[FairfieldLife] Are TMers Oxytocin Junkies?

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
You've gotta admit...it *does* explain the group apologetics thang. It also 
explains FFL cliques...


RE: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5

 Only a cult apologist would say that, Rick.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 To say that “black and white thinking is EXACTLY what the TMO engages in and 
exactly how they advertise TM” is itself an expression of black and white 
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Share Long
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:52 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

 Michael, now you're making a blanket and thus invalid statement! Are you 
saying that everyone in the TMO engages in black and white thinking all the 
time?! Even from the point of view of logic, how could that possibly be true?!

But as a counter example, how about what Rick recently posted from Hagelin 
about the community? Was every sentence of that an expression of black and 
white thinking?!

 On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:44 AM, Michael Jackson mailto:mjackson74@...> wrote:

 you ignore the fact that black and white thinking is EXACTLY what what the TMO 
engages in and exactly how they advertise TM - if you believe them, one size 
does fit all.


[FairfieldLife] EEG-only part of presentation by Alaric Arenander

2014-04-01 Thread LEnglish5

 For those who didn't want to watch all of the presentation by Alaric, here's 
the most important bit all by itself: the EEG traces themselves.


[FairfieldLife] The Riddle of the Scorned Stalker

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com" 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

I got ten out of ten. But then, I watched "Lie To Me" and read the books it was 
based on. :-)

Bawwy you are amazing. Will you marry me?

No, but I'll tell you a riddle...

Two women got dumped by the guys they were fixated on. 

The first put all her efforts into trying to destroy the guy who had dumped her.

The second put all her efforts into trying to win the guy who had dumped her 

So which was the stalker?


The object of both women's efforts was to win back the attention of the guy who 
dumped her.

The End

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 She didn't "admit" it, Bar, she asserted it. She's explained why she showed 
up, and it obviously wasn't to "stalk" Robin. 

 You've got your own fantasies all mixed up in your desperate eagerness to get 
back at Ann. The earlier one was that she had a crush on him, remember? Now all 
of a sudden it's that she was out to get him. She didn't and wasn't, but her 
posts involving Robin were much more positive than negative. And remember, the 
two of them were communicating by email starting from when she arrived here. 
IOW, he didn't "blow her off," very much to the contrary.

 No "spinning" required. Just the facts.

 Shit, Bar, you know we know all that. Why on earth would you try to put this 
obvious lie over on us? You're so frantic with anger you're losing your marbles.

 Also, of course, she doesn't criticize you because you won't interact with 
her. She doesn't want you to interact with her. Jeez, who would?? She just 
wants to express her disgust with your consistently rotten behavior. That whole 
"They're all upset because I refuse to interact" business is a very feeble lie 
designed to prop up your ego. But nobody here believes it. We criticize you 
because you're an obnoxious, dishonest, extremely low-vibe stinker who lets 
himself be run by his rage at the world.


 For those who contend an editor is just a failed writer read this and weep. 
Judy has the integrity and the power behind her immaculate way with words to 
slice through even the thickest bullshit. For those who don't like her or don't 
like this fact, too damn bad. Think of it as some sort of evolutionary exercise 
or event. For all that is false there has to be the equivalent truth. Do you 
agree Bob and Emily, Ravi or Robin?


 Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted 
that the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is that 
she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy who'd she 
last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in public and 
kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever, after which she 
went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in retaliation? Sure 
sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please spin it a different 
way...if you can...

As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged" -- you 
and Ann, or moi...  :-)

 From: "authfriend@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
   BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today.

 Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 She didn't "admit" it, Bar, she asserted it. She's explained why she showed 
up, and it obviously wasn't to "stalk" Robin. 

 You've got your own fantasies all mixed up in your desperate eagerness to get 
back at Ann. The earlier one was that she had a crush on him, remember? Now all 
of a sudden it's that she was out to get him. She didn't and wasn't, but her 
posts involving Robin were much more positive than negative. And remember, the 
two of them were communicating by email starting from when she arrived here. 
IOW, he didn't "blow her off," very much to the contrary.

 No "spinning" required. Just the facts.

 Shit, Bar, you know we know all that. Why on earth would you try to put this 
obvious lie over on us? You're so frantic with anger you're losing your marbles.

 Also, of course, she doesn't criticize you because you won't interact with 
her. She doesn't want you to interact with her. Jeez, who would?? She just 
wants to express her disgust with your consistently rotten behavior. That whole 
"They're all upset because I refuse to interact" business is a very feeble lie 
designed to prop up your ego. But nobody here believes it. We criticize you 
because you're an obnoxious, dishonest, extremely low-vibe stinker who lets 
himself be run by his rage at the world.





 Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted 
that the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is that 
she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy who'd she 
last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in public and 
kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever, after which she 
went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in retaliation? Sure 
sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please spin it a different 
way...if you can...

As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged" -- you 
and Ann, or moi...  :-)

 From: "authfriend@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
   BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today.

 Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 you ignore your own advice every time you rail at Barry 

 I'm talking about you MJ. If you want to talk about me instead of facing the 
facts about you then that speaks volumes. Railing at Bawwy is my responsibility 
just as it is my responsibility to stop someone from beating a dog, abusing 
their horse or maligning someone who is innocent. Bawwy is a blight on the 
landscape of FFL and for you to ignore this in favor of disregarding his 
assholishness merely because he agrees with you about TM then you are a shallow 
man indeed. My "advice" is something I believe in. I follow it to the degree to 
which I am capable from moment to moment. You have been railing against the 
Movement for, what, 25 years? I respond to Bawwy from moment to moment based on 
the extent of the shit he posts here. I could drop my criticism in a split 
second if he were to ever emerge as a genuine, honest and vulnerable human 
being. Until that time I will continue to spit in his ugly face.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O.


 Hee hee, I finally got to you Bawwy. This is obvious from that fact that your 
addled brain is just spinning in its socket. Your statement here is the 
equivalent to this:

 Bawwy is such a loving and sweet guy that he has agreed to dress up in a pink 
rabbit outfit and volunteer at the Leiden children's Easter fete. Afterwards he 
will be on hand to welcome the new initiates at the TM center there and hand 
them the fresh flowers that he bought on his dime for their initiation.

 Now scamper off to your dark lair, wherever it resides, and shut the fuck up. 
You're a lying ass and I'm tired of the crap that you don't have the 
self-respect not to post.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I got ten out of ten. But then, I watched "Lie To Me" and read the books it 
was based on. :-)


 Bawwy you are amazing. Will you marry me?

 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!
   We all love a quiz at FFL. Pit your wits against the Grauniad's "compound 
emotion" photos. How many can you identify:

 Can you tell how people are feeling from their expressions? Quiz 

 Can you tell how people are feeling from their expressio... 
 Scientists have compiled a list of 21 "compound emotions" - such as angry 
sadness - but can we actually recognise them? Take our quiz

 View on www.theguardian.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What We Did Today

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur

 I think that's called Apple's Law, or is it call Job's Law.  I can't remember.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here's what I don't understand. Why do they need fourteen geniuses at the 
Apple Store to explain how to work Apple products?

 Because for every genius there are 30 idiots.

  Why can't the geniuses just make a product that's easy and simple to operate, 

 On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Richard J. Williams mailto:punditster@...> wrote:
 On 3/30/2014 2:02 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 You are right!
 So, we are agreed - at the Apple Store is a Genius Bar and most Apple Stores 
are in malls like the Mall of the Americas. We went there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What We Did Today

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Here's what I don't understand. Why do they need fourteen geniuses at the 
Apple Store to explain how to work Apple products?

 Because for every genius there are 30 idiots.

  Why can't the geniuses just make a product that's easy and simple to operate, 

 On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Richard J. Williams mailto:punditster@...> wrote:
 On 3/30/2014 2:02 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 You are right!
 So, we are agreed - at the Apple Store is a Genius Bar and most Apple Stores 
are in malls like the Mall of the Americas. We went there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Uh, psst, Michael, point of order.  It's not the getting angry that's 
laudable.  Jesus no.  It's making a case based on facts, or at least balanced 

 Ok, that's enough lesson for today.  Maybe tomorrow, we can cover, "How to Go 
About Building Your Case"

 As I see it, MJ is married to his resentment. He has no desire to leave it 
behind. This is because his resentment is fulfilling to him in some way. Maybe 
it gives him a sense of purpose, maybe it is a way to work out old hurts. Who 
knows? But his adamant assertion that he wants no advice, in fact he won't even 
discuss the thing, is proof enough for me that his hate-on for MMY and the 
Movement is something that he is irrevocably wedded to. It is not a very nice 
bedmate but he does have Bawwy to back him up on this so they have each other 
to lean on. Frankly, I find it rather trying after all this time. And now I 
have made an enemy of MJ, but there you have it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And yet were I to aim this "anger" at a corrupt government or a corrupt 
corporation like Monsanto you would applaud me. You deal with your TM past as 
you like and I'll deal with mine as I see fit. I didn't ask you for advice as 
to how to live my life and I am not gonna offer you any, unless you would like 
to take a spoonful of your own suggested medicine and deal with your anger 
toward Barry rather than continue to revile him, otherwise you won't as you 
say, " be able to move on and forget about it all."
 After all, if your unsolicited advice is good for the gander, its bound to be 
good for the goose too. 
 Here is
 what I think. I think anyone who is bitterly disappointed
 about something is someone who fell lock, stock and barrel
 for something - whether it be a risky investment, the
 promises of a lover or the teachings of a guru. I think
 bitterness follows upon gullibility. I also think those who
 "blame" somebody or something to the degree to
 which you blame MMY and the Movement is someone who had
 stars in their eyes and was naive. I like you Michael but
 you need to take some responsibility for what you feel and
 why you feel it when it comes to TM. You should have been
 more objective, less idealistic and less naive and if so you
 may have been able to let it all go by now. Until you take
 responsibility for your own part in how much of the TM
 propaganda you swallowed you won't be able to move on
 and forget about it all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-04-01 Thread geezerfreak
This statement made my informants in Texas laugh heartily:

 I've probably posted 10,000 messages here without a response.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
 I gotta finally come out and say it.  Your posts have really been fun to read 
over the last few months.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 We're starting an new TV series called "Pattern Masters".
 On 04/01/2014 04:36 PM, Pundit Sir wrote:
   It's all a matter of positioning and placement within the pattern. 
 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Share Long mailto:sharelong60@...> wrote:
   Ok, noozguru, imho, this is Post of the Month. Whoops, April 1! Ok, how 
about Post of the Season? Post of Last Month? Anyway, I like it and think it 
would be a great bumper sticker: Enjoy your pattern while you can. I shall, 
Oprah or no Oprah (-: 
 On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09 PM, Bhairitu mailto:noozguru@...> 
 Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets in the universe 
when conditions are right.  You are nothing but a pattern Pundito.  Enjoy your 
pattern while you can.
 On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:

   OMG We are all going to die!
 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu mailto:noozguru@...> 
 Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!" 
 On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:



 March31, 2014
 MassachusettsInstitute of Technology
 Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest mass extinction 
in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that sometime around 252 million years 
ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly wiped out -- by far 
the largest of this planet's five known mass extinctions. It turns out that 
Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly fast means of making methane, and 
the team's detailed mapping of the organism's history now shows that this 
transfer happened at about the time of the end-Permian extinction.









Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
Well, I feel some measure of relief now.  At least I can put your fixation with 
Reed Martin into some kind of perspective.  It resonates with your experience 
to some extent.  And you related your experience in a raw honest fashion.  Yes, 
when Reed told me I was not cleared for Zambia, I also panicked.  I also had to 
suddenly find a way home, with no ready cash.  I've told that story several 
times of how I ended up stranded in NYC for a night. 

 And yes, for me it was the beginning of the end, at least in terms of my most 
active involvement.  

 But I guess I was fortunate in that the positives for me far outweighed the 

 And how we treat people will definitely come back to us at some point.  You 
have certainly made sure of that in your endless campaign to damage the TMO, or 
expose it, as you might say.

 Perhaps you may feel at some point it is better to focus your energies in a 
different, dare I say positive direction.  But it seems like this present 
course of action has a ways to go.

 Sorry if this sounds like preaching.  Your story did sadden me.  And yet it 
seemed destined to end the way it did.  I think the final chapter, of how you 
were asked to leave could have been handled much better.  But I think that 
would have just been a matter of degrees.  The die was cast.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Michael,  it apparently doesn't take long for you to get fixated on something. 

 But I do get a chuckle out of it.

 So thanks for that!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Reed Martin is waiting
 On Tue, 4/1/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:20 PM
 you've given me a laugh this morning.
 mean, really, you are employing third grade logic here,
 "If you like TM and TMO so much, why don't you work
 for 'em"
 me recall some phrases from my kids, when they were
 "If you like Oreos so much, why don't you
 marry them"
 "If you like that bike so much, why don't
 you marry it"
 I'll try to reply more like an
 graduated from MUM, and began a different phase of my life.
  My practice of meditation and the TMSP continued after
 I got married, and until our first son was born.  Then
 responsibilities of parenting took
 may be that after the kids are grown, I may be able to get
 back to my practice in a more regular
 know it is difficult for you decipher anything other than
 black and white wr to the TM program, but that is the way
 it's worked out for me, and many others.
  Now, unfortunately, it may be useless to engage like
 this, since, you will revert to your familiar rut,apparently
 because of unresolved issues wr to TM, but putting it out
 there anyway.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 wrote :
 By talking to the
 people for whom it has happened, which in fact I have
 already done. I did not say that "long term mediators
 are far more likely to commit suicide" those are your
 If you like TM and the TMO so much Steve, why don't you
 go work for 'em? If you as real nice and give 'em a
 whole bunch of money I am sure they'll assign Reed
 Martin to be your personal supervisor and he can make sure
 you adhere to all the rules and live a real shore nuff TM
 life. I am sure it would be Sat Chit Ananda. 
 On Tue, 4/1/14, steve.sundur@...
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 
 You know
 Michael, for someone who denigrates any scientific research
 performed by the TMO, you sure have a way of trying to make
 a case on a weak set of data. Well, let's be honest.
  No data.
 mean, on the one hand, you state that most people who
 stop soon afterward, and yet you say that the practice of
 can often be responsible for people committing suicide. Do
 have that right?
 you saying the long term mediators are far more likely to
 commit suicide and have emotional problems due to their
 practice of TM, and participation in the
 wonder how you'd go about backing that up?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 tell that to all
 the long term meditators who have tried to commit suicide -
 tell that to the family members of those long term
 TM'ers who did commit suicide, tell that to the people
 whose lives have been ruined by their adherence to TM and
 messing around with the TMO - people who are

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
and nothing but net!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 One account - multiple aliases. No moderators. Who cares?

 On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 12:18 PM, salyavin808 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Why has Willytex got more than one account? Isn't it bad enough we got 200 
posts a week from him anyway?
Time for some moderation.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 wrote :
 Apparently Judy is able to read some Latin, but not much Spanish; and she 
cannot read one single word of Tibetan. LoL!


 On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Share Long mailto:sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Judy, it was a joke about your use of the word snicker. I'm sure you know lots 
of Latin. About joke:
 Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yācati he 

 On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:44 AM, "authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@..."; 
mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:

   Hey, Share, why don't you just make up some stuff out of thin air and 
pretend you're actually saying something meaningful? I guess that's the only 
way you can convince yourself you look smart.

 (BTW, apparently you aren't aware of this, but it's very difficult to speak 
English without knowing any words that are derived from Latin.)

 And you know what? Richard is just as happy to lie to you as to anybody else 
on FFL.

 Ok, Richard, that's funny about running joke. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it 
appears that Judy doesn't know any words that are derived from Latin. Go figure!

 On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:23 AM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 On 3/30/2014 4:19 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:

 Still at it...
 Apparently Judy has never seen an episode of Dr. Who - if she had, she would 
know that Dr. Who is constantly running to get to into tardy TARDIS. Yes, it's 
kind of a running joke. LoL!

 Richard, I was wondering if that's a running joke in the show, which I've 
never seen. I think that would be pretty funny to have a time machine that's 
always tardy. Like, you ask to be sent to 1750 and instead you get sent to 
1790. Thanks, always fun to learn the Latin too.








Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Bhairitu

It's going to be on the "Sewing Channel".

On 04/01/2014 05:44 PM, Pundit Sir wrote:
Make sure you place it for the right audience and then position 
yourself to make some money off it.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Bhairitu > wrote:

We're starting an new TV series called "Pattern Masters".

On 04/01/2014 04:36 PM, Pundit Sir wrote:

It's all a matter of positioning and placement within the pattern.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Share Long mailto:sharelon...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

Ok, noozguru, imho, this is Post of the Month. Whoops, April
1! Ok, how about Post of the Season? Post of Last Month?
Anyway, I like it and think it would be a great bumper
sticker: Enjoy your pattern while you can. I shall, Oprah or
no Oprah (-:

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09 PM, Bhairitu
mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net>> wrote:
Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets
in the universe when conditions are right.  You are nothing
but a pattern Pundito. Enjoy your pattern while you can.

On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:

OMG We are all going to die!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu
mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net>> wrote:

Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"

On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

March 31, 2014
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the
largest mass extinction in Earth's history. Fossil
remains show that sometime around 252 million years
ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were
suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of this
planet's five known mass extinctions. It turns out that
Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly fast means
of making methane, and the team's detailed mapping of
the organism's history now shows that this transfer
happened at about the time of the end-Permian extinction.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread jr_esq
It's definitely good for the economy whether one likes it or not.  The Jews 
make their money and so do the gardeners and mechnics.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Let me guess... you're offended. Actually, it was a complement. In 
Deuteronomy, God tells the Jews that keep His laws that He will make them the 
head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower, etc etc. The polisher 
of diamonds not the digger. The Rabbi  Daniel Lapin was a guest on Robertson's 
program that day and agreed with Robertson's assessment and didn't take 
offense. Is it bigotry if you pay an ethnic group a complement, especially if 
they believe it?
 On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 4:05 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   That's funny - I don't see Pat Robertson tinkering with cars or mowing his 
lawn. LoL!

 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:46 PM, mailto:jr_esq@...> wrote:
   Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see them 
tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread jr_esq
That's because he's too busy preaching as a televangelist.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 That's funny - I don't see Pat Robertson tinkering with cars or mowing his 
lawn. LoL!

 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:46 PM, mailto:jr_esq@...> wrote:
   Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see them 
tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread Mike Dixon
I'd bet his green grass is better for the enviornment than all those old 
batteries those electric cars are going to be producing.

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 5:42 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
> Let me guess... you're offended. 
Well, it is kind of funny when you think about it - it's not good ecology to 
have a lawn that needs mowing in the first place, and fixing old cars isn't 
exactly going to reduce climate change. Pat should replace his lawns with 
xeriscape natural grounds and get himself an electric car. That's what was 
funny to me - the whole point was stupid as hell. LoL!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Mike Dixon  wrote:

>Let me guess... you're offended. Actually, it was a complement. In 
>Deuteronomy, God tells the Jews that keep His laws that He will make them the 
>head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower, etc etc. The polisher 
>of diamonds not the digger. The Rabbi  Daniel Lapin was a guest on Robertson's 
>program that day and agreed with Robertson's assessment and didn't take 
>offense. Is it bigotry if you pay an ethnic group a complement, especially if 
>they believe it?
>On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 4:05 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
>That's funny - I don't see Pat Robertson tinkering with cars or mowing his 
>lawn. LoL!
>On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:46 PM,  wrote:
>>Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see them 
>>tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-04-01 Thread Share Long
Richard, this one made me smile, thank you.

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 6:44 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
One account - multiple aliases. No moderators. Who cares?

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 12:18 PM, salyavin808  wrote:

>Why has Willytex got more than one account? Isn't it bad enough we got 200 
>posts a week from him anyway?
>Time for some moderation.
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
>Apparently Judy is able to read some Latin, but not much Spanish; and she 
>cannot read one single word of Tibetan. LoL!
>On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Share Long  wrote:
>>>Judy, it was a joke about your use of the word snicker. I'm sure you know 
>>>lots of Latin. About joke:
>>>Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yācati 
>>>he asks
>>>On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:44 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
>>>Hey, Share, why don't you just make up some stuff out of thin air and 
>>>pretend you're actually saying something meaningful? I guess that's the only 
>>>way you can convince yourself you look smart.
>>>(BTW, apparently you aren't aware of this, but it's very difficult to speak 
>>>English without knowing any words that are derived from Latin.)
>>>And you know what? Richard is just as happy to lie to you as to anybody else 
>>>on FFL.
>>>Ok, Richard, that's funny about running joke. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, 
>>>it appears that Judy doesn't know any words that are derived from Latin. Go 
>>>On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:23 AM, Richard J. Williams  
>>>On 3/30/2014 4:19 PM, authfriend@... wrote:
>>>Still at it...
Apparently Judy has never seen an episode of Dr. Who - if she had,
she would know that Dr. Who is constantly running to get to into
tardy TARDIS. Yes, it's kind of a running joke. LoL!

>Richard, I
was wondering if that's a running joke in the show, which I've
never seen. I think that would be pretty funny to have a time
machine that's always tardy. Like, you ask to be sent to 1750
and instead you get sent to 1790. Thanks, always fun to learn
the Latin too.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
Make sure you place it for the right audience and then position yourself to
make some money off it.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> We're starting an new TV series called "Pattern Masters".
> On 04/01/2014 04:36 PM, Pundit Sir wrote:
> It's all a matter of positioning and placement within the pattern.
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Share Long  wrote:
>>  Ok, noozguru, imho, this is Post of the Month. Whoops, April 1! Ok, how
>> about Post of the Season? Post of Last Month? Anyway, I like it and think
>> it would be a great bumper sticker: Enjoy your pattern while you can. I
>> shall, Oprah or no Oprah (-:
>>On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09 PM, Bhairitu 
>> wrote:
>>   Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets in the
>> universe when conditions are right.  You are nothing but a pattern
>> Pundito.  Enjoy your pattern while you can.
>> On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:
>> OMG We are all going to die!
>> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>   Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"
>> On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
>>  Date:
>> March 31, 2014
>> Source:
>> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>> Summary:
>>  Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest mass
>> extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that sometime around 252
>> million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly
>> wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass
>> extinctions. It turns out that Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly
>> fast means of making methane, and the team's detailed mapping of the
>> organism's history now shows that this transfer happened at about the time
>> of the end-Permian extinction.
>> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140331153608.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Science+News%29&utm_content=FaceBook

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> Let me guess... you're offended.
Well, it is kind of funny when you think about it - it's not good ecology
to have a lawn that needs mowing in the first place, and fixing old cars
isn't exactly going to reduce climate change. Pat should replace his lawns
with xeriscape natural grounds and get himself an electric car. That's what
was funny to me - the whole point was stupid as hell. LoL!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Mike Dixon  wrote:

> Let me guess... you're offended. Actually, it was a complement. In
> Deuteronomy, God tells the Jews that keep His laws that He will make them
> the head and not the tail, the lender and not the borrower, etc etc. The
> polisher of diamonds not the digger. The Rabbi  Daniel Lapin was a guest on
> Robertson's program that day and agreed with Robertson's assessment and
> didn't take offense. Is it bigotry if you pay an ethnic group a complement,
> especially if they believe it?
>   On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 4:05 PM, Pundit Sir 
> wrote:
>  That's funny - I don't see Pat Robertson tinkering with cars or mowing
> his lawn. LoL!
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:46 PM,  wrote:
>  Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see
> them tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either.
> https://tv.yahoo.com/news/pat-robertson-jews-too-busy-polishing-diamonds-tinker-023600085.html

Re: [FairfieldLife] Question for Sal

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
Well, I thought it was real dumb to say things like that. It made MMY look
like a senile old guy who lost touch with reality. Apparently MMY didn't
approve of the U.S. and NATO going in to Afghanistan, which is strange,
since India has had military troops up there guarding the Kashmir and in
Himachal Pradesh for years, after Pakistan and China tried to take over and
kill everyone up there. I guess maybe he thought that if people would just
sit down and close their eyes and meditate while their head gets cut off.
That's the old Buddhist pacifism coming out in MMY, I guess, but look what
happened to the Tibetans - raped and destroyed. Go figure.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> Sal, having been highly entertained by some references you have made
> regarding the "scorpion nation" deal, I wanted to ask if you remember where
> you were and what your reaction was upon hearing of the Old Goat's
> condemnation of your country? Just curious.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread Mike Dixon
Let me guess... you're offended. Actually, it was a complement. In Deuteronomy, 
God tells the Jews that keep His laws that He will make them the head and not 
the tail, the lender and not the borrower, etc etc. The polisher of diamonds 
not the digger. The Rabbi  Daniel Lapin was a guest on Robertson's program that 
day and agreed with Robertson's assessment and didn't take offense. Is it 
bigotry if you pay an ethnic group a complement, especially if they believe it?
On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 4:05 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
That's funny - I don't see Pat Robertson tinkering with cars or mowing his 
lawn. LoL!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:46 PM,  wrote:

>Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see them 
>tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Bhairitu

We're starting an new TV series called "Pattern Masters".

On 04/01/2014 04:36 PM, Pundit Sir wrote:

It's all a matter of positioning and placement within the pattern.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Share Long > wrote:

Ok, noozguru, imho, this is Post of the Month. Whoops, April 1!
Ok, how about Post of the Season? Post of Last Month? Anyway, I
like it and think it would be a great bumper sticker: Enjoy your
pattern while you can. I shall, Oprah or no Oprah (-:

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09 PM, Bhairitu
mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net>> wrote:
Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets in
the universe when conditions are right.  You are nothing but a
pattern Pundito. Enjoy your pattern while you can.

On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:

OMG We are all going to die!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net>> wrote:

Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"

On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

March 31, 2014
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the
largest mass extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains
show that sometime around 252 million years ago, about 90
percent of all species on Earth were suddenly wiped out --
by far the largest of this planet's five known mass
extinctions. It turns out that Methanosarcina had acquired a
particularly fast means of making methane, and the team's
detailed mapping of the organism's history now shows that
this transfer happened at about the time of the end-Permian


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> Isn't it bad enough we got 200 posts a week from him anyway?
*The more messages, the better - that's what I think.*
You got zero messages from me - what you got was a choice to read my
messages or not to read them.

> Time for some moderation.

I agree, especially since he says the same three things over and over.
What we need on FFL is more messages, not less. That's one of the problems
with FFL - nobody is serious enough to keep a conversation going for long.
Most messages wind up in the shit house after a few hours. I've probably
posted 10,000 messages here without a response - about music, history,
yoga, you name it. It's almost like trying to have a conversation with a
group of deaf mutes. And then there's the "geezerfreak" with a hit and run
- two posts since 2006. Go figure.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:54 PM,  wrote:

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> My informants report that it's a desperate attempt by Wilytex to make it
> all about Wilytex. They say he's been stuck on repeat down on the cemetery
> where he lives in Texas for many moons now and doesn't even make much sense
> anymore. Go figure.
> Well, he's speakin' Share's language at least.
> Why has Willytex got more than one account? Isn't it bad enough we got 200
> posts a week from him anyway?
> Time for some moderation.
> I agree, especially since he says the same three things over and over.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 02-Apr-14 00:15:08 UTC

2014-04-01 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/29/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/05/14 00:00:00
431 messages as of (UTC) 04/01/14 23:44:48

 59 Richard J. Williams 
 41 Pundit Sir 
 39 Share Long 
 38 Michael Jackson 
 35 emilymaenot
 34 authfriend
 29 steve.sundur
 22 TurquoiseBee 
 20 nablusoss1008 
 18 dhamiltony2k5
 18 awoelflebater
 15 salyavin808 
 15 Bhairitu 
  8 jr_esq
  8 Mike Dixon 
  4 merudanda 
  4 anartaxius
  4 LEnglish5
  3 s3raphita
  3 cardemaister
  2 wgm4u 
  2 punditster
  2 Rick Archer 
  2 Dick Mays 
  1 geezerfreak
  1 emptybill
  1 Tom Todar 
  1 Free N. Flourishing 
  1 FairfieldLife
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 30
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
One account - multiple aliases. No moderators. Who cares?

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 12:18 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

> Why has Willytex got more than one account? Isn't it bad enough we got 200
> posts a week from him anyway?
> Time for some moderation.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> Apparently Judy is able to read some Latin, but not much Spanish; and she
> cannot read one single word of Tibetan. LoL!
> On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Share Long  wrote:
> Judy, it was a joke about your use of the word snicker. I'm sure you know
> lots of Latin. About joke:
> Latin *jocus;* perhaps akin to Old High German *gehan* to say, Sanskrit
> *yācati* he asks
>  On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:44 AM, "authfriend@..." 
> wrote:
> *Hey, Share, why don't you just make up some stuff out of thin air and
> pretend you're actually saying something meaningful? I guess that's the
> only way you can convince yourself you look smart.*
> *(BTW, apparently you aren't aware of this, but it's very difficult to
> speak English without knowing any words that are derived from Latin.)*
> *And you know what? Richard is just as happy to lie to you as to anybody
> else on FFL.*
> Ok, Richard, that's funny about running joke. Meanwhile, back at the
> ranch, it appears that Judy doesn't know any words that are derived from
> Latin. Go figure!
>  On Monday, March 31, 2014 9:23 AM, Richard J. Williams 
> wrote:
> On 3/30/2014 4:19 PM, authfriend@... wrote:
> Still at it...
> >
> Apparently Judy has never seen an episode of Dr. Who - if she had, she
> would know that Dr. Who is constantly running to get to into tardy TARDIS.
> Yes, it's kind of a running joke. LoL!
> Richard, I was wondering if that's a running joke in the show, which I've
> never seen. I think that would be pretty funny to have a time machine
> that's always tardy. Like, you ask to be sent to 1750 and instead you get
> sent to 1790. Thanks, always fun to learn the Latin too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
Uh, psst, Michael, point of order.  It's not the getting angry that's laudable. 
 Jesus no.  It's making a case based on facts, or at least balanced opinion. 

 Ok, that's enough lesson for today.  Maybe tomorrow, we can cover, "How to Go 
About Building Your Case"

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 And yet were I to aim this "anger" at a corrupt government or a corrupt 
corporation like Monsanto you would applaud me. You deal with your TM past as 
you like and I'll deal with mine as I see fit. I didn't ask you for advice as 
to how to live my life and I am not gonna offer you any, unless you would like 
to take a spoonful of your own suggested medicine and deal with your anger 
toward Barry rather than continue to revile him, otherwise you won't as you 
say, " be able to move on and forget about it all."
 After all, if your unsolicited advice is good for the gander, its bound to be 
good for the goose too. 
 Here is
 what I think. I think anyone who is bitterly disappointed
 about something is someone who fell lock, stock and barrel
 for something - whether it be a risky investment, the
 promises of a lover or the teachings of a guru. I think
 bitterness follows upon gullibility. I also think those who
 "blame" somebody or something to the degree to
 which you blame MMY and the Movement is someone who had
 stars in their eyes and was naive. I like you Michael but
 you need to take some responsibility for what you feel and
 why you feel it when it comes to TM. You should have been
 more objective, less idealistic and less naive and if so you
 may have been able to let it all go by now. Until you take
 responsibility for your own part in how much of the TM
 propaganda you swallowed you won't be able to move on
 and forget about it all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Old Transcendentalism

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> as to the inevitable success of our transcendentalism cause,
According to MMY, TM is beyond all "isms", Buck.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 7:08 AM,  wrote:

> Buck Predicts:
>  Buck sees,
> as to the inevitable success of our transcendentalism cause,
>  I do not pretend to command the moral universe; the arc is a long one,
> my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete
> the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience of the
> transcendent. And from what I see I am sure by both experience and the
> science it bends towards the Unified Field.
> *-Buck in the Dome*
> "*We are a group of people who have come together and created a community
> for a transcendentally important common purpose, which of course is to
> practice the Transcendental Meditation program and the TM-Sidhi program
> together as a group, for the sake of bringing coherence to national and
> world consciousness based on balancing labor and leisure to meditate while
> working together for the benefit of the community. Our Super-Radiance
> meditating community includes families of all the TM-Meditators and
> TM-Sidhas in the Fairfield, Vedic City and Jefferson County area."*

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
Michael,  it apparently doesn't take long for you to get fixated on something. 

 But I do get a chuckle out of it.

 So thanks for that!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Reed Martin is waiting
 On Tue, 4/1/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:20 PM
 you've given me a laugh this morning.
 mean, really, you are employing third grade logic here,
 "If you like TM and TMO so much, why don't you work
 for 'em"
 me recall some phrases from my kids, when they were
 "If you like Oreos so much, why don't you
 marry them"
 "If you like that bike so much, why don't
 you marry it"
 I'll try to reply more like an
 graduated from MUM, and began a different phase of my life.
  My practice of meditation and the TMSP continued after
 I got married, and until our first son was born.  Then
 responsibilities of parenting took
 may be that after the kids are grown, I may be able to get
 back to my practice in a more regular
 know it is difficult for you decipher anything other than
 black and white wr to the TM program, but that is the way
 it's worked out for me, and many others.
  Now, unfortunately, it may be useless to engage like
 this, since, you will revert to your familiar rut,apparently
 because of unresolved issues wr to TM, but putting it out
 there anyway.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 wrote :
 By talking to the
 people for whom it has happened, which in fact I have
 already done. I did not say that "long term mediators
 are far more likely to commit suicide" those are your
 If you like TM and the TMO so much Steve, why don't you
 go work for 'em? If you as real nice and give 'em a
 whole bunch of money I am sure they'll assign Reed
 Martin to be your personal supervisor and he can make sure
 you adhere to all the rules and live a real shore nuff TM
 life. I am sure it would be Sat Chit Ananda. 
 On Tue, 4/1/14, steve.sundur@...
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 
 You know
 Michael, for someone who denigrates any scientific research
 performed by the TMO, you sure have a way of trying to make
 a case on a weak set of data. Well, let's be honest.
  No data.
 mean, on the one hand, you state that most people who
 stop soon afterward, and yet you say that the practice of
 can often be responsible for people committing suicide. Do
 have that right?
 you saying the long term mediators are far more likely to
 commit suicide and have emotional problems due to their
 practice of TM, and participation in the
 wonder how you'd go about backing that up?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 wrote :
 tell that to all
 the long term meditators who have tried to commit suicide -
 tell that to the family members of those long term
 TM'ers who did commit suicide, tell that to the people
 whose lives have been ruined by their adherence to TM and
 messing around with the TMO - people who are
 mental/emotional basket cases from years of TM. They do
 exist. They are out there and I am willing to bet you know
 some of them. It is true that TM doesn't hurt some
 people, but to say that it is good for most is a flat out
 The numbers have always been jimmied by the TMO and True
 Believers. Most people who are initiated stop doing TM soon
 On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com";
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 1:24 AM
 Steve, I
 really appreciate how common sensical (is that a valid
 phrase?) you are in what you say here. Especially the bit
 about why the TMO changed its approach. And of course, the
 directly relevant part about twenty minutes meditating
 good for most people. 
 On Monday, March 31,
 2014 7:08 PM, "steve.sundur@..."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
It's all a matter of positioning and placement within the pattern.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Share Long  wrote:

> Ok, noozguru, imho, this is Post of the Month. Whoops, April 1! Ok, how
> about Post of the Season? Post of Last Month? Anyway, I like it and think
> it would be a great bumper sticker: Enjoy your pattern while you can. I
> shall, Oprah or no Oprah (-:
>   On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09 PM, Bhairitu 
> wrote:
>   Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets in the
> universe when conditions are right.  You are nothing but a pattern
> Pundito.  Enjoy your pattern while you can.
> On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:
> OMG We are all going to die!
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>   Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"
> On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
>  Date:
> March 31, 2014
> Source:
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Summary:
>  Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest mass
> extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that sometime around 252
> million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly
> wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass
> extinctions. It turns out that Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly
> fast means of making methane, and the team's detailed mapping of the
> organism's history now shows that this transfer happened at about the time
> of the end-Permian extinction.
> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140331153608.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Science+News%29&utm_content=FaceBook

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM Mantras - Source?

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> That is, what IS it that motivates someone to do it non-stop?
This is funny - Barry is supposedly writing science articles for his
relatives, so he can pay the rent. But the question is one for sociology or
psychology. LoL!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 7:42 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

> Lawson, I think we all "get it" that you're a "TM science" junkie, and
> that you believe that "the science says it all" when it comes to TM. Well,
> as you've noticed, not everyone on this forum (including many long-term
> TMers) thinks that the "TM science" is solid enough to prove much of
> anything.
> The point I am making lately is that you seem unaware of a more pressing
> criterion that people use when evaluating non-stop claims about the "TM
> science." That is, what IS it that motivates someone to do it non-stop?
> Judging from your own posts here, what YOU seem to see as one of your
> primary ways to have fun is to try to start arguments about TM and its
> supposed science on Reddit and on other Internet forums. When these threads
> you post as argument-starters don't pan out the way you want them to, you
> tend to come back here to FFL and beg other people to go to these other
> forums to "join in."
> Doesn't this strike you as somewhat...uh...ODD behavior for a grown man?
> Doesn't it strike you as a bit...uh...fanatical? Doesn't it make you wonder
> about the person whose life seems to revolve around doing this, when there
> are so many other things to do with life? Doesn't it make you wonder about
> the claims that TM helps to make a person more "well-rounded" or "balanced"
> in life?
> Hint: the "TM science" ain't ever gonna "prove" diddley-squat if the
> people presenting it over and over and over and over and over in an
> obviously compulsive manner come across as cult fanatics. People are going
> to be tempted to weigh the messenger as much as they weigh the message. And
> in my opinion, they should.
>   --
>  *From:* "lengli...@cox.net" 
> *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 1, 2014 12:32 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] TM Mantras - Source?
> Maharishi chose to use a subset of the mantras that are
> available,.presumably because his intuition said it was a sufficiently
> large subset to be useful.
> Upcoming research on TM using advanced EEG analysis should help make it
> more clear what it means to be "useful."
> In the meantime, the TM organization is apparently embracing Alaric
> Arenander's idea that TM centers should start to do public demos of EEG
> coherence as part of introductory lectures on TM.
> Here's the main excerpt of the Maharishi Global Family Chat presentation
> he made:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyITv-rIDzk&list=UU0iwNoV7Sptxi1qqWz_R9IA
> The EEG shown in the video looks to be pretty darned unusual. Certainly,
> looking at the EEG described  in papers published about other meditation
> practices, it is inescapable to conclude that the EEG found in long-term
> TMers and long-term practitioners of other techniques are as different as
> night and day with respect to what starts to show up the longer one has
> been practicing the various techniques.
> TM really IS different than other practices that have been studied, with
> respect to EEG.
> TM researchers aren't able to get guys like Dietrich Lehmann and Roberto
> Pascual-Marqui to participate (or so the rumor goes) in multiple EEG
> studies on advanced TMers  because they're excessively charismatic or
> something.
> These guys are teh very tip-top in their field. If these guys decide to
> study something, it is because they think it is interesting and unusual,
> both.
> http://www.uzh.ch/keyinst/index/members/lehmann/cv11.htm
> http://www.uzh.ch/keyinst/loreta.htm
> L
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> Did I not say that beej mantras are commonly used in astrology not to
> mention ayurveda?  But few westerners had penetrated that information back
> with MMY started TM.  Funny thing it is not uncommon to find that people's
> names start with the sound associated with their  birth star (nakshatra)
> even if they are westerners and their parents knew nothing about
> astrology.
> As Graffitiswami might say: Go figure.
> On 03/30/2014 07:44 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> The comments section is well worth reading, esp the long one from John:
> http://www.wildmind.org/mantras/figures/tm
> The origin of the TM Bija mantras (seed sounds) are to be found in the so
> called "Hoda Chakra" which is printed and reprinted in virtually all the
> published astrological almanachs in India. The Hoda Chakra lists 108 seed
> sounds, each one allotted to the 4 padas of the 27 star constellations
> (Nakshatras).All this is well known in India. Mostly it is used in the
> selection of Names,based on the Moon's position in a particular Nakshatra
> Pada. In an advanced version of the TM, this astrological information
> (p

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
Funny Michael.  Your attachment runs deep.  Deeper than any TBer I know.   

 It does work both ways doesn't it?  Loving something with a passion, or hating 
the same thing with a passion?

 I wonder if you end up in the same place??

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 By talking to the people for whom it has happened, which in fact I have 
already done. I did not say that "long term mediators are far more likely to 
commit suicide" those are your words. 
 If you like TM and the TMO so much Steve, why don't you go work for 'em? If 
you as real nice and give 'em a whole bunch of money I am sure they'll assign 
Reed Martin to be your personal supervisor and he can make sure you adhere to 
all the rules and live a real shore nuff TM life. I am sure it would be Sat 
Chit Ananda. 
 On Tue, 4/1/14, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 
 You know
 Michael, for someone who denigrates any scientific research
 performed by the TMO, you sure have a way of trying to make
 a case on a weak set of data. Well, let's be honest.
  No data.
 mean, on the one hand, you state that most people who start,
 stop soon afterward, and yet you say that the practice of TM
 can often be responsible for people committing suicide. Do I
 have that right?
 you saying the long term mediators are far more likely to
 commit suicide and have emotional problems due to their
 practice of TM, and participation in the
 wonder how you'd go about backing that up?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 wrote :
 tell that to all
 the long term meditators who have tried to commit suicide -
 tell that to the family members of those long term
 TM'ers who did commit suicide, tell that to the people
 whose lives have been ruined by their adherence to TM and
 messing around with the TMO - people who are
 mental/emotional basket cases from years of TM. They do
 exist. They are out there and I am willing to bet you know
 some of them. It is true that TM doesn't hurt some
 people, but to say that it is good for most is a flat out
 The numbers have always been jimmied by the TMO and True
 Believers. Most people who are initiated stop doing TM soon
 On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com";
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 1:24 AM
 Steve, I
 really appreciate how common sensical (is that a valid
 phrase?) you are in what you say here. Especially the bit
 about why the TMO changed its approach. And of course, the
 directly relevant part about twenty minutes meditating
 good for most people. 
 On Monday, March 31,
 2014 7:08 PM, "steve.sundur@..."
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  wrote :
 Oh that's good Michael.
  At least a new name from the one I am usually called.
  Or actually, you are comparing me to something,
 rather than
 declaring I am such and such.
 At any rate, regarding this new approach, so what
 if they are - distancing themselves from the Hindu roots?
 Maybe they feel that has been off-putting for many people,
 and better to downplay it.
 But as has been pointed out, that is nothing
 different than has been done from the beginning.
  Maharishi started with a spiritual approach, and then
 shifted to a more scientific approach, because it would
 appeal to more people.
 You want to get people though the door.  You
 want to get them to the introductory lecture.  You
 to outline the benefits.
 I happen to be able to observe some this new
 approach up close, and it seems to be having some results.
 That and a lower fee for learning.
 You are more comfortable making blanket (mostly
 all negative) statements about the TMO and Maharishi. But
  like many endeavors, you can choose to participate to
 whatever degree you like.  Meditating for twenty
 minutes twice a day, would, I think, be a healthy activity
 for most people.
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 on Steve, be real - you know damn good and well they are
 distancing themselves from the Hindu roots and from
 Maharishi himself - if you can't see how disingenuous
 that is then you are a truly sheared TM sheep.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread steve.sundur
Hey Michael, 

 Quite a spiel, and pretty one sided to boot.

 Since you mentioned Reed Martin and my incident with him at Livingston Manor, 
really I didn't recall him so much as arrogant, as a little misguided.  And I 
didn't come away feeling any resentment.  It was as though "nature" was pushing 
me to go in another direction. (please excuse the TM speak, but that's the best 
I can describe it)

 On the other hand, some of the others you've mentioned I'd sort of have to 
agree with your assessment.

 Now, on the other hand, in any endeavor, or organization, you are going to see 
quite a range of personality traits.  But all those people have chosen to be on 
this path, for whatever reason.  The people that I've chosen to associate with 
on this path exhibit traits quite a bit different than those in the examples 
you point out. 

 You will say, "proves my point.  asses before TM, asses after TM".  But there 
are no guarantees in the enlightenment game.  Without a degree, (actually heavy 
dose) of self reflection, you are not going to progress much, or at least very 
quickly, IMO.

 But you are happy to indict the whole organization on this basis.  And you are 
claiming the organization makes exaggerated claims that others readily buy 
into.  I think you are painting a pretty inaccurate picture. 

 And of course, the card you love to play is to any one who disagrees with you, 
is a cult apologist.  Perhaps you don't realize what trait you are revealing 
when you repeatedly do that.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on TM 
is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, 
relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear with 
the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by regular TM 
and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems will go away if 
one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed house. 
 yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as 
commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target 
students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud 
(like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about the 
behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you 
have kept Dome numbers low.
 You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong with 
them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay it off 
on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM and 
its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO and say there 
are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those 
factors, that's what the TMO says.
 So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more 
esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by the 
Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works AS 
ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So you have to 
make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for 
some people and some people are very decent folks whom I have known who are 
True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM. As to TM teachers, its the 
same thing. If they would have been decent people without TM, they are with TM 
and if they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM. 
 One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not seen 
him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence course I 
ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit 
answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he treated everyone 
he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in charge of the Atlanta 
TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in several 
South Eastern states and who taught my third residence course was an arrogant, 
abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch and while I have not seen him in years 
either, I bet he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. Except for 
one thing:
 It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene Speigel, 
Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that 
arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member him Steve? The 
one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons of bitches and 
those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM makes no dent in 
one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and that is much like Nazi 
Germany, those who were most like the leader -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem 
to rise to the top levels of the TMO - must be collective karma.
 Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel nice 
inside themselves

Re: [FairfieldLife] (unknown)

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
You don't have to subscribe just to read these messages on Yahoo Groups.
You subscribe if you want to send a message. Why did you come to the dance
party, if you're don't want to dance?

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Tom Todar  wrote:

> Please stop sending me email!

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
*> Nor, BTW, does the practice of TM have anything whatsoever *
*> to do with what he doesn't like about us (our propensity to *
*> criticize him).*
If you are for it, Barry is against it - doesn't matter if it's TM or
Hillary, or whatever. You hurt him - he probably won't ever forget it,
ever. It's going with him to his grave, thinking that old mean Judy hurt my
feelings back in 1996.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:43 PM,  wrote:

> *I read through this again. I could find only three actual facts in it:
> That I never became a TM teacher, that I never met Maharishi, and that I
> live in New Jersey.*
> *Everything else is either a flat-out lie or a deliberate distortion. Or
> it makes no sense.*
> *Anyone who wants to ask me about any of these items is more than welcome;
> I'll be happy to tell you what's wrong with it. (Barry knows already, so he
> isn't eligible.) But I'm sorry, it's just too much of a bore to spend the
> time fisking yet another long, dishonest post from Barry about me; I did
> another one earlier today. I'm pretty sure most here know by now how Barry
> twists and mutllates the truth from previous fisking jobs I've done on such
> posts. This one's no different.*
> *I would suggest (and in fact have done so several times) that what I and
> other people don't like about Judy Stein has pretty much *everything* to do
> with TM. And I defy her to present posts that disprove what she
> characterizes as my "caricature" portrayal of her.*
> *What is inaccurate about her stooping to grade-school levels to demonize
> a fellow TM supporter on this forum? She's been doing exactly that with
> Share since pretty much the first day Share broke away from her clique and
> started making her own decisions about who to like and who not to like on
> this forum. What is inaccurate about linking Judy's ongoing persecution of
> Share (literally *thousands* of posts by now trying to portray her as
> stupid and a LIAR) to Judy's imaginary boyfriend and cult leader Robin
> Carlsen? This persecution pretty much went into high gear when Share
> reacted to being tormented by Robin and stood up for herself. And of course
> this grade school behavior is not limited to Share -- just think of the
> number of insulting "pet names" she's chosen to call people over the years,
> from "Stupid Sal" to "Feebs" to...well, no need to list them...you remember
> them all. *
> *Perhaps Judy would like to post a more "accurate" bio of herself to give
> us a better picture of what *exactly* over 30 years of TM has done for her
> and the major accomplishments it's enabled her to make.*
> *For example, is it NOT true that she's a 70+-year-old woman who spends
> the vast majority of her time in her posts to Fairfield Life dumping on and
> criticizing other people? Is it NOT true that she almost never posts
> anything original or creative? What have her *accomplishments* been in
> those 70+ years? It seems to me, based on what she has posted here and on
> other forums, that they consist of living in a tiny apartment above a
> garage in New Jersey, eking out a living correcting writing done by other
> people, while never creating any of her own (except for her ongoing
> "criticisms" on the Internet, of course). In all of that time, I don't
> remember her ever having mentioned doing something with her "friends." Does
> she even have any? In all of that time, I don't remember her ever having
> mentioned doing anything for anyone else, other than write a check to a
> charity. She *certainly* hasn't ever taught TM, because she was so busy
> (presumably with "grading papers" and "correcting" other people on the
> Internet) that she never became a teacher. She never met Maharishi, even
> though she had decades of opportunity in which to do so. Another *thing I
> don't think I've ever seen Judy deal with is what gives her the RIGHT to
> pick an obvious "enemy" on forums like FFL and then stalk them for months
> or years, claiming that it's all "criticism" and nothing more. Who ever
> named her an official "critic?" Maybe she'd like to explain that in the
> "bio" she's going to post now to "set things right."
> I would say that there is EVERY reason to consider the descriptions of her
> above accurate. I would further suggest that there is EVERY reason to link
> them to her TM practice. You know...the same practice that is supposed to
> make one "more in tune with the laws of nature" and "more harmonious" and
> such. TM is also supposed to make a person more happy and fulfilled, right?
> Is there ANYONE here who would describe Judy Stein -- based on her posting
> history here over the years -- as happy and fulfilled? ANYONE?
> One of the things that Judy might have learned if she had ever had what it
> takes to become a TM teacher and then work for peanuts trying to teach it
> full-time is that everything is Not About Her. Some of it is about helping
> other people...or at least doing what one thinks at the time might

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> Complaining about a faulty watch incessantly is a waste of time,
> throw it away or buy or steal a new one, or look at the sun to
> get the time.
A faulty watch that stopped keeping time twenty years ago for MJ. Go figure.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 3:10 PM,  wrote:

> Hey Michael, fantasy is a way of life on FFL. And April 1 is the day of
> the year where lies are sanctioned. You can also see the effect time and
> memory have on recollection and interpretation. I have read all the things
> you wrote previously some time ago. And what I wrote was an hypothesis, not
> a theory, as there was no evidence it could be true, only suppositions. I
> observed much of what you have said at MIU as well, I am just not so
> negative about the movement. I regard it as a kind of wind-up clock of
> mental conditioning, and the spring is slowly unwinding. Complaining about
> a faulty watch incessantly is a waste of time, throw it away or buy or
> steal a new one, or look at the sun to get the time.
> Interesting how no two human minds ever agree. Do you think there is such
> a thing as enlightenment? It seemed to me people who chose to work in the
> movement were interested in the concept. I suppose I am curious as to your
> thoughts on that idea now.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> I am glad you are capable of such fantasy - you might try writing a novel
> based on your musings and put them to good use, but you are wrong on all
> counts - at the time the Bill Sands gave me the boot, I was chagrined for
> about five minutes with him in Brad's office (Brad O'Nash - then kitchen
> director) because I had no place else to go, no money and no transportation
> and at the time I was into the lifestyle of livin' poor and having the
> rent, utilities and food taken care of and still had some good friends
> there I was not ready to leave.
> But when I saw that Billy was getting revenge for my having gone over his
> head some months before, going to Greg Wilson to get an exception to the
> gotta be in the Dome rule, I realized I had to roll with what I was being
> dealt.
> It was during the last exchange when I came back to myself. I shakily
> asked how long after the DAC banquet was over with till I had to get out
> and he said "Five o'clock. The banquet will be over at noon on Sunday, you
> have to vacate your room and have all your belongings out by five o'clock
> that afternoon."
> "What! You're crazy! That's not fair! I need more time."
> Bill, with a supercilious look on his face, ""That's MIU policy. If you
> aren't working for MIU, you can't stay on campus." He actually have his
> head inclined so that he was looking down his nose at me.
> As the exchange proceeded, I got quite ticked off and told them that if
> they were going to do that, I was going to pack and leave right then, and
> they could run the bakery themselves through the big DAC banquet. Bill
> indignantly reminded me that I had just promised to work the banquet and he
> was going to hold me to it. I reminded him that he was treating me with no
> regard and I insisted I needed more time. He said no, and I said yes.
> Finally he asked me how much time and I said two weeks. He and Brad both
> said no in a flustered and indignant tone to which I replied that they were
> welcome to make bread and desserts from then till and through the DAC
> banquet. They protested and I got out of my chair to leave and pack. Bill
> disgustedly agreed. I walked out and in the next few hours I was a little
> uncertain as to what I would do, but by the end of the next day I had made
> my exit plans, arranged for transportation, gotten a temp job in Indiana
> that paid me enough to get me back to South Carolina and I was satisfied.
> By the time I left MIU I knew I didn't want to work for the Movement again
> - ever! and be subject to the whims of jackasses like Sands (and folk like
> Chris Crowell who was one of the most look down on lowly meditators who are
> not sidhas and look down on sidhas who aren't governors and look down on
> governors who have no money or status in the Movement I have ever seen).
> But I foolishly had the idea of rounding once in a while at a Movement
> facility and that lasted till I heard from some friends who were on the
> scene about the Heavenly Mountain crap that Bevan and Marshy pulled - it
> was Marshy's exhortation for all TM'ers as possible to move there and his
> subsequent juvenile behavior of pulling the rug out from under everyone by
> telling them "No one can do business here - its just for retired people and
> Purusha." in response to the Kaplan brothers ceasing to give him monetary
> support that made me realize what a gigantic son of a bitch he was and how
> uncaring he was about the people who made it possible for him to live like
> a lord and never get his hands dirty at an honest job.
> So after about 24 hours I was over the firing and felt quite satisfied I
> had stared Billy Boy Sands do

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What We Did Today

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
Here's what I don't understand. Why do they need fourteen geniuses at the
Apple Store to explain how to work Apple products? Why can't the geniuses
just make a product that's easy and simple to operate, FROM THE START?

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Richard J. Williams

> On 3/30/2014 2:02 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> You are right!
> >
> So, we are agreed - at the Apple Store is a Genius Bar and most Apple
> Stores are in malls like the Mall of the Americas. We went there.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
That's funny - I don't see Pat Robertson tinkering with cars or mowing his
lawn. LoL!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 5:46 PM,  wrote:

> Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see them
> tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either.
> https://tv.yahoo.com/news/pat-robertson-jews-too-busy-polishing-diamonds-tinker-023600085.html

[FairfieldLife] Jews Are Too Busy Polishing Diamonds

2014-04-01 Thread jr_esq
Pat Robertson said this today and further stated that he doesn't see them 
tinkering with cars or mowing the lawns either. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread anartaxius
I did not say I did not like what you write. Generally I find it interesting 
and on point, it just seems a bit obsessive at times. And I never implied how 
you should live your life. I don't know how you live your life and frankly 
almost do not care. I just am curious because something of our lives shows 
through in what we write, usually not what we intend, at least in the eyes of 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 thanks for telling me how to live my life, that was one of the reasons I got 
away from the TM'ers - if you don't like what I write, don't read it
 On Tue, 4/1/14, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 8:10 PM
 Hey Michael, fantasy is a way of life on FFL.
 And April 1 is the day of the year where lies are
 sanctioned. You can also see the effect time and memory have
 on recollection and interpretation. I have read all the
 things you wrote previously some time ago. And what I wrote
 was an hypothesis, not a theory, as there was no evidence it
 could be true, only suppositions. I observed much of what
 you have said at MIU as well, I am just not so negative
 about the movement. I regard it as a kind of wind-up clock
 of mental conditioning, and the spring is slowly unwinding.
 Complaining about a faulty watch incessantly is a waste of
 time, throw it away or buy or steal a new one, or look at
 the sun to get the time. 
 Interesting how no two human minds
 ever agree. Do you think there is such a thing as
 enlightenment? It seemed to me people who chose to work in
 the movement were interested in the concept. I suppose I am
 curious as to your thoughts on that idea now.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

 wrote :
 I am glad you are
 capable of such fantasy - you might try writing a novel
 based on your musings and put them to good use, but you are
 wrong on all counts - at the time the Bill Sands gave me the
 boot, I was chagrined for about five minutes with him in
 Brad's office (Brad O'Nash - then kitchen director)
 because I had no place else to go, no money and no
 transportation and at the time I was into the lifestyle of
 livin' poor and having the rent, utilities and food
 taken care of and still had some good friends there I was
 not ready to leave.
 But when I saw that Billy was getting revenge for my having
 gone over his head some months before, going to Greg Wilson
 to get an exception to the gotta be in the Dome rule, I
 realized I had to roll with what I was being dealt. 
 It was during the last exchange when I came back to myself.
 I shakily asked how long after the DAC banquet was over with
 till I had to get out and he said "Five o'clock.
 The banquet will be over at noon on Sunday, you have to
 vacate your room and have all your belongings out by five
 o'clock that afternoon."
 "What! You're crazy! That's not fair! I need
 more time."
 Bill, with a supercilious look on his face,
 ""That's MIU policy. If you aren't working
 for MIU, you can't stay on campus." He actually
 have his head inclined so that he was looking down his nose
 at me.
 As the exchange proceeded, I got quite ticked off and told
 them that if they were going to do that, I was going to pack
 and leave right then, and they could run the bakery
 themselves through the big DAC banquet. Bill indignantly
 reminded me that I had just promised to work the banquet and
 he was going to hold me to it. I reminded him that he was
 treating me with no regard and I insisted I needed more
 time. He said no, and I said yes. 
 Finally he asked me how much time and I said two weeks. He
 and Brad both said no in a flustered and indignant tone to
 which I replied that they were welcome to make bread and
 desserts from then till and through the DAC banquet. They
 protested and I got out of my chair to leave and pack. Bill
 disgustedly agreed. I walked out and in the next few hours I
 was a little uncertain as to what I would do, but by the end
 of the next day I had made my exit plans, arranged for
 transportation, gotten a temp job in Indiana that paid me
 enough to get me back to South Carolina and I was satisfied.
 By the time I left MIU I knew I didn't want to work for
 the Movement again - ever! and be subject to the whims of
 jackasses like Sands (and folk like Chris Crowell who was
 one of the most look down on lowly meditators who are not
 sidhas and look down on sidhas who aren't governors and
 look down on governors who have no money or status in the
 Movement I have ever seen). 
 But I foolishly had the idea of rounding once in a while at
 a Movement facility and that lasted till I heard from some
 friends who were o

[FairfieldLife] File - FFL Acronyms

2014-04-01 Thread FairfieldLife

BC - Brahman Consciousness
BN - Bliss Ninny or Bliss Nazi
CC - Cosmic Consciousness
GC - God Consciousness
MMY - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
OTP - Off the Program - a phrase used in the TM movement meaning to do 
something (such as see another spiritual teacher) considered in violation of 
Maharishi's program.
POV - Point of View
SBS - Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Maharishi's master
SCI – Science of Creative Intelligence
SOC - State of Consciousness
SSRS - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Pundit-ji)
SV - Stpathya Ved (Vedic Architecture)
TB - True Believer (in TM doctrines)
TNB - True Non-Believer
TMO - The Transcendental Meditation organization
TTC – TM Teacher Training Course
UC - Unity Consciousness
WYMS - "World Youth Meditation Society" later changed to "World Youth Movement 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence" was founded by Peter Hübner in 
Germany, as a national TM outlet competing with SIMS, Students International 
Meditation Society
YMMV = Your Mileage may vary

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[FairfieldLife] Question for Sal

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson

Sal, having been highly entertained by some references you have made regarding 
the "scorpion nation" deal, I wanted to ask if you remember where you were and 
what your reaction was upon hearing of the Old Goat's condemnation of your 
country? Just curious.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
thanks for telling me how to live my life,  that was one of the reasons I got 
away from the TM'ers - if you don't like what I write, don't read it

On Tue, 4/1/14, anartax...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 8:10 PM
   Hey Michael, fantasy is a way of life on FFL.
 And April 1 is the day of the year where lies are
 sanctioned. You can also see the effect time and memory have
 on recollection and interpretation. I have read all the
 things you wrote previously some time ago. And what I wrote
 was an hypothesis, not a theory, as there was no evidence it
 could be true, only suppositions. I observed much of what
 you have said at MIU as well, I am just not so negative
 about the movement. I regard it as a kind of wind-up clock
 of mental conditioning, and the spring is slowly unwinding.
 Complaining about a faulty watch incessantly is a waste of
 time, throw it away or buy or steal a new one, or look at
 the sun to get the time. 
 Interesting how no two human minds
 ever agree. Do you think there is such a thing as
 enlightenment? It seemed to me people who chose to work in
 the movement were interested in the concept. I suppose I am
 curious as to your thoughts on that idea now.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 wrote :
 I am glad you are
 capable of such fantasy - you might try writing a novel
 based on your musings and put them to good use, but you are
 wrong on all counts - at the time the Bill Sands gave me the
 boot, I was chagrined for about five minutes with him in
 Brad's office (Brad O'Nash - then kitchen director)
 because I had no place else to go, no money and no
 transportation and at the time I was into the lifestyle of
 livin' poor and having the rent, utilities and food
 taken care of and still had some good friends there I was
 not ready to leave.
 But when I saw that Billy was getting revenge for my having
 gone over his head some months before, going to Greg Wilson
 to get an exception to the gotta be in the Dome rule, I
 realized I had to roll with what I was being dealt. 
 It was during the last exchange when I came back to myself.
 I shakily asked how long after the DAC banquet was over with
 till I had to get out and he said "Five o'clock.
 The banquet will be over at noon on Sunday, you have to
 vacate your room and have all your belongings out by five
 o'clock that afternoon."
 "What! You're crazy! That's not fair! I need
 more time."
 Bill, with a supercilious look on his face,
 ""That's MIU policy. If you aren't working
 for MIU, you can't stay on campus." He actually
 have his head inclined so that he was looking down his nose
 at me.
 As the exchange proceeded, I got quite ticked off and told
 them that if they were going to do that, I was going to pack
 and leave right then, and they could run the bakery
 themselves through the big DAC banquet. Bill indignantly
 reminded me that I had just promised to work the banquet and
 he was going to hold me to it. I reminded him that he was
 treating me with no regard and I insisted I needed more
 time. He said no, and I said yes. 
 Finally he asked me how much time and I said two weeks. He
 and Brad both said no in a flustered and indignant tone to
 which I replied that they were welcome to make bread and
 desserts from then till and through the DAC banquet. They
 protested and I got out of my chair to leave and pack. Bill
 disgustedly agreed. I walked out and in the next few hours I
 was a little uncertain as to what I would do, but by the end
 of the next day I had made my exit plans, arranged for
 transportation, gotten a temp job in Indiana that paid me
 enough to get me back to South Carolina and I was satisfied.
 By the time I left MIU I knew I didn't want to work for
 the Movement again - ever! and be subject to the whims of
 jackasses like Sands (and folk like Chris Crowell who was
 one of the most look down on lowly meditators who are not
 sidhas and look down on sidhas who aren't governors and
 look down on governors who have no money or status in the
 Movement I have ever seen). 
 But I foolishly had the idea of rounding once in a while at
 a Movement facility and that lasted till I heard from some
 friends who were on the scene about the Heavenly Mountain
 crap that Bevan and Marshy pulled - it was Marshy's
 exhortation for all TM'ers as possible to move there and
 his subsequent juvenile behavior of pulling the rug out from
 under everyone by telling them "No one can do business
 here - its just for retired people and Purusha." in
 response to the Kaplan brothers ceasing to give him monetary
 support that made me realize what a gigantic son of a bitch
 he was and how uncaring he was about the people who made it
 possible for him to live like

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread authfriend
I read through this again. I could find only three actual facts in it: That I 
never became a TM teacher, that I never met Maharishi, and that I live in New 

 Everything else is either a flat-out lie or a deliberate distortion. Or it 
makes no sense.

 Anyone who wants to ask me about any of these items is more than welcome; I'll 
be happy to tell you what's wrong with it. (Barry knows already, so he isn't 
eligible.) But I'm sorry, it's just too much of a bore to spend the time 
fisking yet another long, dishonest post from Barry about me; I did another one 
earlier today. I'm pretty sure most here know by now how Barry twists and 
mutllates the truth from previous fisking jobs I've done on such posts. This 
one's no different.

 I would suggest (and in fact have done so several times) that what I and other 
people don't like about Judy Stein has pretty much *everything* to do with TM. 
And I defy her to present posts that disprove what she characterizes as my 
"caricature" portrayal of her.

What is inaccurate about her stooping to grade-school levels to demonize a 
fellow TM supporter on this forum? She's been doing exactly that with Share 
since pretty much the first day Share broke away from her clique and started 
making her own decisions about who to like and who not to like on this forum. 
What is inaccurate about linking Judy's ongoing persecution of Share (literally 
*thousands* of posts by now trying to portray her as stupid and a LIAR) to 
Judy's imaginary boyfriend and cult leader Robin Carlsen? This persecution 
pretty much went into high gear when Share reacted to being tormented by Robin 
and stood up for herself. And of course this grade school behavior is not 
limited to Share -- just think of the number of insulting "pet names" she's 
chosen to call people over the years, from "Stupid Sal" to "Feebs" to...well, 
no need to list them...you remember them all. 

Perhaps Judy would like to post a more "accurate" bio of herself to give us a 
better picture of what *exactly* over 30 years of TM has done for her and the 
major accomplishments it's enabled her to make.

For example, is it NOT true that she's a 70+-year-old woman who spends the vast 
majority of her time in her posts to Fairfield Life dumping on and criticizing 
other people? Is it NOT true that she almost never posts anything original or 
creative? What have her *accomplishments* been in those 70+ years? It seems to 
me, based on what she has posted here and on other forums, that they consist of 
living in a tiny apartment above a garage in New Jersey, eking out a living 
correcting writing done by other people, while never creating any of her own 
(except for her ongoing "criticisms" on the Internet, of course). In all of 
that time, I don't remember her ever having mentioned doing something with her 
"friends." Does she even have any? In all of that time, I don't remember her 
ever having mentioned doing anything for anyone else, other than write a check 
to a charity. She *certainly* hasn't ever taught TM, because she was so busy 
(presumably with "grading papers" and "correcting" other people on the 
Internet) that she never became a teacher. She never met Maharishi, even though 
she had decades of opportunity in which to do so. Another thing I don't think 
I've ever seen Judy deal with is what gives her the RIGHT to pick an obvious 
"enemy" on forums like FFL and then stalk them for months or years, claiming 
that it's all "criticism" and nothing more. Who ever named her an official 
"critic?" Maybe she'd like to explain that in the "bio" she's going to post now 
to "set things right."

I would say that there is EVERY reason to consider the descriptions of her 
above accurate. I would further suggest that there is EVERY reason to link them 
to her TM practice. You know...the same practice that is supposed to make one 
"more in tune with the laws of nature" and "more harmonious" and such. TM is 
also supposed to make a person more happy and fulfilled, right? Is there ANYONE 
here who would describe Judy Stein -- based on her posting history here over 
the years -- as happy and fulfilled? ANYONE?

 One of the things that Judy might have learned if she had ever had what it 
takes to become a TM teacher and then work for peanuts trying to teach it 
full-time is that everything is Not About Her. Some of it is about helping 
other people...or at least doing what one thinks at the time might help other 
people. I defy her to post anything she has EVER done in her life that fits 
into that category. 


 Another thing she might have learned had she become a TM teacher is that when 
you start becoming a "mouthpiece" for a spiritual technique or tradition, the 
people you're preaching to trying to convince them it's of value look at YOU as 
the EXAMPLE of what you're selling. You personify what you're selling. While 
*claiming* that she's not a True Believer, Judy *consistently* makes excuses 
for the bad behavior 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread anartaxius
Hey Michael, fantasy is a way of life on FFL. And April 1 is the day of the 
year where lies are sanctioned. You can also see the effect time and memory 
have on recollection and interpretation. I have read all the things you wrote 
previously some time ago. And what I wrote was an hypothesis, not a theory, as 
there was no evidence it could be true, only suppositions. I observed much of 
what you have said at MIU as well, I am just not so negative about the 
movement. I regard it as a kind of wind-up clock of mental conditioning, and 
the spring is slowly unwinding. Complaining about a faulty watch incessantly is 
a waste of time, throw it away or buy or steal a new one, or look at the sun to 
get the time.  

 Interesting how no two human minds ever agree. Do you think there is such a 
thing as enlightenment? It seemed to me people who chose to work in the 
movement were interested in the concept. I suppose I am curious as to your 
thoughts on that idea now. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I am glad you are capable of such fantasy - you might try writing a novel 
based on your musings and put them to good use, but you are wrong on all counts 
- at the time the Bill Sands gave me the boot, I was chagrined for about five 
minutes with him in Brad's office (Brad O'Nash - then kitchen director) because 
I had no place else to go, no money and no transportation and at the time I was 
into the lifestyle of livin' poor and having the rent, utilities and food taken 
care of and still had some good friends there I was not ready to leave.
 But when I saw that Billy was getting revenge for my having gone over his head 
some months before, going to Greg Wilson to get an exception to the gotta be in 
the Dome rule, I realized I had to roll with what I was being dealt. 
 It was during the last exchange when I came back to myself. I shakily asked 
how long after the DAC banquet was over with till I had to get out and he said 
"Five o'clock. The banquet will be over at noon on Sunday, you have to vacate 
your room and have all your belongings out by five o'clock that afternoon."
 "What! You're crazy! That's not fair! I need more time."
 Bill, with a supercilious look on his face, ""That's MIU policy. If you aren't 
working for MIU, you can't stay on campus." He actually have his head inclined 
so that he was looking down his nose at me.
 As the exchange proceeded, I got quite ticked off and told them that if they 
were going to do that, I was going to pack and leave right then, and they could 
run the bakery themselves through the big DAC banquet. Bill indignantly 
reminded me that I had just promised to work the banquet and he was going to 
hold me to it. I reminded him that he was treating me with no regard and I 
insisted I needed more time. He said no, and I said yes. 
 Finally he asked me how much time and I said two weeks. He and Brad both said 
no in a flustered and indignant tone to which I replied that they were welcome 
to make bread and desserts from then till and through the DAC banquet. They 
protested and I got out of my chair to leave and pack. Bill disgustedly agreed. 
I walked out and in the next few hours I was a little uncertain as to what I 
would do, but by the end of the next day I had made my exit plans, arranged for 
transportation, gotten a temp job in Indiana that paid me enough to get me back 
to South Carolina and I was satisfied. 
 By the time I left MIU I knew I didn't want to work for the Movement again - 
ever! and be subject to the whims of jackasses like Sands (and folk like Chris 
Crowell who was one of the most look down on lowly meditators who are not 
sidhas and look down on sidhas who aren't governors and look down on governors 
who have no money or status in the Movement I have ever seen). 
 But I foolishly had the idea of rounding once in a while at a Movement 
facility and that lasted till I heard from some friends who were on the scene 
about the Heavenly Mountain crap that Bevan and Marshy pulled - it was Marshy's 
exhortation for all TM'ers as possible to move there and his subsequent 
juvenile behavior of pulling the rug out from under everyone by telling them 
"No one can do business here - its just for retired people and Purusha." in 
response to the Kaplan brothers ceasing to give him monetary support that made 
me realize what a gigantic son of a bitch he was and how uncaring he was about 
the people who made it possible for him to live like a lord and never get his 
hands dirty at an honest job. 
 So after about 24 hours I was over the firing and felt quite satisfied I had 
stared Billy Boy Sands down and made him blink, allowing me to leave somewhat 
on my own terms. In hindsight, even though he did it in an underhanded fashion, 
he gave me a good look at typical TM boss behavior, gave me a good story to 
tell and did me a big favor by getting me out of cult central sooner than I 
otherwise would have. 
 I also remind you that when

[FairfieldLife] Goliath of Basketball

2014-04-01 Thread jr_esq
Paul Sturgess is very tall at 7'8".  But he can't play basketball.  He's too 
slow and awkward. 


 Perhaps this is also the reason why David, of the OT fame, was unafraid to 
face Goliath, the biggest warrior of the Philistines.  A researcher further 
stated that most big men have congenital defects, including seeing with double 
vision.  In other words, Goliath could not see very well and could not find 
where David was in the battlefield.  So, it was easy for David, who was young 
and mobile, to hit him with a stone from his sling.  Amen?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

2014-04-01 Thread salyavin808

 I only got two! But I don't feel so bad if you've had previous exposure. 

 I like the idea of being furiously confused or angrily wistful though, can't 
say I ever experienced those

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I got ten out of ten. But then, I watched "Lie To Me" and read the books it 
was based on. :-)


 From: salyavin808 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!
   We all love a quiz at FFL. Pit your wits against the Grauniad's "compound 
emotion" photos. How many can you identify:

 Can you tell how people are feeling from their expressions? Quiz 

 Can you tell how people are feeling from their expressio... 
 Scientists have compiled a list of 21 "compound emotions" - such as angry 
sadness - but can we actually recognise them? Take our quiz

 View on www.theguardian.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread authfriend
No, it doesn't. Did you not read the Wikipedia article I linked to? 

 But my question stands even if we use your definition: Are you saying that 
being an apologist for a belief or idea that is unproveable or that other 
people think is unreasonable indicates that one is not fully developed? 


 Thanks, Judy, I was replying to the connotation of the word apologist as I 
interpreted it in what Michael was saying. It does seem to have had, from the 
beginning, the connotation of defending a belief or idea that is somewhat 
unreasonable and or unproveable.  

 On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:13 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Share, do you know what "apologist" means?
 Steve, since you asked me what I think (-: I think we all have apologist 
tendencies to some degree. Meaning that we all have parts of our brain that are 
still developing and maturing, are not yet fully developed.

 Because you seem to be saying here that being an apologist indicates that one 
is not fully developed, i.e., that "apologist tendencies" indicate a lack of 

 You might just want to check out the actual meaning of the term:





Re: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
I got ten out of ten. But then, I watched "Lie To Me" and read the books it was 
based on. :-)

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

We all love a quiz at FFL. Pit your wits against the Grauniad's "compound 
emotion" photos. How many can you identify:

Can you tell how people are feeling from their expressions? Quiz

   Can you tell how people are feeling from their expressio...
Scientists have compiled a list of 21 "compound emotions" - such as angry 
sadness - but can we actually recognise them? Take our quiz  
View on www.theguardian.com Preview by Yahoo  

RE: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread authfriend
Well said. It's also black-and-white thinking to accuse anyone who says 
anything less than 100 percent negative about the TMO/MMY of being a "cult 

 Ironically, Barry and Michael are guilty of this sort of thinking more than 
are most of the TMers on FFL.


 To say that “black and white thinking is EXACTLY what the TMO engages in and 
exactly how they advertise TM” is itself an expression of black and white 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> Except, Barry, that you have a very, very long record of lying about all
kinds of things.
His record of lying goes so far back that I wouldn't be surprised if that's
the reason he got kicked out of the TMO and the Rama cult. It just doesn't
make any sense to lie like that and get caught so many times. Do you think
he actually thought anyone would believe that he saw Rama levitate hundreds
of times and yet the levitation events are never even mentioned in the only
book about Rama by an insider?

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:34 PM,  wrote:

> Except, Barry, that you have a very, very long record of lying about all
> kinds of things. Why on earth should we think you're suddenly going to turn
> scrupulously honest when you start telling us what you think of your
> critics? Much of what you say about them is not truthful in any case,
> factually speaking. Your post about Ann below is an example, as I just
> pointed out. And you told umpty factual lies about me in your posts today.
> Since you lie factually to give context and support to your opinions, the
> most likely assumption is that you're also lying about your opinions. Many
> of your alleged opinions are so insanely out in left field that one can
> only *hope* you don't believe what you're saying.
> You never seem to have learned that being dishonest all the time, to the
> same group of people, has consequences for what they think of you. It
> doesn't take long before they have no reason to trust or believe you.
> Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted
> that the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is
> that she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy
> who'd she last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in
> public and kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever,
> after which she went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in
> retaliation? Sure sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please
> spin it a different way...if you can...
> As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged"
> -- you and Ann, or moi...  :-)
> Just as a followup point having to do with "rage," has anyone noticed how
> Judy, Ann, Nabby, and Jim tend to have NO PROBLEM speculating about me and
> others they don't like here, based only on what they've read in my (our)
> posts, but seem to go batshit crazy when someone does exactly the same
> thing to them?
> One of the hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, BTW, is a
> tendency to react to someone criticizing them by refusing to believe it's
> honest criticism. NPD sufferers almost always try to insist that the person
> saying things about them that don't fit their inner image is "lying,"
> because that's easier for their fragile egos to accept than accepting the
> fact that this is how someone actually sees them...
> --
>  *From:* "authfriend@..." 
> *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
> BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of
> control today.
> Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years
> of NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who
> blows her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Creme is full of it

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
So, it's all about Benjamin Creme.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> From her very first book, Bailey showed her faith in Leadbeater by
> promulgating the teaching that the Second Coming of the Christ-Maitreya was
> close at hand. Always written in a distinctly Christian tone, Bailey's
> books developed an increasing emphasis on this theme until by the time of
> her death in 1949 she was writing about little else. She informed her
> readers that Maitreya had made a definite decision at the Gemini Full Moon
> of 1945 to reappear publicly on the world scene in person as soon as the
> necessary preparations could be made.
> He was apparently intending to fly in an aeroplane from his retreat in
> Asia and give mankind the new spiritual teaching it needs in order to bring
> about the civilisation and force of the New Age of Aquarius, although it
> was implied that he was not actually likely to do this until some time
> after the year 2025 and that until then it was the "immediate and pressing"
> task and duty of the Bailey followers to let the whole world know about it
> and to smooth the way for the auspicious event by daily reciting a type of
> prayer titled "The Great Invocation."
> Although Bailey - who readily admitted of her own accord that she was a
> committed Christian - naturally preferred the name "Christ" to "Maitreya"
> and thus referred to him in many of her books solely as "Christ," she
> nevertheless made it clear that she agreed entirely with Leadbeater about
> Christ and Maitreya being one and the same.
> Over the last few decades numerous individuals have come and gone, all
> claiming to be Maitreya, just as many pretenders have come and gone
> throughout history claiming to be Jesus. At the same time, the Alice Bailey
> followers and other pseudo-Theosophists continue to spread their
> Leadbeater-esque teachings, whilst Alice Bailey enthusiast Benjamin Creme
> in London assures his large international following that the
> Christ-Maitreya has already returned and has been living secretly in London
> since 1977, waiting patiently (when not flying around in his "special
> starship") for the day when he can at last reveal himself to the world.
> Meanwhile, hundreds if not thousands of channelling enthusiasts flood the
> internet daily with what they announce as being the "latest messages" - all
> contradicting each other - fresh from Maitreya, for whom each of them
> claims to be the chosen mouthpiece.
> All this nonsense, this sheer fantasy and psychic delusion, goes directly
> back to C.W. Leadbeater, a man who has done more harm to the cause of
> modern spirituality than many have yet realised.
> http://blavatskytheosophy.com/maitreya-in-the-light-of-real-theosophy/

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread authfriend
Except, Barry, that you have a very, very long record of lying about all kinds 
of things. Why on earth should we think you're suddenly going to turn 
scrupulously honest when you start telling us what you think of your critics? 
Much of what you say about them is not truthful in any case, factually 
speaking. Your post about Ann below is an example, as I just pointed out. And 
you told umpty factual lies about me in your posts today. 

 Since you lie factually to give context and support to your opinions, the most 
likely assumption is that you're also lying about your opinions. Many of your 
alleged opinions are so insanely out in left field that one can only hope you 
don't believe what you're saying.

 You never seem to have learned that being dishonest all the time, to the same 
group of people, has consequences for what they think of you. It doesn't take 
long before they have no reason to trust or believe you.


   Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted 
that the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is that 
she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy who'd she 
last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in public and 
kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever, after which she 
went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in retaliation? Sure 
sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please spin it a different 
way...if you can...

As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged" -- you 
and Ann, or moi...  :-)

Just as a followup point having to do with "rage," has anyone noticed how Judy, 
Ann, Nabby, and Jim tend to have NO PROBLEM speculating about me and others 
they don't like here, based only on what they've read in my (our) posts, but 
seem to go batshit crazy when someone does exactly the same thing to them?

One of the hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, BTW, is a tendency 
to react to someone criticizing them by refusing to believe it's honest 
criticism. NPD sufferers almost always try to insist that the person saying 
things about them that don't fit their inner image is "lying," because that's 
easier for their fragile egos to accept than accepting the fact that this is 
how someone actually sees them...


 From: "authfriend@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
   BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today.

 Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> We all love a quiz at FFL. Pit your wits against the Grauniad's "
> compound emotion" photos. How many can you identify:
Why don't you just shut the fuck up?

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:32 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

> We all love a quiz at FFL. Pit your wits against the Grauniad's "compound
> emotion" photos. How many can you identify:
> http://www.theguardian.com/science/shortcuts/quiz/2014/apr/01/compound-emotions-ohio-state-university-quiz

[FairfieldLife] Quiz time!

2014-04-01 Thread salyavin808
We all love a quiz at FFL. Pit your wits against the Grauniad's "compound 
emotion" photos. How many can you identify: 


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> Shit, Bar, you know *we* know all that. Why on earth would you
> try to put this obvious lie over on us? You're so frantic with anger
> you're losing your marbles.

*Everyone knows Rama didn't levitate - that's impossible. When Barry posted
that B.S. almost everything else he posts here after that is suspicious.
It's probably just his ego working now, trying to get back at you. He's got
nothing much new to report, apparently.*

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 2:18 PM,  wrote:

> She didn't "admit" it, Bar, she *asserted* it. She's explained why she
> showed up, and it obviously wasn't to "stalk" Robin.
> You've got your own fantasies all mixed up in your desperate eagerness to
> get back at Ann. The earlier one was that she had a crush on him, remember?
> Now all of a sudden it's that she was out to get him. She didn't and
> wasn't, but her posts involving Robin were much more positive than
> negative. And remember, the two of them were communicating by email
> starting from when she arrived here. IOW, he didn't "blow her off," very
> much to the contrary.
> No "spinning" required. Just the facts.
> Shit, Bar, you know *we* know all that. Why on earth would you try to put
> this obvious lie over on us? You're so frantic with anger you're losing
> your marbles.
> Also, of course, she doesn't criticize you because you won't interact with
> her. She doesn't *want* you to interact with her. Jeez, who would?? She
> just wants to express her disgust with your consistently rotten behavior.
> That whole "They're all upset because I refuse to interact" business is a
> very feeble lie designed to prop up your ego. But nobody here believes it.
> We criticize you *because you're an obnoxious, dishonest, extremely
> low-vibe stinker who lets himself be run by his rage at the world.*
> Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted
> that the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is
> that she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy
> who'd she last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in
> public and kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever,
> after which she went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in
> retaliation? Sure sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please
> spin it a different way...if you can...
> As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged"
> -- you and Ann, or moi...  :-)
> --
>  *From:* "authfriend@..." 
> *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
> BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of
> control today.
> Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years
> of NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who
> blows her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O.

[FairfieldLife] Creme is full of it

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
>From her very first book, Bailey showed her faith in Leadbeater by 
>promulgating the teaching that the Second Coming of the Christ-Maitreya was 
>close at hand. Always written in a distinctly Christian tone, Bailey’s books 
>developed an increasing emphasis on this theme until by the time of her death 
>in 1949 she was writing about little else. She informed her readers that 
>Maitreya had made a definite decision at the Gemini Full Moon of 1945 to 
>reappear publicly on the world scene in person as soon as the necessary 
>preparations could be made.

He was apparently intending to fly in an aeroplane from his retreat in Asia and 
give mankind the new spiritual teaching it needs in order to bring about the 
civilisation and force of the New Age of Aquarius, although it was implied that 
he was not actually likely to do this until some time after the year 2025 and 
that until then it was the “immediate and pressing” task and duty of the Bailey 
followers to let the whole world know about it and to smooth the way for the 
auspicious event by daily reciting a type of prayer titled “The Great 

Although Bailey – who readily admitted of her own accord that she was a 
committed Christian – naturally preferred the name “Christ” to “Maitreya” and 
thus referred to him in many of her books solely as “Christ,” she nevertheless 
made it clear that she agreed entirely with Leadbeater about Christ and 
Maitreya being one and the same.

Over the last few decades numerous individuals have come and gone, all claiming 
to be Maitreya, just as many pretenders have come and gone throughout history 
claiming to be Jesus. At the same time, the Alice Bailey followers and other 
pseudo-Theosophists continue to spread their Leadbeater-esque teachings, whilst 
Alice Bailey enthusiast Benjamin Creme in London assures his large 
international following that the Christ-Maitreya has already returned and has 
been living secretly in London since 1977, waiting patiently (when not flying 
around in his “special starship”) for the day when he can at last reveal 
himself to the world. Meanwhile, hundreds if not thousands of channelling 
enthusiasts flood the internet daily with what they announce as being the 
“latest messages” – all contradicting each other – fresh from Maitreya, for 
whom each of them claims to be the chosen mouthpiece.

All this nonsense, this sheer fantasy and psychic delusion, goes directly back 
to C.W. Leadbeater, a man who has done more harm to the cause of modern 
spirituality than many have yet realised.


[FairfieldLife] Re:

2014-04-01 Thread salyavin808

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Please stop sending me email!

[FairfieldLife] Re:

2014-04-01 Thread punditster

 Please unsubscribe yourself. Thanks.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Please stop sending me email!

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
I invite Oprah to come see me anytime about TM and the TM'ers and MIU - 

On Tue, 4/1/14, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 6:15 PM
   From: Bhairitu
 Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:07 PM
 [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

   Oprah will be showing a segment about our very
 own Fairfield Life 
 including interviews with Rick, Alex and other locals
 including Share, 
 Doug and Feste.
 If true, I guess this would put the lie to the
 "no lurkers" theory.
 :-)After all, where would you go if you were interested
 in getting the whole story about a group that has been
 accused of being somewhat cult-like? Only to the
 "controlled speech" sites related to the group, or
 to some of the "free speech" sites related to the
 group as well? Reporters have, after
  all, been haunting the anti-Scientology sites for years
 hoping for leads for their
 exposes. I think it's kinda cool, actually, one of those
 benefits that the Internet has brought to us. There was a
 time before the Net when spin-meisters and spiritual
 fascists could effectively derail any criticism by making it
 appear to disappear. 
 Not as easy in this new "tell all" age. 
 On the other hand, I'm fairly convinced this is
 an April Fools joke from Bhairitu. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread authfriend
She didn't "admit" it, Bar, she asserted it. She's explained why she showed up, 
and it obviously wasn't to "stalk" Robin. 

 You've got your own fantasies all mixed up in your desperate eagerness to get 
back at Ann. The earlier one was that she had a crush on him, remember? Now all 
of a sudden it's that she was out to get him. She didn't and wasn't, but her 
posts involving Robin were much more positive than negative. And remember, the 
two of them were communicating by email starting from when she arrived here. 
IOW, he didn't "blow her off," very much to the contrary.

 No "spinning" required. Just the facts.

 Shit, Bar, you know we know all that. Why on earth would you try to put this 
obvious lie over on us? You're so frantic with anger you're losing your marbles.

 Also, of course, she doesn't criticize you because you won't interact with 
her. She doesn't want you to interact with her. Jeez, who would?? She just 
wants to express her disgust with your consistently rotten behavior. That whole 
"They're all upset because I refuse to interact" business is a very feeble lie 
designed to prop up your ego. But nobody here believes it. We criticize you 
because you're an obnoxious, dishonest, extremely low-vibe stinker who lets 
himself be run by his rage at the world.



 Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted 
that the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is that 
she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy who'd she 
last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in public and 
kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever, after which she 
went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in retaliation? Sure 
sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please spin it a different 
way...if you can...

As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged" -- you 
and Ann, or moi...  :-)

 From: "authfriend@..." 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
   BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today.

 Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
cant wait to see Feste on screen - then I see if I remember him from my MIU 

On Tue, 4/1/14, Bhairitu  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 6:07 PM
   Oprah will be showing a segment about our very own
 Fairfield Life 
 including interviews with Rick, Alex and other locals
 including Share, 
 Doug and Feste.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
I am glad you are capable of such fantasy - you might try writing a novel based 
on your musings and put them to good use, but you are wrong on all counts - at 
the time the Bill Sands gave me the boot, I was chagrined for about five 
minutes with him in Brad's office (Brad O'Nash - then kitchen director) because 
I had no place else to go, no money and no transportation and at the time I was 
into the lifestyle of livin' poor and having the rent, utilities and food taken 
care of and still had some good friends there I was not ready to leave.

But when I saw that Billy was getting revenge for my having gone over his head 
some months before, going to Greg Wilson to get an exception to the gotta be in 
the Dome rule, I realized I had to roll with what I was being dealt. 

It was during the last exchange when I came back to myself. I shakily asked how 
long after the DAC banquet was over with till I had to get out and he said 
"Five o'clock. The banquet will be over at noon on Sunday, you have to vacate 
your room and have all your belongings out by five o'clock that afternoon."

"What! You're crazy! That's not fair! I need more time."

Bill, with a supercilious look on his face, ""That's MIU policy. If you aren't 
working for MIU, you can't stay on campus." He actually have his head inclined 
so that he was looking down his nose at me.

As the exchange proceeded, I got quite ticked off and told them that if they 
were going to do that, I was going to pack and leave right then, and they could 
run the bakery themselves through the big DAC banquet. Bill indignantly 
reminded me that I had just promised to work the banquet and he was going to 
hold me to it. I reminded him that he was treating me with no regard and I 
insisted I needed more time. He said no, and I said yes. 

Finally he asked me how much time and I said two weeks. He and Brad both said 
no in a flustered and indignant tone to which I replied that they were welcome 
to make bread and desserts from then till and through the DAC banquet. They 
protested and I got out of my chair to leave and pack. Bill disgustedly agreed. 
I walked out and in the next few hours I was a little uncertain as to what I 
would do, but by the end of the next day I had made my exit plans, arranged for 
transportation, gotten a temp job in Indiana that paid me enough to get me back 
to South Carolina and I was satisfied. 

By the time I left MIU I knew I didn't want to work for the Movement again - 
ever! and be subject to the whims of jackasses like Sands (and folk like Chris 
Crowell who was one of the most look down on lowly meditators who are not 
sidhas and look down on sidhas who aren't governors and look down on governors 
who have no money or status in the Movement I have ever seen). 

But I foolishly had the idea of rounding once in a while at a Movement facility 
and that lasted till I heard from some friends who were on the scene about the 
Heavenly Mountain crap that Bevan and Marshy pulled - it was Marshy's 
exhortation for all TM'ers as possible to move there and his subsequent 
juvenile behavior of pulling the rug out from under everyone by telling them 
"No one can do business here - its just for retired people and Purusha." in 
response to the Kaplan brothers ceasing to give him monetary support that made 
me realize what a gigantic son of a bitch he was and how uncaring he was about 
the people who made it possible for him to live like a lord and never get his 
hands dirty at an honest job. 

So after about 24 hours I was over the firing and felt quite satisfied I had 
stared Billy Boy Sands down and made him blink, allowing me to leave somewhat 
on my own terms. In hindsight, even though he did it in an underhanded fashion, 
he gave me a good look at typical TM boss behavior, gave me a good story to 
tell and did me a big favor by getting me out of cult central sooner than I 
otherwise would have. 

I also remind you that when I first was called on the carpet for non-Dome 
attendance and showed him my letter from my allergist and all that, I asked for 
a compromise which was to allow me to go meditate with the meditators, rather 
than the sidhas in the Dome. That way I could fulfill the letter of my staff 
agreement to do group program, not be exposed to the formaldehyde and other 
gasses in the Domes, stay healthy, happy, have good experiences and do my part 
working for MIU with a happier healthier body. But nooo! "We can't have 
none of that!" said Billy Boy. He felt it was tantamount to blasphemy for me to 
even suggest as a sidha to do program with the lowly meditators and not do my 

I saw his blind goosestepping adherence to "policy" was more important to him 
than keeping things running smoothly and keeping the personnel happy. Typical 
cult behavior to blindly follow protocol and not think independently - but I 
also didn't ask to actually see the written policies that might cover such 
exceptions as I was asking for, I suspect th

[FairfieldLife] (unknown)

2014-04-01 Thread Tom Todar
Please stop sending me email!

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: Pundit Sir 

To: Richard J. Williams  
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

Common sense would indicate that levitation is impossible. 

If that is true, then most of the people on this forum have demonstrated a 
rather formidable lack of common sense, because they paid thousands of dollars 
to the TM organization, which promised to teach them how to levitate.

Basically, anyone who paid Big Bucks to learn the TM Sidhi Program who now 
claims that levitation is impossible is a hypocrite. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
So, it's all about Benjamin Creme now.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> If you feel like reading a bit you can find here the roots of all Benjy
> Creme's baloney blather about Maitreya, ripped off from CW Leadbeater -
> here is a snippet:
> Much to the distress of Krishnamurti's father - who considered Leadbeater
> to be a predatory menace and corrupting influence towards all young boys -
> Leadbeater and Besant eventually managed to seize custody of the boy and
> the next twenty years were spent carefully grooming and training him - some
> might instead be inclined to call it brainwashing - for his eventual
> "mission." For further details of this period, see Tillett's book or any in
> depth biographies of Krishnamurti.
> Suffice it to say that just as Leadbeater, Besant, and thousands of
> Theosophists around the world were expecting Krishnamurti to begin publicly
> fulfilling his role, thus allowing the Coming of Maitreya/Christ to occur,
> the boy, now grown into an intelligent and capable young man, shocked them
> all in 1929 by delivering a speech in which he abdicated the position,
> assuring his listeners that he was not the vessel for "Christ-Maitreya" and
> that in fact there was no Christ-Maitreya after all, and subsequently
> separated himself from the Theosophists. When asked some fifty years later
> to share his reminiscences about Leadbeater, he replied, "All I will say
> about that man is that he was EVIL."
> http://blavatskytheosophy.com/maitreya-in-the-light-of-real-theosophy/
> On Tue, 4/1/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 3:48 PM
> "For the
> record, I have steered all four of them to more appropriate
> sources for the information they're
> seeking"
> Good for you,
> hopefully this will make you feel even more special and make
> you receive plenty of pats from your Buddhist
> Overlords.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> everyone has the capacity to be both nice and nasty - I have already
> shared all my unpleasant experiences about each of these individuals
> here on FFL
So, why are you still here? Nobody wants to seriously dialog with you
because you are so crude and nasty,n sort of like how you describe your
relatives.You sound worse than the people you rail against. You haven't
made a good impression - you sound pretty black and white, yourself. So,
what's your point? You're not going to change any minds here. Go figure.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> everyone has the capacity to be both nice and nasty - I have already
> shared all my unpleasant experiences about each of these individuals here
> on FFL
> On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long  wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
> To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
> Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:46 PM
> Michael,
> you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here
> and I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact
> with them. I know most of the people on your list, and have
> had my disagreements with a few of them. But based on my
> current contact with them, I'd say they are really good
> people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are
> dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone.
> I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say
> such negative things about people with whom you haven't
> had contact for decades. In fact to me, it seems down right,
> very much out of balance.
> On Tuesday, April 1,
> 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 
> wrote:
> that shouldn't have a single thing to do with
> people who do TM - the PR on TM is that it improves life on
> ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, relationships and
> the implication is made that money issues will disappear
> with the improved all around functioning of the individual
> brought on by regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out
> stated that money problems will go away if one has MAHARISHI
> yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed house.
> yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do
> unfortunate things such as commit suicide and do bad things
> like rape, robbery, professors who target students for sex
> (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin)
> commit fraud (like Beckley) - you yourself David have
> complained loudly and often about the behavior of Bevan
> Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you
> have kept Dome numbers low.
> You can't accept that the long term meditators can have
> anything wrong with them that can be attributed to the
> practice itself, so you have to lay it off on factors that,
> by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM
> and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and
> the TMO and say there are mitigating factors. If its
> upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those factors,
> that's what the TMO says.
> So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er?
> Those more esoterically minded lay it off on "personal
> karma" yet we have been told by the Grand Liar Marshy
> that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works AS
> ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it
> doesn't. So you have to make excuses. I have always
> acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for some
> people and some people are very decent folks whom I have
> known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do
> TM. As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would
> have been decent people without TM, they are with TM and if
> they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM.
> One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC
> - I have not seen him in many years, but when I first met
> him on the first residence course I ever took, he was a down
> to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit answers
> to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
> treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene
> Speigel who was in charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it
> was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in several
> South Eastern states and who taught my third residence
> course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a
> bitch and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet
> he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. Except
> for one thing:
> It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches
> like Gene Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and
> Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil
> Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member him Steve?
> The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural
> sons of bitches and those who are naturally nice people
> remain nice people - TM makes no dent in one's
> personality whatsoever with one odd exception and th

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: TurquoiseBee 

To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted that 
the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is that 
she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy who'd she 
last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in public and 
kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever, after which she 
went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in retaliation? Sure 
sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please spin it a different 
way...if you can...

As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged" -- you 
and Ann, or moi...  :-)

Just as a followup point having to do with "rage," has anyone noticed how Judy, 
Ann, Nabby, and Jim tend to have NO PROBLEM speculating about me and others 
they don't like here, based only on what they've read in my (our) posts, but 
seem to go batshit crazy when someone does exactly the same thing to them?

One of the hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, BTW, is a tendency 
to react to someone criticizing them by refusing to believe it's honest 
criticism. NPD sufferers almost always try to insist that the person saying 
things about them that don't fit their inner image is "lying," because that's 
easier for their fragile egos to accept than accepting the fact that this is 
how someone actually sees them...

 From: "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today.

Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O.


Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> you ignore your own advice every time you rail at Barry
Common sense would indicate that levitation is impossible. And, common
sense would indicate that you are going to look like an idiot if you post a
claim that your guru was able to levitate even once. Also, common sense
would indicate you are a perv if you spread gossip about other's private
sex life on a public discussion forum. So, it's starting to look like you
and Barry have no common sense.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> you ignore your own advice every time you rail at Barry
> On Tue, 4/1/14, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com  wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 3:03 PM
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
> wrote :
> And yet were I to
> aim this "anger" at a corrupt government or a
> corrupt corporation like Monsanto you would applaud
> me.
> Maybe,
> maybe not. It would depend upon whether I agreed with you
> that it was corrupt or not and I would have to consider your
> reasoning for why you would believe so. You're also
> assuming I think Monsanto is
> "corrupt".
>  You
> deal with your TM past as you like and I'll deal with
> mine as I see fit.
> That seems
> like an obvious statement.
> I didn't
> ask you for advice as to how to live my life and I am not
> gonna offer you any, unless you would like to take a
> spoonful of your own suggested medicine and deal with your
> anger toward Barry rather than continue to revile him,
> otherwise you won't as you say, " be able to move
> on and forget about it all."
> I am still
> interested in knowing what aspect of your own gullibility
> for what the Movement fed you led you to feel the way you do
> now? You haven't actually addressed anything I brought
> up in my post to you, but rage on since it seems to make you
> feel better.
> And as for
> Bawwy, the moment he shows any tendency or ability to
> elevate himself above his shallow and mean-spirited fantasy
> world I am all ears.
> After all, if your unsolicited advice is good for the
> gander, its bound to be good for the goose
> too.
> I am not
> sure I was giving you advice. I was making an observation
> based on what I have learned in my life. If you don't
> think it applies to you then slough it off and carry on.
> I'm still not sure where you're going with it all
> but if you're willing to keep carrying the baggage
> around, be my guest. I have a few bags of my own you could
> carry if you'd like to add to your load.
> Here is
> what I think. I think anyone who is bitterly disappointed
> about something is someone who fell lock, stock and barrel
> for something - whether it be a risky investment, the
> promises of a lover or the teachings of a guru. I think
> bitterness follows upon gullibility. I also think those who
> "blame" somebody or something to the degree to
> which you blame MMY and the Movement is someone who had
> stars in their eyes and was naive. I like you Michael but
> you need to take some responsibility for what you feel and
> why you feel it when it comes to TM. You should have been
> more objective, less idealistic and less naive and if so
> you
> may have been able to let it all go by now. Until you take
> responsibility for your own part in how much of the TM
> propaganda you swallowed you won't be able to move on
> and forget about it all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Share Long
But Michael, those incidents happened decades ago. You've had no contact with 
these people since then. How can you continue to think such negative things 
about them and more, say them in a public venue? IMO, it's neither right nor 
healthy to do so.

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 12:02 PM, Michael Jackson  
everyone has the capacity to be both nice and nasty - I have already shared all 
my unpleasant experiences about each of these individuals here on FFL

On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long  wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:46 PM


you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here
and I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact
with them. I know most of the people on your list, and have
had my disagreements with a few of them. But based on my
current contact with them, I'd say they are really good
people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are
dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone. 

I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say
such negative things about people with whom you haven't
had contact for decades. In fact to me, it seems down right,
very much out of balance.

On Tuesday, April 1,
2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 


that shouldn't have a single thing to do with
people who do TM - the PR on TM is that it improves life on
ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, relationships and
the implication is made that money issues will disappear
with the improved all around functioning of the individual
brought on by regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out
stated that money problems will go away if one has MAHARISHI
yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed house. 

yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do
unfortunate things such as commit suicide and do bad things
like rape, robbery, professors who target students for sex
(that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin)
commit fraud (like Beckley) - you yourself David have
complained loudly and often about the behavior of Bevan
Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you
have kept Dome numbers low.

You can't accept that the long term meditators can have
anything wrong with them that can be attributed to the
practice itself, so you have to lay it off on factors that,
by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM
and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and
the TMO and say there are mitigating factors. If its
upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those factors,
that's what the TMO says.

So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er?
Those more esoterically minded lay it off on "personal
karma" yet we have been told by the Grand Liar Marshy
that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works AS
ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it
doesn't. So you have to make excuses. I have always
acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for some
people and some people are very decent folks whom I have
known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do
TM. As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would
have been decent people without TM, they are with TM and if
they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM. 

One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC
- I have not seen him in many years, but when I first met
him on the first residence course I ever took, he was a down
to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit answers
to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene
Speigel who was in charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it
was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in several
South Eastern states and who taught my third residence
course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a
bitch and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet
he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. Except
for one thing:

It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches
like Gene Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and
Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil
Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member him Steve?
The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural
sons of bitches and those who are naturally nice people
remain nice people - TM makes no dent in one's
personality whatsoever with one odd exception and that is
much like Nazi Germany, those who were most like the leader
-arrogant, abusive, elitist seem to rise to the top levels
of the TMO - must be collective karma.

Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some
people feel nice inside themselves, sometimes for decades.
The same practice causes mental instability, emotional
problems and leads to other problems too - you can lay it
off on their "personal karma" or whatever you
like, but the rubber never mee

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Share Long
Richard, just to clarify, this was a message from Nablusoss to me. 

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 11:50 AM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
> As much as I appreciate your call for decency it seems you've fallen 
> in the same trap as the Turq who believe there are tons of lurkers here 
> eagerly awaiting his "raps".  There aren't. Only a handful of people 
> read this stuff.
Maybe MJ meant this post for Judy. If so, that would be quite a smear. I can't 
say it's been a pleasant exchange with MJ - it looks like he's headed for a 
take-down from Judy. This is going to be fun to watch, either way.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:18 AM, nablusoss1008  wrote:

>As much as I appreciate your call for decency it seems you've fallen in the 
>same trap as the Turq who believe there are tons of lurkers here eagerly 
>awaiting his "raps".  There aren't. Only a handful of people read this stuff.
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
>Nablusoss, he's naming names of people who continue to contribute good to my 
>life. I'm responding to show lurkers etc. another perspective. 
>On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:56 AM, nablusoss1008  
>Share, why on earth should you be the first person to take MJ seriously ? The 
>fellow proved years ago here that he is in need of professional care. Don't 
>waste your time. 
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
>Michael, you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here and I 
>wonder when was the last time you had direct contact with them. I know most of 
>the people on your list, and have had my disagreements with a few of them. But 
>based on my current contact with them, I'd say they are really good people, 
>like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are
dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone. 
>I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say such negative things about 
>people with whom you haven't had contact for decades. In fact to me, it seems 
>down right, very much out of balance.
>On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson  wrote:
>that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on TM 
>is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, 
>relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear 
>with the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by 
>regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems will 
>go away if one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed 
>yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as 
>commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target 
>students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud 
>(like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about the 
>behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you 
>have kept Dome numbers low.
>You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong with 
>them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay it off 
>on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM and 
>its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO and say there 
>are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those 
>factors, that's what the TMO says.
>So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more 
>esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by 
>the Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works 
>AS ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So you have to 
>make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for 
>some people and some people are very decent folks whom I have known who are 
>True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM. As to TM teachers, its the 
>same thing. If they would have been decent people without TM, they are with TM 
>and if they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM. 
>One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not seen 
>him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence course I 
>ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit 
>answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he treated everyone 
>he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in charge of the 
>Atlanta TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in 
>several South Eastern states and who taught my third residence course was an 
>arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch and while I have not seen him 
>in years either, I bet he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. 
>Except for one thing:
>It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene Speigel, 
>Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan M

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
Please explain to us what is a "lie," Jude. After all, hasn't Ann admitted that 
the only reason she ever came to Fairfield Life in the first place is that 
she'd heard that Robin was posting here? You know...Robin...the guy who'd she 
last seen when he accused her of being demonically possessed in public and 
kicked her out of his organization and written her off forever, after which she 
went to the newspapers to blow the whistle on his cult in retaliation? Sure 
sounds a little like a stalker mentality to me. Please spin it a different 
way...if you can...

As for "rage," I shall allow lurkers to decide who sounds more "enraged" -- you 
and Ann, or moi...  :-)

 From: "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today.

Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Share Long
Ok, noozguru, imho, this is Post of the Month. Whoops, April 1! Ok, how about 
Post of the Season? Post of Last Month? Anyway, I like it and think it would be 
a great bumper sticker: Enjoy your pattern while you can. I shall, Oprah or no 
Oprah (-:

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:09 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets in the universe 
when conditions are right.  You are nothing but a pattern Pundito.  Enjoy your 
pattern while you can.

On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:

>OMG We are all going to die!
>On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!" 
>>On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808
>>>March 31, 2014
>>>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>>Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest mass 
>>>extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that sometime around 252 
>>>million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly 
>>>wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass 
>>>extinctions. It turns out that Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly 
>>>fast means of making methane, and the team's detailed mapping of the 
>>>organism's history now shows that this transfer happened at about the time 
>>>of the end-Permian extinction.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

2014-04-01 Thread Mike Dixon
Oh shit

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 11:19 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
From: Bhairitu 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

Oprah will be showing a segment about our very own Fairfield Life 
including interviews with Rick, Alex and other locals including Share, 
Doug and Feste.

If true, I guess this would put the lie to the "no lurkers" theory. :-)
After all, where would you go if you were interested in getting the whole story 
about a group that has been accused of being somewhat cult-like? Only to the 
"controlled speech" sites related to the group, or to some of the "free speech" 
sites related to the group as well? Reporters have, after all, been haunting 
the anti-Scientology sites for years hoping for leads for their exposes. 
I think it's kinda cool, actually, one of those benefits that the Internet has 
brought to us. There was a time before the Net when spin-meisters and spiritual 
fascists could effectively derail any criticism by making it appear to 

Not as easy in this new "tell all" age. 

On the other hand, I'm fairly convinced this is an April Fools joke from 
Bhairitu.  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: Bhairitu 

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

Oprah will be showing a segment about our very own Fairfield Life 
including interviews with Rick, Alex and other locals including Share, 
Doug and Feste.

If true, I guess this would put the lie to the "no lurkers" theory. :-)
After all, where would you go if you were interested in getting the whole story 
about a group that has been accused of being somewhat cult-like? Only to the 
"controlled speech" sites related to the group, or to some of the "free speech" 
sites related to the group as well? Reporters have, after all, been haunting 
the anti-Scientology sites for years hoping for leads for their exposes. 
I think it's kinda cool, actually, one of those benefits that the Internet has 
brought to us. There was a time before the Net when spin-meisters and spiritual 
fascists could effectively derail any criticism by making it appear to 

Not as easy in this new "tell all" age. 

On the other hand, I'm fairly convinced this is an April Fools joke from 
Bhairitu.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread authfriend
BARRY IS A LIAR. He knows none of this is true. His rage is truly out of 
control today. 

 Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Bhairitu
Life is nothing but a pattern that occurs throughout planets in the 
universe when conditions are right.  You are nothing but a pattern 
Pundito.  Enjoy your pattern while you can.

On 04/01/2014 09:30 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:

OMG We are all going to die!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu > wrote:

Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"

On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

March 31, 2014
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest
mass extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that
sometime around 252 million years ago, about 90 percent of all
species on Earth were suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of
this planet's five known mass extinctions. It turns out that
Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly fast means of making
methane, and the team's detailed mapping of the organism's
history now shows that this transfer happened at about the time
of the end-Permian extinction.


[FairfieldLife] FFL featured on Oprah today

2014-04-01 Thread Bhairitu
Oprah will be showing a segment about our very own Fairfield Life 
including interviews with Rick, Alex and other locals including Share, 
Doug and Feste.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread TurquoiseBee
Ann's just a born stalker. She stalked Robin to FFL after what...20 years of 
NOT getting over him. And now she'll continue to stalk anyone else who blows 
her off and refuses to interact with her. It's just her M.O.

 From: Michael Jackson 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

you ignore your own advice every time you rail at Barry 

On Tue, 4/1/14, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com  wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 3:03 PM

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
wrote :

And yet were I to
aim this "anger" at a corrupt government or a
corrupt corporation like Monsanto you would applaud
maybe not. It would depend upon whether I agreed with you
that it was corrupt or not and I would have to consider your
reasoning for why you would believe so. You're also
assuming I think Monsanto is
deal with your TM past as you like and I'll deal with
mine as I see fit. 
That seems
like an obvious statement.
I didn't
ask you for advice as to how to live my life and I am not
gonna offer you any, unless you would like to take a
spoonful of your own suggested medicine and deal with your
anger toward Barry rather than continue to revile him,
otherwise you won't as you say, " be able to move
on and forget about it all."
I am still
interested in knowing what aspect of your own gullibility
for what the Movement fed you led you to feel the way you do
now? You haven't actually addressed anything I brought
up in my post to you, but rage on since it seems to make you
feel better.
And as for
Bawwy, the moment he shows any tendency or ability to
elevate himself above his shallow and mean-spirited fantasy
world I am all ears.

After all, if your unsolicited advice is good for the
gander, its bound to be good for the goose
I am not
sure I was giving you advice. I was making an observation
based on what I have learned in my life. If you don't
think it applies to you then slough it off and carry on.
I'm still not sure where you're going with it all
but if you're willing to keep carrying the baggage
around, be my guest. I have a few bags of my own you could
carry if you'd like to add to your load.

Here is

what I think. I think anyone who is bitterly disappointed

about something is someone who fell lock, stock and barrel

for something - whether it be a risky investment, the

promises of a lover or the teachings of a guru. I think

bitterness follows upon gullibility. I also think those who

"blame" somebody or something to the degree to

which you blame MMY and the Movement is someone who had

stars in their eyes and was naive. I like you Michael but

you need to take some responsibility for what you feel and

why you feel it when it comes to TM. You should have been

more objective, less idealistic and less naive and if so

may have been able to let it all go by now. Until you take

responsibility for your own part in how much of the TM

propaganda you swallowed you won't be able to move on

and forget about it all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread anartaxius
The path of enlightenment ends in a number of ways. One can get tired of it and 
just drop the whole thing out of disinterest. One can die or become mentally 
incapacitated. And there are two forms of disillusionment. One is it didn't 
work out as expected, with a feeling of grave disappointment resulting from the 
discovery that it was not nearly as good as one believed it would be or worse. 
The other is it didn't work out as expected, but the disillusionment is the 
kind that was originally intended by the word enlightenment, and then things 
are pretty much as they always were, and OK. It seems to me MJ is pissed and 
has a long term grudge because he was fired from MIU for not going to the dome, 
and that not going to the dome had a valid medical reason. Most employees in 
the United States work 'at will' which means that a person can be fired for any 
reason that is not illegal. MJ's firing seems to be in an interesting grey area 
legally, and it probably could not have been fleshed out without a lawsuit to 
test the case. Most people on staff in the movement though, as 'serfs', do not 
have the resources to challenge the movement's sometimes bizarre decisions. 
Going to the dome as a condition of employment, regardless of the 
unsupportability of the hypothesis for going there, and yet being exposed to 
hazardous substances there that require medical intervention would be an 
interesting test case. As with everyone else, people working and administering 
in cults and other peculiar organisations are just getting through the day. If 
they do strange and dark things, they probably do not see it that way at all, 
they are just getting though another day with whatever resources are available 
to them. Sometimes the mind cannot let go even when the situation is clear it 
is never going to be resolved the way we would like. Usually one is miserable 
in such a situation. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up With That?

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
Apparently, paper bags take up more space in a landfill. Go figure.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:25 PM,  wrote:

> A few months ago, I found out that Daly City, CA has joined SF's ban on
> plastic bags.  San Antonio and other cities in the country might follow
> soon.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> The plastic grocery bags are supposed to be recyclable.  I often take a
> bunch of them to Nob Hill where they have a box to put them.  I think they
> are partially paper anyway.  SF has a bunch of vary anal people who tend to
> Stalinist in their politics.
> I always forget I have a canvas Trader Joes bag in the car when I go to
> other stores.  And I think a lot of people forget they can recycle the
> plastic bags so they pile up in the garage.  Or worse yet they throw them
> in the garbage.  But we still have a lot of packaging including styrofoam
> padding that goes in the garbage or the newspaper covers (like SF Chron
> uses) which aren't recyclable.
> On 03/31/2014 12:17 PM, jr_esq@... wrote:
> Believe it or not, most of the people here in SF have accepted the ban on
> plastic bags.  I personally am not bothered by it.  Now, I'm using a
> canvass bag, which I've received by joining some environmental groups, to
> haul my groceries.  Also, the grocery stores charge customers 10 cents for
> paper bags that they provide.  This was made legal by the city of SF.
> I feel like I'm doing my part for conservation and being eco-friendly.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> "In San Francisco, the cost of a residential trash can rose from $19.08 in
> 2005 before its plastic bag ban to $34.08 in 2013, a 78.6 percent increase
> out of step with San Francisco's 5 percent population growth and 19.5
> percent inflation during that period."
> What's up with that?
> 'Banning plastic bags a bad, maybe deadly, idea'
> http://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion//
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 6:24 AM,  wrote:
> My advice: live in tune with all The Laws of Nature and go to bed before
> 10, as Vedic Jesus commands. That way, late night TV will cease to exist,
> as you ponder the back of your eyelids.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> On 3/21/2014 9:34 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> > Error log says Gmail horked up a hairball when the script tried to
> > send the post count a couple hours ago. I just ran it manually for
> > your post counting convenience.
> >
> Thanks, Alex, for running the Post Count,now I can get some rest.
> While I've got your attention, it seems like every time I tune in my TV
> around this time at night, there are what, four different talk shows on
> at the same time. You got your Jimmy Kimmel, your got your Jimmy Fallon,
> you got your David Letterman, and you got your Arsenio Hall. If you stay
> up late enough, you get your Craig Ferguson and only God knows what talk
> show after that.
> Is there no end to these talk shows? Is it just me, or do these guys all
> have the same guests on, all talking about the same thing, just rotating
> around the studio. Now, here's Jimmy Kimmel with Ricky Gervis. Now will
> someone please tell me what has Ricky Gervis ever done that I should
> remember anything he has to say?
> What's up with that?

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
you ignore your own advice every time you rail at Barry 

On Tue, 4/1/14, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 3:03 PM
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 wrote :
 And yet were I to
 aim this "anger" at a corrupt government or a
 corrupt corporation like Monsanto you would applaud
 maybe not. It would depend upon whether I agreed with you
 that it was corrupt or not and I would have to consider your
 reasoning for why you would believe so. You're also
 assuming I think Monsanto is
 deal with your TM past as you like and I'll deal with
 mine as I see fit. 
 That seems
 like an obvious statement.
 I didn't
 ask you for advice as to how to live my life and I am not
 gonna offer you any, unless you would like to take a
 spoonful of your own suggested medicine and deal with your
 anger toward Barry rather than continue to revile him,
 otherwise you won't as you say, " be able to move
 on and forget about it all."
 I am still
 interested in knowing what aspect of your own gullibility
 for what the Movement fed you led you to feel the way you do
 now? You haven't actually addressed anything I brought
 up in my post to you, but rage on since it seems to make you
 feel better.
 And as for
 Bawwy, the moment he shows any tendency or ability to
 elevate himself above his shallow and mean-spirited fantasy
 world I am all ears.
 After all, if your unsolicited advice is good for the
 gander, its bound to be good for the goose
 I am not
 sure I was giving you advice. I was making an observation
 based on what I have learned in my life. If you don't
 think it applies to you then slough it off and carry on.
 I'm still not sure where you're going with it all
 but if you're willing to keep carrying the baggage
 around, be my guest. I have a few bags of my own you could
 carry if you'd like to add to your load.
 Here is
 what I think. I think anyone who is bitterly disappointed
 about something is someone who fell lock, stock and barrel
 for something - whether it be a risky investment, the
 promises of a lover or the teachings of a guru. I think
 bitterness follows upon gullibility. I also think those who
 "blame" somebody or something to the degree to
 which you blame MMY and the Movement is someone who had
 stars in their eyes and was naive. I like you Michael but
 you need to take some responsibility for what you feel and
 why you feel it when it comes to TM. You should have been
 more objective, less idealistic and less naive and if so
 may have been able to let it all go by now. Until you take
 responsibility for your own part in how much of the TM
 propaganda you swallowed you won't be able to move on
 and forget about it all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up With That?

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
We use a canvas bag too, but clearly, the idea that plastic bag bans save
money and the environment is a fantasy. And, even if you do use a canvas
bag you'll still have to pay over $35.00 for a trash can pickup.Here's the
rub - the rent is too damn high!

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:17 PM,  wrote:

> Believe it or not, most of the people here in SF have accepted the ban on
> plastic bags.  I personally am not bothered by it.  Now, I'm using a
> canvass bag, which I've received by joining some environmental groups, to
> haul my groceries.  Also, the grocery stores charge customers 10 cents for
> paper bags that they provide.  This was made legal by the city of SF.
> I feel like I'm doing my part for conservation and being eco-friendly.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> "In San Francisco, the cost of a residential trash can rose from $19.08 in
> 2005 before its plastic bag ban to $34.08 in 2013, a 78.6 percent increase
> out of step with San Francisco's 5 percent population growth and 19.5
> percent inflation during that period."
> What's up with that?
> 'Banning plastic bags a bad, maybe deadly, idea'
> http://www.mysanantonio.com/opinion//
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 6:24 AM,  wrote:
> My advice: live in tune with all The Laws of Nature and go to bed before
> 10, as Vedic Jesus commands. That way, late night TV will cease to exist,
> as you ponder the back of your eyelids.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> On 3/21/2014 9:34 PM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> > Error log says Gmail horked up a hairball when the script tried to
> > send the post count a couple hours ago. I just ran it manually for
> > your post counting convenience.
> >
> Thanks, Alex, for running the Post Count,now I can get some rest.
> While I've got your attention, it seems like every time I tune in my TV
> around this time at night, there are what, four different talk shows on
> at the same time. You got your Jimmy Kimmel, your got your Jimmy Fallon,
> you got your David Letterman, and you got your Arsenio Hall. If you stay
> up late enough, you get your Craig Ferguson and only God knows what talk
> show after that.
> Is there no end to these talk shows? Is it just me, or do these guys all
> have the same guests on, all talking about the same thing, just rotating
> around the studio. Now, here's Jimmy Kimmel with Ricky Gervis. Now will
> someone please tell me what has Ricky Gervis ever done that I should
> remember anything he has to say?
> What's up with that?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
If you feel like reading a bit you can find here the roots of all Benjy Creme's 
baloney blather about Maitreya, ripped off from CW Leadbeater - here is a 

Much to the distress of Krishnamurti’s father – who considered Leadbeater to be 
a predatory menace and corrupting influence towards all young boys – Leadbeater 
and Besant eventually managed to seize custody of the boy and the next twenty 
years were spent carefully grooming and training him – some might instead be 
inclined to call it brainwashing – for his eventual “mission.” For further 
details of this period, see Tillett’s book or any in depth biographies of 

Suffice it to say that just as Leadbeater, Besant, and thousands of 
Theosophists around the world were expecting Krishnamurti to begin publicly 
fulfilling his role, thus allowing the Coming of Maitreya/Christ to occur, the 
boy, now grown into an intelligent and capable young man, shocked them all in 
1929 by delivering a speech in which he abdicated the position, assuring his 
listeners that he was not the vessel for “Christ-Maitreya” and that in fact 
there was no Christ-Maitreya after all, and subsequently separated himself from 
the Theosophists. When asked some fifty years later to share his reminiscences 
about Leadbeater, he replied, “All I will say about that man is that he was 


On Tue, 4/1/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 3:48 PM
   "For the
 record, I have steered all four of them to more appropriate
 sources for the information they're
 Good for you,
 hopefully this will make you feel even more special and make
 you receive plenty of pats from your Buddhist

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
Maybe, or he could just be an internet perv. Go figure.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:54 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> Brain tumour, advanced stages of AIDS ?  Who knows. Anyhow, he has been
> adviced to seek professional help but refuse.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> It's beginning to look like, but I'm not sure, but maybe MJ has a brain
> problem situation on his hands. When an anonymous poster starts talking
> about other people's private sex life, or lack thereof, on a public forum,
> that may be an indicator that he's got some serious issues of his own. Go
> figure.
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Share Long  wrote:
> Michael, you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here and
> I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact with them. I know
> most of the people on your list, and have had my disagreements with a few
> of them. But based on my current contact with them, I'd say they are really
> good people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are dedicated
> to making the world a better place for everyone.
> I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say such negative things
> about people with whom you haven't had contact for decades. In fact to me,
> it seems down right, very much out of balance.
>  On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 
> wrote:
> that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on
> TM is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional,
> relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear
> with the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by
> regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems
> will go away if one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu
> designed house.
> yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as
> commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target
> students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud
> (like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about
> the behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according
> to you have kept Dome numbers low.
> You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong
> with them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay
> it off on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated
> with TM and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO
> and say there are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM
> corrects those factors, that's what the TMO says.
> So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more
> esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by
> the Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM
> works AS ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So
> you have to make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an
> enjoyable practice for some people and some people are very decent folks
> whom I have known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM.
> As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would have been decent
> people without TM, they are with TM and if they are asses without TM, they
> will be asses with TM.
> One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not
> seen him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence
> course I ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give
> bullshit answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
> treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in
> charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of
> the TM Centers in several South Eastern states and who taught my third
> residence course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch
> and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet he still is - has
> nothing to do with TM either way. Except for one thing:
> It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene
> Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan
> Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member
> him Steve? The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons
> of bitches and those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM
> makes no dent in one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and
> that is much like Nazi Germany, those who were most like the leader
> -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem to rise to the top levels of the TMO -
> must be collective karma.
> Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel
> nice inside themselves, sometimes for decades. The same practice causes
> mental instability, emotional problems and leads to other problems too -
> you can lay it off on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Michael Jackson
everyone has the capacity to be both nice and nasty - I have already shared all 
my unpleasant experiences about each of these individuals here on FFL

On Tue, 4/1/14, Share Long  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" 
 Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:46 PM
 you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here
 and I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact
 with them. I know most of the people on your list, and have
 had my disagreements with a few of them. But based on my
 current contact with them, I'd say they are really good
 people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are
 dedicated to making the world a better place for everyone. 
 I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say
 such negative things about people with whom you haven't
 had contact for decades. In fact to me, it seems down right,
 very much out of balance.
  On Tuesday, April 1,
 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 
   that shouldn't have a single thing to do with
 people who do TM - the PR on TM is that it improves life on
 ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, relationships and
 the implication is made that money issues will disappear
 with the improved all around functioning of the individual
 brought on by regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out
 stated that money problems will go away if one has MAHARISHI
 yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed house. 
 yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do
 unfortunate things such as commit suicide and do bad things
 like rape, robbery, professors who target students for sex
 (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin)
 commit fraud (like Beckley) - you yourself David have
 complained loudly and often about the behavior of Bevan
 Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you
 have kept Dome numbers low.
 You can't accept that the long term meditators can have
 anything wrong with them that can be attributed to the
 practice itself, so you have to lay it off on factors that,
 by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM
 and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and
 the TMO and say there are mitigating factors. If its
 upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those factors,
 that's what the TMO says.
 So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er?
 Those more esoterically minded lay it off on "personal
 karma" yet we have been told by the Grand Liar Marshy
 that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works AS
 ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it
 doesn't. So you have to make excuses. I have always
 acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for some
 people and some people are very decent folks whom I have
 known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do
 TM. As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would
 have been decent people without TM, they are with TM and if
 they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM. 
 One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC
 - I have not seen him in many years, but when I first met
 him on the first residence course I ever took, he was a down
 to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit answers
 to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
 treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene
 Speigel who was in charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it
 was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in several
 South Eastern states and who taught my third residence
 course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a
 bitch and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet
 he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. Except
 for one thing:
 It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches
 like Gene Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and
 Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil
 Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member him Steve?
 The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural
 sons of bitches and those who are naturally nice people
 remain nice people - TM makes no dent in one's
 personality whatsoever with one odd exception and that is
 much like Nazi Germany, those who were most like the leader
 -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem to rise to the top levels
 of the TMO - must be collective karma.
 Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some
 people feel nice inside themselves, sometimes for decades.
 The same practice causes mental instability, emotional
 problems and leads to other problems too - you can lay it
 off on their "personal karma" or whatever you
 like, but the rubber never meets the road where TM is
 concerned and you have to make excuses for the practice and
 for the TMO. I know that you person

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
*> What's wrong with you, Michael? Maharishi is all over that Web site.*
MJ didn't acknowledge his error - it's starting look like he does have
brain-problem. When are they going to change the name of MUM from Maharishi
International University?

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 6:24 PM,  wrote:

> *What's wrong with you, Michael? Maharishi is all over that Web site.*
> Come on Steve, be real - you know damn good and well they are distancing
> themselves from the Hindu roots and from Maharishi himself - if you can't
> see how disingenuous that is then you are a truly sheared TM sheep.
> On Mon, 3/31/14, steve.sundur@...  wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Self Course Fairfield
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 2:55 PM
> You''ve always got it figured out Michael.
>  Doesn't matter how many twists and turns you have
> to make, the conclusion is always the same.  So what if
> the TMO has adjusted their message, or their pitch?
>  That's what organizations do.  Maybe the
> problem you're having is that they seem to be having
> some success.  Let's face it, that's wall galls
> you.  And really, I don't think you're ashamed
> to admit it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread nablusoss1008
Brain tumour, advanced stages of AIDS ?  Who knows. Anyhow, he has been adviced 
to seek professional help but refuse.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 It's beginning to look like, but I'm not sure, but maybe MJ has a brain 
problem situation on his hands. When an anonymous poster starts talking about 
other people's private sex life, or lack thereof, on a public forum, that may 
be an indicator that he's got some serious issues of his own. Go figure. 

 On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Share Long mailto:sharelong60@...> wrote:
 Michael, you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here and I 
wonder when was the last time you had direct contact with them. I know most of 
the people on your list, and have had my disagreements with a few of them. But 
based on my current contact with them, I'd say they are really good people, 
like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are dedicated to making the 
world a better place for everyone. 
I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say such negative things about 
people with whom you haven't had contact for decades. In fact to me, it seems 
down right, very much out of balance. 

 On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson mailto:mjackson74@...> wrote:
   that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on 
TM is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional, 
relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear with 
the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by regular TM 
and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems will go away if 
one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu designed house. 

 yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as 
commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target 
students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud 
(like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about the 
behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according to you 
have kept Dome numbers low.

 You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong with 
them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay it off 
on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated with TM and 
its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO and say there 
are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM corrects those 
factors, that's what the TMO says.

 So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more 
esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by the 
Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM works AS 
ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So you have to 
make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an enjoyable practice for 
some people and some people are very decent folks whom I have known who are 
True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM. As to TM teachers, its the 
same thing. If they would have been decent people without TM, they are with TM 
and if they are asses without TM, they will be asses with TM. 

 One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not seen 
him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence course I 
ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give bullshit 
answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he treated everyone 
he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in charge of the Atlanta 
TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of the TM Centers in several 
South Eastern states and who taught my third residence course was an arrogant, 
abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch and while I have not seen him in years 
either, I bet he still is - has nothing to do with TM either way. Except for 
one thing:

 It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene Speigel, 
Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that 
arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member him Steve? The 
one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons of bitches and 
those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM makes no dent in 
one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and that is much like Nazi 
Germany, those who were most like the leader -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem 
to rise to the top levels of the TMO - must be collective karma.

 Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel nice 
inside themselves, sometimes for decades. The same practice causes mental 
instability, emotional problems and leads to other problems too - you can lay 
it off on their "personal karma" or whatever you like, but the rubber never 
meets the road where TM is concerned and you have to make excuses for the 
practice and for t

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
I hope Barry told the reporters all about the levitation events and other
flashy stuff that Rama demonstrated - that would be far more interesting
for the reporters to write about that the pundit boy riot in Iowa.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:32 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

> *From:* nablusoss1008 
> *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 1, 2014 5:18 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
>   As much as I appreciate your call for decency it seems you've fallen in
> the same trap as the Turq who believe there are tons of lurkers here
> eagerly awaiting his "raps".  There aren't. Only a handful of people read
> this stuff.
> While this may be true, I happen to know that at least four of them are
> reporters, because they have written to me offline asking me to comment on
> stories they're working on.
> You forget about Google, and how it tends to make recent discussions of
> the thing you're researching pop to the top of its "hit list."
> For the record, I have steered all four of them to more appropriate
> sources for the information they're seeking, since I haven't been part of
> the TM organization for so long. I am hoping that at least a few of them
> will finally break the story of the "pandit project" as the
> multi-million-dollar profit-making machine it really is, raking in the Big
> Bucks for yagyas while paying the pandits pennies. *Literally* pennies...a
> maximum of 63 cents per hour. That is the story that Goldstein and the TMO
> tried the hardest to hide during the recent "pandit riots" furor, so that
> is the story that most needs to come out.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> As much as I appreciate your call for decency it seems you've fallen
> in the same trap as the Turq who believe there are tons of lurkers here
> eagerly awaiting his "raps".  There aren't. Only a handful of people
> read this stuff.
Maybe MJ meant this post for Judy. If so, that would be quite a smear. I
can't say it's been a pleasant exchange with MJ - it looks like he's headed
for a take-down from Judy. This is going to be fun to watch, either way.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:18 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> As much as I appreciate your call for decency it seems you've fallen in
> the same trap as the Turq who believe there are tons of lurkers here
> eagerly awaiting his "raps".  There aren't. Only a handful of people read
> this stuff.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> Nablusoss, he's naming names of people who continue to contribute good to
> my life. I'm responding to show lurkers etc. another perspective.
>  On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:56 AM, nablusoss1008 <
> no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Share, why on earth should you be the first person to take MJ seriously ?
> The fellow proved years ago here that he is in need of professional care.
> Don't waste your time.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> Michael, you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here and
> I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact with them. I know
> most of the people on your list, and have had my disagreements with a few
> of them. But based on my current contact with them, I'd say they are really
> good people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are dedicated
> to making the world a better place for everyone.
> I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say such negative things
> about people with whom you haven't had contact for decades. In fact to me,
> it seems down right, very much out of balance.
>  On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 
> wrote:
> that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on
> TM is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional,
> relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear
> with the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by
> regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems
> will go away if one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu
> designed house.
> yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as
> commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target
> students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud
> (like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about
> the behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according
> to you have kept Dome numbers low.
> You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong
> with them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay
> it off on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated
> with TM and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO
> and say there are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM
> corrects those factors, that's what the TMO says.
> So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more
> esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by
> the Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM
> works AS ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So
> you have to make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an
> enjoyable practice for some people and some people are very decent folks
> whom I have known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM.
> As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would have been decent
> people without TM, they are with TM and if they are asses without TM, they
> will be asses with TM.
> One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not
> seen him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence
> course I ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give
> bullshit answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
> treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in
> charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of
> the TM Centers in several South Eastern states and who taught my third
> residence course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch
> and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet he still is - has
> nothing to do with TM either way. Except for one thing:
> It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene
> Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan
> Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member
> him Steve? The one who kept you from 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> Gene Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina
> Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands,
> Reed Martin...
So the problem is Gene Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and
Georgina Wilson, Bevan Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill
Sands, Reed Martin?

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:56 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

> Share, why on earth should you be the first person to take MJ seriously ?
> The fellow proved years ago here that he is in need of professional care.
> Don't waste your time.
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :
> Michael, you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here and
> I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact with them. I know
> most of the people on your list, and have had my disagreements with a few
> of them. But based on my current contact with them, I'd say they are really
> good people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are dedicated
> to making the world a better place for everyone.
> I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say such negative things
> about people with whom you haven't had contact for decades. In fact to me,
> it seems down right, very much out of balance.
>  On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 
> wrote:
> that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on
> TM is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional,
> relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear
> with the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by
> regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems
> will go away if one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu
> designed house.
> yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as
> commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target
> students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud
> (like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about
> the behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according
> to you have kept Dome numbers low.
> You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong
> with them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay
> it off on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated
> with TM and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO
> and say there are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM
> corrects those factors, that's what the TMO says.
> So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more
> esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by
> the Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM
> works AS ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So
> you have to make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an
> enjoyable practice for some people and some people are very decent folks
> whom I have known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM.
> As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would have been decent
> people without TM, they are with TM and if they are asses without TM, they
> will be asses with TM.
> One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not
> seen him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence
> course I ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give
> bullshit answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
> treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in
> charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of
> the TM Centers in several South Eastern states and who taught my third
> residence course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch
> and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet he still is - has
> nothing to do with TM either way. Except for one thing:
> It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene
> Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan
> Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member
> him Steve? The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons
> of bitches and those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM
> makes no dent in one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and
> that is much like Nazi Germany, those who were most like the leader
> -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem to rise to the top levels of the TMO -
> must be collective karma.
> Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel
> nice inside themselves, sometimes for decades. The same practice causes
> mental instability, emotional problems and leads to other problems too -
> you can lay it off on their "personal karma" or whatever you like, but the
> rubbe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
It's beginning to look like, but I'm not sure, but maybe MJ has a brain
problem situation on his hands. When an anonymous poster starts talking
about other people's private sex life, or lack thereof, on a public forum,
that may be an indicator that he's got some serious issues of his own. Go

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Share Long  wrote:

> Michael, you say some pretty nasty things about some individuals here and
> I wonder when was the last time you had direct contact with them. I know
> most of the people on your list, and have had my disagreements with a few
> of them. But based on my current contact with them, I'd say they are really
> good people, like John Brigante whom you mentioned, and they are dedicated
> to making the world a better place for everyone.
> I don't think it's right or healthy for you to say such negative things
> about people with whom you haven't had contact for decades. In fact to me,
> it seems down right, very much out of balance.
>   On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:16 AM, Michael Jackson 
> wrote:
>  that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR
> on TM is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional,
> relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear
> with the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by
> regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems
> will go away if one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu
> designed house.
> yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as
> commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target
> students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud
> (like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about
> the behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according
> to you have kept Dome numbers low.
> You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong
> with them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay
> it off on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated
> with TM and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO
> and say there are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM
> corrects those factors, that's what the TMO says.
> So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more
> esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by
> the Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM
> works AS ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So
> you have to make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an
> enjoyable practice for some people and some people are very decent folks
> whom I have known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM.
> As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would have been decent
> people without TM, they are with TM and if they are asses without TM, they
> will be asses with TM.
> One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not
> seen him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence
> course I ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give
> bullshit answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
> treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in
> charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of
> the TM Centers in several South Eastern states and who taught my third
> residence course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch
> and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet he still is - has
> nothing to do with TM either way. Except for one thing:
> It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene
> Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan
> Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member
> him Steve? The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons
> of bitches and those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM
> makes no dent in one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and
> that is much like Nazi Germany, those who were most like the leader
> -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem to rise to the top levels of the TMO -
> must be collective karma.
> Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel
> nice inside themselves, sometimes for decades. The same practice causes
> mental instability, emotional problems and leads to other problems too -
> you can lay it off on their "personal karma" or whatever you like, but the
> rubber never meets the road where TM is concerned and you have to make
> excuses for the practice and for the TMO. I know that you personally David
> believe that TMSP will save the world, and God Bless you for your desire to
> make that happen, but I

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> professors who target students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout
John Hagelin)
Is there any evidence of any professors targeting students for sex at MUM.
You do seem to know a lot about Hegelin's private sex life. What were you
doing in John's bedroom?

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> that shouldn't have a single thing to do with people who do TM - the PR on
> TM is that it improves life on ALL levels - mental, physical, emotional,
> relationships and the implication is made that money issues will disappear
> with the improved all around functioning of the individual brought on by
> regular TM and TMSP practice and is flat out stated that money problems
> will go away if one has MAHARISHI yagyas and lives in a MAHARISHI vastu
> designed house.
> yet the evidence is undeniable that TM'ers do unfortunate things such as
> commit suicide and do bad things like rape, robbery, professors who target
> students for sex (that's right I'm talking 'bout John Hagelin) commit fraud
> (like Beckley) - you yourself David have complained loudly and often about
> the behavior of Bevan Morris whose draconian methods of control according
> to you have kept Dome numbers low.
> You can't accept that the long term meditators can have anything wrong
> with them that can be attributed to the practice itself, so you have to lay
> it off on factors that, by the TMO's own PR should have been eliminated
> with TM and its adjunct programs. Yet you continue to excuse TM and the TMO
> and say there are mitigating factors. If its upbringing, the practice of TM
> corrects those factors, that's what the TMO says.
> So how do these behaviors manifest in a long term TM'er? Those more
> esoterically minded lay it off on "personal karma" yet we have been told by
> the Grand Liar Marshy that TM practice releases karma. Look, either TM
> works AS ADVERTISED or it doesn't. And it is obvious that it doesn't. So
> you have to make excuses. I have always acknowledged that TM is an
> enjoyable practice for some people and some people are very decent folks
> whom I have known who are True Blue Believers, but not because they do TM.
> As to TM teachers, its the same thing. If they would have been decent
> people without TM, they are with TM and if they are asses without TM, they
> will be asses with TM.
> One example is John Briganti, used to teach in Charleston SC - I have not
> seen him in many years, but when I first met him on the first residence
> course I ever took, he was a down to earth very decent man who did not give
> bullshit answers to questions nor always take the TM party line and he
> treated everyone he met with courtesy and respect. Gene Speigel who was in
> charge of the Atlanta TM Center when it was the Area Capitol in charge of
> the TM Centers in several South Eastern states and who taught my third
> residence course was an arrogant, abrasive, abusive sorry son of a bitch
> and while I have not seen him in years either, I bet he still is - has
> nothing to do with TM either way. Except for one thing:
> It sure seems that those who are natural sons of bitches like Gene
> Speigel, Chris Crowell, Susan Humphries, Greg and Georgina Wilson, Bevan
> Moriss, that arrogant ass Neil Patterson, Bill Sands, Reed Martin ('member
> him Steve? The one who kept you from going to Zambia?) remain natural sons
> of bitches and those who are naturally nice people remain nice people - TM
> makes no dent in one's personality whatsoever with one odd exception and
> that is much like Nazi Germany, those who were most like the leader
> -arrogant, abusive, elitist seem to rise to the top levels of the TMO -
> must be collective karma.
> Bottom line is TM and TMSP is a nice thing that makes some people feel
> nice inside themselves, sometimes for decades. The same practice causes
> mental instability, emotional problems and leads to other problems too -
> you can lay it off on their "personal karma" or whatever you like, but the
> rubber never meets the road where TM is concerned and you have to make
> excuses for the practice and for the TMO. I know that you personally David
> believe that TMSP will save the world, and God Bless you for your desire to
> make that happen, but I hope you are not holding your breath as you wait.
> On Tue, 4/1/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 2:55 AM
>Bad socialization in an upbringing can be seen
> anywhere in a
> people at any station.  Evidently even in thel growing
> illumined.
> There is certainly Nature and there is certainly nurture in
> any
> person.  People are born in to the temple as the human
> nervous system
> that comes with some manufactured standard equipment [OEM]
> like
> consciousness, egos, mind, heart and intellect.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
> except for protecting the pundits on the campus of MUM - Maharishi
University of Mummery.
Protect the pundits from what - getting sent back to India?

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> except for protecting the pundits on the campus of MUM - Maharishi
> University of Mummery.
> On Mon, 3/31/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Monday, March 31, 2014, 2:08 PM
> Yes, and thanks be to the
> Unified Field for the States
> Attorneys Generals out there doing the good work of
> protecting us all
> as the larger and civic community from bad people doing bad
> things.
> -Buck
> Mjackson74
> writes:
> I'd
> just as soon "invest" my money with Ed
> Beckley.
> There have been a
> bunch of them there in Fairfield, haven't there? My
> favorite TM business scam story to date is one that someone
> shared here right after I first began posting on FFL about
> the Movement asking for "investors" to create an
> ayurvedic clinic there in Fairfield and the investors would
> get their money back, plus profit sharing and discounts on
> products and services - and the minute the Movement had the
> money the immediately reneged on the deal, saying all the
> "investors" would be re-payed only with the
> discounts - no profits, no return of initial investments,
> nothing! My favorite!
> Duveyoung write:
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:
> Fairfield Venture Fund
> Telegroup?  I would think
> they'd be
> ashamed to even mention the name.  Crooks, liars and
> thieves sure love to do highfalutin' sounding
> enterprises.  Is this another one?
> Sorry guys, maybe your intents are pure, but look at the
> track history of "faith-based" businesses in
> Fairfield -- if you're not going to address all the
> failures -- especially of the businesses that seemingly
> toed
> the movement line, then, hey, you're just bullshitting
> us.
> How'z about someone in this new group explains how
> USAGlobalLink failed, or how it was okay for Kaplan to
> "steal" the business of Reading's Fun from a
> former partner or how Telegroup "just made up their
> advice" to their customers in order to churn the
> accounts?
> BAH!
> .

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Venture Fund

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
>  Is this another one?
Edg, I think it's called "Obamacare."

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

> Telegroup?  I would think they'd be ashamed to even mention the name.
> Crooks, liars and thieves sure love to do highfalutin' sounding
> enterprises.  Is this another one?
> Sorry guys, maybe your intents are pure, but look at the track history of
> "faith-based" businesses in Fairfield -- if you're not going to address all
> the failures -- especially of the businesses that seemingly toed the
> movement line, then, hey, you're just bullshitting us.
> How'z about someone in this new group explains how USAGlobalLink failed,
> or how it was okay for Kaplan to "steal" the business of Reading's Fun from
> a former partner or how Telegroup "just made up their advice" to their
> customers in order to churn the accounts?
> BAH!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Pundit Sir
OMG We are all going to die!

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"
> On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
>  Date:
> March 31, 2014
> Source:
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Summary:
>  Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest mass
> extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that sometime around 252
> million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly
> wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass
> extinctions. It turns out that Methanosarcina had acquired a particularly
> fast means of making methane, and the team's detailed mapping of the
> organism's history now shows that this transfer happened at about the time
> of the end-Permian extinction.
> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140331153608.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Ftop_news%2Ftop_science+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Top+Science+News%29&utm_content=FaceBook

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microbes exterminate life on Earth!

2014-04-01 Thread Bhairitu

Well, you know what they say: "shit happens!"

On 04/01/2014 04:46 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

March 31, 2014
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Methane-producing microbes may be responsible for the largest mass 
extinction in Earth's history. Fossil remains show that sometime 
around 252 million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth 
were suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five 
known mass extinctions. It turns out that Methanosarcina had acquired 
a particularly fast means of making methane, and the team's detailed 
mapping of the organism's history now shows that this transfer 
happened at about the time of the end-Permian extinction.


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