[Wikimedia-l] Re: EU designates Wikipedia a Very Large Online Platform

2023-04-27 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
The 21 official languages of the EU will suffice.

Op do 27 apr. 2023 15:20 schreef F. Xavier Dengra i Grau via Wikimedia-l <

> Hi/Bon dia,
> To me, statements like "Platforms need to provide an easily
> understandable, plain-language summary of their terms and conditions, in
> the languages of the Member States where they operate" seem to perpetuate
> some problems (or legal questions/gaps) of what will happen with those
> wikis in minority languages that are spoken in more than one Member State
> (Basque, Silesian, Occitan, Catalan, Sami languages, etc).
> Will we need to force each individual wiki project to include texts in
> other languages and to recomply certain practices, as they are separate
> websites? Or will it be accepted that the sum of each linguistical domain
> works as a whole?
> Best/Salutacions
> Xavier Dengra
> El dj, 27 abr., 2023 a 12:12, David Gerard  va
> escriure:
> https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_2413
> In the same category as Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, TikTok ...
> On the face of it, this seems a miscategorisation. However, the
> recommendations aren't *bad*, and they're stuff we basically do anyway
> - though through volunteer editors, not the Foundation.
> The main nuisance will be a report as if we're Facebook.
> How are we approaching this one?
> - d.
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: ChatGPT and Wikipedia

2022-12-19 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Here is what ChatGPT has to offer on the subject of Earth's flatness:

Please answer in English the question "Elaborate on the question wether the
earth is flat, and give some sources."

There is no scientific evidence that the earth is flat. On the contrary,
there is a wealth of evidence that demonstrates that the earth is round.
This evidence has been obtained through a variety of scientific methods,
including observation of the sky, the use of geodetic systems, and the
findings of astronauts who have traveled to space.

Here are a few sources that you can consult if you want to learn more about
the fact that the earth is round:


   NASA: "Is the Earth Round?" (

   Live Science: "Why is the Earth Round?" (

   Encyclopedia Britannica: "Earth" (https://www.britannica.com/topic/Earth)

It is important to remember that the earth is round and that this has been
proven through scientific research. The idea that the earth is flat is a
myth that has long been debunked.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 2:27 PM Gnangarra  wrote:

> AI simply cant descriminate between good research and faked research, for
> any outcome it must provide all of its sources whether they are from
> Wikipedia, Wikidata, WikiCommons, WikiSource or some other place.
> Otherwise it will answer yes to some asking if the world is flat because
> it'll seek out that answer and find all the nonsense that has been produced.
> On Mon, 19 Dec 2022 at 06:02, Erik Moeller  wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 5:55 AM Anders Wennersten
>>  wrote:
>> > ChatGPT is now making headlines more or less every day  and I perceive
>> > them to try to position themself  av the "next" google.
>> I suspect OpenAI will continue to focus on generative applications
>> (images, code, text for purposes such as copywriting, eventually
>> music/video) and won't attempt to compete with Google directly, but
>> we'll see. Currently GPT-3.5 (which ChatGPT is based on) is very prone
>> to generating nonsensical answers, citations to works that don't
>> exist, etc. But it is pretty cool if you keep its limitations in
>> mind--for example, it's quite good at bootstrapping small scripts in
>> various programming languages (with mistakes and idiosyncrasies).
>> Google has one of the largest AI research programs on the planet, they
>> just are extremely conservative about letting anyone try their models
>> (due to reputational concerns, e.g., that generative AI will spit out
>> racist output within about 30 seconds of people poking its
>> guardrails). This blog post from September is instructive about the
>> direction they're taking with what's called retrieval-augmented
>> generation; see the paper linked from the post for details:
>> https://www.deepmind.com/blog/building-safer-dialogue-agents (DeepMind
>> is part of Google)
>> That is likely to yield significantly more accurate answers than what
>> ChatGPT is doing, and is difficult to replicate for folks like OpenAI
>> without being dependent on the search APIs of big search companies.
>> It's worth noting that Google has also started to incorporate language
>> model tooling into how it's presenting search results (e.g.,
>> summarizing or highlighting different parts of a website to make the
>> result snippet more useful).
>> A retrieval-augmented approach that leverages Wikidata could IMO be
>> quite powerful and could be a useful research program for Wikimedia to
>> pursue, be it independently or in partnership with others. The
>> resulting technology should of course be fully open source.
>> Querying Wikidata via SPARQL is currently still a bit of wizardry (and
>> the query builder is extremely limited). To pick a completely random
>> example not at all inspired by current events, if I wanted to see a
>> list of journalists with Mastodon accounts & a picture, I currently
>> have to do this:
>> SELECT DISTINCT ?personLabel ?mastodonName ?pic
>> WHERE {
>>   ?person wdt:P4033 ?mastodonName ;
>> wdt:P106 ?occupation .
>>   OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P18 ?pic . }
>>   ?occupation wdt:P279* wd:Q1930187 .
>>SERVICE wikibase:label {
>>  bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en"
>> }
>> Make a small mistake (a curly brace missing) and you'll get a red
>> error message. Forgot the * after wdt:P279? A different response set
>> in ways that are difficult to spot or reason about.
>> Why can't I type "list of journalists with their picture and Mastodon
>> account" as a natural language query? (You can try it in ChatGPT and
>> it'll get you started, but it'll generate nonsense P/Q numbers.) If
>> such queries could be produced reliably, it could be a very useful
>> tool for readers as well.
>> Warmly,
>> Erik
>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guide

[Wikimedia-l] Re: WMF financial statements for 2021-2022 published

2022-11-09 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
The WMF does not invest in stocks, only in bonds.

Op wo 9 nov. 2022 21:51 schreef Andreas Kolbe :

> Dear Steven,
> Thank you for your explanation. I had naively assumed the investment
> income in the "Support and revenue" section of the financial statements was
> only for income *from* investments (i.e. dividend payments etc.), without
> tracking changes in the value *of* investments as well. So what you say
> makes sense.
> There is still something odd though. The US stock market dropped in
> 2019–2020 as well, as a result of Covid. The Dow Jones Index went from
> about 26,600 at the end of June 2019 to about 25,000 by the end of June
> 2020, having fallen below 20,000 in the spring. But even so, the WMF had a
> positive investment income of $5.5 million that year.[1]
> The following year, 2020–2021, the stock market *rose* very
> substantially, with the DJI going from the said 25,000 to 34,500 by the end
> of June 2021 – an increase of almost 10,000 points. Yet WMF investment
> income was $1 million *less* than the year prior: just $4.4 million.[1]
> In the 2021–2022 year, as you say, the stock market went down again, the
> DJI dropping from the said 34,500 to 31,100 at the end of June 2022. So
> that drop is indeed twice as large as the drop in 2019–2020, but to go from
> a $5.5 million *gain* in a year where the DJI dropped by 1,600 points to
> a $12 million *loss* in a year where the DJI dropped by 3,400 points
> struck me as odd.
> And I still don't quite understand why the Q3 tuning session forecast a
> $26 million surplus,[2] while the actual surplus turned out to be just $8
> million. I guess the fact that most of the drop in the markets occurred
> from April onwards could explain part of it.
> Andreas
> [1]
> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AWikimedia_Foundation_FY2020-2021_Audit_Report.pdf&page=5
> [2]
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AF%26A_Tuning_Session_FY21-22_Q3.pdf&page=5
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 7:36 PM Steven Walling 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 10:37 AM Andreas Kolbe  wrote:
>>> Dear WMF Finance staff,
>>> I inquired over a week ago on Meta-Wiki why the WMF is reporting a
>>> negative investment income (–$12 million). There has been no answer to
>>> date.[1]
>>> I am a layperson, but how can an investment income be negative? Would
>>> you mind sharing what this is about?
>> You probably didn't get a prompt answer because "how can investment
>> income be negative" is something you could have Googled before asking the
>> finance team.
>> Investments can lose value.* The US stock market has lost a tremendous
>> amount of value over the last year, so it would not be surprising that most
>> investments would have a negative return recently.
>> * https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/negative-return.asp
>> https://www.finra.org/investors/investing/investing-basics/risk
>> I was also surprised to find that the reported increase in net assets for
>>> the 2021–2022 financial year was "only" $8.2 million. The third-quarter F&A
>>> tuning session published in May (based on data as of March 31) forecast a
>>> far higher surplus, with an increase in net assets of $25.9 million.[2]
>>> Would you mind sharing what happened in the fourth quarter to reduce the
>>> surplus by so much?
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Andreas
>>> [1]
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Foundation_reports/Financial/Audits/2021-2022_-_frequently_asked_questions
>>> [2]
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AF%26A_Tuning_Session_FY21-22_Q3.pdf&page=5
>>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 3:45 PM Andreas Kolbe  wrote:
 Dear all,

 The WMF's audited financial statements are now available here:


 Some key figures from the page numbered 4 (page 6 in the pdf):

 – Net invest income was negative: –$12M (down $16M)
 – Total support and revenue was $155M (down $8M due to that negative
 investment income)
 – Total expenses were $146M (up $34M)
 – Salaries and wages were $88M (up $20M)
 – Net assets at end of year increased by $8M

 For reference, the end-of-year increase in net assets forecast in the
 third-quarter Finance & Administration tuning session deck published in May
 2022 was $25.9M:



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>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/5M36VZBWLE6P4XCDAVL7L3FEPGNSS

[Wikimedia-l] Re: WMF financial statements for 2021-2022 published

2022-11-09 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
The WMF has an investment policy to invest in assets which are globally
seen as low risk. Over the fiscal year investment in US Treasury securities
dropped from 73M$ to 15M$. Most likely the WMF has sold US Treasury
securities with a big loss. Interest rates have gone up in the past, which
results in lower market value for bonds, including US Treasury securities.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 8:36 PM Steven Walling 

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 10:37 AM Andreas Kolbe  wrote:
>> Dear WMF Finance staff,
>> I inquired over a week ago on Meta-Wiki why the WMF is reporting a
>> negative investment income (–$12 million). There has been no answer to
>> date.[1]
>> I am a layperson, but how can an investment income be negative? Would you
>> mind sharing what this is about?
> You probably didn't get a prompt answer because "how can investment income
> be negative" is something you could have Googled before asking the finance
> team.
> Investments can lose value.* The US stock market has lost a tremendous
> amount of value over the last year, so it would not be surprising that most
> investments would have a negative return recently.
> * https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/negative-return.asp
> https://www.finra.org/investors/investing/investing-basics/risk
> I was also surprised to find that the reported increase in net assets for
>> the 2021–2022 financial year was "only" $8.2 million. The third-quarter F&A
>> tuning session published in May (based on data as of March 31) forecast a
>> far higher surplus, with an increase in net assets of $25.9 million.[2]
>> Would you mind sharing what happened in the fourth quarter to reduce the
>> surplus by so much?
>> Best wishes,
>> Andreas
>> [1]
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Foundation_reports/Financial/Audits/2021-2022_-_frequently_asked_questions
>> [2]
>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AF%26A_Tuning_Session_FY21-22_Q3.pdf&page=5
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 3:45 PM Andreas Kolbe  wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> The WMF's audited financial statements are now available here:
>>> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/foundation/2/26/Wikimedia_Foundation_FY2021-2022_Audit_Report.pdf
>>> Some key figures from the page numbered 4 (page 6 in the pdf):
>>> – Net invest income was negative: –$12M (down $16M)
>>> – Total support and revenue was $155M (down $8M due to that negative
>>> investment income)
>>> – Total expenses were $146M (up $34M)
>>> – Salaries and wages were $88M (up $20M)
>>> – Net assets at end of year increased by $8M
>>> For reference, the end-of-year increase in net assets forecast in the
>>> third-quarter Finance & Administration tuning session deck published in May
>>> 2022 was $25.9M:
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3AF%26A_Tuning_Session_FY21-22_Q3.pdf&page=5
>>> Best,
>>> Andreas
>>> ___
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>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Results for the most contended Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election

2021-09-09 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
For starters, I would like to thank outgoing board members DocJames and
Raystorm for their service to the community by dedicating a lot of time on
board meetings, processing tons of mail, and so on.

Mario, you are right. An increase in the number of seats will increase the
diversity given a representative election system such as (Meek) STV.
On meta you can find a table of the outcome of the election when varying
the available seats from 1 to 8.[1]

In case 8 seats were available both Elina en Iván would have also been
elected, adding to the much wanted increase in diversity, in whatever way
you look at these two people. Electing 4 seats now, and 4 seats next year
doesn't help in increasing the diversity using a representative election
system. Against electing all seats at once is the argument for continuity
and to limit board turnover. Maybe we should lean more on appointed seats
for continuity, or as Chris Keating has suggested, select community sourced
board members from this year's election. However Nat and Shani didn't run
this year, and they might seek reelection next year. I wish the board a lot
of wisdom and strength regarding balancing multiple values.

This is good news for what is next. What is next? Election of 7 seats in
the Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC). Given the analysis of the
board election and the availability of 7 seats in the election, I am
confident the election outcome will show a lot of diversity. Later 6
persons will be appointed by affiliates, and another 2 by the WMF. The
elections and the appointments will come from the same pool of
self-nominations.[2] The MCDC will most likely institute a Global Council
with a lot of room at the table - some say 40 to 60 seats, others over a
100, we will see -  to accommodate the diversity of our movement.

There are already over 40 candidates for the MCDC. Compliments to the
people who have recruited so many nominations from the continent of Africa.
So far no one nominated themselves from East Asia. How can we recruit
nominations from that region? Without any of them in the pool, it is hard
to elect or appoint someone.

The period of self-nomination closes in 5 days!


Ad Huikeshoven


On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 1:22 PM Mario Gómez  wrote:

Also, rather than focusing on how different voting schemes would have
> affected some candidates to be one position up or down, wider diversity and
> representativity could be achieved by just electing 8 seats from community
> elections.
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[Wikimedia-l] Convergence of proposals to create Movement Charter drafting committee - was Re: Re: "Expression of interest" Movement Charter Drafting Committee

2021-06-27 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Dear all,

Today's Global Conversations were about the composition, the selection, and
compensation of members for a Movement Charter Drafting Committee.
To move forward, convergence of opinions on the different proposals is
necessary. So far there are four proposals:
1. A proposal by Pharos (the 7/7/7 proposal):
2. A proposal by Movement Strategy veterans:
3. A proposal by WMF:
4. A proposal by Nosebagbear:

Which proposal do you favor? Please record your preferences on meta, to
help move this process forward


Ad Huikeshoven

P.S. I owed Winnie a reply, which you can read below.

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 3:57 PM Winnie kabintie  wrote:

> Dear Ad,
> Could you please clarify the following;
> Based on your email, does it mean that only candidates who express
> interest in being part of the drafting committee before the 2nd round of
> global conversations will be up for scrutiny? What about those that will be
> fronted by affiliates and WMF?

Hi Winnie: The answer to the first question is no - I called for an
expression of interest - to learn if there are potentially more candidates
than seats, I did not call for candidates. The answer the second question:
the affiliates and WMF will come up, or front candidates when asked and
needed. The WMF did an interesting proposal, to which you don't have
objections, see
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2 - 2021 consultations now open

2021-04-07 Thread Ad Huikeshoven

Where can I read summaries of the previous round of consultations, the
local language consultations listed at



On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 10:17 PM Xeno (Jack)  wrote:

> Dear all,
> Thank you to everyone who has contributed to discussions so far on the
> Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). For those unfamiliar with it, the
> Universal Code of Conduct provides a universal baseline of acceptable
> behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects [1].
> Currently, the UCoC project team is supporting on-wiki discussions
> about how to enforce the UCoC [2]. These conversations will run until
> at least 5 May 2021, and trusted community members are invited to
> organize and submit a summary of individual community discussions by
> 10 May 2021.
> These on-wiki consultations are open for input from all Wikimedia
> communities, especially those that have not yet provided input into
> Phase 2 [3]. The input will be used by the drafting committee [4] in
> their work from May-July 2021 alongside insights from the local
> language consultations [5], Affiliate consultations [6], and an
> upcoming summit of movement Functionaries [7] planned for 10–11 April.
> To support these discussions, the project team is looking for
> volunteers to translate key material, as well as to help host
> consultations in their own languages or projects. To help with either
> of these roles, please visit the project page [8].
> Thank you for joining these discussions.
> On behalf of the project team,
> -Xeno (WMF)
> Facilitator, Universal Code of Conduct
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Xeno_(WMF)
> [1] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Universal_Code_of_Conduct
> [2]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct/2021_consultations
> [3]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct#Timeline
> [4]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct/Drafting_committee
> [5]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct/Discussions#Phase_2_local_consultations
> [6]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct/Affiliates_consultation
> [7]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct/Functionaries_meeting
> [8]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Universal_Code_of_Conduct/2021_consultations
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Community events office hours: February 11

2021-02-10 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Rachel

Ciell is spelled Ciell and not Ceill. Just saying. I have snother
appointment tomorrow.

Please tell be there will be a next Wikimania.



Op ma 8 feb. 2021 20:25 schreef Rachel Farrand :

> Hello everyone!
> The Wikimedia Foundation Community Events Team
>  will
> continue hosting monthly office hours for any community members who are
> interested. This is a place where movement event organizers can join and
> share ideas and lessons with each other for upcoming and past events.
> This iteration of the office hours will take place on February 11, 2021
> at 19:00 UTC  and will last
> for an hour. Find the link to join on meta
>  or
> email me directly if you would like to be added to the ongoing calendar
> invite.
> *This months topics are:*
>- *Friendly Space Policy in a virtual context *(Léa and Cornelius)
>- *International Womensday and gender gap activities *(Ceill)
>- *Bring your own general questions and discussion *
> You can find more information about upcoming officer hours and add your
> comments and questions here and on the talk page:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Events_team/OfficeHours
> Please pass this invite to others who may be interested in joining! We
> hope to see you there!
> --
> Rachel Farrand
> Senior Program Officer
> Community Events Team
> Wikimedia Foundation
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> New messages to: Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Call for Feedback: Community Board seats and February 2 office hours

2021-02-01 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Members of the Board of Trustees and staff of the Wikimedia Foundation,

Please WMF Board of Trustees grant control of the WMF Board elections to
the Wikimedia community, especially to the two existing committees. The
Wikimedia community can manage its own values and ethics and has no need of
non-volunteer, non-community members to assist with the fundamentals of
designing the election.

On behalf of the ASBS committee I request you
* remove the "problems to solve" section from that page,
* remove the "ideas discussed with the board" section from that page,
* remove the 8 subpages with "ideas"
* include a section with words like:
"The Board asks the Election committee and ASBS election facilitators to
work together to set up a process, define rules, and hold a (s)election
process for six community- and affiliate sourced board seats. The board
asks the joined committee to pay respect to the strategic direction of the
Wikimedia Movement and the strategy recommendations. The board would like
to welcome a diversity of candidates. The board oversees an organization
with an annual budget over one hundred million dollaras and a staff of over
500 people. The board would like to welcome candidates with governance
experience in non-profit organizations of the same magnitude."

The ASBS election facilitators published their debrief of lessons learned
in 2019.[1] We as a committee are committed to act upon them. The ASBS
committee is prepared to collaborate with the standing election committee
for this process.[2]


Ad Huikeshoven
On behalf of the ASBS election facilitators.

[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_committee

On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 9:01 PM Jackie Koerner 

> Hello all,
> I am reaching out because the Call for Feedback for the
> community-and-affiliate board seats officially began today and runs through
> March 14. [1] We are offering multiple channels for questions and feedback.
> With the help of a team of community facilitators, we are organizing
> multiple conversations with multiple groups in multiple languages.
> On February 2 we have three options for office hours. [2]
> 2021-02-02 at 12:00 UTC
> 2021-02-02 at 18:00 UTC
> 2021-02-02 at 23:00 UTC
> Access links will be available 15 minutes before each session.
> Please let me know if you would like to schedule another time for your
> community or group to provide feedback.
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Best,
> Jackie
> --
> *Jackie Koerner*
> *she/her*
> Communication Facilitator, Board Governance
> *English language communities and Meta*
> [1]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_of_Trustees/Call_for_feedback:_Community_Board_seats
> [2]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_of_Trustees/Call_for_feedback:_Community_Board_seats/Conversations/2021-02-02_-_First_Office_Hour
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> New messages to: Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Paid API?

2020-07-09 Thread Ad Huikeshoven

Great news: the WMF is going to charge the tech giants for using the API
millions of times each day. Nothing in the free licenses we use obligate us
(that is we in our movement) to provide an API for free as in beer. It is
part of KAAS: Knowledge As A Service, part of the strategic direction
chosen in 2017.

Thanks for your understanding,

Ad Huikeshoven

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 8:33 PM Amir Sarabadani  wrote:

> Hello,
> Today I stumbled upon this public phabricator ticket [1] created by someone
> from WMF starting with:
> "My team is creating bi-weekly HTML Dumps for all of the wikis, except for
> wikidata as part of the paid API project."
> I have so many questions:
>  - What is the "paid API" project? Are we planning to make money out of our
> API? Now are we selling our dumps?
>  - If so, why is this not communicated before? Why are we kept in the dark?
>  - Does the board know and approve it?
>  - How is this going to align with our core values like openness and
> transparency?
>  - The ticket implicitly says these are going to be stored on AWS ("S3
> bucket"). Is this thought through? Specially the ethical problems of
> feeding Jeff Bezos' empire? (If you have seen this episode of Hasan
> Minhaj's on ethical issues of using AWS [2]). Why can't we do/host this on
> Wikimedia infrastructure? Has this been evaluated?
>  - Why is the community not consulted about this?
> Maybe I missed announcements, consultations or anything, forgive me for my
> ignorance. Any pointers is enough. I also understand diversifying our
> revenue is a good tool for rainy days but a consultation with the community
> wouldn't be too bad.
> [1]: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T254275
> [2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5maXvZ5fyQY
> Best
> --
> Amir (he/him)
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Board Update on Branding

2020-06-21 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Thank you Nat. I'm Dutch, and the Dutch are known to be direct, and even I
find your extensive statement direct. That was your intent to do. Thanks, I
welcome that. I know nearly every other culture would prefer less direct

As an employer you have a duty to protect your employees against
intimidation by volunteers. As a volunteer I also like to be protected
against intimidation.

In this process I have a lonely voice among volunteers, and I do not feel
intimidated. This in contrast to conversations years ago. Maybe I have

I wish you have adequate procedures to deal with situations in which
employees are intimidated.

The emotions are high among many volunteers, who feel betrayed, not seen
and not heard, and not recognized for their volunteer work.

Volunteers care for the autonomy of the online communities to self govern.
They fear the brand renaming as a power grap by the WMF  to control the
projects, and moreover favor one over all the others.

Commons and Wikidata are big projects now, and volunteers fear that
renaming to Wikipedia will change the status of those projects, and fear
less attention or support for those projects by the Foundation.

Could you please indicate the position of the Board with respect to
autonomy and self governance of the online communities, and with respect to
support for Commons, Wikidata and other sister projects?

Another fear by many volunteers is on going centralization, centering more
power and resources in the Foundation, in contrast with affiliates and
communities. One of the central themes of the 2018-2020 Strategy process
was a clear call for decentralization and creation of regional/thematic

Could you please indicate the position of the Board with respect to
centralization and decentralization?

My estimate is that the Foundation will raise between 2 and 3 billion
dollars between now and 2030. Mostly from small donor contributions.

Could you indicate the Board estimate for this period, and indicate in
which direction you plan to spend the revenue? What will be the slice of
the cake for the affiliates. It looks like that by 2030 there will be
enough money to fund an affiliate office in every country. How likely is a
move in that direction?

Deadline to respond is 14 calendar days. Please do extend the answering
period of the survey with 14 days as well, so people will be able to digest
answers to the above questions before filling out the survey.

Have a nice day,

Ad Huikeshoven

Op ma 22 jun. 2020 02:44 schreef Nataliia Tymkiv :

> Dear all,
> As Acting Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees since March
> [1] I take full responsibility for this situation. I am truly sorry for all
> the frustration this whole situation has caused to volunteers, who have
> engaged in discussions expressing their concerns, and to the staff, who
> have been working and not really sure if that is really the direction the
> Board is prepared to seriously consider, or if it is just an exercise on
> our part. As Chair of the Board, I recognize the Board owes clear
> information to the communities and guidance to the staff.
> In 2017, the Board approved the 2030 Movement Strategic Direction,
> recognizing the strategic importance of growing the reach of the Wikimedia
> projects to new languages, communities, and geographies, as part of our
> global mission. In June 2018, the Board approved a Foundation Annual Plan
> that included research into the Wikimedia and Wikipedia brands to
> understand how they could be tools in helping us reach these goals.
> In November 2018 [2], the staff presented research to the Board about the
> Wikipedia and Wikimedia brands. I personally, even though a relatively long
> term Wikipedian (and a bit less long term Wikimedian), was basically
> convinced by the findings that a rebranding is needed and beneficial for
> our mission and global vision, and furthermore that it should be based on
> the Wikipedia brand. The information presented there also convinced the
> Board that the team should continue their work, but as you can see from the
> minutes the Board believed that communication is crucial, but already a
> possibility for a new name for the Wikimedia Foundation was seriously
> considered [3].
> And I am going to be frank here - intuitively taking the name of something
> like “Wikipedia Foundation” makes a lot of sense, whether or not it makes
> sense upon deeper consideration. But, of course, no one was planning to
> just rename the organisation, more conversations were needed. It was
> convincing enough for us (the Board) to approve the budget for this
> initiative.
> The Board has received regular updates about the Brand work along the way,
> including approving continued work in the 2019 and 2020 annual plans.
> However, the Board has not yet had a very serious, 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] June 4 1800 Maggie Dennis office hour (with a twist)

2020-06-05 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 11:17 AM Aron Manning  wrote:

> It doesn't answer any of your questions, but I've just stumbled upon this
> and thought you might be interested: 2019 Governance Review
> <
> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Board_Veritas_Governance_Recommendations_Final_Public_Copy.pdf
> >
> Thanks for the link. That is an interesting read. On page 11:
*"4. Commission a stakeholder analysis to expose and address instances
where goals and priorities of the community and the Foundation may be at

I am interested to read a stakeholder analysis. So far, I haven't found one
in the Wikimedia Movement 2030 strategy process, but I might have
overlooked it. Who are our stakeholders? What are their needs? What needs
are unmet? How important are those stakeholders for the movement, how
important are we for those stakeholders? How powerful are those

Veritas recommended; "The Foundation should commission a task force or
third party to conduct a thorough Stakeholder Analysis "
Has a task force of third been commissioned to conduct a thorough
stakeholder analysis?

Veritas recommended as the first priority next step on page 19:
Commission a stakeholder analysis and/or utilize a task force to gain a
full understanding of instances where goals and priorities of the
Movement/community and the Foundation may vary or be at odds, so that these
can be properly addressed by the board and CEO in partnership, utilizing
community input.

So please, I would like to know what step the board or CEO has taken
regarding stakeholder analysis.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] June 4 1800 Maggie Dennis office hour (with a twist)

2020-06-04 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Where can I find the Zoom link?

On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 11:24 PM Maggie Dennis  wrote:

> Hello, all.
> First, I’m sorry for not doing a better job introducing myself last time.
> (I was told I should have done that.) I am Maggie Dennis. Currently I am
> the Vice President of Community Resilience & Sustainability under the
> General Counsel of the Foundation. I’ve been with the Foundation for 9
> years in various roles, but always connected to the group who now conduct
> Trust & Safety in one form or another. I am also a volunteer,
> Moonriddengirl, primarily on English Wikipedia, although I am so much
> diminished in my volunteering that it embarrasses me to point it out.
> This office hour is still scheduled for 18:00 UTC June 4th. I will be on
> camera, and it will be livestreamed here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGRXVx5EeCk
> We will post notes from the meeting, with the identity of question-askers
> anonymized, afterward. Questions can be submitted on Telegram [1], on IRC
> [2] or in the YouTube Chat or by email in advance to answ...@wikimedia.org
> (To make sure they are presented during this meeting, please use “Trust &
> Safety” as the subject line.)
> I want to invite people to join me in the Zoom call itself as well. I’d
> much rather be talking to people than nervously answering anonymous
> questions. Since I’m told that there are security issues with publishing
> the link, we’ll be sharing the link with interested individuals as the
> meeting begins. If you want the link to get in, please ask for it at
> answ...@wikimedia.org, at least an hour in advance of the meeting’s start
> (again, with “Trust & Safety” as the subject line). The link will be sent
> out via email during the hour before the meeting.
> If you are in Zoom, of course, and on camera or speaking out loud, people
> who watch the stream will see you, so if you prefer more anonymity Telegram
> or IRC may be more comfortable for you.
> Best,
> Maggie [3]
> P.S. NewYorkBrad, colon added. :D 18:00. I was typing it the way my dad
> always said it out loud. That said, I get stagefright and thus wouldn't be
> at all unhappy to have finished this over 200 years ago. :)
> [1] https://t.me/joinchat/DOlGIB1FRLUWqW9iB3qfTQ
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC_office_hours#How_to_participate
> [3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Mdennis_(WMF)
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 7:59 AM Maggie Dennis 
> wrote:
> > Hello, all.
> >
> > With the Board’s recent statement, this seems like a good time to launch
> > the quarterly office hours I’ve been wanting to create for people who
> want
> > to talk to me about issues involving “community resilience and
> > sustainability,” including the work of Trust & Safety, whom I oversee.
> > (after months of wanting to do this I’ve come to realize that I will
> always
> > be "too busy" to feel like it's the perfect time for this. So I’m going
> to
> > do it now anyway!)
> >
> > There’ve been requests to make office hours more personal, so I will host
> > a Zoom hangout where people can join me, but I'll also take questions
> from
> > Telegram and IRC.[1] I know that finding an hour that works for everybody
> > is not going to happen, and I know from past office hours I’ve been
> > involved in that I may get far more questions than I can answer (or,
> > contrarily, nothing at all :)). Nevertheless, I will do my best to answer
> > questions posed to me in that hour by Wikimedians in good standing (not
> > Foundation or community banned) and to follow up in writing with any I
> > don’t have time for over the next few days or week or so, time allowing.
> I
> > might aggregate similar questions into a kind of FAQ. We’ll publish
> notes,
> > anonymizing those who’ve asked questions, after.
> >
> > I do, however, have the following caveats:
> >
> >-
> >
> >I can’t and won’t discuss specific Trust & Safety cases. Instead, I
> >can discuss Trust & Safety protocols and practices and approaches as
> well
> >as some of the mistakes we’ve made, some of the things I’m proud of,
> and
> >some of the things we’re hoping to do.
> >-
> >
> >I will not respond to comments or questions that are disrespectful to
> >me, to my colleagues, or to anyone in our communities. I can talk
> civilly
> >about our work even if you disagree with me or I disagree with you. I
> won’t
> >compromise on this.
> >
> >
> > I’m not sure if I will stick with Zoom as the way I do office hours
> > forever, but I am responding to some requests for spoken interaction
> while
> > also trying to provide text options for those who prefer. I admit to
> being
> > a little camera shy myself, so this is a challenge for me! If I embarrass
> > myself too badly, I may retreat to the safety of text in future.
> >
> > I was hoping to have the Zoom link already, but while that’s being
> > expedited by our office technology team, I don’t have it yet. I wanted to
> > give interested people notice as 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Summary of the Brand Project presentation

2020-04-18 Thread Ad Huikeshoven

Interconnection is a six piece word for link. In the wiki world a wiki is
both a page and a link.

I sincerely doubt you are going to propose to use Interconnectionpedia as
the single brand.



Op vr 17 apr. 2020 10:57 schreef Samir Elsharbaty :

> Hi everyone,
> Yesterday, the 2030 Brand Movement Project presented the unified concept
> that will guide the upcoming branding proposals. Thanks to the 224
> attendees who watched the presentation live! Participants brought a great
> stream of comments and questions (averaging 8 per minute!) that helped
> clarify important points.
> The unified concept, “interconnection”, was arrived at after many community
> workshops, exercises, and conversations. “Interconnection” distills the 23
> distinct concepts generated in workshops into a single word that links
> together the insights and definitions from the participants, and at the
> same time adds more meaning to the answer to the question who are we? This
> concept will not be a public or visible part of branding, but rather a
> guiding idea.
> Take a look at the video explaining interconnection as a unified concept
> [1].
> You can watch the full presentation video, together with the lively
> discussion that accompanied it [2]. Most of the questions were answered
> during the presentation (including questions about the project scope, the
> upcoming naming convention proposals, and the RfC), but there wasn't enough
> time to answer them all. Questions are being compiled on the Brand Network
> talk page on Meta [3].
> The team will be hosting a follow-up office hour next week to answer the
> rest of the questions. Participation details will be shared on the Brand
> Network talk page. The session will be recorded and shared, and answers
> will be covered on the project pages. If you have a different question
> you’d like to ask, feel free to add it to the page or bring it to the
> office hour.
> PS: As soon as these videos are ready for Commons we will upload them
> there, and we will notify about this on the Brand Network talk page as
> well.
> Thanks,
> Samir & the Brand Project team
> [1]
> https://brandingwikipedia.org/2020/04/16/our-unified-concept-interconnection/
> [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS72O6Si94Q
> [3]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Brand_Network#Unified_concept:_Interconnection
> Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)
> Community Brand and Marketing coordinator
> Wikimedia Foundation 
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> New messages to: Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
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[Wikimedia-l] Wiki loves SDGs

2019-09-17 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
 office and some
people of WMDE to finalize the recommendations for Wikimedia 2030. Have a
look at the SDGs and think about what you can do for the SDGs, and not what
the SDGs can do for you.


Ad Huikeshoven

[1] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania (Thank you, Wittylama)
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Vision
[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mission
[5] https://www.sdgnederland.nl/sdg-moonshot/
[11] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Learning_and_Evaluation/Logic_models
[12] https://www.thenewdivision.world/the-global-goals
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Community feedback and next steps on movement brand proposal

2019-09-12 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Andrew,

There has already been an extensive consultation in the first half year of
2019. Zack presented the outcome to the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia
Foundation August 14th in Stockholm. Het got a go for a next phase. The
current dialogue is about implementation details, as far as I understand
the status of the current process.



Op do 12 sep. 2019 17:14 schreef Andrew Lih :

> Folks, it's not clear this email thread is going to register at all as
> feedback for this process.
> The only recognized feedback mechanisms according to the original mail are
> the following:
> 1. Wikimedia Space group -
> https://discuss-space.wmflabs.org/g/brand-network
> Currently 13 members
> 2.
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_research_and_planning/community_review
> No new conversations
> 3.
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_research_and_planning/community_review/results
> A dialogue that has been started to discuss the problems of the KPIs and
> metrics.
> I'd highly suggest if you want to make your feedback count, you go to these
> venues.
> -Andrew
> On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 8:32 PM Ferdinando Traversa <
> ferdi.trave...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > It’ll be a very very important RFC. More than elections, it’s about all
> > global identity.
> > CentralNotice is appropriate.
> >
> > Ferdinando
> >
> > > Il giorno 7 set 2019, alle ore 22:06, David Gerard 
> > ha scritto:
> > >
> > > I concur, it sounds sensible.
> > >
> > > (I'll note, I'm not actually against the name change proposal - but
> > > it's got to be presented to the community properly.)
> > >
> > > On Sat, 7 Sep 2019 at 20:50, Kiril Simeonovski
> > >  wrote:
> > >>
> > >> HI David,
> > >>
> > >> Yes, it stands to reason to announce on all wikis in a similar way as
> > the
> > >> announcements about board or steward elections.
> > >>
> > >> Best,
> > >> Kiril
> > >>
> > >>> On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 9:46 PM David Gerard 
> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> On all wikis?
> > >>>
> > >>> On Sat, 7 Sep 2019 at 19:19, Yaroslav Blanter 
> > wrote:
> > 
> >  Right.
> > 
> >  I guess a central notice about an RfC would be appropriate.
> > 
> >  Cheers
> >  Yaroslav
> > 
> >  On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 8:16 PM Kiril Simeonovski <
> >  kiril.simeonov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > It seems like there is a clear consensus to open an RfC on Meta
> about
> > >>> this,
> > > so we can safely move forward with it and close this thread.
> > >>> Otherwise, we
> > > will most likely keep up boggling our minds with the 20-per-cent
> > >>> metric and
> > > endlessly discuss how unfortunate is this for the global community
> > >>> when the
> > > only rational thing we can do is take action and save everyone's
> > time.
> > >
> > > Do you have any concluding remarks or comments regarding the RfC?
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > > Kiril
> > >
> > > On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 7:57 PM Ferdinando Traversa <
> > > ferdi.trave...@gmail.com>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> I’m against and sincerly I don’t trust this datas (80% agrees? Are
> > >>> you
> > >> kidding me? I’ve seen the meta discussion). I think a Meta CLEAR
> > >>> VOTE as
> > >> suggested here is the best way. Imposing a change like this is a
> > >>> wrong
> > >> decision.
> > >>
> > >> Regards.
> > >>
> > >>> Il giorno 6 set 2019, alle ore 05:49, Zack McCune <
> > > zmcc...@wikimedia.org>
> > >> ha scritto:
> > >>>
> > >>> *Summary* - We want your help with a voluntary, OPT-IN design
> > >>> process
> > > for
> > >>> movement branding.  Please join the in-depth discussion group, or
> > >>> watch
> > >> for
> > >>> updates on Meta-Wiki.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Hello all,
> > >>>
> > >>> After 4 months of community consultation, spanning dozens of
> > > affiliates,
> > >>> several mailing lists, community conferences, and Meta-Wiki, I am
> > > pleased
> > >>> to share a summary of feedback on the proposed 2030 movement
> brand
> > >> strategy
> > >>> [1].
> > >>>
> > >>> From more than 319 comments, representing 150 individual
> > >>> contributors
> > > and
> > >>> 63 affiliates, we assessed 6 major themes in feedback:
> > >>>
> > >>>  1.
> > >>>
> > >>>  Reducing confusion
> > >>>  2.
> > >>>
> > >>>  Protecting reputation
> > >>>  3.
> > >>>
> > >>>  Supporting sister projects
> > >>>  4.
> > >>>
> > >>>  Addressing (legal, governmental) risks
> > >>>  5.
> > >>>
> > >>>  Supporting movement growth
> > >>>  6.
> > >>>
> > >>>  The process of change
> > >>>
> > >>> Please visit our feedback summary page to learn more [2]. You
> will
> > >>> see
> > >>> examples of comments within each section

Re: [Wikimedia-l] The timeline of the Wikimedia strategy: please reconsider!

2019-08-18 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
To be more precise: on September 15 Working Group members, the Board of
Trustees Members, and all Chiefs of the Foundation will convene in Tunis
for a sprint to discuss these materials.

The working groups will have a lot of work to do to come up with something
that convinces decision makers to embrace recommendation to change anything
from the current status quo.

From participants at Wikimania I sense buy in for a number of more or less
radical changes. The working groups have to be very clear and very specific
which changes they want and why.


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Draft recommendations are here!

2019-08-10 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
The working groups created a summary of their recommendations in a
nutshell. They are published on meta. These orphan pages looked so lonely,
I collected them in an orphanage: Wikimedia 2030: Links to nutshells of
recommendations per working group

For ease of access, here are the separate links:
1.Advocacy Nutshell
2.Capacity Building Nutshell
3.Community Health Nutshell
4.Diversity Nutshell
5.Partnerships Nutshell
6.Product & Technology Nutshell
7.Resource Allocation Nutshell
8.Revenue Streams Nutshell
9.Roles & Responsibilities Nutshell

Although in an orphanage, these orphans are still hungry, so please feed
them on their talk pages :)


Ad Huikeshoven

P.S. Please be-bold if you do feel the urge to rename or move the orphanage.

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 8:37 PM Nicole Ebber 

> Dear fellow Wikimedians,
> They’re here! [1] We are delighted to announce the first round of
> draft recommendations for structural change within our movement have
> been published. The recommendations have been developed by the nine
> Wikimedia 2030 working groups and are a key tool to help us build the
> future of our movement.
> Working group members have been working tirelessly for a year to
> research the movement, analyze community input shared via community
> conversations, and gain insight into external trends. A huge thank you
> to each and every member for helping us reach this key milestone.
> The draft recommendations are a first look at ways we can adapt our
> movement’s structures to help us advance in our strategic direction.
> They are the starting point for conversations about what kind of
> future we want to create together.
> The recommendations are not final. In order to get them to that stage,
> your input is needed! We would like to hear from you all what these
> changes would mean for you in your local or thematic context, what do
> you like about them, and where you potentially see any red flags. And
> of course, always critically question whether these recommendations
> support the strategic direction.
> There are a few ways to do this:
> * Read through the recommendations online and provide your input
> directly on Meta. [2]
> * If you will be at Wikimania, join us in the Wikimedia 2030 space. [3]
> * Attend a Strategy Salon hosted by an affiliate where you live. [4]
> * Reach out to a Strategy Liaison in your language to share feedback,
> or lead a conversation of your own. [5]
> Over the next month, working groups will take the input they receive
> into the recommendations, alongside external advice and research, and
> use it to refine and finalize them. Share your views, and help shape
> what Wikimedia will look like in 2030 and beyond.
> If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to get in touch.
> Best wishes,
> Nicole
> [1]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
> [2]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
> [3] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Wikimedia_2030
> [4]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/2019_Community_Conversations/Strategy_Salons
> [5]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/People/Community_Strategy_Liaisons
> --
> Nicole Ebber
> Adviser International Relations
> Program Manager Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy
> Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
> Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
> https://wikimedia.de
> Unser

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Movement Strategy: Draft recommendations are here!

2019-08-09 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Thank you Nicole, something to read and prepare for Wikimania,


Op vr 9 aug. 2019 20:37 schreef Nicole Ebber :

> Dear fellow Wikimedians,
> They’re here! [1] We are delighted to announce the first round of
> draft recommendations for structural change within our movement have
> been published. The recommendations have been developed by the nine
> Wikimedia 2030 working groups and are a key tool to help us build the
> future of our movement.
> Working group members have been working tirelessly for a year to
> research the movement, analyze community input shared via community
> conversations, and gain insight into external trends. A huge thank you
> to each and every member for helping us reach this key milestone.
> The draft recommendations are a first look at ways we can adapt our
> movement’s structures to help us advance in our strategic direction.
> They are the starting point for conversations about what kind of
> future we want to create together.
> The recommendations are not final. In order to get them to that stage,
> your input is needed! We would like to hear from you all what these
> changes would mean for you in your local or thematic context, what do
> you like about them, and where you potentially see any red flags. And
> of course, always critically question whether these recommendations
> support the strategic direction.
> There are a few ways to do this:
> * Read through the recommendations online and provide your input
> directly on Meta. [2]
> * If you will be at Wikimania, join us in the Wikimedia 2030 space. [3]
> * Attend a Strategy Salon hosted by an affiliate where you live. [4]
> * Reach out to a Strategy Liaison in your language to share feedback,
> or lead a conversation of your own. [5]
> Over the next month, working groups will take the input they receive
> into the recommendations, alongside external advice and research, and
> use it to refine and finalize them. Share your views, and help shape
> what Wikimedia will look like in 2030 and beyond.
> If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to get in touch.
> Best wishes,
> Nicole
> [1]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
> [2]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
> [3] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Wikimedia_2030
> [4]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/2019_Community_Conversations/Strategy_Salons
> [5]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/People/Community_Strategy_Liaisons
> --
> Nicole Ebber
> Adviser International Relations
> Program Manager Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy
> Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
> Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
> https://wikimedia.de
> Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der alle Menschen am Wissen der
> Menschheit teilhaben, es nutzen und mehren können. Helfen Sie uns
> dabei! https://spenden.wikimedia.de
> Wikimedia Deutschland — Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.
> V. Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts
> Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig
> anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin,
> Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
> ___
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> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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[Wikimedia-l] Community Health, Roles & Responsibilities

2019-06-16 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
We are in a turbulent episode on this mailing list and en.wp. I don't claim
to speak for the community. I wish everybody can speak for themselves.

Some people don't like the Wikimedia Foundation stepping in and banning an
user for a specific project for a year. Most people don't react, while some
are vocal.

Some people comment on a more general level than this specific case. That
can be separated from the case. There is an ongoing strategy discussion on
meta and elsewhere about Wikimedia 2030.

There are working groups for Community Health. There are working groups for
Roles and Responsibilities in the movement. They do ask for input. People
who want to influence the roles and responsibilities of project communities
versus for example the Wikimedia Foundation board and paid staff, go ahead,
and find your way to participate.[1] Or just fill out the survey.[2]

Previously a strategic direction has been agreed. Something with diversity,
inclusion and something about underrepresented voices, and communities that
have been left out by structures of power and privilege. It goes as far as
"We will break down the social, political, and technical barriers
preventing people from accessing and contributing to free knowledge."

The Wikimedia Foundation took a bold step in banning Fram for a year. They
have the authority to do so. They are not obliged to give reasons.

The Community Health group guiding questions inter alia are "How can we
ensure that our communities are places that people want to be part of and
participate in, and how can we make people stay? How do we engage and
support people that have been left out by structures of power and

Those last two questions are interesting questions. I'ḿ curious to learn
answers from people who strongly oppose interventions by WMF staff. and
from others as well.

I'm looking forward to have conversations about the recommendations of the
working groups in the Wikimedia 2030 process at Wikimania Stockholm. I hope
to see a lot of you there.

Kind regards,

Ad Huikeshoven

[2] https://wikimedia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d718KRfJ5W3OVYV
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[Wikimedia-l] Results of the Affiliate Selected Board Seats voting

2019-06-12 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
*Dear Wikimedians, We are writing to let you know the result of the
election for the 2 Affiliate Selected Board Seats on the Wikimedia
Foundation board. The successful candidates were Nataliia Tymkiv and Shani
Evenstein Sigalov. A total of 122 affiliates voted, 85% of the 143 eligible
to vote, which is a record. As you know the election was conducted under a
variation of the Single Transferable Vote, which meant that prorated votes
were redistributed between candidates to come up with the final result. In
the 10th step of counting the final place, after Nataliia Tymkiv was
elected, was between Shani Evenstein Sigalov (40.519678) and Richard Knipel
(40.480322).  We have put the full count narrative on meta so that others
can verify it if they wish.[1] It is the closest ASBS result for some time,
and all candidates brought very valuable perspectives to the work of the
WMF.  In the 9th step of counting Reda Kerbouche lost by a very small
margin. Adding a ballot with rank #1 for Richard or Reda would result in
them being elected instead of Shani. The same goes for removing a ballot.
Changing the ranking on one of the ballots in a specific can way can result
in a different outcome for the second seat. This is an election in which
every vote counts.  As in any election, there is a chance that some voters
misinterpreted the instructions and voted wrongly. We don't see a
justification for an action as extraordinary and controversial as opening
votes for review after the vote period is over. The instructions were
visible and clear: "Rank any candidate from 1 (your preferred candidate) to
11 (your least preferred candidate)." After voting, voters received a
confirmation email stating the name of each candidate they voted with the
number of their rank: Rank 1, Rank 2, ... The agency of voters should be
respected. As part of the retrospective we may identify areas of
improvements on our side, but still the process was quite simple and
documented. Some voters realized they made a mistake and requested a new
ballot. New ballots were issued in those cases. This choice was done
because of the specific situation of this election, since the process was
complex for new affiliates and participation, diversity and inclusion were
a clear goal.[2] We have published on meta information about who got a new
ballot within the voting deadline.[3] The Election Facilitators have been
available nearly 24 hours a day monitoring the various communication
channels to answer any questions affiliates might have. We did our best at
answering all of them. After our own scrutiny of the data, and based on our
experience in community processes, we strongly advise the community to
respect the integrity of the process, and advise against allowing any
modifications of votes at this point. If the votes had been reopened for
modification with or without publishing vote results, that would have
caused significant confusion and criticism that could have jeopardized the
entire election.  We will publish a debrief with recommendations for a next
ASBS process on meta.[4] We invite all representatives of affiliates to a
feedback session at Wikimania.[5] We would like to congratulate Nataliia
Tymkiv and Shani Evenstein Sigalov and thank everyone who stood.  Regards,
 Ad Huikeshoven, Lane Rasberry, Jeffrey Keefer, Neal McBurnett, Abhinav
Srivastava, Alessandor MarchettiElection Facilitators [1]
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Announcing the Spaces and call for submissions for Wikimania 2019 Stockholm

2019-05-02 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Liam,

This looks great!


On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 2:28 AM Liam Wyatt  wrote:

> Dear Wikimaniacs, Wikimedians, and friends of the Wikiverse!
> On behalf of the Wikimania 2019 Stockholm organising team, I am pleased to
> announce two things:
> - The list of accepted "Spaces".
> - That the Call for Submissions is now OPEN.
> https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Submissions
> Please join me in congratulating the Leaders of each of the accepted
> Wikimania 2019 Spaces! As per the program design[1], Wikimania this year
> has the format of "Spaces", each with its own group of "Leaders" - all of
> who made a proposal to host a Space back in March. The core team has been
> working with the Leaders since then to prepare an interesting, diverse, and
> coherent conference. Each Space has its own topic area, and in their own
> way they all of them help address the conference theme: "Stronger together:
> Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and the Sustainable Development Goals".[2]
> Each Space will have its own room for a period of time in the conference to
> curate and coordinate as they see fit.[3] You can read about what each
> Space is planning to achieve, and who is Leading it, at the link above. In
> English-alphabetical order they are:
>Accessibility (A11y): Components and Standards
>Global Advocacy for Free Knowledge: Trends, Challenges, and
> Opportunities
>Community Growth
>Environmental sustainability
>GLAM - cultural partnerships and Wikimedia
>Growing Wikimedia’s readership worldwide
>Libraries belong in Wikimedia projects
>Multimedia knowledge
>Thriving in Safety
>Strategy for Wikimedia 2030 – The path towards our future
>Technology outreach & innovation
> And of course the Poster session, which will be a plenary event.
> For 2019, there is no 'central' program committee nor a single submission
> form. To make a submission, visit the page of the Space which most relates
> to your proposal, read its instructions for what kinds of submissions the
> Leaders of that Space wish to receive. Then click the submission button.
> Each Space is looking for different kinds of content or format. So it is
> important that people wanting to propose a presentation/workshop/panel/etc
> at Wikimania read the information that the Leaders of each Space have
> provided.
> Once again, the link to the list of all the accepted Spaces, each with its
> own submission form, is here:
> https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Submissions#Spaces
> Please feel free to share/forward this email.
> Sincerely,
> - Liam Wyatt (Volunteer program chair), and Eric Luth (Conference Manager,
> Wikimedia Sverige)
> [1] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Program_design
> [2] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Theme
> [3] Note that the Spaces do NOT all have the same room capacity, or
> duration. Thus the content of the Wikimania program is not intending to be
> 'evenly spread' across these topic areas.
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Supporting Wikinews [was: Reviewing our brand system for our 2030 goals]

2019-04-17 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Shutting down Wikinews is not the only strategic option. Wikinews is now
hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. In the future it could be hosted by
another organization. For example Wikia. Or maybe the current users start a
Wikinews Association or Foundation and will start self hosting. Someone
from the Wikimedia Foundation should weigh in with a marginal cost estimate
of hosting Wikinews. It probably might be not much more than the cost of
the domain registration. For the Wikimedia Foundation the financial cost
saving would be not more than those domain registration fees. Currently
there is no case the existence of Wikinews hurts the reputation of
Wikimedia or Wikipedia in my opinion.


Ad Huikeshoven

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:17 PM Dan Garry (Deskana) 

> On Wed, 17 Apr 2019 at 15:41, Yaroslav Blanter  wrote:
> > Indeed, I am not a fan of Wikinews and I do not particularly see the
> > project as in any way successful. However, if the project is shut down
> > against the will of the community (I now mean the Wikinews community, or
> > perhaps even specifically the English Wikinews community), I will ask
> > myself  whether Wikivoyage (I am active in the Russian Wikivoyage, where
> we
> > have a couple of dozen active users) could also be shut down one day
> > against the will of the community, just because we are not successful
> > competing with the brands like Lonely Planet, DK, or Michelin, for
> example.
> >
> I've not seen any proposals involving shutting down projects without
> community involvement, so hopefully you shouldn't need to worry about this.
> Dan
> ___
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> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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[Wikimedia-l] Affiliate Selected Board Seats - Resolution finalized. Next steps.

2019-04-06 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi all,

The Election Facilitators met on Friday, April 5. We finalized the
resolution, which is now frozen.[1] The Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia
Foundation will be asked to approve the resolution.

We have made two small changes to be more inclusive. We extended the date
for compliance with AffCom reporting and being in good standing to May 8 to
allow time for as many Affiliates as possible to be current with these
requirements. The Election Facilitators adjusted the language in case a
quorum is not met during the election.

On the talk page of the resolution one issue was raised. The issue looks
like to be about a possible candidate. Affiliates will have ample time to
discuss the merits of candidates during nomination time, screening time,
and they can cast their votes on candidates. The Election Facilitators
didn't see the necessity for this change, and left the resolution on this
point unchanged.

The Election Facilitators will be Abhinav Srivastava, Lane Rasberry,
Jeffrey Keefer, Ad Huikeshoven, Neal McBurnett and Alessandro Marchetti. We
will welcome more volunteers to assist us in this process, to reach out to
the diversity in language and gender in our communities, and do so in an
advisory role.

The nomination period opens op April 15. We are going to prepare nomination
pages on meta. You can expect a call for nominations. There is a draft
call, including a candidates' profile section with non-binding guidelines
about experience and characteristics for nominees.[2] You are welcome to
add your insights, or discuss on the talk page.

Erica Litrenta (WMF staff) supports us in this process. She will reach out
to all affiliates through mail and other channels to make sure we are up to
date with (user)name and contact details of your primary contact.

On behalf of the Election Facilitators,

Ad Huikeshoven

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Strategic planning for conferences

2018-11-04 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
hello Pine,

Did you have a look at the events team manager job description? It is an
open position, so there is currently nobody at the wmf to answer your
question. For me the concept of 'event' is broader than the range of
conferences you described. Would you consider yourself as a candidate for
the position. Wpuld you consider me?



Op zo 4 nov. 2018 20:58 schreef Pine W  Hello,
> My request from September has gone unanswered, so I am trying again. I
> don't think that there is a single point of contact for conference funding
> and strategy at WMF, but I think that there should be, and perhaps the lack
> of such a person is why there hasn't been a response to this email. I don't
> know who I should ping but I'm hoping that Katy can provide at least a
> partial response, or direct this email to someone who can do so.
> Thanks,
> Pine
> ( https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Pine )
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 5:55 PM Pine W  wrote:
> > Mindful of the ongoing discussions about conferences, I think that it
> > would be helpful to have a big picture understanding of the goals, plans,
> > and budgets for conferences collectively.
> >
> > As far as I know, these are the types of recurring conferences:
> >
> > (1) Wikimania, which seems to be a multi-purpose international
> conference,
> > with somewhat open admission if someone can afford to attend, is willing
> to
> > attend, and can get the necessary legal permissions;
> >
> > (2) the Wikimedia Summit (which I hope will get a name change to reflect
> > its actual scope, because it's not an all-Wikimedia summit) which will
> > focus on WMF, WMF committees that work with WMF affiliate organizations,
> > and WMF affiliate organizations;
> >
> > (3) thematic conferences, such as the Wikisource Conference;
> >
> > (4) regional conferences, such as WikiConference North America;
> >
> > (5) organization-specific meetings of various kinds, including affiliate
> > organizations' annual general meetings and WMF All Hands, and
> >
> > (6) the Wikimedia Technical Conference.
> >
> > I believe that WMF intended to do some strategic planning for the
> > collection of conferences as a part of the larger WMF-led strategic
> > planning process. Is this type of planning underway for conferences, and
> if
> > so can we get an update from someone who is familiar with the situation?
> If
> > the person who will respond is a paid staff member, then please feel free
> > to wait to respond until a convenient workday next week. In the meantime,
> > other people may wish to comment or ask questions.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Pine
> > ( https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Pine )
> >
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Concerns about WMF's "Manager of Community Development" job posting

2018-07-15 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Dear friends,

Pine wrote "The idea of WMF placing itself in the position of managing
community development is problematic."
I disagree with Pine. It has been recognized in the past that community is
the key asset in the movement. I do belief that it is a fiduciary duty to
manage your key asset wisely and responsively. Editing / contributing to
Wikimedia projects has a radically decentralized nature. Your concern
regards paying due respect to that radically decentralized nature.
Community health has been or is an issue for example. I am very glad there
is going to be a person leading a team of professionals to provide guidance
to volunteer leaders. And the person will have a challenge to gain trust of
the community, and to build trust within the communities.

Have a nice weekend,

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Better public reporting for WMF $1m or $2m+ projects

2017-06-30 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Fae,

The WMF publishes financial numbers twice  a year. The last are the nummers
until december 2016
The next fill be the financial report for the year ending today. That
report is expected in October.

I'm glad Katherine asked forumdiscussie the board approved funding for
developing a long term strategy in a very inclusive process.

The content of the process is open and transparant.

You have some experience with a chapter at rough times. Would you be
available for governance review of WMFr?



Op 30 jun. 2017 15:16 schreef "Fæ" :

> Could an unpaid volunteer who is not a WMF employee, or contractor, or
> consultant, please have a go at answering my polite request for links
> to "monthly or quarterly financial reports" from a few days ago,
> below? I don't think this needs any time from employees to confirm
> whether published versions exist or don't exist, and I don't want to
> be publicly shamed for asking a question.[1]
> I have searched through the WMF web pages with regard to the 2017
> movement strategy,[2] but have yet to find any references or evidence
> that there are regular reports of when or how the budgeted $2.5
> million is being spent. Considering the large size of this project,
> and especially the significant sums of money going to consultants, I
> am sure everyone can appreciate there is bound to be interest from the
> wider community in the progress of the spend and any unplanned spend.
> I would expect that the strategy project has regular monthly tracked
> spending reports, certainly I would find it hard to believe that the
> WMF CEO and CFO do not require that level of tracking and reporting.
> If nothing is published, then that would be a jolly good thing for our
> movement to push for improved /public/ governance of $1m+ projects,
> especially those with large sums going to consultants chosen using
> non-open bid procedures, to deliver better transparency in line with
> our movement values. The cost of this improvement would be zero. There
> can be no doubt that summary reports already exist and there is
> unlikely to be any reason for secrecy that would convince the
> community that when spending very large sums of donated money, we can
> be ethically transparent and accountable, but be unable to answer
> these simple questions publicly.
> Should the WMF CEO feel that publishing monthly or quarterly reports
> on $1m+ projects is a pointless burden, then perhaps the CEO and WMF
> board could agree at what level of spend there should be better
> transparency, perhaps any identifiable programme spending more than
> $2m?
> Raising as a separate thread, as we have probably drifted away from
> Pine's original question and intent.[3]
> Links:
> 1. https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2017-June/087910.html
> Statement from Greg and Anna.
> 2. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017
> Strategy pages on Meta.
> 3. https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2017-June/087854.html
> Pine's question.
> Thanks,
> Fae
> On 27 June 2017 at 12:31, Fæ  wrote:
> > On 27 June 2017 at 04:33, Anna Stillwell 
> wrote:
> > ...
> >>> * How much is this timeline extension projected to cost, and from what
> >>> source are the funds being drawn? (Note that this doesn't assume that
> the
> >>> decision was a bad one, but I very much want to know the source of the
> >>> funds and how much is likely to be drawn from it.)
> >>
> >> We've got this covered, Pine. We are fiscally managing this process and
> all
> >> of our contracts well. Thank you for your concern.
> >>
> >>> * Could you also discuss what measures are being taken to control
> costs in
> >>> the strategy process?
> >>>
> >>
> >> We have plenty of measures in place to monitor costs (e.g., we don't
> need
> >> to control them because they are not out of control, we are within our
> >> budget). Also, describing financial metrics at any lower level of detail
> >> would be a waste of the strategy budget since we are within it.
> >>
> >> Always good to hear from you,
> >> /a
> >
> > Anna,
> >
> > I'd love to examine the more detailed monthly or quarterly financial
> > reports that demonstrate your assurance, and can be both examined and
> > understood by volunteers like us. Could you provide a link to them
> > please? No doubt the WMF wrote transparency and accountability right
> > into the contracts, so that being transparent and accountable is not
> > considered a "waste of the strategy budget" but instead is an activity
> > absolutely critical to its success.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Fae
> --
> fae...@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Personal Update

2016-11-01 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Kelly,

You have left the hard tech world to join the world of collaboration and
co-creation. First as a volunteer board member of the Wikimedia Foundation,
and today as salaried employee of Quora, a site that co-creates answers to
questions. Quite some active Wikimedians are also active on Quora.

What I know about you is that you want to give the development of a new
strategic multi year plan for Wikimedia a push. I wonder in which ways
Wikimedia and Quora can reinforce each other. Some day you will give me

For now, thanks for the disclosure, and good luck in your new job!

Warm regards,


On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Kelly Battles 

> Hi Everyone,
> >
> > I have an exciting personal update to share with all of you. Today, I am
> > joining Quora as Chief Financial Officer. I have shared more information
> on
> > my Quora personal blog[1].
> >
> > Once I decided to accept this role, I shared the news with Christophe as
> > chair of the Board and Katherine as ED, both in the interest of full
> > disclosure and to flag any potential conflicts of interest. Stephen
> LaPorte
> > and Michelle Paulson, as interim Secretary of the Board and Foundation’s
> > General Counsel, reviewed the new position and concluded there are no
> > existing conflicts. After reviewing the bylaws, we’re confident we can
> > properly manage any that may arise.
> >
> > As some of you may know, Jimmy Wales has a small investment in Quora. I
> > was not personally aware of this during this process. As I learned of it
> > during the conflict of interest review, I wanted to share that
> information
> > and clarify there was no connection.
> >
> > I’m very excited about this next chapter in my professional life. I
> > sincerely look forward to the opportunity to learn more about another
> > passionate community, while continuing my commitment to serve Wikimedia
> as
> > a Foundation Trustee over the years ahead. This service has been a true
> > honor, thank you for support.
> >
> > Best,
> > Kelly Battles
> > *Member, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees*
> >
> > 1. https://kellybattles.quora.com/Joining-Quora-as-CFO
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Welcome Delphine Ménard as WMF's Annual Plan Grants Program Officer

2016-06-20 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Great news and congratulations to Delphine, your team and to yourself Katy.
I wish Delphine a lot of wisdom and strength in her new role.

-- Ad
Op 21 jun. 2016 00:56 schreef "Katy Love" :

> Hi Wikimedians,
> Today WMF's Community Resources team is joined by Delphine Ménard as our
> newly appointed Annual Plan Grants
>  (APG) Program Officer. In
> that
> role, Delphine will support both funding streams included in the Annual
> Plan Grants program, including Simple Annual Plan Grants and the Funds
> Dissemination Committee's
> (FDC) full process APG, with her focus on the FDC.  We are excited to have
> her join our team.
> Some of you may know Delphine as [[user:notafish]]. She's a longtime
> Wikimedian who has played many roles in our movement. She was WMF's
> Chapter's Coordinator many years ago, then a member of the Board of
> Wikimedia Deutschland, and most recently, a member of the Funds
> Dissemination Committee herself. Her wide array of experiences and roles
> will serve her well as the new APG Program Officer.
> In the weeks ahead, Delphine will be reaching out to the FDC-funded
> organizations and will also be leading the Board's recruitment to fill four
> open seats on the FDC. I know she is looking forward to working with all of
> you. :)
> Cheers,
> Katy Love
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] 2016 call for Audit Committee observers

2016-04-05 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
2016-04-05 1:57 GMT+02:00 Risker :

> Hmm. Ironically, it is standard for even non-member charities and
> non-profits in much of the world to have fully-voting members of the Audit
> Committee who are not members of the Board of Trustees/Directors.  It is
> unfortunate that the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees has not yet
> come around to this idea.

Hi Anne,

The Foundation has come around that idea in 2006/2007 until 2012. [1] In
that period is full voting member of the Audit Committee, later joined by a
few others. On October 26nd, 2012 the Board passed a resolution to change
the charter of the Audit Committee. [2] Among other things, outsiders in
the committee lost their voting rights. That is something that happened
after I left the Audit Committee. I don't know why the voting rights where


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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Cross-wiki notifications beta feature now available on all wikis

2016-03-11 Thread Ad Huikeshoven

Hartelijk dank voor je bericht. De notificaties over de grenzen van wikis
werken, dank je wel. Ik wens je een rustig en fijn weekend toe,

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Ad Huikeshoven
Op 11 mrt. 2016 21:25 schreef "Roan Kattouw" :

> In late 2015 and early 2016, the Collaboration team worked on building a
> cross-wiki notification feature: listing notifications from other wikis in
> the notification panel. We made this feature available on a small set of
> wikis [1] initially, and about six hours ago we made it available on all
> wikis as a beta feature.
> You can enable cross-wiki notifications by clicking the "Beta" link [2] in
> the top right corner (or top left in RTL languages) and enabling the
> "Enhanced notifications" setting. The notification panels (accessible
> through the bell and speech bubble icons in the top right/left corner) will
> now display an additional item telling you which other wikis you have
> unread notifications on, and you can click this item to expand it and see
> those notifications [3]. For more information, see the documentation on
> mediawiki.org [4], with mostly complete translations in 13 languages at
> the
> time of this writing.
> Because we don't have cross-wiki preferences, enabling the beta feature on
> one wiki doesn't automatically enable it on any other wiki. However, you
> only have to enable the beta feature to see cross-wiki notifications on a
> wiki, not to get them from that wiki. For example, if you only enable the
> beta feature on the French Wikipedia, you will see notifications from the
> French Wikisource, the Spanish Wikipedia and the Upper Sorbian Wiktionary
> even if you haven't enabled the beta feature on those wikis. In fact, if
> you've had an account for a while, you are likely to see some very old
> notifications from wikis you haven't visited in years; Magnus Manske
> tweeted a screenshot of this yesterday [5].
> Please try this out and let us know what you think! There's a talk page on
> mediawiki.org [6] where you can leave feedback. If you find a bug, please
> report it on Phabricator [7] or on the feedback page.
> Thanks a lot to the Collaboration team [8] as well as community liaisons
> Nick Wilson (Quiddity) and Benoît Evellin (Trizek) for their work on this
> over the past few months.
> --Roan Kattouw (User:Catrope)
> [1] All French wikis, all Hebrew wikis, Commons, Wikidata and
> mediawiki.org
> [2] Or go to [[Special:Preferences]] and click the "Beta features" tab
> [3]
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Notification_panel_with_cross-wiki_notification.png
> [4] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Notifications/Cross-wiki
> [5] https://twitter.com/MagnusManske/status/707712047065210882
> [6] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help_talk:Notifications
> [7]
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/?projectPHIDs=Notifications
> [8] https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Staff#Collaboration
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] [Wmfall] Wikimedia Foundation executive transition update

2016-03-11 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
2016-03-11 3:59 GMT+01:00 Katherine Maher :

> Thank you, Patricio.
> I want to thank the Board for this opportunity, and for their confidence in
> the Foundation. I also want to thank community members and staff for
> continuing to be such committed advocates for our future -- your passion
> and belief in our movement and purpose have been tremendous things to
> behold.
> As a movement, we’ve had some challenges lately.

Dear Katherine,

The board of Wikimedia Nederland had a regular meeting on Thursday evening.
We wrapped up hours before the announcement of Patricio and your message.
Fellow board members have had their worries expressed about what was going
on. We were not aware about this news coming. I haven't checked with my
fellow board members, but I'm sure they allow me to congratulate you on
behalf of the whole board and wish you lots of strength and wisdom during
the interim transition period. I'm looking forward to meet you again in
Berlin at the Wikimedia Conference 2016.

Have a nice weekend,

Ad Huikeshoven
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Movement representation vs WMF board reform

2016-02-28 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
2016-02-28 15:53 GMT+01:00 Brion Vibber :

> Some members of the WMF Board of Trustees are giving strong signals (like,
> saying it outright) that the BoT can't fully take on the role of movement
> leadership or community representation. Not because they think it shouldn't
> happen, but because structurally and legally and practically the board of
> Wikimedia Foundation Inc has different roles to fill.

Thanks Brion for starting this conversation. "Our community is our biggest
asset" do read the values.[1] How do you reconcile the statement of some
board members with this stated value?

> I think we should consider what roles and structures we *do* want as
> members of the Wikimedia movement community.

The saying is "structure follows strategy". One goal, or strategy can be
"As a movement we want healthy thriving communities".

A) One way to achieve that could be to delegate the task explicitly to each
individual community and help the members of that community to
(self)organize. For example to use securepoll to (s)elect a number of
people by active editors to accept certain representative roles, for
example in two way communication between foundation and community about
technology changes, but also to oversee processes to recruit new editors
and onboard them. I imagine a (s)election process like the (s)election of
community (s)elected BoT members, however with voters restricted to editors
who are active in that community (that is per project wiki of which there
are 900).

B) Another way would be to use securepoll to (s)elect a number of people in
a specific country by active editors in that country to accept certain
representative roles, for example in two way communication between
foundation and community about technology changes, but also to oversee
processes to recruit new editors and onboard them. I imagine a (s)election
process like the (s)election of community (s)elected BoT members, however
with voters restricted to editors who are active in that country based on
geo-ip. Maybe some countries are so big, that it would be wiser to do this
at state level.

> This probably means we should think about "umbrella" structures to
> coordinate and represent and look forward.

The failed attempts to WCA come to mind. That didn't work. An association
of active editors legally separate from the WMF might be conceivable. Such
an assocation could be compartementalized by A) and B). The B) structures
might merge with existing chapters, I can imagine. (S)election of community
members for the BoT of the WMF could shift to the association.

That might end up outsourcing community support by the WMF to the
association, something Dariusz opposes ;)


Ad Huikeshoven

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[Wikimedia-l] Plan and goals for the Wikimedia, the Foundation, the Affiliates and the movement, Re: 2016 Strategic Approaches Report

2016-02-28 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
e if I'm wrong. Someone called
for open hr recruiting on wikimedia-l. For some specific roles at the WMF
one of the requirements is to be able to join the conversation on
wikimedia-l. I'm with Jimmy that the Wikimedia Foundation is a great place
to work. And I'm with current staff who feel the place felt more like hell
hole. I'm considering myself to apply for a job. I have been at a 200 plus
employee institution that had the courage to battle a full board out,
including experience with a follow up healing process and reorganization.


Ad Huikeshoven

[1]: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/2016_Strategy/Community_consultation
[3]: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Future#Interested_people
[5]: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/2015-2016_Annual_Plan
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] 2016 Strategic Approaches Report

2016-02-26 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Thanks for sharing, you have been working late on Friday night!

Have a nice weekend,

Op 27 feb. 2016 07:25 schreef "Patrick Earley" :

> Hello all,
> A summary report of the first stage of community consultation for the 2016
> Wikimedia Foundation strategy process has uploaded to Commons in PDF
> format.[1]
> This is in preparation for the second stage of consultation, which will
> begin on Meta next Friday, March 4.  We will update when that process is
> ready to go.
> [1]
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2016_Strategic_Approaches_Report.pdf
> Best regards,
> --
> Patrick Earley
> Senior Community Advocate
> Wikimedia Foundation
> pear...@wikimedia.org
> (1) 415 975 1874
> ___
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] An Open Letter to Wikimedia Foundation BoT

2016-02-19 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Dear friends,

Dear friends of open and free knowledge,

Let us raise the bar,
To the level of positive and constructive,
Don't bite the newcomers,
Assume good faith.

Keep a good balance,
Between work and life,
Don't do overtime without prior authorization,
Enjoy your weekend.

Meet friends and family,
Engage in meaningful discourse,
Go on a hike,  walking or biking,
Enjoy fresh air.

Find a mentor and a coach,
If you don't have one,
Start journaling for a daily
Reflection on accomplishment,
And to record your gratitude.

Be nice to your boss,
The next one maybe worse.

Acknowledge that we live,
In a complex and confusing world,
Rapidly changing both within,
And outside the Wikimedia movement.

From my perspective I do not,
Question the ability of the BoT,
To rubberstamp decisions based  on,
Recommendations by the FDC.

Join the pilot or experiment at,
Https://discourse.wmflabs.org ,
And set your preferences for
Categories to watch or unwatch,
And mute whatever you like.

There are so many positions unfillled,
That I don't recommend to open more,
Before I have asked suggestions,
From each of you for who would be:

A great CTO at the Wikipedia Foundation A great leader of Community
Or someone to fill the BoT seat,
Vacated by Arnnon Geshuri.

Have a nice weekend,

Ad Huikeshoven
Op 19 feb. 2016 22:11 schreef "Sam Klein" :

> Dear Siko,
> I was trying to phrase something like this, but you beat me to it.  This
> discussion gives me hope.
> Siko writes:
> > Ido, Ori, Sydney, Shani, Ben, Delphine, Gayle, thank you for your
> boldness
> > and wisdom in this thread. I know how rarely some of us speak on this
> list,
> > and I appreciate you raising your voices here, now. I need to believe
> that
> > the power of the collective leadership that so many volunteers and staff
> > are showing here will ultimately be strong enough to ensure that the
> > Wikimedia Foundation has the leadership that its mission deserves.
> Thank you to Ori, Dan, Brion, and other staff for sharing your thoughts
> over the past days, and dispelling some of the mystery and uncertainty.
> To the board, please engage.  We are in this together, and depend on one
> another.  Have an honest conversation with the staff and community about
> the immediate problems, let us find a way forward.  Dariusz, don't fall
> silent – we need your perspective.
> Delphine writes:
> >   
> > We freaking built an encyclopedia, of course we can take care of it
> without
> > having to fear everyone and their brother! And while an organisation is
> not
> > a wiki, and revert not always an option, I'm pretty sure that
> More to be said here, but first: I hope you will finish this thought.
> Sam
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Spread the love, Discourse and synchronization

2016-02-14 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hello fellow Wikimedians,

On this very special day I would like to share with you yesterdays post by
Rosemary Rein and todays post by Nicole Ebber. [1] & [2] 

This installation of Discourse is a pilot to test. Your data belong to you.
You can download your own posts and replies from your user page. Maybe you
like an archive of all posts. You can download all posts from the
wikimedia-l category from the export page. [3] Discourse is a labs project
and I don't promise anything will be kept here for long. Expect things to
change. Thanks for the support by Erik Bernhardson.

The wikimedia-l mailing list can also be accessed as a newsgroup. [4] Some
people have asked for synchronization between the wikimedia-l mailing list
and the wikimedia-l category here, which is discussed at Discourse. [5]
Setting up a sync will require some research and experimentation. The
mailing list to newsgroup bridge might serve as a model. Austin Hair
volunteered to look into this.

The number of people signing up for an account at Discourse is slowly
growing. On this special day, spread the love. 

Best wishes,


This message has been sent from the gmane webinterface to the wikimedia-l
mailing list. I wonder if it might be possible to set up the discourse
installation as a web interface as well.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/ _ 
https://blog.wikimedia.de/2016/02/14/ _ 
wir-lieben-freie-software-eine-homage/?utm_content=bufferc272b& _ 
[3]: https://discourse.wmflabs.org/exports/
[4]: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.org.wikimedia.foundation
[5]: https://discourse.wmflabs.org/t/synchronization/74

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Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l, 

[Wikimedia-l] Thanks, likes and progress on Wikimedia Discourse pilot

2016-02-07 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hello readers of wikimedia-l,

One of the outcomes of the 'better thankspam' thread was to experiment with
a pilot installationg of Discourse. This has been set up at
https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ by Erik Bernhardson.
In the past weeks a couple of dozen of people have signed in and have been
taking a look around. In a recent thread on wikimedia-l Fæ posted results
of SQL queries of number of users thanked and number of users thanking on
different wikis.
On Discourse users can like (by clicking a heart) for individual posts.
Number of hearts received and number of hearts given are by default and
automatically counted by Discourse, and these numbers are public, see

For the Wikimedia Discourse installation to be a succesful pilot it has to
be a real alternative for the wikimedia-l mailing list. Users want to read
posts in their mail, and want to be able to reply to posts by mail, without
having to visit the site. Users who have signed up at
https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ will receive new posts by default in their
mailbox. Mail preferences can be individually set. Wikimedia Discourse
users can reply by mail to posts received by mail. Members of Wikimedia
Discourse can mail new posts. Please let me know if anything is missing at
Wikimedia Discourse that the current wikimedia-l mailing list does have.
Sign up for an account at https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ to discover the
extras Discourse offers. Wikimedia Discourse users can earn barnstars for
example, isn't that nice?

Please note that by subscribing to the wikimedia-l mailing list your
mailing list subscription isn't linked to any account at any Wikimedia
wiki, neither is your mail address. For the wikimedia-l mailing list you
will have to provide a mail address and after confirmation mailman will
mail you a password. If you want to sign up at
https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ you will have to provide a mail address and
pick a password yourself. Currently their is no link between
https://discourse.wmflabs.org/ accounts and any account at any Wikimedia
wiki, nor is their link with mail addresses, just like it as with the
wikimedia-l mailing list. A phabricator ticket requesting SSO or Oauth 1.0
or Oauth 2.0 can be found at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T124691.
Currently there are no resources available for writing an Oauth 1.0 plugin
for Wikimedia Discourse, neither are there resources available for moving
MediaWiki authentification from Oauth 1.0 to Oauth 2.0. As said, SSO or
Oauth is a 'nice to have' and doesn't have to block a succesful pilot.

Secure communication is a must. The Discourse installation is now
configured to default to use SSL, so you will always see https://.

Here is a short list of places where the Discourse installation can be
* https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Discourse
* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Discourse
* https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T124690
and of course at the wikimedia-l mailing list and at

Best regards,

Ad Huikeshoven
Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at: 
New messages to: Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l, 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Why take grants? (was: Can we see the Knight grant application and grant offer?)

2016-02-02 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Scot,

You wrote:

Sue explained to me that the goal was to have WMF's budget be roughly 50%
> grants and 50% user contributions to guard against unexpected fragility
> with either of these funding sources.


> This was Sue's explanation.  I don't know if this is still the explicit
> thinking of the current board/ED, but IMO it's still an entirely reasonable
> rationale for pursuing grant funding, even if the grants come with more
> "strings attached" than a banner campaign.

You raise a valid question: how many sources of funding does the Wikimedia
Foundation need?
The Bridgespan Group is a consultancy firm specialized in non-profits. They
have been hired
in the past by the Wikimedia Foundtion, for example in the period of
strategy formation that
led to the 2012-2015 Wikimedia strategy.

The Bridgespan Group has done extensive research in funding models. One of
researches in this area has lead to a publication in Spring 2007 "How
Nonprofits Get Really Big." [1]
You might spell that publication word by word. At the bottom you find a

One of the parts in that report is titled "The Myth of Diversification."
That title speaks for itself.
The finding of the Bridgespan Group is that ''most of the organizations
that have gotten really big [...]
did so by concentrating on one type of funding source."

The banner fundraising campaigns by the Wikimedia Foundation are a
perfectly mission
aligned funding model for a non-profit. Somebody else might view the
Wikimedia Foundation
funding model as pay-as-you-want. [2] Some readers do and most readers do
not donate a
couple of bucks. However, that "Some readers" amounts to several million
people who just love Wikipedia.

Please note that the Wikimedia Foundation was a "small" foundation back in
when the Bridgespan Group conducted their research. The Wikimedia
Foundation was
not included in the list of 144 nonprofits, all founded after 1969, who
were earning at least $50 million
per year by 2003. Would the research be repeated today, the Wikimedia
Foundation would
end up in the top half of that list, and be a prime example of getting big
as a non profit
by concentrating on a single mission aligned funding source.



[1] http://ssir.org/images/articles/2007SP_feature_fosterfine.pdf
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pay_what_you_want
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Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l, 

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Appointment of María Sefidari to Wikimedia Foundation Board

2016-01-29 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Say welcome to María on
or just like the post there.

Ad Huikeshoven
Op 29 jan. 2016 16:27 schreef "Patricio Lorente" :

> Dear all,
> I am happy to announce the Board intends to fill the open community Trustee
> seat at our meeting this weekend. On Saturday, María Sefidari will accept
> an appointment to the Board of Trustees, stepping into the third
> community-nominated seat. The appointment will last the remainder of the
> two year term, until Wikimania 2017.
> Many of you know María. She previously served as a community-selected
> Trustee from August 2013 to July 2015. In the most recent 2015 community
> elections, she received the next highest support percentage, and highest
> number of support votes. She was born and lives in Madrid, Spain, and has
> been a contributor to the Wikimedia projects since 2006. She was a founding
> member of Spanish Wikipedia's LGBT Wikiproject, Wikimedia España, and
> Wikimujeres Grupo de Usuarias. She has also served on the Affiliations and
> Individual Engagement Grants committees. María is passionate about the role
> of diversity in our strategic efforts to retain and increase editorship,
> and improving channels for community participation in Foundation governance
> and policymaking.
> We consulted with the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee before
> deciding how to proceed in identifying a new Trustee. They offered
> thoughtful feedback on the possible available options, and we’re grateful
> for their considerations. (
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_2015
> <
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_2015#2015_Foundation_Elections_Committee_thoughts_on_how_to_fill_the_vacancy_in_the_Board_after_the_removal_of_James_Heilman
> >
> )
> We are certain many of you are wondering why we decided against holding
> another election. We did consider the option, but the disadvantages
> outweighed the benefits. The last election was well-attended, and still
> quite recent. Holding a new election would take considerable time, and we
> have important issues to address in the near future. It was important to us
> that the community perspective is fully represented in these conversations,
> without delay. We also didn’t want to distract from the affiliate Trustee
> selection process, which is coming up soon.
> I am excited by the dedication, compassion, and experience María brings to
> the Board at a crucial time. We are confident she will serve our mission
> with wisdom and grace.
> Please join me in congratulating our friend María, and thanking her service
> to our movement.
> Patricio
> --
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] How To Recover From Having Made A Mistake [a reminder]

2016-01-13 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi All, and Asaf,

Thanks for the advice Asaf. I've made a mistake and processed steps 1 and 2.
Step 3

   - what the mistake was, as precisely as possible (e.g. not "I used bad
   judgment" but "I neglected to look at relevant data before deciding to fund
   Wikimedia Antarctica");

I failed to welcome incoming directors to the board of the Wikimedia
Foundation and I failed to thank outgoing directors of the same board for
the time and effort they have spent.

   - that you are sorry about the harm/damage/waste/confusion your mistake
   caused (being specific would demonstrate understanding);

I'm sorry for this unpolite and rude behavior.

   - what you have learned from making this mistake;

The Wikimedia Movement depends on volunteers and on the willingness of
capable people to contirbute their time and effort. Volunteers not only to
edit Wikipedia and others projects, and commit to Gerrit but also spend
time on governing bodies like the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia
Foundation. For the diverse communities of volunteering people in the
movement to thrive it is esstential to retain a welcoming culture and show
respect for those who do boring tasks and the janitoral work.

   - what steps you have already taken to redress the damage or undo the
   results of your mistake;

So far I've done nothing to repair this mistake, except reading the ongoing
discussion on wikimedia-l and thinking about what is going on and preparing
this e-mail.
To repair the damage done:

   1. Hereby my welcome to Kelly Battles. Don't be shy to introduce
   yourself to this list. I wish you a lot of strength and wisdom while
   serving your time on the board.
   2. Hereby my welcome to Arnnon Geshuri. You left Google in 2009. I don't
   know if you were sacked or that you fled from the illegal practices you
   were forced to commit in your position at Google. I sincerely belief you
   have learned your lesson over six years ago. You now have a paid position
   at Tesla Motors, a company destined to disrupt the automobile industry.
   Welcome again to the Wikimedia movement which does not aim to disrupt the
   automobile industry. Wikipedia does disrupt a whole range of other
   industries, but please be aware that Wikipedia started after most paper
   encyclopedias were already out of print. I wish you a lot of strength
   and wisdom while serving your time on the board.
   3. La bienvenida al movimiento Jaime Villagomez. I wish you a lot of
   strength and wisdom while serving your time on the board as CFO. I'll
   assume you will going to be or become Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of
   the Wikimedia Foundation. You will have a pivotal role in assisting the BoT
   in performing a series of 'fiduciary duties'. I wish you a lot of
   strength and wisdom in your job.
   4. Goodbye James Heilman, and thanks for volunteering your time on the
   Board of Trustees. You've been fired. Don't take it personally.
   5. Goodbye Stu West, and thanks for volunteering your time on the Board
   of Trustees.
   6. Goodbye Jan-Bart de Vreede, and thanks for volunteering your time on
   the Board of Trustees.

   - what steps you are going to take to mitigate or reduce the odds of a
   mistake of this sort recurring, including timelines for specific actions,
   if possible and applicable; and

My preferred habit of welcoming and thanking people is in real life
meeting, to have the opportunity to shake hands, kiss, hug, whatever, and
hand over a symbolic when I feel like to it. Opportunities for them abound,
including, but not limited to the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin and
Wikimania Esino Lario.

   - invite comments on your understanding as reflected in this post,
   explicitly encouraging people to tell you if they think you've missed the
   point or if one of your intended actions is inadvisable, insufficient, or
   can otherwise be improved.

Please comment on my understanding as reflected in this post. Did I miss
the point? Please tell me! What do you think about my intended and
preferred way of welcoming incoming directors, and thanking outgoing
directors? Is there a way to improve on this?

Ad Huikeshoven


The board of Wikimedia Nederland will meet on Thursday January 21st.
Wikimedia Nederland is an affiliate of the Wikimedia Foundation. It's
mission is to further the mission of the Wikimedia Foundation and the
Wikimedia Movement in the Netherlands. This mail was sent by me without
it's content being read by fellow board members of Wikimedia Nederland,
without the prior consent of the board of Wikimedia Nederland and without
the prior approval of the message by the board of Wikimedia Nederland. So,
I'm taking a deliberate risk.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Asaf Bartov  wrote:

> Hello, everyone.
> It occurs to me this might be a good time to recycle this piece of advice I
> have had some past occasions

Re: [Wikimedia-l] Farewell

2015-06-20 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi Fabrice,

You will be missed in the movement. Your approach was inspirational to
many. I've met you first at Wikimania Hong Kong where you took pictures of
everybody holding a sign with their biggest wish. You reached out to
connect. Enjoy your future,

Ad Huikeshoven

Ad Huikeshoven

Bestuurslid / Board member Wikimedia Nederland
Internationaal / International Affairs
Gemeenschap / Community

tel.(+31) (0)70 3608510
mob. (+31) (0)6 40293574

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2015-06-18 18:25 GMT+02:00 Fabrice Florin :

> Hello everyone,
> After three great years working at the foundation, the time has come to
> say goodbye.
> I will be leaving WMF at the end of June, to spend more time with my
> family, focus on personal art projects and consult part-time on worthy
> causes.
> I would like to thank all the community and team members I have had the
> pleasure to work with over the years. It has been an honor to serve our
> movement together — and to help our contributors share free knowledge with
> each other and the world.
> I’m particularly grateful to Katherine Maher and our WMF communications
> team for being such wonderful collaborators. I really enjoyed working with
> them to manage and edit the Wikimedia blog, help grow our team and publish
> some great stories together, to celebrate the heroes of our movement.
> Going forward, WMF's Juliet Barbara will manage the Wikimedia blog, in
> close collaboration with Ed Erhart. As many of you know, Ed is the former
> editor-in-chief of the Wikipedia Signpost and has now joined our team for
> the summer. I've worked with him for nearly a month now and find him
> uniquely qualified for this project. Starting today, please contact them
> directly with any questions about the blog (they are Cc:d on this message).
> After June 30, you can reach me at  — or follow
> me on Twitter ( @fabriceflorin ) or on my blog ( http://fabriceflorin.com
> ).
> The last three years have been an incredible experience for me, and I am
> grateful for all that I have learned from so many of you. You’ve been an
> inspiration to me and I have many fond memories of our time together. I
> wish you all the best with the next chapter of the Wikimedia movement and
> can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with next.
> Best regards,
> Fabrice
> ___
> Fabrice Florin
> Movement Communications Manager
> Wikimedia Foundation
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Fabrice_Florin_(WMF)
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Moderation of Fae

2015-05-24 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi all and Fae,

One, I'm not a moderator on this list. Two, I do support civility and
friendly space policies, Three, let's assume good faith, Four, Fae asks to
be unmoderated and or asks for a rationale for moderation, Five I would
like to see a rationale myself and or unmoderation of Fae.

Have a nice and special Sunday,


Ad Huikeshoven

Bestuurslid / Board member Wikimedia Nederland
Internationaal / International Affairs
Gemeenschap / Community

tel.(+31) (0)70 3608510
mob. (+31) (0)6 40293574

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ABNAMRO NL33 ABNA 0497164833 - Kamer van Koophandel 17189036

2015-05-24 14:59 GMT+02:00 Fæ :

> It has now been over a year that my email address was put on
> moderation (perhaps someone would like to provide a date, I have not
> trawled the archives). In the absence of any appeal process, I ask
> that this is lifted.
> My most recent email to this list has yet to be posted, it has been
> waiting for 9 days. Waiting for several days or over a week is now the
> norm for my rare posts to list. Though not one of my emails has ever
> been rejected from publication, this effectively makes communication
> impossible and amounts to an effective ban after being black-balled.
> Based on timing, I was put on moderation apparently due to Russavia's
> incivil posts to Wikimedia-l, not because of any email I have ever
> posted to this list that anyone can provide a link to, nor for any
> reason of incivility on my part. If I am to remain forever on
> moderation I ask that a clear rationale be given so that I can change
> the wording I use in emails to met whatever the list moderators
> believe is needed. At the current time I am completely in the dark as
> nobody will discuss this with me or provide examples.
> Thanks,
> Fae
> --
> fae...@gmail.com https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Fae
> ___
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> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Results of the 2015 Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) election

2015-05-15 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Thanks to any one who participated in this election, all voters, all
candidates and the election committee. My congratulations to the elected
candidates and I wish them strength and wisdom.

Op 15 mei 2015 20:04 schreef "Nathan" :

> That formatting is messy for me (and it isn't perfect on Meta either),  but
> just to clarify:
> The elected candidates are Lorenzo Losa, Michal Buczynski, Liam wyatt, Mike
> Peel and Itzik Edri? And for the ombusman, the elected person is Kirill
> Lokshin?
> Thanks,
> ~Nathan
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
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Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l, 

[Wikimedia-l] Congratulations

2014-12-03 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Hi all,

Several organizations have held AGMs and (re)elected boards.

Congratulations to Wikimedia Deutschland for electing a new board. Great
wisdom and strength to them in their transitional period.

Congratulations to Wikimedia Israel (WMIL) who reelected the board of WMIL
and to WMHU for reelecting a new board.

Finally good luck to Giuliana Mancini as the new Executive Director of
Wikimedia Italia.

Ad Huikeshoven

Bestuurslid / Board member Wikimedia Nederland
Internationaal / International Affairs
Educatieprogramma / Education Program

tel.(+31) (0)70 3608510
mob. (+31) (0)6 40293574

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia Conference[1] 2015

2014-10-16 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
I have updated the page on meta to reflect this decision. [1]
Next item on the list: determine program committee.
Could we agree on having James Hare as program committee lead?




2014-10-16 4:22 GMT+02:00 Asaf Bartov :

> Hello, everyone.
> Weeks go by, and the previous conversation was throughly derailed, so out
> of a profound interest in ensuring a high-value event, I am bringing this
> up again: we[3] *need to make progress* with planning the
> working-meeting-featuring-Wikimedia-affiliates-and-WMF-and-the-WMF-Board-and-AffCom[4],
> whatever we may end up calling it[1].
> In the interest of moving on to focus on more substantive issues, and in
> light of there being only a single bid submitted so far[5], may I
> boldly *suggest
> that it be accepted* and that we devote the rest of the time until the
> spring to ensuring the lessons[6] of the previous years be heeded in
> *significant
> preparatory work* by the program team and the affiliates?
> [1] or whatever we may choose to rename it.  The previous thread was
> successfully killed by the digression into the event's name.  Let's try to
> keep this one on track, and discuss the name ELSEWHERE[2], shall we?
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Conference_2015
> [3] yes, not all the hundreds of people on this mailing list.  But this is
> still the channel that reaches the greatest number of Wikimedia affiliates.
> [4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2015
> [5] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Conference_2015/Bids
> [6]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Future_of_the_Wikimedia_Conference
> --
> Asaf Bartov
> Wikimedia Foundation <http://www.wikimediafoundation.org>
> Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
> sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
> https://donate.wikimedia.org
> ___
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> Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
> <mailto:wikimedia-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>

Ad Huikeshoven

Bestuurslid / Board member Wikimedia Nederland
Internationaal / International Affairs
Educatieprogramma / Education Program

tel.(+31) (0)70 3608510
mob. (+31) (0)6 40293574

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] AffCom - Call for candidates 2015 [UPDATE]

2014-09-04 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
> > > Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee
> > > > Phone: +972-52-4869915
> > > > Twitter: @maor_x
> > > > ___
> > > > Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> > > > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> > > > Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> > > > <
> > >
> >
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/guidelineswikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org
> > > >
> > > > Unsubscribe:
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
> > > > <mailto:wikimedia-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> > > > ___
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> > > > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> > > > Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> > > > <
> > >
> >
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/guidelineswikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org
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> >
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/guidelineswikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org
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> > > <mailto:wikimedia-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> > >
> > ___
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> > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> > Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> > <
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/guidelineswikimedi...@lists.wikimedia.org
> >
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> > <mailto:wikimedia-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> >
> ___
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Ad Huikeshoven

Bestuurslid / Board member Wikimedia Nederland
Internationaal / International Affairs
Educatieprogramma / Education Program

tel.(+31) (0)70 3608510
mob. (+31) (0)6 40293574

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Re: [Wikimedia-l] Recognition of Wikimedia Belgium as a Wikimedia chapter by the WMF Board

2014-09-02 Thread Ad Huikeshoven
Congratulations Belgium. Douze points.

On behalf of the Board of Wikimedia Nederland, best wishes! We're looking
forward to cooperation and collaboration in the future. Wikimedia Nederland
is prepared to support Wikimedia Belgium in the founding process and
thereafter. However, you're out on your own to gather the required number
of people in one place to sign the founding papers.

Ad Huikeshoven

Ad Huikeshoven

Bestuurslid / Board member Wikimedia Nederland
Internationaal / International Affairs
Educatieprogramma / Education Program

tel.(+31) (0)70 3608510
mob. (+31) (0)6 40293574

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2014-09-02 20:07 GMT+02:00 Romaine Wiki :

> Thanks all!
> The next step will be the actual founding. In two days we already have a
> meeting to talk about it.
> Anyone interested in the founding, you are welcome to sign up at
> https://be.wikimedia.org/wiki/Founding/Interested_people
> Romaine
> 2014-09-02 20:00 GMT+02:00 Nasir Khan :
> > Congrats to all who were involved in this success :D
> >
> >
> > --
> > *Nasir Khan Saikat*
> > www.nasirkhn.com
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:46 PM, Carlos M. Colina <
> ma...@wikimedia.org.ve>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Dear all,
> > >
> > > It is an honour for me to announce that during Wikimania, the WMF
> > resolved
> > > [1] to recognise Wikimedia Belgium as a Wikimedia chapter. The
> resolution
> > > was made public a few days ago.
> > >
> > > The first discussions towards the establishment of a Belgian chapter
> > > started many years ago, with the local community doing projects related
> > to
> > > freedom of knowledge since then, like organisation of WLM Belgium &
> > > Luxembourg in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Along with these and other
> activities,
> > > the idea of a chapter grew and evolved to the moment when, the decision
> > was
> > > taken to start officially the chapter creation process.
> > >
> > > This process took longer than usual, due to many reasons, among those
> the
> > > change in the chapter approval process by the WMF Board last year.
> > > Nevertheless, after months of intensive discussion and interaction
> > between
> > > all parties involved, a recommendation from the AffCom was sent to the
> > WMF
> > > regarding Wikimedia Belgium. And here we are :-)
> > >
> > > Please welcome the newest member of the family of Wikimedia affiliates!
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Carlos
> > >
> > >
> > > 1: https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:
> > > Recognition_of_Wikimedia_Belgium
> > >
> > > --
> > > "*Jülüjain wane mmakat* ein kapülain tü alijunakalirua jee
> wayuukanairua
> > > junain ekerolaa alümüin supüshuwayale etijaanaka. Ayatashi waya
> junain."
> > > Carlos M. Colina
> > > Vicepresidente, A.C. Wikimedia Venezuela | RIF J-40129321-2 |
> > > www.wikimedia.org.ve <http://wikimedia.org.ve>
> > > Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee
> > > Phone: +972-52-4869915
> > > Twitter: @maor_x
> > > ___
> > > Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/
> > > wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
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> > > Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
> > > <mailto:wikimedia-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> > ___
> > Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at:
> > https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> > Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> > Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l,
> > <mailto:wikimedia-l-requ...@lists.wikimedia.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> >
> ___
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> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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