On 6 March 2018 at 12:22, Paul Bone <paul.b...@bridgefibre.co.uk> wrote:
> We need 4*10G Ports, multiple 1G SFP ports, IPv4 and IPv6 L3VPN, L2VPN
> etc…..we do not need any HQOS features on these devices.
> We use a fair few Cisco ME3600 but these only have 2*10G and are
> discontinued so at the moment, the CISCO ASR920 is looking the most cost
> effective solution but we are interested if anyone else has any ideas? We
> have Juniper MX in the network as well, which we like, but I don’t think
> there is a Juniper option as cost effective as the ASR920.

The ASR920s are great little boxes. If you want the same mix of 1G and
10G you have on the ME3600X/ME3800X devices then the 24x1G + 4x10G
ASR920 variants are working great for us with all the usual edge
features (IPv4/6, L3VPN, L2VPN P2P/P2M, BGP, QoS, Multicast, OSPF,

A Cisco ASR9001 with the 20x1G MICs would be a good fit here too but
they are possibly too expensive.

>From Juniper look at the MX105, ACX5048 and QFX5100s.


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