Michael Shapiro wrote:
>>Riny Qian wrote:
>>># svcs | grep login
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/console-login:default
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/vconsole-login:vt1
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/vconsole-login:vt6
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/vconsole-login:vt2
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/vconsole-login:vt5
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/vconsole-login:vt4
>>>online         Oct_30   svc:/system/vconsole-login:vt3
>>>any comments?
>>Why can't this just be:
>>etc ?
>>Why do we need to expose the difference between
>>console-login and vconsole-login ?  I don't think we
>>need and more importantly I don't see a benefit to
>>the admin in doing so.
> I agree w/ Darren's point. 

As said to Darren, the main reason is that the vconsole-login service
is only available in the global zone.

> After all, presumably we're just starting
> more instances of ttymon on different devices?


> Also, what determines the number of "vt" things that are configured?
> Is that based upon an smf property or some command or something else?

Most people are familiar with six virtual console logins plus Xserver
running on the seventh virtual console. It's been there for long time.

> How does one configure that?

As said, users can disable/enable and remove/add virtual consoles using

> (pointers to documentation welcome)


Any comments are welcome.


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