Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-05 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.09.04, Dave Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since you proposed changing to Trac, why can't you let us know your
> thinking behind it be listing
> 1) the problems you hope it will solve

SourceForge's issue tracker is unattractive, IMO.  Trac is simple and it
"just works."

> 2) the process we would use when these problems are solved.

If people think Trac is better, they'll use it.  Or, they won't use
either, in which case it's a non-issue to them, anyway.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-04 Thread Dave Bauer
On 9/4/07, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tom,
> You are welcome to propose a process that you feel will lead to success.
> Those who want to participate in the AOLserver Community are invited to
> read and respond to your proposal.  If the community can arrive at some
> form of reasonable consensus around the process proposal, we can
> consider it adopted.

Since you proposed changing to Trac, why can't you let us know your
thinking behind it be listing
1) the problems you hope it will solve
2) the process we would use when these problems are solved.


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-04 Thread Dossy Shiobara

You are welcome to propose a process that you feel will lead to success.
Those who want to participate in the AOLserver Community are invited to
read and respond to your proposal.  If the community can arrive at some
form of reasonable consensus around the process proposal, we can
consider it adopted.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-02 Thread Tom Jackson
On Sunday 02 September 2007 13:51, Daniël Mantione wrote:
> The project needs to move to a model where
> users just need to stick their finger in.

In general this is true, but as you explain below, this is the catch-22 of the 
history of AOLserver. If you have any respect for the community process, you 
create a patch for some core developer to review. Then it goes nowhere. Been 
there, done that. The other way is to just commit to cvs. I did that once for 
a pure bug-fix. 

> Example: Years ago I did contribute code: A reasonably simple patch to
> make AOLserver use the sendfile system call on Linux instead of
> read/write. It was ignored. Not because of bad intentions, but simply
> because all code had to go through Kriston and was burried in e-mails and
> to do lists.
> The bureaucracy of contributing needs to be reduced.

My suggestion is to replace bureaucracy with a consistent process that 
everyone follows. There really are no small core changes at this stage. Many 
times the process could start with a patch which provides a small change. But 
this should be the starting point. The fact that the patch works for the 
developer, and 'all the work' is already done except committing to cvs is 
frustrating for someone who just spent a lot of their time on it. Even 
producing the patch is extra work. On the other hand, some developers just 
commit straight to cvs and the community finds out about it whenever. If 
everyone had to follow the same path to committing code, it would be easier 
to explain to the rest of the community why code can't just be stuck in when 
it works on one computer somewhere. 

Of course the biggest change in process here would be requiring positive 
agreement instead of failure to object. Most people have no idea if a 
proposed change will be good or not. Who wants to object without knowing of 
any specifc problem with the change? In fact there should not be a need to 
object. We see here how poorly it works in identifying strengths and 
limitations of the current situation and the proposed situation. 

tom jackson

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-02 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.09.02, Dani?l Mantione <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The bureaucracy of contributing needs to be reduced.

As of late, anyone who has asked for CVS commit access has been given
it.  There are some 50-odd people who have CVS commit access.

> I agree a package like Trac can help by providing Wikis and forums. I'd 
> prefer OpenACS over Trac (replacing OpenACS by Sourceforge has IMO been 
> the worst decision in AOLserver history), but it's a good thing that 
> something happens here, the tool is of less importance. So, let's do this. 
> If you need help, or want me to install/maintain such a package, please 
> say so, as I'm willing to contribute.

Great!  I'm saying "so"--contribute what you can.  Let us know how to
access it when it's ready.

> Simply installing a package won't do though, it has to be part of a 
> strategy to make the community more active, make it easier to contribute. 

As you point out: regardless of whether it's OpenACS, Trac or even
SourceForge being used to manage these artefacts, it really doesn't
matter.  What matters is that stuff gets done--and that just isn't

> I suggest:
>  * A low bureacracy way to contribute patches is built, perhaps using Trac 
>or OpenACS
>  * Active AOLserver users get SVN access and can peer review and apply 
>  * Getting SVN access shouldn't be difficult.

The lowest-bureacracy way is for folks to email me their SourceForge
username and I grant them CVS commit access.  Then, they commit their
changes.  It doesn't get any lower than that, does it?

I have never refused anyone CVS access who has requested it, to date.  I
have never revoked, nor have ever been asked to revoke, anyone's access.
I did, a while back, ask folks who were inactive to elect to have their
access removed if they knew they would never again use their access (as
they no longer do anything AOLserver-related) but I never actually did
remove their access.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-02 Thread Tom Jackson
On Sunday 02 September 2007 12:08, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> On 2007.09.01, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why don't we have an idea-raiser? Maybe it is a common disease among
> > programmers: writing code is apparently the only thing which counts.
> Ideas are easy to come by; doing--or, getting people to do--is the hard
> part.  One easy way to get people to do stuff is to pay them.  There's
> no point in throwing ideas around if there's nobody--or, no funds to pay
> somebody--to do anything.

What are you talking about? Shouldn't you actually need something to do first? 
Why collect funds, hire someone and then come up with the ideas? Is it at all 
important to you that the community agree with the reasons for paying 
someone, and agree on the expected results? 

> If you have suggestions on ways to get people to do stuff for free, I'd
> love to hear them.  Better yet: I'd like you to DO whatever it is you
> think will make it happen.

How about allowing them to be part of the process? Dossy, you keep skipping 
past the necessary step of getting the community to be interested in your 
ideas before demanding action. Even if you were the one to do the work, this 
cannot be the sufficient condition for making changes. Do you just not agree 
with this, or just not get it? Either way, it is important to understand why 
you keep suggesting work before agreement, or even discussion. 

As a specific instance, I have suggested that before a wasting time, or doing 
documentation that we figure out what kind we want, what is important, what 
must be done, and what can wait. If we come up with some kind of  plan, maybe 
examples of how to do it, and when, then at least we have some idea of what 
we want and why. And do this before we start hacking away any further on code 
which hasn't even been put into production, and has no documented behavior, 
limitations, etc. Anyone should be able to offer ideas or suggestions without 
first having to put up a bond somewhere, or be willing and able to do 
contribute any more. Or knowing how to persuade someone else to work for 
free, because this is not the question. Probably what we should require is 
that, other than fixing bugs, contributions of code changes to the core need 
to go through a process. Why? Yes why? For the exact reason you stated: how 
do you get people to do stuff for free? If you add something, or change 
something which requires other users to adapt, who pays for that? You are not 
asking them to work for free, your forcing them to work for free, or find 
someone and pay them to make the changes. 

As far as the AOLserver project is concerned, there are no lead engineers. Why 
are we talking about what lead engineers do or don't do? Or maybe I missed 
something? Are there members here that have more rights than others? Some of 
us can write code and not concern ourselves with documentation? Who are these 

I remember watching a video with the guys who started subversion. At one point 
they hired a person to be in charge of everything. The guy had to follow the 
same process as every other developer, paid or volunteer, I think he was on 
probation at the start. This project and this community is bigger than any 
one person or sponsor. Why is that important? Because the process was more 
important than the status of the developers. Exempt some members from the 
process and you show disrespect for the process, everyone else who follows it 
and the product. The main reason is that the end doesn't justify the means 
because the end result is only theoretical, it isn't guaranteed. The process 
of getting there isn't theoretical, and neither is the current state of the 
code.  In fact, this is exactly what Dossy just said:

> Ideas are easy to come by; doing--or, getting people to do--is the hard
> part.  

Unfortunately, with writing code, even paying someone to do it doesn't 
guarantee results. Yes, doing is very hard, extremely hard, so maybe we 
better plan really well. 

tom jackson

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-02 Thread Daniël Mantione

Op Sun, 2 Sep 2007, schreef Dossy Shiobara:

> On 2007.09.01, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why don't we have an idea-raiser? Maybe it is a common disease among 
> > programmers: writing code is apparently the only thing which counts. 
> Ideas are easy to come by; doing--or, getting people to do--is the hard
> part.  One easy way to get people to do stuff is to pay them.  There's
> no point in throwing ideas around if there's nobody--or, no funds to pay
> somebody--to do anything.
> If you have suggestions on ways to get people to do stuff for free, I'd
> love to hear them.  Better yet: I'd like you to DO whatever it is you
> think will make it happen.

Documentation certainly needs to be improved, we need a "batteries 
included" installation process, etc., but let us first create some 
conditions for a more active community. Currently, the way to contribute 
is to stick your neck out. The project needs to move to a model where 
users just need to stick their finger in.

Example: Years ago I did contribute code: A reasonably simple patch to 
make AOLserver use the sendfile system call on Linux instead of 
read/write. It was ignored. Not because of bad intentions, but simply 
because all code had to go through Kriston and was burried in e-mails and 
to do lists.

The bureaucracy of contributing needs to be reduced.

I agree a package like Trac can help by providing Wikis and forums. I'd 
prefer OpenACS over Trac (replacing OpenACS by Sourceforge has IMO been 
the worst decision in AOLserver history), but it's a good thing that 
something happens here, the tool is of less importance. So, let's do this. 
If you need help, or want me to install/maintain such a package, please 
say so, as I'm willing to contribute.

Simply installing a package won't do though, it has to be part of a 
strategy to make the community more active, make it easier to contribute. 

I suggest:
 * A low bureacracy way to contribute patches is built, perhaps using Trac 
   or OpenACS
 * Active AOLserver users get SVN access and can peer review and apply 
 * Getting SVN access shouldn't be difficult.

Daniël Mantione

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-02 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.09.01, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why don't we have an idea-raiser? Maybe it is a common disease among 
> programmers: writing code is apparently the only thing which counts. 

Ideas are easy to come by; doing--or, getting people to do--is the hard
part.  One easy way to get people to do stuff is to pay them.  There's
no point in throwing ideas around if there's nobody--or, no funds to pay
somebody--to do anything.

If you have suggestions on ways to get people to do stuff for free, I'd
love to hear them.  Better yet: I'd like you to DO whatever it is you
think will make it happen.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-02 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.31, Dave Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/31/07, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Agreed.  How do other, successfull, open source projects--as well as
> > closed-source commercial projects--get documentation written?  Through
> > my own personal (anecdotal) experience, the lead engineers are not the
> > ones that do the majority of the documentation writing.
> Unfortunately for AOLserver 4.5 there isn't anyone else who CAN write
> the documentation. If the only way to know a new feature exists, and
> how to configure it is by reading C code, there aren't alot of
> non-engineers who can write that documentation.

Be careful--please note that I didn't say "non-engineers", I said "[not]
the lead engineers."  There are certainly technical writers out there
who are skilled in writing quality documentation who also have 15+ years
of programming experience.  I'm trying to reach out to one such
"technical communications" communities to see if there's any interest in
working on the AOLserver project.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-01 Thread Tom Jackson
On Saturday 01 September 2007 09:13, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> Would there be interest in funding a tech. writer for a short period of
> time?  If we had a fund-raiser, perhaps we could hire one on a contract
> basis for a couple of months?  In that case, what goals would we like to
> set?  Those who would contribute funds: what documentation would you
> like to see authored and/or updated?

Why don't we have an idea-raiser? Maybe it is a common disease among 
programmers: writing code is apparently the only thing which counts. 
Contributions to the community should be for things which are important, 
critical even. Why should we waste time doing unimportant tasks? There really 
are no degrees of importance: either it needs to be done, or it doesn't. Nice 
to have is way down the list. If documentation is so unimportant that it can 
be tasked to a contract tech writer and finished in a few months, why do it 
at all? I can't think of a single use for such a project. Current, very old, 
documentation is okay for beginners. Experienced users are probably not going 
to be helped by documentation written by someone unfamiliar with AOLserver. 

Documentation is more than a formalizm, it needs to have a purpose. Yes, not 
just code needs to be written for a purpose, but the documentation for the 
code needs a purpose.  Nobody knows that purpose of the code, and the type of 
documentation that would best explain it, than those who write and use the 
code. Configuration settings, initialization and runtime information is also 
documentation. Writing code which provides initialization and runtime 
information can't be done by anyone else but the programmer.  

One thing left out so far is example code. Regardless of accepted practice of 
who writes or polishes up documentation in a given project, with no examples 
of use, how did the programmer/engineer test the API? Were there no design 
docs? No goal? If this isn't the exclusive task of a code writer, what in the 
hell is? Of course the programmer/engineer could claim that they just haven't 
written down their thoughts, but it is impossible to maintain that it isn't 
their job. 

My suggestion of revisiting how documentation is done doesn't apply to who 
should be doing it. It needs to be done by those writing, modifying and using 
the code. If someone doesn't think it is important to provide documentation, 
including discussion of goals, motivations, impact, etc. prior to doing 
coding, they don't deserve to be mucking around with the core API; do it in a 
module or in a private copy somewhere. 

We really need to grow up as a community and demand a quality, transparent 
process. The main reason for this is that the current code has not even been 
put into production by AOL. We should assume that this will remain the case. 
In addition, Jim Davidson has moved on, and like it or not, his guidance, 
although not visible, was known, or at least assumed and respected enough to 
accept the process as it was.  Also,  the team which was at least four inside 
AOL has been reduced to almost zero. This proves that we can't even rely on 
AOL to finish what they start. Nor should we, they are a commercial 
enterprise, and should be expected to operate for their own self-interest. In 
fact, we should expect anyone here to do so with respect to their business 

BUT this self-interest does not extend into the core API. As community 
members, we need to act in the shared interest of the community.

tom jackson

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-01 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.09.01, Dave Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree, where is AOLserver going. What was the motivation to make the
> big changes for AOLserver 4.5?

Without violating terms of any NDAs I may still be bound to, I'll try to
describe a real scenario (names changed to protect the ignorant, etc.):

Suppose you have a large content management system, where
application (Tcl) code of varying quality is contributed by a large
number of developers.  Some requests may be poorly behaved and take
up more system resources than others.  The pipe-dream of "review all
code, test it thoroughly, and prevent such poorly behaving code from
making it to production" just isn't respected, for whatever reason.

How do you keep such a system operational?  Being able to "sandbox"
those requests might be one way: instead of letting those requests
consume all server threads, resulting in an unresponsive server to
all its users, you sandbox those requests to its own private thread
pool.  If users making those requests exhaust its pool, this doesn't
affect the rest of the system's users making other requests.

During key operational times, a server restart to define and/or tune
these sandboxes isn't an option.  While we can schedule restarts in
advance, taking the system down during busy periods isn't
acceptable.  So, these pools need to be definable at system runtime
and requests be assigned to them, all without a server restart.

I would speculate that this was one of the key drivers behind the whole
ns_pools/ns_limits change in 4.5.  What other "big changes" were there
in 4.5?

The ns_proxy implementation was a fresh implementation (and hopefully an
improvement) over the closed-source "dci proxy" code internal to AOL, as
people continuously clamor for AOL to keep contributing more into the
open source community.

> Tom's right. There are 55 open items, some from 2003 but I would not
> say this is a major problem. The big problem is understanding where
> AOLserver should go from here, before people start working on it.

Absolutely.  Where does the community want to take it?  I do think
shoring up the documentation should remain a key objective and I'm going
to reach out to various tech. writing communities to see what kind of
help they might offer.

Would there be interest in funding a tech. writer for a short period of
time?  If we had a fund-raiser, perhaps we could hire one on a contract
basis for a couple of months?  In that case, what goals would we like to
set?  Those who would contribute funds: what documentation would you
like to see authored and/or updated?

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-09-01 Thread Dave Bauer
> > On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Although it is easy to try to jump in and start documenting stuff,
> > > there is so little current documentation that there might be an
> > > opportunity to rethink how to do this.
> >
> > Agreed.  How do other, successfull, open source projects--as well as
> > closed-source commercial projects--get documentation written?  Through
> > my own personal (anecdotal) experience, the lead engineers are not the
> > ones that do the majority of the documentation writing.
> I'll bet that most successful projects have a roadmap of where they are and
> where they are going. In fact, AOLserver is a successful project as far as I
> can tell. And if it isn't, we damn better figure out, and agree, on the
> current limitations before heading off in some unknown direction. We really
> don't need lead engineers if nobody knows where we are going or why.

I agree, where is AOLserver going. What was the motivation to make the
big changes for AOLserver 4.5?

> There was a question of why nobody is working on bugs. This is very curious. I
> rarely hear of a significant bug that goes unaddressed. A recent one is
> apparently in Tcl, not AOLserver. It is possible that nobody is working on
> bugs because they don't bother anyone enough to really impact their
> application. The only other possibility is that our users are too dumb to
> figure out how to ask about a bug. I haven't seen any evidence of that.

Tom's right. There are 55 open items, some from 2003 but I would not
say this is a major problem. The big problem is understanding where
AOLserver should go from here, before people start working on it.


AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Tom Jackson
On Friday 31 August 2007 18:19, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Although it is easy to try to jump in and start documenting stuff,
> > there is so little current documentation that there might be an
> > opportunity to rethink how to do this.
> Agreed.  How do other, successfull, open source projects--as well as
> closed-source commercial projects--get documentation written?  Through
> my own personal (anecdotal) experience, the lead engineers are not the
> ones that do the majority of the documentation writing.

I'll bet that most successful projects have a roadmap of where they are and 
where they are going. In fact, AOLserver is a successful project as far as I 
can tell. And if it isn't, we damn better figure out, and agree, on the 
current limitations before heading off in some unknown direction. We really 
don't need lead engineers if nobody knows where we are going or why. 

There was a question of why nobody is working on bugs. This is very curious. I 
rarely hear of a significant bug that goes unaddressed. A recent one is 
apparently in Tcl, not AOLserver. It is possible that nobody is working on 
bugs because they don't bother anyone enough to really impact their 
application. The only other possibility is that our users are too dumb to 
figure out how to ask about a bug. I haven't seen any evidence of that. 

Unless someone is planning on introducing a bunch of new bugs, there probably 
isn't too much to do here at the moment except address the ones which really 
bug us. 

tom jackson

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dave Bauer
On 8/31/07, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Agreed.  How do other, successfull, open source projects--as well as
> closed-source commercial projects--get documentation written?  Through
> my own personal (anecdotal) experience, the lead engineers are not the
> ones that do the majority of the documentation writing.

Unfortunately for AOLserver 4.5 there isn't anyone else who CAN write
the documentation. If the only way to know a new feature exists, and
how to configure it is by reading C code, there aren't alot of
non-engineers who can write that documentation.



AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Although it is easy to try to jump in and start documenting stuff,
> there is so little current documentation that there might be an
> opportunity to rethink how to do this.

Agreed.  How do other, successfull, open source projects--as well as
closed-source commercial projects--get documentation written?  Through
my own personal (anecdotal) experience, the lead engineers are not the
ones that do the majority of the documentation writing.

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Tom Jackson
Is it possible to start with what problem we are trying to solve? This isn't a 
one man community, neither you or anyone else should shoulder the entire 
burden. It's a noble motivation, but we really have to play to our collective 
strengths. This is even more necessary now. Apparently we have one person 
inside AOL who gets paid for some time on AOLserver. Everyone else is a 
volunteer. It makes no difference if someone has perfect knowledge of the 
perfect application, collectively we all know how everything works right now. 
Any change requires an effort by each community member to catch up. 

Decisions like this are difficult. They are the equivalent as switching from 
one database to another, or one accounting system to another. Everyone is 
impacted, not just the time sink for the expert who can make the switch. 

As a community of volunteers, we can't expect that anyone who is here donating 
time, hardware and expertise today will be here next week. This is a reality. 
We can't put all our eggs in one basket. This isn't even a corporate model 
where we can take a risky gamble. There are many users who rely on stability, 
expect stability, and AOLserver offers that...not because of a lazy community 
but because AOLserver has benefitted from years of expert development. 

When we look at everything which could be done to perfect AOLserver, or fill 
it out, what do we usually hear? Massive bug reports? No! Lack of 
documentation? Yes. This is an easy criticism because everyone accepts the 
premise that an API needs good documentation. However, here is the problem: 
we have a community of very advanced users. When I was looking at the 
ns_pools documentation, there was a comment to read the C code. Actually, I 
can't disagree with this, I believe code is documentation. And we are 
fortunate that AOLserver C code is very easy to read. Note that the code 
itself doesn't have much documentation as comments, but if I can figure it 
out, it must be pretty well written.  Version 4.5 made many internal changes. 
>From what I have seen, these changes simplify the code and make it easier to 
understand, but I think all of the motivations and goals have not been 
written down. This is a more serious lack of documentation. With no idea what 
the goals were, it is hard to judge if things are finished or what is 
possible or not. In addition, version 4.5 has introduced other modules like 
ns_proxy. The bottom line is we have a lot of new code, almost like a 
birthday present, but we need some instructions on how to use it. We don't 
really need a screwdriver or body shop, we need an owners guide or 
maintenance book. Although it is easy to try to jump in and start documenting 
stuff, there is so little current documentation that there might be an 
opportunity to rethink how to do this.

tom jackson

On Friday 31 August 2007 16:21, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why is this speaking out against Trac? Why isn't this speaking up for
> > AOLserver, Tcl, OpenACS, and everyone in the community who supports
> > and uses these high quality products?
> I, personally, am in no position right now to volunteer and/or donate an
> AOLserver/OpenACS installation--and have no ability to make anyone else
> do so.  Therefore, I'm not going to waste my limited time pursuing that
> line of thought.
> If someone would step forward and volunteer to set it up and maintain it
> and/or donate the resources and funding required to operate it, that
> would be fantastic.
> > Anyway, I seem to remember my email being a little longer than a
> > single line.
> Sorry, I try to follow good netiquette and trim quoted text.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.31, Dave Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have no idea why you decided we need to have a NEW bug tracker when
> the bugs in the current one are never dealt with.

You're right, we don't need a new bug tracker.

Yes, the bugs in the current one are never dealt with.  Do you have any
explanation as to why that is?  Any guesses?

> What problems are you trying to solve?

None, really.  I've just been running into Trac a lot on various
unrelated open source projects that I interact with and contribute to,
and the latest version has really impressed me.

> After your initial post you decided to explain a small part of your
> idea a little more fully. You said you wanted to setup Trac and have
> some folks try it out to see if its works better. Better than what,
> and for what purpose you really didn't explain.

I didn't have a purpose in mind, honestly.  I was looking for feedback.
One thing this community seems to love to do is talk a lot and do very
little.  I tried to avoid that trend by actually doing something
(setting up Trac) then seeking feedback.  The more positive feedback I
get, the more I'll continue to set it up (import the wiki, move over
SourceForge tickets, etc.).  If the feedback is negative, I'll kill it

> If the community has to resources to maintain the current bug tracker,

... it doesn't.

> what makes you think adding ANOTHER one, that has a seperate list of
> bugs would help at all?

I'd like to understand why nobody is using the current bug tracker.  Why
aren't others working on open bugs, committing fixes, and closing them

What will it take to get people to contribute?  What do I have to do?
Tell me.  I only ask that the answer doesn't boil down to "Dossy has to
do everything."  That's it.

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dave Bauer

All anyone on this list knows is

1) Dossy does not work for AOL
2) Dossy has "decided" that Trac would be good for the AOLserver project.

We have no idea why you decided we need to have a NEW bug tracker when
the bugs in the current one are never dealt with.

What problems are you trying to solve?

After your initial post you decided to explain a small part of your
idea a little more fully. You said you wanted to setup Trac and have
some folks try it out to see if its works better. Better than what,
and for what purpose you really didn't explain.

If the community has to resources to maintain the current bug tracker,
what makes you think adding ANOTHER one, that has a seperate list of
bugs would help at all?


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why is this speaking out against Trac? Why isn't this speaking up for
> AOLserver, Tcl, OpenACS, and everyone in the community who supports
> and uses these high quality products?  

I, personally, am in no position right now to volunteer and/or donate an
AOLserver/OpenACS installation--and have no ability to make anyone else
do so.  Therefore, I'm not going to waste my limited time pursuing that
line of thought.

If someone would step forward and volunteer to set it up and maintain it
and/or donate the resources and funding required to operate it, that
would be fantastic.

> Anyway, I seem to remember my email being a little longer than a
> single line. 

Sorry, I try to follow good netiquette and trim quoted text.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Tom Jackson
Why is this speaking out against Trac? Why isn't this speaking up for 
AOLserver, Tcl, OpenACS, and everyone in the community who supports and uses 
these high quality products?  

Anyway, I seem to remember my email being a little longer than a single line. 

Personally I think the standard for moving forward on something like this is 
_agreement_ that the current setup is not working, and what the real issues 
are, not _silence_ about a particular option.

But it is impossible to agree or disagree based upon no information on what 
the goal is, why we can't do it with the current tools, and how the new tools 
are going to work.

tom jackson

On Friday 31 August 2007 13:17, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe support our own instead of moving to python and Apache.
> Is that your only reason to speak out against Trac?

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.31, Dave Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> CVS2SVN can do it. We recenetly experiemented with importing the
> entire OpenACS CVS tree into SVN and it was possible. OpenACS is
> gigantic compared to AOLserver so it seems likely its possible.

I've attempted cvs2svn conversion back in 2005 and ran into some
problems which I didn't make notes on--I'm assuming lots of fixes have
gone into cvs2svn since then.

The concern I have around the conversion has to do with the logical
organization of the repository: i.e., everything in one SVN repository,
or one repository per module.

Should we have:





I'm leaning towards the latter--each module in its own
repository--because any changeset to a repository increments the
revision number.  It might be annoying to "svn up" and see that the
revision has changed because of a change in, say, nsoracle ... where no
change to aolserver core was made.

I don't believe SourceForge provides multiple SVN repositories to a
project, though.  As far as I know, it's one repository per project.
And, I really don't want to go creating separate SourceForge projects
per module, etc.  (I believe Google Code project hosting is the same,
with only one repository per project.)

> What really more important here is what are you trying to fix.  Are
> there really that many outstanding issues that we need to move
> everything from sourceforge? Wouldn't it be easier to just write up a
> page with the milestones?

Ultimately, I want to understand what real obstacles we have with
respect to getting people to participate more in the project.

John Buckman emailed the list with a bug the other day and nobody
responded.  I have intentionally held back to see who else might get
involved to follow his reproduction steps, test his change, and
eventually commit it.  There are some 50+ people who have CVS commit
access to the project--someone else has to be able to do these things,

(Speaking of which: John, why don't you have CVS commit access?  What's
your SourceForge username ...?)

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Juan José del Río Holgado
El Fri, 31 Aug 2007 15:20:13 -0400 , Dave Bauer
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> CVS2SVN can do it. We recenetly experiemented with importing the
> entire OpenACS CVS tree into SVN and it was possible. OpenACS is
> gigantic compared to AOLserver so it seems likely its possible.

I agree with Dave, we moved company whole repository from CVS to SVN
using that script, and it worked fine. We did that like a year ago
already, and we all are pretty happy with the change.

> What really more important here is what are you trying to fix.
> Are there really that many outstanding issues that we need to move
> everything from sourceforge? Wouldn't it be easier to just write up a
> page with the milestones?

Well, I would like to have a better tool with support for tickets, and
as far as I have seen, trac supports that and more, plus it *seems*
(note that I have not worked with it yet) it supports many other useful

I am ok with setting up TRAC.

  Juan José

Juan José del Río
Simple Option
Oficina: 0034 951 930 122
Móvil: 0034 616 512 340
Fax: 0034 952 792 455

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.31, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Maybe support our own instead of moving to python and Apache. 

Is that your only reason to speak out against Trac?

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dave Bauer
Dossy said:
> > Revision Control:
> > * Given you've also suggested a move to SVN, similar questions should be
> > asked: will the revision histories be moved, or just the tip revision?
> > How much archeology will be required to find out that "Adam Zell
> > submitted this patch in 2002?"
> The reason why I haven't worked on moving things out of CVS (given how
> slow SourceForge has been lately) is because I want to make sure I can
> properly preserve the revision history in whatever SCC system I import
> it into.
> I personally feel that if the entire revision history isn't preserved,
> it isn't being "done right."  Others may feel it's less important to
> carry forward that old information, but especially in open source
> projects that audit trail is important, to know exactly who changed
> what.
> > Resource management:

CVS2SVN can do it. We recenetly experiemented with importing the
entire OpenACS CVS tree into SVN and it was possible. OpenACS is
gigantic compared to AOLserver so it seems likely its possible.

What really more important here is what are you trying to fix.
Are there really that many outstanding issues that we need to move
everything from sourceforge? Wouldn't it be easier to just write up a
page with the milestones?


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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.30, Rick Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, here's my take on it:
> This is a major change. The community should get at least 24 hours to
> react before we start seeing implementation notices.  And Tom's right;
> I'd feel more respected if you'd mentioned _why_ you wanted to do this?

You're right, I wasn't very clear about this:

None of the existing mechanisms (SourceForge tracker, etc.) are going to
be affected.  I just wanted to set up Trac and see how well it works.

In the future, if Trac proves to be useful, then we can discuss
migrating all of our information and assets into it and shutting
existing stuff down in favor of it--but I viewed that as the "drastic"

Right now, I'm just asking folks who are interested in playing with Trac
to check it out, and provide some meaningful feedback, with regard to
how it might fit in with our project.

> In terms of an implementation plan, there are a number of questions I'd
> ask if this were a project I was trying to be sure was succesful. Since
> I'd like it to be successful:
> Bugs/Issues:
> * Are all the bugs in the current databases going to be issues in trac?
> Which databases will they be culled from? 
> * Will the history of bug fixes be translated to trac?

Of course, I would love to see this happen!  I don't know if I will have
the time to do this, and I know that I can't make anyone ELSE do it, so
it probably won't get done.  If someone wants to step up and volunteer
their time to do it, I certainly wouldn't refuse it.

The only database that contains issues (that I know of) is the
SourceForge tracker.  If folks are tracking issues elsewhere, please
speak up so we can have a complete list.

> Wiki:
> * Will the whole wiki move, or will there be an "information" wiki
> (presumably where the current one is) and a "management"/"issue" wiki? 
> * What belongs in which wiki?  

I personally feel a wiki is best when it is comprehensive, so I'm in
favor of one single wiki.

Again, if we all agree that Trac is the best direction moving forward, I
would definitely script something that would export out of MediaWiki and
into TracWiki.

> * What are the new documentation standards, presuming anybody continues
> to work on the API wiki entries?

I say whoever cares most strongly about the standards should sit down
and spend the time to write them up.  That is, as you say, if anyone
continues to work on them.

> Management: 
> * We've had no visibility into planned milestones or assignments before.
> Are you planning on providing some? That'd be the biggest community
> benefit I can see.

And this is the single biggest reason why I (personally) want to use
Trac.  Once we get all the open issues in there, I can assign them to
milestones based on might possibly be reasonable estimates and we can
all finally have an idea as to what might be completed by when.

Of course, this assumes that there will be anyone left to actually work
on and close out tickets and contribute code.

> Revision Control:
> * Given you've also suggested a move to SVN, similar questions should be
> asked: will the revision histories be moved, or just the tip revision?
> How much archeology will be required to find out that "Adam Zell
> submitted this patch in 2002?"

The reason why I haven't worked on moving things out of CVS (given how
slow SourceForge has been lately) is because I want to make sure I can
properly preserve the revision history in whatever SCC system I import
it into.

I personally feel that if the entire revision history isn't preserved,
it isn't being "done right."  Others may feel it's less important to
carry forward that old information, but especially in open source
projects that audit trail is important, to know exactly who changed

> Resource management:
> * What bug fixes or features will be missed due to spending time on this
> move?  

Good point--any time spent playing with Trac is time spent not doing
something else.  If people are going to contribute to the AOLserver
project, it means taking time away from other activities and that can be
hard to justify.  Within the AOLserver project itself, folks working on
Trac aren't working on the code.

I don't know how I could quantify this.  Given the low level of project
activity right now, people working on anything project-related might be
considered an improvement.  Whether people will devote effort to it,
taking away from their existing work ... I have no idea.

I'm personally willing to put in 5, maybe 10 hours, in the next few
days, to work on this.

> * What documentation, visibility, or reliability gains are we looking
> for from the move?

My personal interest is to get all outstanding issues into a system
that's easy to maintain, looks nice, makes release management easier, 
and possibly encourages people to participate more.

> I'm actually in favor of the move if it's (a) quick, and (b) the
> 'archeology' questions have answers that don't involve four databases on
> four s

Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-31 Thread Tom Jackson
Maybe the first thing to note is that 'trac' is python code running on Apache!

And 'trac' does not appear to be a service provider like sourceforge, all 
setup, maintenance, upgrade, backup is the responsibility of the user. 

Use of 'trac' virtually requires subversion, which must run on the same 
machine as 'trac'. So the whole damn thing is on one machine, does everyone 
feel comfortable with that? Hell, I'm not too comfortable keeping my own 
software on my servers and they have mirrored disks and live in a building 
with 2 weeks of diesel fuel and batteries for power outages. Problem is,  
recovery from failure would still be painful, I might take a vacation or keel 
over dead. 

Btw, I love subversion and hate sourceforge, but I know what I'm getting. 
Sometimes you can hate the best solution. 

tcl/tk use sourceforge even with major sponsors, OpenACS seems to be able to 
coordinate cvs, bugtracking,  forums and everything else, and it is built 
upon AOLserver and Tcl. Maybe support our own instead of moving to python and 

tom jackson

On Thursday 30 August 2007 23:13, Rick Cobb wrote:
> Well, here's my take on it:
> This is a major change. The community should get at least 24 hours to
> react before we start seeing implementation notices.  And Tom's right;
> I'd feel more respected if you'd mentioned _why_ you wanted to do this?
> In terms of an implementation plan, there are a number of questions I'd
> ask if this were a project I was trying to be sure was succesful. Since
> I'd like it to be successful:
> Bugs/Issues:
> * Are all the bugs in the current databases going to be issues in trac?
> Which databases will they be culled from?
> * Will the history of bug fixes be translated to trac?
> Wiki:
> * Will the whole wiki move, or will there be an "information" wiki
> (presumably where the current one is) and a "management"/"issue" wiki?
> * What belongs in which wiki?
> * What are the new documentation standards, presuming anybody continues
> to work on the API wiki entries?
> Management:
> * We've had no visibility into planned milestones or assignments before.
> Are you planning on providing some? That'd be the biggest community
> benefit I can see.
> Revision Control:
> * Given you've also suggested a move to SVN, similar questions should be
> asked: will the revision histories be moved, or just the tip revision?
> How much archeology will be required to find out that "Adam Zell
> submitted this patch in 2002?"
> Resource management:
> * What bug fixes or features will be missed due to spending time on this
> move?
> * What documentation, visibility, or reliability gains are we looking
> for from the move?
> I'm actually in favor of the move if it's (a) quick, and (b) the
> 'archeology' questions have answers that don't involve four databases on
> four sites.  I'm in favor because my examination of trac-based projects
> shows more process & milestone visibility than I've seen in this
> project, and gaining that visibility is something I know we'd all like.
> Also, it's a lot better looking than Bugzilla :-).
> -- ReC
> -Original Message-
> From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Dossy Shiobara
> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver
> project?
> On 2007.08.30, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Not a single word about benefits, pros and cons, what is the point of
> > asking about strong feelings?
> Sorry, I assumed that folks were familiar with Trac and those who
> weren't would read up on it, as I even provided the URL.
> -- Dossy

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Cobb
Well, here's my take on it:

This is a major change. The community should get at least 24 hours to
react before we start seeing implementation notices.  And Tom's right;
I'd feel more respected if you'd mentioned _why_ you wanted to do this?

In terms of an implementation plan, there are a number of questions I'd
ask if this were a project I was trying to be sure was succesful. Since
I'd like it to be successful:

* Are all the bugs in the current databases going to be issues in trac?
Which databases will they be culled from? 
* Will the history of bug fixes be translated to trac?

* Will the whole wiki move, or will there be an "information" wiki
(presumably where the current one is) and a "management"/"issue" wiki? 
* What belongs in which wiki?  
* What are the new documentation standards, presuming anybody continues
to work on the API wiki entries?

* We've had no visibility into planned milestones or assignments before.
Are you planning on providing some? That'd be the biggest community
benefit I can see.

Revision Control:
* Given you've also suggested a move to SVN, similar questions should be
asked: will the revision histories be moved, or just the tip revision?
How much archeology will be required to find out that "Adam Zell
submitted this patch in 2002?"

Resource management:
* What bug fixes or features will be missed due to spending time on this
* What documentation, visibility, or reliability gains are we looking
for from the move?

I'm actually in favor of the move if it's (a) quick, and (b) the
'archeology' questions have answers that don't involve four databases on
four sites.  I'm in favor because my examination of trac-based projects
shows more process & milestone visibility than I've seen in this
project, and gaining that visibility is something I know we'd all like.

Also, it's a lot better looking than Bugzilla :-).

-- ReC

-Original Message-
From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Dossy Shiobara
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver

On 2007.08.30, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not a single word about benefits, pros and cons, what is the point of
> asking about strong feelings? 

Sorry, I assumed that folks were familiar with Trac and those who
weren't would read up on it, as I even provided the URL.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.30, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not a single word about benefits, pros and cons, what is the point of
> asking about strong feelings? 

Sorry, I assumed that folks were familiar with Trac and those who
weren't would read up on it, as I even provided the URL.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Tom Jackson
I think it is somewhat amazing that the community process has degraded to the 
point of requiring strong feelings against the vague propositions of a single 
community member in order to stop a major change.

Not a single word about benefits, pros and cons, what is the point of asking 
about strong feelings? 

I have strong feelings that more than a passing comment is required before 
anything like this is done. 

tom jackson

On Wednesday 29 August 2007 21:16, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> Hi,
> After looking more closely at Trac [1], I'm really thinking it might be a
> good idea to use it to manage the AOLserver project.  Does anyone have
> any strong feelings about this, particularly against it?
> If not, I'll go ahead and set it up this week.
> -- Dossy
> [1]

AOLserver -

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Dossy Shiobara
Update: I've installed the Account Manager plugin for Trac, and now you
can register yourself for an account:

I've also put in the DNS change request to have point
to the Trac install.  As soon as that's done, this will be the final

-- Dossy

On 2007.08.30, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great!  Temporarily, I have Trac set up here:
> The wiki requires login to edit, and anyone who wants a Trac account
> needs to email me with their desired username and password and I'll add
> the account.
> I'll also put in a request to have "" DNS pointed to
> the Trac install.

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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field of your email blank.

Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.30, John Buckman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >After looking more closely at Trac [1], I'm really thinking it  might
> >be a good idea to use it to manage the AOLserver project.  Does
> >anyone have any strong feelings about this, particularly against it?
> I think this is a great idea.

Great!  Temporarily, I have Trac set up here:

The wiki requires login to edit, and anyone who wants a Trac account
needs to email me with their desired username and password and I'll add
the account.

I'll also put in a request to have "" DNS pointed to
the Trac install.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
field of your email blank.

Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Dossy Shiobara
On 2007.08.30, Bas Scheffers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sounds good to me. They say it integrates with svn, does that also
> mean switching AOLserver to svn?

I was hoping to do that too, yes, but not at the same time.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
with the
body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
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Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread Bas Scheffers
Sounds good to me. They say it integrates with svn, does that also  
mean switching AOLserver to svn?

On 30 Aug 2007, at 13:46, Dossy Shiobara wrote:


After looking more closely at Trac [1], I'm really thinking it  
might be a

good idea to use it to manage the AOLserver project.  Does anyone have
any strong feelings about this, particularly against it?

If not, I'll go ahead and set it up this week.

-- Dossy


Dossy Shiobara  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Panoptic Computer Network   |
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the
body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the  
Subject: field of your email blank.

AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
with the
body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
field of your email blank.

Re: [AOLSERVER] Switching to Trac to manage the AOLserver project?

2007-08-30 Thread John Buckman
After looking more closely at Trac [1], I'm really thinking it  
might be a

good idea to use it to manage the AOLserver project.  Does anyone have
any strong feelings about this, particularly against it?

I think this is a great idea.


AOLserver -

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
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