On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

However, I am not convinced that PdD works this way, and frankly - it is a
>  diversion to even bring it up for now, since it detracts from the really
> important issue - which is the proper understanding of the Rossi effect.

How is it a diversion to bring up an apparently well-established conclusion
that a large quantum of mass energy can be fractionated without penetrating
radiation?  That was the point that was at issue.  Answer:  it's not a
diversion.  The conclusion may be flawed, the evidence may be flawed, the
interpretation may be flawed, and/or the research may be flawed.  But a
consensus conclusion about the fractionation of a 24 MeV quantum into
non-penetrating radiation is something to be addressed in a conversation
dealing with the question of whether fractionation is possible.

I'm not trying to say that the fractionation conclusion is for sure what is
going on, either in NiH or in PdD.  Only that it's not out in the
wilderness either, as some would tendentiously make it out to be.  :)


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