Re: [CGUYS] AVG free "update" attack?

2010-03-15 Thread Sue Cubic

At 12:40 PM 3/15/2010, you wrote:

Does anybody know if the AVG update prompt was legitimate?  It seems
to me that if this was an actual attack, work would have spread by now
(I haven't heard anything about it).  I am suspicious because I
haven't experienced AVG presenting this type of prompt in the past,
that I can recall.

I got that msg.  I didn't restart immediately, but turned off the 
computer at night.  Everything seemed fine the next morning.  I've 
had no trouble with anything since.

Must admit I don't get "restart" notices very often from AVG, since 
moving up to Win7.  I used to get them all the time on XP.


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[CGUYS] Digital camera battery??

2010-02-20 Thread Sue Cubic
I am searching online for an additional rechargeable battery for my 
Nikon Coolpix 775.  The original battery is 7.4V  650 mAh.  I am 
seeing choices of 7.2/7.4 800mAh (and 1000 and 1100).  All say they 
are compatible with my camera.  Most are 7.2V.  Does the difference 
in voltage matter?  Will 1100mAh last longer than 650 mAh?  What is 
my best choice?

I've just finished a road trip and kept killing the battery.  It was 
purchased in 2001, and really doesn't owe me anything!  Radio Shack 
sold me a non-rechargeable for $21, along the way.  Rechargeables I'm 
seeing online are all under $15.



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Re: [CGUYS] Ban mobile computing

2010-01-27 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:36 PM 1/27/2010, you wrote:
Isn't this easy enough to find out? Don't cell phones 
and/or the provider keep time stamped logs of usage?

Of course they do, but I doubt we ever hear the end of the story--if 
anyone even wants to look.  The funeral was huge--big parade of 
police cars.  The reporting would have been totally different had it 
not been a police officer.


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Re: [CGUYS] Ban mobile computing

2010-01-27 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:03 AM 1/27/2010, you wrote:

I agree and some of the biggest offenders are law enforcement and government.

There is no official word yet on this one, but generally accepted 
that this is what happened in this accident:

SIDNEY -- The first female New York state trooper was killed in the 
line of duty when her patrol car drifted across the center line of 
Route 23 and collided with a westbound tractor-trailer, state police 
said Thursday.

The speed limit was 55 mph, but speed was not a factor based on 
interviews with people who witnessed the crash, Molinari said. He 
also said drug screening came back negative, but police haven't ruled 
out the possibility that the trooper may have been using a cell phone 
or texting at the time of the crash.


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Re: [CGUYS] digital camera shutter lag

2010-01-18 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:45 PM 1/18/2010, you wrote:

I'll argue it. I've only owned two cheap (~$100) digital cameras - a
Kodak and a Panasonic and neither had any shutter lag at all. The few
earlier cameras that had this problem got a lot of press.

Shutter lag is a problem with my Nikon Coolpix.  But I bought it in 
2001, so I can't complain too much.  I've had much fun with it over 
the years.


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Re: [CGUYS] Kill it!!!

2010-01-01 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:31 AM 1/1/2010, you wrote:

Example: we finally got my mother to buy a small cellphone for which
you buy service with little phone cards, because we didn't want her
to get stranded on the road somewhere, far from help.  She keeps it
turned off, most of the time.  She's not a Luddite; she loves email
and took to OS X with an alacrity that surprised us.  But to her, the
telephone is a LANDLINE in her house.  She would be very DISPLEASED
with any proposal that meant that she had to carry a little phone-- 
with a tiny, hard-to read keyboard--around with her all the time and

pay a lot more for the resulting phone service.  And where she lives,
the cell coverage is very spotty, whereas landline service is pretty
much universal, even in hard-to-reach areas.

This pretty much describes my cell phone use also.  I live in a 
mountainous area, and when you live in a valley, there's no 
service--regardless of how many towers they put up!  My service at 
the house is iffy, even though I can see 2 towers out my 
window.  This is why we've had extensive use of cable TV in this area 
for at least 40 years.

Even though I rarely use the cell, I need to charge it 
occasionally.  I'll plug it in and forget to put it back in my 
purse.  Either that or I forget to charge it.


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2009-12-21 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:08 PM 12/21/2009, you wrote:

On Dec 21, 2009, at 4:19 PM, db wrote:

Sorry for the bad news.   It's unlikely that there is an easy or
quick solution to your problem.

Switch to a Mac and don't install Office. That will make him
practically invincible.

Ya know, I'm just a simple Windows user here.  I have a few 
"experiences" under my belt, which people on this list have helped me 
resolve, but never anything too serious.

Replies like this are wearying.  "Switch to a Mac"???  This woman 
just gave a brand new computer to her son.  There is a problem with 
it.  I really don't think she wrote in to this list to be told 
"Switch to a Mac".  Do you really feel that is helpful advice at this point?

If this list is meant only for Mac users, I wish someone would state 
that so the rest of us can find a different list that may be more helpful.


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[CGUYS] Quality control?

2009-11-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:14 PM 11/3/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Walmart dress pants $20. Material disintegrates in 2 years so pants
are no longer useable.

Men's shop dress pants $80. After 10 years of heavy use still look good.

It is just like the Mac vs. PC comparison.

Let us not get into what brands of clothes wear better!  Designer 
jeans are a joke compared to Lee and Levi--both found at Walmart. :)

Even in dressy clothes, price doesn't always mean anything, and 
'labels' mean even less.  Most any 10 y/o clothes are better-made 
than anything new.


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Re: [CGUYS] online storage

2009-11-02 Thread Sue Cubic

At 09:51 AM 11/2/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Don't fall for this. The person claimed he needed to read his emails
when he wasn't online. I pointed out the fallacy involved. Namely,
that if he had a job that *really* required this, he could get cell
coverage over most of the country.

Of course, it turned out he really has no such need, and is just using
that as yet another excuse to cling to his old email app.

You have no idea what his "needs" are.

I don't travel into areas with no internet coverage very often, but 
when I do, it can indeed be a "dead zone", with poor cell 
coverage.  I certainly don't travel there often enough to  contract 
for cell coverage at _any_ monthly rate!

I think the good Rev lives in the midwest, which is where I have 
family and go maybe a couple times per year.  There is NO ISP 
available _at all_, unless you want to sign up with the local phone 
co for a year-long contract, or even a monthly contract.  That is one 
of the reasons I stick with Earthlink, who has an 800 dialup 
available for an as-needed price, if all else fails.

Why don't all of you just lay off those of us who have searched and 
found the best solutions to our individual situations?  We're not 
trying to convince you to change your way of doing things.  Just know 
that you are not in "everyman's" situation.  Until you get outside of 
your privileged environments, you cannot speak for every situation.

I have available every hi-tek thing known to man when I'm at home, 
but when I travel, it is entirely different.  Maybe it all depends on 
where one travels?  BTW--cell coverage in my home area is very 
spotty, due to the very hilly/treed terrain.  Within a 6 mile trip, I 
regulary lose coverage at least twice.  I have NO cell reception at 
my summer home.  I'm not complaining--wouldn't trade that place for 
all the cell coverage in the world.  I've simply found a workaround 
for the problems I encounter.  Your system wouldn't work for me.

Sue--upstate NY

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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7

2009-11-01 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:41 AM 11/2/2009 -0200, you wrote:
Sue you can still download Eudora 7 from the site 
And if you have your serial number you can make it a "paid copy".


Yes, I'm using, paid copy.


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7

2009-11-01 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:46 PM 11/1/2009 -0500, you wrote:

On Nov 1, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Marcio wrote:

I have asked and I repeat... what is a better alternative today? Or
at least comparable?... And mind you I do use web mail too...

Can't say because our EFBs have not articulated any serious reasons
for sticking with Eudora.

The biggest reason for my sticking with it is that it does what I 
want an email program to do.  Why should I switch?  I'm certainly not 
interested in pink backgrounds with yellow writing (stationeries) and 
animated smilies!

I'd like to know what others think an email program _should do_ that 
Eudora doesn't.

Long ago I switched from IE to (first) Mozilla and then 
Firefox.  Initially it was because of all the pop-ups that couldn't 
be controlled within IE, and I saw no reason to install a pop-up 
blocker in IE when one was built in to Firefox.

I switched from Norton AV to AVG because I ended up with all kinds of 
problems with Norton.  I'll never put it on another machine I am 
associated with.  AVG has never given me any problems and the price 
is good. :)  I also run Avast on another machine, mainly because I 
wanted to compare AVG and Avast, and am happy with that also.  I see 
no reason to switch either of those.

I do have Thunderbird installed on a machine, mainly so that I can 
guide others with its use.  It appears to be a fine program too, 
although it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of real 
Eudora.  I haven't really searched, but does T'Bird have the colored 
labels?  I use that feature in Eudora quite often.  I also like the 
'trainable' junk feature--much simpler than setting up filters, and 
it works very well.

If Eudora quits working, I guess I'll have no choice but to 
switch.  Until then, I see no good reason to do it.


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7

2009-10-31 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:56 PM 10/31/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I was a huge Eudora fan in a different era. It did nothing but email,
but it did it very well, very intuitively. Certainly in the PC
software all time hall of fame. Remember, often the alternative was

What else do you want your email to do?  I have apps for specific things.

One big problem I find in trying to teach new computer students is 
that IE "appears" to do all online functions, yet does nothing as 
well as the separate apps.

Because I use Firefox, and have my bookmarks in the "cloud", I put 
all of genealogy bookmarks in Firefox at the Senior Center so they 
stay synched with mine at home.  I heard one man telling another one 
day that you have to use Firefox for those genealogy web sites.  Most 
of them just can't grasp the concept that a browser is an app, and 
email is also an app (unless you're using webmail).


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7

2009-10-31 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:59 AM 10/31/2009 -0700, you wrote:

I don't keep anything on flash I don't fully expect to lose.

Define "lose".  You fear the data disappearing, or you physically 
lose the flash drive?


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7

2009-10-31 Thread Sue Cubic

At 09:43 AM 10/31/2009 -0500, you wrote:
I sometimes end up in places and areas with no Internet connection 
(HORRORS?  Yes Virginia there are still places like that)

In that case I do not need the net because I have my email messages 
and can look one up if I need to.

Cloud storage might be good and secure (?) But it is dependent on 
having a connection.  Not real bright.

I use a flash drive and a little program called EZ Back it Up to back 
up certain files daily.  Initially, I added all of my mailbox 
files.  It runs on a scheduler, or can be run manually.  It 
overwrites changed files only.  I have certain Eudora mailboxes 
included in this automatic backup.

I'm lucky to get a 14,400 dialup connection at my summer house (no 
cable or DSL there).  Web sites take forever to load.  It is faster 
for me to download the mail, go offline to read/reply, and go back 
online to send.  Also I'm not tying up the phone line this way.

It's nice to have choices to suit one's purpose!

Unless I lose the flash drive, I'm OK. :)


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7

2009-10-30 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:45 PM 10/30/2009 -0700, you wrote:

My feeling is someone should let Eudora die.

Hush!  We all know they're not developing or changing it anymore, but 
as long as it works, there are die-hard fans.

It is a GOOD email program.  Personally I don't want all the html 
junk that comes with most email programs.  Eudora has great controls 
that no other email program has ever equaled, the main one being that 
attachments are detached from the emails so you don't have to keep a 
ton of mail in order to save attachments.

On Oct 30, 2009 1:43 PM, "Marcio"  wrote:

I am trying Eudora 8m Beta 7 from Mozzila. It looks very good. Is this your
impression too?

If you really want to try using Eudora, go get Eudora 
last version of real Eudora.  Download it and ask here for a key to 
upgrade it to the "paid" version.  (Eudora is not for sale 
anymore).  The keys are given for free now.

You could also try Thunderbird with the Penelope extension, which is 
closer to the old Eudora than the newer Eudora8.


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Re: [CGUYS] Plain English, please...

2009-10-16 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:14 PM 10/16/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I don't recall a Burroughs. My decks fed into an IBM 360/30 at that location
c. 1972. You?

_THAT'S_ a blast from the past!  I remember my husband installing and 
supporting IBM 360's!  In fact, I remember us having to move once to 
an IBM facility in Rochester, MN, for training for him to learn to do 
this!  That had to have been in the mid '60's.

Anyway, I've thoroughly enjoyed the responses to this thread. :)  Am 
also heartened to know that my assumed definition of "the cloud" was 
correct.  Maybe I'm not too old to catch a concept?  Thanks to all.


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[CGUYS] Plain English, please...

2009-10-15 Thread Sue Cubic

I want to know---what is "the cloud"?

Does it refer to storage sites on some server somewhere?

Or something more esoteric than that?

Am I using it and don't know?  The best thing I've found in a long 
time is X-Marks, considering I'm often using public computers.  Is my 
Earthlink webmail in "the cloud"?

I'm supposed to the "computer teacher" at the senior center.  I think 
I need to know what I'm talking about before I start throwing these 
terms around. :)


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Re: [CGUYS] Why Am I Not Surprised?

2009-10-13 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:40 PM 10/13/2009 -0400, you wrote:

New Republican Party 2.0 web site debuts with bugs and blanks

"The first post makes Steele sound like he just discovered the internet
yesterday. The accomplishments page's last listing was 2004 touting vouchers
for DC school children. The issues pages is blank. The future leaders page
has a brief essay with no actual featured leaders. The most contemporary
heroes are Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower. I guess George W. Bush does
not count?...  the site keeps returning php errors, eg: returns an error message
- PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01DFBB01."

Hmmm, that's the only page (besides the "Donate" page) that I can get 
to work.  The home page doesn't load at all.  Maybe they're working 
on it right now? :)

I've seen far better pages belonging to 13 y/o's on Facebook.


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[CGUYS] Windows 7 review

2009-10-12 Thread Sue Cubic
Well, here's a review from a run-of-the-mill user, who decided to 
have Win7 evaluation installed on the new computer I had built about 
a month ago.  I think I may represent the majority of home users.

I find it does appear to be slower to boot, but that may be because 
it just doesn't even light up the monitor until the last step of the 
boot.  The builder told me that one thing Win7 does is changes the 
boot order of many of the functions.

I am skipping from XP to Win7--never had Vista.

It has a lot of bells and whistles that aren't particularly useful to 
me.  Pity anyone who gets Win7 for their first computer, and then has 
to go back to use an older OS.  I do like the hover-over-icon 
previews.  I've found no use for "snap", and that is touchy.  Anyone 
who is used to managing their own file system will have some 
problems.  It really buries any useful files and folders, and 
requires quite a lot of knowledge in order to find them.  It comes 
with no desktop icons, so you have to locate the programs (My 
Documents, for instance), and put them there yourself.  I like that 
one can get rid of the IE icon!

I've not had it long enough to comment any further.  I will take the 
computer back to the shop for them to get the paid code and install 
that after the release date.  I also can't comment on the speed, as 
this machine is so much bigger/faster that the one that it 
replaced.  I only know I'm very happy with it so far.


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Re: [CGUYS] Flash drive limits

2009-09-22 Thread Sue Cubic

At 07:07 AM 9/22/2009 -0400, you wrote:

But it's a bad idea to write to it on a daily basis, especially for
something like email that can be stored in the cloud for free.

Where is this free cloud?


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Re: [CGUYS] Windows Update i.e. IE 6, 7, 8

2009-08-28 Thread Sue Cubic

At 11:03 PM 8/28/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Has anyone had trouble with Windows Update, when using any of those versions?

The only trouble I'm having is that MS seems to be pushing IE8--even 
after I've declined to install it 3 times now, and have "hidden" that 
update.  I don't use IE (except for updates), and don't want an update.

I have auto updates set for notifications, but if you use the icon at 
the bottom of the screen, you do not get to see what is 
downloading.  You do get a chance to see what the updates are before 
you install them.  I suspect I have downloaded IE8...maybe even 
twice, but have not allowed the install.

I'm using XP Home SP3.


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Re: [CGUYS] Asking for prepaid cell phone recommendation

2009-08-24 Thread Sue Cubic

David Cowdrill wrote:

I live in No. Va. also and use T-Mobile pre-paid for uses like you describe.
- low cost: first year I paid $100 for 1000 min.  Used 500 in first 
year, second year is $50 for another year.  Hard to beat $4 per month.
Disadvantages:  T-Mobile coverage is spotty.  OK here.  Non-existent 
or weak other areas.  Need to check coverage map for where you go.

That's what's nice about TracFone.  They buy space on all of the 
major companies' towers.  You get coverage from whatever tower you're nearest.


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Re: [CGUYS] Asking for prepaid cell phone recommendation

2009-08-23 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:57 PM 8/23/2009 -0400, you wrote:
So far I have resisted getting a cell phone for myself.  Wife & 
daughters insist on having one, so that I am paying about $150/month 
for same.  Don't want to add on to my plan since it requires another 
2-year contract, plus wifey will be constantly calling me for help, 
for chitchat, and for no reason other than she's bored.  (I don't 
like to talk on any telephone since meaning of words is ambiguous 
without visual communication.)

Heard about prepaid cell phones on this Listserv, asking for recommendations.

What I want cell phone for:  for travel emergency and, possibly, for 
travel advice from friends while traveling

Estimated monthly useage:  <10 minutes/month
What I would use:  voice telephony
What I wouldn't use:  text or picture messaging, web browsing, 
picture taking, anything else.

What I don't want:  people text messaging me, or calling me to chitchat.
What's not important: overseas calling, or long distance except 
during travel emergency

My location:  Northern Virginia and DC.

Question:  is a prepaid cell phone cost effective for me?  Cheaper 
than adding onto a family plan?  What prepaid plan is recommended?

I've had a TracFone for years.  I never have it turned on unless _I_ 
want to use it.  I don't give out the number.  For $100/yr you get a 
year of service and 700 (I think) minutes.  Usage minutes are doubled 
for out-of-area calls.  You can buy minutes in many increments--at a 
lot of gas stations, convenience stores, Walmart, Kmart, etc.  I 
never used my base minutes, so started using them at home for LD 
calls--until I went with cable phone, and there's no LD charges on 
that.  There are cheaper plans for less amount of time, but then you 
need to renew the plan more often.  I just go into Walmart, pick up 
the size of card I want, hand it to the clerk, and they do all the 
renewal process if you ask them to.  You need to keep the account 
active, or you lose your phone number--if that's important.

TracFone buys space on towers from most big carriers, and I've never 
encountered a location where I wasn't able to connect...basically 
coast to coast.

You can add services like text msging if you want--I don't know the 
cost of that.  The basic service doesn't include that, or pictures or 
web interface.  The basic phone is around $20, if I remember.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-09 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:34 PM 8/9/2009 -0400, you wrote:

  I theorize that the more people use such devices instead of their
brains, wits and common sense, the more reliant one becomes on those
devices and the less useful the brain becomes.

  Also, would those old ladies, or men, even know how to use an iPhone?

Some of us do. :)  But I firmly agree that it's easy to become 
reliant on gadgets.  I've become dependent on lists.  If I don't have 
a to-do list anymore, I think I have nothing to do--so I play!  It's 
a very lazy way of living.  But don't get in my way when I have a long list!


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2009-08-09 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:20 AM 8/9/2009 -0500, you wrote:

No that is not it.

I do not want to be looking on the web all the time I have work to do.

When I am working, all I have to do is pop open my mail browser when 
I have mail, delete what I do not want, and then go back to what I am doing.

I do not wan to be in a browser all the time answering stuff or 
replying it is a PIA.

When I need an attachment for something I simply go the attachments 
directory and get it.  I do not have to open a browser etc. etc.

Maybe in the future it will be different but for now I prefer Email.


Amen to that!  Some email programs have "ring tones" that you can set 
for individuals.  I don't even have to be sitting in front of the 
computer to hear if I've gotten a response from someone I've been 
waiting to hear from.  My email is running at all times, 
minimized.  Having the attachments in their own directory is 
something I rely upon heavily.


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2009-08-09 Thread Sue Cubic

At 11:54 PM 8/8/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Huh? This is so far out of left field I just have to ask what you can
possibly mean by it???  Why would anyone - admin, moderator, or
member, need to be online all the time? And how could anyone without
web access still use a mailing list?

You can join Yahoo Groups by email, and receive all your msgs by 
email.  I moderate several Yahoo groups, and rarely ever even go to 
the web site.  The only things you can't do by email is edit posts or 
change the status of members.

I don't use the web to real my email--I use Eudora with extensive 
filtering.  It's much faster.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-06 Thread Sue Cubic

First, there has not been a recognition in this debate that using 
the devices, particularly the GPS unit, improves driving safety.

I have to agree that searching for addresses as you drive is risky 
business.  I don't have a GPS, but I thought they "talked" to you?

No matter where such a gadget that has to be viewed is installed, if 
it requires one to take their eyes off the road, that is the 
problem...not that it blocks one's view of the road.

I don't chew gum and drive, nor do I have my cell turned on while I'm 
driving.  For sure I couldn't dial a number or text safely while 
driving.  I have no idea if I could drive safely with a 
voice-activated cell, but if I really needed a cell while driving, it 
seems to me that would be the safest way.  Mostly, I like the cell 
for my convenience--not anyone else's.

I've not travelled much out of my area since my husband died, but I'm 
thinking I might like a GPS.  Please tell me that I can get one that talks?

You'd be surprised what you can stick on your dashboard.


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer gadgets in cars

2009-08-05 Thread Sue Cubic
It seems to me that any gadgets that are not directly involved with 
_driving_ should not be allowed to be used by drivers.  How much 
simpler can it get?  Program your GPS before you leave!

Haul anything you want in the back seat.  Allow back seat passengers 
to do whatever they want.  But keep them out of the front 
seat.  CERTAINLY keep them from being "installed".


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Re: [CGUYS] Google Warning...

2009-07-30 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:33 PM 7/30/2009 -0400, you wrote:

You should only be angry at yourself, as nothing was installed without
your permission.

This is exactly why I have locked down all the computers at the 
Senior Center.  Users have nearly no permissions.  I have all 
browsers opening to Google's home page, to make it easy for all the 
newbies to use the web.  However, I don't need to spend days 
uninstalling things that they may innocently click on and download/install.

I'm finding it very difficult to teach these seniors not to be afraid 
of the machines, and yet balance that with the security issues that 
they will find on their home computers.  Since I've started this 
program, the repair shop across the street has gotten several new 
customers. :)  I've convinced that shop that when these people bring 
their machines in to get them cleaned, they will install Firefox and 
then I teach them to use that instead of IE.  It solves some of the problems.


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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:49 PM 7/28/2009 -0500, you wrote:

Sue in a vast majority of cases they do pay taxes.

I do not know of any employer here in America (legitimate) who does 
not withhold taxes out of paychecks, unless they consider the worker 
a contractor.

Many (A good number) of south of the border people work in the food 
industry (Mainly animal processing) and to get hired they must show 
ID/SS cards etc.  Even though these numbers may be bad (stolen, made 
up etc.) and have passed government scrutiny (Tysons runs them all 
before employment) they then withhold taxes under those numbers.

It is only those illegals who are working for cash under the table 
that do not pay taxes.  I think if you checked a statistical (non 
biased) examination of that argument it would proof moot, as for the 
number that pay into the system do not collect any benefits out of the system.

My knowledge of this comes from working with them for a time and 
observing their process.


My point exactly.  If they are not citizens, they should not pay 
taxes.  Nor should they claim the benefits of citizenship.  Let them 
work here, but pay their own way.  How much more fair can you get?

In many countries, you cannot own property without being a 
citizen.  I see no problem with that either.


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Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare

2009-07-28 Thread Sue Cubic
I just want to say thanks to the powers that be on this list for 
allowing this discussion.  How I ended up with having nearly all 
conservative friends is beyond me!  Admittedly, I have not gone 
searching the web for health care discussions, but it is very 
refreshing to know that there are others in this world who think more 
along the lines that I do, concerning this topic.

It seems to me if we take away the benefits for illegal aliens and 
clean up the welfare system, there would be little extra cost in 
giving all American citizens basic healthcare.

I realize I'm opening a can of worms here, especially involving 
illegal aliens. I have no problem with them working here.  I just 
don't think they should be entitled to the benefits of citizens.  No 
green card, no cash, no health care.

I also don't think they should pay income taxes.  Nor should they be 
able to send their kids to our schools without paying tuition.  They 
should be considered "visitors".  If they can't support themselves 
here, they should go home.

The year my kids turned 16 and were eligible to take driver's ed in 
the summer, the local school district where our summer cottage is 
would not let them take driver's ed at that school (because we were 
only seasonal residents).  We spent entire summers there.  And of 
course, we paid full school taxes there!

It doesn't seem like it takes a lot of common sense to figure out 
what's fair for everyone.  The way it is right now, if the economy 
takes a downturn, and jobs are lost, so is the health care.  To buy 
it privately is not even conceivable--especially when you have been 
laid off your job.

These are the kinds of discrepancies that need to be ironed out, 
IMHO.  Greed is what stands in the way.  Several generations of 
welfare in a family, illegal aliens, the government collecting income 
taxes from illegals, insurance companies posting millions in 
profits--all of this is what's making the problem.  I do believe the 
president sees things this way also, and this is what he's trying to 
do something about (although he's not quite as radical as I am about 
making the system fair).


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Re: [CGUYS] online bill paying when you're dead

2009-07-17 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:48 PM 7/17/2009 -0400, you wrote:

> I would assume that Death Certificates get  registered centrally  in a
county or state.

I have been told that there is a subscription service for such 
information, that banks check every morning.  I do not know if that is true.


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Re: [CGUYS] online bill paying when you're dead

2009-07-16 Thread Sue Cubic

At 09:56 PM 7/16/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I'm not sure I understand. They shut down your joint account within 12
hours of *what*? Your husband's death? Or when they were notified of
his death? Or when the executor told them to?

Banks, Social Security and probably others have some sort of inside 
track to deaths.  They didn't shut down the joint accounts--just 
online access to them...until I appeared in person with proof of 
identity and a death certificate.  I still had to give them 
passwords, which they insisted I change on the spot, before they 
turned the online access back on.

SS and pension required a death certificate to be faxed before they 
would even talk to me on the phone.


And if this is the case, what good did it do you to have the password
to the account?

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Re: [CGUYS] online bill paying when you're dead

2009-07-16 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:14 PM 7/16/2009 -0700, you wrote:

And just where is this info backed up in case your computer gets hit by a

It is also "not good enough", as some places make you, as surviving 
spouse, tell them the passwords on the phone or in person.  If 
passwords are encrypted, as most are, you'd better be able to tell 
them, or it's no banana.

Within 12 hrs, both banks and credit unions had shut down internet 
access to his accounts (including our joint accounts).  As had Social 
Security and his pension company.  Be prepared for a lot of running 
around in person.

Don't be dumb.  Write them down and give them to those people who 
will need them.

And if any of you are in that 'sandwich generation'--taking care of 
your parents' affairs, be sure to do this with them also if you are 
on their accounts.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Steve at Verizon 

> My wife and I both use Firefox and know how to access Saved Passwords in
> the Security tab of Options. Also handy when you revisit a site 
whose pw you

> have forgotten.

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Re: [CGUYS] online bill paying when you're dead

2009-07-16 Thread Sue Cubic
NO WAY!  I've just been through this.  Survivors NEED a password and 
User ID list.  There are even accounts that are not on home 
computers--phone accounts.  If survivors don't know the "magic 
words", they can get nowhere in trying to resolve matters.

It's quite a different matter when dealing with adult kids than it is 
dealing with a surviving spouse who may be dependent on accessing 
funds that may be in shared accounts.  Thankfully my life was not 
interrupted financially when my husband passed.

I happen to trust my adult kids.  They have all of my access 
info.  If I didn't trust them, I would have provided such a list to 
my attorney.  Until you have lived through such a mess, you should 
quit worrying about "computer security" and get real.


At 05:11 PM 7/16/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I think a much better solution would be to get them their own
accounts. Writing down and sharing a password is a serious security
breach. Besides, are you really going to remember to do that every
time you change your password?

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Re: [CGUYS] Good idea - manuals online

2009-06-23 Thread Sue Cubic

At 11:16 PM 6/22/2009 -0400, you wrote:

The office called today and asked a technical question about one of
their video cameras. Of course, my first response was to shout at the
boss RTFM! But, she _does_ pay me for this type of thing, so I googled
the manual. I found it on Retrevo, apparently a new service. I can see
a real need for this type of service.

Then there are items sold with NO manuals!  I have one of those 
remote sensor thermometers and needed to change the batteries last 
week.  I knew there was some sort of trick to setting them up.  I 
never throw ANY manual away, but seemed to remember we had to go 
online to find the instructions.

The web site is written on the back of the thermometer!  Very 
convenient--as long as one has access to a computer. :)  I did print 
off a couple of pages though, for the few things that I might really 
need to know in the future, and put them in the file with my other manuals.


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Re: [CGUYS] links cut off

2009-06-20 Thread Sue Cubic

At 12:02 PM 6/20/2009 -0400, you wrote:

On my screen the following goes all the way to the right side without
wrapping. What do others see?


I see 2 full lines, plus a little on a 3rd line.  But that's probably 
because I don't run my email full-screen.  My Eudora doesn't break 
the links, even at the ends of lines, though.


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Re: [CGUYS] DTV debacle

2009-06-12 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:36 PM 6/12/2009 -0700, you wrote:

What network are neither of the dish companies not providing? I've
got Direct TV and get all the networks.

That's what we have--Direct TV.  Do you pay extra for the network 
channels?  We have to pay (I think) $1 extra/month for each network 
channel--ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox.


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Re: [CGUYS] DTV debacle

2009-06-12 Thread Sue Cubic

Why did we do this anyway?

I have cable at home, but have no cable access at my lake property 
(or I would have it there also).  We were able to pick up at least 
SOME snowy reception from the nearest city (Syracuse, NY) with analog 
and a roof antenna, for 3 major networks.  Now with a DTV converter, 
we are able to pick up 2 non-network Syr channels crystal clear, but 
NO network channels.

Nevermind that we subbed to DirectTV (satellite) several yrs ago, but 
were hoping that we would now be able to pick up the most local 
channels via digital.  It didn't work.


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Re: [CGUYS] Have you seen this net?

2009-05-16 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:41 PM 5/16/2009 -0400, you wrote:

> When did you last see it?  What do you mean by "stole it" anyway?
> When did we have "our internet" that we now do not have and was taken
> from us by illicit means?

I have it.  It's in my basement.

The League of Extraordinary Robber Barons asked me to hold onto to it for a
couple days while their lair is being redecorated.

Oh, I beg to differ!  I know where at least one internet is--it's in 
one of my senior citizen's computer!  She has a different one than 
the one that's at the senior center, and her husband has a different 
one yet!  Makes sense to her!  I don't argue semantics with 85 y/o's.


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Re: [CGUYS] cyber pirates

2009-05-08 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:51 PM 5/8/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Hackers Want Millions For Data on Prescriptions:

Has anyone read the new Jeffrey Deaver novel about data mining?  It's 
most interesting.  He's one of my favorite authors, as he does seem 
to do his homework before writing.  "The Broken Window".


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Re: [CGUYS] Prepaid the Majority

2009-04-25 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:10 PM 4/25/2009 -0400, you wrote:

The topic of pre-paid cell phone plans has been much discussed on the
list, but I thought such plans were just an odd corner of the market for
really cheap folks like me. I just read that 60% of T-Mobile's
subscribers are on pre-paid plans.

Average revenue per subscriber is in the mid $50s per month. That's what
I spend per year on my pre-paid. So those monthly subscribers must be
dropping serious dough on feeding their communication habits!

Very interesting.

I REALLY don't want to be found/availble 24/7.  I have TracFone 
prepaid, and never use all the minutes before I have to renew yearly 
@ around $100/1000 minutes.  What plan do you have that's mid 
$50's?  I'd be interested!  I keep the cell for outgoing when _I_ 
want it.  Mine doesn't take pictures, and I guess I could get 
texting/voice mail if I wanted, but I don't!


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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-11 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:03 AM 4/11/2009 -0400, you wrote:

You type that into your address box (about:config). But be careful.
Don't change anything in there unless you know what you're doing.
Really, the only options you might need to change for tabs is in the

Or just use your middle mouse button! :)  Thanks, Tony--it works just 
the way I want it to!


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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-10 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:22 PM 4/10/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Heh. That scroll wheel *is* your middle mouse button. Press it down.

I know that it locks the scroll, but didn't know it did anything 
else.  I'll be darned! :)


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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-10 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:22 PM 4/10/2009 -0400, you wrote:

In Firefox/Seamonkey/Flock/Camino location bar type:  about:config

In search field type:tab

That gives you all the available choices for how you want tabs to work.
Double-click on any and you can change the parameters. Confused? This
explains many of the settings, For 
more, try

You can create your own too!


Thanks, Betty!  I found the list, now I just need to explore what 
they all mean!


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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-10 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:08 PM 4/10/2009 -0400, you wrote:

A laptop? Strangely, everyone I know - myself included - drags around
mice with their laptops, so I *always* have a middle mouse button

As Tom said, if you don't mind using two hands there are hotkeys. You
can also right-click and "open link in new tab". Thing is, you don't
want EVERY link you click to open new tabs, only some of them. Have
you considered a mouse for the laptop?

No, not a laptop.  It's a Logitech Trackman Wheel mouse.  No center 
button--in the center is a scroll wheel.  I have 2 of these 
mouses/mice/meese?--one for my desktop and one for my laptop.  It's 
the only thing I've ever found that doesn't wreck my hand.


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Re: [CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-10 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:29 PM 4/10/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I use my middle mouse button to open links in new tabs.

I don't have a middle mouse button. :)  So I'm not missing something 
in the controls setup?


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[CGUYS] Firefox tabs

2009-04-10 Thread Sue Cubic
I have Firefox set to "new pages should be opened in a new 
tab".  This works fine if I click on a link in a new email.  However, 
if I attempt to open a new site from my Personal Tool Bar, the new 
page opens in the tab that is currently open.

Am I doing something wrong?  The only way I can seem to have more 
than one tab is to open a new tab first.


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Re: [CGUYS] Vote for Old Blue Eyes!

2009-04-09 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:42 PM 4/9/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I'm betting that he didn't notice the bit of the URL that got wrapped
to the next line.  This is a good time to remind people that if you
don't want to use tinyurl or similar service, you can wrap the
URL with < > and most mail clients will link to the whole URL even
if it is wrapped across multiple lines.  Try it here


I realized what happened and simply pasted it in.  I have TinyURL 
right on my Firefox toolbar, and use it all the time.  It really 
solves a lot of problems.

I also have the "eagles' nest" on my toolbar right 
now:   in case anyone 
needs a diversion!


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Re: [CGUYS] Vote for Old Blue Eyes!

2009-04-09 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:18 AM 4/9/2009 -0400, you wrote:

>This is what I get:  The page you are trying to reach does not exist.


Works for me. Do you have your Vista Alternate Reality Firewall on?

HUH??  I'm not using Vista.  Maybe I'll switch if they're offering an 
"alternate reality" firewall!  Seriously--it was my mistake--the link 
broke and I didn't copy the rest of it. :)

>Besides, "Old Blue Eyes" was Sintra.

All those musical geezers look the same to me. Sue, you must be a lot
older than I am.

I probably am!  But you dare not give this nickname to ANYONE but 
Sinatra!  We need to "up" your musical knowlege. :)  Either that or 
your crossword abilities!

On the other hand, voting for "Sin" would be fine too.

Imagine MS putting up a $100M ad budget to promote sin! The Rev. would
just have to hang it up.

I think this list probably has the most "hep" Rev. I've ever encountered.


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Re: [CGUYS] Vote for Old Blue Eyes!

2009-04-08 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:56 PM 4/8/2009 -0400, you wrote:

They won't let me vote for Zune Search. Drat!

This is what I get:  The page you are trying to reach does not exist.

Besides, "Old Blue Eyes" was Sintra.


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Re: [CGUYS] Targeting the kitchen,,,again

2009-04-01 Thread Sue Cubic

At 12:53 PM 4/1/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Stylish, Touchscreen 'Kitchen PCs' Set to Grab Consumers

Very KEWL!  I always wanted someone to invent a computer about this 
size that could be installed flat under glass in a countertop, with a 
pull-out shelf underneath for keyboard.


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Re: [CGUYS] Audacity

2009-03-16 Thread Sue Cubic

At 11:16 AM 3/16/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I hope you are not using Windows because possible causes for your problem
will be almost endless and won't have anything to do with Audacity.

I use Audacity with Windows just fine.  Granted, it's not Vista, if 
that matters.  I've not tried it with Vista.


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Re: [CGUYS] Spam Blocker

2009-02-19 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:25 PM 02/19/2009 -0500, John Duncan Yoyo wrote

Thunderbird has some sort of built in junk mail filtering as well.

Does comcast offer any spam filtering?  You might just need to turn it on.

I'm a long-time Earthlink subscriber.  They do a fantastic job of filtering 
spam, even at the "medium" setting.  You can choose to have no filtering, 
medium, or high filtering.  High filtering results in a challenge/response 
system which most email lists refuse to let you use.  I wouldn't use it 

In a normal day, Earthlink catches maybe 30 spam messages to my account 
(you can go view them if you want to).  One or 2 might get through to me, 
but I can report them back to Earthlink, and I believe they get added to 
their automatic filters.


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Re: [CGUYS] Needlepoint

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 06:27 PM 02/04/2009 -0600, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote
There are not programs to print on the canvas that I know of but I think 
there are programs to print patterns for fabric.

I do plastic Canvas.


Wow!  We're getting to be quite a group of needleworkers here!


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Re: [CGUYS] Senior Computing [Was: political discussion]

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:48 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, Stephen Brownfield wrote
I work with people with disabilities like CP, thus they often have trouble 
using a mouse.  Some can use keyboard shortcuts and mousekeys, but almost 
all have had success with a Kensington ExpertMouse trackball.  It has a 
nice size ball (about the size of a cue ball) and 4 programmable 
buttons.  I like the buttons because you can program them not only for 
things like click and right click, but also for a number of other things 
like double click or drag or scrolling.  It retails for $99, but you can 
usually find it for less.


I'll make a note of that trackball.  If only we had $99!  This center is 
basically self-supporting now.  It was started with grant money, that no 
one bothered to reapply for.  They all seem content mostly with just the 
socialization and lunches that they pay for, in space donated by the 
school.  Most of them are depression-era folks, so they don't expect a 
lot.  Maybe some of them will get interested enough to buy some new 


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Re: [CGUYS] Needlepoint

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 06:18 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

I'm insulted. Programming is a craft. That's why I find MS so revolting!

I apologize.  Most of my family are programmers, or have been at some 
point.  I think of crafts as creating something tangible, but I see your 
point.  I thought flow charts were lovely puzzles (back in the early 60's), 
but I soon lost track of progress.  That was when a computer took up a 
small building or several rooms in a facility.  I'm more a visual person, 
so it made a bit more sense to me back then.  When things become invisible, 
I just file them away in my "magick" book.

I don't really consider needlework something to be automated.  It's what 
you do when you want to get away from automation!


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Re: [CGUYS] political discussion

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:26 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

>Filtering on the word "Approve"

Ours is "Approves" so you can just put a space after your "Approve"

It's all fixed now.  Not to worry.


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Re: [CGUYS] Needlepoint

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:17 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

Why not a Computerized Sewing and Embroidery Machine?

I can tell you're not a true craftsperson. :)


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Re: [CGUYS] Needlepoint

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:25 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, b_s-wilk wrote

Wait! Here's a computer question:  Can you scan a picture you like and 
print it on canvas using an injet printer set to low res so it doesn't 
bleed through? If you can put CDs/DVDs in special inkjet printers, why not 
needlepoint canvas? [except for size]


I'm not sure about running canvas through a printer. :)  I don't do 
needlepoint--I do counted cross stitch, and work from a chart.

I do have cross stitch software that will allow you to scan a picture and 
turn it into an editable chart, with thread colors coded and named in 2 
brands of floss.  It's not particularly easy to obtain really good results, 
but it's fun to play with.  Couldn't you do needlepoint from a chart?


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Re: [CGUYS] political discussion

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 02:19 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, b_s-wilk wrote

It's so easy to use the Delete key, easier than unsubscribing.

Actually what I minded the most was the word "Approve" in the subject 
line.  I manage several Yahoo email lists, and filter the requests to join 
from posts I need to moderate.  Filtering on the word "Approve" is the only 
word I can find to sort on, since all the admin posts come from the same 
address.  I also have notifier sounds to attract my attention when posts 
are filtered into those mailboxes.  My Approvals mailbox kept getting 
filled with the recent political posts from this list.  I finally put 
another rule in place in that filter to exclude any posts from Computer Guys.

I just resented my nice filtering system getting co-opted by the political 
discussion. :)


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Re: [CGUYS] Senior Computing [Was: political discussion]

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 02:23 PM 02/04/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

Great idea. There are some trackballs that have a very big ball, like
grapefruit size. I think that would probably be the best for seniors.
Need to adjust the ball to make it less sensitive, so it takes a lot of
motion to move the cursor. That would make tremors less of a problem.

 I have the Logitech TrackMan (I think it is) with the scroll wheel.  The 
scroll wheel is also very helpful for them.

I recently taught some classes for the LC for their non-tech staff. I
started out with web sites. Sites like Shopzilla, Google Maps, Flickr.
This got everybody excited and looking at different things that
interested them. This gave them lots of active practice. And reasons for
learning more.

I'm so looking forward to getting some new machines for the center (which 
we've been promised).  Someone set it up several yrs ago with equipment 
that was already used...running Win 2000 with 256 RAM.  Then they walked 
off and left it.  Nothing updated, nothing configured for "easy".  No 
support.  No one has used this lab for a couple of years.  We've been 
promised some XP machines soon.  We do have broadband, but things like 
Google Earth and even interactive weather maps are going to have to 
wait.  Right now, most of them don't know any better, so we're managing.

I get so disgusted with projects like this--my tax dollars at work! 

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Re: [CGUYS] Senior Computing [Was: political discussion]

2009-02-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:02 AM 02/04/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

His greatest problem was selecting with the mouse, his hand was not
steady enough to use menus. Definitely a situation where keyboard input
would be superior to mousing.

That's the biggest problem I've observed also.  I have one Trakball, and 
nearly everyone is successful with that.  I have a keyboard shortcut chart 
on the wall, but some can't seem to get the hang of that either.

I helped with classes at another center previously, and the strategy there 
was to do mouse practice with Solitaire.  Big mistake..they were trying to 
teach them as a group, but once they showed them how to access solitaire, 
that's all the students did during class!  As you mention, sometimes 
seniors just aren't physically able to control a mouse.

One-on-one works much better, along with teaching them what they want to know.


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Re: [CGUYS] political discussion

2009-02-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:54 PM 02/03/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

>I hope so.  I'm about ready to unsub.  The subject of politics is not why I
>joined this list.  I'd rather discuss needlework on here--would anyone mind?

So post something about computers, will you. Whining is prohibited.

I do, when I have a question.  I know just enough about computers to 
recognize a problem, and that's why I'm here!  Overall, what I've learned 
on lists like this is being passed along...

I have started "teaching" computer use at our local senior center.  I have 
a little 4-machine lab and a whole bunch of people who are curious, yet 
afraid of new technology.  One by one they are starting to come in to try 
their hand at it.  I have browsers set to open with Google and 2 people now 
have Gmail accounts.  It's only been 2 weeks, and some of them are becoming 
fairly confident with the machines.  Anyone who wants a bit of more 
advanced help can ask for it.  It's very rewarding to watch them walk out 
with big smiles on their faces.


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Re: [CGUYS] political discussion

2009-02-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:18 PM 02/03/2009 -0500, Matthew S. Taylor wrote

Not at all - I might learn some interesting stuff.  My daughter has
gotten into crocheting, and cross stitch, and I can see embroidery on
the way.


OK, I'm just finishing my 7th Teresa Wentzler cross stitch project and 
looking forward to starting the 8th.  I also have the senior citizens in 
town cutting plastic grocery bags into strips and crocheting sturdy grocery 
totes out of them.  They're all happy about trying to be "green", and it 
keeps them busy and outta bars. :)

Now I will tell you that you're all supposed to be impressed, since y'all 
probably understand/care as much about this as I do about politics. :)  At 
least I'm producing something, which is more than you guys are doing!


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Re: [CGUYS] political discussion

2009-02-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:57 PM 02/03/2009 -0500, Tom Piwowar wrote

These got very little use and are now gone. I bet our politics thread
will be gone soon too.

I hope so.  I'm about ready to unsub.  The subject of politics is not why I 
joined this list.  I'd rather discuss needlework on here--would anyone mind?


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Re: [CGUYS] Buying tv from Circuit City?

2009-01-26 Thread Sue Cubic

At 09:12 PM 01/26/2009 -0600, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote
You have every right to, but also understand all manufacturers warranties 
are still valid.

Do you think a manufacturer would stand behind damage most likely caused in 
the store's warehouse?  They might have in my case, as it was pretty 
obvious that all of the packing material wasn't in the box.  Styro blocks 
were along one side, but not the other.  I saw the breakage before ever 
taking it out of the box, so back to the store it went!


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Re: [CGUYS] Buying tv from Circuit City?

2009-01-26 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:58 PM 01/26/2009 -0500, Ranbo wrote

*RCA tv from the 60s that was hand-me-down seems to have finally died, just
in time for me to consider buying a new, HD-ready tv.  Someone suggested I
might get a deal at Circuit City but wonder if it would be too much of a
gamble if something goes wrong and all sales are final.  Anyone here been
snapping up any "bargains" there?

Our local CC store has no real bargains.  Best I saw was 10% off a few 
TV's, nothing off any computers yet.

All sales final worries me a lot.  When I bought a new TV (not from CC) 
last spring, I got it home and found the screen broken right in the 
center!  There was no damage on the box.  Some of the packing material was 
missing from the box, but the box was stapled shut as if it had never been 

If I bought something under these final sale circumstances, I think I'd 
demand to take it out of the box at the store.


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Re: [CGUYS] Rudeness [was RE: [CGUYS] copying a DVD movie disc]

2009-01-22 Thread Sue Cubic
O no!  Not Again!  I guess it's been about a week since the last 
spat.  It's enough to drive a mom to drink!!!  Suggest you all start 
watching "The Nanny", and notice how you don't even say anything--you just 
pick them up and put them back on the "naughty chair"--1 minute for each 
year of age.


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Re: [CGUYS] suggestion

2009-01-19 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:48 PM 01/19/2009 -0500, Andy Gallant wrote
Folks, reading some of these messages is getting, well, depressing.  May I 
offer a suggestion?  If there's something that really needs to be said, 
how about saying it before, say, midnight tonight (EST), and then leave it 
all behind?  Let's make a fresh start tomorrow.

-Andy (now preparing to duck and cover ...)

Move over, Andy--make some room for me too.  This is all getting 
weary.  How 'bout I make the 2 of you a nice sandbox and you can have your 
little spats in there?

I'll admit you've taken me back a few years, when this kind of thing was 
the normal day for me.  However, I was the mom, and sent the kids to their 
rooms until they could forget what they were fighting about!


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Re: [CGUYS] Computer backup software

2008-12-10 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:30 PM 12/10/2008 -0500, Ellen Rains Harris wrote

What's wrong with the built-in backup?

I've never lost anything using it (knock wood).

I think the issue is...what would you do if your computer totally 
crashed.  Your built-in backup wouldn't work then.  If you want a true 
back-up you need to have it somewhere off of the machine you're backing up.


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Re: [CGUYS] Looking for an e-mail client with particular featur

2008-12-05 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:58 PM 12/05/2008 -0500, Tony B wrote

Yes, Gmail (or some other modern "in the cloud" AJAX email app) may be
_part_ of the answer. But, given that they all store multi-gigabytes
of prior emails, I can't imagine why he would still want to go to the
hassle of copying and pasting into Word documents. Anyway, I tried,
but he doesn't seem to be interested.

That is exactly why Eudora works best for this.  You can display whichever 
headers you want in your regular mail delivery, or you can hit the 
blah-blah button and see all of the headers in an individual msg.  Copy 
whichever version you like.  There's really no need to store Eudora mail 
msgs in a Word doc, as you can create as many mailboxes as you like and 
have all your msgs filtered into them as they are downloaded from your 
server.  If you leave them in Eudora mailboxes, you can open them at any 
time and expand the headers if you want.  I would think that would be the 
case with most email apps?  The difference with Eudora is that you can 
choose in advance _which_ headers you want displayed on a regular basis.



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Re: [CGUYS] Looking for an e-mail client with particular features

2008-12-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:45 PM 12/04/2008 -0500, Matthew S. Taylor wrote

Pegasus email would do what you want.

You can also change the message display options in Thunderbird to show
the headers such that they would be copied.

So will Eudora, which is probably the most versatile of all the email 
clients.  You need to find Ver 7xx, though--not Ver 8--which is really 
Thunderbird.  Far as I know you can still get Ver7xx at   It's available for both Win and Mac, and there is 
good online support via an email list


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Re: [CGUYS] Looking for an e-mail client with particular features

2008-12-04 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:10 PM 12/04/2008 -0500, Tony B wrote

Since you already have a direct answer to your question, now I'd like
to ask WHY you need (or want?) to do this? It kind of sounds like
you're stuck with some ancient way of handling email that can quite
likely be done better these days.

I mean, we too use email for business, but I can't recall the last
time I needed to copy headers from a client. What's the purpose?

I use Eudora, which has a "blah-blah" button to expose all the headers in 
any email.  I use headers to track and report spammers most of the 
time.  Sometimes you just want to know who you're getting email from!


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Re: [CGUYS] miserable was: Re: [CGUYS] Chrome Reflects A Deskto

2008-09-08 Thread Sue Cubic

At 02:20 PM 09/08/2008 -0700, mike wrote is.

I didn't say you could get it on the cheapest laptop at Best Buy.   I just
said it was available.  You deny it's available and then in the next
sentence admit it is.

I'm done here.  If all you want is to play semantics, that's enough for me.

I'm starting to agree with Tom.  If I have to buy new software every time 
MS decides it's time for a change, I might as well tackle the learning 
curve from Mac.  If most businesses are refusing to use Vista, it's not a 
very good recommend for those of us out here who just want a computer that 

Right now I'm tearing my hair out trying to understand how to teach newbies 
to use a computer.  Most of them are seniors, who are not of a mind to 
replace equipment and software all the time.  Nor can I replace mine all 
the time just to be able to teach them.

I hope you remember all this when you're older and on a fixed 
income.  Perhaps we're all expected to remain up on the cutting edge or 
simply give up on life when we retire?


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Re: [CGUYS] miserable was: Re: [CGUYS] Chrome Reflects A Deskto

2008-09-08 Thread Sue Cubic

At 12:43 PM 09/08/2008 -0700, mike wrote

Don't want vista?  Don't buy it.  XP is still around, some vendors are still
selling it installed.  This is a fake argument.

No it's not.  Only a few vendors will still install XP, and those mostly 
have to be ordered.  If you want "the price" that's in the Sunday fliers, 
you get Vista.


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Re: [CGUYS] miserable was: Re: [CGUYS] Chrome Reflects A Deskto

2008-09-08 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:25 PM 09/08/2008 -0400, Tom Piwowar wrote

>EVERY program?  A 2 y/o program is not exactly ancient.  Where are the
>warnings:  "before you buy, please note " ?   And what choice does one
>have?  What if we don't like OE (or Vista mail) for mail or IE for browsing?

Compare to Apple. The two times they changed processors -- a big enough
change that it would not run old software -- Apple included a very
high-quality emulator. It was so good that people with little computer
know-how didn't even notice that there had been a massive change.

Not only does MS think they own our computers, it looks like they also
think they own us. We must do whatever the master commands.

A friend asked a couple of weeks ago about buying a new computer.  "Vista 
or Mac", she asked.  My only advice was that there was going to be a 
learning curve with either (she was a Windows user).  She got Vista.  Price 
was the deciding factor.  She paid $549 for the laptop she bought.  She did 
compare capacity with Mac, and it would have been nearly $1000.


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Re: [CGUYS] miserable was: Re: [CGUYS] Chrome Reflects A Deskto

2008-09-08 Thread Sue Cubic

At 02:01 PM 09/08/2008 -0400, Tom Piwowar wrote

>The only Eudora being released is a NEW one put out by the folks at
>Thunderbird, that is compatible with Vista.

There is another. Google on "Odysseus email."

Looks like that's for Macs?


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Re: [CGUYS] miserable was: Re: [CGUYS] Chrome Reflects A Desktop In Decline

2008-09-07 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:40 PM 09/07/2008 -0700, mike wrote

Those msgs saying you don't have permission are
security measures to keep remotes from installing on the machine, yes they
tend to annoy most users.

OK, but where's the instructions how to get around the problem?  This is my 
complaint.  Where's the instruction manuals that used to come with a new 
machine?  Or where's the list of what books to buy to learn how to use 
it?  Most of this is NOT intuitive to most of the computing public.  Help 
files are of no use if you can't use common phrases to search them.

Eudora was released in Oct. of 2006, not an extremely old program by any
means, but Vista is a different beast then XP, so just expecting every
program you ran under XP to run unupdated on Vista is going to be a

EVERY program?  A 2 y/o program is not exactly ancient.  Where are the 
warnings:  "before you buy, please note " ?   And what choice does one 
have?  What if we don't like OE (or Vista mail) for mail or IE for browsing?

I volunteer at a senior center.  It's hard enough teaching them the basics 
of the moment, let alone having to make them change all their programs 
every other year.  It would also be different if one could buy new 
equipment with older OS's, but you can't (except on rare occasions).  We 
need a bit more backward compatibility than what MS is offering.

I feel like some are complaining because their new car has anti-lock brakes
and power steering...blame the car maker for my over steering and plowing
into a wall.

No, but at least the new car still uses gas and usually goes where you 
steer it when you turn on the key.  You can still get them serviced.  Plus, 
cars last most people more than a couple of years.

MS is taking everyone for a ride, whether they want to go along or not.


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Re: [CGUYS] miserable was: Re: [CGUYS] Chrome Reflects A Desktop In Decline

2008-09-07 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:24 PM 09/07/2008 -0400, John DeCarlo wrote

And there isn't any literature or studies out there I have seen that
indicate that Vista is not a failure.

This is what scares me about Vista.  Of the half-dozen people I know who 
are running it, every one of them are having problems.  Most of them are 
having trouble running Eudora on Vista.  They're also having trouble with 
AVG/Vista.  I have a realtor friend whose "lock box" won't update nightly 
as it did on her XP machine.  This is a major concern for her.  Maybe some 
kind of built-in "security" that was never there before?  Who knows?

I finally had the opportunity to actually sit in front of a Vista machine 
last night.  I was trying to help someone move some files from an XP 
machine via a memory stick.  The only "instruction manual" she got with the 
new Vista machine was a huge fold-out "how to hook up" type of thing.  I've 
advised her to go buy "Vista For Dummies"--there must BE one?  Think I 
finally got all the hidden files to show, plus the file extensions.  But it 
took awhile to find the controls.

I think MS figures everyone who buys this OS is too dumb to want to 
transfer anything.  They've dumbed it down to the point where I can't even 
find where they've hidden everything.  Let alone, the frustrating msgs that 
say "you don't have permission"  Very frustrating!

We are not ALL computer geeks.  We've mostly come along with the various 
OS's since Win95.  Now we're facing a huge learning curve, unlike any other 
that MS has hit us with before.


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Re: [CGUYS] my wife fixed it

2008-08-25 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:20 PM 08/25/2008 -0400, gerald wrote

right click the shortcut to eudora

run as administrator

tools>options>extra warnings>run eudora and it is not the default 
program>CLICK THE BOX!!!


That setting should only give you an "extra warning" (a pop-up) that Eudora 
is not your default mail program.  It shouldn't do anything to change your 
use of Eudora.


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8.0 beta in Vista

2008-08-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 09:08 PM 08/03/2008 -0400, Fred Holmes wrote
Is what you are saying that Eudora 8 isn't Eudora at all; it's Thunderbird 
with a Eudora "hood ornament"?

Yes, that's what we're saying.


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8.0 beta in Vista

2008-08-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:13 AM 08/03/2008 -0700, mike wrote

Unfortunately you mean 'last' not latest.


Yeah, I know.  Actually I'm still using 4.2.2 on this old workhorse 
machine, and it suits me fine also!  On my newer machines, I'm using "the 
last" version.  I'm hearing there are a few glitches using V7.1 on Vista, 
but people seem to be getting those ironed out.  I don't have any Vista 
machines yet.


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8.0 beta in Vista

2008-08-03 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:19 AM 08/03/2008 -0400, gerald wrote
i tried to open eudora 7 help in vista, and it would not open.  went to 
the eudora website, and see V8beta is available.  is this a good choice to 
put in vista? or is it too early.

when i loaded it, i was surprised that v8 did not overwrite 7, and it did 
not pick up filters, addresses, options from 7.

The Eudora tech lists are saying that Eudora 8 is a whole new program.  It 
is based on Thunderbird, with a "Eudora skin".  The files are not arranged 
the same way and the functionality is quite different.  That's probably why 
it won't overwrite.  I don't know if you can even access the data files 
from Eudora 7 (and previous versions).  Perhaps there's an 'import' feature 
in V8 that works to do this?  I've not paid a lot of attention to the 
discussions, as I'm perfectly happy with the latest 'real' Eudora V7.1.0.9


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Re: [CGUYS] Eudora in Vista

2008-07-30 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:25 PM 07/30/2008 -0400, gerald wrote

i do not seem to have an "attachments" folder in vista.  xp had 
programs>qualcom>eudora>attachments.  is there one?  i searched the c 
drive and cannot find a folder with that name.

The name of the folder is "attach"--not "attachments".  Try that.


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Re: [CGUYS] Using a non-default browser

2008-06-20 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:43 AM 06/20/2008 -0400, Tony B wrote

Ah. Well, you didn't say anything about Eudora. Wasn't that
discontinued years ago?

Nono!  Eudora is alive and well. :)  Some of us like the controls in Eudora 
so we don't have viruses and html loading in our emails.

I sort of assumed you needed this for web
development, because I couldn't think of another reason you'd need to
open a URL in different browsers.

I would also love the ability to right click and choose the browser I 
wanted to open things with.  I use Mozilla 1.7.3 as my default browser, as 
it is so much faster than Firefox.  It is also far less a resource hog than 
Firefox.  However, some links and apps won't work with it.  So I do use 
Firefox when necessary.


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Re: [CGUYS] current support for Eudora ... user groups?? versions??

2008-06-19 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:09 PM 06/19/2008 -0400, Kyle R. Graybeal wrote

My version says 7.1.09

 That is the final version of "real" Eudora, available for free at:  It is stable.

They are also offering an older version that was stable:  6.2.4

There were many problems with V7.0, and they are no longer offering that 
for download.

Please read the "Read me" and the Release notes on the web site before you 


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Re: [CGUYS] current support for Eudora ... user groups?? versions??

2008-06-19 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:29 AM 06/19/2008 -0700, Elaine Zablocki wrote

Reading these posts about a beta version coming out from the new owners 
makes me realize I need to find reliable support for the version I have, 
and want to keep using.  Does anyone have a recommendation about users 
groups and/or listservs to support my current version of Eudora?


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Re: [CGUYS] Forced to Vista?

2008-06-17 Thread Sue Cubic

At 08:35 PM 06/17/2008 -0400, Tom Piwowar wrote

Will things slow down now? Or will Apple decide that this rapid pace is
better for them?

Thanks for that info, Tom.  It sounds like Apple has decided to play the 
game too.  Can you imagine a market share if someone ever decided to build 
a good machine and support it for more than a few years?


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Re: [CGUYS] Forced to Vista? speaking of eudora..

2008-06-17 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:02 PM 06/17/2008 -0700, mike wrote

Eudora was taken over by the folks at thunderbird, has anyone tried out the
beta?  I see no plain dates on the site, so I'm not sure if they are
actively working on it still.

The WinEudora list is not recommending it.  They recommend sticking with 
Eudora 7.1, which is free now.  There are many features missing from the 
T-bird version that some Eudora users really want.  They're describing it 
as Thunderbird with a skin to resemble Eudora.


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Re: [CGUYS] Forced to Vista? speaking of eudora..

2008-06-17 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:30 PM 06/17/2008 -0700, mike wrote

Sorry...*where* you put attachments?  In the email?

Eudora has always separated attachments from the email and stored them in a 
separate file.  Those of us who are used to that prefer it and don't want 
our attachments stored with the emails.  I think T-bird/new Eudora does not 
store the attachments separately.


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Re: [CGUYS] Forced to Vista?

2008-06-17 Thread Sue Cubic

At 01:03 PM 06/17/2008 -0400, Matthew Taylor wrote

And if it (the software) still works, defined as doing what you need
it to do, it should be possible to replace the hardware without
replacing all the apps, etc.

The problem is that some of my software won't work on Vista.  I've tried it 
on other machines.  My biggest complaint is all the problems that 
Eudora/Vista present--even the latest version of Eudora.  Parts of my web 
page software work and parts don't.  Those are ones I've tried.  So how do 
I replace the hardware and still use software that I've paid good money for 
over the years?

I don't use IE at all, but am hearing that new releases of that aren't 
working well on anything BUT Vista.  It would just be nice if we didn't 
have to keep replacing things all the time.

To me, it looks like the game is played:  Buy MS OS--whatever the latest 
version.  Use all MS products on it (browsers, email programs, 
Office).  Repeat about every 3 years.  My son is pushing me to buy a 
Mac.  Is the situation the same with them?  I see no reason to switch to a 
more expensive system if I have to keep replacing them too.

I just traded in my 10 y/o vehicle for something more economical.  But it 
still used the same gas, I could still get service on it, and mainly it 
still got me where I wanted to go.  Imagine if everyone had to buy a new 
car every few years because the old one was obselete!


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Re: [CGUYS] Forced to Vista?

2008-06-16 Thread Sue Cubic

At 10:22 PM 06/16/2008 -0400, Tom Piwowar wrote

Don't be a jerk Mike. Lots of folks run old software for good reasons. I
have Mac clients using software that was discontinued 15 years ago.

There are those who can afford to replace software every time a new version 
comes out.  There are young gamers who will not mind doing this.  There are 
folks who need "the latest" for business reasons.

Then there are the rest of us, who are just home users and happy with the 
word processors, spreadsheets, email programs, graphic programs, AV 
programs and  browsers that run well on the machines we have.  We get no 
kick out of learning a brand new OS whenever something comes out.  However, 
many times we are forced to upgrade hardware to keep up with the changes in 
browsers or AV programs because they are such 'hogs'.  It would make me 
very happy to be able to continue using what I already least 
until the hardware breaks down!


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Re: [CGUYS] AVG dissatisfaction

2008-06-07 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:53 PM 06/05/2008 -0400, Ranbo wrote

After reading this thread, wondering if AVG might be what is slowing down my
browsing, mainly on FireFox, but probably also some on IE?

I had a program update on 7.5 this week, and my computer is now booting far 
faster than it has been since the previous update.  I recall this happening 
a few times before (I've been using Free AVG for several years).  After 
some program updates, my machine was slow to boot.  Then the next update 
seemed to fix some problem and booting would appear to go back to normal.


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Re: [CGUYS] failure notice

2008-06-02 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:11 PM 06/02/2008 -0400, Tom Piwowar wrote

My posts to the list are bouncing. Anybody else with such problems?

It's pretty bad when the list owner can't get msgs to the group. :)  Most 
likely an AOL problem.  Even if that's not true, it's always a good bet to 
blame AOL.

I run a few lists on Yahoo, and will say I have more freaky problems with 
bouncing AOL members than any other ISP.  I think they must live in a world 
of their own.  Yes, I do know you're not using an AOL address, but 
obviously they don't like your ISP for some reason today.


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2008-05-06 Thread Sue Cubic

At 05:22 PM 05/06/2008 -0400, Richard P. wrote
Have them upgrade to AVG Free 8.0. AVG puts this warning up every time 
they do a major upgrade. The links they provide tend to steer you toward 
the pay product but you can find the free version if you dig around a bit. 
I upgraded this afternoon. The only problem I had was installing their 
optional AVG Security Toolbar which includes its mandatory Yahoo toolbar. 
While I don't mind using Yahoo as a search engine, with this new version, 
I have yet to find a way to delete its search history. I ended up 
modifying the installation to lose the toolbars and just keep AVG. For 
them, just un-check it during the setup. Here's a direct link:

Richard P.

Like we NEED toolbars???  Thanks for the warning.  I've still not gotten a 
pop-up warning from AVG.  I assume I will at some point.  Either that or 
I'll find out when it won't download virus updates.


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Re: [CGUYS] Slate website

2008-04-09 Thread Sue Cubic

At 04:25 PM 04/09/2008 -0400, Fred Holmes wrote
Connected via Cox Cable.  Using Mozilla.  Yes, I know it's out of date, 
but I like its interface.

Fred Holmes

I'm still using Mozilla also as my default browser.  Firefox takes forever 
to load, but there's some sites that I can't use with Mozilla and then I 
have to open Firefox. Other programs I use regularly load very 
quickly.  Don't bother telling me to use IE--I won't.


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Re: [CGUYS] Updater Mess [Was: Apple Now #1]

2008-04-05 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:03 PM 04/05/2008 -0400, Tom Piwowar wrote

>If apple wants to communicate why not do it the normal expected way via
>email?  I already said no to them that time, now I have to do it again?
>An updater is not for communication, it's for updating, I'm just
>commenting it would be nice if they listened.  Why bother asking for my
>email if they are going to use the updater to 'communicate' ?

You really think spam is better? Don't we constantly warn people not to
download and install software offered to then in email?

I think the updater route is better, safer, and much more efficient.

If someone at dinner asks you more than once if you want a second slice
of apple pie do you slam the table and storm off in a huff? You objection
seems petulant to me. Should Apple be required to keep a database of

No, but consumers should ALWAYS have the option to "opt in" rather than 
"opt out".  Leave the stupid check boxes _unchecked_ unless someone opts to 
check them when installing updates.  Having all the boxes checked 
automatically is pushy marketing...something I will always shy away from.


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Re: [CGUYS] In the market for a mouse

2008-03-31 Thread Sue Cubic

At 03:11 PM 03/31/2008 -0400, Matthew Taylor wrote

Don't get a mouse - get a trackball, specifically this one: 

That's the one I have also.  I'd had trouble with hands/fingers until I got 
this one.  It's also quite controllable for doing graphics.


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Re: [CGUYS] In the market for a mouse

2008-03-31 Thread Sue Cubic

At 02:18 PM 03/31/2008 -0400, Ralph wrote

My new (2-year old) MacBook Pro touchpad is driving me crazy.  It had
been my intention to work with it until I got it down-cold, but I'm
ready to hang it up.  I have to do a lot of right-clicking while
working with Win-XP and when I do the three-finger click, the cursor
sometimes jumps to another part of the screen.

I doubt there's any work-around - I think the answer is to just get a
windows compatible mouse.  Any suggestions?


I LOVE my Logitech Trak Ball.  Have one for all of my machines, and have 
replaced one already as I wore it out (over about 3 yrs).


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