[Zope-dev] Re: egg issues: adding namespace boilerplate Products / patching testrunner

2007-04-18 Thread whit

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Previously whit wrote:

2 items:

1. how does everyone feel about adding the following boilerplate to 
all occurences of Products/__init__.py to enable the easy creation of 
Product eggs?

Aren't we asking people to move to using python packages instead?

Well, I certainly hope we're not asking people to rename all of their 
existing products because that would be a waste of time.

This change eases the deployment of existing products as eggs.

I'm -1 on requiring such changes to Products.

I think you're misunderstanding the issue at hand. Nobody's products 
will have to change. Zope's lib/python/Products/__init__.py will change.

exactly... and python packages don't quite work right all the time(like 
that wierd bug with directory views and ZEO).



-- d. whit morriss --
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[Zope-dev] egg issues: adding namespace boilerplate Products / patching testrunner

2007-04-13 Thread whit

2 items:

1. how does everyone feel about adding the following boilerplate to all 
occurences of Products/__init__.py to enable the easy creation of 
Product eggs?


except ImportError:
from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

2. Could we consider this a defect so it could be added to relavent 
maintenance branches(provided no one sees any harm in #1. I mainly care 
about zope 2.9)

3. daniel nouri has made a patch for the test runner  to enable a flag 
optionally add all packages on your path to the test search path.  I 
consider this a defect in the current test runner that makes working 
with eggs and 2.9 or 2.10 rather cumbersome.  could we consider adding 
this or some other solution to this problem?




-- d. whit morriss --
- senior engineer, opencore -
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- m: 415-710-8975   -

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Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

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[Zope-dev] Re: Interest in "AdvancedQuery" and/or "ManagableIndex"?

2007-02-13 Thread whit

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Dieter Maurer wrote:

yuppie wrote at 2007-2-3 11:44 +0100:

Unfortunately integrating a product into the Zope core means more 
than just adjusting the coding style:

- As already mentioned in this thread, monkey patches and code like 
fixPluginIndexes.py have to be resolved. AdvancedQuery contains a 
monkey patch for CMF - that should not be shipped with Zope core.

"fixPluginIndexes" fixed (maybe meanwhile resolved) bugs in

The mentioned CMF monkey patch gives the "CatalogTool" the new method
"evalAdvancedQuery", provided CMFCore is installed.
I do not see why this monkey patch should not be applied.

I am sure that I want to be able to use "AdvancedQuery" even
with a "CatalogTool", if both are installed.

Monkey patches should be avoided when they can. I think that's something 
we don't need to discuss. Integrating a product into Zope is the perfect 
opportunity to get rid of monkey patches and consolidate the fixes into 
the main product lines. Therefore, the CMF should rather grow that 
method itself than having it patched in by Zope.

Either way, I think this point is mute since all the Plone community 
really wants is a public subversion repository with access to the code 
and "control over the code", which I would think is asking for a lot 
(you've indicated that reformatting the code would mean you wouldn't be 
available for maintenance anymore).

Whoever is asking for AdvancedQuery and other things to be in 
svn.zope.org or even Zope 2 itself ought to weigh the amount of 
maintenance work against the little potential (not actual!) benefits. I 
think we can leave everything as it is and if Plone needs it in an svn 
repo, heck, why not do vendor imports? (not in svn.zope.org, of course, 
since the contributor agreement forbids that)

I'm not sure this warranted this much discussion or getting panties in a 
bunch, but maybe something was learned here.  As phrased early on, it 
would be *nice* for those of us using svn:externals to manage certain 
build processes to have AdvancedQuery in svn somewhere(not life or death).

did we reach some sort of conclusion in all this?  Having a AQ egg would 
be the same difference imho.

I would be happy to help maintain AdvancedQuery(though I hardly feel 
qualified), though I would prefer to leave it in a form that Dieter 
would actually want to work on it.

What might be more worthwile is to package AQ up to be an egg(I 
volunteer for this).  That way we could manage the dependency that 
way(zope could too if it chose to ship with AQ), dieter could continue 
maintaining AQ, and everything would be peachy.

one last point re: Zope: From a marketing perspective(to parrot slinkp), 
I would think Zope 2 would want to include AdvancedQuery since it is a 
go-to answer for lots of "how do I do sqlish query X in the ZODB" type 
questions.  Granted, hurry.query and the z3 catalogs have similar 
capabilities, but AQ works right now with existing z2 catalogs.



-- d. whit morriss --
- senior engineer, opencore -
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- m: 415-710-8975   -

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Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

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[Zope-dev] Re: RFC: Eggifying Zope's extension mechanism ("Products")

2007-01-29 Thread whit

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

Rocky Burt wrote:

On Thu, 2007-25-01 at 05:07 -0800, Martin Aspeli wrote:
I do wonder what would happen if you had both 
and Products/CMFCore, though. Would there be an explicit preference 
or would

Zope fail to start up with a conflict? I think I'd prefer the latter, in
fact, so that people don't end up modifying/upgrading the wrong code by

Well, we could probably add conflict-detection to the entry point
handlers for Zope (ie so any two packages that try to register as the
same project would cause an error).  But regarding Products/CMFCore and
lib/python/Products/CMFCore conflicting... that would be up to the
standard pythonpath mechanism of the python interpreter (whichever is
first on the path wins).

Zope 2 itself manipulates Products.__path__ to add INSTANCE/Products (or 
any other directory specified in zope.conf) as a directory which can 
contain further products (the original Products package lives at 
ZOPE/lib/python/Products). pkg_resources uses the same mechanism for 
namespace packages (that's what the 
pkg_resources.declare_namespace('Products') call is all about); it 
appends to __path__.

Therefore, Zope will treat /path/to/the/CMFCore-egg/Products as another 
directory that contains a product (in this case just one, CMFCore). Thus 
the standard product override rules apply when the same product is 
installed in multiple directories.

I updated the proposal text with this information.

I imagine it would be pretty trivial to write something that would 
generate a setup.py from an svn:externals property so you could create a 
"Products" distribution in one fell swoop, especially since the entry 
point section of the setup.py can handle config parser output.



-- d. whit morriss --
- senior engineer, opencore -
- http://www.openplans.org  -
- m: 415-710-8975   -

"If you don't know where you are,
 you don't know anything at all" 

Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

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[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-27 Thread whit

Jim Fulton wrote:

whit wrote:
I'm not clear on what the advantage would be.  I'm probably missing 
some use cases.  I think they are both valid approaches to the problem.

my main usecase is to be able to use buildouts in a workingenv without 
having to rewrite the recipes... right now, I have to do one or the 

Sure.  I still don't know what that means. :)

*Maybe* you'd like to use workingenv to install eggs and use buildout to do
other things like set up zope instances.  If that's the case, then it's
just a matter of writing recipes that take into account how you install 

and scripts. But maybe that's not what you mean.


If people really see value in having buildout and workingenv work 
together, perhaps Ian and I could explore this a bit at PyCon next 

+1.  my general feeling is that there is a enough overlap that this 
would be beneficial.

Specific use cases would help to guide this.

the main usecase for me is the following... hanno writes a recipe for 
plone, and I want to use that recipe as part of setting up a openplans 
development environment (for example inside my workingenv that I've been 
developing w/out plone).

I'd like with minimal effort to have build in my setup without having to 
dig too deep into the existing buildout or the framework driving it.

This might be as simple as having buildout(at my own risk), do less with 
creating special pythonpaths in scripts(or perhaps just appending the 
existing one as the zope2 zopectl script does now).

I'd also like to have the development eggs and normal eggs go where I 
currently have my eggs(lib/python, /src). as I believe you've pointed 
out that can be done by simple modification of the cfg file and that'd 
be fine.

try to justify why a zope hammer is better and why zope folk keep 
building new hammers that don't play nice with everyone else's 
hammer loses us cred.

You seem to be implying that workingenv is somehow a standard tool 
and that buildout is a zope-specific tool that needlessly duplicates 
a standard tool.

I was perhaps offbase in my comment about egg handling.
workingenv of course is not a standard tool. what I'm presenting here 
is a perspective I face on a regular basis; for a developer using 
workingenv already, it's far more standard than something else he is 
not using...and vice versa. 

No, it's more familiar -- to these people.

actually, in my current workplace, workingenv is the standard way to set 
up one's dev environment.  but in the context of the previous statement, 
familar is perhaps a better word.

in the case of tools that enable a developer to start quickly, 
developers are very difficult to ween from habits that are currently 
working.  when a large and complex task such as building plone becomes 
codified in a technology that is not familar or easily compatible with 
the the developers current environment, it's an issue.

The alternative seems to be a custom shell script.  I can see how this
would be familiar to the people who wrote it.  When there are well
established and documented buildout recipes for doing common tasks, then
there will be familiar tools, for some definition of familiar.

this is where rob started with our deployment strategy. I like buildit 
and buildout's codification of what happens in a build in cfg file since 
it creates a fairly auditable place to see what is happening(as well as 
extend it).  we are going to re-write the shell scripts using buildit 
and if plone uses zc.buildout, would like not to have to replicate that 
part in our own system.

zc.buildout is in no way zope specific.  Can a Zope developer not 
develop a tool without it being stamped as "zope specific"?
maybe... maybe not.  When a developer struggles with more than one 
tool from the same general source, it matters little to them whether 
one depends on the other or not.   That's true for languages, 
companies, frameworks and everything else.

I think it really depends whether something transcends it's immediate 
community(and maybe here whether a z floats in front of it's name 

So lets see. To contribute to the wider Python community, I should
change the name of my Company or change jobs. Hm.

for packages from zope or plone people, if they rides roughly with 
existing python techs

In what way does buildout "ride roughly with existing python techs".
It builds on setuptools.  Do you mean that if there is another
community package that does something somewhat similar, we aren't
allow to create a similar package just because we are associated with
the Zope project.

 > and come from a zopeish repository,

Oh, I have to use a different repository.

sadly they are  liable to get branded w/ a legacy reputation that 
haunts the name.

Has it occurred to you that the problem here doesn't lie with the

[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread whit

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

whit wrote:

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

This is awesome, and by that I don't mean the fact that we have a 
plone buildout, but that we actually have Zope 2 recipes for 
buildout. I hope they can be moved to svn.zope.org for further 
development to benefit the whole Zope 2 community.

I believe this is just a matter of contrib agreements being sorted 
out (Hanno?). I guess I need to get mine sorted out as well if I'm 
going to keep working on this when it moves... :-/

I also see that workingenv was abandoned. That's very good to hear 
because buildout has a lot of machinery for installing eggs 
already, it would just've been duplicated with workingenv...

is there some advantage to the way that buildout handles eggs over 
workingenv. as I understand it, workingenv *only* handles python 
setup and does that well and transparently.

The point is that buildout *already* handles eggs. There's really no 
point for having an extra layer on top of buildout. The zc.recipe.egg 
recipe can install any egg (as a development one or not) in an 
automated fashion, which is exactly what you'd want from a buildout.

well that's awesome that buildout has duplicated this effort
the "source bin/activate" dance is the only thing I see being a 
detriment here(and with the latest workingenv, your shell prompt lets

you know you are in an env).

Not everybody likes the activate dance. With buildout, you don't need 
it. The recipes make sure that the scripts that get installed into the 
buildout's 'bin' directory have the right PYTHONPATH set and have 
access to the eggs you requested for the buildout.
is there really a difference between zopectl and source bin/activate?  I 
guess the main difference here is where PYTHONPATH gets set and how 
people work with it.   for example, if you just start python and want to 
play with code sounds like with zc.buildout you are out of luck for 
things installed in the buildout.

In our situation, we might have multiple versions of software running on 
different processes started in different workingenv (often not even 
using zope).being able to contextualize the python path is a useful 
development tool; this is understandable for buildout to avoid(as a 
deployment tool), but if we are considering using buildout as a 
prescribed way for people to manage their development environments, it 
seems lacking.

Workingenv made it more complex than it needed to be (or buildout 
did, depending on which perspective you look at it from). I believe 
Hanno wanted to rescue the recipe in case others found it useful, 
but it's not used for now.

what about if I'm already using workingenv... and want to use zope or 
plone in my workingenv?

I see no problem with that. zc.buildout is one way of deploying Python 
software like Zope. As long as you've got eggs, you could install them 
manually into your workingenv just fine. buildout just does it an 
automated fashion (and, of course, it can do more than just installing 

which I could automate in my env (workingenv takes recipes also). for 
that matter, eggs automate the installation of eggs...

I'm not sure what it would take to make buildout just automate install 
eggs into my  env... but not putting them in special directories would 
be a start. 

currently, I don't see an easy way to use buildouts inside a 
workingenv, whereas the rest of python world works great.  I will 
have alot of trouble explaining to my developer who already think 
zope smells that they have to change the way they work to use 
zc.buildout recipes.

for example, I can't use the deliverance or lxml buildout with an 
existing topp.deploy workingenv because of buildout's arbitrary egg 
handling scheme.  If zc.buildout didn't try to do so much, the python 
would be installed transparently like everything else I easy_install.

I'm not too fond of zc.buildout's directory scheme eiher. In 
particular, I wish that it would use 'lib/python' instead of 'eggs' 
and 'src' instead of 'develop-eggs'. I don't know enough zc.buildout 
details to be able to say whether that can be chagned by 
remimplementing the egg installation recipe. I would sure hope it is.


this may be all that is required to make the two play well together(or 
have buildout respect an existing workingenv when doing it's local 
install of eggs).  Maybe it's just a matter of zc.buildout seeing 
workingenv is in effect and not composing special pythonpaths.

harmony is my interest here. workingenv is pretty low-level and works 
hard to work well with python. there is no reason that zc.buildout 
should have a problem with that.. it just needs to do less when appropriate.

as stated before, I don't mind using zc.buildout, but I don't want to 
have to 

[Zope-dev] Re: ploneout - Or how using zc.buildout for a common Zope2 project might look like

2007-01-25 Thread whit

Martin Aspeli wrote:

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

This is awesome, and by that I don't mean the fact that we have a 
plone buildout, but that we actually have Zope 2 recipes for buildout. 
I hope they can be moved to svn.zope.org for further development to 
benefit the whole Zope 2 community.

I believe this is just a matter of contrib agreements being sorted out 
(Hanno?). I guess I need to get mine sorted out as well if I'm going to 
keep working on this when it moves... :-/

I also see that workingenv was abandoned. That's very good to hear 
because buildout has a lot of machinery for installing eggs already, 
it would just've been duplicated with workingenv...

is there some advantage to the way that buildout handles eggs over 
workingenv. as I understand it, workingenv *only* handles python setup 
and does that well and transparently.

the "source bin/activate" dance is the only thing I see being a 
detriment here(and with the latest workingenv, your shell prompt lets 
you know you are in an env).

Workingenv made it more complex than it needed to be (or buildout did, 
depending on which perspective you look at it from). I believe Hanno 
wanted to rescue the recipe in case others found it useful, but it's not 
used for now.

what about if I'm already using workingenv... and want to use zope or 
plone in my workingenv?

currently, I don't see an easy way to use buildouts inside a workingenv, 
whereas the rest of python world works great.  I will have alot of 
trouble explaining to my developer who already think zope smells that 
they have to change the way they work to use zc.buildout recipes.

for example, I can't use the deliverance or lxml buildout with an 
existing topp.deploy workingenv because of buildout's arbitrary egg 
handling scheme.  If zc.buildout didn't try to do so much, the python 
would be installed transparently like everything else I easy_install.

as stated before, I don't mind using zc.buildout, but I don't want to 
have to learn zc.buildout to use it meaningfully in my existing setup. 
If a buildout recipes could be executed by themselves(like 
buildout-zope2, buildout-deliverance, buildout-squid) as well as by 
aggregated recipes.  This would make buildout a killer tool inside my 
workingenv rather than a choice I had to make between two technologies.


-- d. whit morriss --
- senior engineer, opencore -
- http://www.openplans.org  -
- m: 415-710-8975   -

"If you don't know where you are,
 you don't know anything at all" 

Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

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[Zope-dev] Re: ZCML and 'zopectl test'?

2007-01-07 Thread whit
I just made ZopeTestCase defer all loading until it's layer(essentially 
deferring the import of ZopeLite which is sort of a subpar way to handle 
things and using a registry to handle installProducts).  most of what 
happens in zopelite itself should be the layer(rather than carefully 
isolating the import)


lurker, comments?  from what I remember, the only issue was with the 
sandbox tests(for functional tests). basically in sandboxed test you 
need a fresh zodb for each test iirc.


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[Zope-dev] Re: [z3-five] RFC: The future of Products.Five

2006-10-31 Thread whit

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 31. Oktober 2006 02:56:39 +0100 Philipp von Weitershausen 

Andreas Jung wrote:

What are our benefits from a Z2 Eggification. Eggification is basically
about packaging and distribution of components with little dependencies
in order to re-use them in other contexts. However most components of
Zope 2 are heavily dependent on others.

Yes, that's true. But eggs don't necessarily have to have few
dependencies ;). Eggs just have well-defined dependencies. And like Whit
said, there might be a desire to have certain Zope 2 components have a
faster life cycle than others, e.g. ZopeTestCase in Whit's case.

Yeah, it would make sense for particular components but not for all 
components just for the sake of eggs.


I would expect things to move as needed rather than just for the sake of it.


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[Zope-dev] Re: [z3-five] RFC: The future of Products.Five

2006-10-30 Thread whit

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 30. Oktober 2006 00:01:33 +0100 Philipp von Weitershausen 

* It is unclear to me at this point what Zope 2's egg story will be. I
*hope* that 2.11 will get the same egg story as the Zope 3.4 that ships
with it does, though noone has talked about eggifying Zope 2 yet. We
should probably do that.

What are our benefits from a Z2 Eggification. Eggification is basically 
about packaging and distribution of components with little dependencies 
in order to re-use them in other contexts. However most components of 
Zope 2
are heavily dependent on others. Or are we talking about using Zope 3 
eggs within Zope 2 as part of the Zope 2 distribution process?

I would argue a bit of both.  Zope 2 can be a giant egg without much 
difficultly enabling use of easy_install and dependency management in 
relation to that egg(think of how products depend on a version or  point 
version of zope2).  As an egg friendly installable, it can then be used 
in egg recipes etc.

it also lets us start teasing parts of zope2 out of the monolith of 
zope2 their own eggs(ZTC comes to mind) so they can evolve at a rate not 
controlled by the zope2 release process.

Since it is possible to match dependencies, releases can be built from 
egg recipes dynamically rather than cumbersome bundle linking.  I'm 
guessing this would make release management ultimately easier and more 
consistent; a recipe would simply match all stable and compatible eggs 
to the zope version that needed them.


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[Zope-dev] Re: RFC: The future of Products.Five(green eggs and zope)

2006-10-30 Thread whit

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

I don't think all of these things should go into the Products.Five 
anymore, for several reasons:

* We're trying to get away from writing products and into writing Python 
packages that can e.g. be installed as eggs.

* Some of these things are not essential to bringing Zope 3 technology 
into Zope 2 (e.g. like the intid stuff), so it may be questionable 
whether it should ship with Zope 2/Five out of the box.

* Starting with Zope 2.10, Products.Five is actually getting smaller 
which is a trend I would like to continue to see. And if I manage to 
land my Acquisition refactoring in 2.11, Products.Five will pretty soon 
decrease in size tremendously, and there are also other things in 
Products.Five that should really be in Zope 2 proper (e.g. OFS).

+1 to this logic


So, what I'm proposing is to feature-freeze the Products.Five package 
and just basically keep making it work for future Zope versions. Five 
1.6 (current trunk) will work for Zope 2.11 (current trunk), Five 1.7 
for 2.12, etc. So, essentially there won't be Five feature releases in 
between anymore, which means we can put Products.Five into the 
Zope/lib/python/Products proper.

New stuff will be added in standard Python packages that may or may not 
ship with Zope 2, Plone or whoever needs them. I personally almost don't 
care, it's really only about defining the right egg dependencies in 
Plone 3.0 or Zope 2.11, I would assume (see also 'Risks' below). This 
seems like the release manager's job who would include stuff based on 
requests from the community and package maintainer's recommendations.

The namespace for these packages should probably be 'five', as we 
already have five.intid and five.customerize and we are, after all, the 
Five project.



* We'll be able to use stuff we get for Python packages for free, such 
as installation via eggs, Cheeseshop presence and much less majyck for 

* Stuff that we create as part of the Five project does not necessarily 
have to end up in Zope 2. Currently, stuff added to Products.Five 
eventually always ends up in some Zope 2 release which means we'll have 
to maintain it forever, no matter how crappy it turns out to be (e.g. 

flipped around, it would be nice to see the crufty features in Five 
moved out to their own packages, to enable BBB *if needed*.  this is 
similar to nuxeo's XYZonFive product pattern, but easy_install-able.

* Development of certain components can move much faster than even Five. 
New things like five.intid or five.customerize can be experimented with 
and already be in the right place if they turn out to be stable. If not, 
they won't harm Products.Five, either. Individual packages rather than 
one big one also reduces the amount of work that has to be done by the 
Five release manager (IOW my work ;)).

would like to note that other packages in Zope2 also need this ability 
to release asynchronously from Zope2's schedule; ZopeTestCase in 
particular comes to mind(Testing should be a namespace package imho).


* If five.* packages need ZCML config (and I know some will), they will 
either have to be included the Zope 3 way (site.zcml or package-includes 
slug in your instance's 'etc' directory), or we need to come up with an 
approach that Zope 2 people are more comfortable with. I think an egg 
entry point would be a compelling solution. 

big +1 here. would love to use paste deploy to configure my zope instance.

There are plans to do this
in Zope 3 even so that you can provide configuration from Python instead 
of ZCML. I expect this to land in Zope 3.4 which means we should be able 
to take advantage of it in 2.11.

I will defer to other's here but say this: I'd rather have better tools 
to configure with than more options in the configuration language.

* It is unclear to me at this point what Zope 2's egg story will be. I 
*hope* that 2.11 will get the same egg story as the Zope 3.4 that ships 
with it does, though noone has talked about eggifying Zope 2 yet. We 
should probably do that.

re zope2 egg story:

some talk has occurred thanks to goldegg and general irritation suffered 
by myself, rocky, nouri and others.  Tres and McDonc have definitely 
plumbed the ugly depths of zope2 thinking about this problem for 
goldegg.  Nouri has run the plone stack as an egg; I've run Zope2 as an 

re my experience, I made a somewhat indecipherable post about my 
experiences with easy_install-ing zope from svn with workingenv.

To reiterate, the results are pretty cool: all of zope is installed into 
your workingenv/lib/python, all your scripts(repozo, mkinstance, etc) 
are installed into your workingenv/bin .  Some minor edits are required 
to make the scripts find the proper libs(due to SOFTWARE_HOME path 
expectations) and the site skeleton disappear but really, it's darn 
close to working as an egg.

workingenv t

[Zope-dev] Re: PYTHONPATH

2006-10-17 Thread whit

Sidnei da Silva wrote:

On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 11:49:14AM -0500, whit wrote:
| http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/2206 is resolved for *nix 
| flavors(sorry for double posting, completely forgot I had posted the bug 
| before).  I have no access to a win box so someone else will need do the 
| necessary changes to the bat files in skel(if this sort of thing is even 
| possible on windows).

Of course it is. Just use '%PYTHONPATH%' instead of '$PYTHONPATH'.

While on the subject, I had asked about adding
$INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python as well. No one seemed to object. Do you
mind making this extra change while you're at it? This one should come
before everything else in PYTHONPATH.


sounds good to me


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[Zope-dev] Re: PYTHONPATH

2006-10-16 Thread whit
http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/2206 is resolved for *nix 
flavors(sorry for double posting, completely forgot I had posted the bug 
before).  I have no access to a win box so someone else will need do the 
necessary changes to the bat files in skel(if this sort of thing is even 
possible on windows).


whit wrote:

silence == consent.  will proceed as declared.


whit wrote:

Paul Winkler wrote:

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 06:26:49PM -0500, whit wrote:
It seems like if you've set your PYTHONPATH and start zope, you 
would expect that path to be available.

Anyone object to this going forward? Anyone think this is a bug that 
should be fixed(on older versions)?

I think it's a bug, but then, I don't recall ever stumbling on it
in practice.

alright... if noone objects, I'm filing this as a bug and making the 

will wait another 24 hours.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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fn:david morriss
org:The Open Planning Project
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Engineer

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[Zope-dev] Re: Zope 2.10.0 released

2006-10-03 Thread whit

thanks guys...know this one was a long time in the coming.


Andreas Jung wrote:

Hi all,

on behalf of Zope developer community I am pleased to announce the 
release of Zope 2.10.0.

You can download Zope 2.10.0 from:


Some new features of Zope 2.10:

 - ZPT implementation based on Zope 3

 - experimental WSGI and Twisted integration

 - Zope 3.3, Five 1.5 integration

 - clock server

 - lots of minor improvements and fixes

 - replaced several Zope 2 modules with their sister implementation
   of Zope 3

For more information on what is new in this release, see the
CHANGES.txt files for the release:


Please bring all the bugs you have found to the Zope bugtracker:


For more information on the available Zope releases, guidance for selecting
the right distribution and installation instructions, please see:


Supported Python versions:

 Zope 2.10 requires Python 2.4.3 (Python 2.4.2 is still acceptable).
 Older Python versions are no longer supported. Using Python 2.5
 is also *unsupported*.

Many thanks to all everyone who contributed. Very special thanks go to
Philipp von Weiterhausen for his continuous and outstanding work in
the Zope 2 *and* Zope 3 world.

Zope-Announce maillist  -  Zope-Announce@zope.org

  Zope-Announce for Announcements only - no discussions

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 Users: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope

 Developers: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

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[Zope-dev] Re: PYTHONPATH

2006-10-03 Thread whit

silence == consent.  will proceed as declared.


whit wrote:

Paul Winkler wrote:

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 06:26:49PM -0500, whit wrote:
It seems like if you've set your PYTHONPATH and start zope, you would 
expect that path to be available.

Anyone object to this going forward? Anyone think this is a bug that 
should be fixed(on older versions)?

I think it's a bug, but then, I don't recall ever stumbling on it
in practice.

alright... if noone objects, I'm filing this as a bug and making the 

will wait another 24 hours.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: ZClass Maintenance

2006-09-28 Thread whit

ZClasses don't get better from writing long postings.
Ah, yes but I can write much faster than I can code.   What am I doing 
on this list!?!  All I have to do is to motivate someone else to do the 

programmers are generally motivated by concrete contributions ie money, 
code, beer, or trips to exotic places to get money, code, or beer.

hope that helps,


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: In Defense of ZClasses

2006-09-28 Thread whit
if zclasses(and some of the niceties that depended on them like 
ZPatterns) could reliably roundtrip to the filesystem, would we be 
having this conversation?

I don't know...it seems like if you tackled the less sexy problem of 
making zclasses play with normal developer tool chain, the divide 
between zclass fans and core developers is bridged.

Seaside, the smalltalk web framework is a successful example of this(but 
before it could be, they had to build a scm in smalltalk).

I think the reality is that since the current best practice toolchain 
came after the inception of ZClasses, you can't expect any active 
developers to want to maintain something divorced from their working 

bring zclasses back to the tool chain, and you might grow an audience to 
help you.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: PYTHONPATH

2006-09-28 Thread whit

Paul Winkler wrote:

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 06:26:49PM -0500, whit wrote:
It seems like if you've set your PYTHONPATH and start zope, you would 
expect that path to be available.

Anyone object to this going forward? Anyone think this is a bug that 
should be fixed(on older versions)?

I think it's a bug, but then, I don't recall ever stumbling on it
in practice.

alright... if noone objects, I'm filing this as a bug and making the change.

will wait another 24 hours.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )


2006-09-27 Thread whit
I've been working with workingenv.py and zope a bit.  It offers a very 
nice fashion of working with zope(constrains python and setuptools to 
operating in a restricted environment).

there are some lumps.

you have to call the --home flag when creating the environment. I 
haven't successful made a zope checkout in to a workingenv itself. those 
are small potatoes.

More pressing is that currently to make this work, you have to hand edit 
bin/zopectl and bin/runzope like so::




Would there be any negative sideeffect to make this change the default 
in the instance skeleton?

It seems like if you've set your PYTHONPATH and start zope, you would 
expect that path to be available.

Anyone object to this going forward? Anyone think this is a bug that 
should be fixed(on older versions)?

comments, suggestions appreciated.


Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: Adding INSTANCE/lib/python to PYTHONPATH

2006-08-31 Thread whit

Sidnei da Silva wrote:

Looks like INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python is added to PYTHONPATH at some
point during startup, but not on the zopectl/runzope scripts.

I've tried installing eggs into INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python and they
won't load unless it's added to PYTHONPATH at startup time.

Thus, I propose to add INSTANCE_HOME/lib/python to PYTHONPATH on the
said scripts. Anyone against making this change all the way down to
Zope 2.9?

we've also seen a need to add an arbitrary path to PYTHONPATH in these 
script for situations like using ian bickings workingenv.  workingenv 
constrains the execution and installation environment to an arbitrary 
directory(no more installing eggs into the site-packages).

Might be nice to have this as an option for mkinstance;  maybe --home to 
make it similar to disutils?

fn:david morriss
org:The Open Planning Project
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Engineer

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] the zope, eggs and the testrunner

2006-06-30 Thread whit
I've been developping some packages using zope.testing and the 
testrunner that ships with zope2.10.  Yesterday, I packaged these using 
fairly standard python/egg pattern.  one package is pure python, the 
other a zope2/zope3 hybrid.

now I have two large PITAs:

1. in general, this would suck alot less if easyinstall would recognize 
I already have package x, y, and z on my PYTHONPATH, rather than 
helpfully installing incompatible ones or erroring out when it can't 
resolve zope dependency x from the ether.

Doesn't seem to be a --stop-sucking flag that I can find.  removing all 
the zopeish things like zope.interface and zope.testing solves this 
problem for the pure python package (but sort of make things like 
testing interfaces out of the question).

2. zopectl test doesn't see my tests with said packages installed in 
develop mode or as eggs (assorted --path etc options don't seem to 
help).   Running the tests via python setup.py test only works when I 
unflag the testing dependency of zope.testing.

anyone been down this rabbit hole? have any suggestions? resources?



 | david "whit" morriss
 | contact :: http://public.xdi.org/=whit

 "If you don't know where you are,
  you don't know anything at all"

  Dr. Edgar Spencer, Ph.D., 1995

 "I like to write code like
 other ppl like to tune their
 cars or 10kW hifi equipment..."

 Christian Heimes, 2004

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

[Zope-dev] Re: SVN: Products.Five/trunk/ Five now requires site.zcml to live in /etc

2006-05-30 Thread whit
there is a world of difference between shipping with and requiring...is 
this language really what happened?

I thought the decision was to  ship with a site.zcml and 
package-includes directory in their conventional place, not changing 
Five's behavior to look for it's skeleton if it didn't find the 


Tres Seaver wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Rocky Burt wrote:

Log message for revision 68359:
  Five now requires site.zcml to live in /etc

  U   Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  D   Products.Five/trunk/skel/
  U   Products.Five/trunk/zcml.py

Modified: Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt 2006-05-29 19:42:51 UTC (rev 68358)
+++ Products.Five/trunk/CHANGES.txt 2006-05-29 20:24:13 UTC (rev 68359)
@@ -8,6 +8,18 @@
+* Zope 2.10+ now includes site.zcml as part of its instance creation

+  skel directory.  As a consequence Five now requires this file to exist
+  in every instance.  If upgrading a site from Zope 2.9 to 2.10, you will 
+  need to copy site.zcml and package-includes/ from your installed Zope 
+  installation location (skel/etc/) into the etc/ directory of your upgraded 
+  instance.
+  The rationale for requiring this new file is to bring Zope 2 instances

+  closer in consistency to Zope 3 instances.  It also eases use of Zope 3
+  coding techniques in Zope 2 and removes some confusion when trying
+  to run pure Zope 3 applications on Zope 2.

This is a BBB foul.  The appropriate way to make such a change is to add
a deprecation warning, leaveing the "old" behavior (which was to use the
'site.zcml' from inside Five) in place.

Making "forward compatibility" smoother is *less* important than
preserving "backward compatibility".

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 202-558-7113  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"http://palladion.com
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