CS: Target-reloading

2001-02-23 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Earl W asks about Reloading Solutions Direct: << Anyone have any experience with them? >> Sort of, though I haven't bought much from them. Head honcho is Aftab Hamid, nice guy and very helpful. The catalogue is comprehensive, in fact the best UK reloading catalogue I'

CS: Pol-march in March

2001-02-20 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Neil Francis writes, << But if - say - 70% of the country find it distasteful - does it become reasonable to look at preventing that activity from being engaged in? >> This is a profoundly illiberal attitude, and a reminder of all the stuff we've heard about gun owner

CS: Pol-Conservative Party

2001-02-10 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << The key to a prosperous economy lies in keeping taxes down and reducing regulation and setting free the creative and hard working British people to succeed in the world economy. Opportunity has to be spread to all. Britain must be an open society in which s

CS: Pol-one organisation

2001-02-06 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I like Mathew Wright's plan for a united (and unifying) body. But I suspect one of the unstated difficulties in the shooting world, in addition to the chronic parochialism and dog-in-the-manger attitude of so many Brits, is that of social class. Take the CA - I'v

CS: Crime-arrested for brandishing brush

2001-02-02 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The fact is that he didn't have a gun, he was armed with a brush, for God's sake. In such circumstances just how reasonable is it for the poor guy to be prosecuted for making a rhetorical threat to shoot some irritating teenagers? What if he'd said, "Go away and

CS: Pol-tories

2001-01-31 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] James Macnair writes, << The Tories may have been the party that enacted the ban on handguns , however , do you think that they would have acted that way had it not been for Labour electioneering on the back of Dunblane ?. They had their hands forced. >> This

CS: Field-foxes

2001-01-30 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] EJ Totty writes, << the foxes I knew when I was a kid, were a lot bigger than the cats we had. >> Correct me if I'm wrong EJ, but I suspect you're referring to the grey (sorry, gray) fox, which is significantly bigger than our red fox. I know you have the red on

CS: Field-Foxes

2001-01-28 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jonathan writes, <> I'm sure that foxes can and do eat pussy cats, but probably not very often, not least because a big pussy can weigh the same as a fox - which are rather slender, delicately built creatures under all that fur. Reminds me of a friend who often

CS: Pol-Caretaker etc

2001-01-28 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chris Gould's reminiscences of handling CCF weaponry at school remind me of my own similar experience of the more rational attitude to firearms in the 1960s. We would collect our No.4s and the Bren from the Cadet Hut where they were chained up, march down to the

CS: Field-Squirrels

2001-01-23 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Agreed, Chris - it's a long time ago, but I used to hunt squirrels in the Buckinghamshire beech woods, and shot a great many with an old BSA Airsporter bought s/hand for 15 quid. The stock had been smashed by some oaf in the past, and bodged-up with nails! It sp

CS: Pol-Hunting Ban

2001-01-23 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I disagree with Jonathan's reiteration of arguments in favour of the efficiency of traditional hunting compared with using a rifle. I have always been baffled by the bone-headed persistence of the hunting lobby in claiming that the hounds 'n' horses business is t

CS: Pol-Countryside March

2001-01-20 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pity that Stuart Heal is not going on the March because he's "opposed to fox hunting". I thought we all knew by now, even many of the diehard Bisley single-shot target rifle types, that if we don't hang together we'll all hang separately... Even if only out of se

CS: Pol-Tony Martin and David Mellor

2001-01-04 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << A cohesive society can accommodate right left and centre, as long as the common concern is liberty. >> suggests Jeff Wood. I think the word "liberty" is the key one, indeed it is difficult to see how any gun-rights-enthusiast could describe himself as being es

CS: Pol-Widdecombe

2001-01-03 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] As the Liberty (who they?) spokeswoman pointed out, Widdecombe has said nothing new on self defence, merely done the usual political snow-job. This is par for the course, for political "debate" between NuLab and the Tories, because they have a cynical scam going where

CS: Misc-Falklands and so on

2000-12-18 Thread anthonyhar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << Peter Kokalis related a particularly gruesome account of the use of the Vulcan in his review of Dillon's minigun improvements in SOF, >> Er, Jonathan S was referring to the Avro Vulcan bomber, Steve, not the multi-barrel cannon... I too understood that the Vulcan ra

CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-30 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << If heroin was so benign, why was it banned? >> Really, Steve, you should know better! Surely one of the questions we face constantly from outside is, If guns are so benign, why were they banned? Legislation, as we know all too well, is not the rational, fair-minded

CS: Misc-us and them

2000-11-29 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I hope, IG, that you consider criminal evidence with more care than you do some of the postings to this list! 1. Our US friend didn't try to "impose his values" on this country, he merely drew a useful comparison between the rights of Americans and those of Englishmen

CS: Field-.458

2000-11-28 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am concerned that our friend in blue, IG, is becoming slightly jumpy. I didn't imply, old chum, that 458 Win Mag (picky!) is a viable self-defence round - unless it was for shooting a burglar's getaway vehicle, 'cos I dare say it would penetrate an engine block - I

CS: Legal-Steven Waldorf case

2000-11-28 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Though this has cropped up before on the list, the death of the trial judge, Sir David Croom-Johnson, produced an interesting obituary in the Telegraph. Extract: <<...Waldorf had been a passenger in a mini travelling along a street in Earl's Court when he was mistaken

CS: Misc-Emperor's New Clothes

2000-11-27 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << If there were no firearms controls, then this individual would have been able to continue to possess firearms without fear of any sanctions being applied! He would still be here. >> As Steve points out, IG, this fellow held firearms for 20 years or so anyway. Let'

CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-27 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << Also this argument about only weak-minded people is utter crap as well, anyone can become a drug addict >> Come on, Steve, you're in danger of getting a little personal here! There is such a thing as the "addictive personality", identified a long time ago, and it

CS: Misc-drugs

2000-11-26 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << any drug that has seriously harmful effects and is addictive should be banned >> I know it's tempting to agree with this, but the history of governments banning things (including guns...) is a very sorry one. Reason invariably flies out of the window, the rules are

CS: Misc-Recommended reading

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kenneth, an excellent list, most of which I have not read but ought to sometime. You mention John Masters's "Bugles And A Tiger", eminently readable autobiography by a man who changed his life post-war, left the regular army, and became a novelist living in the USA. A

CS: Misc-Recommended movies

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeff, "Handgun" is an odd film - in colour BTW, not black & white - because it was made by a Brit director whose name (infuriatingly) escapes me but who is distinctly on the "respectable liberal art-film" side of the fence as opposed to mass-market Hollywood. It is su

CS: Pol-dates of laws

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IG writes: << I quoted these laws in order to show that higher crime figures are as the result of more laws that can be transgressed and to show how society has evolved over the past 80 odd years :::Now the law abiding are penalised and criminal acts punish

CS: Legal-Certificate Holders

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << various provisos such as proof of competence and physical ability >> Yes, Tim, but as soon as we get into these sensible-seeming measures which you suggest are acceptable compromises, we get the ratcheting-up effect: it is in the nature of politicians and bureaucra

CS: Misc-Web Site of interest

2000-11-25 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not hounding you, IG, but when you say,<< Total freedom of firearms means that people like this would be free to have firearms. >> you miss the point, which is that he WAS armed, and from what we know about him he would have been armed without regard to the law - as a

CS: Legal-Certificate Holders

2000-11-21 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jonathan writes,<< If we had a system that issued FAC's, or any type of licence or privilege for that matter, based on the grounds that you didn't like the look of someone then no one would get them. >> That's what this comes down to - suggestions that X% of FAC hol

CS: Pol-Queen in Trouble

2000-11-20 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] What with the squirrels being given paramedic support at the roadside, and the LACS wittering on about HM the Queen wringing the neck of a winged pheasant, I'm in danger of coming on all Victor Meldrew-ish and asking what this country is coming to... Really, it makes

CS: Misc-Cops & Shooters tarred w. same brush?

2000-11-19 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << Obergrupenfuhrer (is that spelt right?) >> No - you left out a "p" and the umlaut over the second "u". OK I'm being pedantic - the real problem with your posting IG is that for someone who (often accurately) highlights the irrelevance of others' postings, and their

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-18 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Norman Bassett writes, in the latest of his always-interesting reflections, << And I think it would be a big step forward if the UK police accepted that they work for the public and not for the Home Office which trains them to regard the public as creatures from anoth

Misc-Cops & Shooters tarred w. same brush?

2000-11-17 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << We both know the realities of our respective groups, but are unable to get people to see the wider picture! >> Very true, IG, but there is a considerable difference between our respective groups, in that the police - though not in a direct sense "government agents"

CS: Misc-Police Corruption

2000-11-11 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ho hum. Here we go again. Shooters v. police... Listen IG, I'm sure most of us think you're a perfectly decent bloke - after all, you go hunting, and clearly know a thing or two about ballistics, so you can't be all bad - but you just have to realise that the long-stan

CS: Target-Ruger M77 Heavy Barrel Rifle

2000-11-11 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Both Jonathan and Peter seem to have mixed views on the Ruger. My two penn'orth is that I owned only one, a Ruger 77/Mk2 VBZ varmint job in 22-250, and I too had mixed feelings. It was very well fitted and finished, with a particularly nice stainless barrel - very smo

CS: Misc-Remington 700 Problems

2000-11-07 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] While not wanting to belittle any genuine problem which might exist with the Rem 700, or seem indifferent to the Barbers' tragic loss of their son, I have to say that most of the accidents described in this report are clearly due to faulty gun-handling. If a rifle isn

CS: Misc-replica guns sought

2000-11-03 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've never wanted to own a de-activated gun, and I never had any desire to have my late Series 70 .45ACP Commander neutered - I flogged it in advance of the ban, rather than surrender it - but can anyone confirm my feeling that deacts are pretty damn expensive? For ph

CS: Field-how to deal with roadkill

2000-11-02 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << Surely all you need to save squirrels is a big jar of formaldehyde. >> This reminds me - isn't the Turner Prize pantomime imminent? If we pooled our roadkills, pickled them, made an "installation" and won 20,000 quid, we could donate it to shooting organisations. Wh

CS: Field-how to deal with roadkill

2000-10-31 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This rings a bell. I once squired a lady - very briefly, until I found out she was bonkers - who nearly had us off the road when she exclaimed, "Oh look out, a squirrel!" and actually grabbed the steering wheel! After saving us both from death or injury I said somethi

CS: Field-Calibres for Fallow

2000-10-31 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am no expert on stalking, but my instinctive advice is yes, go for premium bullets - a very minor part of your total expenditure, and how many deer are you likely to shoot anyway? Nosler Partitions or Speer Grand Slams, and as a cheaper alternative try Nosler Ballis

CS: Pol-Police Review

2000-10-26 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << Fed Rep for a large area of a large police force with a good licensing dept. that NEVER make any mistakes and an even better armed response unit) >> Well, IG, you won't get any crude "flaming" from me, and not even any jokes about flat feet (actually not an occupat

CS: Field-Handloading 6.5 x 68

2000-10-26 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks David for the load data, which I'll forward to my chum a.s.a.p. Don't think me ungrateful, but the MV figures look a trifle modest, which is a difficulty my chum has commented upon. I think the problem is that as a relatively obscure cartridge published data ten

CS: Misc-Nat. Centre for Social Research

2000-10-26 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't know why David in New Zealand received the piece by Robert Henderson, but Mr Henderson is a libertarian political commentator who makes frequent postings (including this one) to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - while his email address is : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cybershooter

CS: Misc-shooter's wives/"claypigeonshoots" site

2000-10-22 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << The Shooting Product Reviews section is slowly building up and could be very good. Why don't you check it out. >> I did. It's boring. Apart from something on airgun pellets, it's all about shotgun items. The site is cumbersome to use, and badly designed. Stop push

CS: Field-Handloading 6.5 x 68

2000-10-22 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] A chum of mine has a rifle in 6.5 x 68, a custom varmint job which he's put together to take to S.Africa as a long-range baboon destroyer - Shilen barrel, Nightforce NXS scope (800 bucks in US, not the 1150 quid demanded in UK!), Jewell trigger and so on. He's left it i

CS: Misc-shooter's wives

2000-10-21 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << pictures of the shooters wives/husbands would be sent in as well as possibley "Comedy pics" from shoting events (bloke picking nose, drunken person in the bar afterwards, etc.) I'm just wondering if people on the cybershooters list would be interested in getting

CS: Legal-Devon/notify police before shooting

2000-10-21 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Does Neil's dad live in Devon? I know of similar occurrences in this county, mostly subsequent to the importation of a Fireams Licencing Officer from the Met. One of the county's best-known gundealers told me of a farmer who, after some informal clay-shooting on farml

CS: Field-threat to shoots

2000-10-21 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tom Charnock writes: << The clever bit is that the Parish had not noticed this was 2 1/2 months after the close of the game season, and for sure neither had the Local Council. But all of them now think of the local pheasant shoot as cowboys. >> Well, Tom, that says i

CS: Legal-flick knives

2000-10-21 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Right, let's settle this matter - a very quick search revealed an interesting site (http://members.aol.com/knivesuk/law.htm) which suggests it was indeed in 1959 that flick-knives were banned, largely as a result of the kind of kneejerk moral panic with which shooters

CS: Pol-Israeli "rubber" bullets/terrorism etc

2000-10-13 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unlike many of my fellow citizens I find myself neutral regarding the Israelis and Palestinians. Spokesmen for the latter make such wildly unrealistic demands concerning the Israelis needing to pull out of Jerusalem altogether (something they won't do 'til hell freezes

CS: Crime-Rolex robbery victim dies

2000-09-24 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I believe I read somewhere that the Martoranas originate from Sicily. Perhaps the vicious no-brains who murdered Mrs Martorana for a wristwatch should have checked this out first... Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Pol-NIMBY, Olympic medals, town v country

2000-09-23 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I entirely agree with Alex's suggestion that undiluted hostility toward anti-noise (or anti-shooting) urban incomers is unproductive, and that we should attempt to educate them. Some of the objectors to clayshooting noise have indeed been to my house for drinks, and met

CS: Pol- NIMBY, Olympic medals, town v country

2000-09-21 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Richard Faulds' problems with village incomers protesting about the noise of shooting is a phenomenon I recognise. In my village, a small group of clayshooters has held a once-monthly shoot on land belonging to one of them right on the edge of the village, for about fif

CS: Target-BBC TV Coverage of Shooting Sports at the Olympics

2000-09-17 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> Yes, well, my long-standing interest in the shooting sports doesn't extend to a smidgeon of interest in the extraordinarily pointless activity of shooting holes in pieces of paper with an air-rifle at 10 metres - I can't really blame non-shooters for their massive ind

CS: Target-Vihtavuori

2000-09-15 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << I've never actually seen Vihatouri powder in this country. Who sells it? >> Various dealers I believe - but try The Sportsman, Paignton, Devon - which as I recall you sometimes deal with anyway. If out of stock they'll get some for you quickly. It's easy to think of

CS: Field-Bullet Swap - Offers?

2000-09-12 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have between 400 and 500 Hornady V-Max .22 cal bullets, 55gr, which are surplus to requirements, 400 of them in still-sealed boxes. I want 40 gr V-Max, or 40gr Ballistic Tips. Or Sierra BlitzKings maybe. Anyone interested? Email me direct, please. Thanks - Anthony Har

CS: Misc-It's cheaper in the USA/Europe/anywhere

2000-09-12 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] When Guy writes, <> he is sending exactly the same message as David Edwards did when he started this thread. As I tried to explain in my posting, though, while no shooter who thinks about the subject imagines that UK dealers could sell American kit as cheaply as it can b

CS: Misc-it's cheaper elsewhere

2000-09-12 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nick Royall writes: << stop whinging unless to (sic) are going to take up accountancy as well as shooting then you will know what establishment costs and EOQ's are and then you will do the decent thing and buy hundreds of guns each and thousands of bolt on bits for them.

CS: Pol-Liberals

2000-09-12 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shooters are right to doubt the appropriateness of voting LibDem - they say one thing (all sorts of things in fact, they're very talkative) and do another. Just remember that despite their protestations of open-mindedness about things such as fox-hunting, when in power o

CS: Misc-It's cheaper in the USA/Europe/anywhere

2000-09-08 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] David Edwards writes, <> That's OK David, I don't take your comments personally - though I'd emphasise that in my reply to your offer of a Burris scope I did not imply one little bit that you or the rest of the guntrade was profiteering at our expense. You will recall t

CS: Legal-ECHR/grandfathering

2000-09-07 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] EJT's message reminds me of the situation regarding full-auto licences in the USA. Haven't heard anything of this for some time, but I understand that such licences had to be granted by the Feds, and that they "froze" the number by administrative decree , the current nu

CS: Pol-NZ/toy guns

2000-09-06 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Whenever I come across things like this I can't help thinking of my grandfather, who grew up in rural Shropshire in the late 19th century. Guns were at least as much a part of rural life as it is suggested they are now in NZ, and I'm sure if any teacher had tried to inst

CS: Target-scope choice

2000-09-04 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] In between bouts of gloom over our dwindling democracy, I try to get a few bullets down-range before they take away my rifles. Having put together a neat (IMHO) lightweight varminter, a .223 Win Featherweight (actually a "Youth Ranger", same dimensions but not smoothed

CS: Legal-ECHR/Speed Cameras

2000-09-02 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Steve - this subject is not as off-topic as some might think, since the process of covering our road network with cameras has parallels with firearms legislation. As with the latter, people-control by speed camera has a curious history, unstated agendas, and is inimic

CS: Misc-Geeks with guns!

2000-09-01 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] << A crowd favorite was the Sig-Sauer P220 0.45 millimeter automatic handgun >> Love it! An automatic weapon in .45 mm! Just right for the plague of wasps currently afflicting us... Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org List admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

CS: Misc-Germany (was Legal-Anonymity etc)

2000-08-28 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jeremy writes, << The German ethos of obeying the law is so deep seated that even today you find pedestrians waiting at a red light at a German light controlled crossing even when there are no cars coming! >> Nothing personal Jeremy, but here we're bordering on the Br

CS: Legal-Lawful Orders

2000-08-27 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IG says, << I dont believe that people should disobey or break a law, no matter how repugnant it is to the individual >> This, IG, is exactly why some people take you to task and we get tangled in these Nuremberg comparisons. The Law might be a wonderful thing (I have t

CS: Target-tracer (was steel-cored bullets)

2000-08-26 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hmmm, reminds me of an enlightening experience one day when chaps were getting rid of some 303 tracer. Bang! Puff of sand from the backstop 100 m distant, glowing tracer whizzes straight back over our heads about a hundred feet up, to disappear God knows where... Cybe

CS: Pol-checks and balances

2000-07-25 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am delighted to be able to agree with Neil Francis, for once. The very idea of government by constant plebiscite is horrifying, since it would be the antithesis of democracy - if you believe that "democracy" should mean pretty much the same thing as "free society".

CS: Pol-The fight

2000-07-23 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] re. Tony Martin: << It's a pity he was not a drug smuggler or part of an Easter agreement he might be let out. >> writes Graham Gartshore. And more specifically, it's a pity he wasn't the former commander of the Belfast Brigade of the Provisional IRA, and a current (t

CS: Misc-WW2 Actors

2000-07-23 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Trivial Pursuit, cont'd - the latest action movie my wife has had to produce translated subtitles for was called The Delta Force, an enjoyable piece of mindless fun with villains getting blown away by the score, though not up to Red Dawn I fear. Who should I see in it

CS: Pol-Democracy, referendums etc

2000-07-22 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Paul McDermott has a restricted understanding of "corrupt", a word which does not necessarily refer to any simple exchange of money for services rendered. Or perhaps he's just being disingenuous. It's a truism to say that politicians "always seek votes and popularity",

CS: Pol-Democracy, referendums etc

2000-07-20 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm getting almost as fed up with people churning out the word "democracy" as I am with Labour politicians and their news-media sycophants banging on about the threat to "schools & hospitals" whenever anyone suggests a slightly less crushing tax burden might be a good i

CS: Misc-chain mail

2000-07-19 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ask an obscure question, get an obscure answer... I know very little about armour, but here are two companies who advertise in Heritage magazine: Battle Orders, 01323 485182 Museum Replicas Ltd UK, 0845 6021905 I've sometimes wondered how on earth they kept chain mail cl

CS: Pol-Revolver tribute to shot Beatle

2000-07-18 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Assuming that Neil Francis is serious in preferring John Lennon to Nelson, it seems a somewhat contentious preference. Lennon was a fair tunesmith - gutsier than McCartney - many of whose songs enlivened our youth, but otherwise unremarkable. Viscount Nelson, on the o

CS: Misc-Red Dawn

2000-07-10 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm surprised Neil Francis managed to watch it all the way through, since he finds it so awful. And he's watched Rocky IV too! I haven't. Perhaps he reads The Guardian and takes an academic interest in redneck popular culture. Actually, I've been through the film-buff

CS: Legal-German firearms possession

2000-07-09 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] All I would add to Steve's comprehensive account is that in Germany you need a licence to handload ammo. In fact I think you need to pass an exam to get your ticket - just like fishing, in fact, such is the German bureaucratic mania for controlling people. There's a l

CS: Misc-US Military Terminology

2000-07-08 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] If I'd known the amount of time my fellow Cybershooters would devote to assisting with my terminology problem, I might not have posted the query! Many thanks to all who have helped, not least to Alex's friend in Colorado. The original difficulty was the weird "duffle-

CS: Misc-US military terminology

2000-07-06 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks for your various suggestions about the weird "grazing fire on duffle-A" line in Red Dawn - it says "duffle-A" in the transcript, but now the video's been provided it all becomes clear: the sound quality is terrible, but after several re-plays it's possible to m

CS: Misc-US military terminology

2000-07-05 Thread AnthonyHar
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can some well-informed CS contributor help with some arcane jargon? In the film Red Dawn (for which my wife is producing translated subtitles) there's a line: "When you reach this bunker, lay down grazing fire on this duffle-A." OK this might be just a sloppy scriptw