FrameMaker double-click oddity

2009-06-16 Thread Helen Borrie
At 10:27 PM 16/06/2009, Steve Rickaby wrote:

>The default behaviour in FrameMaker is that double-clicking selects a word and 
>triple-clicking selects a paragraph, as we all know. 

Completely off-topic, but - I didn't know about double-clicking to select a 
word and triple-clicking to select a paragraph.  However (without Frame running 
at the moment, as it's bedtime here!) I tried it in my email client (Eudora 7). 
 It works here, exactly like that.  Well, now I've learnt something else!


[no subject]

2009-06-16 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

I suspect this figure is made in TeX/LaTeX or some other application
using a special font for this purpose. You might probably find a font
somewhere but most likely at a cost.

TeX/LaTeX comes for free as in beer and as in speech, including a lot of fonts.

So, not much help here. :-(


2009/6/15  :
> Hi, all.
> I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.
> How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
> the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:
> "h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
> MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"
> (All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
> not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
> spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)
> The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
> delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
> working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
> to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
> the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.
> I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
> on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
> editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
> messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
> drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...
> I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
> result, by the way.
> Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?
> Thanks in advance,
> Z
> ___
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"Life is not only a game--it is also a dance on roses."
--Fleksnes (Rolv Wesenlund)

Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Writer
First of all, congratulations on migrating to FM.

FM does support tables within tables, but you have to put the inner 
table into an anchored frame.

I've never been a fan of putting Notes, etc in a table. I've always 
preferred a paragraph tag, with the text "Note:  " defined on the 
Numbering tab of the Paragraph Designer. If designed simply enough, one 
Note para tag should work in body paragraphs, numbered steps, and within 


Alison Craig wrote:
> My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for all 
> manuals.
> On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my Note/Caution/Warning style 
> into a table format as I was told this was the simplest way to duplicate my 
> Word format (a simple hanging indent paragraph with a border above and below 
> to demarcate the Note/Caution/Warning).
> The problem is that I also have to use the Note/Caution/Warning style in 
> table cells and it seems that FM9 does not support tables in tables.
> I'm not sure if this forum will support attachments, but just in case it 
> does, I've included a PDF of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only, 
> with no shading) that also contains Notes and a Warning.
> If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9, I'd 
> be extremely grateful.
> Alison
> ___
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Final Status: A Frame Problem for the Record Books

2009-06-16 Thread
 Good evening fellow framers:
 First of all, thank you so very much for your responses.  Only
reinforces my thoughts that we Framers do have this caring attitude
to assist one another.
 Was not able to solve this problem through all of the solutions
offered, and that is puzzling
 S, I took some laborious steps to make it happen
 Opened a "new" document, you know, File...New...Document...Portrait
 Next, I copied/pasted all of the text from pages 1 through 79 just
before the "problem" text...that went into the "new" document
 Next, I deleted that text to reveal the so-called "hidden"
text...about 3 pages worth.
 Next, I copied/pasted that text as well into the "new" document
 Saved the document using the standard naming convention.
 Finally, opened another document in the same "book" and imported all
of the formats, etc into the reconstituted document.
 That worked!  that was the good news.
 The bad news?  I lost all of my effective dates/revision numbers,
but with a little tracking, etc, I just re-keyed the dates and
revision numbers into the headers/footers but I was able to press on.
 Again, thank you very much for all your offers of assistance
 All the best
 From New York City (Kew Gardens, actually)
 724.494.9213 (cell)

Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Baruch Brodersen

You can increase the point size, and thus the proportional thickness of the
brace, in Special > Equations > Equations > Equations Sizes (or Esc, p, e).
For horizontal braces modify Level 1 equation sizes.

FrameMaker Help also gives this valuable advice:

To change the character format for functions, numbers, strings, and

1. Create the character format you want (see "The Paragraph and Character
Designers" on page 94).
2. On the Equations palette, choose Equation Fonts from the Equations pop-up
3. Choose the character format from the Functions, Numbers, Strings, or
Variables pop-up menu, and click Set. The pop-up menus contain the formats
stored in the Character Catalog.



On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:08 PM, you wrote:

Hi, Baruch.

Okay, I tried your response and this worked well enough that I think I
can make do for what I am trying. Thanks!

But ... a comment and questions that might help me do yet better:

1. I used the Color > Definition > ... to make a new color - it is not
under the Special > ... (you did note that you had not done this
recently, so I am merely recording this here for other people :) ).

2. The brace length appears to have stepped settings - it doesn't
increase linearly with the text as nicely as I might like (to get a more
control on the size).

3. I tried to change the font size, and that helped a bit, but the brace
becomes pretty thin and faint then.

4. Applying a bold to the text (while the delimiter brace is also
selected) does not change the underbrace or overbrace at all though (as
far as I can tell).

Any recommendation on whether this brace can be changed to look a bit
"heavier" or more curved, etc? It seems to be quite independent of the
font ...

Thanks much again!


Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Jo Watkiss
Hi Rick,

This works OK for links to a separate file, but not to links in the same

Is there anything I can do in the Frame file to force cross reference to
open in a new link?

Unfortunately we also have incredibly inept readers and asking them to
change their preferences is unrealistic.  


-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rick Quatro
Sent: 16 June 2009 18:03
To: Jo Watkiss; framers at
Subject: RE: Open cross-reference in new window

Hi Jo,

In Acrobat 9, you can set a preference for this. Go to the Documents
category, and uncheck the "Open cross-document links in same window"
checkbox. I am using Acrobat Pro, but I think Reader has the same

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at

Is it possible to make a cross-reference (not a marker) open in a new
window ? 

Here's the situation:
FrameMaker 9.0 book with approx 10 files.
Cross-references are both within and between the FM files.
The book is converted to a single PDF file.

For convenience, our readers sometimes want to open the cross-reference
in a new window - even though it means that then they have two copies of
the file open.  In Acrobat & Reader 8 and earlier, you can do this with
right-click 'open link in new window'.  But Adobe has removed this from
Acrobat & Reader 9.  So I'm looking for a work-around.

Any suggestions ?

As always, TIA for any help,
Jo Watkiss


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If you received this email in error please notify Watkiss Automation Ltd on 
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Re: Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Les Smalley
No, Frame does not support tables within table.  But depending on your need, it 
does (and fairly easily at that) support lines above and below paragraphs.  
There is a little setup that need to be done.

On the Reference pages (not sure how this is reached in FM9, in earlier 
versions it is View > Reference Pages) you can create a named frame (or copy 
and paste one of the existing one and give it a new name).  There is a drawing 
tool to create a frame - it looks like a box with several object (triangle, 
square, circle) within it.  If you draw a new frame, you'll be prompted for a 
name.  This name will not automatically appear but FM knows what it is.  If you 
want the name visible on the Ref Page, you have to add a text line label for it.

The height of the frame itself will add to the spacing above/below the 
paragraph, so you may wish to keep it small - like 8 points.  But make the 
frame at least as wide as the full column measure.  The width of the frame will 
control how wide a line may appear on the body page - the maximum visible size 
is the smaller of the text column (or table cell!) width and the width of the 
frame.  Also, the left edge of the frame is always aligned to the left edge of 
the column - not with the left edge of the paragraph if it is indented.  

Inside this frame place a line of the desired size.  If the line is offset 
within the frame, it will be offset by that same amount from the column edge.  
The vertical position of the line in the frame will control its relative 
placement to the text of the paragraph - closer to the bottom of the frame and 
it will appear closer to the first line of text if the frame is above the para, 
and farther from the last line of text if it appears below, and vice-versa.  
Centering the line vertically within the frame is probably the best best for 
your use.

In the paragraph designer, under Advanced properties, there are (were?) 
drop-down list for Frame Above and Frame Below.  When displaying the 
Note/Caution/Warning paragraph style in the designer, simply select the name of 
the frame you created in these drop downs and click update all.  The line form 
the frame on the ref page will now appear above or below (or both) the 

Hanging indents for the Note/Caution/Warning are set on the Basic properties 
tab of the Paragraph Designer - but differently than in Word.  You set the 
indent from the left margin and can specify different values for the first line 
of a paragraph and all subsequent lines.  Make the First value smaller than the 
Left value (e.g., 0.25" and 0.5") and you'll have a hanging indent.

Hope this helps,

– Les

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Alison Craig  wrote:
My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for all 

On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my
Note/Caution/Warning style into a table format as I was told this was
the simplest way to duplicate my Word format (a simple hanging indent
paragraph with a border above and below to demarcate the

The problem is that I also have to use
the Note/Caution/Warning style in table cells and it seems that FM9
does not support tables in tables.

I'm not sure if this forum
will support attachments, but just in case it does, I've included a PDF
of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only, with no shading)
that also contains Notes and a Warning.

If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9, I'd be 
extremely grateful.



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Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Les Smalley
No, Frame does not support tables within table.? But depending on your need, it 
does (and fairly easily at that) support lines above and below paragraphs.? 
There is a little setup that need to be done.

On the Reference pages (not sure how this is reached in FM9, in earlier 
versions it is View > Reference Pages) you can create a named frame (or copy 
and paste one of the existing one and give it a new name).? There is a drawing 
tool to create a frame - it looks like a box with several object (triangle, 
square, circle) within it.? If you draw a new frame, you'll be prompted for a 
name.? This name will not automatically appear but FM knows what it is.? If you 
want the name visible on the Ref Page, you have to add a text line label for it.

The height of the frame itself will add to the spacing above/below the 
paragraph, so you may wish to keep it small - like 8 points.? But make the 
frame at least as wide as the full column measure.? The width of the frame will 
control how wide a line may appear on the body page - the maximum visible size 
is the smaller of the text column (or table cell!) width and the width of the 
frame.? Also, the left edge of the frame is always aligned to the left edge of 
the column - not with the left edge of the paragraph if it is indented.? 

Inside this frame place a line of the desired size.? If the line is offset 
within the frame, it will be offset by that same amount from the column edge.? 
The vertical position of the line in the frame will control its relative 
placement to the text of the paragraph - closer to the bottom of the frame and 
it will appear closer to the first line of text if the frame is above the para, 
and farther from the last line of text if it appears below, and vice-versa.? 
Centering the line vertically within the frame is probably the best best for 
your use.

In the paragraph designer, under Advanced properties, there are (were?) 
drop-down list for Frame Above and Frame Below.? When displaying the 
Note/Caution/Warning paragraph style in the designer, simply select the name of 
the frame you created in these drop downs and click update all.? The line form 
the frame on the ref page will now appear above or below (or both) the 

Hanging indents for the Note/Caution/Warning are set on the Basic properties 
tab of the Paragraph Designer - but differently than in Word.? You set the 
indent from the left margin and can specify different values for the first line 
of a paragraph and all subsequent lines.? Make the First value smaller than the 
Left value (e.g., 0.25" and 0.5") and you'll have a hanging indent.

Hope this helps,

? Les

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Alison Craig  wrote:
My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for all 

On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my
Note/Caution/Warning style into a table format as I was told this was
the simplest way to duplicate my Word format (a simple hanging indent
paragraph with a border above and below to demarcate the

The problem is that I also have to use
the Note/Caution/Warning style in table cells and it seems that FM9
does not support tables in tables.

I'm not sure if this forum
will support attachments, but just in case it does, I've included a PDF
of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only, with no shading)
that also contains Notes and a Warning.

If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9, I'd be 
extremely grateful.


Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Gary Bankston
Why not turn your table made Note/Caution/Warning into a graphic which will
easily scale into a table cell. Place it on the Reference page and call it
up just like a format.

Just a thought,

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Alison Craig

> My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for
> all manuals.
> On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my Note/Caution/Warning
> style into a table format as I was told this was the simplest way to
> duplicate my Word format (a simple hanging indent paragraph with a border
> above and below to demarcate the Note/Caution/Warning).
> The problem is that I also have to use the Note/Caution/Warning style in
> table cells and it seems that FM9 does not support tables in tables.
> I'm not sure if this forum will support attachments, but just in case it
> does, I've included a PDF of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only,
> with no shading) that also contains Notes and a Warning.
> If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9,
> I'd be extremely grateful.
> Alison
> ___
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> Send list messages to framers at
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> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Final Status: A Frame Problem for the Record Books

2009-06-16 Thread ecidade
 Good evening fellow framers:
 First of all, thank you so very much for your responses.  Only
reinforces my thoughts that we Framers do have this caring attitude
to assist one another.
 Was not able to solve this problem through all of the solutions
offered, and that is puzzling
 S, I took some laborious steps to make it happen
 Opened a "new" document, you know, File...New...Document...Portrait
 Next, I copied/pasted all of the text from pages 1 through 79 just
before the "problem" text...that went into the "new" document
 Next, I deleted that text to reveal the so-called "hidden"
text...about 3 pages worth.
 Next, I copied/pasted that text as well into the "new" document
 Saved the document using the standard naming convention.
 Finally, opened another document in the same "book" and imported all
of the formats, etc into the reconstituted document.
 That worked!  that was the good news.
 The bad news?  I lost all of my effective dates/revision numbers,
but with a little tracking, etc, I just re-keyed the dates and
revision numbers into the headers/footers but I was able to press on.
 Again, thank you very much for all your offers of assistance
 All the best
 From New York City (Kew Gardens, actually)
 724.494.9213 (cell)

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Re: Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Writer
First of all, congratulations on migrating to FM.

FM does support tables within tables, but you have to put the inner 
table into an anchored frame.

I've never been a fan of putting Notes, etc in a table. I've always 
preferred a paragraph tag, with the text "Note:  " defined on the 
Numbering tab of the Paragraph Designer. If designed simply enough, one 
Note para tag should work in body paragraphs, numbered steps, and within 


Alison Craig wrote:
> My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for all 
> manuals.
> On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my Note/Caution/Warning style 
> into a table format as I was told this was the simplest way to duplicate my 
> Word format (a simple hanging indent paragraph with a border above and below 
> to demarcate the Note/Caution/Warning).
> The problem is that I also have to use the Note/Caution/Warning style in 
> table cells and it seems that FM9 does not support tables in tables.
> I'm not sure if this forum will support attachments, but just in case it 
> does, I've included a PDF of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only, 
> with no shading) that also contains Notes and a Warning.
> If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9, I'd 
> be extremely grateful.
> Alison
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as
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Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Alison Craig
My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for all 

On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my Note/Caution/Warning style 
into a table format as I was told this was the simplest way to duplicate my 
Word format (a simple hanging indent paragraph with a border above and below to 
demarcate the Note/Caution/Warning).

The problem is that I also have to use the Note/Caution/Warning style in table 
cells and it seems that FM9 does not support tables in tables.

I'm not sure if this forum will support attachments, but just in case it does, 
I've included a PDF of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only, with no 
shading) that also contains Notes and a Warning.

If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9, I'd be 
extremely grateful.



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Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Rubin, Diana
Thank you all so much: Art, Stuart, and Fred too.I cannot tell you how many 
hours you have saved me. The problem was "designing" an A5 template and 
"adding" a master page called FirstPage.   It never occurred to me about the 
"flow" in the text frame on the master page (FirstPage) that contains the 
chapter name and number.  As always, you guys are great.


-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell []
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:07 PM
To: Stuart Rogers
Cc: Rubin, Diana; framers at
Subject: Re: Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

I think Stuart's diagnosis is spot on.

Taking it a step further, you can check for multiple flows by going to
the Master Page that you use to open the chapter, selecting the text
container(s) and right-clicking, then selecting properties.

If the containers are both A, then it's likely someone modified the
master page at some point by adding a second container for the chapter
title... adding a second container would place it after the existing
container in the search order, as Stuart points out. If this is the
case, you can break the connection between containers, and then reform
it in the correct order.

And if the second container is in a flow other than A, you can
re-assign it to A and set the connection correctly.


Art Campbell
   art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Stuart
Rogers wrote:
> Rubin, Diana wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book
>> I am writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579,
>> Windows XP Pro., SP3.
>> I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a
>> chapter title and various heads.When I generate the TOC, it lists
>> the chapter contents above the chapter title, instead of below it.
>> For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:
>> 1 Overview
>> 1.1Introduction
>> 1.2Configurations
>> 1.2.1  Options
>> 2 Getting Started
>> 2.1Introduction
>> 2.2Unpacking
>> 2.2.1  Setting Up
>> Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:
>> 1.1Introduction
>> 1.2Configurations
>> 1.2.1  Options
>> 1 Overview
>> 2.1Introduction
>> 2.2Unpacking
>> 2.2.1  Setting Up
>> 2 Getting Started
>> I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate
>> to the contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct
>> and the Reference page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC,
>> 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing different about this book is that I
>> used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using numbered heads in the
>> chapters, and the same thing happens.
>> Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I
>> might be overlooking?
>> Thanks so much for your help.
>> Diana
> FM collects paragraphs into the TOC in the order it encounters them in
> the content files, starting with everything in the first flow followed
> by everything in the next flow, if more than one flow exists.
> It sounds like your content pages have the chapter title paragraphs in a
> second flow; the solution would be to put them in the first flow.
> (Or possibly, the chapter title is in its own text frame that is somehow
> connected to the last frame of the chapter instead of to the frame that
> follows it on the page... this is highly unlikely, though.)
> HTH,
> --
> Stuart Rogers
> Technical Communicator
> Phoenix Geophysics Limited
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325
> srogers phoenix-geophysics com
> "It is not enough that I succeed.
>  Others must fail."
> -- Oscar Wilde
> ___

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Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Baruch Brodersen
Hello Framers,

Cross-posted to the Frame2Acrobat list.

We single source many books using shared content with conditional text and 
distill using TimeSavers. Some of the resulting PDFs are showing up with dead 
internal cross reference links. Some are dead, while others are OK. The book 
and Frame files are all updated prior to printing. Examining the dead links in 
the PDF reveals a live link but no corresponding named destination. Going back 
to the source Frame files, the links all work using Ctrl-Alt click without 
updating or doing anything to the file other than testing the link.

Any ideas?

FM 7.2 p158
Win XP SP3
Acrobat 8.1.2
TimeSavers 5.5.6

Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Jo Watkiss
Is it possible to make a cross-reference (not a marker) open in a new
window ? 

Here's the situation:
FrameMaker 9.0 book with approx 10 files.
Cross-references are both within and between the FM files.
The book is converted to a single PDF file.

For convenience, our readers sometimes want to open the cross-reference
in a new window - even though it means that then they have two copies of
the file open.  In Acrobat & Reader 8 and earlier, you can do this with
right-click 'open link in new window'.  But Adobe has removed this from
Acrobat & Reader 9.  So I'm looking for a work-around.

Any suggestions ?

As always, TIA for any help,
Jo Watkiss

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Any views or opinions presented are solely that of the author and do not 
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If you received this email in error please notify Watkiss Automation Ltd on 
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Converting from Word to FM9: Tables in Tables??

2009-06-16 Thread Alison Craig
My company is finally making the transition from MS Word 2003 to FM 9 for all 

On the advice of a consultant, I've translated my Note/Caution/Warning style 
into a table format as I was told this was the simplest way to duplicate my 
Word format (a simple hanging indent paragraph with a border above and below to 
demarcate the Note/Caution/Warning).

The problem is that I also have to use the Note/Caution/Warning style in table 
cells and it seems that FM9 does not support tables in tables.

I'm not sure if this forum will support attachments, but just in case it does, 
I've included a PDF of one of my simplest Word tables (2 columns only, with no 
shading) that also contains Notes and a Warning.

If anyone can advise me of a (simple?) way to duplicate this within FM9, I'd be 
extremely grateful.


Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Baruch Brodersen

You can create horizontal range braces in the Delimiter menu of the Equation 
editor (Special > Equations Delimiter).

Inserting them is a little trickier. Create an equation with the sole content 
being the horizontal range brace. To extend the width of the brace you need to 
add text characters in the equation. If you don't want those to appear in your 
final document, create a color---name it something like "Invisible" (Special > 
Color > Definition > New Color) and then give it an invisible view: (Special > 
Color > View > Invisible). 

[It's been a while since I've done this, so feel free to chime in on the 
correct method.]

Then create a new charter format and set everything to As Is except the color, 
which you should make Invisible. Use that to make the characters needed to 
widen the horizontal range brace disappear.

Shrink-wrap the equation (Esc, m, p), then select the equation's anchored frame 
and change the alignment from Cropped to Floating (Special > Anchored Frame). 
Drag the horizontal range brace to the location you want, then right-click to 
send-to-back or front, or whatever. You might consider creating the whole lot 
in a text inset so the horizontal range brace moves with the text.


Baruch Brodersen

-Original Message-
From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:21 AM
To: framers at

Hi, all.

I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like the ones 
used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers / 
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are not 
going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many spaces inserted. 
Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range 
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am 
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally to grow 
and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up the quality of 
the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped on this 
particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation editor (did not see 
anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked messy when stretched), but 
these attempts did not work. The graphics drawing tools just seem too limited 
for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this result, by 
the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Lin Sims
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Jo Watkiss wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> This works OK for links to a separate file, but not to links in the same
> file.
> Is there anything I can do in the Frame file to force cross reference to
> open in a new link?
> Unfortunately we also have incredibly inept readers and asking them to
> change their preferences is unrealistic.
> Jo.

Microtype's FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Timesavers has a function that will
do that. It is not a free plugin, though.

I believe that the way to do this is to insert a Postscript code frame
on a master page, but you have to know the postscript code that forces
the link to open in a new window, and I don't know that.

Hope that at least points you in the right direction.

Lin Sims

Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread
Hi, Baruch,

I was aware of the character format capability (I use them in numbering
for headings and text in the sidehead), but not the ability to select
them in equations. My experience with the equations editor is extremely
low - no reasons to use them till now! :)

I will try all this out as well.

Thanks again,


-Original Message-
From: Baruch Brodersen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:00 PM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at;
framers at
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces


You can increase the point size, and thus the proportional thickness of
brace, in Special > Equations > Equations > Equations Sizes (or Esc, p,
For horizontal braces modify Level 1 equation sizes.

FrameMaker Help also gives this valuable advice:

To change the character format for functions, numbers, strings, and

1. Create the character format you want (see "The Paragraph and
Designers" on page 94).
2. On the Equations palette, choose Equation Fonts from the Equations
3. Choose the character format from the Functions, Numbers, Strings, or
Variables pop-up menu, and click Set. The pop-up menus contain the
stored in the Character Catalog.



On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:08 PM, you wrote:

Hi, Baruch.

Okay, I tried your response and this worked well enough that I think I
can make do for what I am trying. Thanks!

But ... a comment and questions that might help me do yet better:

1. I used the Color > Definition > ... to make a new color - it is not
under the Special > ... (you did note that you had not done this
recently, so I am merely recording this here for other people :) ).

2. The brace length appears to have stepped settings - it doesn't
increase linearly with the text as nicely as I might like (to get a more
control on the size).

3. I tried to change the font size, and that helped a bit, but the brace
becomes pretty thin and faint then.

4. Applying a bold to the text (while the delimiter brace is also
selected) does not change the underbrace or overbrace at all though (as
far as I can tell).

Any recommendation on whether this brace can be changed to look a bit
"heavier" or more curved, etc? It seems to be quite independent of the
font ...

Thanks much again!


Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Jon Harvey
I apparently was confused. Thanks to Richard and Art tho, not any

Jon Harvey
Manager, Desktop Documentation
CambridgeSoft Corporation
100 CambridgePark Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 588-9354

-Original Message-
From: Combs, Richard [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:44 AM
To: Jon Harvey; framers at
Subject: RE: Activating an image object

Jon Harvey wrote:

> I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
> object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
> middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
> viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual
> however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
> the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered
> problem as well. What gives?

As Art said, using OLE (File > Import > Object) is not a good idea. FM
has a PNG filter, so it can import the file natively (File > Import >
File). Is there some special reason why you're trying to import the
files as objects, or is that just due to a bit of confusion? 

Also, you're a bit confused about FM's image handling. The "shows
previews" bit applies strictly to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files.
Those files can be saved with a TIFF preview, and FM displays only that
preview. Other graphics files, including PNG, don't have previews, and
what you see in FM is the file. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


2009-06-16 Thread Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

I suspect this figure is made in TeX/LaTeX or some other application
using a special font for this purpose. You might probably find a font
somewhere but most likely at a cost.

TeX/LaTeX comes for free as in beer and as in speech, including a lot of fonts.

So, not much help here. :-(


2009/6/15  :
> Hi, all.
> I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.
> How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
> the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:
> "h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
> MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"
> (All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
> not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
> spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)
> The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
> delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
> working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
> to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
> the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.
> I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
> on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
> editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
> messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
> drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...
> I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
> result, by the way.
> Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?
> Thanks in advance,
> Z
> ___
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--Fleksnes (Rolv Wesenlund)

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Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Rubin, Diana
Hi all,

I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book I am 
writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579, Windows XP Pro., SP3.

I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a chapter title 
and various heads.When I generate the TOC, it lists the chapter contents 
above the chapter title, instead of below it.

For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:

1 Overview



1.2.1  Options

2 Getting Started



2.2.1  Setting Up

Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:



1.2.1  Options

1 Overview



2.2.1  Setting Up

2 Getting Started

I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate to the 
contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct and the Reference 
page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC, 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing 
different about this book is that I used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using 
numbered heads in the chapters, and the same thing happens.

Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I might be 

Thanks so much for your help.


Diana Rubin
Learning Products Developer
TAD onsite at Philips Healthcare
Patient Monitoring Systems, 4-2/D4

* 978-659-2836
7  978-659-7323
* 0097

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original message.

RE: Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Syed.Hosain
Hi, Baruch,

I was aware of the character format capability (I use them in numbering
for headings and text in the sidehead), but not the ability to select
them in equations. My experience with the equations editor is extremely
low - no reasons to use them till now! :)

I will try all this out as well.

Thanks again,


-Original Message-
From: Baruch Brodersen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:00 PM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (;
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces


You can increase the point size, and thus the proportional thickness of
brace, in Special > Equations > Equations > Equations Sizes (or Esc, p,
For horizontal braces modify Level 1 equation sizes.

FrameMaker Help also gives this valuable advice:

To change the character format for functions, numbers, strings, and

1. Create the character format you want (see "The Paragraph and
Designers" on page 94).
2. On the Equations palette, choose Equation Fonts from the Equations
3. Choose the character format from the Functions, Numbers, Strings, or
Variables pop-up menu, and click Set. The pop-up menus contain the
stored in the Character Catalog.



On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:08 PM, you wrote:

Hi, Baruch.

Okay, I tried your response and this worked well enough that I think I
can make do for what I am trying. Thanks!

But ... a comment and questions that might help me do yet better:

1. I used the Color > Definition > ... to make a new color - it is not
under the Special > ... (you did note that you had not done this
recently, so I am merely recording this here for other people :) ).

2. The brace length appears to have stepped settings - it doesn't
increase linearly with the text as nicely as I might like (to get a more
control on the size).

3. I tried to change the font size, and that helped a bit, but the brace
becomes pretty thin and faint then.

4. Applying a bold to the text (while the delimiter brace is also
selected) does not change the underbrace or overbrace at all though (as
far as I can tell).

Any recommendation on whether this brace can be changed to look a bit
"heavier" or more curved, etc? It seems to be quite independent of the
font ...

Thanks much again!



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FM9: Book within a book, generated files not in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Kees van de Wal
Hello framers,

I'm working with FM9 and I need help.

The situation is as follows: There is a book, let's call it the
main-book , in the main-book are some fm-documents and there is also a
fm-book. Let's call this one the child-book. In the child-book I've made
a TOC. When I update the child-book and print it to PDF the TOC is ok.

Now the problem: When I print or save the main-book to PDF the TOC from
the child-book is disappeared.

Is there anyone who can help me with this problem? I need the TOC in the

Kind regards,


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confirmation to sender.

FrameMaker double-click oddity

2009-06-16 Thread Steve Rickaby
I'm seeing something odd when I work on FrameMaker files here which I don't see 
in a new FrameMaker document, to do with selection of text by clicking. These 
files come from a specific template that originated at another company based in 
India as far as I know. 

The default behaviour in FrameMaker is that double-clicking selects a word and 
triple-clicking selects a paragraph, as we all know. In these files:

. double-clicking does nothing

. triple-clicking selects a word

. quad-clicking selects a word as well

. five clicks are required to select a paragraph

Is there anything that could explain this? It all seems a bit sluggish, too, 
despite the fact that the files aren't excessively large.

I tried MIFing the files, and this odd problem goes away, as does the 
sluggishness. As a wise friend is wont to write, 'Go figure' ;-) 

Steve Rickaby  

WordMongers Ltd
Registered office Larks Cottage, Treen, St Levan, Penzance TR19 6LG
Registered in the UK, company number 3130681, VAT reg no GB 557 4598 91
Telephone/fax: 01 736 81

Re: Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Lin Sims
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Jo Watkiss wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> This works OK for links to a separate file, but not to links in the same
> file.
> Is there anything I can do in the Frame file to force cross reference to
> open in a new link?
> Unfortunately we also have incredibly inept readers and asking them to
> change their preferences is unrealistic.
> Jo.

Microtype's FrameMaker-to-Acrobat Timesavers has a function that will
do that. It is not a free plugin, though.

I believe that the way to do this is to insert a Postscript code frame
on a master page, but you have to know the postscript code that forces
the link to open in a new window, and I don't know that.

Hope that at least points you in the right direction.

Lin Sims

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Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Rick Quatro
Hi Jo,

In Acrobat 9, you can set a preference for this. Go to the Documents
category, and uncheck the "Open cross-document links in same window"
checkbox. I am using Acrobat Pro, but I think Reader has the same setting.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at

Is it possible to make a cross-reference (not a marker) open in a new
window ? 

Here's the situation:
FrameMaker 9.0 book with approx 10 files.
Cross-references are both within and between the FM files.
The book is converted to a single PDF file.

For convenience, our readers sometimes want to open the cross-reference
in a new window - even though it means that then they have two copies of
the file open.  In Acrobat & Reader 8 and earlier, you can do this with
right-click 'open link in new window'.  But Adobe has removed this from
Acrobat & Reader 9.  So I'm looking for a work-around.

Any suggestions ?

As always, TIA for any help,
Jo Watkiss

A Frame Problem for the Record Books

2009-06-16 Thread ecidade

Good evening fellow Framers 

Here's one I've NEVER encountered before. 

First, the setup:  WXP, Frame 8 (unstructured) 

As I'm developing a document I'm proceeding from page to page, no

Suddenly, I reach the end (or I THOUGHT) it was the end on page 79
of a 90 page document, you know at the end of a Frame file, you
encounter the "end of file" symbol, sort of a "double-S" 

When what to my wandering eyes should appear?more text on page
80!  It's the next page which I cannot, for the life of me, get to
behave or come forward to page 79.  It's as if there is a different,
separate, text flow so I checked for a "Flow: B" and there isn't any.

I'm at the end of my work day and am putting this one (and myself)
to bedto tackle it in the morning, but if anyone out there has
encountered this before, please let me knowthis is odd beyond
anything I've ever encountered before. 

Thanks and all the best 

From New York City 


724.494.9213 (cell)

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RE: Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Jo Watkiss
Hi Rick,

This works OK for links to a separate file, but not to links in the same

Is there anything I can do in the Frame file to force cross reference to
open in a new link?

Unfortunately we also have incredibly inept readers and asking them to
change their preferences is unrealistic.  


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rick Quatro
Sent: 16 June 2009 18:03
To: Jo Watkiss;
Subject: RE: Open cross-reference in new window

Hi Jo,

In Acrobat 9, you can set a preference for this. Go to the Documents
category, and uncheck the "Open cross-document links in same window"
checkbox. I am using Acrobat Pro, but I think Reader has the same

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.

Is it possible to make a cross-reference (not a marker) open in a new
window ? 
Here's the situation:
FrameMaker 9.0 book with approx 10 files.
Cross-references are both within and between the FM files.
The book is converted to a single PDF file.
For convenience, our readers sometimes want to open the cross-reference
in a new window - even though it means that then they have two copies of
the file open.  In Acrobat & Reader 8 and earlier, you can do this with
right-click 'open link in new window'.  But Adobe has removed this from
Acrobat & Reader 9.  So I'm looking for a work-around.
Any suggestions ?
As always, TIA for any help,
Jo Watkiss


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RE: Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Jon Harvey
I apparently was confused. Thanks to Richard and Art tho, not any

Jon Harvey
Manager, Desktop Documentation
CambridgeSoft Corporation
100 CambridgePark Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140
(617) 588-9354

-Original Message-
From: Combs, Richard [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 9:44 AM
To: Jon Harvey;
Subject: RE: Activating an image object

Jon Harvey wrote:
> I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
> object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
> middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
> viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual
> however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
> the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered
> problem as well. What gives?

As Art said, using OLE (File > Import > Object) is not a good idea. FM
has a PNG filter, so it can import the file natively (File > Import >
File). Is there some special reason why you're trying to import the
files as objects, or is that just due to a bit of confusion? 

Also, you're a bit confused about FM's image handling. The "shows
previews" bit applies strictly to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files.
Those files can be saved with a TIFF preview, and FM displays only that
preview. Other graphics files, including PNG, don't have previews, and
what you see in FM is the file. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Art Campbell
I think Stuart's diagnosis is spot on.

Taking it a step further, you can check for multiple flows by going to
the Master Page that you use to open the chapter, selecting the text
container(s) and right-clicking, then selecting properties.

If the containers are both A, then it's likely someone modified the
master page at some point by adding a second container for the chapter
title... adding a second container would place it after the existing
container in the search order, as Stuart points out. If this is the
case, you can break the connection between containers, and then reform
it in the correct order.

And if the second container is in a flow other than A, you can
re-assign it to A and set the connection correctly.


Art Campbell
   art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Stuart
Rogers wrote:
> Rubin, Diana wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book
>> I am writing. ? I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579,
>> Windows XP Pro., SP3.
>> I created a book using A5-sized pages. ?Each chapter contains a
>> chapter title and various heads. ? ?When I generate the TOC, it lists
>> the chapter contents above the chapter title, instead of below it.
>> For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:
>> 1 Overview
>> 1.1 ? ?Introduction
>> 1.2 ? ?Configurations
>> 1.2.1 ?Options
>> 2 Getting Started
>> 2.1 ? ?Introduction
>> 2.2 ? ?Unpacking
>> 2.2.1 ?Setting Up
>> Instead, when I generate a TOC, ?I get:
>> 1.1 ? ?Introduction
>> 1.2 ? ?Configurations
>> 1.2.1 ?Options
>> 1 Overview
>> 2.1 ? ?Introduction
>> 2.2 ? ?Unpacking
>> 2.2.1 ?Setting Up
>> 2 Getting Started
>> I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate
>> to the contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct
>> and the Reference page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC,
>> 2headTOC, etc. ? The only thing different about this book is that I
>> used A5-sized pages. ?I tried not using numbered heads in the
>> chapters, and the same thing happens.
>> Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I
>> might be overlooking?
>> Thanks so much for your help.
>> Diana
> FM collects paragraphs into the TOC in the order it encounters them in
> the content files, starting with everything in the first flow followed
> by everything in the next flow, if more than one flow exists.
> It sounds like your content pages have the chapter title paragraphs in a
> second flow; the solution would be to put them in the first flow.
> (Or possibly, the chapter title is in its own text frame that is somehow
> connected to the last frame of the chapter instead of to the frame that
> follows it on the page... this is highly unlikely, though.)
> HTH,
> --
> Stuart Rogers
> Technical Communicator
> Phoenix Geophysics Limited
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325
> srogers phoenix-geophysics com
> "It is not enough that I succeed.
> ?Others must fail."
> -- Oscar Wilde
> ___
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RE: Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Baruch Brodersen

You can increase the point size, and thus the proportional thickness of the
brace, in Special > Equations > Equations > Equations Sizes (or Esc, p, e).
For horizontal braces modify Level 1 equation sizes.

FrameMaker Help also gives this valuable advice:

To change the character format for functions, numbers, strings, and

1. Create the character format you want (see "The Paragraph and Character
Designers" on page 94).
2. On the Equations palette, choose Equation Fonts from the Equations pop-up
3. Choose the character format from the Functions, Numbers, Strings, or
Variables pop-up menu, and click Set. The pop-up menus contain the formats
stored in the Character Catalog.



On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:08 PM, you wrote:

Hi, Baruch.

Okay, I tried your response and this worked well enough that I think I
can make do for what I am trying. Thanks!

But ... a comment and questions that might help me do yet better:

1. I used the Color > Definition > ... to make a new color - it is not
under the Special > ... (you did note that you had not done this
recently, so I am merely recording this here for other people :) ).

2. The brace length appears to have stepped settings - it doesn't
increase linearly with the text as nicely as I might like (to get a more
control on the size).

3. I tried to change the font size, and that helped a bit, but the brace
becomes pretty thin and faint then.

4. Applying a bold to the text (while the delimiter brace is also
selected) does not change the underbrace or overbrace at all though (as
far as I can tell).

Any recommendation on whether this brace can be changed to look a bit
"heavier" or more curved, etc? It seems to be quite independent of the
font ...

Thanks much again!



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Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers
Rubin, Diana wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book
> I am writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579,
> Windows XP Pro., SP3.
> I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a
> chapter title and various heads.When I generate the TOC, it lists
> the chapter contents above the chapter title, instead of below it.
> For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:
> 1 Overview
> 1.1Introduction
> 1.2Configurations
> 1.2.1  Options
> 2 Getting Started
> 2.1Introduction
> 2.2Unpacking
> 2.2.1  Setting Up
> Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:
> 1.1Introduction
> 1.2Configurations
> 1.2.1  Options
> 1 Overview
> 2.1Introduction
> 2.2Unpacking
> 2.2.1  Setting Up
> 2 Getting Started
> I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate
> to the contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct
> and the Reference page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC,
> 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing different about this book is that I
> used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using numbered heads in the
> chapters, and the same thing happens.
> Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I
> might be overlooking?
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Diana

FM collects paragraphs into the TOC in the order it encounters them in 
the content files, starting with everything in the first flow followed 
by everything in the next flow, if more than one flow exists.

It sounds like your content pages have the chapter title paragraphs in a 
second flow; the solution would be to put them in the first flow.

(Or possibly, the chapter title is in its own text frame that is somehow 
connected to the last frame of the chapter instead of to the frame that 
follows it on the page... this is highly unlikely, though.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers
Baruch Brodersen wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> Cross-posted to the Frame2Acrobat list.
> We single source many books using shared content with conditional text and 
> distill using TimeSavers. Some of the resulting PDFs are showing up with dead 
> internal cross reference links. Some are dead, while others are OK. The book 
> and Frame files are all updated prior to printing. Examining the dead links 
> in the PDF reveals a live link but no corresponding named destination. Going 
> back to the source Frame files, the links all work using Ctrl-Alt click 
> without updating or doing anything to the file other than testing the link.
> Any ideas?
> FM 7.2 p158
> Win XP SP3
> Acrobat 8.1.2
> TimeSavers 5.5.6

Have you turned on Create Named Destinations for All Paragraphs in the 
PDF setup dialog box?  Doing so can bloat the PDF, but if you 
subsequently do a Save As (you can keep the same PDF name), unused 
destinations will be removed and file size will shrink.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Rick Quatro
Click the Links tab of the PDF Setup dialog box. Check the Create Named
Destinations for All Elements and Paragraphs checkbox and click Set.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Baruch Brodersen
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:10 AM
To: framers at
Subject: Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

Hello Framers,

Cross-posted to the Frame2Acrobat list.

We single source many books using shared content with conditional text and
distill using TimeSavers. Some of the resulting PDFs are showing up with
dead internal cross reference links. Some are dead, while others are OK. The
book and Frame files are all updated prior to printing. Examining the dead
links in the PDF reveals a live link but no corresponding named destination.
Going back to the source Frame files, the links all work using Ctrl-Alt
click without updating or doing anything to the file other than testing the

Any ideas?

FM 7.2 p158
Win XP SP3
Acrobat 8.1.2
TimeSavers 5.5.6

Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread
Hi, Baruch.

Okay, I tried your response and this worked well enough that I think I
can make do for what I am trying. Thanks!

But ... a comment and questions that might help me do yet better:

1. I used the Color > Definition > ... to make a new color - it is not
under the Special > ... (you did note that you had not done this
recently, so I am merely recording this here for other people :) ).

2. The brace length appears to have stepped settings - it doesn't
increase linearly with the text as nicely as I might like (to get a more
control on the size).

3. I tried to change the font size, and that helped a bit, but the brace
becomes pretty thin and faint then.

4. Applying a bold to the text (while the delimiter brace is also
selected) does not change the underbrace or overbrace at all though (as
far as I can tell).

Any recommendation on whether this brace can be changed to look a bit
"heavier" or more curved, etc? It seems to be quite independent of the
font ...

Thanks much again!


-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Syed Zaeem
Hosain (Syed.Hosain at
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:36 AM
To: Baruch Brodersen; framers at
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces

Thanks! I will give this a try today.


-Original Message-
From: Baruch Brodersen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:15 AM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at;
framers at
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces


You can create horizontal range braces in the Delimiter menu of the
Equation editor (Special > Equations Delimiter).

Inserting them is a little trickier. Create an equation with the sole
content being the horizontal range brace. To extend the width of the
brace you need to add text characters in the equation. If you don't want
those to appear in your final document, create a color---name it
something like "Invisible" (Special > Color > Definition > New Color)
and then give it an invisible view: (Special > Color > View >

[It's been a while since I've done this, so feel free to chime in on the
correct method.]

Then create a new charter format and set everything to As Is except the
color, which you should make Invisible. Use that to make the characters
needed to widen the horizontal range brace disappear.

Shrink-wrap the equation (Esc, m, p), then select the equation's
anchored frame and change the alignment from Cropped to Floating
(Special > Anchored Frame). Drag the horizontal range brace to the
location you want, then right-click to send-to-back or front, or
whatever. You might consider creating the whole lot in a text inset so
the horizontal range brace moves with the text.


Baruch Brodersen

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Syed.Hosain at
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:21 AM
To: framers at

Hi, all.

I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


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Send list messages to framers at

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framers-unsubscribe at
or visit

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[f2a] A Frame Problem for the Record Books

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers
ecidade at wrote:
>   Good evening fellow Framers 
>   Here's one I've NEVER encountered before. 
>   First, the setup:  WXP, Frame 8 (unstructured) 
>   As I'm developing a document I'm proceeding from page to page, no
> problem. 
>   Suddenly, I reach the end (or I THOUGHT) it was the end on page 79
> of a 90 page document, you know at the end of a Frame file, you
> encounter the "end of file" symbol, sort of a "double-S" 
>   When what to my wandering eyes should appear?more text on page
> 80!  It's the next page which I cannot, for the life of me, get to
> behave or come forward to page 79.  It's as if there is a different,
> separate, text flow so I checked for a "Flow: B" and there isn't any.
>   I'm at the end of my work day and am putting this one (and myself)
> to bedto tackle it in the morning, but if anyone out there has
> encountered this before, please let me knowthis is odd beyond
> anything I've ever encountered before. 


It is possible that you have accidentally created a new text frame that 
exactly overlaps the one created by Frame.  (This happens when you 
select a text frame with Ctrl-click and then accidentally move the mouse 
-- even a single pixel and back -- with Ctrl still pressed.)

Try selecting the page 80 frame and use Alt+Arrow to move it some 
distance.  Is another frame still visible at the original location?  One 
of them is FM's frame, the other is the accidental frame.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

RE: Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Syed.Hosain
Hi, Baruch.

Okay, I tried your response and this worked well enough that I think I
can make do for what I am trying. Thanks!

But ... a comment and questions that might help me do yet better:

1. I used the Color > Definition > ... to make a new color - it is not
under the Special > ... (you did note that you had not done this
recently, so I am merely recording this here for other people :) ).

2. The brace length appears to have stepped settings - it doesn't
increase linearly with the text as nicely as I might like (to get a more
control on the size).

3. I tried to change the font size, and that helped a bit, but the brace
becomes pretty thin and faint then.

4. Applying a bold to the text (while the delimiter brace is also
selected) does not change the underbrace or overbrace at all though (as
far as I can tell).

Any recommendation on whether this brace can be changed to look a bit
"heavier" or more curved, etc? It seems to be quite independent of the
font ...

Thanks much again!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Syed Zaeem
Hosain (
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:36 AM
To: Baruch Brodersen;
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces

Thanks! I will give this a try today.


-Original Message-
From: Baruch Brodersen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:15 AM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (;
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces


You can create horizontal range braces in the Delimiter menu of the
Equation editor (Special > Equations Delimiter).

Inserting them is a little trickier. Create an equation with the sole
content being the horizontal range brace. To extend the width of the
brace you need to add text characters in the equation. If you don't want
those to appear in your final document, create a color---name it
something like "Invisible" (Special > Color > Definition > New Color)
and then give it an invisible view: (Special > Color > View >

[It's been a while since I've done this, so feel free to chime in on the
correct method.]

Then create a new charter format and set everything to As Is except the
color, which you should make Invisible. Use that to make the characters
needed to widen the horizontal range brace disappear.

Shrink-wrap the equation (Esc, m, p), then select the equation's
anchored frame and change the alignment from Cropped to Floating
(Special > Anchored Frame). Drag the horizontal range brace to the
location you want, then right-click to send-to-back or front, or
whatever. You might consider creating the whole lot in a text inset so
the horizontal range brace moves with the text.


Baruch Brodersen

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:21 AM

Hi, all.
I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Rick Quatro
Hi Jo,

In Acrobat 9, you can set a preference for this. Go to the Documents
category, and uncheck the "Open cross-document links in same window"
checkbox. I am using Acrobat Pro, but I think Reader has the same setting.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.

Is it possible to make a cross-reference (not a marker) open in a new
window ? 
Here's the situation:
FrameMaker 9.0 book with approx 10 files.
Cross-references are both within and between the FM files.
The book is converted to a single PDF file.
For convenience, our readers sometimes want to open the cross-reference
in a new window - even though it means that then they have two copies of
the file open.  In Acrobat & Reader 8 and earlier, you can do this with
right-click 'open link in new window'.  But Adobe has removed this from
Acrobat & Reader 9.  So I'm looking for a work-around.
Any suggestions ?
As always, TIA for any help,
Jo Watkiss


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RE: Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Rubin, Diana
Thank you all so much: Art, Stuart, and Fred too.I cannot tell you how many 
hours you have saved me. The problem was "designing" an A5 template and 
"adding" a master page called FirstPage.   It never occurred to me about the 
"flow" in the text frame on the master page (FirstPage) that contains the 
chapter name and number.  As always, you guys are great.


-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell []
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 12:07 PM
To: Stuart Rogers
Cc: Rubin, Diana;
Subject: Re: Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

I think Stuart's diagnosis is spot on.

Taking it a step further, you can check for multiple flows by going to
the Master Page that you use to open the chapter, selecting the text
container(s) and right-clicking, then selecting properties.

If the containers are both A, then it's likely someone modified the
master page at some point by adding a second container for the chapter
title... adding a second container would place it after the existing
container in the search order, as Stuart points out. If this is the
case, you can break the connection between containers, and then reform
it in the correct order.

And if the second container is in a flow other than A, you can
re-assign it to A and set the connection correctly.


Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Stuart
Rogers wrote:
> Rubin, Diana wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book
>> I am writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579,
>> Windows XP Pro., SP3.
>> I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a
>> chapter title and various heads.When I generate the TOC, it lists
>> the chapter contents above the chapter title, instead of below it.
>> For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:
>> 1 Overview
>> 1.1Introduction
>> 1.2Configurations
>> 1.2.1  Options
>> 2 Getting Started
>> 2.1Introduction
>> 2.2Unpacking
>> 2.2.1  Setting Up
>> Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:
>> 1.1Introduction
>> 1.2Configurations
>> 1.2.1  Options
>> 1 Overview
>> 2.1Introduction
>> 2.2Unpacking
>> 2.2.1  Setting Up
>> 2 Getting Started
>> I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate
>> to the contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct
>> and the Reference page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC,
>> 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing different about this book is that I
>> used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using numbered heads in the
>> chapters, and the same thing happens.
>> Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I
>> might be overlooking?
>> Thanks so much for your help.
>> Diana
> FM collects paragraphs into the TOC in the order it encounters them in
> the content files, starting with everything in the first flow followed
> by everything in the next flow, if more than one flow exists.
> It sounds like your content pages have the chapter title paragraphs in a
> second flow; the solution would be to put them in the first flow.
> (Or possibly, the chapter title is in its own text frame that is somehow
> connected to the last frame of the chapter instead of to the frame that
> follows it on the page... this is highly unlikely, though.)
> HTH,
> --
> Stuart Rogers
> Technical Communicator
> Phoenix Geophysics Limited
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325
> srogers phoenix-geophysics com
> "It is not enough that I succeed.
>  Others must fail."
> -- Oscar Wilde
> ___

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Open cross-reference in new window

2009-06-16 Thread Jo Watkiss
Is it possible to make a cross-reference (not a marker) open in a new
window ? 
Here's the situation:
FrameMaker 9.0 book with approx 10 files.
Cross-references are both within and between the FM files.
The book is converted to a single PDF file.
For convenience, our readers sometimes want to open the cross-reference
in a new window - even though it means that then they have two copies of
the file open.  In Acrobat & Reader 8 and earlier, you can do this with
right-click 'open link in new window'.  But Adobe has removed this from
Acrobat & Reader 9.  So I'm looking for a work-around.
Any suggestions ?
As always, TIA for any help,
Jo Watkiss


This email is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to 
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Any views or opinions presented are solely that of the author and do not 
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[OT]: RE:

2009-06-16 Thread

I got "Mail undeliverable" messages (but didn't keep them to look further), so 
I presumed that it was the link.



-Original Message-
From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Lea Rush
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:13 AM
To: framers at
Subject: [OT]: RE: 

I doubt that it was bouncing because of the URL. I've received no email from
this group for days, and I assume that there was a problem with the list
server. It seems to be fixed now, thankfully.


Lea Rush 
Software and Documentation Specialist 
Astoria-Pacific International 
PO Box 830 Clackamas OR 97015 
PH: 800-657-3010 
FAX:? 503-655-7367 

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Syed.Hosain at
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 4:21 PM
To: framers at

Hi, all.

I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,



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You are currently subscribed to Framers as Syed.Hosain at

Send list messages to framers at

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
framers-unsubscribe at
or visit

Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit for more resources and info.

Re: Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Art Campbell
I think Stuart's diagnosis is spot on.

Taking it a step further, you can check for multiple flows by going to
the Master Page that you use to open the chapter, selecting the text
container(s) and right-clicking, then selecting properties.

If the containers are both A, then it's likely someone modified the
master page at some point by adding a second container for the chapter
title... adding a second container would place it after the existing
container in the search order, as Stuart points out. If this is the
case, you can break the connection between containers, and then reform
it in the correct order.

And if the second container is in a flow other than A, you can
re-assign it to A and set the connection correctly.


Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Stuart
Rogers wrote:
> Rubin, Diana wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book
>> I am writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579,
>> Windows XP Pro., SP3.
>> I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a
>> chapter title and various heads.    When I generate the TOC, it lists
>> the chapter contents above the chapter title, instead of below it.
>> For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:
>> 1 Overview
>> 1.1    Introduction
>> 1.2    Configurations
>> 1.2.1  Options
>> 2 Getting Started
>> 2.1    Introduction
>> 2.2    Unpacking
>> 2.2.1  Setting Up
>> Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:
>> 1.1    Introduction
>> 1.2    Configurations
>> 1.2.1  Options
>> 1 Overview
>> 2.1    Introduction
>> 2.2    Unpacking
>> 2.2.1  Setting Up
>> 2 Getting Started
>> I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate
>> to the contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct
>> and the Reference page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC,
>> 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing different about this book is that I
>> used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using numbered heads in the
>> chapters, and the same thing happens.
>> Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I
>> might be overlooking?
>> Thanks so much for your help.
>> Diana
> FM collects paragraphs into the TOC in the order it encounters them in
> the content files, starting with everything in the first flow followed
> by everything in the next flow, if more than one flow exists.
> It sounds like your content pages have the chapter title paragraphs in a
> second flow; the solution would be to put them in the first flow.
> (Or possibly, the chapter title is in its own text frame that is somehow
> connected to the last frame of the chapter instead of to the frame that
> follows it on the page... this is highly unlikely, though.)
> HTH,
> --
> Stuart Rogers
> Technical Communicator
> Phoenix Geophysics Limited
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325
> srogers phoenix-geophysics com
> "It is not enough that I succeed.
>  Others must fail."
> -- Oscar Wilde
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as
> Send list messages to
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to Visit
> for more resources and info.

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Re: Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers
Rubin, Diana wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book
> I am writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579,
> Windows XP Pro., SP3.
> I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a
> chapter title and various heads.When I generate the TOC, it lists
> the chapter contents above the chapter title, instead of below it.
> For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:
> 1 Overview
> 1.1Introduction
> 1.2Configurations
> 1.2.1  Options
> 2 Getting Started
> 2.1Introduction
> 2.2Unpacking
> 2.2.1  Setting Up
> Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:
> 1.1Introduction
> 1.2Configurations
> 1.2.1  Options
> 1 Overview
> 2.1Introduction
> 2.2Unpacking
> 2.2.1  Setting Up
> 2 Getting Started
> I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate
> to the contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct
> and the Reference page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC,
> 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing different about this book is that I
> used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using numbered heads in the
> chapters, and the same thing happens.
> Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I
> might be overlooking?
> Thanks so much for your help.
> Diana

FM collects paragraphs into the TOC in the order it encounters them in 
the content files, starting with everything in the first flow followed 
by everything in the next flow, if more than one flow exists.

It sounds like your content pages have the chapter title paragraphs in a 
second flow; the solution would be to put them in the first flow.

(Or possibly, the chapter title is in its own text frame that is somehow 
connected to the last frame of the chapter instead of to the frame that 
follows it on the page... this is highly unlikely, though.)


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

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FrameMaker double-click oddity

2009-06-16 Thread Art Campbell
Saving as a MIF cleans out any stray characters that may show up if
content was imported from Word or another word processor... or
possibly a version of FM with a higher rev number than yours (maybe
references to Unicode, for instance).

Because it does fix the problem, I'd suspect that there are hidden
characters in the incoming files.


Art Campbell
   art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Steve
Rickaby wrote:
> I'm seeing something odd when I work on FrameMaker files here which I don't 
> see in a new FrameMaker document, to do with selection of text by clicking. 
> These files come from a specific template that originated at another company 
> based in India as far as I know.
> The default behaviour in FrameMaker is that double-clicking selects a word 
> and triple-clicking selects a paragraph, as we all know. In these files:
> . double-clicking does nothing
> . triple-clicking selects a word
> . quad-clicking selects a word as well
> . five clicks are required to select a paragraph
> Is there anything that could explain this? It all seems a bit sluggish, too, 
> despite the fact that the files aren't excessively large.
> I tried MIFing the files, and this odd problem goes away, as does the 
> sluggishness. As a wise friend is wont to write, 'Go figure' ;-)
> --
> Steve Rickaby ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> WordMongers Ltd ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> Registered office Larks Cottage, Treen, St Levan, Penzance TR19 6LG
> Registered in the UK, company number 3130681, VAT reg no GB 557 4598 91
> Telephone/fax: 01 736 81
> ___
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> Send list messages to framers at
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> framers-unsubscribe at
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> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread
Thanks! I will give this a try today.


-Original Message-
From: Baruch Brodersen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:15 AM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at;
framers at
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces


You can create horizontal range braces in the Delimiter menu of the
Equation editor (Special > Equations Delimiter).

Inserting them is a little trickier. Create an equation with the sole
content being the horizontal range brace. To extend the width of the
brace you need to add text characters in the equation. If you don't want
those to appear in your final document, create a color---name it
something like "Invisible" (Special > Color > Definition > New Color)
and then give it an invisible view: (Special > Color > View >

[It's been a while since I've done this, so feel free to chime in on the
correct method.]

Then create a new charter format and set everything to As Is except the
color, which you should make Invisible. Use that to make the characters
needed to widen the horizontal range brace disappear.

Shrink-wrap the equation (Esc, m, p), then select the equation's
anchored frame and change the alignment from Cropped to Floating
(Special > Anchored Frame). Drag the horizontal range brace to the
location you want, then right-click to send-to-back or front, or
whatever. You might consider creating the whole lot in a text inset so
the horizontal range brace moves with the text.


Baruch Brodersen

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Syed.Hosain at
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:21 AM
To: framers at

Hi, all.

I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Art Campbell
Importing simple graphics as objects isn't usually recommended because
it uses Microsoft's OLE mechanism. OLE has a reputation for
flakiness... such as totally breaking down when XP SP3 was installed
(although the mechanism was working OK with FM9) and also requiring
more system overhead. Without knowing the details, I'd suspect that
there may be something wrong with your OLE setup.

In any case, if you use the more routine method of importing the .png
as a referenced graphic, does it show up OK?


Art Campbell
   art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Jon Harvey wrote:
> Everyone,
> I know this has been covered on this list before but I don't recall the
> answers. Here goes:
> I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
> object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
> middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
> viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual images;
> however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
> the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered this
> problem as well. What gives?
> Jon Harvey
> Manager, Desktop & Enterprise Documentation
> CambridgeSoft Corporation
> 100 CambridgePark Drive
> Cambridge, MA 02140
> (617) 588-9354
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as art.campbell at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit 
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

Table of Contents Puts Entries in Wrong Order

2009-06-16 Thread Rubin, Diana
Hi all,

I'm experiencing some very weird Table of Contents behavior in a book I am 
writing.   I'm using FrameMaker 7.0 (unstructured), p579, Windows XP Pro., SP3.

I created a book using A5-sized pages.  Each chapter contains a chapter title 
and various heads.When I generate the TOC, it lists the chapter contents 
above the chapter title, instead of below it.

For example, this is the TOC ordering I would expect:

1 Overview



1.2.1  Options

2 Getting Started



2.2.1  Setting Up

Instead, when I generate a TOC,  I get:



1.2.1  Options

1 Overview



2.2.1  Setting Up

2 Getting Started

I do not understand why FrameMaker puts the chapter title subordinate to the 
contents. The reference pages for the TOC file look correct and the Reference 
page tags appear fine: ChaptTitleTOC, 1headTOC, 2headTOC, etc.   The only thing 
different about this book is that I used A5-sized pages.  I tried not using 
numbered heads in the chapters, and the same thing happens.

Can anyone explain this odd TOC behavior or suggest something that I might be 

Thanks so much for your help.


Diana Rubin
Learning Products Developer
TAD onsite at Philips Healthcare
Patient Monitoring Systems, 4-2/D4

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* 0097

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FM9: Book within a book, generated files not in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Kees van de Wal
Hello framers,


I'm working with FM9 and I need help.


The situation is as follows: There is a book, let's call it the
main-book , in the main-book are some fm-documents and there is also a
fm-book. Let's call this one the child-book. In the child-book I've made
a TOC. When I update the child-book and print it to PDF the TOC is ok.


Now the problem: When I print or save the main-book to PDF the TOC from
the child-book is disappeared.


Is there anyone who can help me with this problem? I need the TOC in the


Kind regards,






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Re: Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers
Baruch Brodersen wrote:
> Hello Framers,
> Cross-posted to the Frame2Acrobat list.
> We single source many books using shared content with conditional text and 
> distill using TimeSavers. Some of the resulting PDFs are showing up with dead 
> internal cross reference links. Some are dead, while others are OK. The book 
> and Frame files are all updated prior to printing. Examining the dead links 
> in the PDF reveals a live link but no corresponding named destination. Going 
> back to the source Frame files, the links all work using Ctrl-Alt click 
> without updating or doing anything to the file other than testing the link.
> Any ideas?
> FM 7.2 p158
> Win XP SP3
> Acrobat 8.1.2
> TimeSavers 5.5.6

Have you turned on Create Named Destinations for All Paragraphs in the 
PDF setup dialog box?  Doing so can bloat the PDF, but if you 
subsequently do a Save As (you can keep the same PDF name), unused 
destinations will be removed and file size will shrink.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

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RE: [OT]: RE:

2009-06-16 Thread Syed.Hosain

I got "Mail undeliverable" messages (but didn't keep them to look further), so 
I presumed that it was the link.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lea Rush
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:13 AM
Subject: [OT]: RE: 

I doubt that it was bouncing because of the URL. I've received no email from
this group for days, and I assume that there was a problem with the list
server. It seems to be fixed now, thankfully.


Lea Rush 
Software and Documentation Specialist 
Astoria-Pacific International 
PO Box 830 Clackamas OR 97015 
PH: 800-657-3010 
FAX:  503-655-7367 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 4:21 PM

Hi, all.


I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.


How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:


"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"


(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)


The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.


I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...


I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.


Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?


Thanks in advance,




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[OT]: RE:

2009-06-16 Thread Lea Rush
I doubt that it was bouncing because of the URL. I've received no email from
this group for days, and I assume that there was a problem with the list
server. It seems to be fixed now, thankfully.


Lea Rush 
Software and Documentation Specialist 
Astoria-Pacific International 
PO Box 830 Clackamas OR 97015 
PH: 800-657-3010 
FAX:  503-655-7367 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 4:21 PM

Hi, all.


I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.


How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:


"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"


(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)


The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.


I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...


I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.


Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?


Thanks in advance,




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[OT]: RE:

2009-06-16 Thread Lea Rush
I doubt that it was bouncing because of the URL. I've received no email from
this group for days, and I assume that there was a problem with the list
server. It seems to be fixed now, thankfully.


Lea Rush 
Software and Documentation Specialist 
Astoria-Pacific International 
PO Box 830 Clackamas OR 97015 
PH: 800-657-3010 
FAX:? 503-655-7367 

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Syed.Hosain at
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 4:21 PM
To: framers at

Hi, all.

I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,



You are currently subscribed to Framers as lea at

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RE: Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Rick Quatro
Click the Links tab of the PDF Setup dialog box. Check the Create Named
Destinations for All Elements and Paragraphs checkbox and click Set.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Baruch Brodersen
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:10 AM
Subject: Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

Hello Framers,
Cross-posted to the Frame2Acrobat list.
We single source many books using shared content with conditional text and
distill using TimeSavers. Some of the resulting PDFs are showing up with
dead internal cross reference links. Some are dead, while others are OK. The
book and Frame files are all updated prior to printing. Examining the dead
links in the PDF reveals a live link but no corresponding named destination.
Going back to the source Frame files, the links all work using Ctrl-Alt
click without updating or doing anything to the file other than testing the
Any ideas?
FM 7.2 p158
Win XP SP3
Acrobat 8.1.2
TimeSavers 5.5.6


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Frame2PDF :: some XRef links dead in PDF

2009-06-16 Thread Baruch Brodersen
Hello Framers,
Cross-posted to the Frame2Acrobat list.
We single source many books using shared content with conditional text and 
distill using TimeSavers. Some of the resulting PDFs are showing up with dead 
internal cross reference links. Some are dead, while others are OK. The book 
and Frame files are all updated prior to printing. Examining the dead links in 
the PDF reveals a live link but no corresponding named destination. Going back 
to the source Frame files, the links all work using Ctrl-Alt click without 
updating or doing anything to the file other than testing the link.
Any ideas?
FM 7.2 p158
Win XP SP3
Acrobat 8.1.2
TimeSavers 5.5.6

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Re: [f2a] A Frame Problem for the Record Books

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers wrote:
>   Good evening fellow Framers 
>   Here's one I've NEVER encountered before. 
>   First, the setup:  WXP, Frame 8 (unstructured) 
>   As I'm developing a document I'm proceeding from page to page, no
> problem. 
>   Suddenly, I reach the end (or I THOUGHT) it was the end on page 79
> of a 90 page document, you know at the end of a Frame file, you
> encounter the "end of file" symbol, sort of a "double-S" 
>   When what to my wandering eyes should appear?more text on page
> 80!  It's the next page which I cannot, for the life of me, get to
> behave or come forward to page 79.  It's as if there is a different,
> separate, text flow so I checked for a "Flow: B" and there isn't any.
>   I'm at the end of my work day and am putting this one (and myself)
> to bedto tackle it in the morning, but if anyone out there has
> encountered this before, please let me knowthis is odd beyond
> anything I've ever encountered before. 


It is possible that you have accidentally created a new text frame that 
exactly overlaps the one created by Frame.  (This happens when you 
select a text frame with Ctrl-click and then accidentally move the mouse 
-- even a single pixel and back -- with Ctrl still pressed.)

Try selecting the page 80 frame and use Alt+Arrow to move it some 
distance.  Is another frame still visible at the original location?  One 
of them is FM's frame, the other is the accidental frame.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

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Re: Text insets and TOCs

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Rogers
J Smith wrote:
> I have a large text inset that includes many headings.  
> I'm having problems creating a table of contents that includes these 
> headings.  Any help would be appreciated!

Assuming your inset is a FM flow imported by reference, have you checked 
to ensure that the heading tag names in the inset are *identical* to the 
tag names in the container document?  If they are, then there should be 
no problem with the TOC.  If there is *any* difference (spelling, case, 
spaces) in tag names, then the TOC will not include those headings.
Tags that exist only in the inset flow will not appear in the list of 
tags available for inclusion in the TOC.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
Toronto, ON, Canada
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

srogers phoenix-geophysics com

"It is not enough that I succeed.
  Others must fail."

-- Oscar Wilde

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Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Combs, Richard
Jon Harvey wrote:

> I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
> object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
> middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
> viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual
> however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
> the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered
> problem as well. What gives?

As Art said, using OLE (File > Import > Object) is not a good idea. FM
has a PNG filter, so it can import the file natively (File > Import >
File). Is there some special reason why you're trying to import the
files as objects, or is that just due to a bit of confusion? 

Also, you're a bit confused about FM's image handling. The "shows
previews" bit applies strictly to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files.
Those files can be saved with a TIFF preview, and FM displays only that
preview. Other graphics files, including PNG, don't have previews, and
what you see in FM is the file. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

RE: Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Syed.Hosain
Thanks! I will give this a try today.


-Original Message-
From: Baruch Brodersen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:15 AM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (;
Subject: RE: Horizontal Range Braces


You can create horizontal range braces in the Delimiter menu of the
Equation editor (Special > Equations Delimiter).

Inserting them is a little trickier. Create an equation with the sole
content being the horizontal range brace. To extend the width of the
brace you need to add text characters in the equation. If you don't want
those to appear in your final document, create a color---name it
something like "Invisible" (Special > Color > Definition > New Color)
and then give it an invisible view: (Special > Color > View >

[It's been a while since I've done this, so feel free to chime in on the
correct method.]

Then create a new charter format and set everything to As Is except the
color, which you should make Invisible. Use that to make the characters
needed to widen the horizontal range brace disappear.

Shrink-wrap the equation (Esc, m, p), then select the equation's
anchored frame and change the alignment from Cropped to Floating
(Special > Anchored Frame). Drag the horizontal range brace to the
location you want, then right-click to send-to-back or front, or
whatever. You might consider creating the whole lot in a text inset so
the horizontal range brace moves with the text.


Baruch Brodersen

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:21 AM

Hi, all.
I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Combs, Richard
Jon Harvey wrote:
> I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
> object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
> middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
> viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual
> however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
> the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered
> problem as well. What gives?

As Art said, using OLE (File > Import > Object) is not a good idea. FM
has a PNG filter, so it can import the file natively (File > Import >
File). Is there some special reason why you're trying to import the
files as objects, or is that just due to a bit of confusion? 

Also, you're a bit confused about FM's image handling. The "shows
previews" bit applies strictly to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files.
Those files can be saved with a TIFF preview, and FM displays only that
preview. Other graphics files, including PNG, don't have previews, and
what you see in FM is the file. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Re: FrameMaker double-click oddity

2009-06-16 Thread Helen Borrie
At 10:27 PM 16/06/2009, Steve Rickaby wrote:

>The default behaviour in FrameMaker is that double-clicking selects a word and 
>triple-clicking selects a paragraph, as we all know. 

Completely off-topic, but - I didn't know about double-clicking to select a 
word and triple-clicking to select a paragraph.  However (without Frame running 
at the moment, as it's bedtime here!) I tried it in my email client (Eudora 7). 
 It works here, exactly like that.  Well, now I've learnt something else!



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RE: Horizontal Range Braces

2009-06-16 Thread Baruch Brodersen

You can create horizontal range braces in the Delimiter menu of the Equation 
editor (Special > Equations Delimiter).

Inserting them is a little trickier. Create an equation with the sole content 
being the horizontal range brace. To extend the width of the brace you need to 
add text characters in the equation. If you don't want those to appear in your 
final document, create a color---name it something like "Invisible" (Special > 
Color > Definition > New Color) and then give it an invisible view: (Special > 
Color > View > Invisible). 

[It's been a while since I've done this, so feel free to chime in on the 
correct method.]

Then create a new charter format and set everything to As Is except the color, 
which you should make Invisible. Use that to make the characters needed to 
widen the horizontal range brace disappear.

Shrink-wrap the equation (Esc, m, p), then select the equation's anchored frame 
and change the alignment from Cropped to Floating (Special > Anchored Frame). 
Drag the horizontal range brace to the location you want, then right-click to 
send-to-back or front, or whatever. You might consider creating the whole lot 
in a text inset so the horizontal range brace moves with the text.


Baruch Brodersen

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:21 AM

Hi, all.
I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.

How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like the ones 
used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:

"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers / 
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"

(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are not 
going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many spaces inserted. 
Please remove them to get to the file.)

The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range 
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am 
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally to grow 
and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up the quality of 
the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.

I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped on this 
particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation editor (did not see 
anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked messy when stretched), but 
these attempts did not work. The graphics drawing tools just seem too limited 
for this ...

I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this result, by 
the way.

Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: [f2a] A Frame Problem for the Record Books

2009-06-16 Thread Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.


Thank you very much for the quick and ernest reply


I had already tried that but thought I missed a step (hey, after a 12 hour
workday, it happens) didn't work.


It has to be something in the text from page 79 onward.something that is
embedded in there that is making this so quirky as to defy explanation.


I will keep investigating, but am turning in for the night very soon..gotta
keep up with the shuteye..


Thank you again


All the best




From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [f2a] A Frame Problem for the Record Books



My guess is that somehow or other, you have disconnected text frames. I 
tested it, and disconnected text frames can have the same flow tag.

Regardless of how it happened, try reconnecting them:

1. Ctrl-click to select the first text frame.

2. Ctrl-click to select the second text frame.

3. Select Format > Customize Layout > Connect Text Frames. (I have Frame 
7.2; may be different in your version.)

Option B: Cut and paste the disconnected text at the end of page 79, then 
delete the leftover pages.

Patrick Justice
JustWrite Associates
Huntington Beach, CA USA  _
(  ) 

Subj: [f2a] A Frame Problem for the Record Books Date: 6/15/2009 4:00 
Pacific Daylight Time From:
(  ) To:  _ 
) CC:
 ) Sent from the Internet

Good evening fellow Framers 

Here's one I've NEVER encountered before. 

First, the setup: WXP, Frame 8 (unstructured) 

As I'm developing a document I'm proceeding from page to page, no

Suddenly, I reach the end (or I THOUGHT) it was the end on page 79
of a 90 page document, you know at the end of a Frame file, you
encounter the "end of file" symbol, sort of a "double-S" 

When what to my wandering eyes should appear?more text on page
80! It's the next page which I cannot, for the life of me, get to
behave or come forward to page 79. It's as if there is a different,
separate, text flow so I checked for a "Flow: B" and there isn't any.

I'm at the end of my work day and am putting this one (and myself)
to bedto tackle it in the morning, but if anyone out there has
encountered this before, please let me knowthis is odd beyond
anything I've ever encountered before. 

Thanks and all the best 

>From New York City 


724.494.9213 (cell)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: FrameMaker double-click oddity

2009-06-16 Thread Art Campbell
Saving as a MIF cleans out any stray characters that may show up if
content was imported from Word or another word processor... or
possibly a version of FM with a higher rev number than yours (maybe
references to Unicode, for instance).

Because it does fix the problem, I'd suspect that there are hidden
characters in the incoming files.


Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Steve
Rickaby wrote:
> I'm seeing something odd when I work on FrameMaker files here which I don't 
> see in a new FrameMaker document, to do with selection of text by clicking. 
> These files come from a specific template that originated at another company 
> based in India as far as I know.
> The default behaviour in FrameMaker is that double-clicking selects a word 
> and triple-clicking selects a paragraph, as we all know. In these files:
> . double-clicking does nothing
> . triple-clicking selects a word
> . quad-clicking selects a word as well
> . five clicks are required to select a paragraph
> Is there anything that could explain this? It all seems a bit sluggish, too, 
> despite the fact that the files aren't excessively large.
> I tried MIFing the files, and this odd problem goes away, as does the 
> sluggishness. As a wise friend is wont to write, 'Go figure' ;-)
> --
> Steve Rickaby                      
> WordMongers Ltd                    
> Registered office Larks Cottage, Treen, St Levan, Penzance TR19 6LG
> Registered in the UK, company number 3130681, VAT reg no GB 557 4598 91
> Telephone/fax: 01 736 81
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Re: Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Art Campbell
Importing simple graphics as objects isn't usually recommended because
it uses Microsoft's OLE mechanism. OLE has a reputation for
flakiness... such as totally breaking down when XP SP3 was installed
(although the mechanism was working OK with FM9) and also requiring
more system overhead. Without knowing the details, I'd suspect that
there may be something wrong with your OLE setup.

In any case, if you use the more routine method of importing the .png
as a referenced graphic, does it show up OK?


Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Jon Harvey wrote:
> Everyone,
> I know this has been covered on this list before but I don't recall the
> answers. Here goes:
> I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
> object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
> middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
> viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual images;
> however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
> the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered this
> problem as well. What gives?
> Jon Harvey
> Manager, Desktop & Enterprise Documentation
> CambridgeSoft Corporation
> 100 CambridgePark Drive
> Cambridge, MA 02140
> (617) 588-9354
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RE: Full screen mode

2009-06-16 Thread Mahesh Kumar Gupta
* I work with Adobe Systems *

Hi Pierre

If you right click (outside the authoring context), you'll see a menu entry 
named 'Toggle Screen  Mode'. This will do the needful.

Keyboard shortcut commands are:

Esc S M f for full screen.
Esc S M s for standard screen mode.
Esc S M t to toggle screen mode.
Esc S M u for full screen with user interface.

Thanks and regards

Product Manager 
Adobe FrameMaker
Adobe Technical Communication Suite

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Free
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 6:54 PM
Subject: Full screen mode

Hi everybody

I am evaluating FM9. I can¹t find how to quit full screen mode ? No Key
seems to work...


Pierre, Saclay, France

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FrameMaker double-click oddity

2009-06-16 Thread Steve Rickaby
I'm seeing something odd when I work on FrameMaker files here which I don't see 
in a new FrameMaker document, to do with selection of text by clicking. These 
files come from a specific template that originated at another company based in 
India as far as I know. 

The default behaviour in FrameMaker is that double-clicking selects a word and 
triple-clicking selects a paragraph, as we all know. In these files:

. double-clicking does nothing

. triple-clicking selects a word

. quad-clicking selects a word as well

. five clicks are required to select a paragraph

Is there anything that could explain this? It all seems a bit sluggish, too, 
despite the fact that the files aren't excessively large.

I tried MIFing the files, and this odd problem goes away, as does the 
sluggishness. As a wise friend is wont to write, 'Go figure' ;-) 

Steve Rickaby  

WordMongers Ltd
Registered office Larks Cottage, Treen, St Levan, Penzance TR19 6LG
Registered in the UK, company number 3130681, VAT reg no GB 557 4598 91
Telephone/fax: 01 736 81

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Activating an image object

2009-06-16 Thread Jon Harvey


I know this has been covered on this list before but I don't recall the
answers. Here goes:


I have an FM 9.0 in which I'm trying to import a *.png files as an
object. The image comes in as a white box with the file name in the
middle of it. If I activate it, the file opens in the Windows image
viewer, not in FM. I know that FM only shows previews of actual images;
however, I haven't seen any option in SnagIt (the tool I use) to save
the images with preview. I know that other people have encountered this
problem as well. What gives?



Jon Harvey

Manager, Desktop & Enterprise Documentation

CambridgeSoft Corporation

100 CambridgePark Drive

Cambridge, MA 02140

(617) 588-9354



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[no subject]

2009-06-16 Thread Syed.Hosain
Hi, all.


I am using FrameMaker 8 on a Windows Vista system.


How can I insert a "horizontal range brace" character or graphic like
the ones used in figure 3-4 on page 23 of this paper:


"h t t p : / / w w w . c d g . o r g / resources / white_papers /
MEID_EUIMID_Migration . p d f"


(All these e-mails from me to the list are bouncing. I assume they are
not going through due to the above URL. I will try again with many
spaces inserted. Please remove them to get to the file.)


The figure uses downward (and one upward) pointing brace-like "range
delimiters" that I'd like to do in a similar way for some diagrams I am
working. And to be able to simply and easily stretch them horizontally
to grow and shrink them as needed for other ranges. Without messing up
the quality of the curves at each end - i.e., make them look similar.


I can do everything else in that figure pretty easily, but I am stumped
on this particular item! I thought about trying to use the Equation
editor (did not see anything useful), or rotating a "{" text box (looked
messy when stretched), but these attempts did not work. The graphics
drawing tools just seem too limited for this ...


I am trying to avoid any tools outside FrameMaker to achieve this
result, by the way.


Thoughts? How have other people done anything similar?


Thanks in advance,




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