Re: [Elecraft] Buddistick or Buddipole?

2007-04-06 Thread Fred Jensen

Bob Tellefsen wrote:

Hi Fred
Any antenna heavily loaded with coils will show a narrow bandwidth.
In effect, the coils and the capacitance of the antenna elements
across them form a tuned circuit.  The higher the Q of the tuned
circuit (meaning the lower the coil losses) the narrower the
bandwidth, but the higher the efficiency.  If you find a loaded
antenna with a large bandwidth, it is by definition much less
efficient due to the inherent losses.

My BP is quite narrow-band, and the BW decreases as one goes to lower 
bands [more of the equivalent circuit of the overall antenna resides in 
the lumped, hi-Q inductance I guess].  It'll cover the nominal CW 
portion of the higher bands, 30m -- 10m if I adjust it for the middle 
of the sub-band.  On 40, if I adjust it with the MFJ 259 at 7025, it'll 
be under 1.5:1 from 7000 to maybe 7040 or so, but the VSWR rises rapidly 
above that.  I don't have the 80m coils, but I would suspect it would be 
VERY narrow that low in freq.  I'm not sure just how useful an antenna 
as small as a BP would be on 80m at QRP levels.

There really is no free lunch.

The BW all band folded dipole exhibits acceptable VSWR 3-30 MHz, 
which sounds like free food.  It also includes a resistor which forms 
the major source of the feed impedance [and that eats a chunk of your 
power] so the lunch turns out not to be quite free after all.  In 
fact, it's common for dummy loads to exhibit a phenomenal VSWR bandwidth.

Sometimes you can fudge a bit by tuning such an antenna to
the center of a band, and using an autotuner like the Elecraft
T1 at the feedpoint.

Note, Bob says at the feedpoint, which would be up at the VersaTee. 
Using an autotuner in the radio [e.g. KAT2 or KAT100] gives 1.0:1 
matches but the losses go up in the coax.

I do make a lot of Q's on my BP with the K2 and KX1.  Biggest thing I've 
found is to get the antenna up in the air and away from other objects. 
The threads on the BP mast fit painter's poles which is what I use. 
This July will be my first FOTBB with the BP.  I'm anxious to see if it 
beats the 27' wire in the tree.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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Re: [Elecraft] 40 M interference

2007-04-06 Thread Fred Jensen

Ralph Tyrrell wrote:

7040 KHz is one place for me to find new states or rag
chews. Have noticed racket there sometimes. Tuned
across the band and found this racket about every
10.66 KHz across all I can tune of 40 M (6998 - 7084)
with my K1. 7040.6 KHz is the center of one signal.
Seems to be about 1 KHz wide. Not there all the time.
I do not hear it on 30 M.
Does anyone know where this comes from and what it
might be for and how often it is on? 
I always turn of my computer when using the radio to

keep local noise down.

Hi Ty,

Not sure but you may be hearing the [or one of the] OTH radars, 
variously attributed to the Chinese, Australians, N. Korea [and us, of 
course -- maybe also the correct choice :-) ]

Racket is the best description, and it/they do have some of the 
characteristics you describe.  If you're old enough to remember LORAN A 
on what is now 160 and you lived near either of the coastlines then, 
you'll remember it.  Various peaks as you tuned across and around it.

I've heard it recently on 40m, a couple of days ago while trying to work 
N8S on 7005 up 5, but it moved up the band after a little while.  There 
are frequent comments on the DX Spotting net about it too.

Inasmuch as OTH tend to be national security-related, no one ever fesses 
up to them.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 and Digital Modes

2007-04-08 Thread Fred Jensen

Gary McKelvie wrote:

Hi to the List,

I'm thinking of buying the kit for the K2 with the 100 watt PA. I will 
mainly be operating on Digital modes such as PSK 31 MFSK 16 RTTY and 
Hellschreiber. I will be using a Tigertronics SL 1+ interface but was 
wondering if there are any known problems with the K2 and any or all of 
these modes before I buy the Kit and start building.

I switched my RTTY contesting to my K2, primarily to take advantage of 
the RX filters.  I have a splitter in the headphone cord that feeds the 
audio input on the computer, and the computer audio output directly 
feeds the mic jack.  I juggled the audio input level in Windoze so I can 
run with the AF gain on the K2 at about half-scale.  I use amplified 
headphones [I'm generally deaf and my hearing aids don't work with 
phones] and that gives me a comfortable listening level.  WriteLog/MMTTY 
keys the TX via the serial CAT port.

It works way better than just great.  I centered my RTTY filters around 
1.1KHz, and set them for about 1.0KHz, 800Hz, 400Hz, and 250Hz 
bandwidth.  I rarely use anything but 400Hz.  The K2 RX and filtering is 
so superior to what I had with the FT-847, there isn't even a reasonable 
way to compare them.

Digital modes are 100% duty cycle when transmitting, and the KPA100 heat 
sink got very hot, even at 50-60W.  I mounted an old 12VDC computer 
muffin fan on top of the HS with a little bit of sticky backed Velcro, 
and now at 100W, the HS stays cool to the touch.

I haven't tried PSK31 or other modes.  Maybe I'll get around to them, 
but don't hold your breath :-)  Oh, in order to get the RTTY filters to 
show up in the K2 menu, you have to turn them on.  Apparently, they are 
off when the K2 comes out of the box.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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Re: [Elecraft] AUX not available for PC when using KAT100?

2007-04-09 Thread Fred Jensen

David Wilburn wrote:
Do the kits come with everything to make a Y cable 


Be sure to read [and understand] the warnings about the IO connector. 
It is **NOT** a standard RS-232 serial port!

Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] Backward CW?

2007-04-11 Thread Fred Jensen

Don Wilhelm wrote:
Should your filters/BFOs need changed, I recommend you use Spectrogram 
to give a visual display of your filter passbands.

FWIW:  I've found that the waterfall display in MMTTY or MixW is easier 
for me when doing the CAL FIL.  No markers, but the display is much 
crisper for me, and the frequency calibration marks at the top pretty 
much make up for the lack of markers.

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: FCC rules part 18 [CF bulbs vs. LED]

2007-04-15 Thread Fred Jensen

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
  Living here in N.W. Oregon in a town of 20K people who owns its own

electric company, it's unusual for us to see an electric bill that tops
$25/month even though my XYL and I both work at home and we run an electric
hot water heater and A/C in the summer in addition to all of our lights and
appliances. It was half that before the great California power crunch of a
few years ago saw a lot of our power sent south. I don't complain; it helps
keep the lights on in Aptos! 

California [aka The Dimly Lit State] will forgive you this one time, 
Ron.  However, be careful, our Governor can likely beat up your Governor.

To the subject, I have a related question:  When did light bulbs become 
'Industrial, Scientific, and Medical' equipment [i.e. 47CFR18]?  ISM 
equipment operates in ISM bands, one of which used to be 11 meters in 
the 0.5 - 30MHz range, and may still be for all I know.  Another is 
occupied by your microwave oven ... and everyone else's too.  They are 
confined to those bands, however ... I think.

Don't light bulbs fall under 47CFR15?  If they generate RF totally 
incidental to their operation, they would be incidental radiators [e.g. 
loose hardware on a power pole].  If they generate RF to facilitate 
their operation, but that operation does not involve radiation of the 
RF, they would be unintentional radiators [e.g. my computer, BPL].  If 
the generation and radiation of RF is essential to their operation, they 
are intentional radiators [e.g. my remote reading thermometer on 
443.920].  Part 15 devices can legally radiate anywhere [as in 0.5 - 30 
MHz], but only under some very strict constraints.

Inquiring minds would like to know.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7

PS:  Many years ago, my Elmer acquired a diathermy machine for parts. 
It comprised -- I'm not making this up -- 2-250TH's in a self-excited 
oscillator circuit.  The frequency control was a variable capacitor, and 
the panel at the capacitor knob had a 27MHz frequency range marked on 
it, with a warning, Do not operate outside this range.  It had AC on 
the plates.

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[Elecraft] Toxic Things

2007-04-15 Thread Fred Jensen
I like the people on this list a great deal.  Please be careful. 
Someone said you could eat mercury.  Don't.  Don't even handle it.  It 
is a heavy metal like lead and as a vapor is extremely toxic.  And 
mercury vaporizes slowly at room temperatures.  Like all heavy metals, 
once it is inside you, it is extremely difficult to remove.

Metallic mercury is a major pollutant here in N. CA and in the Comstock 
in NW NV.  During the gold rush, many tons of it were used in the 
extraction of the gold from the crushed quartz 150+ years ago, and well 
into the 20th century.  A great deal of it ended up in mine tailings, as 
did the cyanide, also used in the extraction process and also *somewhat* 
toxic [used to be used in California's gas chamber].  There are a huge 
number of abandoned gold mines in our area.

Over time, metallic mercury forms very toxic compounds which have washed 
out into the streams, rivers, and lakes.  Much of it ends up in the 
Sacramento/San Joaquin delta and San Francisco Bay, where it climbs the 
food chain and is now in many of the fish in dangerous quantities. 
Lahontan Reservoir east of Carson City is contaminated as are many other 

I know we OF's used to play with Hg as kids.  We also used carbon 
tetrachloride, MEK, trichlorethylene, and other things you can't buy and 
shouldn't be using now.  I liked cadmium-plated steel chassis for my 
home brew projects because it was easy to solder to them.  Cd is a heavy 
metal and is very toxic.  Wash your hands twice after working on your 
Elecraft kits.  Don't breath solder fumes.  Even a small fan to blow the 
fumes away from you is a major improvement over nothing.

We all have our stories from olden days, but I'd like to think we've all 
learned something in the last 50 or 60 years [e.g. don't eat a lot of 
the fish you catch in San Francisco Bay].  I'd like the Elecrafters to 
be sticking around for a long time and in good health.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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Re: [Elecraft] Silica-gel trivia

2007-04-18 Thread Fred Jensen

Ken Kopp wrote:

The question of how to apply it to the inside of a K2 remains  Maybe
put it in an infant's sock and put that inside a K2. There are some very
transparent, finely woven fabrics that could be sewn into an appropiately
sized baggie that would allow visual insprection to know then it's time
to pop it into the oven.  Think Victoria's Secret ... (:-))

FWIW:  My hearing disappeared one night some 40 years ago on the other 
side of the planet.  Over the years, the VA has provided me with hearing 
aids which have slowly increased in complexity [and cost, although 
fortunately, not to me :-) ].  Just got some new ones, and I now get to 
walk around with about $5K of electronics and DSP in my ears.

They came with a little plastic jar into which I put them each night. 
It has a little round pillow in the bottom that is filled with silica 
gel crystals, and that has a perforated plastic bottom.  I nuke it for 
about 30 sec when the crystals are purple, and they turn blue again.

The pillow would easily fit into a K2.  I think you can get these things 
at hearing aid stores.

Incidentally, corrosion was not the problem for us in SE Asia, and 
unless you're in a true marine setting, I doubt it would be a problem 
for anyone's equipment inside a house whether or not it is left on.  Our 
problem was fungus ... on our gear and on us.  The gear is long gone, 
but the jungle rot hangs on to me tenaciously.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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[Elecraft] ECN 20m

2007-04-22 Thread Fred Jensen
2300Z 14050 nil ... no one heard.  Checked and antenna seems to be 
connected, heard some EU DX down low, but no ECN.

I'll try and make 40, don't hold your breath.  Our #1 grandson is 
marrying the love of his life on 5 May, she's a bit over the top at this 
point, and we think they may be coming over tonight.  I might need a 
stiff martini to recover, and I can't send well at all after a beer [or 
especially a martini], even assuming they leave in time.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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[Elecraft] K3

2007-04-28 Thread Fred Jensen
I don't seem to be able to get to the main announcement page.  I'd like 
to know the cost range planned for the K3.  [How about we let the 
Elecraft folks answer me to keep the reflector BW down :-) ]


Fred K6DGW

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Re: [Elecraft] T Shirt Slogan

2007-04-30 Thread Fred Jensen

Jozef Hand-Boniakowski wrote:

Here's my contribution:

K3 by Elecraft: It's not your father's radio.

Jozef WB2MIC
Wells VT

I claim prior rights: see 11/18/2004 
... just in case a K3 is the prize in this contest :-)

Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 improvements

2007-05-06 Thread Fred Jensen

John Harper wrote:

John, I wasn't happy with the compromise between having internal 
batteries or having a decent RF output. 6 internal AA cells provide 
*significantly* less than half the power the KX1 is capable of but I 
liked not having to carry an external battery pack, so I installed two 
rechargeable LiPo batteries in a 2nd bottom case that I ordered from 

Now I have more than double the power out with no increase in weight, no 
decrease in operating time and I still have an integrated package.

FWIW:  I used an LiPo battery I got from the local RC Model shop, and it 
lasted about 6 months before the terminal voltage went to zero and it 
began to swell.  I figured it was just a fluke, and I got another.  It 
resulted in a moderately bad experience [bad, as in, it caught fire 
while I had it plugged into my KX1].  I am glad it wasn't inside the 
radio.  The good news is that I was able to grab the power plug and 
fling it out onto the gravel driveway.  The bad news is that the 
driveway was wet.  Made for an interesting display to be watched from a 

They were a bit pricey.  I've now decided not to power my radios with 
lithium-anything.  YMMV


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] start without ANY extra roofing filters....

2007-05-07 Thread Fred Jensen

Dave G4AON wrote:


a friend has a 
well maintained Racal RA1792 military receiver which is hopeless 
compared to even moderately good amateur gear such as his Kenwood 
TS-850, I appreciate the 1792 wasn't one of the better Racal receivers 
but they weren't cheap.

If things in the Mother Country are anything close to how they are over 
here in the Colonies, nothing the military buys is cheap, regardless of 
how well they work ... or don't :-)

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] Ultimatic keying in KX1/K1?

2007-05-09 Thread Fred Jensen


Still, someday in some future rom upgrade it
would be nice to have Ultimatic keying on board in the K*

If anyone would like to refresh my memory on Ultimatic keyers, I'd be 
happy to read it.  I remember a QST article at least 200 years ago about 
it, I think it might have been on the cover too.  I know about Iambic, I 
have an Iambic-A keying type [and O+ blood type].  Iambic-B is hard for 
me, however I don't really know the technical difference between them, I 
just know that B adds dits I didn't send.

Given the amount of traffic on the Elecraft list these days, it would be 
good [and kind to everyone else who undoubtedly all know the answer] to 
reply to me direct :-)


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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[Elecraft] H-mode mixers

2007-05-14 Thread Fred Jensen
A long thread.  As it moved on and sometimes morphed, I was hoping 
someone would explain what an H-mode mixer was, how it differed from 
other mixers [a diode?  Product detector?  Double balanced?  Don't ask 
me to name any more], and why I should care.  Inquiring minds would like 
to know.  In the interest of BW on this reflector which is getting big, 
maybe a URL would suffice?


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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[Elecraft] H-Mode Mixers

2007-05-15 Thread Fred Jensen
Thanks to all for the URL's and descriptions, most of which were direct 
and not on the reflector ... thanks for that too :-)

I now know way more than I understand about H-mode mixers [and A thru Z 
mode too + names I've never heard of].  I believe I am going to leave 
the mixer business to Wayne and Eric.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7

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[Elecraft] W1 Wattmeter/SWR Bridge + KX1

2007-05-15 Thread Fred Jensen
I finished the W1 computing wattmeter, and put it in W8FGU's nifty 
polycarbonate enclosure.  It was an easy build, some tidbits and links 
can be found at

While fooling with the KX1 and BuddiPole on the deck on a balmy evening, 
I discovered that if I remove the tilt stand on Dave's enclosure [easy, 
it's fastened with velcro], a double male BNC will couple the wattmeter 
to the KX1 and the combination lays flat on the table.  I can tune the 
BP with the W1, making it unnecessary to carry the antenna analyzer 
along on field expeditions.  All in all, a nifty little arrangement.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7

PS:  Enough BNC adapters and I could probably do something similar with 
my K2 :-)

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[Elecraft] RTTY vs PSK31

2007-05-15 Thread Fred Jensen

Brian Lloyd wrote:

 CW remains a mainstay because it is an efficient mode. You can 
communicate with very low power levels which makes QRP reasonable.

Don't know about others, but I get much more enjoyment from listening 
to the guy I'm in QSO with rather than looking at the screen as he 
types. I left nearly all my hearing on the other side of the planet 40+ 
years ago, so CW is my preferred HF mode.  SSB works for me for 
multi-station Q's [which we used to call round-tables ... let's see, 
who do I turn it to next?], so long as the signals are strong and in 
the clear.  Other than contests, I find the digital modes to be somewhat 
boring.  YMMV


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7

If you're in your 20's and want to make God laugh, tell him the plans 
you have for your life.

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Re: [Elecraft] Digital SSB..?

2007-05-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Brian Lloyd wrote:

Yes, we are talking about the same thing. They take the voice and 
digitize it and then put the data stream into multiple PSK carriers that 
fill up the entire voice bandwidth (2.7KHz).

Ever see a digital TV signal on a spectrum analyzer?  A UHF FM group I 
belong to has a site at Meadow Lakes, CA ... the Mt. Wilson of Fresno. 
 On the scope, a DTV signal is a rectangle, 6 Mhz wide, and constant 
envelope.  I suspect digital voice is pretty much the same only the 
rectangle is 2.5Khz wide.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 S-Meter and 6dB

2007-05-17 Thread Fred Jensen

Ken Kopp wrote:

We Yanks have always resisted the world order when it comes to
measurements . Lessee, the last I knew it was just us and Libya
holding  out ...

Quite the contrary, Ken.  We Yanks are going metric all right ... inch 
by inch.


Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 K3 Odd Couple?

2007-05-17 Thread Fred Jensen

Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:

I do *not* hug tress, I just talk to them..

The real question is, Do they talk back?

Fred I hope the voices stop soon K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 K3 Odd Couple?

2007-05-17 Thread Fred Jensen

Toby Deinhardt wrote:

I belong to the QRP, kit builder, tree hugging, QRO, contesting crowd.

That would also be me.  Whatever floats your boat is fine with me, lots 
of things in ham radio float mine :-)


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] For sale?

2007-05-21 Thread Fred Jensen

Toby Deinhardt wrote:

  My other rig is... For Sale.


The difficult bit will introducing them to each other. #885 is still a 
bit jealous of #3248... How's that for anthropomorphising?

I name mine:

KX1: Squirt
K2:  Clark [able to leap tall pileups with a single bound]
TS-850: Tubby [harnesses gravity well to hold the shelf down]
FT-847: Squeaky [I use him almost totally on VHF/UHF]

I will probably get a K3 [OK, wife tells me she *knows* I will].  I 
think I'll wait and see how the reflector traffic hums on about it from 
those who get S/N 1-??.  Tubby may find a new home when I do spring for 
it.  Probably ought to be thinking about a name, I guess.


Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] REAL CW!!

2007-05-29 Thread Fred Jensen

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Much has been written on this reflector about the sound of the sidetone,
particularly the K2's sidetone, and about stability and narrow band
clickless keying, stable signals, with today's operators asking for
razor-sharp selectivity in order to copy signals in a crowded band. 

Here are some recordings of actual COMMERCIAL CW maritime signals on the 600
meter (500 KHz) band from the 1970's in European waters

Cool Ron!  The calls were different when I was a 16yr old in coastal 
marine [West coast of NA], but that *is* what 600m sounded like on the 
nighttime shifts.  I'm so used to our current near-perfect spacing from 
keyers and computer-sent CW, I have to really concentrate to copy from 
that what I used to so easily.  OK...I was younger then.  A lot of 
fists-afloat were pretty bad.  Mine on-shore was perfect, of course.  I 
don't remember spark thank God, I'd be much older now if I did and 
likely dead.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] CW practice QSOs...

2007-05-31 Thread Fred Jensen

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Before software like CW GET was around I recorded my own sending, working
down a page in a phone book with addresses and numbers or at least a page
out of a magazine. Then I played it back, preferably the next day. If it was
a fist I was happy to copy, I was happy. 

Look up Morse Gen on Google.  It will send CW from a text file and 
whatever speed you desire.  It will save it as a .wav file which you can 
burn onto a CD and listen to in your vehicle.

Last time I drove down to Atascadero [~5 hrs] to visit my college 
roommate and hit the Cal Poly Book store to replenish clothing [OK ... 
and drink a little wine, the wine business in the Cal. Central Coast 
area is huge], I fed it an e-book I'd bought, and read it in CW all 
the way down and back.  Took 6 CD's -- 3 down, 3 back.  Really ... as in 
really really really ... beats talk radio :-)

Even sent a couple of CDs I made of the letters we put into the packages 
we sent to an adopted troop in Afghanistan who was building a K2 and 
working towards a ticket.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
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Re: [Elecraft] max power suggested on PSK with K2/100

2007-06-02 Thread Fred Jensen

John Wiener wrote:
I just worked KJ5XF who suggested that running 50W PSK would fry the 
finals.  I thought 50 was about max for safe PSK.

What's the latest on this?

My KPA100 top got too hot to leave your hand on at 50W in a RTTY 
contest.  I put a square of sticky backed velcro on it, the mating 
square on the center of a 12V muffin fan, and now the heatsink stays 
cool at 90W on RTTY.  I still run the K2/100 at 50W since I'm driving an 
amp to 500W and need to protect it too, and at 50W, the heat sink is cold.

The heat transfer rate issue is still there ... the PA transistors will 
be hotter than the HS ... but with the HS cold, the transfer rate is 
increased a lot.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7

PS:  The fan blows down onto the HS, but you all probably knew that.
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Re: [Elecraft] RST or S - meter readings?

2007-06-07 Thread Fred Jensen

Kevin Rock wrote:

Do people really use a meter to give signal reports to people?  I thought RST 
was to be honest reportage.
   Kevin.  KD5ONS

It's context dependent, Kevin.  If it's a DXpedition or a contest, 
everyone is 5NN.  If it's a QRP contest or QSO, everyone is 56N.  If you 
get a report from me, be aware ... I made it up.  Best way to tell your 
real report at my QTH is to watch and see if I answer your questions.

Can't tell you the last time I heard a CW signal that wasn't xxN 
although chirp is a bit more common.  The whole system is an 
anachronism, but old habits die hard.  We call it CW and mean 
communications using the International Morse Code when CW means 
continuous waves.

But then, Sam Morse didn't exactly invent the code which carries his 
name either.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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[Elecraft] English

2007-06-08 Thread Fred Jensen
AFAIK, a conker in the Mother Country is a buckeye or horse 
chestnut here in the Colonies.  Likewise, chuffed loosely translates 
to stoked -- at least out here on the western frontier.

Andrea is attending a needlepoint retreat at Asilomar later this year. 
Given our Equal Hobby Allowance agreement, I am fairly stoked ...

Retreat Cost = Well Loaded K3

Timing is good too, the initial units will be out, and no doubt someone 
will say something on the reflector about them.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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Re: [Elecraft] Crystal Clear book

2007-06-12 Thread Fred Jensen

Stuart Rohre wrote:

Hi Fred,
Yes, I remember Gabriel Heater news; but the all the ships at sea was 
the tag line of gossip commentator Walter Winchell.  Remember him?  He 
also had the snappy code burst at the start of his broadcasts.

Can you believe, Andy Rooney of CBS 60 minutes was a reporter for 
Stars and Stripes newspaper in WW2?

Andy Rooney reported in the SS during our Vietnam adventure too.  I 
remember his sort of opening line, Ever thought about ...  When I'm in 
a CW contest, or we're in my truck and the repeater IDs, my wife will 
often say, and all the ships at sea.  She was born in 1945, and likely 
never heard Walter and I'm sure not Gabriel.  Some things do stick 
around however, I'm told it's our culture.  Often wondered what Walter 
sent, I do remember hearing it, didn't know the code then.

Really cool Eric/Wayne K3 show last night at the NCCC meeting in San 
Carlos CA.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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Re: [Elecraft] Crystal Clear book

2007-06-13 Thread Fred Jensen
Well, this has strayed way off the original post, and I do intend to 
find the book and read it, but ... speaking from a little battle experience:

Fred (FL) wrote:

In a battle war situation - the last thing a
operator military person needs to have to do,
is dial in an exact frequency. 

Tactical radios -- the ones that are in the heat of combat -- were 
crystal controlled even in WW2.  Other than those, in the US Vietnam 
Adventure, we had a lot of KWM-2A's for HF [big knob to change freq and 
our maint depot guys left the ham rocks in the bottom board and put our 
military crystals in the top board.  A lifesaver for me at HS1FJ], 
AN/GRC-27's for Air to Ground stuff, and AN/TRC-24's for multi-channel 
radio relay stuff, none rock-bound.  The 27's were channelized, but you 
could select the frequency for each channel [never really figured out 
how Art Collins and his guys did that, but it involved a lot of motors, 
gears, racks, and slugs :-) ], and everything else was selectable. 
Synthesized controls showed up in the AN/TRC-96, but rocks were still 
the staple for the AN/MRC-98 heavy mobile tropo.  Now, it's all 
satellite stuff.

Stability in WW2 was probably an issue, but passbands were wider then 
too, and voice was AM ... non-exact tuning was tolerable.  In the 60's 
voice was SSB, tuning mattered, but then Art and his guys took care of 
that for us.  For the record, I think I have destroyed 22 operational 
KWM2A's with thermite.  We had two on every mission, we burned them up 
at the end.  Tough job for a ham.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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[Elecraft] Re: [NCCC] Field Day preload

2007-06-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Donald Kerns wrote:

   Field Day isn't a real contest

Whereas FD has rules; and
Whereas the FD rules are found on ARRL's web site under Contests; and
Whereas we keep score and submit logs in FD; and
Whereas the sponsor publishes the standings from FD; and
Whereas those standings include winners and losers;

It follows conclusively that FD *is* a real contest regardless of what 
the sponsor wants to call it.  A saying involving a duck comes to mind.

The sponsor could remove those 5 Whereas above and have everyone go 
out to the field, set up gear and just have friendly rag chews for 24 
hours.   While getting filthy, eaten by mosquitoes, staying up all 
night, and pouring gas into a generator and on your clothes repeatedly, 
we could all learn to set up and operate in an emergency.  We could all 
learn that is if anyone went.

 You can't trust them, (and deserve what you get if you do.)

No you can't, and yes you do.

I will miss FD again this year ... it is the same weekend as the Western 
States Endurance Run from Squaw Valley to Auburn, and I'm part of the 
large crew that provides communications for the event.  The runners 
will run 100 mi on segments the old Western States Trail, climb a total 
of 18,000 ft [max elev = 8,800 ft], descend a total of 22,000 ft, and 
ford the American River, all in the hope of finishing at the Placer High 
School stadium in Auburn before 24 hours have elapsed and thus receive a 
silver belt buckle that reads, 100 miles, 1 day.

The winner will cross the finish line in 16-17 hours.  450 or so will 
start, most will run the majority of the trail at night, and about 
40-60% will finish depending on the weather  It's really as much fun to 
watch it all as doing FD.  People actually do this more than once.  I've 
seen buckles that read 1000 miles, 10 days.  Gordy Ainsleigh who 
happens to be my chiropractor started it many years ago and is very 
close to 2000 miles, 20 days..

I heard a rumor that NBC was going to cover this year's event for later 
broadcast.  The media has done it in the past, they usually get a few 
shots of the hams, often while coordinating the med-evac helicopter.  If 
I find out the plans, I'll post here.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
- QTH: Auburn CA, The Endurance Capital of the World
 [not making that up :-)]
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Adventurous QRPers needed

2006-05-12 Thread Fred Jensen
For the record, local hams have been supporting the Western States 
Endurance Run (the very first 100 miler) with communications for many 
years.  Starts in Squaw Valley CA (~6,000) feet, climbs over the summit 
at 9,000', and finishes at the stadium at Placer High School in Auburn 
at 1,200'.  ~18,000 feet total climb, 22,000 feet total descent, along 
the historic Western States Trail that once linked Salt Lake City and 
Sacramento.  Lowest point is the crossing over the American River at No 
Hands Bridge at about 650'.  Hams staff 20 some checkpoints and aid 
stations in some of the most rugged terrain in the US, using a 
collection of linked and stand-alone UHF and VHF repeater systems, 
cross-band repeaters, and simplex channels, including radio-equipped 
mounted patrols that sweep the trail to make sure everyone is 
accounted for.  It usually fields about 100-120 hams and an equal number 
of unlicensed family members to cover all the needs.  Scott Jurek has 
been the top male finisher in the last 6 or so events, crossing the 
finish line in around 16 or so hours elapsed time.

A month or so later, the same hams staff many of the same checkpoints 
and the NCS to support the 100 mile Tevis Cup Endurance Ride.  I've been 
doing both events for many years.  Laziness is not one of the qualities 
I've ever seen in any of the communications troops.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

John Harper wrote:
It has come to my attention that Ultra Marathons have difficulty 
getting support from ham radio. Most of this reason is laziness.

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Human CW copy speed

2006-05-16 Thread Fred Jensen
FWIW:  Officially (whatever that means), history records that the Morse 
code plain text receiving champion is Ted McElroy, of tape 
perforator/keyer and bug fame at 75.?? WPM, counting 5 chars as a word. 
 (Urban?) legend has it that he was standing as the test began and the 
code began blasting forth.  He chatted for a minute or two, lighted a 
cigarette, and finally sat down at the mill.  He pounded out the copy, 
and continued pounding for several minutes after the test stopped. 
Obviously, if the legend is true, Ted had a good memory.  I think this 
all took place in the '30s.

 and I'm in the zone (glass of wine helps), I can copy
 50 in my head.

2 or 3 glasses of wine and I can copy several hundred WPM in my head. 
Just don't ask me to tell you what was sent.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
K2/100 #4398
KX1 #897

wayne burdick wrote:

107 WPM?? I knew he was fast, but wow.

On a really good day, when I've had lots of sleep, the kids are in 
another state, and I'm in the zone (glass of wine helps), I can copy 
50 in my head. Don't ask me to write it down, though

107! Sheesh.


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[Elecraft] ECN 21 May 06

2006-05-21 Thread Fred Jensen
Well, as the propagation gods would see to it, Kevin was 589 on 20m when 
he started to call the net and announced his need to QRT and ground his 
antennas due to large electrical displays overhead.

On the other hand, he was 439 on 40m when I was about to QNI.  I've got 
some problem in the KAT100 or the K2/100 on 40 because it appears to 
tune and work fine until I send for a little bit, and then the SWR (as 
displayed by the KAT100) goes berserk and everything shuts down.  It 
happens with the KAT100 on, and with it in CAL mode when I use the 
outboard antenna tuner.  Everything works OK at 800W with the 
TS-850/SB220, so I'm not thinking of a problem in the DX Engineering 
balun at the bottom of the tower.  Besides, it's rated at 10KW and 14KV. 
 Kinda thinking it's RF somewhere where it shouldn't be, but haven't 
had time to look into it.  I'll take the KAT100 out of the system and 
see what happens.

Anyway, I tried.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] ECN 6/4 20m

2006-06-04 Thread Fred Jensen
Well, that was a confirmation of the K2 RX!  Heard Kevin at the noise 
but readable on the K2.  Unfortunately, I screwed something up while 
making the 40m parasitic mod to the KPA100, and I can't transmit on the 
K2 right now.  Called on the TS-850, and found I couldn't hear him at 
all.  I consider this an A-B comparison, and my K2 wins.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] 9K2/KB9LLO

2006-06-08 Thread Fred Jensen
All you right-coast, and especially G/EU/TA Elecrafters:  Look for Drew, 
9K2/KB9LLO on 20m with his new KX1.  We got an email from him and he's 
just about ready to hit the airwaves ... may already have. I don't know 
his work schedule (probably a lot!), but he should have some time to ham.

It's going to be tough from out here in CM98, but I'll sure be listening 
when I can.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] High End Paddles

2006-06-16 Thread Fred Jensen
Well, actually there is one case.  Zero is a long dash which I can't 
send with my K1EL keyer or my K2.

As a teen in the mid-50's, my friends and I learned American Morse just 
so we could get on 80m at night with each other and confuse others on 
the band.

Calling either the landline code or the Continental code Morse is one 
of the better examples of Life isn't fair.  Sam F. B. Morse's idea was 
to have a series of numbered messages and parts of messages in a 
dictionary, from which you constructed what you wished to send and then 
sent the numbers, and he spent the vast majority of his time compiling 
that dictionary.  Sam was fairly full of himself, and when he didn't get 
enough attention, he would fall ill, often in someone else's bed.

His assistant, Alfred Vail, realized that the clicking and clacking of 
the paper tape inker could be used to decode the code and came up with 
the alphabet. So, if life were fair, it would have been the Vail code. 
Old Sam didn't really invent the telegraph either, but that's another 

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Joe-aa4nn wrote:

Varying lengths of dashes?
I surely don't remember that
when I practiced American Morse
circa 1952.
de Joe, aa4nn

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Re: [Elecraft] High End Paddles

2006-06-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Fred Jensen wrote:
Well, actually there is one case.  Zero is a long dash which I can't 
send with my K1EL keyer or my K2.

Ooops, there are two cases, I forgot about L.  I can't send that with 
a keyer either.

Fessing up to that error, I remain,

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] Q: Building the K2

2006-06-21 Thread Fred Jensen

Nick Waterman wrote:

 I have the dummy load in ANT1 of my KPA100, and the real ant in
 ANT2. I have this crazy idea that ANT1 is selected when powered
 down, so I have just a teeny tiny bit more lightning protection
 with the real ant disconnected, even if it's only a fraction of
 a mm gap in a relay.

Sorry Nick, Teeny and lightning in the same sentence is oxymoronic.

For small static charges, maybe, if there's a bleed path (I think 
Elecraft rigs have one).  For direct hits (or near direct hits, or hits 
on your power or tel lines some distance away followed by flames), call 
the fire department, assuming the phone still works.  Make sure your rig 
is grounded from the chassis to the real Earth, as our UK/VK 
colleagues call it, which is a much better way of looking at it 
actually.  Our use of the word ground calls up a steel tent stake in 
the dirt.  Earth is often not what you stand on, it may be unreachable 

Lightning strikes are really RF ... DC to light (OK ... we all know 
that, we've seen them, they're scary).  A good DC ground, like the one 
the power company uses and might be required by your building codes, may 
be an open circuit for RF.

Disconnect your K2.  Disconnect all your gear.  Unplug it from the surge 
protectors in a thunderstorm.  Consider the size of the surge protector 
compared to the distance between the cloud and the powerline that takes 
the hit.  If the static voltage was enough to make it from a cloud to 
anywhere near your antenna, the liklihood that the relay contacts are 
going to stop it approach zero ... really fast.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Nick Waterman wrote:


Hi Geoff, Yes the basic K2 with the ATU also has 2 antenna jacks.  I
also put a dummy load on 'Ant 2', I can't tell you how many times I
tried to auto tune into an empty 'Ant 2', before I finally caught on.

I have the dummy load in ANT1 of my KPA100, and the real ant in ANT2. I
have this crazy idea that ANT1 is selected when powered down, so I have
just a teeny tiny bit more lightning protection with the real ant
disconnected, even if it's only a fraction of a mm gap in a relay.

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: lightning

2006-06-21 Thread Fred Jensen
Good point!  I didn't actually mean as the T'storm is raining electrons 
on you, but if the Triple Mega Viper Doppler Radar on the TV (don't 
laugh, we have those here in the Colonies, we've come a long way since 
Boston Harbor ... or maybe not) says it's about to be over you in 15 
minutes, head for the basement and forget about the rig.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Ian Stirling wrote:

On Wednesday 21 June 2006 19:50, Fred Jensen wrote:

Disconnect your K2.  Disconnect all your gear.  Unplug it from the surge 
protectors in a thunderstorm.


  I agree on the first two, but not the third.
If I see thunderstorms predicted, or I predict a
local one myself, I will disconnect all my equipment.
 During a thunderstorm, which your third statement
suggests, I will never do.  I'd rather my radios
fry than me.

Ian, G4ICV, AB2GR, K2 #4962
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Re: [Elecraft] Experience with off brand Lithium AAs?

2006-07-02 Thread Fred Jensen

Steven M. Knapp wrote:
I've found a few generic brand Li AA's. I know the Energizer's are the 
preferred battery for the KX1, but am curious if anyone has tried these 
off-brands that seem to save a couple bucks?

Only one data point:  For a trip thru the Canal a year ago, I wanted 
something close to 12V to power my KX1 as K6DGW/MM.  On the suggestion 
of a friend, I visited the local R/C Model shop and purchased a 3-cell 
LiPoly battery pack that provided about 11.8 volts and the KX1 made 
around 3 watts.  It is called a Thunder Power.  It worked well, and 
lasted the whole trip.  It is covered with warnings about fire, and I 
liked the idea that it plugged into the 12V jack and was external to the 
KX1, figuring I could unplug it and toss it overboard from our balcony 
if it caught fire.

About 3 months later, I noticed that the battery was dead and the cells 
had swelled, breaking the filament tape that held them together.  The 
battery is now in a coffee can outside, and will go to the e-waste at 
the dump the next time I take some.  It was fairly expensive and likely 
will be my last experiment with LiPoly for awhile.

K6DGW/MM was a bit underwhelming, regardless of batteries, story at


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] Re pexiglass

2006-07-09 Thread Fred Jensen

Gil Stacy wrote:

 Don't know whether this is apocryphal or not,

It is

 but I had heard from a former USAF EW tech that the VC in Viet Nam in

 he early days figured out how to make U.S. field superhets' LO howl,
 giving away qth, causing some units to switch to TRF technology.

but I haven't heard that urban legend in a long long time.  The 
morphability of these threads under free association is truly amazing.

Connection to Elecraft:  Elecraft radios do not use TRF technology.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
3y 9m 21d in the two Vietnams and Laos (but who would count?)
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Re: [Elecraft] Local Oscillator Radiation

2006-07-10 Thread Fred Jensen

Subject was pexiglass

John D'Ausilio wrote:
 when the cops break down the door and drag away dad, the VO comes
 in Have you renewed your television license?

Yes indeed, and a little frightening for us Colonists, what with all 
that pursuit of happiness babble and all.  However, the radiation from 
the TV comes primarily from the parts that make the screen light up with 
a raster (if it's a CRT, and then, of course it probably was) ... fairly 
high voltage sharp-edged signals with lots of harmonics ... and they do 
radiate, at least for many tens of meters, on very predictable 
frequencies.  The LO's are still pretty weak and generally below the noise.

Connection to Elecraft:

1.  I can't hear the K2 LO on my wide-band service monitor with the 
input connected to the K2 antenna connector or laying next to the power 
cable so I assume the NSA can't either

2.  Elecraft products do not have CRT's associated with them so no one 
is likely to break down your door on that account while you're on the air.

3.  When transmitting with my K2, it is my sincere desire that 
*everyone* can hear me.  (OK, that 'connection' is a little weak)

There was one thread some time ago that began with an Elecraft question 
that slowly morphed into dentistry (don't ask me how). This one has 
covered transparent plastic, tools to work with it, advisability of 
using it, sources of plastic, war (that was a big jump, no?), military 
radio equipment, frozen battleships made of ice (not sure how that 
happened), TV police, and at least one Urban Legend.  I wonder how far 
it will continue.

N0SS:  A friend agreed to fix the Mitrek repeater and controller 
problems that filled my workbench, and I'm back to fixing the KPA100 
problem that resulted from the attempt to fix the 40m parasitic problem. 
 Stay tuned.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
K2 4398
KX1 897
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[Elecraft] OT Help!

2006-07-11 Thread Fred Jensen
This is really OT but I do have a K2/100 and a KX1, and I'm getting 

Does anyone here know how to get to a real person or real email address 
at Symantec? I renewed my NAV license on my laptop (against the voice in 
my head telling me No), and now I'm told I need to buy it again.  I 
can fix it with Mastercard in the end, I hope, but I'd really like solve 
it with the vendor if I can, and they'll let me. They're not making it 
easy.  Off-line replies PLEASE, this is not Elecraft stuff.

Sorry for the OT,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] Re Help request with Symantec

2006-07-12 Thread Fred Jensen
Thanks to all for the replies.  Steve, AA4AK, provided a secret set of 
codes to put in at the prompts on the auto-voice system, and a human 
being finally appeared.  He wanted to know how I had gotten him, and I 
said, I'll tell you as soon as you credit my account.  When I checked 
with Mastercard, they had, and I deleted as much Symantec stuff as I 
could find.

Picked up McAfee (same as on this desktop) today and it's now protecting 
my laptop as well.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA 95603

PS:  I did not call Symantec back and give the guy the codes.
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Re: [Elecraft] 10 Meters is open

2006-07-15 Thread Fred Jensen
10m is indeed open here on the US West Coast.  Lots of NAQP RTTY 
stations on.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Report for July 16th 17th, 2006

2006-07-17 Thread Fred Jensen
FWIW:  I heard nothing on 20.  Unfortunately, I only had about 15 mins 
and couldn't wait for a QSP opportunity, but zip on or near 14050. 
There's always next week.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Kevin Rock wrote:

Good Evening Folks,
   The bands were a bit stingy this evening but that is how it goes  
sometimes.  Unlike last week or the week before I did not hear Europe  
before the first net.  My DX for the evening is Georgia :)  That's OK, 
we  had a good time.
   The weather here is warm but not like the reports I got from out 
East.   There was more than one triple digit temperature report.  
Yesterday I  spent walking around in the sun in mid 80 temperatures but 
we had a wind  with low (40%) humidity levels.  That made it 
comfortable.  I spent the  day drinking from my two liter bottles.  The 
medical tents we visited  refilled them as did our ARES tent 
supervisor.  I've no idea how much  water I consumed but it seemed to be 
enough because today I do not feel  dehydrated; just stiff from walking 
and standing for so long.
   Tomorrow it is back to work for most of us.  I'll be in downtown  
Portland where it gets much warmer than it does here.  But, compared to  
you all, I feel lucky.  With the mild temperatures and medium humidity  
summer is not so bad in Western Oregon.  The reports from AB, OK, IN, 
and  GA were not as nice.  Only Rick in Palmer, Alaska had us all beat.  
Sounds  very comfortable up there.  However, I expect he has far more 
biting  insects than me ;)  That is one thing I do not miss from the 
Midwest.  You  can sit on your porch here and not be eaten alive.

The lists =

On 14050.50 kHz at 2257z:
AL7N - Ed - AK
KL7CW - Rick AK - KX1 - 798  QNI #50!!!
VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 - 5384   QNI #15!!
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
W6BK - Dave - CA - K2 - 4910
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
W0SZ - Steve - CO - K2 - 4088

On 7046 kHz at 0156Z:
K6BBQ - Rem - CA
VE6ITA - John - AB - K2 - 5384
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866QNI #15!!
W6BK - Dave - CA - K2 - 4910 QNI #5!
KL7V/5 - Sam - OK - K2 - 3158

   I think I have the above information correct but if not please email  
me.  Thank you once again for your support.  We will make it through 
the  solar minimum and back to better propagation.  It will not be long 
until  the bands are filled again.
   I was promoting amateur radio while at the air show yesterday.  It 
was  surprising how many amateurs were listening to our health and 
welfare net  while they were working in their booths making a little 
money.  While my  partner and I were scanning the crowd looking for 
children who looked lost  a couple vendors walked up and introduced 
themselves.  First by callsign  and then by name.  Not one of them broke 
our nets but they were monitoring  our progress.  The first lost child 
was around 1 PM.  We had both parents  to him in less than five 
minutes.  The police and fire officials  appreciated our eyes, ears, and 
comm skills very much.  It makes my tired  feet feel a bit better just 
knowing I could help.

Until next week stay cool if you can,
  Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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[Elecraft] Re: Passed Extra (and other morphed subjects)

2006-07-17 Thread Fred Jensen

First off, congratulations Lynn!

Alexandra Carter wrote:
 I hear you can get an FCC 2nd class radiotelegraph  license
 and get credit for the code part if you're a 20WPM Extra.

Hmmm ... that might be backwards?  I haven't kept up with the rules, but 
due to a scheduling error on my part, my Mom (the driver) and I arrived 
at the FCC in Los Angeles about 3 hrs early (I was almost 16) for the 
Extra exam.  The examiner told me to fill out the app and take the 25 
WPM 2nd telegraph code test.  If I passed, I'd get credit for the 20 WPM 
Extra.  I did pass (my teen friends and I were in a contest for top code 
speed and we were all: 1) The Nerds at school; and 2) at a bit over 30 
WPM).  I sat for the written, nothing to lose, and passed ... exactly.

My Elmer got me a job as a relief op at a coastal marine station during 
my senior year in HS, which was maybe the most fun job I've ever had 
despite the fact that the OT's on my crew knocked the 16 yr old kid 
around a lot.  My 2nd telegraph finally lapsed as I was finishing 
college.  Maybe they've changed the morse requirements since then.

The Marine Radio Historical Society in San Francisco has restored the old KPH site at Point Reyes and 
Bolinas CA.  They recently applied for and received the license KSM, 
probably the first such license granted in maybe 20 years.  On 
Saturdays, from about noon to 1600 pacific time, they run their traffic 
wheel on 6474 Kcs and handle a little traffic with mainly other 
historical ships.  They'll sometimes activate KPH on 425 KCs during this 
time (and on Marconi Day), and often send press at about 20 WPM.  MRHS 
also holds the call K6KPH, and when they're operating, they guard 7050 
KCs and 14050 Kcs for calls and handle traffic for station visitors. 
They appreciate reception reports and will QSL on authentic Maritime 
Radio Telegram forms.

Connection to Elecraft:  I copy KSM on 6474 Kcs pretty well with my K2, 
and use the K2 as the 80m IF for my Palomar LF/VLF converter when 
listening on 425 and 500 Kcs.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] KSB2

2006-07-26 Thread Fred Jensen

Hi all,

Although I operate almost no SSB, I built the KSB2 for my K2 (#4398) 
late last year so I could use the K2 for RTTY contests.  It seems to do 
everything a well conditioned KSB2 should do except it exhibits about 30 
dB loss through the on-board filter.  Thus, the SSB output from the K2 
is in the milliwatt range and the RX level drops very noticably with the 
OP1 filter selected.  I haven't had the time to figure it all out, and 
it's a bit tough since my test equipment is limited to a DMM, old Tek 
scope, and a very old service monitor.

Given the likely cost of commercial repair through Elecraft, I decided 
I'd just build another KSB2, and it came today.  This will leave me with 
the slightly-under-the-weather unit for which I have no use.

If someone would like to mess around with it, I'll send it to you.  All 
I ask is a charitable donation.  I'll suggest a favorite charity, but it 
and the amount would really be up to you.

I'd be able to mail it as soon as I get the new one built and working 
(without it, my beloved K2 is dead, of course and I can't take that).  I 
may have it built and done by the weekend.

I'll pick the first email that arrives.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] Re KSB2

2006-07-26 Thread Fred Jensen
Wow, THAT was quick.  It will be on it's way to Don Wilhelm as soon as I 
get the new one built.  Thanks for all the replies.

Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] LCD Question

2006-07-30 Thread Fred Jensen

On 7/30/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 the LCD on the front panel board. The LCD that came with my kit
 has the clear strip mentioned on the front (display) side, but
 on the back side it has an opaque strip with no markings on it.
 Should this opaque strip be removed or left in place?

LCD's operate by ambient light (or a so-called backlight) passing 
through the LC cells, reflecting off a back layer (which polarizes the 
light), and then back out through the LC cells.  The cells either pass 
of block the light by twisting their preferred polarization, forming the 
characters.  If you remove that reflective layer, it will cease to work. 
 I can't remember my K2 LCD real well, but I don't remember having any 
problem knowing what to peel off.  I think there was a thin protective 
film on the front and a somewhat thicker tape-like material on the back. 
 I left that on.

Hope this helps,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA
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Re: [Elecraft] Band Conditions

2006-08-06 Thread Fred Jensen

Stephen W. Kercel wrote:

How's that again? In the NA QSO party yesterday, both 15 and 20 meters 
were in fine fettle. On 15, I worked stations as far away as the west 
coast. On 20 I worked Brazil and Russia. On a very quiet 40 meter band I 
worked Samoa. On 80, I worked N6ZZ in New Mexico. Overall I had about 
200 QSOs in 8 hours of operating. All this was with 5 Watts and dipole 
antennas from Maine.

At 11:59 AM 8/6/2006, Karl Larsen wrote:

   In about 6 years QRP will be a lot of fun.

Nor does one have to wait 6 years either ... SS cycles typically rise a 
lot faster than they decline, and the band improvements are much more 
noticable since we compare conditions to those at the minimum.  I 
suspect we will begin seeing improvements by this time next year, and 
major improvements by winter 2008.

Some prognosticators are predicting Cycle 24 will rival Cycle 19 (I was 
a new teen ham in 53 and thought it just stayed that way all the time!). 
 Others are not so sure.  I'm with the first group since my current 
life expectancy is slowly closing in on the length of a cycle at about 
minus one year per year (I hope!), and this may be the last full cycle I 
get to see (again, I hope!).


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

CU in the Cal QSO Party 7-8 Oct 2006
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Re: [Elecraft] Collins and Mechanical Filters (was at one time about up-conversion)

2006-08-13 Thread Fred Jensen
How these threads do morph!  I don't know about RCA MF's, but I can 
attest to the extreme non-fragility of the Collins variety (and in fact 
everything Collins).

In the mid-60's, while in the USAF (1Lt), I commanded an airborne team 
whose missions were to put mobile, hardened TACANS on various mountain 
tops in undisclosed locations for 10-15 days.  After getting down, we 
got our equipment out of the C-130 using LAPES (Low Altitude Parachute 
Extraction System).  The gear was mounted on shock pallets, the A/C made 
a low pass and, with a tail-hook apparatus, snagged a shock cable we had 
erected on flimsy poles, and flew out from under the pallets.  Snap 
opening cargo chutes landed the pallets, as the system description 
quaintly said.  Despite all the shock protection, landed was really 
stretching the term, even for the guvmint.

The pallets always contained two KWM-2A's packed in aluminum foam-lined 
cases which we used to communicate with our FOHQ south of the 17th who 
coordinated the CH-3's to come pick us up when we'd run out of JP4 for 
the generators.  The tubes were packed separately, but other than that, 
the 2A's were stock, ready to transmit.  We did 24 of these missions and 
I lost four troops, but we lost zero out of 48 -2A's.  Collins also 
manufactured our A/G radios (can't remember their nomenclature at the 
moment), and we never lost one of those either.

Unfortunately, our missions ended by lighting off thermite on the pile 
of equipment ... burning up 48 perfectly serviceable, beautiful KWM-2A's 
was really really hard for a ham, and I wondered if my ham colleagues 
would ever forgive me.

I used an S3-line for years, and while I don't have it any more to do an 
A/B test, based on my memory (a bit leaky these days), I think the K2 IF 
filters will easily stand up to the mech filters ... and, unlike the 
MF's, I can tailor the K2 filters as I wish.

I think someone suggested that the move from AM to SSB was driven by the 
superior filtering that became available at the same time (please 
forgive me if I got that wrong).  Personally, I think it was VOX.

Re R390A's:  The Wullenweber array and station at Clark AB in the 
Philippines, operated by the ATDE (Agency That Doesn't Exist), used 
390A's.  I wasn't permitted to know for what.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] 10 meters open -- possibly even 6 m

2006-08-14 Thread Fred Jensen

wayne burdick wrote:
Hearing lots of beacons on 10 meters. This usually means an opening -- 
should be fun. Also hearing a few signals on 6 meters. Anyone else?

As of 1504 today: SFI=86, A=0, K=2  GOES 12 X-ray flux (1.0 - 8.0A) was 
7.0E-8.  I'm hearing a few weak beacons on 10, nothing on 6

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
(35 NE of Sacramento)
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[Elecraft] Dexter vs Sinister

2006-08-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Jack Smith wrote:
 I'm extremely left-handed as well. Hence, I put all the push button
 softkey switches for the Z90 panadapter on the LEFT side of the
 LCD...It works a lot better for me than having them on the right
 hand side.

 So far, no one has commented on that, which might mean that hams
 are (a) unobservant or (b) all left-handed as well.

Most likely answer is (a).  However, years ago while still grinding away 
at the employment thing (with marginal success), I had an engineering 
team of exactly a dozen trying to rescue a project that was rattling 
around in the bottom of the tank.  Engineering schools should teach more 
project management, maybe in place of some of the math ... I never saw a 
project fail for lack of knowledge of partial differential equations, 
but I sure saw a lot that failed on elementary project management and 
rudimentary cost accounting knowledge and application.

Eleven of us were left-handed and we of course exercised our majority 
rights and set up the three CAE stations left-handed.  The one dexterous 
member took it in stride and acknowledged that payback-time does come to 
all every now and then and he adapted.  It didn't seem to affect his 
work, and I think he may have actually been a closet southpaw.

I am still looking for my 15% additional income however.  With 4 kids, 
the outgo always seem to equal the income, sometimes before the income 
came.  For the record, as a 13-yr old, I learned to send CW right-handed 
(from a left-handed Elmer) so I could write with my left hand.  Really 
important, he said.  Turns out, I can't write very legibly with either 

I find the K2 to be pretty much non-handed.  It would be nice if the 
SPOT switch and XFIL were on the left, and I could easily tolerate MENU 
and DISPLAY on the right since I never need them during normal 
operation.  I think some of the K2 non-handedness comes from its much 
smaller size.  My FT-847 is really annoying ... the key pad is really on 
the right and I cover up the display when I use it, fingers supporting 
my hand on top and big thumb poking tiny buttons.

All in all thought, I think Wayne and Eric have done a class job.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] Elecraft toroid winding

2006-08-17 Thread Fred Jensen
I got 15 quick replies to the 5 questions regarding handedness and 
toroids (there were actually 6 questions ... #6 was dupe of #2, I seem 
to have a leak in my memory these days).  I didn't include myself, but 
if I had, it would have been left for everything and you already know 
about my toroid winding adventures.

First off, just about everyone indicated they had no problem winding the 
toroids.  Two folks (1R, 1L) said they failed on the first one but got 
them all right thereafter.  One practiced on a junk box core first and 
got all of them right for the radio.  Nearly everyone mentioned how 
important the diagrams are.  Several commented on the high quality of 
the Elecraft assembly manuals.  Several also commented on the time the 
toroids take and that is is sort of mind-numbing work.

1.  9 see themselves as left-handed, 7 as right-handed.  That adds to 16 
because one said ambidextrous and I counted him in both columns.

3.  All the southpaws write south, all the northpaws and the one 
ambidestrous write north.  Whether or not it is readable was not asked, 
but apparently readable penmanship is not a highly prized skill among 
hams or at least those who commented.

4.  The same appears to be true for using a knife but I can see that the 
question is ambiguous.  I meant a sharp knife being used as a tool 
anywhere *except* the dinner table.  Apparently some (including me) eat 
with the dominant hand and hold the table knife in the other one and 
that's how they answered.

5.  Nearly everyone throws with the hand they named in #1, but about 
half the lefties bat a baseball right.  None of the right-handers bat 
left.  Most who mentioned it golf and bowl like they bat.

Many added their paddle preference and as with the last time we did 
this, sending CW with the non-dominant hand is pretty common.  The 
results pretty much track the previous survey about a year or so ago. 
Why the percentage of hams who are intrinsic lefties is so high is a bit 
of a mystery, but it showed up last time too.  It appears I'm the only 
one with toroid manual dyslexia.

Anyway, thanks to all, now to get my new KSB2 lined up for RTTY.

Fred K6DGW

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 vs. Drake 2B - New vs. classic.

2006-08-21 Thread Fred Jensen

The real Standard of Comparison among ham receivers of those days was the 
Collins 75S-3. And for what they cost, they should have been!

Well ... YMMV, but next to each other on the same antenna, my 2B was a 
significantly better CW rx, particularly in heavy QRM and/or adjacent 
key clix, than my 75S3.  The mech filter sounded really good, of course, 
but that 50KHz IF PBT really killed QRM.  I also had the 2BQ, which was 
very smooth also, but I tended not to use it very much.  It did ring 
badly at high gain settings.

Compared to the K2, I can only remember the 75S3 and 2B (they're long 
gone) and my memory is a tad leaky these days, but I think in an A/B/C 
test, the K2 RX would come out on top in a real, on-the-air test in SS 
or IARU, possibly by a fair margin, if you've judiciously set your 
filters to sensible bandwidths.

RX specs are important of course (I *am* an engineer), but the final 
analysis for me was always how well does it perform in noise, QRM, and 
real band conditions.  Top-flight specs usually perform very well in the 
real world.  Sometimes, circumstances just combine, and 
less-than-top-flight RX engineering specs may couple with the right 
combination of design features to perform extremely well.  Possibly that 
might have been the 2B?

The 75S3 was a really great RX, no doubt and I wish I still had my 
S-line.  eBay has Collins pointer knobs for $34.95 and the 11-pin 
connectors for $15.00, but I didn't find any complete S-lines.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2006-08-27 Thread Fred Jensen

Kevin Rock wrote:
 Here, near Portland, Oregon, we are under a heat advisory.

Well ... heat advisories are a bit subjective

We were in your part of the planet yesterday (SR47 McMinnville thru 
Banks to the Columbia and then to Astoria for the day). I found a 
sweatshirt very useful until about noon.  Good news is that we found an 
HP TIMS unit for $10 at an antique shop between Banks and Manning.  Also 
found a large amount of RG-214 for $40, and a 40' fiberglass mast kit in 
4 sections with bag for $15.  Shop was run by a ham.  Also saw an S-38C 
in another shop.  That was hard to pass up but our rule is, If you 
can't figure out where you'll put it before you buy it, you can't buy it.

CU all next weekend.

Will miss the net today (cruise on the Willamette).  This retired life 
is sooo tough!

Fred K6DGW/7
McMinnville OR

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 mixer discussion

2006-08-29 Thread Fred Jensen
Engineering isn't science per se, it is really the art of trade-off 
management in the real world.  Success is not perfection of the design 
in every aspect, but rather perfection of the trade-offs to best meet 
the goals.  I really like my KX1.  I wish it had more audio, my hearing 
sucks, but I have a little headfone amplifier (a potential Elecraft 
kitlet for those of us that live in a quiet world?).  It does a good job 
and the batts last a long time (if I remember to turn it off).

I'm not real anxious to see the KX2 show up anytime soon.  I'd have to 
buy it ... like you wouldn't know that? ... and right now, I have some 
other plans for my Hobby Account.  Andrea has been hitting the 
needlepoint stores fairly hard these last few weeks, and my account is 
thus moderately full.

GARY:  I haven't forgotten my KPA100 and all your advice, just haven't 
had time to get to it.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

One should strive to become at least as good a person as your dog 
already believes you are.

(seen on a T-shirt at OMSI in Portland OR)

wayne burdick wrote:

There are potential issues with using any type of mixer besides the 
present SA612 in the KX1.

First is PCB space. The present mixer, which requires nearly no 
additional parts, barely fits. I seriously doubt that there would be 
enough room for any type of multi-transformer bus-switching mixer, 
even if were all SMD and replaced the 30 or 30/80 meter module. The 
problem with the transformers is vertical space, which there is also 
very little of. The alternative would be an active mixer with a much 
higher IP3 than the SA612, but those that I'm familiar with also draw 
a lot of current and have a very poor noise figure.

Second is conversion loss. The present mixer has about 15 to 18 dB 
gain. If you use a passive mixer that has 5 dB loss, you'll have to 
make up 20 dB or so gain somewhere, or the rig's audio output would be 
way down. Increasing gain at audio is not recommended because it would 
likely lead to microphonics, so the gain would have to be added at RF. 
This suggests an MMIC RF amp after the lossy mixer -- but that's 
another current hog. If you put an LNA (low noise preamp) ahead of the 
mixer instead, you lose a lot of your IP advantage gained.

Finally, there's the LO. The present LO injection is on the order of 
400 mVpp, but is working into a high impedance on pin 6 of the mixer 
(about 2K ohms). If you use a different mixer that requires LO power 
of say 0 dBm into 50 ohms, the LO will need a buffer amplifier, and 
you also risk increases in RX and TX spurs.

The present KX1 mixer is an optimal solution *except* in the case 
where you need more dynamic range. But this is why there's an RF gain 
control on the rig. On 40 meters at night, you can probably adjust the 
RF gain control for 10 to 20 dB of attenuation ahead of the mixer and 
still copy 90% of the signals you can hear with it set for maximum 
gain. That's an instant increase in IP3 of approximately this amount.

For rigs like the KX1, what the world needs is a Gilbert cell 
multiplier (mixer) IC with gain, NF, LO drive, and current 
requirements similar to the SA612, but with a 20-dB higher IP3. If 
there is such a device available, please let me know  :)   For 
example, none of Analog Devices' mixers meet these requirements.


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Re: [Elecraft] RE: Difference between real filters (FL1 thru FL4) and DSPfilters (SF1 thru SF4)

2006-09-06 Thread Fred Jensen
While a still wet behind the ears student several hundred years ago, a 
professor told me that The best filters for any receiver are at the 
antenna terminals, before any RF enters the receiver.  Once you let it 
in, it's hard to control.  Unfortunately, filters are a bit hard to 
implement that way, hence the superhetrodyne.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Steven Pituch wrote:

Hi John,
The DSP is audio.  Its got a sharper cutoff but can be affected by the AGC
which is also audio.  The crystals filters FL1 -FL4 are IF and closer to the
front end and cut interference before the AGC.

Yes, in non critical situations, the DSP filters are sharper, but if a loud
adjacent signal gets through the IF because a narrow IF filter is not being
used it will activate the AGC and desense the signal you are listening to.

The best thing to do is narrow it down first with the IF filters, and then
use the DSP narrow bandwidths if the IF filtering is not enough.

I have some samples of the bandwidths here.'s%20Page/Radio/RTTY/RTTY.html
By the way, using MixW to align the filters was very easy.

Steve, W2mY/5

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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 - comparison of internally-mounted batteries

2006-09-10 Thread Fred Jensen

John Harper wrote:
I've posted a chart at the link below that compares the best AA 
chemistry (Lithium) to a pair of rechargeable LiPo batteries that are 
perfectly sized to fit in the same space inside the KX1's lower case.

Do I really want to put an LiPo battery *inside* my KX1?  When I used 
one, I specifically put a pigtail and coax pwr connector on it to keep 
it outside (and thus be able to fling it overboard if it burst into flames).

Fred K6DGW
KX1 #897
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 - comparison of internally-mounted batteries

2006-09-10 Thread Fred Jensen

John Harper wrote:
 Fred, I don't know if you do or not. I guess you'll be flinging your
 laptop and cell phone along with it as they use lithium chemistries as

OK.  Nothing against the battery chemistry ... God knows, Chemistry was 
my very absolute second worst subject in college, right after Art 
Appreciation (I'm colorblind and art-insensitive ... seen one painting, 
seen 'em all).  Since I've retired, I've found less and less reason to 
have those other things anyway, so perhaps you've broken the code 
here.  If my laptop catches fire, it's overboard, as with my cell phone, 
which I rarely carry anymore, and may give up since the battery is dying 
and I don't want to face those young marketing dudes in the Sprint store 
... my truck has a phone number, maybe that will be enough.

Seriously, my only one LiPo battery (from the local RC Model shop) 
exhibited bad symptoms, and I quarantined it.  So far it hasn't burst 
into flames, but it has truly swelled in the coffee can outside.  It 
isn't something I want *inside* my beloved KX1.  It will go to the 
e-waste tomorrow with a TV, a monitor, and innumerable batteries, two 
remote control Barbie jeeps, and other inoperative soldered stuff.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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[Elecraft] KPA100

2006-09-17 Thread Fred Jensen

Hi all,

I was experiencing the 40m parasitic and so I made the positioning mod 
on RFC10 as shown on N0SS' web site.  It was really easy.  I didn't 
touch anything else (I know, that's what they all say, but honest, I 
didn't ... at least I don't think I did :-) ).  Now, the KPA100 
indicates Hi SWR and apparently throttles back the power to virtually 
nothing.  Same thing happens if I reduce the requested power below 10W. 
 It's been sitting idle for quite awhile awaiting some time to look at 
it, which came today.

I checked D16 and D17 with the DMM.  On the 2000 KOhm range, they read 
105 and 99 respectively in the forward direction and infinity in the 
reverse.  They read infinity in both directions on any other resistance 

1.  Can I even check them this way?  My DMM is a cheap little pocket 
CEN-TECH P30756 that I won at a hamfest.  It has a 9V battery in it.

2.  Any ideas for what else I should check before I ship it to someone 
for real repair?

KEVIN: ECN will be on the TS-850 this afternoon, K2 is on the operating 


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] Hearing CW - Fundamental Keying Waveform?

2006-09-19 Thread Fred Jensen

Darrell Bellerive wrote:
  What is meant by the fundamental keying waveform?

I've wondered that myself.  CW is made up of two separate periodic 
waveforms ... one is symmetric (the dits) and one is asymmetric (the 
dahs) and they occur in a more or less random sequence.  For a given 
sending speed, each has a fundamental frequency:  a dit is two elements 
in length, one on and one off.  A dah is four elements in length, three 
on and one off.  So, a string of dits is a square wave and the sidebands 
arise from the infinite series of sine wave harmonics, starting with the 
dit rate needed to construct a square wave.  Likewise for a string of 
dahs, although the dah asymmetry would require a different coefficients 
in the infinite series of sine wave harmonics.  I guess the dit and dah 
rates are low enough that some of those close in harmonics fall in a 
normal CW passband and we hear them.  Of course, if we really do key 
with square waves, everyone else gets to hear all the others :-)

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] noiseblanker

2006-09-25 Thread Fred Jensen
FWIW:  I live around electric fences.  For the most part, they are owned 
by city-folk who have recently bought a place out here, have never seen 
an electric fence, and don't know what to do with one (some don't even 
know not to touch it, but they tend to learn :-) ).  Pretty much like 
clockwork, one will pop up in the HF bands, particularly in the winter. 
 I've found the best solution is to take my KX1 out, find the arc(s), 
ground the fence, fix them, and remove the ground.  I talk to the owner 
the first time, and they're always a happy to have me do it, often it 
gets into their TV and cordless phones as well.  After that, I just do 
it.  They think I'm a great neighbor, they have no idea that it takes 
only 30 sec or so to fix it, and I keep my mouth shut.  YMMV

The NB on my TS-850 doesn't do much with the pulses either, don't know why.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Evert Bakker (PA2KW) wrote:

Hello Arie,

I can confirm that the noise blanker does not work at all with electric
fence pulses. Unfortunately I experienced that the noise blanker is very
critical to the type of noise. Up to now I did not find any real life
noise that could be handled by the NB. I heard several comments that it
should work well with ignition type of noise sources. So I was very
surprised that I could not see any difference with or without the NB when
having troubles with the electric fence. So, you are not the only one having
doubts about this NB.

Evert, PA2KW

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Re: [Elecraft] 135 ft flat top antennas, again, ad infinitum

2006-10-03 Thread Fred Jensen

George N4YM wrote:

I use a 130 ft inverted vee, fed with about 55 ft of 450 ohm ladder line.

 The apex of the vee is about 65 ft up.  The ladder line stops at the
 eave of my house, just outside the shack, where I use a 4:1 balun.
 From the balun to the homebrew tuner, I use a 7 or 8 ft
 piece of RG 213.

I knew I should have patented this antenna! ;-)  Mine is 135 ft (42.148 
meters) on each leg with a central angle of about 120 deg opening east. 
 The ends are a little over head height.  The apex is at 70 ft (21.366 
meters) right below the tri-bander.  I used EZNEC4+ to model the feed 
impedance, and then TLW (ARRL Antenna Book, 20th Ed, and also available 
on the ARRL Web site) to calculate a compromise length of 450 ohm ladder 
line (turned out to be 61 ft) where I put a DX Engineering 10 KW 4:1 
balun.  Coax to the shack is about 120 ft (36.576 meters) of RG-214.  I 
use a tuner in the shack to put 50 ohms on the Tx, but actually the SWR 
isn't all that bad.  The KAT2 and KAT100 match it easily

It is a fairly efficient cloud warmer on 160, although I've worked JA, 
HL, and one VK on it.  It's gangbusters to the east about as far as 
Omaha, and then starts to peter out, although I have worked the East 
Coast a few times with 100W. It seems to excel on 80 and has a much 
lower radiation angle.  It's pretty directive on 40, and works great 
E-W, but not too cool into WA, OR, and VE6/7.  Oddly, when the path is 
open, VY1 is very strong on it as are KL7's.  It works great on 30 and 
sort of OK on 20.  Above 20, the pattern gets really goofy with lobes 
squirting RF all over the place ... not always where I would like it.

YMMV, but you never know until you try

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] When do you use fast AGC?

2006-10-15 Thread Fred Jensen
FWIW:  I use fast AGC on CW, and either med or slow on the rare times 
I'm on SSB.  In a QRM-free situation with either slow or no QSB, med or 
slow AGC is probably a bit easier on the ears.  However, in rapid QSB, 
the AGC doesn't recover fast enough and the signal falls below the 
threshold of my very poor hearing.  Likewise, in QRM and very close 
strong signals, I find the fast setting to be best.  YMMV

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Jeff wrote:

Hi gang,

The K2 is the first rig I've had that has adjustable AGC.  Under what 
conditions would one benefit from using fast AGC?  It seems that slow AGC is 
easier on the ears on CW.

Thanks  73,
Long Island, NY
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: When do you use fast AGC?

2006-10-16 Thread Fred Jensen
Many [very many :-) ] years ago as a coastal marine op, we *always* ran 
the AF gain wide open and used the RF gain only.  As I remember it, the 
main reason was that with the RF gain up full, there often wasn't enough 
BFO injection on strong signals in the receivers of that era.  It ran up 
the S-meter of course, but in commercial practice, a QSA reply did not 
require an S-meter anyway.  We also wore the cans forward of our ears to 
protect somewhat against very strong unexpected signals. 
Electro-magnetic cans with the steel diaphragm could emit some raucous 
sounds when overdriven.

I wonder sometimes what those now-expired OT's who banged the 16-yr old 
kid around would think if they could try out my K2?  FWIW, I run my K2 
on fast-AGC on CW which is essentially all the time.

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] 80 m CW and Digital Operation

2006-10-17 Thread Fred Jensen

Sandy W5TVW wrote:

 Some segregation is almost demanded if the CW/digital operations
 are combined in a 100 khz. sub-band, no matter where it happens
 to be.  This is created by the fact neither mode user, in many
 instances, is able to 'decode' the other's emission.

True, but I'm somewhat more troubled by the lack of discussion, concern, 
and formal comments on this issue regarding the ARRL's Regulation by 
Bandwidth petition now before the FCC (RM-11036).  I think the comment 
period has closed, unfortunately.  You can find it and what comments 
that have been filed at the FCC's website.  If you want a copy of mine, 
email me direct.  For the record, I am a long term member of the ARRL, 
will remain so, and nearly always find myself in support of its actions 
before the FCC.  In this case, I am most assuredly *not*.

Just because two emissions have similar bandwidths does *not* imply that 
they can operationally coexist in the same spectrum, for a number of 
reasons.  Sandy has pointed out one of them.  It now appears that, for 
totally different reasons and in response to a totally different 
petition, the FCC has given us a real live laboratory to watch this happen.

Beware what you ask for, you might just get it, although not in the 
manner you wanted it.


Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] Mozilla Thunderbird Email Client - OT

2006-10-22 Thread Fred Jensen

Sorry for the off-topic but there is so much knowledge on this reflector

Does anyone out there know the file name of the Thunderbird address 
book.  I need to get it transferred to my laptop.  Pls reply direct.


Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] Re Thunderbird

2006-10-22 Thread Fred Jensen

Thanks for the replies, I found it.

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1

2006-10-31 Thread Fred Jensen

Ed Lambert wrote:

I manage to get 2.5 to 3.0 watts out of it on 20 M with 12.8 volt supply. I
wonder how many on the reflector get 3.5 to 4.0 watts 

I get anywhere from 3.7 to 4.1 watts indicated into my Buddiepole on 20m 
using a 12V gel cell or 2 6V lantern batteries in series.   (I have the 
auto tuner).  Output does vary some between the bands, with 30m being 
about 3.3W and 40m 3.6W.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
KX1 #897
K2/100 #4398

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2006-11-02 Thread Fred Jensen
They're Russian military stations.  I don't know what they are used for, 
but they show up at various places at various times.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
They're quite audible in N.W. Oregon this A.M. too. 

These letter stations turn up from time to time all over the spectrum.
I've yet to hear a plausible explanation.


-Original Message-

Does anyone know what/who this is?  It is making a mess of the QRP calling


Jack, AE6GC

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Re: [Elecraft] K-2 is toasted (I think)

2006-11-24 Thread Fred Jensen

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
 In the meantime, let me say that smoke can make things easier.

My Elmer Art, W6RMK, told a 13 yr-old new novice that A small fire in 
one corner of the chassis almost always makes finding the problem 
easier.  Especially if only one component actually caught fire.

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] OT Wullenweber Array

2006-11-30 Thread Fred Jensen
There used to be an elephant cage at Skaggs Is., northeast of the top of 
San Pablo Bay in the N. SF Bay area.  It's gone now.  There was also one 
at Clark AB in the Philippines in the mid-60's.  Don't know what 
happened to it, but if it lasted after the US left Vietnam, it likely 
succumbed to Mt. Pinatubo.  I don't think these things had a lot of 
gain, but they were broadband (most ELINT stuff is), and could feed 
multiple rx simultaneously.  Broadband and gain in the same sentence is 
an oxymoron ... witness log-periodic arrays.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Physics is physics, no matter who or where you are
Dr. Matt Sawyer

Glenn Maclean wrote:

Hi Guys,
A friend of mine told me about this and thought I would share it with 
the group. Point your Google Earth program to these coordinates:


You will be looking at one of the last remaining
Wullenweber Arrays in the world.

What is a Wullenweber Array you might ask.  Go here
for the explanation -

I wish I had room in my back yard for one of these and hook my K2 up to it!

Glenn Maclean WA7SPY

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Re: [Elecraft] OT Wullenweber Array

2006-12-02 Thread Fred Jensen

 Modern DF arrays can fix a position from a single location. Modern
 DF arrays measure the phase differences very accurately and can use
 the phase difference to obtain directivity and azimuth.

One of the nice things about email reflectors like this one is that you 
can learn a lot of useful things and also satisfy curiosity about some 
things you have no use for.  Since Eric is allowing the Wullenweber 
discussion to go on despite general non-relevance to anything Elecraft:

What is the difference between directivity and azimuth, save 
possibly that azimuth is referenced to some arbitrary zero direction 
(like North) and directivity maybe isn't?  [teeny factoid: the US 
military aircraft navigation system named TACAN uses a zero direction of 
East -- always wondered why.  Maybe to confuse the enemy?]

How does one obtain a complete set of coordinates for the origin of a 
received signal using only one passive receiving site (i.e. no 
transponder for time delay measurement)?  I understand bearing (azimuth) 
from the rx site ... how does one obtain distance?

I did think PA0SIM's phase coherent K2's was kind of cool.  I don't know 
if the phase shifts are exactly the same across separate K2's, but I 
guess whatever difference there was would be constant and could be 
factored out?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] ECN 3 Dec 20m

2006-12-03 Thread Fred Jensen
I made it in thanks to N0SS, who unlike normal was whisper weak.  Never 
heard anyone else.  No signals on 20m CW.  I checked the usual 
parameters -- X-Ray flux was low, SFI at 87m A=2, K=1 ... not sure what 
is happening.  Line noise was the normal S2, and visual check on the 
tower revealed still more or less vertical with antenna at the top.  SWR 
was normal at 1.2:1 Global Warming?  Reminds me of the CW Sweepstakes a 
few years back on Sun AM when the entire world just disappeared for 45 
mins or so due to a mega-flare.


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[Elecraft] Working split (was XIT)

2006-12-04 Thread Fred Jensen
Hmmm ... I've never used XIT except to test it.  When working DX split, 
I usually use both the VFO's in SPLIT mode.  It takes me several moments 
to get it right, but it usually takes me quite awhile to break a pileup 
and once I have it set, the operation of the radio seems more natural to 
me.  [Must remember to cancel SPLIT after I've copied his 5NN and sent 
mine, however :-) ]

On a several occasions however, I've come across a station QSX up with 
only a little pileup, and I've searched for the guy he's working with 
the tuning dial.  I then tap RIT, tune RIT back down to his QRG real 
quick and call him.  It's less intuitive for me than standard SPLIT, but 
I can make it happen much faster.  One problem with this, however is 
that my RIT only goes about 800 Hz either way (is that adjustable 
somewhere?) so his QSX has to be close to his tx freq.

I guess the K2 provides options for everyone.

Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] Filter Setup Questions

2006-12-04 Thread Fred Jensen
I'm setting up my K2/100 for RTTY, using a RigBlaster and MixW.  I 
recently had an unrelated KPA100 problem, and Gary fixed it for me, and 
also totally aligned the radio [thanks Gary, that service was totally 
worth it, my K2 is way better than I thought, and I was pretty impressed 
before!].  I don't want to change anything he did, it's really perfect, 
except I want to adjust the BW of one of the SSB filters a little.  Can 
I just adjust the BW in CAL FIL for that filter, and not mess with the 
BFO settings?I just want to make it a little wider and I really 
don't want to undo what Gary did with everything else.

Second, are the USB and LSB filters locked together ... i.e. if I change 
the BW on USB, have I also changed the BW on LSB?

Third, if my mark-space are normal below 15m, will they be inverted on 
15m and above?

I just barely understand the K2 filter things, and sometimes I have QSB 
in my mind.  This is one of those times.  (OK, maybe I don't 
understand the K2 filter things like I said).

Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] RTTY Filters

2006-12-07 Thread Fred Jensen
OK, I really do have RTTY filters on my K2!  Gotta dig down in the menus 
a bit, but there they are.  This will be a whole new RTTY Roundup for me.

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] RTTY Filters

2006-12-08 Thread Fred Jensen
They're going to be my RTTY filters, and I'm going to have a lot more 
fun in RTTY contests!

Thanks for putting me onto this,

Fred K6DGW

Don Wilhelm wrote:


Remember that the RTTY filters are just a set of 4 extra filters - you can
use them for whatever purpose you want - and it does not necessarily have to
be data modes.  If one wants a special set of filters for contesting (for
instance), then by all means set them up that way.  There is nothing special
about the name RTTY mode, they are just another set of fiters.  The unique
characteristic og the RTTY filters is that they include settings for SSBA
and SSBC menu entries that are independent of the settings used for SSB.


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Re: [Elecraft] Tracking Local QRN

2006-12-09 Thread Fred Jensen

Dale Kretzer wrote:

I'd never thought of the KX1, or any of the little Elecraft

 rigs, as an rf interference sniffer, but they work ideally
 for that purpose. A properly designed, handheld loop antenna
 might be required in tougher cases, but give anything handy
 a try and see what surprises you uncover.

I've often used my KX1 to locate noisy electric fences in the area. 
I've never bothered with a loop ... just a piece of wire in the antenna 
jack.  When I get close, I use a part of a paper clip in the connector, 
and if I'm within about 50-60m of the arc, it almost doesn't even take 
that.  So far, it's worked every time.

I also inadvertently found some gizmo on a power pole that was radiating 
narrow band noise at about 7055 while I was looking for a fence problem. 
  I just happened to be listening to the fence on that freq.  I don't 
know what it is, but I called the power company, and they must have 
replaced the box because it is still there but the noise disappeared a 
couple of days later.

KX1's have many uses :-)

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

PS:  The ARRL 10m contest is on.  SFI=96, Kp=2, and X-ray flux is fairly 
low and declining.  Lots of LU's, PY's, HP's, a couple of YV's, PJ2T, 
and at least one HC on CW.  Sigs are pretty strong into N. Cal.  Also 
worked a ZL on CW.  Not too shabby for the bottom of the cycle.

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Re: [Elecraft] sideways V antenna?

2006-12-09 Thread Fred Jensen

Albers wrote:

Anyone see any major pitfalls with this approach??

Tom, N6BT (founder of Force 12) has been known to say, Everything will 
radiate.  He often shows pictures of his Illuminator antennas to 
prove it.  One is a light bulb on a post fed with coax and a current 
balun at the socket.  He's actually worked a surprising amount of DX on 
it.  He also has the Phased Illuminator, three bulbs in a Vee 
arrangement with the power divided between them.

My main antenna for the low bands is a non-resonant inverted vee about 
70' at the apex, about 155ft on each leg, with the legs ending just a 
bit over head height, and a central angle of about 120 deg.  It opens to 
the east.  I adjusted the leg lengths to give tractable impedances at 
the feed point on 30 - 160, and a section of 450 ohm ladder line (length 
calculated using N6BV's TLW that comes with the ARRL Antenna Book 20th 
ed) feeding a 4:1 DX Engineering balun near the bottom of the tower w/ 
coax to the house.  It is pretty much omnidirectional on 40 and below, 
and a cloud warmer on 80 and 160.  The pattern gets pretty goofy above 30m.

My guess is that your arrangement may exhibit similar characteristics, 
but then, antennas can be magic.  Stick it into EZNEC and see?

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Solvent -- Better way

2006-12-14 Thread Fred Jensen

John Buck wrote:

Perhaps my credibility is shot since I used to occasionally

 wash my hands with TCE.

As a teenage ham in the mid-50's, we all cleaned stuff with carbon 
tetrachloride and just let it evaporate.  Then I discovered MEK, which 
would dissolve the anti-fungal coating on old WW2 surplus parts if you 
kept putting enough on. I did it in my bedroom where my radios were. 
Later in the USAF, we had a big bucket of TCE in which the Model 15's 
and 28's were dunked.  It was inside too.

OSHA:  If you're subscribed to this reflector, please don't have a cow.
I sure wouldn't do any of that today.  Apparently, I lucked out ... I'm 
still alive at the end of 2006 and the only behavior from my early adult 
years that affects me today (other than the fact that my wife is certain 
I'm crazy) involves combat.

ALL:  I would strongly (very strongly) recommend that the answer to the 
which solvent question for Elecraft equipment is NONE.  Use *very* 
fine solder (mine is 0.015 63/37) which lets you precisely control the 
amount of solder, and thus flux, and will eliminate the need for 
cleaning anything.  I also have a very small desk fan which I use to 
blow the fumes sideways and away from me while soldering, and I always 
wash my hands after building.

73 and my best of whatever season greeting works for you,

Fred K6DGW
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Re: [Elecraft] code test abolished

2006-12-16 Thread Fred Jensen

Craig Rairdin wrote:
Therefore, the FCC, in today's action, afforded 
Technician and Technician Plus licensees 
identical operating privileges.

Yes, but which priviledges?

That's the last sentence in the press release.  The first sentence says, 
Today's Order also revises the operating privileges for Technician
Class licensees by eliminating a disparity ...  at least suggesting 
that the intent of the commission was to change only Tech privileges and 
not retract any privileges from the Tech+.  This of course is just an 
announcement of the order, not the order itself.  The order will 
specifically modify each section and subsection of 47CFR97 (maybe it 
already has, I haven't looked, having been busy with my K2 in the OK 
RTTY), at which point, all should be very clear ;-)


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

PS To all who helped me discover a fourth set of filters on my K2, 
thanks.  They are now set up, and all appears to be working just fine.

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Re: [Elecraft] Old Skills

2006-12-17 Thread Fred Jensen

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Kevin, VK3DAP/ZL2DAP wrote:

I believe the following is true (I got it third or fourth hand).  Some 
years ago, the authorities indicated that hams would not be so heavily 
relied upon for emergency communications, Because all of our officers 
now have cell phones.  Then came the devastating New South Wales bush 
fires.  Guess what!  The dense smoke rendered the cell phone system 
practically inoperable in some vital areas.


That sort of thing has happened here in the USA several times that I know of
over the past several decades. Not just with cell phones, but with wired
phones as well. 

The underlying problem is simple and obvious: no communications system that
is in business to make money can have infinite capacity. 

Capacity is one factor, I'm sure, but another big one is the 
infrastructure itself.  I volunteer at our local blood center which 
serves the entire central valley of California from Merced to the Oregon 
state line.  Right after 9/11, there was a big need for blood in the 
NYC/NNJ area.  Not for the victims, but for the regular patients since 
collections had been disrupted badly.  Telephone communications were 
nearly totally out, both due to capacity overloads, but also because the 
infrastructure itself failed in a number of places (particularly in 
lower Manhattan ... a lot of cell sites were on the WTC and adjacent 

The blood center has had a longstanding agreement with the Sacramento 
ARC ... the hams maintain a ham station at their HQ (HF, VHF, UHF), and 
in return get to use the very large conference room for their meetings. 
 The RC fired up the station and made HF contact with a ham in NYC. 
BloodSource ultimately ended up shipping them a little over 1,000 units 
of blood and blood products via two USAF aircraft out of Travis AFB (all 
civilian A/C were still grounded).

This was essentially infrastructure-free communications ... ham and rig 
on the left-coast -- ham and a rig on the right-coast -- nothing 
in-between.  In my 50+ years as a ham, I've seen this on a number of 
occasions, and I've concluded that we don't do enough PR with local 
agencies and organizations on the fragility of their communications 
infrastructure, and our ability to circumvent infrastructure failures if 
we and they plan in that mode.

Here in California, we can occasionally see floods in the valley, but 
probably our two most famous natural disaster sources are earthquakes 
followed by forest fires.  Fires often occur in areas without cell 
coverage, and regularly take out the repeater sites for public safety 
agencies and firefighters.  But earthquakes, though far less common than 
most non-CA folk think, can do huge damage to comm, power, and other 
infrastructure over vast areas.

I don't think we should be competing with cell phones and other 
infrastructure-dependent systems.  Our forte is rapid deployment of 
mobile and portable capability that requires no intervening 
infrastructure.  Lots of mobiles on VHF/UHF simplex.  HF on appropriate 
frequencies for longer haul stuff between command centers and agency 
HQs.  A lot of the ARES and RACES activities I've been involved with 
over the years have placed reliance on repeaters, digipeaters, and the 
like, all part of the overall infrastructure of course.  If/when they 
failed, we too were beset with no communications, just like those folks 
we were trying to serve.

Include repeaters and infrastructure in emergency Plan A.  But like all 
good combat troops, we need Plan B as well, and I think we've not done 
well at stressing the infrastructure-free aspect of our capabilities to 
the served agencies and organizations.

Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] ECN 17 Dec 20m

2006-12-17 Thread Fred Jensen
Few QNI's (that I could hear).  Tom, you were 5NN+20 when you first 
turned the beam, but by 0030Z you, and everyone else, were gone.  I 
won't make 40, some friends have dropped by and we'll maybe do an egg 
nog with them.


Fred K6DGW
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[Elecraft] KAT100 question

2005-09-18 Thread Fred Jensen
I know my KAT100 is working ok.  On one of my antennas on 80m however, 
it rattles a lot, and then displays 20 on the LCD.  What does that 
mean?  I don't think it found a match because I know how hard it is to 
get a match with my manual tuner on 80m, but just curious.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
K2 #4398 (no idea of the S/N of the KPA100) but best rig
KX1 #897

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Re: [Elecraft] Top Posting

2005-10-03 Thread Fred Jensen
OK guys and gals, this is getting very close to the neverending 
discussion of which way the toilet paper should roll.  The PS030805 post 
is ingenious and creative, except it didn't format well for me, as you 
can see below, which I've truncated for bandwidth (and sanity) 
preservation.  It may format even worse the second time around.  Since 
I'm sure it was tongue-in-cheek, I don't think Paul will mind.

ps030805 wrote:

Perhaps we could compromiseA very good point!
Not only
and _side_ post, but only on   removing the
unneccessary parts
the _left_side_. It's actually of a message you
reply to is
quite fun, and you can read theimportant, it is
also very
original message with your right   important NOT to
reply _atop_
eye, while simultaneously reading  the original message
but _below_


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Thanks to all for the contacts in the CQP.  I was at N6A in Alpine 
County on CW.  Almost got blown off the mountain, but we did manage 
1,152 unaudited QSO's.

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Re: [Elecraft] Split indicator

2005-10-05 Thread Fred Jensen
OK folks, what am I missing here?  There are so many things about my 
Elecraft radios I still don't understand or know how to use, but ... the 
little down-arrow blinks for me when I have held the SPLIT button 
down.  I've always thought that was the indicator that I was in split 
mode.  It did when I worked K7C.  I just did when I tried it right now. 
 Have I screwed up yet again?

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Sverre Holm wrote:

-Original Message-
I have pictures of mine on my web site at

The schematics of how the LEDs in the buttons for the SPLIT, zero-beat
indicator and KAF2 indicator are wired can now be downloaded from the page
above, see about halfways down the page.



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Re: [Elecraft] very small antenna

2005-10-08 Thread Fred Jensen
Took my KX1 on a cruise from Ft. Lauderdale to Los Angeles thru the 
Canal in April.  I learned a few things:

1.  The Captain and not the CEO of the cruise line runs the ship.  The 
CEO said Hell No, you'll screw up the navigation, endanger the 
passengers with radiation, and probably start a fire.  The Captain (OK, 
the Jr Officer he sent) said, Ok but only from our 'balcony' and not 
public spaces, and please don't remove any paint.  And don't even think 
about using any of the ship's antennas.

2.  The balcony is really more like a shelf.

3.  The steel window on the shelf through which you can watch the 
ocean, turtles, and dolphins is about 6' x 6' (2m x 2m).

4.  A disassembled MP-1 in your bag looks a lot like a pipe bomb on the 
airport x-ray.  I wear braces on both legs and I'm toast at security 
anyway, so I opted not to add to the inevitable problem and left the 
MP-1 knockoff at home.

5.  Buddipoles are bigger than the shelf.

6.  It's hard to string up 26' (8m) of wire in the 6' x 6' (2m x 2m) 
steel window.  OK, it's nearly impossible.

7.  If you succeed in stringing up the wire in the steel window, you 
will become part of the antenna, causing the SWR to vary wildly as you send.

8.  A few thousand metric (or any other kind of) tons of steel between 
your shelf and steel window have a fairly substantial attenuation 
effect on signals from the other side of the boat.

Just my observations ... YMMV.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] k2 offset frequency, and FISTS

2005-10-11 Thread Fred Jensen
SOC is the acronym for the Second Class Operators' Club, where 
competence is tolerated but not encouraged.  You 
can join and receive many good things, such as a number that you can do 
many things with.  Well, actually ... a number is all you get, and you 
can't do anything with it except send it to someone else who probably 
doesn't care and will miscopy it anyway.  There are no dues.  This is 
primarily because no one who wants to be a member has been found who can 
serve in the role of Treasurer ... or who can count well for that 
matter.  SOC members tend to bust their own calls in contests -- at 
least those who can tell time and actually get IN the contest do.  Hope 
this helps.


Fred K6DGW
SOC #633 (or maybe 366 or possibly 636, or maybe 5 [which may or may 
not be my FISTS number])

Bob Nielsen wrote:

On Oct 11, 2005, at 10:05 AM, Gordon Gibson wrote:

What is SOC ?

73, Bob N7XY

SOC #77

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Re: [Elecraft] k2 offset frequency, and FISTS

2005-10-12 Thread Fred Jensen

Hank Kohl K8DD wrote:
 ... and when I'm standing on my head

a common resting position for a SOC member

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] POW Receiver

2005-10-12 Thread Fred Jensen
Off topic, I apologize, but I want to tap the knowledge pool in this 
group, and I'll continue regardless:

I'm involved with a 6th grade teacher (a ham, he bought my TS830 a few 
years ago) at a local, sort of disadvantaged school.  He's trying to 
find ways to reach his kids, and ham radio has worked out pretty well so 
far with QSO's with a class in Portland OR via 2m and IRLP.  I've 
offered to help him.

I know the recipe for a POW Radio Receiver -- some wire in an 
inductor, a capacitor made from rolled up gum wrappers, and a pencil 
lead on an anodized razor blade, with some stolen headphones, and as new 
hams in the late 50's, my buddies and I built these and listened to KFI. 
 His kids and he think this would be a great project.  We won't hear 
the WW2 BBC, but we might hear KFBK if we can make it work.

A couple of problems:

1.  Razor blades have changed from the Gillette Blue Blades of yore. 
Can I still get them?

2.  Razor blades and campus don't sound like they belong in the same 
sentence.  Any suggestions for substitutes that would pass the campus 
security test?

3.  Any other info anyone might have to help me to, at the beginning of 
the 21st century, recreate for these kids something from the middle of 
the 20th century (when their parents' hadn't yet been conceived).

There's a lot of learning to be had here ... history, reading, learning 
how to sequence the steps of a project, and satisfaction in achievement, 
and these kids are lacking in nearly all of these things.  I wouldn't 
attack this if I didn't have a Real Teacher in charge.

Thanks in advance,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

PS:  We may get some young hams out of this.
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[Elecraft] POW Radio - Thanks

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Jensen
A big thanks to all who provided information and ideas on the POW 
Radio project.  FWIW, I learned a few things:

1.  The razor blade radio was actually called the Foxhole Radio.  One 
response explained that the POW Radio was really a 1-tube regen (that 
may be the next class project if I can work up a circuit).

2.  Gillette Blue Blades are still available, although not everywhere 
(or in most places)

3.  Any metal will do, preferably a little corroded.  There is nothing 
special about the blue razor blade.

4.  The pencil point-on-rusty metal diode isn't exactly a real diode 
and the radio doesn't work very well.  I remember this as a kid when I 
and my geek friends made a few of them.

Pacificon yielded a little crystal set kit that we're calling Prototype 
#1.  We're going to use a 1N34A and do a little tap dance around the 
razor blade issue in the introduction.  The kids are organized in the 
class into 7 groups, so current plan is to have each group build their 
own radio.  Troy (the teacher) says the kids are really excited about 
the project.  Stay tuned, I'll probably stick a web page out somewhere 
with the results and some pictures.

73, and thanks again,

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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[Elecraft] K2 and TR-Log

2005-10-20 Thread Fred Jensen
Apparently I'm no longer a member of the TR-Log reflector although I 
still get their postings (??)  I'll try here:

What version of TR do I need to be on to get serial control of my K2?  I 
think I'm running 6.72 and have been for a long time.  The manual I have 
is for 6.52 and does not indicate a config item for the K2 in RADIO 
TYPE.  If I can make this work, the K2/100 will become my station radio 
and at least one of the off-shore radios will hit the market.


Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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[Elecraft] QRP in Novice sub-bands

2005-10-21 Thread Fred Jensen

N2EY wrote:

 The NPRM also seems to me to be saying that FCC's vision of the
 future is that Techs will be all VHF/UHF, Generals will have most
 privileges, and Extras will have it all.

Life really is like a circle, no?  In the very early 50's for HF we had 
General, Advanced (if you wanted to work 20 and 75 phone), and Extra ... 
plus the Techs who cared only about VHF/UHF/uWave and had been around 
for quite awhile.  FM hadn't been invented (well, OK, it had but the 
SCR-522 was an AM rig).  Then came the novice around '52 (wildly popular 
despite lots of restrictions), and the Advanced went away sometime in 
there, yielding just about what Jim describes above.  When I got my 
Extra in '56, I don't remember gaining any new privileges.

Then, in the early 70's and not content with simplicity, we 'improved' 
on this fairly simple and workable structure with incentive licensing, 
billed variously as critical to the future of amateur radio by some 
and the end of western civilization as we know it by others.  I do 
know that it got quite complex, but being an Extra, I paid little if any 
attention to the multitude of sub-bands (and since I didn't have an 
amplifier, the power restrictions in them weren't a problem for me 
either).  I still don't know where any of the sub-bands are without 
looking at my ICOM chart on the corkboard.  I also don't know the 
difference between a Tech and Tech+, but it appears that won't matter in 
a few more years.

If there were to be a vote (and I knew my vote would be counted), I'd 
vote for simplicity.  I never really did understand the value of all 
those sub-bands anyway.  And now, we already have a growing class 
structure of 20WPM Extras, 5WPM Extras, and zeroWPM Extras.  I 
don't think this bodes well for the fraternity.


Fred K6DGW (ex KN6DGW)
Amateur Radio Operator
Auburn CA CM98lw

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[Elecraft] Dumb K2 question - Blinking U and L indicators

2005-10-23 Thread Fred Jensen
The L and U indicator is blinking in SSB modes on my K2.  I don't 
remember them ever doing that.  Can someone tell me what the Elecraft 
radio is trying to tell me?

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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Re: [Elecraft] Competition coming for Elecraft?

2005-11-01 Thread Fred Jensen
Well out of my range, especially when my K2 RX (sort of all that really 
counts in an xcvr as long as the TX produces the correct signal) beats 
anything I have ever used or tried out.  It may be good, but I think it 
is aimed at a more upscale market.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Vic K2VCO wrote:


An ad for this was in the latest CQ. Not yet available.


$6K fully loaded?  More like competition for the IC-7800 or Yaesu FT-9K!

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Competition for Elecraft???

2005-11-02 Thread Fred Jensen
Ahh, come on, some of us males, (and most hams are male) are colorblind 
-- really.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:

- Original Message - From: Craig Rairdin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All that said, I would love it if the K3 had a nice LCD color display...

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