Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, and someone, an astrologer, is saying: is all going to get worse for 
we are not even to the crucial turning point yet. The rest of this year will 
intensify with an event of great magnitude at the end of this year on New Years 
 As transiting Saturn goes into Sagittarius it will hover in the last degrees 
of Scorpio and early Sagittarius. These are the ghandanta degrees (last degree 
of water and first degree of Fire). Ghandanta means drowning indicating the 
world will be out of control. As Saturn is in the last degrees of Scorpio this 
is the worst most dreadful part of the zodiac for it is in the tail of the 
Scorpion (stinger). This may even indicate poisoning associated with tragic 
events. Saturn will stay here for almost all of 2017 indicating a deep 
depression. I believe this is the result of the massive violent events leading 
up to this year.


---In,  wrote :

 Today: Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  evidently the most difficult period passes

---In,  wrote :

 Today is another one of those days! ..
 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.



---In,  wrote :

 The 'non-compete' clauses. 

 A sad irony in this thread which has been sore effect for the community here 
is that these recognized experts and a lot of jyotish experts who have come out 
of the old ™ community with their early training in Maharishi jyotish are 
technically disbarred, disenfranchised by guideline, from membership 
participation in our ™ community group meditations. 
 The Maharishi Foundation ™.org National standards for participation as they 
stand now specifically exclude people who ‘promote’ other systems of jyotish, 
excluding from the Dome meditations here and other sponsored ™ group 
meditations. 'Other systems' as in non-Maharishi jyotish.  

 This has been applied to old ™’ers for quite a number of years. For some 
number of years the patronizing ($) non-Maharishi jyotish/yagya was certain 
grounds for exclusion from the Dome meditations and used to exclude practicing 
meditators from membership in the group. Meditators are now free to ‘consult’ 
with non-maharishi jyotishi but the exclusion still stands over ‘promoting’ in 
practice jyotish using other systems deemed non-Maharishi jyotish astrology. 

 A conservative or fanatical business mind that is welded with strong emotional 
(fanatical) belief inside about the exclusivity of all ™ teachers are thinking 
that all old, de-certs, re-certs and new ™ teachers are sales representatives 
of all that is now ™ and hence are strictly liable to business non-compete 
constraints through the movement right to administratively denying membership 
using the validation of Dome badges for inclusion in the communal group 
practice of meditation as a preferred means of sales-force discipline.  

 In effect what could be adjudicated by a human resources department or a legal 
department more narrowly with employees they instead have used the group 
meditation as the retributive means (weapon) of disciplining others to their 
sense of fealty. Employing the use of the group practice of meditation as their 
primary tool of discipline over membership has been incredibly corrosive in 
their bold leading of a decades long decline in a metric of what was a larger 
group.  It is still a fundamental problem within the group.


---In,  wrote :


 To be fair, it can be more than coffeehouse ‘chat’, quite a number of people 
from Fairfield, Iowa have been trained in and are quite long experienced and 
accomplished in jyotish astrology and now a number of top jyotish astrologers 
in the West are of what is the old meditating community of Fairfield.  

 Pat Hayward, for instance, is regarded as an astrologer and has been consulted 
by many many people both here in Fairfield and of the world.  He became 
established in this craft while living in Fairfield, Iowa as a recognized 
member of the meditating community here.

 Two others who are recognized as being highly scholarly within astrology, 
David Hawthorne and Penny Farrow, also cut their teeth as recognized 
consultants are themselves of the old meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa. 
 David Hawthorne:
 Penny Farrow:
 These three stand out as examples as there are also others quietly living here 
having been students of Maharishi jyotish and as time has gone along also 
studying with these three and other top astrologers and systems 

[FairfieldLife] Romans murdered Druids

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Most extinct by the end of the 2nd century, although Neo-Druid groups have 
cropped up more recently.

 Druid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Druid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 A druid (Welsh: derwydd; Old Irish: druí) was a member of the educated, 
professional class among the Celtic peoples of Gaul, the British isles, and ...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Today: Sept 17  Mars Exits Scorpio,  evidently the most difficult period passes

---In,  wrote :

 Today is another one of those days! ..
 Around September 13 (the 12th?) it will be treacherous and very violent again 
due to transiting Saturn’s return to the degree of the fixed star Antares.



---In,  wrote :

 The 'non-compete' clauses. 

 A sad irony in this thread which has been sore effect for the community here 
is that these recognized experts and a lot of jyotish experts who have come out 
of the old ™ community with their early training in Maharishi jyotish are 
technically disbarred, disenfranchised by guideline, from membership 
participation in our ™ community group meditations. 
 The Maharishi Foundation ™.org National standards for participation as they 
stand now specifically exclude people who ‘promote’ other systems of jyotish, 
excluding from the Dome meditations here and other sponsored ™ group 
meditations. 'Other systems' as in non-Maharishi jyotish.  

 This has been applied to old ™’ers for quite a number of years. For some 
number of years the patronizing ($) non-Maharishi jyotish/yagya was certain 
grounds for exclusion from the Dome meditations and used to exclude practicing 
meditators from membership in the group. Meditators are now free to ‘consult’ 
with non-maharishi jyotishi but the exclusion still stands over ‘promoting’ in 
practice jyotish using other systems deemed non-Maharishi jyotish astrology. 

 A conservative or fanatical business mind that is welded with strong emotional 
(fanatical) belief inside about the exclusivity of all ™ teachers are thinking 
that all old, de-certs, re-certs and new ™ teachers are sales representatives 
of all that is now ™ and hence are strictly liable to business non-compete 
constraints through the movement right to administratively denying membership 
using the validation of Dome badges for inclusion in the communal group 
practice of meditation as a preferred means of sales-force discipline.  

 In effect what could be adjudicated by a human resources department or a legal 
department more narrowly with employees they instead have used the group 
meditation as the retributive means (weapon) of disciplining others to their 
sense of fealty. Employing the use of the group practice of meditation as their 
primary tool of discipline over membership has been incredibly corrosive in 
their bold leading of a decades long decline in a metric of what was a larger 
group.  It is still a fundamental problem within the group.


---In,  wrote :


 To be fair, it can be more than coffeehouse ‘chat’, quite a number of people 
from Fairfield, Iowa have been trained in and are quite long experienced and 
accomplished in jyotish astrology and now a number of top jyotish astrologers 
in the West are of what is the old meditating community of Fairfield.  

 Pat Hayward, for instance, is regarded as an astrologer and has been consulted 
by many many people both here in Fairfield and of the world.  He became 
established in this craft while living in Fairfield, Iowa as a recognized 
member of the meditating community here.

 Two others who are recognized as being highly scholarly within astrology, 
David Hawthorne and Penny Farrow, also cut their teeth as recognized 
consultants are themselves of the old meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa. 
 David Hawthorne:
 Penny Farrow:
 These three stand out as examples as there are also others quietly living here 
having been students of Maharishi jyotish and as time has gone along also 
studying with these three and other top astrologers and systems in the field. 
Fairfield is an adept community this way.  

 I was recently visiting a substantial Indo-American cultural center [temple] 
out East and read on one of their bulletin boards of an upcoming series of 
scholarly classes being taught there on jyotish by Penny Farrow. 

  As time has gone along these people are being pulled on for both their 
academic and practical experience with astrology. 
 There is a lot of this resource available in the meditating community of 
Fairfield, Iowa.  It is quite easy to find consultation on it, even in the 
coffee houses of the town. It becomes just like asking about the weather,  “How 
much rain did you get last night and what have you heard is the forecast?”  
“What’s going on with the moon and planets this week?”   Fairfield,  


---In,  wrote :

 I will have to take your word for it, as I have seen no such evidence 
---In,  wrote :

 Actually, evidently people 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 18-Sep-16 00:15:10 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/24/16 00:00:00
58 messages as of (UTC) 09/17/16 22:26:37

 10 awoelflebater
 10 authfriend
  8 anon_alias 
  7 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
  6 steve.sundur
  4 Bhairitu noozguru
  3 jr_esq
  3 dhamiltony2k5
  2 olliesedwuz
  2 feste37 
  1 yifuxero
  1 hepa7
  1 FairfieldLife
Posters: 13
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 On 09/17/2016 10:21 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   You questioned my terminology. The Yahoo term for the person responsible for 
the group is List Owner. Doug is the List Owner of FFL. No further "research" 
needed on that point.

 And how does Yahoo define "List Owner"?  You need to look into that.  They 
won't leave it as an abstract definition. 
 No, I don't need to look into that, not to say what I've said. Please review 
what I've said (all quoted below). You seem to have hallucinated that I said 
much more than I did.
 Your post is a non sequitur. 

 Nonsense.  I'm explaining how and why tech companies which I have over 30 
years experience with use their terms of agreement to define things. 
 Not relevant. This may answer some of your questions:
 Also see: 
 Contact group owners and moderators | Yahoo Help - SLN2491;_ylt=AwrBT7.RuN1XrukAsOxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByaWg0YW05BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM4BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--;_ylt=AwrBT7.RuN1XrukAsOxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByaWg0YW05BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM4BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
 Contact group owners and moderators | Yahoo Help -...;_ylt=AwrBT7.RuN1XrukAsOxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByaWg0YW05BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM4BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
 Learn how to contact a Yahoo Groups's owners and moderators.
 View on;_ylt=AwrBT7.RuN1XrukAsOxXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByaWg0YW05BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM4BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
 Preview by Yahoo 
Quote from the page above:

 Yahoo doesn't operate or maintain any of the groups on Yahoo Groups. Instead, 
we give group owners the tools to create and run their own communities as they 
choose, governed by the Yahoo Groups requirements within the Yahoo Terms of 

 Yahoo Terms of Service 1. ACCEPTANCE OF 
TERMS Yahoo! Inc. ("Yahoo") welcomes you. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
Note that the Terms of Service does not mention group owners at all. 
 We're not talking about who owns user content or moving FFL to another 
platform. Rather, I was pointing out that Doug, as list owner, can unilaterally 
decide what type of group he wants FFL to be and enforce that decision, 
including, e.g., throwing all of us out and adding new members who are more to 
his liking, banning political discussions, etc.

 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Not good enough research.  I don't have time nor the interest to wander 
through the group "terms of service and agreement" but these issues have come 
up in the past regarding these kinds of companies.  For instance there was an 
issue over Facebook overreach with regard to owning user content. IOW, if Doug 
took Fairfield Life to another group like Google or Reddit etc Yahoo might have 
a problem with it though likely not as FFL isn't even a blip on their radar.
 We know that other Fairfield and TM centric groups have come and gone on the 
Internet. The only ones that seem to survive are the ones that expose the 
authoritarian overreach of the organization.
 On 09/17/2016 09:34 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   As I said, Doug is the owner of FFL. "List Owner" happens to be Yahoo's own 
term for the individual responsible for a group. Look at any group "About" 
page; scroll down to the "Group Email Addresses" section. The last address is 
called "List Owner." For FFL, the address is:

 An email to this address will go to Doug.
 For The_Peak, it's:

 An email to this address will go to Jim.

 For the Self-publishing group, it's:

 (Don't know who the owner is for that group.)
 And so on. This is standard throughout Yahoo Groups.
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 On 09/17/2016 06:31 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply 
pick up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent 

[FairfieldLife] Elizabeth Warren Continues to Blast Bankers

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 She asks why DOJ is not prosecuting these bankers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Sal Because I Know How Much She Hates Him

2016-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Here’s another good article on why everyone should detest the “sewer rat,” as 
Robert Reich calls him.

There honestly seems to be no bottom.  The Republican Party now has as its 
standard-bearer someone who is officially insane, no question about it.

How can they even show their faces?


On Sep 17, 2016, at 1:48 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

Thanks, but Forbes wouldn’t let me get to it because of my ad blocker, even 
after I turned it off for the site.


Not to worry, I'll post something juicier for you later... ;-)

On Sep 17, 2016, at 8:54 AM, awoelflebater@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

---In , 
 wrote :

I thought you might like this given we both love to hate the guy.

An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fondness For Vladimir Putin 


An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fond... 

You should not overestimate Putin. He has played a weak hand of cards generally 
well, but he has made enormous mistakes. He reckoned that...
View on 

Preview by Yahoo 

I'm pretty sure Trump is incapable of grasping any of this:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 09/17/2016 10:21 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
You questioned my terminology. The Yahoo term for the person 
responsible for the group is List Owner. Doug is the List Owner of 
FFL. No further "research" needed on that point.

*And how does Yahoo define "List Owner"?  You need to look into that.  
They won't leave it as an abstract definition.**


Your post is a non sequitur.

Nonsense.  I'm explaining how and why tech companies which I have over 
30 years experience with use their terms of agreement to define things.

We're not talking about who owns user content or moving FFL to another 
platform. Rather, I was pointing out that Doug, as list owner, can 
unilaterally decide what type of group he wants FFL to be and enforce 
that decision, including, e.g., throwing all of us out and adding new 
members who are more to his liking, banning political discussions, etc.

---In,  wrote :

Not good enough research.  I don't have time nor the interest to 
wander through the group "terms of service and agreement" but these 
issues have come up in the past regarding these kinds of companies.  
For instance there was an issue over Facebook overreach with regard to 
owning user content. IOW, if Doug took Fairfield Life to another group 
like Google or Reddit etc Yahoo might have a problem with it though 
likely not as FFL isn't even a blip on their radar.

We know that other Fairfield and TM centric groups have come and gone 
on the Internet. The only ones that seem to survive are the ones that 
expose the authoritarian overreach of the organization.

On 09/17/2016 09:34 AM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

As I said, Doug is the owner of FFL. "List Owner" happens to be
Yahoo's own term for the individual responsible for a group. Look
at any group "About" page; scroll down to the "Group Email
Addresses" section. The last address is called "List Owner." For
FFL, the address is:

An email to this address will go to Doug.

For The_Peak, it's:

An email to this address will go to Jim.

For the Self-publishing group, it's:

(Don't know who the owner is for that group.)

And so on. This is standard throughout Yahoo Groups.

 wrote :

On 09/17/2016 06:31 AM, authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be
"exiled," but simply pick up and move over to FFL2. The ugly
threatening tone of Doug's recent posts suggests that we
don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not
interested in entertaining dissent.

Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn
it into a forum that Rick and those of us who have been here
for years wouldn't recognize or find appealing, that's his
prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's huddling
with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated
in FFL, so their concerns don't reflect ours.

(If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to
infringe on the "FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude
our using that forum for discussions that don't conform to
Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality from the rest of
human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change
the name.)

*More likely Yahoo is the owner not Doug.  It's probably in
the terms of service. Doug would just be considered
"responsible" for it.  It's a "rights" issue and often part
of these kinds of services.  Or basically attorneys on
steroids creations.

 wrote :

 wro! te :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling,"
and it's insulting to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only
if you put spirituality in a box and wall it off from the
rest of human experience. Rick realized this, and chose not
to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit discussion
topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may
be exiled off to FFL-2 if this keeps up...

---In FairfieldLife@

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 You sound prejudiced against people that live in Texas. 

 The only reason anyone would use an alias here is because they might get 
reported to the administration or the moderator and banned from group 
meditation in the dome, or cause someone to lose their job. 

 You should probably be reprimanded for attempting to reveal private 
information about a FFL member. That used to be the rule around here. Go 

 You are so funny. As if you can hide who you are with all of your 'signature' 
style 'tells' just screaming who you are. Go figure. LOL

---In,  wrote :

 I do find our resident from TX in all his aliases pretty OCD, but more a 
harmless pain in the rump vs anything truly disruptive or offensive.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Sal Because I Know How Much She Hates Him

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, but Forbes wouldn’t let me get to it because of my ad blocker, even 
after I turned it off for the site. 


 Not to worry, I'll post something juicier for you later... ;-)


On Sep 17, 2016, at 8:54 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:


 wrote :

 I thought you might like this given we both love to hate the guy.

 An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fondness For Vladimir Putin
 An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fond...
 You should not overestimate Putin. He has played a weak hand of cards 
generally well, but he has made enormous mistakes. He reckoned that...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


 I'm pretty sure Trump is incapable of grasping any of this:


[FairfieldLife] Amrit--Food of the Gods

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The modern equivalent of this Vedic story is Maharishi's Amrit Kalash.  
According to Dr. Pillai, there are divine beings that are present in herbs.  
So, the amrit kalash can give you a specific message from the gods present in 
the herbal combination.

 Personally, the amrit kalash gives me lucid dreams which give a restful sleep. 
 You can interpret these dreams any way you want to.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Kuurma-naaDii and nervus vagus!

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I've read that the Masons have a hidden practice of stimulating the vagus 
nerve, which was considered to be the sin of Adam and Eve.  On YouTube, someone 
published how the vagus nerve was stimulated.  It was a video made by 
fraternity guys in college.  They took turns hitting each other on the side of 
the jaw.  They were basically knocking each other out.  Thus, ends the mystery 
of this practice.  But a former member of the Masons denied the nature of this 

---In,  wrote :


 Number 5, at least in my set (English: BT?), is the one that seems to 
correspond YS III 31:

 kuurma-naaDyaaM* sthairyam.

 Some translations:

 kUrmanaaDyaaM sthairyam
Calmness Is Attained By Samyama On The Bronchial Tube.
 [IT]: (32):
 (By performing Samyama) on the Kurma-nadi steadiness.
On the tortoise duct (tortoise), steadiness.
From perfect discipline of the “tortoise vein,” one’s being becomes steady.
 [SS]: (32):
 By samyama on the kurma nadi (a subtle tortoise-shaped tube located below the 
throat), motionless in the meditative posture is achieved.
(32) By making samyama on the tube within the chest, one acquires absolute 
 [SV]: (32):
 On the nerve called Kurma (comes) fixity of the body.
 I used to think that the "oiling" of joints, less tight muscles and harder 
*rections after doing siddhis was mainly due to flying, but now it seems to me 
the main culprit might well be actually the BT above, after doing it a couple 
of times in isolation, or whatever.
 It seems to me the physiological counterpart of kuurma-naaDii might well be 
the vagus nerve, which is the main parasympathetic nerve, I believe. Wiki:
  The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of 
"rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed"[2] 
activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, 
including sexual arousal, 
salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion and defecation Its action is described as being 
complementary to that of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible 
for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response

  (Sorry for my inaccurate wording. As I've told before, I'm a "grammarian", 
certainly not a "semantician"!)

 * locative (in, at, on, into, etc) singular from naaDii

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Sal Because I Know How Much She Hates Him

2016-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, but Forbes wouldn’t let me get to it because of my ad blocker, even 
after I turned it off for the site.


On Sep 17, 2016, at 8:54 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

I thought you might like this given we both love to hate the guy.

An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fondness For Vladimir Putin 


An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fond... 

You should not overestimate Putin. He has played a weak hand of cards generally 
well, but he has made enormous mistakes. He reckoned that...
View on 

Preview by Yahoo 

I'm pretty sure Trump is incapable of grasping any of this:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread anon_alias
Analysis: True 

 He probably won't be back to FFL-2 - not after the reply I posted recently. 
He's so jealous sometimes, he just can't stand sharing the spotlight with 
anyone, as you know.
 Obviously he should have stuck to his original alias, UT, and kept posting to 
Google Groups. That way, he could have continued to build up a database of 
punditry that was easily searchable and current. 

 By stalking me over to FFL, he lost sight of his main goal which was to finish 
writing his book about the Cathars and the Concubines of Christ. Instead, he 
frittered away a decade reading and responding to your messages and rebuttals 
on Yahoo using AOL. 
---In,  wrote :

 I'm very dubious that Barry is going to show up on FFL2 again. The 
embarrassment that caused him to flee was too great, and if the same people who 
embarrassed him are there, he isn't going to expose himself to that kind of 
trauma again. He made that one post because nobody else had posted for quite 
some time, so he felt safe. He thought he could draw us back howling in outrage 
for his scalp so he could boast to his thugs on The_Closet that he could 
resuscitate the group after having killed it. He failed miserably. 



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Like woelf, I was also thinking that this group was starting to revive itself 
and show promise again. I think it should be left alone to grow. I would not 
move over to FFL2 since I will not be on a forum with the people who were 
rightly thrown off this one. My advice to Doug is to leave well alone and allow 
people to talk about whatever comes up, as long as there are no serial abusers 
taking root. 

 I'm good with that. Moving to FFL-2 means we would be right back where we were 
with regard to possibly having to deal with "the people who were rightly thrown 
off of this one". They don't look like they're having too good a time over at 
the Water Closet (low post count) and as we already saw, bawee couldn't resist 
using FFL-2 to insert his unseemly presence again. I think I'd rather stay at 
FFL discussing Saints and asanas for a month than endure one post from BW.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread anon_alias
Top-posting is probably best and snip any extraneous text - try to avoid 
scrolling and redundancies. For serious discussion members, the best way to 
participate in an online discussion is to use a dedicated news reader that 
displays sorted plain text files. 

 Try to avoid using formatted text in large red or blue colors - usually that's 
considered a form of flaming and blue should always be reserved for hyper-text 

 In internet lingo, calling someone a "troll" indicated disagreement or someone 
you don't agree with. The use of the term "tex" often indicates prejudice.

---In,  wrote :

 I’m still waiting for the English translation, take this for example: 

 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  

 Does “scrolling ticker-tape style” refer to the fact that comments and 
responses are put up at the top?  And if so, isn’t that where they’re supposed 
to be?  I always thought that was internet etiquette, so to speak.

 I usually need some kind of translation program for Doug-speak but there are 
those times, like this, when the program crashes.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Oh I see.  


On Sep 17, 2016, at 12:30 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

He's talking about the Message List page on the FFL Web site, Sal. It's a list 
of the first lines, or first several lines, of each post. He calls the 
"secular" posts "trolling" just to make them sound bad. A small number of the 
political posts are trolls, but most aren't.

The political posts don't "abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a 
group," of course. That's just fantasy. In reality, Doug doesn't want us to 
have the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group.

---In , 
 wrote :

I’m still waiting for the English translation, take this for example:

The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  

Does “scrolling ticker-tape style” refer to the fact that comments and 
responses are put up at the top?  And if so, isn’t that where they’re supposed 
to be?  I always thought that was internet etiquette, so to speak.

I usually need some kind of translation program for Doug-speak but there are 
those times, like this, when the program crashes.


On Sep 17, 2016, at 8:31 AM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent.

Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

(If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...

---In , 
 wrote :

I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet as 
a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here.  Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines 

Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests 
and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and 
positive place for everyone.
View on 
Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I don’t think so either, he’s still licking his wounds after the last huge 


On Sep 17, 2016, at 9:11 AM, [FairfieldLife] 

I'm very dubious that Barry is going to show up on FFL2 again. The 
embarrassment that caused him to flee was too great, and if the same people who 
embarrassed him are there, he isn't going to expose himself to that kind of 
trauma again. He made that one post because nobody else had posted for quite 
some time, so he felt safe. He thought he could draw us back howling in outrage 
for his scalp so he could boast to his thugs on The_Closet that he could 
resuscitate the group after having killed it. He failed miserably.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In ,>> wrote :

Like woelf, I was also thinking that this group was starting to revive itself 
and show promise again. I think it should be left alone to grow. I would not 
move over to FFL2 since I will not be on a forum with the people who were 
rightly thrown off this one. My advice to Doug is to leave well alone and allow 
people to talk about whatever comes up, as long as there are no serial abusers 
taking root. 

I'm good with that. Moving to FFL-2 means we would be right back where we were 
with regard to possibly having to deal with "the people who were rightly thrown 
off of this one". They don't look like they're having too good a time over at 
the Water Closet (low post count) and as we already saw, bawee couldn't resist 
using FFL-2 to insert his unseemly presence again. I think I'd rather stay at 
FFL discussing Saints and asanas for a month than endure one post from BW.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent.

Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

(If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...

---In , 
 wrote :

I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet as 
a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here.  Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He's talking about the Message List page on the FFL Web site, Sal. It's a list 
of the first lines, or first several lines, of each post. He calls the 
"secular" posts "trolling" just to make them sound bad. A small number of the 
political posts are trolls, but most aren't. 

 The political posts don't "abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a 
group," of course. That's just fantasy. In reality, Doug doesn't want us to 
have the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group.



 ---In,  wrote :

 I’m still waiting for the English translation, take this for example: 

 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  

 Does “scrolling ticker-tape style” refer to the fact that comments and 
responses are put up at the top?  And if so, isn’t that where they’re supposed 
to be?  I always thought that was internet etiquette, so to speak.

 I usually need some kind of translation program for Doug-speak but there are 
those times, like this, when the program crashes.


On Sep 17, 2016, at 8:31 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 



 wrote :


 wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I generally can't follow what Doug is saying much of the time, but the gist of 
this latest rambling sounds pretty weird. 

 I'll jump in a heartbeat, and break free of the dogma, or whatever it is that 
is being proposed.

 Crazy, isn't it.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You questioned my terminology. The Yahoo term for the person responsible for 
the group is List Owner. Doug is the List Owner of FFL. No further "research" 
needed on that point.

 Your post is a non sequitur. We're not talking about who owns user content or 
moving FFL to another platform. Rather, I was pointing out that Doug, as list 
owner, can unilaterally decide what type of group he wants FFL to be and 
enforce that decision, including, e.g., throwing all of us out and adding new 
members who are more to his liking, banning political discussions, etc.


---In,  wrote :

 Not good enough research.  I don't have time nor the interest to wander 
through the group "terms of service and agreement" but these issues have come 
up in the past regarding these kinds of companies.  For instance there was an 
issue over Facebook overreach with regard to owning user content. IOW, if Doug 
took Fairfield Life to another group like Google or Reddit etc Yahoo might have 
a problem with it though likely not as FFL isn't even a blip on their radar.
 We know that other Fairfield and TM centric groups have come and gone on the 
Internet. The only ones that seem to survive are the ones that expose the 
authoritarian overreach of the organization.
 On 09/17/2016 09:34 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   As I said, Doug is the owner of FFL. "List Owner" happens to be Yahoo's own 
term for the individual responsible for a group. Look at any group "About" 
page; scroll down to the "Group Email Addresses" section. The last address is 
called "List Owner." For FFL, the address is:

 An email to this address will go to Doug.
 For The_Peak, it's:

 An email to this address will go to Jim.

 For the Self-publishing group, it's:

 (Don't know who the owner is for that group.)
 And so on. This is standard throughout Yahoo Groups.
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 On 09/17/2016 06:31 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply 
pick up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent.
 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.
 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 More likely Yahoo is the owner not Doug.  It's probably in the terms of 
service.  Doug would just be considered "responsible" for it.  It's a "rights" 
issue and often part of these kinds of services.  Or basically attorneys on 
steroids creations.
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :

 mailto:authfriend@... wro! te :
 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 
 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).
 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and! scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered mater

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread anon_alias
 In the old days, we had Dejanews on Usenet in plain text, but then the 
corporations moved in and bought all the code and screwed everything up. Yahoo 
sucks - who wrote this program anyway?

 Doug should have made up his own group on Google Groups, it's far superior and 
has a more advanced search feature.

 Google Groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Google Groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Google Groups is a 
service from Google that provides discussion groups for people sharing common 
interests. The Groups service also provides a gateway to Usene...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Over the years on FFL whenever Doug would display displeasure at the content 
some of us suggested he just form his own Yahoo Group.  Of course we also 
suggested he would probably only have one member. :-D
 Rick can speak for himself but we do know he got too busy with BGP to do much 
with FFL.  I'm betting that Doug was the only person interested in taking over 
FFL.  No one else we know of offered or it might have gone to them instead.
 On 09/17/2016 08:51 AM, olliesedwuz@... mailto:olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Why have exploratory negotiations over anything here? its a Yahoo Group, end 
of story. If a bunch of people who feel strongly about group meditation and the 
upcoming election want to get on here and advocate for that, more power to 
them. But to restrict any discourse to that sole topic would make this a really 
quiet place - Try it if you like, but I don't think it will work. Just keeping 
the spam, assholes and trolls away is job enough, and so far, so good. I do 
find our resident from TX in all his aliases pretty OCD, but more a harmless 
pain in the rump vs anything truly disruptive or offensive.

 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .
 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 
 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).
 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...

 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been abl! e to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expr

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
I’m still waiting for the English translation, take this for example:

The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  

Does “scrolling ticker-tape style” refer to the fact that comments and 
responses are put up at the top?  And if so, isn’t that where they’re supposed 
to be?  I always thought that was internet etiquette, so to speak.

I usually need some kind of translation program for Doug-speak but there are 
those times, like this, when the program crashes.


On Sep 17, 2016, at 8:31 AM,  
[FairfieldLife]>> wrote:

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent.

Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

(If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

---In , 
 wrote :

---In , 
 wrote :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...

---In , 
 wrote :

I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet as 
a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here.  Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
Yahoo Groups Guidelines 

Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests 
and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and 
positive place for everyone.
View on 
Preview by Yahoo 

---In , 
 wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13

80 authfriend
65 awoelflebater
41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
37 olliesedwuz
36 Bhairitu noozguru
30 steve.sundur
27 anon_alias 
27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
23 dhamiltony2k5
20 ananda_das_gupta 
19 feste37 
11 yifuxero
10 hepa7
10 Share Long sharelong60
9 jr_esq
6 emily.mae50
2 'Rick Archer' rick
1 ultrarishi 
1 srijau
1 john_carter_bsc
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 William Leed WLeed3
1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
Posters: 24
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
case closed, tex. :-)

---In,  wrote :

 You sound prejudiced against people that live in Texas. 

 The only reason anyone would use an alias here is because they might get 
reported to the administration or the moderator and banned from group 
meditation in the dome, or cause someone to lose their job. 

 You should probably be reprimanded for attempting to reveal private 
information about a FFL member. That used to be the rule around here. Go 

---In,  wrote :

 I do find our resident from TX in all his aliases pretty OCD, but more a 
harmless pain in the rump vs anything truly disruptive or offensive.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtime

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Not good enough research.  I don't have time nor the interest to wander 
through the group "terms of service and agreement" but these issues have 
come up in the past regarding these kinds of companies.  For instance 
there was an issue over Facebook overreach with regard to owning user 
content. IOW, if Doug took Fairfield Life to another group like Google 
or Reddit etc Yahoo might have a problem with it though likely not as 
FFL isn't even a blip on their radar.

We know that other Fairfield and TM centric groups have come and gone on 
the Internet. The only ones that seem to survive are the ones that 
expose the authoritarian overreach of the organization.

On 09/17/2016 09:34 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

As I said, Doug is the owner of FFL. "List Owner" happens to be 
Yahoo's own term for the individual responsible for a group. Look at 
any group "About" page; scroll down to the "Group Email Addresses" 
section. The last address is called "List Owner." For FFL, the address 

An email to this address will go to Doug.

For The_Peak, it's:

An email to this address will go to Jim.

For the Self-publishing group, it's:

(Don't know who the owner is for that group.)

And so on. This is standard throughout Yahoo Groups.

---In,  wrote :

On 09/17/2016 06:31 AM, authfriend@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but
simply pick up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone
of Doug's recent posts suggests that we don't have any voice in
the matter; he's clearly not interested in entertaining dissent.

Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it
into a forum that Rick and those of us who have been here for
years wouldn't recognize or find appealing, that's his
prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's huddling with
anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so
their concerns don't reflect ours.

(If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe
on the "FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using
that forum for discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas
about isolating spirituality from the rest of human experience,
I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the name.)

*More likely Yahoo is the owner not Doug.  It's probably in the
terms of service.  Doug would just be considered "responsible" for
it.  It's a "rights" issue and often part of these kinds of
services.  Or basically attorneys on steroids creations.

 wrote :

 wro! te :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and
it's insulting to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you
put spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human
experience. Rick realized this, and chose not to build such
walls. That's why he didn't limit discussion topics in any way
(other than to exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be
exiled off to FFL-2 if this keeps up...

 wrote :

I am appreciating the comments here about the group.

The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and!
scrolling ticker-tape style down the subject line with first
lines of posts like one can read on news feeds most anywhere, but
on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to abuse the
freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .

While being entertained by most any and all of content posted
here on FF yet as a responsible member here I am looking at
several who have long method in trolling the site with offered
material that is quite without spiritual context, evidently
unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us for
moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain
themselves in a moderation according to an inherent civility
entailed the Yahoo-groups guidelines as the means of community
here. Most have been able to write quite well within what is
given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those guidelines do
provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups


Yahoo Groups Guidelines


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
As I said, Doug is the owner of FFL. "List Owner" happens to be Yahoo's own 
term for the individual responsible for a group. Look at any group "About" 
page; scroll down to the "Group Email Addresses" section. The last address is 
called "List Owner." For FFL, the address is:


 An email to this address will go to Doug.

 For The_Peak, it's:


 An email to this address will go to Jim.

 For the Self-publishing group, it's:


 (Don't know who the owner is for that group.)

 And so on. This is standard throughout Yahoo Groups.



 ---In,  wrote :

 On 09/17/2016 06:31 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply 
pick up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent.
 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.
 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 More likely Yahoo is the owner not Doug.  It's probably in the terms of 
service.  Doug would just be considered "responsible" for it.  It's a "rights" 
issue and often part of these kinds of services.  Or basically attorneys on 
steroids creations.
 mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote :

 mailto:authfriend@... wro! te :
 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 
 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).
 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and! scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people 
who share your interests and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it 
a safe, fun, and positive place for everyone.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread anon_alias
You sound prejudiced against people that live in Texas. 

 The only reason anyone would use an alias here is because they might get 
reported to the administration or the moderator and banned from group 
meditation in the dome, or cause someone to lose their job. 

 You should probably be reprimanded for attempting to reveal private 
information about a FFL member. That used to be the rule around here. Go 

---In,  wrote :

 I do find our resident from TX in all his aliases pretty OCD, but more a 
harmless pain in the rump vs anything truly disruptive or offensive.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2016-09-17 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife

  File: /MVOA/MVOA
  Uploaded by : emichael108 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 09/17/2016 06:31 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but 
simply pick up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of 
Doug's recent posts suggests that we don't have any voice in the 
matter; he's clearly not interested in entertaining dissent.

Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a 
forum that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't 
recognize or find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post 
indicates that he's huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently 
never participated in FFL, so their concerns don't reflect ours.

(If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on 
the "FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum 
for discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating 
spirituality from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be 
willing to change the name.)

*More likely Yahoo is the owner not Doug.  It's probably in the terms of 
service.  Doug would just be considered "responsible" for it.  It's a 
"rights" issue and often part of these kinds of services.  Or basically 
attorneys on steroids creations.


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wro! te :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's 
insulting to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human 
experience. Rick realized this, and chose not to build such walls. 
That's why he didn't limit discussion topics in any way (other than to 
exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled 
off to FFL-2 if this keeps up...

---In,  wrote :

I am appreciating the comments here about the group.

The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and! scrolling 
ticker-tape style down the subject line with first lines of posts like 
one can read on news feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual 
Yahoo-group, they often do seem to abuse the freedom of what Yahoo 
provides us as a group. .

While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on 
FF yet as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have 
long method in trolling the site with offered material that is quite 
without spiritual context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual 
Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us for moderation.  I have relied on 
membership to self-contain themselves in a moderation according to an 
inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups guidelines as the means of 
community here. Most have been able to write quite well within what is 
given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those guidelines do 
provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 

Yahoo Groups Guidelines 

Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your 
interests and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a 
safe, fun, and positive place for everyone.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13

80 authfriend
65 awoelflebater
41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
37 olliesedwuz
36 Bhairitu noozguru
30 steve.sundur
27 anon_alias
27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
23 dhamiltony2k5
20 ananda_das_gupta
19 feste37
11 yifuxero
10 hepa7
10 Share Long sharelong60
9 jr_esq
6 emily.mae50
2 'Rick Archer' rick
1 ultrarishi
1 srijau
1 john_carter_bsc
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 William Leed WLeed3
1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
Posters: 24
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Over the years on FFL whenever Doug would display displeasure at the 
content some of us suggested he just form his own Yahoo Group.  Of 
course we also suggested he would probably only have one member. :-D

Rick can speak for himself but we do know he got too busy with BGP to do 
much with FFL.  I'm betting that Doug was the only person interested in 
taking over FFL.  No one else we know of offered or it might have gone 
to them instead.

On 09/17/2016 08:51 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Why have exploratory negotiations over anything here? its a Yahoo 
Group, end of story. If a bunch of people who feel strongly about 
group meditation and the upcoming election want to get on here and 
advocate for that, more power to them. But to restrict any discourse 
to that sole topic would make this a really quiet place - Try it if 
you like, but I don't think it will work. Just keeping the spam, 
assholes and trolls away is job enough, and so far, so good. I do find 
our resident from TX in all his aliases pretty OCD, but more a 
harmless pain in the rump vs anything truly disruptive or offensive.

---In,  wrote :

Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the 
brand name we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by 
the Fairfield, Iowa community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday 
in October to the first November Tuesday, Election Day in November 
there is some planning that proposes FFL be a platform to what will be 
a coordinated push for communal meditation and events in the spiritual 
community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to 
retain FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add 
the relevant meditating project component to the FFL content.

Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation 
project for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .

Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small 
segments as to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's 
insulting to suggest otherwise.

Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human 
experience. Rick realized this, and chose not to build such walls. 
That's why he didn't limit discussion topics in any way (other than to 
exclude pornography).

It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled 
off to FFL-2 if this keeps up...

---In,  wrote :

I am appreciating the comments here about the group.

The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling 
ticker-tape style down the subject line with first lines of posts like 
one can read on news feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual 
Yahoo-group, they often do seem to abuse the freedom of what Yahoo 
provides us as a group. .

While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on 
FF yet as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have 
long method in trolling the site with offered material that is quite 
without spiritual context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual 
Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us for moderation.  I have relied on 
membership to self-contain themselves in a moderation according to an 
inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups guidelines as the means of 
community here. Most have been abl! e to write quite well within what 
is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those guidelines do 
provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 

Yahoo Groups Guidelines 

Yahoo Groups helps you connect with groups of people who share your 
interests and passions. We depend on each member to help keep it a 
safe, fun, and positive place for everyone.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13

80 authfriend
65 awoelflebater
41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
37 olliesedwuz
36 Bhairitu noozguru
30 steve.sundur
27 anon_alias
27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
23 dhamiltony2k5
20 ananda_das_gupta
19 feste37
11 yifuxero
10 hepa7
10 Share Long sharelong60
9 jr_esq
6 emily.mae50
2 'Rick Archer' rick
1 ultrarishi
1 srijau
1 john_carter_bsc
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 William Leed WLeed3
1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
Posters: 2

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Why have exploratory negotiations over anything here? its a Yahoo Group, end of 
story. If a bunch of people who feel strongly about group meditation and the 
upcoming election want to get on here and advocate for that, more power to 
them. But to restrict any discourse to that sole topic would make this a really 
quiet place - Try it if you like, but I don't think it will work. Just keeping 
the spam, assholes and trolls away is job enough, and so far, so good. I do 
find our resident from TX in all his aliases pretty OCD, but more a harmless 
pain in the rump vs anything truly disruptive or offensive.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary's doctor

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
And as you know, I never said Bardack said Hillary's condition was caused by 



 ---In,  wrote :

 As you know, and like I said, nothing in the letter from Dr. Bardack says 
anything about Hillary Clinton's condition being caused by Donald Trump. 
Hillary told a big fib that was a joke. 

 "Every time I think about Trump I get allergic." - Hillary Clinton


---In,  wrote :

 As you know, I already posted a link to Hillary's physician's letter--a PDF of 
the actual letter, not just a news report *about* the letter. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 You are lying. Hillary's doctor said nothing about her being allergic to 
Trump, thus contributing to her pneumonia sickness.

 A look at Hillary Clinton's recent illness
 A look at Hillary Clinton's recent illness
 WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — Hillary Clinton has released a new letter from her 
doctor declaring her to be "recovering well" from pneumonia and remaining &qu...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 You are lying. I already posted the link to her physician's letter, which 
mentions Hillary's allergies several times. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Hillary Clinton sucks at telling jokes, but according to what I've read, one 
of the main symtoms of walking pneumonia is violent coughing. Her MD didn't say 
anything about her having any allergies. 

 At any rate, for whatever reason, she tried to keep her condition a secret - 
---In,  wrote :

 Nobody took her joke seriously. And at that point, she didn't know she had 
pneumonia. Her coughing wasn't necessarily caused by the pneumonia in any case. 
She was coughing because of her allergies, and the coughing may actually have 
caused the pneumonia by allowing bacteria to get into her lungs. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Obviously, she was joking, but almost everyone took it seriously because in 
fact she was not having an allergic reaction, she had walking pneumonia, not a 
joke. Apparently she was trying to cover up the fact that she was sick. 

 That's what Hillary and Bill do - they are not to be believed, most of the 
time, being typical politicians. It looks like she bungled her pneumonia 
disclosure - she probably was sick for weeks and kept it a secret.
---In,  wrote :

 It was an obvious joke, not a fib. Nobody took it seriously. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Having "walking pneumonia" may explain the violent coughing fits she often 

 Apparently she's had the condition for quite some time. One thing is for sure, 
she didn't get an allergic condition from hearing Trump - that was a big fib 
and cover up. 

 Even when it would be just a simple thing to admit, she often makes stuff up 
and is not honest about it.

---In,  wrote :

 She had what's known as "walking pneumonia," a case that's so mild you aren't 
confined to bed. It isn't a serious illness. 

 And she had actually had it for a couple of weeks, although it wasn't 
diagnosed until this past Friday. So, no, it's not "the fastest recovery in 
history." She began to recover once she started taking antibiotics. She felt 
well enough to attend the 9/11 memorial, but what with the heat and 
dehydration, she had a setback that added a couple of days to her recovery. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Hillary has the fastest Pneumonia recovery in history!

 Not really. Do your research.

 A person with pneumonia usually begins to improve after three to five days of 
antibiotic treatment. Improvement may be defined as feeling better or having 
fewer symptoms, such as cough and fever. Fatigue and a persistent but milder 
cough can last for one month or longer, although most people are able to resume 
their usual activities within seven days. 

---In,  wrote :

 Right, she wasn't just *over heated and dehydrated*, she has friggen 
pneumonia. Just another lie and cover up when her health has become an issue, 
and still is.
 Kind of like, *I didn't send or receive any classified e-mails, I turned over 
*all* of my E-mails, even though they were only about

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary's doctor

2016-09-17 Thread anon_alias
As you know, and like I said, nothing in the letter from Dr. Bardack says 
anything about Hillary Clinton's condition being caused by Donald Trump. 
Hillary told a big fib that was a joke. 

 "Every time I think about Trump I get allergic." - Hillary Clinton


---In,  wrote :

 As you know, I already posted a link to Hillary's physician's letter--a PDF of 
the actual letter, not just a news report *about* the letter. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 You are lying. Hillary's doctor said nothing about her being allergic to 
Trump, thus contributing to her pneumonia sickness.

 A look at Hillary Clinton's recent illness
 A look at Hillary Clinton's recent illness
 WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) — Hillary Clinton has released a new letter from her 
doctor declaring her to be "recovering well" from pneumonia and remaining &qu...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In,  wrote :

 You are lying. I already posted the link to her physician's letter, which 
mentions Hillary's allergies several times. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Hillary Clinton sucks at telling jokes, but according to what I've read, one 
of the main symtoms of walking pneumonia is violent coughing. Her MD didn't say 
anything about her having any allergies. 

 At any rate, for whatever reason, she tried to keep her condition a secret - 
---In,  wrote :

 Nobody took her joke seriously. And at that point, she didn't know she had 
pneumonia. Her coughing wasn't necessarily caused by the pneumonia in any case. 
She was coughing because of her allergies, and the coughing may actually have 
caused the pneumonia by allowing bacteria to get into her lungs. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Obviously, she was joking, but almost everyone took it seriously because in 
fact she was not having an allergic reaction, she had walking pneumonia, not a 
joke. Apparently she was trying to cover up the fact that she was sick. 

 That's what Hillary and Bill do - they are not to be believed, most of the 
time, being typical politicians. It looks like she bungled her pneumonia 
disclosure - she probably was sick for weeks and kept it a secret.
---In,  wrote :

 It was an obvious joke, not a fib. Nobody took it seriously. 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Having "walking pneumonia" may explain the violent coughing fits she often 

 Apparently she's had the condition for quite some time. One thing is for sure, 
she didn't get an allergic condition from hearing Trump - that was a big fib 
and cover up. 

 Even when it would be just a simple thing to admit, she often makes stuff up 
and is not honest about it.

---In,  wrote :

 She had what's known as "walking pneumonia," a case that's so mild you aren't 
confined to bed. It isn't a serious illness. 

 And she had actually had it for a couple of weeks, although it wasn't 
diagnosed until this past Friday. So, no, it's not "the fastest recovery in 
history." She began to recover once she started taking antibiotics. She felt 
well enough to attend the 9/11 memorial, but what with the heat and 
dehydration, she had a setback that added a couple of days to her recovery. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Hillary has the fastest Pneumonia recovery in history!

 Not really. Do your research.

 A person with pneumonia usually begins to improve after three to five days of 
antibiotic treatment. Improvement may be defined as feeling better or having 
fewer symptoms, such as cough and fever. Fatigue and a persistent but milder 
cough can last for one month or longer, although most people are able to resume 
their usual activities within seven days. 

---In,  wrote :

 Right, she wasn't just *over heated and dehydrated*, she has friggen 
pneumonia. Just another lie and cover up when her health has become an issue, 
and still is.
 Kind of like, *I didn't send or receive any classified e-mails, I turned over 
*all* of my E-mails, even though they were only about wedding plans and yoga 
 *Benghazi was caused by a video.* She's a freaking liar.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm very dubious that Barry is going to show up on FFL2 again. The 
embarrassment that caused him to flee was too great, and if the same people who 
embarrassed him are there, he isn't going to expose himself to that kind of 
trauma again. He made that one post because nobody else had posted for quite 
some time, so he felt safe. He thought he could draw us back howling in outrage 
for his scalp so he could boast to his thugs on The_Closet that he could 
resuscitate the group after having killed it. He failed miserably. 



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Like woelf, I was also thinking that this group was starting to revive itself 
and show promise again. I think it should be left alone to grow. I would not 
move over to FFL2 since I will not be on a forum with the people who were 
rightly thrown off this one. My advice to Doug is to leave well alone and allow 
people to talk about whatever comes up, as long as there are no serial abusers 
taking root. 

 I'm good with that. Moving to FFL-2 means we would be right back where we were 
with regard to possibly having to deal with "the people who were rightly thrown 
off of this one". They don't look like they're having too good a time over at 
the Water Closet (low post count) and as we already saw, bawee couldn't resist 
using FFL-2 to insert his unseemly presence again. I think I'd rather stay at 
FFL discussing Saints and asanas for a month than endure one post from BW.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread anon_alias
Thanks for calling out all the site trolling, Doug, 

 There should be a FFL Group rule that anyone caught lying to this discussion 
group should be banned immediately, without even a warning - don't even give 
the trolls a chance to respond. 

 There's nothing spiritual about debating mundane politics! 

 That's why MMY withdrew support for the Natural Law Party. Everyone knows that 
most of the TMers living in Fairfield support Bernie Sanders for the U.S. 

 "Don't even bother to shut it down." - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 

 Let them go onto Google Groups to work their vendettas and spew their 
character assassinations and personal smears, trying to out people. Over there, 
they can say almost anything and they can post anonymously - without fear of 
retribution from the administration or the moderator.

 Google Groups!forum/alt.meditation.transcendental 
 Google Groups!forum/alt.meditation.transcendental 
Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and 
email-based groups with a rich experience for community conversations.
 View on!forum/alt.meditation.transcendental 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
FWIW, the only person who was thrown off FFL who still occasionally posts to 
FFL2 is Xeno. All the others have fled into The_Closet and slammed and locked 
the door. (Er, excuse me, The_Corner.) 

 I agree with you that ideally, FFL should be left alone to grow. But as I 
suggested, I don't think we have anything to say about it. (And I suspect that 
Doug is carrying out a plan for FFL that he has had in mind for a long time.)



 ---In,  wrote :

 Like woelf, I was also thinking that this group was starting to revive itself 
and show promise again. I think it should be left alone to grow. I would not 
move over to FFL2 since I will not be on a forum with the people who were 
rightly thrown off this one. My advice to Doug is to leave well alone and allow 
people to talk about whatever comes up, as long as there are no serial abusers 
taking root. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Like woelf, I was also thinking that this group was starting to revive itself 
and show promise again. I think it should be left alone to grow. I would not 
move over to FFL2 since I will not be on a forum with the people who were 
rightly thrown off this one. My advice to Doug is to leave well alone and allow 
people to talk about whatever comes up, as long as there are no serial abusers 
taking root. 

 I'm good with that. Moving to FFL-2 means we would be right back where we were 
with regard to possibly having to deal with "the people who were rightly thrown 
off of this one". They don't look like they're having too good a time over at 
the Water Closet (low post count) and as we already saw, bawee couldn't resist 
using FFL-2 to insert his unseemly presence again. I think I'd rather stay at 
FFL discussing Saints and asanas for a month than endure one post from BW.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Sal Because I Know How Much She Hates Him

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 I thought you might like this given we both love to hate the guy.

 An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fondness For Vladimir Putin
 An Open Letter To Donald Trump Regarding His Fond...
 You should not overestimate Putin. He has played a weak hand of cards 
generally well, but he has made enormous mistakes. He reckoned that...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 I'm pretty sure Trump is incapable of grasping any of this:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread feste37
Like woelf, I was also thinking that this group was starting to revive itself 
and show promise again. I think it should be left alone to grow. I would not 
move over to FFL2 since I will not be on a forum with the people who were 
rightly thrown off this one. My advice to Doug is to leave well alone and allow 
people to talk about whatever comes up, as long as there are no serial abusers 
taking root. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread feste37
The proposal "to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project for the 
month of October unto the Election Day" will kill this group stone dead.  

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.
 Doug, give your head a shake and step back for a moment. If you want to 
enforce an iron grip on this forum perhaps you should start a different one or 
give us all 30 day notice now to vacate the premises. You can't start changing 
the rules at this stage of the game. 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

[FairfieldLife] For Sal Because I Know How Much She Hates Him

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I thought you might like this given we both love to hate the guy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 

 Yes, and just when this place was starting to show a little life again. I've 
got my overnighter packed if we're all moving. Just let me know.



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Interestingly I have been in some exploratory negotiations over the brand name 
we use here of FairfieldLife and a use of FairfieldLife by the Fairfield, Iowa 
community.  For one month, from the first Tuesday in October to the first 
November Tuesday, Election Day in November there is some planning that proposes 
FFL be a platform to what will be a coordinated push for communal meditation 
and events in the spiritual community of Fairfield, Iowa.  .

 One iteration of proposal is to leave the FFL community as it is, to retain 
FFL as an open place of spiritual critique and to simply add the relevant 
meditating project component to the FFL content.  
 Another proposal is to make FFL exclusive to the communal meditation project 
for the month of October unto the Election Day.  .
 Also in these kinds of conversations is a position held by small segments as 
to absolutely close FairfieldLife down as a Yahoo-Group.
 Doug, give your head a shake and step back for a moment. If you want to 
enforce an iron grip on this forum perhaps you should start a different one or 
give us all 30 day notice now to vacate the premises. You can't start changing 
the rules at this stage of the game. 


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here we go...

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Oh definitely, especially after the latest threat:

 Another joke, I suppose.  When are the adults in the GOP (if there are any 
actually left) going to disavow the piece of human waste?

 Just as important - when are the millions of Americans going to disavow him 
that currently love the guy? I mean, what kind of country embraces this kind of 
serial liar with so much gusto? I am an American, I still own that part of me 
but I am beyond appalled at the smarminess of human beings and how, when 
instigated by such a hate-filled and lunatic narcissistic sociopath they 
embrace it with abandon. I just don't know what to make of it all. I think I 
have landed in some Kafka-esque nightmare - or at least playing a bit part in a 
Fellini movie.


On Sep 16, 2016, at 10:23 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife]> wrote:


 wrote :

 We should really be taking bets on this.


 Ha, ha. I bet Trump will show up only because he has to appear or lose face. 
On the other hand, he had a really bad day today and it could only get worse 
from here. If that is the case, he might be a no-show. I'd be willing to wager 
he will show up, though. Are you on the wimp out side?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 17-Sep-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well, I was going to suggest that we not wait to be "exiled," but simply pick 
up and move over to FFL2. The ugly threatening tone of Doug's recent posts 
suggests that we don't have any voice in the matter; he's clearly not 
interested in entertaining dissent. 

 Remember, Doug is the owner of FFL, and if he wants to turn it into a forum 
that Rick and those of us who have been here for years wouldn't recognize or 
find appealing, that's his prerogative. His recent post indicates that he's 
huddling with anonymous folks who have apparently never participated in FFL, so 
their concerns don't reflect ours.

 (If the name "FairfieldLife Freer Speech" is claimed to infringe on the 
"FairfieldLife" brand name so as to preclude our using that forum for 
discussions that don't conform to Doug's ideas about isolating spirituality 
from the rest of human experience, I'm sure Alex would be willing to change the 



 ---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Most of us who are discussing politics are not "trolling," and it's insulting 
to suggest otherwise. 

 Political discussions are "without spiritual context" only if you put 
spirituality in a box and wall it off from the rest of human experience. Rick 
realized this, and chose not to build such walls. That's why he didn't limit 
discussion topics in any way (other than to exclude pornography).

 It looks like we (the non-spiritual cretins that we are) may be exiled off to 
FFL-2 if this keeps up...



 ---In,  wrote :

 I am appreciating the comments here about the group.  
 The trolling of mundane subject threads here posted and scrolling ticker-tape 
style down the subject line with first lines of posts like one can read on news 
feeds most anywhere, but on FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group, they often do seem to 
abuse the freedom of what Yahoo provides us as a group. .  
 While being entertained by most any and all of content posted here on FF yet 
as a responsible member here I am looking at several who have long method in 
trolling the site with offered material that is quite without spiritual 
context, evidently unrelated to FFL, a spiritual Yahoo-group.  Yahoo asks us 
for moderation.  I have relied on membership to self-contain themselves in a 
moderation according to an inherent civility entailed the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines as the means of community here. Most have been able to write quite 
well within what is given to us as the Yahoo-groups guidelines.  Those 
guidelines do provide really quite wide margins for expression.. Yahoo Groups 
 Yahoo Groups Guidelines Yahoo Groups 
helps you connect with groups of people who share your interests and passions. 
We depend on each member to help keep it a safe, fun, and positive place for 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In,  wrote :

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 09/10/16 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 09/17/16 00:00:00
 460 messages as of (UTC) 09/16/16 22:52:13
 80 authfriend
 65 awoelflebater
 41 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
 37 olliesedwuz
 36 Bhairitu noozguru
 30 steve.sundur
 27 anon_alias 
 27 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 23 dhamiltony2k5
 20 ananda_das_gupta 
 19 feste37 
 11 yifuxero
 10 hepa7
 10 Share Long sharelong60
 9 jr_esq
 6 emily.mae50
 2 'Rick Archer' rick
 1 ultrarishi 
 1 srijau
 1 john_carter_bsc
 1 j_alexander_stanley
 1 William Leed WLeed3
 1 John Carter john_carter_bsc
 1 Doug Hamilton dhamiltony2k5
 Posters: 24
 Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
 Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
 US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
 Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
 US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
 Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
 For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Here we go...

2016-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine [FairfieldLife]
Oh definitely, especially after the latest threat:

Another joke, I suppose.  When are the adults in the GOP (if there are any 
actually left) going to disavow the piece of human waste?


On Sep 16, 2016, at 10:23 PM, [FairfieldLife] 

---In , 
 wrote :

We should really be taking bets on this.


Ha, ha. I bet Trump will show up only because he has to appear or lose face. On 
the other hand, he had a really bad day today and it could only get worse from 
here. If that is the case, he might be a no-show. I'd be willing to wager he 
will show up, though. Are you on the wimp out side?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kuurma-naaDii and nervus vagus!

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 "..the physiological counterpart of kuurma-naaDii might well be the vagus 
nerve, which is the main parasympathetic nerve,"


 In the human, who is the highest expression of God on earth, it is the vagus 
or tenth cranial nerve that is the most receptive to this solar fire or energy, 
the spiritual fire coming down, the fire of the macrocosm. This fire energizes 
humans and uses them to express the qualities of love and wisdom.
 =Charlie Lutes

---In,  wrote :


 Number 5, at least in my set (English: BT?), is the one that seems to 
correspond YS III 31:

 kuurma-naaDyaaM* sthairyam.

 Some translations:

 kUrmanaaDyaaM sthairyam
Calmness Is Attained By Samyama On The Bronchial Tube.
 [IT]: (32):
 (By performing Samyama) on the Kurma-nadi steadiness.
On the tortoise duct (tortoise), steadiness.
From perfect discipline of the “tortoise vein,” one’s being becomes steady.
 [SS]: (32):
 By samyama on the kurma nadi (a subtle tortoise-shaped tube located below the 
throat), motionless in the meditative posture is achieved.
(32) By making samyama on the tube within the chest, one acquires absolute 
 [SV]: (32):
 On the nerve called Kurma (comes) fixity of the body.
 I used to think that the "oiling" of joints, less tight muscles and harder 
*rections after doing siddhis was mainly due to flying, but now it seems to me 
the main culprit might well be actually the BT above, after doing it a couple 
of times in isolation, or whatever.
 It seems to me the physiological counterpart of kuurma-naaDii might well be 
the vagus nerve, which is the main parasympathetic nerve, I believe. Wiki:
  The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of 
"rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed"[2] 
activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, 
including sexual arousal, 
salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion and defecation Its action is described as being 
complementary to that of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible 
for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response

  (Sorry for my inaccurate wording. As I've told before, I'm a "grammarian", 
certainly not a "semantician"!)

 * locative (in, at, on, into, etc) singular from naaDii

[FairfieldLife] Kuurma-naaDii and nervus vagus!

2016-09-17 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Number 5, at least in my set (English: BT?), is the one that seems to 
correspond YS III 31:

 kuurma-naaDyaaM* sthairyam.

 Some translations:

 kUrmanaaDyaaM sthairyam
Calmness Is Attained By Samyama On The Bronchial Tube.
 [IT]: (32):
 (By performing Samyama) on the Kurma-nadi steadiness.
On the tortoise duct (tortoise), steadiness.
From perfect discipline of the “tortoise vein,” one’s being becomes steady.
 [SS]: (32):
 By samyama on the kurma nadi (a subtle tortoise-shaped tube located below the 
throat), motionless in the meditative posture is achieved.
(32) By making samyama on the tube within the chest, one acquires absolute 
 [SV]: (32):
 On the nerve called Kurma (comes) fixity of the body.
 I used to think that the "oiling" of joints, less tight muscles and harder 
*rections after doing siddhis was mainly due to flying, but now it seems to me 
the main culprit might well be actually the BT above, after doing it a couple 
of times in isolation, or whatever.
 It seems to me the physiological counterpart of kuurma-naaDii might well be 
the vagus nerve, which is the main parasympathetic nerve, I believe. Wiki:
  The parasympathetic system is responsible for stimulation of 
"rest-and-digest" or "feed and breed"[2] 
activities that occur when the body is at rest, especially after eating, 
including sexual arousal, 
salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion and defecation Its action is described as being 
complementary to that of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible 
for stimulating activities associated with the fight-or-flight response

  (Sorry for my inaccurate wording. As I've told before, I'm a "grammarian", 
certainly not a "semantician"!)

 * locative (in, at, on, into, etc) singular from naaDii