Re: overlapping regions

2003-09-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
yway, because last time I looked regions were handled the same order as in the maintenance code). Vic, could this be an artefact of your changes? In the long run, some FOP extensions to control stacking order could be explored. J.Pietschmann

Re: [proposal] Peter Herweg as a FOP committer

2003-09-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: My, such complexity! That's a bit harsh, isn't it? We could use every hand willing to help. There's no need to ridicule useful contributions in public. J.Pietschmann

Re: Table border missing (#6929)

2003-09-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
the table cell. Details depend heavily on your specific requitrements and data, of course. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Jay) RE: RE: Batik Extension/FOP problem

2003-09-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
Andreas L. Delmelle wrote: I've just been running the same test ( examples/fo/advanced/ ) and received the same 'hyphenation errors'. That's a known problem of the HEAD code. Are you sure you want to use this? J.Pietschmann

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 23317] - FOP url Rendering issue.

2003-09-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
file set on the fingers of one hand. J.Pietschmann

Re: Wrapping text

2003-09-30 Thread J.Pietschmann
line, well, there is no general way to specify this. It might be possible to get it working in a special case. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Victor) PDF fo:basic-link problem in trunk

2003-10-05 Thread J.Pietschmann
to the lm object? The lm is assigned an instance of an anonymous class derived from InlineStackingLayoutManager(), with the createArea method added or overridden. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Victor) PDF fo:basic-link problem in trunk

2003-10-06 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote: Yes, without some sort of regression testing mechanism, We should have that now, see test/java/org/apache/fop/ I deliberatly went for a self containg test scheme, which means not even external XML files. Add tests at will (well, almost). J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/util

2003-10-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: public class CharUtilities { ... +public static int getWordWidth(String word, Font fs) { That's ugly. Shouldn't this be a method of Font? J.Pietschmann

Re: FOP website: address w.o. file extension defaults to pdf?

2003-10-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
ether they deal with the kind of URL you tried, and perhaps an Apache HTTPD guru whether such an effect can be caused by some server configuration settings. Eventually, I can take this to the infrastructure guys. J.Pietschmann

Re: Regression testing.

2003-10-09 Thread J.Pietschmann
t and such which can be easily reused by different test cases, until the static data limit hits and a new test class has to be started. J.Pietschmann

Re: area tree questions

2003-10-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
more efficient representation for words. I am contemplating adding a "shadow" concept to the FO Tree that would allow a layout system to store data in an object that has a one-to-one relationship with a node in the FO Tree. The bad news is there are areas not corresponding to FOs. J.Pietschmann

Re: Break-before ERROR

2003-10-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
nly works in the flow. Surely you mean something else? J.Pietschmann

Re: Batik hanging on FOP 0.20.x nightly/1.0 dev release.

2003-10-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: I'll leave the 0.20.x branch alone until others complain about this problem, however. There is no problem in the maintenance branch, because it was fixed there (and unfixed, and refixed etc...) ages ago. J.Pietschmann

Re: PDF "meta" properties (was Re: basic-link)

2003-10-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
ommand line yet. J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/render/pdf

2003-11-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
th or margin-corresponding = padding-corresponding + border-corresponding-width - start-indent I know, useing getBorderAndPaddiongWidthBefore is longer, but the term "margin" seems to be already taken. J.Pietschmann

Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
. J.Pietschmann

Re: Replacing me on the PMC

2003-11-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
Peter B. West wrote: I nominate Joerg as my replacement, should he desire the position. Well, not exactly a desire but if it's my turn to take the duty, I'll do it. J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/test/java/org/apache/fop

2003-11-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Basic functionality tests for PS and RTF besides PDF. Can you check how this can be incorporated into J.Pietschmann

Re: Setup code in Driver

2003-11-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
use case. and we've had zero complaints on the user list about it. We don't have much users using 1.0. J.Pietschmann

Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
dy wasting ressources. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Joerg) Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
t really explicitely deal with how multiple areas come into existence and whether it is "one area per page", although there are the constraints on the area tree which indicate it has to be this way. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Joerg) Re: space-before in 1.0Dev

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
One complication is whitespace because of the unfortunate mix of block level FO and text. There's also the unpleasant problem that J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 2.) The space-after of a block ending at the bottom of the page is not currently being added to the beginning of the subsequent page. It shouldn't unless it is explicitely forced. J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann later this evening for review. It uses a LineBreakStatus object for tracking the status, which might be folded into the LayoutContext or a subclass used for inline FOs and text. Comments? J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr

2003-11-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
y done in 0.20.5). Thanks for the clarification and for getting things moved in general. J.Pietschmann

RT: line breaking

2003-11-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
ion, and resizable spaces for justification. That's why WordArea was such a bad name. J.Pietschmann

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/layoutmgr

2003-11-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
tunities. How would this fit into the LM framework? Anything that is based on Sun Java code (and an official standard like UTR14) probably makes our life much easier--anyone has a complaint about the hyphenation decisions can go complain to Sun about them! They don't deal with hyphenation, unfortunately. J.Pietschmann

Re: CVS (src & bin) zip'd up for nightlies?

2003-11-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
FOs after the 0.20.5 final release, which is essential for rendering large tables without running out of memory. However, the AWT renderer gets NPEs occasionally, although I don't know whether this caused by my patch or something else. J.Pietschmann

Re: CVS (src & bin) zip'd up for nightlies?

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
Clay Leeds wrote: (Personally, I like "FOP-1.0DR1" Hmm. I'm not sure the first release from the trunk should be an "1.0". OTOH, TRUNK and HEAD are CVS specific terms which will probably confuse the common FOP user. Too bad, I like HEAD. J.Pietschmann

Re: CVS (src & bin) zip'd up for nightlies?

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote: -1 on the name. There is no such thing as FOP 1.0DR1. It is a naming convention only, and IMO, not a good one. Correct. What about "current development version"? J.Pietschmann

Re: Need help deciphering NullPointerException from FOP

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
xcept being a significant bottleneck under heavy load, aka pain-in-the-ass, because you can't use the time while an image is loaded for working on another image). J.Pietschmann

Re: Need help deciphering NullPointerException from FOP

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jeremy Nix wrote: Yes, it is a multithreaded environment. See J.Pietschmann

Re: Need help deciphering NullPointerException from FOP

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
J.Pietschmann wrote: It is: the exception is thrown in the code which reads user fonts from the config file. Ow - scratch that. The exception originates while writing font ressources to the PDF. But I still think it's a problem with overwriting the configuration. J.Pietschmann

Re: Need help deciphering NullPointerException from FOP

2003-11-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
including throwing unexpected NPEs. J.Pietschmann

Re: Traits

2003-11-14 Thread J.Pietschmann
for traits. I'd guess Keiron choose the name properly... J.Pietschmann

Re: white-space-treatment property

2003-11-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
ce is collapsed. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
to take advantage of this first (there is a reason small caps is a variant, rather than everybody emulating it itself using uppercase and an 80% sized font). This requires extending FontState or something like this. Implementing small caps *efficiently*, well, this is probably a real challenge. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
part from the actual "hack" Joerg & Chris are talking about elsewhere in this thread) Having "getters" and "setters" for a property and an actual implementation getting the work done are different things... unless you men something else. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
t; hasn't any effect J.Pietschmann

Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
mulation happen under control of the font, in the renderer. This would need some hooks which don't exist yet, because the emulation must be able to insert the font size change into the output. Now the questions is: how should the implementation look in HEAD? I personally like the font+late emulation approach. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Move org.apache.fop.pdf.FontSetup to fonts package

2003-11-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
ere's my +1. +1 J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
emulating small caps before layout. Of course it makes sense to log if small caps is emulated. J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
sounds like we agree on all of this. No problem. J.Pietschmann

Re: Development Environment suggestions ?

2003-11-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
ought to be (also due to CVS and FOP peculiarities), I resorted to the CVS CLI. J.Pietschmann

Re: Memory measurement -- importance of Driver.reset()

2003-11-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
, if they hang on to the Driver object, they are doomed. Personally, I suspect there are a lot of logical memory leaks inside FOP. What's a logical memory leak? J.Pietschmann

Task list Was: Re: Font variant SmallCaps

2003-11-21 Thread J.Pietschmann
from multiple fonts - implement before floats - implement side floats - implement table cells outside rows - implement inline-containers - implement reference-orientation - implement glyph shaping (arabic, explicit joiners) J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-22 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote: Same general concept, except I think there is a separate class for font metrics in that system. If I can ever find a way to get to the physical file (or some representation of it) through java.awt.Font (for embedding), we would use it along with our other font scheme. I believe w

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-11-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
/REC-CSS2/tables.html#borders and especially However, background images and placement and some other stuff should be fairly simple compared to table borders. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Peter Herweg for committer (WAS: problem applying latest RTF patch)

2003-11-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
ld others also feel this way at this time.] +1 +1 J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
er to find the file for an AWT font. J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps

2003-11-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
, it is tried, otherwise I'd expect an error abort. What should be the alternative to the latter? Guessing the font characteristics and using a substitute font? J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-11-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
et" look at the area tree context before returning the value. What about font-size="12pt+2%+0.8*from-parent(height div 32)" ? J.Pietschmann

Naming conventions

2003-11-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Hi all, there's a page about obfuscating code: however, I especially liked some sidetracks like for a good laugh. Just in case... J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
iblity to use AWT fonts for non-embedded fonts in PDF is a bonus. The possiblity to use AWT fonts in PDF even for embedding would be just another bonus. J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
not even a sans-serif font. If the user says font-family="futura" and there is no futura font, FOP should terminate. After all, the user hopefully thought about it. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
eues, similar to the existing structure of the parser/FOtree-builder interaction. Sorry, I think this is overcomplicated. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
ber of kludges which may make reengineering the whole stuff a bit difficult. Regards J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
hardly a pathological growth of objects. This implies that objects must exist even if they will never be used after the parser moves past their end-points. Optimization anyone? Be careful, proper layout needs backtracking. J.Pietschmann

Re: Font variant SmallCaps Was: Re: (Chris) Re: Traits

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
. The font managers or the renderes can share code for general configuration, caching, font file management etc. by subclassing a common class or by delegation (especially in the second case). J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-11-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
g at obsolete code in the maintenance branch. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] [RESULT] Peter Herweg for committer

2003-11-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
Ok, I count: Eight +1. No vetoes. If there are no objections until 2003-12-01 18:00 CET I'll take the necessary actions. J.Pietschmann

Re: Properties Implementation and Canonical Mappings

2003-11-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
John Austin wrote: In the interest of contributing (instead of just trashing) to the proposed implementation, I wrote a simple Perl script to get some counts out of a real-world XSL-FO file. Input: The XSL-FO file produced from a DocBook file I have left from a dormant project. The perl program

Re: Properties Implementation and Canonical Mappings

2003-11-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
2,300 strings are required. Have a look at String.intern() J.Pietschmann

Re: String.intern() thoughts

2003-12-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
, would be more efficient. The most important gotcha is that interned strings may lock up memory forever. If interning is done only for property names and enumeration tokens (in contrast to property values), this may be acceptable. J.Pietschmann

Re: String.intern() test and measurement

2003-12-02 Thread J.Pietschmann
own instance. The weird thing is, when I hacked the PropertyManager to look up the actual text decoration in an array of preinstantiated objects, FOP run slower and took more memory. Apparently something went wrong. If anybody is up there to get it right, please do. Same for some other objects, BorderAndPadding and especially FontInfo come to mind, although there is more variation. J.Pietschmann

Re: String.intern() test and measurement

2003-12-03 Thread J.Pietschmann
more memory, and there are functions like frome-nearest-specified-value() which require specified properties to be marked. If someone can come up with a space efficient storage, this may be a solution. J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Properties API

2003-12-05 Thread J.Pietschmann
complete re-layout. Side floats, of course, are a real pain, especially if you want to do conflict resolution properly. J.Pietschmann

Re: Testing for main development stream.

2003-12-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
This means there is a problem to correct. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PROPOSAL] Remove ant.jar and build.bat/sh

2003-12-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
o lib, and call build.{bat|sh}" J.Pietschmann

Re: Memory measurement -- importance of Driver.reset()

2003-12-10 Thread J.Pietschmann
John Austin wrote: Why bother implementing reset() ? Reusing the driver keeps the element mappings and perhaps some other settings which are expensive to build (building element settings involves reading service files from the jar and populating some *big* has tables). J.Pietschmann

Re: [PROPOSAL] Remove ant.jar and build.bat/sh

2003-12-11 Thread J.Pietschmann
have the repository already. OTOH I have no idea whether and how well mave would handle dependencies on Jimi, JAI, LotBC and other odd non-apache stuff. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PROPOSAL] Remove ant.jar and build.bat/sh

2003-12-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
more common stuff more easy, and the source distro becomes leaner. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Victor et al) Re: Performance improvements.

2003-12-12 Thread J.Pietschmann
ting the property classes and check the java files into CVS. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Victor et al) Re: Performance improvements.

2003-12-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
f its common code, that's what class hierarchies and inheritance are made for. J.Pietschmann

Re: (Victor et al) Re: Performance improvements.

2003-12-13 Thread J.Pietschmann
euse of tokenizing for shorthand parsing (despite it being a completely different grammar) was always enough to drive my blood pressure through the roof. J.Pietschmann

Re: [PROPOSAL] Remove ant.jar and build.bat/sh

2003-12-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
Finn Bock wrote: The same way that I locally solved the Jimi and JAI dependency: copy d:\java\ant-1.5.1\lib\ant.jar lib and adding the .jar to the "Java Build Path/Libraries". You don't need the copy, you can add "external jars" as well. J.Pietschmann

Re: FOs and Areas

2003-12-16 Thread J.Pietschmann
asonable example. I wondered why I got a OutOfMemory already during *parsing*... J.Pietschmann

Re: FOs and Areas

2003-12-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
x27;ve got a lot of ideas myself, perhaps too many. What the project needs is *working* *code*. J.Pietschmann

Re: FOs and Areas

2003-12-18 Thread J.Pietschmann
memory? Yuck! Flashbacks of SoftRAM J.Pietschmann

Re: Is this a coding flaw ?

2003-12-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
John Austin wrote: And of course, I missed the fact that the last method in the class contains a pathological use. To get the name of this class, we create a parser ? That's legacy code from pre-JAXP times. IIRC it is still used in the Batik bridge. The bridge needs an XML parser to parse referen

Re: Suppression of leading space

2003-12-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
ered? foo bar I think this should generate two spaces between "foo" and "bar". J.Pietschmann

Re: Suppression of leading space

2003-12-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
y". Unless leader expansion is better defined. J.Pietschmann

Re: Suppression of leading space

2003-12-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
Simon Pepping wrote: I see no space in the bar inline. Dumb luck :-). Try: foo bar J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Finn Bock for Committer

2003-12-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote: Therefore, I'm happy to nominate Finn Bock for committer +1 J.Pietschmann

Regression tests was: Re: Output from NIST test suite

2003-12-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
template PDFs and a change causes mismatches for all, what will you do? Examine everything, comparing pixels, check whether there are visible differences at all, and then judge whether the original or the newly generated PDF is at fault? I don't think this will be done often. Ideas welcome! J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Chris Bowditch for Committer

2003-12-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jeremias Maerki wrote: +1 from me. +1 J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Clay Leeds for committer

2003-12-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jeremias Maerki wrote: +1 from me. +1 J.Pietschmann

Re: [VOTE] Andreas L. Delmelle for committer

2003-12-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: +1 To show my support: If Andreas shows "committment" to the project he can IMHO be a committer without necessarily having to "commit code" to CVS. Yeah, +1. J.Pietschmann

Re: help with upload the ssh key

2004-01-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
r nearly biting bits off my keyboard. J.Pietschmann

Re: AW: help with upload the ssh key

2004-01-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
use two keys. And I wouldn't use a key on my work machine unless I'm totally and utterly sure it can't be compromised. J.Pietschmann

Re: help with upload the ssh key

2004-01-01 Thread J.Pietschmann
ined by the ssh client you use. In order to get the public key onto the target machine, log in, create the ~/.ssh directory, then scp the public key to the appropriate file. Private keys on remote machines not under your control are a no-no. J.Pietschmann

Re: FOPException:no protocol when executin

2002-03-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
lative URLs, like "", you might want to set the baseDir for FOP, here is a hint: Regards J.Pietschmann - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTE

Re: error while including svg in fop

2002-03-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
a:1094) > at org.apache.fop.svg.SVGDriver.buildSVGTree( Did you declare the svg namaspace somewhere? J.Pietschmann - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: error while including svg in fop

2002-03-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
Katiyar, Bhawana wrote: > yes I declared in the begining in the root. >> J.Pietschmann - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additiona

Re: JAXP / upgrade to xerces2

2002-03-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
sses is changed. Perhaps there should be an intermediate jar file built for the generator, and the dumped classes depend on it as well as on their source XML. Regards J.Pietschmann - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with SAX pipeline

2002-03-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
rce to an identity XSL transformation (use TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer()). The serialized file will be always well-formed (the transformer closes open elements for you) but you could check for suspicious omissions at the end. J.Pietschmann --

Re: SVG images and rendering fonts

2002-03-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Toulson, Simon wrote: > [problems with SVG text] Also, check out the following hint about Acrobat Reader settings: J.Pietschmann - To unsubscr

Re: How to keep space between two region/block/ ... while rendering?

2002-03-27 Thread J.Pietschmann
If you really have to use static content for the header, you should define your layout in a way that the areas don't overlap, for example: J.Pietschmann - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: How to keep space between two region/block/ ... while rendering?

2002-03-29 Thread J.Pietschmann
or region-before: ensure the fo:region-body's margin-bottom is at least as large as the extent of the region-after. I thought this should be quite obvious meanwhile. J.Pietschmann - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For a

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