Re: Perl compiler?

2004-03-20 Thread Chris Devers
of curiosity? What are you trying to do? If you want to write something to share with other OSX users, you should generally be able to just use a regular script -- the only real issue to think about is being compatible with Perl 5.6 for pre-Panther users. -- Chris Devers

Re: Perl compiler?

2004-03-20 Thread Chris Devers
?) problems... -- Chris Devers

Re: Web servers with cable DSL

2004-03-16 Thread Chris Devers
works pretty well. -- Chris Devers

Re: Web servers with cable DSL

2004-03-16 Thread Chris Devers
be vulnerable to web server worms in the same way that unpatched Outlook clients allow for all the mail worms we se all the time. But I'm sure it can be done Right. Oh well. That Internet died a long time ago, didn't it? Tim Berners-Lee must be disappointed, at least on some level... -- Chris

Re: yawn

2004-03-11 Thread Chris Devers
AOL / -- Chris Devers, who is actually rather enjoying watching the list descend into silly-land so long as it doesn't go on beyond today.

Re: ANNOUNCE: Affrus 1.0 - a Perl Debugger

2004-03-11 Thread Chris Devers
know! /ntk And the *really* smart thing is not to jeopardy-post/top-post. That's just *rude* :) -- Chris Devers

Re: Undefined subroutine main::sendmail

2004-03-09 Thread Chris Devers
On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Conrad Schilbe wrote: On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Chris Devers wrote: Did you try typing o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/ ? ftp://myurl/ is not an actual uri. It's telling you Put _your_ uri here. Right, of course :) I guess I should have been clearer, but I

Re: Undefined subroutine main::sendmail

2004-03-08 Thread Chris Devers
. If that doesn't work -- and it probably will, but just in case -- then cut and paste the full output from your shell into an email to the list, and people here can take a look at where things are going wrong. -- Chris Devers

Re: Undefined subroutine main::sendmail

2004-03-08 Thread Chris Devers
-initialize. -- Chris Devers

Re: Undefined subroutine main::sendmail

2004-03-07 Thread Chris Devers
out in the first place, and it had been standard for five years before 10.2/Jaguar came out. If it's not on your Mac, your Mac is broken. -- Chris Devers

Re: Developer Tools iTunes

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Devers
Library.xml That should be most or all of it, but a `find ~ | grep -i itunes` would be more thorough. Not sure about a Perl approach; I'd just make a tarball, personally. -- Chris Devers

Re: Developer Tools Hijinks

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Devers
of this. After a reboot, try the suggestions from earlier about purging documentation, localization directories, developer apps, etc. -- Chris Devers too used to running osx on old macs with tiny, cramped hard drives

Re: Developer Tools Hijinks

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Devers
will give a good, quick shot of wiggle room, and then from there he can try cleaning out files he doesn't need, backing up to cds, etc. Nuking the devtools won't get him anywhere with CPAN :) -- Chris Devers

Re: [OT] XML in SQL (was: MySQL for Web Apps)

2004-02-05 Thread Chris Devers
a useful (and under-publicized?) capability of the standard MySQL client, so maybe bringing it up will still be of use to someone... -- Chris Devers

Re: [OT] MySQL for Web Apps

2004-02-04 Thread Chris Devers
Database Programming with Perl: DBI perldoc Actual paper book, _Programming the Perl DBI_ Go read :) and on that note, time to go... -- Chris Devers

Re: [OT] MySQL for Web Apps

2004-02-04 Thread Chris Devers
/row row author_namemay/author_name /row /resultset Is this along the lines of what you were hoping for? -- Chris Devers

Re: [OT] MySQL for Web Apps

2004-02-03 Thread Chris Devers
entrenched in the past 30 years or so; XML has been a big buzzword for about 5. I don't think databases are going to go away any time soon; I'm not yet convinced that XML isn't a flash in the pan. -- Chris Devers

Re: Using challenge-response systems for mailing lists

2004-01-23 Thread Chris Devers
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, David Cantrell wrote: Amusingly, this message also triggered the broken software. Funny, my message yesterday didn't trigger it. Maybe it's someone that just subscribed? That or someone just thinks you're Evil, and need to be tortured :) -- Chris Devers

Re: tricky parsing question

2004-01-23 Thread Chris Devers
on this may save a lot of pain. --- Chris Devers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Your definition of segment here is vague; is it safe to ignore that and just accept that a canonical list of each language's 'segments' is a static thing that is already stored as hash keys? By segment I mean

Re: XML::Parser

2004-01-23 Thread Chris Devers
expat-shlibs And then CPAN (or whatever) should be able to install XML::Parser as normal, if you want to minimize using Fink. -- Chris Devers

Re: tricky parsing question

2004-01-22 Thread Chris Devers
::RecDescent? Maybe I'm over-thinking this... [1] My copy of /usr/share/dict/words has 75 words with 'ious', but only one word with 'iou[^s]', so I'm guessing that 'ious' might be taken as a single entity for your purposes. -- Chris Devers

Re: need help

2004-01-18 Thread Chris Devers
to, which as noted above may help explain why unsubscribe requests aren't working. -- Chris Devers

Re: perl tags in vim/vi?

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Devers
: * Chris Devers cdevers at [2004/01/15 15:21]: You don't have an opinion on this, do you? Sure I do. Both ctags and etags have perl related options, so either should be usable. vim can handle the output of both (tags and TAGS), so it comes down

Re: confusing bulltes

2004-01-12 Thread Chris Devers
identical; is the point of the Data::Dumper one liner that you just want the %ENV data as Perl sees it, and not as you have in a regular shell? -- Chris Devers had plumbing problems last night, didn't get enough sleep to be thinking altogether clearly

Re: Missing files in /usr/local

2004-01-03 Thread Chris Devers
to know what you would have decided to install there. Make sense? -- Chris Devers

Re: CPAN broken in Panther

2003-11-26 Thread Chris Devers
box running on the same network? Or a Mac runnign Jaguar? It may be that these will have issues for the same reason -- whatever it may be -- that your Panther machine is having issues. -- Chris Devers

Re: [OT] Old BBEdit question

2003-11-24 Thread Chris Devers
for a future version of BBEdit... :) -- Chris Devers

css design, was Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-22 Thread Chris Devers
the current design techniques (and my copy of the O'Reilly CSS book is probably getting a bit out of date now), but it can definitely be done. -- Chris Devers

Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Devers
will work after that. -- Chris Devers

Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Devers
On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Jeremy Mates wrote: * Chris Devers [EMAIL PROTECTED] open(FILE,hello.txt) || die(Cannot Open File: $!); I find '||' far less readable than 'or', and far more likely to cause precedence problems. Though I do write fairly () free Perl code. Agreed, but I was trying

Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Devers
Note: I'm cc'ing this back to the list, so that others can correct anything I get wrong :) On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Gohaku wrote: On Friday, November 21, 2003, at 09:40 AM, Chris Devers wrote: Apache runs under, which by default is www. The easiest way to fix this is probably

Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Devers
that takes a long time to produce results might lead to timeout errors if the web client gives up, but if you keep sending back data as it becomes available then the client will tend to keep the connection open. Have I had this wrong? Is it better to save up all output for the end? -- Chris

Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread Chris Devers
it, but there can obviously be cases where this doesn't work in practice. As with everything else in web programming, the only real rule of thumb is probably just one word: Test. -- Chris Devers still baffled by the apache::dbi errors

Re: Apache::DBI on panther

2003-11-20 Thread Chris Devers
... -- Chris Devers

Re: Apache::DBI on panther

2003-11-20 Thread Chris Devers
On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Chris Devers wrote: Try perl -MCPAN -e 'force install Mysql' to re-install DBD::mysql and see if that makes a difference. Which may work, but I still don't get why I'm getting

cpan, was Re: Reverting to 5.60

2003-11-11 Thread Chris Devers
letter up a row back -- very annoying. I was hoping that the Panter upgrade would make this go away, but it didn't seem to help. Has anyone else seen behavior like that? It's annoying, but not a huge impediment to getting things done, so I haven't brought it up before... -- Chris Devers

Re: OT: Spam notice

2003-08-20 Thread Chris Devers
to go to allows you to put in a comment (and the comment I put was substantially your rant above, asking the person to figure out how to whitelist mailing lists or just not sign up for them in the first place), but when you hit submit you get a server error. Ha. Ha. Ha. -- Chris Devers

errors installing libapreq

2003-06-26 Thread Chris Devers
. Thanks! -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] uptime, n. Some future (unspecified) time when the system will be UP and running. Compare DOWNTIME. See also CRASH. -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

Re: Did die?

2003-06-18 Thread Chris Devers
/Contents/Resources/stroke But CLI accessible this way. So anyway, it's ping-able, and the ftp port is nominally open, but an attempt to actually connect just sits there. Do you specifically need to get in via FTP for some reason? -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wxPerl

2003-06-10 Thread Chris Devers
? It doesn't need to run from within X11, does it? I don't know if the current version of wxPerl does Aqua graphics, or if it just relies on X for that, but if it's the latter you may need to fire up X and make sure that your $DISPLAY variable is set properly, etc. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: OT: looking for the relevant list

2003-04-02 Thread Chris Devers
:// Or more generally, for a list of Apple's lists. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] algorism, n. A pre-LISP ALGORITHM devised by abu-Ja'far Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khuwarizmi (Persian mathematician fl. ce

Re: [macosx/perl] computer slowdown

2003-03-30 Thread Chris Devers
be wrong about that last bit, but the lack of a defragmentation component to the standard disc management software leads me to think that Apple for one doesn't seem to concerned about this either. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] fault-tolerant, adj. 1 (Of a Quality Assurance Department

Re: quine, was Re:

2003-03-17 Thread Chris Devers
as you're ever likely to get -- you really have to attend Conway's Extreme Programming with Perl talk. It's truly diabolical :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] price/performance, n. Marketing: A ratio usually non-computable since the numerator is subject to random discounts

Re: CPAN Newbie: when to sudo?

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Devers
those permissions at the outset, not on demand. There's a lot more to it than this of course, but that's the general strategy that needs to be understood. You can of course learn much more by reading the relevant man pages or a good Unix reference book. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: CPAN Newbie: when to sudo?

2003-03-16 Thread Chris Devers
rights. Still, that is an interesting way to do... just in time sudo rights. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] throwaway, adj. (Of a program) sold below cost for public debugging. See also PROTOTYPING. -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

Re: Where is site_perl?

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Devers
herds you towards using /Library/Perl, or a custom directory in $PERL5LIB. Does that about cover it? -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] deconstructor, n. (C+-) The special member function of a class X named ~~X. Unlike the traditional C++ X::~X DESTRUCTOR, which destroys target objects

Re: mssql

2003-03-09 Thread Chris Devers
.tar.gz) Module Win32::ODBC (Contact Author Dave Roth [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Module iodbc (J/JM/JMAHAN/iodbc_ext_0_1.tar.gz) Which also seems to mean UnixODBC and iodbc, of which I don't know enough to make any recommendations or offer any warnings. -- Chris Devers

Re: konfabulator -- something to ponder

2003-02-25 Thread Chris Devers
! Konfabulator is way beyond that! Konfabulator is the bomb! It's the shit, man! Ah, screw it, I don't know what it does, either. I really don't have anything to add :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Good night. Try not to miss me.

Re: Non-Perl but baffling question

2003-02-25 Thread Chris Devers
know what version of OSX...). -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] optimizer, n. A compiler with three switches for controlling its object code output: big, slow, or both. Compare PESSIMIZING COMPILER. -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

Re: Non-Perl but baffling question

2003-02-25 Thread Chris Devers
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, drieux wrote: On Tuesday, Feb 25, 2003, at 15:48 US/Pacific, Chris Devers wrote: [..] That looks painful. Why not just use one of these? % sw_vers ProductName:Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.2.4 BuildVersion: 6I32 this application appears

Re: Non-Perl but baffling question

2003-02-25 Thread Chris Devers
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Chris Devers wrote: On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Jeff Lowrey wrote: At 10:12 AM +1100 2/26/03, John Horner wrote: How do I find out if it's 10.1.3 or 10.1.5 from the command-line? [toothgnip:~] jeff% osascript -e 'tell application Finder to version' osascript -e 'tell

Re: konfabulator -- something to ponder

2003-02-12 Thread Chris Devers
that usually comes up with such software (mp3 players, etc). Fun if you used to use Kaleidascope or (in x11) enlightenment though. If you're into that sort of thing :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] semiotics, n. Half a science of meaning is better than none. See also TEXTUAL HARRASSMENT

Re: OT: macosx list?

2003-02-11 Thread Chris Devers
of the time. As Flava Flav taught, I don't believe the hype :) I saw another list at one point that was polite almost to a fault -- in apparent reaction to macosx-talk's abrasiveness -- but that one seems to have faded away and I no longer have details on it. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] less

Re: And I thought it was 5.6?

2003-01-11 Thread Chris Devers
still shows up here there. So 5.006x is equivalent to 5.6.x, and 5.7.x or 5.8.x are equivalent to 5.007x and 5.008x, respectively. Copious details available at -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] time slice, n. The occasional CPU cycle begrudgingly

Re: Fixing font spacing in

2003-01-07 Thread Chris Devers
in spite of the occasional crashes (maybe a couple per week), I wouldn't want to go back to 10.1 now. Jaguar is better -- I'm just hoping that 10.3 is a bit more polished :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] regular, adj. UNIX (Of an expression) irregular; convoluted. One of the many AUTO

Re: Phantom Line Numbers

2003-01-06 Thread Chris Devers
, in Vim, Emacs, BBEdit, or whatever, can be used to narrow down sections of code that are correct which need more examination. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] drag queen, n. A move in GUI chess. -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

Re: Phantom Line Numbers

2003-01-06 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Chris Devers wrote: Are you running with warnings strict mode? And the other thing, which I forgot to mention, is that if you can narrow down the broken region of your script still can't figure it out, by all means send that code the errors it produces to the list

Re: do compilers make a difference OR why is my perl slow

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Devers
in the results of such a test, actually... -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter

Re: browser compatibility (was Re: new to unix: basic help)

2002-12-15 Thread Chris Devers
On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Riccardo Perotti wrote: ...and sorry for taking this list so off-topic ... Nah, don't worry about it -- at least you didn't bring up Python :) ...zope zope zope zope zope... :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have

Re: new to unix: basic help

2002-12-14 Thread Chris Devers
/Realtime-0.01/ There may be others as well, but MIDI::Realtime is pretty neat... :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: browser compatibility (was Re: new to unix: basic help)

2002-12-14 Thread Chris Devers
Pilot / AvantGo, cell phone browser, braille screen reader, etc). But that's a whole other rant, isn't it? :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mission Critical Perl

2002-12-07 Thread Chris Devers
should be available at IIRC -- Chris Devers

Re: Process table information

2002-12-04 Thread Chris Devers
) /usr/bin/gcc was a symlink to one or the other of /usr/bin/gcc2 or /usr/bin/gcc3. Given that both binaries should be available regardless of where the symlink is pointing, maybe any tests could work directly with the files rather than the link. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT praise for the cookbook

2002-11-27 Thread Chris Devers
add some material to the Cookbook. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Trouble in Happyland

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Devers
know how this broke, or what the extent of the damage is) then just reinstall. What do you have in that crash log? -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Trouble in Happyland

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Devers
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Lou Moran wrote: On Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002, at 18:03 America/New_York, Chris Devers wrote: Or if you've upgraded to Jaguar: % cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PowerPlant.framework/Versions/A/ % file PowerPlant PowerPlant: Mach-O dynamically linked

Re: Restart Apache

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Devers
, either by prefixing that line or the whole script with 'sudo' (and using your account password when prompted) or by placing this in root's crontab. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: migration successful

2002-11-24 Thread Chris Devers
is that this is where things will go with future releases. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unix or mac-style text files?

2002-11-20 Thread Chris Devers
-- it handles line endings very gracefully, and converting among different formats is just a matter of: :set fileformat=unix :set fileformat=mac :set fileformat=dos vim rox :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Q: How does a hacker fix a function which doesn't work for all

Re: hard links on HFS+

2002-11-18 Thread Chris Devers
better data integrity as well. This now brings OSX one big step closer to where BeOS was five years ago, and where Irix was a decade ago ;) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: locale in carbon emacs (was: OS X Installed numbers)

2002-11-18 Thread Chris Devers
applications among Fink's current catalog... Most of the mac-specific perl docs that I have seen refer to OS 9. I'm not sure how much of them apply to OS X, so I've been relying on more generic perl docs. This generally seems like the way to go. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] Shareware (was: Re: What up with the mac)

2002-10-11 Thread Chris Devers
not *that* bad. If the system is bothering you that much why aren't you using something else? If the system is bothering you that much why are you complaining about it on a Perl list instead of telling Apple how you feel? What are we going to do about it -- commiserate? No thanks. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL

Re: Full XML Installation

2002-10-11 Thread Chris Devers
automatic. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What up with the mac

2002-10-10 Thread Chris Devers
BSD. For comparison, these can be tried against x86 versions of the same systems. The ultimate idea being to get an idea of how OSX compares to other systems that use this hardware, and how this hardware compares to it's big brother alternative. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] I had pancake

Re: help me

2002-10-07 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Erik Price wrote: On Monday, October 7, 2002, at 05:39 PM, Chris Devers wrote: convention[al] wisdom seems to be that it's generally easier to just store the images as conventional files, and put the filesystem paths to those files in as regular character data

Re: question on ssh and peeve on editors

2002-10-03 Thread Chris Devers
it. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Q: Why don't lawyers go to the beach? A: The cats keep trying to bury them.

Re: question on ssh and peeve on editors

2002-10-03 Thread Chris Devers
as iDisk and on Windows as web folders -- seems to have been crafted to solve exactly the problem you're trying to deal with here: create edit files on remote disks as if they were local resources, and yet potentially you can have many people collaborating on these files too. Neat-o! :) -- Chris

Re: question on ssh and peeve on editors

2002-10-03 Thread Chris Devers
, and incidently you want to run this through an encrypted channel with ssh. Fine. Any solution you pick is going to have to involve a file sharing protocol though. Pick one turn it on. Like I say, I suggest WebDAV. Details/urls on request. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] FORTUNE PROVIDES

Re: 10.2 + 5.8 CPAN trouble

2002-10-02 Thread Chris Devers
, etc. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Q: What do Winnie the Pooh and John the Baptist have in common? A: The same middle name.

Re: OS X Smokers

2002-09-30 Thread Chris Devers
version of the language happens to be at at any given point. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Q: How do you play religious roulette? A: You stand around in a circle and blaspheme and see who gets struck by lightning first.

Re: request: dyld explained

2002-09-24 Thread Chris Devers
?), but that roughly seems to be what the system is telling you here... -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: remove my name from list

2002-09-23 Thread Chris Devers
-- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] the HIGHWAY is made out of LIME JELLO and my HONDA is a barbequeued OYSTER! Yum!

Re: AppleScript to Perl w/SOAP

2002-09-23 Thread Chris Devers
, eh? :) :) :) -- Chris Devers dnliinr

Re: OS Poll

2002-09-22 Thread Chris Devers
On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Andrew M. Langmead wrote: On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 01:40:44PM -0400, Chris Devers wrote: for example -- but the system feels *a lot* less stable to me than 10.1 did, I've seen kernel panics for the first time in almost a year, But Chris, the new kernel panic display

Re: OS Poll

2002-09-21 Thread Chris Devers
that was only done half-right. *shrug* /rambling -- Chris Devers

Re: Cocoa perl editors

2002-09-17 Thread Chris Devers
can go graphical iff you're running X11. A version that worked in Aqua would be great, and last I checked the one didn't do that. Has it been updated? -- Chris Devers The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent. -- Sagan

Re: iCal parser in Perl

2002-09-17 Thread Chris Devers
silently, but the one with data in it fails, as yours did, with an error about line 697 of .../Net/ICal/ I'll have to try this again on Linux tomorrow... -- Chris Devers Have you ever seen Jack Valenti John Ashcroft at the same time?


2002-09-08 Thread Chris Devers
then the latter is nice too. Your pick. -- Chris Devers

Re: iTunes xml

2002-08-14 Thread Chris Devers
instead of Unix style slash delimited ones [also no big deal]. At one point I had a oneliner that could push data from this file into MySQL. Very easy. -- Chris Devers Have you ever seen Jack Valenti John Ashcroft at the same time?

Re: Is there a way to reinstall perl on MacOSX 10.1.x?

2002-06-03 Thread Chris Devers
/finkinfo/ is to issue a standard fink install test command. -- Chris Devers

Re: Clean install

2002-04-26 Thread Chris Devers
with /usr/local as the basedir and pretend that you don't even have the Apple supplied versions. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache / mod_perl / More war soon. You know how it is.--

Re: Problems with interchange

2002-04-25 Thread Chris Devers
it working? I could install it, but it wouldn't really do anything without immediately crashing on me. I forget what the problems were exactly at this point, I'll have to give it another try. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache / mod_perl /

Re: imagemagick, fink, versions, ick.

2002-04-18 Thread Chris Devers
: Patch to allow detection of libxml2, includes proper c++ linker options. . Maintainer: Jeffrey Whitaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have included Jeffrey on this mail. He might be able to answer some of your questions... -- Chris Devers[EMAIL

Re: imagemagick, fink, versions, ick.

2002-04-18 Thread Chris Devers
counts as stable unstable. Not that there's anything wrong with that :) I've been using unstable for everything for a few months now, and really haven't had any problems from doing so. If you want the most recent version, I don't expect that you'll have many problems by using unstable. -- Chris

Re: Rules Of Engagement (What the Hell is this List for anyway?)

2002-04-16 Thread Chris Devers
newbie questions. [1] -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache / mod_perl / More war soon. You know how it is.-- [1] Except Alex Robinson, that other-list polluting bastard. :)

Re: good practice subroutine coding in web context

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers
rules here. If decomposition is only getting in the way, then reconsider doing it, and maybe scale back. I'd just say not to dwell on it *too* much -- you're getting into territory on which many a doctoral dissertation has been prepared :) -- Chris Devers[EMAIL

Re: good practice subroutine coding in web context

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers
On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Alex S wrote: Chris Devers wrote: If yes, how do I accommodate repeated poking of the sub which repeatedly returns data in a predictive display format? iow, do I violate the above premise by making the sub return the display info as well as shown below? Well

Re: good practice subroutine coding in web context

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers
with that. this is a great list usually and it would be all the time if the off topic and editorial stuff would end. On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 08:39 , Chris Devers wrote: On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Puneet Kishor wrote: Separating layout, logic data is a virtue in any programming situation [which is why HTML

Re: good practice subroutine coding in web context

2002-04-15 Thread Chris Devers
off the list. Please accept my deep sincere apologies for what I wrote. :( -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache / mod_perl / More war soon. You know how it is.--

Re: canonical perl IDE for Mac OSX

2002-04-14 Thread Chris Devers
systems, but if it can't run on them natively then this isn't as useful to me, personally. -- Chris Devers[EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache / mod_perl / More war soon. You know how it is.--

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