, we want to
 use a word like transmutation. It is transmutation of elements that provide
 energy.  Transmutation is associated with alchemy, magic, and the
 conversion of lead into gold.   So a name like Chemically Assisted
 Transmutation Reaction(CATR) is a tool to avoid the association with
 NUCLEAR, a very bad word indeed.Cheers:   Axil   .

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.comwrote:

 This paragraph makes no sense to me:

 So, the LENR term is problematic due to such serious scientific reasons.
 But there is one more problematic effect from the use of such wrong
 definition: Certification of products based on such technologies when named
 “nuclear”, will result the involvement of lobbies dominating the present
 related Nuclear Authorities, that they will use any of their spades to
 delay any improvement out of their control or interest, when the area of
 interest and responsibility of such Authorities has nothing to do with the
 phenomena we are talking about!

 The phenomenon is what it is. It makes no difference what you call it:
 LENR, cold fusion or HENI-heat. It makes no difference what you claim the
 theoretical explanation is. The actual explanation will eventually emerge.
 It the effect is nuclear, then the present Nuclear Authorities must
 regulate it. They are obligated by law.

 If it is not nuclear, they will not regulate it. The opinions of the
 people at Defkalion -- and their theories, and what they choose to call it
 -- can play no role in the decision to regulate this, or not to regulate
 it. The decision is entirely out of their hands. As I said, the authorities
 are *obligated by law* to regulate a nuclear effect. Defkalion, or
 Rossi, cannot change regulations. The are not governments. They can lobby
 to have the law changed. They can appeal to the public to put pressure on
 governments. But they cannot magically change laws by using different
 terminology to describe their technology. The true nature of the technology
 will be established by having thousands of researchers examine the effects
 in laboratory tests worldwide.

 In my opinion, there is not the slightest chance this effect will be used
 in any end-user application until thousands of laboratories have
 replicated, confirmed that it is safe, determined whether it is nuclear or
 not, and developed a working model if not a complete theory to explain it.
 Society will not allow an unexplained, unknown source of energy that looks
 a lot like nuclear fusion to be used in thousands of houses, buildings and
 automobiles without regulation and without careful testing. Rossi -- and
 apparently Defkalion -- seem to be betting that they can slide in under the
 radar as it were, and start selling this profitably without first spending
 billions of dollars to ensure safety. I think that is preposterous. That is
 not how the world works in the 21st century.

 Some people think it is a shame that our society is heavily
 regulated. They prefer the 19th or early 20th century freedom to start
 selling things that have not been carefully vetted and approved. In the
 early 1900s, people sold water with lots of radium as a health drink. This
 killed the people who drank it. Many other dangerous products were allowed
 back then. We are never going to return to those freewheeling times. I
 agree that regulations slow down the pace of progress, and some regulations
 are absurd, but whether they are good or bad, I am sure they are not going
 away, and it is not possible for Defkalion to do an end-run around them by
 renaming the phenomenon.

 Some people hope that cold fusion will get its start in places like
 India, where regulators have little power. I doubt it. 

Re: [Vo]:a new interview with Defkalion

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
Byproduct material http://www.nrc.gov/materials/byproduct-mat.html (material
that is made radioactive in a reactor, and residue from the milling of
uranium and thorium)

I would think that any byproducts, even only unstable for seconds, would
trigger this.

I am just guessing

On Friday, August 31, 2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 'janap...@gmail.com'); wrote:

 Chemical transmutation, is what is going on. The physics commumity must
 come to terms with this reality.

 They all have to agree with you. Because . . . Why exactly?

 Chemically Assisted Transmutation Reaction (CATR) reactions are produced
 through the action of electrons not neutrons.

 The NRC regulates the use of neutrons not electrons.

 If no neutrons are produced, there is no need for NRC regulation.

 Two problems with this:

 1. Celani did detect neutrons, so maybe they are produced. It will take a
 lot more research to settle this issue.

 2. Do you seriously expect that everyone in the scientific establishment,
 every regulator, and every lawmaker will agree with you about this? Do you
 think there will be no debate? No funds allocated to determine whether you
 are right or wrong? Everyone will look at the present evidence, decide it
 is sufficient, and instantly dismiss a large chunk of conventional nuclear

 - Jed

[Vo]:Another View-Understanding of eCat working

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
And I am sure those are just the really big black holes we can see.  They
come in all masses depending upon age, location and how much matter
initially collided/collapsed and many probably contain past solar systems
and probably past civilizations.  I'll bet they far far outnumber humans it
is just that our minds have a hard time wrapping around them.  They help
create matter from the vacuum as well as consume and evaporate it.

Its just gravity


On Friday, August 31, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 3:26 PM, ChemE Stewart cheme...@gmail.com wrote:
  To further that thought...
  Massive black holes are the ultimate sub-woofer and micro black holes the
  ultimate high-range tweeter.

 WISE support:



Re: [Vo]:Another View-Understanding of eCat working

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
I guess since massive black holes at the center of most galaxies warp
spacetime you are probably right.  Solar systems roll right around the
drain into the hole.

On Friday, August 31, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 8:53 PM, ChemE Stewart 

  Its just gravity

 There is no such thing as gravity.  The earth sucks.

 Sorry, I could not resist.

 Have you noticed how a spiral galaxy resembles a water drain?


Re: [Vo]:Another View-Understanding of eCat working

2012-08-31 Thread ChemE Stewart
Sorry about the small font
Steven Hawking demonstrated with quantum mechanics that a black hole
emits Hawking
radiation http://www.universetoday.com/40856/hawking-radiation/ and can
come to thermal equilibrium. That same thermal equilibrium stays unchanged
in time reversal. So, according to Hawking the reverse of a black hole in
thermal equilibrium is a black hole in thermal equilibrium; meaning that a
hole, black or white, is the same thing.

Read more: http://www.universetoday.com/53948/white-hole/#ixzz25B2faalV

On Friday, August 31, 2012, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Terry Blanton 

  Okay, that given, then explore the possibility that we might be
  dealing with a mirror world, a world of negative energy on the other
  side of absolute zero.  This world might be populated with white holes
  which maintain the balance.
  (Credit to Don Hotson here.)

 World really means Universe.


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