
Your posts do have a tendency to come off as being sly and a bit mean, despite 
your claim to have transcended karma, I mean Judeo-Christian notions of 

You will recall that Mayka's posts also rub some people the wrong way, a 
phenomenon that has been thoroughly dissected here and attributed to some 
interesting linguistic goings on and the off bit of whoop ass. 

Perhaps you will share what you see as the causes for people to mis-read your 
intent in your posts.  Perhaps you won't trust this forum that much. 

If you say that the causes are all external to you, I have to comment that 
there is not a dividing line between ED and Mayka. 

For the record, I found your use of the word "restrained" to described Bill's 
right speech to make me think you were being sly, and your reply to Mayka to 
definitely communicate negative emotional content. 

Chris Austin-Lane, who definitely is more likely to post here when upset than 
when not upset 
Sent from a cell phone

On Nov 17, 2010, at 6:25, "ED" <seacrofter...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Mayka:
> Is it mama patting Billy on the head for being a good boy?
> Or is it a product of the fecal finger-pointing Judeo-Christian tradition?
> Or is it the historical Spanish inquisitorial spirit rearing its ugly head?
> Or is it something else?
> --ED
> --- In Zen_Forum@yahoogroups.com, Maria Lopez <flordel...@...> wrote:
> >
> > Bill:
> >  
> > You would have been in your right not to give a reply to malicious posting. 
> >  
> >  
> > Mayka
> > Ed and Kristy,
> > 
> > I didn't mean to be overly restrained. I can only give you my impressions 
> > of them before they became Dharma successors and were just two of a group 
> > of monks and students at the center - albeit 2 of the most senior and 
> > seemingly advanced students. I will say that I was always more comfortable 
> > with Bernie then Gempo. Gempo just seemed a little less approachable, but 
> > I've always just wrote that off as just a personality mismatch.
> > 
> > ...Bill!
> > Ed,
> > 
> > Well then, it seems we all are "underwhelmed" by Gempo...k
> > Kristy,
> > 
> > My (slight) interest in Gempo was aroused by your mention of him.
> > 
> > Bill has been restrained in his speech about his dharma brothers.
> > 
> > --ED

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