Re: [Zope-dev] [ZConfig] import inhomogenous

2004-02-18 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 17 February 2004 01:10 pm, Dieter Maurer wrote:
  It would be better if the type of the imported
  object (schema or component) were orthogonal
  to the location from where the object is found
  (in a package or via an URL).

I agree, that does seem nicer.

Another approach would be to deprecate the import src=url/ form, so we 
only need to deal with components.  The original src=url flavor was 
created before schema components had been thought through, and I'd be happy 
to see that go.

  A use case is the import of the section types
  defined in Zope.Startup.zopeschema.xml for
  other ZEO applications that require access to the
  same ZODB database(s). It is far more
  convenient to access this schema via package+file
  than an URL.

Is there some reason not to simply move the section types to a schema 
component?  That seems more in the spirit of making the schema modular.

  The attached patch adds an additional type attribute
  to the import element. It can take values schema
  or component and determines the type of object to
  be imported. Its default value () is handled to
  provide backward compatibility.

I've not read the patch yet, so I'll ask:  what's the point of the type 
attribute?  Should it be an error if the type doesn't match the top-level 
element of the resource?  If only advisory, is it actually useful?

Thanks for thinking critically about ZConfig.  Yes, I'm aware there are some 
proposals for changes I've not yet addressed.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] server for new protocol?

2004-02-27 Thread Fred Drake
On Thursday 26 February 2004 06:50 am, Nikolay Kim wrote:
  is there any way create server for new protocol without changing ZServer

There's clearly a need for some more documentation here, but I'm not sure what 
to write yet, or where it should go.

Contrary to many of the other responses, yes, this shouldn't be difficult at 
all.  You'll need a couple of pieces of Python code:

1.  Your server implementation.  It sounds like you have this already.

2.  A factory object that can accept configuration data and create an instance 
of your server object.

You then need to create a ZConfig component that provides a section type to 
support your server.  The ZConfig documentation discusses this somewhat.  The 
new section type will need to declare that it implements the ZServer.server 
abstract type; it should probably look something like this:

  import package=ZServer/

  sectiontype name=myserver

!-- configuration data should be described here --


You'll need to arrange for the package containing this component is available 
on the Python sys.path before zope.conf is loaded; this is mostly easily done 
by manipulating the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Your zope.conf file can now include the following to load and use your new 

%import mypackage
  # configuration settings go here

Feel free to ask questions about this; I'm usually more available to respond 
than I have been a couple of days.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] server for new protocol?

2004-03-01 Thread Fred Drake
On Sunday 29 February 2004 11:21 pm, Nikolay Kim wrote:
  P.S. i'm developing smtp server for zope and already have working code.

Ooh!  This is really cool.  Will this be open source?  I'll be a lot of people 
will be interested in this.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Product directory?

2004-03-09 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 01:58 pm, Ian Beatty wrote:
  This has to be an easy one.

Good, I'll take it.  ;-)

  From within my Python-based product's code, how do I get access to the
  product's directory on the filesystem? os.getcwd() seems to provide the
  working directory of the shell used to launch Zope, at least when running
  in debug mode.

This isn't actually Zope specific; you can easily get the directory a module 
lives in using this:

import os
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

The variable here will hold a string with an absolute path to the directory 
containing the source file for your module (named by __file__).  The call to 
os.path.abspath() isn't strictly necessary, but protects against future calls 
to os.chdir() (though not past calls!) in case the module was loaded from 
directory named by a relative directory on sys.path.

You can do this just once at module scope; there's no need to recompute this 
each time you need it.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Product directory?

2004-03-09 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 09 March 2004 02:30 pm, Chris McDonough wrote:
  There is also a convenience function for this in Zope:
  from Globals import package_home
  here = package_home(globals())

Maybe I'm just weird, but I generally prefer the general approach when there's 
not a clear improvement in readability or brevity.

Globals.package_home() is definately a more complicated approach to digging 
out the same information; it might be better for older versions of Python.  
It's not available in Zope 3.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re:

2004-03-11 Thread Fred Drake
On Thursday 11 March 2004 10:40 am, Tres Seaver wrote:
  distutils will munge it anyway, if it installs the scripts.

That won't work for a lot of developers, I'll bet, who have python2.3 
installed in /usr/local/bin.  The env hack is more reasonable for 
developers; since distutils is going to munge the sh-bang line anyway, it's 
not an issue for real installations.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re:

2004-03-12 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 12 March 2004 05:40 am, yuppie wrote:
  I don't care much *how* this is resolved, but I'd like to have this
  consistent and up to date. If I always have to check if the python
  version is set correctly that line isn't helpful at all.

Well, Tres appearantly hasn't had time to respond.  I think the line should 

#!/usr/bin/env python2.3

This will then be modified on installation by distutils to point to the Python 
interpreter which was involved in the installation.  I think this is the 
right thing for both developers working from CVS and site developers and 
administrators working with installed versions.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPT for CSS, anyone?

2004-03-30 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 30 March 2004 01:40 pm, Dieter Maurer wrote:
  Furthermore, stylesheets often contain customization variables,
  e.g. for a color scheme. I think, this is useful.

This is one of the most painful warts in CSS that would have been really easy 
to do right, I think.  Being able to name colors for parts of pages and then 
reuse those names would make a lot of this sort of problem go away for style 
sheets where the colors are the only difference.

CSS 3 might include this, but I've not tracked it closely.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Re: CVS: Zope3/src/zope/tal -

2004-04-08 Thread Fred Drake
On Thursday 08 April 2004 10:00 am, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
  I would like to backport this patch (including tests) to Zope 2, since I
  need to i18n XML generated by ZPTs.

None here.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] ZConfig 2.1 released

2004-04-12 Thread Fred Drake
I've posted a distribution for ZConfig 2.1 on the ZConfig page:

This fixes a few bugs and improves the ability to set default values in 
schemas.  It also adds some helpful schema building blocks, including a 
general mapping type and support for Python's logging package.

This version of ZConfig requires Python 2.3.

From the news file:

- Removed compatibility with Python 2.1 and 2.2.

- The default objects use for section values now provide a method
  getSectionAttributes(); this returns a list of all the attributes of
  the section object which store configuration-defined data (including
  information derived from the schema).

- Default information can now be included in a schema for key
  name=+ and multikey name=+ by using default key=

- More documentation has been added to discuss schema extension.

- Support for a Unicode-free Python has been fixed.

- Derived section types now inherit the datatype of the base type if
  no datatype is identified explicitly.

- Derived section types can now override the keytype instead of always
  inheriting from their base type.

- import package='...'/ makes use of the current prefix if the
  package name begins witha dot.

- Added two standard datatypes:  dotted-name and dotted-suffix.

- Added two standard schema components: ZConfig.components.basic and


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Zope Developers

2004-04-13 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 13 April 2004 01:44 pm, Paul Edward Brinich wrote:
  I was wondering if someone on this list could point me in the direction
  of an appropriate place to post Zope job openings.  I am looking for an
  audience well-versed in Zope.  Thanks for any guidance!

There's the Python Job Board:


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] zLOG is dead

2004-04-13 Thread Fred Drake

zLOG is dead

The zLOG package used for logging throughout ZODB, ZEO, and Zope 2 has
been declared obsolete.  All logging for Zope products will use the
logging package from Python's standard library.

The zLOG package still exists in Zope 2 and the separate package for
ZODB, but it is now an API shim (or façade) over the logging
package.  It is expected to wither away to nothing at some point.

Why should you care?

This means that the environment variables EVENT_LOG_FILE,
are no longer honored for Zope 2.8, ZODB, or ZEO.  Zope 2 reads
logging configuring from the zope.conf configuration file, and the script for developers reads a log.ini file using the obnoxious
configuration syntax provided by the logging package itself.

If you use the ZODB distribution but not the rest of Zope, you
probably want to start changing any of your code that uses zLOG to use
the logging package.  ZODB and ZEO will be changed to use the logging
package directly as well to avoid dependence on the API shim.

How can you help?

If you have some time to contribute to Zope development, the removal
of zLOG calls from the ZODB and ZEO packages would be a welcome
contribution.  I've converted Signals/ and
Zope/Startup/, and some modules of ZODB and ZEO already use
the logging package directly; these can serve as examples.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope and zope

2004-04-13 Thread Fred Drake
Jim Fulton noted:
  Of course, having two packages with names differing only in case is a
  bit ugly.
  Do we want to consider renaming one or both of these packages
  to avoid the conflict?

A bit ugly, but I can live with it.

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 22:17, Tres Seaver wrote:
  -1 to renaming 'Zope';  the amount of third-party code which we would
  break is incalculable.  -0 to renaming 'zope' to 'z3', or something;  at
  least third party code for Zope3 was built in the test-driven culture,
  and has at least some chance of migrating cleanly with confidence.

On Tuesday 13 April 2004 10:44 pm, Stephan Richter wrote:
  You wanna rename 'zope' to 'z3' for the purpose of merging the two? I
  really hope that will not be the case. Or is this for Zope 2 only?
  I would hate to have imports like or even z3.i18n. I am
  definitely -1 on this option, if it also applies to standalone Zope 3.

Tres has a good objection, *if* we actually expect 3rd-party Zope 2 code to 
work in Zope 3.  (I don't know if we have this requirement or not; I've no 
personal interest in doing so.)

If we don't expect 3rd-party Zope 2 code to work in Zope 3, then the second 
entry on sys.path seems good enough; having a collection of code identified 
by two different names is unworkable.  (Think absolute imports here.)

Any requirement that states 3rd-party Zope 2 code work in Zope 3 will have to 
be worked out; that's the key here.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] zLOG is dead

2004-04-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 14 April 2004 01:49 am, Andreas Jung wrote:
  What is the recommend way to migrate existing code?
  I assume using:
  import logging
  logger = logging.getLogger(loggername).

That works, and certainly matches what I've been doing, and what we see in the 
Zope 3 codebase as well.

  When I look through the Zope HEAD code then you are using e.g.
  'zodb.conn' or '' but also 'Zope' as loggername. Do we
  have to agree on some common usage of the logger names?
  E.g. for logging calls in the reST packagebetter using 'Zope' or

I don't think there is a general convention at this time; where I've switched 
things over (only a few places), I've used what was being passed to zLOG.LOG 
as the subsystem parameter.  Where there's no precedent... I don't know.  A 
guiding convention would be nice; I could see using the package name if 
there's nothing else that sticks out as obvious.  That doesn't match a lot of 
the existing usage, though.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope and zope

2004-04-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 14 April 2004 09:54 am, Kapil Thangavelu wrote:
  its probably a problem imo for mac users who are on a case insensitive

Is this still an issue for Mac OS X, or is your concern for classic Mac OS?  I 
don't know if we support that (simply because I've never heard anyone mention 

  none of the alternative seem all that appealing though.. the comment

No, they don't.  The current Zope 3 naming for modules and packages mostly 
follows the current BDFL recommendations, which is nice, and is friendly to 
to those of use alergic to upper case letters.  It also works well for 
case-senseless filesystems.

  about most z3 imports being prefixed with zope, suggests that any
  backwards porting with a goal of forward compatibility will require
  changing the existing z2 Zope package to something else, although
  sticking version numbers on package names doesn't hold much appeal for
  me. perhaps renaming z2 Zope-Core

The Zope 2 Zope package is actually quite small.  Perhaps renaming it is the 
best approach.  In spite of Tres's objection, I don't see how there could be 
all that much code that references it.  Perhaps it's referenced by some 
persistent objects?  There's an uncertain comment in Zope.ClassFactory, and 
Zope.App.ClassFactory might be referenced, but otherwise the Zope package 
contains startup code.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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Re: [Zope-dev] zLOG is dead

2004-04-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 14 April 2004 11:44 am, Lennart Regebro wrote:
  Yeah, but is it reasonable to think that people who write new products
  will do this? A rule that most people will break is a bad rule... That
  people working on Zope itself can be well versed enough to use Zope.
  for things in teh Zope repository seems reasonable. But will people
  working on Plone really use Zope.CMFQuickInstaller? Rather they will
  probably say just CMFQuickInstaller, CMF.QuickInstaller och
  Plone.QuickInstaller or something.

I would only expect any sort of leading Zope. to apply to the software that 
ships as part of Zope 2.  Other products and tools, like the CMF and Plone, 
should use a different prefix (CMF. and Plone. come to mind as reasonable 


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope and zope

2004-04-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 14 April 2004 10:52 am, Jim Fulton wrote:
  packages become very unsttractive. It turns out that pkgutil will be
  confused by the Zope package on Windows or Mac OS, adding it's directory
  to the zope package's path. This is a bug in pkgutil that can be fixed,
  but it is an example of the sorts of problems we can expect.

I've filed a bug report on pkgutil:


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] zLOG is dead

2004-04-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 14 April 2004 10:45 am, Andreas Jung wrote:
  For consitency: Zope.Products.
  For lazy writers: Zope. X
  I prefer the second solution...everyone should know what are products and
  are packages. In fact the name does not matter because you can see in the
  where the error occurs. You don't get this information from the name

I disagree.  Not everyone that looks at the logs will be a site developer or 
Zope product or core developer.  Keeping things explicit is reasonable.

  Keep the product name as it is...means Products/ should use
  Zope. as logger name. No need to introduce a new mapping. Keep it

Keeping it simple is good, but I'd still like to see every logging subsystem 
in code that ships with the Zope 2 core start with Zope.  This is a 
potential backwards compatibility issue, though, since log-trawling tools are 
already using the names currently generated, as inconsistent as they are.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope3-dev], [Zope-dev] More arguments for z (was Re: Zope and zope)

2004-04-15 Thread Fred Drake
On Thursday 15 April 2004 10:23 am, Jim Fulton wrote:
  (BTW, I think it was a mistake to have top-level persistent and
  transaction packages. I think that will eventually come back to haunt us.)

I won't disagree with this.  ;-(

  The only way to avoid collissions is to pick stupid names (zthis, zthat).
  I much prefer z.this to zthis. This assumes that we can make it easy to
  install z.this into z.

As long as z gets installed *at all* (before/after is not an issue), we can do 
this now.  This is supported, if only by accident, by the current 
implementation of distutils.

  I think that that's a different discussion.  The safest thing to do
  for now is to continue using a container package.

I like this as well.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope3-dev], [Zope-dev] Import checking code

2004-04-15 Thread Fred Drake
On Thursday 15 April 2004 13:22, Martijn Faassen wrote:
  Note that for checking dependencies in Python code I still think this
  tool could be improved by using technology from
  which can use Python's compiler module to lift all imports from source
  code, which I think is safer than the hand crafted parser approach takes now.

I keep meaning to get back to you about this; sorry it's taken me so long.

I wrote the tokenize-based code before I saw your code; I'd 
decided to go with the tokenize module instead of the compiler package since 
the later was poorly documented (IMHO).  I've no really strong feeling about 
either approach being better.

  If somebody lets me know which API they want implemented for retrieving
  imports (and use of imports) I could do this lifting work myself.

I'm not sure simply re-implementing one of the internal interfaces 
is the right thing to do; that's some incredibly cludgey code in Zope 3.  
There's a lot of confusion about what values are paths and which are module 
names, and that makes me very uncomfortable.

If you'd like to replace the code that locates imports, feel free to do so.  
It may be that conciseness wins; the tokenize-based approach certainly ended 
up being more code than I'd expected initially.

On Thursday 15 April 2004 01:21 pm, Stephan Richter wrote:
  Fred has fixed that a while ago already (if I read the checkins
  correctly). :-)

No, Martijn's talking about something else... kinda.  I imagine he had even 
stronger feelings about your initial implementation.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Proposal: Rename zope package

2004-04-16 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 16 April 2004 01:31 pm, Michael Bernstein wrote:
   From a consistency in nomenclature POV, I find 'z' jars a bit with
  ZConfig, zdaemon, ZEO, zLog, and ZODB, which one might expect to find
  nested within 'z' (as 'z.Config' for example). This is admittedly only
  an issue for the newest newbies still trying to guess at where stuff is

I don't know what zLog is; presumably you mean zLOG?

zLOG is dead in Zope 2.8, and will remain only for API compatibility.

I don't think there's any real consistency now for what's in the Zope 2 head, 
so I don't think that's a big deal.

  However, rather than suggest a wholesale moving and renaming of these
  packages within 'z', I'd like to suggest an alternative short name for
  the 'zope' package, 'OPE', which avoids this issue:
import OPE.interface
from import zapi
from import publish
from import ObjectModifiedEvent

Hehe.  ;-)

(I do hope you're joking!)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Proposal: Rename zope package

2004-04-16 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 16 April 2004 03:06 pm, Michael Bernstein wrote:
  Shouldn't we strive for consistency in nomenclature going forward?

Definately.  My point was that we don't have anything to base it on, not that 
we shouldn't be.

Zope 3 kindly specifies some guidelines for naming, including module and 
package names.  I'm not convinced z follows those guidelines (actually, I'm 
also not convinced it doesn't, given that the official expansion for ZOPE is 
the Z Object Publishing Environment).

  About even considering a 'wholesale moving and renaming' yes, obviously,
  but as far as suggesting 'OPE' as an alternative to 'z' (insofar as it
  is still necessary to avoid a name-clash with 'Zope'), no. 'OPE' (as an
  acronym for Object Publishing Environment) seems like it fits better
  conceptually than 'z'.

From where I stand, calling it OPE (or ope, or Ope) are all the same 
mistake as Interface, transaction, persistent, Persistence, etc: 
taking a very general term and using that for a specific implementation.  
We're not dealing with some abstract or archtypical object publishing 
environment, we're dealing with a specific one.  Whether or not z is a good 
name for it is another question altogether.  ;-)

  Did I miss something? Did I just manage to embarrass myself? Is this a
  dream where I find I am wearing nothing but underwear in public and then
  wake up?

That's better than dreaming you're wearing a suit in a dream, and waking up 
wearing nothing but your underwear in public.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Proposal: Rename zope package

2004-04-16 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 16 April 2004 03:24 pm, Shane Hathaway wrote:
  - Spelling it zOPE to take advantage of a frequent mishap involving
  the cAPS lOCK key

That must be what happened for zLOG, and I declared that dead.  I don't think 
anyone's ready for that for Zope 3 just yet.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: zLOG changes

2004-04-20 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 20 April 2004 01:22 pm, Andreas Jung wrote:
  - the entries in the event.log are currently written without the log
  level. Is this dedicated
 behaviour? I think the log level should be part of the event.log

It should.  This was lost when I changed the zLOG -- logging mapping, and was 
unintentional.  I've changed the default logging formats for each handler 
type to do what seems to be the right thing.  The specific formats can be 
controlled via the format setting in the relevant log handler sections in 

  - when adding
  LOG = getLogger(...)
to some modules then the output is only written to the event.log but no
  longer to stdout
 (if running in debug mode). Is this change intentional?

I'm not sure what the right approach to fixing this is.  There are a couple of 

- In debug mode, add a new handler that dumps to standard output.  This is
  fairly easy to code, but is inflexible.

- In debug mode, use an alternate or auxillary logging configuration to
  replace or augment the eventlog configuration section.  This is more work
  up front, but keeps everything flexible.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG is dead

2004-04-20 Thread Fred Drake
On Tuesday 20 April 2004 01:15 pm, Christian Heimes wrote:
  Fred Drake wrote:
  * Do I need to take care that the messages are logged into the event log
  and on the console or can I safly use the logging package like::
  zLOG has logged the messages to the console when zope was started with
  runzope and the entries were logged to the event.log, too.

I've responded to the note from Andreas; we need to decide just how this 
should be handled, but it should not require changes to code that uses 

  * Does Zope 2.7.0 has the new logging facility?

Zope 2.7.x uses the logging package as a back-end to zLOG, but it uses it in a 
different way.  For it to make sense to change this for 2.7.1 would mean 
backporting most or all of the relevant changes from the trunk.  I've no 
plans to do so myself at this time.

So for code that needs to be compatible with Zope 2.7.x, it's wise to stick 
with zLOG.

  * If no: Will Zope 2.7.1 have the new logging facility or do I need to
  wait for Zope 2.8?

I think waiting until you can drop support for Zope 2.7.x is the right thing 
to do.  I imaging the zLOG API shim will remain in Zope 2.x for a long time.

  I'm chatting with Andreas Jung right now. He is telling me that the logs
  don't get printed to the console and that the log level is missing in
  the event.log

This was unintentional; you should have better results after an update from 
CVS.  Thanks for bringing this up.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG changes

2004-04-22 Thread Fred Drake
I wrote:
  - In debug mode, add a new handler that dumps to standard output.  This
  is fairly easy to code, but is inflexible.

Andreas responded:
  But flexible enough for most usecase. The point is that you want to see
  the tracebacks on the console during the development phase. Watching the
  event.log with tail -f is somewhat annoying.

Understood!  I've committed changes that that I think should do the trick for 

- In debug mode, a log handler is added to the root logger that writes events
  to standard error.  This is no longer conflated with the startup logging.

- When running Zope using zopectl fg (the best way to run things for
  debugging), zopectl will force debug mode to be enabled.

   - In debug mode, use an alternate or auxillary logging configuration to
 replace or augment the eventlog configuration section.  This is more
   work   up front, but keeps everything flexible.
  Maybe too much overkill...not sure if one needs an academic solution

I don't know that I'd describe this as academic (most academics I've worked 
with considered the ability to change the code configuration enough), but if 
you're happy not to need it, I'm happy not to implement it.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG changes

2004-04-22 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 21 April 2004 04:48 am, Chris Withers wrote:
  I'm guessing there is some kind of log-to-console logger already?
  If so, why not just add that in zope.conf and comment it out when you move
  to production?

That would work for me, but not everyone at ZC agreed, so I've made some 
changes that should be good for most people; see my message to Andreas and 
(and Zope-Dev) for a description of how things work on the trunk now.

  BTW, is there a logger in Python 2.3/Zope 2.7 that sends log entries via
  email? If not, I'll port MailingLogger to Zope 2.7 and see if I can make
  it play nice :-)

Yes, there is.  You should be able to use it by adding a section like this 
inside your eventlog section in zope.conf:

  fromChris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  subject Something blew up!
  smtp-server [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  level   error
  format  Timestamp: %(asctime)s\nComponent: %(name)s\nLevel: 
%(levelname)s (%(levelno)s)\n\n%(message)s

My mailer might have wrapped that long line; sorry.  ;-(

Let me know if there are any problems with this.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] New mailing list for ZConfig users

2004-04-23 Thread Fred Drake
At a suggestion from the community, I've created a new mailing list for 
ZConfig users.  This is for general discussion and questions.  The list is 
run using Mailman at; you can sign up at


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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Need help with

2004-04-25 Thread Fred Drake
On Sunday 25 April 2004 12:29 pm, Jim Fulton wrote:
 cvs co svn+ssh:// Zope3

That should be:

svn co svn+ssh:// Zope3

 cvs co Zope3

and this would be:

svn co Zope3


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Need help with

2004-04-25 Thread Fred Drake
On Sunday 25 April 2004 01:00 pm, Jim Fulton wrote:
  Oops. Thanks. I gues some habits will be hard to kick. :)

Yeah.  Of course, CVS isn't just an old habit; it'll still be current 
practice, not just for Zope 2.6.x and 2.7.x, but for lots of projects.  The 
general pain of two widely-used revision control systems will be with us for 
a long time.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: Mailing Log Entries in 2.7

2004-04-25 Thread Fred Drake
On Saturday 24 April 2004 06:26 pm, Chris Withers wrote:
  And there was me looking forward to writing a product that added its own
  ZConfig section :'(

You still can if you like.  ;-)

  Okay, how can I get the log level and exception type into the subject?

That's not currently possible, though it wouldn't be hard to add.  Perhaps 
some future ZConfig revision would add this.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] What do we want to bring from CVS to Subversion

2004-04-26 Thread Fred Drake
On Monday 26 April 2004 03:23 pm, Jim Fulton wrote:
  2. Convert the mainline history, but leave off the branches.

This sounds good to me.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: Should we require windows users to use tools that honor Unixlineendings? (Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] ATTENTION! cvs tosubversiontransitiontomorrow)

2004-04-28 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 28 April 2004 04:01 pm, Lennart Regebro wrote:
  Yes, but I'm pretty sure there are default settings for which files that
  should be treated as binary on the server side in CVS. At least I rember
  setting it up. :´)

Yes, this is specified in the CVSROOT/cvswrappers file.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] [Weakness] analysis of Zope startup problems

2004-04-30 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 30 April 2004 10:50 am, Chris McDonough wrote:
  Is this improved at all by Fred's latest zZLOG-removal checkins?  If
  not, I will open a collector issue.

None of my changes have been applied to Zope 2.7; they only exist on the Zope 
2 HEAD.  The removal of zLOG is only for the Zope 3 and ZODB distributions; 
there's no intention to remove it from Zope 2.

  On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 03:34, Dieter Maurer wrote:
   Zope 2.7 delays access to log files until Zope is properly set up.
   This means: log files cannot be used to analyse startup problems.

It may be that some of the changes to Zope.Startup could be backported to 
improve the situation, but others are probably needed as well.  I'll be glad 
to help out with this, but can't do this right now.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] End-of-line translation problem

2004-04-30 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 30 April 2004 12:25 pm, Lennart Regebro wrote:
  Only that the Subversion people are wrong. Ad-hoc is not good enough. It
  must be able to be configurable on the server.

Another possible approach would be to write a script to use for adds instead 
of the default client; it could set all the right attributes as part of the 
add operation (do the svn add and then set the properties).  The script 
could have our initiali policy hardcoded, and could import the policy 
configuration from the server (caching it and all that of course).

This would mean adds have to be done with the custom client though, which 
could be a real problem for people who'd rather use TortoiseSVN.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Proposal: cvs to subversion transition May 11 (?)

2004-05-05 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 05 May 2004 01:59 am, Jim Fulton wrote:
  I'm thinking of trying again to do the cvs to svn conversion of the
  main-line development branches (cvs heads) on Tusday May 11. This would
  entail moving ZODB, Zope 2, and Zope 3 head development to subversion
  (along with ZConfig, zdaemon, and zLOG).



Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Re: Mailing Log Entries in 2.7

2004-05-05 Thread Fred Drake
Regarding putting more information in email's generated using email-notifier 
sections, I wrote:
  That's not currently possible, though it wouldn't be hard to add. 
  Perhaps some future ZConfig revision would add this.

On Wednesday 05 May 2004 05:41 am, Chris Withers responded:
  Surely ZConfig alredy allows this, it's just Zope's use of ZConfig that
  needs to support it?

The configuration of the logging is handled using a ZConfig component that's 
actually bundled with ZConfig itself on the Zope 2 head; it's in the package 
ZConfig.components.logger.  This allows any project using ZConfig to use the 
same basic logging support; we actually have several projects using ZConfig 
outside the application server.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] wedged, we're looking into it

2004-05-07 Thread Fred Drake
On Friday 07 May 2004 01:50 pm, Ken Manheimer wrote: is wedged - you can connect to it (ping, web, ssh) but not
  get any further.  We've got a call in for attention, hopefully it'll be
  back available soon...

Yay!  It's working again!  Ken, you're my hero.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: SVN: Zope3/trunk/functional_tests/ Remove unused directory.

2004-05-26 Thread Fred Drake
On Wednesday 26 May 2004 08:42 am, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
  That works for me too, but please *above* the diff.

Yes; I should have been more clear and said *immediately* following the commit 

  No, the CVS should stay in there to tell them apart, for the very same
  reason you stated (patches in both CVS and svn). Without the 'SVN:', it
  will still be unique. I would even argue that it would make it visually
  easier. Right now, my email client lists a lot of:

Ok; like I said, I don't feel very strongly about this.

  Sure. I'm not saying that we should convert everything *right* now, but
  moving relatively independent stuff makes sense, IMO. I'm not suggesting
  to move CMF or something else with a gazillion branches...

Cool.  zpkg is a good candidate, since it's not shared with other projects, 
it's a stand-alone tool.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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Re: [Zope-dev] INSTANCE_HOME and SOFTWARE_HOME still necessary in 2.7 start script?

2004-07-01 Thread Fred Drake
On Thursday 01 July 2004 07:42 pm, Chris Withers wrote:
  Is it still necessary to specify INSTANCE_HOME and SOFTWARE_HOME in the
  start script for Zope?

I'm pretty sure I removed that requirement long ago, back when I added the 
App.config module.

  Or would the following work?
  python /my/path/to/Zope/startup/ -C /my/instance/path/zope.conf

Try instead:



Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
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[Zope-dev] TAL Hotfix 2004-07-13 for Zope 2.7.0, 2.7.1

2004-07-13 Thread Fred Drake
This hotfix product fixes a security bug in Page Templates.  This fix
ensures that values substituted in named slots in translated elements
are properly encoded.  If encoding is not desired and the source of
the replacement text is trusted, the structure modifier can be used
with the tal:content or tal:replace attribute to explicitly disable

Affected Versions

  This fix applies to Zope 2.7.0 and 2.7.1.  Zope versions 2.7.2 and
  newer already contain this fix, and do not require this hotfix.

Getting the Hotfix

  You can download the hotfix at:

  The product contains a README.txt file with installation


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
Zope Corporation

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] TAL Hotfix 2004-07-14 for Zope 2.7.0, 2.7.1

2004-07-14 Thread Fred Drake
This hotfix product fixes a security bug in Page Templates.  This fix
ensures that values substituted in named slots in translated elements
are properly encoded.  If encoding is not desired and the source of
the replacement text is trusted, the structure modifier can be used
with the tal:content or tal:replace attribute to explicitly disable

Affected Versions

  This fix applies to Zope 2.7.0 and 2.7.1.  Zope versions 2.7.2 and
  newer already contain this fix, and do not require this hotfix.

  This fix also obsoletes 'Hotfix_20040713', so that should be
  uninstalled when this hotfix is installed.  See the README.txt
  file provided with 'Hotfix_20040713' for instructions on
  removing that hotfix.

Getting the Hotfix

  You can download the hotfix at:

  The product contains a README.txt file with installation


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  fred at
Zope Corporation

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Troubles with hotfix20040714

2004-07-19 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 09:48:00 -0700 (PDT), C. Olmsted
 Not sure if this is quite the correct list to post to, but I'm having
 trouble with Hotfix20040714.  We're running zope 2.7, plone 2.0.3, and
 zwiki 0.32.0.

Can you test with the 2.7.2 release candidate?  This very much sounds
similar, but all occurances of TAL_VERSION in the Zope 2.7.0 and 2.7.1
sources are corrected in the 20040714 hotfix.  The only ways I can
think of to trigger this problem with the hotfix installed is to
import compile templates containing macros before the hotfix is loaded
during product initialization (reasonably possible), or for someone
else to import TAL_VERSION before the hotfix is loaded and generate
TAL bytecode themselves (highly unlikely!).

It would be interesting to know if the macros are from a
PageTemplateFile instance.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Troubles with hotfix20040714

2004-07-21 Thread Fred Drake
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:40:22 -0700 (PDT), Cliff O.
 Ok, so I just finished loading up 2.7.2rc1 and all seems well using the
 same products and database as before.  I can probably migrate the site
 once 2.7.2 final is released but, of course, it would be great to apply
 the hotfix in the meantime.

Unfortunately, I don't think making the hotfix any better is going to
be easy; it's still a product which  is initialized after some of the
affected code has been loaded and possibly used.  Since 2.7.2 should
be coming out very soon, I'm not sure it's worth the additional effort
to elaborate the fix any further.

I'll ask around here at ZC to be sure; others may disagree with me.

Andreas:  Do you have a date for the 2.7.2 final release?


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Collector Status Meanings

2004-07-30 Thread Fred Drake
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:50:57 -0400 (EDT), Ken Manheimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Accepted: Issues that some supporter(s) has responsibility for resolving
 it, and it is not yet resolved.
 Your description says that some supporter has assessed the
 issue as warranting repair, and later says that the the issue
 has an assigned supporter.  I think it's a lot clearer to
 directly say that an accepted issue has a supporter
 responsible for resolving it.

I don't think it makes sense to use this to indicate a supporter (and
possibly some of their time) has been allocated to deal with the
issue; the list of assigned supporters should be sufficient for that. 
If the list is empty, no supporter has been assigned.

I think Accepted should be used to indicate that the issue is real
and still needs to be addressed in some way.  This is independent of
assigning it to one or more specific supporters.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZConfig keys

2004-08-04 Thread Fred Drake
On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:24:30 +0200, Godefroid Chapelle
 I would like to confirm that ZConfig keys are case insensitive and
 that the corresponding attributes on the config object returned by the
 'loadConfig' call are always lower case.

It sounds like I need to clarify the documentation a bit.

ZConfig schema allow you to change the case-sensitivity by changing
the keytype of the schema or of a sectiontype.  If you don't use this
feature, the basic-key type is used, which converts to lower case. 
The effect is case-insensitivity for the keys.

The attributes on the configuration objects, both for the top-level
schema and individual sections, are computed by taking the key (after
conversion by the keytype) and replacing hyphens with underscores.  So
a key of My-Key is the same as my-key, and the attribute name will
be my_key.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZPT Optimization Opportunity

2004-09-27 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 14:18:30 -0400, Tres Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Transformation is already complete at that point.  The only difference
 is the type of the result returned (eventually) to the publisher.

Ok, that sounds good.

 BTW, I looked again at where StringIO is used, and it seems that ZPT
 constructs extra StringIO objects for (at least some) nested blocks.  In
 that case, we might be able to extend the win by having the calling
 bit use 'list.extend' for its own buflist, instead of calling 'getvalue'.

That shouldn't be hard to do neatly, and seems an easy win.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: inconsistent mimetype assignment for uploaded files

2004-10-05 Thread Fred Drake
On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 12:44:32 +0200, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, the problem might be the asymptation part of the filename
 should be considered an indicator of its contents.

That is a nuissance.  It's unfortunate we still don't have any sort of
common type system for bytestreams that's supported in filesystems.

But disk files aren't the only source of bytestreams, so that doesn't
necessarily help us in the end.

 Arent there any libs for python to examine the contents (usually
 the first few bytes) for the type of the file?
I'm not aware of any for the general case.  There are a few things
like the imghdr module, but those are not for arbitrary files, and
likely aren't sufficiently capable.

I think there's a library from the Gnome desktop project for this
(basically providing something like the Unix file command), but I
don't know if there's a Python wrapper for the library, or an
all-Python re-implementation.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Conditional imports in ZTUtils/

2004-10-05 Thread Fred Drake
On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:47:11 -0500, Evan Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is part of my attempt to allow the various bits of ZPT to work
  outside of Zope.  It assumes that the presence of the 'Zope' module is a
  reliable test.  Perhaps this is a YAGNI, or perhaps there's a better way
  of accomodating non-Zope users.

I've been recommending people wanting to use page templates outside of
Zope use the version from Zope 3.  I've not had time to follow-up with
the people that have been experimenting with it, though.

The code in ZTUtils' is scary, partly because of the
import-order issue.  If the condition should remain at all, it should
be implemented using the usual pattern::

import Zope
except ImportError:
# extra stuff goes here

The assignments could be made non-conditional without introducing
problems, so they should be.

I'm not sure what the intent of the additional imports is; that seems
very strange since there's no alternative implementation if the Zope
package hasn't been imported.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] PageTemplate XML mode bugs

2004-10-05 Thread Fred Drake
On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 12:47:33 +0200, yuppie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are two annoying bugs that make the XML mode unusable for many tasks:
 - (i18n namespace broken)
 - (XML files opened in binary mode)
 I would volunteer to work on these issues, but for that it would be
 useful to know:
 1.) Does anybody feel responsible for the TAL or PageTemplates module?

I try to pay attention to TAL and PageTemplates issues, but don't
always have time to deal with them, or answers regarding what *should*
be done.  Many of the issues have to do with the expectations of
others not aligning with my own.  ;-)

 2.) What was the motivation for the original code?
 #1101 looks like someone just forgot to remove a debug assert in The Zope3 version doesn't have that assert statement. Or
 was there a reason to disable i18n for XML mode?

That's what it looks like.  The assert isn't in the Zope 3 version of
the code.  I suspect it can be safely removed.  I've made a note of
this in the tracker issue.

 #1474 is a change backported from Zope3. It was reverted for HTML mode
 for apparently the same reason why the XML mode is still broken. I guess
 the motivation was to preserve CDATA, but I don't know that for sure.

This report isn't clear.  Please update the issue and explain what the
problem is; glancing at the code on the Zope 2 and Zope 3 trunks, the
only thing that looks suspicious to me is that re-opening an HTML file
doesn't use Python's universal newline support.

HTML is always text, so should be treated that way on input.  XML may
contain textual content, but should always be handed to the XML parser
as a raw byte stream to allow the proper decoding machinery a shot at
doing the right thing.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: PageTemplate XML mode bugs

2004-10-05 Thread Fred Drake
On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 18:44:04 +0200, yuppie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok. I'll remove that line in CVS/SVN.


 I added a new comment to the issue. Hope that makes things clearer.
 ( )

Ok; let's just say the discussion's moved there.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Python2.4 and Zope 2.7

2004-10-17 Thread Fred Drake
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:43:34 +0200, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python 2.4 is still in alpha stage and there are no plans to support Python
 2.4 in the short term.

It's in beta as of Friday evening; this would be a good time for
someone with time to start testing it with various Zope branches (2.7,
2.8/trunk, X3 3.0, X3 trunk).


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Python2.4 and Zope 2.7

2004-10-18 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 06:59:26 +0200, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zope 2.7.3 + Python 2.4 fails when running the unittests:

Then a collector item should be filed.  ;-)  I don't know anything
about ThreadedAsync myself.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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[Zope-dev] Proposed changes to the TAL specification

2004-10-21 Thread Fred Drake
I'm proposing some (small) changes to the TAL specification.  This
would result in a
new version of TAL for Zope X3 3.1 (and Zope 2.8 if anyone wants to backport the
relevant code changes).

The discussion will be on the ZPT list, where I've sent a copy of the
proposal.  The
proposal is also located in the ZPT wiki at:

If you're interested in these changes, please discuss them on the ZPT list.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] ZopeInterface

2004-10-28 Thread Fred Drake
On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 11:07:52 +0200, Radoslaw Stachowiak
 Could anyone please provide me information when ZopeInterface product is
 going to be updated ?
 And how is it related to zopex3 releases ?

I'm planning to release a final version around the time that Zope X3
3.0.0 final is released.

 I'm gentoo linux ( developer maintaing all zope related
 packages, and we are considering inclusion of ZopeInterface as
 separate package (we already have zopex3_rc3).



Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Renamed the Zope package to Zope2 and including Zope 3 packages in Zope 2.8

2005-01-31 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:25:15 +0100, Lennart Regebro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Note that diskussions about the Zope2 + Zope3 pagetemplate issue arrived
 in the conclusion that, the faster we can get Zope3 pagetemplates back
 ported to Zope2, the happier we will be. ;) I have no idea if that is a
 big task or not.

That's not my recollection.  :-(

My goal is that the various packages involved in page template in Zope
2 become facades over the Zope 3 implementation.  I'm afraid I've not
had any time to work on this; I'm hoping I can spend some time
Wednesday evening, though I'm also approaching an important release
for Expat.  This is all volunteer time.


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Re: [Zope-dev] ZConfig issue: products and container-class

2005-02-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:22:38 -0200, Leonardo Rochael Almeida
 It's obvious that the container-class directive is being evaluated
 much earlier than the products directive. Without delving further into
 the code, it looks like the container-class directive has an error
 checking built right into the directive type that tries to import the
 assigned class, while the products direcive will only be made
 effective AFTER all ZConfig configuration has been processed...

This is a known limitation.  You can avoid it by using the PYTHONPATH
environment variable instead.


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Re: [Zope-dev] ZConfig issue: products and container-class

2005-02-14 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 18:41:20 -0200, Leonardo Rochael Almeida
 Should I bother with the collector entry or is it a known limitation no
 one is going to bother with? :-)

It's not a bad idea to file a report in the collector.  While I've no
plan to change it myself, that's more a matter of being busy on other

I think the right thing to do for the fix is to make dotted names get
resolved later, but that requires changes in serveral places.

 And it must really be done in the environment, instead of with the
 path directive, as that is also evaluated too late in the process...

That's right.  The path and product configuration values are very similar.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Parrot

2005-03-21 Thread Fred Drake
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 10:54:11 -0500, Andrew Langmead
 I haven't tried the
 latest version of Parrot, but I'd think that Zope would be the last
 thing that will run successfully.

I don't know that Parrot tries to emulate Python's C API either, and
Zope definately contains several C extensions.  These would need to be
re-written in Python or to use Parrot's API.  So I suspect there's a
good bit of work to do to really make it run.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: ZConfig change breaks Zope 2 and Zope 3

2005-05-09 Thread Fred Drake
On 5/9/05, yuppie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But I still believe it was wrong to change the 'inet_address' datatype
 in ZConfig.

I spoke with Tim about this briefly today, and I can't remember the
reasons for some of the relevant changes.  I suspect at this point
that putting less magic in the ZConfig type is probably the right
thing; much of the remaining magic should be able to disappear at that


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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Zope 2.8 coming this weekend

2005-06-10 Thread Fred Drake
On 6/10/05, Paul Winkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mind if I check in text-only changes to the 2_8 branch?

It's still Friday for Andreas, so this is a good time!


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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Zope 2.8 coming this weekend

2005-06-10 Thread Fred Drake
On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 02:21:32PM -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
 Done.  Like I said, just trivial docs typos.

Yeah, but improvements are improvements!

On 6/10/05, Paul Winkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While I'm at it, anybody object to the attached patch to
 doc/FAQ.txt ?

I don't see a need to include the disclaimer about Python 2.4; I test
on 2.4, and use Zope 3 trunk with 2.4.1 all the time.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Extending Zope's ZConfig Schema in a Product?

2005-06-30 Thread Fred Drake
On 6/30/05, Sidnei da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gosh, that looks too nice to be true. I will try that out tomorrow and
 write out a how-to on if it works out.

It is too good to be true; sorry.

Well, it is true, but it's not what you're looking for.  You can't use
it to extend the schema for Zope.  You can use it to add new concrete
implementations for things that are allowed; the original use-case was
to allow things like new kinds of storage for the database.

I've spent a little time thinking about this issue, and have come up
with at least one way to deal with it (and %import would be used, in
part), but I've never been completely happy with the approaches.

Since using an additional configuration file is possible (and quite
easy in Zope 2, since the location of the instance is so easy to
discern, I'm not convinced it's actually important to support
embedding the configuration for 3rd-party components into zope.conf. 
If you want something you can use now, using a product-specific
configuration file, with an appropriate schema, will do quite well. 
It also doesn't require hacking (or monkey-patching) Zope or ZConfig,
so it would be easy to deploy in a variety of situations.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Extending Zope's ZConfig Schema in a Product?

2005-07-01 Thread Fred Drake
On 7/1/05, Chris McDonough [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FWIW, I don't know if it helps at all, but there's a concrete example of
 allowing a 3rd-party product to add a section to zope.conf via %import
 in the ClockServer product at .  It sounds from your
 description exactly like what you want to do, although it adds a section
 rather than just a key, which might be fine for your case.

I'll note what you didn't.  ;-)  This works for ClockServer because
you're adding a server type, and those are already allowed in the Zope

This doesn't cover the case of a section that isn't an
implementation of an abstract section type already accepted by the
Zope configuration (log handlers, servers, databases, storages...
that's all I can remember off the top of my head).

The general case of being able to add a section (or anything else)
isn't covered by the current implementation.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Extending Zope's ZConfig Schema in a Product?

2005-07-01 Thread Fred Drake
On 7/1/05, Jens Vagelpohl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That just has the disadvantage that you're increasing the number of
 configuration files to maintain in an instance. If it's imported and
 used in zope.conf at leaast there's just one file to deal with...

This is true.  Is that really important, though?

Adding this ability would be a new feature, so not available until
2.9.  I got the impression people want to do this now.  It makes a lot
more sense to pick something that can be used both now and into the
future than hack something together.

If someone wants to create a way to manage product-specific
configurations in a single file, it's not hard to create a Python
package to support that, and products that want to have their
configuration placed in that file could set themselves up to use
%import in that file.

I've no need of that myself, but others are certainly welcome to
create such a package; it may be a reasonable addition for 2.9, and
could be distributed separately for use with 2.7/2.8.


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[Zope-dev] Build process for Zope 2.9

2005-08-24 Thread Fred Drake
Hey all,

I'm working on a revised build process for Zope 2.9, based on the work
that we've done for Zope 3.  What this means is that we'll have a that uses the code from zpkg
( to load metadata from
the various packages are part of the checkout, and use distutils to
perform the build.

One thing that will need to change is the makefile that gets generated
by the configure script.  The current makefile has an enormous number
of options that don't really seem to make sense, and many targets. 
I'd like to remove any that aren't being actively used, but it's hard
to tell which those are.  Would anyone object if we switch to
something a lot closer to the Zope 3 makefile?  There's basically
in-place builds and tests, and that's it.  Everything else is handled
outside the makefile.

Comments or objections?


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Re: [Zope-dev] Can't fetch externals???

2005-09-30 Thread Fred Drake
On 9/30/05, Paul Winkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One thing Tino suggested: it might be a firewall issue.
 Does svn's externals-fetching look somehow different to a firewall
 than does a regular (non-external) checkout?
 When I tried checking out on my laptop, I noticed that ZoneAlarm asked 'me
 if I wanted to allow svn.exe to use the internet at exactly the moment
 that it was time to fetch the externals.  Weird - doesn't it still
 use ssh?  What's different?

Tino's on the right track; the externals do NOT use ssh; they use an
unauthenticated connection and cannot be used to commit changes (by

So it could be a firewall issue; some different port needs to be
opened.  The Subversion documentation should tell you what's needed.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Can't fetch externals???

2005-09-30 Thread Fred Drake
On 9/30/05, Paul Winkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible that is configured such that when you get
 the externals, it uses plain svn (i.e. an anonymous checkout)
 rather than svn+ssh?

As noted, very likely.  The default port for SVN w/out SSH is 3690:


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Re: [Zope-dev] Mountpoints

2005-10-18 Thread Fred Drake
[It doesn't look like my response went to the zope-dev list; re-sending.]

On Tuesday 18 October 2005 15:43, Tim Peters wrote:
  I'm copying Fred because he may remember more about this than I do.
  Fred, do you know of a reason why I can't stitch a newer ZODB into
  Zope(2) trunk?  I have a dim, fading memory of the last attempt
  failing, and of agreeing in email to wait for the 5 guys to do
  something before trying again.  Sorry for not being more specific ...

We need to do the zpkg/ZODB switch all at once because it affects how
extensions get their include files.  When I tried switching the Zope 2 trunk
before, there was a problem due to Five tests failing.  I don't remember the
details, but the Five-folks seemed to think things would be better with newer
versions of Five.

Since Five development is done elsewhere, though, it's hard to tell what the
deal is with that.  I snapshotted what I did get done as the
zpkg-build-branch, so we can get back to it without duplicating work.


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Re: Get rid of configure/make? (was Re: [Zope-dev] Re: SVN: Zope/trunk/ Merge philikon-zope32-integration branch. Basically, this branch entails:)

2005-11-05 Thread Fred Drake
On 11/5/05, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The usual from distutils to make it more pythonic.

The in the root of the distribution is actually a
conventional  Would it be helpful to keep the name?
 We renamed it to encourage the configure/make dance, but that doesn't
seem particularly helpful to me.

(It would also simplify the zpkg implementation just a tiny bit to use
the name.)


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Re: Get rid of configure/make? (was Re: [Zope-dev] Re: SVN: Zope/trunk/ Merge philikon-zope32-integration branch. Basically, this branch entails:)

2005-11-05 Thread Fred Drake
On 11/5/05, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's main benefit is that it leverages a familiar pattern, but
 I'm not convinced that it's worth it. Also, as tools like rpm and
 deb become more widely used, I'm not sure how familar the configure/make
 dance is.  Other than Python and Zope, I never use configure/make anymore.

I think more and more people never have to build from source.  There's
little I build from source these days, and I'm generally happy to
build myself.  I think the only things I build are things I'm actually
contributing to myself, whether it be for work or volunteering on open
source projects.  I don't even build my own TeX tools any more.  :-)

Also, configure/make is only familiar in the Unix world; most
installations appearantly are on Windows boxes using the binary
installer.  The importance of the familiar dance just isn't very
significant any more.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Not-really-unit-testing ideas.

2005-11-23 Thread Fred Drake
On 11/23/05, Lennart Regebro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically, I'd like to create a site once, and use it for all
 subsequent tests, until I made a change that means the site needs to
 be recreated. But how? Well, I'm not sure. How, for example, could I

Jim's new test runner includes support for layers, which solves
this issue.  I think the Zope 2 trunk is already using the new test
runner; you can also use it on the Zope 3 trunk.  We're using test
layers extensively here, and it really helps.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] RFC: Reunite Zope 2 and Zope 3 in the source code repository

2005-11-23 Thread Fred Drake
On 11/23/05, Stephan Richter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using this group, we have about an 80-90%
 -1 vote count.

I'll weigh in with a -1 as well, for all the reasons cited by the
other -1 voters on this issue.  Zope 2 and Zope 3 are far too
different at this point.  The only way I see for convergence to be a
good thing is for Zope 2 to be essentially skin and configuration on
top of Zope 3; I really don't want to end up with Zope 2.

Jim's vision is strongly for convergence, and I'm sure he'll say that
himself when he's back (he's away for a few days).  I don't pretend to
know what he'll say about this idea, though.  I don't *think* he
think's it's time, but he doesn't like people predicting what he'll


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.conf extensibility

2005-11-30 Thread Fred Drake
On 11/30/05, Sidnei da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have some product that would greatly benefit from being able to be
 configured from within zope.conf. I don't want a separate
 configuration file. Period.

Tres Seaver and I implemented this during the Goldegg sprint in
Fredericksburg, which we provided a location for.  This should be in
Zope 2.9.

I don't know that there's any real documentation for this.  Feel free
to add some.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.conf extensibility

2005-11-30 Thread Fred Drake
On 11/30/05, Sidnei da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I haven't seen this being checked in at all, maybe it's in Tres

These were committed to the trunk before the 2.9 branch was created:

r39652 | tseaver | 2005-10-26 15:10:40 -0400 (Wed, 26 Oct 2005) | 1 line

Allow custom section types to play in product-config.

r39635 | tseaver | 2005-10-26 12:09:59 -0400 (Wed, 26 Oct 2005) | 7 lines

Added a 'product-config' section type to zope.conf, allowing arbitrary
key-value mappings.

Products can look for such confgiurations to set product-specific options
(see the example 'product-config' section in skel/etc/
for sample usage).


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Re: [Zope-dev] zope.conf extensibility

2005-12-01 Thread Fred Drake
On 12/1/05, Chris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In this case, I think zopeschema.xml should be documentation enough,
 especially as any product author wanting to use this feature is going to
 have to write a component.xml at least ;-)

Actually, a product author isn't required to write a component.xml,
though they probably should for anything interesting.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Unit Test Failures

2005-12-19 Thread Fred Drake
On 12/19/05, Philipp von Weitershausen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now I see what you mean by contract. You're right, I guess it isn't 
 documented then, but
 perhaps it should be.

That's never been part of  the contract and, as Tres notes, it's
inconsistent.  The implmentation will only sort when it uses the
multi-line representation of the dict, not the single-line form.

I don't oppose adding this to the contract and fixing it for the
single-line representation for Python 2.5, but I'd rather think more
about what the right interface is between displayed objects and the

This is where a component architecture would really come in handy in
the standard library.  :-)


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Re: [Zope-dev] What use cases are driving make install from a checkout?

2005-12-21 Thread Fred Drake
On 12/21/05, Leonardo Rochael Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My point is: I don't think there's anything wrong in the install
 procedure being different between the checkout and the tarball, but it
 should never take more than a couple of fixed (and documented) steps to
 convert a checkout to a tarball-equivalent environment, where
 ./configure; make; make install would work.

How important is the convert aspect of this?  Would creating a new
tree that supports ./configure; make; make install seem reasonable
to you?

If so, zpkg -t -C releases/Zope.cfg would create the tree, and cd
Zope-0.0.0 would make that the current directory.

There is a hidden difference here, however:  the new tree would be a
Zope 3 release, and would not typically contain everything in the


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Product installation (implicit vs. explicit)

2005-12-22 Thread Fred Drake
On 12/22/05, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jar files have no dependencies.

Well, I know you know what you mean here, but I'll elaborate since the
kids haven't started fighting yet this morning.  :-)

Jar files don't have dependency metadata.  They're pretty much
equivalent to zipped Python libraries.  Python Eggs take the next step
by adding the dependency information and other interesting bits in the
support infrastructure.  I'm sure there's a Java equivalent (or
several), but I've not heard of it.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG module deprecated

2006-01-09 Thread Fred Drake
On 1/9/06, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ZODB defines these levels but I can not see any code in the ZODB package
 that actually uses these levels.

Nobody should be using the zLOG levels with the logging package, but
rather use the logging package levels.  So in the end, there's no need
for Zope to be defining levels at all, only conventions for how the
levels are used.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zLOG module deprecated

2006-01-09 Thread Fred Drake
On 1/9/06, Florent Guillaume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My point is that the python logging levels are insufficiently fine
 The python logging framework leaves room for numeric levels and
 registering equivalent strings, and indeed ZODB and zLOG have them

 I want to use them.

Do you need someone else to define a constant for the level you want
before you can use them?  There's a API in the logging module that
allows you to pass the desired level in.  I see no reason to require a
constant to be defined outside your code.


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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: ZPT backward compatibility

2006-01-17 Thread Fred Drake
On 1/17/06, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Add to it the fact the was due to be retired
 anyway ;)

Though retirement for the list was discussed, it was decided not to
retire it since it was still the best place for implementors to
discuss matters.  The implementations in Zope 2 and Zope 3 are not the
only implementations, and the other implementors are justifiably not
interested in joining Zope-specific lists.


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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] December release post-mortem

2006-01-18 Thread Fred Drake
On 1/18/06, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If eggs work out, as I hope they will, I'd like to stop work on
 zpkg and just use eggs.



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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] merge zope-dev and zope3-dev?

2006-02-17 Thread Fred Drake
On 2/16/06, Chris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To be clear: I'm talking _only_ about merging the dev lists, _not_ the
 user lists. The users lists are still largely independent, but it seems
 like just about every post to the dev list now has a bearing on both
 Zope 2 and Zope 3, especially as they become closer and closers...



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Re: XML export/import is cool! (Was Re: [Zope-dev] Deprecating XML export/import?)

2006-03-24 Thread Fred Drake
On 3/24/06, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We've had sucess writing XSLT templates to transform the pickle data
 into formats easily parsable for particular applications.

As part of a recent task (likely the same one Jim's referring to
here!), I transformed the XML export into another XML pickle, but for
a simpler data structure that could be unpickled without dealing with
the application classes.

The CDATA marked sections that held the templates aren't useful for
XML tools, but they do make it somewhat easier to read the pickles
directly (valuable when trying to figure out what a transform is
starting from!).


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[Zope-dev] 64-bit BTrees

2006-04-13 Thread Fred Drake
I have a need for 64-bit BTrees (at least for IOBTree and OIBTree),
and I'm not the first.  I've created a feature development branch for
this, and checked in my initial implementation.

I've modified the existing code to use PY_LONG_LONG instead of int for
the key and/or value type; there's no longer a 32-bit version in the
modified code.  Any Python int or long that can fit in 64 bits is
accepted; ValueError is raised for values that require 65 bits (or
more).  Keys and values that can be reported as Python ints are, and
longs are only returned when the value cannot be converted to a Python

This can have a substantial effect on memory consumption, since keys
and/or values now take twice the space.  There may be performance
issues as well, but those have not been tested.

There are new unit tests, but more are likely needed.

If you're interested in getting the code from Subversion, it's available at:


Ideally, this or some variation on this could be folded back into the
main development for ZODB.  If this is objectionable, making 64-bit
btrees available would require introducing new versions of the btrees
(possibly named LLBTree, LOBTree, and OLBTree).

I welcome comments.


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Re: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope-dev] Re: 64-bit BTrees

2006-04-17 Thread Fred Drake
On 4/17/06, Jim Fulton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The fact that IIBTrees is so widely used is exatly the reason
 I want to use 64-bits for the existing types rather than having to
 introduce a new type.

Oops, I was checking in the separated version of 64-bit BTrees while
this was landing in my inbox.  ;-/

Once we determine which approach we're going with, I should make an
alpha release of ZODB 3.7 and knit that into the Zope 3 trunk so we
can get more testing in context.


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[Zope-dev] Re: 64-bit BTrees

2006-04-21 Thread Fred Drake
On 4/13/06, Fred Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've created a feature development branch for
 this, and checked in my initial implementation.

I've made another branch for this, with a different twist.  I'm not
sure it'll be interesting, but I think it'll solve my immediate need
until I can get around to reasonable testing of the performance

The fdrake-optional-64bits branch will compile using the C int
type for I keys and values by default, and using the PY_LONG_LONG
type if ZODB_64BIT_INTS is defined.

This allows 64-bit BTrees by building ZODB like this:

python build_ext -D ZODB_64BIT_INTS build

BTrees.IIBTree.using64bits will be True if ZODB_64BIT_INTS is used.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Don't let schooling interfere with your education. -- Mark Twain
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Re: [Zope-dev] zpkg, building zope from source

2006-05-15 Thread Fred Drake

On 5/15/06, Sidnei da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Also on a similar subject, running 'make install' from a checkout only
copies packages that have a 'SETUP.cfg' inside. Is that intentional?

I thought someone was in charge of fixing the 'make install' dance.

Someone might be, and it might even be me (I don't recall).  There's
been no time for me to work on that, and I don't foresee any in the
near future.

You're welcome to look into this yourself.  I've not been convinced
that this is actually an important use case.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Education is hanging around until you've caught on. -- Robert Frost
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Re: [Zope-dev] zpkg, building zope from source

2006-05-15 Thread Fred Drake

On 5/15/06, Sidnei da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was looking at zpkg for the first time today, and was sorry to
realize it won't run to completion on a Windows machine due to some
minor use of os.WIFEXITED which is due to a dubious use of the 'tar'
command, since Python has a 'tarfile' module in the standard library.

Since it looks like using tarfile there should work just fine, would
anyone mind if I replace this?

You're welcome to change it if the external behavior doesn't change.
That would make the whole thing easier to use on Windows, which is
only slightly objectionable.  :-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Education is hanging around until you've caught on. -- Robert Frost
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[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] pkg_resources or pkgutil?

2006-07-08 Thread Fred Drake

On 5/25/06, Philipp von Weitershausen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think they do pretty much the same thing (but I could be mistaken).
Are they interchangeable? If not, are they compatible so that we just
add both ways to both files? If they're not compatible, which one should
we use in the future?

Looks like no one bothered to answer this.  :-(

No, they aren't equivalent.  The pkg_resources flavor is only
effective if pkg_resources is available; I don't think that should be
assumed.  The pkgutil.extend_path version should be used as the
fallback when pkg_resources is not available.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Next step on Blobs?

2006-12-17 Thread Fred Drake

On 12/17/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nope, not yet. I don't have any plans for Zope 2, but I'll be working on
the Zope 3 side.


- Make the existing File implementation use blobs

  This would be good so people see how to use them and get blobs widely
  exposed. Ideally, the Zope beta releases would uncover problems with
  existing applications/installations.

There's more than one of these.  zope.file was intended to use blobs
when they come along, so I'd suggest that making that support blobs
directly, with backward compatibility for the existing structure, is
the right way to go.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] Next step on Blobs?

2006-12-19 Thread Fred Drake

On 12/18/06, Christian Theune [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

a) provide a generation to convert old data structures

Since we tend to work with high-availability issues at ZC, I'm
hesitant to go this route; expensive generations that affect large
portions of a database can be very difficult to run without a
significant maintenance window.  For things like this that can affect
a large number of objects that otherwise wouldn't be written to, I'm
generally in favor of avoiding modifying the object and making the
code compatible with the old data structures.

Yes, this carries it's own risk (failure to be compatible) and cost
(maintaining support for the old structures), but that can be
mitigated through tests.

b) keep the existing interfaces working

I suspect this will be easy with zope.file, since it was specifically
designed to work with blobs.  The interface doesn't lend itself to
having reasonable security declarations declared through ZCML (since
the open() method is used for both read and write access), but that's
a different failing (which I'd be happy to see fixed with an improved


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Every sin is the result of a collaboration. --Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope] Re: [Warning] Zope 3 component architecture (CA) not reliably usable for registrations from Python

2007-01-10 Thread Fred Drake

On 1/10/07, Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  *It* must be informed whenever it is used in a different thread.

Perhaps it could use some thread-local data to keep track of this?
threading.local comes to mind.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
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Re: [Zope-dev] difference between OOSet and OOTreeSet?

2007-03-01 Thread Fred Drake

On 3/1/07, Martin Aspeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sets may turn out to be *sorted* if they're implemented with trees, but I
don't think the implementation promises that either.

The BTrees implementation definitely does promise the sorting
relationship for the results of iteration, which is useful.  Python's
built-in set types do not make that promise (and they happen to be


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Every sin is the result of a collaboration. --Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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Re: [Zope-dev] Launchpad Janitor?

2007-10-15 Thread Fred Drake
On 10/15/07, Chris Withers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm pretty sure automated bug expiry is a very bad thing.

Agreed; it's completely unhelpful.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written. --Henry Miller
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Re: [Zope-dev] zcml entry points

2007-10-17 Thread Fred Drake
On 10/17/07, Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A common issue we are seeing is that we have eggs depending on each
 other, but they still need to load the zcml from those dependencies
 somehow. As a temporary solution to play with the concept I added
 something simple to the plone.recipe.zope2instance buildout recipe.

What's the problem you're seeing?  I'm not sure what you're trying to
solve.  ZCML includes work just fine in the egg world.

As long as you're referring to packaged ZCML using in your include and includeOverrides
directives, all is good.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written. --Henry Miller
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zcml entry points

2007-10-17 Thread Fred Drake
On 10/17/07, Martin Aspeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The main win, IMHO, is to avoid the requirement for people to install
 slugs for third party products. Slugs suck - they are confusing to
 explain and people forget them all the time. Buildout makes it a bit
 easier, but it's still not a terribly good solution.

Slugs are evil; agreed.  We never use them.  They were an accident of
the instance tree inherited from older versions of Zope, and how
that tree was re-interpreted for Zope 3.  They never worked well, and
did no one any favors.

 For example, say you want to install oi.plum. You need to add the line
 'oi.plum' twice - once under 'eggs' and once under 'zcml' in your
 buildout.cfg. Forget the latter, and the package doesn't work properly
 (or at all).

I actually really like this; I don't get the configuration for a
package unless I ask for it.  It's not unusual to want only the code
and not the default configuration for a package.

 If we had entry points, we could just load the egg. Internally, oi.plum
 may use include / as much as necessary to load *its* dependencies, but
 that's not something the user of the package needs to worry about.

Requiring a package doesn't say anything about how it's going to be
used; making an assumption about that is really bad.

 If Zope loaded entry-point ZCML automatically (maybe with an on/off
 switch in zope.conf for those who need more fine grained control) that'd
 be a pretty nice solution.

I suspect I'd always want it off.  Picking up configuration
willy-nilly is too dangerous.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written. --Henry Miller
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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: zcml entry points

2007-10-17 Thread Fred Drake
On 10/17/07, Martin Aspeli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right - but you're building an application, and you're pretty
 experienced with Zope. A lot of Plone users just want to install a
 plug-in (a product), basically. Before, they just dropped it into a

It sounds like your concerns center around users of a
pluggable/extensible application (like Plone), rather than being
general Zope concerns.  It's certainly reasonable for an application
to want a plugin architecture that works that way.

Perhaps the development teams for the applications would be interested
in getting together and sharing a package that supports a plugin
architecture that works that way.  That would be a good place to share
effort without negatively impacting users who need bare-metal Zope or
the developers of applications that don't have similar
plugin-management requirements.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written. --Henry Miller
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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout installing parts not asked for

2007-10-27 Thread Fred Drake
On 10/27/07, TIm Terlegård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When using zc.buildout I discovered that it installed a part that I
 specify in the 'parts' option. This happened because I referenced this
 part somewhere else. Is this how it's supposed to be? I would prefer
 if it
 only installs the parts I specify in parts. I don't see anything
 wrong with
 reusing options from a part that I don't necessarily want to install.

When a part refers to another part via ${...} variable expansion, a
dependency between parts is established.  If you don't want a
dependency, move the setting into a separate section (with no recipe
setting) and reference that from both parts that need the setting.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written. --Henry Miller
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