On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 02:26:21PM +0100, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> >From: Matthias Schniedermeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> : But DVD-* media is cheaper and I see no advantage in using DVD+ media.
> >> 
> >> Other advantages are the ability to completely fill the disks (> 4 GB
> >> iso files are a problem on 32 bit systems) and not needing free space
> >> for the disk images.
> >"When you don't know what you are talking about. Shut up". :-)
> See above ;-)......

I won't say what one of my teachers in school said about this topic.

> >You can't make a single file bigger than 2 GB in an ISO-Filesystem,
> >corect. But that is a limitation in of the ISO-Filesystem itself.
> The OP did not talk about single files _inside_ an ISO FS but about ISO-FILES
> which usually is a file holding an ISO FS as content.

As i said below. That problem doesn't exist (anymore). :-)
The 2GB problem is the only size-problem i know. So i included the rant
about that limitation to make a (more or less) technically correct

> Future versions of mkisofs will allow you to use > 2 GB files in UDF 
> filesystems.

You should rename the program. It doesn't "feel" correct anymore. OK
currently you can't skip the ISO-FS. But AFAIR you once said that you
will make it possibel to skip the ISO-FS from the image.

mkhybrid :-)

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