Hi RaVen,

If CS can be maintained on a fresh wound it will completely eliminate or
drastically reduce the likelihood of scarring. This is true even for burn
victims. However, once you have a scar it is a different story. If there is
still healing occurring, then the CS should help it.

To my knowledge there is nothing that CS can do to affect existing scar
tissue that has already been formed. However, the appearance might be
greatly reduced if there is still inflammation and healing that the CS can
assist with. It doesn't hurt to try.


On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 12:35 PM, RaVen Sequoia <aslra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Neville and Sandee for your reply.
> Appreciate the input and absolutely no disclaimer. The challenge is trying
> to persuade my friend to try alternative remedies.
> Plus he does not have any financial means to buy his own CS equipment and
> make it. He's still waiting to get in the hospital.
> Silly but fun discovery: today I was organizing a customer's cluttered
> bathroom closet. (I'm also a Professional Organizer)... and
> I spotted she had a blue glass bottle of a (store bought, oh well)
> Colloidal Silver! How neat and how so rare.
> Another question, is C.S. good for removing scars? I have a fresh scar
> from last month that still smarts - sensitive nerves won't let up... will
> applying C.S. stop the pain and reduce the red scar? I don't remember
> reading anything about C.S. for scars.
> Cheers to all,
> RaVen
> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 7:09 PM, Neville <one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm certainly not qualified to answer this, BIG DISCLAIMER HERE, but, and
>> I don't know if on dialysis or not (yet), so, being as I live in my world
>> (they know me there), I would be ingesting a small amount of *home made*
>> EIS and swirl it around under the tongue for a while before swallowing each
>> morning before food.  Not the shop bought 'Colloidal Silver' product though.
>> I imagine a hospital/medicos is/are monitoring anyway, so any noticeable
>> change should/would be picked up fairly quick I'd say.  Nothing to lose I'd
>> be thinking.  EIS is NON toxic, so you have nothing to lose really by
>> trying a small amount each day and observe.  My philosophy on a personal
>> level is...If I never, never go, I'll never, never know.
>> But that's me.
>> N.
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* RaVen Sequoia <aslra...@gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, 10 February 2018 4:13 PM
>> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>> *Subject:* CS>CS & kidney/renal failure
>> Hi all
>> Is CS safe for patients with renal failure?
>> My friend who lives in Ireland is struggling to get medical care due to
>> entire island collapsing. So hospitals are overflowing with sick patients
>> but not enough beds.
>> My friend is dying and i am so worried for his life.
>> Does colloidal silver help or is it too hard for those with renal
>> failure? This is an unfamiliar health area for me.
>> RaVen