Whenever purported "free energy" phenomena turn up with no apparent
source of excess energy, there are a limited number of candidates which
seem to rear their ugly heads.
This only applies to LENR in the absence of real nuclear energy, but the
nucleus can be part of a combined MO. In rough order of scientific
validity and usefulness, these candidates for the source of gain are:
1) ZPE (aether, raumenergie, dynamical Casimir effect, space energy,
vacuum energy, quantum energy, Hotson epo field, quantum foam, etc)
2) CMB cosmic microwave background (3K-CMB)
2) neutrinos
4) Schumann resonance
5) Fair weather field
6) Magnetic field of earth
7) Ambient heat (plus deep heat sink)
8) Below absolute zero (deeper heat sink)
9) Anti-gravity effect
There are more but they tend to be different wording or combinations of
the above ... and even more incredulous. Many combinations are possible.
The main reason for bringing this up is that recently CMB has been
estimated to be slightly more robust than once thought and with new ways
to couple to it. The CMB is probably a subset of ZPE but the energy
density of space in terms of the microwave-only spectrum is the
equivalent of 0.261 eV per cubic cm, though the actual temperature of
2.7 K is much less than that would indicate - and the peak of the
spectrum is at a frequency of 160.4 GHz. ZPE as a whole may be more
robust, but CMB is adequate for many uses.
The peak intensity of the background is about... ta ad.. a whopping 385
MJy/Sr (that's MegaJanskys per Steradian (I kid you not) which is a
candidate for the oddest metric in all of free energy, maybe all of
physics ... along with furlongs per fortnight).
At any rate, if one could invent the way to couple to CMB easily, it
would be possible to see an effective temperature equivalent in an
excellent range for thermionics, for instance. The ~2 mm wavelength is
interesting too. There have been fringe reports of anomalies with 13
gauge wire but anything with the number 13 is going to bring out the
worst ...