Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-28 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/28/2013 12:22 PM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
   Richard Macro (#39)  
 How's the book coming?
 You've been reading it, Bob, or maybe not. Go figure.
 You are supposed to read the messages here BEFORE you post your comment, Bob.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/28/2013 12:22 PM, wrote:

/Richard Macro (#39)/


/How's the book coming?/

You've been reading it, Bob, or maybe not. Go figure.

You are supposed to read the messages here BEFORE you post your comment, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-28 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/27/2013 11:44 AM, bobpriced@... mailto:bobpriced@... wrote:
 Richard Macro (#39)
 How's the book coming?
 You've been reading it, Bob, or maybe not. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread authfriend
Stuff in red is not true.
 So, let's review what we know about Ms Stein: According to her 
 autobiography, Judy lives near a beach in New Jersey and is a 
 self-employed professional editor working out of a home office on a 
 Windows PC running Microsoft Word as her personal productivity tool.

 Apparently she is very smart and well-respected in her field. She is 
 famous for contributing cogent posts to several online discussion 
 boards. She is an expert on the TM meditation technique, and famous for 
 having put Andrew Skolnick in his place in a heated discussion back in 1998.
 Seriously, I learned almost everything I know about posting to online 
 discussions from Ms Stein over the course of fourteen years. She can be 
 a formidable debating opponent. And, from what I've read, she can read 
 and write in multiple languages - English, German, and Spanish. I 
 wouldn't be surprised if she could also read and write Greek and French. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/27/2013 10:21 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Richard, I thought it was pretty funny too and thanks for the insights 
> about Judy's online history.
So, let's review what we know about Ms Stein: According to her 
autobiography, Judy lives near a beach in New Jersey and is a 
self-employed professional editor working out of a home office on a 
Windows PC running Microsoft Word as her personal productivity tool.

Apparently she is very smart and well-respected in her field. She is 
famous for contributing cogent posts to several online discussion 
boards. She is an expert on the TM meditation technique, and famous for 
having put Andrew Skolnick in his place in a heated discussion back in 1998.

Seriously, I learned almost everything I know about posting to online 
discussions from Ms Stein over the course of fourteen years. She can be 
a formidable debating opponent. And, from what I've read, she can read 
and write in multiple languages - English, German, and Spanish. I 
wouldn't be surprised if she could also read and write Greek and French. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/27/2013 11:44 AM, wrote:

/Richard Macro (#39)/


/How's the book coming?/

You've been reading it, Bob, or maybe not. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:
  I'm not gay.
 Richard Macro (#39)
 How's the book coming?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

As for Bob, I guess I just don't get the British sense of humor. Go figure!

 "We need more cowbell:

 On Friday, December 27, 2013 9:35 AM, Richard J. Williams  
 On 12/27/2013 7:50 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > > *As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he 
 > > says is to be taken seriously.*
 > Apparently Judy took me seriously. LoL!
 Even those who don't much like Richard have to admit that this is funny.  :- 
Well, I thought so too. In fact, it's one of my best retorts of all time. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are about 
Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught about Barry - in 
fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 - 2013. Now that's being 

 Richard Macro (#52)


 On 12/26/2013 1:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>
 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/27/2013 10:44 AM, wrote:

Richard, something to consider before you bend over: 

Bob, let's try to focus on the topic and not get lost in the abstract. I 
already told you - I'm not gay.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
It sure looks like Judy is taking me seriously. Not sure if that's a 
good thing or not. Go figure.

On 12/27/2013 9:40 AM, wrote:

*As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously. *


*Especially this post. What it amounts to is Richard trying to tell as 
many lies as he can come up with. He seems to be in competition with 
Barry in this regard.*


*This is the sort of thing that happens, BTW, when the kind of 
corruption I've been warning about is allowed to flourish by the rest 
of the community. Commitment to the truth is thrown to the winds, and 
there are no limits on the expression of deliberate untruth.*

*/I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in
the day being long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the
only things I had to judge him by were his posts. And the posts,
from Day One, were insane. Stark, raving bonkers. I don't think
I've encountered a more classic example of abusive Narcissistic
Personality Disorder in my life.
/* Robin is one of those figures that is frequently mentioned in
TM lore - the first fully enlightened man to come out of the TMO.
Apparently Robin hired a helicopter to distribute leaflets over
the MUM campus announcing his state of enlightenment to all the
residents and students.

There was a query posted years ago on Google Groups asking if
anyone had heard anything about Robin, but there was no reply. So,
he seemed to have dropped off the radar. As far as I can tell,
Robin formed a group up in Canada for awhile, but it apparently
blew up in his face. Ann would probably know more about this.
Apparently Ann was under his spell for quite some time.

According to what I've read, Robin became enamored with the
Ayatollah Khomeini over in Iran, and wrote a half-dozen small
booklets in praise of the cleric. That alone would lead any
intelligent person to question Robin's state of mind. When that
didn't pan out, as he expected, he joined the Catholic Church to
become a priest. Then, for some reason we don't know, he came here
after thirty years and started posting long messages about

He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a
shit about the people he was supposedly conversing with (the
"wall of words" being a classic example of both). And he was
manipulative to the max. The more stories that came out about his
past, and how manipulative and abusive he'd been as a minor cult
leader, the more obvious it was that *nothing had changed*, and
that he was still trying to run the same numbers on naive FFLers.
So I wrote him off. I've spent far too much time with crazy,
abusive people to want to spend any time conversing with another

You may be correct about this - Robin seemed to be attempting to
recruit some informants for his own use. He easily recruited Judy
and Ann to help him form a new Robin cult. There was some
resistance from you and I and from Steve, but he mostly ignored us
and concentrated mainly on Judy and Ann, who seemed to be his main
enablers. They probably looked like easy prey to Robin. Judy
seemed to be really in thrall at his postings and engaged him on
many levels, seemingly to encourage him in his recruiting efforts.
That is, until he turned on her and exposed her in a long farewell
message, which Judy took to be a spoof.

The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL
*fell for his act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow
through his narcissistic stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some
seemed to actually like it. I wrote that off as, "There's simply
no accounting for taste."

Robin is a master manipulator that's fer sure. But, it's not a
matter of taste - it's a clear case of mind control. We've seen
this in several cases before, and nobody could see this more
clearly than yourself. You seem to be a master yourself - at
recognizing master manipulators. All those years of studying the
tactics of mind controllers has really paid off in your case!

But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his
act enough to become *disciples*. They fawned over him like
teenagers stalking a rock star, seemingly unaware that the only
rock star Robin was the counterpart of was "Fat Elvis." I felt
mainly embarrassed for these people, and fearful for what their
failure to see how crazy he was said about what TM had done to
them. The *lack* of discrimination was downright scary.

This still remains the case. Just read some of the messages posted
in Robin's defense by Judy and Ann. Apparently Ann is still in
communication with Robin up to just a few days ago,via email
exchanges. I wouldn't be surprised i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 Nobody claimed you were a writer. Writers, write - ankle-biters, bite.

 Richard, something to consider before you bend over: 







 On 12/26/2013 1:44 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Oooopsie! Never claimed to be a writer.
 > It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum 
 > to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be 
 > posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting 
 > snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top 
 > poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.
 I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer would 
settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather than try to write 
something -- anything -- herself? 
 > On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > >
 > > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
 > > immaturity". It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
 > > the Internet.
 > >
 > > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
 > >>
 > >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
 > >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
 > >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
 > >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
 > >> grip, people.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread authfriend
<< Richard, I thought it was pretty funny too and thanks for the insights about 
Judy's online history. Sort of helps me understand her better. >>


 They weren't "insights," Share, they were things Richard made up. As you know, 
as Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be taken 

 << In fact, I found a lot of your posts this morning very insightful about 
people. I also like how you can be gentle about it. >>


 I've found that it's a good idea not to drink coffee (or anything else) while 
reading Share's posts. Otherwise you risk getting it all over your keyboard as 
it comes out your nose.

 << But what happened to Ann?! Her recent posts are so vulgar and negative that 
I think it's pointless to have a discussion with her. >>

 Ann has a limited tolerance for idiocy and foolishness. Between you and 
Richard and Barry, I think it's about run out.

<< As for Bob, I guess I just don't get the British sense of humor. Go figure! 

 Bob isn't a Brit, Share.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Another button got pushed today - good work, Barry!

On 12/27/2013 9:14 AM, wrote:
*This is such deep and elaborate fantasy from Barry that there's no 
real way to address it. It's a function of how threatened he was by 
Robin. Barry's response to feeling threatened has always been to go to 
insane extremes to demonize the person who threatens him, no matter 
how far from reality he has to go. This post is an example.*

*I'm just going to pick out a couple of points that are representative 
of the unreality of Barry's portrayal of Robin:*

*/<< *From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies 
here. He almost never had any long conversations with either Judy or 
Ann, preferring to "save himself" for more classic NPD goals. >>/*

Barry is literally unable to imagine that Robin could have made use of 
other ways of communicating with the people on FFL he wanted to talk 
to besides via FFL. That's how badly Barry needs to believe Robin 
"barely tolerated" Ann and me. Both of us had extensive friendly 
contact with Robin via email (initiated by him, as it happens). I'm 
guessing we weren't the only ones, but others will have to confirm that.

And of course Barry's wrong even just regarding Robin's interactions 
on FFL. He had long conversations with both Ann and me, as well as 
with Raunchy and Emily and Paligap and others (most notoriously 
Share). Somehow Barry's "point of view" manages to exclude all that.

*And this is factual stuff, not just opinion, that Barry has 
completely wrong. *

*/He wanted to "win over" those he perceived as having some charisma 
or personal power, and "convert" *them* to become his 
admirers/disciples. /*

At this he failed miserably, and they laughed at him. Not able to 
handle that, he switched over to Abuse Mode again, and tried the same 
act Judy has been running for years -- yell at people and insult and 
abuse them and accuse them of things *until* they respond by arguing 
with him. He failed at that, too, and then when Curtis blew him off 
and he realized how badly his act was bombing, he ran away and hid. 

Running away and hiding seems to be the only thing Robin Carlsen was 
ever good at./*

*All the above is just bonkers. It's SO bonkers I seriously doubt even 
Barry believes it. If anyone wants me to expand on this, let me know. *

*/The very *idea* of anyone being "jealous" of Robin Carlsen just 
doesn't compute, if you any degree of perception going for you. How 
could someone possibly be jealous of a dangerously disturbed psychopath?/*

*This is the key. If Barry can make Robin into a "dangerously 
disturbed psychopath" in his fantasies, then he doesn't have to 
acknowledge how jealous he was. He does the same kind of thing with 
me, albeit not to quite such extremes.

I'm pointing this all out again for the benefit of possible newbie 
lurkers. Quite a few people on this forum thought Robin was crazy as a 
loon. Some of them knew him "back in the day," and agreed with my 
assessment that *nothing had changed*, and that he was as abusive and 
manipulative in the present as he was in the past. They made their 
views of him -- both past and present -- very clear.*

*"Newbie lurkers" should know that the only FFL regular who knew Robin 
"back in the day" was Ann, who obviously does not agree with Barry's 
"assessment." One person, LordKnows, showed up briefly on FFL to 
denounce Robin back in August 2012, more than a year after Robin had 
joined FFL. One other showed up around the same time to leave a post 
peddling a book he'd written about his experiences with Robin's group; 
that person's wife, "Brahmi," left a single hit-and-run post 
demonizing Robin.*

*So it's seriously (and deliberately) misleading for Barry to say 
"some of the people on this forum" agreed with him.*

*Note further how ludicrous it is for Barry to have an "assessment" of 
whether Robin had changed from 30-plus years ago in the first place, 
given that Barry had never encountered Robin until June 2011 here on 
FFL. The insane illogic of that claim is one more sign that he simply 
isn't reading from reality.*

*/So don't fall for the sugar-coated fantasies of him trotted out by 
his remaining two cult groupies here. They're still trying to find 
some way to justify why they glommed on to and defended a psychopath, 
and to put down the much larger number of posters who figured out he 
was one within a few days of his arrival on the forum./*

*Actually Ann and I feel no need to "justify" our appreciation of 
Robin; and Barry would be extremely hard-put to establish that there 
was a "much larger number of posters" who thought Robin was crazy than 
who thought he was prettty neat. Robin had more fans here than Barry 
is willing to acknowledge, and not all that many enemies.*

*Robin was (still is, presumably) a very powerful personality, there's 
no question about that, also ferociously 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Share Long
Richard, I thought it was pretty funny too and thanks for the insights about 
Judy's online history. Sort of helps me understand her better. In fact, I found 
a lot of your posts this morning very insightful about people. I also like how 
you can be gentle about it. 

But what happened to Ann?! Her recent posts are so vulgar and negative that I 
think it's pointless to have a discussion with her.

As for Bob, I guess I just don't get the British sense of humor. Go figure!

On Friday, December 27, 2013 9:35 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 12/27/2013 7:50 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> > *As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he 
>> > says is to be taken seriously.*
>> Apparently Judy took me seriously. LoL!
>Even those who don't much like Richard have to admit that this is funny.  :-
Well, I thought so too. In fact, it's one of my best retorts of all time. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread bobpriced


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 12:55 PM, obbajeeba wrote:
 > Posting limits are for complainers.
 Parodies are for posers.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be taken 

 Especially this post. What it amounts to is Richard trying to tell as many 
lies as he can come up with. He seems to be in competition with Barry in this 

 This is the sort of thing that happens, BTW, when the kind of corruption I've 
been warning about is allowed to flourish by the rest of the community. 
Commitment to the truth is thrown to the winds, and there are no limits on the 
expression of deliberate untruth.

 I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in the day being 
long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the only things I had to judge 
him by were his posts. And the posts, from Day One, were insane. Stark, raving 
bonkers. I don't think I've encountered a more classic example of abusive 
Narcissistic Personality Disorder in my life. 
 Robin is one of those figures that is frequently mentioned in TM lore - the 
first fully enlightened man to come out of the TMO. Apparently Robin hired a 
helicopter to distribute leaflets over the MUM campus announcing his state of 
enlightenment to all the residents and students.
 There was a query posted years ago on Google Groups asking if anyone had heard 
anything about Robin, but there was no reply. So, he seemed to have dropped off 
the radar. As far as I can tell, Robin formed a group up in Canada for awhile, 
but it apparently blew up in his face. Ann would probably know more about this. 
Apparently Ann was under his spell for quite some time.
 According to what I've read, Robin became enamored with the Ayatollah Khomeini 
over in Iran, and wrote a half-dozen small booklets in praise of the cleric. 
That alone would lead any intelligent person to question Robin's state of mind. 
When that didn't pan out, as he expected, he joined the Catholic Church to 
become a priest. Then, for some reason we don't know, he came here after thirty 
years and started posting long messages about Catholicism.
 He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a shit about 
the people he was supposedly conversing with (the "wall of words" being a 
classic example of both). And he was manipulative to the max. The more stories 
that came out about his past, and how manipulative and abusive he'd been as a 
minor cult leader, the more obvious it was that *nothing had changed*, and that 
he was still trying to run the same numbers on naive FFLers. So I wrote him 
off. I've spent far too much time with crazy, abusive people to want to spend 
any time conversing with another one. 
 You may be correct about this - Robin seemed to be attempting to recruit some 
informants for his own use. He easily recruited Judy and Ann to help him form a 
new Robin cult. There was some resistance from you and I and from Steve, but he 
mostly ignored us and concentrated mainly on Judy and Ann, who seemed to be his 
main enablers. They probably looked like easy prey to Robin. Judy seemed to be 
really in thrall at his postings and engaged him on many levels, seemingly to 
encourage him in his recruiting efforts. That is, until he turned on her and 
exposed her in a long farewell message, which Judy took to be a spoof.
 The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL *fell for his 
act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow through his narcissistic 
stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some seemed to actually like it. I wrote that 
off as, "There's simply no accounting for taste."
 Robin is a master manipulator that's fer sure. But, it's not a matter of taste 
- it's a clear case of mind control. We've seen this in several cases before, 
and nobody could see this more clearly than yourself. You seem to be a master 
yourself - at recognizing master manipulators. All those years of studying the 
tactics of mind controllers has really paid off in your case!
 But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his act enough to 
become *disciples*. They fawned over him like teenagers stalking a rock star, 
seemingly unaware that the only rock star Robin was the counterpart of was "Fat 
Elvis." I felt mainly embarrassed for these people, and fearful for what their 
failure to see how crazy he was said about what TM had done to them. The *lack* 
of discrimination was downright scary. 
 This still remains the case. Just read some of the messages posted in Robin's 
defense by Judy and Ann. Apparently Ann is still in communication with Robin up 
to just a few days ago,via email exchanges. I wouldn't be surprised if Ann 
didn't invite Robin back over here to discuss his "spoof" message about Judy. 
He'll probably return any day to pick up where he left off. Go figure.
 *From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He almost 
never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, preferring to "save 
himself" for more classic NPD goals. He wanted to "win over" those he perceived 
as having some charism

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/27/2013 7:50 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> > *As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he
> > says is to be taken seriously.*
> Apparently Judy took me seriously. LoL!

*/Even those who don't much like Richard have to admit that this is 
funny.  :-/*
Well, I thought so too. In fact, it's one of my best retorts of all 
time. Seriously.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/27/2013 3:53 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in the day being 
long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the only things I had to judge 
him by were his posts. And the posts, from Day One, were insane. Stark, raving 
bonkers. I don't think I've encountered a more classic example of abusive 
Narcissistic Personality Disorder in my life. 
 Robin is one of those figures that is frequently mentioned in TM lore - the 
first fully enlightened man to come out of the TMO. Apparently Robin hired a 
helicopter to distribute leaflets over the MUM campus announcing his state of 
enlightenment to all the residents and students.
 There was a query posted years ago on Google Groups asking if anyone had heard 
anything about Robin, but there was no reply. So, he seemed to have dropped off 
the radar. As far as I can tell, Robin formed a group up in Canada for awhile, 
but it apparently blew up in his face. Ann would probably know more about this. 
Apparently Ann was under his spell for quite some time.
 According to what I've read, Robin became enamored with the Ayatollah Khomeini 
over in Iran, and wrote a half-dozen small booklets in praise of the cleric. 
That alone would lead any intelligent person to question Robin's state of mind. 
When that didn't pan out, as he expected, he joined the Catholic Church to 
become a priest. Then, for some reason we don't know, he came here after thirty 
years and started posting long messages about Catholicism.
 He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a shit about 
the people he was supposedly conversing with (the "wall of words" being a 
classic example of both). And he was manipulative to the max. The more stories 
that came out about his past, and how manipulative and abusive he'd been as a 
minor cult leader, the more obvious it was that *nothing had changed*, and that 
he was still trying to run the same numbers on naive FFLers. So I wrote him 
off. I've spent far too much time with crazy, abusive people to want to spend 
any time conversing with another one. 
 You may be correct about this - Robin seemed to be attempting to recruit some 
informants for his own use. He easily recruited Judy and Ann to help him form a 
new Robin cult. There was some resistance from you and I and from Steve, but he 
mostly ignored us and concentrated mainly on Judy and Ann, who seemed to be his 
main enablers. They probably looked like easy prey to Robin. Judy seemed to be 
really in thrall at his postings and engaged him on many levels, seemingly to 
encourage him in his recruiting efforts. That is, until he turned on her and 
exposed her in a long farewell message, which Judy took to be a spoof.
 The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL *fell for his 
act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow through his narcissistic 
stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some seemed to actually like it. I wrote that 
off as, "There's simply no accounting for taste."
 Robin is a master manipulator that's fer sure. But, it's not a matter of taste 
- it's a clear case of mind control. We've seen this in several cases before, 
and nobody could see this more clearly than yourself. You seem to be a master 
yourself - at recognizing master manipulators. All those years of studying the 
tactics of mind controllers has really paid off in your case!
 But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his act enough to 
become *disciples*. They fawned over him like teenagers stalking a rock star, 
seemingly unaware that the only rock star Robin was the counterpart of was "Fat 
Elvis." I felt mainly embarrassed for these people, and fearful for what their 
failure to see how crazy he was said about what TM had done to them. The *lack* 
of discrimination was downright scary. 
 This still remains the case. Just read some of the messages posted in Robin's 
defense by Judy and Ann. Apparently Ann is still in communication with Robin up 
to just a few days ago,via email exchanges. I wouldn't be surprised if Ann 
didn't invite Robin back over here to discuss his "spoof" message about Judy. 
He'll probably return any day to pick up where he left off. Go figure.
 *From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He almost 
never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, preferring to "save 
himself" for more classic NPD goals. He wanted to "win over" those he perceived 
as having some charisma or personal power, and "convert" *them* to become his 
 Most of the time Robin seemed to be carrying on a conversation with himself 
and with a few comments thrown in from the peanut gallery. Mostly just soft 
comments, nothing that would really challenge his sophistry. Judy apparently 
thinks Robin was brilliant and Ann seemed to be still in his control most of 
the time. He didn't post anything I'd be in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread authfriend
This is such deep and elaborate fantasy from Barry that there's no real way to 
address it. It's a function of how threatened he was by Robin. Barry's response 
to feeling threatened has always been to go to insane extremes to demonize the 
person who threatens him, no matter how far from reality he has to go. This 
post is an example.

 I'm just going to pick out a couple of points that are representative of the 
unreality of Barry's portrayal of Robin:

 << *From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He 
almost never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, preferring to 
"save himself" for more classic NPD goals. >>

 Barry is literally unable to imagine that Robin could have made use of other 
ways of communicating with the people on FFL he wanted to talk to besides via 
FFL. That's how badly Barry needs to believe Robin "barely tolerated" Ann and 
me. Both of us had extensive friendly contact with Robin via email (initiated 
by him, as it happens). I'm guessing we weren't the only ones, but others will 
have to confirm that.

 And of course Barry's wrong even just regarding Robin's interactions on FFL. 
He had long conversations with both Ann and me, as well as with Raunchy and 
Emily and Paligap and others (most notoriously Share). Somehow Barry's "point 
of view" manages to exclude all that.

 And this is factual stuff, not just opinion, that Barry has completely wrong. 

 He wanted to "win over" those he perceived as having some charisma or personal 
power, and "convert" *them* to become his admirers/disciples. 

At this he failed miserably, and they laughed at him. Not able to handle that, 
he switched over to Abuse Mode again, and tried the same act Judy has been 
running for years -- yell at people and insult and abuse them and accuse them 
of things *until* they respond by arguing with him. He failed at that, too, and 
then when Curtis blew him off and he realized how badly his act was bombing, he 
ran away and hid. Again. 

Running away and hiding seems to be the only thing Robin Carlsen was ever good 

 All the above is just bonkers. It's SO bonkers I seriously doubt even Barry 
believes it. If anyone wants me to expand on this, let me know. 

 The very *idea* of anyone being "jealous" of Robin Carlsen just doesn't 
compute, if you any degree of perception going for you. How could someone 
possibly be jealous of a dangerously disturbed psychopath?

 This is the key. If Barry can make Robin into a "dangerously disturbed 
psychopath" in his fantasies, then he doesn't have to acknowledge how jealous 
he was. He does the same kind of thing with me, albeit not to quite such 

I'm pointing this all out again for the benefit of possible newbie lurkers. 
Quite a few people on this forum thought Robin was crazy as a loon. Some of 
them knew him "back in the day," and agreed with my assessment that *nothing 
had changed*, and that he was as abusive and manipulative in the present as he 
was in the past. They made their views of him -- both past and present -- very 

 "Newbie lurkers" should know that the only FFL regular who knew Robin "back in 
the day" was Ann, who obviously does not agree with Barry's "assessment." One 
person, LordKnows, showed up briefly on FFL to denounce Robin back in August 
2012, more than a year after Robin had joined FFL. One other showed up around 
the same time to leave a post peddling a book he'd written about his 
experiences with Robin's group; that person's wife, "Brahmi," left a single 
hit-and-run post demonizing Robin.

 So it's seriously (and deliberately) misleading for Barry to say "some of the 
people on this forum" agreed with him.

 Note further how ludicrous it is for Barry to have an "assessment" of whether 
Robin had changed from 30-plus years ago in the first place, given that Barry 
had never encountered Robin until June 2011 here on FFL. The insane illogic of 
that claim is one more sign that he simply isn't reading from reality.

 So don't fall for the sugar-coated fantasies of him trotted out by his 
remaining two cult groupies here. They're still trying to find some way to 
justify why they glommed on to and defended a psychopath, and to put down the 
much larger number of posters who figured out he was one within a few days of 
his arrival on the forum.


 Actually Ann and I feel no need to "justify" our appreciation of Robin; and 
Barry would be extremely hard-put to establish that there was a "much larger 
number of posters" who thought Robin was crazy than who thought he was prettty 
neat. Robin had more fans here than Barry is willing to acknowledge, and not 
all that many enemies.

 Robin was (still is, presumably) a very powerful personality, there's no 
question about that, also ferociously intelligent. It appears to me that folks 
who are basically insecure are the most likely to react to him negatively, 
while those who have more self-confidence are capabl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/27/2013 3:53 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in the 
day being long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the only 
things I had to judge him by were his posts. And the posts, from Day 
One, were insane. Stark, raving bonkers. I don't think I've 
encountered a more classic example of abusive Narcissistic Personality 
Disorder in my life.

Robin is one of those figures that is frequently mentioned in TM lore - 
the first fully enlightened man to come out of the TMO. Apparently Robin 
hired a helicopter to distribute leaflets over the MUM campus announcing 
his state of enlightenment to all the residents and students.

There was a query posted years ago on Google Groups asking if anyone had 
heard anything about Robin, but there was no reply. So, he seemed to 
have dropped off the radar. As far as I can tell, Robin formed a group 
up in Canada for awhile, but it apparently blew up in his face. Ann 
would probably know more about this. Apparently Ann was under his spell 
for quite some time.

According to what I've read, Robin became enamored with the Ayatollah 
Khomeini over in Iran, and wrote a half-dozen small booklets in praise 
of the cleric. That alone would lead any intelligent person to question 
Robin's state of mind. When that didn't pan out, as he expected, he 
joined the Catholic Church to become a priest. Then, for some reason we 
don't know, he came here after thirty years and started posting long 
messages about Catholicism.


He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a shit 
about the people he was supposedly conversing with (the "wall of 
words" being a classic example of both). And he was manipulative to 
the max. The more stories that came out about his past, and how 
manipulative and abusive he'd been as a minor cult leader, the more 
obvious it was that *nothing had changed*, and that he was still 
trying to run the same numbers on naive FFLers. So I wrote him off. 
I've spent far too much time with crazy, abusive people to want to 
spend any time conversing with another one.


You may be correct about this - Robin seemed to be attempting to recruit 
some informants for his own use. He easily recruited Judy and Ann to 
help him form a new Robin cult. There was some resistance from you and I 
and from Steve, but he mostly ignored us and concentrated mainly on Judy 
and Ann, who seemed to be his main enablers. They probably looked like 
easy prey to Robin. Judy seemed to be really in thrall at his postings 
and engaged him on many levels, seemingly to encourage him in his 
recruiting efforts. That is, until he turned on her and exposed her in a 
long farewell message, which Judy took to be a spoof.

The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL *fell 
for his act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow through his 
narcissistic stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some seemed to actually 
like it. I wrote that off as, "There's simply no accounting for taste."


Robin is a master manipulator that's fer sure. But, it's not a matter of 
taste - it's a clear case of mind control. We've seen this in several 
cases before, and nobody could see this more clearly than yourself. You 
seem to be a master yourself - at recognizing master manipulators. All 
those years of studying the tactics of mind controllers has really paid 
off in your case!

But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his act 
enough to become *disciples*. They fawned over him like teenagers 
stalking a rock star, seemingly unaware that the only rock star Robin 
was the counterpart of was "Fat Elvis." I felt mainly embarrassed for 
these people, and fearful for what their failure to see how crazy he 
was said about what TM had done to them. The *lack* of discrimination 
was downright scary.

This still remains the case. Just read some of the messages posted in 
Robin's defense by Judy and Ann. Apparently Ann is still in 
communication with Robin up to just a few days ago,via email exchanges. 
I wouldn't be surprised if Ann didn't invite Robin back over here to 
discuss his "spoof" message about Judy. He'll probably return any day to 
pick up where he left off. Go figure.

*From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He 
almost never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, 
preferring to "save himself" for more classic NPD goals. He wanted to 
"win over" those he perceived as having some charisma or personal 
power, and "convert" *them* to become his admirers/disciples.


Most of the time Robin seemed to be carrying on a conversation with 
himself and with a few comments thrown in from the peanut gallery. 
Mostly just soft comments, nothing that would really challenge his 
sophistry. Judy apparently thinks Robin was brilliant and Ann seemed to 
be still in his control most of the time. He didn't post anything I'd be 
interested in, like yoga or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 10:58 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
 Did that monkey hurt you as it was clawing its way out of your ass, Retardo? 
What are you doing inside my ass, Annie?
 Did I ever tell you I love to be called "Annie"? It's true. Only a couple of 
people have ever called me that but you can if you like. Now, as to the monkey 
business: what makes you think I was ever inside your ass? I think you're 
confusing me with Barry. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 --- In, "Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are 
> about Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught about 
> Barry - in fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 - 2013. 
> Now that's being distraught!

 Amen. I think I made my feelings known about Robin Carlsen when he first 
appeared, but I'll do so again, just for the record. 

I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in the day being 
long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the only things I had to judge 
him by were his posts. And the posts, from Day One, were insane. Stark, raving 
bonkers. I don't think I've encountered a more classic example of abusive 
Narcissistic Personality Disorder in my life. 

He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a shit about 
the people he was supposedly conversing with (the "wall of words" being a 
classic example of both). And he was manipulative to the max. The more stories 
that came out about his past, and how manipulative and abusive he'd been as a 
minor cult leader, the more obvious it was that *nothing had changed*, and that 
he was still trying to run the same numbers on naive FFLers. So I wrote him 
off. I've spent far too much time with crazy, abusive people to want to spend 
any time conversing with another one. 

The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL *fell for his 
act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow through his narcissistic 
stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some seemed to actually like it. I wrote that 
off as, "There's simply no accounting for taste."

But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his act enough to 
become *disciples*. They fawned over him like teenagers stalking a rock star, 
seemingly unaware that the only rock star Robin was the counterpart of was "Fat 
Elvis." I felt mainly embarrassed for these people, and fearful for what their 
failure to see how crazy he was said about what TM had done to them. The *lack* 
of discrimination was downright scary. 

*From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He almost 
never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann, preferring to "save 
himself" for more classic NPD goals. He wanted to "win over" those he perceived 
as having some charisma or personal power, and "convert" *them* to become his 

At this he failed miserably, and they laughed at him. Not able to handle that, 
he switched over to Abuse Mode again, and tried the same act Judy has been 
running for years -- yell at people and insult and abuse them and accuse them 
of things *until* they respond by arguing with him. He failed at that, too, and 
then when Curtis blew him off and he realized how badly his act was bombing, he 
ran away and hid. Again. 

Running away and hiding seems to be the only thing Robin Carlsen was ever good 
at. The very *idea* of anyone being "jealous" of Robin Carlsen just doesn't 
compute, if you any degree of perception going for you. How could someone 
possibly be jealous of a dangerously disturbed psychopath?

I'm pointing this all out again for the benefit of possible newbie lurkers. 
Quite a few people on this forum thought Robin was crazy as a loon. Some of 
them knew him "back in the day," and agreed with my assessment that *nothing 
had changed*, and that he was as abusive and manipulative in the present as he 
was in the past. They made their views of him -- both past and present -- very 

So don't fall for the sugar-coated fantasies of him trotted out by his 
remaining two cult groupies here. They're still trying to find some way to 
justify why they glommed on to and defended a psychopath, and to put down the 
much larger number of posters who figured out he was one within a few days of 
his arrival on the forum.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

It looks like Judy took Richard seriously. LoL!

On 12/26/2013 11:15 PM, wrote:

*As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously. *

<< There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you 
are about Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught 
about Barry - in fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 
- 2013. Now that's being distraught! >>

On 12/26/2013 1:26 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:

More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)

*/<< The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological 
point of view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does 
Ann. But then, both of them are so clueless that they climbed all 
over themselves to see who could kiss Robin's ass the most. Not 
exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>

Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings 
him up at every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never 
seen Barry so distraught by a single poster.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> On 12/26/2013 6:04 PM, authfriend@... wrote:
> >
> > *As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he
> > says is to be taken seriously.*
> Apparently Judy took me seriously. LoL!

Even those who don't much like Richard have to admit that this is funny.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 10:58 PM, wrote:
Did that monkey hurt you as it was clawing its way out of your ass, 

What are you doing inside my ass, Annie?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Apparently Judy took me seriously. LoL!

On 12/26/2013 6:04 PM, wrote:

*As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he 
says is to be taken seriously.*

<< > Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure.
Good work, Barry!

*/You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I
figured I'd add to your work. :-)

The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological
point of view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So
does Ann. But then, both of them are so clueless that they
climbed all over themselves to see who could kiss Robin's ass the
most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. /*

It looks like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their
Dear Leader. It's sort of like the double-speak of global cooling
causing global warming. They want posting limits, but not on
themselves - just look how many useless postings they've spent
just on this one topic alone, in self-justification.

It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin
village, just built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to
a T. What is surprising is that they both know better than this;
or they are so dumb that they fall for the slightest
button-pushing - like a windup toy- you just pull back the string
and then watch them spin.

It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they
don't even realize they are being spoofed up to and including
today. Go figure. >>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are
> about Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught
> Barry - in fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 -
> Now that's being distraught!

Amen. I think I made my feelings known about Robin Carlsen when he first
appeared, but I'll do so again, just for the record.

I knew basically nothing about him, his silly posturing back in the day
being long after my time in the TMO. So pretty much the only things I
had to judge him by were his posts. And the posts, from Day One, were
insane. Stark, raving bonkers. I don't think I've encountered a more
classic example of abusive Narcissistic Personality Disorder in my life.

He was almost completely self-absorbed, and didn't seem to give a shit
about the people he was supposedly conversing with (the "wall of words"
being a classic example of both). And he was manipulative to the max.
The more stories that came out about his past, and how manipulative and
abusive he'd been as a minor cult leader, the more obvious it was that
*nothing had changed*, and that he was still trying to run the same
numbers on naive FFLers. So I wrote him off. I've spent far too much
time with crazy, abusive people to want to spend any time conversing
with another one.

The thing that surprised me, however, was how some people on FFL *fell
for his act*. Some actually seemed to be able to plow through his
narcissistic stuck-in-his-mind egobabble, and some seemed to actually
like it. I wrote that off as, "There's simply no accounting for taste."

But a few -- most notably Judy and Ann -- actually fell for his act
enough to become *disciples*. They fawned over him like teenagers
stalking a rock star, seemingly unaware that the only rock star Robin
was the counterpart of was "Fat Elvis." I felt mainly embarrassed for
these people, and fearful for what their failure to see how crazy he was
said about what TM had done to them. The *lack* of discrimination was
downright scary.

*From my point of view*, Robin barely tolerated his groupies here. He
almost never had any long conversations with either Judy or Ann,
preferring to "save himself" for more classic NPD goals. He wanted to
"win over" those he perceived as having some charisma or personal power,
and "convert" *them* to become his admirers/disciples.

At this he failed miserably, and they laughed at him. Not able to handle
that, he switched over to Abuse Mode again, and tried the same act Judy
has been running for years -- yell at people and insult and abuse them
and accuse them of things *until* they respond by arguing with him. He
failed at that, too, and then when Curtis blew him off and he realized
how badly his act was bombing, he ran away and hid. Again.

Running away and hiding seems to be the only thing Robin Carlsen was
ever good at. The very *idea* of anyone being "jealous" of Robin Carlsen
just doesn't compute, if you any degree of perception going for you. How
could someone possibly be jealous of a dangerously disturbed psychopath?

I'm pointing this all out again for the benefit of possible newbie
lurkers. Quite a few people on this forum thought Robin was crazy as a
loon. Some of them knew him "back in the day," and agreed with my
assessment that *nothing had changed*, and that he was as abusive and
manipulative in the present as he was in the past. They made their views
of him -- both past and present -- very clear.

So don't fall for the sugar-coated fantasies of him trotted out by his
remaining two cult groupies here. They're still trying to find some way
to justify why they glommed on to and defended a psychopath, and to put
down the much larger number of posters who figured out he was one within
a few days of his arrival on the forum.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186, nothing he says is to be taken 

 << There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are about 
Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught about Barry - in 
fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 - 2013. Now that's being 
distraught! >>
 On 12/26/2013 1:26 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>
 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 On 12/26/2013 1:05 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, Barry!
 You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd add to 
your work. :-)
 The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of view, 
is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both of them 
are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could kiss 
Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. It looks 
like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their Dear Leader. It's 
sort of like the double-speak of global cooling causing global warming. They 
want posting limits, but not on themselves - just look how many useless 
postings they've spent just on this one topic alone, in self-justification. 
 It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin village, just 
built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to a T. What is surprising is 
that they both know better than this; or they are so dumb that they fall for 
the slightest button-pushing - like a windup toy- you just pull back the string 
and then watch them spin. 
 It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they don't even 
realize they are being spoofed up to and including today. Go figure.
 Did that monkey hurt you as it was clawing its way out of your ass, Retardo?



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

Nobody claimed you were a writer. Writers, write - ankle-biters, bite.

On 12/26/2013 1:44 PM, wrote:

*Oooopsie! Never claimed to be a writer.*

> It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum
> to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be
> posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time
> snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top
> poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

*/I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer 
would settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather 
than try to write something -- anything -- herself? /*

> On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual
> > immaturity". It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to
be on
> > the Internet.
> >
> > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too
stupid or
> >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read,
> >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting
> >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking
> >> grip, people.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
There's no way that Barry is more distraught about Robin than you are 
about Barry. In fact, I'd say your a thousand-fold more distraught about 
Barry - in fact, about seventeen years worth of distraught. 1996 - 2013. 
Now that's being distraught!

On 12/26/2013 1:26 PM, wrote:

More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)

*/<< The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological 
point of view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does 
Ann. But then, both of them are so clueless that they climbed all over 
themselves to see who could kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the 
brightest candles on the cake. >>

Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him 
up at every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen 
Barry so distraught by a single poster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.

 << > Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, Barry!
 You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd add to 
your work. :-)
 The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of view, 
is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both of them 
are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could kiss 
Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. It looks 
like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their Dear Leader. It's 
sort of like the double-speak of global cooling causing global warming. They 
want posting limits, but not on themselves - just look how many useless 
postings they've spent just on this one topic alone, in self-justification. 
 It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin village, just 
built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to a T. What is surprising is 
that they both know better than this; or they are so dumb that they fall for 
the slightest button-pushing - like a windup toy- you just pull back the string 
and then watch them spin. 
 It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they don't even 
realize they are being spoofed up to and including today. Go figure. >>

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 1:05 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, 

*/You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd 
add to your work. :-)

The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But 
then, both of them are so clueless that they climbed all over 
themselves to see who could kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the 
brightest candles on the cake. /*
It looks like Judy and Ann are now Robin's stooges and he is their Dear 
Leader. It's sort of like the double-speak of global cooling causing 
global warming. They want posting limits, but not on themselves - just 
look how many useless postings they've spent just on this one topic 
alone, in self-justification.

It's starting to look like puppets on a string or a Potemkin village, 
just built for show, which pretty much describes Robin to a T. What is 
surprising is that they both know better than this; or they are so dumb 
that they fall for the slightest button-pushing - like a windup toy- you 
just pull back the string and then watch them spin.

It's all so predictable that it's already boring. Apparently they don't 
even realize they are being spoofed up to and including today. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/26/2013 12:55 PM, obbajeeba wrote:
> Posting limits are for complainers.
Parodies are for posers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu

Perhaps you got sidetracked here on your way to this site:

On 12/26/2013 01:11 PM, wrote:

*Oh, nonsense, Bhairitu. There's no such rigid distinction as you 
suggest. Sometimes discussions involve debates, sometimes not. There 
have always been debates on FFL.*

Of course FFL is NOT a debate group.  It's a chat group. Maybe that is 
some folks first mistake: discussion groups on the Internet are NOT 
debate groups. Otherwise this would be FFD or Fairfield Debates. :-D

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Barry stopped dialoguing long ago with people who he knew had seen through him. 
He's terribly intimidated by intelligent people.

 << Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up 
at every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

Well, his reaction to Bob is pretty priceless as well. Barry won't go near him 
with a ten foot barge pole, and not because he is anything but terribly 
threatened on every level. Barry lacks the wit, the education, the sense of 
humour, the intellect and the life experience to begin to dialogue with Bob 
That's why he doesn't try - at least Barry has that much sense. >>


[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 My question Buck, is what is 'quite fair enforcing a posting limit'? All you 
have to do is make sure nobody posted over a specified limit, and lock them out 
for the specified penalty. It is mechanical, fairness is not involved. From 
your past statements here one can conclude you have more censorious motives in 
wanting to restrict people's posts.

 Richard is providing a lot of interesting posts, even though I have no time 
read most of them. He has taken on a task that few of us have the time or 
stamina to attempt, and doing rather well at it.

 Which is what? What is it that Ricky hopes to actually accomplish other than 
to keep this forum at the level of petty squabbles due to erroneous conjectures 
and faulty conclusions about things? He is no more going to change anything 
here than I am or Barry is or Sharon is. The more one alienates oneself from 
another human being because of insults and repetition, the less influence one 
has on that person. Surely Xeno, you don't actually think whatever Richard 
thinks he's doing (or you or anyone else thinks he's doing) is going to change 
Judy - do you?!


[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote:

 More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>

 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

 Well, his reaction to Bob is pretty priceless as well. Barry won't go near him 
with a ten foot barge pole, and not because he is anything but terribly 
threatened on every level. Barry lacks the wit, the education, the sense of 
humour, the intellect and the life experience to begin to dialogue with Bob 
That's why he doesn't try - at least Barry has that much sense.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread anartaxius
My question Buck, is what is 'quite fair enforcing a posting limit'? All you 
have to do is make sure nobody posted over a specified limit, and lock them out 
for the specified penalty. It is mechanical, fairness is not involved. From 
your past statements here one can conclude you have more censorious motives in 
wanting to restrict people's posts.

 Richard is providing a lot of interesting posts, even though I have no time 
read most of them. He has taken on a task that few of us have the time or 
stamina to attempt, and doing rather well at it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Oh, nonsense, Bhairitu. There's no such rigid distinction as you suggest. 
Sometimes discussions involve debates, sometimes not. There have always been 
debates on FFL.
 Of course FFL is NOT a debate group.  It's a chat group.  Maybe that is some 
folks first mistake: discussion groups on the Internet are NOT debate groups.  
Otherwise this would be FFD or Fairfield Debates. :-D 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread anartaxius
While I do not think posting will be reimposed, I liked the 50 post limit. But 
I would give Richard an extra 50 per week as a bonus for his accomplishment.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
Of course FFL is NOT a debate group. It's a chat group.  Maybe that is 
some folks first mistake: discussion groups on the Internet are NOT 
debate groups. Otherwise this would be FFD or Fairfield Debates. :-D

On 12/26/2013 11:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this 
forum to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd 
be posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time 
posting snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the 
top poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
the Internet.

On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, wrote:

I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
grip, people.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that 
doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a 
huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind 
of mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe 
the onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because 
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement 
of posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to 
stick it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He 
is nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into 
the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it 
wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Oooopsie! Never claimed to be a writer.
 > It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum 
> to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be 
> posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting 
> snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top 
> poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

 I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer would 
settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather than try to write 
something -- anything -- herself? 

 > On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
> > immaturity". It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
> > the Internet.
> >
> > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
> >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
> >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
> >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
> >> grip, people.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this
> to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be
> posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting
> snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top
> poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

I'd certainly agree with the last sentence. What kind of real writer
would settle for "grading other people's papers" as a career rather than
try to write something -- anything -- herself?

> On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual
> > immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be
> > the Internet.
> >
> > On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or
> >> lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then
> >> they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others
> >> to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking
> >> grip, people.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:
> >>
> >> I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
> >>
> >>
> >> However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being
> >> reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and
> >> Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue
> >> moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly
> >> impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that
> >> doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating
> >> posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a
> >> huge hassle.
> >>
> >>
> >> But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either
> >> deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind
> >> mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe
> >> onset of dementia.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because
> >> I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement
> >> of posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to
> >> stick it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He
> >> nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the
> >> basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't
> >> because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.


 << It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum to 
look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be posting 
something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting snarky messages 
all day and into the night. She used to be the top poster, but now I've left 
her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT. >>
 On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual immaturity".  It's 
like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on the Internet. 
 On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... 
   I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to 
just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go 
offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you can 
damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:authfriend@... 
 I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
 However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made 
managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs 
itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.
 But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of dementia.
 I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm writing 
it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting limits. At 
least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, shall we 
say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in his need to 
drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice 
if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
More, um, wishful thinking from Barry. ;-)
 << The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of 
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then, both 
of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to see who could 
kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest candles on the cake. >>

 Poor Barry was wildly, insanely jealous of Robin. Still is. Brings him up at 
every opportunity even long after he's left. I've never seen Barry so 
distraught by a single poster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.


 << The only posts Richard were making were the ones stalking Ann and me You 
need to stop the lying, Ms Stein. For the record, Judy has been stalking me for 
over a decade. The proof is in the archives. I came over here long before Judy, 
to try to get away from her, but here she is, posting the same old snarky 
comments, except now she has a "macro running" in Microsoft Notepad. Go figure. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
As Richard himself admitted in post #368186 yesterday, nothing he says is to be 
taken seriously.


 << Maybe Barry was posting a parody. Judy is easily the target of a parody, as 
Robin demonstrated. Apparently Judy will fall for any parody, even one by Robin 
that looks like the truth. Go figure.
 Everyone knows that Judy was the top poster around here for years - she can't 
resist posting some snarky reply to just about every post submitted. But, when 
someone posts something on topic, she just ignores it. Why? Because she knows 
next to nothing about yoga or meditation, obviously, or even music for that 
 past tense: parodied; past participle: parodied
  1. produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or 
genre). >>


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
It's also a sure sign of defeat in a fair debate. Judy wants this forum 
to look like the laughing stock of Yahoo Groups. Otherwise she'd be 
posting something interesting to read instead of wasting time posting 
snarky messages all day and into the night. She used to be the top 
poster, but now I've left her in the dust. A writer, Judy is NOT.

On 12/26/2013 10:56 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
the Internet.

On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, wrote:

I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
grip, people.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that 
doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a 
huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of 
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the 
onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because 
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement 
of posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to 
stick it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is 
nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the 
basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't 
because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "Richard J. Williams"  wrote:
> Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work,

You reminded me how easy it is TO push her buttons, so I figured I'd add
to your work. :-)

The most fascinating thing about it all, from a psychological point of
view, is that Judy actually thinks she's winning. So does Ann. But then,
both of them are so clueless that they climbed all over themselves to
see who could kiss Robin's ass the most. Not exactly the brightest
candles on the cake.

> On 12/26/2013 10:14 AM, authfriend@... wrote:
> >
> > A whole truckload more dishonesty from Barry:
> >
> >
> > */<< Ahem. Let's hear what the self-proclaimed resident expert on
> > everything said about posting limits back during the period when
> > were being debated as a way to get HER and two other idiots to stop
> > making 100-150 posts per week and STFU: >>/*
> > > "If anybody thinks Barry would be so insistently--
> > > and *nastily*--complaining about the top posters
> > > here if they were critical of TM and supportive of
> > > Barry, rather than supportive of TM and critical
> > > of Barry, I have a nice bridge you might want to
> > > have a look at."  - Judy Stein, Nov 3, 2006
> >
> > */<< In other words, making 150+ posts a week was just FINE with
> > when she was making that many to stalk other people, as she's done
> > consistently for almost 20 years. But when Richard cleverly turns
> > table on her and the other Mean Girls, suddenly *she's* the one
> > to sell the posting limits bridge/**/ to other people./*
> > */Can you say "Karma, dude?"  I think you can.  :-) >>/*
> >
> > Well, Barry can say that, but he knows it's not true.
> >
> > Back then the TM critics--especially Barry--were very busy
> > the TM defenders on FFL, and the latter were significantly
> > by the former. There were constant, prolonged battles over
> > issues; both sides were much more militant than they are now. That's
> > why the TM defenders were making so many posts: we were under siege.
> > What I wrote above that Barry quotes was right on target.
> > */<< Here she is proposing the *exact same strategy* currently being
> > used against her so effectively by Richard (bold emphasis mine):
> >
> > "Effectively" is in the eye of the wishful thinker. And of course I
> > wasn't seriously proposing any strategy in what Barry quotes:
> >
> > > I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it's awfully
> > > convenient for Barry that the three top posters
> > > just happen to be among his chief critics here--
> > > so he can try to intimidate us into silence under
> > > cover of complaining about how much we post. *
> > > It would be fun to see what he'd do if we
> > > were to limit our posts to criticisms of him.*
> >
> > - Judy Stein, Nov 2, 2006
> >
> > */<< Richard didn't even have to do that. Turns out he has *plenty*
> > say, about many topics, pretty much all of them more interesting
> > Judy Stein. All he had to do was up his quotient of posts
> > Judy and she goes batshit crazy, and now (ironically) is one of the
> > people screaming for posting limits again. >>/*
> >
> > Well, I'm not "screaming for posting limits," as Barry knows. I said
> > explicitly that it was vanishingly unlikely we would go back to
> > for several reasons (and Alex has just confirmed one of them: he
> > willing to take on limits again).
> >
> > And as already noted in my earlier post, Richard's "criticisms of"
> > (read: lies about) me are the least of the problem. The rest of his
> > posts are mostly not that interesting, and Barry would never in a
> > million years suggest they were if he weren't once again turning to
> > the tried-and-true "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" tactic. It's
> > the volume of Richard's insipid posts and trolls and lies--volume
> > for the sake of volume--that are making FFL so unpleasant.
> > troll" was Barry's entirely apt term for Richard not very long ago.
> >
> > */<< The bottom line here is pretty simple, and pretty clear-cut:
> > */
> > /*
> > Lies are frequently simpler and clearer-cut than the reality.
> > designed to be.
> > */
> > /*
> > */<< NO ONE but Judy's clone Ann seem to be the least bit bothered
> > Richard turning the tables and doing to her what she's done to so
> > others for so many years. >>/*
> >
> > Whoopsie-daisy. We don't know how many are bothered by Richard's
> > excessive posting, first of all. They may not be speaking up because
> > they don't want to become one of his targets.
> >
> > More importantly, Richard isn't "turning the tables"; what he's
> > is vastly unlike what I do: his attacks consist almost exclusively
> > falsehoods. If I criticize somebody, I do it honestly.
> >
> > And Barry knows this.
> >
> > */<< NO ONE is rushing to her defense. >>/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 10:38 AM, wrote:

*the only posts Richard were making were the ones stalking Ann and me*
You need to stop the lying, Ms Stein. For the record, Judy has been 
stalking me for over a decade. The proof is in the archives. I came over 
here long before Judy, to try to get away from her, but here she is, 
posting the same old snarky comments, except now she has a "macro 
running" in Microsoft Notepad. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread obbajeeba
Posting limits are for complainers.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
Maybe Barry was posting a parody. Judy is easily the target of a parody, 
as Robin demonstrated. Apparently Judy will fall for any parody, even 
one by Robin that looks like the truth. Go figure.

Everyone knows that Judy was the top poster around here for years - she 
can't resist posting some snarky reply to just about every post 
submitted. But, when someone posts something on topic, she just ignores 
it. Why? Because she knows next to nothing about yoga or meditation, 
obviously, or even music for that matter.

past tense: parodied; past participle: parodied

 1. produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or 

On 12/26/2013 10:22 AM, wrote:

Sez Barry, knowing I didn't ask for posting limits, I pointed out to 
Ann that we weren't going to get them (as Alex has confirmed). As he 
also knows, the posting limits were not invented just for me by any means.

The sign of a chronic, compulsive stalker-liar is that he isn't 
selective in what he lies about and ends up telling falsehoods that 
are ridiculously easily refuted, making him even less credible.

> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to
just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they
should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to
do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking
grip, people.

*/I completely understand, and please remember that *I* am not the 
person asking for posting limits again. Hilariously, it's the person 
who *they were invented for* asking for them.

That said, I *can* think of a more "low maintenance" version of the 
Posting Limit, should anyone want to take over your function. This 
version only requires the moderator to look at one Post Count post per 
week, the one that comes out after Friday night and that contains the 
weekly totals.

If anyone on it has gone over 75 posts, the moderator just blocks 
their address and bans them from posting, FOREVER.

I already know who the first three people to go would be, and Richard 
wouldn't be one of them. :-)

/*> ---In FairfieldLife@{{evilDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:
> I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
> However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that doesn't 
matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating posting 
privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.

> But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of 
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the 
onset of dementia.

> > I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because 
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of 
posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick 
it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is 
nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the 
basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't 
because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

Ooopsie, somebody's buttons got pushed again. Go figure. Good work, Barry!

On 12/26/2013 10:14 AM, wrote:

A whole truckload more dishonesty from Barry:

*/<< Ahem. Let's hear what the self-proclaimed resident expert on 
everything said about posting limits back during the period when they 
were being debated as a way to get HER and two other idiots to stop 
making 100-150 posts per week and STFU: >>/*

> "If anybody thinks Barry would be so insistently--
> and *nastily*--complaining about the top posters
> here if they were critical of TM and supportive of
> Barry, rather than supportive of TM and critical
> of Barry, I have a nice bridge you might want to
> have a look at."  - Judy Stein, Nov 3, 2006

*/<< In other words, making 150+ posts a week was just FINE with her, 
when she was making that many to stalk other people, as she's done 
consistently for almost 20 years. But when Richard cleverly turns the 
table on her and the other Mean Girls, suddenly *she's* the one trying 
to sell the posting limits bridge/**/ to other people./*

*/Can you say "Karma, dude?"  I think you can.  :-) >>/*

Well, Barry can say that, but he knows it's not true.

Back then the TM critics--especially Barry--were very busy "stalking" 
the TM defenders on FFL, and the latter were significantly outnumbered 
by the former. There were constant, prolonged battles over TM-related 
issues; both sides were much more militant than they are now. That's 
why the TM defenders were making so many posts: we were under siege. 
What I wrote above that Barry quotes was right on target.
*/<< Here she is proposing the *exact same strategy* currently being 
used against her so effectively by Richard (bold emphasis mine): >>/*

"Effectively" is in the eye of the wishful thinker. And of course I 
wasn't seriously proposing any strategy in what Barry quotes:

> I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it's awfully
> convenient for Barry that the three top posters
> just happen to be among his chief critics here--
> so he can try to intimidate us into silence under
> cover of complaining about how much we post. *
> It would be fun to see what he'd do if we
> were to limit our posts to criticisms of him.*

- Judy Stein, Nov 2, 2006

*/<< Richard didn't even have to do that. Turns out he has *plenty* to 
say, about many topics, pretty much all of them more interesting than 
Judy Stein. All he had to do was up his quotient of posts criticizing 
Judy and she goes batshit crazy, and now (ironically) is one of the 
people screaming for posting limits again. >>/*

Well, I'm not "screaming for posting limits," as Barry knows. I said 
explicitly that it was vanishingly unlikely we would go back to them, 
for several reasons (and Alex has just confirmed one of them: he isn't 
willing to take on limits again).

And as already noted in my earlier post, Richard's "criticisms of" 
(read: lies about) me are the least of the problem. The rest of his 
posts are mostly not that interesting, and Barry would never in a 
million years suggest they were if he weren't once again turning to 
the tried-and-true "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" tactic. It's 
the volume of Richard's insipid posts and trolls and lies--volume just 
for the sake of volume--that are making FFL so unpleasant. "Attention 
troll" was Barry's entirely apt term for Richard not very long ago.

*/<< The bottom line here is pretty simple, and pretty clear-cut: >>/*
Lies are frequently simpler and clearer-cut than the reality. They're 
designed to be.

*/<< NO ONE but Judy's clone Ann seem to be the least bit bothered by 
Richard turning the tables and doing to her what she's done to so many 
others for so many years. >>/*

Whoopsie-daisy. We don't know how many are bothered by Richard's 
excessive posting, first of all. They may not be speaking up because 
they don't want to become one of his targets.

More importantly, Richard isn't "turning the tables"; what he's doing 
is vastly unlike what I do: his attacks consist almost exclusively of 
falsehoods. If I criticize somebody, I do it honestly.

And Barry knows this.

*/<< NO ONE is rushing to her defense. >>/*
*I don't need anyone to "rush to my defense." I've never had any 
trouble handling attacks, especially ones that involve lies, as Barry 
knows to his sorrow. And Richard's attacks and lies are pretty pitiful.*

*/<< Instead, pretty much everyone is kinda *enjoying* seeing her get 
a taste of her own medicine. >>/*

Uh-huh. We all know Barry has the siddhi of mass reading of minds, 
don't we, folks? My guess is that except for a few people like Feste 
and Share who have a big beef with me, Richard's posts (and my 
responses, when I make any other than the macro) are being ignored.
*/<< Richard has, in fact, given the rest of us who've had to live 
with this woman's insanity for so long a kind of Christmas present, 
letting us se

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
<< Gee, Bhairitu, Barry was extremely fond of the posting limits. You don't 
mean to suggest he's "spiritually immature," do you? 
 As Bhairitu is probably aware, Barry was fond of the posting limits because 
Judy was not. >>


 This is one of the very few true things Barry has said in this discussion. He 
saw the posting limits as a chance to stalk me to get back at me for my 
criticisms of him, as well as cutting down on the number of criticisms. He 
didn't, and doesn't, care about how many posts folks make except to the extent 
it gives him something to stalk the people he doesn't like about. It's 
completely opportunistic.

 Barry's "count" of the number of times various people posted out was even more 
flawed than his purported counts usually are. It was impossible for him to 
access enough of the data to get an accurate count, and he acknowledged this 
when he posted it. That fact appears to have gone conveniently down his memory 

 In any case, eight is way too high for me.

 The rest of this is just more of Barry's endless fantasizing.




  They *were*, after all, created with the express purpose of trying to teach 
Judy and two others some self-control. Knowing that she in particular had none, 
I saw them as a way to get her to reveal how *little* self-control she really 

Who is the frequent poster who, during the entire lifespan of the Posting 
Limits, never overposted, even once? (That would be moi.)

Who is the frequent poster who "posted out" and wound up sitting on the Got No 
Self Control Bench more than all but one other poster? (That would be Judy. She 
spent as I remember eight *weeks* sitting on that bench because she couldn't 
control herself.)

How could I *not* like a setup like that? I'd wind her up, and more often than 
not she'd lose SO much control that she'd post out and we'd be free of her for 
a week. :-)

Now there are no more Posting Limits, so that opportunity for fun is beyond us. 
But now Richard has taken over as Wind-Up Master anyway, so he's free to make 
Judy dance any way he wants to.  :-)

 > The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual immaturity". 
 > It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on the Internet. 
> On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@ mailto:j_alexander_stanley@ 
> wrote: 
> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to 
> just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go 
> offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you 
> can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people. 
> ---In FairfieldLife@{{evilDomain}}, authfriend@ mailto:authfriend@ wrote: 
> I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit. 
> However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
> is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
> the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has 
> made managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much 
> runs itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then 
> reinstating posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a 
> huge hassle. 
> But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
> deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
> problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of 
> dementia. 
> I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm 
> writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting 
> limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, 
> shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in 
> his need to drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it 
> would be nice if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
I have always been opposed to posting limits because they display a lack 
of maturity and ability to use the Internet.  I only created the post 
count script because people weren't even adult enough to maintain their 
own count.  And like I often said to Alex, if he were to mention to the 
Yahoo crew that we had posting limits they would have astonishingly 
responded "you have what?"

On 12/26/2013 09:19 AM, wrote:

*Gee, Bhairitu, Barry was /extremely/ fond of the posting limits. You 
don't mean to suggest he's "spiritually immature," do you?*

The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
the Internet.

On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@...

I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others 
to do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking 
grip, people.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that 
doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a 
huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of 
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the 
onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because 
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement 
of posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to 
stick it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is 
nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the 
basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't 
because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> Gee, Bhairitu, Barry was extremely fond of the posting limits. You
don't mean to suggest he's "spiritually immature," do you?

As Bhairitu is probably aware, Barry was fond of the posting limits
because Judy was not. They *were*, after all, created with the express
purpose of trying to teach Judy and two others some self-control.
Knowing that she in particular had none, I saw them as a way to get her
to reveal how *little* self-control she really has.

Who is the frequent poster who, during the entire lifespan of the
Posting Limits, never overposted, even once? (That would be moi.)

Who is the frequent poster who "posted out" and wound up sitting on the
Got No Self Control Bench more than all but one other poster? (That
would be Judy. She spent as I remember eight *weeks* sitting on that
bench because she couldn't control herself.)

How could I *not* like a setup like that? I'd wind her up, and more
often than not she'd lose SO much control that she'd post out and we'd
be free of her for a week. :-)

Now there are no more Posting Limits, so that opportunity for fun is
beyond us. But now Richard has taken over as Wind-Up Master anyway, so
he's free to make Judy dance any way he wants to.  :-)

>  The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual
immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on
the Internet.
>  On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@
mailto:j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
>I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they
should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do
simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.
>  ---In FairfieldLife@{{evilDomain}}, authfriend@ mailto:authfriend@
>  I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
>  However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's
too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus
which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly impossible. As
long as the group pretty much runs itself, that doesn't matter, but if
it involves removing and then reinstating posting privileges on a fairly
regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.
>  But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the
onset of dementia.
>  I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of
posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it
out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if
not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the basement. FFL
will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't because of Ricky.
He's just not worth it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Gee, Bhairitu, Barry was extremely fond of the posting limits. You don't mean 
to suggest he's "spiritually immature," do you?

 The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual immaturity".  It's 
like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on the Internet. 
 On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... 
   I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to 
just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go 
offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you can 
damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.
 ---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  mailto:authfriend@... 
 I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
 However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made 
managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs 
itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.
 But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of dementia.
 I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm writing 
it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting limits. At 
least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, shall we 
say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in his need to 
drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice 
if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits Let Buck MODERATE

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
It's a wonder you and Buck can even turn on a computer let alone read 
FFL.   Maybe 15 lifetimes from now Buck will be ready to moderate a 
Yahoo Group.:-D

On 12/26/2013 06:36 AM, wrote:

Let Buck moderate
In a message dated 12/25/2013 11:36:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

On 12/25/2013 10:26 PM, wrote:

But something really does have to be done about Richard.

Here's something you could do: STFU about Richard.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread steve.sundur
That's pretty damned funny Richard.  I don't mean to be an enabler, but I'm 
gonna come out of hiding for this one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Bhairitu
The request for posting limits is a sure sign of "spiritual 
immaturity".  It's like needing "training wheels" or diapers to be on 
the Internet.

On 12/26/2013 03:49 AM, wrote:

I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to 
do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that doesn't 
matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating posting 
privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of 
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the 
onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm 
writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of 
posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick 
it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is 
nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the 
basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't 
because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
More lies from the wimp:
 > Brings up an interesting question: why don't Judy and Ann filter out 
 > Richard? And me and turq and feste and whoever else is on their unacceptable 
 > list. 

 << Especially if, *as they claim*, neither they nor anyone else here takes 
what any of us says seriously. >>

 I don't believe we made such a blanket claim, actually. About Barry and 
Richard, yes.

 I go after Barry because it's fun to expose him over and over again as someone 
who is not to be taken seriously, as I'm doing now.

<< Seems to me they take it VERY seriously indeed. *They*, ironically, are the 
only ones now lobbying for posting limits to cut down the number of things said 
about them. Talk about Egos In A Panic.  :-) >>

 Talk about one inflated but very shaky ego on a bender of wishful thinking. I 
wasn't "lobbying for posting limits," as Barry knows, because it would be 
futile. And as I've already said, if the only posts Richard were making were 
the ones stalking Ann and me, we wouldn't have any problem dealing with that.

<< The irony of it all is just too delicious. The very person the FFL Posting 
Limits were invented FOR >>

 Not, as Barry knows.

 << is now crying like a baby >>

 Uh, no, Barry. I'm laughing at you, as usual.

 << and calling for them again, >>

 Not, as Barry knows.

 << to keep someone from doing to her what *she* was doing to many others back 
when they first invented the Posting Limits to get *her* to lighten up.  >>

 As I've already noted, and as Barry knows, I don't lie when I criticize 
somebody, nor do I troll. Richard does both, so he is NOT doing to me what I've 
done to others.

 It's amazing the number of lies Barry can churn out in just a few posts, isn't 




Thanks again for the Christmas present, Richard.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
Sez Barry, knowing I didn't ask for posting limits, I pointed out to Ann that 
we weren't going to get them (as Alex has confirmed). As he also knows, the 
posting limits were not invented just for me by any means.

 The sign of a chronic, compulsive stalker-liar is that he isn't selective in 
what he lies about and ends up telling falsehoods that are ridiculously easily 
refuted, making him even less credible.

 > I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to 
 > just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go 
 > offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you 
 > can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people. 

 I completely understand, and please remember that *I* am not the person asking 
for posting limits again. Hilariously, it's the person who *they were invented 
for* asking for them. 

That said, I *can* think of a more "low maintenance" version of the Posting 
Limit, should anyone want to take over your function. This version only 
requires the moderator to look at one Post Count post per week, the one that 
comes out after Friday night and that contains the weekly totals. 

If anyone on it has gone over 75 posts, the moderator just blocks their address 
and bans them from posting, FOREVER. 

I already know who the first three people to go would be, and Richard wouldn't 
be one of them.  :-)

 > ---In FairfieldLife@{{evilDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote: 
> I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit. 
> However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
> is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
> the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has 
> made managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much 
> runs itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then 
> reinstating posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a 
> huge hassle. 
> But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
> deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
> problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of 
> dementia. 
> > I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm 
> > writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting 
> > limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with 
> > the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not 
> > persistent in his need to drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end 
> > some day but it would be nice if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not 
> > worth it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
A whole truckload more dishonesty from Barry:
 << Ahem. Let's hear what the self-proclaimed resident expert on everything 
said about posting limits back during the period when they were being debated 
as a way to get HER and two other idiots to stop making 100-150 posts per week 
and STFU: >>
 > "If anybody thinks Barry would be so insistently--
> and *nastily*--complaining about the top posters
> here if they were critical of TM and supportive of
> Barry, rather than supportive of TM and critical
> of Barry, I have a nice bridge you might want to
> have a look at."  - Judy Stein, Nov 3, 2006
 << In other words, making 150+ posts a week was just FINE with her, when she 
was making that many to stalk other people, as she's done consistently for 
almost 20 years. But when Richard cleverly turns the table on her and the other 
Mean Girls, suddenly *she's* the one trying to sell the posting limits bridge 
to other people.
 Can you say "Karma, dude?"  I think you can.  :-) >>

 Well, Barry can say that, but he knows it's not true.

 Back then the TM critics--especially Barry--were very busy "stalking" the TM 
defenders on FFL, and the latter were significantly outnumbered by the former. 
There were constant, prolonged battles over TM-related issues; both sides were 
much more militant than they are now. That's why the TM defenders were making 
so many posts: we were under siege. What I wrote above that Barry quotes was 
right on target.
 << Here she is proposing the *exact same strategy* currently being used 
against her so effectively by Richard (bold emphasis mine): >>

 "Effectively" is in the eye of the wishful thinker. And of course I wasn't 
seriously proposing any strategy in what Barry quotes:
 > I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it's awfully
 > convenient for Barry that the three top posters
 > just happen to be among his chief critics here--
 > so he can try to intimidate us into silence under
 > cover of complaining about how much we post. 
> It would be fun to see what he'd do if we 
> were to limit our posts to criticisms of him. 
 - Judy Stein, Nov 2, 2006 << Richard didn't even have to do that. Turns out he 
has *plenty* to say, about many topics, pretty much all of them more 
interesting than Judy Stein. All he had to do was up his quotient of posts 
criticizing Judy and she goes batshit crazy, and now (ironically) is one of the 
people screaming for posting limits again. >>

 Well, I'm not "screaming for posting limits," as Barry knows. I said 
explicitly that it was vanishingly unlikely we would go back to them, for 
several reasons (and Alex has just confirmed one of them: he isn't willing to 
take on limits again).

 And as already noted in my earlier post, Richard's "criticisms of" (read: lies 
about) me are the least of the problem. The rest of his posts are mostly not 
that interesting, and Barry would never in a million years suggest they were if 
he weren't once again turning to the tried-and-true "the enemy of my enemy is 
my friend" tactic. It's the volume of Richard's insipid posts and trolls and 
lies--volume just for the sake of volume--that are making FFL so unpleasant. 
"Attention troll" was Barry's entirely apt term for Richard not very long ago.
 << The bottom line here is pretty simple, and pretty clear-cut: >>

 Lies are frequently simpler and clearer-cut than the reality. They're designed 
to be.

 << NO ONE but Judy's clone Ann seem to be the least bit bothered by Richard 
turning the tables and doing to her what she's done to so many others for so 
many years. >>

 Whoopsie-daisy. We don't know how many are bothered by Richard's excessive 
posting, first of all. They may not be speaking up because they don't want to 
become one of his targets.

 More importantly, Richard isn't "turning the tables"; what he's doing is 
vastly unlike what I do: his attacks consist almost exclusively of falsehoods. 
If I criticize somebody, I do it honestly.

 And Barry knows this.
<< NO ONE is rushing to her defense. >>

 I don't need anyone to "rush to my defense." I've never had any trouble 
handling attacks, especially ones that involve lies, as Barry knows to his 
sorrow. And Richard's attacks and lies are pretty pitiful.

 << Instead, pretty much everyone is kinda *enjoying* seeing her get a taste of 
her own medicine. >>

 Uh-huh. We all know Barry has the siddhi of mass reading of minds, don't we, 
folks? My guess is that except for a few people like Feste and Share who have a 
big beef with me, Richard's posts (and my responses, when I make any other than 
the macro) are being ignored.
 << Richard has, in fact, given the rest of us who've had to live with this 
woman's insanity for so long a kind of Christmas present, letting us see her 
demonstrate how badly she handles someone doing to her what she does to others. 
I therefore nominate Richard as FFL Santa of the Year.  :-) >>

 Actually I've been "handling" Richard quite well, thank you, rout

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 8:25 AM, wrote:
*In any case, as I go through the posts, I've always skipped quickly 
past Richard's. These days I /do/ have to scan them briefly since he's 
into telling lies about me, and not all of them are instantly 
discernible as such by others. I need to know which of his trolls to 
shut down.*
I knew someone was monitoring all my messages. I already knew that you 
read every single post of mine, and probably have for years. The joke is 
on you for taking me seriously for the past fourteen years. NOTHING is 
to be taken seriously on the internet. Thanks for all your support. Now 
get to work!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 12/26/2013 7:33 AM, wrote:
> As for Richard's postings, they all look the same to me - nothing 
> differentiates one from another, so, no offense, please, but I don't 
> think I have read one in months.
No offense, but none of my posts were addressed to you anyway. When I 
want to address you, I will put in the subject title "Dumbass". And, 
anyway what could I post here that you don't already know? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 6:51 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

*/Thanks again for the Christmas present, Richard.  :-)/*
Judy is the gift that keeps on giving. I'm not sure I could do without 
her. I told her years ago "Please don't feed it." But she completely 
ignored my plea. So, now that I'm free, you can put money on me giving 
her as much hell as I possible can - in payback for calling me a troll 
and a liar for over a decade and trying get others to shun me. Payback 
can be a bitch!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits Let Buck MODERATE

2013-12-26 Thread WLeed3
Let Buck moderate
In a message dated 12/25/2013 11:36:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

On 12/25/2013 10:26 PM, _authfriend@yahoo.com_ 
(  wrote:

But something really does have to be done about  Richard.
Here's something you could do: STFU about  Richard.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams
In the case of Judy, she's probably busy creating macros. But, 
seriously, if she isn't using Mozilla Thunderbird, she probably doesn't 
even know ho to set a filter in Yahoo Mail, even if she wanted to. It 
looks like she can't even figure out NEO and Yahoo Mail. Go figure.

But for someone with an obsession like Judy, she probably can't afford 
to miss anything someone might say about her. She read every single post 
here in real time by probably monitoring the group messages even while 
she is editing for her clients. I wouldn't be surprised if her cell 
phone is set to sound an alarm when she gets email, even in the middle 
of the night. Have you noted her message response times? LoL!

On 12/26/2013 6:27 AM, Share Long wrote:
Brings up an interesting question: why don't Judy and Ann filter out 
Richard? And me and turq and feste and whoever else is on their 
unacceptable list. And if they don't want to delete those posts, it's 
simple enough to create a Maybe Read Later folder. I now have over 50 
posts in my Maybe Read Later folder!

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:49 AM, 
""  wrote:
I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or 
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then 
they should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to 
do simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, 

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being 
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and 
Rick's too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue 
moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly 
impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs itself, that doesn't 
matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating posting 
privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of 
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the 
onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm 
writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of 
posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick 
it out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is 
nothing if not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the 
basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't 
because of Ricky. He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread authfriend
I'm not sure how you "filter out" a particular person's posts when you're 
reading on the Web site. If you're picking and choosing only a few posts to 
read of the traffic generally, as Barry claims he does, then working from 
Message View is the way to go. But if you're going from post to post via the 
Next button and want to read all but one person's posts, that doesn't work, 

 In any case, as I go through the posts, I've always skipped quickly past 
Richard's. These days I do have to scan them briefly since he's into telling 
lies about me, and not all of them are instantly discernible as such by others. 
I need to know which of his trolls to shut down.

 But thankfully, he's now cooked his own goose by admitting what I've always 
pointed out about him: Nothing he says is to be taken seriously. So I don't 
need to do much more than use a macro citing that admission as a response to 
all the lies.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/26/2013 6:19 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/If anyone on it has gone over 75 posts, the moderator just blocks 
their address and bans them from posting, FOREVER. /*
Apparently you failed to realize that anyone can post here even if they 
are banned, just by altering their alias. But, thanks for your support. 
It looks like you've taken the filter off my posting to the group. Stay 
tuned for more fun in the Funny Farm Lounge - I'm just getting warmed 
up. I have at least 5,000 more on-topic messages from my self-published 
online book. Not to mention, I've just scratched the surface on my music 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread doctordumbass
Hooray!!! I am always in favor of self-sufficiency, especially when it comes to 
something as extraneous and just for fun, as a web forum. Even if I post 10,000 
posts next week, no will miss a meal or lose a loved one. This "issue" in terms 
of stuff that matters, falls way down near the bottom of my list. 
As for Richard's postings, they all look the same to me - nothing 
differentiates one from another, so, no offense, please, but I don't think I 
have read one in months.
Regarding the continual efforts of Judy to prove Barry wrong, and his ongoing 
efforts to prove her wrong, that has become a hallmark around here - "The 
Squabbling Seniors", I call it. Kinda fun, when I am in the mood to watch.

Btw, I wrapped all the Christmas presents I gave this year in *meat-themed* 
wrapping paper - one looked like ground beef, or symmetrical corn dogs, or cuts 
of meat. Purchased from the Archie McPhee website.

Note to Ann - also bought something called "Emergency Horse", which is a small 
plastic device with a speaker on it, and four buttons that each reproduce the 
sound of a horse; neigh, snort, gallop and whinny. Well worth the $4.95.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> Brings up an interesting question: why don't Judy and Ann filter out
Richard? And me and turq and feste and whoever else is on their
unacceptable list.

Especially if, *as they claim*, neither they nor anyone else here takes
what any of us says seriously.

Seems to me they take it VERY seriously indeed. *They*, ironically, are
the only ones now lobbying for posting limits to cut down the number of
things said about them. Talk about Egos In A Panic.  :-)

The irony of it all is just too delicious. The very person the FFL
Posting Limits were invented FOR is now crying like a baby and calling
for them again, to keep someone from doing to her what *she* was doing
to many others back when they first invented the Posting Limits to get
*her* to lighten up.

Thanks again for the Christmas present, Richard.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread Share Long
Brings up an interesting question: why don't Judy and Ann filter out Richard? 
And me and turq and feste and whoever else is on their unacceptable list. And 
if they don't want to delete those posts, it's simple enough to create a Maybe 
Read Later folder. I now have over 50 posts in my Maybe Read Later folder!

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:49 AM, "" 
I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to just 
fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go offline 
and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you can damn 
well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.

---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex is 
very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read the 
posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made 
managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs 
itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.

But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of dementia.

I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm writing 
it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting limits. At 
least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, shall we 
say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in his need to 
drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice 
if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or
lazy to just fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they
should go offline and do something else. Stop expecting others to do
simple shit you can damn well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.

I completely understand, and please remember that *I* am not the person
asking for posting limits again. Hilariously, it's the person who *they
were invented for* asking for them.

That said, I *can* think of a more "low maintenance" version of the
Posting Limit, should anyone want to take over your function. This
version only requires the moderator to look at one Post Count post per
week, the one that comes out after Friday night and that contains the
weekly totals.

If anyone on it has gone over 75 posts, the moderator just blocks their
address and bans them from posting, FOREVER.

I already know who the first three people to go would be, and Richard
wouldn't be one of them.  :-)

> ---In FairfieldLife@{{evilDomain}}, authfriend@... wrote:
>  I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
>  However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's
too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus
which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly impossible. As
long as the group pretty much runs itself, that doesn't matter, but if
it involves removing and then reinstating posting privileges on a fairly
regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.
>  But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the
onset of dementia.
>  > I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of
posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it
out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if
not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the basement. FFL
will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't because of Ricky.
He's just not worth it.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 I am just a humble meditator.  I could help moderate this.  I have shoveled a 
lot of shit in my lifetime.  I am going to go out right now by dawn's early 
light before going to the morning Dome meditation to shovel some shit.  I feel 
that by by life's fullest and long experience that I could be pretty good at 
moderating this list.  My friends all call me "Judicious" by nickname.   I 
could be quite fair enforcing a posting limit here for the good of the group.  
Let me have the password to FFL and I'll do it. 
 I feel like I could serve the group well in moderation.  I volunteer.
 Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,  
 -Buck of the Dome 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread j_alexander_stanley
I absolutely refuse to take it back on. If folks are too stupid or lazy to just 
fucking filter out what they don't want to read, then they should go offline 
and do something else. Stop expecting others to do simple shit you can damn 
well do yourselves. Get a fucking grip, people.


---In FairfieldLife@{{emailDomain}},  wrote:

 I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

 However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made 
managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs 
itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.

 But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of dementia.

 I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm writing 
it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting limits. At 
least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, shall we 
say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in his need to 
drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice 
if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2013-12-26 Thread TurquoiseB
Ahem. Let's hear what the self-proclaimed resident expert on everything
said about posting limits back during the period when they were being
debated as a way to get HER and two other idiots to stop making 100-150
posts per week and STFU:

> "If anybody thinks Barry would be so insistently--
> and *nastily*--complaining about the top posters
> here if they were critical of TM and supportive of
> Barry, rather than supportive of TM and critical
> of Barry, I have a nice bridge you might want to
> have a look at."  - Judy Stein, Nov 3, 2006

In other words, making 150+ posts a week was just FINE with her, when
she was making that many to stalk other people, as she's done
consistently for almost 20 years. But when Richard cleverly turns the
table on her and the other Mean Girls, suddenly *she's* the one trying
to sell the posting limits bridge to other people.

Can you say "Karma, dude?"  I think you can.  :-)

Here she is proposing the *exact same strategy* currently being used
against her so effectively by Richard (bold emphasis mine):

> I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but it's awfully
> convenient for Barry that the three top posters
> just happen to be among his chief critics here--
> so he can try to intimidate us into silence under
> cover of complaining about how much we post.
> It would be fun to see what he'd do if we
> were to limit our posts to criticisms of him.
- Judy Stein, Nov 2, 2006

Richard didn't even have to do that. Turns out he has *plenty* to say,
about many topics, pretty much all of them more interesting than Judy
Stein. All he had to do was up his quotient of posts criticizing Judy
and she goes batshit crazy, and now (ironically) is one of the people
screaming for posting limits again.

The bottom line here is pretty simple, and pretty clear-cut: NO ONE but
Judy's clone Ann seem to be the least bit bothered by Richard turning
the tables and doing to her what she's done to so many others for so
many years.  NO ONE is rushing to her defense. Instead, pretty much
everyone is kinda *enjoying* seeing her get a taste of her own medicine.

Richard has, in fact, given the rest of us who've had to live with this
woman's insanity for so long a kind of Christmas present, letting us see
her demonstrate how badly she handles someone doing to her what she does
to others. I therefore nominate Richard as FFL Santa of the Year.  :-)

--- In,  wrote:
> I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.
>  However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being
reimposed. Alex is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's
too busy to even read the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus
which, apparently Neo has made managing a group nearly impossible. As
long as the group pretty much runs itself, that doesn't matter, but if
it involves removing and then reinstating posting privileges on a fairly
regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.
>  But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of
mental problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the
onset of dementia.
> > I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because
I'm writing it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of
posting limits. At least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it
out with the, shall we say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if
not persistent in his need to drive this forum into the basement. FFL
will end some day but it would be nice if it wasn't because of Ricky.
He's just not worth it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-25 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/25/2013 10:26 PM, wrote:

But something really does have to be done about Richard.

Here's something you could do: STFU about Richard.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Posting Limits

2013-12-25 Thread authfriend
I have to agree, except I'd rather make it a 75-post limit.

 However, I don't think there's any chance of the limit being reimposed. Alex 
is very unlikely to want to take it back on, and Rick's too busy to even read 
the posts here except once in a blue moon. Plus which, apparently Neo has made 
managing a group nearly impossible. As long as the group pretty much runs 
itself, that doesn't matter, but if it involves removing and then reinstating 
posting privileges on a fairly regular basis, it's likely to be a huge hassle.

 But something really does have to be done about Richard. Either he's 
deliberately trying to kill the group, or he's developed some kind of mental 
problem that keeps him from seeing what he's doing--maybe the onset of dementia.

 I didn't think I would hear myself say this (and I haven't because I'm writing 
it) but I am formally asking Rick for the reinstatement of posting limits. At 
least at 50 I might, just might, be able to stick it out with the, shall we 
say, obsessive troller Richard. He is nothing if not persistent in his need to 
drive this forum into the basement. FFL will end some day but it would be nice 
if it wasn't because of Ricky. He's just not worth it. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-05-31 Thread Rick Archer
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bhairitu
> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 9:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits
> I finished up a preliminary version that filters and counts from
> midnight of Saturday (0 hours) to midnight today.  Next I'll add start
> date parsing from the command line as well as the name of your FFL mbox
> file.  Then you'll have a command line utility and I may add a GUI for
> the non-geeks here.  I'll probably also release the source so others
> can
> play with it or make it run on a Mac.  Here's the listing:
Cool. I use Outlook so I can count posts merely by sorting by author, but
FFL Thunderbird users should find this handy. 

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.4/1475 - Release Date: 5/30/2008
2:53 PM

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-05-31 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Bhairitu
> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 2:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits
> shempmcgurk wrote:
>> Just as I thought.
>> Judy is an alien with 50 fingers.
> I was looking at my FFL file in Thunderbird and thought that I might 
> write a little utility to report the number of posts during a specific 
> week. My FFL folder holds a little more than a week back then 
> autodeletes so I can find how many posts for a week. I might make it 
> available for anyone running Thunderbird of the type of file it creates 
> (its a stanadard file format used in many email clients).
> If you do, please upload it to the files section, or post a link to it in
> the links section, and let me know so I can add a link to it in the
> guidelines file.
I finished up a preliminary version that filters and counts from 
midnight of Saturday (0 hours) to midnight today.  Next I'll add start 
date parsing from the command line as well as the name of your FFL mbox 
file.  Then you'll have a command line utility and I may add a GUI for 
the non-geeks here.  I'll probably also release the source so others can 
play with it or make it run on a Mac.  Here's the listing:

"sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"sandiego108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"curtisdeltablues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ruthsimplicity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"yifuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"mainstream20016" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"lurkernomore20002000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
okpeachman2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"tertonzeno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"amarnath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"dhamiltony2k5" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Alex Stanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
bettyblue109 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"uns_tressor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"jyouells2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"aztjbailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
film_man_pdx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Simon Groves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sgrayatlarge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"matrixmonitor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"tohare10002" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mukesh bhatia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"guyfawkes91" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"simon.groves123" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"pranamoocher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"awais_nazir_ch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Roses Derise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"mrfishey2001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Brian Horsfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
posters: 59

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RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-05-31 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Bhairitu
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits


shempmcgurk wrote:
> Just as I thought.
> Judy is an alien with 50 fingers.
I was looking at my FFL file in Thunderbird and thought that I might 
write a little utility to report the number of posts during a specific 
week. My FFL folder holds a little more than a week back then 
autodeletes so I can find how many posts for a week. I might make it 
available for anyone running Thunderbird of the type of file it creates 
(its a stanadard file format used in many email clients).

If you do, please upload it to the files section, or post a link to it in
the links section, and let me know so I can add a link to it in the
guidelines file.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.24.4/1475 - Release Date: 5/30/2008
2:53 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-05-31 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
> Just as I thought.
> Judy is an alien with 50 fingers.
I was looking at my FFL file in Thunderbird and thought that I might 
write a little utility to report the number of posts during a specific 
week.  My FFL folder holds a little more than a week back then 
autodeletes so I can find how many posts for a week. I might make it 
available for anyone running Thunderbird of the type of file it creates 
(its a stanadard file format used in many email clients).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-05-30 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> > Judy – 53
> > 
> > Lawson – 65
> > 
> > I'll  cut Judy some slack because she is always
> > conscientious and my count may be off slightly.
> I made 50 posts by my hand count.

Just as I thought.

Judy is an alien with 50 fingers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-05-30 Thread authfriend
--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Judy – 53
> Lawson – 65
> I'll  cut Judy some slack because she is always
> conscientious and my count may be off slightly.

I made 50 posts by my hand count.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-03-01 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, new.morning  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > I have special dispensation.
> > 
> > I'm on a mission from God.
> Well, I do think that we can all agree that you are "special".

Of course I am.

The special ed teachers all agreed on that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-03-01 Thread new . morning
--- In, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In, new.morning  
> wrote:
> I have special dispensation.
> I'm on a mission from God.

Well, I do think that we can all agree that you are "special".

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-02-29 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Kirk, Shemp, and Richard Williams went over slightly last week. 
I'm not
> > going to bust them because I went over the week before, without
> realizing
> > it. So I owe them one. 
> Interesting logic. Another might have concluded "All four of us 
> be banned for a week" (Shemp for 3-4 whatever cycle he is on). The
> DEAL in going from 35 to 50 posts a week was, I thought, to give
> people some breathing room so that if they went a few posts over 35
> --it was ok. But it was agreed I thought that there was zero 
> over the liberal extra 15 breathing room 50 posts/week. 
> Jello a good dessert -- not such a good policy.

I have special dispensation.

I'm on a mission from God.

> >But let's be more careful this week. I know that
> > sometimes it seems like a stupid rule, and there are arguments pro
> and con,
> > but I think most would agree that it has improved FFL. As long as 
> > going to have the rule, I need to enforce it and abide by it 
myself. The
> > limit is now 50 per week.
> > 
> > 
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> > Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.2/1305 - Release Date:
> 2/29/2008
> > 6:32 PM
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-02-29 Thread new . morning
--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kirk, Shemp, and Richard Williams went over slightly last week. I'm not
> going to bust them because I went over the week before, without
> it. So I owe them one. 

Interesting logic. Another might have concluded "All four of us should
be banned for a week" (Shemp for 3-4 whatever cycle he is on). The
DEAL in going from 35 to 50 posts a week was, I thought, to give
people some breathing room so that if they went a few posts over 35
--it was ok. But it was agreed I thought that there was zero tolerance
over the liberal extra 15 breathing room 50 posts/week. 

Jello a good dessert -- not such a good policy.

>But let's be more careful this week. I know that
> sometimes it seems like a stupid rule, and there are arguments pro
and con,
> but I think most would agree that it has improved FFL. As long as we're
> going to have the rule, I need to enforce it and abide by it myself. The
> limit is now 50 per week.
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.2/1305 - Release Date:
> 6:32 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-02-15 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> --- In, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> By my count Judy's at 170 and Barry at 117 for the week. My count may 
> be inflated because I've been getting duplicates of some posts via 
> email.
> Same old, same old.

...and 114 of those 117 of Barry's posts are sniping at Judy...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2008-02-15 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

By my count Judy's at 170 and Barry at 117 for the week. My count may 
be inflated because I've been getting duplicates of some posts via 

Same old, same old.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits- Back to 50/week as of midnight

2008-02-15 Thread mainstream20016
>--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Nope. Back to 50/week as of midnight central tonight.

Thank you, Rick !  

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2007-11-08 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of new.morning
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 9:18 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits


"", "Rick
Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Done but might not know it: 
> New Morning – 35

Thanks Rick. The yahoo search shows me only at 28. I am fine going
with your count. But I am surprised that Yahoo could be off by so much.

I assume you have checked your list for duplicates.

Out of curiosity, could you send my your list -- if its not a hassle
(else no problem.)

Sent to your personal Yahoo address.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.26/1119 - Release Date: 11/8/2007
5:55 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2007-11-08 Thread new . morning
--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Done but might not know it: 
> New Morning – 35

Thanks Rick. The yahoo search shows me only at 28. I  am  fine going
with your count. But I am surprised that Yahoo could be off by so much.

I assume you have checked your list for duplicates.

Out of curiosity, could you send my your list -- if its not a hassle
(else no problem.)

Matched Messages 1 - 10 of 28 (1.319 sec)   First  |  < Previous  | 
Next >  |  Last
Subject Author  Date
153908  Re: "I demand that you reply to me" and Additional Dynamics
- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Seems to me there are a lot of "demands" to be replied to lately, from
a lot of people. Just a reminder: no one on this forum "owes" anyone a
reply to anything they post, or to any ...  new.morning
7:48 am
153795  Re: Many States Seen Facing Water Shortages -- Demonstrating A
Global Problem
- In, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: Yawn. Canada has 80% of the world's fresh water. Lacking some?
Your closest ally and best trading partner has more than enough. Let's
start building those aqueducts now. Well close ...  new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
8:00 pm
153785  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
R: "Characteristics" and "expect" being the operative words. In my
view, it appears as if you're spinning out fairy tales and then
falling hopelessly in love with them. You and New seem ...  new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
5:49 pm
153774  Re: Prissy Blissy vs Hard-Corp John Wayne Spiritualism
- In, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: you're Busted dude, and all you can say in return is some lame
joke about shit? Actually Jim, as you know, I wrote the a response to
your question below (in *). And its odd, but so ... new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
3:19 pm
153750  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
- In, new.morning  wrote:
Yeah, just the same, we better put Jim on a 24/7 watch. And of course
Tom, Rory and Peter. HA! Good one, New :-) A few
Nov 6, 2007
1:40 pm
153741  Re: Raja Coronation
So Edg, Best I can tell from your rajo-gun induced rant is that you
think being gay is a bad thing. That being called gay is an insult.
Thats being homo-phobic I believe. Which is scary -- given that your
apparent savior complex make your feel that you ... new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
11:55 am
153731  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: - In, new.morning 
wrote: Vaj, you STILL don't Get IT, do you!!! Jim is not mouthing the
words of MMY. This is his OWN cognition from the
Nov 6, 2007
10:56 am
153716  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Nov
6, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Rick Archer wrote: So are the Laws of Manu.
Maharishi once gave me the project of correlating the scientific
charts on TM with the Laws of Manu. They prescribe ...  new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
9:33 am
153714  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:23 AM To: Subject ...   new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
9:27 am
153713  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Nov
5, 2007, at 4:48 PM, bob_brigante wrote: MMY sits on a deerskin to
insulate himself from the energy drain from creatures living at a
lower level of life. Bullshit. A deerskin asana is ...  new.morning
Nov 6, 2007
9:11 am
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Subject Author  Date
153637  Re: Question regarding TMO view on Pets
- In, "curtisdeltablues"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  For TMers, handling pets is a
drain on energy in the same way that ordinary people are a drain on a
yogi.  For instance, 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2007-11-08 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of off_world_beings
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits



I AM LESS THAN 20 POSTS THIS WEEKUntil this post (which doesn't 
count ! ! ! )


34 now (33 including the one I’m responding to, which we won’t count.) I
just sent a screen shot to your private email address of all your posts this

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Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.26/1119 - Release Date: 11/8/2007
5:55 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2007-11-08 Thread off_world_beings

I AM LESS THAN 20 POSTS THIS WEEKUntil this post (which doesn't 
count ! ! ! )


--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Done but might not know it: 
> Jim F – 37
> New Morning – 35
> Getting Close:
> Off World – 31
> Shemp - 27
> Rick Archer
> President 
> SearchSummit
> "
> 2C+IA+52556-3805&country=us" \n1108 S. B St.
> Fairfield, IA 52556-3805 
> tel: 
> fax: 
> Skype ID:
> "
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]" \n641-472-9336 
> 914-470-9336
> Rick_Archer 
> "
> 4&k1=804482755&src=client_sig_212_1_card_join&invite=1" \nAlways 
have my
> latest info
> \nWant a signature like this?
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> Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
> Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.26/1119 - Release Date: 
> 5:55 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2007-10-16 Thread off_world_beings
--- In, Angela Mailander 
> While I believe that meditation is (or can be) a good thing, I have 
some question about the effects of many people meditating together.  
I understand the theory of why the 1% should work, but that's just a 
theory.  I have not really seen peace on earth as a result of our 

We don't have the numbers. 

<<  But here is what I have seen.  Germany was in a state of mass 
hypnosis during Hitler's reign, >>

Therefore TM'rs are Nazis?


Speak for yourself. 

<< I don't know why that is, but could large numbers of people 
meditating have that effect?  >>

No, Maharishi has stated it is brainwashing, not hypnosis..

> >> It is not a stupid comparison, the comparison between America 
now and Hitler's Germany then.  We are torturing people. >>

Therefore TM'rs are Nazis?

<< And that may only be the beginning (those of you who think 
American concentration camps are too bizarre for belief should just 
Google them--they were too bizarre for belief in Germany too.  But 
the American and Canadian residential schools for Native Americans 
were essentially death camps for children and served as a model for 
Hitler's camps).>>

And the English emptied the Scottish towns of their residents 300 
years ago and sent them to die on ships to Canada. Therefore TM'rs 
are Nazis.

 << I hope whoever said that the evil has been defeated at some 
cosmic level is right, but I sure don't see the effects of it in real 
time on planet earth>>

You won't see it because you have been hypnotized. You are not 
thinking straight. There will not be peace in matter, but great 
upheaval in matter...but that is only the surface of existence, so 
relax, and do not get caught up in that which has to change anyway.

<< as long as there are prisoners suffering at American hands in Abu 
Ghraib.  I see the same indifference to those things here in America 
as there was in Nazi Germany.  That is the comparison I am making, 
and it is not stupid. >>

Therefore TM'rs are Nazis?



[FairfieldLife] Re: Posting Limits

2007-10-16 Thread off_world_beings
--- In, Angela Mailander
> Please remind me of what the limit is. Thanks, >>

<35 post limit per week.
You go girl !>


--- In, Angela Mailander 
> Thank you Lurk. >>

You're welcome.



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