Here's a few things to consider. MV environments (including UniVerse), allow for small teams to develop and adjust business rules more quickly than you can you can in Oracle, Sybase, or Informix. Published statistics show that MV environments are roughly twice as efficient in disk usage (smaller footprint means faster searches - forget the 'who cares, disk is cheap' argument, search speed is always a premium issue). MV environments are typically three times as efficient on CPU and memory usage. That means that a given system running an MV environment is triple the speed of a "Big Three" database even when you ignore search speed.
Also, since Datastage is one of the best data warehousing systems in the world (and it has a common ancestry to the U2 technology), you can be assured that MV environments make excellent data marts, data warehouses, and data repositories. Informix bought the U2 technology just to get Datastage.


         Charles Barouch

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