Re: [Zope] SQL-based LoginManager and subtransactions

2001-01-26 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> I haven't been following this discussion, but it sounds like there's
> the potential for SQL operations performed by LoginManager to
> interfere with other SQL operations such as logging uploaded files, in
> the case where the database system does not support nested (sub-)
> transactions.  Correct? 

No, but I'm really not familiar enough with the ZODB machinery and 
zope internals to tell do much more than wild guesses.
The problem seems to be that the ZODB and things like Zcatalog know
about subtransactions (you can disable them with the latter one),
but some (the most) zope db-adapters don't.
Now zope seems to use subtransactions internally and to expect the DAs 
to provide them also (commit_sub), but for now it seems to not completly
clear when and why - see the thread "subtransactions".
For file-uploads the threshold may be <~ 120kb, that is which 
bites people with loginmanager/postgres.
The workaround from I cited should at least solve the zope-error,
but I have no idea if it can hurt.
The best thing would be to properly implement the missing methods in the
DAs, I guess, unfortunately this is above my head for now.

PS: the sybase DA seems to know about commit_sub


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Re: [Zope] Can't reproduce :-(

2001-01-26 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

Ian Sealy wrote:

> I've finally managed to replicate the bug consistently, so I've just
> submitted it to the Collector:


> I now know what causes it so I'm able to work around it, which means
> that I'm afraid the offer of 400 quid to fix the bug is now
> withdrawn. Sorry.

> The bug only occurs if the DTML Method that adds the large file tries to
> call a Z SQL Method that uses the ZPyGreSQLDA. Here's the description I
> just submitted to the Collector:

Yeah great, 
I'm bitten again. We had the same (upload) problem here and I didn't have
time to think about it, but thanks to your debugging I know now for sure that
I have quite a problem.

Michel Pelletier and Chris McDonough explained it a bit in 
answers to this message:

Chris even had a workaround:

A solution is to add the following methods to the database
adapter's DB class inside

def commit_sub(self, *arg, **kw):

def abort_sub(self, *arg, **kw):


The above is also used in the alpha version of DC's newest oracle adapter DCOracle2,

As we use Loginmanager with postgres, I have know idea how to not invoke
Z SQL methods when upload. 
Has anybody an idea if and under what circumstances the above snipped could do harm?


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Re: [Zope] Dynamic ordering of DTML-IN?

2001-01-23 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Then change your Z SQL Method to look like;

> select * from Customers where
> foofield=

Hmm, I wouldn't do that, you're trusting the client here,
imagine someone going to 

http://yourserver/staff?orderby=firstname%20;%20delete from Customers;

(sufficient dbuser rights assumed)

I would use staff?order_id=1 (2,3,...)
etc. and then set orderby via a dictionary (or some simple


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Re: [Zope] Creating PDF's

2001-01-20 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hi,

> I read in Itamar's 'A Developers Guide to learning Zope' about
> 'Reportlab'.
> It is a python library to create pdf files. Is there somebody among here
> who
> already used this library with zope? And is it possible to give a little
> example in how we can use it with zope?


I can't give a working example, it's on a server at work,
but integrating zope and reportlab is easy.
I tried it because I needed a proof of concept and did
did nothing advanced, but I got zope to return a pdf which
was always created on the fly. 
If your interested I'll post/send that small example.

Take a look at
for a product which utilizes reportlab

or search the reportlab mailing list for zope


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Re: [Zope] Calling other frames (OT)

2001-01-15 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> I think probably Javascript is the 'cleanest' solution in this case,
> but depending on the complexity of your UI another non-JS approach is
> to make every link target the topmost frome (e.g., target="_top") and
> redraw all frames in the frameset on each 'click'. This way you know
> that all frames reflect the latest situation, but it can be annoying
> to see the whole browser redraw every time you do anything. However,
> if your browser doesn't *do* Javascript (so long as it does do
> frames hmm.. how likely is that?) then it would at least work

There' s always the possibility that people disable javascript - 
and checking for instance
I would say they have reason to do so.

My take is that one should at least provide a non-javascript alternative 
to browse the site. This also helps with search-engines


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Re: [Zope] UserFolder Alternate Login

2001-01-05 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Zopatistas,

> I need functionality that none of the UserManagers seem to address. I
> need to allow a user to elect to log in (and set
> AUTHENTICATED_USER) as opposed to have them access a restricted
> resource to trigger cookie authentication.

You mean you want to use AUTHENTICATED_USER like a cookie, i.e.
loggin in and every password authenticates?
Using basic auth it might be a nice way to get cookie functionality
without using cookies.
You could write a custum method which triggers authentication and
rewrite the method of GUF to always return 1. If someone wants
to "log in", he could click on a link to this method. 


You are now logged out!

could be a starting  point. If it is contained in standard_html_header it
would force everyone to choose a user name, and in conjuction with
the GUF-hack mentioned above he would always be logged in - 
well unless he decides to call himself "Anonymous User" (luck that
this isn't coward ;).

If you want to use cookies anyways, take a look at session manager or
code it yourself and don't use hasrole.


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Re: [Zope] Zope eating CPU/RAM - how do I find the culprit?

2001-01-04 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Oliver Bleutgen writes:
>  > Shouldn't tags for creating sql-statements in ZSQL
>  > (like dtml-sqltest) quote the variables by default in order
>  > to prevent unexpected conversions by the database?
> Did you check, that standard SQL supports quoted
> names?

First, I meant double quotes (") not single one's ('),
in case that wasn't clear.

I know that for mysql, postgres, oracle there are column names
which will surely break dtml-sqltest as it is implemented now.
Either lowercase letters (oracle, as you also noted) or uppercase
(the other two). I guess sql-keywords and special characters as
column names - ok, not a very clever idea - will break sqltest
on all of them. At least I didn't find a way to get it to 
work without patching zope.

Searching the web I find various hints that many odbc,jdbc adapters
and sql-db frontends use quoted names per default (psql).
Unfortunately I don't want to pay to the ANSI-commitee for reading
into the sql-standard, but I'm pretty sure every newer database
supports that.

> Even if it does, the proposed change will probably break
> lots of existing code.

Right, how about adding a argument like, let's say "sql_quote"? ;)
Unfortunatly, I fear I'm have not enough knowledge in zope's 
internals to offer a clean patch.

> I fear, in our projects, the fact that case does not matter
> has been widely used.
> We would have to change hundreds of SQL methods
> after the proposed change.
> For new projects, I would like to have it your way.
> However, this will be difficult to achieve.

I would like to see quoting as a standard, but you have a point.
Maybe sql_quote is the way to go.


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Re: [Zope] Zope eating CPU/RAM - how do I find the culprit?

2001-01-04 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

>   Some databases convert them to uppercase!
>   Oracle is a prominent example!

>   It took me once some ours to locate a bug resulting
>   from this "feature".

This reminds me of another post I did some time before, but
where nobody replied.

Shouldn't tags for creating sql-statements in ZSQL
(like dtml-sqltest) quote the variables by default in order
to prevent unexpected conversions by the database?

I had to patch Zope in order to be able do queries on
a postgres db with capital column-names, because postgres 
converts all unquoted columnnames to lowercase.


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RE: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

2000-12-20 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Thanks for the tips:
> 1)the logout method work with shift+reload in IE (how would clear cached
> pages from zope?)
> 2)the  method does not allow me to log
> back
> in even when I try a redirect to a different page.

> I am wondering if something is set incorrectly on my browser. If (2) works
> for you it must work for me to??

actually I hadn't thought of redirecting, but I guess it can't work.
Either because the browser ignores the redirect after an 401 Unauthorized,
or because of the nature of dtml-raise which maybe prevents zope
from interpreting following code. Maybe someone can shed some light on that.

Perhaps you could try this:


You are now logged out!

Not very elegant (you have to enter one false login/pw combination
for the unless to work), but perhaps someone else has a better idea.

This may depend on why you want to log out - for just reaching
Anonymous "status" this seems the right thing.
Otherwise introducing a new kind of role might help "logout_user",
so you could test for that.


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RE: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

2000-12-20 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

>> reminded of a previous post in which someone suggested
>> http://garbage:x@yourSite would also clear the browser's credential.
>> Much faster and works in IE and Konqueror, but not Navigator or lynx. Very
>> easy to test, too.

>Its just not working for me.
>I am going to try  LoginManager + ZPatterns (hope it has a handy logout

Remember to press shift+reload in IE, this nasty thing just takes
the cached pages otherwise.
About LoginManager and ZPatterns, they won't help you for the
Basic http-authentication. This is really a client-side problem.

And finally, I reread a previous mail of  yours:

>I have tried it.
>I guess it logs me out. But it also gives me a login dialog box  it does
>not accept any of the account. So I cannot log back in! Why?

Just a quick guess, is it possible that you reenter your credentials and
just reload the page which contains the above code which again causes
an "Unauthorized" to be raised (and therefore causes the browser to 
show the login-dialog again)?
Have you tried pointing your browser to another URI on that server?


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Re: [Zope] LoginManager

2000-12-20 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Impo  rtError: No module named DynPersist

> does the LoginManager dependent from other product of zope?
> Do you know which product of zope contians "DynPersist"?

Reread the instructions for installing ZPatterns, they tell you 
how to compile Dynpersist.c.


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Re: [Zope] To retrieve properties from a dtml document

2000-12-19 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hello Andy, thanks for the advice.
> It didn't work. Maybe I'm wrong at any point, so please tell me whether
> it worked for you.

> I'm aware that this problem has been discussed here before, that it
> happens because of Python's object naming, and also that there's a
> workaround at least (and just)for expressions, using _['whatever.html']

> Due to the kind of workflow we have, we need all of the documents to be
> editable with Dreamweaver at any moment, directly, after the daily WGET
> process. Batch-replacing every "_html" with ".html" in file names and
> content seems to be very complicated within this scenario.

not overly complicated,
here is a slightly modfied script (untested) which I used 
for a similar task (creating an "offline"-version for a client):

rm -rf myimport
wget -r -k
mv myimport/
rm myimport/index.html
perl -pi -e 's/
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Re: [Zope] Newbie question - Link between Methods based on Authorization

2000-12-19 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> I am still newbie in Zope, so my question may be stupid - sorry.

> I have problem with access to method. Example - There are two methods: A
> and
> B. Method A contains common information, accessible for all user (include
> anonymous). Source code in method B updates data for method A and access
> for
> method B is restrict only for users with roles "AdminTables". There is a
> link from method A to method B in the code of script A, and this link is
> viewable for all user (also for anonym). After click on this link, user is
> asked for authentication. So there is no problem, but HOW MAKE THIS LINK


and in general.


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Re: [Zope] apache/mod_rewrite and user-logging (semi-OT) - workaround

2000-12-18 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

seems like my problem was not very interesting...
Anyway, I found a solution and hereby make it public.
To get apache to log usernames, one has to invoke
the apache's authentification machinery. I found
out that one can plug perl-modules into apache for
doing auth and that there's even a module which
does exactly what one needs here, Apache::AuthAny,
which always succeeds.

 package Apache::AuthAny;
 # file: Apache/

 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

 sub handler {
 my $r = shift;
 my($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
 return $res if $res != OK; 

 my $user = $r->connection->user;
 unless($user and $sent_pw) {
 $r->log_reason("Both a username and password must be provided", $r->filename);

 return OK; 


The corresponding entry in http.conf is

   PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthAny
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Auth_Realm"
   require valid-user

One just has to make sure that the realm is the same as
in zope and everything goes fine.

So on to the next, has anybody an idea what would be a good/easy way 
to link zope authentication to apache's? 
It might be interesting to use mod_python i.e. for extending 
zope's authentication to files/directories served by apache
(one could have done the same as above with mod_python, it's just
that I didn't want to install that for a five-liner).


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[Zope] apache/mod_rewrite and user-logging (semi-OT)

2000-12-13 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

This is not directly a zope-question,
but maybe someone has figured out how to solve

I'm using apache with mod_rewrite to redirect
requests for a certain directory from apache to zope 
(with option [p]).

Now for the first time I can't get apache to do want
I want it to, that is logging the usernames into
apaches logfile.

Apache does this only when enabling apache's mod_auth

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Ihr Login..."
AuthUserFile "/httproot/web/bogus_userfile.txt"
require valid-user

or similar, but the silly thing then also wants his own 
I am not able to get it to extract the username without
really requiring apache authentication.

Does anybody know how I could accomplish that?
Any dirty tricks to get apache to *think* it authentifies,
but letting through every username/password combination,
so that zope can do it's job?
And no, putting any of this combinations in bogus_userfile.txt
is not an option ;->.

Another possibility (which gets me more on-topic) is to
do that in medusas http_server (which logs a '-' hardcoded),
but the only way I could imagine (and code myself) would 
be to do the base64-decoding there and that seems not quite
elegant, even more because apache's log-files hold the
client-ip in this situation and therefore are more 
informative anyway.


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Re: [Zope] Relocating installed zope -- was LoginManager broken?

2000-12-12 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Oliver,

> I haven't been following this thread, but here's how I do it.

> It's quite simple.

> 1.Copy the folder with Zope in.
> 2.edit to change all references to the old folder to the new
> folder.
> 3.edit the start script in the same way.

> That should be it.

Thanks Phil,
but that didn't do it for me at that time. IIRC I forgot one path
at first, but corrected that later. Anyway, when grepping
around I found out that the full path to the old install
was contained in every .pyc file and python hadn't bothered
to recreate them when I started the new zope.
But even when I deleted all *.pyc I couldn't get loginmanager
going at all (zope/loginmanager/zpopyda all pretended to work, 
but postgres never saw any sql-query and all logins failed).

All in all it was very wired and made me think that this 
"cloning" might be tricky and ask for a "standart procedure".


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RE: [Zope] Relocating installed zope -- was LoginManager broken?

2000-12-12 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

>>Btw. can anybody tell me if and how it's possible to relocate
>>an installed Zope?

> Hmm... perhaps I am not understanding what exactly you mean, but a thought
> might be to use tar (on a UNIX system at least) to preserve your setup.
> Assuming you are using ZServer, Try shutting down Zope with ./stop, then
> do
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I wanted to make a functional copy of an existing
zope installation. I wanted to "clone" a zope in order to be able
to do an installation of some more "dangerous" products/patches and
later on just change my apache/proxy pass to point to the new zope.
I know the techniques w.r.t. shell commands etc. 

But very wired things happened with the new zope 
(old paths showed up in tracebacks etc.), although I had changed 
all installation paths...


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Re: [Zope] LoginManager broken?

2000-12-11 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Well, not 2.2.4 but 2.2.3, and I had some bugs when
ehm replace 2.2.3 with 2.2.2

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Re: [Zope] LoginManager broken?

2000-12-11 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Does it even *work*? Even a little bit? Because other than repeating the
> same process 12 damn times, so far I'm not convinced. Maybe I'll look in
> the
> source code to see if there's actually anything in the files (other than a
> HOWTO.txt, which is empty, which BTW is more annoying than there not being
> one).

> The "LoginManager with SQL database" on the Zope site seems to end up with
> me having a folder I can't access through the management interface (unless
> you count "management" as "this is the index_html" document) Wow, thanks!
> Now I have to delete it and start all over again...

> In all seriousness - there *must* be one person who has gotten an
> SQL-backed
> LoginManger working with 2.2.4 - surely?

Well, not 2.2.4 but 2.2.3, and I had some bugs when
trying it on a copy of a production server. I couldn't
get the "old" installation to work in a different directory,
although I thought I changed every path in start etc..
I also deleted all pyc files and reran
One symtom was that loginmanager didn't acquire users from
a level above. Later on it wouldn't want to to the sql-query,
nothing showed up in I postgres' debugging output.

Btw. can anybody tell me if and how it's possible to relocate
an installed Zope?

Back to your question, loginmanager now works fine for me now,
and it did so flawlessly on a fresh installed zope.

Did you eventually try to use the loginmanager-with-SQL-howto
in the toplevel folder? 
IIRC, this will lock you out permanently.
Did you reuse a user name (just a guess
that this might cause problems)?

Try to find out whether and which sql-queries are issued by
LoginManager, I guess other dbs than postgres will also allow
to find that out.
Oh, and if you try LM in a subfolder, have a look at the
undo tab if things go wrong ;-), you might at first use some
fake methods at first which always return 1, manager etc.
and change them step by step (and say goodbye to security).


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Re: [Zope] HTTP status code 302

2000-12-10 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

 Do you
> know
> any pointer where I can get info on all the headers?

This is the specification for http 1.1

esp. Section 14 for headers, you'll also find 302 and friends
explained in this document.

and for more pointers


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Re: [Zope] next value

2000-12-06 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> hi there,

> i work with postgreSQL 7.0.2, ZPyGreSQL and zope 2.2 on suse 7.0 linux

> for a identifier field adr_id:serial i want to automatically insert a
> new number max(adr_id)+1

> how can this be done in an insert into sql statement?

> i tried nextval('adr_adr_id_seq') but get an error message

> any idea?



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Re: [Zope] HTML - ZOPE?

2000-12-05 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hi,

> I'm not sure if this is a strictly zope question, but I hope some people
> can give me an idea on how to solve this problem.

> I'm creating a form which has amonng it's input tags 2 comboboxes.

> Now, the content of one combobox, depends on the selection of the first
> combobox.

> How can I handle this in Zope, Html?

> Is this even possible in html? I assume, yes if you refresh the page each
> time the user makes a selection in the first combobox, but how?

> Thanks, Tom.

The only way I see to do this with plain html is to just
make 2 forms, the second is served depending on the users
input on the first and has hidden input fields.

But if you decide to go with javascript, you might as well
do the whole logic in one page.
See for instance
or just enter some of the right words into google, there 
are a lot of sites about that stuff.


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Re: [Zope] FTP in HTML-Kit? (Or other editor on MS-Windows)

2000-12-04 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Searching a tool to edit DTML on MS-Windows, I read:


> It says that HTML-Kit can edit files through FTP. I found that it can only
> retrieve files, without being able to browse directories, and that it
> cannot
> save back files with FTP. Absolutely not a competitor for GNU Emacs.

> Or did I miss something?

Maybe the newest built of html-kit (from 29. Nov).
The changes file suggests that ftp-support is now very 
good. (save/load/update ... everything you can do with a
local file seems now to work with remote-files too).
Look at

A very interesting feature for zope seems to be the following:

" Ability to map local folders to remote servers, for the purpose 
of previewing files with server-side scripting through the server 
("Edit | Preferences... | Preview | Edit Preview Rules..."). 
The user interface for this option has not been finalized."

HTML-Kit is free and very customizable, I really like it.
The developer is very responsive and there's a load of plugins
available - chances are that any modifications to make it 
play better with zope can be incorporated.

And it's free (as in beer).



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Re: [Zope] Help! Accessing product constructors & methods programmatically

2000-12-02 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hello, Zopers--

> I'm fairly new at this, so I apologize if this is a dumb question.

> Anyway, I've been looking for a way to do a bulk upload of XML
> documents from a  local directory. So I need a method (either
> DTML or Python is fine with me) that would build a list of files and
> create an XML Document object from each one. I have tried a
> variety of different approaches, but I can't find a way to access the
> XMLDocument.add() method.

Have you looked at It is included in the zope-distribution
or can be found at 

It doesn't do XMLDocuments, but I found it a great help in figuring
out how to inject a bunch of external files into zope. I guess you 
just have to change the relevant lines to create XMLDocuments instead
of DTML-ones.


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Re: [Zope] Why GUF or Loginmanager??

2000-11-30 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hallo,
> I'got a fundamental question:
> Why should you switch from the built-in authentication mechanism to a
> product like GUF or Login-manager??

You can choose the storage for your userdata yourself, 
which may be practical for i.e.

- huge user base and/or you also like to store adresses etc. easily.
- adding/changing users through mechanism outside of zope
- verifying users through mechanism outside of zope 
  (ie. apache's various mod_auth_*) for tasks outside of zope 
  (try to stream a .rm-file only to built-in authenticated users)


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[Zope] ZopeFind expression

2000-11-29 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

I fear this is anywhere in some howtos, 
but I couldn't find it.

How can I get properties of a DTML-Documents
parentfolder as expression in ZopeFind?

At least I couldn't get the "Find" in Zope's webinterface 
 to show all DTML-Documents whose parent-folder has a certain property.

I guess I'm missing a method which gives me the Parent-object without
the REQUEST object.


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Re: [Zope] VHost logs.

2000-11-29 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Jason C. Leach wrote:

>> hi,
>> Has anyone implemented there own logging for Virtual Sites?
>> I was thinking in the site rules an External Method could be called,
>> passed the Request obj, and from that generate logs for virtual sites.
>> If anyone has done that, or knows of a better way I'd be interested in
>> hearing it.

> I'm not exactly sure what your goal is... but if you're just trying to
> generate separate log files for each of your virtual sites, I'm
> accomplishing
> that by having my virtual sites proxied behind Apache (using SiteAccess
> and
> the ProxyPass directive) and specifying the log files for each VirtualHost
> in
> my httpd.conf file.  You can control the contents of the logs using the
> LogFormat directive; I use the same format for all of my virtual hosts,
> but I
> think you can specify a different log format for each host if you desire.

> If you're trying to accomplish something else which requires you to handle
> the
> logging on the Zope side of things, then it seems to me that your idea
> would
> work, although I'd want to find out how my server performance would be
> affected...

I also would prefer to split the log via regexp-filters just before doing 
statistics or rotating (ie. not in zope). A pure logfile doesn't reveal 
useful informations anyway without some processing.

Related question:
Is there away to stop zope's logging, as apache as proxy
logs fine for me?


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Re: [Zope] strange behaviour of ZSQL methods

2000-11-29 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> At 15:30 29.11.2000, Oliver Bleutgen wrote:
>>You didn't tell what SQL-Database you use, but Postgres and Mysql allow
>>logging/monitoring of the queries they get. So you are able to get the
>>information straight before/while it hits the backend.

> Yes, I'm using Postgres - just discovered the "-o"-flag, but I don't know
> exactly how to log all SQL-queries right now. Guess, I'll read a bit in
> the
> Postgres book and the manpages.

Perhaps this spares some time, digged out of my .bash_history, a relic
from LoginManager experiments (really handy there...).

First stop postgres and then ...

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -o "-i -d 3" -D /var/lib/pgsql/data start

(YMMV with the path etc...)

This logs everything to the console. You can vary the debugging level,
3 is a bit "vocal", try 2.


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Re: [Zope] strange behaviour of ZSQL methods

2000-11-29 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hi listies,

> something strange is happening with my ZSQL methods. I have a huge query
> that works great when testing it in the management-interface - it returns
> about 10 records or so.
> but when I implement it into a dtml-method getting the parameters via
> X-Y-GMX: $flush
> REQUEST as usual, I am getting the whole database in return.
> I'm quite sure that it's my own fault, so I'd like to see the translated
> SQL-query in the dtml-method to check for the wrong fields. Is there a tag
> for it like:  ?

You didn't tell what SQL-Database you use, but Postgres and Mysql allow
logging/monitoring of the queries they get. So you are able to get the
information straight before/while it hits the backend.


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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog and LoginManager - be aware.

2000-11-28 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> The problem is that one of your databases doesn't define the commit_sub()
> and abort_sub() methods on the DB class it exposes.  You don't say which
> database you're using, but this happened to me on a consulting project
> with
> ZOracleDA.  A solution is to add the following methods to the database
> adapter's DB class inside

> def commit_sub(self, *arg, **kw):

> def abort_sub(self, *arg, **kw):

> This isn't optimal, because it sort of breaks transactional integrity, but
> it does make it work.

Thanks for your reply. I use ZPoPyDA (0.6.4 says the readme).

I think I will not apply that patch (thanks nonetheless), 
because I have no requirements for indexing big amounts
of text. And as I understand it, _indexing_ (as opposed to
normal searches) is the only action where subtransactions
My main motivation for posting was to get that problem
into the public, so that others may find it while doing 
desperate searches in this mailing list ;-).
And perhaps - if I dare - to suggest to disable 
subtransactions in ZCatalog by default.


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Re: [Zope] ZCatalog and LoginManager - be aware.

2000-11-28 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Oliver Bleutgen wrote:
>> I fiddled around somewhat and discovered that disabling
>> subtransactions in ZCatalog does help (required for using
>> ZSQL Methods and ZCatalog in the same transaction).

> Yeah, that sux.  I think this is a known limitation.  I'm not sure.

It is, unfortunately this is only mentioned under "status" in
the ZCatalog interface. Well, I just got there by chance after 
several hours of digging around. I first thought perhaps some
DTML-Document was "bad-behaving". (not that I had an idea how
it might do that.)
With a (assumed) growing attractiveness of things like sql-based
UserFolders, perhaps a big warning sign either on the main page
of these products or ZCatalog (better IMO, since this is a default
product) would be in order, I guess. Or perhaps disabling 
subtransactions by default.
All in all this combination seems not uncommon.

>> Now I use SQL-based LoginManager, but why on earth did it only
>> fail on DTML-Documents? Is it because I have much more of them so
>> only then ZCatalog's subtransactions come into play?

> Probably because sub transactions are only commited after a certain
> number of words or values are indexed, and your DTML documents were the
> only things that held words.

> -Michel


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[Zope] ZCatalog and LoginManager - be aware.

2000-11-28 Thread Oliver Bleutgen


I just wanted to mention a IMO bad pitfall when using ZCatalog, for
the sake of sparing others some time.

I'm running Zope 2.2.2 with LoginManager with SQL in a subfolder and was getting 
the following error  when trying to find dtml-documents into ZCatalog:

Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: commit_sub

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /home/local-extranet/web/zope3/Zope-2.2.2-src/lib/python/ZPublisher/, 
line 222, in publish_module
  File /home/local-extranet/web/zope3/Zope-2.2.2-src/lib/python/ZPublisher/, 
line 187, in publish
  File /home/local-extranet/web/zope3/Zope-2.2.2-src/lib/python/Zope/, line 
221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
(Object: Traversable)
  File /home/local-extranet/web/zope3/Zope-2.2.2-src/lib/python/ZPublisher/, 
line 175, in publish
  File /home/local-extranet/web/zope3/Zope-2.2.2-src/lib/python/Zope/, line 
235, in commit
  File /home/local-extranet/web/zope3/Zope-2.2.2-src/lib/python/ZODB/, 
line 261, in commit
AttributeError: (see above)

All other object-types (incuding dtml-methods) seem to work. I have put no 
restrictions on which files I want found, but restricting something to 
reduce the number of found objects helps.

I fiddled around somewhat and discovered that disabling 
subtransactions in ZCatalog does help (required for using
ZSQL Methods and ZCatalog in the same transaction).

Now I use SQL-based LoginManager, but why on earth did it only 
fail on DTML-Documents? Is it because I have much more of them so 
only then ZCatalog's subtransactions come into play?

Another question, why did the above also fail although I didn't restrict
any viewer permissions when searching? (i.e. why got LoginManagers ZSQL-Methods
started at all?).


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Re: [Zope] come see

2000-11-28 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> If no one manages to break it, we're going to switch over wednesday, late.

> In the meantime, if people want to wget or ab it, feel free!

> ~ethan

Don't forget to change



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Re: [Zope] URL-problem

2000-11-21 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Thanks for your reply, but the main problem is the navigation.
> The admin part is the normal  browse-version + an admin interface at the
> bottom of every side.
> So when you are in root/main/press and you click on the new button a
> script
> adds a new object.
> But how do I solve the navigation problem. The buttons to the other
> objects(pages) are the browse-version this means you leave the admin
> interface every time you change your position.

Just some ideas, not well thought out ...

What about putting


in your standart_html_footer.
In light of the current search&replace thread, remember to
put in a variable ;->.

You could also play games with mod_rewrite in order to
add a spezial variable to your _apache_-environment variables
(ie. this should work when running zope as cgi, and only then) 

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule   ^*)$1   [E=my_admin_trigger:on]

so testing for  REQUEST.environ['my_admin_trigger']=='on' should do the trick.

Or you could add this variable to the url like

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule   ^*)$1?my_admin_trigger=on 

Perhaps the siteroot-product might be helpful, just in case your running pure zope,
I don't know though.


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RE: [Zope] Generating text/csv from DTML method, Mime Type?

2000-11-10 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> I know this sounds silly, but try making the url end with .csv
> I wrote a perl cgi script some time ago that spit out a csv file.  When it
> ended with .csv, IE seemed to ignore the server's Content-type: text/html
> header.

> Look, my stock is falling!  Actually, if you look at the link below and to
> the right of the table, you'll see a download spreadsheet link.  Yahoo
> uses
> a &e=.csv to set the extension.  Presumably, the e value is for extension.

That isn't silly, it corresponds exactly with the description you can find at

There term silly seems much more suitable for that, btw.

Btw., it shows that changing the extension to .csv won't help until
one has registered an application for .csv-files in windows. 
And in fact, the "spreadsheet"-link showed up in my IE, no download window
came up...


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Re: [Zope] Generating text/csv from DTML method, Mime Type?

2000-11-10 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> I'm create a CSV file that I would like browsers to get the "save as"
> dialog when they select it.

> I'm using RESPONSE.write() to write out the CSV file, and I set the
> Content-Type before calling RESPONSE.write

> Netscape seems to work ok, it pops up a save box for "text/csv" and
> "application/".

> However in both cases IE5.5 just ignores the data and re-requests the
> page.

> Does anyone know *all* the steps I need to take to get this to work
> correctly with IE? I must be doing something wrong. I want to supply a
> CSV file, but generated dynamically. I'm sure I'm missing a header
> setting or something.
Adding "Content-Disposition: attachment [; filename=bla.csv]" as a http-header might 
The part in []s is optional .
See my mail from yesterday for a bit more info


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Re: [Zope] RE: Wampum Generator

2000-11-09 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> It's a Winzip thing. I'll bet wampum generator is a .tar file, just rename
> it to a .tgz file and  it should open just fine.

Just some thoughts/guesses:

I'll bet Kathy uses Internet Explorer. Don't know about Netscape, but
it becomes more and more difficult to get IE _not_ to try to be "smart"
about any file you download. In this case I think there's some kind of 
transparent mechanism which kicks in and tries to transparently decompress
files of type  application/x-tar. 
Guess it's a helper for compressed vrml .wrl.gz (or similar) files.
In this case renaming to .tgz works, but I think I saw the same mess the 
other way around when IE didn't remove the .gz suffix but nonetheless
transparently decompressed the file.

These things are extremely annoying when dealing with relativly 
unexperienced clients who, say, just want to _download_ an .avi
file with a left-klick. MS has implemented a lot of magic there, 
AFAIK IE even tries to guess the filetype by its content in some 
cases and then ignores each and every http-header which might 
suggest otherwise.

Adding "Content-Disposition: attachment" as a http-header seems to help
(for the .avi case).


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Re: [Zope] Python Zope Method as option for renamed Python Method?

2000-11-08 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hamish Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Python Zope Method
> Perl Zope Method
> SQL Zope Method
> DTML Zope Method
> Rebol Zope Method
> Java Zope Method
> VB Zope Method
> Custom Zope Mthod
> etc..

and perhaps let "Zope Method" become a "ZMethod", a bit shorter.


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Re: [Zope] AW: [Zope] Trying to follow tutorial

2000-10-24 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> 2. logout as superuser (e.g. close all browsers...)

I always wanted to bring in a IMNSHO better way to "logout"
- it works at least in IE.

try http://log:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

So the cached login/password are overwritten by
log/meout and zope (or every other server) brings
up the login dialog (as long as log/meout are not
valid ;))
Should also work handy as a link in html (untested).


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Apache in front of ZServer

2000-10-24 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JXrn Helge B. Dahl)

> On a second thought: What I _really_  want (I think, unless someone
> tells me differently :-) ) is a conditional ProxyPass, to tell apache
> to redirect everything _unless_ the URI is /static (or something).

> But this is probably something for apache geeks.


I ain't no apache geek, but I took a look at
two nice how-tos on
The first one

describes how to get apache to work with zope via 
proxypass etc., and the second one describes how
to achieve what you describe above ... and I don't
find it anymore on :(


this is what you want:

  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^/local/ - [L]
  RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:10080/my_host/$1 [P]

The [L] stops the rewriting-process if and only if the uri is of the
form http://yourhostname/local/
If not it goes on and passes the request to localhost port 10080,
directory my_host, where zope resides (at least on my server).
Combine that with virtual-host directive of apache and you are
as flexibel as one can get.
Naturally /local need not to be the only folder which isn't proxied
to zope.
The only problem is that apache doesn't care for zope's authentication
machinery, I would love to have a module for apache which could enable
that (nice dream...). But it may be solvable by using mysql/postgres as
a userdatabase for zope & apache...


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Re: [Zope] Problems with mysql and sql methode

2000-10-23 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> At 09:41 23/10/00, you wrote:
>>Hmm, I'm not very clear about differences between handling of (table,
>>column) names
>>in sql-databases, but postgres IS case sensitive (in some sense).

> Well I'm confused !!!

> I have two databases , one MySQL (3.23.25) one PostgreSQL (7.01), both
> with
> the same schema. Both have a table 'artist'. The following SQL Method
> (Zope
> 2.2.1) works with both

> select a.artist_id,a.known_name,a.initials
>>from artist a
> where 

> Change this to

> select a.artist_id,a.known_name,a.initials
>>from ARTIST a
> where 

> it still works with PostgreSQL but with MySQL I get

> "Table 'tunedb.ARTIST' doesn't exist"

> Change this to

> select a.artist_id,a.known_name,a.initials
>>from ARTIST a
> where 

> Then it still works with PostgreSQL, provided you also change the argument
> to the SQL Method from surname to SURNAME.

> When you click on the Test tab of an SQL Method it shows the SQL generated
> and you can see, in the above example, that the uppercase words are passed
> through unchanged to the database

> viz.

> select a.artist_id,a.known_name,a.initials from ARTIST a where SURNAME =
> 'Molloy'

> In what circumstances is PostgreSQL case-sensitive ?

First, sorry for my (nearly) full-quote, but I think it makes this discussion
more readable.
To your question, from my testing (I did this with column names only, but I 
suspect the same behavior for table-names), postgres is case 
sensitive, but - as I wrote - in another sense.
If you don't quote the column-names, they are converted to or interpreted as
lowercased names. _But_ if the real name of the table/column is _uppercase_, 
it will not be matched by this lowercased name - in this sense postgres 
is case-sensitive.
Postgres needs quoted names in sql-queries to respect capitalization (sp?) -
and I couldn't  get to generate them.
This was a major problem for me, because I had to work with a bunch of tables
which were exported from foxpro and dbase, and their names were uppercased
in the process.


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Re: [Zope] Problems with mysql and sql methode

2000-10-23 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> MySQL is case-sensitive over table names, so MERCHANTPAYMENT is not the
> same as merchantpayment.

> Other databases (Postgresql, Informix) are not.

> Perhaps the Access/ODBC interface hides the case-sensitivity while the
> direct ZMySQLDA does not ?

Hmm, I'm not very clear about differences between handling of (table, column) names
in sql-databases, but postgres IS case sensitive (in some sense).

Few days ago I wrote to messages to this list describing my problems
with postgres and capitals in column-names. The handling of these will
render  useless, because it doesn't quote the name of the
vars. I that case postgres will not respect capital letter (will turn them
lowercase) but also won't find the column which name is written uppercase.
I think it would be usefull to collect the behaviour of different databases
and try to find a solution which will work with all of them.
The solution we have now clearly doesn't do that.


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Re: [Zope] dtml-sqltest and capital column names

2000-10-13 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

Talking to myself 
A slight correction to my patch so that
tablename.columname will be rendered as
to "tablename"."columnname".

< from string import find, split, join, atoi, atof
> from string import find, split, join, atoi, atof, replace
< if has_key('column'): self.column=args['column']
< else: self.column=self.__name__
> if has_key('column'): self.column='"'+replace(args['column'], '.', '"."')+'"'
> else: self.column='"'+replace(self.__name__, '.', '"."')+'"'

It would be nice if someone could comment whether this makes sense
for other dbs too.


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[Zope] dtml-sqltest and capital column names

2000-10-12 Thread Oliver Bleutgen


I'm using zope 2.2.2 with postgres 7.0.2 and ZPopyDA 0.6.4.

I encountered a problem with dtml-sqltest and capitals in column names.

Well, I simply couldn't get it to work because postgres requires
column-names with "special characters" like capitals to be enclosed
with quotation marks, ie. "COLUMNNAME" instead of COLUMNNAME -
IIRC '_' also won't work.

The problem is that dtml-sqltest only renders

  select * from table where COLUMNNAME='5' 
which will be interpreted by postgres like
  select * from table where columnname='5'

Unfortunatly  throws the
obvious error and everything else I tried didn't work too.

In the end I patched lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/
to do what I want.


< if has_key('column'): self.column=args['column']
< else: self.column=self.__name__
> if has_key('column'): self.column='"'+args['column']+'"'
> else: self.column='"'+self.__name__+'"'

Any comment whether this would also apply/be necessary for other dbs?
And if not, would there a better place (anywhere in ZPopyDA)
to change/add some code?
Or did I just miss something obvious and there's a sane way 
to make dtml-sqltest work with postgres and capitals.


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[Zope] Fw: Re: [Zope] Animated GIFs

2000-10-09 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Seb Bacon schrieb:

>> >
>> > I also tried to name the animGif explicitely animGif.gif instead
>> > of animGif - guessed what? - same problem!
>> >
>> > Any more ideas, please?
>> >
>> have you tried doing a diff on the zope and non-zope versions to see if
>> zzope's somehow mangled it?
>> seb

> Yes, I did. They were absolutely identical!

> I 'diffed' the original and the up- and redownloaded version.

> Perhaps I should 'diff' the original with the version which is inside Zope
> - but how to do this?!? It's an object, isn't it?

Perhaps you should use a tool like tcpdump to do a raw dump of the tcp-data
which is sent. Or just look at the http-headers with a tool like samspade 
Perhaps there is a problem with them (differing content-length?) - maybe triggering a 
bug in IE.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Images slow rendering problem

2000-09-05 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> Hi,

> I already posted this message several monthes ago, expecting a new Zope
> version would fix the problem, but...

> I have some images on my pages (let's say 10 - not a lot), rendered
> either by dtml-var or a manual  tag.
> When I render the page on some of my LAN boxes (especially with IE),
> some images doesn't load at the first time. I need to reload the page to
> make them appear. When I monkeyly hit the 'F5' key, some images do not
> show again. Argl. Anoying

> The problem is worst ever through Internet.

Perhaps not the failure you see, but as you mention IE,
there is at least one really annoying bug in IE 4 (all versions except SP2) and
IE 5 (except 5.01). This may bite people trying to integrate zope into other
webservers using redirects.

You might want to check what versions of IE you use. 

A last resort may be to use a sniffer to capture the http traffic
for later analysis.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope]

2000-08-09 Thread Oliver Bleutgen

> hi all
> has anybody successfully used that ships with Zope-2.2.0?  i
> can't
> seem to run it.  even on the command line.  i've searched the mailing
> list,
> but to no avail

> this is what i did:
> python

> and here's the traceback.
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "", line 639, in ?
> main()
>   File "", line 632, in main
> headers, body = apply(f,(),kw)
>   File "", line 221, in __call__
> raise NotAvailable, RemoteException(
> bci.NotAvailable: argument 1: expected read-only character buffer, tuple
> found (File: Line:
> [])
> None None for None

> what did i do wrong?  can i use from Zope-2.1.x?


I guess or one of the libs it uses is somewhat broken. 
I get the exact same error when trying to use utilities/ 
from 2.2.0 (and Oleg  Broytmann already sent a mail with the same 
problem to this list). 
load_site from 2.1.6 works fine though, perhaps that means you can use from 2.1.6.


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