Re: [PHP] Programmers and developers needed

2012-09-13 Thread Per Jessen
agbo onyador wrote:

> Hello there! We are looking for programmers and developers to create a
> world wide system. Your comments are welcome.

Who is "we" ?

Per Jessen, Zürich (12.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread Per Jessen
rene7705 wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Per Jessen  wrote:
>> rene7705 wrote:
>> > In response to critiques about my download size, I've removed
>> > scenejs and the artwork for my own site-logos from the zip. The
>> > size is now 38mb, down from 54mb.
>> I think it took about a minute at about 470kb/sec.
> I get much better datarates, around 1.5 to 2mb/s... But then again,
> the server is in europe, and so am I.

I'm in Europe too, but your server is about 20 hops away.  470kb/s is
pretty good on my 6Mbit downstream though. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] Got HTML5 History API + caching LICKED, I think,

2012-03-18 Thread Per Jessen
rene7705 wrote:

> In response to critiques about my download size, I've removed scenejs
> and the artwork for my own site-logos from the zip. The size is now
> 38mb, down from 54mb.

I think it took about a minute at about 470kb/sec. 

> I'm also using 7-zip now, I hope it opens better on non-windows OSes.

It worked fine with unzip on linux.

Per Jessen, Zürich (11.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] utf8_decode() not working, conflicts with urlencode()

2011-08-30 Thread Per Jessen
Merlin Morgenstern wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am having some trouble with utf8_decode(). Somehow the function
> returns output=input
> e.g.:
> $input = '%20%C3%9Cbersetzung%20franz';
> $output = utf8_decode($input);
> echo $input.''.$output;
> My goal is to decode the utf8, trim the input and encode with
> urlencode();
> This is the string which I would like to get: %C3%9Cbersetzung+franz
> Trim does not work and if I place urlencode() directly on the input it
> will encode the % sign to %25 and produce therfore a mixture of
> encodings.

It seems to me that you're probably missing a urldecode() on $input
before you attempt to decode the utf8 chars ?

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: NOMAIL option for the list?

2011-05-18 Thread Per Jessen
Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello Daniel Brown,
> Am 2011-05-17 15:07:58, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
>> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 15:00, Michelle Konzack
>>  wrote:
>> > Ist there a way to set my account to NOMAIL option?
>> To stop receiving emails you mean?  As in unsubscribing?
> I mean, STOP receiving mail without UNSUBSCRIBING.
> Which is a standardd function of newer "majordomo" and "mailman".

ezmlm uses the expression 'alias' for this functionality.  See my
posting from yesterday. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (16.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] NOMAIL option for the list?

2011-05-18 Thread Per Jessen
Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello Daniel Brown,
> Am 2011-05-17 13:15:50, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
>> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 13:11, Michelle Konzack
>>  wrote:
>> > Is this not longer subscriber only?
>> Actually, it never has been.  It's subscription to receive, but
>> open to the public for one-off postings.
> Hmmm, when I tried to post to the List without subscribtion, any  of 
> my post where rejected and I had to subscribe...
> Unfortunately the messages are all coming into my CellPhone and  I 
> have to /dev/null it on my server.
> Ist there a way to set my account to NOMAIL option?

Michelle, the list is ezmlm-driven, it should be possible to subscribe
an alias to the list, which means that that address will be allowed to
post, but will not receive any postings. 

Try this address:

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.7°C)

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Re: [PHP] Session question

2011-05-17 Thread Per Jessen
Paul Halliday wrote:

> Is it OK to have session_start as an include?


Per Jessen, Zürich (18.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] Running PHP5 in a PHP4 environment

2011-05-13 Thread Per Jessen
Paul M Foster wrote:

> I recently installed some code written for a PHP 5 environment on a
> server which I thought was running PHP 5. It was a form which should
> have painted at least something to the browser window. But instead, I
> got a complete blank page. Come to find out that the server was
> actually running PHP 4.
> I've seen PHP do this before-- trying to run PHP 5 in a PHP 4
> environment causes it to do every step up to the point where it sees
> "future code" it doesn't understand. Then it just stops, no errors, no
> panics, no nothing.
> Is this expected behavior, or am I missing something? It seems like if
> the PHP interpreter hit some "future code" it didn't understand, it
> would issue a syntax warning or something similar. Is there some way I
> can squeeze some identifiable error code out of PHP 4 to indicate it's
> hit PHP 5 code it doesn't understand?

Check the apache error logs, that is where you will usually find

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] Javascript detection

2011-04-28 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> As Yogi Berra once said; "It's always hard to predict things
> especially when it deals with the future."

He was quoting Niels Bohr:

Per Jessen, Zürich (10.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] XML... Useful or another layer of complexity?

2011-04-03 Thread Per Jessen
Jason Pruim wrote:

> So the subject says it all... And yes I know this isn't related to PHP
> but it's the weekend and I trust the opinions on this list more then
> any other list I have seen. I've been doing alot of reading on XML and
> honestly it looks pretty cool... BUT the question is... Is it truly
> useful or is it just another layer that we have to write?

I started looking at XML about 8-9 years ago and at first dismissed it
as just another way to gobble up CPU-cycles.  Later on, I began to
appreciate some of the really cool stuff you can achieve with XSLT, and
today I would not want to be without XML. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (16.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Bilingual strtotime()

2011-02-07 Thread Per Jessen
Alexis wrote:

> So basically, the answer is no :)
> Looks like I'll simply do a replace of the French named months with
> English ones.
> Would have thought the length of time that PHP has been around and
> with people around the world, speaking more than just one language,
> that language support would have progressed further than it appears to
> have. Apparently not.

That's not really fair - IMO, developers of multi-lingual applications
usually keep data in a language/locale-neutral format and only
transform to language/locale-specific when the data is being presented. 
strtotime() is an unusual function in that it attempts the reverse -
transform arbitrary text into data. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (5.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] Bilingual strtotime()

2011-02-06 Thread Per Jessen
Alexis wrote:

> I was wondering if there was a way to use the strtotime() function
> when the months are in one or the other of the above two languages?

Ah, I misread this earlier - strtotime(), not strftime().  You're
talking about transforming from text to a locale()-neutral format.  I
don't think strtotime() is locale-sensitive - according to the manual:

"The function [strtotime] expects to be given a string containing an
English date format"

Per Jessen, Zürich (4.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Bilingual strtotime()

2011-02-06 Thread Per Jessen
Alexis wrote:

> On 05/02/11 13:23, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Alexis wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Living in Canada, and being a bilingual country, I have data I am
>>> processing which includes dates in both English and French.
>>> I was wondering if there was a way to use the strtotime() function
>>> when the months are in one or the other of the above two languages?
>> Sure, strftime() is locale-sensitive. Set the locale().
> Thanks
> But what if the locale is in two possible languages, all mixed
> together?

You have to decide then:

1) display in language#1
2) display in language#2
3) display in both. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (4.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Bilingual strtotime()

2011-02-05 Thread Per Jessen
Alexis wrote:

> Hi,
> Living in Canada, and being a bilingual country, I have data I am
> processing which includes dates in both English and French.
> I was wondering if there was a way to use the strtotime() function
> when the months are in one or the other of the above two languages?

Sure, strftime() is locale-sensitive. Set the locale().

Per Jessen, Zürich (4.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Array Symbol Suggestion

2011-01-12 Thread Per Jessen
Donovan Brooke wrote:

> however, from my experience, there is often this kind of problem in
> any language, and that is where naming conventions come in very handy.
> I don't know if the PHP community has any standard convention.. 

One popular naming convention:

Per Jessen, Zürich (7.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] Array Symbol Suggestion

2011-01-12 Thread Per Jessen
Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 12:23 -0800, wrote:
>> Thanks for all the responses to my suggestion.  I realize this would
>> be a major change, so that's why I also mentioned it as an addition
>> to the language.
>> I'm sure it's just what you're used to, but still being new to all
>> this, it just makes sense (to me anyway) to have different symbols
>> for different variable types: $scalar @array
>> #hash
>> Since the @ sign is already reserved, maybe there's another symbol
>> that would work better?  I don't know.  These are just ideas that I
>> came up with while reading and I thought I'd throw it out there to
>> see what others thought.
>> I like the idea of a naming convention, so that's what I'll do in my
>> scripts.  I also appreciate the heads up on is_string(), is_array(),
>> and var_dump().
>> Thanks again,
>> Marc
> If you check out the manual pages for those functions as well, you'll
> see other related functions. I must say, of any language I've used,
> the documentation is by far the best, giving plenty of
> information and user comments too. It's a resource I still can't do
> without, and I reckon even the old hands on this list would say the
> same.

Yes, I wouldn't want to be without my local mirror.  Other
languages that can easily match the quality of the documentation -
assembler, C and C++, to name a few. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (7.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Array Symbol Suggestion

2011-01-12 Thread Per Jessen wrote:

> I'd like to make a suggestion for a change, or possibly an addition,
> to the PHP language.
> I'm learning PHP and have been very excited with what it can do in
> relation to HTML.  But when I got to the part about arrays, I was
> disappointed to see that they are designated with a $ the same as
> other variables.  I was learning Perl before I switched, and it uses
> the @ sign to designate an array.  That makes it a lot simpler to see
> at a glance what is an array and what isn't - at least for beginners
> like me.
> Has there been any talk of adopting the @ sign for arrays in PHP?  Or
> is that symbol used for something else that I haven't read about yet?
> What is the proper channel for making suggestions like this?

The php-development mailing list.  What you're suggesting is a pretty
fundamental change, don't be disappointed if it is not met with
universal approval.

Per Jessen, Zürich (5.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Help: Validate Domain Name by Regular Express

2011-01-11 Thread Per Jessen
Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello Ashley Sheridan,
> Am 2011-01-08 17:09:27, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
>> Also, each label is checked to ensure it doesn't run over 63
>> characters, and the whole thing isn't over 253 characters. Lastly,
>> each label is checked to ensure it doesn't completely consist of
>> digits.
> Do you know, that there are MANY domains with numbers only?

Here is a list of 197 such Swiss domains:

Per Jessen, Zürich (0.0°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Help: Validate Domain Name by Regular Express

2011-01-11 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> At 11:54 AM +0100 1/11/11, Per Jessen wrote:
>>tedd wrote:
>>>  At that time, I registered almost 30 names.
>>>  Fortunately, all of my names passed and I was
>>>  permitted to keep them. Unfortunately, all
>>>  browser manufactures (except Safari) negated some
>>>  of the work done by the IDNS WG and as a result
>>>  PUNYCODE is shown instead of the actual
>>>  characters intended.
>>Only for characters that are not part of a national alphabet, I
>>This one works fine:  http://rugbrø
> Not for me. It translates to:

Probably a browser issue.  The above works fine with e.g. FF3.6 amd
Konqueror 3.5.

>>Besides, many domain registrars also limit the available characters to
>>those that are part of a national alphabet.
> National alphabet? Never heard of it -- what Nation?

Perhaps not the correct expression, but most non-English languages have
their own alphabets, and despite some countries sharing a language,
what they allow for domain name registration isn't always the same
(ref. Michelle Konzacks earlier posting).
For instance, while 'ï' is used in Dutch, English, and French (I
believe), it is not used in Danish, so it is not allowed in Danish
domain names.  

Here is the list of characters accepted by the German registrar:

The Swiss registrar:

Austrian registrar:

Danish registrar:
(quite limited: a-z, 0-9, hyphen, æ, ø, å, ö, ä, ü, é)

> Are the Greek letters Sigma, Delta, Pi part of this "National
> alphabet"?  

No, only the Greek alphabet which probably is used in Greece and Cyprus

> In addition, many registrars are clueless about IDNS, Char Sets, and
> what is legal and not. 

Not in my experience.  The various national/European registrars usually
have very strict regulations, and any domain registrar offering his or
her services to the public had better understand them. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (0.0°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Help: Validate Domain Name by Regular Express

2011-01-11 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> At that time, I registered almost 30 names.
> Fortunately, all of my names passed and I was
> permitted to keep them. Unfortunately, all
> browser manufactures (except Safari) negated some
> of the work done by the IDNS WG and as a result
> PUNYCODE is shown instead of the actual
> characters intended.

Only for characters that are not part of a national alphabet, I believe?

This one works fine:  http://rugbrø

Besides, many domain registrars also limit the available characters to
those that are part of a national alphabet. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (0.0°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Help: Validate Domain Name by Regular Express

2011-01-09 Thread Per Jessen
Tamara Temple wrote:

> On Jan 8, 2011, at 2:22 PM, Al wrote:
>> On 1/8/2011 3:55 AM, WalkinRaven wrote:
>>> PHP 5.3 PCRE
>>> Regular Express to match domain names format according to RFC 1034
>>> - DOMAIN
>>> /^
>>> (
>>> [a-z] |
>>> [a-z] (?:[a-z]|[0-9]) |
>>> [a-z] (?:[a-z]|[0-9]|\-){1,61} (?:[a-z]|[0-9]) ) # One label
>>> (?:\.(?1))*+ # More labels
>>> \.? # Root domain name
>>> $/iDx
>>> This rule matches only  and . but not
>>> I don't know what wrong with it.
>>> Thank you.
>> Look at filter_var()
>> Validates value as URL (according to »
>> ,
> I'm wondering what mods to make for this now that unicode chars are
> allowed in domain names

You're talking about IDNs ?  The actual domain name is still US-ASCII,
only when you decode punycode do you get UTF8 characters.

Per Jessen, Zürich (10.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-31 Thread Per Jessen
Al wrote:

> On 12/29/2010 7:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:
>> Dear List -
>> Thank you for all your help in the past.
>> Here is another one
>> I would like to have a regex which would validate that a telephone
>> number is in the format xxx-xxx-.
>> Thanks.
>> Ethan
>> MySQL 5.1 PHP 5 Linux [Debian (sid)]
> Regex is over-kill.

You've just used one any way:

> $phoneNum = preg_replace("%\D%", '', $phoneNum);//Remove everything except 
> digits 
> $phoneNum = ltrim($phoneNum,'1');//Remove leading 1s
> if(strlen($phoneValue) != 10)
>  {
> throw new Exception("Phone number must be 10 digits, without leading a
> 1. Check your entry carefull");
>  }

One regex and two function calls when one regex would have sufficed?

Per Jessen, Zürich (2.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-31 Thread Per Jessen wrote:

> Sorry for top-post, on phone.
> What about mobile phone numbers (cell phones you call them in the US)
> do they conform to the same format? 

AFAIK, they too vary from country to country.  Swiss mobile numbers are
07[6789] NNN, the latter usually written as NNN NN NN, but also
often in a way that will help remembering the number.  
Danish mobile#s are the same as land line numbers, no area code, just

Per Jessen, Zürich (2.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] Centralizled Authentication

2010-12-02 Thread Per Jessen
AmirBehzad Eslami wrote:

> Suppose you're running phpBB with another php-driven application.
> phpBB has a "user" table where the username/password/email/.. of each
> user is stored at mysql. Once a user logs-in to the website, the "Last
> Login" timestamp updates on the "users" table at mysql.
> How do I use LDAP in this type of application?
> 1) Move entire records of "Users" and their attributes (e.g.
> last_login_time) to LDAP server?
> In this mehtod, after each successfull login request, I also need to
> update the related record on LDAP.
> 2)  Should I use LDAP to store only the username and passwords?
> In this method, I need to update the record on MySQL database, but I
> should keep the MySQL and LDAP syncronized, since a user may want to
> change her password. 

LDAP is only the access method, you can store the information whichever
way you want.  mysql is probably not a bad idea.

Per Jessen, Zürich (-0.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Centralizled Authentication

2010-12-02 Thread Per Jessen
AmirBehzad Eslami wrote:

> Dear list,
> We have dozen of applications, mostly written in PHP and Python.
> They're distributed on different servers, but i'm trying to integrate
> them somehow.
> Each application has its own users.
> Is there a way to store all username/passwords into a single
> datasource and give each user, her proper permissions?
> Since i'm just a php-programmer, i *thought* of a MySQL database to
> hold these data, and then use a SOAP-Server to handle the
> authentication across those applications.
> Once a user provides her username/password, a SOAP Request will be
> made to a PHP-Driven Authentication Server, which handles the job to
> check the permissions and user's identity.
> It sounds slow, isn't it? Is there a better solution?
> How do you make authentication across a network of applications?

Central directory service accessed with LDAP.  Typical examples include
Microsofts Active Directory, Novells eDirectory and openLDAP. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (-1.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Disk IO performance

2010-11-29 Thread Per Jessen
Daniel Molina Wegener wrote:

> On Sunday 28 November 2010,
> Larry Garfield  wrote:
>> There are many things that everybody "knows" about optimizing PHP
>> code. One of them is that one of the most expensive parts of the
>> process is loading code off of disk and compiling it, which is why
>> opcode caches
>> are such a bit performance boost.  The corollary to that, of course,
>> is that more files = more IO and therefore more of a performance hit.
>   It depends on the implementation that PHP uses to open the file. For
> example on Linux and similar operating systems, PHP uses the mmap(2)
> function instead of read(2) or fread(2) functions, so it maps the
> complete file into memory, that is more faster than using partial file
> reads.

I doubt if a read(file,1Mb) and an mmap(file,1Mb) will be very
different.  The file has got to be hauled in from disk regardless of
which function you choose. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (2.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Disk IO performance

2010-11-28 Thread Per Jessen
Larry Garfield wrote:

> There are many things that everybody "knows" about optimizing PHP
> code.  One of them is that one of the most expensive parts of the
> process is loading code off of disk and compiling it, which is why
> opcode caches are such a bit performance boost.  The corollary to
> that, of course, is that more files = more IO and therefore more of a
> performance hit. 
> So... does anyone have any actual, hard data here?  I don't mean "I
> think" or "in my experience".  I am looking for hard benchmarks,
> profiling, or writeups of how OS (Linux specifically if it matters)
> file caching works in 2010, not in 1998.

The principle hasn't changed since the 50s - read the file into memory,
and keep it there (and keep reading it from there) as long as it isn't
written to.  The implementation has changed many times over, but it's
not something we as regular application programmers ought to be much
converned with.  Leave it to the smart operating system.

Per Jessen, Zürich (1.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Check for existence of mail address

2010-10-26 Thread Per Jessen
Gary wrote:

> Jonathan Tapicer wrote:
>> You can use this class:
>> It may not work for some SMTPs.
>> It uses the concepts explained here:
> Please stop top-posting.
> The above idea is sound - it will work - but uses *others'* systems to
> solve *your* problem, which is rude IMO.  

There is no other way.   The SMTP protocol provides VRFY for exactly
this purpose, but it is disabled on most servers. 
The closest approximation of "email address exists" is "MX will accept
mail for it". 

Per Jessen, Zürich (5.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Independent Contractor Suggestions

2010-10-23 Thread Per Jessen
Paul M Foster wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 05:47:12PM -0700, Kris Craig wrote:
>> I did a lot better after I started charging $100/hr for my work.  A
>> *lot* better!  This was after my research showed that PHP development
>> firms generally charge a minimum of $80/hr for PHP work, and can go
>> as
>> high as $200/hr.  So if you're going at $20/hr, the companies with
>> deep pockets probably won't take you seriously, and the clients you
>> do get will be the ones who want a ton of work done but don't have
>> the
>> budget available to make it worth your while.  Those are the clients
>> who will take advantage of you if you're not careful.
> +1
> I can't explain this phenomenon, but I've seen it before, and it's
> exactly as Kris has described.

A lot of people believe that if you don't pay for it, it's not worth
anything.  We all know that doesn't apply to everything (e.g. not open
source software), but when you're paying an individual for a job,

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] Reminder On Mailing List Rules

2010-10-21 Thread Per Jessen
sueandant wrote:

> Hi
> I'm not familiatr with the term "top-post"; could you please explain?

Per Jessen, Zürich (3.7°C)

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Re: [PHP] What other languages do you use?

2010-10-08 Thread Per Jessen
Per Jessen wrote:

> Nathan Rixham wrote:
>> Per Jessen wrote:
>>> Nathan Rixham wrote:
>>>> As per the subject, not what other languages have you used, but
>>>> what other languages do you currently use?
>>> French, German, English and Danish.
>> Forhåbentlig ikke alle zur en même temps
> Ork jo, das ist doch ikke ein Problem.

Blimey, how did I manage to leave out two  obviously il-y-a une
probleme, after all. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (12.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] What other languages do you use?

2010-10-08 Thread Per Jessen
Nathan Rixham wrote:

> Per Jessen wrote:
>> Nathan Rixham wrote:
>>> As per the subject, not what other languages have you used, but what
>>> other languages do you currently use?
>> French, German, English and Danish.
> Forhåbentlig ikke alle zur en même temps

Ork jo, das ist doch ikke ein Problem. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (12.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] What other languages do you use?

2010-10-08 Thread Per Jessen
Per Jessen wrote:

> Nathan Rixham wrote:
>> As per the subject, not what other languages have you used, but what
>> other languages do you currently use?
> French, German, English and Danish.

Wrt programming languages (and variations thereof), in order of usage, I
use C, PHP, C++, assembler, shell-script, XSLT with some occasional
HTML and Javascript thrown in for good measure :-).


Per Jessen, Zürich (15.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] What other languages do you use?

2010-10-08 Thread Per Jessen
Nathan Rixham wrote:

> As per the subject, not what other languages have you used, but what
> other languages do you currently use?

French, German, English and Danish.  

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] PHP and HBCI?

2010-10-08 Thread Per Jessen
Stephan Ebelt wrote:

> common is probably XML via HTTPS transport (at least my bank seems to
> do it that way). I have no C code whatsoever.
> Can PHP call arbitrary C functions? Then it might be possible to use
> AqHBCI/AqBanking somehow?

You (or someone) would need to write a PHP wrapper for the C functions,
but otherwise yes.

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: daemon

2010-10-07 Thread Per Jessen
Colin Guthrie wrote:

> Yeah that's what I do too. Of course systemd will change everything
> "initscript" related, but I don't expect it to hit production servers
> for a while.

Could easily be years - the init-sequence is only interesting at
boot-time, and server runs for years (wel, mine certainly do).


Per Jessen, Zürich (12.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] daemon

2010-10-07 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have a script running as daemon on Linux/Unix (variants)
> as part of your PHP application?  

Yeah, several. 

> If so, what are you using to schedule the script to run? cron?

sysVinit and startproc

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Re: [PHP] PHPExcel with large files (27,000+ rows)

2010-10-04 Thread Per Jessen
chris h wrote:

> I'm currently working on a project that requires the parsing of excel
> files.  Basically the user uploads an excel file, and then a script
> needs to save a row in a Postgres database for each row in the excel
> file.  The issue we are having is that when we task PHPExcel with
> parsing an excel file with, say 27k rows, it explodes with a memory
> error.  I've read up on the  PHPExcel forums and we've tried cell
> caching as well as ReadDataOnly, they do not seem to be sufficient.
> Does anyone here know of a way to do this? Surely there is a way to
> parse a large excel file with PHP.  

If your excel file is or can be transformed to XML, I would just use
XSLT.  No PHP needed. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (19.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Friday's Post

2010-10-02 Thread Per Jessen
Peter Lind wrote:

> On 1 October 2010 20:21, Per Jessen  wrote:
>> Peter Lind wrote:
>>> C# has by now exceeded Java by quite a bit -
>> I've been away from the Java "scene" since 2002 (when I worked for
>> BEA deploying J2EE on Linux/390), but assuming you're talking
>> about "deployed lines of code" or some other real-life measurement, I
>> find it hard to believe that C# should have exceeded Java.
> Language functionality. I'd much rather use C# than Java as I can do
> more in C# and easier than with Java. For instance, C# 4 has " support
> for late binding to dynamic types". Does Java have an equivalent? Is
> it planned?

I don't know, but Java obviously supports late binding. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: Friday's Post

2010-10-01 Thread Per Jessen
Peter Lind wrote:

> C# has by now exceeded Java by quite a bit - 

I've been away from the Java "scene" since 2002 (when I worked for BEA
deploying J2EE on Linux/390), but assuming you're talking
about "deployed lines of code" or some other real-life measurement, I
find it hard to believe that C# should have exceeded Java. 

> and is, unlike Java, very actively maintained and has fairly frequent
> releases with lots of new functionality (4.0 was released this year
> and has functionality that definitely makes me consider taking it on).

Almost every newer programming language in the world has gone further
than Fortran, C, Cobol and PL/I, but they're all very much alive and
kicking.  And will each individually probably be able to muster
more "deployed lines of code" than any other language. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (12.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] PHP DNS resolving in chroot-ed environment

2010-09-27 Thread Per Jessen
Georgi Hristozov wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm running a Gentoo-hardened box with PHP 5.2.14-pl0-gentoo (Suhosin
> included) and Apache 2.2.16. mod_php is running in a chroot, using
> mpm_peruser. Everything works OK, except the PHP DNS resolving, which
> I need to access HTTP resources. It fails with both the curl and http
> extensions.
> With some stracing of the Apache child processes I found that PHP is
> trying to access the following files: hosts, nsswitch.conf,
> resolv.conf and the libnss libraries. 

Just being pedantic: not actually PHP, but the resolver. 

> I've copied them to the chroot, but the resolving still fails. strace
> showed failed accesses to /dev/urandom and /dev/log, but mounting /dev
> in the chroot didn't help.

What does your strace show when you have mounted /dev in your chroot
(with -o bind) ?

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Re: [PHP] php cli question

2010-09-14 Thread Per Jessen
J Ravi Menon wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Per Jessen  wrote:
>> J Ravi Menon wrote:
>>> Few questions:
>>> 1) Does opcode cache really matter in such cli-based daemons? As
>>> 'SomeClass' is instantiated at every loop, I am assuming it is only
>>> compiled once as it has already been 'seen'.
>> Yup.
> Just to clarify, you mean we don't need the op-code cache here right?

That is correct.

>>> 2) What about garbage collection? In a standard apache-mod-php
>>> setup, we rely on the end of a request-cycle to free up resources -
>>> close file descriptiors, free up memory etc..
>>> I am assuming in the aforesaid standalone daemon case, we would
>>> have to do this manually?
>> Yes.
> So 'unset($some_big_array)'  or 'unset($some_big_object)' etc.. is the
> right way to go for non-resource based items? i.e. it needs to be
> explicitly done?

It's not quite like C - if you reassign something, the previous contents
are automagically freed.  I use unset() if I know it could be a while
(hours) before it'll likely be reassigned, but it won't be used in the

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] php cli question

2010-09-14 Thread Per Jessen
J Ravi Menon wrote:

> Few questions:
> 1) Does opcode cache really matter in such cli-based daemons? As
> 'SomeClass' is instantiated at every loop, I am assuming it is only
> compiled once as it has already been 'seen'.


> 2) What about garbage collection? In a standard apache-mod-php setup,
> we rely on the end of a request-cycle to free up resources - close
> file descriptiors, free up memory etc..
> I am assuming in the aforesaid standalone daemon case, we would
> have to do this manually?  


> Note: I have written pre-forker deamons in php directly and
> successfully deployed them in the past, but never looked at in depth
> to understand all the nuances. Anecdotally, I have
> done 'unset()' at some critical places were large arrays were used,
> and I think it helped. AFAIK, unlike Java, there is no 'garbage
> collector' thread that does all the magic?


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Re: [PHP] 1984 (Big Brother)

2010-09-12 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> Hi gang:
> I have a client who wants his employees' access to their online
> business database restricted to only times when he is logged on.
> (Don't ask why)
> In other words, when the boss is not logged on, then his employees
> cannot access the business database in any fashion whatsoever
> including checking to see if the boss is logged on, or not. No access
> whatsoever!
> Normally, I would just set up a field in the database and have that
> set to "yes" or "no" as to if the employees could access the
> database, or not. But in this case, the boss does not want even that
> type of access to the database permitted. Repeat -- No access
> whatsoever!
> I was thinking of the boss' script writing to a file that
> accomplished the "yes" or "no" thing, but if the boss did not log off
> properly then the file would remain in the "yes" state allowing
> employees undesired access. That would not be acceptable.
> So, what methods would you suggest?

I would ask the boss to confirm his presence maybe once an hour and only
allow employees access when the last such confirmation is less than an
hour old. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (21.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Standalone WebServer for PHP

2010-09-10 Thread Per Jessen
Steve Staples wrote:

> Ok, here it goes...
> I am building an app, that requires a web interface.  I am using PHP
> becuase I am familiar with it.   Most of the app's i've been looking
> at, use Python, and stuff, but what I was wondering, is is
> there a way to create a php CLI app, that creates it's own "web
> server" even if apache is installed.

Yep, that's no big deal.  A webserver is just some code that listens for
requests on port XX, processes the requests and sends back suitably
formatted responses. 

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Re: [PHP] SSI not working on PHP files with Apache

2010-09-02 Thread Per Jessen
Michael Alaimo wrote:

> Does special configuration have to take place with PHP to let apache
> process server side include files that are HTML documents?

PHP doesn't care, but you will need to configure apache to do both SSI
and PHP processing. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] Secure Communication?

2010-08-29 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> And then there is the security involved in what happens *if* your
> server is hacked and all your "private" data is seen by a third
> party. What does all that entail  -- and -- how you might be able
> protect yourself should be paramount in every developer's mind.

IMHO, not in a normal context. A developer needs to be able to trust
that the server is as secure as the organisation expects. 

> In addition, access to the database can happen if the user-name and
> password are kept in a file, or code, that is exposed to the hacker
> after hacking. Everything is exposed.

If somebody gains unauthorized access to your system, assume the worst.

> Now, how likely is it that a server might be hacked -- again, I don't
> know. 

If it's not secured, 100%. 

> So, if you want to secure your data on a server, it means that you
> should take steps to do that and not rely upon the host to do that
> for you. Like I said, it would be nice to have a server guru wade in 
> on this to clarify things.

There isn't really a lot to clarify.  To reduce the risk of a server
being compromised:

impose physical access controls. 
limit the open services, and run a firewall. 
make sure your open services are secure (latest patches etc). 

To reduce the impact should it get compromised anyway:

run your server in a DMZ.
run SElinux or AppArmor for access control. 
do not store important passwords on the server.

If all of that isn't really within your reach because you don't have
your own server - get your own server and secure it.  A leased server
is available for e.g. EUR50/month and that money is better spent than
you spending hour after hour trying to secure your application to run
on an insecure server. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (10.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Secure Communication?

2010-08-29 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> Like in this example, I use HTTPS in all the steps yet one responder
> said "use HTTPS". That means: 1) He didn't understand what I was
> saying; 2) He didn't read what I wrote, which probably the reason for
> #1.

You said "secure communication", which (in this context) is quite
clearly HTTP + TLS. I didn't bother reading the rest because I had
already had trouble understanding your previous questions.

> Also, as per another responders statement, using a SSL does not
> necessarily mean that the server is more secure. 

Yes, it has no bearing on the security of the server, but using TLS
means the communication is.  If you then also use client-side
certificates, you're really quite safe.

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Re: [PHP] Secure Communication?

2010-08-29 Thread Per Jessen
Jim Lucas wrote:

> Per Jessen wrote:
>> tedd wrote:
>>> Hi gangl:
>>> I realize that the problem stated herein has been solved by others,
>>> so I'm not claiming I've done anything new -- it's only new to me.
>>> It was a learning experience for *me* and my solution may help
>>> others.
>>> In any event, I've finished creating a method for establishing what
>>> I think is secure communication between two servers.
>> First thought - you're reinventing the wheel.  When I connect to a
>> server via https, I have secure communication.
> First, it isn't the connection that he is trying to secure.  He admits
> to using HTTPS in his connections already. 

I didn't bother reading far enough I guess.

> What I think he is trying to prevent (correct me if I'm wrong) is
> access to the data on the opposite server.  He wants to make sure that
> the access to this data is only able to be done by the remote server. 

If that is the objective, it's perhaps best solved by using TLS with a
client certificate/key.  Well, that's what I would do. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (15.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Secure Communication?

2010-08-29 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> Hi gangl:
> I realize that the problem stated herein has been solved by others,
> so I'm not claiming I've done anything new -- it's only new to me. It
> was a learning experience for *me* and my solution may help others.
> In any event, I've finished creating a method for establishing what I
> think is secure communication between two servers. 

First thought - you're reinventing the wheel.  When I connect to a
server via https, I have secure communication. 

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Re: [PHP] Questions about $_SERVER

2010-08-29 Thread Per Jessen
Jason Pruim wrote:

> My understanding of how shared hosting works would make this near
> impossible... Basically Apache grabs a header that is sent at the
> initial connection which includes the destination hostname and from
> there it translates it to the proper directory on the shared host.
> All the IP's though are based off of the parent site's server...
> Now with dedicated hosting where you have the entire machine you can
> do what you are looking at because the IP address will always
> translate back to your website.

AFAICT, Tedd was not asking about the server, he's asking about the

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] Questions about $_SERVER

2010-08-28 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> Hi gang:
> The server global:
> Provides the IP of the server where the current script is executing.
> And, the server global:
> Provides the IP of the server executing the script.

Yes, aka the client address. 

> As such, you can enter the IP of either into a browser and see that
> specific domain.

Huh?  If my server is and my client is, I
might get the default website on the server address, and nothing on the
client (assuming it is not running a webserver).

> However, that doesn't work when you are dealing with shared hosting.
> Doing that will show you to the parent domain, but not the child
> domain (i.e., alias).
> So, how can I identify the exact location of the 'server_addr' and of
> the 'remote_addr' on shared hosting? Is that possible?

$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] will tell you the name of the virtual host - I
don't know if that is what you're after.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Web application architecture (subdomain vs. sub directory)

2010-08-26 Thread Per Jessen
Tim Martens wrote:

> Based on advice here and elsewhere, I think we're tending toward a an
> "no framework" MVC approach and sub-directory model to get started. As
> Per so elegantly stated "The subdirectory approach is easily rewritten
> to an internal subdomain
> structure." So if we need to pivot to a subdomain model we can do so.

Just to clarify - I meant rewritten as in Apache URL rewriting. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (20.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Web application architecture (subdomain vs. sub directory)

2010-08-26 Thread Per Jessen
Peter Lind wrote:

> On 26 August 2010 08:08, Per Jessen  wrote:
>> Tim Martens wrote:
>>> Thanks for all your answers. To clarify my question, I'm looking for
>>> advice regarding how best to set up users for a web app, e.g.,
>>> vs and the pros and cons of
>> each.
>> Using means defining that name in your DNS and
>> having a separate virtual host definition in your apache config.
> While offtopic and nothing to do with PHP I think this should be
> corrected: you can set a *.yourdomain rule which matches all
> subdomains not explicitly set. So no, you do not need to define every
> single name as a DNS record.

Good point. Not sure I would personally want to use wildcards, but it's
perfectly valid. 

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Re: [PHP] Web application architecture (subdomain vs. sub directory)

2010-08-25 Thread Per Jessen
Shreyas Agasthya wrote:

> I am not sure who the end-users are for your website but if you are
> concerned about scalability, I would definitely go for a sub-domain
> approach. Assuming you approach a CDN like Akamai and you want to
> offload the traffic to come from the cloud, it's lot easier for you to
> integrate with them and to maintain.
> The subdirectory approach, whereas, is very cumbersome and  takes more
> work at your end to paraphrase the whole set-up should the needs
> change going forward.

The subdirectory approach is easily rewritten to an internal subdomain

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Re: [PHP] Web application architecture (subdomain vs. sub directory)

2010-08-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tim Martens wrote:

> Thanks for all your answers. To clarify my question, I'm looking for
> advice regarding how best to set up users for a web app, e.g.,
> vs and the pros and cons of

Using means defining that name in your DNS and having
a separate virtual host definition in your apache config. 

Using means having one virtual host, and no extra DNS

One is not necessarily better or worse than the other - to me it's
mostly about presentation and I would go for the
option.  This (in my mind) puts "username" a level lower than "myapp",
whereas does the opposite. 

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Re: [PHP] How verify whether browser arrived via IPv6, IPv4, domain or number

2010-08-18 Thread Per Jessen
Leith Bade wrote:

> I want to take $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and figure out whether the user
> arrived by typing an IPv6-only, IPv4-only or dual IPv4/IPv6 DNS
> address.
> It should also handle the case where the user enters a numeric address
> in one of the formats the sockets inet_addr() function can handle.
> Such as IPv4/IPv6 dotted decimal, octal, hex, DWORD, etc.
> So far I have thought up this:
>1. Use gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) to get an address
>2. Check this address to see if it is IPv4/IPv6
> Will this always work?

gethostbyname() does not return any IPv6 addresses.  You need
getaddrinfo(), but that is AFAIK not yet implemented for php.

> Also what is the best way in php to check if an address is IPv4 or
> IPv6?

preg_match() ?

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RE: RE: [PHP] the state of the PHP community

2010-07-30 Thread Per Jessen
Bob McConnell wrote:

> From: Per Jessen
>> Bob McConnell wrote:
>>> In chronological order -
>>> Languages: [snip]  C++ (Still don't
>>> understand the purpose of objects or classes).
>> Two words - encapsulation and abstraction.
> Both of which are euphemisms that simply mean obfuscation. 

Certainly not.  All structured languages have abstraction and
encapsulation.  The minute you write a function or procedure, you are
abstracting and encapsulating.  C++ (Smalltalk, Eiffel et al) are just
very focused on those to concepts. 

> I learned very early in my professional career to eschew obfuscation,
> so they don't impress me at all. In addition, I really don't do
> abstraction well. I have trouble when I have to deal with more than
> two levels of indirection. Having written and debugged a _lot_ of
> real-time applications and device drivers, in both assembler and C, I
> am much more comfortable with the concrete, like managing I/O
> registers, interrupt controllers and circular buffers. 

I used to write system software for StorageTek (HSC, VTCS,
Librarystation), been there, done that.  It doesn't mean I can't
appreciate the qualities in encapsulation and abstraction. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (20.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] the state of the PHP community

2010-07-30 Thread Per Jessen
Nathan Rixham wrote:

> (shared) hosts and in developer+projects - but I also worry that it
> doesn't change with the times quick enough, + the core doesn't have
> the same hacker + iterative development focus anymore, contrast other
> languages which get major functionality added at minor revisions, and
> minor revisions every few days/weeks and there certainly is something
> to worry about.
> This said, perhaps the worry is primarily on a personal basis with
> developers loosing time invested in PHP were they to move off to other
> languages.
> Real worries in the PHP core for me, are the huge ignorance and lack
> of native support for HTTP (which is somewhat ironic), lack of support
> for NoSQL + RDF tooling, and also support + implementations of the new
> sets of webapps APIs.

None of that is very 'core' to me - it's the stuff for libraries.  When
there's a sufficient need, it'll appear.

> Overall, the general sentiment of 'if it can be done in userland, let
> it be done there' isn't always the best approach (although I
> understand the arguments to the contrary) - ultimately though, PHP
> does feel 'stale' comparatively.

If you look at PHP as a language with a set of libraries, the language
itself is as 'stale' as maybe C or Java or assembler - the language
shouldn't change all that often, nor should the core libraries, but
everything else is free to do whatever. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.0°C)

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RE: [PHP] the state of the PHP community

2010-07-30 Thread Per Jessen
Bob McConnell wrote:

> In chronological order -
> Languages: [snip]  C++ (Still don't
> understand the purpose of objects or classes).

Two words - encapsulation and abstraction.

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] the state of the PHP community

2010-07-30 Thread Per Jessen
Nathan Rixham wrote:

> What other languages and web techs do you currently use other than
> PHP? - if you include html or css please include version, if js then
> preferred libs, and whether client or server side.

C, C++, assembler, xhtml, css2, xslt1, javascript(client), shell-script.

> What's your previous language/tech trail?

REXX, PL/I, Smalltalk.

> Are you considering any new languages or techs, and if so which?

Not really. 

> Is PHP your hobby/interest, primary development language, just
> learning or?

It's just one of many things I need to run my business.

> How many years have you been using PHP regularly?


> How many years have you been working with web technologies?


> Did you come from a non-web programming background?


> Is your primary role web developer or designer?


> In your developer life, are you an employer, and employee, contractor,
> freelancer, part of a team of equal standing members?

An employer.

> Do you tend to work on jobs for geo-local clients, clients in the same
> country, or do you work internationally 'on the web'?

I only work for me.

> How do you get your projects? do they come to you, word of mouth, do
> you hunt and bid for projects, code call, visit clients, target
> clients individually you think you can help, or?

See above.

> Do you network with other PHP'ers in real life - meetups etc, do you
> tend to shy away, or do you find you circulate in other web related
> but non PHP focussed communities?

No and no. 

> Are you a member or any other web tech communities, opensource
> efforts, or standardization bodies - again, if so which?


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Re: [PHP] socket multithreading problem

2010-07-29 Thread Per Jessen
Ümit CAN wrote:

> I use PHP socket programming  and I wish  multithreading operation of
> the socket .

Don't use PHP, use C - it'll save you a lot of trouble in this context.

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Re: [PHP] exec output to mySQL, How?

2010-07-21 Thread Per Jessen
Nilesh Govindarajan wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Per Jessen  wrote:
>> Tom Sparks wrote:
>>> How do I take the output from a command line program and update a
>>> MYSQL database with it?
>>  | mysql -u user -p -Ddatabase
> I don't think this is what he needs? Otherwise why would he post on a
> PHP list lol.

Who knows, but I answered his question.  Besides, he doesn't need PHP to
do mysql updates with output from a command line program. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (23.3°C)

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Re: [PHP] exec output to mySQL, How?

2010-07-21 Thread Per Jessen
Tom Sparks wrote:

> How do I take the output from a command line program and update a
> MYSQL database with it?

 | mysql -u user -p -Ddatabase

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Re: [PHP] Image Replication

2010-07-20 Thread Per Jessen
Dan Joseph wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering how you all are doing image replication between servers.
>  I've got some things in mind, but I'd like to see how others have
> done it.
> We have a PHP application that accepts an image upload, then we want
> it to show up on the other 2 web servers.  We have 3 in a load
> balanced cluster. Linux servers.
> How did you go about it?

rsync triggered by inotify.

Per Jessen, Zürich (27.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] HTML in emails

2010-07-06 Thread Per Jessen
Paul M Foster wrote:

> Here is the real problem with HTML email. Any straight text message
> will swell to many times its size when you HTML-ize it. Okay, so now
> you're sending the message around the internet to perhaps hundreds or
> thousands of users, using up many times the bandwidth that the actual
> message really needs. It's like installing a 100w light bulb when a
> 60w will do. There's simply no reason to suck CPU cycles all over the
> internet just to make your message "prettier".

In principle, I agree - in practice, CPU cycles are getting cheaper by
the minute, and being wasted all the time. Not using HTML is highly
unlikely to have a measurable impact on anybodys CPU cycles. 

Besides, HTML is not just about making the message prettier.  A number
of times I have experienced that important system notifications (from
our systems to customers') were simply ignored, apparently due to being
plain text.  We decided to "jazz them up" a bit, and it worked. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (25.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] "php -l" - does it find *anything*?

2010-07-06 Thread Per Jessen
Gary . wrote:

> Yeah. There are static checkers out there, even some FOSS ones. I
> guess I'm just a bit frustrated that (as you say) the man page says
> that "-l" checks syntax but doesn't really detail what kind of things
> that covers. 

It really is _only_ the syntax. Same goes for e.g. the C lint - 

int main()
   char *p;


this is 100% syntactically correct, but will core dump if you run it. 

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Re: [PHP] HTML in emails

2010-07-04 Thread Per Jessen
Rick Pasotto wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 04, 2010 at 06:31:38PM +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
>> We follow the standard and send both text and html.
> The text portion is the *only* portion I read.

Cool, that is the whole point. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (24.3°C)

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Re: [PHP] HTML in emails

2010-07-04 Thread Per Jessen
Al wrote:

> I know this is a bit off-topic; but close enough.
> I'm starting to update the email feature of one of my DB applications
> and noticed that it appears most of the fancy emails I receive are
> using just plain old, simple html pages, with a note about not being
> able to see, go here with a link.
> It use to be that we specified content-type text/html, etc. and sent
> both the plain ASCII and the html with boundaries and so forth.

Yes, multipart/alternative that was. 

> Seems like, from my preliminary Google searching, I should not waste
> time with the standard's way and just go straight to sending simple
> html pages since all modern browsers handle it well. 
> And, it appears to be the way web is going.
> What are you folks doing?

We follow the standard and send both text and html. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (24.5°C)

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Re: [PHP] protecting email addresses on a web site

2010-06-15 Thread Per Jessen
Ashley Sheridan wrote:

>> > Unfortunately, you can't get away with just a contact form these
>> > days if you're a business, as it's a legal requirement in some
>> > countries to have a contact details available, and not just a
>> > contact form.
>> Do you have specifics? I've never heard of such a requirement.
>> Notwithstanding Ash's assertion, I would suggest a contact form. The
>> email address is effectively hidden, and you can apply CAPTCHA to the
>> form to cut down on bot spam. It also introduces some discipline on
>> the user, and potentially allows you to categorize inquiries (making
>> it easier to pass them on to the proper person). You can also have a
>> pick list on the form which details which person you'd like the form
>> to be sent to.
>> In general, on contact forms or "about us" pages, I include some
>> physical address and possibly a phone number. This might satisfy
>> Ash's requirement for "contact details".
>> Paul
> It's not my requirement, it's been a legal requirement in the UK for 3
> years now.

It's a pretty common EU requirement for anything business related. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (16.0°C)

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Re: [PHP] protecting email addresses on a web site

2010-06-15 Thread Per Jessen
David Mehler wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got a site that is needing to have two email addresses on it, one
> for general contact and information and the other for webmaster for
> site problems. I do not want these addresses to become harvested by
> spammers yet i want to make it possible for people to email if needed.
> I can not use javascript for this solution.

I wouldn't bother - you won't escape the spammers anyway. :-(

Per Jessen, Zürich (15.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] getaddrinfo() - what is the equivalent php function?

2010-05-27 Thread Per Jessen
Per Jessen wrote:

> AFAICT, gethostbyname() only works for ipv4 addresses, so that one is
> out - dns_get_record seems to be really for dns only, i.e. it does not
> look at /etc/hosts.  Is there a hph function that essentially just
> calls getaddrinfo() ?

Wow, lots of answers to that one. 

Let me rephrase it then - what is the PHP interface to the system
resolver when support for IPv6 is required?  
Again, gethostbyname() only works for IPv4 and dns_get_record is not a
resolver interface, but a DNS interface. (AFAICT). 

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.9°C)

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[PHP] getaddrinfo() - what is the equivalent php function?

2010-05-26 Thread Per Jessen
AFAICT, gethostbyname() only works for ipv4 addresses, so that one is
out - dns_get_record seems to be really for dns only, i.e. it does not
look at /etc/hosts.  Is there a hph function that essentially just
calls getaddrinfo() ?

Per Jessen, Zürich (19.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] Really impressive work

2010-05-06 Thread Per Jessen
tedd wrote:

> Now, I realize that this company did not take 15 factorial pictures
> of this single piece of jewelry to present all these different
> combinations but instead placed smaller images of each of the stones
> at specific coordinates on the larger image of the jewelry.
> I imagine that each piece of jewelry must have the coordinates of
> each setting in a database so that they can "on-the-fly" assemble the
> finished product as per user's direction.
> For example, let's take the image of the basket pendant showing three
> stones. Each of the stone locations would have a specific pixel
> placement (i.e., x,y). As such, the database would have a field for
> the image and three location fields for stones 1, 2, and 3.
> Now, we also have smaller images of 12 different stones (in heads)
> that are all the same size. Thus, as the user picks the stones and
> positions they want and the image is assembled "on the fly".
> Is that the way you see this? 

Yes - each picture is basically a base + a number of overlays. Quickly
done with e.g. libgd or some such. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this code?

2010-04-27 Thread Per Jessen
Gary . wrote:

> class Pg_Error
> {
> private static $errors =
> array(INTEGRITY_CONST_UNIQUE => 'uniqueness constraint
> violated');
> ...
> public static function getMessage($ec)
> {
> $text = '';
> if (array_key_exists($ec, Pg_Error::$errors))
> {
> $text = Pg_Error::$errors[$ec];
> }
> return $text;
> }
> ...
> }
> ?
> Calling it, the array_key_exists call always returns false:
> $this->assertEquals('uniqueness constraint violated',
> Pg_Error::getMessage(Pg_Error::INTEGRITY_CONST_UNIQUE));
> and I can't see what I've done wrong :(

Might this be better:

public static function getMessage($ec)
$text = '';
        if (array_key_exists($ec, $errors))
$text = $errors[$ec];

return $text;

Per Jessen, Zürich (11.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] getting content exceprts from the database

2010-04-26 Thread Per Jessen
Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> Here's the rub though. As the content is in HTML form, I can't just
> grab the first 100 characters and display them as that could leave an
> open tag  without a closing one, potentially breaking the page. I
> could use strip_tags on the 100-character excerpt, but what if the
> excerpt itself broke a tag in half (i.e. 
> could become  
> The only solutions I can see are:
>   * retrieve the entire article, perform a strip_tags and then
>   take the excerpt
>   * use a regex inside of mysql to pull out only the text

- parse the HTML and extract the text elements.

If the HTML is well-formed, this is relatively easily done with XSL, if
not, you might need to use Beautiful Soup or similar.

Per Jessen, Zürich (16.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: replying to list (I give up)

2010-04-25 Thread Per Jessen
Michiel Sikma wrote:

> On 24 April 2010 16:14, Per Jessen  wrote:
>> Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Is there an actual WoW client for Linux or you run in Wine like
>> >> environment?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Tommy
>> >>
>> >
>> > I run it under Wine. Wine has come a long way since my first
>> > encounters with it a few years back and run a surprising amount of
>> > Windows-based software.
>> Doesn't WoW need DirectX and all that?  I have some old Windows games
>> (Diablo, Alpha Centauri, Railroad Tycoon, Wolfenstein) I'd love to
>> play under Wine, but so far I've not managed to make them work.
> The best way to run old games is via DOSBox. 

Yes, I do use that too, but will it also run Windows games?? 

Per Jessen, Zürich (13.1°C)

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RE: [PHP] Re: replying to list (I give up)

2010-04-24 Thread Per Jessen
Ashley Sheridan wrote:

>> Is there an actual WoW client for Linux or you run in Wine like
>> environment?
>> Thanks,
>> Tommy
> I run it under Wine. Wine has come a long way since my first
> encounters with it a few years back and run a surprising amount of
> Windows-based software. 

Doesn't WoW need DirectX and all that?  I have some old Windows games
(Diablo, Alpha Centauri, Railroad Tycoon, Wolfenstein) I'd love to play
under Wine, but so far I've not managed to make them work. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (19.7°C)

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Re: [PHP] Hello everybody - php newbie from switzerland

2010-04-22 Thread Per Jessen
Dan Joseph wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:38 PM, David McGlone 
> wrote:
>> Are we gonna have to have a discussion on the use of "threading"? LOL
> We just might.  Personally, I use it to sow holes in the toe of my
> socks.

My newsreader supports threading. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (7.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] replying to list (I give up)

2010-04-21 Thread Per Jessen
David McGlone wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 17:07 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
>> David McGlone wrote:
>> > Also, I do not want this discussion to turn into a flame war or
>> > anything of such. I am simply just trying to have a discussion and
>> > learn why and how there is different behavior here, but not
>> > anywhere else.
>> David, the PHP list behaves like hundreds or thousands of others in
>> this
>> respect.  Of course there are also lists that work the other way, but
>> the PHP list is far from alone.
> It could be just me, but it seems to me this behavior is mostly PHP
> list specific. 

Some examples of other lists that behave the same:


Per Jessen, Zürich (17.5°C)

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Re: [PHP] replying to list (I give up)

2010-04-21 Thread Per Jessen
David McGlone wrote:

> Also, I do not want this discussion to turn into a flame war or
> anything of such. I am simply just trying to have a discussion and
> learn why and how there is different behavior here, but not anywhere
> else. 

David, the PHP list behaves like hundreds or thousands of others in this
respect.  Of course there are also lists that work the other way, but
the PHP list is far from alone. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (17.0°C)

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Re: [PHP] replying to list (I give up)

2010-04-21 Thread Per Jessen
David McGlone wrote:

> I give up. trying to reply to messages on this list is tedious. I
> can't pinpoint whether it's because the list is set up to make replies
> go to the OP or the OP has his reply-to in his mail client set, or
> most people are hitting the reply-to button instead of simply reply.

Did you try "Reply-All" ?  That usually does it for me.

> It just doesn't make sense to me, why be on the mailing list if it
> hinders having a group discussion without having to jump through
> hurdles. It also defeats the purpose of being on a group list if
> replying sends the reply to the OP.


Per Jessen, Zürich (16.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] replying to list

2010-04-21 Thread Per Jessen
David McGlone wrote:

> I use Evolution, Kmail, and occasionally lookout and all of them are
> decent e-mail clients. Also, of all the mailing lists I am on, this is
> the only one that, when replying it goes to the OP and not the list.

I haven't checked, but I think all the lists I am on behave like this

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] How to enable mail function with postfix supported.

2010-04-20 Thread Per Jessen
ttplayer wrote:

> Hello,
>  The PHP mail function works well with sendmail installed, however,
>  when I install the postfix instead of sendmail , the PHP mail
>  function can't work normally. Why? How can I do with the problem?

Start by describing the problem in detail.  Postfix comes with its own
sendmail equivalent, yuo should not have any problem using postfix. I
certainly don't.

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] How to do i18n better?

2010-04-20 Thread Per Jessen
Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-04-20 at 20:27 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>> > That's the check I did on the last site i worked on (
>> > The user agent string is checked for a language and the site uses
>> > that. If none is found (bearing in mind that there's no hard and
>> > fast rule about what can go into a UA string) then it defaults to
>> > English.
>> The language preference is not set in the UA string, it is set in the
>> Accept-Language header along with the priority.
>> [snip] 
> I wasn't aware of that one, but I know most browsers send a language
> with part of the UA string
> Thanks,
> Ash

Accept-Language, the 'prefer-language' cookie, the various apache config
options etc. are all part of the Apache content-negotiation
setup/framework.  On our website(s), I rely entirely on
Accept-Language. In the very rare case where it isn't set, I set a
default based on the IP-address of the client.  

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] How to do i18n better?

2010-04-20 Thread Per Jessen
Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> That's the check I did on the last site i worked on (
> The user agent string is checked for a language and the site uses
> that. If none is found (bearing in mind that there's no hard and fast
> rule about what can go into a UA string) then it defaults to English.

The language preference is not set in the UA string, it is set in the
Accept-Language header along with the priority. 

> Links within the site itself allow the user to change their language
> afterwards, and you could store that in a cookie to it remembers their
> choice.

The standard in Apache is 'prefer-language'.

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Re: [PHP] How to do i18n better?

2010-04-19 Thread Per Jessen
Andre Polykanine wrote:

> etc. I know that PHP does support somehow exporting the strings into a
> .pod file. Maybe it would be better to do that? If so, how can I do
> it?
> Could you suggest me maybe a better solution than we currently have?

For mostly dynamic messages or pages, I would take a look at the
gettext() mechanism:

Per Jessen, Zürich (14.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Re: optimizing PHP for microseconds

2010-03-29 Thread Per Jessen
Bastien Helders wrote:

> I have a question as a relatively novice PHP developper.
> Let's say you have this Intranet web application, that deals with the
> generation of file bundles that could become quite large (let say in
> the 800 MB) after some kind of selection process. It should be
> available to many users on this Intranet, but shouldn't require any
> installation. Would it be a case where optimizing for microseconds
> would be recommended? Or would PHP not be the language of choice?

Not enough data.  However, given that it will undoubtedly take seconds
to assemble one such bundle, microseconds are probably not important. 
Depends on how many of those bundles you expect to be able to produce
per minute/hour/day as well as what is supposed to happen with them
after they've been assembled. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (10.8°C)

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Re: [PHP] Allowing multiple, simultaneous, non-blocking queries.

2010-03-28 Thread Per Jessen
Richard Quadling wrote:

> Hi.
> As I understand things, one of the main issues in the "When will PHP
> grow up" thread was the ability to issue multiple queries in parallel
> via some sort of threading mechanism.
> Due to the complete overhaul required of the core and extensions to
> support userland threading, the general consensus was a big fat "No!".

Maybe a "Thanks, but no thanks".

> As I understand things, it is possible, in userland, to use multiple,
> non-blocking sockets for file I/O (something I don't seem to be able
> to achieve on Windows
> Can this process be "leveraged" to allow for non-blocking queries?
> Being able to throw out multiple non-blocking queries would allow for
> the "queries in parallel" issue.
> My understanding is that at the base level, all queries are running on
> a socket in some way, so isn't this facility nearly already there in
> some way?

AFAICT (i.e. without having tried it), myqlnd enables you to do
asynchronous queries on mysql - the docuementation is a little lacking.  
Personally speaking, that would be my first avenue of attack. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (8.2°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-26 Thread Per Jessen
Peter Lind wrote:

> Anyway, I don't think either of us will change point of view much at
> this point - so we should probably just give the mailing list a rest
> by now. Thanks for the posts, it's been interesting to read :)

Most of it. +1

Per Jessen, Zürich (11.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] RE: optimizing PHP for microseconds

2010-03-26 Thread Per Jessen
Daevid Vincent wrote:

> Was that someone me? I do that. And if you don't, then you're the kind
> of person I would not hire (not saying that to sound mean). 

If you do, I'd would be careful about hiring you.  To me, optimizing for
microseconds in PHP means loss of focus.

> I use single quotes instead of double where applicable. I use --
> instead of ++. I use $boolean = !$boolean to alternate (instead of
> mod() or other incrementing solutions). I use "LIMIT 1" on select,
> update, delete where appropriate. I use the session to cache the user
> and even query results. 

Most of that is just sound practice, not optimizing, imho.  Optimizing
is what you do later.  

> I come from the video game world where gaining a frame or two of
> animation per second matters. It makes your game feel less choppy and
> more fluid and therefore more fun to play.

Well, if you were writing PHP video games, I can totally appreciate
optimizing for microseconds. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (11.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

> Here's my analysis, let's say that you have 1000 requests / second on
> the web server.  Each request has multiqueries which take a total of 1
> second to complete.  In that one second, how many of those 1000 arrive
> at the same time (that one instant of micro/nano second)? 

On average, exactly one per millisecond. 


Per Jessen, Zürich (15.4°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Peter Lind wrote:

> I'm not against threads in PHP per se ... I just haven't seen a very
> convincing reason for them yet, which is why I'm not very positive
> about the thing. 

Roughly the same here - I don't think threading belongs in PHP, but if
someone decides it's a good idea, I won't be arguing against someone
volunteering the effort. 


Per Jessen, Zürich (15.7°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

> I'm presenting the argument for threading.  Per is presenting the work
> around using asynchronous queries via mysqlnd.  I did read that link a
> few days ago, "Although the user can send multiple queries at once,
> multiple queries cannot be sent over a busy connection. If a query is
> sent while the connection is busy, it waits until the last query is
> finished and discards all its results."  Which sounds like threads ->
> multiple connections to not run into that problem.

You must have read the wrong page.  This is NOT about multiple queries,
it's about _asynchronous_ queries. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (15.1°C)

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Re: [PHP] A cleaner way to do this?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Paul Halliday wrote:

> Is there any way to clean this up a bit?

This is what I usually do:

if ( ($matches=preg_match(linepattern1,text,match))>0 )
// do stuff speicifc to linepattern1
if ( ($matches=preg_match(linepattern2,text,match))>0 )
// do stuff speicifc to linepattern2
if ( ($matches=preg_match(linepattern3,text,match))>0 )
if ( ($matches=preg_match(linepattern4,text,match))>0 )

Per Jessen, Zürich (15.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Per Jessen  wrote:
>>> * If you could implement threads and run those same queries in 2+
>>> threads, the total time saved from queries execution is 1/2 sec or
>>> more, which is pass along as the total response time reduced.  Is it
>>> worth it for you implement threads if you're a speed freak?
>> Use mysqlnd - asynchronous mysql queries.
> You're assuming that everyone in the PHP world uses MySQL 4.1 or
> newer.  What about those who don't? 

They don't get to use threading, nor asynchronous mysql queries. 

Come on, you're asking about a future feature in PHP 7.x , but would
like to support someone who is seriously backlevel on mysql??

Per Jessen, Zürich (16.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Per Jessen wrote:

> CPU 100% - rarely, but it happens.
> Memory 100% - all the time.
> Disk IO 100% - less than all the time, but it's very busy.

FYI, it's actually quite difficult to drive a disk subsystem to
consistent 100% utilization over a period of time.  Oracle uses
asynchronous I/O and could probably drive a disk subsystem quite hard,
but AFAIK, mysql doesn't.

Per Jessen, Zürich (13.9°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

> As some of you mention that implementing threads will make the DB work
> harder than the standard serial operations queries, let me ask you
> these then:
> * How often does your DB server(s)/cluster utilizes 100% CPU (SMP/MC),
> memory, and disk IO?

Assuming we're talking under heavy load - my database server is an
old(ish) HP Proliant ML570 - 4 x 3GHz Xeons with HT, dual U320 SCSI
busses, 48GB RAM :

CPU 100% - rarely, but it happens.
Memory 100% - all the time. 
Disk IO 100% - less than all the time, but it's very busy.

> * If you could implement threads and run those same queries in 2+
> threads, the total time saved from queries execution is 1/2 sec or
> more, which is pass along as the total response time reduced.  Is it
> worth it for you implement threads if you're a speed freak? 

Use mysqlnd - asynchronous mysql queries.

> (I remember a list member, not mentioning his name, does optimization
> of PHP coding for just microseconds.  Do you think how much more he'd
> benefit from this?)

Anyone who optimizes PHP for microseconds has lost touch with reality -
or at least forgotten that he or she is using an interpreted language.

> * If the requests are executed in parallel, the sooner the request
> fulfillment completes, the faster it is to move to the next request
> and complete it right?


Per Jessen, Zürich (12.7°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

>  I don't
> use Linux nor an expert in it but implementing custom thread solution
> like that means understanding about SELinux vs AppArmor vs Grsecurity
> or am I wrong? 

Yes, you are wrong.  The Posix thread model implemented in the pthread
library in Linux is easy to pick up for anyone who has studied computer
science - where he or she will already have been introduced to mutexes,
semaphores, the Dining Philosophers, race conditions, deadlocks and

Per Jessen, Zürich (12.6°C)

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Re: [PHP] Will PHP ever "grow up" and have threading?

2010-03-25 Thread Per Jessen
Tommy Pham wrote:

> As such, let's dissect what you mentioned:
> 1) PHP with internal thread support
> 2) PHP with external C/C++ thread support

That's not quite what I mentioned, but I'll accept it for the sake of

> * Performance - having external thread support, now you have to call
> an extension (more memory usage and CPU cycles). 

Tommy, you are already using millions of more cycles by running PHP
instead of C.  It's a reasonable trade-off of course, but "using more
cycles" is not a valid counter-argument. 

> If you happen to have a C/C++ guru who can then code that thread
> support into PHP extension, wouldn't it still perform better at the
> core vs as an extension because it's not talking to a 'middle man'? 

It's another trade-off Tommy - you run two separate processes, talking
to each other over TCP (for instance) to gain 1) performance and 2)
flexibility/scalability.  You gain performance by having processes that
can be independently scheduled by the OS, and you gain flexibility by
being able to move a process to another box (for scalability). You pay
for that with a few thousand cycles.  When you decide to use a database
(e.g. mysql) you also make a trade-off - well-managed data, a
structured query-language and some overhead vs. doing it all in your
own code. 

> * Portability - if you're currently running PHP on Windows, but manage
> to convince management to switch to *BSD/Linux, then you'd have to
> rewrite that external thread support. 

If portability is a concern, I'd make sure my threaded backend would run
on all the platforms I could envision.  Portability is merely one of
many factors that affect choice of programming language. 

> * Managability - should your need to upgrade PHP for either bug fix,
> new features you'd want to implement to add more functionality to your
> site, will that then break your custom external solution?  How much
> more manageable is it if it's done under 1 language versus 2+?

I said it yesterday already - having a single implementation language IS
a positive, but it may not always be possible due to requirements. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (12.3°C)

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