Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
My theory is that all of this dissent is due to one thing and one thing only: The giddiness comparable to that of a child on Christmas morning that cannot wait to open their presents. An impatient child in the back seat of a car on its way to Disneyland who constantly asks "are we there

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
what bureaucracy? There is only one or two people! They don't owe us anything at all. We owe them for the thousands of unpaid hours they devoted to this project I agree that more communication would be nice. I'm sure they feel that way too. So the lack of communication is despite

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
OK, once and for all: What is wrong with Trisquel 7? What sacrifices are you making by using Trisquel 7 that you won't have to make once Trisquel 8 comes out? Do you have any intermediate step--like upgrading individual programs you need upgraded?

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
By the way, I heard a rumour that the latest Ubuntu release is having some serious problems. Apparently they released too soon and now they have a lot of back peddling to do. It is a little embarrassing actually. I''m so glad we didn't just dive in after them. Let's let them work it out

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
That is an excellent point! In fact, it is the best point. Even in this case, however, there is often work that can be done to try and solve the problem before the new release. In fact, this is one way we can help the development of Trisquel 8. It may be the only way to solve the

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
If you have been reading my posts you would guess correctly that this 'rumour' is not real. The idea was to illustrate how misguided it is to focus on Ubuntu when talking about the Trisquel development cycle. When it comes to Ubuntu I have 5 words: 1. Who 2. Cares 3. Get 4. Over 5. It If

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
And you have a point. I think we should get into it after Trisquel 8 release. Do you think they are unaware that we would like feedback?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-02 Thread mnaus
If anybody is interested, Richard Stallman already commented on this: "1 June 2016 (Censorship of "hate speech") Several "US" companies have signed a pledge to censor "hate speech", which is a crime in many European countries. This

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
Last I checked, there are hundreds of people who are viewing this site at any point in time. I wouldn't blame any of them for rejecting this community for its inability to control itself from having these polarizing discussions about politics and hate speech and the like. For those whose

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
Most of the people know buy computers from a brick-and-mortar store. They go into a store like Best Buy, and they try out different computers and eventually buy one. It would be great if there was a GNU/Linux store where people could go and try out GNU/Linux in person, buy it installed on

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
"I know that this may come out as a surprise to you, but professional people always work with timelines in mind." It doesn't surprise me at all. You know what would surprise me? If Ruben came here and said he has a nice professional timeline for us: Trisquel 8 will be released June 5th,

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
"Now let's back to the main topic." You are not listening troll. Maybe louder will help?? GO AWAY!!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
"So instead of calling me names you should show some respect." You are receiving respect in proportion to your actions. Act like a troll, get treated like a troll. You are continuing to provoke people with this topic, in the wrong forum. So my comments were appropriate. If you have been

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
"I agree [with you, let's stop this thread]" "...Now let's back to the main topic [and not stop this thread!]." Oh, I see. You agree with me about stopping the thread, and then immediately try to restart it!!! I'd actually be offended at your calling me a liar if you weren't so

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
"The forum / mailing lists exist to foster the development and use of Trisquel." How do you reconcile the existence of this thread given that you promised to abide by the above guideline? Don't tell me, "well, son, you haven't been around enough to know that those guidelines don't mean a

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
lol, I almost hate to see this thread go, since your posts are so entertaining root_vegetable I can work on getting this thread moved to the Troll Hole, but I would like some consensus: A choice of +1 means you agree that this thread should be moved to the Troll Hole. It looks like

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
lol You didn't agree to the guideline?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
Yet they are there nonetheless. Don't try to compare this to the book-length draconian EULAs that companies like amazon have. Nobody reads those. This is a handful of sentences in large, bold, font, that are written in clear and simple language. You read them but you don't remember--or

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-05 Thread mnaus
"You are paying him to work on the project" Really? OK, well you are not paying him anywhere near enough to keep him from quitting and taking a consulting job that pays 10x as much money. In fact, he is sacrificing a lot of money to help YOU and you owe him a lot more money for doing

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-05 Thread mnaus
Ruben says he was hired as a senior system administrator--that has other responsibilities. Ruben said, "I'm now in a job situation more compatible with the project" This implies to me that his new job will make it easier to find time to work on Trisquel. It does not imply to me that his

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-05 Thread mnaus
Lots of people think that way until they learn about the issues. Why are you here when you can use a MacBook or tablet?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-05 Thread mnaus
I disagree. You cannot speak for every college student in the world because you visited a campus last month. You can't even speak for every college student on that campus! This is not an all-or-nothing venture. If we got 1% of the students turned on to the Free Software Movement, whether

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-05 Thread mnaus
Anybody who has read even half of what I've written in this thread knows what I think on these issues. We are going around in circles; We are repeating ourselves. Ruben has already given a timeline here: Ruben said, "This

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with Editing PDF Files and Renaming Files in Nautilus

2016-06-08 Thread mnaus
I tried the PDF and I could edit and check boxes and so on. Sometimes to give focus to the field I had to click at the beginning of the line/box specifically. As far as renaming, when you click on a file name is it highlighted? Have you tried right-clicking and choosing 'rename'? Are you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with Editing PDF Files and Renaming Files in Nautilus

2016-06-09 Thread mnaus
Given that the more experienced posters, onpon4 and Magic Banana, are not thinking along these lines, it probably does not matter. Still, if you want you can try (this assumes you are the owner of the file) open a terminal and type: chmod 777 filename.pdf Then try renaming. If it does

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility for ThinkPad T500 2055

2016-06-07 Thread mnaus
"It's not clear they even offer Bitcoin so I'm not sure how it's relevant." I mentioned bitcoin because I was talking about ways to pay the Trisquel Project. "Also regarding paying Trisquel, that does not generally involve large sums of money. It involves small quantities (relative to the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility for ThinkPad T500 2055

2016-06-07 Thread mnaus
I can visit amazon without javascript, but amazon is a terrible company: So you might want to consider buying elsewhere. The websites ADFENO recommended are good places to start If you don't want to spend more than $150, then getting a used Thinkpad can

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility for ThinkPad T500 2055

2016-06-07 Thread mnaus
If many people here have successfully transacted with Minifree, then it seems unreasonable to say they may be a 'scam'. Of course you should be careful wiring money, but people and businesses wire money all day every day. It is very common. If you don't use Paypal (I stopped using them

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility for ThinkPad T500 2055

2016-06-07 Thread mnaus
"I would only get it if you intend to install Libreboot or Coreboot, other than that you might as well just go to your local computer store." This is probably true. However, if you want something decent for a low price (< $200) a Thinkpad is a great choice--even without libreboot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-12 Thread mnaus
Yes, but getting a gratis copy of a non-expired newer version of JMP takes no effort at all. I understand the policy of not helping with nonfree software and I accept it. I am just pointing out the dilemma as I see it. As far as the programming language R, remember that these technologies

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-10 Thread mnaus
That is the problem. I have mounted the CD manually and automatically. I have mounted it inside the Trisquel DE and I have gone into a VT, stopped X, and mounted from a text-only environment. In all cases I get the same three items. Two folders each labelled with the name of a GNU/Linux

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-10 Thread mnaus
Hang on, can I use fdisk with disk device: fdisk /dev/sr0 just like I would with a hard drive: fdisk /dev/sda I will check right now...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-10 Thread mnaus
OK, I mounted the CD and used fdisk and cfdisk. With cfdisk I saw there is 244MB on the disk. When I go to the mount point and use du -hc I get 98MB So there is 146MB unaccounted for on this CD. I am only seeing 40% of the data on this CD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-10 Thread mnaus
disktype /dev/sr0 --- /dev/sr0 Block device, size 233.6 MiB (244955136 bytes) CD-ROM, 1 track, CDDB disk ID 02063A01 Track 1: Data track, 233.6 MiB (244955136 bytes) Apple partition map, 2 entries Partition 1: 1 KiB (1024 bytes, 2 sectors from 1) Type "Apple_partition_map" Partition 2:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-10 Thread mnaus
How do I determine that?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-10 Thread mnaus
Update: The information you gave was very useful loldier, Thanks! I still need to experiment some more with it. It is a less-pressing issue now that I was able to access the Windows files from my friend's Windows computer. From there I just copied them to a DVD and used it on my Linux

[Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-09 Thread mnaus
I want to try installing a program using WINE. However, the install CD detects my OS as GNU/Linux and only shows me the GNU/Linux install files (the reason I cannot simply install it in GNU/Linux is it is from 2004 and specifically requires much earlier kernels--and is designed for

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
What do you find unrealistic about the plan I suggested about selling to college students at student fairs?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
There are people who vote -1 too, and if there is a +1 and a -1 that then becomes 0 and there is no record that somebody voted. My earlier call for a vote had this in mind. If I received a +7 despite the fact that there are those voting -1, then that was an adequate basis for my working to

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
Here is a pattern I normally see with distro versions: 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 < 7 < 8 < 9 and so on. In other words, there is a direct correlation between time and improvement. This would imply that the longer we wait, the better it will be! Also, if you insist on thinking in terms of

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
Let's look at this from a different angle: Just because a private property is located on and accessible from a public road, doesn't mean you can enter that property. If you enter that property, that does not mean that you are free to do as you please. It is still private property. For

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
"Yeah well there is no communication." OK, he is working and not communicating with us "blog post was put out only after people complained about lack of news." OK, he is still working and now communicating with us "we are justified to assume nothing is happening." No. I disagree. As you can see

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
"We need more direct participation in Trisquel's development." I think this is a valid point. But it is a right idea at the wrong time. Creating an effective team of skilled developers takes time. We are close enough to Trisquel 8, that it could take more time to build a working team than

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-04 Thread mnaus
"So, those of us who feel we deserved to be informed should change to Ubuntu?" WHAT!?! Is it that much of a sacrifice to be patient until Trisquel 8 comes out? By the way, what is wrong with Trisquel 7 ?? Is something broken on your system? Why does Trisquel 8 matter so much to you? Or,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ars Technical: Oracle vs Google verdict might kill the GPL

2016-05-27 Thread mnaus
What I don't understand is how this can threaten the GPL? The GPL is a detailed legal document that lays out exactly what the user of the licensed software agrees to. "copyright" is a more general category. Fair use is a more general concept. The GPL is a specific license. It is almost

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
Is it better to use: (a) A nonfree program (JMP) on a free platform (WINE over GNU/Linux) (b) A nonfree program (JMP) on a nonfree platform (Windows) Not using JMP is not an option for this person at this moment. Maybe a year from now he will decide he does not need to use JMP. Does it make

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
You are right again loldier! Still I wonder what the empirical reality is regarding the use of WINE in Trisquel? Do most people use it to run libre Windows code? I doesn't matter, because it is possible to use it for libre Windows code, and that is a good enough reason to include it in

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
The person uses this for their job and the only software alternative has a very large learning curve. If they were beginners in their field of work, then the learning curve wouldn't be as bad. But this person has to do advanced things every day as part of their work. It is comparable to

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
"We're not telling person to use Windows to use that program. We're just saying that, since the program is non-free, we won't help out on how to use it since it's non-free. It's best to use WINE." I understand and I accept this. In this case, it involved people close to me so I didn't see the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
"Real statisticians use GNU R" This person has been a "real statistician" for many many decades. Graduated Harvard graduate school with PHD in Statistics, taught at a major university as a full professor with tenure for decades, discovered an entire area of Statistics, is a Fellow of the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
Yes, it is JMP which also came from SAS:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot see all the install files on a CD

2016-06-11 Thread mnaus
Thank you for the suggestions. "I would like to provide more help, but statistics isn't my main field." Statistics is this person's main field. But I will mention your suggestions to him.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with Editing PDF Files and Renaming Files in Nautilus

2016-06-08 Thread mnaus
What the permissions on the file?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compatibility for ThinkPad T500 2055

2016-06-07 Thread mnaus
I don't know why you were emailing them about Paypal root_vegetable, they have a large part of their site devoted to explaining these issues: Here is the page, in case people have trouble getting to it for some reason: PayPal? No way! Minifree used to accept

Re: [Trisquel-users] forced to Cisco proprietary

2016-05-26 Thread mnaus
"I feel forced to this Proprietary world.But i need food to live,so i have to." If you want to do this, that is your choice. To say you are 'forced' to does not make sense. Nobody has a gun to your head. There are other types of jobs in the world that will give you enough money so you

Re: [Trisquel-users] forced to Cisco proprietary

2016-05-26 Thread mnaus
I like this advice as it is very concrete. +1

Re: [Trisquel-users] forced to Cisco proprietary

2016-05-26 Thread mnaus
"Why you didn't answer on the options listed?" It is important to clarify the first part of what you said. "I'm unemployed and i have two option: Do this course or back to flip burgers." How it could it possibly just be those two possibilities? If you have the general intelligence and

Re: [Trisquel-users] forced to Cisco proprietary

2016-05-26 Thread mnaus
You are misrepresenting my advice to the OP. My advice was to avoid absolutist thinking and cognitive dissonance--i.e. 'forced to', 'cisco or flipping burgers' and so on. Nowhere did I say, or even imply, that starvation was an option. Nobody, not even rms, thinks a person should die before

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is your favorite search engine and why?

2016-06-01 Thread mnaus

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is your favorite search engine and why?

2016-06-01 Thread mnaus
Right now my main one is A few weeks ago I 'overheard' SuperTramp83 recommending it to somebody and I decided to try it. Thanks SuperTramp83! Sometimes I use DDG or ixquick/startpage

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to translate sentences

2016-05-31 Thread mnaus
A couple of silly questions: 1.) What happens without using quotes 2.) What happens using single quotes 'Hello my good friend' instead of "Hello my good friend"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Javascript in Epiphany Browser

2016-06-22 Thread mnaus
This might help:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Old Fashioned Tiled Wallpaper

2016-06-21 Thread mnaus
LOL funniest thing I've heard today. Thanks. sharpened lego

Re: [Trisquel-users] New ReTux Release and a Level Making Competition

2016-06-20 Thread mnaus
If I could assist in any way, let me know. I'd probably do better as a judge than a level-maker. Although I do remember lode runner from the 1980s (a fact that really dates me!), I'm more of chess/Go type of game player. Still, I could spare some time if it would help you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
Just thought I'd give a summary of some of the links regarding Trisquel 8. This only includes the English language forums. Maybe somebody can do the same with the other language forums. This is not comprehensive. It was created using the search feature with the key phrase: "Trisquel 8". I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
Thank you! Communication. Now everybody can just relax and wait.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
You are being abusive. Whether or not WE (YES I SAID WE, NOT YOU, BUT WE) have MATE will not depend on how many threads/posts you make and how rude you decide to be. Anybody who sees my post in this thread sees how often you post the same thing about MATE over and over and over and over and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
You are so shallow. All you care about is pretty pictures and eye candy. Let me know when you grow up and become a serious computer user.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
"some people like myself want a more up to date OS." There are over 1,000 distros, pick one that accomplishes this for you. You seem to like Ubuntu 16.04, just go use that and leave us alone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
Somehow, the newer people, and some of the older people, seem very nice. If this is what happens after you are here for 5 years, everybody take note! Given your graphic, you must have joined Trisquel when you were 2 years old. If not, then it is just another example of how much you like

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
You are such a clown

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
"Please, do not invite anyone to "leave us" and use non-free software. Just click the "-" button if the post does not respect the community guidelines:; You are 100% right, Magic Banana. I apologize. If I thought of Parabola I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Did you follow up on this post I made: This person has a similar problem. It looks like modifying the initramfs may be a solution. same problem:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
Another alternative would be to install on a USB hard drive. I've done that with Trisquel (as well as on my desktop and laptop). If the OP has a usb HD or usb thumb drive, that would be a worthwhile experiment. Even if the OP doesn't have a thumb drive, you can buy one for less than $10

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
also, have you tried resetting the terminal by typing: reset

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
When you are accessing the system using the live CD, what output do you get when you run dmesg and what can you find in the /var/log files

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
Also, I'd forgotten about replacing a hd in a laptop. Even though I did it to a thinkpad back in 2004 along with changing the RAM. Aside from the internal changes, I remember I added an external sound card and a bunch of other stuff. In the end I would have been better off buying a new

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
Does that mean he can put back the original and try installing on it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
When you say, "I've switched the HDD to a new SSD" What do you mean exactly? This is a laptop correct? So is the SSD running off USB? What happens if you use the original HDD for the installation?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
This person has a similar problem. It looks like modifying the initramfs may be a solution. same problem:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
Then my recommendation was that he try that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
"I also plugged the SSD into another pc of mine, there everything worked as it should." When you say that everything worked, do you mean that you could run your Trisquel install from the SSD but on your PC? If not, then how did you test the SSD drive?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-24 Thread mnaus
What is revealing here is that your laptop works with Trisquel when using the Live CD! In thinking methodically about what the difference is, I see it as follows: 1.) It is the difference in media, which you are examining now. I agree that it is probably not the answer. 2.) The content

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
"The /proc/ folder on the hard drive is completely empty." That doesn't sound good. Did you format the drive? What file system did you put on it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
A new thread was created in the troll hole for this. I encourage you to resume the discussion there:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows and Ubuntu Might Become the Same Thing?

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
"Skepticism is generally any questioning attitude towards unempirical knowledge or opinions/beliefs stated as facts" from: I agree with your main point, root_vegetable. Your use of the term "skeptics" in a disparaging way, however, is both

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Well, the last line of dmesg says it can't mount some removable media. Do you have a USB device attached? The thing is, you are saying the laptop works perfectly when run off the liveCD. Let's compare the modules. Use the LiveCD to access the /proc/modules file that is on the HD and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
This file: lsmod.txt is it from the hard drive install, or the LiveCD? My guess is that it is from the LiveCD, since you can't run commands so easily when you are in the hard drive installation. When you use the LiveCD and mount the hard drive, navigate the hard drive and find the file

Re: [Trisquel-users] Bitcoin, OpenBazaar and Minifree/libiquity

2016-04-25 Thread mnaus
Really looking forward to using Taler. I think they said 2016. Does anybody know of a narrower time frame (i.e. summer, fall, month X, etc...)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus
OK, I understand what the OP really wants. Ubuntu 16.04 came out and the OP does not want to wait for Trisquel 8 Patience!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus
Is it easy to go from Windows to Ubuntu? Is it easy to go from MacOS to Ubuntu? It is just as easy to go from Slackware to Fedora. It is just as easy to go from Ubuntu to Trisquel. In all cases you download, put on DVD, and install. What is the problem???

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-28 Thread mnaus
I understand exactly what you are saying. You want to make it very very easy for an Ubuntu user to switch to Trisquel. They don't even have to think about the decision, all they have to do is hit a button (run a script). But what happens next? If they like Trisquel as much as Ubuntu, they

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
Be specific. What exactly do you want to do when you say "trisquelize"? What is Ubtu?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icons on the bottom panel -- remove?

2016-04-26 Thread mnaus
Where did you cut and paste the quote from?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who legally owns the Trisquel or 'Asociacion Trisquel'?

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
I am also not a lawyer or an accountant. I agree that paying salaries to employees that run a non-profit is no problem. If one of those employee's is the owner (and probably also either the President or CEO), there is nothing wrong. The only potential problem is if the salary is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize other non-Free GNU/Linux distributions

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
I agree. If the distro cared about becoming free software, you would not need such a script--they would do it themselves. If they do not care enough, then they will have respositories containing non-free software. This would make them ineligible to become an FSF sanctioned officially free

Re: [Trisquel-users] New York Wants To Know: Have You Been Texting And Driving?

2016-04-27 Thread mnaus
Stallman discussed this on his personal site back on 4/22/16: "The idea of a tool to determine whether a driver's phone was used for text messaging at the time of an accident is fine in principle, but it is almost impossible in practice

Re: [Trisquel-users] New to Trisquel - No Gnome panel

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus
I agree. Over the years, when I wanted a lightweight setup I would use fluxbox or even window maker. Whenever I tried XFCE certain things didn't seem to work and the whole thing just didn't seem worth it. In desperation, during some test one day, after trying many other WMs, I tried XFCE

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh Trisquel installation shows mystical signs

2016-04-23 Thread mnaus
I like onpon4's idea. What happens if: 1.) you try to switch virtual terminals with Ctrl-Alt-F3 (or F1, F2, F4, F5, or F6)? 2.) You type in your username, hit Enter, then type in your password and hit Enter?

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