Hello Mark,

"How do you append to a list a title with spaces using a text reference?" 
may not be a typical use-case (I am not even sure I understand what it 
means!!) but I think that as the use-case list grows then people will be 
saying "Wow you can do all that with Tw5!"

I personally used what was TW classic years ago and was mainly using it to 
keep some notes. I stopped because I lost my file due to no backup and 
couldn't not be bothered to start again.

More recently I rediscovered TW5 and decided to use it again. Reading some 
of the documentations (which is great for the most part!), I realised that 
it is more than a note keeping tool and that one can do a lot of things 
with it if you know how to "program" it. My own TW file that I use to 
manage my bakery was created because of some of the use-case I found and 
thought well that could be useful for what I would ideally want to do.

May be we should use the term Cookbook rather that use-case.  

On Saturday, 3 December 2016 20:05:56 UTC, Mark S. wrote:
> Hello Josiah,
> So, do you think the MAIN problem with tiddlywiki.com is lack of 
> use-cases?
> In that case, perhaps you could help identify areas that need better 
> use-cases, and then we could add them ... and ta-dah! Done.
> However, I don't think the one case you pointed out, "How do you append to 
> a list a title with spaces using a text reference?" is a typical or general 
> use-case. A creative person could probably think of a hundred such special 
> cases, and they wouldn't be in any documentation just as "How do I paint 
> the Mona Lisa?" would not be included with the documentation for a 
> beginner's paint set.
> However, once someone has figured out the solution to "How do you append 
> to a list a title with spaces using a text reference?" then I suppose it 
> could be added to TiddlyWiki.com? Perhaps in the How-To section? 
> If just adding a new entry is suitable, then maybe what we really need is 
> a documentation group or documentation thread. People can nominate topics 
> and solutions they have found that they would like added to the 
> documentation. Others can grab the topics, indicate that they will be 
> submitting the items to github (like calling "dibs"), and then make the 
> submissions.
> Have fun,
> Mark
> On Friday, December 2, 2016 at 10:33:55 AM UTC-8, Josiah wrote:
>> Ciao Mark S
>> You make great points.
>> IMO USE CASES are seriously currently UNDERDONE compared to other 
>> software.
>> I guess in back of my mind are questions about USAGE.
>> I think a VERY good example is how to post to social networks. Something 
>> I consider basic. In theory everything is there in TW that allows posting 
>> via the URI mechanisms. Actually doing it with properly URI formatted URLS 
>> is another story. I tried. I failed. I'm lacking the documentation I'd need.
>> Best wishes
>> Josiah
>> On Thursday, 1 December 2016 17:09:15 UTC+1, Mark S. wrote:
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> Responses to various points -- 
>>> There probably need to be 3 document paths: User, Advanced User, 
>>> Developer.
>>> Each bit of documentation could include the version it was written for. 
>>> Then the reader could decide if what they're reading is applicable.
>>> Adding better use-cases would be much more tempting with a MediaWiki (or 
>>> some other Wiki/Blogging tool).
>>> Github is a pain, but not as much as waiting 6 to 12 weeks to see your 
>>> stuff submitted.
>>> A MediaWiki type solution would allow people to get stuff out there 
>>> while attention spans are still focused. Then no one could deny they said 
>>> (promised?) it.
>>> When TiddlyFox stops working, you should be able to save with the 
>>> fall-back mechanism, which operates as a series of downloads. For any one 
>>> session it feels just like it does now. But when you start a new session, 
>>> you need to copy over the last TW you saved to your starting folder/site. I 
>>> can imagine a script of some type helping to automate the process. 
>>> Probably coming up with a good workflow will be important for beginners 
>>> when the changes occur. The thing to understand is that, since the very 
>>> beginning, TW has been doing something that's considered a no-no in the 
>>> security world: Saving copies of itself to the hard drive. In the past it 
>>> used various loop-holes, developer's backdoors, java code and extensions. 
>>> Over time the browser developers have become more serious about security 
>>> and having been closing the loop-holes.
>>> I doubt the confusing code elements are going to change, because too 
>>> much of the system has been built on them. But having documentation that 
>>> highlights these ambiguities would allow users to more readily thread their 
>>> way through DIY solutions.
>>> Pax,
>>> Mark
>>> On Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 6:56:02 AM UTC-8, David Gifford wrote:
>>>> I want to affirm Josiah and Riz's frustration, from someone who has 
>>>> done introductory documentation for TW classic (TiddlyWiki for the rest of 
>>>> us) and the current TiddlyWiki (which you can still find on 
>>>> tiddlywiki.com, and which I added via Github, and Github was a 
>>>> miserable experience for me. I still don't get it).

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