2007-07-27 Thread Sally Davis

Hmm long version or short version. I see no way to tell his story as a short

Ok first of all March 2006 I adopted two cats same day one from a shelter
and the other from someone I work with. I had lost my soulmate kitty the
week before from bone cancer. I cried again today for all the kitties lost
last year.

Lionel was the shelter cat unneutered male, with a bite wound from a fight
with a raccoon, so I was told. This was animal control he had been there a
month. Second was a kitten about 4 months old I would guess. Both cats were
orange tabbies, one of my favorite color cats. Both got neutered the next
day at a low cost clinic. Just rabies shots were given. Lionel had had some
shots but I was not sure which ones.

I noticed after getting Lionel back from the clinic he has a broken leg. It
was an old break and had healed but worried me. It did not seem to bother
him but the wound on his leg did. It just would not heal. I tried getting
him to the vet, but my vet was down by two vets and unable to see clients on
short notice. I gave up treated the wound myself and it finally healed in
about a month. So then he would have had it two months. He also had runny
eye which with a good diet cleared up. Pumpkin seemed fine.

April 2006 Junior is hit by a car. I found him hiding took him to the only
vet I could get in to see. They were wonderful, but expensive. Of course the
first thing she did was test him for FeLV and FIV, both negative. He was
there a week she managed to get his jaw back in place and stitched his
palette back together. He came home would not eat or drink. i took him back
the following Monday. They gave him fluids and kept him for the day. He also
had damaged his eye and wound up with no sight in it.

OK about a month later, soory my timetable is hazy. Tiny got sick with a bad
URI. Coughed so hard he fell over. HE went into the same vet got on
antibiotics and got better. Pumpkin Lionel both had symtoms of the URI.
Neither were bad enough to take in  to see the vet. I am guessing this URI
was accompanied my the FELV virus as these are the cats who were later to be
identified as infected. By AUgust, junior was just not feeling good and had
the 'cold' as well. I took him in knowing he was still healing. He was put
on Amoxilcillin. It was not working so I took im back thye found heinm to be
anemic figured it might be hemobartella as he had a tiny bot of flea dirt.
He has been inside since he was hit, so had to picked up the flea from
another cat. The Baytril made him feel much better, but Pumpkin was puny. I
gave Pumkin Juniors axoxicillin. He slept most of the time. Realize I am
paniced about Junior because of the car accident. I did not see Pumpkin was
not eating or drinking. He would pretend to do so.

Pumkin got worse, and I was able to get him into my old vet. The vet said he
was anemic and jaundiced.I am on a very fast learning curve here. I have
gone years without a sick cat. The vet said bring him back the following
Monday if he was not better. He really looked bad. He went back on Monday he
had not really eaten and I could not get him to eat. They kept him put him
on Iv and baytril by IV. I saw him the next day. The vet was guarded but he
looked like his old self. Loved me purred. The next day I went to see him
like 12 hours later. He was half dead. He crashed during the night had
seizures and was lifeless did not know I was there. I decided the humane
thing was pts. I cried the vet tech cried. It was all so sad. He was not
even a year old.

I decided even though Junior is not acting ill to take him back into his
vet . He was acting sick but had a fever of 106.5. They gave him subQ fluids
and called me later to run the Felv test again. My heart sunk, I knew
somehow it would be positive and so it was, They did not suggest euthanizing
until later, Because he kept getting fevers. They said it was from the FELV.

I had to get 9 more cat tested and vaccinated. Two more were positive Tiny
(faint pos) and Lionel for FELV and FIV. I believe based on his history he
was FIv when I got him I think he became FELV after he came to live here.
Unfortunately I decided to have lionel pts. He had also been sick and most
likely had Uveitis. I regret this decision now, but I am sure he would not
have made it very long. I like to think I saved him suffering.

Tiny was asymptomatic. I found this group learned of Immunoregulin and both
Tiny and junior got it based on the first protocol. I definitely think it
helped junior with the anemia and his gingivitis. Tiny never had symptoms.

Junior got the dreaded URI and Uveitis in both eyes. Both took a long time
to heal and he felt like crap. I was not real hopeful. He got over both but
the uveitis took it's toll and for a short time he was blind in both eyes.
He left eye is now fixed a dilated, but he can see out of it the right eye
has glaucoma which we treated, but it never improved. It causes pain.

Tiny dies Christmas day. Never really sho


2007-07-27 Thread Susan Dubose
A pos. is a pos. when you do the test, yes, but a weak pos. vs. a strong 
pos. can help determine how far along the disease is.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: "glenda Goodman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 11:41 AM

Sally,  I did go back to your website later last
night...checked daylillies and the song by M. It kind
of touched my mood...The song...very good...Eric is
very talented at putting sites together. My son is
pretty tricky too , but not that tricky...My son does
the photo and ebay stuff. He  very good at that...
Anyway, about Junior:
 I'm so glad he is doing better. I know you are
holding on to hope for him. That is one thing about
this disease, for every ten people that give you no
hope, there is one with a success story or some type
of optimistic information that makes us know we have
to give it all we got to pull our little guys through.
I'm so sorry this disease has been so awful in your
family...You are an angel for trying so hard...My
heart is with Junior...
With my Gracie, I have never seen her show any signs
of sickness, yet. She is only 5-months old. She
contracted her leukemia from her mother.  All I have
been doing with her is giving her 500 mg of lysene per
day and a good vitamin tablet. I give her a small dab
of tuna or sardine with the crushed up tablets and she
licks her plate clean...very simple...
I am always seeing where people say the test results
are a  strong positive or a weak positive. The second
time Gracie was tested I looked at the test kit and
asked my vet if she was a weak pos. or a a strong pos.
My vet just said, that it did not matter..."a positive
was a positive" I remember with heartworm in dogs, it
does matter , a weak pos. or strong pos. Maybe that is
different...?  Later, Glenda
--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Glenda,
> I live in VA so nowhere near Fort Worth. I thought
> the duck suit was
> ridiculous, he is gorgeous on his own merit. I have
> never had a poly, but
> several of my kitties came from poly families and
> their paws look bigger, I
> always check Spike because her mother was a poly and
> she looks like she has
> buds of what could have been extra toes but that is
> all.
> I am so glad you are taking on Catcher's Cause. So
> may kitties needing home.
> I can only save one at a time.
> I am still amazed at Junior's progress. Last fall I
> thought he would not
> survive very long from the FeLV. He has has several
> infections and it all
> started with anemia. He felt soo bad and I
> did too. Not to mention
> losing three cats to this horrible disease. My
> household far exceeded the
> statistic for cats getting sick with FeLV. I am just
> lucky that way.(NOT)
> Juniors only symptoms that are visible now are
> enlarged lymph nodes behind
> his ears, glaucoma from an eye infection, and a
> permanently dilated eye also
> from uveitis. He sometimes sounds a little congested
> but never sneezes. Oh
> yes and he has hemaetomas in his ears.
> I am glad you went to my site. Everyone is welcome
> to look and join if they
> like. Eric set it up. The missing pictures are from
> a lady on another group.
> He lost some history during an upgrade and she never
> posted them again.
> I hope no news is food news. I am always glad when
> the group is quiet.
> Sally

> Need a vacation? Get great deals
> to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.
> -- 
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and
> White, Ittle Bitty, Little
> Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB
> for some pictures post
> your as well.

Got a little couch potato?
Check out fun summer activities for kids.


2007-07-27 Thread glenda Goodman
Yes , Diane, Thanks...I certainly do intend to follow
up...even thought to call a foster that works through
this shelter and act a little dumb to see if they
might slip and tell me something...I do have a devious
side when it comes to helping animals...I'm really off
to work guys...Thanks, Glenda
--- "Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Glenda, if you're not sure that Catcher has truly
> been adopted, maybe
> you should try calling again, to see if you can get
> a little peace of
> mind, or maybe talk to someone a little nicer.  Keep
> everything
> businesslike and try not to reveal annoyance, just,
> if they say he's
> adopted, mention that his picture is still up on the
> site, etc.  You
> might or might not want to tell them that you had
> already called.
> I've had bad experiences trying to adopt from our
> local "humane society"
> which is privately owned and which appears to think
> that it's more
> important to put a prospective owner through an
> incredibly stringent
> application process than it is to actually place
> pets in a home that
> might not be perfect from all standpoints but would
> be loving and happy.
> This same place has been shown to have a huge kill
> rate, including
> owners of lost pets coming in a few hours after the
> pet was lost only to
> find it had already been euthanized.  I can't fathom
> why so many of
> these places seem to lose sight of their mission,
> and for a place that's
> supposed to be based on compassion for animals, so
> many of them appear
> to have no compassion for the people who come to
> them.
> Diane R.
> This electronic mail transmission and any
> attachments are confidential and may be privileged. 
> They should be read or retained only by the intended
> recipient.  If you have received this 
> transmission in error, please notify the sender
> immediately and delete the transmission from 
> your system.  In addition, in order to comply with
> Treasury Circular 230, we are required to 
> inform you that unless we have specifically stated
> to the contrary in writing, any advice we 
> provide in this email or any attachment concerning
> federal tax issues or submissions is not 
> intended or written to be used, and cannot be used,
> to avoid federal tax penalties.


Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the 
tools to get online. 


2007-07-27 Thread glenda Goodman
Thank you, Dear, for your story...I am so sorry your
heart was broken like that...I completely understand. 
It is not like I do not have enough little guys
already with me to love... I have 6-cats...Six is
supposed to be my max. I also have Gracie , my FeLV+
kitty.I hate to admit to having seven ,so I do not
count Gracie ,because I keep imagining I will find her
a perfect home...
 I am not looking for another cat, but I did react on
the impulsive side of me to rescue this particular
cat, Catcher...I could not help but fall in love with
him and want to save him. I seriously need to stop
looking at Polys on
I have two addictions: FLOWERS and CATS
 My best girlfriend and I talk about "our sicknesses"
 I better get off this computer and go to work...I do
I love you guys! Thanks for the support! 
--- tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Glenda,
>   I attempt to adopt a cat from PetFinders a few
> years back.  My application was accepted, but an
> "accident" occured in the foster home where he was
> being held...apparently Carruthers was "chasing
> cherry tomatos" the caregivers son was tossing out
> an open 2nd story window (??) and he jumped/fell
> (or was he dropped???) out into a pack of dogs on
> the deck below that she had just set food out for. 
> She said she vetted him and he only had
> bruisesbut two days before I was to pick him up,
> she told me she found him dead on his chair.  I was
> CRUSHED, having just lost my cat to a blood clot a
> few months back and still blame myself for not being
> able to get up there and pick him up sooner.  I
> didn't believe her either and had my sister
> (different last name) contact her wanting to adopt
> him...but she too was told he died.  I still have
> his picture in a frame on the memorial shelf with my
> other critters ashes.  
>   Sometimes.."s - it" just happens and despite our
> best intentionsit just isn't meant to be.
>   Hang in there...the one that is meant for you
> ...will find you soon.
>   T
> glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Everyone, I just got ahold of an actual person at
> the
> shelter in Fort Worth regarding Catcher. This is how
> my conversation went: I ased if Catcher was
> available.
> The gal goes I need a #. I give her the #: 501505.
> She says, "That does not sound like a good #. Then a
> minute later she says, "She has been adopted." I
> said,
> "He was a boy." Like I'm just irritated they did not
> even know he was a boy...Then I said , "When?" She
> said , "Why?" I said, "Because they said, if Catcher
> was not adopted right away, he was going to be put
> down." 
> My heart is just broken, because I simply do not
> believe these people...This is a government
> facility...I cannot believe they left themselves
> open
> to a bunch of panicked people out here, worried
> about
> that cat by the ad that was put out on
> petfinders...They have to have fosters...It is
> possible this cat was adopted, but the tone of the
> person's voice on the other end, was abrupt...scared
> the hell out of me...
> The phone # to that facility is 817-392-3737 just
> for
> anyone out there that wants to try it out...
> I have been involved with animal rescue and shelters
> in my past and really do not trust the image they
> try
> to project to the public...thus to keep people like
> me
> calm...It is not their fault, I do understand, but
> knowing this is no consolation...Well enough
> depressing stuff. Remember he could have gotten
> adopted...Glenda
> --- Melissa Lind wrote:
> > Hi Glenda,
> > 
> > How's it going with Catcher? Can you post the link
> > to his picture? I hope
> > you are able to get him. Have you looked into
> cheap
> > flights? Southwest Ding
> > might be the place to go to get down there, but
> I'm
> > not sure if they have a
> > Omaha / Fort Worth flight. You can't take cats on
> > Southwest (no pets
> > allowed), but you could always find another cheap
> > flight back. When I flew
> > to Best Friends, my airfare was around $200 round
> > trip on two different
> > airlines! About $100 on the way out, $80 on the
> way
> > back, plus $50 for the
> > cat on the way there to ride under the seat. Then
> I
> > got a great deal on a
> > car. I booked it so that it was a turn-around--no
> > hotel needed, just a
> > little napping in the airport. 
> > 
> > Let me know how things go...I don't think you're
> > crazy. More cats ca


2007-07-27 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Glenda, if you're not sure that Catcher has truly been adopted, maybe
you should try calling again, to see if you can get a little peace of
mind, or maybe talk to someone a little nicer.  Keep everything
businesslike and try not to reveal annoyance, just, if they say he's
adopted, mention that his picture is still up on the site, etc.  You
might or might not want to tell them that you had already called.

I've had bad experiences trying to adopt from our local "humane society"
which is privately owned and which appears to think that it's more
important to put a prospective owner through an incredibly stringent
application process than it is to actually place pets in a home that
might not be perfect from all standpoints but would be loving and happy.
This same place has been shown to have a huge kill rate, including
owners of lost pets coming in a few hours after the pet was lost only to
find it had already been euthanized.  I can't fathom why so many of
these places seem to lose sight of their mission, and for a place that's
supposed to be based on compassion for animals, so many of them appear
to have no compassion for the people who come to them.

Diane R.
This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 
transmission from 
your system.  In addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we 
are required to 
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we 
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or 
submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax 


2007-07-27 Thread glenda Goodman
Sally,  I did go back to your website later last
night...checked daylillies and the song by M. It kind
of touched my mood...The song...very good...Eric is
very talented at putting sites together. My son is
pretty tricky too , but not that tricky...My son does
the photo and ebay stuff. He  very good at that...
Anyway, about Junior:
 I'm so glad he is doing better. I know you are
holding on to hope for him. That is one thing about
this disease, for every ten people that give you no
hope, there is one with a success story or some type
of optimistic information that makes us know we have
to give it all we got to pull our little guys through.
I'm so sorry this disease has been so awful in your
family...You are an angel for trying so hard...My
heart is with Junior...
With my Gracie, I have never seen her show any signs
of sickness, yet. She is only 5-months old. She
contracted her leukemia from her mother.  All I have
been doing with her is giving her 500 mg of lysene per
day and a good vitamin tablet. I give her a small dab
of tuna or sardine with the crushed up tablets and she
licks her plate clean...very simple...
I am always seeing where people say the test results
are a  strong positive or a weak positive. The second
time Gracie was tested I looked at the test kit and
asked my vet if she was a weak pos. or a a strong pos.
My vet just said, that it did not matter..."a positive
was a positive" I remember with heartworm in dogs, it
does matter , a weak pos. or strong pos. Maybe that is
different...?  Later, Glenda
--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Glenda,
> I live in VA so nowhere near Fort Worth. I thought
> the duck suit was
> ridiculous, he is gorgeous on his own merit. I have
> never had a poly, but
> several of my kitties came from poly families and
> their paws look bigger, I
> always check Spike because her mother was a poly and
> she looks like she has
> buds of what could have been extra toes but that is
> all.
> I am so glad you are taking on Catcher's Cause. So
> may kitties needing home.
> I can only save one at a time.
> I am still amazed at Junior's progress. Last fall I
> thought he would not
> survive very long from the FeLV. He has has several
> infections and it all
> started with anemia. He felt soo bad and I
> did too. Not to mention
> losing three cats to this horrible disease. My
> household far exceeded the
> statistic for cats getting sick with FeLV. I am just
> lucky that way.(NOT)
> Juniors only symptoms that are visible now are
> enlarged lymph nodes behind
> his ears, glaucoma from an eye infection, and a
> permanently dilated eye also
> from uveitis. He sometimes sounds a little congested
> but never sneezes. Oh
> yes and he has hemaetomas in his ears.
> I am glad you went to my site. Everyone is welcome
> to look and join if they
> like. Eric set it up. The missing pictures are from
> a lady on another group.
> He lost some history during an upgrade and she never
> posted them again.
> I hope no news is food news. I am always glad when
> the group is quiet.
> Sally

> Need a vacation? Get great deals
> to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.
> -- 
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and
> White, Ittle Bitty, Little
> Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB
> for some pictures post
> your as well.


Got a little couch potato? 
Check out fun summer activities for kids.


2007-07-27 Thread tamara stickler
  I attempt to adopt a cat from PetFinders a few years back.  My application 
was accepted, but an "accident" occured in the foster home where he was being 
held...apparently Carruthers was "chasing cherry tomatos" the caregivers son 
was tossing out an open 2nd story window (??) and he jumped/fell (or was he 
dropped???) out into a pack of dogs on the deck below that she had just set 
food out for.  She said she vetted him and he only had bruisesbut two days 
before I was to pick him up, she told me she found him dead on his chair.  I 
was CRUSHED, having just lost my cat to a blood clot a few months back and 
still blame myself for not being able to get up there and pick him up sooner.  
I didn't believe her either and had my sister (different last name) contact her 
wanting to adopt him...but she too was told he died.  I still have his picture 
in a frame on the memorial shelf with my other critters ashes.  
  Sometimes.."s - it" just happens and despite our best intentionsit just 
isn't meant to be.
  Hang in there...the one that is meant for you ...will find you soon.

glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Everyone, I just got ahold of an actual person at the
shelter in Fort Worth regarding Catcher. This is how
my conversation went: I ased if Catcher was available.
The gal goes I need a #. I give her the #: 501505.
She says, "That does not sound like a good #. Then a
minute later she says, "She has been adopted." I said,
"He was a boy." Like I'm just irritated they did not
even know he was a boy...Then I said , "When?" She
said , "Why?" I said, "Because they said, if Catcher
was not adopted right away, he was going to be put
My heart is just broken, because I simply do not
believe these people...This is a government
facility...I cannot believe they left themselves open
to a bunch of panicked people out here, worried about
that cat by the ad that was put out on
petfinders...They have to have fosters...It is
possible this cat was adopted, but the tone of the
person's voice on the other end, was abrupt...scared
the hell out of me...
The phone # to that facility is 817-392-3737 just for
anyone out there that wants to try it out...
I have been involved with animal rescue and shelters
in my past and really do not trust the image they try
to project to the public...thus to keep people like me
calm...It is not their fault, I do understand, but
knowing this is no consolation...Well enough
depressing stuff. Remember he could have gotten

--- Melissa Lind wrote:

> Hi Glenda,
> How's it going with Catcher? Can you post the link
> to his picture? I hope
> you are able to get him. Have you looked into cheap
> flights? Southwest Ding
> might be the place to go to get down there, but I'm
> not sure if they have a
> Omaha / Fort Worth flight. You can't take cats on
> Southwest (no pets
> allowed), but you could always find another cheap
> flight back. When I flew
> to Best Friends, my airfare was around $200 round
> trip on two different
> airlines! About $100 on the way out, $80 on the way
> back, plus $50 for the
> cat on the way there to ride under the seat. Then I
> got a great deal on a
> car. I booked it so that it was a turn-around--no
> hotel needed, just a
> little napping in the airport. 
> Let me know how things go...I don't think you're
> crazy. More cats can be
> overwhelming, but if we don't take them, who will? 
> Melissa
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of glenda Goodman
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:17 AM
> To:
> AGAIN...
> Sally, I just looked at your kitty. She has really
> pretty green eyes. She should grow up to be a real
> beauty! 
> It sure is hard loving all these kitties and being
> able to only help a handful. 
> Your website is wild. When I get a little time I
> will
> check it out again. 
> The best of luck to you and your kitties. I have one
> FeLV+ kitty too. I think that really slows us down,
> so
> hard keeping everyone seperated and back tracking,
> making sure everything is kept clean and picked
> up...
> About this kitty in Fort Worth : I will know what is
> going on when I call tomorrow. As it stands, I will
> take this cat in, if I am able to get him to me... I
> will sponser him...whatever it takes that I can
> do...
> I just have to try...Thanks for checking him
> out...He
> He is # 501505
> His name is Catcher, a very large, orange poly. Poor
> little guy, wearin


2007-07-27 Thread glenda Goodman
 Thank you for all that flight info. I had my next
steps figured out, as far as the transportation, could
have gotten myself down there and was willing to bug
people, to see if they would not run down there to
secure the situation, so as to give me a couple
days...I only 'know' someone in Fort Worth, not anyone
really close...
Oh well...I was just moved to try my best for this
cat...Sometimes you can just look at an animal and
know...It is like what I said to Caroline the other
day, about seeing that special one that touches your
soul. I had a special feeling for Catcher...
Bless everyone of you wonderful people out there, who
are taking the time to care for, the little things in
life, that really are ,the big things in life...
--- glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Everyone, I just got ahold of an actual person at
> the
> shelter in Fort Worth regarding Catcher. This is how
> my conversation went: I ased if Catcher was
> available.
> The gal goes I need a #. I give her the #: 501505.
> She says, "That does not sound like a good #. Then a
> minute later she says, "She has been adopted." I
> said,
> "He was a boy." Like I'm just irritated they did not
> even know he was a boy...Then I said , "When?" She
> said , "Why?" I said, "Because they said, if Catcher
> was not adopted right away, he was going to be put
> down." 
> My heart is just broken, because I simply do not
> believe these people...This is a government
> facility...I cannot believe they left themselves
> open
> to a bunch of panicked people out here, worried
> about
> that cat by the ad that was put out on
> petfinders...They have to have fosters...It is
> possible this cat was adopted, but the tone of the
> person's voice on the other end, was abrupt...scared
> the hell out of me...
> The phone # to that facility is 817-392-3737 just
> for
> anyone out there that wants to try it out...
> I have been involved with animal rescue and shelters
> in my past and really do not trust the image they
> try
> to project to the public...thus to keep people like
> me
> calm...It is not their fault, I do understand, but
> knowing this is no consolation...Well enough
> depressing stuff. Remember he could have gotten
> adopted...Glenda
> --- Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Glenda,
> > 
> > How's it going with Catcher? Can you post the link
> > to his picture? I hope
> > you are able to get him. Have you looked into
> cheap
> > flights? Southwest Ding
> > might be the place to go to get down there, but
> I'm
> > not sure if they have a
> > Omaha / Fort Worth flight. You can't take cats on
> > Southwest (no pets
> > allowed), but you could always find another cheap
> > flight back. When I flew
> > to Best Friends, my airfare was around $200 round
> > trip on two different
> > airlines! About $100 on the way out, $80 on the
> way
> > back, plus $50 for the
> > cat on the way there to ride under the seat. Then
> I
> > got a great deal on a
> > car. I booked it so that it was a turn-around--no
> > hotel needed, just a
> > little napping in the airport. 
> > 
> > Let me know how things go...I don't think you're
> > crazy. More cats can be
> > overwhelming, but if we don't take them, who will?
> > 
> > Melissa
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> > Behalf Of glenda Goodman
> > Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:17 AM
> > To:
> > AGAIN...
> > 
> > Sally, I just looked at your kitty. She has really
> > pretty green eyes. She should grow up to be a real
> > beauty! 
> > It sure is hard loving all these kitties and being
> > able to only help a handful. 
> > Your website is wild. When I get a little time I
> > will
> > check it out again. 
> > The best of luck to you and your kitties. I have
> one
> > FeLV+ kitty too. I think that really slows us
> down,
> > so
> > hard keeping everyone seperated and back tracking,
> > making sure everything is kept clean and picked
> > up...
> > About this kitty in Fort Worth : I will know what
> is
> > going on when I call tomorrow. As it stands, I
> will
> > take this cat in, if I am able to get him to me...
> I
> > will sponser him...whatever it takes that I can
> > do...
> > I just have to try...Thanks for checking him
> > out...He
> &g


2007-07-27 Thread Jane Lyons

I am always hoping to find someone who has a symptomatic cat who is  
doing well.
How old is Junior? Please tell me a bit about him and how he has made  
such good progress.


On Jul 27, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Sally Davis wrote:

Hi Glenda,
I live in VA so nowhere near Fort Worth. I thought the duck suit was  
ridiculous, he is gorgeous on his own merit. I have never had a poly,  
but several of my kitties came from poly families and their paws look  
bigger, I always check Spike because her mother was a poly and she  
looks like she has buds of what could have been extra toes but that is  

I am so glad you are taking on Catcher's Cause. So may kitties needing  
home. I can only save one at a time.

I am still amazed at Junior's progress. Last fall I thought he would  
not survive very long from the FeLV. He has has several infections and  
it all started with anemia. He felt soo bad and I did too. Not  
to mention losing three cats to this horrible disease. My household  
far exceeded the statistic for cats getting sick with FeLV. I am just  
lucky that way.(NOT)

Juniors only symptoms that are visible now are enlarged lymph nodes  
behind his ears, glaucoma from an eye infection, and a permanently  
dilated eye also from uveitis. He sometimes sounds a little congested  
but never sneezes. Oh yes and he has hemaetomas in his ears.

I am glad you went to my site. Everyone is welcome to look and join if  
they like. Eric set it up. The missing pictures are from a lady on  
another group. He lost some history during an upgrade and she never  
posted them again.

I hope no news is food news. I am always glad when the group is quiet.


Need a vacation? Get great deals
to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.


Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty,  
Little Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some  
pictures post your as well. 


2007-07-27 Thread glenda Goodman
Everyone, I just got ahold of an actual person at the
shelter in Fort Worth regarding Catcher. This is how
my conversation went: I ased if Catcher was available.
The gal goes I need a #. I give her the #: 501505.
She says, "That does not sound like a good #. Then a
minute later she says, "She has been adopted." I said,
"He was a boy." Like I'm just irritated they did not
even know he was a boy...Then I said , "When?" She
said , "Why?" I said, "Because they said, if Catcher
was not adopted right away, he was going to be put
My heart is just broken, because I simply do not
believe these people...This is a government
facility...I cannot believe they left themselves open
to a bunch of panicked people out here, worried about
that cat by the ad that was put out on
petfinders...They have to have fosters...It is
possible this cat was adopted, but the tone of the
person's voice on the other end, was abrupt...scared
the hell out of me...
The phone # to that facility is 817-392-3737 just for
anyone out there that wants to try it out...
I have been involved with animal rescue and shelters
in my past and really do not trust the image they try
to project to the public...thus to keep people like me
calm...It is not their fault, I do understand, but
knowing this is no consolation...Well enough
depressing stuff. Remember he could have gotten

--- Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Glenda,
> How's it going with Catcher? Can you post the link
> to his picture? I hope
> you are able to get him. Have you looked into cheap
> flights? Southwest Ding
> might be the place to go to get down there, but I'm
> not sure if they have a
> Omaha / Fort Worth flight. You can't take cats on
> Southwest (no pets
> allowed), but you could always find another cheap
> flight back. When I flew
> to Best Friends, my airfare was around $200 round
> trip on two different
> airlines! About $100 on the way out, $80 on the way
> back, plus $50 for the
> cat on the way there to ride under the seat. Then I
> got a great deal on a
> car. I booked it so that it was a turn-around--no
> hotel needed, just a
> little napping in the airport. 
> Let me know how things go...I don't think you're
> crazy. More cats can be
> overwhelming, but if we don't take them, who will? 
> Melissa
> -Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of glenda Goodman
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:17 AM
> To:
> AGAIN...
> Sally, I just looked at your kitty. She has really
> pretty green eyes. She should grow up to be a real
> beauty! 
> It sure is hard loving all these kitties and being
> able to only help a handful. 
> Your website is wild. When I get a little time I
> will
> check it out again. 
> The best of luck to you and your kitties. I have one
> FeLV+ kitty too. I think that really slows us down,
> so
> hard keeping everyone seperated and back tracking,
> making sure everything is kept clean and picked
> up...
> About this kitty in Fort Worth : I will know what is
> going on when I call tomorrow. As it stands, I will
> take this cat in, if I am able to get him to me... I
> will sponser him...whatever it takes that I can
> do...
> I just have to try...Thanks for checking him
> out...He
> He is # 501505
> His name is Catcher, a very large, orange poly. Poor
> little guy, wearing the duck suit hat...trying so
> hard
> to be cute...
> anyone live in Fort Worth with time to conspire with
> me on this? I'll send the bail out fees...
> He simply has to be still alive or I will just go
> bonkers...will find out tomorrow... Thanks, Glenda
> --- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > HI Glenda
> > 
> > He is SOOO cute. I hope he gets a good home.
> > 
> > I just aquired a new kitten. She is solid grey.
> Now
> > with Junior being FeLV
> > pos. I had no intention of bringing a cat home.
> > Someone told the lady I did
> > rescue. She told me all the shelters were full.
> > Someone had dropped the
> > kitten off and she was half starved. She is doing
> > better and is confined to
> > Eric's room. Which means she also has company.
> > However I am still trying to
> > find her a home. There are sveral poeple where I
> > work who are interested.
> > 
> > Her picture is on my website see below.
> > 
> > Sally
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> &


2007-07-27 Thread Sally Davis
Hi Glenda,

I live in VA so nowhere near Fort Worth. I thought the duck suit was
ridiculous, he is gorgeous on his own merit. I have never had a poly, but
several of my kitties came from poly families and their paws look bigger, I
always check Spike because her mother was a poly and she looks like she has
buds of what could have been extra toes but that is all.

I am so glad you are taking on Catcher's Cause. So may kitties needing home.
I can only save one at a time.

I am still amazed at Junior's progress. Last fall I thought he would not
survive very long from the FeLV. He has has several infections and it all
started with anemia. He felt soo bad and I did too. Not to mention
losing three cats to this horrible disease. My household far exceeded the
statistic for cats getting sick with FeLV. I am just lucky that way.(NOT)

Juniors only symptoms that are visible now are enlarged lymph nodes behind
his ears, glaucoma from an eye infection, and a permanently dilated eye also
from uveitis. He sometimes sounds a little congested but never sneezes. Oh
yes and he has hemaetomas in his ears.

I am glad you went to my site. Everyone is welcome to look and join if they
like. Eric set it up. The missing pictures are from a lady on another group.
He lost some history during an upgrade and she never posted them again.

I hope no news is food news. I am always glad when the group is quiet.


Need a vacation? Get great deals
to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.


2007-07-27 Thread Melissa Lind
Hi Glenda,

How's it going with Catcher? Can you post the link to his picture? I hope
you are able to get him. Have you looked into cheap flights? Southwest Ding
might be the place to go to get down there, but I'm not sure if they have a
Omaha / Fort Worth flight. You can't take cats on Southwest (no pets
allowed), but you could always find another cheap flight back. When I flew
to Best Friends, my airfare was around $200 round trip on two different
airlines! About $100 on the way out, $80 on the way back, plus $50 for the
cat on the way there to ride under the seat. Then I got a great deal on a
car. I booked it so that it was a turn-around--no hotel needed, just a
little napping in the airport. 

Let me know how things go...I don't think you're crazy. More cats can be
overwhelming, but if we don't take them, who will? 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of glenda Goodman
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 12:17 AM

Sally, I just looked at your kitty. She has really
pretty green eyes. She should grow up to be a real
It sure is hard loving all these kitties and being
able to only help a handful. 
Your website is wild. When I get a little time I will
check it out again. 
The best of luck to you and your kitties. I have one
FeLV+ kitty too. I think that really slows us down, so
hard keeping everyone seperated and back tracking,
making sure everything is kept clean and picked up...
About this kitty in Fort Worth : I will know what is
going on when I call tomorrow. As it stands, I will
take this cat in, if I am able to get him to me... I
will sponser him...whatever it takes that I can do...
I just have to try...Thanks for checking him out...He
He is # 501505
His name is Catcher, a very large, orange poly. Poor
little guy, wearing the duck suit hat...trying so hard
to be cute...
anyone live in Fort Worth with time to conspire with
me on this? I'll send the bail out fees...
He simply has to be still alive or I will just go
bonkers...will find out tomorrow... Thanks, Glenda

--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> HI Glenda
> He is SOOO cute. I hope he gets a good home.
> I just aquired a new kitten. She is solid grey. Now
> with Junior being FeLV
> pos. I had no intention of bringing a cat home.
> Someone told the lady I did
> rescue. She told me all the shelters were full.
> Someone had dropped the
> kitten off and she was half starved. She is doing
> better and is confined to
> Eric's room. Which means she also has company.
> However I am still trying to
> find her a home. There are sveral poeple where I
> work who are interested.
> Her picture is on my website see below.
> Sally
> -- 
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and
> White, Ittle Bitty, Little
> Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB
> for some pictures post
> your as well.


Need a vacation? Get great deals
to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.


2007-07-26 Thread glenda Goodman
Sally, I just looked at your kitty. She has really
pretty green eyes. She should grow up to be a real
It sure is hard loving all these kitties and being
able to only help a handful. 
Your website is wild. When I get a little time I will
check it out again. 
The best of luck to you and your kitties. I have one
FeLV+ kitty too. I think that really slows us down, so
hard keeping everyone seperated and back tracking,
making sure everything is kept clean and picked up...
About this kitty in Fort Worth : I will know what is
going on when I call tomorrow. As it stands, I will
take this cat in, if I am able to get him to me... I
will sponser him...whatever it takes that I can do...
I just have to try...Thanks for checking him out...He
He is # 501505
His name is Catcher, a very large, orange poly. Poor
little guy, wearing the duck suit hat...trying so hard
to be cute...
anyone live in Fort Worth with time to conspire with
me on this? I'll send the bail out fees...
He simply has to be still alive or I will just go
bonkers...will find out tomorrow... Thanks, Glenda

--- Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> HI Glenda
> He is SOOO cute. I hope he gets a good home.
> I just aquired a new kitten. She is solid grey. Now
> with Junior being FeLV
> pos. I had no intention of bringing a cat home.
> Someone told the lady I did
> rescue. She told me all the shelters were full.
> Someone had dropped the
> kitten off and she was half starved. She is doing
> better and is confined to
> Eric's room. Which means she also has company.
> However I am still trying to
> find her a home. There are sveral poeple where I
> work who are interested.
> Her picture is on my website see below.
> Sally
> -- 
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and
> White, Ittle Bitty, Little
> Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB
> for some pictures post
> your as well.


Need a vacation? Get great deals
to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.


2007-07-26 Thread Sally Davis
HI Glenda

He is SOOO cute. I hope he gets a good home.

I just aquired a new kitten. She is solid grey. Now with Junior being FeLV
pos. I had no intention of bringing a cat home. Someone told the lady I did
rescue. She told me all the shelters were full. Someone had dropped the
kitten off and she was half starved. She is doing better and is confined to
Eric's room. Which means she also has company. However I am still trying to
find her a home. There are sveral poeple where I work who are interested.

Her picture is on my website see below.


Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.