Hi Glenda,

I live in VA so nowhere near Fort Worth. I thought the duck suit was
ridiculous, he is gorgeous on his own merit. I have never had a poly, but
several of my kitties came from poly families and their paws look bigger, I
always check Spike because her mother was a poly and she looks like she has
buds of what could have been extra toes but that is all.

I am so glad you are taking on Catcher's Cause. So may kitties needing home.
I can only save one at a time.

I am still amazed at Junior's progress. Last fall I thought he would not
survive very long from the FeLV. He has has several infections and it all
started with anemia. He felt soooooooooo bad and I did too. Not to mention
losing three cats to this horrible disease. My household far exceeded the
statistic for cats getting sick with FeLV. I am just lucky that way.(NOT)

Juniors only symptoms that are visible now are enlarged lymph nodes behind
his ears, glaucoma from an eye infection, and a permanently dilated eye also
from uveitis. He sometimes sounds a little congested but never sneezes. Oh
yes and he has hemaetomas in his ears.

I am glad you went to my site. Everyone is welcome to look and join if they
like. Eric set it up. The missing pictures are from a lady on another group.
He lost some history during an upgrade and she never posted them again.

I hope no news is food news. I am always glad when the group is quiet.


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to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.


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