re: [freenet-support] node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread Markus
I'm also running a node on my private serverfarm and accessing it from home.
I succesfully created ssl tunnel with stunnel from my Linux router to my
Linux server for surfing freenet with my browser. My problem is that I'm
having trouble to create working stunnel between Fuqid (running on WinXP)
and my nodes fcp-port, Fuqid tells me that my node is overloaded or down
(which it isn't, I am connected to it with browser right now). I have triple
checked my stunnel scripts and everything should be ok. Could it like Any ideas?


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[freenet-support] Re: node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread Mika Hirvonen
I control a unix (linux enterprise) server for my web sites.
Can I run a node on this and access it from home?  Obviously typing
As long as you can install a decent JVM (Sun 1.4.2_05 seems to work 
reasonably well), yes. will not pull it up since it is at a server farm in
another state. (USA).
You need to set fcpHosts (for client programs like FIW, Fuqid, Frost etc) 
and mainport.allowedHosts (the web interface) to allow access from other 
computers. Also, using a tunnel (SSH, SSL or VPN) to access the node would 
be wise. And even then you should refrain from inserting big files via FCP, 
because it's somewhat bandwidth-intensive.

Also, if I have a router at home and 2 comps (XP machines) can I have each computer running a node?
Yes, but the limiting factor might be your bandwidth, and your two home 
nodes will probably end up competing for it. It's better to run a single 
node and give it more bandwidth.

With the above resources how do I get the most out of it? (configuration).  My BIGGEST 
thing is speed.  I hate not finding what I am looking for and I hate file not founds.
What would be better, unstable or stable?
Stable. The network is bigger, and most of the recent performance tweaks are 
in stable, too. You should run unstable only if you don't mind occassional 
network meltdowns, updating daily and/or want to help with Freenet 

 Mika Hirvonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: [freenet-support] How many freenet nodes are there?

2004-08-09 Thread Weiliang Zhang
Toad wrote:
There is no way to be sure of the number of nodes. It is likely that at
some point last year there were at least 10,000 stable nodes though.
On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 08:07:55AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

subject line says all.
question applies to both stable and unstable networks.
bottom line is:  is there enough nodes and traffic to defeat traffic
analysis of 1 individual's stuff?

We don't know.

what is the threshold of enough / not enough?

We don't know. :)

based on the peer data we've collected, we have seen more than 13k 
unique IP addresses around the world.
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Re: [freenet-support] re: produces a 24Mb seednodes.ref?

2004-08-09 Thread Heine Laursen
Toad wrote:
How do you invoke Freenet? Via ? What -Xmx does it use?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/freenet$ grep Xmx
echo Command line: java -Xmx128m $JAVA_ARGS freenet.node.Main "$@"
nice -n 10 -- java -Xmx128m $JAVA_ARGS freenet.node.Main "$@" &
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/freenet$
Heine Laursen
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Re: [freenet-support] node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread evolution

> > With the above resources how do I get the most out of it? (configuration).
> > My BIGGEST thing is speed. I hate not finding what I am looking for and I
> > hate file not founds.
> uhm, transfer speed of a splitfile is great and is able to easily max out
> your connection as the split-file is retrieved in parallel from different
> sources.  overall, freenet has a large latency but usually a nice transfer
> speed.

Although, the best configuration, I think, would be to run just one node, and
access that node from wherever.  Having one node do all the work lets that one
node do more learning of the network.

> don't worry, your node will automatically tell you when a newer version is
> available (by noticing new build numbers within the network)

This is not necessarily so.  99% of the time this works, but the most recent
node update (5090) was a full and clean network reset, meaning 5090 would talk
only to builds 5090 and above.  If you had a 5089 node, you'd never get the
notice about seeing a newer build.  This doesn't immediately matter to you,
Mike, I'm just commenting on the above statement.


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Re: [freenet-support] node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 11:59:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> unstable is the testfield but has all the fixes first.
> stable is more pleasant and is updated quite regulary, too.
> if you choose to run an unstable node you ought to update the node every single day 
> as the unstable branch progresses very fast

Unstable has less reachable content due to being smaller. From his mail
I suspect this is an important consideration.
> don't worry, your node will automatically tell you when a newer version is available 
> (by noticing new build numbers within the network)

Usually :). Check the web site from time to time, or read this list or
devl, in case there's a reset.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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Re: [freenet-support] node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 04:16:46PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I control a unix (linux enterprise) server for my web sites.  Can I run a node on 
> this and access it from home?  Obviously typing will not pull 
> it up since it is at a server farm in another state. (USA).

Sure. The safest way to do this would be to ssh tunnel to the other
machine. Read "man ssh" - the -L or -R option should do this. Then you
could forward the port and use, and you can't be eavesdropped.
> Also, if I have a router at home and 2 comps (XP machines) can I have each computer 
> running a node?
> With the above resources how do I get the most out of it? (configuration).  My 
> BIGGEST thing is speed.  I hate not finding what I am looking for and I hate file 
> not founds.
> What would be better, unstable or stable?

> Thanks.
> Mike
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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Re: [freenet-support] 5090 quirks...

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
It rejected the requests because it only had one connection. It had
nowhere to route the request to and didn't have it in its routing table,
so it instantly RNF'd it.

On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 10:54:22PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hi there, today i've tried the new 5090 build and i'd like to share my experiences 
> with you.
> first of, i've run into the 'too big seednodes' problem, too cutting the 
> seednodes into half and throwing away one of these halves helped, as well as the 
> suggestion to strip the file of every 'estimator' line, which 
> worked very well too (dunno if it breaks something either, but nevertheless all the 
> noderefs seem to show up in the RT)
> one of the first times i started my node, it had about ~30 connections to other 
> nodes after not quite 1 hour. then i restarted the node (because i needed full 
> network bandwidth). the next node start provided me 
> ONE connection to another node in the first 20 minutes. even after 2h of uptime i've 
> come to only 20 live connections. that's weird and very depressing :-/ as you can 
> imagine the node was never really useable as 
> it was constantly backed off by all nodes it had connections to.
> what i've discovered then is the main reason why i write this mail.
> at the time my node had this only one connection to the other node i was able to 
> track the type of the messages which got passed between the two nodes.
> interesting was, that the foreign node (i will now call it 'node B') was quite 
> "gentle" to my node ('A') as it routed some DataRequests and later some StoreDatas 
> into my direction. so one can say that node B tried to 
> integrate my node into the network and thus began to route some things into my 
> direction. not too many, but what i'd like to call "just right", means something 
> like around 1 message per 1 minute. (hm, i suppose it 
> could be more)
> after some time the passed message types shown at the ocm connections page looked 
> like this:
> Accepted  3/1 
> DataNotFound  0/1 
> QueryRejected 3/0 
> DataRequest   1/3 
> he send 3 DataRequests, i sent 3 Accepted, and now it comes.. my node responded 
> immediately with 3 QueryRejecteds! (all numbers were always equal when reloading the 
> page, 2=2=2, 4=4=4, ...)
> the question is: why did my node reject the query?
> see the following stats:
> Current routingTime   0ms 
> Current messageSendTimeRequest0ms 
> Pooled threads running jobs   47 (39,2%)  
> Pooled threads which are idle 7   
> Current upstream bandwidth usage  76 bytes/second (1,9%)  
> Current estimated load for QueryReject purposes   39% 
> Current estimated load for rate limiting  39,2%   
> Reason for load:  Load due to thread limit = 39,2%
> Load due to routingTime = 10% = 100ms / 1000ms <= overloadLow (100%)
> Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 20% = 100ms / 500ms <= overloadLow 
> (100%)
> Load due to output bandwidth limiting = 2,3% because outputBytes(4589) <= 
> limit (196608,003 ) = outLimitCutoff (0,8) * outputBandwidthLimit (4096) * 
> 60
> Load due to expected inbound transfers: 0,5% because: 1000.0 req/hr * 
> 9.950189371914758E-4 (pTransfer) * 86016.0 bytes = 85587 bytes/hr expected 
> from current requests, but maxInputBytes/minute = 245760 (set input limit) * 
> 60 * 1.1 = 16220160 bytes/hr target
> Load due to expected outbound transfers: 4,2% because: 5046.5665649684115 
> req/hr * 9.970089730807576E-4(2 0s, 0 1s, 2 total) (pTransfer) * 86016.0 
> bytes = 432787 bytes/hr expected from current requests, but 
> maxInputBytes/minute = 172032 * 60 * 0.8 = 10321920 bytes/hr target 
> my node was *never* overloaded  --okay, the first few seconds after node startup the 
> messageSTR was huge--  but after that the node was constantly around 20-40% load; bw 
> was nearly unused (i set bw to poor 
> 4kb/s up and down, but that was even never reached. a later removal of the limit did 
> not help, either), cpu usage was very low too as nothing happened on the node.
> > why should the node answer with a QR? i don't get it.
> of course the other node will be disppointed by my node's performance and decide to 
> route somewhere else (or it ignores the QR and hammers regardless earning even more 
> QRs)
> maybe there's a nasty bug somewhere which leads to the massive QR diplomacy we can 
> see all around freenettown hindering everything as nearly all nodes are backed off.
> ___
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Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

Description: Digital signature

Re: [freenet-support] node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I control a unix (linux enterprise) server for my web sites.  Can I run a node on 
>this and access it from home?  Obviously typing will not pull 
>it up since it is at a server farm in another state. 

by default the only host which is allowed to connect to the node interface on port 
 is localhost ( this is to forbid everyone else but the owner of the 
machine to access the node.

in your freenet.cont/.ini there is a line reading:

# List of IP addresses (for example ""), DNS names ("erica" or 
"") or netmasks ("") of hosts (computers) that should be 
allowed to access the main web interface of your 
freenet node. Defaults to localhost ( only.

here you can change the array of allowed host for example to:
where is the ip of your xp computer.
please remember to remove the heading % which is a comment character!

you should also notice that connecting from your xp to the freenet node is now done 
over unencrypted http. this means that if you're being sniffed your actions can be 
seen and every file you retrieve out of freenet 
will be unencrypted, too, which will utterly destroy the principle of privacy. if 
you've got nothing to hide that *might* be okay, but ipspoofing/-claiming will allow 
others to access your freenet node, which might have 
negative effects on your reputation ;)

so the better alternative would be:
create a ssh tunnel from the linux box to your xp system (or vice versa). see 'man 
ssh' and look for the -L and -R options. on your windoze box you can try PuTTY which 
has a (hidden?) ssh daemon function; or use 
a different ssh tunnel software.
this will protect your traffic and authorize the node access.
that's the way you should choose to go

>Also, if I have a router at home and 2 comps (XP machines) can I have each computer 
>running a node?

of course, just make sure the FNP ports of each node are different (they're chosen 
randomly, so they are usually different) and forward the two ports from the router to 
the according xp box.

you can even have more than one node per computer! if so, you should change the ports 
for the mainport () and the fcp port (8481) for the second node to something else 
(you could possibly just add +1) so 
they don't affect each other.

>With the above resources how do I get the most out of it? (configuration).  My 
>BIGGEST thing is speed. I hate not finding what I am looking for and I hate file not 

uhm, transfer speed of a splitfile is great and is able to easily max out your 
connection as the split-file is retrieved in parallel from different sources.
overall, freenet has a large latency but usually a nice transfer speed.

404's are sadly quite common as the node first has to 'weave' itself into the freenet 
network before it can archive decent performance and knowledge of the surrounding 
after that process it's supposed to run quite okay
you just shouldn't be afraid of letting the node run 24/7 for at least a week or so 
(i'd say, the opinions differ) to let the node become part of the network.
also be prepared that a node can use up large amounts of the network bandwidth 
resulting in massive transfer volumes. several gigs per month are common.

>What would be better, unstable or stable?

unstable is the testfield but has all the fixes first.
stable is more pleasant and is updated quite regulary, too.
if you choose to run an unstable node you ought to update the node every single day as 
the unstable branch progresses very fast

don't worry, your node will automatically tell you when a newer version is available 
(by noticing new build numbers within the network)



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Re: [freenet-support] 5090 quirks...

2004-08-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Accepted   3/1 
>DataNotFound   0/1 
>QueryRejected  3/0 
>he send 3 DataRequests, i sent 3 Accepted, and now it comes.. my node responded 
>immediately with 3 QueryRejecteds! (all numbers were always equal when reloading the 
>page, 2=2=2, 4=4=4, ...)
>the question is: why did my node reject the query?

uhm, or is the QR == RNF ??

what types of QR do exist? maybe the OCM should/could tell which type of QR the node 

another thing with the OCM page:
the nice blue/orange arrows that indicate receiving or transmitting connections are 
broken for some years now. but only recently i saw, that they *do* appear once in a 
time. alas, theis count had nothing to do with the 
'number of RX/TX'. maybe this could be fixed sometime? i really like the arrows you 
know ;)

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[freenet-support] node on a server, and at home?

2004-08-09 Thread freenet

I control a unix (linux enterprise) server for my web sites.  Can I run a node on this 
and access it from home?  Obviously typing will not pull it up 
since it is at a server farm in another state. (USA).

Also, if I have a router at home and 2 comps (XP machines) can I have each computer 
running a node?

With the above resources how do I get the most out of it? (configuration).  My BIGGEST 
thing is speed.  I hate not finding what I am looking for and I hate file not founds.

What would be better, unstable or stable?


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[freenet-support] 5090 quirks...

2004-08-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hi there, today i've tried the new 5090 build and i'd like to share my experiences 
with you.

first of, i've run into the 'too big seednodes' problem, too cutting the seednodes 
into half and throwing away one of these halves helped, as well as the suggestion to 
strip the file of every 'estimator' line, which 
worked very well too (dunno if it breaks something either, but nevertheless all the 
noderefs seem to show up in the RT)

one of the first times i started my node, it had about ~30 connections to other nodes 
after not quite 1 hour. then i restarted the node (because i needed full network 
bandwidth). the next node start provided me 
ONE connection to another node in the first 20 minutes. even after 2h of uptime i've 
come to only 20 live connections. that's weird and very depressing :-/ as you can 
imagine the node was never really useable as 
it was constantly backed off by all nodes it had connections to.

what i've discovered then is the main reason why i write this mail.
at the time my node had this only one connection to the other node i was able to track 
the type of the messages which got passed between the two nodes.
interesting was, that the foreign node (i will now call it 'node B') was quite 
"gentle" to my node ('A') as it routed some DataRequests and later some StoreDatas 
into my direction. so one can say that node B tried to 
integrate my node into the network and thus began to route some things into my 
direction. not too many, but what i'd like to call "just right", means something like 
around 1 message per 1 minute. (hm, i suppose it 
could be more)

after some time the passed message types shown at the ocm connections page looked like 

QueryRejected   3/0 
DataRequest 1/3 

he send 3 DataRequests, i sent 3 Accepted, and now it comes.. my node responded 
immediately with 3 QueryRejecteds! (all numbers were always equal when reloading the 
page, 2=2=2, 4=4=4, ...)
the question is: why did my node reject the query?
see the following stats:

Current routingTime 0ms 
Current messageSendTimeRequest  0ms 
Pooled threads running jobs 47 (39,2%)  
Pooled threads which are idle   7   
Current upstream bandwidth usage76 bytes/second (1,9%)  
Current estimated load for QueryReject purposes 39% 
Current estimated load for rate limiting39,2%   
Reason for load:Load due to thread limit = 39,2%
Load due to routingTime = 10% = 100ms / 1000ms <= overloadLow (100%)
Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 20% = 100ms / 500ms <= overloadLow 
Load due to output bandwidth limiting = 2,3% because outputBytes(4589) <= 
limit (196608,003 ) = outLimitCutoff (0,8) * outputBandwidthLimit (4096) * 
Load due to expected inbound transfers: 0,5% because: 1000.0 req/hr * 
9.950189371914758E-4 (pTransfer) * 86016.0 bytes = 85587 bytes/hr expected 
from current requests, but maxInputBytes/minute = 245760 (set input limit) * 
60 * 1.1 = 16220160 bytes/hr target
Load due to expected outbound transfers: 4,2% because: 5046.5665649684115 
req/hr * 9.970089730807576E-4(2 0s, 0 1s, 2 total) (pTransfer) * 86016.0 
bytes = 432787 bytes/hr expected from current requests, but 
maxInputBytes/minute = 172032 * 60 * 0.8 = 10321920 bytes/hr target 

my node was *never* overloaded  --okay, the first few seconds after node startup the 
messageSTR was huge--  but after that the node was constantly around 20-40% load; bw 
was nearly unused (i set bw to poor 
4kb/s up and down, but that was even never reached. a later removal of the limit did 
not help, either), cpu usage was very low too as nothing happened on the node.

> why should the node answer with a QR? i don't get it.

of course the other node will be disppointed by my node's performance and decide to 
route somewhere else (or it ignores the QR and hammers regardless earning even more 

maybe there's a nasty bug somewhere which leads to the massive QR diplomacy we can see 
all around freenettown hindering everything as nearly all nodes are backed off.


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Re: [freenet-support] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2004-08-09 Thread evolution
Quoting petr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I'm sort of a newbie at this, but I'm trying to get Freenet to work and not
> having much luck.  I assume I don't have a connection to Freenet because none
> of the links on the Freenet website that require Freenet work.  I looked at
> freenet.log, and at the very end is this error:
> Caught java.lang.OutOfMemoryError running or seeding node
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> Is this what's causing my problem?

Probably.  There's currently an issue with the seednodes.ref file.  It's big. 
So big, in fact, that loading it into memory causes an out-of-memory condition.
 A crude way of dealing with the situation is to open the seednodes.ref file
(found in the directory where you installed Freenet) and deleting half of the
entries there.  Note, however, that the problem will be fixed in the next build

If you do surgery on the seednodes.ref, remember to download a new seednodes.ref
file when you next update your node.

Seednodes can be found here:


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[freenet-support] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2004-08-09 Thread petr
I'm sort of a newbie at this, but I'm trying to get Freenet to work and not having 
much luck.  I assume I don't have a connection to Freenet because none of the links on 
the Freenet website that require Freenet work.  I looked at freenet.log, and at the 
very end is this error:
Caught java.lang.OutOfMemoryError running or seeding node
Is this what's causing my problem? 

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[freenet-support] Re: NPE in 5090

2004-08-09 Thread Someone
Plonk schrieb:
Log: Unexpected Exception in FproxyServlet.doGet -- 
java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException

Stable 5090, when trying to get a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AFAIK it's already fixed in current unstable.
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Re: [freenet-support] 5090 - Route Not Found

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Linstruth
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Toad wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 12:14:39AM -0700, Chris Linstruth wrote:
> > Couldn't retrieve key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/GPL.txt
> > Hops To Live: 15
> >
> > Error: Route Not Found
> >
> > Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.
> > 0 were totally unreachable.
> > 0 restarted.
> > 0 cleanly rejected.
> > 32 backed off.
> >
> Okay, the first problem is that you're only connected to 32 nodes. How
> long has your node been up? How many connections does your node have?

32.  Just started running the node yesterday.  I don't think it's going to
matter though because 5090 apparently tickles something in Apple's
Java on my machine and hard crashes OSX.  I'm trying to leave it up in
non-transient mode to help it learn about the network but it keeps

> >
> > This is new data to me.  What's "backed off"?
> Nodes tell your node how often it can send requests. When you can't send
> a request because it's not been long enough since last time, you are
> backed off.

Okay, so I have valid connections to active nodes but they're telling me
I can't have any more keys.  That's helpful.

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Re: [freenet-support] Startup times

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 01:48:12PM +0200, Anonymous wrote:
> >On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 07:47:50AM -, Toad wrote:
> >> As of build 5088 I'm getting startup times in excess of 145 minutes.
> >
> >Is it swapping much?
> yes, disk is in full thrash.. cpu maxed.  other processes grinding to a
> halt.
> >> This is counting from initiating freenet startup, to freenet being ready to
> >> deliver the web interface at in the browser.
> >> 
> >> latest everything, win98se
> >> 
> >> P 233
> >
> >How much RAM? How big datastore? What are the timings? i.e. show me the
> >log of the startup at logLevel=normal.
> 64mb (best this mb will do)

Yikes. Well, good luck. :)

I will try to do something about memory usage seeding the RT, we're
getting many many complaints about it.
> here's the log of last startup:
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:01 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Starting Freenet
> (Fred) 0.5 node, build #5090 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java HotSpot(TM)
> Client VM:1.4.1_03-b02
> INFO: Native CPUID library
> 'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll' loaded from
> resource
> INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
> 'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentiummmx.dll' loaded from resource
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:08 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, ERROR): overloadHigh set
> to 80% - this will NOT WORK with rate limiting
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:13 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading node
> keys: node
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:14 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Read node file
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:16 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting
> filesystem
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading data
> store
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading routing
> table
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:20 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): From input:
> 1024.0
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:20 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Setting default
> initTransferRate to 1024.0
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:21 PM (freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable, main, NORMAL):
> Loading estimators
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:22 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Created new NGRT
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded stats
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading temp
> bucket factory
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loaded temp
> bucket factory
> Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded bucket
> factory
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): read seed nodes
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Initial refs
> count: 2, seeds: 607
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): not seeding
> routing table
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): saved routing
> table
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting node
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:17 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Detected Windows
> 98/ME. Limiting connections accordingly. To get rid of this message, use a
> proper operating system - sorry
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading service:
> mainport
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading service:
> distribution
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:24 PM
> (freenet.interfaces.servlet.SingleHttpServletContainer, main, NORMAL):
> Loading the single servlet distribution.params.servlet
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, NORMAL): Starting ticker..
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, NORMAL): Starting
> interfaces..
> Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.http.BookmarkManagerServlet, main,
> NORMAL): Bookmarks updated on request
> >> 
> >> The situation has not improved with 5089 or 5090.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Also, What's with 24mb seednodes?
> >> 
> >> Isn't that starting to get excessive?  Why do the refs have to be so large?
> >> can they at least be compressed with winrar to make transport easier?
> >> (though I expect that the monster seednodes.ref is part of the ultra long
> >> time getting started... a few builds back with seednodes no more than 2mb
> >> it was able to start up in about 5 min.
> >
> >They are, with bzip2.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Please excuse me for 'borrowing' the email addy, I like to post anon, if
> >> there is an acceptable means to post to this list anonymously (via
> >> remailers) please advise and I will change tactics.
> >
> >Anonymous remailers that support spoofing addresses are generally
> >regarded as anti-social. Doesn't it have a generic default address?
> remailer supports full from headers.  it's not used with abuse in mind, but
> anonymity with recognizeability. yeah, i know that many abuse such things,
> esp on usenet. but in this case simply a means to post anon to a subscribe
> only email list.  as test however, this sent without custom from and see if
> it makes it to the list.. if not, i'll put disclaimer at top and repost
> this as quote with full from of somebody on the list. 

Re: [freenet-support] getting connected

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
What do you mean by "no connection is ever made" ?

On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 04:43:27PM -0700, Bill Hendricks wrote:
> Hi,
> Freenet sounds great, but I can't get connected. Jave is installed. The 
> program downloads, and freenet is "running," but no connection is ever made.
> I have a router and when at the command prompt, I type ipconfig, it is 
> This is all very frustrating because I am not much more than 
> a beginner with computers. I was able to set up a simple 3 computer 
> network, however, so I a am not totally without computer skills. Please 
> advise.
> Bill H.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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Re: [freenet-support] How many freenet nodes are there?

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
There is no way to be sure of the number of nodes. It is likely that at
some point last year there were at least 10,000 stable nodes though.

On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 08:07:55AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> subject line says all.
> question applies to both stable and unstable networks.
> bottom line is:  is there enough nodes and traffic to defeat traffic
> analysis of 1 individual's stuff?

We don't know.
> what is the threshold of enough / not enough?

We don't know. :)
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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Re: [freenet-support] new version

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
What happens? RNFs? How many connections does your node have?:
What about the routing table?:
- the summary at the top, e.g.:
Number of known routing nodes   356
Number of node references   352
Number of newbie nodes  4
Number of uncontactable nodes   8
Contacted and attempted to contact node references  348
Contacted node references   28
Contacted newbie node references4
Connections with Successful Transfers   23
Backed off nodes16

Oh and we have users in Tibet? Woah.

On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 11:48:03AM -0500, Page wrote:
> Dear Support Person,
>     I am a new user to freenet and was barely able to use version 
> 5089.  Now I have downloaded 5090 and I cannot connect to the network.  My 
> computer skills are not bad, i.e. if you explain something to me with detail I can 
> usually do it, but by no means am I of "geek" claibre.  If you could help I 
> would like to connect.  I totally believe in the philosophy behind the 
> network.  I was just in Nepal trekking and spoke with some people from Tibet 
> who use it to communicate.
> Thanks a lot,
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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Re: [freenet-support] re: produces a 24Mb seednodes.ref?

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 07:12:58AM -0700, Darrin Wait wrote:
> I have starting having the same problem.  I am running
> Win 2k, 256 meg memory, and dial up connection.  I
> thought maybe it was just the dial-up and connecting
> every now and then.  
> Any one else seen this??  
> Lots of seednodes means lots of people which is great,
> but maybe there needs to be a max limit to the size of
> the seednodes and try to make a way to only give out
> the best seednodes.

Then we would have the traditional problem, which hasn't really gone
away, of "oh sh*t i'm in the seednodes".
> ==
> ==
> I've got this with the udating freenet lateley!
> When i upgrade freenet using the upgrade script, it
> produces a
> 24Mb seednodes.ref file, witch i suspect is causing my
> node of running 
> out of memory!
> I'm running Debian Woody Stable!
> Here is what happens!
> heine  debian:~/freenet$ ./
> cp: cannot stat `seednodes.ref': No such file or
> directory
> --02:55:49-- 
>=> `freenet-latest.jar'
> Resolving done.
> Connecting to[]:80...
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 2,438,430 [application/x-java-archive]
> 100%[===>] 2,438,430  
>   52.98K/sETA 
> 00:00
> 02:56:34 (52.98 KB/s) - `freenet-latest.jar' saved
> [2438430/2438430]
> --02:56:34-- 
>=> `new-seednodes.ref.bz2'
> Resolving done.
> Connecting to[]:80...
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 932,445 [text/plain]
> 100%[===>] 932,445
>   52.54K/sETA 
> 00:00
> 02:56:52 (52.54 KB/s) - `new-seednodes.ref.bz2' saved
> [932445/932445]
> --02:56:57-- 
>=> `freenet-ext.jar'
> Resolving done.
> Connecting to[]:80...
> connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 1,637,068 [application/x-java-archive]
> Server file no newer than local file `freenet-ext.jar'
> -- not retrieving.
> heine  debian:~/freenet$ du -h seednodes.ref
> 24M seednodes.ref
> Freenet fails to start with an out of memory error
> message.

How do you invoke Freenet? Via ? What -Xmx does it use?
> If i then copy my seednodes.ref.old to seednodes.ref
> it starts perfectley!
> What's wrong here? and what will happen if i use the
> old seednodes?
> I'm currentley useing that. I'm trying to running a
> permant node, 
> therefore i want to be online.
> Sincerley
> Heine Laursen
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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Re: [freenet-support] 5090 - Route Not Found

2004-08-09 Thread Toad
On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 12:14:39AM -0700, Chris Linstruth wrote:
> I'm revisiting freenet after giving it a few months to mature.
> Running 5090 on Java 1.4.2 Mac OS X 10.3.4
> It was looking pretty good there for a while.  I can load most of the sites
> listed on the Web Interface, but going from there is not happening.  Take the GPL, 
> for example:
> Couldn't retrieve key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/GPL.txt
> Hops To Live: 15
> Error: Route Not Found
> Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.
> 0 were totally unreachable.
> 0 restarted.
> 0 cleanly rejected.
> 32 backed off.
> The request couldn't even make it off of your node. Try again, perhaps with the GPL 
> to help your node learn about others. The publicly available seed nodes have been 
> very busy lately. If possible try to get a friend to give you a reference to their 
> node instead.

Okay, the first problem is that you're only connected to 32 nodes. How
long has your node been up? How many connections does your node have?
> This is new data to me.  What's "backed off"?

Nodes tell your node how often it can send requests. When you can't send
a request because it's not been long enough since last time, you are
backed off.
> Thanks.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

Description: Digital signature
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[freenet-support] new version

2004-08-09 Thread Page
Dear Support Person,
    I am a new user to freenet and was barely able to use version 5089.  Now I have downloaded 5090 and I cannot connect to the network.  My computer skills are not bad, i.e. if you explain something to me with detail I can usually do it, but by no means am I of "geek" claibre.  If you could help I would like to connect.  I totally believe in the philosophy behind the network.  I was just in Nepal trekking and spoke with some people from Tibet who use it to communicate.
Thanks a lot,
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[freenet-support] Re: produces a 24Mb seednodes.ref?

2004-08-09 Thread Manni
Heine Laursen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've got this with the udating freenet lateley!
> When i upgrade freenet using the upgrade script, it produces a
> 24Mb seednodes.ref file, witch i suspect is causing my node of running 
> out of memory!

I had the same problem. I cut off half of the 24MB seednodes.ref file and 
freenet starts. It seems to work to.

Regards Manni

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Re: [freenet-support] Startup times

2004-08-09 Thread Anonymous
>On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 07:47:50AM -, Toad wrote:
>> As of build 5088 I'm getting startup times in excess of 145 minutes.
>Is it swapping much?

yes, disk is in full thrash.. cpu maxed.  other processes grinding to a

>> This is counting from initiating freenet startup, to freenet being ready to
>> deliver the web interface at in the browser.
>> latest everything, win98se
>> P 233
>How much RAM? How big datastore? What are the timings? i.e. show me the
>log of the startup at logLevel=normal.

64mb (best this mb will do)

here's the log of last startup:

Aug 6, 2004 2:40:01 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Starting Freenet
(Fred) 0.5 node, build #5090 on JVM Sun Microsystems Inc.:Java HotSpot(TM)
Client VM:1.4.1_03-b02
INFO: Native CPUID library
'freenet/support/CPUInformation/jcpuid-x86-windows.dll' loaded from
INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
'net/i2p/util/jbigi-windows-pentiummmx.dll' loaded from resource
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:08 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, ERROR): overloadHigh set
to 80% - this will NOT WORK with rate limiting
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:13 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading node
keys: node
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:14 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Read node file
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:16 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading data
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading routing
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:20 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): From input:
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:20 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Setting default
initTransferRate to 1024.0
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:21 PM (freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable, main, NORMAL):
Loading estimators
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:22 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Created new NGRT
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded stats
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading temp
bucket factory
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loaded temp
bucket factory
Aug 6, 2004 2:40:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Loaded bucket
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): read seed nodes
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Initial refs
count: 2, seeds: 607
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:04 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): not seeding
routing table
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): saved routing
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:06 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting node
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:17 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Detected Windows
98/ME. Limiting connections accordingly. To get rid of this message, use a
proper operating system - sorry
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:19 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading service:
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:23 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): loading service:
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:24 PM
(freenet.interfaces.servlet.SingleHttpServletContainer, main, NORMAL):
Loading the single servlet distribution.params.servlet
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, NORMAL): Starting ticker..
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, NORMAL): Starting
Aug 6, 2004 4:55:25 PM (freenet.node.http.BookmarkManagerServlet, main,
NORMAL): Bookmarks updated on request

>> The situation has not improved with 5089 or 5090.
>> Also, What's with 24mb seednodes?
>> Isn't that starting to get excessive?  Why do the refs have to be so large?
>> can they at least be compressed with winrar to make transport easier?
>> (though I expect that the monster seednodes.ref is part of the ultra long
>> time getting started... a few builds back with seednodes no more than 2mb
>> it was able to start up in about 5 min.
>They are, with bzip2.
>> Please excuse me for 'borrowing' the email addy, I like to post anon, if
>> there is an acceptable means to post to this list anonymously (via
>> remailers) please advise and I will change tactics.
>Anonymous remailers that support spoofing addresses are generally
>regarded as anti-social. Doesn't it have a generic default address?

remailer supports full from headers.  it's not used with abuse in mind, but
anonymity with recognizeability. yeah, i know that many abuse such things,
esp on usenet. but in this case simply a means to post anon to a subscribe
only email list.  as test however, this sent without custom from and see if
it makes it to the list.. if not, i'll put disclaimer at top and repost
this as quote with full from of somebody on the list.   or is there an
acceptable anon 'from' i can use that will not have to be bounced or
reviewed by list management to get posted?

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[freenet-support] How many freenet nodes are there?

2004-08-09 Thread a
subject line says all.

question applies to both stable and unstable networks.

bottom line is:  is there enough nodes and traffic to defeat traffic
analysis of 1 individual's stuff?

what is the threshold of enough / not enough?

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[freenet-support] re: produces a 24Mb seednodes.ref?

2004-08-09 Thread Darrin Wait
I have starting having the same problem.  I am running
Win 2k, 256 meg memory, and dial up connection.  I
thought maybe it was just the dial-up and connecting
every now and then.  

Any one else seen this??  

Lots of seednodes means lots of people which is great,
but maybe there needs to be a max limit to the size of
the seednodes and try to make a way to only give out
the best seednodes.


I've got this with the udating freenet lateley!

When i upgrade freenet using the upgrade script, it
produces a
24Mb seednodes.ref file, witch i suspect is causing my
node of running 
out of memory!

I'm running Debian Woody Stable!

Here is what happens!

heine  debian:~/freenet$ ./
cp: cannot stat `seednodes.ref': No such file or
   => `freenet-latest.jar'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2,438,430 [application/x-java-archive]

100%[===>] 2,438,430  

02:56:34 (52.98 KB/s) - `freenet-latest.jar' saved

   => `new-seednodes.ref.bz2'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 932,445 [text/plain]

100%[===>] 932,445

02:56:52 (52.54 KB/s) - `new-seednodes.ref.bz2' saved

   => `freenet-ext.jar'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80...
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1,637,068 [application/x-java-archive]
Server file no newer than local file `freenet-ext.jar'
-- not retrieving.

heine  debian:~/freenet$ du -h seednodes.ref
24M seednodes.ref

Freenet fails to start with an out of memory error

If i then copy my seednodes.ref.old to seednodes.ref
it starts perfectley!

What's wrong here? and what will happen if i use the
old seednodes?
I'm currentley useing that. I'm trying to running a
permant node, 
therefore i want to be online.

Heine Laursen
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[freenet-support] NPE in 5090

2004-08-09 Thread Plonk
Log: Unexpected Exception in FproxyServlet.doGet -- 
java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException

Stable 5090, when trying to get a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[freenet-support] getting connected

2004-08-09 Thread Bill Hendricks
Freenet sounds great, but I can't get connected. Jave is installed. The 
program downloads, and freenet is "running," but no connection is ever made.
I have a router and when at the command prompt, I type ipconfig, it is This is all very frustrating because I am not much more than 
a beginner with computers. I was able to set up a simple 3 computer network, 
however, so I a am not totally without computer skills. Please advise.
Bill H.

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Re: [freenet-support] 5088 - New Build 5089 Doesn't Show On FProxy MainPage

2004-08-09 Thread Niklas Bergh
Nodes tells each other their respective version.. When enough nodes of a newer version 
has appeared on the network your node will indicate that there is a new build 


-- Original Message --
Date:  Thu, 05 Aug 2004 08:29:10 -0700

>Since the 5089 announcement, I've been checking the FProxy main page for 
>an indication that 5089 is available, but it doesn't show that it is 
>available.  I have been able to upgrade to 5089, but I'm concerned that 
>there are nodes out there that won't know that it's time to upgrade. 
>How is the FProxy main page made aware up a new version?
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[freenet-support] 5090 - Route Not Found

2004-08-09 Thread Chris Linstruth
I'm revisiting freenet after giving it a few months to mature.

Running 5090 on Java 1.4.2 Mac OS X 10.3.4

It was looking pretty good there for a while.  I can load most of the sites
listed on the Web Interface, but going from there is not happening.  Take the GPL, for 

Couldn't retrieve key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/GPL.txt
Hops To Live: 15

Error: Route Not Found

Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.
0 were totally unreachable.
0 restarted.
0 cleanly rejected.
32 backed off.

The request couldn't even make it off of your node. Try again, perhaps with the GPL to 
help your node learn about others. The publicly available seed nodes have been very 
busy lately. If possible try to get a friend to give you a reference to their node 

This is new data to me.  What's "backed off"?

Chris Linstruth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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