2002-01-19 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

Crikey, you do go on don't you?
My original point was not intended to flame newbies. Merely to point out
that giving detailed explanations/answers to such questions as 'my .html
file is showing my php code' repeatedly will not help newbies. Whereas a
gentle push toward the manual will.

* On 19-01-02 at 11:31 
* Richard Baskett said

 I just don't understand all the intolerance some of the people on this list
 show.  We're not all as intelligent and wise in the arts of php/mysql/etc as
 some of the members on this list are.  One thing I do know is that we all
 started from the beginning and had plenty of questions.  We all think
 differently also, which means, just because I look for two hours online for
 an answer to my question doesnt mean everyone else does.  That also means I
 CAN look for two hours for an answer to my question while Joe Smoe over
 yonder CAN NOT look for two hours for an answer, so he posts to the list
 sooner than I do.  Does that mean he should be flamed because of it?  Nah
 not in my opinion..
 There have also been plenty of times where I have tried everything and I
 just cant get it to work, so I ask, and when I get the answer back.. I hit
 myself on the head and think ahhh dumb$#!t I should have know that!  What
 was I thinking!  And then there have been times that friends who are much
 better programmers than I am can't figure something out and I whip something
 up quickly for them and they hit themselves on the head.  We're fallible,
 the sooner everyone understands that the more tolerance we'll have.  Some
 days are worse than others and hopefully someone will extend to you
 tolerance on those days.
 I loved this list when September 11th rolled around, people became tolerant,
 people became caring, people embraced people on this list.  It was amazing..
 lots of love going around.  I wish I could see that type of caring for
 others all year long, not just until we forget that the person on the other
 side of the email is human also and can be offended by our intolerance and
 verbal assaults.  
 Sure some questions could be solved with a little more research on the site or any other site, but hey give them a break, they'll learn
 eventually.. hopefully.. :)  Direct them to the page their answer is on and
 it just might introduce them to a new way of learning.
 Just my two, three, four cents worth.. Where's the love? :)
 Work like you don't need the money. Dance like no one is watching. And love
 like you've never been hurt. - Mark Twain
  From: Shane Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:16:17 +
  To: Richard Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Wilson
  Subject: Re: [PHP] RTFM
  Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a
  php-advanced ?
  On Friday 18 Jan 2002 9:39 pm, Richard Crawford wrote:
  Consider yourself fried. ;-)
  Seriously, though, I think that there are more advanced PHP lists that
  would probably be more to your liking.  Try doing a search on or for something more technical.  I, personally, joined
  this list just over a year ago when I was assigned a project at work to
  rebuild Phorum to work against my former company's custom database.  The
  respondents on this group were incredibly helpful; and most of the
  responses to technical questions I've seen on this list have usually
  included comments like, This works because..., or You can find more
  information about this at
  I've found that this list is an excellent resource for beginners, as
  well as an excellent place for advanced users to get quick answers to
  urgent questions.
  Nick Wilson wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Hi all,
  just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
  week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
  here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
  little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
  where the online manual is located.
  Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
  look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
  interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
  detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
  just a little less tolerant.
  Feel free to fry me.
  - --
  Nick Wilson
  Tel:+45 3325 0688
  Fax:+45 3325 0677
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional


2002-01-19 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 19-01-02 at 11:31 
* Christopher William Wesley said

 On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Shane Wright wrote:
  Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a
  php-advanced ?
 So all the newbies can help all the newbies, and all the advanced people
 can help the advanced people?  That wouldn't work out.  All the newbies
 would subscribe to the advanced list, and advanced users who like helping
 newbies would subscribe to the newbies list.  And we'd have two of the
 same list.

Yeah, I agree, that just wouldn't work.

 I don't see a problem with this list.  The person who started this thread,
 after being on the list for only a week, made a very uninformed decision
 to say something so devoid of value or thought that it makes less sense
 than when a newbie asks a question without checking the manual first.


 After being on the list for a year, and following the newsgroup for a year
 prior to subscribing to the list, I've noticed very few people asking
 questions that are answered in the manual more than once ... repeat
 offenders if you will.  And there are even fewer people who are dumb
 enough to make an issue out of it.  This list is actually quite friendly
 to newbies, and is a primary reason why I stay on subscribed.  I like
 helping new php developers (in terms of using php), and I like that that
 there are good number of people who like helping new php developers in a
 very friendly manner.

I'm not suggesting anyone be unfriendly to newbies, we were all there
once and some of us (like me) *still* make newbies mistakes :)

 I suspect that those are the same reasons why new php users subscribe to
 the list or follow the news group for a while.
 On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:
  just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
  week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
  here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
  little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
  where the online manual is located.
 If you notice someone asking a question that has been asnwered in the
 manual, and you're going to spend the time writing to the list, you might
 as well be as helpful as possible.  Answer a question, politely note that

I agree, I'm just saying that it would be more helpful to provide a
gentle shove toward the relevant section of the manual than a detailed
explanation that's been given many times before.

 the manual is a great first-source for anwers, and provide a link into the
 manual where the person can find that you're telling the truth.  Everyone, why would anyone lie?

 has a lapse in judgement or knowledge at some point, and if that annoys
 you, note that it annoys us to hear that it annoys you.  People are more
 receptive to someone who treats them with respect than to people who
 preach down from a self-built soap box.

No one said anything about disrespect. I think you're taking this a
little to much to heart.

 I'm not your mom, nor a list moderator ... so take the above as advice
 that will help you not look like more of a fool than those whom you think
 are foolish.

I don't think I look foolish at all :)

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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2002-01-19 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 19-01-02 at 00:04 
* Darren Gamble said

 Good day,

Hi there!

 I would agree that there certainly are some questions that deserve a bit
 more thought before they are posted to the list.  Witness, for example,
 posters who respond to their own question 10 minutes later with Never mind,
 I solved it.

Yep, that's annoying.

 However, I don't think anyone is in a position to say whether a question is
 stupid or not.  Sometimes there is a simple way to do something, but it
 escapes the poster who is otherwise a good programmer.

Good point :)

 Yes, for a user to succeed with a programming language it's important that
 they not use a mailing list as a crutch, and be told to examine the
 documentation when appropriate (especially documentation as good as it is
 with PHP).  But I, for one, would much rather have a friendly community such
 as this one to encourage and support the use of PHP for all.

Me too, many people who responded to my original post seem to think that
*i think* all newbie questions that would not have been asked had they bothered to 
look at the manual should be responded to unkindly. Not true, we were all there once 
(and still am somtimes) and I was told to RTFM on more than one occasion :) Best 
advice I was ever given!

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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2002-01-19 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 19-01-02 at 18:46 
* Brian Clark said

 * Nick Wilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 19. 2002 06:05]:
  Me too, many people who responded to my original post seem to think
  that *i think* all newbie questions that would not have been asked had
  they bothered to look at the manual should be responded to unkindly.
  Not true, we were all there once (and still am somtimes) and I was
  told to RTFM on more than one occasion :) Best advice I was ever
 Usually, it goes like this, from what I've seen on this list over the
 past few years:
 1. An experienced user answers a FAQ 99 times.
 2. The 100th time, the question just gets deleted and the experienced 
user gives up answering those questions ever again.
 3. A new generation of listers finally get it, and approach 
`experienced user' status.
 4. GOTO 1
 So the majority of the people that know the answers don't answer FAQ
 questions unless they're really bored out of their mind, or _feel like
 learning, themselves_.
 I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm just speaking the truth.
 And, the PHP manual /is/ a Fine one.
 Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
 Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
 All you will ever be you are now becoming.

Yeeh! That's both funny *and* true!

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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2002-01-19 Thread sundogcurt

I've been (sorta) following this thread for the last little while and I 
have to say that I'm on the side of one list for all!. The problem 
with splitting the list is the different levels of newbie-ism on 
different subjects, There are things that advanced users can learn from 
new comers to the language too.

For instance. I don't really consider myself a total newb when it 
comes to PHP anymore, but there are areas of the language that I still 
haven't touched upon, which would make me a newbie. I agree though that 
some questions are asked a little too often, and that could be due to 
unclear documentation. If it is bothersome to you, write a nice simple 
tutorial and post it!

For example, quite often I see people ask how to INSERT multiple values 
from one selectbox. I have yet to see anybody post any help save for 
telling people to use checkboxes instead. Using a selectbox for this 
isn't all that difficult at all!

mini tutorial
select name=selectpackage[] multiple



option value=00/option
option value=11/option
option value=22/option


$mycount = count($selectpackage);


mysql_query(INSERT INTO mytable (myvalue1,myvalue2) VALUES 
('$selectpackage[$mycount]', '$mycount'));

/mini tutorial

Maybe some of use should get together and start putting things like this 
in a repository with an easy flexible search. I know from experience 
that some of the documentation that is available to new users is a bit 
on the stuffy side. Sometimes a better approach is to give up some 
starter code and let them go from there.

Just my two cents worth and a mini tutorial that can be used to get 
things started.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to continue banging my forehead on my 
keyboard figuring out this %$#%$#@ file upload. (C:

We all benefit from new and used users alike.

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2002-01-19 Thread sundogcurt

I would be more than happy to put some mini-tutorials together to send 
you, I'm not sure of the relevance of them though. Maybe adding a 
suggest a tut area where people that are having trouble can request a 
tutorial and anybody interested can fire one in?

Just a thought


I've actually been working on just that.  I've been reading this list for a
long time and noticed the repetition.  I have 65+ faqs on my site  that are there basically from my own experiences.
I haven't posted it yet, because I don't think it's full enough.  It even
has a suggest-a-faq page, that'd I'd need to activate. I do like your idea
of mini-tutorials.  I have a lot of programming experience (12+ years),
mostly in business applications, and know what it's like to struggle.  The
mailing list is awesome; I've never really posted a question because the
answers are in the archive.

- Original Message -
From: sundogcurt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] RTFM

I've been (sorta) following this thread for the last little while and I
have to say that I'm on the side of one list for all!. The problem
with splitting the list is the different levels of newbie-ism on
different subjects, There are things that advanced users can learn from
new comers to the language too.

For instance. I don't really consider myself a total newb when it
comes to PHP anymore, but there are areas of the language that I still
haven't touched upon, which would make me a newbie. I agree though that
some questions are asked a little too often, and that could be due to
unclear documentation. If it is bothersome to you, write a nice simple
tutorial and post it!

For example, quite often I see people ask how to INSERT multiple values
from one selectbox. I have yet to see anybody post any help save for
telling people to use checkboxes instead. Using a selectbox for this
isn't all that difficult at all!

mini tutorial
select name=selectpackage[] multiple





option value=00/option
option value=11/option
option value=22/option


$mycount = count($selectpackage);


mysql_query(INSERT INTO mytable (myvalue1,myvalue2) VALUES
('$selectpackage[$mycount]', '$mycount'));

/mini tutorial

Maybe some of use should get together and start putting things like this
in a repository with an easy flexible search. I know from experience
that some of the documentation that is available to new users is a bit
on the stuffy side. Sometimes a better approach is to give up some
starter code and let them go from there.

Just my two cents worth and a mini tutorial that can be used to get
things started.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to continue banging my forehead on my
keyboard figuring out this %$#%$#@ file upload. (C:

We all benefit from new and used users alike.

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2002-01-19 Thread Brian Clark

* sundogcurt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 19. 2002 13:39]:

 I would be more than happy to put some mini-tutorials together to send
 you, I'm not sure of the relevance of them though. Maybe adding a
 suggest a tut area where people that are having trouble can request
 a tutorial and anybody interested can fire one in?


 I've actually been working on just that. I've been reading this list
 for a long time and noticed the repetition. I have 65+ faqs on my
 site that are there basically from my own

You guys have seen this, right?

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
Easy as 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841

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2002-01-19 Thread Miles Thompson

Yes, and keep forgetting about it. Now it's bookmarked again.


PS Brian - You can come out now.

At 01:46 PM 1/19/2002 -0500, Brian Clark wrote:
* sundogcurt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [Jan 19. 2002 13:39]:

  I would be more than happy to put some mini-tutorials together to send
  you, I'm not sure of the relevance of them though. Maybe adding a
  suggest a tut area where people that are having trouble can request
  a tutorial and anybody interested can fire one in?


  I've actually been working on just that. I've been reading this list
  for a long time and noticed the repetition. I have 65+ faqs on my
  site that are there basically from my own

You guys have seen this, right?

Brian Clark | Avoiding the general public since 1805!
Fingerprint: 07CE FA37 8DF6 A109 8119 076B B5A2 E5FB E4D0 C7C8
Easy as 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841

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2002-01-19 Thread Matt

Yeah, I've seen (and used) that.  But it requires searching.  My idea is to
put together a list of the simple questions in one place ... much like the
apache faq ... and also allowing world input like the php manual does.

 You guys have seen this, right?

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2002-01-19 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

Yeah, I've seen (and used) that.  But it requires searching.  My idea is to
put together a list of the simple questions in one place ... much like the
apache faq ... and also allowing world input like the php manual does.

Sorry.. can't resist to reply :)

 From what I've seen it doesn't matter how many faqs minifaqs.. 
whateverfaqs you create.. Some will never learn cause the don't spend 
enough time to understand.. There are more then enough tutorials out there 
for anyone to find.

How to learn PHP, or any other language: tutorials, manuals/books online or 
printed. Spending a LOT of time.. testing.. playing..



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2002-01-19 Thread Miles Thompson


Yeah - play. It's the only way --  take a function, use it the right way 
and the wrong way. Can it be combined with other functions. What quirks of 
punctuation are there, etc etc.

You know, I'd forgotten that too -- piddling about brings returns.

Now excuse me, I have to go play with an array.

Ah, true geekdom - Miles

At 11:38 PM 1/19/2002 +0100, B. van Ouwerkerk wrote:

Yeah, I've seen (and used) that.  But it requires searching.  My idea is to
put together a list of the simple questions in one place ... much like the
apache faq ... and also allowing world input like the php manual does.

Sorry.. can't resist to reply :)

 From what I've seen it doesn't matter how many faqs minifaqs.. 
 whateverfaqs you create.. Some will never learn cause the don't spend 
 enough time to understand.. There are more then enough tutorials out 
 there for anyone to find.

How to learn PHP, or any other language: tutorials, manuals/books online 
or printed. Spending a LOT of time.. testing.. playing..



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2002-01-18 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

Hi all, 
just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
where the online manual is located.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
just a little less tolerant.

Feel free to fry me.
- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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2002-01-18 Thread Johnson, Kirk

I feel your pain. Good thought. Please Read The Fine Archive for
long-running, in-depth discussion of this very topic ;)

Happy Friday, all!


 just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
 week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
 here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff 
 posted is a
 little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly 
 don't know
 where the online manual is located.
 Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
 look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
 interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
 detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php 
 code' and were
 just a little less tolerant.
 Feel free to fry me.

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2002-01-18 Thread Richard Crawford

Consider yourself fried. ;-)

Seriously, though, I think that there are more advanced PHP lists that 
would probably be more to your liking.  Try doing a search on or for something more technical.  I, personally, joined 
this list just over a year ago when I was assigned a project at work to 
rebuild Phorum to work against my former company's custom database.  The 
respondents on this group were incredibly helpful; and most of the 
responses to technical questions I've seen on this list have usually 
included comments like, This works because..., or You can find more 
information about this at

I've found that this list is an excellent resource for beginners, as 
well as an excellent place for advanced users to get quick answers to 
urgent questions.

Nick Wilson wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi all, 
 just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
 week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
 here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
 little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
 where the online manual is located.
 Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
 look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
 interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
 detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
 just a little less tolerant.
 Feel free to fry me.
 - -- 
 Nick Wilson
 Tel:  +45 3325 0688
 Fax:  +45 3325 0677
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)

Richard S. Crawford

AIM:  Buffalo2K   ICQ: 11646404  Yahoo!: rscrawford

It is only with the heart that we see rightly; what is essential is 
invisible to the eye.  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

Push the button, Max!

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2002-01-18 Thread Andrew

My personal feelings on this is that there is no such thing as a stupid
question... sometimes what you might find the simplest if things becomes
very difficult for another person to grasp!
If you do not like the emails that people post... use the delete button!


-Original Message-
From: Nick Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: [PHP] RTFM

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
where the online manual is located.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
just a little less tolerant.

Feel free to fry me.
- --

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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2002-01-18 Thread Bart Brinkmann

 no such thing as a stupid question...

I strongly disagree. Refer to the topic: RTFM. A stupid question is one
that is posted to this message board before the poster bothers to do a shred
of independent thinking. I've seen way too many of these questions come
through this list. The MySQL list was about the same. It was more of a
bother to read than it was a benefit. This list is about the same quality.
Every once in a long while something useful comes along, but unfortunately
their burried underneath 100 other postings of lazy newbies asking questions
like *scrolls about 10 messages down* How to send url on if statement.

1) if statements are surely covered on
2) It is not a php-specific question
3) If you don't understand how if statements work, use that 8lb mass on
your shoulders - RTFM

Just my $0.02 USD.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 4:49 PM
To: Nick Wilson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] RTFM

My personal feelings on this is that there is no such thing as a stupid
question... sometimes what you might find the simplest if things becomes
very difficult for another person to grasp!
If you do not like the emails that people post... use the delete button!


-Original Message-
From: Nick Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: [PHP] RTFM

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,
just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
where the online manual is located.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
just a little less tolerant.

Feel free to fry me.
- --

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

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2002-01-18 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 18-01-02 at 22:52 
* Andrew said

 My personal feelings on this is that there is no such thing as a stupid
 question... sometimes what you might find the simplest if things becomes
 very difficult for another person to grasp!
 If you do not like the emails that people post... use the delete button!

Sure, I often find myself posting question i *know* are stupid to list
but at least I make a point of RTFM and doing a search first. I'm not
Einstein and I know my limitatiions but reading a well publicized
document is not one of them.
Occasionally I just 'dont get it' and that's what a *valuable* list is

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

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2002-01-18 Thread Nick Wilson

Hash: SHA1

* On 18-01-02 at 23:31 
* Bart Brinkmann said

  no such thing as a stupid question...
 I strongly disagree. Refer to the topic: RTFM. A stupid question is one
 that is posted to this message board before the poster bothers to do a shred
 of independent thinking. I've seen way too many of these questions come
 through this list. The MySQL list was about the same. It was more of a
 bother to read than it was a benefit. This list is about the same quality.
 Every once in a long while something useful comes along, but unfortunately
 their burried underneath 100 other postings of lazy newbies asking questions
 like *scrolls about 10 messages down* How to send url on if statement.
- -- 
When I started php I used to go to for my answers. I
suspect that I'm not the only one :)
Asking dumb Q's is not a sign of mental deficiency, it's a symptom of
the human condition. I really don't mind siily Q's. What I *do* mind is
when I see the smae twat asking an equally stupid Q an hour later.

If those of us (and I flatter myself in my inclusion) that know a
*little* about php refer the *I've discoverd php and it's not easy*
comments to good sources such as the FM! we might all benifit a little?

Nick Wilson

Tel:+45 3325 0688
Fax:+45 3325 0677

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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2002-01-18 Thread Darren Gamble

Good day,

I would agree that there certainly are some questions that deserve a bit
more thought before they are posted to the list.  Witness, for example,
posters who respond to their own question 10 minutes later with Never mind,
I solved it.

However, I don't think anyone is in a position to say whether a question is
stupid or not.  Sometimes there is a simple way to do something, but it
escapes the poster who is otherwise a good programmer.

Or, sometimes, it's just because other readers don't read the question
properly, and think it's a lot simpler than it really is.  I know I, on
_many_ occasions, have posted I need to do foo, and A won't work because X,
and B would be too much overhead because Y and have people answer with my
own rejected solution Do A, you newbie , obviously without even reading
the entirety of the message.  With apologies to Bart, I will point out that
the question that Bart quoted is a perfectly valid question with non-trivial
solutions.  The original poster is well aware of how if statements work,
but that appeared to be lost in Bart's reading.  Does using Javascript to
redirect a user to another page have to do anything with PHP?  In this case
... yes!  The situation described by the original poster would be something
that only a PHP programmer (or ASP, etc.) would run into, where a user has
to make a decision whether or not to redirect a user halfway though a page.
Where would be the best place to ask for advice on how to do that?  Is this
PHP mailing list perhaps not the MOST suitable place for something like

Yes, for a user to succeed with a programming language it's important that
they not use a mailing list as a crutch, and be told to examine the
documentation when appropriate (especially documentation as good as it is
with PHP).  But I, for one, would much rather have a friendly community such
as this one to encourage and support the use of PHP for all.

My two cents CND (one cent USD).

Darren Gamble
Planner, Regional Services
Shaw Cablesystems GP
630 - 3rd Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4L4
(403) 781-4948

-Original Message-
From: Bart Brinkmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 3:25 PM
To: Andrew; Nick Wilson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] RTFM

 no such thing as a stupid question...

I strongly disagree. Refer to the topic: RTFM. A stupid question is one
that is posted to this message board before the poster bothers to do a shred
of independent thinking. I've seen way too many of these questions come
through this list. The MySQL list was about the same. It was more of a
bother to read than it was a benefit. This list is about the same quality.
Every once in a long while something useful comes along, but unfortunately
their burried underneath 100 other postings of lazy newbies asking questions
like *scrolls about 10 messages down* How to send url on if statement.

1) if statements are surely covered on
2) It is not a php-specific question
3) If you don't understand how if statements work, use that 8lb mass on
your shoulders - RTFM

Just my $0.02 USD.


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2002-01-18 Thread Shane Wright


Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a 
php-advanced ?


On Friday 18 Jan 2002 9:39 pm, Richard Crawford wrote:
 Consider yourself fried. ;-)

 Seriously, though, I think that there are more advanced PHP lists that
 would probably be more to your liking.  Try doing a search on or for something more technical.  I, personally, joined
 this list just over a year ago when I was assigned a project at work to
 rebuild Phorum to work against my former company's custom database.  The
 respondents on this group were incredibly helpful; and most of the
 responses to technical questions I've seen on this list have usually
 included comments like, This works because..., or You can find more
 information about this at

 I've found that this list is an excellent resource for beginners, as
 well as an excellent place for advanced users to get quick answers to
 urgent questions.

 Nick Wilson wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Hi all,
  just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
  week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
  here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
  little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
  where the online manual is located.
  Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
  look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
  interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
  detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
  just a little less tolerant.
  Feel free to fry me.
  - --
  Nick Wilson
  Tel:+45 3325 0688
  Fax:+45 3325 0677
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)

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2002-01-18 Thread Richard Baskett

I just don't understand all the intolerance some of the people on this list
show.  We're not all as intelligent and wise in the arts of php/mysql/etc as
some of the members on this list are.  One thing I do know is that we all
started from the beginning and had plenty of questions.  We all think
differently also, which means, just because I look for two hours online for
an answer to my question doesnt mean everyone else does.  That also means I
CAN look for two hours for an answer to my question while Joe Smoe over
yonder CAN NOT look for two hours for an answer, so he posts to the list
sooner than I do.  Does that mean he should be flamed because of it?  Nah
not in my opinion..

There have also been plenty of times where I have tried everything and I
just cant get it to work, so I ask, and when I get the answer back.. I hit
myself on the head and think ahhh dumb$#!t I should have know that!  What
was I thinking!  And then there have been times that friends who are much
better programmers than I am can't figure something out and I whip something
up quickly for them and they hit themselves on the head.  We're fallible,
the sooner everyone understands that the more tolerance we'll have.  Some
days are worse than others and hopefully someone will extend to you
tolerance on those days.

I loved this list when September 11th rolled around, people became tolerant,
people became caring, people embraced people on this list.  It was amazing..
lots of love going around.  I wish I could see that type of caring for
others all year long, not just until we forget that the person on the other
side of the email is human also and can be offended by our intolerance and
verbal assaults.  

Sure some questions could be solved with a little more research on the site or any other site, but hey give them a break, they'll learn
eventually.. hopefully.. :)  Direct them to the page their answer is on and
it just might introduce them to a new way of learning.

Just my two, three, four cents worth.. Where's the love? :)


Work like you don't need the money. Dance like no one is watching. And love
like you've never been hurt. - Mark Twain

 From: Shane Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:16:17 +
 To: Richard Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Wilson
 Subject: Re: [PHP] RTFM
 Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a
 php-advanced ?
 On Friday 18 Jan 2002 9:39 pm, Richard Crawford wrote:
 Consider yourself fried. ;-)
 Seriously, though, I think that there are more advanced PHP lists that
 would probably be more to your liking.  Try doing a search on or for something more technical.  I, personally, joined
 this list just over a year ago when I was assigned a project at work to
 rebuild Phorum to work against my former company's custom database.  The
 respondents on this group were incredibly helpful; and most of the
 responses to technical questions I've seen on this list have usually
 included comments like, This works because..., or You can find more
 information about this at
 I've found that this list is an excellent resource for beginners, as
 well as an excellent place for advanced users to get quick answers to
 urgent questions.
 Nick Wilson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi all,
 just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
 week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
 here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
 little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
 where the online manual is located.
 Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert and I don't object to the 'I had a
 look but...' posts I just think the list might be a little more
 interesting if those that *really* know there stuff stopped giving
 detailed answers to Q's like 'my html page shows the php code' and were
 just a little less tolerant.
 Feel free to fry me.
 - --
 Nick Wilson
 Tel:+45 3325 0688
 Fax:+45 3325 0677
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
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2002-01-18 Thread bvr

Maybe anyone volunteers as moderator ??

thought so ;)


On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:16:17 +, Shane Wright wrote:


Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a 
php-advanced ?

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2002-01-18 Thread Miles Thompson

If this is going to be pursued, start a new thread...please.

At 01:16 AM 1/19/2002 +, Shane Wright wrote:

Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a
php-advanced ?


On Friday 18 Jan 2002 9:39 pm, Richard Crawford wrote:

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[PHP] two lists (was: RE: [PHP] RTFM)

2002-01-18 Thread James Cox


we could split it into two lists... but I think that the amount of help
available to newbies would decrease if we split the list.

James Cox
Please CC me when replying to my messages on lists.
Was I helpful?

 -Original Message-
 From: bvr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 1:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] RTFM

 Maybe anyone volunteers as moderator ??

 thought so ;)


 On Sat, 19 Jan 2002 01:16:17 +, Shane Wright wrote:

 Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a
 php-advanced ?

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2002-01-18 Thread Christopher William Wesley

On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Shane Wright wrote:

 Maybe this list should be split - kindof into a php-newbies and a
 php-advanced ?

So all the newbies can help all the newbies, and all the advanced people
can help the advanced people?  That wouldn't work out.  All the newbies
would subscribe to the advanced list, and advanced users who like helping
newbies would subscribe to the newbies list.  And we'd have two of the
same list.

I don't see a problem with this list.  The person who started this thread,
after being on the list for only a week, made a very uninformed decision
to say something so devoid of value or thought that it makes less sense
than when a newbie asks a question without checking the manual first.

After being on the list for a year, and following the newsgroup for a year
prior to subscribing to the list, I've noticed very few people asking
questions that are answered in the manual more than once ... repeat
offenders if you will.  And there are even fewer people who are dumb
enough to make an issue out of it.  This list is actually quite friendly
to newbies, and is a primary reason why I stay on subscribed.  I like
helping new php developers (in terms of using php), and I like that that
there are good number of people who like helping new php developers in a
very friendly manner.

I suspect that those are the same reasons why new php users subscribe to
the list or follow the news group for a while.

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Nick Wilson wrote:

 just a very quick note: I've been following the list for about a
 week and I probably follow one or two threads a day. Some of the stuff
 here is *very* interesting. Unfortunately most of the stuff posted is a
 little ridiculous in that it's posted by people that clearly don't know
 where the online manual is located.

If you notice someone asking a question that has been asnwered in the
manual, and you're going to spend the time writing to the list, you might
as well be as helpful as possible.  Answer a question, politely note that
the manual is a great first-source for anwers, and provide a link into the
manual where the person can find that you're telling the truth.  Everyone
has a lapse in judgement or knowledge at some point, and if that annoys
you, note that it annoys us to hear that it annoys you.  People are more
receptive to someone who treats them with respect than to people who
preach down from a self-built soap box.

I'm not your mom, nor a list moderator ... so take the above as advice
that will help you not look like more of a fool than those whom you think
are foolish.

~Chris   /\
 \ / September 11, 2001
  X  We Are All New Yorkers
 / \ rm -rf /bin/laden

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[PHP] RTFM code snippet

2002-01-11 Thread mike cullerton

hey folks, hope the new year is treating everyone well.

i was RTFMing yesterday and ran across this piece of code

  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {

which is similar to stuff i've done

  while ($file = readdir($dir)) {

so, what am i not catching with my code, and what is really going on in the
RTFM code with the false !== part?

thanks y'all,

 -- mike cullerton

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Re: [PHP] RTFM code snippet

2002-01-11 Thread Andrey Hristov

I'm not sure if a resource casted to numeric to be 0 - var_dump() to say :(0) resource 
of type 
!==flase assures that it is FALSE, not 0.
!== is like != but makes type checking. Frequently used with strpos(). See the memos 
There is also available === operator. It is like == but also makes type comparison.

Andrey Hristov

- Original Message - 
From: mike cullerton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-general [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 5:01 PM
Subject: [PHP] RTFM code snippet

 hey folks, hope the new year is treating everyone well.
 i was RTFMing yesterday and ran across this piece of code
   while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
 which is similar to stuff i've done
   while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
 so, what am i not catching with my code, and what is really going on in the
 RTFM code with the false !== part?
 thanks y'all,
  -- mike cullerton
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Re: [PHP] RTFM me to IIF file format creation...

2001-01-14 Thread Rouvas Stathis

I find an excellent resource :

Dallas Kropka wrote:
 I need to create files and reports for importation into QuickBooks, but they
 need to be in the IIF file format that QuickBooks supports where can I
 find information for creating these files?
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[PHP] RTFM me to IIF file format creation...

2001-01-13 Thread Dallas Kropka

I need to create files and reports for importation into QuickBooks, but they
need to be in the IIF file format that QuickBooks supports where can I
find information for creating these files?

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Re: [PHP] RTFM me to IIF file format creation...

2001-01-13 Thread php3

Addressed to: "Dallas Kropka" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from "Dallas Kropka" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat, 13 Jan 2001 
19:15:02 -0600

 I need to create files and reports for importation into QuickBooks,
 but they need to be in the IIF file format that QuickBooks
 supports where can I find information for creating these files?

The content of the iif files is defined in Quickbooks help.  Look for
IIF or Data import.  It differs for each type of data you are
transferring. You will have to look in help to get the definitions.
There is also info on the subject and example files on the quickbooks
web site., I think. Search on IIF, and maybe the
type of file you want to create.

From memory, not tested
You can provide several different types of data in a single file.  The
file needs to start with a definition of the fields you are going to
present.  These definition lines start with !.  Each of your data lines
must have the exact same fields in the order you defined them in the !
lines.  You don't have to provide all the possible values, but some
record types do have required fields that must be provided, and filled

Each record is a number of values with "\t" between them. The record
ends with "\r\n".  You must use double quotes so the tabs (\t) and
Dos/Windows style line breaks {\r\n) are converted to the proper
character values.
/from memory

Once you have reviewed Quickbooks help, and the web site, if you have
specific quesions on your file format, ask again.  It is actually
pretty easy.  The best way to verify your files during development is
to open them with a spreadsheet program.  Also, you MUST backup the
quickbooks data before you try testing your upload.  If it fails for
any reason, just restore, fix the problem and upload again.  Don't feel
bad if you do this a couple dozen times before everything works.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

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