RE: Load Balancing

2002-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Just a quick warning if any of your servers are going to run ssl. Load balancing in this form cannot really be done against an ssl transaction - something I've found from research and experience (unfortunately, the experience came before the research) :-o Seriously, though, if you want to

Apache configuration question

2002-04-29 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Good morning, all. I'm passing this on from a co-worker who's having a headache. If you need any additional info to answer this please ask. Anyway... Apache (1.3.23) by default appears to run single threaded. This apparently can be changed at compile time, but we're having trouble finding

RE: Apache configuration question

2002-04-29 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Well, it looks like Ken nailed our pretty well. Time to talk to the powers-that-be to bring us up to date on our version. -Lawrence -Original Message- From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 10:12 AM To: Greater New Hampshire Linux Users

RE: Humor: NT and security

2002-02-15 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
-Original Message- From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 9:14 PM To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group Subject: Re: Humor: NT and security On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Paul Lussier wrote: Which is why Security is really the art of keeping honest people

RE: (OT) email

2002-02-13 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Just an FYI Sean. M1 is changing over to another mail service before 3/15 (at least in our area). I just found out about the change this week. Anyway, the new service is supposed to provide a web interface to your email so that you can check it from any browser if you're not on your normal

RE: AOL to buy Red Hat?

2002-01-23 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Every 6 months!?!?! I'm happy to go two weeks without getting another coaster in the mail. My dog doesn't even like playing with them any more. I'm thinking of using them to construct my own Very Large Array to really take SETI@Home to heart. Lawrence -Original Message- From: Paul

RE: RFC re: Talk on LVS

2001-12-18 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Count my vote for this talk. Very interesting / close-to-home topic for me, workwise. -Larry -Original Message- From: Paul Lussier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 9:38 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RFC re: Talk on LVS Hi all, I've had someone

RE: Impatient with cable

2001-10-18 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
THIS scares me. I have had M1 for about 8 months and, although not perfect, I've been fairly happy with it. However, we are looking to move and the region is apparently serviced by Adelphia (and many neighborhoods still don't even have cable service). Who else out there has Adelphia for cable

RE: Home again, and a glimpse of the future

2001-09-21 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Just as an FYI, decompression is not necessarily the greatest risk to using a firearm on an aircraft. Ricochets and damage to critical flight avionics is as much or more of a threat. I spent a number of years as an Airborne Communicator on the E4-B aircraft out of Offutt AFB, NE. These were

RE: Open Formats (was ZD on Linux)

2001-06-20 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Very true. I myself have never had a case where what I want to display is EXACTLY the ONLY way I want to display it. I understand the tremendous advantage the PDF[1] format provides when someone already has printed work they want to distribute (it's great for game companies that resell old

RE: Question..

2001-06-14 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Tom's suggestion about monitoring your own logs is terrific. I use the updating tail method for much of my work related stuff, but have not ever seen it suggested here as a personal security precaution (shamefully, I haven't thought of using it such myself either). It's great to have some

RE: Marketing GNHLUG (was: Linux at Wal-Mart)

2001-06-04 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Hey, BenANSI graphics rule Down with the web! :-) I would love to see the GNHLUG business cards come to pass. Those would be about the same size as the paper tags I used. Considering that you can buy business card perforated (sp) sheets at any office supply store and run them through

RE: Public Radio interview with Linus

2001-06-04 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Does anyone know if this is an original interview or a rebroadcast of the one they did near the end of May? Is there any software available on the net where one of us shameful people w/ a Winbox could capture the interview and convert it to a Linux-friendly version for the rest? -Larry

Monitoring Website Defacements

2001-05-23 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
A possibility for a business-model, perhaps. There was a small explosion of companies in the early - mid 90s that were providing backup services for companies because the companies were not taking the simple steps required to back up their own data. So, you would load this service's software

RE: Monitoring Website Defacements

2001-05-23 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
AgreedI would never allow an outside service direct access to my systems either (it would just leave one more potential point-of-entry). However, from a business-model perspective I think the number of managers/admins who would is enough to support a few businesses providing this type of

RE: ATT Broadband Cable modem offer

2001-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
I have that modem as a rental from M1. It is working fine for me under Debian/Win98/Win95 (not that there's really any issues between an external modem and your OS, as long as your OS is talking well w/ your network card, right?). I would be interested in the purchase deal as well except for

Determine if your program is leaking memory...

2001-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Good morning, all. If any of you are members of Unix Guru Universe's daily emailed Unix tips, then you've already seen this...but for those who are not I thought this is a neat trick to add to your bag. To determine if a program is leaking memory on most *nix platforms: ps -v [pid] If the

RE: ATT Broadband Cable modem offer

2001-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
When I started up my cable modem service about two months ago I was initially interested in purchasing a modem because I hate throwing $ away leasing / renting anything. However, both the tech who installed the svc and the sales rep at Best Buy who sold me my Linksys equipment told me the

RE: Linus on the Radio

2001-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Anyone not listening in on this is missing an interesting talk. This is my first time hearing him speak, so maybe this is a standard set of topics, but I'm still getting a kick out of it. -Larry -Original Message- From: Ed Robitaille [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, May 22,

RE: Linus on the Radio

2001-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
ROFL !Someone should be sure Linus hears about that! -Larry -Original Message- From: Paul Lussier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re: Linus on the Radio Anyone not listening in on this is missing an

RE: Linus on the Radio

2001-05-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
OOTM: I'm a fan and supporter of public broadcasting (tv radio), and I know they are always looking at the bottom line of expenses. Instead of just asking them to fix this maybe someone familiar w/ business presentations could show them how much $ they could cut using a Linux environment.

RE: Cracker Busting

2001-04-26 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
How about this weekend? not too anxious, huh? We can go private mail or phone to make arrangements... :-) -Larry -Original Message- From: Chad R. Henry [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 1:33 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Cracker Busting

RE: A story and some advice.

2001-04-25 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
To begin, don't think I'm happy offering any defense to M1. In fact, I am VERY anti-M1. Every couple months they alter my basic ($8.50) channel line up, pulling another real channel out of the mix and giving me more shopping/religious/ethnic channels. I have no say in this change. It is being

RE: Ham Radio and Linux

2001-04-25 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Ed, are there a couple websites you would recommend for someone to get a good introduction to mixing Ham Linux? During my time as an Airborne Communicator in the AF I developed a strong interest in radio communication theory but since I've been out I haven't had any time to indulge in that.

Request for Directions...

2001-04-20 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Good afternoon, all. This week I finally joined the broadband world and have a MediaOne / RR connection. I have it all set up w/ my M$ laptop right now but will be switching over to a Linux centered system soon. In the mean time no machine is connected to the modem except when specifically

RE: Are LUG's Hurting Linux?

2001-04-17 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Was anyone else humming the Start Spangled Banner by the end of this message? :-) Seriously, though, all great points and I especially liked the point-of-view at the end about NUNs (We don't do them because it's hard, we do them because we're excited). -Larry -Original

RE: New security site

2001-03-23 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
They determined releasing the URL would be a possible security violation. -Larry -Original Message- From: Paul Lussier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 1:25 PM To: Cole Tuininga Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: books on firewalls

2001-03-12 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Wow...after two messages of this nature against Zeigler's book, I'm starting to wonder if he may be an M$ employee trying to subvert the cause. :-) -Larry -Original Message- From: Kenneth E. Lussier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:02

RE: Need to know what vendor made your NIC

2001-03-09 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Thanks for the link! The NIC list is interesting, but I'm happiest just to be reminded about shmoo. A friend had shown me this site before but I had forgotten all about it (drain bamage). Thanks for the reminder. -Larry -Original Message- From: Paul Lussier

RE: Stupid HTML Tricks (or I hate HTML :)

2001-03-08 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Yeah! ALT tags are a beautiful thing...they at least keep a site usable no matter who's looking around. It's amazing how many sites don't even go that far (and it's really not that far to begin with...just a few extra words to type in). Unfortunately, I've even met someone who refused to use

RE: fwd: [discuss] Try the following

2001-02-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
OK, for those poor saps among us (myself included) who do not have StarOffice, but do consider themselves Star Wars fans, could someone PLEASE say briefly what this causes?!?!?!?! :-o -Larry -Original Message- From: Benjamin Scott [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

RE: Heads up for named?

2001-02-20 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
I'd suggest contacting the sysadmin (NOT the management) at the remote site. Generally speaking, sysadmins are not keen about their "homes" being used in ways not of their choosing. Likewise, sysadmins are pretty open to talking w/ other sysadmins. If you provide him/her a copy of the script,

DSL Article

2001-02-20 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
There is a DSL article on zdnet today. It doesn't really say anything that hasn't gone across this newsgroup a couple weeks ago (big surprise) but it's interesting to see some of what was being said here "confirmed" by The Press. ;-) Basically restates that the baby-Bells are driving indy DSL

RE: Fontline: Hackers

2001-02-14 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
soapbox I have to say that I think stories like this are just adding to the problems and misunderstandings. I haven't seen this one yet, so cannot speak specifically about it (I'll try to catch it tonight), but I am tired of being bombarded by the media's glorification of clueless brats who

RE: Fontline: Hackers

2001-02-14 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Let's see, when I grew up in the 70's/80's listening to Judas Priest and playing Dungeons and Dragons the media had me pegged as a satan-worshiping sociopath with delusions of godhood who should have committed suicide the first time one of my RPG characters got off'ed by an orc.

RE: Procmail front-end?

2001-01-29 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
A good example of Ben's point might be M$ Access. It offers a pretty series of boxes you can connect w/ lines to choose items out of column A to match with column B while avoiding column C, etc etc. When you're all done it creates an ugly SQL statement behind the scenes to do the work.

RE: 'nother question

2001-01-24 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Another compelling argument for the superiority of Debian...after all, you never see them spell it "deb ian". ;-) -Larry -Original Message- From: Peter Cavender [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 4:38 AM To: Paul Lussier

No Subject

2001-01-22 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
A nice article to put open source and Linux in a good light.,1282,41213,00.html -Larry ** To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the *body*

RE: Hardware is Linux aware?

2001-01-11 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
-Original Message- From: Bourdon, Bruce [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 12:54 PM To: Greater NH Linux Users' Group Subject:Hardware is Linux aware? A friend had a PC he had to repair recently.

RE: Nostalgia (was: New distribution?)

2001-01-04 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
This has me thinking (a dangerous thing indeed). I still love some of the older DOS / Win 3.x games. In the next couple weeks I hope to find time to load up gnome on my Debian box (I've only run command line linux so far), and would love to put some of those games over there as well. I have

RE: (Off-topic Humor) GNUs also build houses!

2000-12-08 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Now THAT is someone who needs to get out a little more often (the web author, not you Bob). -Larry -Original Message- From: Bob Bell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 1:52 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re:

RE: undelete files still open by a running process

2000-11-20 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
PARODY "You cracked Marc's Linux Box..." "You bastards!" /PARODY -Larry -Original Message- From: Marc Evans [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 7:20 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:undelete files still

RE: IDE for Linux?

2000-11-16 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Thanx MUCH. That's actually what I was hoping to find from this thread. A basic system to handle some of the UI details and let me write the meat. It makes it much easier for me to learn something when I can go back and look at a complete project and dissect the parts while RFM than by RFM

RE: IDE for Linux?

2000-11-15 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
I guess from several of the replies I might have been thinking of something a little different. At home work I am happy doing my *nix programming in c/c++ using vi (he says, quickly ducking the objects thrown by any members of the emacs-jihad). I'm teaching myself java the same and

RE: ISP question - Thanx!!

2000-11-09 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Thanx for all the suggestions. It'll make my research much easier. There was one suggestion to keep my current service, connect w/ Win then run Linux behind that on another box...that was actually my initial plan, but my Linux box (old 486/100) died a horrible death about a week ago. Last


2000-11-03 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
My brother lives in Gainesville, Florida and had cable service for about a year. A few months ago he began getting similar problems and eventually learned that because the cable connections are not true dedicated channels they can suffer the same problems with the ISP overselling bandwidth that

RE: Microsoft smacked by hack attack - Oct. 27, 2000

2000-10-27 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Gee, wouldn't it be neat to see an GNU/Windoze show up on the net next week? ;-) -Original Message- From: Cole Tuininga [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 8:40 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Microsoft smacked

RE: Help me push Linux

2000-10-13 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
Pro:TRUE multitasking. Virtual Terminals and background jobs are a godsend, especially in processor-intensive jobs (code compile, database sorting, etc). This alone is worth the price. ;-) Con: Higher chance to cause problems. If the sysadmin is lazy / inexperienced in setting up

RE: Help me push Linux

2000-10-13 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
No offense taken, Cole. As I mentioned, I've never even touched a Linux gui yet. This isn't necessarily for some holy reason however. My home box is a 486/33 w/ limited ram hd space. I keep it gui free mostly to keep performance up. At work we don't use any windowing system either. Even if

RE: Learning Samba

2000-10-13 Thread Lawrence.Tilly
O'Reilly has a book called "Using Samba" ( which has been "officially adopted by the Samba team." If you haven't picked up any of their books, you should really take a look at them. Very informative. I checked their website ( and found