Re: [Audyssey] About pc games

2014-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael,

You have a good point, but the problem with your logic is that you are
over estimating how much money can be made off of audio games. Paid
updates or not there isn't a lot of money to be made off of selling
audio games.

The first problem is financial. The majority of blind customers all
over the world are unemployed and are living of government benefits.
Here in the USA, for example, the unemployment rate among the blind is
roughly 82% and most of those are living off of SSI and SSDI. The
average blind citizen in the USA makes $721 USD per month in SSI
benefits. After you take out the cost of rent, food, bus/taxi fair,
electricity, etc there is precious little left to spend on games.
Without a lot of money to spend on games it is unlikely that a lot of
blind gamers will buy the game a developer is selling even if they
want it.

The second big issue is a very small minority within a small minority.
I have done some research and at any given time there only seems to be
about 2,000 blind computer users downloading and playing audio games.
That estimation may be conservative, but assuming each and every one
of them paid for the game it still wouldn't be enough for a audio game
developer to live off of.  There aren't enough paying customers to
make developing a game like you suggest worthwhile financially.


On 12/16/14, Michael Gauler wrote:
 That might be true.
 But it looks like you might be forgetting something here at least in
 You probably know that Sryth was developed over ten years as well as World
 of Warcraft.
 However do you know that the original World of Warcraft was smaller at its
 initial release?
 I also think that many features and content for Sryth was added over the
 But in the case of either browser games or mainstream games, content can be

 released after the initial release.
 In the days of Microsofts older operating systems we had such releases known

 as service packs which some times brought more than bug fixes and security
 World of Warcraft, while still being an MMORPG had six releases and there
 will probably be more.
 The first release was the initial release plus five (paid!) expansion packs

 which were released over several years and some expansions took more than
 one year to develop.

 If we were to make Sryth into an audio game it would take a huge amound of
 time because the original development of that game took years.
 But if it were to be made into an audio game just an example, the content
 could be split between releases and if we were talking paid content, you
 could get some money per released package.

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Re: [Audyssey] About pc games

2014-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

I don't completely disagree with you, but sometimes doing something
just for the pure enjoyment of it isn't enough. The fact of the matter
is enjoyment only goes so far, and then at some point developing games
is no longer fun. I can speak from personal experience writing a game
that takes a couple of months, perhaps a year can be fun, but after
two, three, or more years it is no longer fun or entertaining. The
developer will get tired of writing the game and want to move on to a
new project. At least that has been my experience.

I can see some developer writing Ultra RPG 1.0. Maybe spend a year or
two developing it, and then growing bored with it. They want to move
onto something else but their customers want more content, more
upgrades, more something else but the developer is burned out on the
game and wants nothing else to do with it. It happens.


On 12/16/14, Josh k wrote:
 the incentive would not be for money. it would be to create a great
 audio game that everyone could enjoy including yourself. it could be
 donationware. I myself live in a small town in PA. I have a small very
 part time business fixing and selling computers. think of it this way.
 did leonardo da vinci create his art so he could get rich? no. he
 created it because he enjoyed creating things using various art
 forms.programming is more of an art or maybe something like a
 combination of art and science. the people here in PA who make the
 butter sculpture for the farm show do it every year because they enjoy
 it. It gives them happiness and joy that others are enjoying and
 appreciating their work. I really think that if and yes its sad but true
 but if audio game developers expect to make big fulltime wages from
 audio games. it just won't happen. make games because you're an
 artist/scientist and because you enjoy it. the money is just a side
 effect. make them at least freeware like jim does but include a donation

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

I disagree with that point of view though. There is a difference in
someone donating time to say Linux and donating time to a game. With
Linux the developer is developing something of practical value that
can be used every day for home, work, etc. With a game it is merely
for entertainment and there is some question as to how much
entertainment the developer will get back out of that game compared to
the effort he/she put into creating it. So no I don't think they are


On 12/16/14, Josh k wrote:
 I think i can answer that. its because the person taking on the project
 would do it for the same reason why I fix computers and try to improve
 linux. because it make me happy to make others happy by improving a free
 open source operating system.

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Lisa,

That too. The sad fact of the matter is if a game developer created an
accessible Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, or whatever there would be
those blind gamers who expect it to be handed to them for free. They
will whine and cry they don't have the money, or they'll just crack
it. So it is a bit discouraging to know that anything a developer does
will be largely under appreciated.


On 12/16/14, Lisa Hayes wrote:
 And let's not forget the blind i want everything for free and why should i
 pay for it attitude which is shameful, but about.
 Lisa Hayes

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Cara,

Yeah, I don't disagree with Michael's point that we need more high
quality audio games either. The question is how to get their in a
realistic way.

I think one possibility might be to begin with an open source project
of some kind. One point Michael made was the fact that while we have
some cool audio games like Paladin of the Sky or Entombed we have no
way to modify, expand, or add game content to the games. They are a
done deal. What you buy is what you get.

If someone were to create an Entombed that was open source that
wouldn't be a problem. Anyone who wanted to could grab the latest
source and add a new level, new adventure, or make modifications to
the game which would solve that problem. Of course the gamer would
have to be skilled in programming to make changes to the code, but
most of the difficult work would be done for him/her.

Also since it would be open source it could be a community project.
Copyrights would belong to the entire community and therefore I can
see some really interesting stuff coming out of such a project.


On 12/16/14, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Thanks Thomas, glad to be of service. :)

 It seems this question comes up from time to time and while I personally
 don't disagree with the sentiments Michael is expressing in the sense that
 we really should have more high quality audio games which better reflect the
 mainstream, I also think that many of us here feel this way too. Nothing
 wrong with that. :)

 It's just that with essentially no incentive for devs to do what needs to be
 done to create these sorts of projects, we're likely to have slow-going for
 a while. :)

 As I am writing this another idea just came to me.

 I wonder if anyone has pursued something like an NEA grant? (in the states)
 I bet that an audio game would satisfy the requirements for one of the many
 grants which are constantly on offer... This might be a way that at least more
 small projects can be accomplished or helped along at least...

 Anyway, let me wish you and everyone else a lovely holiday season!

 Thanks to everyone as always, for the great discussion!


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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

As far as copyright goes the end user license agreement shipped with
the product will contain that information. In the majority of cases
these days games and other products are handled by international
copyright laws plus whatever the copyright laws of where the product
is being sold. It isn't really all that complicated.

As for deaf-blind players they can play games, but they have to be
designed to handle both deaf players and blind players at the same
time. For example, a deaf-blind player can use a screen reader with a
braille display to play text based games, but might not be able to
play audio games. There may be other workarounds for deaf-blindness as


On 12/13/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi my question is for copyright of a company. if a developer starts a
 multinational company for example Philip bennefall, so which country
 he can copyright or are you handeling all the business through the
 internet or something which in extra do you prefer such an office.
 How can a deaf blind play computer games?

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael,

Well, the reason some games, in fact most games, are platform specific
is because it is very complicated to design games for multiple
platforms. Yes, it can be done as games like the Inquisitor proves,
but there is nothing saying that it was easy and everyone has the time
and skills to do it. Therefore the majority of developers pick a
platform and stick with it.


On 12/14/14, Michael Gauler wrote:
 Hi Thomas,
 you are probably right when it comes to most audio game developers being
 only Windows developers.
 However, this also goes into another direction.
 I know that some developers made or still make accessible games for mobile
 devices, mostly for IOS, allthough there might be Android games out there.

 While I personally have no problem with IOS games, I find it a bit sad that

 some things remain platform exclusive.
 I don't know if you know what the Inquisitor is, but this series is being

 released for Windows, Mac, IOS and Android as far as I know.
 I have no idea how this is done meaning that I don't know if they use some
 cross platform technology which allows for releases on several platforms in

 a relatively short amound of time.

 However, I have no idea why games like Papa Sangre and Papa Sangre 2 are (to

 my knowledge) IOS exclusive.
 I don't have both games, but I could listen to some recordings of both.
 With their extremely good audio quality, I would have liked to play such a
 game on a PC or a Mac if I had the latter.
 But games from that company are as far as I know not cross platform.
 This shows that it can also go into the other direction, meaning that some
 game developers seem to specifically avoid Windows releases and focus
 instead on mobile devices only.

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Michael,

While I agree with you for the most part it is important to really see
what has been going on the last few years.

First, the majority of games for mobile platforms like iOS are being
developed by mainstream developers rather than blind developers. There
is a number of mainstream developers who are making games that happen
to be accessible  or are willing to make them so for iOS, but have
little to no interest in developing for say Windows and other PC
platforms. Thus we are seeing an explosion of games for iOS that are
accessible, but little interest in making more games for the PC.

At the same time as you no doubt know the blind developers who were
developing games for the PC have been leaving left and right. Just in
the last few years we have seen BSC Games, DanZ Games, L-Works, and
X-Sight Interactive all close their doors and the owners/developers of
said companies have moved on to other things. Thus fewer developers
means fewer games for the PC.

I certainly don't think we've seen the last of the audio games for the
PC, but I do think unless we get some more developers to help we
aren't going to see as many new titles as before. Moreover its not
just the number of developers we need, but skilled developers. the
bigger the more complex the game idea the more skilled and seasoned
developer you will want/need for the project. It would be unreasonable
to expect a brand new game developer to write something like King of
Dragon Pass on his/her first go. Such a game requires skills anew
developer probably wouldn't have.


On 12/15/14, Michael Gauler wrote:
 That's true...
 However, If I look back at the last two or three years I mostly see some
 rather long and potentially interesting games released, but only for IOS or

 something mobile.
 While it is true that the Inquisitor series is cross platform, apart from
 new versions like Shades of Doom 2.0, Time of Conflict 2.0 one revised
 Draconis title (Change Reaction 2.0) and Silver Dollar, I can't recall many

 new commercial PC audio games being released in the last few years.

 While other projects like Rail Racer 2 and Three-D Velocity 2 are in
 development, both developers have been quiet for a while.
 In the case of Rail Racer 2, all references to the game have wanished from
 the corresponding site.

 I personally think that we should get some more PC games and I don't mean
 only simply games, but ones with a longer play time and interesting stories.

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-14 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Lol. Sounds interesting, but somehow I don't think that will work.
Although, it would be a nice try.


On 12/14/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 Live and let live is kind of my motto for life in general.

 I think that I am going to buy a motor home and park it on the boarder of
 Nevada and Colorado.  That way I can legally smoke pot on one end and hire a
 prostitute in the other end.  I'll be broke all the time, but have a huge
 smile on my face. smile


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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-13 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

Makes sense. From a strictly technical point of view there should be a
period after the r in Dr Pepper. However, I imagine there is probably
a simple explanation why there isn't one on the cans, bottles, etc and
it probably comes down to space on the label or they left it out for
some other cosmetic reason.


On 12/13/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 That's just how I've always seen it on braille menus and vending machines in

 the rare case that the latter hadlabels onthem.

 Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

I would have my doubts about audio games being known all over the
world let alone being popular among the world's blind children. There
are two reasons for this.

For starts there are plenty of places where the cost of a computer is
prohibitively expensive, and the added cost of access technology such
as Jaws etc is even more prohibitive. While free access solutions like
NVDA is helping lower the cost of access for the blind all over the
world I'm fairly confident in saying there are some countries and
market areas where the majority of the blind do not have the
technology they'd need for audio games.

Another issue is just language barriers. Most of the audio games out
right now are written for English speaking gamers. While English is
spoken all over the world I can also see a certain percentage of the
blind population being barred from playing games all because they have
not learned English or only are just learning English. Thus if it
isn't in their native tongue various games would be unavailable to

As for Linux, spelled L i n u x, and Mac OS X I am fairly confident
most VI developers won't be developing for them. There are two reasons
for this.

The first is simply that Windows is all some developers know. Some
audio game developers have always used Windows, never used anything
else, so have no interest or motivation in developing games for
another platform. It might cost them time and perhaps money in order
to develop games for a different platform, and I'd say most Windows
developers wouldn't want to bother with the hassle.

Another issue is that there are a number of audio game developers who
have for one reason or another gone with Microsoft specific
technologies like Visual Basic and DirectX. While they are suitable
for a Windows developer neither technology is appropriate for Mac or
Linux so they would have to learn a different programming language and
different game APIs. Since it would require a fair amount of
relearning what they already know many developers may not want to make
that big a change unless there is something in it for them.

This problem is further compounded by the fact that BGT allows new and
inexperienced developers to develop games using a highly advanced
engine, but it is only supported on Windows. Those newbies wanting to
develop for another platform would have to start over from scratch
with a different programming language and APIs. Otherwise if they use
BGT, which is a great tool, they are pretty much bound to Windows just
because that's what BGT was designed for.


On 12/11/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi everyone. do you think that audio games are popular in the all over
 the world?
 are VI kids have any type of craze of audio games?
 do you think one day every developer wants to programme for maq and linics?

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

You are forgetting about Pure Basic. There is a Pure Basic compiler
for Linux which allows Basic developers to develop for Linux. It isn't
free, so isn't too popular on Linux, but there are Basic compilers and
tools around for Linux if you know where to get them.


On 12/12/14, Josh k wrote:
 closest thing to basic in linux is python. just import pygame maybe one
 or two others and you're good to go. if provox7 ran in dosbox
 redirecting its speech to espeak we'd be in good shape for all our old
 dos stuff.

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Re: [Audyssey] audio games popularity

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

There are basic languages and tools for Mac and Linux although they
are not very popular on those platforms. They don't have Visual Basic
6, as that is a Microsoft only technology, but there is Pure Basic
which is similar enough that you could probably learn it were you
interested in doing so. I have also heard that Mono now supports
Visual Basic .NET executibles so that may also be an option for Basic
developers on Mac and Linux. Point being, there are basic options out
there, but since that isn't my forte I haven't really looked into it
too closely.


On 12/12/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Ishan,

 I would say yes, because I have been sharing audio games for a long time, so
 I can say that I have gotten Email and phone calls from all over the world.

 I don't know, maybe if I had a Mac and Linux and they had programming
 languages similar to VB6, it would be a good thing to make games for the Mac
 and Linux, but for now it is Windows and VB6 for me.


 - Original Message -
 Hi everyone. do you think that audio games are popular in the all over
 the world?
 are VI kids have any type of craze of audio games?
 do you think one day every developer wants to programme for maq and linics?



 I like Visual Basic 6.0 because I can not C.
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[Audyssey] Audyssey Magazine was A Brief Tribute

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

While the Audyssey Magazine has been temporarily on hiatus the last
couple of years I happen to believe it will be back sooner or later.
Not what Ron's situation is and why he hasn't been able to put out an
issue for a while I don't foresee it lasting forever.

Besides Audyssey is so much bigger than the magazine these days. I do
intend to update the website in the not too distant future, plan to
work on converting the magazines to html, and may do a few other
things with the site such as have a news section that will supplement
the magazine when it comes back.


On 12/10/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well I used to read audyssey with rellish.
 It was good to just look at what the blind were doing.
 Fact was i had no idea of what the net was back then.
 I had started when win 95 was out.
 In fact I never really left dos till 2005 when my old keynote gold
 died completely.
 In fact through highschool, the keynote gold was with me till just
 before the end when I switched to my satelite 310.
 However the keynote was more fun because it had games on it.
 Dos actually got me friends with a group of hackers, I am friends
 with one of them still, another couple I know the rest have gone away.
 We played with games before the net.
 Most of them ran windows 3.1 and dos then however jims games were one
 of the things we often played.
 Sadly audyssey is basically dead, I don't know though if its worth
 bringing it back though.
 There are rarely issues out these days, and the fact is the
 audiogames forum has replaced it.
 back in the dialup days it was good, saying if something can be done
 with the mag, I have time to help out.
 I have jarte plus as  my lightweight processer, and to be honest I
 want to keep the magazine alive.
 Jims stuff got me into that, the imortal gamer reminded me of the
 comic strips and other stuff in old computer magazines now no longer
 in production or online.
 A lot of them came with software, cds disk, and the like.
 my group and I would load things on systems till they died and decide
 what was good or not, if it completely totaled the system usually the
 cd was snapped into bits and shreaded, however those days are gone
 with the web.
 Once I tried to bring up an old project on some old systems machines
 for book playback  but not much came of it.

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Well, basically in order to play your games on a Mac a person has to
either duel boot the machine by installing a copy of Windows via Boot
Camp, or they have to invest in something like VMWare Fusion or
Workstation and run Windows side by side with Mac OS X. It is
certainly more work to do so, but it is worth it for those who like to
use Mac OS as their primary OS.


On 12/12/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi David,

 Cool, thanks for saying that you used to enjoy playing so many of my games.

 I have heard of people that do run my games on a Mac, but sounds like allot
 of work to try to do so.

 Thanks again.  And pay no attention to my tag line. grin



 Hey you know that Mac you got, is it a big Mac?
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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Yeah, that has been pretty much my outlook on adult entertainment as
well. As long as it isn't hurting anyone live and let live. No need to
get on a moral high-horse and make a big deal out of it.

Of course, I feel that Americans are overly sensitive when it comes to
sexuality anyway. I know of European countries where women walk around
topless, but do that here in the USA and she'll find herself behind
bars for public ludeness and indecent behavior. There are places where
there is legal prostitution, but not here in the States. Somehow
hiring someone for a few hours for sex is viewed in America as a
crime. There are religious groups trying to get rid of pornography,
fighting against gay marriage, etc and that just gets under my skin.
The problem with all of those groups is they disagree with the concept
of if someone doesn't like it they don't have to buy it, don't have to
watch it, play it, etc. The mere fact that it exists is reason enough
to protest, complain, and make a fuss.

Anyway, like you I just feel if it doesn't hurt anyone then people
should just learn to live and let live.


On 12/12/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 Yeah, I know that not everyone is into adult entertainment, but as you said,
 if you are not, don't down load it.

 I'm sure that there is allot of stuff out there that I am not into, but I
 figure, as long as you are not hurting anyone, live and let live.



 A nursing home. Isn't that a house where all of the wet nurses live?
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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Honestly, I feel political correctness is worse than crap, but it is
against the list guidelines for me to say what I really think about it
as it would involve a few colorful four letter words. However, I
certainly don't have much use for political correctness myself.


On 12/12/14, Lisa Hayes wrote:
 Well political correctness is a load of crap pardon my words.
 Lisa Hayes

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-12 Thread Thomas Ward
I'll certainly join you in a Dr Pepper toast to commemorate any and
all media that spoofs political correctness.

By the way, there is no period in Dr Pepper. At least I've never seen
one on the can, bottle, etc.


On 12/12/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 I'll happily raise a Dr. Pepper to that my friend. LOL. Needless to say I
 love games or any other media that spoofs political correctness.

 Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-11 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

To be honest I'm not surprised you got negative comments regarding
your adult oriented games. Some people get on their moral high-horse
and can't resist sticking their self-righteous noses into everyone's
business and make a big deal out of something that really should be of
no concern to them. If they don't like adult oriented games don't
download and play them. However, instead of leaving it at that they
feel they must verbally protest.

I for one appreciate you have decided to create adult oriented games,
because our market is small and there are very few truly adult
oriented games for us to play. Protests aside I hope you continue to
release the occasional adult oriented game because I usually get a lot
of fun out of them.


On 12/11/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:

 To all who have said that they appreciate my adult games, really thank you
 very much.  I have received negative feedback about them just because of the
 adult content, so it is really nice to get such nice positive feedback.
 Thanks again.



 Cleverly disguised as a Responsible Adult
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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-11 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Lisa,

Well said. More often as not what a lot of what people would call
common sense just does not exist. I don't know if people are getting
stupider or what, but commonsense really isn't that common these days.


On 12/11/14, Lisa Hayes wrote:
 The problem is, common sense aint all that common.
 Lisa Hayes

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Re: [Audyssey] FW: [The Teacher List] Wissp: Beginning ActionScript

2014-12-11 Thread Thomas Ward

Well, ActionScript accessibility is somewhat problematic. As far as
doing the actual coding that isn't a big deal. A blind developer can
do that in any text editor he or she chooses such as Windows Notepad.
The problem with ActionScript is that it is basically the scripting
portion of Adobe's Flash Player and thus uses Flash controls etc when
displaying buttons, menus, whatever on screen in your web browser.
Since Flash controls are typically not traditionally been too
accessible I'd have my doubts on how accessible any apps and games
were being created in ActionScript 3.

This is sadly another case of something that really isn't well suited
for audio games. In short, a case of a script kiddy trying to use an
off the shelf scripting language meant for casual scripting and trying
to put it into service like an all purpose programming language which
it is not. How many times must I tell programming wannabes that
scripting languages like JavaScript, ActionScript, AutoIt, etc are not
ideal choices for creating audio games?


On 12/11/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 hmmm not sure about action script.
 I guess as long as it can be typed in notepad and
 the compiler is either command line or something
 then this could work on how accessable it all is I don't know.

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Re: [Audyssey] FW: [The Teacher List] Wissp: Beginning ActionScript

2014-12-11 Thread Thomas Ward

I appreciate the thought being made here, but honestly I don't feel
ActionScript is a good choice for a blind developer. Maybe you do or
don't know this but ActionScript is basically the scripting portion of
Adobe's Flash Player. As such it uses quite a lot of Flash content and
controls, and I suspect accessibility could be an issue in a lot of

Admittedly I'm not an expert at ActionScript, since I don't really use
it myself, but I'd recommend any blind developer wishing to program
audio games to stay from web scripting solutions like ActionScript,
JavaScript, etc because they simply aren't the way to go when
developing games and apps. Those scripting languages do have there
place, but they were not designed for serious application and game
development. Those who do are generally referred to as script
kiddies by serious developers because instead of going about learning
programming and software development the right way they play around
with script languages usually not intended for the use they are
employing them for.


On 12/11/14, Nicol wrote:
 Hi all
 Here is a message from another list I belong to that might interest you.
 I haven't looked at the tutorials yet
 The below  message states that games and other aps  can be made with this
 scripting language.
 I'm aware of bgt but if people are looking for another alternative, take a
 look at this.

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Re: [Audyssey] park boss.

2014-12-11 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

It can help if you have already used up most of your available land on
rides, restaurants, and other attractions. Obviously the more land you
have the more places you will have to build new attractions on, but
you only have to make a land purchase when you are running out of
places to build.


On 12/11/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 ya you are right.
 tell me one more thing if I buy an extra land is this helpful for me?

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Re: [Audyssey] park boss.

2014-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

While it isn't essential to hire and use entertainers in Park Boss
I've found it usually helps with customer feedback and ratings to have
a few on staff. If you don't have any entertainers and you walk around
the park your customers are more likely to say they are bored and
there is not enough to do. Having a few entertainers helps keep them
occupied and entertained.

Basically, with Park Boss don't try and put all your investment in
rides and such. You need to try and be diverse by including
restaurants, arcade games, entertainers, etc as well as rides. The
more diverse your offerings the more people you can attract to your
park, and the hire your over all rating goes up..


On 12/10/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 actually this game is an ausam simmulater game. My focuss that our
 outgoing should always less then income
 I personally feel that I don't need any entertainers if I have some
 games kids rides and adult rides.

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward

Yeah, I think I first discovered Jim's games around 96 or 97 as well.
Audyssey such as it was only had a couple of issues out, and I think
is how I discovered Jim's Dos games. In any case I have had countless
hours of fun playing Jim's games both for Dos and for Windows.

In fact, I have considered for along time of porting some of them to
Linux just so I'd be able to play them natively on Linux without
having to resort to Wine or similar means. I just haven't had the time
or the mental state of mind to take on such a project though.


On 12/10/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 I was earlier than that, I  ran over jims stuff back when they came
 out 1996 maybe 1997 was the first time I got a modem, I had it till
 it broke and in 1998 I got another.
 I stayed on dialup to 2001 when I got my first xp system and I was
 playing his stuff before that though at that time that was some dos
 games, and only a few self voicing titles.

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Agreed. One reason I play Jim's games a lot is because they aren't too
complex. While I have always been a fan of more advanced games I find
more and more that I don't have the time for Shades of Doom or Tank
Commander. As a result I frequently play Jim's games because they are
quick and easy. I also been having problems with my hearing, am in
fact slowly going deaf, so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to play
games like Shades of Doom, Tank Commander, Teraformers, etc in the
long term. Fortunately, Jim's games don't require excellent hearing
and are more what I need in this point in time.


On 12/10/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well I like jims stuff because they are simple and can be run just
 about anywhere.
 So if I don't want someting complex I can run it.

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Re: [Audyssey] A Brief Tribute; was: Pizza Delivery

2014-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Cara,

I agree with you. Especially, about Jim's contribution to the
accessible adult games for the blind. Far too many VI game developers
have stuck to non-adult oriented games and are in most respects
G-rated. I appreciate the fact Jim doesn't treat us like children and
feels free to create whatever he wants to regardless if it is playing
a few hands of Strip Poker or a bondage and discipline fetish like
Dungeon Master.


On 12/10/14, Cara Quinn wrote:

 96 here too. A dear friend showed me Jim's games.

 Have had much fun with them!

 One thing I liked about Jim's games particularly is that he is not afraid to
 add adult themes, whereas many games for the blind / disabled stay pretty
 much firmly in the G-rated realms. Jim avoided the stereotype of the
 disabled being essentially children, regardless of their age or maturity.

 Aside from that they are just plainly and simply fun freaking games! :)

 Thank you Jim!


 Cara :)
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Re: [Audyssey] park boss.

2014-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

As in real life your maintenance, entertainers, and ride operators
will want wage increases now and then. Especially, as your park grows,
begins to make more money, your employees will expect a bigger piece
of the cut of what you take in. That is unavoidable. So you will have
to give them higher wages periodically else they will strike and walk
off the job.

That is what makes Park Boss a fun game. You have to balance giving
them a good wage with operating your park, to keep them happy while
not going bankrupt, and the entire thing is a balancing act of
managing ticket pricing, selling good and gifts, verses keeping your
employees happy by paying them enough to keep them from striking.

As far as female customers logically speaking there has to be some.
Its just that when Nick made the game he didn't have any women to do
the voices for the game so when you walk around the park asking
questions there aren't any women to respond to your questions.


On 12/9/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 O sorry Thomas sir I think it was postporn thanks for correcting me my
 bros in NIVH usually speaks it postporn.
 Next thing Mr nick a man wants to buy my park but I don't sell it so
 if I sell the park then will the programme exits?
 something I want to point out that my entertainers and maintanence
 staff complaining about the wages in human resource.
 in the new version a boss should be strong he should be able to talk
 directly to his staff.
 an attraction operater is telling about the entertainer who is
 sleeping in human resource.
 Where is the lady customers?

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Re: [Audyssey] park boss.

2014-12-08 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

Um...Your message is slightly confusing. There is no such word as
postporn. Did you perhaps mean postpone?

In any case when it comes to rides and attractions you need to be
realistic about how long it takes to build it. In real life a park
boss wouldn't say they want a ride built at such and such spot in the
park and it would instantly appear. It would take a week or so for the
construction crew to build the ride.

For example, let's assume you wanted to build a boat ride. The
construction crew would have to come in with heavy equipment and dig a
canal which would take a couple of days or so even with modern
equipment. Then they'd have to bring water in from somewhere and fill
the canal which would take quite a while in of itself. I'd assume the
there would be some scenery along the shoreline of the canal such as a
frontier town, perhaps a farm, etc which would take time to build as

The point being is that building and adding attractions isn't
instantaneous. It sounds like you are being impatient and thinking if
you add an attraction it should automatically appear and open without
a week or two to build it. Things don't work that way in real life and
they don't work that way in Park Boss.


On 12/7/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi paul sir and thom sir also!
 I don't find my second answer yet.why an attraction which I put up
 postporn in next week

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Re: [Audyssey] park boss.

2014-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

Simply put the reason you are bankrupting is you are mismanaging your
park finances. I have played the game several times and have not gone
bankrupt. I have gotten to a point where my park was making money hand
over fist, and someone else wanted to buy me out. So if you are going
bankrupt you are making bad financial decisions and not playing the
game correctly.

As for drawing more than 10,000,500 out of the bank. Fact of the
matter is there is no need ever to draw that much money out of the
bank. If you do chances are you are mismanaging your finances and are
just digging your whole deeper.


On 12/7/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hello everyone
  I want to know if I worked hard in week 0 is it the reason of bankrupting?
 the thing when I build an attraction why my customers are reviewing
 about the attraction in next week.
 are you able to save your park from ankrupting?
 I think Mr nick should improve the bank because  there is no
 possibilities of overdrafting of 1500.

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Re: [Audyssey] park boss.

2014-12-07 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

Right there is the source of your problem. If you want the park to be
more successful you need to begin with more than $10,500. You can go
to the bank and borrow as much money as you need, and you need more
than one or two cheap attractions to make money. If you only borrow
$10,500 and put a couple of cheap attractions on your park that's why
you aren't making any money.

What I do is borrow $10,500 build one or two basic attractions. Go to
the bank and borrow more. By the time the second week comes along I
might have borrowed around $60,000 in ones, but have around 10
attractions including toilets and plenty of operators and
entertainers. Once I do that usually I begin making money and can pay
off some of those lone's in a few weeks.


On 12/7/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi Thomas ward sir!
 Well it is 10,500 pounds
 in week0 I usually open the park and start building attraction ofthis
 til week one My balance  goes to negative.
 I usually tries  to facilitate my park
 why the attraction starts from week one. if we start working in week
 one then it is postporn in week two.
 well I tries from the cheapist attraction but I got bankrupt.

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Re: [Audyssey] New Games from Spoonbill?

2014-12-03 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ryan,

No, that's okay. I've got a lot on my plate right now so I wouldn't
have time to play them even if I had them right now.


On 12/2/14, Ryan Conroy wrote:
 Hi Tom and all,

 The message I sent on this topic was originally sent on Saturday. lol I
 don't know why it decided to show up today. Anyways, I have the games now,
 they were sent to me on Saturday..
 Tom, if you'd like your copies early, let me know. I'll be happy to send
 them to you if that is allowed. :)

 Thanks all,

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Re: [Audyssey] New Games from Spoonbill?

2014-12-03 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Actually, I believe I have the setup files for all those games. I just
haven't put them up since I've had of lot of other things to deal with
at the time being. That is one reason you guys haven't heard from USA
Games in general because I just simply do not have the time for it any
more, and have had a number of other personal issues which I intend to
address sometime soon in a general news letter.


On 12/2/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 If you like I can send you the setup files for Bg code breaker, BG cribbage,

 BG crossword, BG Yahtzee, BG Mastermind, Bg Nomination Whist, BG brainiac,
 and BG Mine sweeper as I noticed I happened to have those but they're not up

 on Usa Games free games page, and while I know Ian prefers to send via
 e-mail that isn't always a possible option for people.

 Nomination Whist I particularly like, sinse the computer is a good bit
 tougher than in hearts providing for a very challenging game.

 I might give the Simon game a try just because Ian always manages to do
 interesting things with his games (the complexity in mastermind is really
 quite amusing), and I'd be interested to see what options he had with a

 Btw, this reminds me, yesterday I was having a fairly jovial arguement with

 my mum about miner vs major cords, sinse I always prefer miner ones (I would

 love a clock with miner Westminster chimes), and she blaimes it all on me
 playing too much simon because the four notes on the electronic simon game I

 had as a child were a miner arpeggio, she accused Simon of giving me bad
 musical taste :D.

 All the best,

 There is always more to know, more to see, more to learn. The world is vast

 and wondrous strange and there are more things benieth the stars than even
 the archmaesters of the citadel can dream.
 - Original Message -
 From: Thomas Ward
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2014 5:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] New Games from Spoonbill?

 Hi Ryan,

 sorry, but I haven't gotten my copies yet. When I do I'd be happy to
 put them up on USA Games, but don't expect them for a couple of days
 yet which won't do you much good.

 On 11/29/14, Ryan Conroy wrote:
 Hi all,

 A couple of days ago, I was looking at the games under development at
 spoonbill software. It said as of November 2014 there were three games
 development. BG 2048, BG Word Yahtzee, and BG Simon. Now, I checked
 yesterday, and it said that these games are released, but it says
 released in December. As of December 2014, there are no games under
 My question is, does anyone have these games? If so, would they be
 to share them? I sent Ian an Email, but my internet is getting shut off
 tomorrow, and I want to have these games to play. I'm sure Ian will get
 to me, but it says allow four days for delivery.. I don't have that
 If anyone has these games, or even knows about them, can they please
 Thanks so much,
 Odd Trick Fights Diabetes
 #34;Unique#34; Proven Method To Control Blood Sugar In 3 Weeks. Watch

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-12-02 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Dr Thunder is sold exclusively by Walmart and Sam's Club so you would
have to go to one of those stores to get Dr Thunder.


On 12/2/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Bryan,

 I actually have never heard of Dr. Thunder.  I'll have to give it a try if I
 find it.  I have seen off brand names such as tubs for root beer, bunch for
 grape, maybe peel for orange and patch for strawberry.  Darn, can't think of
 others right now.



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Re: [Audyssey] New Games from Spoonbill?

2014-12-02 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ryan,

sorry, but I haven't gotten my copies yet. When I do I'd be happy to
put them up on USA Games, but don't expect them for a couple of days
yet which won't do you much good.

On 11/29/14, Ryan Conroy wrote:
 Hi all,

 A couple of days ago, I was looking at the games under development at
 spoonbill software. It said as of November 2014 there were three games under
 development. BG 2048, BG Word Yahtzee, and BG Simon. Now, I checked
 yesterday, and it said that these games are released, but it says they're
 released in December. As of December 2014, there are no games under
 My question is, does anyone have these games? If so, would they be willing
 to share them? I sent Ian an Email, but my internet is getting shut off
 tomorrow, and I want to have these games to play. I'm sure Ian will get back
 to me, but it says allow four days for delivery.. I don't have that long.
 If anyone has these games, or even knows about them, can they please reply?
 Thanks so much,
 Odd Trick Fights Diabetes
 #34;Unique#34; Proven Method To Control Blood Sugar In 3 Weeks. Watch

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Re: [Audyssey] Audyssey babble report for November 2014

2014-12-01 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark

Well, congratulations to you. Last month I definitely wasn't my
typically verbose self, and depending on how things go this month I
may not be as active on list as I once was. In any case do enjoy your


On 12/1/14, dark wrote:
 Buahahaha! at last I am triumphant! I have defeated you Tom, you and all
 others, now bask in the unholy glory of my verbosity, bask in it, bask and
 despare of ever getting a word in edgewise, slantwise, long wise or anything

 wise at all!

 Hay, I might talk like a fool but at least I know what I'm talking foolishly

 about! :D.


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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Nicol,

By name brand soda I am talking about sodas that are well known by a
specific brand name like Dr Pepper, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew,
etc. By off brand or generic I am talking about sodas that are sold by
a store under a different brand name but is essentially the same thing
as a more well known brand of soda.

For example, here in the USA if someone goes into Walmart they can buy
things like Dr Thunder which is Walmart's version of Dr Pepper,
Mountain Lightning which is Walmart's version of Mountain Dew, Cherry
Cola which is Walmart's version of Cherry Coke, etc. Basically, off
brands are more or less the same thing as the bigger well known name
brands but are marketed by a store like Walmart under a different
brand name or label usually for a lower cost.


On 11/27/14, Nicol wrote:
 Hi tom
 This is very interesting.
 This is what soda roughly cost in south africa as well.
 1 dollar equals to 10 south african rand.
 So then it means that 89 cents must be 8 rand 90 cents in south africa.
 So a 2 litre  bottle  of soda in south africa costs more or less what it
 costs in the US.
 What is the difference between name brand and off brand soda?
 I never heard of the term off brand soda before.

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Re: [Audyssey] grizly gulch

2014-11-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

Agreed. Not only the lack of tech support, but Grizzly Gulch isn't
that good a game to begin with. The game quite literally has no replay
value at all beside the card games in the saloon. I found it rather
boring as a game, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone even if it were


On 11/29/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 I wouldn't waste my time on it anyway even if the mods were willing to allow

 it. No tech support if you have issues.

 Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Bryan,

Well, Dr Thunder should taste as good as Dr Pepper since it is the
exact same soda sold under a different name. I have heard some people
say they taste different to them, but I've have never noticed a
difference myself. Plus if one cares to look at the ingredients on the
bottle everything is the same. About the only difference is where they
are bottled and the label on the bottle from what I can tell.


On 11/30/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 That Dr. Thunder is actually not bad at all. I prefer the good ol' Dr.
 Pepper when I can get it but the Thunder is a more than acceptable

 Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Hmm...I suppose you have a point. Eating baked Alaska or eating rocky
road sounds as bad as eating a desert. Even worse is some of the names
for various alcoholic drinks. There are cocktail drinks such as sex on
the beach, brain tuners, Harvey wall bangers, etc that sound far worse
than eating a desert. Lol.


On 11/30/14, dark wrote:
 Lol Tom, missed an S.

 Though thinking about it what is wrong with eating a desert? At the seaside

 there are stil sticks of rock, you canhave rocky mountain chocolate fudge
 cake, rocky road cake (or ice cream), baked Alaska, snowball cake, not to
 mention cottage pie, so hay eating a desert really isn't that bad :D.

 All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] grizly gulch

2014-11-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

Short answer is you can't. Bavisoft is out of business, there is no
way to legally order it from them, and allowing people to post and
share the file here would be piracy without Bavisoft's permission.


On 11/28/14, Josh k wrote:
 where can i get grizly gulch from?


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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Thanks for the explanation. It was very interesting. I wasn't aware
things were generally that expensive in the UK. Although, since you
explained about the different formula for Coke and Pepsi it does make
sense that you'd have a separate bottling plant just for UK customers.

As for getting a desert as a side order I'd imagine all that sand and
gravel would get a little dry. After all there is a big difference in
getting  a desert with sand and gravel for dinner instead of a dessert
like cake, cookies, pies, etc. Lol.

Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing you over your spelling. A lot of
people don't know or realize the difference between desert and dessert
so it becomes humorous reading their posts when they are talking about
buying and eating a desert when they meant dessert.

On 11/27/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 Actually, coke and pepsy in the Uk is made in this country sinse the formula

 used is different. I'm not sure of the exact differences, but one I know is

 that American versions tend to be far sweeter and contain a lot of corn
 syrop and certain chemical aditives which are illegal in Europe. There is a

 specifically American Style ice cream bar that does milkshakes with
 breakfast cerial like lucky charms in as well as lots of American drinks
 like the extra flavours of Mountain Due (over here we just get a lemon
 original and even that tastes different). I always go for root beer sinse
 its something that you just can't get over here.

 The price difference is more general. Pretty much anything is more expensive

 in the Uk. For example, at Dominoes a medium, ten inch pizza will cost you
 about £12, (about 18 usd or so), and that's before you add side orders,
 drink or a delivery charge.

 Even at independent places you can expect to pay from between £6and £10, for

 a ten inch pizza, and often independent places aren't that good.

 I used to go to a place where I could get a 10 inch pizza, a side order of
 potatoe wedges or onion rings, a peace of chocolate gatteaux and a drink for

 £12.50, and that was good, sadly they got taken over by new management and
 the prices went up while the quality went waay down.

 These days if I go to papa Jons, because they have a lovely scotish manager

 who reads me out the current deals and student discounts over the phone,
 (she's also a couple of times given me a free desert), i can usually expect

 to get a 11 inch pizza, (they don't do 10 inch), a combo order of two sides,

 and a two leter bottle of pepsy for about £15, an extra pound if I fancy a
 desert (though i only do that if I'm especially hungry sinse they're deserts

 are huuuge).

 The same at dominoes would likely cost me over £20, (and they aren't half as

 nice as Papa Jons).

 Then again, I've been having a lot more chinese when i get takeaway
 recently, because we have a very nice local chinese that I can get a good
 mealfrom (their starter selection for one, rice a main dish plus two cans of

 coke), for under £12, so i've tended to do that more often.

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

In deed. I don't think buying a desert as a side order would really
taste that good. All that sand and gravel just doesn't sound too
appetizing to me. I'd prefere to have a dessert such as a piece of
cake or pie with my pizza. Lol.


On 11/27/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 We can't buy deserts here.  We have to buy desserts, which is OK, because
 they would probably taste a lot better.  I know I'm rotten, but I just had
 to be, in fun.

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-29 Thread Thomas Ward

Speaking of witch that was on TV last Friday. Its been years since
I've seen the first Ninja Turtles movie. I didn't get a chance to
watch it all because it was time for me to return home so only got to
see about half.


On 11/29/14, Bryan Peterson wrote:
 I do too. For some reason it reminded me of that scene in the old Ninja
 Turtles movie from 1990.

 Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

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Re: [Audyssey] How Do Dr. Bastard's Tarot Cards Work InAudioDefenceFor iOS?

2014-11-27 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Sarah,

While I certainly see the point you are making there is one I'd like
to make which I think is being overlooked. That is a person clearly
has a choice to or not to reshuffle the cards. If you or anyone
personally feels it is cheating to reshuffle the cards it is your
option not to do it. If someone else doesn't think it is cheating they
can reshuffle the cards as many times as necessary to have an
accessible and enjoyable game. In short, its all about choices, and I
think it is wrong to em pose your choices on someone else in a
situation like this. Does it really matter to you if someone else can
or can't cheat at a game when you aren't in direct competition with


On 11/26/14, Sarah Haake wrote:

 of course, the game is built with accessibility in mind. But it is built
 with accessibility for the blind in mind. People with hearing
 impairments were not considered here, and it was never said that the
 game was accessible for hearing impaired people. That may have been a
 right or wrong choice by the developer, I really don't want to commend
 that. But the thing is, that you can't build certain games without
 leaving someone out. Games which depend on graphics can't be played by
 blind players. And as hard as it may sound, games which depend on
 hearing can't be played by people with hearing impairments in most
 cases. That's because in all honesty, games with easy to hear things
 would often be too easy for blind players. These thunderstorms and
 alarms are in the game to be a challenge after all, not just for the
 sake of some rules.
 And if you build a way in to reshuffle tarot cards for free, the game
 wouldn't be a challenge anymore for everyone who can hear normally. The
 thought behind the system is, that you either can face the challenge you
 get or change it for a price. To be honest, I really don't know how to
 help people like Theresa out here without making the game too easy for
 everyone else. After all, this game is not really about mastering some
 complicated mechanics, it's just about locating zombies and shoot them.
 There has to be some kind of challenge in there somewhere.

 Best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] why can't I create an account on rise of chaos?

2014-11-27 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I'm in full agreement with you. I have no problems with
on Windows or Linux with any of the major screen readers so I can
conclude that David's problem is due to what he is using rather than etc being at fault.


On 11/26/14, dark wrote:
 Well David, as I said I am %100 certain that the forum is as

 accessible as web pages get and in full working order, so I'm afraid your
 braille display is obviously not doing the job, and if you want to play
 games like rise of chaos you probably will need a pc or at least something
 with a more standard web browser.

 All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-27 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Yikes! The cost of soda does seem extremely high over in the UK. I
can't even begin to think of a place where anyone would have to pay
those sorts of prices for a 2-liter. Even if I could name a few I know
nobody in the US would pay those kinds of prices unless the price of
soda went up everywhere.

With that in mind its not hard to figure out why there is a price
difference. The main one being is the two major soda companies, Coca
Cola and Pepsi, are both American owned and operated companies. They
are produced and bottled here in the US. Therefore the UK would be a
foreign market and there are doubtless extra costs in involved in
exporting it to the UK that wouldn't be involved in shipping it to
American supermarkets and other distributors.


On 11/27/14, dark wrote:
 Wow, things are cheap in the states.

 Over here, if you went to a supermarkit a two leater bottle of pepsy, Doctor

 Pepper or or some other named brand would likely cost you between £1.50 and

 £2, while the cheaper brands such as the Supermarkit's own version of coke
 would be about a pound for two leaters, perhaps a little less, or roughly
 1.5 usd.

 Dominoes two leter bottles would be bout £3, (that is about 5 usd), so when

 I was ordering from dominoes I didn't bother. however, a Pappa Jons has just

 opened where I live who not only do much nicer (and far less processed),
 pizza than dominoes but also sell their two leter bottles of drink for about

 £2, which is okay with me, particularly sinse as I don't have a car, hauling

 large bottles of soft drinks around isn't fun,  I do do postal orders
 every few weeks but there is a limit to how many bottles of diet coke I can

 store in my kitchin.

 So yes, as long as the price is £2 or less for 2 leters i do usually order
 fizzy drinks with Pizza :D.

 All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Yeah, it would stand to reason more people would buy soda from pizza
parlors if they charged a better price for it. As I said before I can
usually buy a 2-liter of soda for as low as $0.89 for an off brand
soda and about a $1.25 for a name brand soda from a supermarket so I'm
not about to pay $2.50 or so for a 2-liter from a pizza place. Now, if
they were more reasonable, say $1.50, I might be willing to pay an
extra $0.25 or so for a 2-liter but not a full $1.25. At those kinds
of prices I can have two bottles for the price of one, and if I am
pretty regular about ordering pizza on a certain night like Friday or
Saturday all I need to do is plan ahead and buy the soda from the
store when I know I'm having pizza with family or friends that coming


On 11/26/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 The fact that we all are saying that the pizza places charge too much for
 their soda, and that we don't buy it from them, makes me think that they
 could make more money if they charged a reasonable price for it.

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 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Nicol,

I'm glad you managed to temporarily alleviate the situation with your
system restarting. Although, I have a feeling unchecking that checkbox
is merely getting rid of the symptoms rather than the problem.
However, we still have know idea as to why your system was crashing in
the first place.

In any case adding a beverage to an order is a good idea. Although,
here in American when one orders a beverage along with a pizza order
we get it in a 2 leader bottle not a small can. I can see having to
deliver 2 leader bottles of Coke, Sprite, 7 Up, etc along with the
pizza itself.


On 11/24/14, Nicol wrote:
 HI all
 I told another list,  the blind tech list about my problem with my computer
 restarting in the middle of  the  pizza game and I want to share with you
 the help I got from a list member there. I was told to open the system
 dialogue box with windows key plus the pause key.
 Then I go to the advanced tab and then I press the  startup and recovery
 settings button.
 Then in this dialogue I uncheck the checkbox that says: restart
   Then I press ok in both dialogues.
 Then I again played jim's pizza game and thus far I was able to deliver 4
 pizzas without my computer restarting.
 It was in the evening so I delivered 4 pizzas and then I switched off my
 computer because I went to bed.
 So I hope that unchecking that box fixed my problem permanently.
 Jim, I have a suggestion for you if you plan to update your pizza game.
 some customers might order a cooldrink together with their pizza so it
 be cool if some deliveries can include a cooldrink with the pizza such as a
 can of coke.
 Some people might be thursty after munching a pizza so they feel like a can
 of cooldrink.
 I don't know about the US, but here in south africa, pizza places that
 deliver, such as debonairs, with them, one can order a cooldrink together
 with the pizza  and then both  the cooldrink and the pizza is delivered to
 the customer.
 Thanks for this nice game.

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Haha. Right you are. I usually spell check my posts, but obviously the
spell checker didn't catch the error, because to the spell checker
both leader and liter are correct. However, I love your imagery of the
labs guiding a bottle of soda.


On 11/24/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Here's a case where a spell checker won't help.  2 leader bottles of pop?
 Darn these screen reader speech synthesizer combinations, anyway.  Let's
 see.  At times, an imagination can come up with weird images.  A bottle of
 soda being guided by 2 Labrador Retrievers wearing service animal harnesses.

 Then again, there are 2 liter bottles of soda, which must be rolled or
 carried, or used as bowling pins in a contest of turkey bowling.

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] jim's pizza game

2014-11-24 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Agreed. I rarely if ever order a drink along with my pizza order
because the soda is over priced. Not when I can pick up an off brand
soda at Save Alot for like $0.89 for a 2-liter. As far as I'm
concerned Dr Pop, Bubba Cola, and Tub's Root Beer,
etc are just as good as their name brand counterparts for much less.


On 11/24/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 To me, $2.50 is too high a price to pay for what I can get elsewhere for not

 much more than half that price, so I never order 2 liter bottles of soda
 from a pizza place.

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Austin,

Unfortunately, I've never tried Audio Ping Pong myself so don't have
any advice for you,.  In fact, when it comes to the games for Android
I know about them, but haven't personally tried them since I only
experimented with a family members Android device to get a feel for


On 11/17/14, Austin Pinto wrote:
 i tried playing stem stumper, and liked it i also tried playing audio
 pingpong but as i load the game a web view full of adds comes up any

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Re: [Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

While I'm thinking of it wasn't there a version of Audio A?archery for
Android too? I'm basically going by memory here but I believe Audio
Archery runs on Android as well as iOS.


On 11/17/14, dark wrote:
 In addition there is stem stumper, all of the choiceofgames and hosted games

 titles, the various arcade games from Vipggameszone, and also dragonaps
 droidflip. If you want something more complex star traders elite.

 The developers of star traders are also adding access to their other android

 only rpg title cyber knights, though I don't know how accessible the game is

 at present, or much of what it is like me being an ios user and not having
 an android device, but they're certainly there.

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!

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Re: [Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Austin,

None that I am personally aware of. As a gaming platform Android isn't
very popular for the VI community since so many of them have gone to
the iPhone. As a consequence I don't know of any podcasts showing off
games etc.


On 11/17/14, Austin Pinto wrote:
 hi i installed all the games and will try out 1 by 1 when i get free
 time but i didnt get NinjSmash and mem for android also are there any
 podcasts on this games even podcasts for the iphone version will be
 good it will give me a basic idia on what the game is about

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Re: [Audyssey] advantage of unholy light scroll.

2014-11-17 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

Yes, in the full version there are other adventurers you can rescue
further down in the dungeon. I don't remember which levels, but there
are more than one in the full game. Plus you can expand your party
size by resurrecting dead foes to serve as your ally. Skeletons do
often times make the best troops to throw against difficult enemies
because it takes so long to kill an undead combatant.


On 11/11/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi I defeated a drake but only once.
 I use an unholy light scroll on the drake.
 His paw wings mangle and I use ice blast from reincarnate imp
 neckromancer thief.
 Yes he is difficult and I unlock a new job.
 is there any other character wich I have to rescue if I buy the full

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Re: [Audyssey] a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Marco Polo is a children's game similar to tag. Basically, in Marco
Polo the child playing Marco is blind folded and he or she yells
Marco and all the other kids respond with Polo. The idea being that
Marco is to try and tag the other kids by sound alone rather than
using sight. When Marco tags someone he/she getst to be Marco for a
while trying to tag someone else.


On 11/16/14, dark wrote:
 Hi jacob.

 Lets not get back into the spelling discussion otherwise we'll have certain

 list members riding their high horses.

 Regarding libraries and atmosphere,  I do take the point on browsing and on

 the environment though this is probably one area where we'll see a fall back

 in net use, or perhaps see libraries which remain electronic but still exist

 for the reading promotion or community aspects in the future, indeed a
 friend of mine who works as a librarian at the moment says a large part of
 her job is social, which likely will remain even if the sources for
 information are electronic. this is one area where  think obsessions with
 everything online might fall off in the next while as people realize the
 need for the space even if the information differs.

 Regarding the meaning and derivation of words at least, I see text speak as

 far more problematic in this area more than simply having the information,
 which is one reason i prefer e-mail to text myself. My concern actually with

 a lot of text speak isn't so much whether people use words without thinking

 of them as whether people know as many words to use if all conversations are

 of the level ur mi bff coswe duz gud stuff

 Regarding satnavs and electronic sports, satnavs are a major improvement in

 access technology generally and I can well imagine people hiking with them.

 What I am wondering in game terms though is if electronic devices will make

 their way into more games than currently exist, particularly ones requiring

 exercise and as you said, analogue movement.

 Btw, what is marco polo? that's one term I don't know, it always is a bit
 confusing why people splashing in pools or whatever on the Simpsons and
 other american programs start shouting Marco Polo. (I know your not American

 but obviously you know the term in this case). To me Marco Polo was an
 explorer who traveled across China (possibly accompanied by Doctor who):D.

 All the best,

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Paul,

That's true. From what I understand of Xamarin while it does provide a
nice place to start with for cross-platform programming it doesn't
support everything out of the box. There are still cases where one
will find himself or herself in a position of doing a bit of specific
platform coding to support something outside of the Xamarin API. One
thing you need to understand about cross-platform programming is there
is no such thing as a one size fits all solution.


On 11/16/14, Paul Lemm wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 Thanks for all the replies, definitely sounds like cross platform is a
 serious headache , which is a shame as it would be good to see more titles
 cross platform.  Spoke to my friend again today (and without the beer
 addling  my brain quite as much  this time lol) and he said what all of you
 have said in that although Xamarin  can do a lot cross platforming  there
 can still be a need for some specific platform coding.

 Again thanks for all the replies

 Paul Lemm

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Paul,

Traditionally speaking, cross-platform development is fairly difficult
with standard languages such as C++. However, Xamarin is a relatively
new technology which aims to make cross-platform development between
Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS as easy as possible. As I understand it
Xamarin was written in C# .NET, and uses Mono for non-Windows
platforms and devices which is a workable solution to cross-platform
development, but my concern with using Mono is that Microsoft has
systematically been trying to go after the Mono Project for copyright
infringement etc which makes using Mono a bit of a sticky situation
for developers. Still, from what I know of Xamarin it does seem like a
fairly workable solution to cross-platform development.

As for using it for audio games I wouldn't know since Xamarin is
primarily designed for standard app development. That said, I do know
of .NET libraries out there for say SDL, OpenAL, etc so writing audio
games with Xamarin should be possible. I just haven't tried it, but
when I have a minute to look at it maybe I'll look into it further.


On 11/16/14, Paul Lemm wrote:

 Chatting to one of my friends  who programs for a living, I mentioned that
 had started to learn BGT and was very slowly building a game. We got
 chatting about coding and he asked which platform  the game would be for.
 Somehow we got chatting about cross platform and he explained he had just
 started looking into a platform called Xamarin, which allows  you to write
 apps in C# for IOS, android , windows and MAC and use the same C# code  for
 each platform.  I know that talk of cross platform programming has come up
 here before  and I'm pretty sure I've remember people saying its quite
 difficult to do, so I thought I'd just share this, it might be old hat to
 programmers  on this list or just not be something for audio game
 development   since the friend I was chatting with is a sighted programmer.
 Also to be fair since I'm only starting out in coding (topped with the fact
 we were also out drinking at the time and I'd had quite a few beers by this
 point) quite a lot of what we talked about went over my head but I think
 thing he said that was so good was that even though its written in C# it is
 totally native to which  ever platform you produce  the app for.

 Paul Lemm

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Re: [Audyssey] Marco Polo - Re: a well-known saying revamped by me

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

While Marco Polo is traditionally played in a swimming pool it is not
always played in a pool. I remember playing it in gym class at school,
and can remember cases of playing it at summer camp outside on the
grass. So even though many may think of it as a game for swimming
pools it isn't the only way to play the game.


On 11/16/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 That was a game we played only in a swimming pool.

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Re: [Audyssey] cross platform programming

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Willem,

Well, I'll freely admit my information is years out of date. Primarily
from 2008 or so. When I was looking into using Mono in 2008 I was
warned away from it by many developers due in large part to some
litigation that was going on during that time over Mono infringing
upon Microsoft's .NET code base. Since then I switched to C++ rather
than C# for the majority of software development so hadn't kept up to
date with developments in Mono legal or otherwise since then. So my
information is definitely out of date. That's also why I said it was a
concern of mine rather than outright declaring there were any
copyright issues right now. However, I deeply appreciate the
information, because that might convince me to go back to C# .NET.


On 11/16/14, Willem Venter wrote:
 Thomas, for reference Microsoft is making most of the .Net code open
 source, so I doubt they will be taking on anyone using it to develop
 cross platform programs.

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Re: [Audyssey] any accessable games for android 4.4.4?

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Austin,

As a matter of fact there are a good dozen accessible games for
Android. Not as many as for the iPhone, but there are quite a few
games out there. I don't have a complete list memorized but here is a
few to help you get started.

Off the top of my head there is a version of Stem Stumper for Android,
Colossal Cave Adventure, Audio Ping Pong, TapBeats, Mem, NinjSmash,
Racing Live(tm),  and if you want something with an adult theme there is
Smack That Ass which is a bit like Jim Kitchen's Spanker for Android.


On 11/16/14, Austin Pinto wrote:
 hi all.
 we have lots of windows games but not much for our phones.
 so does any1 play any free or paid games on android? which is
 accessable i know godville but its kind of boring now

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Re: [Audyssey] clearing the air: re: my saying

2014-11-15 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Nicol,

In my opinion no apologies are necessary. I certainly wasn't offended
by your use of the saying, and nor did I take it to mean that Apple
devices were the only ones to keep someone entertained. In short,
someone is making a big deal out of nothing. So no need to clear the
air, but if it makes you feel better I consider the air cleared.


On 11/15/14, Nicol wrote:
 HI dark and all
 I am sorry if I stepped on people's toes.
 I did not mean to say that apple devices is the only ones that will keep
 people entertained.
 I just wanted to make a new saying from the well-known saying about apples.
 I just thought it would be cool if I revamp the saying.
 I hope the air is clear.\

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Re: [Audyssey] Any good browser games?

2014-11-12 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Leo,

If you haven't already heard of it I suggest trying Sryth,, as it is a fairly decent RPG/gamebook style
brouser game.


On 11/12/14, Leo  Cantos wrote:
 Does anyone know of any good web browser games that are not like LOTG?
 wondering because if they are good, and if I don't already have an account
 for some of them,  I was considering checking some out,  just can't find
 good ones to pass the time while my AG ship is engaging. Thanks, Leo

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Re: [Audyssey] txtfl command line

2014-11-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

What is the website? I haven't heard of this game before so knowing
what site to download said game from we might be able to lend you some

On 11/10/14, Josh k wrote:

 On the txtfl site it says to download  if you are
 using a screen reader. But I cannot find the file on the website. Can
 anyone help? The game doesn't quite work right in windows7.

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Re: [Audyssey] morning star.

2014-11-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Keith,

He was asking about the game Entombed.


On 11/9/14, Keith S wrote:
 what game is this?


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Re: [Audyssey] morning star.

2014-11-05 Thread Thomas Ward

A morning star is basically like a big iron club. Some have  a ball of
spikes on top. You would use a weapon like that to beat someone to
death as it is a bashing weapon.


On 11/5/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi I have a fighter who is an elf and I equipped her with a morning
 star and she is fighting a goblin king and her hand is breaking.
 hould I equipped her with another item or something.
 what a star basically does?
 oe more question if I use a locate secret scroll and the ocatin is
 very far from the current location then is there any key which can
 repeat me the steps for the location?

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-11-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Well, they weren't really fully accessible until Windows 7, but even
so saying the Microsoft games were never for us totally ignores the
good access work Microsoft did to make those games accessible in
Windows 7. Not sure where you get your attitude, but I find your
comments a bit rude and slightly inflammatory in light of the
improvements in accessibility regarding those games. Do you always put
people down even when they make improvements in a product in your


On 10/30/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well I never had much success with any windows game bar pinball some
 what but lets face it the inbuilt ms games were never for us anyway.

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Re: [Audyssey] any game of thomas ward

2014-11-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Ishan,

As for Mysteries of the Ancients I'll try to find time this afternoon
to upload the last beta for download. I've actually got the files on
my laptop hard drive, but have been too distracted by other things to
get the files transferred to the site. So I'll try and set aside some
time for that this afternoon.

As far as STFC goes what exactly is the problem. Note, you need .NET
3.0 or later and the Managed DirectX components to run it. I'll also
point out the .NET executable for version 1.2 is not 64-bit compatible
so if you are running it on a 64-bit machine it won't work.


On 11/5/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi I want to play game of TWard it can be mota or mountezuma or another.
 I downloaded STFC but it is not responding.
 mta is in the bet stage s I am sure that tward ir have no problem if
 another list member send it to me.

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Re: [Audyssey] any game of thomas ward

2014-11-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi John,

Interesting, but unfortunately that error message doesn't begin to
address what the problem could be. It just looks like a generic common
runtime error which could mean anything. My guess is a missing
dependency since back when I  wrote STFC it was on a machine running
Windows XP, and it ran fine aside for a couple of crashes do to some
misnamed sound files.

Fortunately, I am rewriting the game in my spare time and the new
version, whenever it gets released, should be a whole lot more stable
than the older version. I just need to find time to really spend on
getting the new version out to the public.


On 11/5/14, john wrote:
 Um... I was just about to ask if he was running xp.
 I've had stfc run perfectly fine (save for a couple crash bugs) on a pair of

 windows7 x64 machines, but couldn't even get it to start at all on xp x86.
 I do have .net on all those, so I don't think it would be the dependencies,

 unless its manage direct x, which I'm not sure about.

 If anyone's interested, here's the error from xp:
 stfc.exe - Common Language Runtime Debugging Services
 Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
 Process ID=0x764 (1892), Thread ID=0x898 (2200).
 Click ok to terminate the application.
 Click cancel to debug the application.

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-11-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Well, and that is precisely the problem. You come on this list acting
as though you are experienced, have a lot of knowledge, that you know
things you actually don't, and then someone has to correct you when
you are wrong. You frequently assume things you don't know for
certain, state your opinion, and then someone else ends up having to
correct the errors in your comments. A lot of it comes down to the
fact it hadn't occurred to you to verify your facts like the
accessibility of the Windows 7 games. You just form an opinion based
on older versions of the program and just assume it holds true for
later versions of it as well. So please let this be a reminder to
verify facts before just assuming your information is factual.


On 11/5/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 To be honest tom I have ignored the games for so long its never
 ocured to me to even bother.

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Sure. I like the Spoonbill games as well. Although, my basic point was
they are not exactly a one to one replacement for the Microsoft games.
However, for someone not running Windows 7 they are a decent enough
alternative and are free.

While I do know the BA Card Room exists the problem there is that it
is a paid service where the Microsoft games are free to play. I don't
know of many blind players that play them online, but it is an option
for those who are into that sort of thing.

At any rate I'm sure you are right. Sooner or later Drafts and Spades
will be add to Ian's Spoonbill games, because he has pretty much
written everything else in the card and puzzle genre. It is easy to
assume he'll get around to developing accessible versions of those two
as well.


On 10/30/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 that's true about online games, though it's worth noting there is online
 accessible hearts and spaades in blind adrenaline cardroom, Online draughts

 (checkers), in the Quentin C playroom, and and online backgammon in pontes
 backgammon, still I take your point.

 I suspect draughts and spades will be added to the spoonbill lineup at some

 point in the future. Also I confess I like the spoonbill games especially
 their crossword puzzle. they may not have online play but I find them very
 well designed, although I do wish their computer opponents were a little
 more challenging at hearts :D.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dacia,

Not sure about Jaws since I haven't used Jaws myself in years. I do
know the games work with Window-Eyes and am only guessing they work
with Jaws as well.


On 10/31/14, Dacia Cole wrote:
 Are the Windows games that are accessible accessible with the JAWS
 screen reader or do you have to use another screen reader if so, what?



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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Yes, thanks for pointing that out. The question was the accessibility
of the Microsoft games for Windows 8 and 8.1 not if there were
alternatives out there. :D


On 10/30/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 However, those are not the games made by Microsoft that come packaged with
 Windows, which are the ones being asked about.  They are alternatives.

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dacia,

All of the card games like Hearts, Solitaire, Spider Solitaire,
Spades, and FreeCell are all accessible. Checkers and Backgammon are
also accessible. I haven't tried Chess and Mahjong but they are worth
checking out since all of the other Microsoft games were reasonably
accessible with a screen reader on Windows 7.


On 10/31/14, Dacia Cole wrote:
 Besides Hearts and Mine Sweeper which I'm trying to figure out how to
 play, which other ones are accessible?



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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

That's because the version of the games that come with XP are not and
never were accessible. In order to get the accessible Microsoft games
you need Windows Vista or Windows 7.


On 10/31/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 Using Windows XP Pro with JAWS 15, the Windows games are not accessible.

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 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi John,

For the most part that is true. Although, I do recall a number of
years ago someone releasing set files for Window-Eyes that were
compatible with FreeCell, Solitaire, and a couple of the other games
for XP. So it is possible to access the XP version of those games, but
I don't know of any other screen reader besides Window-eyes that ever
supported them because they were purely graphical. So for the most
part the XP version of those games aren't accessible. With the Windows
7 version of the games though everything has buttons and other
standard UI elements accessible to any and all screen readers.


On 10/31/14, john wrote:
 Xp and earlier games are not accessible, because the games are built around

 purely images. Windows 7 is all buttons.

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-31 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Glad you find something redeeming about Windows 7. Especially, since
you tend to have a very big chip on your shoulder where modern Windows
is concerned. However, let's not go there again. We have had this
argument more times than I can count and I personally choose not to go
there any more. :D


On 10/31/14, dark wrote:
 Hay, I don't believe it, an actual improvement in post xp windows that makes

 sense! Still not worth the crudditude of using the thing or having to run
 virtual xp, but I'll grant it is a real bennifit for once that makes sense
 to me.

 Beware the grue!

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!

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Re: [Audyssey] Pizza Delivery

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

It is all a matter of perspective. While I am not personally a big fan
of cheat codes myself, I think you are looking at this from a very
biased position. Cheat codes do not detract from the game for
everyone, and some find cheat codes extremely fun for various reasons.

For one thing some people for a number of reasons aren't looking for a
serious challenge. Some just like going around the game blowing things
up, killing everything in the game indiscriminately, and basically
enjoying near godlike abilities. Cheat codes is a form of god moding
allowing the player to do whatever whenever he or she likes. It isn't
challenging, but that isn't what the gamer is after.

The difference with gamers like us is that we play the game for a
challenge. Like being challenged by the difficulty of the quest,
puzzle solving, or combat, but those who use cheat codes are less
interested in any challenges and more interested in having a killfest.
They like being to indiscriminately kill everything and anything, blow
everything up they can, and not take damage while doing it. It is a
completely different mindset.

In a game like Pizza Delivery obviously insane violence isn't the
motive here. It is more the desire to be able to get the fastest
deliveries without having to work up to it, and basically get all the
upgrades from the start. For some cheating in of itself is where all
the fun is like speeding 65 MPH in a 35 MPH speed zone just because
they can.


On 10/29/14, Charles Rivard wrote:
 So do I.  Cheat codes are for either beta testing, which is OK, or for
 cheating, which, in my opinion, means that you have to give up to beat the
 game.  If you have to cheat, you lost.  And it also takes away the challenge

 of the game, so you threw your money away if you bought the game.  Even when

 playing a free game, cheating detracts from game play.

 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,

 you! really! are! finished!

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

Which Star Wars map pack are you referring to? There is a Clone wars
and a New Hope map pack. I'll grab both but I was wondering which you
were specifically referring to.


On 10/29/14, Josh k wrote:
 don't base your opinion on sample map packs they are just it samples.
 the good ones are star wars and star trek and age of warlords and others.

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

I suppose the turn based movement is easier for people, but that in my
opinion is what makes it less appealing to me. I'd have preferred the
challenge of trying to drive around town like Mach 1 rather than
having the game stop at every corner and requesting direction and
speed after every stop. That gets to be a bit annoying after a while.

What might make the game better is asking how many blocks you want to
travel so you instruct the delivery guy to go straight ahead, for five
blocks, at 35 MPH, and then that would save the player five stops. As
you'd be directing him to go further each turn.


On 10/30/14, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 Yeah, I had to decide if I was going to write the Pizza Delivery game turn
 based decision making based more like Trucker or live action driving like
 Mach 1.  I guess that I figured that turn based was an easier interface for
 more people.



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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

That's where we disagree. While audio is somewhat limited in what it
can do I think there is quite a lot more that could be done in audio
than is currently being done for various reasons. Most of them I
suspect simply come down to the lack of skills by the developers
currently developing games, or a lack of time to put into making a
more complex audio environment.

For example, a lot more can be done with DSP effects to make a much
more dramatic environment. If one is approaching a wall one can
increase the amount of echo on the footsteps to make it obvious that
there is a wall there without running into it first. Another thing is
using low high pass filters to muffle sounds in other rooms or behind
walls, doors, etc. There are plenty of things like that which could
add to and enhance the audio environment, but I haven't seen much work
in that area.

Another thing is simply adding more dimensions of movement to the game
play. I think all would agree a 2d side-scroller like Mysteries of the
Ancients offers more advantages than a more 1d side-scroller like
Super Liam because there are ropes to climb up/down, staircases to
navigate, things to jump over, and there is a lot more that can be
done with a full 2d environment than say a 1d environment. Likewise a
3d environment has more opportunities than 1d or 2d.

My point being while audio will always be somewhat limited I think
there are areas that developers can work on to improve it and develop
more games on par with what mainstream gamers play.


On 10/30/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well not much can change with audio unlike graphics there is a limit
 on how many sounds you can really have.
 Even with realistic 3d audio there is its own issues and limits.
 Even with better multiplayer support and the like, we are limited
 more than those with graphics.

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

On the contrary I think side-scrollers are an area where audio games
have had a lot of improvement over the last ten to fifteen years.

If we consider Super Liam as the first accessible side-scroller while
a decent game for its time it lacked several things later
side-scrollers had. It was basically a 1d game where you walked left
and right, shooting enemies out of your way, and occasional jumped
over something when necessary. However, for the most part wasn't all
that advanced.

In 2004/2005 James North released the first real 2d side-scroller,
Montezuma's Revenge, where the player could climb up and down ropes,
use ladders, jump over traps and enemies, and it offered an experience
not available by games like Tarzan Junior and Super Liam that were
fairly early side-scrollers.

A few years ago Blast Bay released Q9 which was intended to be a
simple game. It is for the most part 1d like Super Liam, but it has
unlockable content which was a feature we hadn't seen before in a lot
of earlier accessible side-scrollers.

Perhaps the side-scroller that impressed me most was Blast Bay's demo
of Perilous Hearts. Not only did it have 2d elements such as climbing
vines and jumping from treetop to treetop, but the enemy A.I. in the
game was totally different from anything ever done before in audio.
You'd have monkeys beating the stuff out of each other, bores
attacking other enemies, and all and all it made a totally different
type of game play with no clear idea of who or what was an enemy since
they were usually fighting each other as much as going after the
player character.

So saying there hasn't been any change in side-scrollers isn't really
true when you stop and consider the changes in that particular style
and genre the last decade or so.

On 10/30/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi everyone!
 I never ticon blue's game so I agree with ward sir's comment.
 as far as concern of entombed I like the concept of this game and also
 some sounds.
 I haven't know any three d single player FPS games.
 as far as concern of multiplayer FPS games.
 they are not accessible for 24 hours.
 the side scroller are not improved in my opinion.

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Ishan,

Honestly I haven't tried. I know the card games that come with Windows
7 are accessible so it is possible the games for Windows 8 and 8.1 are
accessible as well. Anyone else actually try this?


On 10/30/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi all I want to know the accessibility of windows games produced by
 are they accessible in win 8 with a screenreader?

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Re: [Audyssey] Comparison between old and latest audio games

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Lisa,

Darn straight. Lone Wolf was my absolute favorite game for several
years. Especially, because of the mission packs and extended missions.
It is one of those games that really has endless replay value because
any time someone gets bored with it they can create a new mission for


On 10/29/14, Lisa Hayes wrote:
 And loan woolf with the user written missions is good as well.
 Lisa Hayes

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Re: [Audyssey] Comparison between old and latest audio games

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Steven,

As I attempted to explain to Dark in a prior message I didn't really
express my opinion clear enough in the message you are referring to. I
was a bit tired and not thinking clear when writing it so didn't make
my points as clear as I had intended.

Ishan specifically had mentioned Shades of Doom, mentioning how much
it had changed over the years, so my aim or goal with that message was
to explain to Ishan Shades of Doom itself had not evolved that much in
comparison to other games like Entombed. I hadn't intended to say or
imply all audio games had not involved. On the contrary I know several
games have such as SoundRTS which is one of my favorite audio games.
Time of Conflict is another game I absolutely love, and is much better
than what was available ten to fifteen years ago.


On 10/29/14, Steven Cantos wrote:
 I would disagree.  The blind swordsman has really got a more modern feel to
 it, even though it is a bit like the hear it, hit it style combat that
 would find in most audiogames. And what about SoundRTS with it's new world
 war 2 mod and all of the cool weapons? You have to admit that Soundrts is
 exception to what you were saying. You really have to have some strategy in
 playing this game. Also, what about Alter Aeon? I mean, it's really close
 a mainstream game in that you must explore, however, the only reason it is
 not like a full mainstream game is because the darn game is accessible. I'm
 not trying to discredit your points, but I personally agree with Ishan
 how the audiogames have really progressed in quality.


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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Actually, I can think of a number of games that comes with modern
Windows that Spoonbill do not have versions for such as Backgammon,
Checkers, Mahjong, and not sure if they have a version of Spades yet
either. Plus a lot of the Microsoft games for Windows aren't
exclusively stand alone games any more. Backgammon, Hearts, Spades,
etc can be played online against a human opponent which also makes a
difference when recommending the Spoonbill games as an alternative
since their games are stand alone games with no online play.


On 10/30/14, dark wrote:
 On the plus side, I believe spoonbill at have accessible versions

 of most, if not all the card and basic puzzle games that have come with
 versions of Windows, such as frecell Solitare, penguin solitare, Hearts and

 Mine sweeper.

 I don't believe Ian has done spades yet, though he well might in the

 Beware the grue!

 Take them to the refirbished chamber that was once bad!

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Re: [Audyssey] windows games of microsoft

2014-10-30 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

Are you certain of this? I'm a bit surprised why Microsoft's games
would be accessible in Windows 7 and then be totally inaccessible in
Windows 8. If so it sounds like someone should backup the Windows 7
games before upgrading to Windows 8 in order to maximize


On 10/30/14, Josh k wrote:
 no they are not accessible at all.

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Ishan,

Honestly, I don't think there has been any dramatic progress in audio
games for the last ten to fifteen years. From a purely technical
perspective they seem to be more or less the same.

For example, you mentioned Shades of Doom. It was written in Visual
Basic 6, used DirectX 8, and though both technologies are deprecated
Shades of Doom 2.0 is still using the same basic technologies it was
using in 2001. That's fine where backwards compatibility is concerned
but I do have my concerns for the product long term now that both
Visual Basic and DirectX 8 are on there way out of use by mainstream
developers, and backwards compatibility is completely dependant on how
long Microsoft will maintain support in future versions of the OS.

Technological discussions aside I can also fault Shades of Doom of not
really progressing much beyond the initial concept. By that I mean it
still operates in a 2d game world with the ability to go north, south,
east, or west but there is no 3d component of being able to move up or
down such as climb ladders or staircases. This in my opinion is a bit
of a drawback since many FPS games in the mainstream allow full 3d
movement in the game world and Shades of Doom, as good as it is, still
hasn't even began to explore more 3d aspects like that.

Similarly there is no new content in version 2.0. No new monsters, no
new levels, and I haven't even purchased 2.0 because I felt there was
nothing new to really justify a purchase at this time.

That said, I do think Jeremy Kaldobsky has pushed the FPS technology a
lot further in Swamp by offering network game play and built-in mouse
control etc. Swamp is far closer to a modern mainstream title than is
Shades of Doom, and naturally I had hoped to see games like Shades of
Doom try and incorporate features found in Swamp. However, it hasn't
so it feels like most of the classic audio games are stagnant and are
falling behind when there are clearly a few examples of audio games
that are trying to push the technical envelope some.

If I had to name an audio game developed in the last ten years that
has really pushed audio gaming forward is Entombed. From a purely
technical aspect Jason wrote it in C#, is using XNA for input/audio,
and hopefully should be fairly future proof in terms of long term
support goes. However, technical aspects aside it is a great game. It
is really the first roguelike style game that is 100% accessible, and
features a combat system that is much more than the hear it hit it
style combat so many audio games have. All of the bosses require some
strategy and planning to defeat, and even then chances of winning are
tough odds. It is too bad that Entombed is one of the few games with
that much depth.

In any case the bottom line is the majority of audio games have not
progressed. They are more or less the same sorts of selections we had
ten years ago with a few exceptions like Entombed. It would be nice if
we could move forward, have a greater variety of audio games, but I'm
not sure that is going to happen.


On 10/27/14, ishan dhami wrote:
 Hi friends!
 Today technology is flying and audio games are touching their new hights.
 So Have you compaired an old audio game with the latest?
 for example shades of doom was firstly released in 2001 and now the
 latest version is available so what do you think about these three
 There are various examples that we can compare.

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Re: [Audyssey] Throwaway Tech was Previous Topic ofInteractiveFiction

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Well, I have no personal experience with React OS so can't really
comment on it. All I can say is a lot of emulated software isn't
accessible by design, and as such I wouldn't be surprised to hear it
isn't accessible. Basically, my opinion is if it isn't accessible to
me I have no use for it.


On 10/28/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 just quickly on this, because I know its  closing what do you think
 of react os it seems to have a lot going for it with its windows
 emulator but last time I checked reviews said accessability was
 practically null.
 Sadly while I have the system I could use to test this kind  of junk,
 the time I'd need right now is not fitting in and when I have time I
 generally want to just blob but its one thing I want to get at eventually.

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

No, I hadn't forgotten about Tactical Battle. I simply didn't mention
it since I didn't have the time or energy to discuss the pros and cons
of every audio game out there. Plus I honestly don't see anything
special about Tactical Battle. The game is okay, but in my opinion it
is sort of so/so.


On 10/29/14, Josh k wrote:
 you are forgetting tacticle battle audio game.

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I confess I haven't played much with Tactical Battle either. I
basically played some of the sample maps, found it sort of blah, and
gave it a pass. I have heard there are some good maps available for
the game, but I've been too busy with personal issues to give any of
those a go. So my opinions should be as reflecting the sample maps etc
rather than the game as a whole as I haven't had a great deal of
experience with it personally to give it the benefit of a qualified


On 10/29/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 tactical battle is more the possibility of the engine than the initial game


 I confess I've not played the game hugely, ut I do get the impression some
 people have done some pretty astounding things with it.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I know Shades of Doom is not cutting edge. However, keep in mind Ishan
brought it up and was I believe trying to show how far audio games
like Shades of Doom have advanced and my point was to show him as far
as games like Shades of Doom are concerned nothing has changed very
much compared to other games like Entombed or Swamp. I think my
meaning got a little lost in the discussion there and you have
inferred a different meaning than was intended.

As far as over all advancement in audio games I agree with your points
as they are valid. Time of Conflict 2.0 is in deed a very
revolutionary game, and takes audio gaming to new levels in terms of
the strategy genre. It is most definitely a far cry more advanced than
anything that was available ten to fifteen years ago.

As far as something like Park Boss goes its definitely something new
for the audio games community, but to me it is more unique than
revolutionary. I don't want to say anything bad about it, but while I
thought the game was okay but after playing it a while it was a bit
too simplistic for my liking. There were many aspects where I thought
the game could stand a few improvements. However, it is after all only
a first release so I don't want to be too overly critical of it.

As for Pizza Delivery its a decent game in concept, but its not one of
my favorites. It reminds me more of a board game than any thing else
with telling your driver to go forward, left, right, and the speed
which is a lot like moving a game piece on a board than driving a
scooter around town delivering pizzas. I'd personally prefer to hold
down an arrow key and sort of drive around town than the select
direction and speed from a menu. I guess what I'm saying while I think
the game is okay it feels too much like the board games we have always
had with a different story, sounds, and so on.

As far as Ticonblu goes I haven't tried any of their games yet. I
haven't had much cash lately to experiment with so haven't had money
to try any of their titles. So obviously that is why I wouldn't
necessarily put them in my comparison of new and old games.

Same goes with the iOS market. I don't own an iPhone so haven't tried
any of the games available for it. So can't comment as to how good or
unique the games are since I have no experience with them.


On 10/29/14, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 Technical discussions aside, I confess I disagree on the lack of audio game

 progress in design terms. While you might be correct on shades of doom,
 Shades of doom is hardly the cutting edge of audio games these days.

 Swamp features as you said major changes in fps technology, and some of
 these are seen in other titles like road to rage. While Adventure at C:
 didn't do anything new in mechanics terms, level creation and rpg style
 stats are certainly a step forward for side scrollers. Paladin of the skies

 is the first attempt at a full scale console rpg. While I still feel it's a

 work in progress, the progress definitely is being made.

 In resource management and stratogy we have seen some major changes, Time of

 conflict (who's 2.0 version was a distinct upgrade), Lunimals, Castaways,
 traders of known space and most recently Park boss and possibly Pizza
 delivery  too.

 Look at Ticonblu. Multiplatform titles pumped out like nobody's business,
 trying different experimental ways with audio, maze game in inquisitor's
 heartbeat, object location in noire, analogue steering with stats in
 audiospeed. Some of these experiments have been less successful than others,

 but I do very much admire the Ticonblu crew for their willingness to try,
 indeed I shal be recommending to 7-128 that they get a spot on the top 25
 audio game devs list for next year.

 Then there is the hole Ios market which has even reinvigorated many basic
 game types such as the usual arcade title by including analogue elements,
 for example Nebula and sixth sense, not to mention atmospheric adventures,
 interactive audio dramas and the like.

 Another highly interesting development I've noticed is that more sighted
 developers are getting involved with audiogames now, not just for access
 reasons, but for actual possibilities of audio as a representative medium
 for game development. Somethinelse, Evildog (the chap who made blind
 swordsman), heck we got another one on the forum just last
 night trying to design a full speaking interface for their mudlike online

 While Audiogames  are still well behind the independent graphical games in
 many ways, (imho they should not be compared to mainstream games), and while

 some inherent design issues with the audio medium such as the inability to
 show vertical elements are still beyond what has been done, I think it's a
 mistake to claime no development has happened for the last 10-15 years,
 sinse for the 8 years I've been involved with audiogames myself I've noticed

 major upgrades and changes.

 yes, we still have the 

Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

While I have briefly played around with Tactical Battle I have not yet
had time to look at any of the map packs. So any opinions I might
voice currently would be based exclusively on the sample maps etc that
comes with the stock game not the extra downloads of map packs and so


On 10/29/14, Josh k wrote:
 and don't forget tacticle battle and all its map packs.

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Re: [Audyssey] compairison between latest and old audio games.

2014-10-29 Thread Thomas Ward
Hello Josh,

Where does one go to get the map packs etc that you mentioned?


On 10/29/14, Josh k wrote:
 try star wars star trek and age of warlords and you'll change your mind
 quickly about tacticle battle!

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Re: [Audyssey] Throwaway Tech was Previous Topic ofInteractiveFiction

2014-10-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

Yes, I can well remember Lindows. It was a good concept in that the
developers used Linux for the base OS, and developed a commercial
Windows emulator for it to run most commercial Windows applications on
it. Even though it was a good idea in concept there were a number of
problems with it.

First, they chose to use the name Lindows, which was too close to
Windows, and Microsoft sued over copyright infringement. In the end
they had to drop the name and call it Linspire. The Windows emulation
also was found to be a copyright violation of some kind thus although
Linspire is still around the lawsuit basically stripped the OS of
whatever it had going for it as an alternative to Windows.

Another key factor that lead to its downfall is the fact the company
tried to essentially create a commercial version of Linux. For that
reason they failed to grab a significant portion of the Linux market
who by and large were already running free distributions. It is hard
to convince people who are running free and open source software that
they should buy it because it happens to have a better Windows
emulator in it. Most Linux users didn't have or use Windows software
so the built-in emulator was just an unnecessary added expense that
they didn't need. Alot of Windows users didn't buy it, because Windows
comes prepackaged with their computer. Thus Lindows would have been an
additional expense for little benefit.

In short, a good idea, but one that really didn't appeal to either the
Linux or Windows markets. Being sued by Microsoft only insured an
early demise for the product, and relegated it to oddball status.
Accessibility issues aside Lindspire, as it is known now, has a very
small market share with the mainstream computer user base.

As far as your points about Linux. Its true that its biggest support
came out of servers and mainframes, but it has slowly but surely been
creeping into the mainstream PC user base. Certain distributions like
Ubuntu were designed primarily for home users, average PC users, and
try to compete equally with Windows on a equal footing. While they lag
behind both Windows and Mac OS in market shares Ubuntu has been
gaining ground slowly, and has gotten support from companies like Del
who offer it on their laptops and desktop units for home or business
machines. I might point out that it isn't just the poor and helpless
as you call them who use Linux, but a fair cross section of the
computer base.

I suppose the main group of Linux users has been and seems to be
techies. People like myself who do a lot of software design, who likes
modifying software, and enjoys the freedom to play with the software
some while also using it on a day today basis as a solid and reliable
operating system. However, while being a large group of users they are
by no means the only group that matters.

Another group, one suited to this discussion, is gamers. Linux
actually has a number of gamers who use the OS for gaming. While the
majority of those games aren't accessible for the blind and low vision
gamers they are satisfactory for mainstream PC gamers who use Linux.
There are a number of emulators available for Linux such as SNES9x for
playing Super NES games, Stella for playing Atari 2600 games, Dosemu
for playing Dos games, etc which all serve to turn Linux into a
virtual console for a variety of platforms. As a result Linux is often
chosen as a gaming platform because of the number of free emulators
available as well as free and open source games like Flight Gear,
Frets on Fire, Lin City, Freeciv, and a number of other free games
which are popular with some mainstream Linux gamers.

Finally, there is the home and office sort of people who want a home
office type setup, but don't want to put out a lot of money to do
that. As a home office solution Linux excels at that task because it
is designed for any sort of business weather it is small or large. If
someone doesn't want to fork over $500 or more for Microsoft Office
Professional Linux offers a choice between Libre Office and Open
Office which are both free. Instead of paying for Microsoft Outlook
which comes with MS Office Pro or which can be purchased as a stand
alone Linux comes with Evolution which is a similar product for a
fraction of the cost. I could probably point out other cost savings,
but the fact is if someone is equipping a home or office for business
software they can and do save money by using a Linux based solution.
Its not just the poor and helpless but people with legitimate
business needs who use it as well.

Same could be said for students. It costs a lot of money to go to
college, especially if someone is paying their own way, and purchasing
a lot of Windows software isn't a real option for them. I have helped
college students get alternatives to Windows products without them
paying a dime for the software. Things like Open Office are a god send
to people who can't afford Microsoft's office suite. Just assuming
Linux users are 

Re: [Audyssey] Throwaway Tech was Previous Topic ofInteractiveFiction

2014-10-28 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

I think you have missed my point. The word need isn't the operative
word here. Its a more a matter of change is inevitable weather you
want to or not. What you want or what you need is often times as
changing as the technology itself.

For example, right now all you want or need is a decent Windows 7
machine, with say 8 GB of RAM, and a quad core processor. Nothing
wrong with that given your current circumstances.
However, I foresee a day down the road where that computer dies,
perhaps the capacitors on the motherboard bite the dust, and then you
need to begin thinking about a replacement. Is it worth your money to
try and get the old machine fixed or simply replace the hardware and
software in one go?

My point being your needs will change, and while you don't have a need
right now I think as time goes on your needs will change and other
options may seem like good options at that time. I think basing your
plans of the future, on upgrading or not upgrading, based exclusively
on current circumstances is very short sighted. If there is one
constant in life is everything is always changing and the best person
to meet that change is someone who is willing to let go of the past
and move on.


On 10/26/14, shaun everiss wrote:
 and maybe thats my problem right there mate.
 While there is a lot of new tech coming out, there is no need for me
 to actually move with the times.
 While I do go on about my tech work, most of it is fixing systems at
 home, testing software and a few other things.
 90% of my work is done online or at least on site.
 I don't usually need any complex reports to do so I don't even have
 an updated or legal coppy of office which is not 10 years old.
 As a result of this and the fact most stuff is via email or sms I
 don't even have a phone that needs to be even half as updated as I do.
 in fact if things didn't get insecure I could continue with win98 or
 even dos quite happily.
 well maybe not win 98 or dos but sertainly win2000 or xp.
 For the work I do offsite and its not much, i use the device thats there.
 My upgrades are usually performance, security to the minimal specs or
 because its required.
 Which was why I didn't upgrade jaws, though if I went to work jaws is
 what is expected for business so I'd have to keep that updated.
 yunger people are using braille dvices and other things, but  with
 what I do right now, I really don't need that much.
 Ofcause as I build myself up here and online as a self employed
 contracter for sound, testing and a little bit of lite hacking and
 other tests that may become something I can afford/ need, however I
 doubt I will ever upgrade  unnecessarily.
 Even if I have the cash which I don't.
 I am also in my 30s, if I had the cash who knows.
 The only thing I really want is a quad core with maybe 8-16gb ram,
 win 7 x64 and the ability to have hardware vertualisation so I could
 run vertual machines, heck maybe a linux or apple machine to but to
 be honest I only upgrade what I need.
 A friend just gave me their c005 nokia, and while its a bit stupid to
 get talks for that now eventually I may end up doing just that.
 I have not been as exposed to the fullness of the newer stuf as
 others have or have needed to move as fast as most have had to.
 in fact if security was not a major concern I could have stayed in
 the mud and not given a stiff such is the nature of my current
 project based work.

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Re: [Audyssey] a polite request.

2014-10-27 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Josh,

Entombed hasn't been updated in three or four years, but it is still a
pretty good game. However, now that Jason is busy with family etc I
don't expect him to pop out a new update every year like he was doing
at the beginning of the project when he had more personal time on his


On 10/26/14, Josh k wrote:
 and do they keep updating entombed also? I bought it back in 2010 or
 2009 or so and forget my username and things. I'll just buy it over
 because my email has changed since back then.

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[Audyssey] Close Topic: is it really progress?

2014-10-27 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi all,

Let's close this topic and get back to gaming. This has gotten way off
topic, and has nothing to do with games.

Thomas Ward
Owner-Moderator of the Audyssey List

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Re: [Audyssey] voice kews in games

2014-10-27 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Well, I can say I have looked at the possibility of adding voice
commands to Final Conflict as I like the idea of being able to
actually order fire photon torpedo's verbally rather than selecting it
from a menu etc. In a turn based strategy game such as that there is
no time critical game play and you can basically give all the commands
verbally just as easily, if not more so, than the menus.

However, in a racing game I am pretty certain voice input would not
work. Most analog racing games allow for sharp turns and precision
driving around curves which require the right amount of turn on the
racing wheel or controller. Voice input does not give that degree of
precision. If a gamer yells left how left is left?

Besides as someone who has played racing games, mainstream and
accessible, I prefer having a physical controller in my hands. I like
being able to turn the wheel, hit the breaks, and the feel of driving
a car even if it is virtual. Telling the car what to do like a virtual
version of KITT wouldn't nearly be as fun or entertaining.

However, I do think voice input would be perfectly fine for an RPG.
Perhaps a roguelike game such as Entombed. I could see giving
directions such as north, south, east, west, take, drop, etc being
well suited to that type of game.


On 10/26/14, dark wrote:
 sinse we've been discussing voice activation for new technology in a general
 sense, I wondered what people thought about the possibilities of voice
 control for games, after all this is something that has already started on
 mainstream consoles and a couple of indi games such as codename signus.

 So, I wonder what people think a good use of speech control for games would

 A voice activated arcade game could be entertaining and provide a lot of
 atmosphere,  imagine a racing game where your yelling left! left! now
 breeak! or a sort of Dj style boppit game where your saying in rythm
 hit it! pull it! or whatever.

 however the major field I see for voice working in is stratogy games and
 rpgs. generally you can speak faster than you can type, and definitely
 faster than you can find and hit controls. sinse however speech is a
 manifestly more complex method of input than just hitting buttons, and
 doesn't have the disadvantage of having a relativistic speed and being
 commonly missunderstood the way fast typed keyboard inputs do, I wonder if
 speech in a mud or real time stratogy game could be fun, especially sinse
 you could have your hands on the touch screen or keyboard controls doing
 other things.

 Imagine for example an rpg where you used the keyboard to launche physical
 attacks such as sword thrusts in response to real time audio, but used your
 voice to wield magic.

 This could be quite a lot of fun, because the essential physical combat
 could then work in an arcade style and the complexity could occur at the
 metter level of your speech. For example the arcade fighting part of the
 game could be similar to blind swordsman, ie, hear a sword swing and block,
 but you could then use your voice to say Cast ice blade! or similar.

 Similarly, imagine a real time time of conflict style stratogy where you
 could give all your orders vocally. you could be reviewing the map with your
 fingers or curser keys, but could give orders as you did it rather than
 having to pause the game and input commands.

 Of course the disadvantage is I don't know whether this technology would
 exists sinse the hole chat and gaming thing is also very common at the
 moment and certainly on mainstream consoles mikes are more commonly for
 voice chat with other online players than voice commands to the game, but I
 thought it was a fun idea.

 Obviously for access reasons as Tom said earlier there would need to be more
 traditional alternatives in such games, but I did think it was an
 interesting possibility to speculate on.

 Beware the grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] Throwaway Tech was Previous TopicofInteractiveFiction

2014-10-26 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi John,

Not Sure what version of Gnome you are talking about but I find Gnome
is quite accessible these days. Gnome 3.12 is just as accessible as
Windows in most respects. So before you make a blanket statement like
a giant part of Gnome is inaccessible maybe you should back that up
with version number, when you tested it, etc because things on Linux
are constantly changing and being updated. Plus if there is a
configuration issue to blame it may not be the desktop environment
itself but  your configuration at fault.


On 10/25/14, john wrote:
 A giant part of gnome is inaccessible... just saying.
 Also, it's the desktop, not orca, that's got the problem, so its nothing
 improved orca could do.

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