​Btw, a so called "burger flipper" isn't hired just to flip burgers. Even
if you had an unlimited budget with current technology you could not build
a robot to perform all the tasks a "burger flipper" does at a restaurant.


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 12:43 AM, H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Of course they are doing it to make money and they don't care if their
> products put people out of work. The point is employers aren't going to use
> robots in the service sector if the robots are more expensive and/or less
> flexible​ than a human. I think most people on the list are unaware of how
> subservient labour has become over the last 30 years with stagnate real
> wage growth, the decline of unions and labour codes being rewritten to
> allow for a more flexible workforce.
> Harry
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> the other automation you speak off will proceed slowly as long as social
>>> security for "working age" men and women is linked to paid employment.
>> The people developing this technology are doing it to make money. They
>> don't care whether their products put people out of work.
>> Let me be blunt and say that I developed many software products which put
>> people out of work. I was automating work that was previously done by
>> people. I knew that. Everyone knew that. It did not slow us down. To be
>> honest, it did not bother us. We did it to make money, and to save the
>> customer money.
>> At present, Amazon.com is taking jobs away from enormous numbers of
>> people in retail. Far more than the total number industrial workers, or
>> miners being put out of work by the decline in coal consumption. Retail has
>> lost about 100,000 jobs from October 2016 to May 2017, which is more than
>> the total number of miners. ". . . [D]epartment stores have lost 18 times
>> more workers than coal mining since 2001."
>> https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/04/the-sil
>> ent-crisis-of-retail-employment/523428/
>> This is deeply regrettable for the people losing their jobs. I hate to
>> think of it. I sympathize with them. I hope society can help them, and I
>> hope they find other employment. But I am not going to stop using
>> Amazon.com. I seldom went to malls in the past, and I am going to go to
>> them now, out of charity. I do not see how anything can slow down this
>> trend, and I do not think it would be a good idea to try to slow it down.
>> Amazon.com will not do anything to "ensure security" for "working age men
>> and women." No corporation would. Any corporation that tries would be
>> bankrupted by the competition. That is how capitalism works.
>> Capitalism cannot solve this problem. Society as a whole must address it.
>> I doubt there are any clean, neat, quick or inexpensive solutions.
>> - Jed

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