Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 09/28/2014 02:10 PM, salyavin808 wrote:


 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Nothing wrong with a tin foil hat especially if you have a smartphone on the 
night stand beside your bed. ;-) 
 I've never thought that Al-Qaeda had anything to do with 9-11 but were a 
scapegoat that the "average bumpkin" would believe in.  I follow the idea that 
it was done by a small group, part of them within our government and some from 
major corporations who would profit in a middle east war and the building up of 
defense.  This is not the first time such shit has happened in history.

 I don't buy it. Too much at stake, nothing stays secret forever. The amount of 
people who would have to know is too high. Imagine the shock if it turned out 
to be true? But at least the "Truthers" have moved on from the original 
paranoia that Dubya's brother did it with traditional demolition methods. 

 "Small group", Salvy, "small group."  They eliminate those who might tattle 
(or who tried).  The truth movement has been manipulated too.  But the easiest 
thing to do to anyone who is on the right track is to call them a "conspiracy 
theorist" so the sheeple won't listen to them.  Miss Marple would be appalled 
by you.  :-D  But who eliminated the people who did the eliminating? And who 
eliminated the people who gave the order to eliminate them? The Buck stops 
somewhere. And if the WTC7 building was the target why not just blow that one 
up? And if starting a war with Saddam Hussien was the main goal why didn't they 
fake some documents to find in Iraq linking him with global terrorism, or 
anything that might have given them justification? As I remember it, there were 
red faces all round when it turned out that he didn't have any banned weapons, 
would have been easy fake that too, it isn't like we hadn't sold him loads a 
few decades before. Maybe "they" were trying to discredit the government of the 
USA too for some unknowm nefarious purpose I don't call it a conspiracy 
theory just because it's a handy label.
 You must not have gotten around to listening to Courtney's interview? 
 They may have been built to withstand plane strikes but the trouble was no one 
had let buildings burn like that before. It was surprising how they came down 
but if it was deliberate and they wanted to cause a major upset why not let 
them fall over?

 There have been bad fires like that in skyscrapers and they didn't come down 
like that.
 All the conspiracy theories are trying to account for how they fell down as 
though it must have been part of a plan. Makes no sense, just flying the planes 
into the buildings was enough of an excuse to start a war, why the drama, 
unless it was all just how it looked and the things just shook themselves apart?

 The real target was WTC 7 because it held information on some illegal funds 
handling the FBI and SEC were investigating.  Remember Rumsfeld mentioning on 
Sept 10th about trillions of dollars missing?  The Pentagon hit was also to 
destroy an investigation there.  On the Pentagon, a cousin working in that 
section was told to work at home that day due to remodeling.
 If you buy that the towers were demolished by standard demolition then there 
should have been pancaked layers at the bottom.  There weren't any.  They 
somehow were vaporized whether by the means asserted in this article or 
otherwise.  The towers were built to withstand jet plane crashes and there is 
video of people still alive and functioning just below where a plane hit.
 The Official 9-11 report is bullshit and we are under the thumb of a citizen 
hostile government and something needs to be done about it.
 Good luck, I don't believe they are as bad to the core as that.

 You are very naive then.  Never rubbed elbows with the elite?  The rich are 
ruthless at keeping their wealth and control.  Lives to them don't matter.  How 
is that  blue pill?
 Totally clueless in most ways and slaves to Wall street and something needs to 
be done. But if the illuminati are in control we might as well give up! 

 I got this from David Icke's Facebook page, I'll post some more when it comes 
up, he's certainly busy in the conspiracy sphere. Dude must wear tinfoil 
 On 09/28/2014 09:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
   Russia wages propaganda war on US:
 rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf.

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 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 I'm just hoping there's ectoplasm. Or a bit of table turning maybe or a 
message from my aunt Mabel about where she hid the money.

 But I'll settle for an instruction to the Raja's about wearing their crowns in 
public again, they've been a bit slack about that recently. Anyone would think 
they're embarrassed

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion of 
privacy of this confidential communication.

 Marshy speaks from beyond the grave and there's no public interest? I think 
you underestimate the public!

 I admire the attempt to use guilt to control people into keeping quiet though, 
but I got wise to that a long time ago. The TMO always likes to sweep it's 
embarrassments under the rug, it's easier to keep up the pretence that it's a 
perfect organisation if they do that. JH's prime concern seems to be how it 
might affect the public image they've carefully cultivated with the DLF. I 
don't know why they'd be more embarrassed about the founder communicating from 
beyond the grave than they are about the yagya or pundit programmes if the 
general public found out about those. It just goes to show you what you can get 
used to with a bit of familiarity.

 Maybe the reesh will give us regular updates from the next world, if you 
believe in this stuff then I don't see why we have to have a barrier between 
life and death at all. Think of the benefits! The new knowledge that may come 
out! Don't you miss the january announcements? 


 PS Can you remember to click on the "Show message history" before you replay 
and send. Ta.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


 IMO, consciousness is the basis of the universe which created space and time.  
Space and time did emerge out of the chaos of the early universe.

 Ask yourself where consciousness came from. Chaos? Or was it immune to the 

 However, there are some young scientists in the US and Canada who believe that 
they can prove what happened before the universe was created.

 Michio Kaku believes that this can be done by analyzing the WMAP data and from 
other instruments that are now measuring the energy output of the early 

 This is the stuff I'm talking about. We will get some answers but don't be 
disappointed if consciousness doesn't feature. 

 We'll just have to wait and see what the results are of this scientific study.

 Ah, there's no getting round that

---In,  wrote :

 According to the current theories, time and space did not exist before the 
universe. Space-time simply emerged. Therefore asking what happened before 
makes no sense, because there was no time. And because space did not exist, 
there was nowhere for what could not have happened before, to be. But beyond 
that we have no idea.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

 As mentioned earlier, how did space and time begin in this universe?  Is it an 
emergent property too of the random fluctuation of the quantum?


---In,  wrote :

 Mathematicians, Physicists, Computer Scientists, and Evolutionists have shown 
experimentally that high levels of complexity can arise out of very simple 
systems so that the appearance of intelligence can be an emergent property of 
simple starting parameters. So it does not appear to be necessary to 
hypothesise any intelligence to get the ball rolling.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'


---In,  wrote :


 I think that you will agree Hawking made another blunder by making another 
unsupported and unscientific assertion.  Just recently, he lost a bet about the 
discovery of the Higgs Boson.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that 
he'll pay on his wager.

 What have you got against Hawking? A lot of people didn't think the Higgs 
would be found, even Werner Heisenberg, but there you are. That's how science 
works, you have an idea and you test it. Some are right, most are wrong. It's 
hardly a "blunder", besides we don't know when or why Hawking made his bet, 
maybe he forgot to cancel it due to having other things on his mind! He paid up 
though. $100.


 You say that consciousness is a phenomenon of emergence.   IMO, that's not 
correct.  My proof is space and time itself which is an essential factor for 
the existence of this universe.  How can a random quantum fluctuation conceive 
of length, width, and height to create space and cognize the flow of events to 
create time?

 OK, I suspect need to familiarise yourself with the concepts a bit more. I 
don't know what you mean by "cognize". The word means "become aware of" a 
quantum event isn't "aware" of anything. Do you mean that it had to somehow 
know what it was doing in order to do it? Laws unfold on their own, there is no 
plan for them to work to. They are simply our descriptions of what always 
happens under the same circumstances. 

 Given the starting point of the universe we ended up with the laws we've got. 
It could have been different, if there was slightly less matter compared to 
anti-matter after the big bang we would have less atoms in the universe which 
would affect the energy and total mass before inflation when the subatomic 
particles that make up everything else came into being. This would make 
everything work slightly differently, maybe such big stars wouldn't have formed 
which would mean we wouldn't be here because there would be no heavy elements 
to make us or our planet with.

 Victor Stenger wrote a book about how the universe would have been different 
with different initial settings like this, I haven't read it myself but mention 
it because a lot of work has been done on this. It isn't absolute of course, 
some think the universe is very finely tuned and use that as supposed proof of 
the necessity of a creator, Stenger thinks that it doesn't need to be as finely 
tuned as all that. Besides, the universe may have evolved, if one came into 
being that couldn't produce the material necessary for complex life then it 
would end one day and another would come along once the vacuum state had 
settled down. There may have been millions of cyclical universes, we will never 
know. But it seems obvious that it got here under 

[FairfieldLife] Till Bronner-- Estate

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is a very cool jazz version of a standard ballad, "Estate".   Has anyone 
heard of this artist before?  He reminds me of Chris Botti.Till Bronner - 
 Till Bronner - Estate 23. 
Internationale Jazzfestival Viersen 2009, Germany TILL BRÖNNER - trumpet & 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Thilo Wolf Big Band

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This is a very cool band for those who are into the big band sound.  These guys 
are from Germany.  Playing..."It Could Happen to You".  Has anyone heard of 
these guys before?

 THILO WOLF BIG BAND: It Could Happen to You 
KIESEWETTER Aufzeichnung vom 2. Februar 2012 aus dem Stadttheater Fürth. 20 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

 We deal in loonies and twonies up here. The only other thing I know is that on 
day 1 of the 60 yet to come I have offended some with my poo-pooing of the need 
to keep Hagelin's letter a "secret" and my prediction that the meeting with 
George could be a "circus". Add to this the fact that bawee thinks he might 
start reading my posts if I continue to post things that he approves of, it's 
been a very productive few hours. God, or the lack of one, only knows what day 
60 will bring.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. Dear Ann,

 Why do you determine a meeting that has not yet taken place a "circus"? Is 
that your usual  way that you look at things?

 It is becoming something like a circus right here on FFL (which, as silly as 
it sometimes seems, is still a slice of life). What the future meeting and 
revelation of MMY's supposed message from the grave ends up manifesting as is 
anyone's guess and my best guess, at the moment, is a circus. Don't you like 
circuses, Dan?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 whose privacy is being invaded?


 Given the nature and tone of the letter I certainly can't see why it would 
have to be confidential in any way. I thought he stated his reasons for finding 
George's "conversation" with MMY suspect and perhaps superfluous and it all 
came across as simply his viewpoint on the thing. Why Hagelin would feel he 
needs to keep this letter private and exclusive smacks of the hierarchical BS 
that seems to abound in the Movement - something I can't abide. Hagelin's 
letter was fine, there were no trade secrets, no mysteries revealed, nothing 
shocking to report. I respect his views given his experience of having been 
around MMY and I don't think his letter was unreasonable or extreme in any way. 
I don't think it needs to be private because it simply gives the reader a clear 
idea of where Hagelin stands on this subject (no surprises there).
  Dear Ann,

 If a person wishes to keep their private letters private. That is their right. 
It is not up to someone else to decide whether the content deserves privacy. Do 
you see that?


 Here is what I see, Dan. The letter was addressed to Governors (of the Age of 
Enlightenment?).This would make this a relatively public letter. This is not a 
letter from John Hagelin to another single person. This is a leaked letter to a 
large group of people who, for some reason, have been singled out as worthy 
recipients of this correspondence. Now, why would Hagelin think this is only 
relevant to Governors and not to all those who have questions and an interest 
in this George guy's message purportedly from MMY after death? To my mind it is 
because this is how the Movement appears, in this case, to be set up as some 
hierarchy. I say it is unnecessary BS. Hagelin's message to all of the 
Governors on the planet is hardly a private message. I don't like hierarchies 
for the sake of hierarchies. There has to be a good reason for this kind of 
secrecy and need for exclusivity and as far as I can tell Hagelin's letter 
doesn't qualify. But maybe you have some insight I am  not privy to.

 From: "srijau@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday
   There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion 
of privacy of this confidential communication.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
can you see you are a sycophant? I guess not, or you would rehabilitate 

 From: danfriedman2002 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

whose privacy is being invaded?

Given the nature and tone of the letter I certainly can't see why it would have 
to be confidential in any way. I thought he stated his reasons for finding 
George's "conversation" with MMY suspect and perhaps superfluous and it all 
came across as simply his viewpoint on the thing. Why Hagelin would feel he 
needs to keep this letter private and exclusive smacks of the hierarchical BS 
that seems to abound in the Movement - something I can't abide. Hagelin's 
letter was fine, there were no trade secrets, no mysteries revealed, nothing 
shocking to report. I respect his views given his experience of having been 
around MMY and I don't think his letter was unreasonable or extreme in any way. 
I don't think it needs to be private because it simply gives the reader a clear 
idea of where Hagelin stands on this subject (no surprises there).
 Dear Ann,

If a person wishes to keep their private letters private. That is their right. 
It is not up to someone else to decide whether the content deserves privacy. Do 
you see that?


 From: "srijau@..." 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion of 
privacy of this confidential communication.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Community meetings with Maharaja

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Will the King discuss the TM related suicides? Will he discuss the upcoming 
Hammond event? Will he explain why the Movement waited till the rainy season 
was over in England before they "offered" to make a yagya for England to 
"prevent" more storms and flooding AND why they had to raise one hundred 
thousand dollars BEFORE they were willing to do the yagya when the pundits were 
already there, working for the Movement? Will he tell everyone they needed a 
hundred thousand dollars worth of incense and clarified butter?

 From: "Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Community meetings with Maharaja

Forwarded from: Maharishi University of Management 

 HTML Message

Wednesday evening, October 1, 8:00 pm – knowledge meeting with Maharaja
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam will hold a meeting for members of the community in 
the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge. 

Friday, October 3 – Victory Day – celebration with Maharaja
We will have two events on Victory Day:
• 12:45 – Raising the flag of the Global Country of World Peace at the flagpole 
between the two Golden Domes
• 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Victory Day celebration with Maharaja in the men’s Golden 
Dome. After the celebration we will continue with program.

Please bring a valid program badge or MUM student ID for both Golden Dome 
events. For other practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation program, 
please contact the Invincible America Department 472-1212 or email:

Jai Guru Dev

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's On Your Mind?

2014-09-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I agree with this article that the WHO and other such agencies reacted 
way too slowly. Note that Fair went to Sierra Leone in March! Scary that WHO, 
etc. could be so slow off the mark about this kind of tragedy. 

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 9:04 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

"For anyone paying attention, the long-brewing crisis hardly came out of 

'We Screwed Up On Ebola, And Now The Crisis Is Getting Much Worse'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Its nice speculation. Let's wait. But the scientific discussion of this subject 
probably will not reference the concept of god.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 12:44 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking:  'There is no God'


IMO, consciousness is the basis of the universe which created space and time.  
Space and time did emerge out of the chaos of the early universe.

However, there are some young scientists in the US and Canada who believe that 
they can prove what happened before the universe was created.

Michio Kaku believes that this can be done by analyzing the WMAP data and from 
other instruments that are now measuring the energy output of the early 

We'll just have to wait and see what the results are of this scientific study.

---In,  wrote :

According to the current theories, time and space did not exist before the 
universe. Space-time simply emerged. Therefore asking what happened before 
makes no sense, because there was no time. And because space did not exist, 
there was nowhere for what could not have happened before, to be. But beyond 
that we have no idea.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking:  'There is no God'


As mentioned earlier, how did space and time begin in this universe?  Is it an 
emergent property too of the random fluctuation of the quantum?

---In,  wrote :

Mathematicians, Physicists, Computer Scientists, and Evolutionists have shown 
experimentally that high levels of complexity can arise out of very
simple systems so that the appearance of intelligence can be an emergent 
property of simple starting parameters. So it does not appear to be necessary 
to hypothesise any intelligence to get the ball rolling.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking:  'There is no God'


---In,  wrote :


I think that you will agree Hawking made another blunder by making another 
unsupported and unscientific assertion.  Just recently, he lost a bet about the 
discovery of the Higgs Boson.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that 
he'll pay on his wager.

What have you got against Hawking? A lot of people didn't think the Higgs would 
be found, even Werner Heisenberg, but there you are. That's how science works, 
you have an idea and you test it. Some are right, most are wrong. It's hardly a 
"blunder", besides we don't know when or why Hawking made his
bet, maybe he forgot to cancel it due to having other things on his mind! He 
paid up though. $100.

You say that consciousness is a phenomenon of emergence.   IMO, that's not 
correct.  My proof is space and time itself which is an essential factor for 
the existence of this universe.  How can a random quantum fluctuation conceive 
of length, width, and height to create space and cognize the flow of events to 
create time?

OK, I suspect need to familiarise yourself with the concepts a bit more. I 
don't know what you mean by "cognize". The word means "become aware of" a 
quantum event isn't "aware" of anything. Do you mean that it had to somehow 
know what it was doing in order to do it? Laws unfold on their own, there is no 
plan for them to work to. They are simply our descriptions of what always
happens under the same circumstances. 

Given the starting point of the universe we ended up with the laws we've got. 
It could have been different, if there was slightly less matter compared to 
anti-matter after the big bang we would have less atoms in the universe which 
would affect the energy and total mass before inflation when the subatomic 
particles that make up everything else came into being. This would make 
everything work slightly differently, maybe such big stars wouldn't have formed 
which would mean we wouldn't be here because there would be no heavy elements 
to make us or our planet with.

Victor Stenger wrote a book about how the universe would have been different 
with different initial
settings like this, I haven't read it myself but mention it because a lot of 
work has been done on this. It isn't absolute of course, some think the 
universe is very finely tuned and use that as supposed proof of the necessity 
of a creator, Stenger thinks that it doesn't need to be as finely tuned as all 
that. Besides, the universe may have evolved, if one came into being that 
couldn't produce the material necessary for complex life then it would end one 
day and another would come along once the vacuum state had settled down. There 
may have been millions of cyclical universes, we will ne

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 mailto:punditster@... wrote : 

 If you performed Son House at the meeting that might be really interesting. If 
you did perform and got called for an encore, I would suggest "Crossroads" by 
Robert Johnson.

Clapton kind of beat that one to death, how about his "Me and the Devil", I do 
that one in my shows with lyrics adjusted a bit for the modern audience.
Me And The Devil Blues [Remastered] ROBERT JOHNSON (1937) Delta Blues Guitar 
 Me And The Devil Blues [Remastered] ROBERT J... " Me And The Devil Blues " (1937, 
Dallas) ROBERT JOHNSON EARLY COUNTRY BLUES Alger "Texas" Alexander Pink 
Anderson Barbecue Bob Hicks Scrapp...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Son House "Preachin' Blues" 
 Son House "Preachin' Blues" Son House

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of  Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 
 Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

 Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.
 M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preaching Blues
 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of  Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi

 View on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Actually Richard, it was only I who did that. And I redid it a few days ago to 
put most of the most recent posters each in their own folder. This makes it 
easier to skip or read what a particular person is responding to or is posting 
something new. In the past few hours I gotten 45 FFL emails. Yours were 26.67% 
of the total. 

 From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

That would explain why several of the FFL informants spent hours making folders 
labeled "fluff", "drivel", and "Canada" and creating filters so they don't have 
to read all the critical discussions posted here in order to promote an "open 
discussion" - that is above PR image spinning.Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] What's On Your Mind?

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
/"For anyone paying attention, the long-brewing crisis hardly came out 
of nowhere."/

'We Screwed Up On Ebola, And Now The Crisis Is Getting Much Worse' 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It will be live streamed on the Website.

I just heard a leak that the message will include an instruction for everyone 
to change their mantra to Verizon Namah. 
Also when coming out of meditation it is now OK to send and receive text 
messages as long as you are a part of the Verizon network family.
And Maharishi's new name is Maharishi Mahesh Verizon Yogi now.

I am not privy to any leaks regarding new data plans being announced from the 
other side, but if I may offer my own prediction, I think one little lady up 
North is gunna be excited about saving some money, or Euros, or Winnipeg Wampum 
or whatever is the currency up there. Pelts?


(I've got over 60 days to run this theme into the ground and I plan to use them 
well. I but I hope others will join in with their own leaked messages from the 
dead but not down Master, who like James Brown accepting his cape while on his 
knees only to throw it off yet again, has risen from his own funeral pyre.)

It is gunna be a long 60 for some here, I know! 

james brown - please please please (the cape act) 
 james brown - please please please (the cape act) This feature is not available right 
now. Please try again later. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002

 “Have You No Sense of Decency”: The Army-McCarthy Hearings ... 

 "Have You No Sense of Decency": The Army-McCarthy Hearings 
 "Have You No Sense of Decency": The Army-McCar... home | many pasts | evidence | 
www.history | blackboard | reference 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 whose privacy is being invaded?


 From: "srijau@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday
   There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion 
of privacy of this confidential communication.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. Dear Ann,

 Why do you determine a meeting that has not yet taken place a "circus"? Is 
that your usual  way that you look at things?
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 whose privacy is being invaded?


 Given the nature and tone of the letter I certainly can't see why it would 
have to be confidential in any way. I thought he stated his reasons for finding 
George's "conversation" with MMY suspect and perhaps superfluous and it all 
came across as simply his viewpoint on the thing. Why Hagelin would feel he 
needs to keep this letter private and exclusive smacks of the hierarchical BS 
that seems to abound in the Movement - something I can't abide. Hagelin's 
letter was fine, there were no trade secrets, no mysteries revealed, nothing 
shocking to report. I respect his views given his experience of having been 
around MMY and I don't think his letter was unreasonable or extreme in any way. 
I don't think it needs to be private because it simply gives the reader a clear 
idea of where Hagelin stands on this subject (no surprises there).
  Dear Ann,

 If a person wishes to keep their private letters private. That is their right. 
It is not up to someone else to decide whether the content deserves privacy. Do 
you see that?

 From: "srijau@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday
   There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion 
of privacy of this confidential communication.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 5:45 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, curtisdeltablues@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost
any amount of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would
like to shake Jerry's hand...

Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I
was playing at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son
House's Preachin' Blues

If you performed Son House at the meeting that might be really 
interesting. If you did perform and got called for an encore, I would 
suggest "Crossroads" by Robert Johnson.


Son House "Preachin' Blues"


Son House "Preachin' Blues"

Son House

View on 

Preview by Yahoo


I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people
asking him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting
his own credibility on the line over this. He is the one with
something to lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death
extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality
over this. So there must be something very compelling for him.
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it
here. This issue may just breath some life into old FFL since
there is no clearing house for such information I can think of
but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next
to us and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any
food that is the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy

  wrote :

 wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater

November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The
Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas on Human History”
a presentation being given at the request of  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place.
It is a fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry
and Charley D will be there. ( I am not spelling out his last
name because I think it is unfair with search engines and all,
but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual school
residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about.

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the
spot" with a full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I
was playing at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son
House's Preaching Blues


I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people
asking him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting
his own credibility on the line over this. He is the one with
something to lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death
extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality
over this. So there must be something very compelling for him.
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it
here. This issue may just breath some life into old FFL since
there is no clearing house for such information I can think of
but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next
to us and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any
food that is the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy

  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion of 
privacy of this confidential communication.
 5. Post your own content. Have the other group member's permissions before 
re-posting their content. This goes for you too, moderators.

Yahoo! Community Guidelines 
 Yahoo! Community Guidelines 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people 
who share your interests and passions.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Fairfieldlife needs to adhere to these standards. They are in effect for a 
reason. If you can't understand why, then rules are your guide.
  Why can't Rick moderate? It is a real responsibility. I think I may have 
answered my own question.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion of 
privacy of this confidential communication.
5. Post your own content. Have the other group member's permissions before 
re-posting their content. This goes for you too, moderators.

Yahoo! Community Guidelines 
 Yahoo! Community Guidelines 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people 
who share your interests and passions. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 7:44 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


IMO, consciousness is the basis of the universe which created space 
and time.  Space and time did emerge out of the chaos of the early 

/"Only in unity consciousness, or oneness with all reality, do we 
eliminate boundaries and find peace. Unity consciousness, or no-boundary 
consciousness, by definition has no boundary. There are really no 
boundaries in the universe or in nature and unity-consciousness does not 
exist in space-time./"

Work cited:

/'No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth'/
by Ken Wilber
Shambhala, 1979
Amazon reviews:

However, there are some young scientists in the US and Canada who 
believe that they can prove what happened before the universe was created.

Michio Kaku believes that this can be done by analyzing the WMAP data 
and from other instruments that are now measuring the energy output of 
the early universe.

We'll just have to wait and see what the results are of this 
scientific study.

---In,  wrote :

According to the current theories, time and space did not exist before 
the universe. Space-time simply emerged. Therefore asking what 
happened before makes no sense, because there was no time. And because 
space did not exist, there was nowhere for what could not have 
happened before, to be. But beyond that we have no idea.

*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:41 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'


As mentioned earlier, how did space and time begin in this universe? 
 Is it an emergent property too of the random fluctuation of the quantum?

---In,  wrote :

Mathematicians, Physicists, Computer Scientists, and Evolutionists 
have shown experimentally that high levels of complexity can arise out 
of very simple systems so that the appearance of intelligence can be 
an emergent property of simple starting parameters. So it does not 
appear to be necessary to hypothesise any intelligence to get the ball 

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:13 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

---In,  wrote :


I think that you will agree Hawking made another blunder by making 
another unsupported and unscientific assertion.  Just recently, he 
lost a bet about the discovery of the Higgs Boson.  I'll give him the 
benefit of the doubt that he'll pay on his wager.

What have you got against Hawking? A lot of people didn't think the 
Higgs would be found, even Werner Heisenberg, but there you are. 
That's how science works, you have an idea and you test it. Some are 
right, most are wrong. It's hardly a "blunder", besides we don't know 
when or why Hawking made his bet, maybe he forgot to cancel it due to 
having other things on his mind! He paid up though. $100.

You say that consciousness is a phenomenon of emergence. IMO, that's 
not correct.  My proof is space and time itself which is an essential 
factor for the existence of this universe.  How can a random quantum 
fluctuation conceive of length, width, and height to create space and 
cognize the flow of events to create time?

OK, I suspect need to familiarise yourself with the concepts a bit 
more. I don't know what you mean by "cognize". The word means "become 
aware of" a quantum event isn't "aware" of anything. Do you mean that 
it had to somehow know what it was doing in order to do it? Laws 
unfold on their own, there is no plan for them to work to. They are 
simply our descriptions of what always happens under the same 

Given the starting point of the universe we ended up with the laws 
we've got. It could have been different, if there was slightly less 
matter compared to anti-matter after the big bang we would have less 
atoms in the universe which would affect the energy and total mass 
before inflation when the subatomic particles that make up everything 
else came into being. This would make everything work slightly 
differently, maybe such big stars wouldn't have formed which would 
mean we wouldn't be here because there would be no heavy elements to 
make us or our planet with.

Victor Stenger wrote a book about how the universe would have been 
different with different initial settings like this, I haven't read it 
myself but mention it because a lot of work has been done on this. It 
isn't absolute of course, some think the universe is very finely tuned 
and use that as supposed proof of the necessity of a creator, Stenger 
thinks that it doesn't need to be as finely tuned as all that. 
Besides, the u

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 whose privacy is being invaded?


 Given the nature and tone of the letter I certainly can't see why it would 
have to be confidential in any way. I thought he stated his reasons for finding 
George's "conversation" with MMY suspect and perhaps superfluous and it all 
came across as simply his viewpoint on the thing. Why Hagelin would feel he 
needs to keep this letter private and exclusive smacks of the hierarchical BS 
that seems to abound in the Movement - something I can't abide. Hagelin's 
letter was fine, there were no trade secrets, no mysteries revealed, nothing 
shocking to report. I respect his views given his experience of having been 
around MMY and I don't think his letter was unreasonable or extreme in any way. 
I don't think it needs to be private because it simply gives the reader a clear 
idea of where Hagelin stands on this subject (no surprises there).

 From: "srijau@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday
   There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion 
of privacy of this confidential communication.



[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Community meetings with Maharaja

2014-09-28 Thread Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]
Forwarded from: Maharishi University of Management 


Wednesday evening, October 1, 8:00 pm – knowledge meeting with Maharaja
Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam will hold a meeting for members of the community in 
the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge. 

Friday, October 3 – Victory Day – celebration with Maharaja
We will have two events on Victory Day:
• 12:45 – Raising the flag of the Global Country of World Peace at the flagpole 
between the two Golden Domes
• 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Victory Day celebration with Maharaja in the men’s Golden 
Dome. After the celebration we will continue with program.

Please bring a valid program badge or MUM student ID for both Golden Dome 
events. For other practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation program, 
please contact the Invincible America Department 472-1212 or email:

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

 I'm not sure I would go if this was in Victoria but I would be lying if I said 
I am not interested to read Curtis' report here if he attends. As with any 
personal account, we will be getting a subjectively-colored version of the 
whole circus but Curtis can spin a yarn with color and gusto if nothing else so 
it will, no doubt, keep us all entertained and vocal for a while afterwards. It 
might even be videoed and available online somewhere - then we can see for 
ourselves how it plays out. I wish I was more interested but I'm so removed 
from my TM days that I just can't get too excited about this. 
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
whose privacy is being invaded?

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion of 
privacy of this confidential communication.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 IMO, consciousness is the basis of the universe which created space and time.  
Space and time did emerge out of the chaos of the early universe.

 However, there are some young scientists in the US and Canada who believe that 
they can prove what happened before the universe was created.

 Michio Kaku believes that this can be done by analyzing the WMAP data and from 
other instruments that are now measuring the energy output of the early 

 We'll just have to wait and see what the results are of this scientific study.

---In,  wrote :

 According to the current theories, time and space did not exist before the 
universe. Space-time simply emerged. Therefore asking what happened before 
makes no sense, because there was no time. And because space did not exist, 
there was nowhere for what could not have happened before, to be. But beyond 
that we have no idea.

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

 As mentioned earlier, how did space and time begin in this universe?  Is it an 
emergent property too of the random fluctuation of the quantum?


---In,  wrote :

 Mathematicians, Physicists, Computer Scientists, and Evolutionists have shown 
experimentally that high levels of complexity can arise out of very simple 
systems so that the appearance of intelligence can be an emergent property of 
simple starting parameters. So it does not appear to be necessary to 
hypothesise any intelligence to get the ball rolling.

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:13 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'


---In,  wrote :


 I think that you will agree Hawking made another blunder by making another 
unsupported and unscientific assertion.  Just recently, he lost a bet about the 
discovery of the Higgs Boson.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that 
he'll pay on his wager.

 What have you got against Hawking? A lot of people didn't think the Higgs 
would be found, even Werner Heisenberg, but there you are. That's how science 
works, you have an idea and you test it. Some are right, most are wrong. It's 
hardly a "blunder", besides we don't know when or why Hawking made his bet, 
maybe he forgot to cancel it due to having other things on his mind! He paid up 
though. $100.


 You say that consciousness is a phenomenon of emergence.   IMO, that's not 
correct.  My proof is space and time itself which is an essential factor for 
the existence of this universe.  How can a random quantum fluctuation conceive 
of length, width, and height to create space and cognize the flow of events to 
create time?

 OK, I suspect need to familiarise yourself with the concepts a bit more. I 
don't know what you mean by "cognize". The word means "become aware of" a 
quantum event isn't "aware" of anything. Do you mean that it had to somehow 
know what it was doing in order to do it? Laws unfold on their own, there is no 
plan for them to work to. They are simply our descriptions of what always 
happens under the same circumstances. 

 Given the starting point of the universe we ended up with the laws we've got. 
It could have been different, if there was slightly less matter compared to 
anti-matter after the big bang we would have less atoms in the universe which 
would affect the energy and total mass before inflation when the subatomic 
particles that make up everything else came into being. This would make 
everything work slightly differently, maybe such big stars wouldn't have formed 
which would mean we wouldn't be here because there would be no heavy elements 
to make us or our planet with.

 Victor Stenger wrote a book about how the universe would have been different 
with different initial settings like this, I haven't read it myself but mention 
it because a lot of work has been done on this. It isn't absolute of course, 
some think the universe is very finely tuned and use that as supposed proof of 
the necessity of a creator, Stenger thinks that it doesn't need to be as finely 
tuned as all that. Besides, the universe may have evolved, if one came into 
being that couldn't produce the material necessary for complex life then it 
would end one day and another would come along once the vacuum state had 
settled down. There may have been millions of cyclical universes, we will never 
know. But it seems obvious that it got here under its own steam. Complexity 
first - whether it's consciousness or gods or whatever - makes no sense because 
the complexity must have come from somewhere and you are just pushing the start 
back to something else, presumably ineffable.




---In,  wrote :


---In Fairf

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 These are good points you're making  However, there are other scientists, like 
Leonard Susskind from Stanford University, who are developing theories about 
the expansion of the universe.   In particular, Susskind is proposing that the 
galaxies at the edge of the universe will eventually reach the speed of light.  
When they do, they'll blink out of sight from our observation horizon.

 He believed that the galaxies at the speed of light would essentially stop 
functioning normally or just freeze.  But he did not consider the possibility 
of the Higgs Boson being unstable.

 We'll have to wait and see how this new development will change the current 
model of the universe.

---In,  wrote :

 On 9/28/2014 11:58 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


 I agree that the universe had a beginning and an end.   About a week ago, 
Hawking made a proposal that the Higgs Boson could become unstable at anytime.  
When it does, the the universe will disappear into nothingness.

 Actually, Hawking might have sown the seeds for a new theory about the 
expansion of the universe.  It's possible that when the expanding galaxies 
reach the speed of light, the Higgs Boson would become unstable.  Thus, the 
galaxies at the edge of this universe would disappear like those in a dream.

 "The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become metastable 
at energies above 100bn gigaelectronvolts. This could mean that the universe 
could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble of the true vacuum 
expanding at the speed of light. This could happen at any time and we wouldn't 
see it coming." Hawking however clarified that the only way to accelerate 
particles above 100bn gigaelectronvolts was with a particle accelerator larger 
than the Earth.
 mailto:jedi_spock@... wrote :
 ---  mailto:salyavin808@... wrote :
 ---  mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 You used the acronym QED, which means "quod erat demonstrandum",  and is used 
when you have proved your point.  Actually, you have failed to do so.  In fact, 
you did not even address any of the main arguments in the Kalam Cosmological 
 Instead, you made a conclusion that the universe was never created nor had a 
beginning.  Whatever gave you that idea?  Most reputable scientists in 
astrophysics today will tell you that the universe had a beginning as shown in 
the Big Bang Theory.
 IMO, you should stop making conclusions without adequate proof.  By failing to 
do so, you will continue to make errors in your observation of the world.  You 
are making an error in reason just as the jihadists are using fundamentalism as 
their justification to murder those who don't believe in Islam.
 Is this irony? I can't tell anymore.
 Yes, this universe had a beginning. An eternal universe 
 implies that the universe is also infinite. 
 An eternal universe also implies that trillions of years 
 after the earth is gone, another identical earth will form 
 and everything that happened here will again repeat 
 ad infinitum. The possibilities also become infinite. Every 
 conceivable thing must spring into existence at some point.
 But, if there were preceding universes, before this 
 universe, the First cause principle, Prime mover, becomes 
 redundant or unnecessary.
 By the way, John hasn't studied evolution carefully.
 Hey John, read below and weep,
 This universe clearly had a beginning and will have an end. 
 This universe is also finite. So, you don't have to worry 
 about another identical earth existing or springing up. Such 
 a possibility becomes almost zero.
 ---  mailto:anartaxius@... wrote :
 Barry usually stops posting at about 20:00±1 hour GMT. So I will pipe in until 
he returns to the light of European day. There are three scenarios: 
 the universe created itself
 the universe did not create itself
 the universe is here, but was never created in the first place (And because we 
are here, it probably is not true that it never existed in the first place.)

 We do not know why the universe is here, or how it came to be, we have certain 
scenarios that correspond to observation. We have books written in the past 
that tell us things about the beginning of the universe, but these books have 
no supporting evidence. The beginning of the universe is something of a 
mystery. Logic cannot be applied until there are some ideas and facts to reason 
with. A beginning which has not been directly observed has no real facts to 
argue upon. 
 ---  mailto:salyavin808@... wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 This is the first time I have seen this article - thanks to you who posted it. 
It is about time this is dealt with forthrightly.

 It is worth the time to read the comment - here is one that is especially 
instructive. So much for the Marshy Effect:


 "Great article. I got curious about the math, so I used the statistics given 
in this article and from what I calculated, the Fairfield suicide rate is MORE 
THAN TWICE AS HIGH as the state suicide rate (and as stated in the article, the 
state suicide rate is already higher than the national average). The math is 
laid out below.

 From this article: “Since mid-2008, 20 people have died by suicide in the 
greater Fairfield area…Statewide, suicide rates are on the rise, going from 
11.7 to 14.4 cases per 100,000 people from 2010 to 2013, surpassing the 
national average, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.”

 Fairfield suicide rate: 20 cases / 10,000 people (approximate Fairfield 
population) / 6 years (2008-2014) = .0333% per year
 state suicide rate: 14.4 cases / 100,000 people / 1 year = .0144% per year
 (using the 2013 state suicide rate here–the average suicide rate from 2008 to 
2014 would be lower, which means the Fairfield rate is actually even higher 
compared to the state rate than shown here)
 comparison: Fairfield rate / state rate = .0144% / .0333% = 2.3125
 Which would mean that the Fairfield suicide rate is 2.3125 times as high as 
the state suicide rate."

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:11 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?
   M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive 
aspects of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.


 I read it after my friend emailed it to me (totally unrelated to FFL or 
anything going on here) and after I read it and posted it here I looked at the 
date and realized it was only a couple of days old so my question of whether it 
had already been posted ended up being a stupid one. I thought it was a pretty 
clear and clean article also.

---In,  wrote :

 Sent to me by a friend in FF.

 Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental health awareness | 
Little Village
 Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental he...
 Available online and published twice a month, Little Village covers Iowa City 
events, news, music, film and more -- all from a refreshing, local perspective.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 3:08 PM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nothing wrong with a tin foil hat especially if you have a smartphone 
on the night stand beside your bed. ;-)

/"Government investigations and independent reviews have found no 
evidence for the theories. The National Institute of Standards and 
Technology (NIST) and the technology magazine Popular Mechanics have 
investigated and rejected the claims made by 9/11 conspiracy theories."/

I've never thought that Al-Qaeda had anything to do with 9-11 but were 
a scapegoat that the "average bumpkin" would believe in.  I follow the 
idea that it was done by a small group, part of them within our 
government and some from major corporations who would profit in a 
middle east war and the building up of defense.  This is not the first 
time such shit has happened in history.

If you buy that the towers were demolished by standard demolition then 
there should have been pancaked layers at the bottom.  There weren't 
any.  They somehow were vaporized whether by the means asserted in 
this article or otherwise.  The towers were built to withstand jet 
plane crashes and there is video of people still alive and functioning 
just below where a plane hit.

The Official 9-11 report is bullshit and we are under the thumb of a 
citizen hostile government and something needs to be done about it.

On 09/28/2014 09:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Russia wages propaganda war on US: 

rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf.

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[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 29-Sep-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-09-28 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/27/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/04/14 00:00:00
237 messages as of (UTC) 09/29/14 00:13:38

 29 'Richard J. Williams' punditster
 26 danfriedman2002 
 24 salyavin808 
 19 steve.sundur
 15 fleetwood_macncheese
 14 Share Long sharelong60
 12 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 12 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 11 awoelflebater
 10 Bhairitu noozguru
  9 curtisdeltablues
  9 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  8 jr_esq
  7 dhamiltony2k5
  7 Duveyoung 
  6 emptybill
  5 jedi_spock
  3 srijau
  3 nablusoss1008 
  2 'Rick Archer' rick
  1 yifuxero
  1 laughinggull108 
  1 inmadison
  1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  1 LEnglish5
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
Posters: 26
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread srijau
There is no compelling public interest in this that justifies the invasion of 
privacy of this confidential communication.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 12:57 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Rick's challenge to the no talk rule of the closed dysfunctional 
family in the movement shines light on what they might prefer was not 
evaluated by people who are not insiders. He has broken the spell of 
labeling all critical discussion as "negativity." Most of the 
discussions we have here would not be approved of by the movement 
whose self conscious fixation with its own manufactured image was 
demonstrated by John Hagelin's letter. His biggest worry is how this 
will look to the public. FFL stands as a place where open discussion 
is held above PR image spinning.

/That would explain why several of the FFL informants spent hours making 
folders labeled "fluff", "drivel", and "Canada" and creating filters so 
they don't have to read all the critical discussions posted here in 
order to promote an "open discussion" - that is above PR image 
spinning.//Go figure./


If the movement knew what was good for its future in this digital age, 
they would drop the whole routine of :

"Don't tell your sister what I said, but I think she could drop a few 
pounds and lose that leach of a boyfriend. And don't get me started on 
that new tattoo! Now remember, don't tell her what I said or Christmas 
dinner is going to be AWKWARD again."
(The no thought dysfunctional family rule blocked out the discussion 
of Daddy's drinking and how it leads to hitting Mom at holidays.)

Dysfunctional family: No talk rule leads to no thought rule leads to 
many lives we see around us, including that dashing fellow in the 
mirror. (My mirror, my adjectives!)

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the 
discussion at Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

Not respectful of others.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/28/2014 12:54 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 

As I was saying to Fleetwood, all that's left is experiencing...

If awareness is all there is, then the only experience is awareness, to 
a certain degree.

/"According to the Tibetan tradition, consciousness is real but the 
objects of awareness are unreal. What we think of as external objects 
are creations of consciousness."/

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:19 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

/Willy sez:
" ... just be aware of being aware."

You Can't Experience Awareness
"You Can't Experience Awareness"
You Can't Experience Awareness

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 11:58 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


I agree that the universe had a beginning and an end. About a week 
ago, Hawking made a proposal that the Higgs Boson could become 
unstable at anytime.  When it does, the the universe will disappear 
into nothingness.

Actually, Hawking might have sown the seeds for a new theory about the 
expansion of the universe.  It's possible that when the expanding 
galaxies reach the speed of light, the Higgs Boson would become 
unstable.  Thus, the galaxies at the edge of this universe would 
disappear like those in a dream.

/"The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become 
metastable at energies above 100bn gigaelectronvolts. This could mean 
that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble 
of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light. This could happen at 
any time and we wouldn't see it coming." Hawking however clarified that 
the only way to accelerate particles above 100bn gigaelectronvolts was 
with a particle accelerator larger than the Earth./

---In,  wrote :

---  wrote :

---  wrote :


You used the acronym QED, which means "quod erat demonstrandum",  and 
is used when you have proved your point.  Actually, you have failed to 
do so.  In fact, you did not even address any of the main arguments in 
the Kalam Cosmological Argument.

Instead, you made a conclusion that the universe was never created nor 
had a beginning.  Whatever gave you that idea?  Most reputable 
scientists in astrophysics today will tell you that the universe had a 
beginning as shown in the Big Bang Theory.

IMO, you should stop making conclusions without adequate proof. By 
failing to do so, you will continue to make errors in your observation 
of the world.  You are making an error in reason just as the jihadists 
are using fundamentalism as their justification to murder those who 
don't believe in Islam.

Is this irony? I can't tell anymore.

Yes, this universe had a beginning. An eternal universe
implies that the universe is also infinite.

An eternal universe also implies that trillions of years
after the earth is gone, another identical earth will form
and everything that happened here will again repeat
ad infinitum. The possibilities also become infinite. Every
conceivable thing must spring into existence at some point.

But, if there were preceding universes, before this
universe, the First cause principle, Prime mover, becomes
redundant or unnecessary.

By the way, John hasn't studied evolution carefully.

Hey John, read below and weep,

This universe clearly had a beginning and will have an end.
This universe is also finite. So, you don't have to worry
about another identical earth existing or springing up. Such
a possibility becomes almost zero.

---  wrote :

Barry usually stops posting at about 20:00±1 hour GMT. So I will pipe 
in until he returns to the light of European day. There are three 

 1. the universe created itself
 2. the universe did not create itself
 3. the universe is here, but was never created in the first place

(And because we are here, it probably is not true that it never 
existed in the first place.)

We do not know why the universe is here, or how it came to be, we have 
certain scenarios that correspond to observation. We have books 
written in the past that tell us things about the beginning of the 
universe, but these books have no supporting evidence. The beginning 
of the universe is something of a mystery. Logic cannot be applied 
until there are some ideas and facts to reason with. A beginning which 
has not been directly observed has no real facts to argue upon.

---  wrote :

The universe is expanding. This is a fact (or something funny is going 
on, but we have no reason to suspect that is the case) This means it 
must have been smaller in the past. Run it back further still and 
everything gets compressed into an infinitely dense singularity. This 
will cool as it expands and break up into the subatomic particles that 
make up everything we know today. This is well sussed maths that 
accounts for everything we see and is being tested bit by bit in 
particle accelerators even if we didn't personally witness it.

What came before then is a mystery but it makes no sense to get 
religious at that point as there are ways quantum information can move 
back and forth over any barrier very slightly. A vacuum won't stay a 
vacuum for very long. Symmetry is broken. These ideas are incredibly 
simple and simply is how I think that's how it would /have/ to start. 
Any complexity has to be accounted for, complexity requires 
information and we are trying to get from a state where there was none 
to a state where there is an awful lot. Any god could not have 
survived the start 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/28/2014 11:42 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

*From:* "" 
*Sent:* Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:31 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

Yeah, isn't that great? Welcome to the 21st century.

/It looks like we have an informant on this list. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/28/2014 11:41 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

I'm not sure anyone here would want to be sane.  Sane as defined by 
the psychological community these days is the "norm."  IOW, if you 
behave like that average bumpkin then you are sane.  Do you want to be 
an "average bumpkin"?

Most of us can recall the days when the psychological community jumped 
on the Maslow bandwagon and defined "sane" as a person who is 
self-actualized.  IOW, one who is enlightened.  Then there was a 
pouring out of magazine and newspaper articles about how everyone was 
crazy because very few by that definition could attain enlightenment.  
I'm guessing that made the psychological community redefine "sane".

/Abraham Harold Maslow was best known for creating a hierarchy of needs, 
a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human 
needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization./

On 09/28/2014 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

*From:* salyavin808 

I don't know about you but I feel more like Wonko the Sane as the 
days go by. Just a few of us outside the asylum now, with only the 
mad scratching from the inmates to distract us from the real world.

This is really worth revisiting, especially for those who don't know 
who Wonko the Sane is:
I understand your feelings. My eyes hurt from rolling so much lately, 
not only here on FFL but on a Rama-related forum that's grown more 
active lately. If you think FFL is out there, you should hear some of 
the things *they* believe. :-)

I love the concept of "The Asylum" and "The Outside of the Asylum" as 
Douglas Adams defines them:

"The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of 
detailed instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and 
fearing for the world's sanity, built 'The Asylum' to put it in and 
help it get better. The Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside 
out. That which one would be inclined to take as the door into the 
house opens into a lawn with benches and walking paths. This is the 
area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, the inside of the 
asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. Within 
that small 'outside' area, Watson has mounted the instructions for 
the toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going 
back into the asylum, i.e. returning to the mad world."

It does seem from time to time as if you and Xeno and Curtis and 
Bhairitu and myself and a few others are trying to create an "Outside 
the Asylum" space here in the FFL Madhouse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was in Kansas City recently and saw a listing posted on a bulletin board in a 
church there of places that are open to group meditations in the general 
cross-border Kansas-Missouri region.

 The Lady who got this going full bore is Janet Taylor. She is a student of 
Surya Das and a former Sprint PR manager.

 The motto of her website is: 
 Less Suffering More Happiness One Breath At A Time
 Sound familiar?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 11:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Russia wages propaganda war on US:

/"Government investigations and independent reviews have found no 
evidence for the theories. The National Institute of Standards and 
Technology (NIST) and the technology magazine Popular Mechanics have 
investigated and rejected the claims made by 9/11 conspiracy theories."/

rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, curtisdeltablues@... mailto:curtisdeltablues@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount 
of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

 Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preachin' Blues

Son House "Preachin' Blues" 
 Son House "Preachin' Blues" Son 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 
 Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

 Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

M: I meant that I couldn't make it if I have a gig elsewhere. If I was playing 
at this venue as an opening act I would lead with Son House's Preaching Blues

 I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him 
about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the 
line over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who 
after Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)
 "Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 ---In, wrote :
 mailto:curtisdeltablues@... wrote :
 Here is the Website with the invitation:
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater November 30th 2014 11:00am 
– 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence of Personalities and Ideas 
on Human History” a presentation being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh 

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 09/28/2014 02:10 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Nothing wrong with a tin foil hat especially if you have a smartphone 
on the night stand beside your bed. ;-)

I've never thought that Al-Qaeda had anything to do with 9-11 but were 
a scapegoat that the "average bumpkin" would believe in.  I follow the 
idea that it was done by a small group, part of them within our 
government and some from major corporations who would profit in a 
middle east war and the building up of defense.  This is not the first 
time such shit has happened in history.

I don't buy it. Too much at stake, nothing stays secret forever. The 
amount of people who would have to know is too high. Imagine the shock 
if it turned out to be true? But at least the "Truthers" have moved on 
from the original paranoia that Dubya's brother did it with 
traditional demolition methods.

"Small group", Salvy, "small group."  They eliminate those who might 
tattle (or who tried).  The truth movement has been manipulated too.  
But the easiest thing to do to anyone who is on the right track is to 
call them a "conspiracy theorist" so the sheeple won't listen to them.  
Miss Marple would be appalled by you. :-D

You must not have gotten around to listening to Courtney's interview?

They may have been built to withstand plane strikes but the trouble 
was no one had let buildings burn like that before. It was surprising 
how they came down but if it was deliberate and they wanted to cause a 
major upset why not let them fall over?

There have been bad fires like that in skyscrapers and they didn't come 
down like that.

All the conspiracy theories are trying to account for how they fell 
down as though it must have been part of a plan. Makes no sense, just 
flying the planes into the buildings was enough of an excuse to start 
a war, why the drama, unless it was all just how it looked and the 
things just shook themselves apart?

The real target was WTC 7 because it held information on some illegal 
funds handling the FBI and SEC were investigating.  Remember Rumsfeld 
mentioning on Sept 10th about trillions of dollars missing?  The 
Pentagon hit was also to destroy an investigation there.  On the 
Pentagon, a cousin working in that section was told to work at home that 
day due to remodeling.

If you buy that the towers were demolished by standard demolition then 
there should have been pancaked layers at the bottom.  There weren't 
any.  They somehow were vaporized whether by the means asserted in 
this article or otherwise.  The towers were built to withstand jet 
plane crashes and there is video of people still alive and functioning 
just below where a plane hit.

The Official 9-11 report is bullshit and we are under the thumb of a 
citizen hostile government and something needs to be done about it.

Good luck, I don't believe they are as bad to the core as that.

You are very naive then.  Never rubbed elbows with the elite?  The rich 
are ruthless at keeping their wealth and control.  Lives to them don't 
matter.  How is that  blue pill?

Totally clueless in most ways and slaves to Wall street and something 
needs to be done. But if the illuminati are in control we might as 
well give up!

I got this from David Icke's Facebook page, I'll post some more when 
it comes up, he's certainly busy in the conspiracy sphere. Dude must 
wear tinfoil pyjama's!


On 09/28/2014 09:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Russia wages propaganda war on US: 

rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] An American Genius Applying For Nobel in Litterature

2014-09-28 Thread nablusoss1008

 Standing in the doorway Bob Dylan
 Standing in the doorway Bob Dylan
 Standin in the doorway Bob Dylan Wembley 2000
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Discipleship in The New Age

2014-09-28 Thread nablusoss1008
A Hard Rains Gonna Fall {Live at Town Hall 1963} - Elston Gunn 
 A Hard Rains Gonna Fall {Live at Town Hall 1963} - Elsto... Live 1963
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Psst, Ann, evidently Barry is giving careful consideration to taking you off 
his DNR list.  Isn't that exciting? 

 As for we TM teachers, I was surprised to learn that I was pretending to be 
perfect to attract new students.

 Thank goodness we have Barry to always set us straight.

---In,  wrote :

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:11 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?
   M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive 
aspects of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

I agree, although I didn't see it until I discovered the link in Curtis' 
response. Find more articles like this one, Ann, and I might have to start 
reading your posts again.  :-)

I also agree with Curtis that it's an excellent article in many respects, not 
least of which is the author's ability to convey to "straight people" reading 
the article who have never been a part of a spiritual community some of the 
internal pressures that can arise in one. I felt her approach throughout the 
entire article was very compassionate, in addition to being good journalism.

As for your comments, Curtis, I also couldn't agree more. The myths of 
perfection that  entertwined themselves with the literature of enlightenment 
over the years have caused *such* an environment of pretense. Maharishi 
pretends to be perfect and the initiators let him because they're busy 
pretending to be perfect themselves to attract new students. And *everybody* is 
busy pretending to be perfect to the press. It's all one big The Emperor's New 
Clothes clusterfuck. :-) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Ramana Maharshi said that his pet deer, and the cow Lakshmi became enlightened 
at death as he placed his hand over their hearts. I'll get the exact statement 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Nothing wrong with a tin foil hat especially if you have a smartphone on the 
night stand beside your bed. ;-) 
 I've never thought that Al-Qaeda had anything to do with 9-11 but were a 
scapegoat that the "average bumpkin" would believe in.  I follow the idea that 
it was done by a small group, part of them within our government and some from 
major corporations who would profit in a middle east war and the building up of 
defense.  This is not the first time such shit has happened in history.

 I don't buy it. Too much at stake, nothing stays secret forever. The amount of 
people who would have to know is too high. Imagine the shock if it turned out 
to be true? But at least the "Truthers" have moved on from the original 
paranoia that Dubya's brother did it with traditional demolition methods. 

 They may have been built to withstand plane strikes but the trouble was no one 
had let buildings burn like that before. It was surprising how they came down 
but if it was deliberate and they wanted to cause a major upset why not let 
them fall over?

 All the conspiracy theories are trying to account for how they fell down as 
though it must have been part of a plan. Makes no sense, just flying the planes 
into the buildings was enough of an excuse to start a war, why the drama, 
unless it was all just how it looked and the things just shook themselves apart?
 If you buy that the towers were demolished by standard demolition then there 
should have been pancaked layers at the bottom.  There weren't any.  They 
somehow were vaporized whether by the means asserted in this article or 
otherwise.  The towers were built to withstand jet plane crashes and there is 
video of people still alive and functioning just below where a plane hit.
 The Official 9-11 report is bullshit and we are under the thumb of a citizen 
hostile government and something needs to be done about it.
Good luck, I don't believe they are as bad to the core as that. Totally 
clueless in most ways and slaves to Wall street and something needs to be done. 
But if the illuminati are in control we might as well give up! 

 I got this from David Icke's Facebook page, I'll post some more when it comes 
up, he's certainly busy in the conspiracy sphere. Dude must wear tinfoil 
 On 09/28/2014 09:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
   Russia wages propaganda war on US:
 rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara V Gautama Buddha

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I was in Kansas City recently and saw a listing posted on a bulletin board in a 
church there of places that are open to group meditations in the general 
cross-border Kansas-Missouri region. The list was quite long and incredible 
including some places you would expect but also denominational protestant 
churches now offering buddhistic meditation classes and group sittings. Whoa, 
times are changing.
 The Buddhists seem to have the language of 'inter-faith' down pat which old 
church communities are re-contextualizing and welcoming. Is transcendent 
meditation by association with things Vedic seen now as too religious?
 Jai Adi Shankara,


 Om egads, Empty.. This is terribly interesting! 
  Does the evident antipathy between Buddhism with its Buddhistic practices 
like mindfulness and transcendent meditation go back even that far? 
  In roots of divergence it seems that not only does modern science show us now 
they are different practices but even before that a fundamental difference 
rooted in the spiritual use of rite is also in the Battle lines between the two 
which seem more clearly written with this scholarly observation of yours.   
Adi Shankara Vs. Gautama Buddha. 
 -Buck in the Dome

 ..he [Shankara] worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance of 
Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of BrahmÂtman.


 Emptybill writes:


 What Adi Shankara does not do is declare the Vedic rites to be spiritually 
useless. That was the claim of Gautama Buddha who considered them founded upon 
attachment to relative rather than transworldly values.

 Shankara considered the performance of Vedic rites to be preparatory and 
purifying but non-essential. He thus opposed his method to that his 
contemporary Advaitin, Mandana Mishra, who championed the view of jñâna-karma 
samucchaya – the combined path of jñâna and karmic rites.  
 Shankara also considered yoga to be only accessory because the real nature of 
the self is already awareness (jñâna) and that awareness is who/what we are. No 
yogic suspension of mental activity (chitta.vritti.nirodha) is necessary 
because transcendence (nirvikalpa samâdhi) is already the essential nature of 



 Thanks Emptybill, Substantial post.
 But oh-oh:  " ..he worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance 
of Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of 

 In Western European history those kind of illuminating spiritual people 
challenging rites and such formality would have been called 'separatists'. 

 I have found meditating during vedic performances by capable priests to be 
spiritually useful at times.  That is my experience.

 Jai Adi Shankara,
 -Buck in the Dome

 emptybill@...> wrote :
 Neti sez: 
 What did Adi Shankara say was the fastest method to Liberation in this Kali 
 Well Neti, you can’t even get a straight answer to a simple question.
 You might note the comments upon your question. Not one of them quotes 
Shankara directly because they only know about his tradition. No one here reads 
him. That even includes Shankara’s Gita commentary – the oldest extant 
commentary for two millenia.
 In his various commentaries, Shankara did not talk about yugas. Adi Shankara 
talked about the reality expounded by the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the 
Gita. That reality is defined as Brahman (literally "The Vast" or "Vastness"). 
Shankara emphasized the Upanishadic definition of Brahman - satyam, jñânam, 
anantam. Since “what is” gets reiterated by Shankara as satyam (reality or 
"isness"), jñânam (awareness) and anantam (limitlessness), his task was to 
demonstrate what ignorance (avidya) actually is and how it seems to result in 
the appearance (mithya) of an independent cosmos of cause and effect. Along 
with that focus, he worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance 
of Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of BrahmÂtman.
 One variance to note is that when the Gita does talk about the “ages” of 
Brahma and the universal manifestation, Shankara does comment – all the while 
following the verses of the text. As expected, he points to the imperishable 
(aksharam) as the supreme Brahman beyond time. He then amplifies the Gita 
instructions for attaining that reality which is also known as the supreme 
person (param purusham) who reposes in the sun as Hiranyagarbha, sustainer of 
the sense-powers of all beings in the local universe. He calls that entity 
adhi-daivatam, the divine being and adhi-yajñah (the being of the sacrifice) 
and specifically calls him Vishnu, the pervader.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 On 09/28/2014 10:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 I'm not sure anyone here would want to be sane.  Sane as defined by the 
psychological community these days is the "norm."  IOW, if you behave like that 
average bumpkin then you are sane.  Do you want to be an "average bumpkin"?
 Well if you put it like that, I guess not ;-)
 Most of us can recall the days when the psychological community jumped on the 
Maslow bandwagon and defined "sane" as a person who is self-actualized.  IOW, 
one who is enlightened.  Then there was a pouring out of magazine and newspaper 
articles about how everyone was crazy because very few by that definition could 
attain enlightenment.  I'm guessing that made the psychological community 
redefine "sane".

 I'm not sure what the definition of sane would be. Over here Insanity is a 
legal term that means "responsible for one's actions" basically if you knew 
what you were doing at the time you did whatever you did you get to go to jail 
instead of a secure hospital.

 Yes, I buy that "being functional" could be  definition of sanity.  But there 
are plenty of biological androids among us who are functional but living still 
living in a dreamworld.  I call them "mecha-humans" because they strive to be 
more machine like.  Actually a robotics expert commented on this back in the 
late 1990s.
 But that leaves a vast majority as sane. I think psychologists describe you as 
psychologically healthy if you are productive, can realise goals, make long 
term plans and form healthy relationships (no jealousy or violence etc) None of 
which helps me and WonkoIt's all relative.

 Sane but ignorant (or just plain lazy minded).
 The problem on FFL is that you have two kinds of crazies: extremist TB'ers and 
extremist skeptics who seem to throw the baby out with the bath water. Seems to 
me like there's three types here, True Believer's, True Non-Believer's and me. 
I always check the bath water before pulling the plug.  Luckily, if I make a 
mistake some more water turns up the next day ;-) 

 On 09/28/2014 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: salyavin808
 I don't know about you but I feel more like Wonko the Sane as the days go by. 
Just a few of us outside the asylum now, with only the mad scratching from the 
inmates to distract us from the real world. 

 This is really worth revisiting, especially for those who don't know who Wonko 
the Sane is:
 I understand your feelings. My eyes hurt from rolling so much lately, not only 
here on FFL but on a Rama-related forum that's grown more active lately. If you 
think FFL is out there, you should hear some of the things *they* believe. :-)
 I love the concept of "The Asylum" and "The Outside of the Asylum" as Douglas 
Adams defines them:  
 "The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of detailed 
instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and fearing for the 
world's sanity, built 'The Asylum' to put it in and help it get better. The 
Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside out. That which one would be 
inclined to take as the door into the house opens into a lawn with benches and 
walking paths. This is the area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, the 
inside of the asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. 
Within that small 'outside' area, Watson has mounted the instructions for the 
toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going back into the 
asylum, i.e. returning to the mad world."
 It does seem from time to time as if you and Xeno and Curtis and Bhairitu and 
myself and a few others are trying to create an "Outside the Asylum" space here 
in the FFL Madhouse. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 11:19 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

/Willy sez:
" ... just be aware of being aware."


You Can't Experience Awareness

/Only humans have a conscious self-awareness which sets them apart from 
non-humans. So, awareness is consciousness. In Tibetan Buddhism the 
training of meditation includes moment to moment awareness but also 
remembering to be aware. This leads to insight into the true nature of 
reality. The first step on the path to liberation./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

 Curtis, not only is is a digital age, it is also an age in which many people 
have highly developed intuition. In which case, it's a waste of time and energy 
to attempt to hide info. 


 On Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:57 PM, "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Rick's challenge to the no talk rule of the closed dysfunctional family in 
the movement shines light on what they might prefer was not evaluated by people 
who are not insiders. He has broken the spell of labeling all critical 
discussion as "negativity." Most of the discussions we have here would not be 
approved of by the movement whose self conscious fixation with its own 
manufactured image was demonstrated by John Hagelin's letter. His biggest worry 
is how this will look to the public. FFL stands as a place where open 
discussion is held above PR image spinning.

If the movement knew what was good for its future in this digital age, they 
would drop the whole routine of :

"Don't tell your sister what I said, but I think she could drop a few pounds 
and lose that leach of a boyfriend. And don't get me started on that new 
tattoo! Now remember, don't tell her what I said or Christmas dinner is going 
to be AWKWARD again."
(The no thought dysfunctional family rule blocked out the discussion of Daddy's 
drinking and how it leads to hitting Mom at holidays.)

Dysfunctional family: No talk rule leads to no thought rule leads to many lives 
we see around us, including that dashing fellow in the mirror. (My mirror, my 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

 Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

 Not respectful of others.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I agree, Dan, in principle, but Rick is the only one here (on FFL) that I have 
met, in the flesh (1978 - L. Manor), and I like him - He enjoys serving as a 
spiritual radio station, of sorts, and I can live with that. He is a very 
gentle and fair person, in person. 
 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

 Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

 Not respectful of others.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The ayurvedic physician I had back in the 1990s was a psychiatrist.  He 
had learned TM so also took the Maharishi Ayurveda course for MDs.  But 
he also took the Ayurvedic Institute (Dr. Lad) MD course too.  He 
treated TM'ers who were having psychological disorders (not me I was 
just there for ayurveda).  He was critical of the movement not doing so 
hot with such disorders.  In many cases folks just need to stop doing 
meditation for awhile.  Or maybe at TM at least since it isn't working 
well for them.

I read a book back in the early 80s by a chiropractor was a TM 
practitioner but didn't think it was for everyone and in fact said with 
some folks probably going for a walk or jogging might be better.

On 09/28/2014 08:53 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Sent to me by a friend in FF.

Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental health awareness 
| Little Village 


Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental he... 

Available online and published twice a month, Little Village covers 
Iowa City events, news, music, film and more -- all from a refreshing, 
local perspective.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 09/28/2014 10:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

I'm not sure anyone here would want to be sane.  Sane as defined by 
the psychological community these days is the "norm."  IOW, if you 
behave like that average bumpkin then you are sane.  Do you want to be 
an "average bumpkin"?

Well if you put it like that, I guess not ;-)

Most of us can recall the days when the psychological community jumped 
on the Maslow bandwagon and defined "sane" as a person who is 
self-actualized.  IOW, one who is enlightened. Then there was a 
pouring out of magazine and newspaper articles about how everyone was 
crazy because very few by that definition could attain enlightenment.  
I'm guessing that made the psychological community redefine "sane".

I'm not sure what the definition of sane would be. Over here Insanity 
is a legal term that means "responsible for one's actions" basically 
if you knew what you were doing at the time you did whatever you did 
you get to go to jail instead of a secure hospital.

Yes, I buy that "being functional" could be  definition of sanity. But 
there are plenty of biological androids among us who are functional but 
living still living in a dreamworld.  I call them "mecha-humans" because 
they strive to be more machine like. Actually a robotics expert 
commented on this back in the late 1990s.

But that leaves a vast majority as sane. I think psychologists 
describe you as psychologically healthy if you are productive, can 
realise goals, make long term plans and form healthy relationships (no 
jealousy or violence etc) None of which helps me and WonkoIt's all 

Sane but ignorant (or just plain lazy minded).

The problem on FFL is that you have two kinds of crazies: extremist 
TB'ers and extremist skeptics who seem to throw the baby out with the 
bath water.

On 09/28/2014 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*From:* salyavin808 

I don't know about you but I feel more like Wonko the Sane as the
days go by. Just a few of us outside the asylum now, with only the
mad scratching from the inmates to distract us from the real world.

This is really worth revisiting, especially for those who don't
know who Wonko the Sane is:
I understand your feelings. My eyes hurt from rolling so much
lately, not only here on FFL but on a Rama-related forum that's
grown more active lately. If you think FFL is out there, you
should hear some of the things *they* believe. :-)

I love the concept of "The Asylum" and "The Outside of the Asylum"
as Douglas Adams defines them:

"The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of
detailed instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed
and fearing for the world's sanity, built 'The Asylum' to put it
in and help it get better. The Asylum is a four-walled house
turned inside out. That which one would be inclined to take as the
door into the house opens into a lawn with benches and walking
paths. This is the area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum.
Thus, the inside of the asylum contains the entire world, save for
that small area. Within that small 'outside' area, Watson
has mounted the instructions for the toothpicks, in order to
discourage himself and others from going back into the asylum,
i.e. returning to the mad world."

It does seem from time to time as if you and Xeno and Curtis and
Bhairitu and myself and a few others are trying to create an
"Outside the Asylum" space here in the FFL Madhouse.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 1:42 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any 
amount of money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to 
shake Jerry's hand...

Can you give us a proposed set list for your performance? Thanks.

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking 
him about iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own 
credibility on the line over this. He is the one with something to 
lose here. The movement who after Maharishi's death extended a 
welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that hospitality over this. So 
there must be something very compelling for him. Whatever he shares 
with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue may just 
breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it 
to the dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit 
Maharishi has requested that each of us turn to the person next to us 
and swap mantras. And we are also asked to never eat any food that is 
the color red. Thank you and Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!"

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 

November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive 
Influence of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation 
being given at the request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It 
is a fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and 
Charley D will be there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because 
I think it is unfair with search engines and all, but just think 
Cambridge and old highly intellectual school residence course leaders 
and you will know who I am talking about.

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the 
spot" with a full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Nothing wrong with a tin foil hat especially if you have a smartphone on 
the night stand beside your bed. ;-)

I've never thought that Al-Qaeda had anything to do with 9-11 but were a 
scapegoat that the "average bumpkin" would believe in.  I follow the 
idea that it was done by a small group, part of them within our 
government and some from major corporations who would profit in a middle 
east war and the building up of defense.  This is not the first time 
such shit has happened in history.

If you buy that the towers were demolished by standard demolition then 
there should have been pancaked layers at the bottom.  There weren't 
any.  They somehow were vaporized whether by the means asserted in this 
article or otherwise.  The towers were built to withstand jet plane 
crashes and there is video of people still alive and functioning just 
below where a plane hit.

The Official 9-11 report is bullshit and we are under the thumb of a 
citizen hostile government and something needs to be done about it.

On 09/28/2014 09:52 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Russia wages propaganda war on US: 

rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!) Try the New York Times. I'm sure you have credibilty.

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" Another delusional conversation that you hear? 
Time to act!

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 
mistake.Wrong again. Keep trying. You do know the story of the moneys with 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Its Jerry's stamp of approval on this that is really generating such interest - 
his affiliation is giving the Movement the heebie jeebies

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 2:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater
   30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  
View on 30thnovember.comPreview by Yahoo   
 Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 he believes that the truth should set you free

 I don't believe you

 and that didn't take long.
 From: danfriedman2002 
 Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 1:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday


---In,  wrote :


 It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.


 Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

 Not respectful of others.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
he believes that the truth should set you free

 From: danfriedman2002 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 1:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday


---In,  wrote :

It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public document 
but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

Not respectful of others.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 9/28/2014 11:19 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

/Willy sez:
" ... just be aware of being aware."


You Can't Experience Awareness
"You Can't Experience Awareness"
You Can't Experience Awareness

/Consciousness is awareness - conscious awareness. "Awareness is the 
state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, 
objects, or sensory patterns."/

/Sam Harris excerpt on Conscious Awareness:/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Take a look at the comments, particularly the one by Kenny Odom on his recent 
experience with Jonathan Shapiro - perfectly describes the bullshit attitudes 
on the part of the TMO.

 From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive aspects 
of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

I agree, although I didn't see it until I discovered the link in Curtis' 
response. Find more articles like this one, Ann, and I might have to start 
reading your posts again.  :-)

I also agree with Curtis that it's an excellent article in many respects, not 
least of which is the author's ability to convey to "straight people" reading 
the article who have never been a part of a spiritual community some of the 
internal pressures that can arise in one. I felt her approach throughout the 
entire article was very compassionate, in addition to being good journalism.

As for your comments, Curtis, I also couldn't agree more. The myths of 
perfection that  entertwined themselves with the literature of enlightenment 
over the years have caused *such* an environment of pretense. Maharishi 
pretends to be perfect and the initiators let him because they're busy 
pretending to be perfect themselves to attract new students. And *everybody* is 
busy pretending to be perfect to the press. It's all one big The Emperor's New 
Clothes clusterfuck. :-) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Yeah I know - kudos to Rick for being very forthcoming and having the common 
sense that it is the shit that is done in the dark that leads to so much of the 
garbage that happens in the Movement. I am sure his act of posting it will 
endear him even more to you, Sri and your buddy Nabby.

 From: "" 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public document 
but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Iowa Suicides

2014-09-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Iowa Suicide

Iowa Suicide
Discover Suicide rankings for all Iowa counties and all magor causes of death.  
View on www.worldlifeexpect... Preview by Yahoo  

 From: "Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]" 

To: ""  
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

This is the first time I have seen this article - thanks to you who posted it. 
It is about time this is dealt with forthrightly.

It is worth the time to read the comment - here is one that is especially 
instructive. So much for the Marshy Effect:

"Great article. I got curious about the math, so I used the 
statistics given in this article and from what I calculated, the 
Fairfield suicide rate is MORE THAN TWICE AS HIGH as the state suicide 
rate (and as stated in the article, the state suicide rate is already 
higher than the national average). The math is laid out below.

>From this article: “Since mid-2008, 20 people have died by suicide in the 
>greater Fairfield area…Statewide, suicide rates are on the rise, 
going from 11.7 to 14.4 cases per 100,000 people from 2010 to 2013, 
surpassing the national average, according to the American Foundation 
for Suicide Prevention.”

Fairfield suicide rate: 20 cases / 10,000 people (approximate Fairfield 
population) / 6 years (2008-2014) = .0333% per year
state suicide rate: 14.4 cases / 100,000 people / 1 year = .0144% per year
(using the 2013 state suicide rate here–the average suicide rate from 
2008 to 2014 would be lower, which means the Fairfield rate is actually 
even higher compared to the state rate than shown here)
comparison: Fairfield rate / state rate = .0144% / .0333% = 2.3125
Which would mean that the Fairfield suicide rate is 2.3125 times as high as the 
state suicide rate."

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive aspects 
of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

---In,  wrote :

Sent to me by a friend in FF.

Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental health awareness | Little 

  Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental he... 
Available online and published twice a month, Little Village covers Iowa City 
events, news, music, film and more -- all from a refreshing, local perspective. 
View on littlevillagemag.comPreview by Yahoo   

[FairfieldLife] First Genetically Modified Babies

2014-09-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
The World’s First Genetically Modified Babies Will Graduate High School This 
Year | TechCrunch

The World’s First Genetically Modified Babies Will Gradu...
Remember the sci-fi thriller GATTACA? For those who never saw the film and/or 
eschewed all pop culture in the late 90's for some reason, it was a popular..  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
This is the first time I have seen this article - thanks to you who posted it. 
It is about time this is dealt with forthrightly.

It is worth the time to read the comment - here is one that is especially 
instructive. So much for the Marshy Effect:

"Great article. I got curious about the math, so I used the 
statistics given in this article and from what I calculated, the 
Fairfield suicide rate is MORE THAN TWICE AS HIGH as the state suicide 
rate (and as stated in the article, the state suicide rate is already 
higher than the national average). The math is laid out below.

>From this article: “Since mid-2008, 20 people have died by suicide in the 
>greater Fairfield area…Statewide, suicide rates are on the rise, 
going from 11.7 to 14.4 cases per 100,000 people from 2010 to 2013, 
surpassing the national average, according to the American Foundation 
for Suicide Prevention.”

Fairfield suicide rate: 20 cases / 10,000 people (approximate Fairfield 
population) / 6 years (2008-2014) = .0333% per year
state suicide rate: 14.4 cases / 100,000 people / 1 year = .0144% per year
(using the 2013 state suicide rate here–the average suicide rate from 
2008 to 2014 would be lower, which means the Fairfield rate is actually 
even higher compared to the state rate than shown here)
comparison: Fairfield rate / state rate = .0144% / .0333% = 2.3125
Which would mean that the Fairfield suicide rate is 2.3125 times as high as the 
state suicide rate."

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive aspects 
of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

---In,  wrote :

Sent to me by a friend in FF.

Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental health awareness | Little 

  Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental he... 
Available online and published twice a month, Little Village covers Iowa City 
events, news, music, film and more -- all from a refreshing, local perspective. 
View on littlevillagemag.comPreview by Yahoo   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 9/27/2014 5:36 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> Shankara considered the performance of Vedic rites to be preparatory 
> and purifying but non-essential. 
The historical Buddha blew to bits the false notion that sacrificial 
rites based on caste distinctions were a valid means of gaining 
transcendental knowledge.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
How could you know the universe had an end, if it's still here? When are you? 
Did you mean 'has'?

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:58 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking:  'There is no God'


I agree that the universe had a beginning and an end.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
According to the current theories, time and space did not exist before the 
universe. Space-time simply emerged. Therefore asking what happened before 
makes no sense, because there was no time. And because space did not exist, 
there was nowhere for what could not have happened before, to be. But beyond 
that we have no idea.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking:  'There is no God'


As mentioned earlier, how did space and time begin in this universe?  Is it an 
emergent property too of the random fluctuation of the quantum?

---In,  wrote :

Mathematicians, Physicists, Computer Scientists, and Evolutionists have shown 
experimentally that high levels of complexity can arise out of very simple 
systems so that the appearance of intelligence can be an emergent property of 
simple starting parameters. So it does not appear to be necessary to 
hypothesise any intelligence to get the ball rolling.

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:13 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking:  'There is no God'


---In,  wrote :


I think that you will agree Hawking made another blunder by making another 
unsupported and unscientific assertion.  Just recently, he lost a bet about the 
discovery of the Higgs Boson.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that 
he'll pay on his wager.

What have you got against Hawking? A lot of people didn't think the Higgs would 
be found, even Werner Heisenberg, but there you are. That's how science works, 
you have an idea and you test it. Some are right, most are wrong. It's hardly a 
"blunder", besides we don't know when or why Hawking made his
bet, maybe he forgot to cancel it due to having other things on his mind! He 
paid up though. $100.

You say that consciousness is a phenomenon of emergence.   IMO, that's not 
correct.  My proof is space and time itself which is an essential factor for 
the existence of this universe.  How can a random quantum fluctuation conceive 
of length, width, and height to create space and cognize the flow of events to 
create time?

OK, I suspect need to familiarise yourself with the concepts a bit more. I 
don't know what you mean by "cognize". The word means "become aware of" a 
quantum event isn't "aware" of anything. Do you mean that it had to somehow 
know what it was doing in order to do it? Laws unfold on their own, there is no 
plan for them to work to. They are simply our descriptions of what always
happens under the same circumstances. 

Given the starting point of the universe we ended up with the laws we've got. 
It could have been different, if there was slightly less matter compared to 
anti-matter after the big bang we would have less atoms in the universe which 
would affect the energy and total mass before inflation when the subatomic 
particles that make up everything else came into being. This would make 
everything work slightly differently, maybe such big stars wouldn't have formed 
which would mean we wouldn't be here because there would be no heavy elements 
to make us or our planet with.

Victor Stenger wrote a book about how the universe would have been different 
with different initial
settings like this, I haven't read it myself but mention it because a lot of 
work has been done on this. It isn't absolute of course, some think the 
universe is very finely tuned and use that as supposed proof of the necessity 
of a creator, Stenger thinks that it doesn't need to be as finely tuned as all 
that. Besides, the universe may have evolved, if one came into being that 
couldn't produce the material necessary for complex life then it would end one 
day and another would come along once the vacuum state had settled down. There 
may have been millions of cyclical universes, we will never know. But it seems 
obvious that it got here under its own steam. Complexity first - whether it's 
consciousness or gods or whatever - makes no sense because the complexity must 
have come from somewhere and you are just pushing the start back to something 
else, presumably ineffable.


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :


The problem with Hawking's approach is that he is hung up with matter, a thing 
that is measurable by scientists.  But, apparently, he does not consider 
superstrings to be a scientific fact.  These
superstrings exist at the Planck level or at 10 to the power of minus 33 

It's still an unproven theory and one of many involving different kinds of 
strings, loop quantum gravity and others. It will only become a fact as and 
when it gets tested, which is currently impossible but when they switch on the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

 You aren't kidding. My TM friends don't know anything about this or most of 
the interesting and revealing stuff that gets posted here, I never tell them 
anything either as they are happy with the way they are and would only get 
upset atthe revelations. As a TM teacher said to me, we should never sow 
confusion in the mind of the unenlightened!

 They wouldn't be able to keep me away if this was in London, I hope you get 
there and have something to share with us.

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

 Whatever the message is it's going to be hilariously entertaining and no 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Fleetwood, not sure what your last question means. But I'd like to understand, 
feels like some nifty principle therein (-:

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:35 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

There's a great unity model - Light, undifferentiated sunlight, then split into 
each of its prismatic parts, creating all the colors. I also like the fact that 
the color of any object we see, like an orange ball, is because the object 
*absorbs* all the other colors, and only reflects back orange. So, doesn't that 
mean the orange ball, is any color, *except* orange??

---In,  wrote :

Fleetwood, these are beautiful and especially the sunset closeup. These days 
I'm just falling in love with light which has got to be one of the most amazing 
phenomenon on our planet. Sunlight in particular is just sublime. And actually 
I'm beginning to understand David O-J's experience of seeing people as beings 
of light. Gotta give a lot of credit to these 9 days of Mother Divine which 
have made the air and light in FF especially sweet and powerful (-:

Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:57 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" 

reflected sunset E-SE.jpg - File Shared from Box
  reflected sunset E-SE.jpg - File Shared from Box 
Sign up | Log in reflected sunset E-SE.jpg  
View on by Yahoo   

reflected sunset close up.jpg - File Shared from Box
  reflected sunset close up.jpg - File Shared from Box 
Download (471.5KB) Sign up | Log in reflected sunset close up.jpg  
View on by Yahoo   

pine reflecting sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box
  pine reflecting sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box 
Download (621.2KB) Sign up | Log in pine reflecting sunset.jpg  
View on by Yahoo   

actual sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box
  actual sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box 
Download (477.5KB) Sign up | Log in actual sunset.jpg  
View on by Yahoo   

>From yesterday - enjoy!

---In,  wrote :

Fleetwood, thanks for insights...maybe it's that both settle into a level of 
Beingness, of course us humans have to work harder at that! On the level of 
Beingness, there is a profound unity in which distinction between Knower and 
Known fall away.

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:42 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Both - the knowingness is always there, as you say, instant access to a subtle 
level of vibration. Then if more knowledge is desired, the attention just 
settles a little on the object, and the object of attention gives up all its 

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, when you say that consciousness is a verb, not a noun, it reminds me 
of a friend who has been told he's in Brahman. He says that both the knower and 
the known fall away. All that's left is knowing.  But my intuition tells me 
that it's knowingness rather than knowing.
A vibrational state rather than a doing.  

On Saturday, September 27, 2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 


---In,  wrote :


The problem with Hawking's approach is that he is hung up with matter, a thing 
that is measurable by scientists.  But, apparently, he does not
consider superstrings to be a scientific fact.  These superstrings exist at the 
Planck level or at 10 to the power of minus 33 centimeters.

It's still an unproven theory and one of many involving different kinds of 
strings, loop quantum gravity and others. It will only become a fact as and 
when it gets tested, which is currently impossible but when they switch on the 
LHC at CERN this year and get it up to full power
they might get a glimpse of what direction to go in. 

These are very interesting times for physics, and all of us I hope, they are 
finally doing what they forgot to do with string theory 30 years ago, which is 
test the predictions as they go. Mind you, there are so many different versions 
of ST that they will never know which one is correct but it will be nice if 
they can at least narrow it down.

These superstrings are the bases of all particles that make up matter or energy 
in the universe.

At the Planck level, there is an ocean of these superstrings that form other 
universes aside from our own. You should watch John Hagelin's lecture about 
superstrings on YouTube.

In addition, regarding your point
about the Kalam Cosmological Argument, there is a principle in logic that 
refers to the Prime Mover.  This is invoked when one comes up with an infinite 
regression of causes, which you've pointed out.

If you accept the concept of a Prime Mover, then it appears that you accept the 
rest of the argument in the KCA.

Lastly, there is the hard problem of consciousness.  Is it a phenomenon of 
emergence or is it the basis of everything in the universe?  

Emergence. Consciousness is a f

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
My interest could easily be derailed by anyone paying me almost any amount of 
money to perform...but is IS very close and I would like to shake Jerry's 

I am going to call Jerry before I commit. He is open to people asking him about 
iit and I would love to know why he is putting his own credibility on the line 
over this. He is the one with something to lose here. The movement who after 
Maharishi's death extended a welcoming hand to Jerry is revoking that 
hospitality over this. So there must be something very compelling for him. 
Whatever he shares with me I will ask if I can post about it here. This issue 
may just breath some life into old FFL since there is no clearing house for 
such information I can think of but here. (Not exactly gunna make it to the 
dome announcements!)

"Uh excuse me, Jai Guru Dev, before we being program the spirit Maharishi has 
requested that each of us turn to the person next to us and swap mantras. And 
we are also asked to never eat any food that is the color red. Thank you and 
Jai Guru Dev. Enjoy program!" 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 

Are you going along Curtis? I think you should be our "man on the spot" with a 
full report with interviews and analysis. FFL needs you!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Curtis, not only is is a digital age, it is also an age in which many people 
have highly developed intuition. In which case, it's a waste of time and energy 
to attempt to hide info. 

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:57 PM, " 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Rick's challenge to the no talk rule of the closed dysfunctional family in the 
movement shines light on what they might prefer was not evaluated by people who 
are not insiders. He has broken the spell of labeling all critical discussion 
as "negativity." Most of the discussions we have here would not be approved of 
by the movement whose self conscious fixation with its own manufactured image 
was demonstrated by John Hagelin's letter. His biggest worry is how this will 
look to the public. FFL stands as a place where open discussion is held above 
PR image spinning.

If the movement knew what was good for its future in this digital age, they 
would drop the whole routine of :

"Don't tell your sister what I said, but I think she could drop a few pounds 
and lose that leach of a boyfriend. And don't get me started on that new 
tattoo! Now remember, don't tell her what I said or Christmas dinner is going 
to be AWKWARD again."
(The no thought dysfunctional family rule blocked out the discussion of Daddy's 
drinking and how it leads to hitting Mom at holidays.)

Dysfunctional family: No talk rule leads to no thought rule leads to many lives 
we see around us, including that dashing fellow in the mirror. (My mirror, my 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public document 
but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

Not respectful of others.

[FairfieldLife] Link to the invitation for Nov 30th

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Here is the Website with the invitation:

30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
 30th November | George Washington Memorial Theater 
November 30th 2014 11:00am – 4:00pm Please join us for “The Pervasive Influence 
of Personalities and Ideas on Human History” a presentation being given at the 
request of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Oddly, I have performed there and it is 15 minutes from my place. It is a 
fabulous Masonic Temple built my G Wash himself. Jerry and Charley D will be 
there. ( I am not spelling out his last name because I think it is unfair with 
search engines and all, but just think Cambridge and old highly intellectual 
school residence course leaders and you will know who I am talking about. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Bhairitu, I think Maslow was a true visionary and I feel fortunate to have run 
across his ideas when I was younger. Even his idea of self realized person has 
an organic and reachable feel to it.

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:41 AM, "Bhairitu 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

I'm not sure anyone here would want to be sane.  Sane as defined by the 
psychological community these days is the "norm."  IOW, if you behave like that 
average bumpkin then you are sane.  Do you want to be an "average bumpkin"?

Most of us can recall the days when the psychological community
  jumped on the Maslow bandwagon and defined "sane" as a person who
  is self-actualized.  IOW, one who is enlightened.  Then there was
  a pouring out of magazine and newspaper articles about how
  everyone was crazy because very few by that definition could
  attain enlightenment.  I'm guessing that made the psychological
  community redefine "sane".

On 09/28/2014 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>From: salyavin808 
>I don't know about you but I feel more like Wonko the Sane as the days go by. 
>Just a few of us outside the asylum now, with only the mad scratching from the 
>inmates to distract us from the real world. 
>This is really worth revisiting, especially for those who don't know who Wonko 
>the Sane is:
> I understand your feelings. My eyes hurt from rolling so much lately, not 
> only here on FFL but on a Rama-related forum that's grown more active lately. 
> If you think FFL is out there, you should hear some of the things *they* 
> believe. :-)
>I love the concept of "The Asylum" and
  "The Outside of the Asylum" as Douglas
  Adams defines them:  
>"The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of detailed 
>instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and fearing for the 
>world's sanity, built 'The Asylum' to put it in and help it get better. The 
>Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside out. That which one would be 
>inclined to take as the door into the house opens into a lawn with benches and 
>walking paths. This is the area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, 
>the inside of the asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. 
>Within that small 'outside' area, Watson has mounted the instructions for the 
>toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going back into the 
>asylum, i.e. returning to the mad world."
>It does seem from time to time as if you
  and Xeno and Curtis and Bhairitu and
  myself and a few others are trying to
  create an "Outside the Asylum" space here
  in the FFL Madhouse. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Rick's challenge to the no talk rule of the closed dysfunctional family in the 
movement shines light on what they might prefer was not evaluated by people who 
are not insiders. He has broken the spell of labeling all critical discussion 
as "negativity." Most of the discussions we have here would not be approved of 
by the movement whose self conscious fixation with its own manufactured image 
was demonstrated by John Hagelin's letter. His biggest worry is how this will 
look to the public. FFL stands as a place where open discussion is held above 
PR image spinning.

If the movement knew what was good for its future in this digital age, they 
would drop the whole routine of :

"Don't tell your sister what I said, but I think she could drop a few pounds 
and lose that leach of a boyfriend. And don't get me started on that new 
tattoo! Now remember, don't tell her what I said or Christmas dinner is going 
to be AWKWARD again."
(The no thought dysfunctional family rule blocked out the discussion of Daddy's 
drinking and how it leads to hitting Mom at holidays.)

Dysfunctional family: No talk rule leads to no thought rule leads to many lives 
we see around us, including that dashing fellow in the mirror. (My mirror, my 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

 Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

 Not respectful of others.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
As I was saying to Fleetwood, all that's left is experiencing...

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:19 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 

Willy sez:
" ... just be aware of being aware."

You Can't Experience Awareness"You Can't Experience Awareness"

You Can't Experience 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
At a certain point in my life journey, which has included the TMSP, I simply 
realized that there is a kind of perfection, call it organic or life 
perfection, that is way more rich than any mechanical perfection the mind might 

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:39 AM, "TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive aspects 
of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

I agree, although I didn't see it until I discovered the link in Curtis' 
response. Find more articles like this one, Ann, and I might have to start 
reading your posts again.  :-)

I also agree with Curtis that it's an excellent article in many respects, not 
least of which is the author's ability to convey to "straight people" reading 
the article who have never been a part of a spiritual community some of the 
internal pressures that can arise in one. I felt her approach throughout the 
entire article was very compassionate, in addition to being good journalism.

As for your comments, Curtis, I also couldn't agree more. The myths of 
perfection that  entertwined themselves with the literature of enlightenment 
over the years have caused *such* an environment of pretense. Maharishi 
pretends to be perfect and the initiators let him because they're busy 
pretending to be perfect themselves to attract new students. And *everybody* is 
busy pretending to be perfect to the press. It's all one big The Emperor's New 
Clothes clusterfuck. :-) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Um, I think I channeled too. --- Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Throughout my life, every now and then, I have "heard" a voice (never the same 
voice twice) inside my head.  I have always immediately known that the "sound" 
was from inside, not outside, so I always have seen this as a kind of 
awake-dream-thingie.  (About once a year, something will happen in a flash, and 
then nothing.)

No, I have never sustained any conversations with suchlike, but, YES, I can 
accept that other nervous systems also have this ability and that some folks 
got this to the max.  But, geeze o pete, I pity those folks, cuz I 100% know 
that experiences I have had were very convincing -- the voices truly seem to be 
from another mind. I would be out there publishing books etc. too, if I had 
this happen to me in any sustained fashion.  Yep.  I. Would.

I once had my dead mother's voice simply say the nickname she called me.  BAM 
-- just my name spoken in her voice as if she was next to me.   Nothing after 
that, but see?

Once at teacher training, in a semi-dreamy state, I had a voice say, "That's 
all that you can transcend?  Here's what I can do."  And then, I DIVED INTO THE 
GOLDEN LIGHT OF PURE BLISS.for about 30 seconds and nary another visit from 
"that guy."  

Truth:  everyone has nightly dreams that contain astoundingly detailed 
scenarios with characters fully blown, furniture, clothing, weather, etc.  
We're all  producing the equivalent of full scale Hollywood 
productions.every single night.

So channeling?  Pish tosh! ANYONE CAN AND DOES DO THIS SHIT EVERY 
how much notice  should a "daytime dreamer" get?

Answer:  Not much.  Anyone who's known Maharishi CAN DREAM ABOUT MAHARISHI.  

Now, show me a five year old kid from a jungle tribe in Brazil who convincingly 
channels Maharishi, and I will pay much more attention.

Exactly but it will give conniptions to people who really believe in this stuff 
and it isn't like John Hagelin can say it's all rubbish, just look at the crap 
he's been arguing for the existence of over the years. How many steps away is 

 But I'm really interested in all this. I've never had a "voice" like this in 
my head, mine are always me. I think what you are talking about here is very 
common though and it isn't like it's schizophrenic because there isn't the 
blurring of reality that psychotic people get.

 Ever heard of a book called "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of 
the Bicameral Mind"? It's a bit of an odd classic of psychology, written by a 
chap called Julian Jaynes. His basic argument is that modern consciousness has 
only arrived recently and before about 1000BC people were very different and 
society was organised by hallucinatory visions that we thought came from Gods 
or dead relatives but really came from the other hemisphere of our brains.

 I'm trying to encapsulate a thousand page book into a few paragraphs but he 
does go into the literature, rituals and art of ancient people in some depth 
and combines it with knowledge of mental illness and auditory hallucinations, 
which is the bit that's pertinent to us. He considers these inner voices to be 
remnants of how people were before the emergence of the modern mind. Bicameral 
means twin-chambered and we literally didn't know that our brains operated as 
being far more separate than they do now and our Gods were within us. 

 Ever seen those South American and Mesopotamian tribes that preserved their 
dead relatives and carried them around? When explorers first reached them they 
asked what they were for and the natives said they were telling them what to 
do. They meant it literally. So many cultures had cities built round giant 
statues of Gods that told them what to do, all this stopped at about the same 
time that literature like the old and new testament switched from people having 
no inner dialogue or awareness and taking all instructions from Gods to more 
inner soul based writings. Some Babylonian writings actually document the sorry 
state of people whom the Gods have forsaken. So much makes sense when you grasp 
the theory, and it's hard to look at the ancient world (or the modern one) in 
the same way. But is it all just fanciful thinking and interpreting old art 
through a modern theory which is incorrect but can't be contradicted? 



 Julian Jaynes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Julian Jaynes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Julian Jaynes (February 27, 1920 – 
November 21, 1997) was an American psychologist, best known for his book The 
Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976), in which 
he argued that ancient peoples were not conscious.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara V Gautama Buddha

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Buddhists seem to have the language of 'inter-faith' down pat which old 
church communities are re-contextualizing and welcoming. Is transcendent 
meditation by association with things Vedic seen now as too religious?
 Jai Adi Shankara,


 Om egads, Empty.. This is terribly interesting! 
  Does the evident antipathy between Buddhism with its Buddhistic practices 
like mindfulness and transcendent meditation go back even that far? 
  In roots of divergence it seems that not only does modern science show us now 
they are different practices but even before that a fundamental difference 
rooted in the spiritual use of rite is also in the Battle lines between the two 
which seem more clearly written with this scholarly observation of yours.   
Adi Shankara Vs. Gautama Buddha. 
 -Buck in the Dome

 ..he [Shankara] worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance of 
Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of BrahmÂtman.


 Emptybill writes:


 What Adi Shankara does not do is declare the Vedic rites to be spiritually 
useless. That was the claim of Gautama Buddha who considered them founded upon 
attachment to relative rather than transworldly values.

 Shankara considered the performance of Vedic rites to be preparatory and 
purifying but non-essential. He thus opposed his method to that his 
contemporary Advaitin, Mandana Mishra, who championed the view of jñâna-karma 
samucchaya – the combined path of jñâna and karmic rites.  
 Shankara also considered yoga to be only accessory because the real nature of 
the self is already awareness (jñâna) and that awareness is who/what we are. No 
yogic suspension of mental activity (chitta.vritti.nirodha) is necessary 
because transcendence (nirvikalpa samâdhi) is already the essential nature of 



 Thanks Emptybill, Substantial post.
 But oh-oh:  " ..he worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance 
of Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of 

 In Western European history those kind of illuminating spiritual people 
challenging rites and such formality would have been called 'separatists'. 

 I have found meditating during vedic performances by capable priests to be 
spiritually useful at times.  That is my experience.

 Jai Adi Shankara,
 -Buck in the Dome

 emptybill@...> wrote :
 Neti sez: 
 What did Adi Shankara say was the fastest method to Liberation in this Kali 
 Well Neti, you can’t even get a straight answer to a simple question.
 You might note the comments upon your question. Not one of them quotes 
Shankara directly because they only know about his tradition. No one here reads 
him. That even includes Shankara’s Gita commentary – the oldest extant 
commentary for two millenia.
 In his various commentaries, Shankara did not talk about yugas. Adi Shankara 
talked about the reality expounded by the Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the 
Gita. That reality is defined as Brahman (literally "The Vast" or "Vastness"). 
Shankara emphasized the Upanishadic definition of Brahman - satyam, jñânam, 
anantam. Since “what is” gets reiterated by Shankara as satyam (reality or 
"isness"), jñânam (awareness) and anantam (limitlessness), his task was to 
demonstrate what ignorance (avidya) actually is and how it seems to result in 
the appearance (mithya) of an independent cosmos of cause and effect. Along 
with that focus, he worked extensively to refute the idea that the performance 
of Vedic rites was necessary or even accessory to the realization of BrahmÂtman.
 One variance to note is that when the Gita does talk about the “ages” of 
Brahma and the universal manifestation, Shankara does comment – all the while 
following the verses of the text. As expected, he points to the imperishable 
(aksharam) as the supreme Brahman beyond time. He then amplifies the Gita 
instructions for attaining that reality which is also known as the supreme 
person (param purusham) who reposes in the sun as Hiranyagarbha, sustainer of 
the sense-powers of all beings in the local universe. He calls that entity 
adhi-daivatam, the divine being and adhi-yajñah (the being of the sacrifice) 
and specifically calls him Vishnu, the pervader.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Um, I think I channeled too. --- Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You nailed it. And it gets even worse from within waking state itself. Some 
people who have a peculiar kind of stroke that makes them blind are unaware 
that this has happened because their mind delivers a detailed representation of 
the outside world immediately. It is so compelling that it takes doctors a bit 
of time to convince them that they are not actually "seeing" what is in front 
of them. Now remember this is fully awake, and compelling in all the details 
and tells that we use to say "hey I am seeing what is in front of me, the room, 
the crooked book on the shelf...hey there is that book I forgot all about that 
I wanted to re-read, would you get it for me?" "Uh you are in a hospital bed 
right now and there is no bookshelf." "Oh stop messing with me, it is right 
there!" Hand goes out, knocks over the apple juice on her tray...
and scene.

So can our brains cook up a convincing version of a person whose imprint on 
some of us was deep? I think so too.

On of the interesting qualities of Maharishi dreams I have had even long after 
I left the movement was the highly altered state of consciousness that 
surrounded them. The immersion in his darshon was like a spiritual wet dream. 
And before everyone jumps to the conclusion that I am being unnecessarily 
crude, wet dreams themselves have this amazingly real quality that sometimes 
distinguishes them from other dreams. (I'm talking to you cute checkout girl 
who visited me last night...I guess my creepy choosing you for checkouts every 
time has finally paid off!" If they happened to me with this detail and feeling 
of "reality" in waking state I might end up with yet another restraining order. 
(Don't you hate how they all stack up so you can hardly leave the house without 
violating one of them?" Anyhooo...

I especially liked how you pin pointed the tragicomedy of it all for the person 
who has this kind of experience. This has SUCK written all over it for the 
person involved and those close to him. But now that this train has left the 
station I am fascinated to see how it plays out. 

---In,  wrote :

 Throughout my life, every now and then, I have "heard" a voice (never the same 
voice twice) inside my head.  I have always immediately known that the "sound" 
was from inside, not outside, so I always have seen this as a kind of 
awake-dream-thingie.  (About once a year, something will happen in a flash, and 
then nothing.)

No, I have never sustained any conversations with suchlike, but, YES, I can 
accept that other nervous systems also have this ability and that some folks 
got this to the max.  But, geeze o pete, I pity those folks, cuz I 100% know 
that experiences I have had were very convincing -- the voices truly seem to be 
from another mind. I would be out there publishing books etc. too, if I had 
this happen to me in any sustained fashion.  Yep.  I. Would.

I once had my dead mother's voice simply say the nickname she called me.  BAM 
-- just my name spoken in her voice as if she was next to me.   Nothing after 
that, but see?

Once at teacher training, in a semi-dreamy state, I had a voice say, "That's 
all that you can transcend?  Here's what I can do."  And then, I DIVED INTO THE 
GOLDEN LIGHT OF PURE BLISS.for about 30 seconds and nary another visit from 
"that guy."  

Truth:  everyone has nightly dreams that contain astoundingly detailed 
scenarios with characters fully blown, furniture, clothing, weather, etc.  
We're all  producing the equivalent of full scale Hollywood 
productions.every single night.

So channeling?  Pish tosh! ANYONE CAN AND DOES DO THIS SHIT EVERY 
how much notice  should a "daytime dreamer" get?

Answer:  Not much.  Anyone who's known Maharishi CAN DREAM ABOUT MAHARISHI.  

Now, show me a five year old kid from a jungle tribe in Brazil who convincingly 
channels Maharishi, and I will pay much more attention.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public 
document but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

 Rick Archer posted it. He consistently attempts to aggravate the discussion at 
Fairfieldlife. He uses this forum as his propaganda tool.

 Not respectful of others.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nce! Thanks! 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Hi Ann, How are the horses, this fine morning, in BC? Are you getting any 
rain? We had a brief shower or two, last night.

 We received a cooling and moisturizing much-needed rain two days ago - enough 
so that my parched fields are re-greening and the horses are out there grazing 
on it now. But the mornings are starting to appear with the dew-enveloped cedar 
bushes and grass sparkling in a fine, white mantel all the while that the 
myriad spiders spin all night and appear in the morning backlit with the early 
orange light of the peeking sun. I love the spiders as they weave their way 
over the grass and decorate the ragweed and hinge their webs from my 
eavestroughs down to the boulders around the West side of my barn creating a 
sort of trampoline of sticky, lethal netting. But today will be fine, just like 
yesterday and although the air holds the warmth of a summer's day it is a lie - 
autumn is here.





---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 From yesterday - enjoy!
Thanks Mac. It seems the beauty of light and how it reflects off of the myriad 
creation around us is everywhere, in BC and where you are too. Could this mean 
that we are all lucky enough to share many things and that those things just 
might indicate some force that is infinite and compassionate and loving - if we 
stop just long enough to consider and feel? Nah, don't mind me - I seem to have 
lost my head for a moment and probably embarrassed bawee et al at the same time 
with all my insane cultishness. But thanks for sharing your photos anyway.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 I'm not sure anyone here would want to be sane.  Sane as defined by the 
psychological community these days is the "norm."  IOW, if you behave like that 
average bumpkin then you are sane.  Do you want to be an "average bumpkin"?
Well if you put it like that, I guess not ;-)

 Most of us can recall the days when the psychological community jumped on the 
Maslow bandwagon and defined "sane" as a person who is self-actualized.  IOW, 
one who is enlightened.  Then there was a pouring out of magazine and newspaper 
articles about how everyone was crazy because very few by that definition could 
attain enlightenment.  I'm guessing that made the psychological community 
redefine "sane".

 I'm not sure what the definition of sane would be. Over here Insanity is a 
legal term that means "responsible for one's actions" basically if you knew 
what you were doing at the time you did whatever you did you get to go to jail 
instead of a secure hospital.

 But that leaves a vast majority as sane. I think psychologists describe you as 
psychologically healthy if you are productive, can realise goals, make long 
term plans and form healthy relationships (no jealousy or violence etc) None of 
which helps me and WonkoIt's all relative.


 On 09/28/2014 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   From: salyavin808
 I don't know about you but I feel more like Wonko the Sane as the days go by. 
Just a few of us outside the asylum now, with only the mad scratching from the 
inmates to distract us from the real world. 

 This is really worth revisiting, especially for those who don't know who Wonko 
the Sane is:
 I understand your feelings. My eyes hurt from rolling so much lately, not only 
here on FFL but on a Rama-related forum that's grown more active lately. If you 
think FFL is out there, you should hear some of the things *they* believe. :-)
 I love the concept of "The Asylum" and "The Outside of the Asylum" as Douglas 
Adams defines them:  
 "The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of detailed 
instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and fearing for the 
world's sanity, built 'The Asylum' to put it in and help it get better. The 
Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside out. That which one would be 
inclined to take as the door into the house opens into a lawn with benches and 
walking paths. This is the area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, the 
inside of the asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. 
Within that small 'outside' area, Watson has mounted the instructions for the 
toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going back into the 
asylum, i.e. returning to the mad world."
 It does seem from time to time as if you and Xeno and Curtis and Bhairitu and 
myself and a few others are trying to create an "Outside the Asylum" space here 
in the FFL Madhouse. 


[FairfieldLife] Um, I think I channeled too. --- Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread Duveyoung
Throughout my life, every now and then, I have "heard" a voice (never the same 
voice twice) inside my head.  I have always immediately known that the "sound" 
was from inside, not outside, so I always have seen this as a kind of 
awake-dream-thingie.  (About once a year, something will happen in a flash, and 
then nothing.)

No, I have never sustained any conversations with suchlike, but, YES, I can 
accept that other nervous systems also have this ability and that some folks 
got this to the max.  But, geeze o pete, I pity those folks, cuz I 100% know 
that experiences I have had were very convincing -- the voices truly seem to be 
from another mind. I would be out there publishing books etc. too, if I had 
this happen to me in any sustained fashion.  Yep.  I. Would.

I once had my dead mother's voice simply say the nickname she called me.  BAM 
-- just my name spoken in her voice as if she was next to me.   Nothing after 
that, but see?

Once at teacher training, in a semi-dreamy state, I had a voice say, "That's 
all that you can transcend?  Here's what I can do."  And then, I DIVED INTO THE 
GOLDEN LIGHT OF PURE BLISS.for about 30 seconds and nary another visit from 
"that guy."  

Truth:  everyone has nightly dreams that contain astoundingly detailed 
scenarios with characters fully blown, furniture, clothing, weather, etc.  
We're all  producing the equivalent of full scale Hollywood 
productions.every single night.

So channeling?  Pish tosh! ANYONE CAN AND DOES DO THIS SHIT EVERY 
how much notice  should a "daytime dreamer" get?

Answer:  Not much.  Anyone who's known Maharishi CAN DREAM ABOUT MAHARISHI.  

Now, show me a five year old kid from a jungle tribe in Brazil who convincingly 
channels Maharishi, and I will pay much more attention.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I agree that the universe had a beginning and an end.   About a week ago, 
Hawking made a proposal that the Higgs Boson could become unstable at anytime.  
When it does, the the universe will disappear into nothingness.

 Actually, Hawking might have sown the seeds for a new theory about the 
expansion of the universe.  It's possible that when the expanding galaxies 
reach the speed of light, the Higgs Boson would become unstable.  Thus, the 
galaxies at the edge of this universe would disappear like those in a dream.

---In,  wrote :


---  wrote :

 ---  wrote :


 You used the acronym QED, which means "quod erat demonstrandum",  and is used 
when you have proved your point.  Actually, you have failed to do so.  In fact, 
you did not even address any of the main arguments in the Kalam Cosmological 

 Instead, you made a conclusion that the universe was never created nor had a 
beginning.  Whatever gave you that idea?  Most reputable scientists in 
astrophysics today will tell you that the universe had a beginning as shown in 
the Big Bang Theory.

 IMO, you should stop making conclusions without adequate proof.  By failing to 
do so, you will continue to make errors in your observation of the world.  You 
are making an error in reason just as the jihadists are using fundamentalism as 
their justification to murder those who don't believe in Islam.

 Is this irony? I can't tell anymore.

Yes, this universe had a beginning. An eternal universe 
implies that the universe is also infinite. 

An eternal universe also implies that trillions of years 
after the earth is gone, another identical earth will form 
and everything that happened here will again repeat 
ad infinitum. The possibilities also become infinite. Every 
conceivable thing must spring into existence at some point.

But, if there were preceding universes, before this 
universe, the First cause principle, Prime mover, becomes 
redundant or unnecessary.

By the way, John hasn't studied evolution carefully.

Hey John, read below and weep,

This universe clearly had a beginning and will have an end. 
This universe is also finite. So, you don't have to worry 
about another identical earth existing or springing up. Such 
a possibility becomes almost zero.


---  wrote :

 Barry usually stops posting at about 20:00±1 hour GMT. So I will pipe in until 
he returns to the light of European day. There are three scenarios: 
 the universe created itself
 the universe did not create itself
 the universe is here, but was never created in the first place 
 (And because we are here, it probably is not true that it never existed in the 
first place.)

 We do not know why the universe is here, or how it came to be, we have certain 
scenarios that correspond to observation. We have books written in the past 
that tell us things about the beginning of the universe, but these books have 
no supporting evidence. The beginning of the universe is something of a 
mystery. Logic cannot be applied until there are some ideas and facts to reason 
with. A beginning which has not been directly observed has no real facts to 
argue upon. 

---  wrote :


 The universe is expanding. This is a fact (or something funny is going on, but 
we have no reason to suspect that is the case) This means it must have been 
smaller in the past. Run it back further still and everything gets compressed 
into an infinitely dense singularity. This will cool as it expands and break up 
into the subatomic particles that make up everything we know today. This is 
well sussed maths that accounts for everything we see and is being tested bit 
by bit in particle accelerators even if we didn't personally witness it.

 What came before then is a mystery but it makes no sense to get religious at 
that point as there are ways quantum information can move back and forth over 
any barrier very slightly. A vacuum won't stay a vacuum for very long. Symmetry 
is broken. These ideas are incredibly simple and simply is how I think that's 
how it would have to start. Any complexity has to be accounted for, complexity 
requires information and we are trying to get from a state where there was none 
to a state where there is an awful lot. Any god could not have survived the 
start of his creation, that doesn't mean he wasn't there but he sure isn't here 
now, at least not in the way I've ever heard him imagined. I think we have to 
look within for an explanation to why the idea is so seductive still.



 Looked at from a spiritual viewpoint, it is also a mystery. If, for example, 
being is an eternal present, there is no past and the universe cannot have been 
created, even though it is here now, and were this to be an 'experience' 
resulting from spiritual practices revolving around the concept of 
consciousness, we also have a pr

[FairfieldLife] Tinfoil hat time!

2014-09-28 Thread salyavin808
Russia wages propaganda war on US:
 rH0 e HwJ ,%}lOϜ F (@ Duļ÷?v# 16b_cMI63p!ER$%ʚsf. 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: "" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public document 
but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

Yeah, isn't that great? Welcome to the 21st century.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I'm not sure anyone here would want to be sane.  Sane as defined by the 
psychological community these days is the "norm."  IOW, if you behave 
like that average bumpkin then you are sane.  Do you want to be an 
"average bumpkin"?

Most of us can recall the days when the psychological community jumped 
on the Maslow bandwagon and defined "sane" as a person who is 
self-actualized.  IOW, one who is enlightened.  Then there was a pouring 
out of magazine and newspaper articles about how everyone was crazy 
because very few by that definition could attain enlightenment.  I'm 
guessing that made the psychological community redefine "sane".

On 09/28/2014 03:14 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

*From:* salyavin808 

I don't know about you but I feel more like Wonko the Sane as the days 
go by. Just a few of us outside the asylum now, with only the mad 
scratching from the inmates to distract us from the real world.

This is really worth revisiting, especially for those who don't know 
who Wonko the Sane is:
I understand your feelings. My eyes hurt from rolling so much lately, 
not only here on FFL but on a Rama-related forum that's grown more 
active lately. If you think FFL is out there, you should hear some of 
the things *they* believe. :-)

I love the concept of "The Asylum" and "The Outside of the Asylum" as 
Douglas Adams defines them:

"The Asylum was set up one day after Watson came across a set of 
detailed instructions on a set of toothpicks. Watson, distressed and 
fearing for the world's sanity, built 'The Asylum' to put it in and 
help it get better. The Asylum is a four-walled house turned inside 
out. That which one would be inclined to take as the door into the 
house opens into a lawn with benches and walking paths. This is the 
area that Watson calls Outside the Asylum. Thus, the inside of the 
asylum contains the entire world, save for that small area. Within 
that small 'outside' area, Watson has mounted the instructions for the 
toothpicks, in order to discourage himself and others from going back 
into the asylum, i.e. returning to the mad world."

It does seem from time to time as if you and Xeno and Curtis and 
Bhairitu and myself and a few others are trying to create an "Outside 
the Asylum" space here in the FFL Madhouse.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive aspects 
of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

I agree, although I didn't see it until I discovered the link in Curtis' 
response. Find more articles like this one, Ann, and I might have to start 
reading your posts again.  :-)

I also agree with Curtis that it's an excellent article in many respects, not 
least of which is the author's ability to convey to "straight people" reading 
the article who have never been a part of a spiritual community some of the 
internal pressures that can arise in one. I felt her approach throughout the 
entire article was very compassionate, in addition to being good journalism.

As for your comments, Curtis, I also couldn't agree more. The myths of 
perfection that  entertwined themselves with the literature of enlightenment 
over the years have caused *such* an environment of pretense. Maharishi 
pretends to be perfect and the initiators let him because they're busy 
pretending to be perfect themselves to attract new students. And *everybody* is 
busy pretending to be perfect to the press. It's all one big The Emperor's New 
Clothes clusterfuck. :-) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
There's a great unity model - Light, undifferentiated sunlight, then split into 
each of its prismatic parts, creating all the colors. I also like the fact that 
the color of any object we see, like an orange ball, is because the object 
*absorbs* all the other colors, and only reflects back orange. So, doesn't that 
mean the orange ball, is any color, *except* orange?? 
---In,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, these are beautiful and especially the sunset closeup. These days 
I'm just falling in love with light which has got to be one of the most amazing 
phenomenon on our planet. Sunlight in particular is just sublime. And actually 
I'm beginning to understand David O-J's experience of seeing people as beings 
of light. Gotta give a lot of credit to these 9 days of Mother Divine which 
have made the air and light in FF especially sweet and powerful (-:


 On Sunday, September 28, 2014 8:57 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   reflected sunset E-SE.jpg - File Shared from Box
 reflected sunset E-SE.jpg - File Shared from Box Sign up | Log in reflected sunset 

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 reflected sunset close up.jpg - File Shared from Box
 reflected sunset close up.jpg - File Shared from Box Download (471.5KB) Sign up | Log in 
reflected sunset close up.jpg

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 pine reflecting sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box
 pine reflecting sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box Download (621.2KB) Sign up | Log in 
pine reflecting sunset.jpg

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 actual sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box
 actual sunset.jpg - File Shared from Box Download (477.5KB) Sign up | Log in 
actual sunset.jpg

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 From yesterday - enjoy!

---In,  wrote :

 Fleetwood, thanks for insights...maybe it's that both settle into a level of 
Beingness, of course us humans have to work harder at that! On the level of 
Beingness, there is a profound unity in which distinction between Knower and 
Known fall away.


 On Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:42 AM, "fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

   Both - the knowingness is always there, as you say, instant access to a 
subtle level of vibration. Then if more knowledge is desired, the attention 
just settles a little on the object, and the object of attention gives up all 
its knowledge. 
---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, when you say that consciousness is a verb, not a noun, it reminds me 
of a friend who has been told he's in Brahman. He says that both the knower and 
the known fall away. All that's left is knowing.  But my intuition tells me 
that it's knowingness rather than knowing. A vibrational state rather than a 


 On Saturday, September 27, 2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 



---In,  wrote :


 The problem with Hawking's approach is that he is hung up with matter, a thing 
that is measurable by scientists.  But, apparently, he does not consider 
superstrings to be a scientific fact.  These superstrings exist at the Planck 
level or at 10 to the power of minus 33 centimeters.

 It's still an unproven theory and one of many involving different kinds of 
strings, loop quantum gravity and others. It will only become a fact as and 
when it gets tested, which is currently impossible but when they switch on the 
LHC at CERN this year and get it up to full power they might get a glimpse of 
what direction to go in. 

 These are very interesting times for physics, and all of us I hope, they are 
finally doing what they forgot to do with string theory 30 years ago, which is 
test the predictions as they go. Mind you, there are so many different versions 
of ST that they will never know which one is correct but it will be nice if 
they can at least narrow it down.

 These superstrings are the bases of all particles that make up matter or 
energy in the universe.

 At the Planck level, there is an ocean of these superstrings that form other 
universes aside from our own. You should watch John Hagelin's lecture about 
superstrings on YouTube.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread srijau
It is also labelled personal and confidential not meant to be a public document 
but a private conversation, but posted here anyways.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread laughinggull108
An Important Message
 Private and confidential for Certified Governors 
 September 22, 2014
 Dear Certified Governors,
 I have received several letters from Governors wondering about a lecture that 
has been announced for November, in which George Hammond, a Governor from the 
1970s, claims that he will be presenting a recent message given to him 
“directly by Maharishi.”
 I normally wouldn’t pay much heed to this, as there have been many people 
throughout the years, and currently, who believe they are in direct verbal 
contact with Maharishi (or Guru Dev, or Jesus Christ, or Abraham Lincoln in one 
case). Some of these people have approached me bearing “special messages for me 
from Maharishi” after I was made Raja. After several encounters like this, 
receiving messages that ran the gamut from semi-credible to inane, I now 
politely decline to even listen, explaining that Maharishi trained me very 
deeply and thoroughly, and continues to reside within my core Being, from where 
I take my inspiration.
 This case with George Hammond would be no different, except that our dear 
friend Jerry Jarvis has allowed his name to be associated with it, with the 
result that some Governors have sought my advice about it.
 Although I wouldn’t normally, under these peculiar circumstances, I felt it 
would be responsible for me to talk with George personally—which I did, in 
person and at some length. Let me comment on that very briefly, and then offer 
some general comments.
 I knew George and taught with him in the 70s, so our conversation was intimate 
and cordial. He was only willing to share snippets of “the message” with me, 
wanting to save the rest for his grand public event. But he did offer some 
highlights, including “messages” to me that were of a personal nature. My 
takeaway: these messages did not sound to me like the Maharishi we know—neither 
in tone nor in content. They sounded to me like George Hammond, and somewhat 
reminiscent of the philosophical books he has been writing since he left his 
professional work. (Focusing, for example, on grand Judeo-Christian-Islamic 
themes that Maharishi never showed much interest in.)
 While I cannot imagine any Certified Governors getting caught up by any of 
this, I do wish to convey some special cautions:
 1. By hosting this event, George is representing, whether explicitly or 
implicitly, that he, now, is the conduit—the direct channel—to Maharishi.
 This could be dangerous, if anyone were to buy into it. As we all know, 
Maharishi, in his final decade with us, carefully created a global organization 
and structure designed to carry on his knowledge and his legacy. Maharishi 
personally selected, and spent years training, the individuals to administer 
his knowledge in every country, and established a Global Council headed by 
Maharaja to guide and formulate policy as the times require, to ensure the 
proper and effective presentation of the knowledge. Maharishi structured his 
organization on the self-perpetuating structure of Natural Law, so that it 
would endure for generations to come.
 For anyone to claim, from outside this structure, that Maharishi speaks 
through them, or that they are the ones who should guide Maharishi’s Movement, 
or (in some cases) attempt to create their own TM organization, is to 
completely disrespect Maharishi’s own, clearly and painstakingly laid out plans 
and intentions. 
 2. I am actually a bit more concerned about the potential negative impact of 
George’s event on the public. We have seen wonderful, growing support from 
government, public education, business, the Pentagon, the VA, and the educated 
public. To suddenly create the public impression that the Movement is now based 
on séance, on channeling the departed, or on the hearsay of any individual who 
is acting entirely on his own… the press would have a field day, potentially 
turning Maharishi’s entire Movement into a laughing stock. It could undermine 
our very delicate programs in public schools, the military, the VA, the NIH, 
with businesses and serious people everywhere. How could I, or any of us, give 
our support to this?
 3. This event flies in the face of Maharishi’s constant, explicit admonitions 
on how to treat messages, and messengers, with information coming to them in 
meditation, in dreams, by telepathy, or by psychic communication: that they 
should simply be ignored in favor of what Maharishi actually said and did, and 
by what he taught us, so carefully, throughout his lifetime. It would be 
irresponsible for me, or for Maharaja or any Movement leader, to lend any 
credibility to this, for all the reasons I have presented.
 (Of course, if anyone sincerely feels that they have valuable ideas on how 
Maharishi’s Movement should operate, they are always warmly invited to 
communicate their ideas to the leaders of the Movement—e.g., to their National 
Leaders or their Executive Regional Directors or to me directly. This is the 
structure that Mahari

[FairfieldLife] Re: Adi Shankara

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Willy sez:
" ... just be aware of being aware."

 You Can't Experience Awareness
"You Can't Experience Awareness"
 You Can't Experience Awareness

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry email to John sent on Sunday

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Even though you did not adress this to me I appreciate your question. It's 
important because being able to distinguish is absolutely crucial on all levels 
of life. It simply boils down to intuition. It can't be explained and even 
mentioning such a thing on FFL opens the gates spite and ridicule. 
Nevertheless, allowing intuition to filter through the many facets of mind and 
start trusting it has been and continue to be of great help and guidance.

M: I appreciate your response Nabbie. And up to this point I am on board with 
your view. Intuition does not have to take a mystical connotation if we 
recognize that it will reflect the limits of our own minds. But this is still a 
wonderful thing because our minds are bigger than what we consciously access. 
So we can be surprised with the wisdom that can emerge in context consciously, 
and it can appear quite magical.

This is why I try to put myself into different situations and challenging 
performances. I get pushed to let myself access things that I can't usually 
reach. But for me there is a line I draw about how accurate information beyond 
my conscious mind is. I can be way wrong unconsciously due to all sorts of 
reasons, just as I can be consciously.

N:  When intuition is clear it always turns out to be correct.

M: And here we part ways. This just smacks of being overconfident about how 
good your intuition really is. I am not begrudging you that it can be better 
than your conscious mind sometimes, but it can also be very off and this brings 
up my objection with relying on this subjective means of knowledge beyond 
testing outside. There is also a bit of a subjective spin bias in that most 
people with this belief, when proven wrong with a particular intuition just say 
that it wasn't really the right level of intuition so they get to cherry pick 
results. This is compounded by the fact that we are built to have a cognitive 
blind spot concerning remembering the accurate score card on our successes. 
People are built to fool themselves with overconfidence.

N:  And I'm with -fleetwood on this one; this George fellow seems to want 

M: I would challenge that we don't have enough data for this conclusion. As a 
performer, non performers often believe this is my motivation. What they miss 
is that in the act of performance I disappear as an ego and flow into a 
performance state that is the opposite of self consciousness. There is no one 
left to take the attention! After a show if someone compliments me I feel odd 
as if I just had the best seat in the house to enjoy the same show. So I am a 
bit skeptical of this attribution to George, especially this early.

if not he would simply post his message somewhere and leave it at that.  You 
don't need a very strong intuition to realize that craving for attention is not 
a very good starting point if you want to be taken seriously in a spiritual 

M: Not if he was sincere and his instructions were different from that way of 
getting the information out. I've got no dog in this race, so you may turn out 
to be right. But as an example of how we make assumptions and then feel an 
unwarranted confidence in those assumptions, this is a great example.

I am inclined to believe that he is sincere in his conviction about the 
seriousness of this "message" just as Jim is about his own subjective 

It is a fascinating litmus test for the way the movement functions including 
the theme of throwing Jerry under the bus AGAIN! John Hagelin has made a huge 
tactical blunder in my opinion. He has rightly recognized a challenge to the 
authority of the movement's power structure, this is a serious challenge. It is 
made all the more serious because Jerry, who has heard direct messages from 
Maharishi through George has said that only Maharishi could have known these 
things. (I am not saying Jerry couldn't be fooled, I can't know this, but it is 
a fact that he is convinced that this is Maharishi.)

John H is TIME magazine in the 60s warning about the dangers of LSD and every 
kid in the Midwest who had never heard of LSD before started saying "where can 
I get some?" He should have blown this whole thing off rather than shoot over 
the bow, elevating this to code red proportions IMO. 

So George is acting with the confidence you are expressing about intition in 
his own subjective experience. This demonstrates the essence of the problem 
with how humans act in overconfidence with there compelling subjective 
experiences. We have a shitty track record in this regard. We are vulnerable to 
confusing epistemological solidity to beliefs due to the intensity of our 
beliefs rather than evidence. And perversely our minds are full of 
justifications for this cognitive gap. We think our intuition is fool proof, 
but we give ourselves an out that is wasn't really our intuition when 
counter-evidence shows up. And it gets even worse 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
M: That was an excellent article. It nails one of the most destructive aspects 
of what I call the prison of specialness in the movement. Sidha means 
perfection. Ideal society, perfect health, invincibility, immortality, the list 
of unwarranted superlatives goes on and on. All in the cause of pretending we 
are not what we are, flawed humans with a limited understanding of what is 
going on in life, doing the best we can. It is a propensity for "front'n extra 
large" that would make the most bombastic rapper blush!

Thanks for posting it.

---In,  wrote :

 Sent to me by a friend in FF.

 Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental health awareness | 
Little Village
 Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental he...
 Available online and published twice a month, Little Village covers Iowa City 
events, news, music, film and more -- all from a refreshing, local perspective.

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[FairfieldLife] Was This Already Posted?

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sent to me by a friend in FF.

 Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental health awareness | 
Little Village
 Suicide in Fairfield: Iowa town struggles with mental he...
 Available online and published twice a month, Little Village covers Iowa City 
events, news, music, film and more -- all from a refreshing, local perspective.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hawking: 'There is no God'

2014-09-28 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Hi Ann, How are the horses, this fine morning, in BC? Are you getting any 
rain? We had a brief shower or two, last night.

 We received a cooling and moisturizing much-needed rain two days ago - enough 
so that my parched fields are re-greening and the horses are out there grazing 
on it now. But the mornings are starting to appear with the dew-enveloped cedar 
bushes and grass sparkling in a fine, white mantel all the while that the 
myriad spiders spin all night and appear in the morning backlit with the early 
orange light of the peeking sun. I love the spiders as they weave their way 
over the grass and decorate the ragweed and hinge their webs from my 
eavestroughs down to the boulders around the West side of my barn creating a 
sort of trampoline of sticky, lethal netting. But today will be fine, just like 
yesterday and although the air holds the warmth of a summer's day it is a lie - 
autumn is here.





---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 From yesterday - enjoy!
Thanks Mac. It seems the beauty of light and how it reflects off of the myriad 
creation around us is everywhere, in BC and where you are too. Could this mean 
that we are all lucky enough to share many things and that those things just 
might indicate some force that is infinite and compassionate and loving - if we 
stop just long enough to consider and feel? Nah, don't mind me - I seem to have 
lost my head for a moment and probably embarrassed bawee et al at the same time 
with all my insane cultishness. But thanks for sharing your photos anyway.


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