*For nigh onto 28 years now and still counting, fusion as a cause of LENR
is a myth that has befuddled the thinking processes of just about all LENR
activists. Now we know that LENR can be produced using protium. Even more,
we know that proton proton fusion is virtually impossible. So LENR using
protium cannot be produced by a fusion reaction. It must be produced by
another nuclear process. We know that LENR using protium is based on some
nuclear process other than fusion because this type of LENR reaction also
produces transmuted elements.*

Proton proton fusion is close to impossible because In the core of the Sun
at 14,000,000C and extreme pressure that exists at the core of the Sun,

See the following post to continue to learn the reason why fusion using
protium is impossible,


On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Nigel Dyer <l...@thedyers.org.uk> wrote:

> For some months I have been working with Cavitation Energy Systems (
> http://cavitationenergysystems.com/) who have been developing an
> efficient steam generator based on cavitation.  What is not obvious until
> you start going through the details of what they say on the website is that
> there appears to be five times more energy in the steam they produce than
> the electrical energy they use to produce it.
> I have met up with them in Florida and gone through the details of the
> system and it does appear to be as they claim.   The question is how does
> it manage to do this?  By combining knowledge of their system with other
> 'excess energy' systems that I am aware of and had dealings with I think
> the mechanism is as follows:
>    - As they intended, they use a diesel injector to create a pulse of
>    water that is full of cavitation bubbles.
>    - When the pulse hits a nearby surface a shock wave travels back
>    through the water initiating an almost synchronous  collapse of all the
>    bubbles.
>    - The potential differences within the collapsing bubbles accelerate
>    some free protons such that they have an energy of the order of 10kV,
>    enough to overcome the coulomb barrier and initiate fusion.
>    - The fusion energy is carried away by a virtual neutrino, and there
>    is a cascade of virtual neutrinos which distribute the energy as kinetic
>    energy among nearby protons and electrons.  Some of the protons have
>    sufficient energy to initiate a secondary fusion event starting a short
>    duration chain reaction.  With others the kinetic energy they gain is
>    transferred to the water molecule and consequently the water is heated up
>    until it boils.
> The way that the bubbles collapse directs the energy away from the
> surface, avoiding the normal problems of cavitation systems where the
> cavitation causes damage to surfaces. The way that the shock wave causes
> all the bubbles to collapse and initiate fusion at close to the same time
> means that the energy from the proton-proton fusion is able to heat all of
> the water, converting it to steam, at which point the chain reaction stops.
> Not only do they appear to have significant energy gain but it is
> available in a highly usable form, as high temperature steam.  I have put
> together some more detailed notes.
> http://thedyers.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/CES_LENR.pdf
> Nigel

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