[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-25 Thread Paul L. Allen

Hello Red Herring

Nick Harring writes:

> This whole argument is ridiculous.

Correct.  So far I havw seen only one person post a sensible response,
You are NOT that person...

> The correctness of design doesn't really rely on what some random users 
> first guess of how it should work would be,

You have NO understanding of ergonomics.  A correct design anticipates
what random users would first guess.  This is NOTHING to do with what
happens at a technical level and everything to do with the user interface.
If software does not work how MOST people expect it to then it is BAD

> because they're wrong to be guessing when man pages are 
> supplied.

Sigh.  So many people of LIMITED INTELLIGENCE have missed the point.
It's not what the man pages say, it's not how it works, it's not how
some masochistic geek who codes it thinks it ought to work, it's how the
USERS want it to work.  I don't give a crap how you, as a geek, think it
ought to work. As a USER (I also happen to be a geek, but one who
understands ergonomics) I know how I would like it to work.  Is that
so hard for you to comprehend?  Obviously it is.

And hey, the change I suggested meant that BOTH OF US could be happy.  The
jean-creeaming changes that Tom suggested means that not only can BOTH OF
US be happy but that it is automatic.  It works how you want and it works
how I want. But you don't want me to be happy...

Why is it that so many people resent a change that Tom can do in his
sleep and which has no adverse affects on anyone?Give me a RATIONAL,
LOGICAL argument and I will agree with you. Come up with crap like that
and I will flame you to hell and back. 
> The One Correct Way of using new software in unix is to read 
> the docs first.

Bollocks.  If you want Unix to remain a minority platform then that's
the way to go.  If you want Unix to displace Windoze then you make it
easy for idiots to configure and use.

> However, I must agree with many others that silently doing the right
> thing without changing the docs is a bad, bad idea. 

Gimme a clue here...

Is doing the right thing a bad idea???

Is having relatively undocumented features that the intelligentsia can use
a bad thing?

Is a software utility, that no matter which order you specify its two
mandatory arguments still does the right thing a bad idea?

> I happen to not care about the order of the arguments, however I do very 
> much care that the documentation stay accurate for any future versions 
> of vpopmail.

Please explain to us all how the documentation failing to mention
that you can specify "real alias" as well as "alias real" will cause
you, or anyone else, a problem.  Give it your best shot...

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-25 Thread Nick Harring
Paul L. Allen wrote:

Erik Bourget writes:


You know, intense as this whole argument is, the fact remains that DWIM
is no substitute for proper documentation.

Let's see, the documentation says vaddaliasdomain original alias.
If you do what the documentation says, it works.  If you reverse the
arguments, it still works.  It would be nice to document that the
arguments can be either way around but it is not strictly necessary.

Patching software to accept every possible 'first-guess' input isn't
just sloppy, it's unmaintainable.


This whole argument is ridiculous. The correctness of design doesn't 
really rely on what some random users first guess of how it should work 
would be, because they're wrong to be guessing when man pages are 
supplied. The One Correct Way of using new software in unix is to read 
the docs first. For windows you need to read the docs twice, but that's 
another discussion.
I already posted verbiage that I think clearly explains how the new 
design would work, such that anyone who can read and comprehend with 
basic logic would get it right. However, I must agree with many others 
that silently doing the right thing without changing the docs is a bad, 
bad idea. Perl does what you mean, but everyplace it does so there's 
thorough documentation telling you not just that it does so, but also 
how it knows what you mean, so that just in case you know you don't mean 
what its going to think you mean, you can work around it.
I happen to not care about the order of the arguments, however I do very 
much care that the documentation stay accurate for any future versions 
of vpopmail.


[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-25 Thread Paul L. Allen

Erik Bourget writes:

> You know, intense as this whole argument is, the fact remains that DWIM
> is no substitute for proper documentation.

Let's see, the documentation says vaddaliasdomain original alias.
If you do what the documentation says, it works.  If you reverse the
arguments, it still works.  It would be nice to document that the
arguments can be either way around but it is not strictly necessary.

> Patching software to accept every possible 'first-guess' input isn't
> just sloppy, it's unmaintainable.

But the point is that most people's first guess is the opposite way
around, therefore the software was badly designed.  And, as somebody
else already pointed out, no matter which way you expect it to work,
it works exactly as before: if both domains exist it was an error
before and is an error now.  If neither domain exists it was and error
before and is an error now.  If one domain exists and the other does
not then an alias is created.  It is impossible to do anything wrong
with the proposed change in place tha you cannot do wrong with the
existing code.  In fact, the proposed change eliminates one possible
error: that is misremembering what order the arguments should be in
because you use ln a lot.  That's not sloppy, that's good ergonomics.

>From all the complaints, anyone would get the impression that the
change forces everyone to do things differently.  It does not and
you can continue to use it the way you always have.  From all the
complaints, anyone would think that the change introduces a new
error that you can make.  It does not and it is impossible to do
anything wrong that you could not do before.  From all the complaints,
anyone would get the impression that making software easier to use while
retaining full backward compatibility is a bad thing.

"Waah.  Big bad man force me to use new software that can be used
in ways I disapprove of.  Waaah"  "Is he also holding a gun
at your head to force you to use it that way?"  "No, but I disapprove
in principle of software being easy to use and get all twisted and angry
inside that somebody else is using it the easy way while I'm doing it the
hard way to show my machismo."

If the preceding paragraph is not your position then please give some
THOUGHT as to why you believe it is such an awful change.  If you have 
anything more plausible than it will add a couple of lines of code and will
divert a few person-minutes of programming resources then feel free to
share them.  Here's a tip for you: if you state a broad general principle
without justifying it and showing that it is actually applicable to this
situation, I'll show exectaly why you're wrong as I just did with your
"DWIM is no substitute for proper documentation."

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-25 Thread Nick Harring
Erik Bourget wrote:

"Paul L. Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Because vpopmail bridges so many divides, it cannot intuit what you want.
It doesn't know if you're using cdb for everything or using MySQL for
everything or whatever unless you tell it.  But, wherever possible, it
should be DWIM.  Tom's proposed patch allowing real and alias domain in
any order is very much DWIM that pleases both sides of te argument.

You know, intense as this whole argument is, the fact remains that DWIM is no
substitute for proper documentation.  Patching software to accept every
possible 'first-guess' input isn't just sloppy, it's unmaintainable.
Maintainers -

Please don't implement this.  Spend the time patching writing down the one
supported way instead.
- Erik Bourget


This is easily properly documentable, there are only four cases, each of 
which has a clear, easily explainable outcome.

Here's a stab at usable documentation:
Usage: vaddaliasdomain [options] x.com y.com
vaddaliasdomain requires two domains as arguments in an order 
independent fashion. vaddaliasdomain then aliases one domain to the 
other based on the following logic:
If x.com exists and y.com doesn't, y.com becomes an alias for x.com.
If y.com exists and x.com doesn't, x.com becomes an alias for y.com.
If neither or both exist, vaddaliasdomain exits with an error.

That wasn't so hard now was it?
Nick Harring

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

Hi Anders
Anders Brander writes:

> Hummm Or something like:
> "... the two domains to be aliased ..." - without saying which is which,
> for the user it doesn't matter much.

Oh Anders, I need rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!  It's
because I'm a boring old fart that I desperately need to be sure that I'm
doing the right thing when I use something new.  I need to know that
I'm creating an alias domain for an existing domain and not aliasing
an existing domain into the bit bucket.

> A usage like:
> "vaddaliasdomain [options] domain-a.tld domain-b.tld" - nothing to be
> confused about.

But a lot to be scared about unless you KNOW that vaddaliasdomain will
do the right thing [tm] automatically.  I think that the usage has to make
it explicit that whichever way around you put in the arguments, it will do
the right thing.  Look how much effort Larry has to put into explaining
that perl does what you expect (unless you expect something different).

My take on it is that it's far too easy for developers to slip into the
belief that everyone has read and understands the source, or that everyone
has read all the pertinent mailing lists.  It is also my belief that such
an approach is WRONG.  My belief is that software should not, in the
majority of cases, require you to refer to the mailing list.  My belief
is that, in the majority of cases, software should not require you to
read the documentation - it should do what you want it to.

Because vpopmail bridges so many divides, it cannot intuit what you want.
It doesn't know if you're using cdb for everything or using MySQL for
everything or whatever unless you tell it.  But, wherever possible, it
should be DWIM.  Tom's proposed patch allowing real and alias domain in
any order is very much DWIM that pleases both sides of te argument.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Anders Brander

On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 03:46, Paul L. Allen wrote:
> > I think we should just ignore the "old" way of calling vaddaliasdomain
> > in the usage message, in that way new users will adobt the "new" way of
> > doing things.
> Ummm, that implies that one way is more "correct" than the other.  I do
> not believe that to be the case.  I believe that one way is more natural
> to some of us than the other and that each of us should be able to use
> the interface we prefer.

Well... I have nothing to say.

> > The autosensing will ensure that we don't brake old script
> Yeah, old scripts will still work.  But old sysadmins like me will get
> confused (I'm old, it's nearly 3am and I've had a lot of wine so I'm
> easily confused).  We do something and it works and then later we look at 
> the usage message and find that it COULD NOT HAVE WORKED.  That causes to
> go
> diving into the code to see what the hell is happening...  The usage
> message MUST explain both alternatives.  It will be a little clumsy, to
> be sure, but it must explain both alternatives.

Hummm Or something like:
"... the two domains to be aliased ..." - without saying which is which,
for the user it doesn't matter much.

A usage like:
"vaddaliasdomain [options] domain-a.tld domain-b.tld" - nothing to be
confused about.


[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

X-Istence writes:

> This is my patch, it doesnt allow for both types, but does what you want
> :).

It does do what I want, and if that were my only concern I have other
solutions that I could use.  I would like both options to be available so 
that those who have one preference can get exactly what they want.  Tom 
seems to have come up with a better idea than mine, and if somebody is 
willing to code it then that is my preference.  But I give you my thanks
for understanding why I requested this feature and coming up with a
partial solution.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

Hi Anders

Anders Brander writes:

> I think we should just ignore the "old" way of calling vaddaliasdomain
> in the usage message, in that way new users will adobt the "new" way of
> doing things.

Ummm, that implies that one way is more "correct" than the other.  I do
not believe that to be the case.  I believe that one way is more natural
to some of us than the other and that each of us should be able to use
the interface we prefer.

> The autosensing will ensure that we don't brake old script

Yeah, old scripts will still work.  But old sysadmins like me will get
confused (I'm old, it's nearly 3am and I've had a lot of wine so I'm
easily confused).  We do something and it works and then later we look at 
the usage message and find that it COULD NOT HAVE WORKED.  That causes to
diving into the code to see what the hell is happening...  The usage
message MUST explain both alternatives.  It will be a little clumsy, to
be sure, but it must explain both alternatives.

> I will NOT participate in that discussion.

Bah, it's fun.  You just need more wine... :)

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Anders Brander

On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 03:26, Paul L. Allen wrote:
> > A bit odd to document,
> Damn right.  I still haven't figured out a sensible usage message.

I think we should just ignore the "old" way of calling vaddaliasdomain
in the usage message, in that way new users will adobt the "new" way of
doing things. The autosensing will ensure that we don't brake old script

> > but otherwise a fabulous idea.
> Bad Anders.  Bad, bad, Anders.  Letting people do what they find
> easiest is BAD.  Ask the people who criticised me for suggesting it.

I will NOT participate in that discussion. I provided a simple patch,
try it, test it, feel it. No more, no less.



Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread X-Istence
Stop bickering please, common.

Difference between the origional and that what i changed around

Breached# diff vaddaliasdomain.c.backup vaddaliasdomain.c
< printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] alias_domain 
> /*  printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] alias_domain 
real_domain\n"); */
> printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] real_domain 
> /* We want the real domain to come first, so lets comment this, and 
move it after the real domain gets set
> */
> /* Get the real domain from the command line first */
> /* Code from above ^^ */
> if ( optind < argc ) {
> snprintf(Domain_alias, sizeof(Domain_alias), "%s", 
> ++optind;
> }

The name vaddaliasdomain.c:

* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include "config.h"
#include "vpopmail.h"
#define MAX_BUFF 256

char Domain_real[MAX_BUFF];
char Domain_alias[MAX_BUFF];
void usage();
void get_options(int argc,char **argv);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int err;

  err = vaddaliasdomain( Domain_alias, Domain_real);
  if ( err != VA_SUCCESS ) {
  printf("Error: %s\n", verror(err));
void usage()
/*  printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] alias_domain 
real_domain\n"); */
  printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] real_domain alias_domain\n");
  printf("options: -v (print version number)\n");

void get_options(int argc,char **argv)
int c;
int errflag;
  memset(Domain_real, 0, sizeof(Domain_real));
  memset(Domain_alias, 0, sizeof(Domain_alias));
  errflag = 0;
  while( !errflag && (c=getopt(argc,argv,"v")) != -1 ) {
switch(c) {
  case 'v':
printf("version: %s\n", VERSION);
errflag = 1;
/* We want the real domain to come first, so lets comment this, and move 
it after the real domain gets set
  if ( optind < argc ) {
  snprintf(Domain_alias, sizeof(Domain_alias), "%s", argv[optind]);

/* Get the real domain from the command line first */
  if ( optind < argc ) {
  snprintf(Domain_real, sizeof(Domain_real), "%s", argv[optind]);
/* Code from above ^^ */
  if ( optind < argc ) {
  snprintf(Domain_alias, sizeof(Domain_alias), "%s", argv[optind]);
  if ( Domain_alias[0] == 0 || Domain_real[0] == 0 ) {
  if ( strcmp( Domain_real, Domain_alias ) == 0 ) {
  printf("new domain and old domain are the same!\n");
Have fun , now it is:

~vpopmail/bin/vaddaliasdomain existing_domain alias_domain

This is my patch, it doesnt allow for both types, but does what you want :).

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

Anders Brander writes:

> A bit odd to document,

Damn right.  I still haven't figured out a sensible usage message.

> but otherwise a fabulous idea.

Bad Anders.  Bad, bad, Anders.  Letting people do what they find
easiest is BAD.  Ask the people who criticised me for suggesting it.

> Please see SF Patch 812150 - It does exactly what you proposed here.

That is not allowed!  The people who criticised me for suggesting sdmething
like this went ballistic because I did not provide a patch.  Imagine how
much more they will be upset because you did provide a patch.

BTW, you're not part of "the community" because I was told that if my
suggestion had any merit then "the community" would already have provided
a patch.  Yeah, that makes no sense to me either, but you provided a patch
that some people hate therefore you are an evil person and eat babies on
toast for breakfast.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

Toasterz Admin writes:

> Paul L. Allen wrote:
> >Toasterz Admin writes:

> >Actually, you're wrong.
> >
> how could i be wrong just because you say it's so.

What a wonderfully compelling argument.  How could you possibly be
wrong just because I say so?  Ummm, wait, you called me wrong
because YOU said so.  Only you did not provide compelling arguments
after your accusation and I did.

> your posts are irrefutable...

Damn right.  You CANNOT refute them so you resort to smoke and mirrors.
Hint: if you want to accuse me of something, read a dictionary first.

> why even try?

I will NEVER deny anything I have posted.  In fact I revel in it.

> you don't have to convice anybody. do it yourself. if it's useful the 
> community will adopt.

Ah, you have no concept of the costs of "code forking."  One must alway try
one's best to convince the project lead to adopt one's suggestions rather
than cause a code fork.  As it happens, the project lead posted with an
improvement on my suggestion, so a code fork looks unlikely.  Some of us
accept the code lead's judgement in these matters...

> since you like to talk about proprietary software vs. open source, i'll 
> let you know what really makes software of  any kind successful... 
> developers.

Wow, you're right. I have one billion (count them) developers for
"Fuck You, You Bastards - Lite."  Once you install it, it causes your
computer to electrocute you then destroy itself.  Ordinarily, it would
bomb, but because we have more developers than any other piece of software
it is a guarnateed success.  You're right, it's the developers that count.

> at root, microsoft became what it is  for one simple reason, people
> wrote software for it.

You are so gullible I have e bridge to sell you.  Actually, several

> ms courted developers early and often.

MS FUCKED developers of competing products early and often.   Hang on
a moment, this is a *nix list so you must be a troll.

> you really ought to apoligize to the list for your bad behavior.

U, pot, kettle, you hypocritical lying bastard...

> since you're nasty.

s/nasty/truthful and kelly hates it/gi

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread X-Istence
Stop bickering please, common.

Difference between the origional and that what i changed around

Breached# diff vaddaliasdomain.c.backup vaddaliasdomain.c
< printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] alias_domain 
> /*  printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] alias_domain 
real_domain\n"); */
> printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] real_domain 
> /* We want the real domain to come first, so lets comment this, and 
move it after the real domain gets set
> */
> /* Get the real domain from the command line first */
> /* Code from above ^^ */
> if ( optind < argc ) {
> snprintf(Domain_alias, sizeof(Domain_alias), "%s", argv[optind]);
> ++optind;
> }

The name vaddaliasdomain.c:

* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include "config.h"
#include "vpopmail.h"
#define MAX_BUFF 256

char Domain_real[MAX_BUFF];
char Domain_alias[MAX_BUFF];
void usage();
void get_options(int argc,char **argv);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int err;

   err = vaddaliasdomain( Domain_alias, Domain_real);
   if ( err != VA_SUCCESS ) {
   printf("Error: %s\n", verror(err));
void usage()
/*  printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] alias_domain 
real_domain\n"); */
   printf("vaddaliasdomain: usage: [options] real_domain alias_domain\n");
   printf("options: -v (print version number)\n");

void get_options(int argc,char **argv)
int c;
int errflag;
   memset(Domain_real, 0, sizeof(Domain_real));
   memset(Domain_alias, 0, sizeof(Domain_alias));
   errflag = 0;
   while( !errflag && (c=getopt(argc,argv,"v")) != -1 ) {
 switch(c) {
   case 'v':
 printf("version: %s\n", VERSION);
 errflag = 1;
/* We want the real domain to come first, so lets comment this, and move 
it after the real domain gets set
   if ( optind < argc ) {
   snprintf(Domain_alias, sizeof(Domain_alias), "%s", argv[optind]);

/* Get the real domain from the command line first */
   if ( optind < argc ) {
   snprintf(Domain_real, sizeof(Domain_real), "%s", argv[optind]);
/* Code from above ^^ */
   if ( optind < argc ) {
   snprintf(Domain_alias, sizeof(Domain_alias), "%s", argv[optind]);
   if ( Domain_alias[0] == 0 || Domain_real[0] == 0 ) {
   if ( strcmp( Domain_real, Domain_alias ) == 0 ) {
   printf("new domain and old domain are the same!\n");
Have fun :), now it is:

~vpopmail/bin/vaddaliasdomain existing_domain alias_domain

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Toasterz Admin
Paul L. Allen wrote:

Toasterz Admin writes:


Paul L. Allen wrote:


you are obviously a person who loves to whine and when not whining, 
likes to rage.  am i correct in this?

Actually, you're wrong.

how could i be wrong just because you say it's so. your posts are 
irrefutable... why even try?


no need to reply,

see above and you do it below. calling me a moron.

if you're so incredibly competent, why don't you grasp the simple 
premise of open source.--to wit: write the incredibly easy and simple 

Because the concept of Open Source that you apparently have NOT grasped
is that I have to convince the project lead that my idea is a sensible

you don't have to convice anybody. do it yourself. if it's useful the 
community will adopt.

Oh, there is another concept of Open Source which you apparently
have NOT grasped: that people may submit suggestions even if they have
no idea how to add them to the code.
submitting suggestions for a new and questionable feature and puffing 
your pet issue up with inflamatory
rhetoric like OBVIOUS DEFECT wastes valuable time and bandwidth. why 
don't you address the real
bugs and such that are of a higher priority. when those are ALL handled, 
trivial matters of which you're still raving
can be addresses at leisure.

since you like to talk about proprietary software vs. open source, i'll 
let you know what really makes software of
any kind successful... developers.  at root, microsoft became what it is 
for one simple reason, people wrote software for it.
ms courted developers early and often.

open source is about the code. that's it. all the rest of your 
marketing-speak and quasi-religious blather is peripheral to the core
issue. contribute. think carefully before you post about the pet 
annoyance with which you're infatuated. contribute something real.
send that 10 second script with your whiny feature request.

you really ought to apoligize to the list for your bad behavior.

Ummm, and a few other things you missed about Open Source.  If I have
a feature request you dislike but it is entirely optional whether it
is present or not then neither of us loses and one of us gains.  This is
how Open Source evolves.  Fetchmail has code specific to one particular
ISP in the UK that nobody else in the world and nobody in the UK who does
not use that ISP will need.  Do other fetchmail users suffer because people
who use demon.co.uk have a feature they need?  Of course not.
Oh, and yet another concept of Open Source you have not grasped.  One
of the project leads not only thought my idea a good one, he suggested
an improvement upon it.

the only OBVIOUS DEFECT here is your highly evolved sense of whining.

it seems that you don't know when to shut up either. blah blah blah.

If you follow the thread (if you are CAPABLE) then you will note that
I suggested, some morons (like yourself) whined) and I flamed.  Please
come back for more flames if you wish.  There will be no whining here if
you do.
i thought i'd be polite and take this off the list and now i'm moving 
our enlightened discussion back, since you're nasty.
kelley g

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Toasterz Admin
Paul L. Allen wrote:

You don't read so good, do you?

snappy opener,  i wonder what prompted this? whiners hate being called
you are obviously a person who loves to whine and when not whining,
likes to rage.
am i correct in this? no need to reply, i'm confident in my analysis.
a better one could be... /you don't listen so good, do you/

JB writes:


Write a shell script that takes the arguments in the order you want and 
pass them to vaddaliasdomain in the order expected,

I already explained that while I am more than capable of coming up with
that idea and implementing it all by myself, that such a solution does not
help the many others who have this same problem.  Now you may think it 
sensible that hundreds or thousands of people each spend time writing
a script that overcomes an OBVIOUS DEFECT in a piece of software but I
do not.  I think it more sensible to fix the defect at source, thereby
minimizing the total amount of person-hours wasted.

if you're so incredibly competent, why don't you grasp the simple
premise of open source.
--to wit: write the incredibly easy and simple patch. other may improve
on it. wasting no person-hours.
post it to the list thereby contributing meaningfully to open source.
if this OBVIOUS DEFECT is so abhorrent that 100,000 grateful souls
immediately congratulate you on
your brilliant and elegent solution to this nagging and OBVIOUS DEFECT,
then you can be fairly certain
that you are justified in your extended whine.
the only OBVIOUS DEFECT here is your highly evolved sense of whining.

But since you did not bother to read (or could not comprehend) my
previous message where I stated that, no doubt this too will pass
several miles over your head.
you are such a deep thinker... wait, i mean whiner.

GOOD software design requires creating a user interface that is
optimized for the common case.  The common case is people who already
know about the order in which ln expects its arguments and who have to
add several alias domains at once.  I'm picking up some vibes here...
Apparently, you do not understand that either.  "Me used to having
to do a lot of extra key-presses.  Me no want change.  Change bad.
Me hated vpopmail being ported from abacus to computer."
i'm picking up some vibes here too...
you're whining about the incredibly complicated case of two (2)
possibilities and 2 or 3 domains at a time.
the vibe is that you're a -- need i say it again -- whiner..
get with the program, read the source. make patches. stop whining.
kelley g

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

JB writes:

> A one line bash script, which I provided

Sorrry, I did not see your attachment in any of your posts.  Please
repost it so that we all can benefit and the vpopmail maintainers can
distribute your wonderful script (if they think it is a sensible

> will do the job for Millions of people.

Or whatever number need it, whether it's 0.1% of us or 99.9% of us.
My attitude to software is to try to deal with the needs of everyone,
not just the needs of the majority and definitely not just the needs
that Microsoft claims falsely that everyone has.

> You could have fixed the problem yourself in less then 10 seconds, 

I can fix the problem for MYSELF in less than 10 seconds.  To fix
the problem for others requires submitting a script (ummm, I still
don't remember seeing yours) and persuading the vpopmail developers
to include it in the distribution and add documentation.  Do you
understand how to multiply ten seconds by the number of people who have
to expend those ten seconds?  Do you understand the virtues of consistency
in user interfaces?

BTW, the overhead for the vpopmail devlopers is pretty much the same
whether it is the inclusion of a script or modification of vaddaliasdomain.
Apart from having to wade through people flaming me for suggesting a
possible improvement to the user interface, that is.  You, and a few others
like you, have made a simple change, requiring little effort, that would
please many people, into something that will eat into what little time
the vpopmail developers have.  Be proud of yourself, JB.

> instead, you flame me.

Yep.  Because you showed a significant clue deficiency, and still do.

> You are a fucking twit

Opinions will differ on that one.  Obviously I have one vote on my side
and I presume that you have one vote on your side (although you are so
clueless I cannot be certain that you agree with yourself).  Where the
rest of the votes lie is another matter...

As I invited another idiot to do, please explain to us all why it is so
important to you to prevent the suggestions I made being incorporated.  I
took care to ensure that those who were happy with the current behaviour
would get it by default, yet those who were unhappy could get what I think
to be more sensible behaviour.  Tom Collins came up with an improvement
on my idea that would let all of us get the behaviour we wanted
AUTOMATICALLY.  Now please explain to us all why you are so much against
all of us getting what we would like provided that you get what you like
and those who disagree with you can go screw ourselves.

Y'know, my understanding of Open Source is that it advances by people
suggesting ideas (and, if they are capable, providing patches).  We all
get what we want, although there may be some extra configuration issues.
I thought that the definition of Closed Source was "you take what we give
you and you damn well better not complain."  It seems to me that you
want Closed Source vpopmail because you have advanced no better argument
than "because I say so."

Feel free to debate me on substantive issues (if you can).  By all means
offer technical refutations of my arguments (if you can).  However, if
all you can say is "Wah, I don't want that though I can't explain
why" then FOAD.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread JB
A one line bash script, which I provided will do the job for Millions of 
You could have fixed the problem yourself in less then 10 seconds, 
instead, you flame me.

You are a fucking twit

Paul L. Allen wrote:

You don't read so good, do you?

JB writes:


Write a shell script that takes the arguments in the order you want and 
pass them to vaddaliasdomain in the order expected,

I already explained that while I am more than capable of coming up with
that idea and implementing it all by myself, that such a solution does not
help the many others who have this same problem.  Now you may think it 
sensible that hundreds or thousands of people each spend time writing
a script that overcomes an OBVIOUS DEFECT in a piece of software but I
do not.  I think it more sensible to fix the defect at source, thereby
minimizing the total amount of person-hours wasted.

But since you did not bother to read (or could not comprehend) my
previous message where I stated that, no doubt this too will pass
several miles over your head.
GOOD software design requires creating a user interface that is
optimized for the common case.  The common case is people who already
know about the order in which ln expects its arguments and who have to
add several alias domains at once.  I'm picking up some vibes here...
Apparently, you do not understand that either.  "Me used to having
to do a lot of extra key-presses.  Me no want change.  Change bad.
Me hated vpopmail being ported from abacus to computer."

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen


> Gotta give this Paul guy a round of applause.

Indeed.  I know you meant that ironically, but I understand your

> I have never seen anyone who uses his sheer incompetency as a brutal 
> attack weapon.  Have you ?

Many, many times when I have dealt with the idiots who get loose from
alt.flame.  Look in a mirror for an example.

> if it is soo important to you

It is rather trivial to me personally because I can work around it.
And if I thought that I were the ONLY person who thought this a good
idea I WOULD work around it.  However, in the spirit of Open Source I
contribute ideas that I think might help a significant number of others.
It's called "improving the product."

> and it seems from what you're saying that it is also soo important to 
> everyone else

Please show me where I wrote "everyone else" or even implied it.  I
suggested that a significant number of others might find it useful.
I thought that was the Open Source way - you design something that is
capable of satisfying ALL users, not the small number that are satisfied
with how Microsoft decree the software will behave.

Tell us all, just what do you personally have to lose if I and others
get a feature that would make us happy even though you would be unhappy
if FORCED to use that feature, if the feature is optional?  Come on, what
makes you so insistent that I should not have something that I consider
useful if I do not force it upon you?  Why is it that giving me something
I would like, at no expense to you, is so personally hateful to you?

> we

That is the Royal "we" is it?

For your information, Tom Collins posted a suggestion which would make
the behaviour automatic no matter which way around you wanted the
With his suggestion, you and I could be equally happy - if all we wanted
to make our lives easier and not to make the lives of those who disagree
with us harder.  It is my understanding that if Tom thought my suggestion
as bad as you do then he would not have offered an improvement.  YMMV.

> would love for you to submit a patch at once so we can all benefit.

I am not fluent in C.  I am fluent in perl and could contribute a script
instantly. However, I do not believe that a script is the correct answer.
Either my suggestion is idiotic (as you imply) and no script is needed
or it is a sensible suggestion and is better handled within

> This way, only a bit of your precious time is wasted and not THOUSANDS of
> man hours

Hmm, I suggested that there might be thousands of people who would like
the same behaviour.  I would guess that, on average, it would take them
five minutes to knock up a suitable script (a lot less for me, a lot
more for those unfamiliar with scripting languages).  That is a LOT
less than thousands of man-hours.  Please tell us where I claimed that
thousands of man-hours would be required or give us justification for
you inferring that from what I actually wrote.  Or admit that you are
putting words in my mouth.

BTW, please let us all know when you understand enough about mailing
lists NOT to quote the entirety of the mail to which you respond.  Some
of us would take that as an indication that you have finally heard the
ringing of the cluephone, even if you have yet to figure out what the
ringing means or how to deal with it.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

RE: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread webmaster
Gotta give this Paul guy a round of applause.
I have never seen anyone who uses his sheer incompetency as a brutal attack
Have you ?

Let's try this Paul,
if it is soo important to you and it seems from what you're saying that it
is also soo important to everyone else to fix this "OBVIOUS DEFECT",  we
would love for you to submit a patch at once so we can all benefit.
This way, only a bit of your precious time is wasted and not THOUSANDS of
man hours spent by mindless people try to back-space and left-arrow.

>From the sound of the horn, you can do this with your eyes closed so we
won't feel too imposing.

Thanks in advance for the patch.


> -Original Message-
> From: Paul L. Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:07 PM
> To: JB
> Subject: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain
> You don't read so good, do you?
> JB writes:
> > Write a shell script that takes the arguments in the order you want 
> > and
> > pass them to vaddaliasdomain in the order expected,
> I already explained that while I am more than capable of 
> coming up with that idea and implementing it all by myself, 
> that such a solution does not help the many others who have 
> this same problem.  Now you may think it 
> sensible that hundreds or thousands of people each spend time 
> writing a script that overcomes an OBVIOUS DEFECT in a piece 
> of software but I do not.  I think it more sensible to fix 
> the defect at source, thereby minimizing the total amount of 
> person-hours wasted.
> But since you did not bother to read (or could not 
> comprehend) my previous message where I stated that, no doubt 
> this too will pass several miles over your head.
> GOOD software design requires creating a user interface that 
> is optimized for the common case.  The common case is people 
> who already know about the order in which ln expects its 
> arguments and who have to add several alias domains at once.  
> I'm picking up some vibes here... Apparently, you do not 
> understand that either.  "Me used to having to do a lot of 
> extra key-presses.  Me no want change.  Change bad. Me hated 
> vpopmail being ported from abacus to computer."
> -- 
> Paul Allen
> Softflare Support

[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen

You don't read so good, do you?

JB writes:

> Write a shell script that takes the arguments in the order you want and 
> pass them to vaddaliasdomain in the order expected,

I already explained that while I am more than capable of coming up with
that idea and implementing it all by myself, that such a solution does not
help the many others who have this same problem.  Now you may think it 
sensible that hundreds or thousands of people each spend time writing
a script that overcomes an OBVIOUS DEFECT in a piece of software but I
do not.  I think it more sensible to fix the defect at source, thereby
minimizing the total amount of person-hours wasted.

But since you did not bother to read (or could not comprehend) my
previous message where I stated that, no doubt this too will pass
several miles over your head.

GOOD software design requires creating a user interface that is
optimized for the common case.  The common case is people who already
know about the order in which ln expects its arguments and who have to
add several alias domains at once.  I'm picking up some vibes here...
Apparently, you do not understand that either.  "Me used to having
to do a lot of extra key-presses.  Me no want change.  Change bad.
Me hated vpopmail being ported from abacus to computer."

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

Re: [vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread JB

The worst one of our clients has managed so far is 13, added in dribs and
drabs of two or three at a time.  For one it makes no difference.  For
hundreds I'd go the perl script reading a text file route.  For twos and
threes the current argument order of vaddaliasdomain is annoying.

Write a shell script that takes the arguments in the order you want and 
pass them to vaddaliasdomain in the order expected,



`~vpopmail/bin/vaddaliasdomain $2 $1`


[vchkpw] Re: Feature request for vaddaliasdomain

2003-09-24 Thread Paul L. Allen


> If you do this often enough, why not just write a simple little shell 
> script to accomplish this:

I'm way ahead of you.  It asks for the main domain, the postmaster password
and prompts for alias domains (finishing if nothing is entered for an
alias.  Then it sets things up and adds a blackhole (we have several
clients who get nothing but spam to some old mailboxes).

But then a client comes along and wants to add another couple of domains
as aliases.  Yeah, I could knock something up for that, but I generally
avoid that except when our needs are divergent from everyone else's.  If
I knock up a script, there will be others in the same situation who also
have to knock up a similar script to do the same thing.  Where something
would be useful to many, it is better to have it as an optional part of
the distribution.

> Say you have 100 domains you need to alias to 1.

The worst one of our clients has managed so far is 13, added in dribs and
drabs of two or three at a time.  For one it makes no difference.  For
hundreds I'd go the perl script reading a text file route.  For twos and
threes the current argument order of vaddaliasdomain is annoying.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support