Re: [Vo]:More on automation and Martin Ford

2016-11-25 Thread Ruby

On 11/22/16 2:24 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:


QUOTE  "It's going to get worse. The inequality will get worse. There's 
going to be more anger and social upheaval," said Martin Ford 
<>, author of Rise of the Robots: 
Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future. "What we're seeing is in 
large measure because of technology."

Read Marshall McLuhan who hashed out many of the effects of new 
technology on humans and society in his books and videos.  McLuhan 
observed that "when identity is threatened, violence occurs".

Automation, digital technology, and eventually, cold fusion energy, 
obsolesces the institutions that grew from the previous environment of 
fossil fuels and literacy.  The loss of "jobs" with the replacement of 
"roles", McLuhan's prediction, is happening now, and will continue.   
For instance, I have a "role" to play in the advocacy of breakthrough 
energy, but there is no job for me in that capacity.

When people have more free time (as we all do when we become 
unemployed), they have to confront themselves: what do they now do with 
their time?  This is startling for many, and requires a new mindset to 
navigate.   That mindset is part of a new identity.  Who likes change 
that much to want to swap their identity out?  Not many - not me!  
Nevertheless, that is what we all have to do just about continuously 

"Effects precede consequences."  is another McLuhanism.  I interpret 
this as  understanding we are living the cold fusion lifestyle now. I am 
effectively unemployed, though still work my butt off at multiple 
part-time jobs just to pass off the minimum wage compensation to my 
creditors.  The friction exists because although I am living the free 
lifestyle with the ability to choose what I want to do with my time, I 
am still forced to operate in the old environment where dependency on 
central services is a requirement for societal participation.  It is 
exhausting, and causes debilitating tension.  Yet it is from these 
"vortices" that the technology will emerge from.  I really liked Harry's 
long ago post about Eno's "scenius" to give that idea another example.

"Every technology creates a war."  "War is education."  "Education is 
war."  These simple slogans hold a lot of meaning and insight into how 
we can respond better, and create the world we want with minimal 
friction.  It's not happening that way now, but it could, and it will 
for some of us.

I am hoping and wishing and praying for Breakthrough 2017 so as to 
accelerate this transition and start living the life I can only dream about.

Ruby Carat
The Left Coast
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:Morrison paper

2016-09-23 Thread Ruby

Thanks for this paper, Jed.  I like the timeline it holds.
I am collecting timelines and dates for a history project.

On 9/22/16 1:34 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I found a paper copy of this, and converted it.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:New on YouTube: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems - Melvin Miles - The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium: (ColdFusionNow)

2016-07-10 Thread Ruby

Hey Bob, you're a bit over my head here, so I'll pass on this one.

That's why I make the movies, so I can understand!


On 7/10/16 1:24 PM, Bob Cook wrote:

Axil and Ruby—

One feature of LENR that is neglected is the mechanism for 
distribution of nuclear scale energy to the material around the 
reaction site without destruction of the material by melting or 
mechanical deformation.  Energetic particles with significant kinetic 
energy do not fit the bill, since they will cause undesirable 
electromagnet radiation—hard x-rays and higher energy EM radiation.

This suggests to me that the entangled QM system that Axil often 
suggests is a key physical feature that allows the modification of 
electric and magnetic field energy to spin energy—I.E., the phonic 
orbital energy of lattice electrons of the entangled system.  The 
nuclear kinetic energy of certain particles of the entangled system is 
given up to phonic energy—thermal energy—of the entangled lattice 
electrons.  This happens at the same time as the more stable nucleons 
appear—He, Ni-64 or any more sable set of particles. In some cases the 
entangled system produces low energy radiation which gets absorbed as 
heat without escaping the confines of the reactor.  Energy, spin and 
angular momentum must be conserved during the reaction, including the 
consideration of any EM radiation produced that escapes the entangled 
system, for example the blue light that Rossi claims to see or the 
muons claimed by others.

The resonances associated with the many bodied system of the entangled 
system require engineering to provide LENR ambient conditions to 
support the changes  of any entangled system, including its control.   
Axil’s sub atomic particle condensation is IMHO shorthand for the 
changes of particle types in an entangled system along with an 
increase in phonic energy of the electrons of the lattice—thermal energy.

I have often called an entangled QM system a coherent system.  I think 
they mean the same thing.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail <> for 
Windows 10

*From: *Axil Axil <>
*Sent: *Saturday, July 9, 2016 11:12 AM
*To: *vortex-l <>
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:New on YouTube: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated 
Systems - Melvin Miles - The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium: 

Rossi's transmutation results imply that the mechanism for nucleon 
transfer comes by way of energy transfer and sub atomic particle 
condensation inside the nucleus, and not particle transfer coming 
through the coulomb barrier..

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Ruby < 
<>> wrote:

THANK YOU Esa for giving those few seconds of sweet music.  I
can't wait to work with you more on the next movie.

Love Love LOVE,

On 7/9/16 3:16 AM, Esa Ruoho wrote:

Hi guys!

Any thoughts on this documentary? Ruby from ColdFusionNow used
two of my tunes in it, briefly, and it is apparently a nice
documentary or something. Here's some information:

/Anomalous Effects in Dueterated Systems/ documents the work of
Dr. Melvin Miles, a US Navy electrochemist who first correlated
the excess heat generated from palladium-deuterium systems with
the production of helium as a nuclear product.

/Anomalous Effects/ takes Cold Fusion Now! video to a new
evolution with the addition of title music by the excellent Esa
Ruoho a.k.a. Lackluster, an electronic musician based in
Etelä-Suomi, Finland. I hope you found the sounds elevating as I did.

Vist Esa’s website here <> and purchase
music by Esa at

Your support is crucial to artists.--

--- // //
+358403703659 <tel:%2B358403703659> //
skype:esajuhaniruoho //
<> // iMessage:
<> //

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA
1-707-616-4894 <> <> <>

Re: [Vo]:New on YouTube: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems - Melvin Miles

2016-07-09 Thread Ruby
Yes, I agree Jones, There are many hosts to the reaction, which by some 
logic should make the reaction independent of any host, (with regards to 
the common qualities of those hosts).  In all cases, hydrogen is used, 
so I refer to hydrogen (D and H) as the fuel for the reaction.

There is a basic disagreement on whether or not there is one mechanism 
that creates all the different effects, or, multiple mechanisms that 
create all the different effects.  Several opinions have been expressed 
here, and I have my own opinion, but I try to keep it to myself and let 
the scientists duke it out.

Neither am I an expert on nuclear reactions, but I think the reaction 
with Lithium that you are referring to also makes 2 helium per reaction, 
so that would  mean that there would have to be even MORE helium 
measured to get the same amount of heat. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Also, the Helium-3 detected has been shown to be derived from the decay 
of tritium, which is another nuclear product observed, but not in 
amounts enough to account for the energy.  I accept that as fact, though 
am not sure if everybody does.  The Arata work suggests to me a 
situation where more tritium was made.

Thank you again for liking the movie.  It sure is a lot of fun making them.

On 7/9/16 9:37 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

First, thanks to Ruby for such an amazing effort.

As to the point about lithium-6 …. Yes, there are lithium-free 
reactions which show excess heat, no denying that. The gas-phase 
nanoscale systems of Arata-Zhang, Ahern and others find excess heat 
with no apparent lithium, no electrical input, and no gamma radiation. 
BUT these experiments (Arata at least) also found helium-3 in a 
repeatable ratio and much less helium-4 than with lithium electrolytic 
work !

This conflict and other divergent results is leading to the only 
possible conclusion about LENR - that there are more than one type of 
reaction, possibly many similar but differing reactions - and more 
than one type of positive outcome.

Moreover, many of the experiments of Professor Dash showed excess heat 
and helium with NO palladium. That’s right, no palladium since 
titanium was used instead - and moreover Dash felt that titanium was 
more active than palladium in similar circumstances, BUT he did use 
lithium electrolyte ! Go figure.


Hydrogen, the simplest element in the Universe is also the most 
complex in its interaction with other elements.



> There exist Pd-D systems that make excess heat but do not use 
Lithium.  Therefore, I conclude, following other scientists' 
reasoning, that Lithium is not required for the reaction.

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA
1-707-616-4894 <> <> <>

Re: [Vo]:New on YouTube: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems - Melvin Miles

2016-07-09 Thread Ruby

Thank you for watching Jed, I hope you enjoyed it.

There exist Pd-D systems that make excess heat but do not use Lithium 

I do not know whether Miles agrees or not with that fact.

However, I do know that Miles disagrees that the effect is a surface 

Yet I left in Storms discussion of the explanation of ~50% recovered 
helium as resulting from a surface effect despite Miles disagreement.

I left it in, with Miles agreeing to my choice, because it helps to have 
others talking about this work so as to validate it. Storms gives *an* 
explanation, so I left that in.

I would like to have interviewed others on their heat-helium work, or 
their thoughts on the findings, but it was not possible.


On 7/9/16 9:21 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Ruby < <>> wrote:

There exist Pd-D systems that make excess heat but do not use
Therefore, I conclude, following other scientists' reasoning, that
Lithium is not required for the reaction.

I think that is what Mel Miles believes. It would be a little 
inappropriate to emphasize the lithium theory in a video that is 
mainly devoted to Miles' work, if he does not subscribe to that theory.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:New on YouTube: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems - Melvin Miles

2016-07-09 Thread Ruby
Thank you Jones for watching this lengthy video, and for your comments, 
too.  The movie is not a science paper, but more a lesson in procedure 
on how MIles did it.

There exist Pd-D systems that make excess heat but do not use Lithium.
Therefore, I conclude, following other scientists' reasoning, that 
Lithium is not required for the reaction.

Still, I sat and talked with him and David French for 2 1/2 hours, but 
have to draw the line at less than 30 mins for youtube!
 (I'd prefer shorter, but what can you do with a topic as detailed as 

As a general overview, I think this video can educate students and 
investors on how experiments are done, and in this particular case, what 
happens to your career when you succeed in your research.

Cold Fusion Now! videos seek to allow scientists in the field of 
LENR/cold fusion to tell their own story, and document their 
contributions through their own perspective.  If they don't tell the 
story, someone else will.

Thank you for your support.  I am happy at the evolution of our videos.
If I may say so, they are getting better and better!

On 7/9/16 7:56 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

This is very impressive and answers a lot of questions which were not 
being addressed before. Finally most of the objections of skeptics are 
addressed succinctly in one place by the leading expert. Long overdue.

One minor complaint - with the lack of inclusion of selected details 
(since the target audience probably needs more information) is that 
the D+6Li reaction fits the evidence as well or better than D+D but 
was not even mentioned other than in a chart, and was ignored in the 

*From:*Esa Ruoho

Hi guys!

Any thoughts on this documentary? Ruby from ColdFusionNow used two of 
my tunes in it, briefly, and it is apparently a nice documentary or 
something. Here's some information:

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:New on YouTube: Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems - Melvin Miles - The Correlation of Excess Heat and Helium: (ColdFusionNow)

2016-07-09 Thread Ruby
THANK YOU Esa for giving those few seconds of sweet music.  I can't wait 
to work with you more on the next movie.

Love Love LOVE,

On 7/9/16 3:16 AM, Esa Ruoho wrote:

Hi guys!

Any thoughts on this documentary? Ruby from ColdFusionNow used two of 
my tunes in it, briefly, and it is apparently a nice documentary or 
something. Here's some information:

/Anomalous Effects in Dueterated Systems/ documents the work of Dr. 
Melvin Miles, a US Navy electrochemist who first correlated the excess 
heat generated from palladium-deuterium systems with the production of 
helium as a nuclear product.

/Anomalous Effects/ takes Cold Fusion Now! video to a new evolution 
with the addition of title music by the excellent Esa Ruoho a.k.a. 
Lackluster, an electronic musician based in Etelä-Suomi, Finland. I 
hope you found the sounds elevating as I did.

Vist Esa’s website here <> and purchase 
music by Esa at

Your support is crucial to artists.--

--- // // 
+358403703659 //
skype:esajuhaniruoho // // iMessage: <> //


2016-06-14 Thread Ruby

Jed, Why do you say this?  I am curious.


On 6/14/16 11:27 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:


This couldn't come at a worse time.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:Rossi and Leonardo Corp legal position improves

2016-06-06 Thread Ruby

If we consider the many autonomous robots that tweet, post, comment, and 
reply for you, it may be!

On 6/6/16 8:44 AM, Bob Higgins wrote:
I have heard that many of the anonymous (avatar) supporters of Rossi's 
case on LENR forum and other blogs are Rossi himself - posting under 
various names.

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 9:36 AM, Ruby  wrote:

There is no reasoning with a digital meme.  Elon Musk said it out
loud - we may be living in a simulation, for AI is all around us.

Reason does not exist there.

A true advocate of new energy will always list the many players in
this field making a new energy future happen.
Here is what I wrote after the Oct 2011 test.  I wish more
bloggers would do the same.


On 6/6/16 7:25 AM, Eric Walker wrote:

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 8:41 AM, Jack Cole wrote:

I think the article is representative of the mindset of a lot of
people who have been drawn in as LENR observers, however, and in
that regard it has interest. People who have certain
preconceptions, and then make inferences far beyond the evidence
to fit with those preconceptions, oblivious,

Ruby Carat

Eureka, CA USA

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA
1-707-616-4894 <> <> <>

Re: [Vo]:Rossi and Leonardo Corp legal position improves

2016-06-06 Thread Ruby

There is no reasoning with a digital meme.  Elon Musk said it out loud - 
we may be living in a simulation, for AI is all around us.

It just doesn't look like what we thought it would.

All the records, pictures, data, comments, tweets, .pdfs, videos, etc of 
Rossi (-and everyone!) LIVES an autonomous digital life - 24-7 alive - 
with no physical body at all.

Reason is from another realm, the physical realm, where you say 
something, I listen, and then respond to your points, and we exchange 
little by little, point-by-point in a linear fashion that our chain of 
logic can handle.

What we have now is all-at-once viral impressions, perceptions seemingly 
amplified by the speed-of-light networks to be everywhere at all times.

Reason does not exist there.

I used to blog on these issues, too.  A true advocate of new energy will 
always list the many players in this field making a new energy future 
happen.  Rossi is but one of the players.  Let's place all the 
researchers in the spotlight, and generate awareness of a very real 
(physical) newly-forming service environment (the ground) from which 
will emerge a usable technology (the figure).

Here is what I wrote after the Oct 2011 test.  I wish more bloggers 
would do the same.

Now, this legal saga will waste more mental space than my noggin will 
fit.  I'll wait for the "ending"!

Dammit, I hope it's good.

On 6/6/16 7:25 AM, Eric Walker wrote:
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 8:41 AM, Jack Cole < 
<>> wrote:

I think the article is representative of the mindset of a lot of 
people who have been drawn in as LENR observers, however, and in that 
regard it has interest. People who have certain preconceptions, and 
then make inferences far beyond the evidence to fit with those 
preconceptions, oblivious,


Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:Re: great paper by Ed Storms, quarrel, a bit of info

2016-04-25 Thread Ruby

Thank you Bob for clarifying that.
I did not know what you meant.
I do agree, science should not reject obvious data -by definition!

Alas it is true, scientists are human, and many see only what they 
expect to see,

so the obvious to one is not the obvious to another.

LENR is unique in that there is no consensus on what is happening from 
the community itself even after almost three decades of research data.
there is no clearing house of the obvious for everyone to shop around in 
to form the theory.

Max Born's "facts of experience" are different for all.
So how to build a theory when the same facts are not obvious to everyone?

I would like to see a Common Ground Theory meeting where theorists would 
pledge to come away with some consensus on some basic ideas, and that 
would form the core of the obvious.Might need a miracle there ......


On 4/25/16 9:47 AM, Bob Cook wrote:
I wanted to make the point that science—scientists--do not reject the 
obvious.I think that many folks that read Vortex-l will not read 
Ed’s paper, and  some with think that rejecting the obvious is a 
correct scientific action.
I repeat my earlier comment—“It is sad from my viewpoint that such a 
large fraction of the so-called scientific community is made up of 
such folks.”
The folks I have in mind are found at DOD, DOE and many other places 
like universities and media outlets.  Ed worked at one such  DOE 
entity any years, as did I, although not the same one.  I thought that 
Ed was referring to the managements of such places (and not many of 
the true scientists that worked with him) when he identified the 
option they have.

Thanks again for your comment,
*From:* Ruby <>
*Sent:* Monday, April 25, 2016 7:59 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Re: great paper by Ed Storms, quarrel, a bit of info

That is to say "accept the experimental results  and form a theory 
around the data", not ignore what doesn't fit one's model.

The contextual meaning says "accept the facts of experience".

On 4/25/16 6:43 AM, Bob Cook wrote:

You quoted Ed Storms as follows:
*“Once again, science has been forced to either reject the obvious or 
accept the impossible” (Ed Storms)***

IMHO the bread and butter of science is accepting the impossible and 
trying to explain it in a logical manner based on observations of 
real phenomena.
To “reject the obvious” (real observed phenomena) is _not_ part of 
science.  Thus, this is _not_ an option for real scientists, only 
make believe righteous people  who claim to know the truth.
It is sad from my viewpoint that such a large fraction of the 
so-called scientific community is made up of such folks.

Bob Cook
*From:* Robert Dorr <>
*Sent:* Sunday, April 24, 2016 10:52 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:great paper by Ed Storms, quarrel, a bit of info

A good paper, especially for those interested in the PdD aspect of 
LENR. I like Ed Stroms approach of the PdD reaction.

Robert Dorr

At 09:56 AM 4/24/2016, you wrote: 

cannot abandon independent thinking or just thinking

All the best,

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA <> <> <>

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA
1-707-616-4894 <> <> <>

Re: [Vo]:Re: great paper by Ed Storms, quarrel, a bit of info

2016-04-25 Thread Ruby

Bob, you are quoting out of context.

I am guessing you did not read the paper yet, for in this case, "the 
obvious" refers to "the scientific results".

That is to say "accept the experimental results  and form a theory 
around the data", not ignore what doesn't fit one's model.

The contextual meaning says "accept the facts of experience".


On 4/25/16 6:43 AM, Bob Cook wrote:

You quoted Ed Storms as follows:
*“Once again, science has been forced to either reject the obvious or 
accept the impossible” (Ed Storms)***

IMHO the bread and butter of science is accepting the impossible and 
trying to explain it in a logical manner based on observations of real 
To “reject the obvious” (real observed phenomena) is _not_ part of 
science.  Thus, this is _not_ an option for real scientists, only make 
believe righteous people  who claim to know the truth.
It is sad from my viewpoint that such a large fraction of the 
so-called scientific community is made up of such folks.

Bob Cook

*From:* Robert Dorr <>
*Sent:* Sunday, April 24, 2016 10:52 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:great paper by Ed Storms, quarrel, a bit of info

A good paper, especially for those interested in the PdD aspect of 
LENR. I like Ed Stroms approach of the PdD reaction.

Robert Dorr

At 09:56 AM 4/24/2016, you wrote: 

cannot abandon independent thinking or just thinking

All the best,

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA
1-707-616-4894 <> <> <>

Re: [Vo]:cold fusion class action

2016-04-20 Thread Ruby

Love this vocabulary.
Been a fan of Eno for decades, never heard this!

On 4/19/16 5:19 PM, H LV wrote:

In exchange for a small royalty fee, the State could provide free
patent services. The royalties would affirm the existence of a
collective intelligence or what the artist Brian Eno calls "scenius"
from which an individual genius emerges.

Brian Eno on genius vs “scenius”:

What really happened was that there was sometimes very fertile scenes
involving lots and lots of people – some of them artists, some of them
collectors, some of them curators, thinkers, theorists, people who
were fashionable and knew what the hip things were – all sorts of
people who created a kind of ecology of talent. And out of that
ecology arose some wonderful work.


So I came up with this word “scenius” – and scenius is the
intelligence of a whole… operation or group of people. And I think
that’s a more useful way to think about culture, actually. I think
that – let’s forget the idea of “genius” for a little while, let’s
think about the whole ecology of ideas that give rise to good new
thoughts and good new work."


Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:Saudi Arabia to Diversify

2016-04-16 Thread Ruby

It is a European name, and possibly came from the Defkalion work.
they did not want to use the nuclear word.

I first encountered the term in use by Peter Gluck.

On 4/15/16 12:56 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
So, what is the provenance of "Lattice Enabled Nanoscale Reactions"? I 
can't recall coming across that one.  Who uses it?

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:I.H. press release responding to Rossi

2016-04-08 Thread Ruby

Why would the E-Cat unit sit for a year (back in 2012) with no where to 
go for testing when IH brought it for testing in the first place?  
(Remember everyone bashing Rossi for the delay after photos surfaced of 
the shipment?)

Why would IH agree to such an "incompetent" tester? (Confidentiality 
agreements would have nothing to do with that.)

Why would IH keep quiet about concerns for a full-year of testing - 
while applying for their own patent?

Why would IH solicit  and receive funds based on their "acquiring E-Cat IP"?

After all of that, why does IH say now, the three years was "without 
results" - now that it is time to pay $89,000,000?

To seriously claim "it is ridiculous to assert that IH have not acted in 
good faith" will require answers to these questions first.


On 4/7/16 9:43 PM, Robert Lynn wrote:


Ridiculous to assert that IH have not acting in good faith - if the 
demo worked they would be the happiest people in the world and would 
be on track to make vast amounts of money even if they had to hand 
over 90million they would be doing so with a big smile on their face.  
The very simple truth is that Rossi has made big claims and has (as 
usual) failed to deliver.  Almost certainly IH will have their hands 
tied due to confidentiality agreements, so will be prevented from 
revealing in detail just how bad/unconvincing things are and how 
ridiculous Rossi's usual dissembling shenanigans have been.

  I could be convinced that he does, and is fooling himself, but think 
it most likely he does not given how long his circus has been going on.

On 8 April 2016 at 12:10, Frank Znidarsic < 
<>> wrote:

It is Rossi that says that the test was OK. According to IH, it was not OK,
> because IH says three years without success, not merely 1 year. So, the
> money is still in the escrow.

Maybe we should ask Steven Krivit.  He seems to have the heads up
on a lot of this stuff.

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:Coal Mining and more

2015-07-22 Thread Ruby

Old stuff goes out slowly as obsolete technology is elevated to Art.

The new stuff is released without thought or planning regarding the 
effects on society, and can storm through culture like a virus.

Read Marshall McLuhan's War and Peace in the Global Village for more on 
this idea.

Black swans are named for the most extreme events (perhaps a sudden 
collapse of some currency technology, say), but most new technology 
comes on fast for most, but not all.

For instance, cell phones were introduced quickly, but it took a few 
decades for critical capacity use.  A whole service environment to 
support cellphones was already formed so they could operate, so not 
everyone was surprised and the cultural changes had already begun.

But cellphones introduced haphazardly into the closed cultures of 
mid-east countries threatened the identity and power of those in control 
overnight, creating much violence, psychic and otherwise.

When the code is cracked, free energy will leap over existing 
infrastructure and sweep the planet so fast, we'll all be spinning 
(hopefully not in my wheelchair!)   Cold Fusion NOW!  (and zero point 
after that)


On 7/22/15 10:19 AM, Chris Zell wrote:

I continue to wonder about the pace of change and the fact that some 
change is nonlinear, even catastrophic – unlike slowly fading coal 
mines. Such as:

1)Any antiaging breakthrough that adds even a few years to common lifespan

2)Any ‘free’ energy or really cheap new source

3)Discovery of extraterrestrial life ( small, if bacteria but huge if 

4)General economic collapse (how Japan continues is a puzzle to me)

Chris Zell


Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:Coal mining industry in steep decline

2015-07-22 Thread Ruby

We march backwards into the future. --Marshall McLuhan


On 7/21/15 2:19 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

If we watch ourselves honestly we shall often find that we have
begun to argue against a new idea even before it has been
completely stated.

- Wilfred Trotter

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:VIDEO: Stan Szpak LENR Co-deposition

2015-04-15 Thread Ruby

I got a message from Pam Boss on your question of nickel codeposition James:

We did do an experiment that plated Ni on a cathode in contact with CR-39.
We got no tracks in the CR-39. We also saw that the Ni did not load with D.


would have to check my notebooks. I do recall a Ni-H2O plating that 
gave no results. And, as I said, there was no outgassing when the 
current was turned off indicating that Ni does not load 
electrolytically. I’ve been told you have to be at high temperatures to 
get H or D to load into Ni.
Regarding the lithium, Jones, I asked Did this team consider the 
lithium as an energy-producing element in this scenario?

She responded, We did Pd/D co-dep using KCl instead of LiCl.
We still got tracks. Mel Miles’ co-dep formulation does not have LiCl
in the plating solution. He still got heat.  Doubt that Li is involved.

so I guess the nickel wasn't successful with either the H2O or D2O
or it would have been pursued more

Now, I wonder why it wasn't successful??? Oi!


On 4/12/15 2:00 PM, James Bowery wrote:
Its rather maddening that they got thermal runaway in 3 out of 10 
trials in a very simple set up using *light* water and palladium but 
they never thought to replace the palladium salts with *nickel* salts 
to*codeposit nickel* rather than palladium.

Or did they and they simply did not talk about it?

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Ruby wrote:

I made a new movie called Following Nature's Documents Stan Szpak
LENR Co-deposition (18:28):

Ruby Carat

Eureka, CA USA

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:VIDEO: Stan Szpak LENR Co-deposition

2015-04-12 Thread Ruby

Hi Jones, Thank you very much.  I really like making these movies.

They may have addressed these issues in later work, but I do not know.  
I can ask about this when I speak to these guys again.

It is easy to see things in retrospect; much harder when you're living 
it, and have to tip-toe around, too.  I can't fault these guys (and 
gal!) work, but say only that you're right, we need a big program hiring 
lots of young scientists to test multiple scenarios to nail this thing down.

Will Gates Foundation do that for the Triumirate: SRI, Texas Tech (and 
SKINR), and ENEA?  I sure hope so!

On 4/12/15 6:20 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

Thanks again to Ruby for this effort. Well done, but begging for more…

I share James Bowery’s sentiment of a “maddening” realization (in 
retrospect) but for a different reason. That reason is lithium for me, 
instead of nickel for him.

The recent experiments of Parkhomov/Rossi have opened up the 
possibility that what we are seeing in LENR is based on thermal gain 
in lithium. It could be bulk lithium or one of the two isotopes. Cook 
and Rossi are saying lithium-7, but there are better reasons in 
nuclear physics to suggest that Li-6 - which is more considerably 
active (even if both are active).

And since the active isotope, if it is Li-6, is only a few percent of 
natural lithium, even if they had realized the importance of lithium 
in general back then, Szpak and Boss could have missed that it was 
Li-6. Caveat: no one has data now to prove that Li-6 is the active 
isotope, but that important detail will probably be determined within 
a few weeks to months.

The maddening realization for all of us could be that lithium would 
have plated out on the cathode as well – but this was never mentioned 
or considered. Lithium would probably have plated better as a 
different salt than the chloride – but in retrospect it is maddening 
that they did not think to try plating enriched isotopes of lithium 
(as well as nickel) as well as using different salts. Of course they 
would have needed a larger staff.

There are dozens of permutation and combinations if we want to go this 
far - yet in a perfect world of adequate funding, this would have been 
done. The fact the various combinations with lithium and nickel and 
hydrogen were not done may (in retrospect) have meant that at least 20 
years of research has been misguided in pursuit of deuterium fusion – 
when we should have been looking at lithium all along. (again, there 
is no proof of that for now, and the idea will be resisted by those 
who are fully invested in Pd-D -- but we will know more within weeks).


Hi James, they did not speak about that substitution, and I am not 
sure if they did that or not.   I do not recall reading that in the 
subset of papers I have read.

James Bowery wrote:

Its rather maddening that they got thermal runaway in 3 out of 10
trials in a very simple set up using *light* water and palladium
but they never thought to replace the palladium salts with
*nickel* salts to*codeposit nickel* rather than palladium.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Ruby wrote:

I made a new movie called Following Nature's Documents Stan Szpak
LENR Co-deposition (18:28):

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:VIDEO: Stan Szpak LENR Co-deposition

2015-04-12 Thread Ruby
Oh, I did ask Stan Szpak if he thought the Pd-D and Ni-H reactions were 
the same and he said, No, they are different, so my conclusion was not his.

On 4/12/15 3:21 PM, Ruby wrote:

Hi James, they did not speak about that substitution, and I am not 
sure if they did that or not.   I do not recall reading that in the 
subset of papers I have read.

There was a time limit interviewing Stan Szpak as he has some health 
issues.  He also had a lot to say, so I hardly got to ask questions; 
he just kept talking on about what he wanted, and then we had to go.

It is just really something that you can get such heat generated from 
palladium and H2O.  That seems to further the notion that the 
reactions from Pd-D and Ni-H are of the same ilk, does it not?  How do 
we explain this otherwise?

There is so much to bring to light from these earlier experiments.

On 4/12/15 2:00 PM, James Bowery wrote:
Its rather maddening that they got thermal runaway in 3 out of 10 
trials in a very simple set up using *light* water and palladium but 
they never thought to replace the palladium salts with *nickel* salts 
to*codeposit nickel* rather than palladium.

Or did they and they simply did not talk about it?

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Ruby wrote:

I made a new movie called Following Nature's Documents Stan Szpak
LENR Co-deposition (18:28):

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:VIDEO: Stan Szpak LENR Co-deposition

2015-04-12 Thread Ruby
Thank you Alain, we are coming to the day that there will be no arguing 
about it.  Those who deny the existence of this are already buried, they 
just don't know it yet.  I see no reason to waste another moment on 
debating Neanderthals!

We have 26 years of data just waiting to be explored.  Here in this 
movie, a discussion of palladium and light-water, regular H2O, has 
caused multiple thermal runaways.

People talk about PD-D and Ni-H, but this makes it clear that EITHER 
hydrogen isotope will work with multiple metals; we are not limited to 
the traditional pairs!  How does this fit into the theories of today?  
Is this taken into consideration by those engineering technology?

So much science to figure out

Have a GREAT time at the conference!

On 4/11/15 10:20 PM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

The kind of video that can convice that LENR is real and is good science.

to watch and share.

2015-04-12 4:25 GMT+02:00 Ruby

I made a new movie called Following Nature's Documents Stan Szpak
LENR Co-deposition (18:28):

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:VIDEO: Stan Szpak LENR Co-deposition

2015-04-12 Thread Ruby

Hi James, they did not speak about that substitution, and I am not sure 
if they did that or not.   I do not recall reading that in the subset of 
papers I have read.

There was a time limit interviewing Stan Szpak as he has some health 
issues.  He also had a lot to say, so I hardly got to ask questions; he 
just kept talking on about what he wanted, and then we had to go.

It is just really something that you can get such heat generated from 
palladium and H2O.  That seems to further the notion that the reactions 
from Pd-D and Ni-H are of the same ilk, does it not? How do we explain 
this otherwise?

There is so much to bring to light from these earlier experiments.

On 4/12/15 2:00 PM, James Bowery wrote:
Its rather maddening that they got thermal runaway in 3 out of 10 
trials in a very simple set up using *light* water and palladium but 
they never thought to replace the palladium salts with *nickel* salts 
to*codeposit nickel* rather than palladium.

Or did they and they simply did not talk about it?

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Ruby wrote:

I made a new movie called Following Nature's Documents Stan Szpak
LENR Co-deposition (18:28):

Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

[Vo]:VIDEO: Stan Szpak LENR Co-deposition

2015-04-11 Thread Ruby
I made a new movie called Following Nature's Documents Stan Szpak LENR 
Co-deposition (18:28):

It is taken from video interviews conducted in January 2015 with Dr. 
Stanislaw Szpak, Dr. Frank Gordon, and Dr. Melvin Miles, former Navy 
scientists and engineers who researched the anomalous effects in 
deuterated systems using the co-deposition technique.  It will also play 
at the ICCF-19 conference next week.

It is not of the viral sort, but a good intro into what the co-dep 
situation was all about.

I've had alot of fun making these movies, and I hope you like it.


Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

Re: [Vo]:questions on McKubre cells and AC component

2014-10-24 Thread Ruby

This guy is spamming lots of our Youtube's.
I let him post the same exact tome on two or three of our videos, but 
after that, I deleted his comments.


On 10/24/14, 7:46 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:
Barry Kort on Dr bob blog reported challenging critiques of McKubre 

maybe some already have the debunking, the correction... i imagien it 
is addressed:

About a year after CBS 60 Minutes aired their episode on Cold Fusion, 
I followed up with Rob Duncan to explore Richard Garwin’s thesis that 
McKubre was measuring the input electric power incorrectly.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:To Arms

2014-10-18 Thread Ruby

James, it's just so tiring.

Let them continue to hallucinate;
their typing is the only thing keeping the economy going
while a new infrastructure is being built right under their noses!

On 10/17/14, 3:37 PM, James Bowery wrote:

/. just posted a story debunking cold fusion

Have at it, men and Ruby!

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:New Miles interview on Helium-4, Excess Heat, Peer Review

2014-10-05 Thread Ruby

John Maguire has interviewed Dr. Melvin Miles and made it available here:

Just listening now,

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:A Stake in the Heart - a stunning revelation

2014-09-18 Thread Ruby

From Dr. Melvin Miles:

/Jones Beene is simply wrong about the accuracy of helium-4 
measurements.  The laboratories that I used for my samples specialized 
in highly accurate helium measurements.  The DOI lab in Texas could 
easily measure 1 ppb.  The Rockwell lab with Dr.Brian Oliver was even 
better with an accuracy of 0.1 ppb./


On 9/17/14, 6:41 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

I'm not comfortable being critical of Miles, who is a fine researcher. 
And my opinion is not based on anyone's incompetence nor is it based 
on any particular result - but on a down-to-earth understanding of 
mass spectrometers and what the specification and error limits 
actually are, and in looking at all the ways that mistakes can be made 
at these extremes. It's pretty basic. The challenge of this kind of 
measurement was always too great to handle on a small budget, and 
still is- when the resources are limited.

Parts per million is the limit of acceptable levels for accuracy. Sure 
there are few labs in the world that can possibly do better, but we 
are talking about cold fusion researchers with self-made gadgets and 
most of this work was done a decade ago. Miles was up against an 
intractable problem and we should thank him for being completely up 
front about it.

But let's not forget he is talking about a few PARTS PER BILLION. It 
does not matter how well or how many times you calibrate -- there is 
no acceptable measurement technique which can derive accuracy at this 
kind of helium dilution. None of the other 16, 18 or whatever number 
of measurements - which have purportedly taken place, were robust 
enough to have made the amount of helium which is needed in order to 
get the dilution level up to ppm... without extreme enrichment, and 
that is where the problem lies.

Getting the He/D2 ratio higher prior to measurement is what few want 
to talk about in detail. To make things worse, much worse -- there is 
a technique for bringing samples up from ppb to ppm which is called 
gettering or NEG (non evaporable gettering). It can introduce order 
of magnitude errors.


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:A Stake in the Heart - a stunning revelation

2014-09-18 Thread Ruby

On 9/18/14, 6:24 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Well, Ruby I hope Miles is correct (from the standpoint of strong LENR 
advocacy on my part) and I thank you for following up with the proper 
question. All of us here should only be concerned with the science -- 
not promoting one theory or another. Most of us do want to promote a 
proper understanding of what makes LENR work, however and sometimes 
that goes against the grain.

At some point, we have to have confidence in the results from a lab.  
Dr. Miles has defended his results successfully from all sides, and pays 
attention to details to do it.  As a former Navy scientist, he had 
access to what he needed.  He does not state conclusions lightly.

For me, and despite what Miles has told you today - the lack of gammas 
overwhelms any claim that I have seen of helium in proportion to heat. 
But again, all it takes is an experiment where ppm of helium is being 
made, and we should have that report in a matter of months.
That is your prerogative. However, the fact the the heat-helium 
correlation has been made multiple times since Miles' work, should 
factor into anyone's thinking on the matter.  In particular, the work 
SRI did is exemplary.   The correlation is strong.  In any other field, 
this would be clearly seen as fact.

In cold fusion, it seems the lack of discipline, the lack of historical 
knowledge, the lack of knowledge of the experimental data, combined with 
the euphoria of social media, allows any unfounded criticism to be 
amplified beyond it's usefulness.

The think I find most alarming is the circle the wagons mentality 
that seems to be happening in certain cliques against Mizuno's work. 
It is anti-scientific and counter-productive.

Neither I or Miles have said anything about Mizuno.  I am not sure who 
is circling the wagons.  To quell confusion in the minds of lurkers, 
and those who might positively contribute to the field, I am setting the 
record straight:  heat and helium are correlated for Pd-D systems by 
professional scientists from agencies and institutes who've successfully 
defended their work for over two decades.

What is means is there is a clear nuclear effect from safe, table-top 
cells.  And when deuterium is the fuel, helium is a result, a result 
that correlates with the mass-energy expected from DD fusion.  This does 
not point to any particular theory, only a correlation of effects.

See pages 86-91 in Storms' The Science of LENR published 2007 by World 
Scientific for the historical facts on the heat-helium correlation, a 
very real and documented effect.

I will end my participation in this discussion here.  It's back to work 
for me, again.  Sigh.

I wish you success in your research efforts, Jones.



From Dr. Melvin Miles:

/Jones Beene is simply wrong about the accuracy of helium-4 
measurements.  The laboratories that I used for my samples specialized 
in highly accurate helium measurements.  The DOI lab in Texas could 
easily measure 1 ppb.  The Rockwell lab with Dr.Brian Oliver was even 
better with an accuracy of 0.1 ppb./


Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:A Stake in the Heart - a stunning revelation

2014-09-17 Thread Ruby

On 9/16/14, 8:02 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Wow. This is a stunner.
Jones, These heat-helium correlations do not come from only one person.  
To deny the correlation of heat-helium is essentially saying that not 
only is Melvin Miles incompetent,  but so are the researchers from the 
numerous  (16?)  other studies confirming this effect as well.  Are you, 
in fact, basing your opinion on only one result?

Miles has successfully defended his work against the strongest assaults 
from pseudo-skeptics for two decades.  He has no reason to debate this 
issue further, as careful as he was to be sure there were no 
contaminative leaks.  If you are secretly reading an insular CMNS 
forum of scientists, then you would know the response of one member who 
said, essentially, that in any other field of science, these results 
would be unquestionable.  But because it's cold fusion, anything goes.

 Miles responded privately, and I do have permission to post this note:

/This is nothing new.  My helium-4 results were always reported in ppb 
and not ppm.   I don't know how the atmospheric helium would know which 
metal flasks contained gases from experiments producing excess heat and 
then only contaminate those particular flasks.  The control experiments 
with no excess heat gave a consistent mean helium-4 level of 4.5+-0.5 
ppb.  The flasks with excess heat were significantly higher in helium-4 
, and the ppb levels were in reasonable agreement with amounts expected 
for the excess power that was measured.//

--Melvin Miles//
Back to work,

I'm not on CMNS because of their policy of insularity - so I cannot verify
that the following message actually appeared, but it seems to be further
devastation to the widely held notion that helium and excess heat can be
well-correlated in LENR, even though it comes from only one proponent. He
was a prime proponent - and his posting shows the underlying foundation
is/was built on sand.

In fact, this almost proves to me that there is no correlation, or even
negative correlation - when it had been used to show the opposite. That's
right - this is better proof of NO HELIUM from fusion - than of a direct
correlation. And worse, Miles has been called the gold standard by a few
proponents. Apparently some were confused by the difference between million
and billion.

BTW, I did not get this from Krivit, but it shows that he may be largely
correct on his unpopular stance on helium. And I hate to admit that, because
Steve is wrong on a number of other issues IMHO - particularly on
Widom/Larsen and his insistence that Rossi is a scammer. Yet, I for one owe
Steve Krivit an apology, since he did stick his neck out on the helium issue
- and he seems to be largely correct - or at least more right than wrong.

From M. Miles: I want to respond to various comments about my China Lake
(Navy) results from 1990-1994 about the heat and helium correlations.
Someone commented that it would have been better if I had found helium-4 in
the electrolysis gases at levels greater than the helium-4 content normally
in air (5.22 ppm).

I agree that higher excess power levels would have been nice, but we had to
live with the excess power that was actually measured.  However, it is
unrealistic to expect helium-4 levels in the electrolysis gases via fusion
greater than the 5.22 ppm found naturally in air for our open calorimetric
system. (Our  system was not open directly to  the atmosphere, but the
electrolysis gases escaped via an oil bubbler that prevented the back-flow
of air).

My calculations show that D + D fusion to form helium-4 would produce
11.2 ppb (Billion!-not million) of helium-4 in the electrolysis gases per
0.100 W of excess power using a typical electrolysis current of I = 500
mA (See  page 32 of my final Navy report, NAWCWPNS TP 8302, September 1996).
Therefore, the production of helium-4 exactly equal to the 5.22 ppm in air
would have required an excess power of 46 W.  Such a large excess power
would have immediately driven my cell to boiling, depleted the cell
contents, and ended the experiment.

It is almost unbelievable that a few regular posters on CMNS would say that
Miles work is proof of a good correlation, when it actually appears to show
that all - 100% - of the helium measured could easily have diffused into
system from the outside. I suspect that most of the other reports have the
same or a similar underlying problem - they have not taken into account the
high levels of helium in Laboratories where MS is routinely practiced.
Helium concentration can be 1000 times more than what has been measured. One
will often see a high pressure helium tank within feet of the instrument

This is supposed to be a science forum, where experiment rules, not a
slap-on-the-back old boys club where past false notions live on, well beyond
their predictive value and instead actually become counter-productive to
progress. Isn't it about time that we either abandon or downplay the entire

Re: [Vo]:Solar Collectors' Avian Threat

2014-08-19 Thread Ruby

Thank you Terry for posting this.  I had no idea the problem was so bad.

I curse - and pity - the designers of this death ray at BurntSourceEnergy.

May their chicken be black out of the oven - and Thanksgiving dinner a 
FAIL - for the rest of their existence.

Examples abound describing the extinction process going on now - birds, 
bees, insects, salmon, tuna, mammals, ...sigh.  The human - better yet 
sub-human - sociopathic need for profit above all else spells our own 
doom as we cannabalize all that is worthy in our world.

Stop Suicidal Solar!
Cold Fusion NOW!

On 8/19/14, 9:37 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:

Workers at a state-of-the-art solar plant in the Mojave Desert have a
name for birds that fly through the concentrated beams of solar energy
focused upward by the plant's 300,000 mirrors — streamers, for the
smoke plume that comes from birds that ignite in midair.

Federal wildlife investigators who visited BrightSourceEnergy's
Ivanpah plant last year and watched as birds burned and fell,
reporting an average of one streamer every two minutes, are urging
California officials to halt the operator's application to build a
still-bigger version.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Review of Ed Storms book: The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction

2014-07-22 Thread Ruby

On 7/21/14, 1:57 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

Despite his expertise, or perhaps because of it - Storms appears to be 
misguided about Pd-D being relevant for Ni-H. In the opinion of many, 
there are better explanations, and they should be heard without the 
observers publishing their own book. That is what forums are designed 
for. There is no way to be supportive of a book that marginalizes all 
three of the best remaining hopes for commercialization of LENR – 
Rossi, Mizuno, and Mills, and that is the problem in a nutshell.

Therefore and again, if anyone can indeed show evidence of this kind 
of fusion “data rules”. We cannot go beyond the hard facts and the 
data available, and as of mid July 2014 there appears to be no 
meaningful probability that fusion of protons into deuterium can be 
involved in any of the best experimental work being done.

For commercialization to be a reality, and for the technology to be 
efficient and maximized, a theory of LENR must be found.  This does not 
marginalize research and engineering efforts.  It helps these 
experimental efforts by moving the hunt for a theory forward.

If there are hard facts and data on BECs forming at high temperature 
inside LENR reactors, or any of the other theoretical constructs, we 
must make that available - and show the relationship to the twenty-five 
years of data generated so far.

If there are no hard facts to replace assumptions in these theories, It 
would appear that there is as much evidence for fusion of protons into 
deuterium by default.  And, if Storms' logic is able to finish the job, 
then he is ahead by one length only.  Only testing will tell.

We should ask: What should these tests be?  How can we achieve these 

That reaction of protons fusing to deuterium is a cornerstone which Ed 
has chosen to build on for Ni-H, so all we can do for now is disagree 
- and wait for better data.

The book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction focuses on Pd-D 
systems because of the mountain of data that few look at twice.  Also, 
because Storms makes the case for the Pd-D and Ni-H ( and all transition 
metal hydrides) generating the same LENR process, he writes how to make 
it happen in Pd-D, but keeps the Ni-H info close to vest for use in his lab.

Jones, there are five different  theories that are currently isolated 
islands in a sea of perpetually prototype technology. No one agrees on 
anything, and there is no discussion about the assumptions in each 
theory, about how those assumptions are plausible, or not, and how the 
twenty-five years of data is expressed in each of those theories.  There 
is no discussion about hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion as 
predictions are few.

As an advocate, I want to see some serious discussion about these issues 
to get this thing figured out.  I don't care which theory is ultimately 
chosen.  I want a technology and some new lifestyle options!  Storms 
raises good questions. I can only hope egos are dropped, poor 
communication skills are forgiven, and the smart people in the room do 
something tangible to make LENR a reality.

*From:*Peter Gluck

- a destructive and practically unmanageable process based on cracking 
cannot be basis for a commercial technology;

Peter, if a nanocrack is indeed the NAE, then the idea would be to 
manufacture nanocracks, not leave them to be created by chance, as has 
been the case so far.

- Pd D and transition metals H processes are different and not D +D 
and H +H, Mpther Nature do not accepts such constraints

This is speculation.  I would like to see this figured out one way or 
the other. How do you do that?

- Pd D is technologically dead if wet, electrochemical

A mug of coffee is bad enough near my computer.

- the LENR+ processes (DGT, Rossi) seems to work outside this theory

If nanocracks are the NAE, and if the process works through hydrotons, 
then the proprietary processing of the nickel surface would be expected 
to make nano-spaces for the hydrogen to fill.

Mea culpa probably_ I could not understand the concept of hydrotons

More important LENR is a multi-, ,multi-  process see my Questions.

I know for sure- the book is excellent as all publications of Ed, but 
we still have to wait for a chain of theories explaining LENR.

I can only hope the actual questions are addressed.  A theory of LENR 
should be at the top of the list on 
things-to-do-for-nuclear-scientists-this-year if we want to maximize the 
technology.  Storms takes the approach of looking at the data, finding 
commonalities, and applying logic.  Judging by the state of LENR theory 
today, and the lack of one, how could that be bad?



Ruby Carat

Re: [Vo]:Review of Ed Storms book: The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction

2014-07-22 Thread Ruby

On 7/22/14, 1:30 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:

Dear Ruby,

Thank you for making this discussion more serious and fundamental. Please
have a lot of patience with a grumpy old man having unorthodox ideas 
re CF/LENR. It seems Nature behaves someetimes as a bad girl, 
respecting rules that differ from ours.

You wrote:
/ For commercialization to be a reality, and for the technology to be 
efficient and maximized, a theory of LENR must be found.  This does 
not marginalize research and engineering efforts.  It helps these 
experimental efforts by moving the hunt for a theory forward./

Absolutely correct, this is the essence of the scientific method, 
acreative dogma, a must. You are not allowed to develop a technology 
if you don't know well how it works.

You wrote:
/Peter, if a nanocrack is indeed the NAE, then the idea would be to 
manufacture nanocracks, not leave them to be created by chance, as has 
been the case so far./

Just to mention that at birth NAE was/ were 'active sites see please:
and environment is not correct, because it is about something very 
LOCAL- the real enviroment, nuclear active is the complete CelFP or 
Piantelli the entire E-cat or Hyperion. To manage crAcking of a 
metallic material is an awfully complex task. Cracking is not 
reversible- at least not at room temperature and is a sacrificial 
operation as in thermal shields of rockets- based on ablation.

For a technologist it is repugnant.
Thank you for the paper, Peter.  I had referenced it in the first 
calendar if you recall!

But random cracking would not be part of a technology; nanotechnology 
would create spaces to fill with fuel.

You wrote- re D +D and H+ H rejected:
/:This is speculation.  I would like to see this figured out one way 
or the other. How do you do that?/

See please the papers results of Piantelli, Rossi, DGT and of Ahern et 
other nanopowder studies. And yes, it is some speculation in it. 
However I know no proof for it. Is it some proof in the book of  Ed?
This is my point.  No one has proof of this. Yet, it is stated as fact.  
It is not a fact that Pd-D and Ni-H systems are different.  Personally, 
it dosn't make sense to me that they would be completely different NAEs, 
and I can cite the reasons I feel that way.  But until there is a theory 
that says so, keeping an open mind is a good idea.

You wrote:

(Pd D is technologically dead if wet, electrochemical)

/A mug of coffee is bad enough near my computer./
Non capisco however as faster we will refocus he research in our field
as sooner it will go well. I don't expect you will take such an initiative
on Cold Fusion Now or to publish my innfamous: eevrything I knew 
about cold fusion was wrong but the palladium addio! moment will 

I bet.

When the OG Pd-D electrolytic results were first announced, some tried 
the Ni-H electrolytic, and it worked too!  Two transition metals, and 
hydrogen isotopes.  Any bias I have falls on the side that the two 
phenomenon are the same.

Yes, no one wants a wet unit.  But what about nano-palladium loaded 
zeolites and D gas?  Results are strong.

The fact is it is too soon to tell, because there is no theory to guide 
the choices.

you wrote re DGT, Rossi:
/If nanocracks are the NAE, and if the process works through 
hydrotons, then the proprietary processing of the nickel surface would 
be expected to make nano-spaces for the hydrogen to fill.


We will know a lot soon from both LENR+ technologies. It is about 
nano- surfaces, nano-antennas but NOT cracks, IMHO. PLEASE listen very 
carefully to what our friend AXIL says here! Take a look to my cited

paper re the concept of surface, today it is even more complex.

Storms looks to many data, true, however many important data are still 

My best wishes,

If it is true that the space for hydrogen is the important aspect, what 
would be the difference between a nano-crack in a metal, and a 
nano-space made by walls or nano-antennae upward from a surface?  
Could the properties of both spaces be the same and both function as a NAE?

Yes, data is missing, but there is also ALOT of data available, too.  
Unfortunately, it is difficult to even agree on what the facts are!

What we need are predictions from these theories, predictions that can 
be tested.  Please make a post on each of the theories and what their 
predictions are.  That would be helpful.  And thank you, Peter for your 
persistence in trying to find a solution.

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Ruby wrote:

On 7/21/14, 1:57 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

Despite his expertise, or perhaps because of it - Storms appears
to be misguided about Pd-D being relevant for Ni-H. In the
opinion of many, there are better explanations, and they should
be heard without the observers publishing their own book. That is
what forums are designed

Re: [Vo]:Review of Ed Storms book: The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction

2014-07-22 Thread Ruby

On 7/22/14, 7:28 AM, Jones Beene wrote:


Jones, there are five different  theories that are currently isolated 
islands in a sea of perpetually prototype technology. No one agrees on 
anything, and there is no discussion about the assumptions in each 
theory, about how those assumptions are plausible, or not, and how the 
twenty-five years of data is expressed in each of those theories.  
There is no discussion about hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion as 
predictions are few.

As an advocate, I want to see some serious discussion about these 
issues to get this thing figured out.  I don't care which theory is 
ultimately chosen.  I want a technology and some new lifestyle 
options!  Storms raises good questions. I can only hope egos are 
dropped, poor communication skills are forgiven, and the smart people 
in the room do something tangible to make LENR a reality.

Yes it is frustrating but the glimmer of hope is that our deep level 
of frustration, shared by almost everyone on this list, points 
directly to the emerging answer.

And - we appreciate your work as an advocate, Ruby.

Thank you Jones.  I am a sucker for the underdog.  Especially one that 
could bring forward a different world paradigm.

Egos and poor communication are part of the problem which you are 
addressing. But smart people are involved, needy and smart; and with 
more data – the correct answer(s) will emerge. We are on the cusp of 
that in 2014, and thirsty for more accurate data. That there was 
really nothing new in Storm’s book, especially new data - is part of 
the frustration level. He has done such good experimental work is the 
past, that there was an expectation of a breakthrough coming from his 
Lab and not from his Library.

I believe that the twenty-five years of data had not been properly 
looked at wholly.  Storms did that, and he was uniquely positioned to do 
that by the fact that he had been there from the start, and he had 
performed several surveys of the field over the past couple decades. 
McKubre was right in saying that Storms probably knows more than anyone 
about the field - including new data.  So a summary from the Library is 
in good order.  There are so many early results that have clues to this 

He is not a mathematician, nor is he a quantum mechanics expert.  He has 
tried to understand things from the ground up, and look fresh at the 
basics.  If an assumption is wrong, no amount of quantum mechanics will 
make it right.  Apply math on plausible ideas that support the data, and 
we can get somewhere.

He is packaging this book and survey of theories in language that people 
outside the field can understand.  Looking at today's LENR theories, 
there are clearly holes (the unacknowledged assumptions) that turn 
conventional scientists away from this field.  When the LENR community 
of theoriests cannot face these holes, and discuss the discrepancies, 
how can mainstream science want to jump in?  Storms wants new people to 
start seriously thinking about this field, and he made a book that is 
logically consistent to do that.

But that overall answer – as to which theory is correct - is an answer 
that will not please everyone, and perhaps not please anyone - since 
the correct answer will simply be something closer to “all-of-them” 
instead of “one-or-the-other.”

I don't see how any of these theories can merge.  Either there is 
electron capture, or there is a BEC, or a hydroton, or .   or not.  
They are completely different and unrelated ideas to me.

That is too glib, so let me explain. There are indeed at least five 
good theories or partial theories - more like 12 if we count 
“facilitating concepts” as a theory, of which Ed’s is but one, but 
they are not “isolated islands”. Many of them, even all of them 
interact, and will probably be shown to be partially active in the 
same experiment.

If that is true, I don't see it. I don't see how a BEC interacts with 
low-momentum neutron creation.  I am not an expert, though.  That is why 
I talk to the scientists and they explain it to me.  Robert Godes 
explained his Quantum Fusion to me, George Miley explained his swimming 
electrons and clusters to me, and Storms has explained his hydroton to 
me.  Every single one of them had no relation to other, in their words 
or concepts.

The good-news / bad-news for Ed Storms book is that the NAE 
observation could be among the most active, seen in almost all 
experiments… ! hurray ! … but the bad news is that Storms’ further 
assertion of protons fusing to deuterium could be active in only a few 
ppm – almost never. If true, this is hurtful to Ed, who has convinced 
himself that he alone has this problem figured out. Thus he is not 
happy with the criticism. Same for W-L in that some ultra-cold 
neutrons are likely to be found, but their explanation is grossly 
insufficient. Same for Rossi-Focardi – in claiming nickel transmutation.

Yes, he could be wrong

Re: [Vo]:Ed Storms Explains LENR -- New Interview

2014-07-21 Thread Ruby

On 7/20/14, 8:22 PM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Foks0904 . wrote:

/Earlier he had chastised theorists for throwing out the laws of
thermodynamics, and here he does essentially the same thing./

 If the reaction takes place in the lattice, we're definitely
violating the laws of thermodynamics.

***HOW?  HOW??   HOW???  Demonstrate it!!!  Why is this such a big 
friggin deal to you and Ed Storms and why hasn't he LOUDLY proclaimed 
it, especially when he he was here on Vortex?  If it's such a BIG 
friggin deal, why didn't he make a BIG FRIGGIN DEAL about it here on 
Hi Kevin, I haven't listened to the interview yet, but I've spent some 
time talking with Storms about this.  He applies a physics 101 
application of thermodynamics to system of particles in a closed 
environment.  For LENR, the lattice plays the closed environment.

Question: How do nuclear particles converge together in a lattice 
vacancy and fuse?

(How does deuterium turn into helium?)

Question: How does an electron gain enough energy to combine with proton?
(782 keV to make neutron)

Where does the energy come from to do this?  How does this energy 
coalesce in one location at once, without affecting the chemical bonds 
that make up the lattice?  How does it accumulate over time (it it does)?

Gaining energy in a localized region means it must have been lost 
somewhere else from the surrounding area.

But thermodynamics says energy cannot spontaneously accumulate in one 
location.  Yes, unusual quantum mechanical effects happen.  Odd things 
can occur once in a while.  But, given the number of required reactions 
to make the observed heat, it would be a violation of the laws of 
thermodynamics to have so many out-of-the-norm events.

That's how I understand what he is saying.

In a nano-environment, separate from the chemical lattice itself
but still a part of it in another sense, we can see new high
energy events manifest before altering the NAE before high rates
of nuclear reactions can be achieved.

***What a bunch of bowlsheet.
The nano-crack is a separate space from the lattice.  It is a broken 
part of the lattice.

As a separate space, it has an environment different from the lattice.

In this environment, nuclei and electrons can be trapped in an unusual 
way (the hydroton) in a nanocrack that can't happen in a vacancy.

The hydroton can resonate in a way it wouldn't in the lattice.
These are two examples of how the crack allows behavior that a vacancy won't

When Storms'  hydroton in the nano-crack resonates, mass turns to energy 
slowly, over time, as opposed to hot fusion which releases mass-energy 
all at once.
Hydrotonic fusion happens without fragmentation, as opposed to hot 
fusion which does.
Because hydrotonic fusion happens without fragmentation, momentum is not 
conserved in the same way that the fusion products of hot fusion will 
conserve momentum.
These three differences show some of the criteria and reasoning behind 
Storms' insistence upon separating the two phenomenon of hot fusion and 
cold fusion.

That's how I understand it at this time.


Ruby Carat

[Vo]:New books on science and theory

2014-07-07 Thread Ruby

Edmund Storms' new book is available today!  Christy will be shipping 
them from the Infinite Energy office.

/The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: / /An Examination of 
the Relationship between Observation and Explanation/ by Edmund Storms


Also, Melvin Miles and Michael McKubre wrote the chapter on cold fusion 
for /Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann/


Get copies for yourself - and for your local school libraries!


Ruby Carat

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Pasadena: Theater Arts at Caltech dramatizes the discovery and debunking of “cold fusion” (bring tomatoes)

2014-05-02 Thread Ruby
I wish I could go down there and lay a load of calendars on their sorry 


On 5/2/14, 5:53 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

for people interested:

a nasty anti-cold fusion theater play in pasadena…

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:2014 CF/LANR Colloquium all files page

2014-03-29 Thread Ruby

We are assembling a page for all 2014 CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT audio, 
video, .pdfs, and links to affiliated institutions:

New material will be added here as they are available throughout the 
week (or two!)

Your comments and suggestions are welcome.


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Yoshino slides from 2014 MIT Colloquium

2014-03-27 Thread Ruby

Thank you Jed, I have added your version to the Audio files page:


On 3/27/14, 7:40 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Finally! The slides are here:

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Wrote a song form cold fusion. 11 MB type wmv

2014-02-11 Thread Ruby

Synths - retro organ - absurdist dada noise - I want to join your band!

Gotta bend that toy though:

On 2/11/14 2:37 PM, wrote:

Frank Z

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Toyota Replicates Mitsubishi LENR Transmutation Experiment

2013-12-28 Thread Ruby

I do not recall this topic at ICCF-18.

Kidwell was primarily focusing on his happiness chart rating system.

On 12/27/13 12:06 PM, wrote:

Pardon if this was already posted, but did the presentation include more
details than revealed in his recent patent application below?

Excess enthalpy upon pressurization of dispersed palladium with hydrogen
or deuterium  -  US 20130316897 A1

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Toyota Replicates Mitsubishi LENR Transmutation Experiment

2013-12-28 Thread Ruby

Though the nasal, sinusoidal quality of his voice lends a snarky 
impression, I believe he is sincere in his metaphor.

For instance, he said the FP announcement was off-the-chart on the 
happiness chart scale, and, for actual like gas-loading experiments, all 
chemical reactions cannot be ruled out, and therefore he is at 50% on 
the chart of happiness.

He said after twenty years of NRL studies, they have no conclusive 
evidence for a reaction, though it deserves further study, a statement 
puzzling to me.

I have to wonder why he would remain in the field of research with his 
views the way they are.   I wonder how much weight his conclusions have 
at the NRL.

On 12/28/13 3:49 PM, James Bowery wrote:
That's why I asked if there was a video.  The happiness chart seems 
like it might be snarky but then again it might be sincere.

It is difficult to understand what he's getting at from the 
presentation slides alone.

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Toyota Replicates Mitsubishi LENR Transmutation Experiment

2013-12-27 Thread Ruby

Cold Fusion Now took video of Kidwell's presentation at ICF-18, but we 
did not get permission to upload publicly.  He did not want his picture 
taken at all.  I complied with his wishes.

After his talk, Iwamura, and others, vociferously answered Kidwell's 
claims, and stood by their results.  Kidwell was disparaging of most 
results found in the field, from early on till the present (even nagging 
them about particulars in the elevator!).

While his message of careful data acquisition is important, Kidwell's 
mistrust of competent and talented scientists in the field could be 
called zealotry, though some diplomatically call it a conversation:

Iwamura at ICCF-18 Recent Advances

On 12/26/13 1:50 PM, James Bowery wrote:
That is a slide presentation.  It would be helpful if there were a 
video with the audio narrative.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Vote to put LENR Cars on Future Energy event

2013-11-20 Thread Ruby

Be sure to check your email to click on the verification link.

Otherwise, your vote will not count.

On 11/19/13 10:40 PM, Ruby wrote:

Nicolas Chauvin definitely needs more votes!

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:LENT from super vibration proposed

2013-11-19 Thread Ruby

This is pretty much over my head, but I'm kinda following you... :-)

I just hope a technology comes out of this research.
There's alot o waste to clean up.

On 11/19/13 4:41 AM, Roarty, Francis X wrote:
 My interpretation of LENT is that the radioactive particles that are 
contained in the dynamic casimir geometries afforded by supervibration 
are experiencing time dilation dominated by the accelerated variety -- 
I believe the opposite variety of time dilation is also present in the 
geometry  where the quantum geometry pumps down the vacuum pressure in 
a shallow field over the external surface of the plates to concentrate 
it into the cavity. The before and after radiation measurements focus 
on the average so the accelerated decay in the contained areas will 
far outstrip the slight delays and be easier to detect. The geometry 
of the particles relative to the catalyst would bias these anomalous 
decay rates. My personal opinion is that catalytic action is based on 
this same anomaly. 

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:Vote to put LENR Cars on Future Energy event

2013-11-19 Thread Ruby

Nicolas Chauvin definitely needs more votes!

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:LENT from super vibration proposed

2013-11-18 Thread Ruby

An update from Toshiro Sengaku on proposals to remediate radioactive 
materials from Fukushima using LENT:

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Quote from Guy Murchie about Ptolemaic astronomy

2013-11-13 Thread Ruby

Following the work of Marshall McLuhan, I have come to see things like 
synchronicity and ESP as future skills of human mind technology (future 
for me and the bulk of humanity! though some are evolved faster)

According to McLuhan, a new technology emerges as a figure from a 
ground, to borrow art vocabulary.

Also, according to McLuhan, effects precede causes.  This is because 
the service environment for any new technology is already forming to 
accomodate the new technology.

Right now, we are living complex clairvoyance, synchronicity, ESP, and 
bi-location (among other effects) through digital technology.  In 
cyberspace (such a quaint term!)  I can be in Tokyo and Florida at 
once.  Asking my friend to turn on the radio in Florida effects change, 
though I am not there.  The speed-of-light communication allows 
synchronicity of events, and thoughts.

To follow McLuhan, this ground portends our future figure.

We are right now living in a world of abundant information, continuously 
flowing, infinite, seemingly with no end, and nearly free.

We need breakthrough energy hardware technology to complete the 
transformation, and allow human chemical bodies to catch up to our 
current software world, and as my friend Bob says, end the friction of 


On 11/11/13 7:01 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:


I myself have no trace of ESP.

Yes, you do!

Personal Suspicion

I think we all do, regardless of we admit it to ourselves or not.
Ironically, hunting for ESP is a surefire way of NOT finding it. No wonder
CISCOP has had a field day dissing the subject. It's so easy for them not to
find any trace of it.;-)

I'm under the belief that some forms of synchronicity are nothing more than
the physics of ESP in action. (A so called mechanized manifestation of the
phenomenon.) It might help to perceive the universe is a huge pattern
recognition hologram.

/Personal Suspicion

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Quote from Guy Murchie about Ptolemaic astronomy

2013-11-08 Thread Ruby

I have been moving into a new old house and moving stuff out of 
storage.  I have about 2000 books, covering every phase of my life's 
interests.  I just pulled this very book out of a box yesterday, and 
wondered to myself, hmm, why do I have this book?

Now I know!


On 11/8/13 7:17 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Guy Murchie (1907 - 1997) was an author, journalist and flight 
instructor who taught navigation during WWII. Murchie was an early 
FOCF (Friend of Cold Fusion), and a friend of Eugene Mallove, and a 

I recommend his book Song of the Sky (1954) which is mainly about 
navigation. The entire book is on the web:

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:ICCF-18 videos for Thursday and Friday posted

2013-11-08 Thread Ruby

Here are the videos of the presentations on Thursday and Friday for 
which we had permission to post up publicly.
These will be the last videos we post up.   Spread these links around, 
and let people know what's going down!

A list of available presentations is here:

Thursday playlist on Youtube is here:

Friday playlist on Youtube is here:

All ICCF-18 videos are on the Cold Fusion Now channel here:

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Glow-in-the-dark roads

2013-10-31 Thread Ruby

Let's be dark at night, so that we may see the stars!


On 10/30/13 5:24 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Capture UV light during the day, release it at night as visible light. 
You gotta love things like this! See:

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Glow-in-the-dark roads

2013-10-31 Thread Ruby

Yes, conventional over-head lights are horribly over-used.

Perhaps a thin strip of this glowing material would suffice,
just enough to follow on a starry, moonless night.


On 10/31/13 2:01 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
It might be useful for the margin, to mark the edge of the road. I 
suppose that might add to light pollution. That is now done with 
reflective markers. I guess that is sufficient for automobile traffic.

The light from this material decreases as the night grows darker. That 
is remarkable. It would help reduce ambient light.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar Available Now!

2013-10-24 Thread Ruby

Rumplestiltskin Reaction says, Guess my name!

CFLLAQFH sounds Druid.  To this year's version I added the holidays for 
all countries who've held ICCF conferences.

(last year, there were no holidays in the calendar.)
I also added the eight major Druid holidays in homage to the ancient 
scientists of yore.

Happy Samhain!


   cold fusion, LENR, LANR, AHE, quantum fusion, and HENI.



Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Contact film producer assiciated with Discovery Channel they want to do a show

2013-10-24 Thread Ruby

What is the topic?  Anti-gravity?

Good luck!

On 10/24/13 9:18 AM, wrote:

I may have to travel to Atlanta to do some filming.
Still in the works, will need to review syllabus.

Frank Znidarsic

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar Available Now!

2013-10-23 Thread Ruby
Greetings, For a second year, I have made a calendar that showcases the 
incredible achievements in the field of cold fusion, LENR, LANR, AHE, 
quantum fusion, and HENI.

This year's theme is schools and colleges with faculty who have 
pursued experimental research, and gotten students involved.  There were 
many revisions, but the final photos are tremendous.

You can purchase a calendar and support our work at Cold Fusion Now AND 
get a great gift for the holidays!

The calendars are suitable for sending to friends, family, industry and 
agency.  They are a great promotional tool for education and advocacy.

Read more about it here:

Order a calendar and have it mailed to your door here:

You can also order from

Thank you for your support,

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:ICCF-18 Presentation videos for Wednesday July 24

2013-10-22 Thread Ruby

ICCF-18 Presentation videos for Wednesday July 24, 2013 are uploaded to 

A list of available talks for which we have permission to post is here:

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Video The Believers

2013-10-16 Thread Ruby

Here is a review of The Believers that I wrote:

I found the use of Martin Fleischmann in a private medical situation 
disturbing, among other elements.

Over the next year, Eli and I are making a documentary on the field that 
will go deeper into why cold fusion was rejected, and more importantly, 
show the successes that have come since.

We have several interviews from ICCF-18 and GlobalBEM, so far. We'll be 
visiting some labs and resuming filming after the New Year.  It will be 
a feature film to be submitted to festivals, and further awareness the 
way Believers couldn't.


On 10/16/13 7:51 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
I get that, but I wish this had been made public because it put to 
rest many important questions that dogged the field in the early 
years. I consider this a failure of communication.

when academic community fall in consensual delusion, manipulated
by few extremists,  they put the blame on the victim like any

I do not think the people who made this video are members of the 
academic community. They strike me as nitwits who know nothing about 
experimental science.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Video The Believers

2013-10-16 Thread Ruby

Thank you James. I would love to talk with Charles Beaudette and I will 
try to do that.

He was at ICCF-18 and I wanted to talk with him, but unfortunately, 
since we ended up filming the entire set of lectures, the interviews 
were severely impacted.

On 10/16/13 5:13 PM, James Bowery wrote:

Hopefully you'll consult with Baudette.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Ruby wrote:

Here is a review of The Believers that I wrote:

I found the use of Martin Fleischmann in a private medical
situation disturbing, among other elements.

Over the next year, Eli and I are making a documentary on the
field that will go deeper into why cold fusion was rejected, and
more importantly, show the successes that have come since.

We have several interviews from ICCF-18 and GlobalBEM, so far. 
We'll be visiting some labs and resuming filming after the New

Year.  It will be a feature film to be submitted to festivals, and
further awareness the way Believers couldn't.


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Video The Believers

2013-10-16 Thread Ruby

Hmm, I will have to look into this that you are describing.  I can see 
how both issues could relate.

My thesis so far is that it was the MIT and Caltech negative results 
which most influenced the APS, Nature magazine, the DoE report, and 
subsequently the USPTO.  Both public and private investment were nixed.

Those were the pivotal actions, or figures, that expressed the 
rejection.  But the ground was, as it always is, the powerful draw of 
an existing paradigm.

As the premier science institutions, MIT and Caltech had (have) the 
power to sway policy, and they did.  Their attitudes, and hasty 
experiments, operated from a particular scientific paradigm where,  
Everything [they] knew as a physicist, ...everything [they] knew about 
nuclear theory (-Glenn Seaborg), told them cold fusion was impossible.

Some people can only go so far.

On 10/16/13 5:51 PM, James Bowery wrote:
Baudette's claim that the problem was primarily one of difference in 
scientific protocol between chemistry and physics must be respected 
given the depth of his research, however, he, himself, points to 
events like Oriani's rejection by the American editors of Nature early 
in 1990 as pivotal -- and I just can't believe that scientific 
protocol in physics demanded that kind of behavior.  He should be 
confronted with that contradiction.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Ruby wrote:

Thank you James. I would love to talk with Charles Beaudette and I
will try to do that.

He was at ICCF-18 and I wanted to talk with him, but
unfortunately, since we ended up filming the entire set of
lectures, the interviews were severely impacted.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:ICCF-18 lecture presentation videos for Tuesday uploaded

2013-10-07 Thread Ruby


Eli has finished editing and uploading the Tuesday lecture videos that 
we have permission to make public.

A Tuesday playlist is here:

The ColdFusionNow Youtube channel video upload page is here:

A blog post on is here:

Monday's playlist is here:

Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

I think Eli is going to take care of some other stuff through the end of 
the week, and resume editing next week.

Thanks for your support,

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:ICCF-18 Monday's lecture video posted

2013-09-28 Thread Ruby
We finally got the first day of video presentations posted up on 
Youtube!   Eli Elliott shot and edited all the video.

Here's a list of videos in a blog post:

Here's a direct Youtube channel link:

Still waiting on a few responses, and a few did not want their video 
I do not have a contact for James Truchard.  If anybody has contact with 
him, perhaps they could ask about permission to post his presentation.

Eli will be working on Tuesday's lectures after the weekend.

Thanks for your patience,

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:ICCF-18 Monday's lecture video posted

2013-09-28 Thread Ruby

Jed, that is weird about that link.  It worked for me.

At any rate, I added the link to your script to the Youtube info.

As far as seeing yourself, we are all in the same boat there.  I saw a 
picture of me with JD posted online, and wanted to crawl under the 
table.  What can you do but give up on these trivialities?  The 
important thing is that this message is brought out to the public.

THANK YOU for agreeing to post yours.

Tuesday's presentations will be sometime, although faster than Monday's. 
Eli and I are moving into a new old house today that is still a 
construction zone, (and soon to be Feature Documentary HQ).  Oi.  No 
more editing till ...Monday?


On 9/28/13 8:29 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Here's a list of videos in a blog post:

For some reason this linked to ICCF17. Here is the link to 18:

It is mortifying to see my own video. I talk too fast, as my wife 
tells me.

At least it isn't in Japanese.

The script is here:

It follows fairly closely because I updated it to include some of the 
stuff I ad libbed during the talk.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:LENR Strategic Business Assessment: Introduction

2013-08-31 Thread Ruby

Mason, check this map out.


On 8/30/13 2:08 PM, Mason Ainsworth wrote:

1. Which Players are impacted and How are they impacted?
2. What are the reasonable possible responses to LENR for each Player (or 
category of Players) and What is the associated probability of implementing the 
3. What are some important additional considerations to research before 
synthesizing a LENR business strategy?
4. For the LENR Executive, what is the reasonable rational best strategic 
approach to introducing our firm's LENR product, given the above information?

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Dennis Cravens' LENR demonstration at NI Week

2013-08-23 Thread Ruby

On 8/23/13 6:52 AM, a.ashfield wrote:

You know, the two spheres, one running hotter than the other.
He said come back Thursday to see what's inside.
I have not seen anything written about this. Did he open it up?

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo] hacked with weakness in WordPress

2013-08-04 Thread Ruby

Do you mean your hosting service, or, ISP?  Or, are they the same?

Can you tell me the name of your service?


On 8/4/13 2:55 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Some idiot tried to hack When you accessed the indexes 
it displayed this message:

HACKED_kutsaL'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

This string was nowhere in any of the files I upload. It was in one of 
the ISP configuration folders, presumably a php. The people at the ISP 
could not find it. After they spent 2 days farting around I had to pay 
them $50 to recover a backup.

This is supposedly caused by permissions in one of the WordPress 
files. The ISP was supposed to send me a memo describing this problem 
but so far they have not. If anyone knows what this might be, please 
contact me.

I updated to the latest version of WordPress.

I found one of the .pdf files was corrupted. I will download them all 
tomorrow and check them.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Why Cold Fusion Has to Die

2013-07-15 Thread Ruby

Names are important.  They have power, and, they flip like fashion.

But no matter what you'd like to call it, when the technology descends, 
you will not decide the name, the company will not decide the name, the 
public will.

The users of any technology will generate their own language to describe 
their world.  Any imposed name is only a starting point.

Rossi didn't think of shortening to Ecat, the fans did. (Perhaps 
someone on Vortex?)

I am an advocate who has stood out on the street and spoke one-on-one 
with the public about this technology.  It is clear: cold fusion is a 
superior term with the kids and young people. they do not have the 
prejudice that older people have.  And they will be the users.

I call it whatever name needs be, for whatever audience I have. It is a 
Rumplestiltskin reaction, and it's the bomb, too.

I will be videotaping at ICCF.  I will use multiple names for each 
person, according to their preference.  that's just how cold fusion now 

On 7/15/13 3:52 AM, Mark Gibbs wrote: 


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Bockris memorial

2013-07-10 Thread Ruby

I added this IE link to

On 7/10/13 10:05 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:A show of hands, whose going to ICCF-18?

2013-07-01 Thread Ruby

I am going with my friend Eli who will act as cameraman.  We will be 
doing as many interviews as possible, with every one we can.

We hope to do daily video updates, but plan to keep most of the video 
for a feature documentary film.

I will be bringing t-shirts and stickers and they will be at the 
Infinite Energy table, along with a few free 2013 History of CF 
calendars for participants.

I will be soliciting info and sponsorship for the 2014 History of Cold 
Fusion Calendar which will feature the theme of educational institutions 
and their faculty who have been involved in research.  This version will 
also include holidays for all countries that have held ICCFs.

I had thought about trying to stream, but I believe I've taken on enough 
projects already, and won't have the ability.

On 7/1/13 9:56 AM, Paul Breed wrote:

I am.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:A show of hands, whose going to ICCF-18?

2013-07-01 Thread Ruby

I can go to only one, and I chose ICCF.

I regret I will miss a chance to interview you.

On 7/1/13 8:38 PM, DJ Cravens wrote:

no, not me.
I had to pick only one, so I decided to go to NI Week instead and do a 
demo there since ICCF delayed too long in replying to demo requests.

I will give vortex a heads up a little before NI Week about demo #2.
But remember this is not a science experiment, it is a demo for the
unwashed masses and is just to stimulate public awareness.


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:A show of hands, whose going to ICCF-18?

2013-07-01 Thread Ruby

Yes, it's not so much the money to stream, it's just another thing I'd 
have to deal with.  My priority is getting good video, audio and interviews.

Hope you can make it and stream, blaze.

On 7/1/13 8:14 PM, blaze spinnaker wrote:
Kickstarter?  What's the cost?   Point an iPhone 5 at the speaker and 
you're done.

Maybe bring a tripod.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:It was Harry's fault

2013-06-27 Thread Ruby

Washington Post cites Cold Fusion Now in LENR poll win, but Harry 
started it all.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:It was Harry's fault

2013-06-27 Thread Ruby

Negative comments coming in, along with MY.

On 6/27/13 8:47 AM, Ruby wrote:

Washington Post cites Cold Fusion Now in LENR poll win, but Harry 
started it all.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Science Book States No Cold Fusion Replication

2013-06-22 Thread Ruby

Yes, I see.  The book comes highly recommended as the URL shows:

Textbook review was an agenda item on the Virginia Board of Education.

Dr. Linda Wallinger, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction was the 
Presenter AND you can reach her here:

Perhaps your daughter could take her class for a field trip to Langley 
RC.  It's in the neighborhood.

On 6/21/13 6:25 PM, David Roberson wrote:
Holt McDougal is listed below the title,  Virginia Science Fusion is 
the name of book.  These two names are on the front cover of the book.
Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt publishing company 2013 copyright. 
NEWS weekly special addition 1989 Fusion or fiction was this 
experiment flawed?  This was on the front page of the News special 
along with: Why can't results be replicated?  Below the picture of 
the NEWS weekly front page was a brief description of the report about 
the 1989 announcement.

-Original Message-
From: Ruby
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jun 21, 2013 8:58 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Science Book States No Cold Fusion Replication

Dave, Do you have the author or publisher of the textbook?

Science teachers review science books for the classroom.  This 
reflects a widespread deference to authority, without questioning 
the assumptions or thinking for oneself.

On 6/21/13 5:12 PM, David Roberson wrote:
It was speaking about how science operates and used cold fusion as an 
example of how you must have replication in order to have a sound 
basis.  They stated that cold fusion has not been replicated and was 
therefore not valid science.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Science Book States No Cold Fusion Replication

2013-06-21 Thread Ruby

Dave, Do you have the author or publisher of the textbook?

Science teachers review science books for the classroom.  This reflects 
a widespread deference to authority, without questioning the 
assumptions or thinking for oneself.

It's too much work to edit your syllabus, not to mention change a set of 
exercises, so don't expect to buck the mythology of what one is required 
to know a true.  Politicians now decide that.


On 6/21/13 5:12 PM, David Roberson wrote:
It was speaking about how science operates and used cold fusion as an 
example of how you must have replication in order to have a sound 
basis.  They stated that cold fusion has not been replicated and was 
therefore not valid science.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Back in history...

2013-06-17 Thread Ruby

What an excellent essay. The account of the second meeting on transmuations:

We held the meeting in the local Holiday Inn. Because of the assault 
made by Professor Cotton and his colleagues on the first meeting we 
thought that a more violent one might be made in this meeting and 
therefore hired a deputy from the police department to be present 
outside the door
of the meeting in order to quell any attempt by members of the Chemistry 
Department to suppress the presentation of new ideas by violence.  The 
papers of the 96 meeting have been published in the Autumn edition of 
New Energy of that year.

Steven Krivit's archive contains the Proceedings of that meeting:

On 6/17/13 5:49 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I never asked Bockris about the harassment. He wrote about it here:

He told me that several other researchers got positive results but 
were afraid to present them. Some of them asked him to present their 
results as his own. I do not think he did.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Nasa pursues vacuum engieering.. Eagle Works space propulsion lab is born

2013-06-14 Thread Ruby

See Sonny White's lecture summary (my summary) announcing the project here:

He gave a great lecture and it was clear that the lab at Johnson SC 
would be adequately funded.

On 6/14/13 9:58 AM, Roarty, Francis X wrote:

Founder Sonny White pursues casimir force to steal momentum from 
virtual pairs.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Washington Post Poll

2013-06-14 Thread Ruby

Thanks Harry, I posted up here:

On 6/14/13 11:49 AM, Harry Veeder wrote:
The way this works is that readers submit a comment describing their 
preference and each comment receive votes. The comments with the most 
votes appears at the top and it is for LENR. In addition, I  browsed 
all the comments and it appears the _vast_ majority of the votes  are 
for LENR.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:OT: NSA Leaker- Edward Snowden and 200K Pay Scale

2013-06-10 Thread Ruby

All the information about you that exists in these databases constitutes 
another You, an AI representation that has a life of its own.

Chad Scoville called it a Media Doppler

You have been cloned, and as it evolves over time, Your clone takes on 
multiple forms.

If you can be anybody, you are now nobody.

On 6/10/13 5:03 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

In recent days, it has become more widely known that there exist 
databases containing all one’s personal communications and 
transactions in irrevocable storage forever spread around both public 
and private organizations. If someone who can access this information, 
a case to support a given allegation can be easily made by picking the 
data that supports their conjecture.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:New aetheric energy image

2013-06-08 Thread Ruby

I hope you will enter our next New Energy Paradigm Shift Art Show 2013 
near the end of the year.

This was the first one we did from last year:

On 6/8/13 7:26 PM, John Berry wrote:
Hey, for those who were open minded enough to explore this subject, I 
have made a new image that engineers the aether.

This is based on the flower of life, but has a detail in the center 
that is important.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Over 40 messages posted by Joshua Cude posted on June 4

2013-06-04 Thread Ruby

Scientific background's can be manufactured on the spot.  Big deal!

Ruby Carat
Bachelor's in Physics
Master's in Math
Free jazz musician

(All true)

Best credential?  No afraid to ask questions and admit ignorance.

But I sure don't want to confuse Cude with my booklearnin...

On 6/4/13 8:23 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:


you admit that you haven't read most of his postings so you haven't a 
clue.  He is a liar.  His goal is to debunk.  That should be obvious.  
He has violated a number of rules, and we have been quite tolerant.

on 6/1:

It's funny how the most vocal advocates for cold fusion shouting that 
skeptics are not scientific mostly have no scientific background. You 
and Lomax and Krivit (though not on Rossi), Carat, Wuller, Tyler, and 
all the engineers on this site. If there were anything to cold fusion, 
it really wouldn't need a bunch of untrained idiots to promote it.


Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:On deception

2013-05-31 Thread Ruby

Mark, consider another example.

How did quantum mechanics come about?

Experimental phenomenon occurred in blackbody radiation that could not 
be explained by the conventional physical theories of the day.

Also, the early planetary model of an atom with a central nucleus and 
an orbiting electron did not fit the conventional theories of the day.

The conventional theory of the day said that as the electron moved, it 
would lose energy, and the orbit would decay, and the atom would collapse!

But orbits of electrons around atoms do not decay.  Matter does not 
collapse.  Atoms exist in tact.

Conventional theory was at a loss to explain these, and other, phenomenon.

Some said I do not believe what I am seeing.   This cannot be true.

Others said something more was needed.

A new model called quantum mechanics was born.  Quantum mechanical 
predictions correlated with what was seen in the lab, and the theory 
continues to be renovated today.

That is what is being said here about cold fusion/LENR/LANR/quantum 
fusion/anomalous heat and transmutations.

Current nuclear theory does not explain ALL the many effects that are 
seen in this science.

Something more is needed.

Cold fusion theorists are trying to figure out how to explain what they 
are seeing.

Some people claim they have figured it out.  But, until one of these 
theories is able to expain ALL the effects, and in addition, spell out 
the recipe on how to make this happen on-demand, at any scale, no theory 
can claim top dawg.

This does not dismiss conventional nuclear theory.  It does say, that 
something more is needed.

Does this make any sense?

Or, think of Chico Marx:   Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?

Please don't give up Mark.  Your voice is needed.


On 5/31/13 1:59 PM, Mark Gibbs wrote:
Ah, so it's OK to argue that Cude is, in effect, hand-waving away 
Ohm's law and that's indefensible because that law is accepted but 
it's not OK to argue that Carat's dismissal of conventional physics as 
being wrong about LENR is also hand waving?


Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:Pre-loaded hydrogen fuel advancing technology

2013-05-30 Thread Ruby

It is amazing that even though the science is still a mystery, there are 
increasing levels of engineering advancements building the technology.

Wish I had time to study more

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Gibbs: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! Yes, He Is! No, He Isn't!

2013-05-30 Thread Ruby

I wrote that quote...

Cold fusion has no definitive theory – as yet, but the experimental 
evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and transmutations can occur 
within metallic-hydrides systems contained in small cells that sit on a 

.. and stand by it.

On 5/30/13 7:08 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Here is the latest column from Gibbs:

This is pretty good, but it includes a profound misunderstanding of 
the scientific method. Gibbs quoted someone and wrote:

Cold fusion has no definitive theory – as yet, but the
experimental evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and
transmutations can occur within metallic-hydrides systems
contained in small cells that sit on a table-top

Unfortunately that’s not a sound argument … in fact, it’s not really 
an argument at all; it merely hand waves away the science.

That is completely wrong. In experimental science you never need to 
explain how something works in order to confirm it is real. You just 
need to replicate it and show there is no error in the instruments or 
techniques. This is _not_ hand waving. If it were, no one would accept 
that high temperature superconductivity exists. Before 1952, no one 
would have believed that cells reproduce, and before 1939, no one 
would have believed that the sun is undergoing a nuclear reaction.

In science, nearly all discoveries begin when researchers first detect 
and then confirm an anomaly. That is, something that cannot be 
explained by theory. A theory is then developed or modified to explain 
the anomaly. You can never reject an anomaly because it seems to 
violate theory. When theory and replicated experiments conflict, the 
experiments always win, theory always loses. If we abandon this rule, 
or if we call it hand waving as Gibbs does here, progress in science 
will come to a halt.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Gibbs: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! Yes, He Is! No, He Isn't!

2013-05-30 Thread Ruby

Yes, thank you Mark.  I agree with Jed.

Mark Gibbs is wrong in his reasoning

It should be clear that there are experimental results that have no 
confirmed model to explain them.

This is the history of revolutionary science, which Gibbs should be 
aware of.

On 5/30/13 8:27 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:


I don't think Jed was criticizing your statement,

Cold fusion has no definitive theory -- as yet, but the experimental 
evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and transmutations can occur 
within metallic-hydrides systems contained in small cells that sit on 
a table-top

it was Gibbs' statement after it which was:

Unfortunately that's not a sound argument...

Jed rightfully criticizes Gibbs' statement because it implies that 
without a definitive theory, experimental evidence has little weight.

It is a sore point with all LENR followers because it is the opposite 
of what science is all about; if repeatable experimental evidence 
contradicts theory, then theory may need to be revised/replaced.

Keep up the fight!

-Mark Iverson

*From:*Ruby []
*Sent:* Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:14 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Gibbs: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! Yes, He Is! 
No, He Isn't!

I wrote that quote...

Cold fusion has no definitive theory -- as yet, but the experimental 
evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and transmutations can occur 
within metallic-hydrides systems contained in small cells that sit on 
a table-top

.. and stand by it.--

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Gibbs: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! Yes, He Is! No, He Isn't!

2013-05-30 Thread Ruby

Mark Gibbs writes:
You completely miss my point ... Ruby's argument dimisses Ethan's 
argument by simply saying you're wrong and citing experimental 
evidence that isn't accepted outside of the LENR community. You're 
right, experiment trumps theory but only when you have an experiment 
that can be replicated and has unarguable results. Unless I 
misunderstand, the catalog of successful LENR experiments doesn't 
include one that you could hand to Ethan and say here you go, try it, 
it works.

No, Mark, I am not saying simply you're wrong to Siegel.

We have experimental results that do not fit the Standard Model of 
conventional nuclear theory first formulated a century ago.

Siegel is saying that this Standard Model rules today.  It doesn't, and 
the experimental evidence proves it.

On 5/30/13 10:33 AM, Ruby wrote:

Yes, thank you Mark.  I agree with Jed.

Mark Gibbs is wrong in his reasoning

It should be clear that there are experimental results that have no 
confirmed model to explain them.

This is the history of revolutionary science, which Gibbs should be 
aware of.

On 5/30/13 8:27 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:


I don't think Jed was criticizing your statement,

Cold fusion has no definitive theory -- as yet, but the experimental 
evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and transmutations can occur 
within metallic-hydrides systems contained in small cells that sit on 
a table-top

it was Gibbs' statement after it which was:

Unfortunately that's not a sound argument...

Jed rightfully criticizes Gibbs' statement because it implies that 
without a definitive theory, experimental evidence has little weight.

It is a sore point with all LENR followers because it is the opposite 
of what science is all about; if repeatable experimental evidence 
contradicts theory, then theory may need to be revised/replaced.

Keep up the fight!

-Mark Iverson

*From:*Ruby []
*Sent:* Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:14 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Gibbs: Rossi's A Fraud! No, He's Not! Yes, He Is! 
No, He Isn't!

I wrote that quote...

Cold fusion has no definitive theory -- as yet, but the experimental 
evidence is overwhelming: anomalous heat and transmutations can occur 
within metallic-hydrides systems contained in small cells that sit on 
a table-top

.. and stand by it.--

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:Answering discovery news

2013-05-28 Thread Ruby

I wrote this:

to answer this:

Any suggestions for improvement will be appreciated.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Back to the Papp Engine

2013-05-26 Thread Ruby

Alan, Please look at Bob Rohner's project that in part wants to re-build 
the original Papp engine.

He is in need of funding, and an electronics engineer to complete the 
work his brother was doing before he passed away.

This project is so worthy, I wish they had some support.


On 5/24/13 5:38 PM, Alan Fletcher wrote:

Does anyone have full access to Infinite Energy #51

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:‘Pathological Science’ is not Scientific Misconduct (nor is it pathological)

2013-05-09 Thread Ruby

I had not seen this good defense before.  I will ask the author if I can 
post up the chunk on cf.

On 5/9/13 3:11 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:

‘Pathological Science’ is not Scientific Misconduct
(nor is it pathological)

Henry H. Bauer*

Abstract: ‘Pathological’ science implies scientific misconduct: it 
should not happen and the scientists concerned ought to know better. 
However, there are no clear and generally agreed definitions of 
pathological science or of scientific misconduct. The canonical 
exemplars of pathological science in chemistry (N-rays, polywater) as 
well as the recent case of cold fusion in electrochemistry involved 
research practices not clearly distinguishable from those in 
(revolutionary) science. The concept of ‘pathological science’ was put 
forth nearly half a century ago in a seminar and lacks justification 
in contemporary understanding of science studies (history, philosophy, 
and sociology of science). It is time to abandon the phrase.

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:IBM Stop Motion Film of Cu Atoms

2013-05-01 Thread Ruby

It's blowing my mind to think how tiny this actually is.

Anybody who thinks there is a difference between art and science doesn't 
know a damn thing about either.

Sci-artists unite!

On 5/1/13 11:42 AM, Ron Wormus wrote:

Pretty Cool. 

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat


2013-04-26 Thread Ruby

What is this?  It really sucks up alot and the stuff doesn't appear to 
come back up:

Translation from Spanish:

The video was recorded by Ja-nis ASTICS the April 18, 2013. In the video 
we can see how this vortex sucks everything in its path including ice 
and debris. (Continued on ... )

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:NASA's cold fusion folly

2013-04-20 Thread Ruby

The scrambled She has posted on

On 4/20/13 6:57 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Oullette joined in the attack:

- Jed

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:LENUCO slipped to second - need votes NOW

2013-03-15 Thread Ruby

Please forward to all your friends and put LENR on the docket:

SmrtPwrNet has 100 votes more for #1, and printable photovoltaics has 50 
less for third.

However you feel about this technology, we should be able to gather 
support for LENR to be heard!

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:LENUCO slipped to second - need votes NOW

2013-03-15 Thread Ruby

I'm bummed.  Hope he doesn't try it a third time, cause I don't think I 
can put anymore time into another campaign like this.

I just don't have enough friends.

On 3/15/13 12:06 PM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

slipped to 3rd.

first used a facebook vote exchange site (not a bot, a human bot).
2nd used egyptian student network (more honest)

We are the only technology based network...

I agree that all that is a clown story, and I understand that some 
says it is not dign..
Anyway it can raise awareness if Miley is winning, and rejected anywat 
(as I expect).

2013/3/15 Robert Dorr

I just voted for George Miley. While I was at the site I refreshed
my browser over a 15 minute period and the Printable
Photovoltaics entry went up 20 votes and it just keeps rising and
George is now in third place. I am a bit dubious of this voting.

Robert Dorr

At 09:37 AM 3/15/2013, you wrote:

Please forward to all your friends and put LENR on the docket:

SmrtPwrNet has 100 votes more for #1, and printable photovoltaics
has 50 less for third.

However you feel about this technology, we should be able to
gather support for LENR to be heard!

Re: [Vo]:Anomalous heat effect t-shirt

2013-03-14 Thread Ruby

I wore one up the North coast of California to Eureka after the The 
Believers screening in San Jose.

On my way back down to LA, I stopped in the Solar Living Institute in 
Hopland to drop some CF advocacy. They had a 
picture of Nikola Tesla spray-painted on an outside structure, so I 
thought they might be open.

I spoke for quite a bit with the Asst. Manager of the Real Goods store 
there, and used my t-shirt that I was wearing to indicate what cold 
fusion started out as, and what is being developed.

It really worked well.  I have to write up the report on that field trip...

I will contact them again about possibly putting a Cold Fusion Now booth 
at their Earth Day Festival on April 20.


On 3/14/13 6:31 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is sorta cute.

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Miley Arpa-E startup project reloaded! vote for for 10 days.. hurry up

2013-03-05 Thread Ruby

I will post this up on Cold Fusion Now.

But can anyone say what we are voting for?  is it for a chance to 
speak?  funding?

The website does not explain much...

I would like to give some more info than just please vote.


On 3/5/13 11:04 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

10 days remaining!

  LENR Distributed Power Units

By George Miley

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Miley Arpa-E startup project reloaded! vote for for 10 days.. hurry up

2013-03-05 Thread Ruby

OK, it's another chance to speak on April 4 - at MIT!

On 3/5/13 3:28 PM, Ruby wrote:

I will post this up on Cold Fusion Now.

But can anyone say what we are voting for?  is it for a chance to 
speak?  funding?

The website does not explain much...

I would like to give some more info than just please vote.


On 3/5/13 11:04 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

10 days remaining!

  LENR Distributed Power Units

By George Miley

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:George Miley up for ARPA-E funding

2013-02-08 Thread Ruby
Hey Moab, thanks for the update.  i'll post it up and let's get this guy 
some votes!


On 2/8/13 2:49 AM, Moab Moab wrote:
It seems LENUCO might be up to get funding from ARPA-E. Maybe. First 
he'll need enough votes.

Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Nanor

2013-01-31 Thread Ruby

There was no other video of the NANOR publicly available other than 
Barry Simon's (that I know).

Mitchell Swartz's two summary of the course posted on Cold Fusion Times 
was re-posted by me here:

Hagelstein's video is of theoretical issues, and speaks of NANOR here 
and there for support, but there is no NANOR video included (I didn't 
get through it to the end though!)

From the release on his website, it seems that there may be some video 
from the Swartz portion of the course soon.

On 1/31/13 7:28 PM, Mark Gibbs wrote:
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 7:09 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
 Swartz has been very secretive.  His web site:

Yep, that's a lot of ... er, stuff.

Probably the most info publicly available:

And the video is AWOL. Sigh.


Ruby Carat
United States 1-707-616-4894
Skype ruby-carat

[Vo]:video: Peter Hagelstein Cold Fusion 101 Lectures

2013-01-25 Thread Ruby

They are difficult to hear, better with earphones, but what a special 
treat to hear the soft-spoken Dr. Peter Hagelstein describe his research 
in MIT's IAP short course Cold Fusion 101.  The slides alone show the 
line of thinking.

Thanks to Jeremy Rys who is attending the course for sharing this video.

Apparently, some MIT students wandered in, too.  Word's getting around 

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:Slate attacks cold fusion

2013-01-03 Thread Ruby

Here's the response from Cold Fusion Now:

Let's invite him to Cold Fusion 101!

On 1/3/13 7:09 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is depressing. See:

For one thing, the history of fusion energy is filled with crazies, 
hucksters, and starry-eyed naifs chasing after dreams of solving the 
world's energy problems. One of the most famous of all, Martin 
Fleischmann, died earlier this year. Along with a colleague, Stanley 
Pons, Fleischmann thought that he had converted hydrogen into helium 
in a beaker in his laboratory, never mind that if he had been correct 
he would have released so much energy that he and his labmates would 
have been fricasseed by the radiation coming out of the device.

- Jed

Ruby Carat
Skype ruby-carat

Re: [Vo]:new video: Heinz Klostermann on the Papp engine

2013-01-02 Thread Ruby

While this is not cold fusion, I had an opportunity to video a new 
energy lab, and took it.
I will continue to create portraits of new energy researchers, if it 
comes my way.

I see cold fusion as the most probable breakthrough for the near future, 
but the Papp engine may not be far behind, and is a technology that 
could operate alongside it.

This is the sixth movie I have made this year, all by my lonesome since 
my cameraman/editor left me to pursue more lucrative endeavors.  I'm 
getting better with each edit, with the goal of entertaining and 
educating.  As a Clean Energy Advocate, I do not grill or snake 
scientists.  I am not a detective (not yet anyway).  I ask, they 
answer.  I am grateful for all the help I continue to get in learning to 
ask the right questions.

Cold Fusion Now wants to remain positive, and rated G for the kids!  I 
want to show the kids, the students, and those who are looking for 
inspiration: What does a new energy lab look like? How do researchers in 
this field operate?  What kind of research is going on?  What kind of 
energy solutions are being pursued and, what is the level of development?

This video shows one team's engines in development, an explanation of 
its operational principles, however incomplete, in their own words, and 
what they plan to do next.  It has a light-science background for the 
general public.

While the video does not appear to show over-unity by examining the 
speed of the piston, I would not dismiss this whole technology through 
Youtube analysis.  I am convinced by what I've read that Joseph Papp had 
something going on.  Now, a handful of teams are trying to reproduce it.

For all our sake, I only hope they succeed.

Please direct your technical questions about the Pulser to Heinz 
Klostermann at

Pseudo-skeptics have held the power of position, but now they are 
irrelevant - irrelevant I say!
Maybe I don't have the right to say that, but the fact is, the noisy din 
of useless information does not carry their protestations far, nor does 
their message have penetration or staying power, as they did 

Yes, the after-image of their sad, destructive paradigm still prevents 
the MSM from reporting on the developments in cold fusion and new 
energy; legislators and policy-makers are woefully uninformed and do not 
fund this research; pseudo-skeptics have chosen to be die-hards, and 
they will, as all old paradigms do.

We are building a new house, so when the old one collapses, it'll be 
ready to move in!

After a short break over the next couple weeks, 2013 projects for Cold 
Fusion Now include:

 * more cold fusion video interviews as dictated by my geographic
   location on the west coast,
 * a possible mini-conference in Los Angeles,
 * activist visits to schools and colleges in the So Cal area (Caltech
   look out!),
 * attendance at ICCF-18 to conduct one-on-one interviews,
 * putting next year's 2014 History of Cold Fusion Calendar together
   with a an awesome new theme (not tellin yet!) but it's really cool.

You can help support my efforts by purchasing a Calendar here:

Thank you for all the feedback.

Your comments help to make my art more communicative.

Happy New Year!

On 1/1/13 7:20 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Interesting video, but frustrating.

Klostermann seems like a sweet old guy who is having fun working with 
the Papp concept. He's done all kinds of things, but the type of 
cannon he has built, and that we saw firing so many times, could 
easily be arranged so that energy output is measured.

He's planing on using a government design for an electric generator, 
and predicts power output, etc., yet he's not done the most basic 
measurement, and he acknowledges that, but he seems to imply that it 
would be expensive.

No, it would be about as easy as what he's already done, in fact, 
easier. The output of his cannon is the kinetic energy of the 
projectile, and that is easily measured. If the kinetic energy of the 
projectile is as we would expect, less than the energy dumped into the 
cannon by the ionizatin sources, then neither would a generator work 
to generate excess power. Yes, it would generate power, but less than 
the electrical power used to operate it.

Ruby asked him the question, he didn't answer it. She's very polite 
and did not push him. Looks like she's having fun.

Marshall Plan to support this is not going to happen unless someone 
shows over unity, convincingly.

I recommend that Cold Fusion Now stay away from these very shaky 
Alternative Energy claims, and stick to LENR. That's where political 
support could be useful and effective.

Otherwise pseudoskeptics, faced with some actual possible 
breakthrough, politically, will use support for something ilke the 
Papp engine to attack the credibility of the organization.

At 12:39 PM 12/31/2012, Ruby wrote:


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