Re: question about overriding Lyx default document class

2010-07-31 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Just a comment here, not a solution.

A problem is, as stated, that open office produces very poor latex. It seems
that the goal of the designers of the translation module was to make
the latex output resemble the formatting of the open office document, rather
than making the contents the same. That is, they are trying to
'finger-paint' with latex, directly opposed to the philosophy of LyX.

I tried to use open office to convert MS Word documents into lyx
(MS Word->OO->Latex->LyX), but had to give up because the
latex produced by OO was so poor.

Re: question about overriding Lyx default document class

2010-07-31 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Thanks, maybe I'll try this. I have a lot of documents in
MS Word that I continually update, and ideally I would like
to convert all of those to LyX. So far, though, it has been
too cumbersome to be worth the while, so I continue
to use MS Word.

Re: Word Import

2010-08-01 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Richard Heck> writes:

> What I'd propose is that someone begin a proper word2lyx project based 
> upon Rob's ideas. 

That would be great. I would be happy to donate to such a project 
if it was set up as a 'donation project' as other projects on LyX's 

A lyx2word converter would also be nice. The situation is this:
you have material in LyX, but the agency/publisher/collaborator
requires a word document.

LyX theorem environment

2010-08-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I have a lyx and a latex question

First, is it possible to define new theorem environments in LyX? 
I looked through the help manuals, but could not find anything.

If not possible in LyX, of course I can use latex \newtheorem. Here the 
question is, is it possible to make this follow the style of an already 
defined theorem environment? Specifically, I want my environment 
to look like the theorem style in the IEEETran class,
but if I just use \newtheorem it has a completely different style.

Re: LyX theorem environment

2010-08-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Sorry, I think I was not quite clear about what I would like to do.
I'm using the IEEETran class. I would like to define a new
type of theorem (a "property") that looks the same was as
theorems look in the IEEETran class.

Re: LyX theorem environment

2010-08-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Richard Heck> writes:

Thanks, I will try that.

Re: Guidance in starting to use LyX/LaTex

2011-07-13 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
> My ability to make documents look the way I want them to is limited. 

In my personal opinion, this is the weakness of LaTeX/LyX. 
LaTeX is great when you write for a medium 
with a defined formatting, e.g., a journal, and they give you a 
style file to use. Then you just fill out the 
contents. But if you a free to format your document, and have 
specific ideas on how it should look like, it's 
not that convenient. I found the easiest way is to use 
LaTeX packages such as enumitem, fancyhdr, and 
titlesec. Once you have formatted one document, you 
can use it as template for following documents.


2011-07-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Has anyone tried LyX (2.0) under Mac OSX Lion? Has anyone encountered 
any problems? I will wait with upgrading until I know LyX can 
run under Lion.

Re: A period after section number

2011-07-24 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
You should be able to do this with the titlesec package.

For example, it has the following command:

"and you may add a dot after the counter simply with

My experience is that trying to change the section labels
manually gives headaches.

Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-04 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Is there a way to make LyX automatically save the LaTeX version of a document
every time the LyX document is saved?

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Dr Eberhard Lisse  lisse.NA> writes:

> What on earth for?

There are several reasons. But a main reason is that
I would like to be able to edit my documents on my iPad. LaTeX
exists, but not LyX. I can edit the latex, and then copy
the changes back to LyX. But that does require I have
access to the latex version. It often happens I have
my iPad with me, I unexpectedly get some extra time
and would like to do some work -- but then I don't have
the latex version of the document I'm working on.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Paul A. Rubin> writes:

> Anders Host-Madsen> writes:
> > 
> > Is there a way to make LyX automatically save the LaTeX version of a 
> > document
> > every time the LyX document is saved?
> > 
> You can write a custom macro that chains the buffer-write and buffer-export
> LFUNs and bind it to some key combination. Then you need to remember to use
> that key combo whenever you save your file. You will need to specify an
> export format (e.g., pdflatex) in the buffer-export function. The LFUNs are
> detailed in Help > LyX Functions.
> Paul

Thanks. That would work for me. I checked the LFUNs, and I see how I can
make each work individually. But how do I combine them? That is,
how do I write a macro? I only see something about
math macros.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Thanks, that works. I see I can use the command-sequence to combine
the commands. So, now it works.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Andrew Parsloe> writes:

> I'm interested to know whether this really does work. In the past when 
> I've tried to use command-sequence with export or save operations it has 
> run into problems with threaded code -- an export or save is not 
> completed before the next command in the sequence is initiated.
> Andrew

I have only used it a few times so far, and it seems to work. 
If the first command,
buffer-write, fails because there are no changes, the rest
does not run either. But in this case that is clearly desirable.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Scott Kostyshak> writes:

> On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 11:19:06AM +1200, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> > On 6/04/2016 8:55 a.m., Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
> > >Thanks, that works. I see I can use the command-sequence to combine
> > >the commands. So, now it works.
> > I'm interested to know whether this really does work. In the past when I've
> > tried to use command-sequence with export or save operations it has run into
> > problems with threaded code -- an export or save is not completed before the
> > next command in the sequence is initiated.
> I think this issue might be the one that you're running into:
> Also note these posts:
> Scott

I can only say that so far it works for me. I assigned 

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2 

to a key (control-command-S), and it works as intended. I'm using a mac.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Anders Host-Madsen> writes:

> I can only say that so far it works for me. I assigned 
> command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2 
> to a key (control-command-S), and it works as intended. I'm using a mac.

I do have one issue, though. Sometimes the third part is not executed, 
so the updated pdf is not saved. I don't see the pattern in when it's
 executed, and when it's not.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen

> I notice that, when I export repeatedly to pdf, the command will 
> actually run and the pdf will not update unless the buffer has been 
> changed.  So that's probably why your pdf doesn't always run --- you 
> have to change the document, then it will all run.

No, that's not the issue. I do change the lyx file. If there is any pattern,
then it seems like it only runs every second time. So, I change the
lyx file, it doesn't convert to pdf. Then I make a trivial change,
say inserting a space somewhere, run it again, and then it
will save the pdf.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Gordon Cooper> writes:

> On 07/04/16 02:18, David L. Johnson wrote:
> > I notice that, when I export repeatedly to pdf, the command will 
> > actually run and the pdf will not update unless the buffer has been 
> > changed.  So that's probably why your pdf doesn't always run --- you 
> > have to change the document, then it will all run.
> I can confirm that, happens here too.
> Gordon.
> Tauranga N.Z.

As said, that is not the problem. I change the document. Then sometimes,
it exports to pdf, sometimes not. But it SEEMS (I haven't tried enough times 
that if I change the order, it always executes all three commands (assuming
the document is changed). So, if I use

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdf2; buffer-export pdflatex  

it seems it always runs all three commands. But if I use

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

it seems it sometimes does not run the export to pdf. Odd.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen

Update. If I run

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdf2; buffer-export pdflatex  

It sometimes make LyX hang. If I run

command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

sometimes the pdf export doesn't happen. So, neither quite work.

I have a strong feeling it has to do with how long the commands take to run.
On my iMac, which has a slow spinning HD, I get more trouble than on my
MacBook, which has an SSD.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Scott Kostyshak> writes:

> I think this issue might be the one that you're running into:

Looking at this ticket and the comments, it seems it the same
kind of problem I run into. The exports run in parallel. It then
makes sense that my iMac, which has a slower disk, gives
more problems.

It seems I can only run one of the exports. Too bad. My idea
was that if you always save pdf and latex, you can
view the pdf on platforms that do not have LyX, and
edit the LaTeX. My main usage scenario would be
an iPad, but it could also apply if you use a computer
that does not have LyX installed.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-09 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Paul A. Rubin> writes:

> Another possible approach is to define a new file format (Tools | File
> Handling | File Formats) and a new converter (Tools | File Handling |
> Converters) from LaTeX (pdflatex) to the new format. In the "Converter:"
> field, supply the name of a script that first archives the .tex file, then
> runs pdflatex (and bibtex?) against it, then archives the .pdf file
> somewhere. Then you just have to export to the new format in the command
> sequence (after saving the buffer).

This sounds a little challenging. By script, you mean a unix shell script? 
One challenge
is that you don't quite know how many time to run pdflatex. I guess usually
pdflatex, bibtext, pdflatex, pdflatex would work.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-12 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Paul A. Rubin> writes:

> > 
> Yes, this is what I meant, and the sequence you listed is what I would use.
> I don't know if it will work in 100% of all cases, but at worst you should
> have the .lyx and .tex files saved (and a LaTeX log file indicating why
> compilation failed), or maybe a PDF file with those annoying question marks
> where you were hoping for cross-references.

I have tried this method. I figured out how to write scripts and put the formats
into LyX, and how to debug LyX. But LyX just will not run my script. I 
get the message

14:15:31.593: The process failed to start. Either the 
invoked program is missing, or you may have 
insufficient permissions to invoke the program.
14:15:31.720: Successful export to format: 
Exportsupport/Systemcall.cpp (276): Systemcall: '  
$$r "test.tex"' did not start!
support/Systemcall.cpp (277): error The process failed to start. 
Either the invoked program is missing, 
or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program.

I have tried to put the scrip inside the LyX scripts directory, and outside. 
I can run it
from terminal. But when LyX tries to run it, the above happens. Any 
ideas from anyone?
It's all on a Mac.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-13 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Paul A. Rubin> writes:

> Is marked executable by all users, not just yourself. I don't
> know whether LyX runs the script with you as the user or with LyX as the user.

It should be. Here is ls -l

-rwxrwxrwx@ 1 madsen  admin 20 Apr 12 14:11

> Also, does the script specify a command interpreter with a hash-bang comment
> at the top? In other words, when you successfully run it outside LyX, do you
> do so with "./", or do you specify a command interpreter (e.g,
> "bash ./"?

Yes. Here is the script (at the moment I'm just trying to make the script run,
so it doesn't do anything yet):

cp $1 $2

Perhaps it's some security issue on Mac that prevents it from running?

Anyway, now that I know there is a message pane, I figured out exactly
where it goes wrong with the command-sequence. The issue is with copying
figures. Sometimes they don't copy, and pdflatex fails. If I have a
long LyX document, but without figures, the command-sequence seems
to always work, producing a latex and pdf file.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-18 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Stephan Witt> writes:

Thank you so much. Now it works. The key was to put the path to 
the script
in the lyx path. I had understood from the LyX customization manual that
when you put it inside the lyx scripts folder, lyx would find it. 
But that seems
not to be the case.

Also thanks for the script itself. Much more advanced than 
something I could write.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-18 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Stephan Witt> writes:

Unfortunately it's not quite there. I have tried to modify the 
script to run bibtex,
but it doesn't work. I have tried different variations for the 
input to bibtex,
below is one. But it's not quite clear to me exactly what 
should be
the input argument to bibtex. It's almost there, so I hope 
can help me.

echo $(date)":" "$0" "$  "
filename=$(basename "$1" .tex)
if [ -d "$2" ]; then 
elif [ -f "$2" ]; then
   targetdir=$(dirname "$2")
   if [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
  echo Bad call with target "$2"
  exit 1
echo pwd=$(pwd) filename="$filename"
echo pdflatex "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".pdf 
pdflatex "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".pdf 
bibtex “$filename”.aux
pdflatex “$1” "$targetdir"/"$filename".pdf 
pdflatex "$1" && test -f "$filename".pdf && cp "$filename".pdf "$targetdir"/
echo cp "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".tex
cp "$1" "$targetdir"/"$filename".tex

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-18 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
OK, I found the problem. Textedit on Mac changed the quotes " into smart quotes.
After correcting that it works completely.

Thanks all for your help.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-19 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Anders Host-Madsen> writes:

A few more comment on this. To get the same latex file as one would
get when exporting from the menu, set the "nice" flag in the exporter.

The main issue with the script approach is that it changes the name 
of the files. For example, spaces become _. I don't see how to solve
this. I doesn't seem the real name of the original file is available
to the converter.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
That was it, now it works exactly as intended. Thanks again
for your help.

Re: Automatic save of LaTeX

2016-04-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Hal Kierstead> writes:

> Please post the final version.
> Thanks,
> Hal

I wrote a step by step procedure (ironically, in MS Word! I just
find it easier to copy the screen shots into Word) for the
non-techies -- mainly so I can myself repeat the procedure
when I install a new version of LyX or get a new computer.

I don't know how to attach with the gmane interface, but here is a link
if anyone is interested. I could also perhaps post on a Wiki?

Gmane interface down?

2016-09-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Hi all,
It seems I cannot access the lyx lists through the gmane interface anymore. Is 
that a general problem?
Anders Host-Madsen.

macOS Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Has anyone tried LyX on MacOS Sierra? Any issues?

Re: macOS Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Thanks. Then perhaps I will update.
One thing that breaks for me every time I update is setting the BIBINPUTS path. 
Every time Apple updates, they put some restrictions in the UNIX shell that 
breaks the previous work around. For El Capitain I had to make a applescript 
that runs at startup. Hopefully that will still work. 

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 8:21 AM, Christopher Menzel 

 On 20 Sep 2016, at 2:16 PM, Anders Host-Madsen  wrote:
> Has anyone tried LyX on MacOS Sierra? Any issues?

LyX (currently 2.2) with MacTeX 2015 is rock solid for me under Sierra, and has 
been since the early public betas. Will upgrade to MacTeX 2016 one of these 
days but don't expect any problems at all.



Re: macOS Sierra

2016-09-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
So, I did the upgrade, and as you said, everything works fine. Even the 
BIBINPUT environment variable is fine. I guess Sierra really was a minor update 
that did not change the interior workings of OS X. 

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 8:21 AM, Christopher Menzel 

 On 20 Sep 2016, at 2:16 PM, Anders Host-Madsen  wrote:
> Has anyone tried LyX on MacOS Sierra? Any issues?

LyX (currently 2.2) with MacTeX 2015 is rock solid for me under Sierra, and has 
been since the early public betas. Will upgrade to MacTeX 2016 one of these 
days but don't expect any problems at all.



Beamerposter example

2017-04-08 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I need to create a conference poster, and I think I can do it with 
beamerposter. But I would like to do it starting with a template/example, so 
that I just have to replace things, not start from scratch (I have no 
experience with beamer). Does anyone have a good example in LyX? I tried to 
import some examples from latex, but they don't compile in LyX.

Re: Beamerposter example

2017-04-10 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
On 04/08/2017 04:19 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:

I need to create a conference poster, and I think I can do it with 
beamerposter. But I would like to do it starting with a template/example, so 
that I just have to replace things, not start from scratch (I have no 
experience with beamer). Does anyone have a good example in LyX? I tried to 
import some examples from latex, but they don't compile in LyX.Thanks,

What about File > New from Template... using the poster-beamerposter.lyx 
Thanks. It was not among my templates. Somehow my lyx is pointing to an old 
templates folder. But I found it inside the lyx app. Yes, I can use that as 
starting point.
P.S. The reply to this post never came back to my inbox. I only found it on

Buffer-export works in 2.3.0!

2018-04-10 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
A sequence of multiple buffer exports works in 2.3.0 -- they did not do so in 
2.2, and I had to write a shell script to circumvent it (that sometimes worked, 
sometimes not). For example now I have the keyboard shortcut
command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

assigned to a keyboard shortcut. This automatically saves a lyx file, a  latex 
file, and a pdf file. I'm just posting in case anyone might be interested. And 
thanks for fixing that in 2.3!

Fractions below baseline in 2.3

2018-04-12 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
It seems to me that LyX 2.3 sets fractions slightly too low compared to the 
baseline when entering equations. Of course once they are typeset, they move to 
the correct position. But in the math input mode it's almost as though 
fractions are in subscript mode. Anyone else noticed?

Re: Fractions below baseline in 2.3

2018-04-12 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Yes, I can see it. The issue is that the \pi in math input mode is smaller than 
the \pi in latex, which makes it look unbalanced in math input mode. Probably 
nothing to do about that.


2018-05-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I have the following command sequence assigned to a shortcut:
command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

The idea is that whenever I save a lyx file, I also get a latex and pdf file. 
The issue is that the latex export messes up filenames (or paths, perhaps). As 
an example, when I export directly from the menu, I get

But when I run my command sequence, I get

So, the latex file does not compile.
Any ideas what could be the issue and how I fix it?

Re: Buffer-export

2018-05-07 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Yes, I see now that my command sequence does not give the correct latex file. 
It also has some extra commands in the start like \batchmode.
I thought it was fixed in 2.3.0 compared to 2.2.x, because the command sequence 
ran without any issues. But good if it will be fixed in the next release.On 
Sunday, May 6, 2018, 11:33:33 AM HST, Richard Kimberly Heck  
 On 05/06/2018 04:58 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
> I have the following command sequence assigned to a shortcut:
> command-sequence buffer-write; buffer-export pdflatex; buffer-export pdf2

This will not work properly in 2.3.0 or earlier versions. Probably what
you are
seeing is a race condition of some sort. The problem is that the first
export does
not finish before we try to start another one.

This is fixed for 2.3.1, which should be out in a few weeks.



Unable to import from LaTeX after 2.3.1

2018-10-16 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
After upgrading to 2.3.1 I'm unable to import from latex. I'm pretty sure 
import worked in 2.3.0. The error message I get is:

An error occurred while running:
$$s/../MacOS/tex2lyx -f "Big Data MDL CCF 17IX.tex" "Big Data MDL CCF 17IX.lyx"
To test that it's not a problem with my document, I created a simple tex 





But import also fails for thatThanks,Anders.

Re: Unable to import from LaTeX after 2.3.1

2018-10-16 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
 Thanks, yes that solved the problem.
On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 8:43:22 AM HST, Richard Kimberly Heck 
  On 10/16/18 2:41 PM, Anders Host-Madsen wrote:
After upgrading to 2.3.1 I'm unable to import from latex. I'm pretty sure 
import worked in 2.3.0. The error message I get is: 
An error occurred while running:
 $$s/../MacOS/tex2lyx -f "Big Data MDL CCF 17IX.tex" "Big Data MDL CCF 

This was a known problem in the original binary. It was supposed to have been 
fixed with the new one, so try re-installing.

LyX on iPad

2018-11-01 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Perhaps beating a dead horse, but I really wish there would be a LyX for iPad. 
Apple more and more positions the iPad as a computer replacement. And recent 
developments has made that come closer for me. Latex is there, Keynote now can 
do latex, and Pythonista can do (basic) Python. The only thing preventing me 
from just bringing my iPad when I travel is the lack of LyX.

Re: LyX on iPad

2018-11-02 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I have not really figured out how to properly reply to the mailing list. 
Hopefully this ends up the right place.
First, I tried It’s not too bad, in fact. The interface is not 
touch optimized, but one can use the Apple Pencil to click the small icons. A 
little slow. Perhaps OK if one wants to run LyX on iPad occasionally, but then 
kind of expensive to subscribe; on the other hand, if one wants to use it 
often, the interface becomes too cumbersome and slow. So, not a real solution.
With respect to what I want to do: I would like to be able to edit a LyX 
document when I’m on the go. I might have a LyX document started on my 
computer, but then when I’m out I would like to continue to edit on the iPad, 
and then later on my computer again.
One possibility is of course to convert the lyx document to latex, edit it 
there, and then convert back to LyX on computer. But as we know, things do get 
lost in the conversion back and forth between LyX and LaTeX. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

Re: LyX on iPad

2018-11-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Still have not found the proper way to post to thread, so I just hope it will 
show up the right place.
First, for the topic of the thread: I have now tried 1) and 2) 
remote access to my Mac from iPad (Screens and TeamWiever). is too 
limited (e.g., shortcuts and arrow keys don't work) and expensive. Remote 
access is too slow and unreliable to be a solution. So, the only solution would 
be some type of native app on iPad.
I do think of LyX as a frontend for LaTeX, and not at all irrelevant. In fact, 
it is the software I use the most of all software that I have. It has 
completely revolutionized my workflow, as it's now so easy to write LaTeX.
I think the issue is not that LyX is outdated, but that LaTeX is outdated. It's 
made for typesetting on paper, and honestly most reading now is done on 
screens. For that PDF is terrible. It's fixed format for printing. Instead, 
what is needed is mathematical typesetting that is free-flowing and adaptable 
to the screen it's read on (including a phone). Is there any work going on on 
that kind of standard?

Missing templates

2011-09-19 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I use LyX 2.0 on Mac. But I cannot find any templates.
One one computer I installed on top of LyX 1.6, on the other
computer it was a fresh install of 2.0. In either, no templates.
What can I do?

Re: Missing templates

2011-09-19 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Thanks, that solved the problem!

Re: Missing templates

2011-09-20 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I did this:

copy them from there (e. g. /Applications/
to ~/Library/Application Support/LyX/templates

Of course, that is not very user friendly. In particular now that Apple has
decided to hide Library. Would it be possible to run some
kind of installation script that does this automatically?

Re: converting from doc (doc import) - html and LaTeX approach failed

2011-11-16 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
It depends on whether or not you want to import equations as well. 
I have been using Word2tex to convert word documents with
mainly equations, and it works fairly well. Some hand-editing is
required, but it is fairly limited. Word2tex is not free, though.
Still, I have found that all the free approaches work very
poorly for equations.

Re: How to select via keyboard?

2011-11-21 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
You can hold down the shift key while you use the arrow keys, at
least on Mac.

Re: copying from MS Word to LyX

2012-01-12 Thread Anders Host-Madsen

> My experience has been that word2tex is the only program that will work well
> with "lots of math equations".  But over the years, Word has handled math
> in a bunch of different ways, so I'd recommend getting an evaluation version
> first, and making sure it works for your particular word documents.

I agree. I also bought word2tex after trying all the free options. 
The problem with
OpenOffice, at least when I tried it, was that it tried to copy the exact 
style of
equations into latex, so the resulting latex was a terrible mess.

Word2tex has worked quite well to me. It is not completely automatic. 
I usually
do some hand editing of the latex code before finally converting 
it into LyX.

Mountain Lion

2012-07-26 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Did anyone try to run LyX under Mountain Lion? Any problems?



2012-09-08 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
This is more of a latex question. Bibtex finds the location of BIB files 
from the environmental variable 
BIBINPUTS. This is true on both Windows and Mac, and has worked 
so far. But suddenly, today, it doesn't 
work on Mac anymore. What I have used until now is the 
following method

In finder, choose Go->go to folder... ~/.MacOSX
Edit "environment.plist" 
Add BIBINPUTS as a new key, and put path(s).
Restart computer (seems necessary).

But again, this doesn't work anymore. Any suggestions? 

I did some search on the internet, and it seems the /.MacOSX doesn't work
 any longer in Mountain Lion 
(but I'm pretty sure I did compile after installing mountain lion). People 
say things should now be set in 
launchd. But, hey, that's too technical for me. Anyone have a solution
for directing bibtex to look for bib 
files in a central location?


2012-09-08 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
The alternative is to give direct paths to the BIB files.
However, that is an issue when you collaborate with people
on a document.

Furthermore, it seems there is a bug in LyX. When
I give direct paths to the BIB files, the citation dialog box
becomes superwide, stretching beyond the width of my large
screen. How can I solve that?


2012-09-08 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Sorry for posting to quick, the last issue with wide citation dialog box
solved itself. But still, the question is how to set
the path for bibtex.


2012-09-08 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I solved the problem through help on the Apple discussions. I will
post the solution here for reference in case others have the
same issue. Perhaps I can put it on a wiki?

1) In finder, choose Go->go to folder... /etc
2) Edit "launchd.conf" This file may not exist. 
In that case create it. Make sure it's called
"launchd.conf" and not "lauchd.conf.txt"
3) add "setenv BIBINPUTS path(s)". Separate multiple paths with :
Notice that the string after BIBINPUTS cannot contain spaces.
4) Restart computer.

Re: Track changes but don't show them in LyX?

2012-09-17 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
This is also a feature I sorely miss. Unless you only have
a few changes, the LyX display quickly becomes unreadable.
The consequence is that the the resulting pdf can have errors
that are overlooked in LyX, a typical example being missing

Re: Wrapfigure placing figures at beginning

2013-02-14 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
karl> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm using wrapfigure. I would like to have the top of a figure adjusted
> with the paragraph. Although I place the wrapfigure environment at the
> beginning of the paragraph, lyx places the figure about one line below
> the first line.

In my experience, wrapfigure doesn't work very well. I think you have to
experiment with manual adjustments. You can insert a negative
vertical space before the graphic (i.e., inside the wrapfigure
environment) and adjust it so you get alignment. After this
you may have to manually adjust the length of the wrapfigure
environment to avoid too much space below.


2013-02-14 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I need to produce a paper using the ACM sig-alternate document class.
Is there anyway I can do that in LyX? I tried to import an example file to
LyX, but it gave an error.

For now it seems the only option is to write a draft in LyX, export
to Latex and then continue working there.

Re: documentclass{sig-alternate}

2013-02-14 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I found one LyX layout file at:

This helps, but it lacks theorems (which is
key to what I write). Any other suggestions?

Automatic save of PDF

2013-03-01 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Is it possible to configure/program LyX so that whenever the LyX files is saved
by the user (not auto-save) the pdf version (and latex) version is also saved
(without the warning about overwrite)? I realized I do this hundred of times
every day: save the LyX file then export it to pdf. It would be nice if it could
be done automatically.

Mac: cannot see graphics, classes

2009-01-16 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I just discovered LyX. What a great program! I have been using LateX and MS 
Word for many years, but never been happy. This looks just like what I have 
been looking for. I have some basic questions

1. I use LyX on OS X 10.5.6. Graphics (eps and pdf) never show up. It just says 
'error converting...' This is true even for the LyX user manual. When I typeset 
using latex, the figures look fine. What could be the problem?

2. Many classes show Unavailable: specifically, I'm interested in the 
IEEETran.cls. I have the IEEETran.cls file, but how do I get it into the system 
so that LyX can use it? It may be an issue of installing it in my Latex 
installation. I use gwtex.

Anders Host-Madsen, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822

Problem showing graphics

2009-01-17 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Sorry, this is actually I follow up to my previous posting. I did not figure 
out how to post replies. So

Thanks to Konrad Hofbauer I found out how to use the IEEEtran class. Now I know 
how to install new classes (run sudo texhash and reconfigure LyX).

But graphics is still hit and miss. I installed imagemagic, as adviced, and now 
it shows some graphics. pdf works, some .eps files work (e.g., the one in the 
documentation), but most of my .eps files do not show up (funny, the one .eps I 
could make work does not work if it's in another directory). Any idea what 
could be the problem?

Anders Host-Madsen, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822

Re: Copy and Paste Latex

2009-01-21 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I don't really understand how to post replies to messages on the mailing list, 
so excuse me if this appears as a separate thread. Thanks to Guenter Milde for 
the trick about converting latex formulas into lyx. That should work for short 
pieces of latex code: just select the equation parts and convert that. For 
longer pieces, a conversion would be usefull. I will try to post this on 

How to post reply?

2009-01-21 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Maybe this is not the right place to ask: I just don't understand how to post 
replies to previous messages (including my own, and answers to my questions) on 
this kind of mail forum. Could someone let me know where to find help? I tried 
mailing for help, but it doesn't say how to post 
replies. Maybe that's too obvious?

Re: How to post reply?

2009-01-22 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Piero Faustini  writes:

Yes, now I see, I can use gmane to post. There is some action 
menu in the upper right corner.

Re: I: paste latex code into lyx?

2009-01-23 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Giovanni Bedetti  writes:

> What i mean is that i paste LaTeX code and see the layout. I'd like to paste
>  it in the source view. 

I just started using LyX, and I had exactly the same question, 
see the list below. 
I feel that would be one of the most useful additions to LyX. 
I will copy and paste one answer I got from Guenter Milde. Especially c)
 I find useful: you can
paste your text into LyX and then convert each equation to math.

> What you can do is...

>> take the code and make it into a full latex document by adding things,
>> import to LyX, and then copy and paste, but that seems cumbersome.

b) use the tex2lyx command with option -p on a file with incomplete LaTeX
   (you will need to specify the documentclass with -c too),

c) for Math (and only math): paste "normally", select and press Ctrl-M:
   LyX will convert it into math in a math-box.

d) for your old LaTeX files: let lyx convert
   everything into a lyx file in a batch job.

MS Word to LyX

2009-01-26 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
LyX is really a great way to write math. Therefore I would like to 
convert my old MS Word documents -- 
with a lot of equation in Equation Editor -- to 
LyX (these are documents I continually revise). Any advise 
about this? I found two commercial packages for conversion 
to LaTeX: Grind EQ and Word2Tex. They are 
expensive, and the results are so-so. Definitely requires a
 lot of hand editing of the LaTeX code. Any 
experiences with these programs? It appears to me the 
results from Word2Tex is a little more faithful to 
the source, but it's hard to evaluate from the trial version.

Re: MS Word to LyX

2009-01-26 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Richard Heck  writes:

> >   
> OpenOffice will export LaTeX. You should be able to load your Word docs 
> there, and then export. Might be no worse. You WILL have to do hand 
> editing, one way or the other. There's just no way around it.

I tried to install open office (neo office). It does convert to LaTeX. 
But the issue is that it seems the philosophy in the OO converter is to make 
LaTeX document look like the OO document, rather than conveying the 
of the document -- WYSIWYG rather than WYSIWYM. The results is terrible, 
LaTeX code. Maybe there is some option to set so that it's converted to nice 
latex code, 
that does not try to reproduce the formatting of the OO document? 
At least the 
commercial programs produce LaTeX code that reproduce the meaning of the 
original document fairly.

Re: Corss reference and math functions shortkey.

2009-01-27 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Jens Noeckel  writes:

> Hi,
> yes, some of the lfun names have changed over time. For cross- 
> references, you now have to invoke the lengthy command "dialog-show- 
> new-inset ref"... In LyX 1.6.x you can find these function names by  
> searching in the Preferences > Editing > Shortcuts panels. 

I have wondered about the same thing. At least on Mac, when 
I search for
ref in the shortcuts, the only thing 
coming up is reference-next, no
insert-ref. If I search on ins there are lots 
of inserts (citation, quotation), but
no cross reference. Could this be a 
bug in the Mac version?

Re: MS Word to LyX

2009-01-28 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Richard Heck  writes:

> There's also the free wvLatex program that you can try. I don't know if 
> it runs on Windows. See here:
> But if it doesn't, that's a good reason to dual boot Linux. 

I looked vwLatex. They refer to AbiWord, 
But I couldn't make AbiWord convert equations at all. 
So, it seems the only solution is word2tex -- it appears to
do the conversion better than GrindEQ. But it is hard
to judge from the trial version, and the real version is
quite expensive (and risky, since it seems support is

Re: how to put an image

2009-01-30 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Yakup Ayvaz  writes:

> I inserted an images, which also shows the image correctly in lyx, 
> but then I try to export in pdf format I get an error like "... cannot 
> determine size of graphic".

I would suggest specifying width and height in the LyX graphics
dialog box. This sounds like the type of Latex error you could get if
you don't set those parameters.

Re: how to put an image

2009-01-30 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Nikos Alexandris  writes:

> Hi Yego.
> Hmm, that's a bit strange to me. I use .eps all the time without any
> problem and "hit" the pdf button (or export > PDF (pdlatex) ) and never
> experienced conflicts.
> Perhaps I don't understand the problem of Yakup very well, but I think
> it's probably a size problem.
> Kind regards, Nikos

Yes, I agree, LyX can handle eps, but you need the imagemagick package.
However, I think the problem here is that the size cannot be determined.
I had that kind of problem before in Latex, and I solved it by setting the
width in Latex, which I believe is equivalent to setting width in lyx.

Re: Installing biblatex-dw-style (Wassenhoven) on OSX

2009-02-03 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I believe you need to run "sudo texhash" from the terminal 
after installing new packages.

Re: Installing biblatex-dw-style (Wassenhoven) on OSX

2009-02-03 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
jezZiFeR  writes:

>From a few weeks of usage of LyX I find that the error messages 
I get from LyX is rather meaningless. It appears to my that LyX
cuts away exactly the important parts. I would suggest you look
at the LaTeX log, or try to export to LaTeX and compile to see what
exactly happens in LaTeX. That might give you a clue to what
exactly is wrong.

Re: Spell checking

2009-02-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
OK, I can see that there is an answer to my question
on the LyX wiki. Didn't realize that before asking here.

Re: Spell checking

2009-02-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Installing cocoAspell worked. Great.

Spell checking

2009-02-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I badly need spell checking for my typing. LyX relies on aspell, 
which I don't have. I went to the aspell web page and 
downloaded, but I find no installation
instructions. I'm lost. I use LyX on a Mac, and it seems aspell 
is some kind of unix thing. 
I can see that cocoAspell is a Mac 
version of aspell. If I install that,
will it also work from LyX? Thanks.

Re: How to edit

2009-02-05 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I ran into the same problem. I just started using spellcheck.
There is a more direct solution. In Finder you can select
Go>Go To Folder (or shift-command-G). Then you can type
/usr/local/etc (or just /usr and then navigate from there). 
You can then change the
access privileges for aspell.conf. However,
in my case I also had to change the access
privileges for the etc folder. Once
you have done that you can edit the
aspell.conf file. Maybe this should be
added to the wiki?

Re: Strange LaTex /bibtex error prevents successful compilation

2009-02-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
First, a question to someone knowledgeable. How does LyX do it's
of LaTeX? Does it leave .aux files between compilations? I have had
this kind of errors with LaTeX. An error in compilation leaves an
invalid .aux file. That prevents compilation next time. I have had
to manually delete the .aux file. If LyX leaves the .aux file,
this could be a reason for an error like this.

Re: continuous spell check on the fly: add more money in the pot bug 718

2009-02-09 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Mac already has this feature as part of the
operating system. I wonder if it would be
possible without too much trouble 
to activate this in the Mac interface?
For a Mac user this would be better, since
it's nice to have one systemwide dictionary.

Search and replace in equations

2009-02-13 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Is there any way to search and replace in equations in LyX?
Say I want to replace x with y in all my equations. Or
\mathbf with \mathsf. If not,
is there any plans to implement this?

One of the advantages of using Latex is that it's plain text,
so it's possible to search and replace in equations.
Is it a bad idea to export LyX to Latex,
then search and replace, and re-import in LyX?

Re: Search and replace in equations

2009-02-13 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Uwe Stöhr  writes:

> This is currently only possible by opening a LyX file with a 
> text editor and then use find and replace.
Thanks, I didn't think about the fact that
LyX files are text files. That seems a better solution
than exporting to Latex and then re-importing to LyX.
It appears that equations in the LyX files
are standard Latex.

> This feature has been implemented for the next major LyX release LyX 2.0.0, 
> see

Excellent! LyX is really a great program.

Re: elsevier natbib author-year problem

2009-02-13 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Did you specify the elsart-harv.bst in the bibtex insert
(as style file)?
Otherwise, that would seem an obvious problem.

LyX to HTML?

2009-03-25 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Is there any good way to convert LyX (or LaTeX perhaps 
more to the point) to HTML? I do know LyX can export 
to HTML, but the result is not pretty; it looks so
last century. Also, many packages seems to be
stripped away (such as enumitem). There is no
options to format the HTML to look nice.
I tried to google for LaTeX to HTML
converters, but it seems few are actively maintained.
Perhaps hyperlatex would be an option? There is also
elyxer, which produces nice looking output, but has
too many missing features. Any ideas?

I want to move all my word processing from MS Word
to LyX, but one of the things that keeps me with Word
is that it can do fair (not great, but fair) HTML conversion.

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-25 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Iain Mac Donald  writes:

Thanks, as I stated, I did try elyxer. That
actually produces nice output, but it seems
to support a very limited set of latex/lyx.
None of my equations or numbered lists
come out correctly. But maybe this will one
day be a good tool. It appears to be new.

I do like the philosophy of hyperlatex: you insert
some special commands to modify the html.
That way you can maintain and update a
document that you want to publish both
as pdf/print and html.

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-25 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Robert Orr  writes:

> One means that I've found as an alternative has been to export .pdf,
> then convert it to html by sending it to adobe.   

I actually did try this earlier, using Acrobat Pro. 
But the result was terrible, absolutely terrible. 
Any tricks?

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-25 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Typhoon  writes:

> I use tex4ht or hevea. I find that either one of them does a reasonable
> job if you then apply a custom CSS. But my work is always plain text,
> no images. I'm using Debian Lenny.

Thanks, hevea does look interesting. But it seems to be a unix thing.
How can I use it on a Mac?

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-25 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Alex Fernandez  writes:

Thanks for making this available. I will experiment a little
more with it, and possibly send you some files. 

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-25 Thread Anders Host-Madsen

> tex4ht works on all platforms. It is normally accessed when you 
> view your document as HTML from LyX. 
> If this is not the case tex4ht is not installed. 
> (it is often part of the LaTeX distribution).

Yes, the translation from within lyx works (htlatex is there). But I'm
not very satisfied with the result. Maybe it's possible to customize,
as in heava? The documentation page seems to be down.

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-26 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
BH  writes:

> I haven't used hevea, but I have used tex4ht, which is a part of
> TeXLive; LyX should already recognize it.
> Bennett

I tried using tex4ht on some other documents, and the result is
better than my initial judgement made them. Equations are actually
rendered quite faithfully. But, although this might not
be the right place, I wonder if anybody has some answers
to these questions

1. How do I change formatting, in particular font size? 
2. Similar, how to I change the margins (i.e., so that if I make
the browser window very wide, the text does not continue
to expand)

In general, I have a hard time finding documentation for tex4ht. The web
site says it's highly configurable, but I cannot figure out how.
My knowledge of CSS is limited to knowing what the 
acronym stands for.

3. It seems tex4ht uses latex to compile, and then translates.
That sounds good as it should respect the packages you use.
But, for example, I use enumitem, but that never seems to
work. How come?

4. Tables come out very poorly. Is that a general problem?

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-26 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
rgheck  writes:

> The other possibility is plastex, which I haven't used but keep meaning 
> to investigate. It's pure python, so should run anywhere LyX does.

Now I tried out Plastex. The concept is a little different.
It makes the latex document into a complete, hierarchical web page.
The result is quite good (e.g., tables are rendered well, as
opposed to Tex4ht). I my case, though, I just want to
embed the html into an existing web page, with its
own navigational tools, so this is not exactly what I want.
But the documentation is comprehensive, so maybe
it can be configured to makes the document into a single
web page.

Re: LyX to HTML?

2009-03-26 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
john  writes:

But looking at the web site, it looks like
latex2html was not updated since 2001. That makes
me somewhat reluctant to rely on it.

Re: Error converting to loadable format for EPS

2009-03-30 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I have the same problem. However, only with SOME eps files.
In my case EPS files generated by Matlab just don't show in LyX,
but those from some other sources do show in LyX (for example
those in the user guide).

My only workaround has been to convert the EPS into PDF manually
(in OS X just use preview). If you need to export as LaTeX/eps, you can
just export as pdflatex, but compile with plain latex (if you export
as plain latex, LyX will try to convert the PDF files back to
EPS and overwrite the original files).

Re: LyX vs. wordprocessors

2009-04-04 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Steve Litt  writes:

I'm not really sure I agree that it's as easy to do semantic
markup in MS Word is in Latex. There are a number of issues
First, it's much easier not to use styles. Personally, I always used
styles, but I'm the only one I know how does that. When I put
together documents from groups of people it's always a mess
because people used their personal formatting. Want a header?
Increase font size and make bold. Furthermore, when copying
between documents in MS Word, the result is not always as
expected, even if styles are used consistently. On the other
hand, I never had problem putting together documents
from groups of people in Latex. MS Word
also tends to make anything into a style. Often document
templates have both a 'normal' style and a 'body' style,
and if you just write you never know which style is used. Take
for example the IEEE MS Word template. There are
hundreds of styles in that which makes it very
hard to use. And try to switch back and forth between
a single column an multicolumn document in
MS Word. In Latex it's just changing a single option.
In my opinion, when I started using MS Word many
year ago it was more geared toward using styles.
But MS seems to have accepted that nobody uses
styles, and made it more and more difficult to use
styles, while easier to use finger painting. In Latex you
can write a document focusing on the contents without
any thoughts to formatting, and the result is good. In
MS Word that is just impossible (for example, MS Word
has no mechanism for automatic placement of floats).

Importing tables

2009-04-06 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Talking about tables. I'm trying to import a table from excel.
I get the error "this file is from an earlier version of LyX,
but LyX failed to convert it." If I try to open the file lyx created
from the CSV, LyX crashes. I tried to shorten my csv file
to a few lines, and then LyX managed to import it. It seems
to be purely a function of the length, I don't think the rest
of the table has any different kind of data than the first part.

Re: "automatically" create table based on external (ascii) data

2009-04-07 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Guenter Milde  writes:
> Pasting into a table works with table-data if it is TAB separated. The
> space is too often needed inside a table cell in the general case.

Thanks for the tip. I didn't realize this was possible.
I tried exporting to csv and importing to LyX (see
my previous posting), but it didn't work. This does work, but
it should be added that it is necessary to paste
as "plain text," otherwise the tabs are ignored.

Re: problem inserting .pdf as external material

2009-04-07 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Giovanni  writes:

> It's possible to have the content inserted in line, as a paragraph?

Can't you just insert the pdf a graphic?
Anyway, I had the opposite problem. I wanted to insert whole pages
of an external pdf. I didn't know about the pdfpages package until
you posting. This solved my problem, thanks.

Re: Mac bug: default save path for creating docs from template

2009-04-07 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I cannot confirm this either. In my 1.6.1 Lyx, the
save as location is my working directory. There
must be something amiss in your installation.

Re: Importing tables

2009-04-07 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
Problem solved: There was an apostrophe (') that had been converted to a 
weird character when Excel saved the file (Excel for Mac, it seems, only 
has the options of Windows 
format or MS-DOS format, both incompatible with Mac). After removing that, 
it converted correctly. So, it was Excel's problem, although the error
message from LyX was not informative.

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