[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark
Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant Barry--this 
guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

[FairfieldLife] Returning To Ananda

2013-12-19 Thread TurquoiseB
One of the problems I see with Fairfield in general plagues this attempt
at a TV pilot -- the belief that there is actually an audience willing
to watch other peoples' narcissism.

The filmmaker is attractive, and earnest, and I wish her the best, but
the idea that people would want to tune in for half an hour to watch the
self-absorption of Fairfielders is...sorry...not quite in the same
ballpark as Laura Dern's "Enlightened."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Dude looks like lady!

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
wgm, before Obama was president, in 2007, African American Isiah Washington was 
FIRED, not just suspended, from Grey's Anatomy for anti gay slurs. Both the 
time frame and the difference in reaction suggest to me something of a backlash 
going on. What do you think?

On Wednesday, December 18, 2013 10:27 PM, wgm4u  
So the thought crime have incriminated him! Thank You Barack!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: A video metaphor for Fairfield Life

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Judy is going to need a lot of help if she has to set up a "macro" key 
just to reply to Richard and Barry. And, she needs a lot more help if 
she thinks anyone is going to believe she set up a macro in Yahoo Neo.

Richard and Barry know how to set up a macro, and we both know Judy is 
lying - because nobody can set up a macro key in Yahoo Neo. And, we 
don't see ANYONE defending Judy's claim about using a macro in Neo, 
because that would be really stupid to defend a false claim like that.

And, Richard and Barry both know nobody can set a macro in ANY program 
that uses a single key stroke. Stupid. Really stupid shit. Almost every 
knows Judy is just copying and pasting into the Neo text box from a word 

On 12/18/2013 8:28 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Can you just /imagine/ what Barry's fantasies must be like when he 
sees Richard going down for the count despite Barry's attempt to help 
him out by making up RLY STOOOPID shit about the macro 
I've been using on Richard's posts?

Eh, Barry, you fouled up again. And the reason folks aren't "rushing 
to my defense" is that I obviously don't need any help taking on you 
two losers.

Barry burped:

*/Or, Why no one seems to be rushing to Judy's defense now that 
someone's stood up to her.

*/http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b7a_1387216510 /*


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
All you have to do Ann, is refrain from posting prejudiced statements 
aimed at certain groups of people based on where they live. It's not a 
crime to be prejudiced, it's just bad form on a discussion board. You 
already admitted that you've got a strong prejudice - just try to get 
over it. You don't have to try and shoot the messenger.

On 12/18/2013 8:39 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

Oh, cry me a river, Texas. I don't buy your faux outrage for one 
eensty beensty second. Go try your lame-brain psychological stumbling 
bumblings on someone else. Maybe others in Texas fall for this kind of 
shenanigans but not me.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

On 12/16/2013 8:12 PM, awoelflebater@...  wrote:

You are not even one eentsy beentsy bit bent out of shape about
me or anyone else making jokes about Texas.

Well, Ann, I don't have "prove" anything - this isn't a court of
law. All I have to do is post an objection, and that should be
sufficient to get you to refrain from posting remarks denigrating
my birth circumstances. It's not a crime to make fun of certain
groups based on their ethnicity - it's just bad form.

So, there's no need to insinuate that all the people that live in
Texas eat out at Hardee's in ten-gallon hats. There's not even any
Hardee's in Texas and people from all over wear hats.

And, I wouldn't expect Judy to come to my defense - I mean, if she
called me a "molusk" and a "slimball" just for posting a link to a
graph in a political discussion, she would hardly be expected to
back me up for explaining my objections to you stereotyping groups
of people that just happen to live in the a particular state or

Judy has not convinced me that she isn't prejudiced against
conservative people that live in Texas- I think it's more than
obvious. I mean, why else would she be engaging in all this
ankle-biting? Judy hates conservatives, that's what I think.

Here is what Judy said to John Manning when he posted racist
comments about Jews as a group:

Subject: Re: Israel and Palestine
Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2002-06-24 07:17:23 PST

John Manning wrote:
> Some people are slow to understand or just don't want to. In
*MY* view
> any group that usurps others' rights for decades and occupies
> land, particularly with overwhelmingly superior military capability,
> is a pile of shit group.
Had you said in your original comments, "The Israeli
government is a pile of shit," that would not have
provoked the accusation of anti-Semitism.

However, you made your bigoted assertion in terms of
the Jews as an ethnic/religious group and used the
words of Jesus to justify it--indicating you believed
the Jews were a "pile of shit group" all the way back
to biblical times.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: What America is like in 2013, without the rose-colored TM glasses

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/18/2013 9:01 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
Heh, and what Universe, what planet do you live on Bawwy? You're 
always on the lookout for something and someone (even if it is an 
entire country) to put down just to feel superior in some way.
Barry has very strong prejudice concerning what country people live in. 
It's not uncommon for people to be prejudiced - for example there are 
people that live in Canada and think they are superior to people that 
live in Texas. It's not a big deal and you said yourself we are just 
joking around. Give it a rest Ann, and try to focus on the important 
things in life instead of taking time to put down Barry.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Big Pharma's Phony Study

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Judy's discussion on this topic makes about as much sense concerning 
Big-Pharma as her discussion about corn-based ethenol by Big-Agra. 
Everyone knows, even without a study, that Big-Agra and Big-Pharma are 
screwing the American public. Just follow the money. Both of these 
topics seem to be above Judy's pay grade. The question is not why she 
doesn't understand, but why she won't just tell the truth about it 
without posting some petty convoluted argument. Go figure.

On 12/18/2013 10:48 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

Apparently this issue for discussion is above your pay grade. ;-)

On 12/18/2013 06:37 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Wait. First you said Big Pharma wanted the supplement market all to 
itself. That doesn't jibe with making the public terrified of 
supplements, period.*

*Bhairitu wrote:*

Because the public doesn't know which are theirs and which are not.  
They just want the public terrified of supplements period and then 
sell them the higher profit "Brave New World" pharmaceuticals.

On 12/17/2013 02:48 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:

*Bhairitu wrote:*

<< Big pharma is after the supplement market and wants it all to 
themselves. >>

*But but but...according to the Natural News article you linked to, 
Big Pharma arranged for all the testing to be done on its own 
supplements. Why would it do that knowing the study results would be 
negative and that folks would be discouraged from using supplements 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing for 
him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob?

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant Barry--this 
guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Big Pharma's Phony Study

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/18/2013 1:46 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> But the funny thing is the pseudo scientific 'tude I'm seeing here 
> against natural medicine.
It's real simple: if it is posted by either of the two Barrys or by 
Richard, it is a lie and trolling, according to Judy. Do you see a 
pattern here? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Essential Jazz

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Good point, but I don't get into the personalities of any of these guys 
very much. Lots of jazz players were really screwed up on drugs and some 
had questionable ethical behavior as well. Most of the time I just 
listen to the music and enjoy. For me, it's not about the personalities, 
it's all about the music. Thanks for the reply.

On 12/18/2013 9:32 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com wrote:


Stan Gets was a great tenor sax player.  His solos were exquisite and 
creative.  But one of his friends called him a "nice bunch of guys", 
apparently referring to his unpredictable personality quirks.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
It probably wouldn't matter much because most of the respondents posting 
here use an alias, but we don't really know who is using a "fake" alias 
or not, since almost all aliases are fake, and that's the point I guess, 
but I suspect your alias is fake, whoever you are. Go figure.

On 12/18/2013 9:40 PM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark wrote:

Wow…this sound so scary, but what if he starts posting here using a 
fake alias, who will protect us and our families?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

feste37 sez:

He strikes me as mentally unbalanced. A bit of a psycho.

His ex-wife said the same here sometime ago.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
My posts are not obnoxious and I wasn't the guy that got kicked off 
twice. Your posts on the other hand are getting more and more obnoxious 
every day. Especially this one, which tries to turn the topic towards my 
posts, when the topic is Ravi's posts. But, I am going to go out on a 
limb here and propose that you're in favor of amnesty for Ravi because 
Judy is in favor of it. Go figure.

On 12/18/2013 9:53 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Well, if Ravi can be given amnesty for whatever he did, then I should 
be able to post as many lies and troll here as much as I want to 
without getting any grief from anyone. Fair is fair, where i come from.

You already get to do that without censure. However, you do have to 
pay the piper when it comes to the other posters here who might take 
exception to your questionable motives, intentions and tone. You 
haven't been kicked off officially yet so you have to put up with the 
ramifications of your obnoxious posts with those who are dedicated to 
the no-bullshit clause. Get it?

On 12/18/2013 8:08 PM, emptybill@...  wrote:

feste37 sez:

He strikes me as mentally unbalanced. A bit of a psycho.

His ex-wife said the same here sometime ago.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/18/2013 10:03 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
I still don't believe you are for real, Tex. You don't really give a 
shit about this. How could you? Give it up. This has absolutely 
nothing to do with "ethics". It is about you having nothing better to 
do than concern yourself with FFL - a rather paltry and insignificant 
little smudge in the Universe.
You could stop perpetuating this thread about me, if it is so paltry, 
and give it up. This has everything to do with your ethics and having 
nothing better to do than post replies to my posts. If it's such an 
insignificant little smudge in the universe, why bother? And, don't call 
me "Tex". That's just being prejudiced.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
I'll tell you what's sadder - Rick who can't even remember if he banned 
Ravi or not. But it looks like he did not ban Ravi, but said he did. So, 
that brings us back to point one. Why did Rick say he banned Ravi and 
why was Ravi NOT banned? Go figure.

On 12/19/2013 1:34 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

*/The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet 
are the people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like 
weapons at the people they don't like.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on 
with the call to bring this particular psychopath back.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use 
them for their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see 
here, folks...move along.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
There's no question that some respondents gang up in order to abuse 
others on FFL. We've been seeing this with Judy and Ann, and to a 
certain extend with poor Emily, who seems to be getting recruited. It's 
very unusual for somebody to be banned from FFL for cursing. And it's 
even more unusual to be admitted back so they can post more curses.

We already know why Judy and Ann want Ravi back - what we don't know is 
why Rick banned Ravi, or not, in the first place. There's more to this 
story than we're being told. I wonder what "enptybill" will be thinking 
about this turn of events? He must be really scared, or mad as hell, 
now. Go figure.

It looks like we're in for a new round of cursing - in fact it already 
seems to have started. The only question I have is what happened to Judy 
- it's already 8:00 here and she hasn't got to work yet. It will be 
interesting to hear what she has to say about this, I mean, from an 
ethical standpoint. She is very particular about what people say on this 

On 12/19/2013 7:11 AM, Share Long wrote:
I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm 
willing for him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take 
his place on the bench. Bob?

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant 
Barry--this guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time 
around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

*/The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet 
are the people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like 
weapons at the people they don't like.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on 
with the call to bring this particular psychopath back.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use 
them for their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see 
here, folks...move along.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Thank you dear authfriend for your support, but no Rick has not banned me--I'm 
constantly disguising myself and hiding behind random Yahoo aliases I create 
everyday, because I am the Psycho Ravi... bwahaha……….mwahaha……..

 Geez how this does my heart good. Pure and unadulterated letting go - no 
pretense just demented hilarity. I love it. Stick around, the air around here 
needs the equivalent of incense in the form of your presence. Or is it the 
other way around? Whatever it is why do I find this so liberating? Perhaps 
because it throws everything off kilter in the most 'out there' kind of way. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Yeah, Rick, you did ban him, or you told us you did:

 "He has been banned. Let me know if he resurfaces."



 Also see:



 Both from November 20.
Rick wrote:
 << I don’t recall having kicked him out again, although he was asking for it. 
Or did I? >>






[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
There really isn't anything to see here, folks, except Barry having another one 
of his hallucinatory fantasies about me. He's in Revenge-Stalk-Judy mode 
because he'd been such a nitwit, him with his vaunted tech savvy, claiming it 
was impossible to use a macro program to generate a few lines in an FFL post 
and that therefore I must be LYING about doing so.

 Of all the STOOOPID ways to make himself look STOOOPID. And 
the worst of it was, he sucked Richard into it and succeeded in bringing him 
down as well. Talk about unforced errors! And Richard doesn't know any better 
than to keep making them.

 In any case, now Barry is shitting little green bricks, TERRIFIED that Big Bad 
Ravi will come after him. I kinda hope he does, because it's always fun to 
watch Ravi take Barry out. But that's up to Ravi; obviously he does his own 
thing, and I doubt he has any intention of staying around anyway.

 I do have to point out one more time how much POWER Barry accords me. That 
always gives me a huge chuckle. Especially since Barry just got done yesterday 
going on gleefully about how nobody was coming to my defense against Richard 
(as if I needed any when Barry was doing a fine job on his own sinking 
Richard's very leaky boat). Now all of a sudden, in Barry's agitated mind, I'm 
commanding Ravi to attack.

 Since I've known him, Barry's had this self-destructive urge, setting himself 
up to be hoist with his own petard.

 Barry floundered:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

 Hee, hee. As if anyone can control Ravi in order to "aim" him at anyone, 
Bawwy. Dream on and see if you can come up with another howler.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

 Ewww, yea. As Bob said, hide the babies and lock the doors. We're in for it 
now. Oh, just one thing: the biggest "psychopath" appears to be you and you've 
been running rampant around here for bloody ever.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

 You do have a tendency to inadvertently speak about yourself ALL THE TIME when 
attempting to smear others. Bawwy, you are so sil.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
It's funny, to start with you and Ravi were such good pals. I wonder what 
happened. Was it something you said?
BTW, I wouldn't mess with Bob either if I were you.
Share peeped:

 << I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing 
for him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob? >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 All you have to do Ann, is refrain from posting prejudiced statements aimed at 
certain groups of people based on where they live. It's not a crime to be 
prejudiced, it's just bad form on a discussion board. You already admitted that 
you've got a strong prejudice - just try to get over it. You don't have to try 
and shoot the messenger.

 Nah, it's waayyy to much fun getting your little Texas billy goat, Ricky. Your 
pretense at caring about this is rather fun to play off of but I admit, it is 
getting a tad old. And the more you ask me to "refrain" the more I will likely 
not refrain, you know, like how you kept badgering MJ for, how long was it, 
about 5 months? Just take it like a true Texan would - swallow it whole.
 On 12/18/2013 8:39 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Oh, cry me a river, Texas. I don't buy your faux outrage for one eensty 
beensty second. Go try your lame-brain psychological stumbling bumblings on 
someone else. Maybe others in Texas fall for this kind of shenanigans but not 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 On 12/16/2013 8:12 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 You are not even one eentsy beentsy bit bent out of shape about me or anyone 
else making jokes about Texas. Well, Ann, I don't have "prove" anything - this 
isn't a court of law. All I have to do is post an objection, and that should be 
sufficient to get you to refrain from posting remarks denigrating my birth 
circumstances. It's not a crime to make fun of certain groups based on their 
ethnicity - it's just bad form. 
 So, there's no need to insinuate that all the people that live in Texas eat 
out at Hardee's in ten-gallon hats. There's not even any Hardee's in Texas and 
people from all over wear hats.
 And, I wouldn't expect Judy to come to my defense - I mean, if she called me a 
"molusk" and a "slimball" just for posting a link to a graph in a political 
discussion, she would hardly be expected to back me up for explaining my 
objections to you stereotyping groups of people that just happen to live in the 
a particular state or country. 
 Judy has not convinced me that she isn't prejudiced against conservative 
people that live in Texas- I think it's more than obvious. I mean, why else 
would she be engaging in all this ankle-biting? Judy hates conservatives, 
that's what I think.
 Here is what Judy said to John Manning when he posted racist comments about 
Jews as a group:
 Subject: Re: Israel and Palestine
 Author: Judy Stein 
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2002-06-24 07:17:23 PST 
 John Manning wrote:
 > Some people are slow to understand or just don't want to. In *MY* view
 > any group that usurps others' rights for decades and occupies *their*
 > land, particularly with overwhelmingly superior military capability,
 > is a pile of shit group.
 Had you said in your original comments, "The Israeli
 government is a pile of shit," that would not have
 provoked the accusation of anti-Semitism.
 However, you made your bigoted assertion in terms of
 the Jews as an ethnic/religious group and used the
 words of Jesus to justify it--indicating you believed
 the Jews were a "pile of shit group" all the way back
 to biblical times.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Returning To Ananda

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 One of the problems I see with Fairfield in general plagues this attempt at a 
TV pilot -- the belief that there is actually an audience willing to watch 
other peoples' narcissism. 

The filmmaker is attractive, and earnest, and I wish her the best, but the idea 
that people would want to tune in for half an hour to watch the self-absorption 
of Fairfielders is...sorry...not quite in the same ballpark as Laura Dern's 

 Oh dear, and you gleaned all this from watching this short trailer? People are 
willing to watch, pay for and prostrate themselves before narcissists day in 
and day out. What are you talking about? And what is so narcissistic about a 
film that looks at a subject that has been portrayed thousands of times before 
in all sorts of books and movies and plays? Bawwy, get a grip you warmonger.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: What America is like in 2013, without the rose-colored TM glasses

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/18/2013 9:01 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Heh, and what Universe, what planet do you live on Bawwy? You're always on the 
lookout for something and someone (even if it is an entire country) to put down 
just to feel superior in some way. Barry has very strong prejudice concerning 
what country people live in. It's not uncommon for people to be prejudiced - 
for example there are people that live in Canada and think they are superior to 
people that live in Texas. It's not a big deal and you said yourself we are 
just joking around. Give it a rest Ann, and try to focus on the important 
things in life instead of taking time to put down Barry. 
 You are a bossy one, Tex. You keep trying to instill all the etiquette on 
everyone here. Not gonna happen, sweet cheeks. Now maybe if you get out your 
six shooter I could be persuaded... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 My posts are not obnoxious and I wasn't the guy that got kicked off twice. 
Your posts on the other hand are getting more and more obnoxious every day. 
Especially this one, which tries to turn the topic towards my posts, when the 
topic is Ravi's posts. But, I am going to go out on a limb here and propose 
that you're in favor of amnesty for Ravi because Judy is in favor of it. Go 

 I had to stop there. Too much tea coming out of my nose. I'll get back to you 
 On 12/18/2013 9:53 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Well, if Ravi can be given amnesty for whatever he did, then I should be able 
to post as many lies and troll here as much as I want to without getting any 
grief from anyone. Fair is fair, where i come from.
 You already get to do that without censure. However, you do have to pay the 
piper when it comes to the other posters here who might take exception to your 
questionable motives, intentions and tone. You haven't been kicked off 
officially yet so you have to put up with the ramifications of your obnoxious 
posts with those who are dedicated to the no-bullshit clause. Get it?
 On 12/18/2013 8:08 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   feste37 sez:
 He strikes me as mentally unbalanced. A bit of a psycho.
 His ex-wife said the same here sometime ago. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/18/2013 10:03 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 I still don't believe you are for real, Tex. You don't really give a shit 
about this. How could you? Give it up. This has absolutely nothing to do with 
"ethics". It is about you having nothing better to do than concern yourself 
with FFL - a rather paltry and insignificant little smudge in the Universe. You 
could stop perpetuating this thread about me, if it is so paltry, and give it 
up. This has everything to do with your ethics and having nothing better to do 
than post replies to my posts. If it's such an insignificant little smudge in 
the universe, why bother? And, don't call me "Tex". That's just being 
 Sorry Tex. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread obbajeeba
Is Ravi kicked off OMFG! 
WTF!!?  N!!!
Please come back dear Ravi, Kali's Pimp Acme LLC., Tribunal massacre is 
necessary. Pasty face boomers are our 
Bob, I love you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 It's funny, to start with you and Ravi were such good pals. I wonder what 
happened. Was it something you said?
BTW, I wouldn't mess with Bob either if I were you.

 Can you say "clueless"? And anyway, Bob is already a platinum member of the 
MGC, he owns the clubhouse, remember?
Share peeped:

 << I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing 
for him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob? >>



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
Ann's posts to Richard remind me of her posts to Steve: clever and very 
demeaning. It's why I ignore and or skim her posts.

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:55 AM, "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

On 12/18/2013 10:03 PM, awoelflebater@... wrote:

I still don't believe you are for real, Tex. You don't really give a shit about 
this. How could you? Give it up. This has absolutely nothing to do with 
"ethics". It is about you having nothing better to do than concern yourself 
with FFL - a rather paltry and insignificant little smudge in the Universe.
You could stop perpetuating this thread about me, if it is so paltry, and give 
it up. This has everything to do with your ethics and having nothing better to 
do than post replies to my posts. If it's such an insignificant little smudge 
in the universe, why bother? And, don't call me "Tex". That's just being 
Sorry Tex.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend

 But Richard's trolling posts crammed with demeaning insults and lies are just 
fine with Share.

 The blatant hypocrisy is astonishing.
Share whined:

 << Ann's posts to Richard remind me of her posts to Steve: clever and very 
demeaning. It's why I ignore and or skim her posts. >>

 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:55 AM, "awoelflebater@..." 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/18/2013 10:03 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 I still don't believe you are for real, Tex. You don't really give a shit 
about this. How could you? Give it up. This has absolutely nothing to do with 
"ethics". It is about you having nothing better to do than concern yourself 
with FFL - a rather paltry and insignificant little smudge in the Universe. You 
could stop perpetuating this thread about me, if it is so paltry, and give it 
up. This has everything to do with your ethics and having nothing better to do 
than post replies to my posts. If it's such an insignificant little smudge in 
the universe, why bother? And, don't call me "Tex". That's just being 
 Sorry Tex. 




[FairfieldLife] TV review: "Rectify"

2013-12-19 Thread TurquoiseB
I have to thank my brother for this one. He mentioned it in his annual
"Best of the Year" email to me about the recent Golden Globe and
International Press Academy nominations. The former did not recognize
either "Orphan Black" or "Rectify" in their noms, but the latter did.

And a good thing IMO. This Sundance Channel series is darker than many
here on FFL would like. It *is*, after all, the story of a man released
from 20 years on death row after DNA evidence raises doubts about his
conviction, and trying to figure out what life in the world is all
about. But the writing, the direction, and above all the acting cause it
to rise up from its pulp fiction roots and *soar* from time to time.

Both Aden Young (as the former convict) and Abigail Spencer (as his
sister) *more* than deserve their nominations from the IPA. It's a shame
that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (Golden Globes) didn't feel
similarly, but they have a habit of going for the mainstream and the
safe in terms of TV.

If you're looking for action in your TV shows, you're not going to find
it here. It's reminiscent of "Under The Dome" in that it's about a small
town being fed on by its own fears and secrets, but it's a far more
subtle series than that Stephen King-based series. This is a small town
in Georgia, not the Midwest, and it ain't no miraculously-appearing-dome
that's got their small town panties in a twist. It's that there is a guy
living among them whom at least half of them are convinced really raped
and murdered one of their own, a teenaged girl, 20 years ago.

This kinda dynamic breeds ugliness, and that ugliness is not defused in
any way by Daniel, the ex-con. Daniel's story is that at age 18 he was
convicted of this crime and sent to prison for the next 20 years. He has
spent more time on death row than he has out in the world. His whole
world for 20 years has consisted of not knowing whether this was his
last day on earth, and finding a way to live with that.

Now he finds himself back in the world, and trying to find a way to live
with THAT. Aden Young is *tremendous* at portraying this. At times
distant, at times more emotionally vulnerable than anyone you've seen
onscreen in years, he just steals the screen. The cinematographers
wisely take advantage of this and allow their cameras to linger on his
face. Ten seconds of watching his face tells more of a story than most
actors can convey in an hour of dialog.

And Abigail Spencer as Amantha. What is not to like about Abigail
Spencer? She is stunningly beautiful, and as equally stunning an actress
as the strong sister who has been Daniel's only real support and
believer through this whole ordeal. Adelaide Clemens is also memorable
as a distant stepsister who never knew Daniel before he went away to
prison, and who now wants only to save his soul for Jesus.

Caveat emptor. This is slow, painstaking,
we-will-tell-no-story-before-its-time storytelling. Some people in our
soundbyte-sized, content-free media universe might not be able to cope
with that well. If you're one of them, no shame, and no problem. But if
you're not, and you demand more of the TV series you give your time to,
you might want to consider giving a few hours to this one.

My first impulse upon finishing the last of the six episodes was to want
to go back and watch the whole series again. That's always a good sign,
IMO. You can let it stand as my one-sentence review of "Rectify."



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
Bob, imo Ravi used his foulest language ever to attack emptybill who is 
straightforward. So your logic in that regard is flawed. Judy, once again a MGC 
person, you, attempts to instill fear into another, me, about one of its own, 
Bob. Since you've been on about being spiritual, how spiritual do you think 
that tactic is?

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:59 AM, "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

It's funny, to start with you and Ravi were such good pals. I wonder what 
happened. Was it something you said?

BTW, I wouldn't mess with Bob either if I were you.

Can you say "clueless"? And anyway, Bob is already a platinum member of the 
MGC, he owns the clubhouse, remember?

Share peeped:

<< I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing 
for him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob? >>

[FairfieldLife] AirBnb, as birdhouses

2013-12-19 Thread TurquoiseB
If there was a Platinum Card for Airbnb, I would have earned it by now.
I certainly did for Thalys, the bullet train that took me to Paris
several times a week.

This is a cute project, so I share it for its cuteness.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Ann's posts to Richard remind me of her posts to Steve: clever and very 
demeaning. It's why I ignore and or skim her posts.

 But did you like my Christmas tree, Share?

 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:55 AM, "awoelflebater@..." 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/18/2013 10:03 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 I still don't believe you are for real, Tex. You don't really give a shit 
about this. How could you? Give it up. This has absolutely nothing to do with 
"ethics". It is about you having nothing better to do than concern yourself 
with FFL - a rather paltry and insignificant little smudge in the Universe. You 
could stop perpetuating this thread about me, if it is so paltry, and give it 
up. This has everything to do with your ethics and having nothing better to do 
than post replies to my posts. If it's such an insignificant little smudge in 
the universe, why bother? And, don't call me "Tex". That's just being 
 Sorry Tex. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
Hey, did you call Ann clever?  I'm surprised you picked up on that from just 
"skimming and ignoring."  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
ROTFLMAO. Keep 'em coming, Share, each one is funnier than the last. 
 Share said, cluelessly:

 << Bob, imo Ravi used his foulest language ever to attack emptybill who is 
straightforward. So your logic in that regard is flawed. Judy, once again a MGC 
person, you, attempts to instill fear into another, me, about one of its own, 
Bob. Since you've been on about being spiritual, how spiritual do you think 
that tactic is? >>


 Well, I don't know, humor can be pretty spiritual. But I honestly don't think 
you're trying to be funny. Go figure.

 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:59 AM, "awoelflebater@..." 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 It's funny, to start with you and Ravi were such good pals. I wonder what 
happened. Was it something you said?
BTW, I wouldn't mess with Bob either if I were you.

 Can you say "clueless"? And anyway, Bob is already a platinum member of the 
MGC, he owns the clubhouse, remember?
Share peeped:

 << I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing 
for him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob? >>





Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
Barry's been tutoring her behind the scenes in how to know what people are 
saying without actually reading their posts.

 Emily wrote:
 << Hey, did you call Ann clever?  I'm surprised you picked up on that from 
just "skimming and ignoring."  >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Returning To Ananda

2013-12-19 Thread Michael Jackson
I cordially invite the producers (if they get picked up) to have Edg, Barry, 
Curtis and me on an episode, better yet, they can get some of the still living 
skin boys like Mark Landau and Billy Clayton to come give 'em all a dose of TM 

On Thu, 12/19/13, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Returning To Ananda
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thursday, December 19, 2013, 9:17 AM
   One of the problems I
 see with Fairfield in general plagues this attempt at a TV
 pilot -- the belief that there is actually an audience
 willing to watch other peoples' narcissism. 
 The filmmaker is attractive, and earnest, and I wish her the
 best, but the idea that people would want to tune in for
 half an hour to watch the self-absorption of Fairfielders
 is...sorry...not quite in the same ballpark as Laura
 Dern's "Enlightened."  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
LOL. Logic isn't your strong suit Share, imho. How about you compose FFL a 
Christmas poem?  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 There's no question that some respondents gang up in order to abuse others on 
FFL. We've been seeing this with Judy and Ann, and to a certain extend with 
poor Emily, who seems to be getting recruited.

 Yes, "poor Emily."  I'm with you on this Richard on this particular point; I 
can't tell you how I've suffered here on FFL trying to understand the 
intelligent prose emanating from you and Share lately. Hey, did you know I was 
born in Texas?  Flower Bluff Naval Base on the shores of the Gulf.  And if that 
ain't a fact, God's a possum. 


  It's very unusual for somebody to be banned from FFL for cursing. And it's 
even more unusual to be admitted back so they can post more curses. 
 We already know why Judy and Ann want Ravi back - what we don't know is why 
Rick banned Ravi, or not, in the first place. There's more to this story than 
we're being told. I wonder what "enptybill" will be thinking about this turn of 
events? He must be really scared, or mad as hell, now. Go figure.
 It looks like we're in for a new round of cursing - in fact it already seems 
to have started. The only question I have is what happened to Judy - it's 
already 8:00 here and she hasn't got to work yet. It will be interesting to 
hear what she has to say about this, I mean, from an ethical standpoint. She is 
very particular about what people say on this board.  
 On 12/19/2013 7:11 AM, Share Long wrote:
   I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing 
for him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob?
 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant 
Barry--this guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:turquoiseb@... 
 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 
 I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 
 Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

[FairfieldLife] Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
(Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
This is probably just bluffing - I think Alex or Rick have to approve 
everyone who subscribes to this list, whatever alias they use. So, 
apparently Ravi was not banned. So, what was Ravi NOT banned for?

On 12/19/2013 8:30 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

Thank you dear authfriend for your support, but no Rick has not banned 
me--I'm constantly disguising myself and hiding behind random Yahoo 
aliases I create everyday, because I am the Psycho Ravi... 

Geez how this does my heart good. Pure and unadulterated letting go - 
no pretense just demented hilarity. I love it. Stick around, the air 
around here needs the equivalent of incense in the form of your 
presence. Or is it the other way around? Whatever it is why do I find 
this so liberating? Perhaps because it throws everything off kilter in 
the most 'out there' kind of way.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Yeah, Rick, you did ban him, or you told us you did:

"He has been banned. Let me know if he resurfaces."


Also see:


Both from November 20.

Rick wrote:

<< I don’t recall having kicked him out again, although he was
asking for it. Or did I? >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

*> impossible to use a macro program to generate a few lines in an FFL post
You've been very helpful in the past about using Neo. Why not just 
explain to us how you can use a macro program to generate a few lines in 
an FFL post? It sounds pretty simple, so how did you do it? Thanks.

On 12/19/2013 8:34 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*There really /isn't/ anything to see here, folks, except Barry having 
another one of his hallucinatory fantasies about me. He's in 
Revenge-Stalk-Judy mode because he'd been such a nitwit, him with his 
vaunted tech savvy, claiming it was impossible to use a macro program 
to generate a few lines in an FFL post and that therefore I must be 
LYING about doing so.*


*Of all the STOOOPID ways to make himself look 
STOOOPID. And the worst of it was, he sucked Richard into it 
and succeeded in bringing him down as well. Talk about unforced 
errors! And Richard doesn't know any better than to keep making them.*


*In any case, now Barry is shitting little green bricks, TERRIFIED 
that Big Bad Ravi will come after him. I kinda hope he does, because 
it's always fun to watch Ravi take Barry out. But that's up to Ravi; 
obviously he does his own thing, and I doubt he has any intention of 
staying around anyway.*


*I do have to point out one more time how much POWER Barry accords me. 
That always gives me a huge chuckle. Especially since Barry just got 
done yesterday going on gleefully about how nobody was coming to my 
defense against Richard (as if I needed any when Barry was doing a 
fine job on his own sinking Richard's very leaky boat). Now all of a 
sudden, in Barry's agitated mind, I'm commanding Ravi to attack.*


*Since I've known him, Barry's had this self-destructive urge, setting 
himself up to be hoist with his own petard.*


*Barry floundered:*

*/The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet 
are the people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like 
weapons at the people they don't like.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on 
with the call to bring this particular psychopath back.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use 
them for their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see 
here, folks...move along.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

*> As Bob said, hide the babies and lock the doors.
According to emptybill, Ravi threatened to stalk his wife at work and at 
home, and that's why Ravi was banned. Apparently this is alright with 
you. Why not save Ravi some time and just send him your home address? 
Or, is something else going on here that we don't know about?

*On 12/19/2013 8:36 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

*/The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet 
are the people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like 
weapons at the people they don't like. /*

*Hee, hee. As if anyone can control Ravi in order to "aim" him at 
anyone, Bawwy. Dream on and see if you can come up with another howler.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on 
with the call to bring this particular psychopath back. *

*Ewww, yea. As Bob said, hide the babies and lock the doors. We're in 
for it now. Oh, just one thing: the biggest "psychopath" appears to be 
you and you've been running rampant around here for bloody ever.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use 
them for their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see 
here, folks...move along. *

*You do have a tendency to inadvertently speak about yourself ALL THE 
TIME when attempting to smear others. Bawwy, you are so sil.*

[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 In preparation for Orthodox Christmas on January 7 (the appointment of the 
great Billy Jean King to the US Sochi delegation is purely coincidental) 
President Putin and The Duma have granted amnesty to the crew of the Arctic 30, 
and the jailed Pussy Riot members: Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina.  



 Damn.  Ain't this post somethin' ! Buck, take note, amnesty for "hooliganism!" 
 S3raphita, did you know that one of the Pussy Riot band members goes by 
"Serafima?"  Smile.  Please feel free to post all the punk music you please; I 
know nothing of this genre and I have recovered from my bout with the "shame of 
my existence" as facilitated by my own unruly post on dark and disturbing 
matters. BTW, I loved that song you posted featuring the word "Fuck."  "Fuck" 
is still one of my favorite words, although the kids don't like it when I 
swear, so I'm cleaning up my act. They are smarter than I am, I'm pretty sure. 
But, I sure do love Ravi when he chooses to liberally lace his posts with one 
of my favorites - let's not forget what George Carlin said so eloquently on the 
word "fuck."  Here's an "orthodox" ditty from the Pussy Riot. 





 In the spirit of showing that ex Stasi adviser we know how its done, and in 
consideration of the fact that if Pussy Riot ever decided to accept male 
members (do with that as you will, I'm taking the high road), he would 
certainty be a strong contender; I humbly petition Rick to grant Ravi a 
Christmas amnesty; assuming Ravi still loves us as much as he obviously used 
to. I for one would appreciate a little entertainment for the holidays, and, if 
nothing else, a reprieve from being bored to death by all these dried up old 
boomer males, who look like they'd have trouble getting noticed in a women's 
yoga class. 

 Come on Rick, give us something for Christmas, I, for one, have been good!







Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
If it's alright to post prejudiced statements to the list, why can't we 
post lies and troll whenever we want to without Judy complaining? It's 
one thing to be prejudiced, but do you two have to be hypocrites as 
well? Go figure.

On 12/19/2013 8:45 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

All you have to do Ann, is refrain from posting prejudiced statements 
aimed at certain groups of people based on where they live. It's not a 
crime to be prejudiced, it's just bad form on a discussion board. You 
already admitted that you've got a strong prejudice - just try to get 
over it. You don't have to try and shoot the messenger.

Nah, it's waayyy to much fun getting your little Texas billy goat, 
Ricky. Your pretense at caring about this is rather fun to play off of 
but I admit, it is getting a tad old. And the more you ask me to 
"refrain" the more I will likely not refrain, you know, like how you 
kept badgering MJ for, how long was it, about 5 months? Just take it 
like a true Texan would - swallow it whole.

On 12/18/2013 8:39 AM, awoelflebater@...

Oh, cry me a river, Texas. I don't buy your faux outrage for one 
eensty beensty second. Go try your lame-brain psychological stumbling 
bumblings on someone else. Maybe others in Texas fall for this kind 
of shenanigans but not me.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

On 12/16/2013 8:12 PM, awoelflebater@...  

You are not even one eentsy beentsy bit bent out of shape about
me or anyone else making jokes about Texas.

Well, Ann, I don't have "prove" anything - this isn't a court of
law. All I have to do is post an objection, and that should be
sufficient to get you to refrain from posting remarks denigrating
my birth circumstances. It's not a crime to make fun of certain
groups based on their ethnicity - it's just bad form.

So, there's no need to insinuate that all the people that live in
Texas eat out at Hardee's in ten-gallon hats. There's not even
any Hardee's in Texas and people from all over wear hats.

And, I wouldn't expect Judy to come to my defense - I mean, if
she called me a "molusk" and a "slimball" just for posting a link
to a graph in a political discussion, she would hardly be
expected to back me up for explaining my objections to you
stereotyping groups of people that just happen to live in the a
particular state or country.

Judy has not convinced me that she isn't prejudiced against
conservative people that live in Texas- I think it's more than
obvious. I mean, why else would she be engaging in all this
ankle-biting? Judy hates conservatives, that's what I think.

Here is what Judy said to John Manning when he posted racist
comments about Jews as a group:

Subject: Re: Israel and Palestine
Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2002-06-24 07:17:23 PST

John Manning wrote:
> Some people are slow to understand or just don't want to. In
*MY* view
> any group that usurps others' rights for decades and occupies
> land, particularly with overwhelmingly superior military
> is a pile of shit group.
Had you said in your original comments, "The Israeli
government is a pile of shit," that would not have
provoked the accusation of anti-Semitism.

However, you made your bigoted assertion in terms of
the Jews as an ethnic/religious group and used the
words of Jesus to justify it--indicating you believed
the Jews were a "pile of shit group" all the way back
to biblical times.

[FairfieldLife] Some American Women Claim to Have 'Virgin Pregnancy'

2013-12-19 Thread jr_esq
Believe it or not. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
Ravi has acknowledged that he pushed the limits with his choice of words. I'm 
for amnesty. When an FFL context is transferred to an offline conversation, one 
best know and trust who one is talking to.  My experience with the offline 
email I received from "Sal" awhile back now is a good example; I felt quite 
threatened by it as I remember; it all sorted itself out in the end - no big 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
P.S.  No slam meant on the "logical creativity" and "creative logic" found in 
poetry as an art form.  Have a good day Share. Six days to Christmas - wooo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
Richard trolled:

 << According to emptybill, Ravi threatened to stalk his wife at work and at 
home, and that's why Ravi was banned. >>

 As you know, Ravi has flatly denied empty's accusations. And they weren't why 
Ravi was banned.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
FWIW, here's what Ravi asked Alex to post for him after he was banned:

 This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have harassed her wife.

 This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched the limits to 
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I ever contacted his 
wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed me last year and we have 
had private conversations, I have all emails with me and they were all cordial 
and I even wished him luck after he talked about his marriage after a 10 year 
live-in relationship. I'm really shocked at emptybill's dishonesty and I have 
warned him and the moderators to disallow these kinds of malicious lies.


I'm not disagreeing with you, Emily, I just thought it was important to quote 
the whole thing.
Emily wrote:

 << Ravi has acknowledged that he pushed the limits with his choice of words. 
I'm for amnesty. When an FFL context is transferred to an offline conversation, 
one best know and trust who one is talking to.  My experience with the offline 
email I received from "Sal" awhile back now is a good example; I felt quite 
threatened by it as I remember; it all sorted itself out in the end - no big 
deal. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Harlan's Ellison's latest rant

2013-12-19 Thread Michael Jackson
I think Ellison holds the record for being the science fiction author who has 
sued the greatest number of people over the years. 

On Wed, 12/18/13, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Harlan's Ellison's latest rant
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 8:12 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
 > Birthday special for Barry: Harlan on the forthcoming
 film "Saving Mr. 
 > Banks".  Harlan doesn't obfuscate.
 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNIFEHN1_cY 
 That's Harlan, to the max.
 Get on his bad side, and get ready to duck. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 > As Bob said, hide the babies and lock the doors.
 According to emptybill, Ravi threatened to stalk his wife at work and at home, 
and that's why Ravi was banned. Apparently this is alright with you. Why not 
save Ravi some time and just send him your home address? Or, is something else 
going on here that we don't know about?

Well Ricky, I don't know about "we" but there certainly seems to be a lot going 
on that you seem unenlightened about.
 On 12/19/2013 8:36 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:turquoiseb@... 
 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 
 Hee, hee. As if anyone can control Ravi in order to "aim" him at anyone, 
Bawwy. Dream on and see if you can come up with another howler.
 I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 
 Ewww, yea. As Bob said, hide the babies and lock the doors. We're in for it 
now. Oh, just one thing: the biggest "psychopath" appears to be you and you've 
been running rampant around here for bloody ever.
 Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 
 You do have a tendency to inadvertently speak about yourself ALL THE TIME when 
attempting to smear others. Bawwy, you are so sil.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 If it's alright to post prejudiced statements to the list, why can't we post 
lies and troll whenever we want to without Judy complaining? It's one thing to 
be prejudiced, but do you two have to be hypocrites as well? Go figure.

Fun is fun and it has been full willy, but I'm gonna let you talk to yourself 
about this threadbare subject from here on in. If you want to start some other 
faux reasons why you are suffering and feel this compulsion to post bazillions 
of times per week, be my guest. I may or may not engage. Perhaps you should get 
back to "dialoguing" with the other great mind here on the daily cowpoke's menu 
at Hardees and what strip mall you tethered your horse outside of on any given 
 On 12/19/2013 8:45 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:punditster@... 
 All you have to do Ann, is refrain from posting prejudiced statements aimed at 
certain groups of people based on where they live. It's not a crime to be 
prejudiced, it's just bad form on a discussion board. You already admitted that 
you've got a strong prejudice - just try to get over it. You don't have to try 
and shoot the messenger.
 Nah, it's waayyy to much fun getting your little Texas billy goat, Ricky. Your 
pretense at caring about this is rather fun to play off of but I admit, it is 
getting a tad old. And the more you ask me to "refrain" the more I will likely 
not refrain, you know, like how you kept badgering MJ for, how long was it, 
about 5 months? Just take it like a true Texan would - swallow it whole.
 On 12/18/2013 8:39 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Oh, cry me a river, Texas. I don't buy your faux outrage for one eensty 
beensty second. Go try your lame-brain psychological stumbling bumblings on 
someone else. Maybe others in Texas fall for this kind of shenanigans but not 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 On 12/16/2013 8:12 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 You are not even one eentsy beentsy bit bent out of shape about me or anyone 
else making jokes about Texas. Well, Ann, I don't have "prove" anything - this 
isn't a court of law. All I have to do is post an objection, and that should be 
sufficient to get you to refrain from posting remarks denigrating my birth 
circumstances. It's not a crime to make fun of certain groups based on their 
ethnicity - it's just bad form. 
 So, there's no need to insinuate that all the people that live in Texas eat 
out at Hardee's in ten-gallon hats. There's not even any Hardee's in Texas and 
people from all over wear hats.
 And, I wouldn't expect Judy to come to my defense - I mean, if she called me a 
"molusk" and a "slimball" just for posting a link to a graph in a political 
discussion, she would hardly be expected to back me up for explaining my 
objections to you stereotyping groups of people that just happen to live in the 
a particular state or country. 
 Judy has not convinced me that she isn't prejudiced against conservative 
people that live in Texas- I think it's more than obvious. I mean, why else 
would she be engaging in all this ankle-biting? Judy hates conservatives, 
that's what I think.
 Here is what Judy said to John Manning when he posted racist comments about 
Jews as a group:
 Subject: Re: Israel and Palestine
 Author: Judy Stein 
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: 2002-06-24 07:17:23 PST 
 John Manning wrote:
 > Some people are slow to understand or just don't want to. In *MY* view
 > any group that usurps others' rights for decades and occupies *their*
 > land, particularly with overwhelmingly superior military capability,
 > is a pile of shit group.
 Had you said in your original comments, "The Israeli
 government is a pile of shit," that would not have
 provoked the accusation of anti-Semitism.
 However, you made your bigoted assertion in terms of
 the Jews as an ethnic/religious group and used the
 words of Jesus to justify it--indicating you believed
 the Jews were a "pile of shit group" all the way back
 to biblical times.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 FWIW, here's what Ravi asked Alex to post for him after he was banned:

 This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have harassed her wife.

 This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched the limits to 
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I ever contacted his 
wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed me last year and we have 
had private conversations, I have all emails with me and they were all cordial 
and I even wished him luck after he talked about his marriage after a 10 year 
live-in relationship. I'm really shocked at emptybill's dishonesty and I have 
warned him and the moderators to disallow these kinds of malicious lies.


I'm not disagreeing with you, Emily, I just thought it was important to quote 
the whole thing.

 This was the post I was thinking of, with respect to my first sentence and 
also as part of a conversation that Ravi and I had offline, come to think about 
it, around the time I posted my amends to him.  And, Judy, please disagree with 
me anytime you see fit to. Smile.  

Emily wrote:

 << Ravi has acknowledged that he pushed the limits with his choice of words. 
I'm for amnesty. When an FFL context is transferred to an offline conversation, 
one best know and trust who one is talking to.  My experience with the offline 
email I received from "Sal" awhile back now is a good example; I felt quite 
threatened by it as I remember; it all sorted itself out in the end - no big 
deal. >>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Harlan's Ellison's latest rant

2013-12-19 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I think Ellison holds the record for being the science fiction author
who has sued the greatest number of people over the years.

I used to run into Harlan a bit back in the days when I lived in L.A.
and hung out at the A Change Of Hobbit bookstore. I can honestly say
that I may have never in my life met more of an asshole -- but a
strangely likable asshole, because he's so *good* at his assholiness --
in my life. He's one of a kind.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread feste37
You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Harlan's Ellison's latest rant

2013-12-19 Thread Bhairitu
Ellison is obviously pitta and naturally caustic.  He was a guest 
speaker at a conference I attended and also gave a talk in one  of the 
meeting rooms so I got to chat with him a bit.

On 12/19/2013 11:55 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

I think Ellison holds the record for being the science fiction author 
who has sued the greatest number of people over the years.

On Wed, 12/18/13, TurquoiseB  wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Harlan's Ellison's latest rant
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 8:12 PM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
> Birthday special for Barry: Harlan on the forthcoming
film "Saving Mr.
> Banks". Harlan doesn't obfuscate.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNIFEHN1_cY

That's Harlan, to the max.
Get on his bad side, and get ready to duck. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

 Says the 70 year old who haunts European espresso bars, beat up laptop in tow, 
looking for companionship---any companionship, offering opinions of someone 
almost famous; who were you calling is a bag lady?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Sorry, Bob, I'm just not falling for it. Barry's in Paris, France and 
I'm in Paris, Texas. Ravi said he was of the Brahmin caste, Barry and I 
are from Brhama bull stock. So, that put us somewhere between a sudra 
and an outcaste, and we are proud of it. Remember the Alamo!

On 12/19/2013 2:54 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

*/The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet 
are the people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like 
weapons at the people they don't like.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on 
with the call to bring this particular psychopath back.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use 
them for their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see 
here, folks...move along.


Says the 70 year old who haunts European espresso bars, beat up laptop 
in tow, looking for companionship---any companionship, offering 
opinions of someone almost famous; who were you calling is a bag lady?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

This is just trolling by Judy - more fibs by the ankel-biter.

On 12/19/2013 2:29 PM, feste37 wrote:

You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to 
read the relevant thread can see for themselves.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

(Also for Barry and Richard.)

"...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. 
These. Things."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
Ah ha ha.  Richard, I think Bob, not Share, might bring out the best in you.  
Where in Texas were you born, again?  I gotta role, but lets compare notes on 
our birth certificates sometime.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, this is so tedious I can barely stand to scroll by it.  Can't you just 
STFU and leave Judy be, at least through the new year.  Doesn't meditation give 
you any ability to exercise self-discipline?  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Richard, this is so tedious I can barely stand to scroll by it.  Can't you 
just STFU and leave Judy be, at least through the new year.  Doesn't meditation 
give you any ability to exercise self-discipline?  


 Em, Richard is one self-indulgent SOB who has no ability to self-limit, 
self-censure or self-control. He is very much like his favourite 
groupie/fan/panderer here (who shall not be named). Can you just imagine Texas 
Dick if he hadn't started to meditate?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing for 
him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob?

 I'm thrilled with your offer, of course I'll take the bench for Raja Ravi (if 
he comes back), he's like a brother to me---how many Brahmins can you say that 
about (I consider him Krishnamurti with a sense of humour, and a well adjusted 
libido); and, if I understand you correctly, I'm gopsmacked you want me to join 
Share's Usherettes; I've been waiting for this offer since your first post, I'm 
sure I meet the criteria: best days behind me, lonely male boomer bag lady, 
can't stand women who are smarter than me, look good riding to the rescue of a 
woman in peril (even if she is an admitted offline stalker)---as long as she 
does not mind me telling her to STFU and agrees with me that the uppity women 
on FFL (no one could accuse you of being uppity) are not nearly manipulative 

 Share, it took a lot of courage for your to invite me to join the usherettes, 
Barry won't like it one little bit, you know how he hates it when other posters 
feed me; he rightly considers me the BORG, a threat to civilization (and 
science) as he knows it; travelling the universe in search of protein, eating 
debris (and planets) and anything I can vacuum up (goodness, this sounds like 
an episode of FIREFLY---now theres a program that can teach you about the times 
we live in).

 "The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very quietly in the 
world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any 
other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be 
noticed." - Kierkegaard 
 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
   Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant 
Barry--this guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
Thanks, Bob, I like the tone of this post of yours. Hope you and your family 
have a lovely holiday season and 2014, full of self and Self (-:

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:30 PM, "bobpri...@yahoo.com" 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing for 
him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob?

I'm thrilled with your offer, of course I'll take the bench for Raja Ravi (if 
he comes back), he's like a brother to me---how many Brahmins can you say that 
about (I consider him Krishnamurti with a sense of humour, and a well adjusted 
libido); and, if I understand you correctly, I'm gopsmacked you want me to join 
Share's Usherettes; I've been waiting for this offer since your first post, I'm 
sure I meet the criteria: best days behind me, lonely male boomer bag lady, 
can't stand women who are smarter than me, look good riding to the rescue of a 
woman in peril (even if she is an admitted offline stalker)---as long as she 
does not mind me telling her to STFU and agrees with me that the uppity women 
on FFL (no one could accuse you of being uppity) are not nearly manipulative 

Share, it took a lot of courage for your to invite me to join the usherettes, 
Barry won't like it one little bit, you know how he hates it when other posters 
feed me; he rightly considers me the BORG, a threat to civilization (and 
science) as he knows it; travelling the universe in search of protein, eating 
debris (and planets) and anything I can vacuum up (goodness, this sounds like 
an episode of FIREFLY---now theres a program that can teach you about the times 
we live in).

"The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very quietly in the 
world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any 
other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be 
noticed." - Kierkegaard 

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant Barry--this 
guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's
 nothing to see here, folks...move along. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
As you know, I explained it in a post on Tuesday. I even offered to tell you 
where to get the program if you wanted to use it in your own posts:



 Richard trolled and lied:

 << Why not just explain to us how you can use a macro program to generate a 
few lines in an FFL post? It sounds pretty simple, so how did you do it? 
Thanks. >>
 On 12/19/2013 8:34 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   There really isn't anything to see here, folks, except Barry having another 
one of his hallucinatory fantasies about me. He's in Revenge-Stalk-Judy mode 
because he'd been such a nitwit, him with his vaunted tech savvy, claiming it 
was impossible to use a macro program to generate a few lines in an FFL post 
and that therefore I must be LYING about doing so.
 Of all the STOOOPID ways to make himself look STOOOPID. And 
the worst of it was, he sucked Richard into it and succeeded in bringing him 
down as well. Talk about unforced errors! And Richard doesn't know any better 
than to keep making them.
 In any case, now Barry is shitting little green bricks, TERRIFIED that Big Bad 
Ravi will come after him. I kinda hope he does, because it's always fun to 
watch Ravi take Barry out. But that's up to Ravi; obviously he does his own 
thing, and I doubt he has any intention of staying around anyway.
 I do have to point out one more time how much POWER Barry accords me. That 
always gives me a huge chuckle. Especially since Barry just got done yesterday 
going on gleefully about how nobody was coming to my defense against Richard 
(as if I needed any when Barry was doing a fine job on his own sinking 
Richard's very leaky boat). Now all of a sudden, in Barry's agitated mind, I'm 
commanding Ravi to attack.
 Since I've known him, Barry's had this self-destructive urge, setting himself 
up to be hoist with his own petard.
 Barry floundered:
 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 
 I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 
 Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread feste37
You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it was "standard 
practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few examples of it. Very 
clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. All. I. Have. To. Say.


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Sorry, Bob, I'm just not falling for it. Barry's in Paris, France and I'm in 
Paris, Texas. Ravi said he was of the Brahmin caste, Barry and I are from 
Brhama bull stock. So, that put us somewhere between a sudra and an outcaste, 
and we are proud of it. Remember the Alamo!


 As you suggested, I called Rita at the Whole Body department of WFM and asked 
her about shampoos she might recommend for hair thicker than yours; she was 
extremely helpful (certainly your better half) and asked if I would ask you a 
couple of questions, since FFL traffic seems to get more of your attention than 
she does: 

 1. What is the difference between a Zen sophist and a demented rooster that 
won't be convinced he does not make the sun rise?

 2. Since it looks like you're never going to vacate the laundry room, would 
you might throwing in the odd load of laundry: "its not like he actually has to 
stand up or anything!" 

 And while we're at it, I have a question of my own:

 In Paris Texas, what do they call the west end of a horse heading east?

 And not to worry I have a macro ready for your 6 month response.
 On 12/19/2013 2:54 PM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:turquoiseb@... 
 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 
 I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 
 Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 
 Says the 70 year old who haunts European espresso bars, beat up laptop in tow, 
looking for companionship---any companionship, offering opinions of someone 
almost famous; who were you calling is a bag lady?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 

 (with correction)

 Says the 70 year old who haunts European espresso bars, beat up laptop in tow, 
looking for companionship---any companionship, offering the opinions of someone 
almost famous; who were you calling a bag lady?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Some American Women Claim to Have 'Virgin Pregnancy'

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
John, wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a happy, 
healthy and prosperous 2014, with blessing of all the grahas (-:

PS I wonder what the age of these women were!

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 1:06 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  
Believe it or not.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
I explained what i meant by "standard practice." Did you miss that part of my 
Feste backed and filled:

 << You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it was 
"standard practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few examples of it. 
Very clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. All. I. Have. To. Say. >>


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Thanks, Bob, I like the tone of this post of yours. Hope you and your family 
have a lovely holiday season and 2014, full of self and Self (-:

 Thanks Share, same to you; did I miss your post about Ann's tree (I thought it 
was lovely)? 


 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:30 PM, "bobpriced@..."  wrote:


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing for 
him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob?

 I'm thrilled with your offer, of course I'll take the bench for Raja Ravi (if 
he comes back), he's like a brother to me---how many Brahmins can you say that 
about (I consider him Krishnamurti with a sense of humour, and a well adjusted 
libido); and, if I understand you correctly, I'm gopsmacked you want me to join 
Share's Usherettes; I've been waiting for this offer since your first post, I'm 
sure I meet the criteria: best days behind me, lonely male boomer bag lady, 
can't stand women who are smarter than me, look good riding to the rescue of a 
woman in peril (even if she is an admitted offline stalker)---as long as she 
does not mind me telling her to STFU and agrees with me that the uppity women 
on FFL (no one could accuse you of being uppity) are not nearly manipulative 

 Share, it took a lot of courage for your to invite me to join the usherettes, 
Barry won't like it one little bit, you know how he hates it when other posters 
feed me; he rightly considers me the BORG, a threat to civilization (and 
science) as he knows it; travelling the universe in search of protein, eating 
debris (and planets) and anything I can vacuum up (goodness, this sounds like 
an episode of FIREFLY---now theres a program that can teach you about the times 
we live in).

 "The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very quietly in the 
world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any 
other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be 
noticed." - Kierkegaard 
 On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
   Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant 
Barry--this guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the 
call to bring this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see here, folks...move 







[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread feste37
You're in a real hole, auth, as anyone can see. You said it was "standard 
practice," which it isn't, as I pointed out. Then you backtracked and redefined 
"standard practice," wanting to make that phrase mean what you needed it to 
mean to get yourself out of the hole you had dug for yourself. But "standard" 
is just not the right word in this context, even though you are still using it 
in your post today. 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I explained what i meant by "standard practice." Did you miss that part of my 
Feste backed and filled:

 << You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it was 
"standard practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few examples of it. 
Very clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. All. I. Have. To. Say. >>


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
No, dummy, that's what I meant initially by "standard practice." You decided to 
reinterpret it to suit your desperate need to "get" me. I corrected you as soon 
as I saw what you were trying to do. The hole is all yours, and you're still in 
it, digging, digging, digging.

 Just to make your digging a little tougher, the guy who wrote the article in 
which this example appeared (on a religion site, no less), Jeremy Lott, is a 
prolific writer and editor:



 One of the examples I gave earlier was from Kevin Drum, generally considered 
one of the better writers among political bloggers.

 Feste dug:
 << You're in a real hole, auth, as anyone can see. You said it was "standard 
practice," which it isn't, as I pointed out. Then you backtracked and redefined 
"standard practice," wanting to make that phrase mean what you needed it to 
mean to get yourself out of the hole you had dug for yourself. But "standard" 
is just not the right word in this context, even though you are still using it 
in your post today. >>

 Merriam-Webster's definition #2:

 regularly and widely used, seen, or accepted : not unusual or special



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I explained what i meant by "standard practice." Did you miss that part of my 
Feste backed and filled:

 << You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it was 
"standard practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few examples of it. 
Very clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. All. I. Have. To. Say. >>


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread insignificant_smelt
Hiding behind yahoo aliases is an interesting phenomenon. 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Thank you dear authfriend for your support, but no Rick has not banned me--I'm 
constantly disguising myself and hiding behind random Yahoo aliases I create 
everyday, because I am the Psycho Ravi... bwahaha……….mwahaha……..


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Yeah, Rick, you did ban him, or you told us you did:

 "He has been banned. Let me know if he resurfaces."



 Also see:



 Both from November 20.
Rick wrote:
 << I don’t recall having kicked him out again, although he was asking for it. 
Or did I? >>






[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 20-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-19 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 12/14/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/21/13 00:00:00
739 messages as of (UTC) 12/19/13 23:49:56

114 Richard J. Williams 
113 authfriend
 63 Share Long 
 52 awoelflebater
 45 emilymaenot
 39 TurquoiseB 
 39 Bhairitu 
 38 doctordumbass
 32 dhamiltony2k5
 29 Richard Williams 
 22 s3raphita
 14 emptybill
 13 feste37 
 13 bobpriced
 12 nablusoss1008 
 11 wgm4u 
 10 yifuxero
 10 jr_esq
 10 anartaxius
  7 wleed3 
  7 obbajeeba 
  7 Rick Archer 
  7 Mike Dixon 
  6 steve.sundur
  5 cardemaister
  5 Michael Jackson 
  4 am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
  2 sharelong60
  1 raunchydog
  1 merudanda 
  1 martin.quickman
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 insignificant_smelt 
  1 William Leed 
  1 Paulo Barbosa 
  1 Jason 
  1 Duveyoung 
  1 Dick Mays 
Posters: 38
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread insignificant_smelt2
Indeed I didn't realize it would be so much and exhilarating since I tried it 
out. I'm loving it - is that you Bob? LOL 


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hiding behind yahoo aliases is an interesting phenomenon. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Thank you dear authfriend for your support, but no Rick has not banned me--I'm 
constantly disguising myself and hiding behind random Yahoo aliases I create 
everyday, because I am the Psycho Ravi... bwahaha……….mwahaha……..


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Yeah, Rick, you did ban him, or you told us you did:

 "He has been banned. Let me know if he resurfaces."



 Also see:



 Both from November 20.
Rick wrote:
 << I don’t recall having kicked him out again, although he was asking for it. 
Or did I? >>






[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Fri 20-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-19 Thread doctordumbass
8th?!!? That pretty much sucks - median would be even worse. Judy and Richard, 
you are fucking up the curve, but Happy Holidays anyway!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread feste37
We are going to have to agree to disagree, if you are capable of that, auth. I 
am on the Internet all day reading all kinds of stuff and I have still never 
encountered this practice, other than in the examples you cite. So I do not 
think it "standard," even in the definition you have provided from 



---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 No, dummy, that's what I meant initially by "standard practice." You decided 
to reinterpret it to suit your desperate need to "get" me. I corrected you as 
soon as I saw what you were trying to do. The hole is all yours, and you're 
still in it, digging, digging, digging.

 Just to make your digging a little tougher, the guy who wrote the article in 
which this example appeared (on a religion site, no less), Jeremy Lott, is a 
prolific writer and editor:



 One of the examples I gave earlier was from Kevin Drum, generally considered 
one of the better writers among political bloggers.

 Feste dug:
 << You're in a real hole, auth, as anyone can see. You said it was "standard 
practice," which it isn't, as I pointed out. Then you backtracked and redefined 
"standard practice," wanting to make that phrase mean what you needed it to 
mean to get yourself out of the hole you had dug for yourself. But "standard" 
is just not the right word in this context, even though you are still using it 
in your post today. >>

 Merriam-Webster's definition #2:

 regularly and widely used, seen, or accepted : not unusual or special



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I explained what i meant by "standard practice." Did you miss that part of my 
Feste backed and filled:

 << You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it was 
"standard practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few examples of it. 
Very clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. All. I. Have. To. Say. >>


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread doctordumbass
Would an intercontinental potato gun, help, Bob? 24 hours Guaranteed delivery- 
or I kick Santa's ass (and he knows it...).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Some American Women Claim to Have 'Virgin Pregnancy'

2013-12-19 Thread jr_esq

 Thank you very much for the kind greeting.  Six more days til Christmas.  May 
your holiday season be merry and have a happy New Year as well!

 Relating to the article, I didn't realize that virgin pregnancies have become 
a fad of sorts in the USA.  Or was it an accident? :)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Fri 20-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
Don't forget Richard uses two different account names, so his total is quite a 
bit higher than mine.

 Looking forward to your account of your holidays...
DoctorDumbass wrote:

 << 8th?!!? That pretty much sucks - median would be even worse. Judy and 
Richard, you are fucking up the curve, but Happy Holidays anyway!>>

[FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread authfriend
Think maybe I read a lot of stuff that you don't?

 I have no problem accepting that you don't see it in what you read. Can you 
accept that I've seen it often enough in what I read to call it "standard 
practice" in that material (mostly blogs and comments) and to have picked it up 
and used it myself? (And if you could force Barry to be truthful--big IF--I'm 
willing to bet he'd confess to having used it in at least one of his posts. Not 
positive, but pretty sure. It's the sort of quasi-hip informality he likes to 

 Feste backed off a bit:

 << We are going to have to agree to disagree, if you are capable of that, 
auth. I am on the Internet all day reading all kinds of stuff and I have still 
never encountered this practice, other than in the examples you cite. So I do 
not think it "standard," even in the definition you have provided from 
Merriam-Webster. >>



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 No, dummy, that's what I meant initially by "standard practice." You decided 
to reinterpret it to suit your desperate need to "get" me. I corrected you as 
soon as I saw what you were trying to do. The hole is all yours, and you're 
still in it, digging, digging, digging.

 Just to make your digging a little tougher, the guy who wrote the article in 
which this example appeared (on a religion site, no less), Jeremy Lott, is a 
prolific writer and editor:



 One of the examples I gave earlier was from Kevin Drum, generally considered 
one of the better writers among political bloggers.

 Feste dug:
 << You're in a real hole, auth, as anyone can see. You said it was "standard 
practice," which it isn't, as I pointed out. Then you backtracked and redefined 
"standard practice," wanting to make that phrase mean what you needed it to 
mean to get yourself out of the hole you had dug for yourself. But "standard" 
is just not the right word in this context, even though you are still using it 
in your post today. >>

 Merriam-Webster's definition #2:

 regularly and widely used, seen, or accepted : not unusual or special



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I explained what i meant by "standard practice." Did you miss that part of my 
Feste backed and filled:

 << You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it was 
"standard practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few examples of it. 
Very clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. All. I. Have. To. Say. >>


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me when I explained to 
him that the period-after-every-word convention was now a standard way to 
indicate emphasis on the Web:

 "I don't think you have even remotely established this as 'standard practice.; 
On the contrary, it's an unusual deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by 
the link you provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of periods 
after every word, but not a single example that I could see. Nor have I seen a 
single example of its use by a good writer. Where are these blogs in which it 
is 'standard practice'?"


 And I responded:

 "No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples. I was responding 
to Richard's claim that it didn't exist, essentially, because he'd never seen 
it. Obviously many people have seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to 
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come across an example, 
I'll give you a link. But you're still overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as 
I explained and you ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any 
time someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's used often enough 
that most readers have seen it before and don't think it's weird; they 
understand what it's meant to convey].


 As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different examples. (Let me 
know if anyone wants to see links to the posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's 
pissed off because he looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly 
skeptical (along with Richard and Barry).

 Feste huffed:

 You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who cares to read the 
relevant thread can see for themselves. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 (Also for Barry and Richard.) 

 "...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not. Say. Any. Of. These. 



[FairfieldLife] RE: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Indeed I didn't realize it would be so much and exhilarating since I tried it 
out. I'm loving it - is that you Bob? LOL

 Still, just plain old bOb:



 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Hiding behind yahoo aliases is an interesting phenomenon. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Thank you dear authfriend for your support, but no Rick has not banned me--I'm 
constantly disguising myself and hiding behind random Yahoo aliases I create 
everyday, because I am the Psycho Ravi... bwahaha……….mwahaha……..


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Yeah, Rick, you did ban him, or you told us you did:

 "He has been banned. Let me know if he resurfaces."



 Also see:



 Both from November 20.
Rick wrote:
 << I don’t recall having kicked him out again, although he was asking for it. 
Or did I? >>






[FairfieldLife] If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson has been suspended indefinitely by the A&E 
Network following his recent comments calling homosexuality sinful. I've not 
seen or heard of this program and his remarks as reported strike me as 
knee-jerk and simplistic. But what annoys me more is the statement released by 
the Network saying: "His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E 


 It's a reality TV show for God's sake! No one expects the comments made by 
participants on a reality-TV show to be anything but an expression of the 
individual concerned. Let people say whatever the hell they feel like saying 
and we the viewers can make our own minds up about how sensible or ridiculous 
those opinions are. 

 This week we've also learned that social news website Reddit is censoring 
posts that are sceptical of man-made global warming. How precious we're 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Would an intercontinental potato gun, help, Bob? 24 hours Guaranteed delivery- 
or I kick Santa's ass (and he knows it...).




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What I Did Today

2013-12-19 Thread Richard Williams
We live in the country, out by Hot Wells. SAKS Fifth Avenue isn't in a
strip mall, it's located at one of the largest inside malls in the U.S.
Today the mall was packed with shoppers:

[image: Inline image 1]

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 8:33 PM,  wrote:

> I think you need to get out into the country more. These strip mall chain
> stores are bad for the soul. I liked seeing those ramshackle houses you
> were posting, they have so much more character. Michael's would have all
> those garlands and wreaths and hobby-making stuff you need at this time of
> year though.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/19/2013 2:02 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
Fun is fun and it has been full willy, but I'm gonna let you talk to 
yourself about this threadbare subject from here on in. If you want to 
start some other faux reasons why you are suffering and feel this 
compulsion to post bazillions of times per week, be my guest. I may or 
may not engage. Perhaps you should get back to "dialoguing" with the 
other great mind here on the daily cowpoke's menu at Hardees and what 
strip mall you tethered your horse outside of on any given day.
What?! My biggest fan is going to quit this thread? It's not threadbare 
- in fact it tells a lot about people,who they are where they are coming 
from. Other great minds? There's no Hardee's in Texas. This is more of 
Roadhouse type state, or maybe Taco Haven. I don't have a horse, but I 
wish I did have one. I'm all hat and no cattle - urban cowboy. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Are you a lark or an owl?

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
Maharishi advised us to go to bed early and rise with the sun. Didn't he say 
something about angels waiting to escort us to dream land? If you missed their 
deadline you were in for a disturbed night spent tossing and turning. 

 But, out there in the real world, whether you prefer to rise early or instead 
opt to stay up late is an important personality marker. This preference is 
known as your *sleep chronotype*. (And God help couples whose chronotypes are 

 As Maharishi was clearly a "lark" but Seraphita is most assuredly an "owl" 
perhaps MMY's advice needs updating. 

 Research has shown that night owls are more likely to demonstrate dark 
personality traits including narcissism and deceitfulness. On a recent thread I 
mentioned some of my favourite movies were classic film noirs like Gilda and 
The Third Man. Judy replied that one of her favourites was the joyous musical 
Oklahoma! I'll wager serious money she's an early riser. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Born in Abilene, Emily, but I was a military brat like Barry, until I 
was 18. Dad  was in the U.S.A.F. , so I'm sort of from everywhere and 

It's always been interesting to me, why people get attached to their 
place of origin. I guess I just don't get it - is it better to be from 
Canada as opposed to Texas? And, why would that be? Or, is it better to 
live in Oklahoma as opposed to Utah?

I've been on four continents, UK and Europe; South Asia, and the Far 
East; and probably lived in twelve states; and driven through at least 
thirty. And, I can tell you from experience there's no perfect place to 

But, Dad still lives here in Texas, so until he's no longer around, it 
looks like I'll have to make myself comfortable here. My son and 
daughter still live out in Sonoma, and we go there almost every year.

From what I've read, San Antonio is one of the most cosmopolitan cities 
in the U.S. Also, I like being able to visit Austin, "The live music 
capitol of the world." They also have the South by Soutwest (SxSW) music 
and film festival there every year. And that's a lot of fun.

On 12/19/2013 3:12 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Ah ha ha.  Richard, I think Bob, not Share, might bring out the best 
in you.  Where in Texas were you born, again?  I gotta role, but lets 
compare notes on our birth certificates sometime.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Not exactly clear what you are getting at, Emily. What is so tedious 
about reading an occasional post from Judy? This is the fourth 
installment posted by Judy to Feste. However, in answer to your 
question: some people just feel better when they have someone to talk 
to. Go figure.

On 12/19/2013 3:21 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Richard, this is so tedious I can barely stand to scroll by it.  Can't 
you just STFU and leave Judy be, at least through the new year. 
 Doesn't meditation give you any ability to exercise self-discipline?

[FairfieldLife] TM for $540 Off – Tell Your Friends

2013-12-19 Thread Dick Mays
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From: TM Announcememts 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
It's pretty weird when a guy can't even answer a question in GQ magazine 
without being castigated for voicing his personal opinions. What 
happened to the U.S. Constitution that says we all have freedom of 
speech? Which is more important: following PC or being free? Everyone 
knows that A&E is a corporate media mouthpiece for liberals anyway. Phil 
Robertson needs to appear on "Duck Dynasty" about s much as he needs 
another hole in his head. I predict the show will be even more 
successful now. Let's hope so, because this show is about all A&E has 
going for it these days.

On 12/19/2013 7:17 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson has been suspended indefinitely by 
the A&E Network following his recent comments calling homosexuality 

I've not seen or heard of this program and his remarks as reported 
strike me as knee-jerk and simplistic. But what annoys me more is the 
statement released by the Network saying: "His personal views in no 
way reflect those of A&E Networks."

It's a reality TV show for God's sake! No one expects the comments 
made by participants on a reality-TV show to be anything but an 
expression of the individual concerned. Let people say whatever the 
hell they feel like saying and we the viewers can make our own minds 
up about how sensible or ridiculous those opinions are.

This week we've also learned that social news website Reddit is 
censoring posts that are sceptical of man-made global warming. How 
precious we're becoming.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Hey, Feste...here's number four

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
It's not standard practice on Twitter, the most popular instant 
messenger program on the internet - anyone would be an idiot to waste a 
character by putting dots in between words when you're limited to 140 
characters. It would be stupid, really stupid. If anyone did that on 
Twitter, they'd probably be mocked and ridiculed to no end.

 On 12/19/2013 5:06 PM, feste37 wrote:

You're in a real hole, auth, as anyone can see. You said it was 
"standard practice," which it isn't, as I pointed out. Then you 
backtracked and redefined "standard practice," wanting to make that 
phrase mean what you needed it to mean to get yourself out of the hole 
you had dug for yourself. But "standard" is just not the right word in 
this context, even though you are still using it in your post today.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

*I explained what i meant by "standard practice." Did you miss that 
part of my post?*

Feste backed and filled:
<< You are so silly, auth. You have not proved a thing. You said it 
was "standard practice," which it isn't. OK, so you've found a few 
examples of it. Very clever, but my point remains valid. And. That's. 
All. I. Have. To. Say. >>

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

*Hee hee. In the "relevant thread," Feste didn't believe me
when I explained to him that the period-after-every-word
convention was now a standard way to indicate emphasis on the


*"I don't think you have even remotely established this as
'standard practice.; On the contrary, it's an unusual
deviation from the norm. I wasn't impressed by the link you
provided. It was a lot of people asking about the use of
periods after every word, but not a single example that I
could see. Nor have I seen a single example of its use by a
good writer. Where are these blogs in which it is 'standard


*And I responded:*

*"No, I didn't suggest that the Google links were to examples.
I was responding to Richard's claim that it didn't exist,
essentially, because he'd never seen it. Obviously many people
/have/ seen it, but you wouldn't expect to see links to
examples, for pete's sake. As I said, the next time I come
across an example, I'll give you a link. But you're still
overinterpreting 'standard practice,' as I explained and you
ignored" [i.e., it isn't "standard" in that it's used any time
someone wants to indicate emphasis, but rather that it's
**used often enough that most readers have seen it before and
don't think it's weird; they understand what it's meant to


*As I said I would, I've now provided links to four different
examples. (Let me know if anyone wants to see links to the
posts I just quoted.) And now Feste's pissed off because he
looks like an ass for having been so unpleasantly skeptical
(along with Richard and Barry).*


*Feste huffed:*

You are making an ass of yourself again, auth, as anyone who
cares to read the relevant thread can see for themselves.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, 

(Also for Barry and Richard.)

"...Again, these are fake quotes. Palin. Did. Not.
Say. Any. Of. These. Things."


[FairfieldLife] RE: Post Count Fri 20-Dec-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot
Well, I'm coming in 5th - won't win any money with that finish either.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Some American Women Claim to Have 'Virgin Pregnancy'

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
Thank you too, John. As for the virgin pregnancies, it would be great to have 
more info: the average age of the women; where they live in US; their religious 

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 6:54 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  

Thank you very much for the kind greeting.  Six more days til Christmas.  May 
your holiday season be merry and have a happy New Year as well!

Relating to the article, I didn't realize that virgin pregnancies have become a 
fad of sorts in the USA.  Or was it an accident? :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/19/2013 3:58 PM, bobpri...@yahoo.com wrote:

/As you suggested, I called Rita at the Whole Body department of WFM 
and asked her about shampoos she might recommend for hair thicker than 
yours; she was extremely helpful (certainly your better half) and 
asked if I would ask you a couple of questions, since FFL traffic 
seems to get more of your attention than she does: /

You think I'm an idiot, Bob - I would never reveal my wife's real name 
in a chat room. Not with a guy like Ravi hanging around here. And, 
there's at least three Whole Foods Market in San Antonio and three in 
Austin and all of them have vitamin sections.

So, all you've proven here is a resemblance to Ravi, the guy that got 
booted. And, I've still got hair, but you failed to post a photo of your 
face - so maybe you don't even have any teeth left. Go figure.

Rick or Alex: are you reading this?

What's going on - was Ravi booted or not and what for? And, if so, 
what's he doing here if he got booted? It's beginning to look like we've 
got a couple of real snoopers on the list.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Share Long
Bob, you thought my post about Ann's tree was lovely?! But there was no post of 
mine about Ann's tree! Thank you anyway (-:

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 5:06 PM, "bobpri...@yahoo.com" 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

Thanks, Bob, I like the tone of this post of yours. Hope you and your family 
have a lovely holiday season and 2014, full of self and Self (-:

Thanks Share, same to you; did I miss your post about Ann's tree (I thought it 
was lovely)? 



On Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:30 PM, "bobpriced@..."  wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I think Ravi adds to the ganging up mentality on FFL. As such, I'm willing for 
him to return. But only if another ganger upper will take his place on the 
bench. Bob?

I'm thrilled with your offer, of course I'll take the bench for Raja Ravi (if 
he comes back), he's like a brother to me---how many Brahmins can you say that 
about (I consider him Krishnamurti with a sense of humour, and a well adjusted 
libido); and, if I understand you correctly, I'm gopsmacked you want me to join 
Share's Usherettes; I've been waiting for this offer since your first post, I'm 
sure I meet the criteria: best days behind me, lonely male boomer bag lady, 
can't stand women who are smarter than me, look good riding to the rescue of a 
woman in peril (even if she is an admitted offline stalker)---as long as she 
does not mind me telling her to STFU and agrees with me that the uppity women 
on FFL (no one could accuse you of being uppity) are not nearly manipulative 

Share, it took a lot of courage for your to invite me to join the usherettes, 
Barry won't like it one little bit, you know how he hates it when other posters 
feed me; he rightly considers me the BORG, a threat to civilization (and 
science) as he knows it; travelling the universe in search of protein, eating 
debris (and planets) and anything I can vacuum up (goodness, this sounds like 
an episode of FIREFLY---now theres a program that can teach you about the times 
we live in).

"The greatest hazard of all, losing one's self, can occur very quietly in the 
world, as if it were nothing at all. No other loss can occur so quietly; any 
other loss - an arm, a leg, five dollars, a wife, etc. - is sure to be 
noticed." - Kierkegaard 

On Thursday, December 19, 2013 2:09 AM, am_i_psycho_ravi_question_mark 
Wow such pain and anguish that comes across in your sadistic rant Barry--this 
guy must have whipped your psychopathic ass every time around :-).

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the Internet are the 
people who want them around so that they can "aim" them like weapons at the 
people they don't like. 

I think  that
 pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on with the call to bring 
this particular psychopath back. 

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use them for 
their own less-than-sane purposes, there's
 nothing to see here, folks...move along. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi

2013-12-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
Hang on Judy - let me get my boots on. It's getting real deep in here. 
Anybody out there know what Judy is talking about? Yahoo Neo runs on 
HTML5 and Java script. Apparently Neo doesn't even have an HTML editor 
anymore. Go figure.

On 12/19/2013 3:48 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

As you know, I explained it in a post on Tuesday. I even offered to 
tell you where to get the program if you wanted to use it in your own 


Richard trolled and lied:

*<< Why not just explain to us how you can use a macro program to 
generate a few lines in an FFL post? It sounds pretty simple, so how 
did you do it? Thanks. >>


On 12/19/2013 8:34 AM, authfriend@...  wrote:

*There really /isn't/ anything to see here, folks, except Barry 
having another one of his hallucinatory fantasies about me. He's in 
Revenge-Stalk-Judy mode because he'd been such a nitwit, him with his 
vaunted tech savvy, claiming it was impossible to use a macro program 
to generate a few lines in an FFL post and that therefore I must be 
LYING about doing so.*


*Of all the STOOOPID ways to make himself look 
STOOOPID. And the worst of it was, he sucked Richard into it 
and succeeded in bringing him down as well. Talk about unforced 
errors! And Richard doesn't know any better than to keep making them.*


*In any case, now Barry is shitting little green bricks, TERRIFIED 
that Big Bad Ravi will come after him. I kinda hope he does, because 
it's always fun to watch Ravi take Barry out. But that's up to Ravi; 
obviously he does his own thing, and I doubt he has any intention of 
staying around anyway.*


*I do have to point out one more time how much POWER Barry accords 
me. That always gives me a huge chuckle. Especially since Barry just 
got done yesterday going on gleefully about how nobody was coming to 
my defense against Richard (as if I needed any when Barry was doing a 
fine job on his own sinking Richard's very leaky boat). Now all of a 
sudden, in Barry's agitated mind, I'm commanding Ravi to attack.*


*Since I've known him, Barry's had this self-destructive urge, 
setting himself up to be hoist with his own petard.*


*Barry floundered:*

*/The only thing sadder in my opinion than psychopaths on the 
Internet are the people who want them around so that they can "aim" 
them like weapons at the people they don't like.

I think  that pretty much everyone here knows that's what's going on 
with the call to bring this particular psychopath back.

Don't fall for it. Whether it's the psychopaths or the ones who use 
them for their own less-than-sane purposes, there's nothing to see 
here, folks...move along.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-19 Thread emilymaenot


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/19/2013 2:02 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Fun is fun and it has been full willy, but I'm gonna let you talk to yourself 
about this threadbare subject from here on in. If you want to start some other 
faux reasons why you are suffering and feel this compulsion to post bazillions 
of times per week, be my guest. I may or may not engage. Perhaps you should get 
back to "dialoguing" with the other great mind here on the daily cowpoke's menu 
at Hardees and what strip mall you tethered your horse outside of on any given 
day. What?! My biggest fan is going to quit this thread? It's not threadbare - 
in fact it tells a lot about people,who they are where they are coming from. 
Other great minds? There's no Hardee's in Texas. This is more of Roadhouse type 
state, or maybe Taco Haven. I don't have a horse, but I wish I did have one. 
I'm all hat and no cattle - urban cowboy. Go figure.
 Yep, that's Richard boasting in Texan talk:  He is "all hat and no cattle."  
Ann, here's a primer on "The Real Texas Accent."  Sounds a little like Richard 
writes, I can't help but say.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3AuqeI51mY 

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