Re: [pylons-discuss] Routes with same name and different url

2015-03-04 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 04 Mar 2015, at 15:34, Mário Idival wrote:
 Good morning
 I wonder if there is any way that I can name two routes with the same name 
 and with different urls …

You can’t do that. Why would you want to do that? Perhaps there is an 
alternative approach that would work for you.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Dynamically-generated PDF to download

2015-01-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 25 Jan 2015, at 07:37, Adam Morris wrote:
 I have a view that serves up a page that whose template/css contain both 
 define screen and print media. Which means the view's renderer provides a 
 page that serves up html that is formatted for the browser (screen media) and 
 if the user prints it formatted for the page (the print media). The CSS that 
 does this is:
   link rel=stylesheet href=${static_url}css/reports.css media=screen
   link rel=stylesheet href=${static_url}css/reports_pdf.css 
 I want to add a view that returns a FileResponse, as rendered by the print 
 media, so that particular location results in a download of that PDF, but I 
 don't want to repeat code.
 I don't want to serve a static asset, I want the PDF to be dynamically 
 Any ideas on how to tackle this best?

Here is an example:

The basic approach is: generate your data (in this case the PDF file), create a 
response object using your data, set the right headers for it and return it 
from your view.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Dynamically-generated PDF to download

2015-01-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 25 Jan 2015, at 14:40, Adam Morris wrote:
 Okay, I get that bit now, and coded it up, but when I go to render it, I use 
 the pyramid.renderers.render object but obviously it ends up downloading a 
 corrupted file because it's not even in PDF format. 

You are still rendering a .pt file, so I’m guessing you are generating HTML, 
not PDF. If you want to generate PDF you will need to use a PDF library.

 So does reportlab have something to take that html/css and paint it to a 
 Canvas or something?

I use z3c.rml, which uses RML as input to generate PDF. If you want to use HTML 
 CSS you’ll need to find a library that can convert HTML to PDF.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Handling hTTP OPTIONS request

2014-12-13 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 13 Dec 2014, at 19:52, Raja Naresh wrote:
 Hello Everyone, 
 Is there a way I can handle HTTP OPTIONS request in pyramid? I am trying to 
 make a CORS request with a custom header hence it's preflighted and I want to 
 handle the HTTP OPTIONS request. Any kind of help is appreciated. Thank you.

Handling OPTIONS is no different than handling any other request method as fast 
as Pyramid is concerned. The simplest way to do that is to specify the 
request_method parameter for the view_config decorator:

@view_config(route_name=‘my-route’, request_method=‘OPTIONS’, 
def my_route_options(context, request):
‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods’: ‘POST,GET,OPTIONS’,
‘Access-Control-Allow-Credentials’: ‘true’})
return ''

If you are writing a REST backend you may also want to look at rest-toolkit 
(see ) which will automatically 
handle OPTIONS for you.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] JSON data no reaching my view

2014-12-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 10 Dec 2014, at 13:27, Rosciuc Bogdan wrote:
 My view code:
 @view_config(route_name = 'declare_usage', renderer = 'declara.jinja2')
 @view_config(route_name = 'declare_usage_json', renderer = 'json')
 def declara_consum(request):
 #Removed code for simplicity
   val = request.POST.get('room') #I get a None value in my html if I 
 change to request.json_body - I get an error that there is no json to be 

You need to use request.json_body to get decoded JSON data.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Strange overlaps in independent Pyramid projects

2014-10-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 30 Oct 2014, at 11:30, Laurent DAVERIO wrote:
 Overlap #1: SQLAlchemy maps the wrong class to the returned data :
 I assume this is because the classes bear the same names (or aliases) in the 
 two distinct projects :
 $ cd foo
 $ pshell development.ini
 In [1]: from foo.models import *
 In [2]: Article
 Out[2]: foo.models.article.FooArticle
 In [3]: print Session.query(Article)
 SELECT [...]
 FROM article JOIN foo_article ON =
 In [4]: a = Session.query(Article).first()
 In [5]: a
 Out[5]: BarArticle id=19844
 In that example, Article is an alias of FooArticle, which is confirmed by 
 [2]. The generated SQL query interrogates the right tables, as shown by [3]. 
 But the object returned by [4] should be an instance of FooArticle, not 
 BarArticle [5]!

You may want to ask about that one on the SQLAlchemy list, it might be a bug. 
The fact that you alias the classes to Article is not related (and SQLAlchemy 
can’t even see that). I suspect this has more to do with your use of row ids 
and inheritance setup.

 Overlap #2: Supervisord picks the wrong gunicorn_paster script
 It happens even when the two projects are moved to separate virtualenvs. I've 
 been obliged to replace it with daemontools, temporarily or permanently.
 For instance, with the line below:
 command = /projects/venv2/bin/gunicorn -w 4 --paste 
 supervisord incorrectly launches /projects/venv1/bin/gunicorn...
 This is totally illogical... :(

Don’t know about that one.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Pyramid + ZODB persistent registry

2014-10-13 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 14 Oct 2014, at 04:25, Tres Seaver wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On 10/13/2014 09:54 PM, Chris Rossi wrote:
 My naive first take is just write a utility method:
 def find_sitemanager(context):  Find nearest site manager, walking
 back up the tree from 'context'. 
 Then, don't use the global API, but call getUtility and queryUtility
 on the local registry that you find with your utility method.
 (Totally untested) You could subscribe to the IContextFound event, and
 set the sitemanager based on context from within it:  the global APIs
 would Just Work at that point.

I bet you can also (and perhaps must?) update request.registry to the closest 
found registry at that point.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Turning arbitrary query string into IMultiDict?

2014-09-08 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 08 Sep 2014, at 16:04, pyramidX wrote:

 In Python 3 what is the best way to turn a string that's a URL querystring 
 (gotten from anywhere, not necessarily current request) into an IMultiDict? 
 Is it urllib.parse or is there a more Pyramid specific way of doing this? I 
 tried to look in the Pyramid code on github but couldn't find how IMultiDict 
 is created (searched for IMultiDict but couldn't find the class that 
 implements that interface).

There is nothing Pyramid-specific about that: Python's standard library has a 
function to decode the query string, and MultiDict comes from webob. This 
should work in Python 3 (untested since I use Python 2 only):

 from webob.multidict import MultiDict
 from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
 d = MultiDict(parse_qsl('foo=barfoo=buz'))
['bar', 'buz']


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Re: [pylons-discuss]'s requires vs development.ini's pyramid.includes vs's config.include

2014-09-07 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 07 Sep 2014, at 13:07, pyramidX wrote:

 In what cases would you add something you've put in into one of 
 pyramid.includes or config.include()? I see that my sample applications work 
 fine even though some of the things specified in haven't been 
 'included' (relatively new to Python).

The simplest answer here is that  you would add an include-statement or .ini 
entry if the documentation of the package says you should. Generally speaking 
that is used by pyramid-specific packages that need to hook into pyramid's 
configuration, for example to register a tween or a renderer.


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Re: [pylons-discuss]'s requires vs development.ini's pyramid.includes vs's config.include

2014-09-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 06 Sep 2014, at 14:20, pyramidX wrote:
 I'm not sure what the difference is between the requires statement in and the pyramid.includes statement in development.ini and the 
 config.include(...) in

The requires statement in tells the Python packaging system 
(pip/easy_install/buildout/etc.) that in order to use your package another 
package must be installed. This is always needed.

The pyramid.includes statement in your .ini file and config.include() do 
exactly the same thing; which one you us is completely up to your personal 


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Re: [pylons-discuss] RFC: Pyramid tutorial at PyCon

2014-09-05 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 04 Sep 2014, at 12:35, Paul Everitt wrote:

 tl;dr Should I submit a slightly different kind of PyCon tutorial proposal?
 Although this isn't necessarily the target audience, I thought I'd open it up 
 for discussion here. At the last two PyCons I did a half-day intro to Pyramid 
 under Python 3 tutorial. In fact, I pitched at those interested in web 
 development under Python 3 first, with Pyramid along for the ride.
 The signup numbers were good the first year, then lower last year. I am 
 thinking about adding something to attract interest.
 Lately I've been doing a lot of frontend development: AngularJS talking to a 
 REST API in Pyramid. Which also means the modern frontend toolchain: npm, 
 bower, grunt/gulp, with Karma/Protractor for testing. Do you think I should 
 submit a tutorial proposal that is frontend+REST in nature?

I like this plan :)


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Mako templates with Deform

2014-08-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 22 Aug 2014, at 10:39, pyramidX wrote:

 I'm using Mako templates and have tried using Deform and it seems to work 
 even though I haven't converted any widget templates to Mako from chameleon. 
 Why is that?

I am guessing deform renders the widget templates itself, so the template 
language used for widgets is just an implementation detail that you never have 
to think about. says Optionally, 
 convert all the existing Deform templates to your templating language of 
 choice. This is only necessary if you choose to use the widgets that ship as 
 part of Deform. but I am using the widgets that ship with Deform, so I'm not 
 sure why it's working.

That documentation might be wrong.

 If I want to add a single new widget template and want to write it in Mako, 
 does that mean I need to change ALL the widget templates? For example if I 
 have a form with 10 field and I want to rewrite 1 of them, and I don't want 
 to write it in chameleon, can I only rewrite that 1 widget or do I have to 
 rewrite all 10?

I'ld say no; you can probably choose the template tool to use per widget as 
part of its implementation.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Localized URL schema using chameleon

2014-08-21 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 21 Aug 2014, at 01:29, Kamal Gill wrote:
 It's probably safer to pass the translated string as a template variable from 
 the view callable, since Pyramid's i18n machinery only picks up translation 
 strings marked via i18n:translate and i18n:attributes in .pt files IIRC.
 Basically, you would pass products as a string marked for translation to 
 your template from the view.
 The template would be the following (using your original code)...
 pa href=/${request.locale_name}/${products}img src=products.jpg 
 alt= //a/p 
 While the view would mark the products string for i18n as follows...
 from pyramid.i18n import TranslationString as _
 @view_config(route_name='products', renderer='templates/')
 def products_view():
 return dict(products=_(u'products'))
 On Aug 20, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Oscar Curero wrote:
 On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 7:28:28 PM UTC+2, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  On 20 Aug 2014, at 19:21, Oscar Curero javascript: 
  I'm building my first application using pyramid and chameleon and I'm 
  having problems with the localized URL schema. It's something like this: 
  The problem starts when I need to make the HTML templates. For example, I 
  want to make the following template: 
  pa href=/${request.locale_name}/${products}img src=products.jpg 
  alt= //a/p 
 The problem here is that ${products} assumes that you have a python variable 
 named products at hand and want to insert its value in the template. But 
 since you have no such variable you get a NameError exception. If you goal 
 is to make the word products translatable you can do this: 
 ${_(products)} . 
 Thanks Wichert. If I try what you say with nothing else, it doesn't work yet:
 NameError: _
  - Expression: ${request.locale_name}/${_('products')}
  - Filename:   ... ate/templates/
  - Location:   (line 10: col 30)
  - Source: ... pa 
 href=/${request.locale_name}/${_('products')}img ...
 However, if I add at the top of the template the following statement, it 
 works as expected:
 ?python from pyramid.i18n import TranslationString as _ ?
 Is this the way it should work?

It is! You can also use a BeforeRender event to expose _ to all templates. See
 for an example of doing that.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] See authentication headers with DummyRequest

2014-08-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 19 Aug 2014, at 23:13, pyramidX wrote:
 I'm using DummyRequest in my tests to test authentication, this is what I 
 return from the view when login succeeds
 headers = remember(request, email)
 return HTTPFound(location=next, headers=headers)
 This is my test
 request = testing.DummyRequest(post={'usr': '', 
 'pwd': 'mypassword'})
 view = views.login(request)

The returned value there is a response object.


The exact response here will vary a bit depending on your authentication 
policy. For auth_tkt you should see a couple of Set-Cookie headers that set the 
authentication cookie. If you use a session authentication policy you might not 
see anything here, or only a Set-Cookie header to set the session cookie.


Those function only work on an incoming request, not on a response object.

 How can I test that authentication has worked?

That depends a bit on your testing style. The most reliable method is to write 
an integration test and do a second request and check the response to see if 
authentication succeeded. The pure unit-test approach is to insert a mock for 
remember() and check if the headers returned by remember() show up in the 
response headers.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] See authentication headers with DummyRequest

2014-08-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 20 Aug 2014, at 12:33, pyramidX wrote:

 Thanks, that clarifies things. You're right that an integration test is more 
 the way to go rather than trying to unit test this.
 What is the most straightforward way to run integration tests that span 
 multiple requests? I could do 1 DummyRequest to log in, then take those 
 Set-Cookie headers on the response and create a new DummyRequest and manually 
 turn them into Cookie headers, but this seems error-prone. It would be me 
 trying to do the work of a web client (such as browser) manually (i.e. the 
 part you mentioned Browser will process the response from the view in step 
 2, update its cookies and send a new request.). For example, maybe I'll set 
 a cookie that shouldn't have been set because of the cookie's path 
 attribute, expiry time, or something else I didn't consider (but a browser or 
 proper web client would).
 request1 = DummyRequest(post=)
 response1 = views.login(request1)
 # What's the least error-prone way of turning all the Set-Cookie's from 
 response1 into Cookie's in request2?
 request2 = DummyRequest(post=.)
 response2 = views.someotherview(request2)
 I took a look at the Integration testing and Functional testing sections at but 
 they don't mention such a workflow. Is my only option to use something at a 
 much higher level like Selenium? Hopefully not, as I like the idea of 
 asserting things at the level of the pyramid view (like asserting with a dict 
 that is returned by a view for example). What I'd like to do is write some 
 use case integration tests, like:

Use functional tests:
 . They are designed for this very purpose. Selenium is useful if you also want 
to take the next step and verify in-browser rendering and javascript.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Localized URL schema using chameleon

2014-08-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 20 Aug 2014, at 19:21, Oscar Curero wrote:
 I'm building my first application using pyramid and chameleon and I'm having 
 problems with the localized URL schema. It's something like this:
 The problem starts when I need to make the HTML templates. For example, I 
 want to make the following template:
 pa href=/${request.locale_name}/${products}img src=products.jpg 
 alt= //a/p

The problem here is that ${products} assumes that you have a python variable 
named “products” at hand and want to insert its value in the template. But 
since you have no such variable you get a NameError exception. If you goal is 
to make the word “products” translatable you can do this: ${_(“products”)} .


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Can sessions be used if using AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy instead of SessionAuthenticationPolicy?

2014-08-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 18 Aug 2014, at 12:46, pyramidX wrote:

 So when using AuthTkt auth policy I'm setting 2 cookies and making a network 
 round trip to the session srver (assuming session server and web server are 
 on different machines) only when the request uses the session?

Yes. I'm not sure what you mean with session server though. There are many 
ways to store session data, and not all of those require a separate storage 
server. For example cookie sessions have the very nice advantage of not 
requiring any server-side storage at all.

 And by using Session auth policy I set 1 cookie but make a round trip to the 
 session server every single request? Have I understood this right?



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Re: [pylons-discuss] Multilingual Pyramid applications

2014-08-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 18 Aug 2014, at 20:52, Mike Orr wrote:
 Are there other significant multilingual Pyramid applications out
 there? There's generic things like Kotti but I'm thinking more of
 concrete applications.

We have a bunch of sites that run in Dutch, English, German, Simplified and 
Traditional Chinese (although we don’t run in all languages anymore currently). 
I would say the software-part of i18n is in pretty good shape these days – the 
non-technical part of i18n tends to take a lot more effort, although tools like 
Weblate help a lot there as well. Having said that there are a few caveats:

translationstring messages can only be extracted from Python code and Chameleon 
templates. See for some background on this.
Plural support is still be a bit immature and could definitely use some more 
polish. Oddly enough I haven’t had that use that so far, so I’ve never put any 
real effort into it.
Some of the existing Pyramid-related documentation/blogs/etc might still assume 
use of lingua 1 in combination with Babel to create your POT file. This has 
changed quite significantly with lingua 2, so make sure to follow the official 
documentation for Pyramid and lingua.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Multilingual Pyramid applications

2014-08-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 18 Aug 2014, at 21:24, Kamal Gill wrote
 Note that we're on Pyramid 1.4 due to our deployment target, so we're still 
 using Lingua and Babel, but we hope to switch to Pyramid 1.5 or later in an 
 upcoming release.

You can use Lingua 2 with Pyramid 1.4 as well. I would still use Babel for its 
l10n features (CLDR access) so you get date, time, currency, etc. formatting 
correct for all locales.

 One gotcha that tripped us up was that every template (including 
 pyramid_layout panels) needs to have the i18n:domain attribute specified.
 Placing it in the master template (e.g. at
  unfortunately isn't sufficient.

For what it's worth: that is by design. Your layout template, or any METAL 
macro you are calling, might come from a different source and use a different 
domain than the calling template. If the domain would be passed down when 
calling a METAL macro you could get very strange results in complex systems 
where you use multiple domains: depending on where you call a macro from you 
could get very different results. To guarantee that the i18n behavior is 
predictable the i18n domain is only managed through the local hierarchy in the 


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Re: [pylons-discuss] Per user connection using SQLAlchemy ORM

2014-07-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 25 Jul 2014, at 09:44, Lele Gaifax wrote:
url = config['sqlalchemy.url']
if username is None:
url = url.replace(u'username:password@', u'')
url = url.replace(u'username', username)
url = url.replace(u'password', password)

That code looks dangerous to me. If someone picks “password” as username the 
results will be interesting. Worse things will happen if you other characters. 
For example what my password is “password@“ – will that make the 
system try to connect to a PostgreSQL server at


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Re: [pylons-discuss] [pyramid] testing views with models sqlalchemy

2014-07-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 22 Jul 2014, at 08:28, Kiss György wrote:
 py.test style rewrite:
 from pyramid import testing
 import pytest
 import transaction
 from pokerherd.models import DBSession
 def req():
 Pyramid DummyRequest.
 return testing.DummyRequest()
 def db(request):
 SQLAlchemy session.
 config = testing.setUp()
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
 from pokerherd.models import Base, MyModel
 with transaction.manager:
 model = MyModel(name='one', value=55)
 def fin():
 return DBSession
 from myproject.models import DBSession, MyModel
 class TestMyView:
 def test_passing_view(self, db, req):
 from myproject.views import my_view
 response = my_view(req)
 assert response['one'].name == 'one'
 assert response['project'] == 'pokerherd'
 def test_failing_view(self, req):
 from myproject.views import my_view
 response = my_view(req)
 assert response.status_int == 500
 The first example is working fine, but the second test fails, because sqlite 
 DBSession from memory don't get deleted.
 I don't understand the difference.

You may need to explicitly dispose of the engine. I would recommend to look at 
the pytest section of the pyramid_sqlalchemy documentation:
 . That describes in detail how you can setup pytest fixtures for SQLAlchemy, 
and use this with functional tests of a Pyramid application.


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Re: [pylons-discuss] beginner: route_url param

2014-07-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 20 Jul 2014, at 21:15, Michael wrote:
 hi all, how do I properly create a param with route_url ? when I do 
 return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('user_recent', 
 username=auth.username, page='1'), headers=headers) 

Use the _query parameter for route_url:

url = request.route_url(‘user_recent’, _query={‘username’: auth.username, 
‘page’: ‘1’})
HTTPFound(url, headers=headers)


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Re: [pylons-discuss] How does one use SQLAlchemy Events with Pyramid?

2014-07-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 14 Jul 2014, at 09:29, Seth wrote:

 I'd like to use SQLAlchemy events 
 ( to be able to 
 fire off a task when a particular model is updated. For example, say someone 
 updates their UserProfile model via a form or an API -- I'd like to be aware 
 when the model update takes place and be able to perform some ancillary tasks.
 For some reason I'm having trouble finding good/usable examples for this so 
 maybe it's not possible/not the right approach?

This is certainly possible. There is nothing pyramid-specific about doing that. 
If you want an example of using SQLAlchemy events you can take a look at 
pyramid_sqlalchemy (I'll announce that properly in a separate mail):


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Re: Returning a file object from an action

2010-07-21 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2010-7-21 21:40, Mike Orr wrote:

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Ian  wrote:


I think you want something like this.

from paste.fileapp import FileApp

# in controller some action, get the path to serve
 wsgi_app = FileApp(path)
 return wsgi_app(request.environ, self.start_response)

Yes, use paste.fileapp.  You can just return the wsgi_app object
directly, and Pylons will call it for you.

A better solution you might want to look into is x-sendfile/x-accel-redirect
which let's you pass the path up to a proxying server via a header that it
can use to serve the file.  That way you can check permissions in your app
but still serve the file via apache/nginx/etc.

This is a more efficient method which some of us are starting to use.

Would be nice if FileApp can do that automatically itself. Or does it 


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Re: Paste 1.7.4, security fix for XSS hole

2010-06-24 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 6/24/10 09:07 , Ian Bicking wrote:

I believe the changes to 1.7.4 are limited and upgrading will have a low

Is there a changelog somewhere? The paste website still lists 1.7.3 as 
the last release and the pypi page has no changelog information.

If I look at 
there are two 1.7.4 tags?


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Re: Is there a possible way to get a translator working into ?

2010-06-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2010-6-9 19:47, Gael Pasgrimaud wrote:

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 6:35 PM,  wrote:


I'm working on an i18n project with pylons. I would need using _
function from within

If trying the following import into
from pylons.i18n.translation import _

I get an error upon a browser request sending :
TypeError: No object (name: translator) has been registered for this

Apparentely there is some object missing at that stage

Any help is greatly appreciated

I think that you can translate your urls at generation time:

mapper('blog', '/{lang}/{slug}', controller=''...)

Then in templates/python code:

from pylons.i18n import get_lang
url('blog', lang=get_lang(), slug=_(slug_var))

(dont remember if get_lang() return a string or a list of all accepted

What I found to be simpler is to leverage some route tricks. I have a 
route which looks like this:

  map.connect(shop_category, /shop/:category,
  controller=shop, action=category,

  def translate_incoming(environ, match_dict):
  # ... translate the URL data in matchdict to canonical language

  def translate_outgoing(match_dict):
  # ... translate the URL data in match_dict to target language

that will allow you to use one canonical language everywhere in your 
code, and routes will call your two translation things when needed.


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Re: Is there a possible way to get a translator working into ?

2010-06-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 6/10/10 13:19 , daniel wrote:

thank you Wichert

appreciate your help

this is exactly what I did. My problem actually is how to import the _
function to use it within the translate_incoming(environ, match_dict)

You can't easily do that: at the time is run there is no 
active Pylons request, so the SOPs are not active. You'll need to 
manually register some objects there and configure the right language to 


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Re: Pylons and images from database

2010-02-21 Thread Wichert Akkerman
There is also transaction aware handling of files involved. Personally I 
do store images and generated scaled images separately on disk, but 
using repoze.filesafe for transaction integration.


On 2010-2-21 21:15, Stephan Ellis wrote:

There are some advantages to having them in the database.  Backups are
just a database dump away, which is really easy if you are on mysql.
Also, controlling access to files is the same as controlling access to
anything else that comes out of the db.

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 2:12 PM, gazza wrote:

Make sence. I will follow the kiss and keep it on the disc.

Much appreciated the anwers.


On Feb 21, 11:08 am, Thomas G. Willis wrote:
  It depends really, if you believe Oracle(or any database vendor),
  claim serving file blobs from their database is more efficient then
  the filesystem and has the benefit of transactional integrity. At
  least that's how my day job rationalized storing images/pdf's and
  other things related to a patient chart in the database along with
  everything else that is stored.
  But I can see where this would be considered misuse of a
  all you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail). I would say
  an exotic use of the db for sure.
  Not mention it's likely that your code will end up relying on more
  vendor specific api's for this which makes your code less portable.
  Nonethless, sqlalchemy has column types for binary data.
  On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 11:57 AM, gazza wrote:
   Why is this wrong? Is it performance?
   Much appreciated,
   On Feb 20, 6:58 pm, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
   On Feb 20, 4:59 pm, Wyatt Baldwin wrote:
I thought this was generally not recommended and that you should
instead store the files on the file system with just the
paths to the
files in the database.
   That would be correct.
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Re: Can an app be debugged without constantly reloading the server?

2010-02-16 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/16/10 08:26 , Jamie wrote:

I know that the answer is probably no, but I wanted to ask it
anyhow.  I'm trying to find an IDE that works well with Pylons and
currently evaluating both Wing and Komodo.  I was spoiled years ago by
Visual Studio's awesome debugging features and was hoping to get as
close that as possible.

My biggest hurdle now is that adding breakpoints or minor code edits
require me to manually restart Paste.  On my modestly-powered Windows
notebook, each server restart takes about 10-15 seconds.  It doesn't
sound like much, but when I'm hunting down a bug, I can spend more
time waiting to type code than I am actually typing.

I can at least recommend this:

   paste serve --reload

That will autotomatically restart paste if a source file or the .ini 
file changes, so at least you won't have to restart it manually.


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Re: Lazy Registration

2010-01-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 1/25/10 09:57 , Matt Woolnough wrote:

The answer doesn't need to be pylons specific. I just happen to be
using this framework, so this group seemed like a good place to start.

I'm looking to store info thats a bit more complex than just a item
number, so I'm considering storing temporary items created in guest
sessions in a table along with items saved in users sessions.

The temporary items would need to be flagged in someway in the DB
cleaned out somehow

Any thoughts?

Beaker sessions.


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Re: Can't get pylons to log in mod_python mode..

2009-12-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 2009-12-8 23:20, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
 Paste server does special stuff to initialise the environment for
 logging. Arguably it shouldn't do this and any such initialisation
 should be a side effect of getting the root WSGI application object.

 What it means is that you have to perform the same initialisation
 somehow when using mod_python.

 For discussion of how to do that for mod_wsgi see:

 You will have to work out how to do the same for mod_python.

The collective.recipe.modwsgi recipe for buildout does that for you.


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Re: Calling a controllers method from another method? Is there a 'safe' way without redirecting?

2009-12-08 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 2009-12-7 22:21, Mike Orr wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Jonathan  

 on the subject... does Pylons have a subrequest facility ?

 Some platforms , like mod_perl , offer it:


 Redirect the current request to some other uri internally

 No.  return self.othermethod() is the equivalent.

I'm quite sure Paste has some API that allows you to do subrequests from 
Pylons. You could look at how middleware such as URLMapper or 
Deliverance handle that.


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Re: Python 3.1

2009-11-03 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 11/2/09 16:00 , Mario Ruggier wrote:

 On Nov 2, 2009, at 3:41 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 On 11/2/09 15:28 , Mario Ruggier wrote:
 The (big) gain... is that Evoque can be sandboxed (i.e. let
 your untrusted user modify the template source!), a feature that no
 other templating system had *designed-in* from the start.

 You mean like Zope PageTemplates since its creation about 10 years

 If you say so, I guess not ;-) Does ZPT allow embedding (most) python

It allows Python expressions, and runs them in a special sandbox (see ). Zope has always allowed 
untrusted people to use python in a secure manner.

 My impression is that ZPT was designed to primarily
 output X/HTML (altho I think it can be made to output arbitrary text-
 based formats) so I tend to think of it as a beast of a different
 kind, that is not comparable to mako/evoque class of text-based
 templating (performance would certainly not be comparable).

Zope also ships with DTML (which is much older than ZPT) which is 
possibly more similar and possibly more comparable to text-based 
templating languages.

You seem to imply that attribute-style languages such as ZPT (or 
Genshi/kid/meld/etc.) have to be slower than text-based languages. I 
think chameleon has proven that that is not the case: its zpt and genshi 
implementations are on par with Mako.


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Re: Python 3.1

2009-11-02 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 11/2/09 15:28 , Mario Ruggier wrote:
 The (big) gain... is that Evoque can be sandboxed (i.e. let
 your untrusted user modify the template source!), a feature that no
 other templating system had *designed-in* from the start.

You mean like Zope PageTemplates since its creation about 10 years ago?


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Re: pylons with chameleon?

2009-09-26 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2009-9-25 22:55, Iain Duncan wrote:

 Hm, the chameleon.zpt template has not seen as much love as the
 chameleon.genshi version so it might have broken somewhere. Can you test
 if chameleon.genshi works for you? If so I'll look at fixing up the
 chameleon.zpt version.

 Thanks, Chameleon genshi is working with your correction. Is the plan
 for chameleon to eventually be able to support both genshi and tal
 attributes at the same time or will it always be an either or?

My correction was in chameleon.zpt. chameleon.genshi has always had a 
working template loader.

As far as I know there are no plans to support both Genshi and Page 
Template syntax in the same file, and I have to admit that I personally 
do not see any real benefits to doing that. chameleon.zpt does go a 
little bit beyond the official zpt standards though: it also supports 
${...} expansions, similar to Genshi templates.


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Re: pylons with chameleon? unescaping HTML

2009-09-26 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2009-9-26 00:45, Iain Duncan wrote:

 Hm, the chameleon.zpt template has not seen as much love as the
 chameleon.genshi version so it might have broken somewhere. Can you test
 if chameleon.genshi works for you? If so I'll look at fixing up the
 chameleon.zpt version.

 I've got the genshi templates being rendered, but I don't seem to be
 able to use HTML() or XML() to unescape html tags if the values being
 injected into the template are xhtml. Can anyone tell me what I need to
 do to display HTML properly within a genshi template rendered by
 chameleon, or why the HMTL function is not available?

Same system as Mako uses: it checks for a __html__ method. If you use 
pylons that means you can use webhelpers.html.literal to indicate a 
string should not be escaped. For example:

from webhelpers.html import literal

def my_func_in_lib_helpers():
 return literal(uHello, emworld/em!)


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Re: pylons with chameleon?

2009-09-26 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2009-9-26 21:10, Thomas G. Willis wrote:

 On Sep 26, 10:14 am, Wichert  wrote:
 On 2009-9-25 22:55, Iain Duncan wrote:

 Hm, the chameleon.zpt template has not seen as much love as the
 chameleon.genshi version so it might have broken somewhere. Can you test
 if chameleon.genshi works for you? If so I'll look at fixing up the
 chameleon.zpt version.

 Thanks, Chameleon genshi is working with your correction. Is the plan
 for chameleon to eventually be able to support both genshi and tal
 attributes at the same time or will it always be an either or?

 My correction was in chameleon.zpt. chameleon.genshi has always had a
 working template loader.

 As far as I know there are no plans to support both Genshi and Page
 Template syntax in the same file, and I have to admit that I personally
 do not see any real benefits to doing that. chameleon.zpt does go a
 little bit beyond the official zpt standards though: it also supports
 ${...} expansions, similar to Genshi templates.


 Wichert It is simple to make 
 things. It is hard to make things 

 I was just playing with this and it seems that the genshi syntax is
 somewhat limited. Is that correct?

 For example, including a site page just like this example from gensh
 blows up.

 And even though I know it's not good practice to do the whole?
 python ?  thing, chameleon seems to blow up on this as well.

To be more precise: chameleon.genshi implements the Genshi XML template 
syntax as described in . 
?python is not a part of that syntax.

That tutorial does not work due to a limitation chameleon.genshi 
currently has: match templates defined in included templates are not 
applied to the calling document. That is documented at If enough people ask 
Malthe if he can add support for that might be fixed :)


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Re: pylons with chameleon?

2009-09-24 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2009-9-24 07:53, Iain Duncan wrote:

 In Sat, 2009-09-19 at 09:40 +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 On 2009-9-16 21:06, Iain Duncan wrote:

 Hi folks, I have not built enough pylons to be know how to switch
 templating languages beyond mako and genshi, but I'm interested in using
 Chameleon. Has anyone got any examples up of what one needs to do to use

 Thanks Wichert, I've hit some problems here, and muddled along a bit, if
 you ( or someone ) can check this that would be great.

 In config/

 from genshi.template import TemplateLoader as GenshiTemplateLoader

Doh, that line should have read:

   from chameleon.genshi.loader import TemplateLoader

 I assume I'm also supposed to add??

 from chameleon.zpt.loader import TemplateLoader

That depends. Personally I use chameleon.genshi since I prefer Genshi 
syntax over zpt. If you want to use the Zope page template syntax you'll 
want to replace chameleon.zpt.

 def load_environment(global_conf, app_conf):

   # Create the chameleon TemplateLoader
   config['pylons.app_globals'].pt_loader = TemplateLoader(
   paths['templates'], auto_reload=True)

 Add a new file in lib (mine is called lib/

 from pylons.templating import pylons_globals
 from pylons.templating import cached_template

 def render_pt(template_name, cache_key=None, cache_type=None,
   Render a page template with

   def render_template():
   globs = pylons_globals()
   template = globs[app_globals].pt_loader.load(template_name)
   return template(**globs)

   return cached_template(template_name, render_template,
   cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)

 def render_text(template_name, cache_key=None, cache_type=None,
   Render a text template with

   def render_template():
   globs = pylons_globals()
   template = globs[app_globals].pt_loader.load(template_name,
   return template(**globs)

   return cached_template(template_name, render_template,
   cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)

 you can then use render_pt to render html/xml templates, and render_text
 to render text templates, exactly like you use other templating languages.

 I copied the above in, and imported render_pt from lib/, but when I
 try to render a template like so:

 (in a controller)
def zpt(self):
  test of using zpt templates
  return render_pt(

 I get the following traceback, any help much appreciated.

 File '/home/ymh/pylons_full/pylons_full/controllers/', line 50 in

 File '/home/ymh/pylons_full/pylons_full/lib/', line 15 in render_pt
cache_key=cache_key, cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)
  line 249 in cached_template
return render_func()
 File '/home/ymh/pylons_full/pylons_full/lib/', line 11 in
template = globs[app_globals].pt_loader.load(template_name)
  line 11 in load
  line 8 in load
self.registry[args] = template = func(self, *args)
  line 39 in load
path, self.parser, auto_reload=self.auto_reload)
 TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 non-keyword arguments (3 given)

Hm, the chameleon.zpt template has not seen as much love as the 
chameleon.genshi version so it might have broken somewhere. Can you test 
if chameleon.genshi works for you? If so I'll look at fixing up the 
chameleon.zpt version.


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Re: pylons with chameleon?

2009-09-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2009-9-16 21:06, Iain Duncan wrote:

 Hi folks, I have not built enough pylons to be know how to switch
 templating languages beyond mako and genshi, but I'm interested in using
 Chameleon. Has anyone got any examples up of what one needs to do to use

In config/

from genshi.template import TemplateLoader as GenshiTemplateLoader

def load_environment(global_conf, app_conf):

 # Create the chameleon TemplateLoader
 config['pylons.app_globals'].pt_loader = TemplateLoader(
 paths['templates'], auto_reload=True)

Add a new file in lib (mine is called lib/

from pylons.templating import pylons_globals
from pylons.templating import cached_template

def render_pt(template_name, cache_key=None, cache_type=None,
 Render a page template with

 def render_template():
 globs = pylons_globals()
 template = globs[app_globals].pt_loader.load(template_name)
 return template(**globs)

 return cached_template(template_name, render_template, 
 cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)

def render_text(template_name, cache_key=None, cache_type=None,
 Render a text template with

 def render_template():
 globs = pylons_globals()
 template = globs[app_globals].pt_loader.load(template_name, 
 return template(**globs)

 return cached_template(template_name, render_template, 
 cache_type=cache_type, cache_expire=cache_expire)

you can then use render_pt to render html/xml templates, and render_text 
to render text templates, exactly like you use other templating languages.


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Re: Enabling logging for collective.recipe.modwsgi

2009-08-07 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Hi Phil,

On 8/7/09 10:31 , Kershaw, PJ (Philip) wrote:
 Hi Wichert,
 I've been making use of your modwsgi buildout recipe for sometime now -
 thanks :) ... but have been wondering about the best way to integrate
 logging capability into the WSGI script that's generated. Looking at:
 I can do something like this to enable the logging configuration to be
 picked up from my ini file:

 from paste.deploy import loadapp
 from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig
 configFilePath = /usr/local/myapp/etc/myapp.ini
 application = loadapp(config:+configFilePath)
 In your buildout recipe code I could override the default
 WRAPPER_TEMPLATE or is there a way I could do it via an option in my
 buildout config?

I could not see a reason not to do this by default, so I changed the 
template wrapper in collective.recipe.modwsgi and released a new version 
1.2 with this change. Thanks for the feedback!


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Re: Launching a background process

2009-07-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 7/27/09 8:40 AM, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

 On Jul 27, 2:07 pm, Dave  wrote:
 I am trying to write an application that will allow a user to launch a
 fairly long-running process (5-30 seconds). It should then allow the
 user to check the output of the process as it is generated.  The
 output will only be needed for the user's current session so nothing
 needs to be stored long-term.  I have two questions regarding how to
 accomplish this:

 1. What is the best way to launch a background process such as this
 with a Pylons controller?

 2. What is the best way to get the output of the background process
 back to the user?

 Often the better way of doing this is to run a separate persistent
 long running process which has an XML-RPC interface and have the web
 application communicate with the back end process using XML-RPC. This
 avoids all the mess that can often occur with forking off a web
 application process.

zc.async (see ) might also be 


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Re: Authkit vs repoze.who for openid

2009-07-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 7/19/09 8:57 PM, Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 Damjan wrote:
 2) Your server should remember somehow who and when initiated OpenID
 request. So it create OpenID session and saves it to database (OpenID
 session usually is encoded into return URL);

 I can remember that in the http session (which could be Beakers secure

 I guess that's not the most secure thing to do but if you want you could
 try to write your own OpenID implementation. It might be possible that I
 have oversimplified everything and there are more steps to make OpenID
 secure. I really doubt that OpenID authors were that stupid so they have
 not thought about secure cookies ;-)

It's a prefectly valid thing to do, and I do not see why you should not 
do that. The standard python openid implementation encourages this type 
of approach by making the store pluggable.


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Re: Authkit vs repoze.who for openid

2009-07-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 7/19/09 10:08 PM, Damjan wrote:
 I guess that's not the most secure thing to do but if you want you could
 try to write your own OpenID implementation. It might be possible that I
 have oversimplified everything and there are more steps to make OpenID
 secure. I really doubt that OpenID authors were that stupid so they have
 not thought about secure cookies ;-)
 It's a prefectly valid thing to do, and I do not see why you should not
 do that. The standard python openid implementation encourages this type
 of approach by making the store pluggable.

 what's the The standard python openid implementation ?


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Re: Logging example in Windows (lama)

2009-05-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously durumdara wrote:
 Can I get some callback that starts at/before every requests where I
 can log everything what I need?

Write a tiny bit of WSGI middleware?


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: deploying to production?

2009-05-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Chris Withers wrote:
 * I'd like to be using buildout for things wherever possible, the 
 following is what I have so far:
 parts = pylons
 develop = myproj
 recipe = zc.recipe.egg
 eggs =

myproj should depend on Pylons and PasteScript, so don't list them here.
You will need to use dependent-scripts = true to get bin/paster

If you want to deploy using mod_wsgi you can use the
collective.recipe.modwsgi buildout recipe.


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Re: using buildout with pylons

2009-05-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Chris Withers wrote:
 Hi All,
 I found this:
 ...which looks nice and straight forward. However, I've been having some 
 problems. If I do *exactly* what's on that page, it works, so I guess I 
 must have an issue at my end.
 BUT, one thing I have noticed so far is that after running buildout, I 
 end up with eggs for Paste, PasteDeploy and PasteScript in 
 pylons_buildout/myproject, which is wrong.

Everything in setup_requires and test_requires is installed there, and
buildout can't prevent that. As a workaround you can move those
dependencies to install_requires.


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Re: using buildout with pylons

2009-05-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Chris Withers wrote:
 Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  BUT, one thing I have noticed so far is that after running buildout, I 
  end up with eggs for Paste, PasteDeploy and PasteScript in 
  pylons_buildout/myproject, which is wrong.
  Everything in setup_requires and test_requires is installed there, 
  buildout can't prevent that. 
 Again, why?

setuptools internals do that, and buildout has no influence over that as
far as I know. If you want to discuss that distutils-sig is the right


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Re: app engine - state of play - 0.9.7

2009-05-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 Previously Ben Bangert wrote:
  On May 3, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  And it's not limited to GAE; interactive traceback hasn't work for me
  for a month or so.
  It hasn't? What is happening instead?
 I click on the + and get a javascript error.

I noticed something interesting today: interactive traceback does not
work with Firefox 3.5b4, but works fine with Safari 4 beta.


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Re: app engine - state of play - 0.9.7

2009-05-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Ben Bangert wrote:
 On May 3, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 And it's not limited to GAE; interactive traceback hasn't work for me
 for a month or so.
 It hasn't? What is happening instead?

I click on the + and get a javascript error.


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Re: app engine - state of play - 0.9.7

2009-05-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Ben Bangert wrote:
 On May 6, 2009, at 12:54 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 I click on the + and get a javascript error.
 What type of environment? What wsgi server? I can see why it wouldn't  
 work under GAE, since there's no guarantee you'll get back to the same  
 process (it relies on a *single* long-lived process to ask for more  
 debug info).

A pretty standard environment: OSX, python2.5, paster, pylons 0.9.7. It
could be a result of using chameleon.genshi, although it worked fine
with chameleon a while ago.


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Re: app engine - state of play - 0.9.7

2009-05-03 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Mike Orr wrote:
  On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 6:34 AM, David Wilson wrote:
  I could not seem to get the debugger to work (vital for consideration)
  The problem with the interactive traceback seems to be due to the
  middleware disabling itself because of something in the runtime
  environment -- some situation that wasn't foreseen when the middleware
  was written.  We just have to figure out what exactly that is and
  patch the middleware to work with App Engine.
 Also, whatever broke is something recent, because the interactive
 traceback was working on App Engine a few months ago.

And it's not limited to GAE; interactive traceback hasn't work for me
for a month or so.


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Re: Plugin architecture

2009-04-28 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 The most difficult problem seems to be controllers, and the
 'controller_scan' argument in Routes which seems useless.  (We had to
 hardcode the controllers in our GUI BILS app because of some
 incompatibility with py2exe.)  Several people have asked how to have
 controllers in various packages and then pull in a selection of them.
 The simplest method is stub modules in the controllers directory that
 import the actual controllers.  But maybe we can find something more

If you decide to use zope.component a controller could be a named
utility. You could then register it like so:

  class BaseController(object):
  This is the standard Pylons base controller class.

  class MyController(BaseController):
  My very own controller.

  registerUtility(MyController, name=my_controller)

and Pylons could get a list of all utilities using something like this:

  controllers = getUtilitiesFor(IPylonsController)

This prevents the need to skin directories as currently happens, and
will allow you to put your controllers anywhere you want. You can also
selectively do the registerUtility calls, override already registered
controllers or remove controller registrations.


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Re: Plugin architecture

2009-04-28 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Ben Bangert wrote:
 On Apr 28, 2009, at 2:43 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 If you decide to use zope.component a controller could be a named
 utility. You could then register it like so:
  class BaseController(object):
  This is the standard Pylons base controller class.
  class MyController(BaseController):
  My very own controller.
  registerUtility(MyController, name=my_controller)
 Yikes! :)

Why the yikes? The only change for a Pylons user is adding a single line
to register the controller. The interface that is used to manage the
registrations can be hidden in the BaseController class and internal
pylons logic - people may never need to know about it. This gives you a
lot of extra flexbility and pluggability, at the expense of asking
people to add a single line of code for each controller.


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Re: updating database schema

2009-04-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Ross Vandegrift wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 12:36:09AM -0700, Richard Jones wrote:
  Is there a way to access the database directly, so that I can manually
  re-jig the database.  Or do I have to provide an update script each
  time i change the schema?  (and if so, how?)
 I have a very low-tech solution.  I never use table reflection, all
 table layouts are explicit in my code.
 If I deploy a new version that requires schema changes and forget to
 update the database schema manuall, Pylons will throw me an error on
 any hit since the model won't be able to load. :)

Unless you change a constraint or index.


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Re: best ways to test ?

2009-04-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Marius Gedminas wrote:
 Testing JavaScript is a bit harder.  I've seen how people integrate
 JavaScript *unit* tests into their py.test test suite, and I've used those
 ideas to define a unittest.TestCase subclass that spawns a browser
 window and drives it to run JsUnit-compatible test suites in Firefox or
 MSIE (under WINE, no idea if it would work in a real Windows OS).  This
 is not, however, a real integration test involving a real browser and
 your app.

Guido Wesdorp wrote a basic javascript emulator in Python which you can
use to test javascript in webpages from your python tests. I haven't
tried it, but at the concept is very interesting.


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Re: What I've learned deploying pylons

2009-03-31 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Wyatt Baldwin wrote:
 Questions: Which versions of supervisor and Python are ya'll using
 together? Should I go for supervisor 2.1 or 2.2b1 or 3.0a6 or ...?

Everyone is running 3.0a6 as far as I know.


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Re: CMS/CMF on top of Pylons

2009-03-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Raoul Snyman wrote:
  You want a CMS? Use Drupal.
  You want to develop a web application? Use Pylons.
 Except that some applications may need a drop-in CMS for a section of
 the application.  You can supposedly embed Plone as a WSGI application
 but I don't know anybody who has tried it.

I think OpenPlans is doing that. You can run Plone 3 as a WSGI
application using Repoze, and Plone trunk is WSGI by default.


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pylonshq issue tracker disappeared

2009-03-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I'm not sure if anyone already noticed, but at the risk of repeating the
message: the issue tracker on no longer works. All relevant
URLs return a 404.


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Beaker repeats every get

2009-03-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I was looking a bit at the memcache handling and noticed something odd:
all requests were repeated. For example:

11 get tostyle4you.lib.helpers_image_url_by_id·scale=scale56·id=None
11 sending key tostyle4you.lib.helpers_image_url_by_id·scale=scale56·id=None
11 END
11 get tostyle4you.lib.helpers_image_url_by_id·scale=scale56·id=None
11 sending key tostyle4you.lib.helpers_image_url_by_id·scale=scale56·id=None
11 END

I tracked the cause down to the get_value code from the Beaker
container, which looks like this:

222 def get_value(self):
223 self.namespace.acquire_read_lock()
224 try:
225 has_value = self.has_value()
226  - if has_value:
227 value = self.__get_value()

has_value and __get_value execute the same memcache get command, so a
cache hit always results in two identical queries.

Is there a reason Beaker can't roll has_value and get_value in one call?


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Re: Sqlalchemy: querying table in different functions gives different results

2009-02-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Bryan wrote:
 1. Client calls login(), a new row is inserted in the token table.
 2. Client calls anotherFunction and the new row is not visible inside
 that function
 3. If I place a Session.commit() in anotherFunction, then I can see
 the row
 def login(self, user, pass):
' Create new login entry that gives the client an id to pass back
 to the server with each request
newtoken = Token()
' Querying token table at this point shows all the tokens including
 the newly added one
 def anotherFunction(self, tokenId):
' If I list all rows in the token table at this point, the token
 created in login() is not visible
' If I have a Session.commit() call before I query however, the row
 is visible
 Other details:
 This is in an XMLRPCContoller.
 I have a scoped_session setup.
 Why is the second function looking at a stale version of the table?

Because you haven't flushed the changes to the database. This is well
documented in the SQLAlchemy documentation.


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Caching in auth middleware

2009-02-13 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I have what I suspect is a reasonably common setup with a repoze.who
middleware for authentication, followed by transaction, routes, 
session, cache, registry manager and pylons middlewares.

In some cases you want to use a cache in authentication middleware
to prevent a SQL server hit on every request. Not completely
unexepctedly that immediately aborts on No object (name: cache) has
been registered for this thread. Strangely enough moving the
registry and cache middlewares up to be before the auth middleware
did not help: I got the exact same error.

Is there some magic in pylons that I'm missing?


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Re: Caching in auth middleware

2009-02-13 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 I have what I suspect is a reasonably common setup with a repoze.who
 middleware for authentication, followed by transaction, routes, 
 session, cache, registry manager and pylons middlewares.
 In some cases you want to use a cache in authentication middleware
 to prevent a SQL server hit on every request. Not completely
 unexepctedly that immediately aborts on No object (name: cache) has
 been registered for this thread. Strangely enough moving the
 registry and cache middlewares up to be before the auth middleware
 did not help: I got the exact same error.
 Is there some magic in pylons that I'm missing?

Of course just after sending this I figured out what it was. In case
this is useful for others: I solved this by adding a tiny bit of
middleware which registers the beaker cache.

class CacheRegisteringApp(object):
def __init__(self, app):

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
from pylons.util import PylonsContext
import pylons

context = PylonsContext()
context.cache = environ[beaker.cache]
environ[2s4u.context] = context

registry = environ['paste.registry']
registry.register(pylons.cache, context.cache)

return, start_response)


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changes from rc4 to rc5

2009-02-12 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Is there a summary of the changes between rc4 and rc5?


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Re: changes from rc4 to rc5

2009-02-12 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Ben Bangert wrote:
 - Beaker has been updated since the last release to fix several bugs  
 involving memcached, and how it stores session data

Does that mean that it is now possible to use memcache for beaker


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Re: beaker_cache query_args when duplicate queries are in

2009-02-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Philip Jenvey wrote:
 I just applied a fix that now correctly handles eleith's issue with  
 duplicate query params, and always includes the function name  
 regardless of the key type specified. A fix was made about a month ago  
 to make it work everywhere (not just controller actions) again.

That has not yet made it into a release though. 


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Re: beaker_cache query_args when duplicate queries are in

2009-02-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Philip Jenvey wrote:
 I just applied a fix that now correctly handles eleith's issue with  
 duplicate query params, and always includes the function name  
 regardless of the key type specified.

I think you also need to add the class name if you get a bound function:
you may very well have the same function name in multiple classes in
the same source file.

I also found another problem in the determination of the cache key:
default function arguments were not handled correctly. I've filed
that under along
with a fix.


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Re: beaker_cache query_args when duplicate queries are in

2009-02-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/11/09 11:12 PM, Philip Jenvey wrote:
 The class's name and module name are used for the cache's namespace, 
 which'll prevent clashes. For normal functions just the function's 
 module name is used for the namespace. Looking at this again maybe the 
 class name should be in the key instead of the namespace, but that's 
 not a big deal.

 By the time you read this an rc5 will likely be out with all these fixes.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to it.


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Re: beaker_cache query_args when duplicate queries are in

2009-02-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously eleith wrote:
   My solution was to write my own decorator.
 could you share your decorator?

For what it's worth below is my variant of beaker_cache. It has
the advantage over the stock version that it works everywhere
instead of only for controller methods and will never try to
cache response headers. The only missing feature I can think of
is a simple way to add request headers to the cache key. That is
trivial to add, but not needed for my current projects so I haven't
added that.


def timed(expire=None, invalidate_on_startup=False, **b_kwargs):
Cache decorator utilizing Beaker. Caches action or other
function that returns a pickle-able object as a result.

Optional arguments:

Time in seconds before cache expires, or the string never. 
Defaults to never
If True, the cache will be invalidated each time the application
starts or is restarted.

If cache_enabled is set to False in the .ini file, then cache is
disabled globally.

if invalidate_on_startup:
starttime = time.time()
starttime = None

def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs):
Decorator wrapper
enabled = pylons.config.get(cache_enabled, True)
if not asbool(enabled):
log.debug(Caching disabled, skipping cache lookup)
return func(*args, **kwargs)

key_dict.update(_make_dict_from_args(func, args))
cache_key =  .join([%s=%s % (k, v) for k, v in 

if hasattr(func, im_class):
namespace=%s.%s.%s % (func.__module__, func.im_class.__name__, 
namespace=%s.%s % (func.__module__, func.__name__)

my_cache = pylons.cache.get_cache(namespace, **b_kwargs)

def create_func():
log.debug(Creating new cache copy with key: %s, cache_key)
return func(*args, **kwargs)

return my_cache.get_value(cache_key, createfunc=create_func,
 expiretime=expire, starttime=starttime)

return decorator(wrapper)

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Re: is there a way to call render with string teamplates?

2009-02-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Jonathan Vanasco jonat...@findmeon.comwrote:
  ie -- instead of passing in a file, passing in a string?
  the only way i can think of this right now is with a tmpfile, and i'd
  like to avoid that.
 I'm pretty sure that methods must return string and that's the only
 requirement on them.

Or string-like things. If you want to have the option of doing
transformation on the output rendering to XML doms and returning
repoze.xmliter (see
instances is quite interesting.


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Re: Is Django more popular than Pylons?

2009-01-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Gael Pasgrimaud wrote:
 Here it is:

It might be useful to document using collective.recipe.modwsgi as well.
That makes it trivial to use pylons with mod_wsgi from a buildout


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Re: FormEncode and International Languages

2009-01-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 fair on some points, i disagree with others.
 i'm in the US.  the formencode author seems to be as well.
 'internationalization' on most things seems to be limited to swapping
 in text.

There is internationalization and localization. You need to deal with

 many of the checks, such as PlainText allow for only a subset of

Which subset would that be? Your example of é falls well outside of

 anything else trips an error.  short of making everything a unicode
 string (which I aready had done) - i'm specifically wondering how
 people are handling validating different form elements with these

Without concrete examples of things that break there is little we can
tell you.


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Re: FormEncode and International Languages

2009-01-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Gustavo Narea wrote:
 On Monday January 26, 2009 23:20:37 Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
  Our project is dealing with a lot of French writers typing things like
  é , which fails many formencode tests.

There is nothing special about the occasional accent in French: French
is much simpler than, for example, Chinese.

 Use UnicodeString instead of String:
 I don't think the problem will be present on other validators -- at least I 
 guess so.

OneOf can't deal with non-ascii values if I remember correctly. I have
an open ticket in a project related to that.


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Re: console tools

2009-01-23 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:31 AM, cropr wrote:
  I want to add some administrative console tools next to my 0.9.7
  Pylons application (e.g. a backup/restore).  I want to make use of
  some parameter settings in the development.ini or production.ini,
  but I don't need any wsgi stuff.  What is the best and easiest way to
  start up the console application
 The easiest way is to make a package for your scripts and run them
 with python -m; e.g.,
 python -m myapp.scripts.maintain   development.ini
 .  A more difficult way is to create paster plugins, but these will
 only be available if the current directory is the application.

I'm not sure it is more difficult. Here is an example :). Lets start
by creating a base class which does the basic Pylons setup work so
we can use Pylons tools in our commandline script:

from paste.deploy import loadapp, appconfig
from paste.script.command import Command

class PylonsCommand(Command):
group_name = 2style4you

def _SetupPylons(self):
Perform some magic setup work.
config_name = config:%s % self.args[0]
conf=appconfig(config_name, relative_to=cwd)
self.wsgiapp=loadapp(config_name, relative_to=cwd)

We can now write the code for a simple command:

class MyExampleCommand(PylonsCommand):
summary=Summary shown in paster command listing
usage=\nExtra help text shown by paster help command


def command(self):
# Do your work here

If you need to handle commandline arguments you register those with the parser
class variable:

class MyExampleCommand(PylonsCommand):
summary=Summary shown in paster command listing
usage=\nExtra help text shown by paster help command

parser.add_option(-u, --url, dest=url, default=None,
help=Use a different URL for our data)

The result is available via self.options.

To make your command available create an entry point so paster picks
it up. In your do something like this:

controller = pylons.commands:ControllerCommand
restcontroller = pylons.commands:RestControllerCommand

mycommand = myapp.commands:MyExampleCommand

You can now call it like this:

   paster mycommand development.ini


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: Webtest doesn't like 204 response with Content-Type header

2009-01-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Chris Miles wrote:
 That is fair enough, but if the controller returns no content (None or  
  for instance) would it make sense to not set any Content-Type (and  
 related) headers?

At the very least you have to send a Content-Length: 0 header. If you
don't some proxies get confused and some browsers will spin forever
waiting for data to arrive.


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Re: running a controller method outside wsgi app

2009-01-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Roberto Allende wrote:
 Wichert Akkerman escribió:
  Previously Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:

  On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Roberto Allende wrote:
  My motivation is to write a unit testing but even in other cases it
  could have sense to use a controller function isolated. Or at least in
  my case, this is the only restriction.

  If your intention is unit-testing do it Pylons way:
  That is not unit testing, that is functional testing.
  If you want to unit test your controller and run it in isolation you
  need to do a bit of setup work in your test case. I use this:

 Thanks a lot Wiggy, your mails were very helpful. Although, it seems 
 we're using different versions of Pylons (or i'm doing smt wrong) 
 because following your approach i also needed wsgiapp variables Buffet, 
 g and session at least.
 Just for the record, i'm using

I'm using 0.9.7rc5, so there are bound to be some differences.


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Re: running a controller method outside wsgi app

2009-01-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  Previously Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
   On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Roberto Allende
My motivation is to write a unit testing but even in other cases it
could have sense to use a controller function isolated. Or at least in
my case, this is the only restriction.
   If your intention is unit-testing do it Pylons way:
  That is not unit testing, that is functional testing.
 What's the difference except that your way might be a little bit
 more-efficient (like 20%)? I have seen several different ways of
 unit-testing pylons applications but basically they just help to do the
 same. What makes unit-testing functional testing in your opinion?

I run the controller method in isolation, which means:

- no other middleware that influences the result
- I can put stuf in c before I call the controller method, and
  introspect c afterwards
- no paste.fixture or WebTest influencing the result

with a unittest you want to call something in isolation, without
anything else being present. This is the only way to do that.


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Re: running a controller method outside wsgi app

2009-01-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Roberto Allende wrote:
  My motivation is to write a unit testing but even in other cases it
  could have sense to use a controller function isolated. Or at least in
  my case, this is the only restriction.
 If your intention is unit-testing do it Pylons way:

That is not unit testing, that is functional testing.

If you want to unit test your controller and run it in isolation you
need to do a bit of setup work in your test case. I use this:

from unittest import TestCase
from paste.registry import Registry
import pylons
from pylons.util import ContextObj
from pylons.controllers.util import Request

class MockTranslator:
def ugettext(self, value):
return value

class PylonsTestCase(TestCase):
A basic test case which allows access to pylons.c and pylons.request.

def setUp(self):

self.registry.register(pylons.c, self.context_obj)

self.registry.register(pylons.request, self.request_obj)

self.registry.register(pylons.translator, self.translator_obj)

If you just need database access you can use this:

class DatabaseTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):

def tearDown(self):

and if you need both just inherit from both classes (and call setUp from both).


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: Unicode routes

2009-01-02 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mark Ramm wrote:
  URIs can be UTF-8 with standard URL %-escaping - most browsers will
  decode (and encode) that automatically and show the unicode string in
  the address bar. That is especially important for languages with a
  non-latin character set: without this URLs are horrible for them.
 It would be awesome if routes supported this natively, even if only as
 an option, because lots of international URL's are much cleaner with
 it than they would be without it.

If you work with Asian companies it's pretty much a hard requirement
these days.


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Unicode routes

2008-12-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I am trying to use unicode URLs and routes, but as far as I can see
routes does not quite support this at the moment: generating a route
with a non-ascii component fails (see and incoming requests
data is return as ASCII strings, not decoded unicode strings. This
contradicts the routes manual
( which appears to say
this should work fine.

Is anyone using unicode routes succesfully? Is there a trick that I'm
missing somewhere?


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Re: Unicode routes

2008-12-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 The first impression about this ticket is that non unicode and non
 utf-8 encoded string was passed to routes. Most probably string was in
 some local encoding. That's only my impression. I wonder why this
 ticket is still open. Maybe routes authors think about using encoding
 prediction function from feedparser.

It's still open because I only just submitted it :)

I only pass unicode data to Pylons' redirect_to method, which calls
routes' url_for with only unicode parameters. Inside there everything is
encoded to utf-8 and then breaks.


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Re: category support for flash

2008-12-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  Often it is very useful to have flash/status messages of several
  different types, for example to be able to differentiate between
  informational messages, warnings and errors. To do that I made
  a simple extension to WebHelpers to add category support to its
  Flash class. The change is completely backwards compatible, so if
  you do not need categories you will never notice them.
  Patch attached.
 Opened a ticket for it.
 As soon as 0.9.7 is out I can put it in a point release.
 If you could write a little howto about using it with Ajax and styling
 different categories, I'm sure it would help a fair number of people.

Certainly. Shall I put that text and the relevant javascript code in
that ticket as well?


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Re: category support for flash

2008-12-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman
) {
   error: function(request, status, error) {
  ShowMessage(JSON call failed, error);

  return false;

This sets up a simple form which can be submitted normally by non-javascript
enabled browsers. If a user does hava javascript an AJAX call will be made
to the server and the result will be shown in a message. While the call is
active the button will be marked with a *processing* class.

The server can return a message by including a ``message`` field in its
response. Optionally a ``message_category`` field can also be included
which will be used to determine the message category. For example::

def handler(self):
   return dict(message=uSettings succesfully updated)

Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: Opinion sought on

2008-12-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously ED209 wrote:
 I'm planning on moving my users' profile pages to:
 but there has been some discussion amongst fellow developers that this
 might cause problems. I would have this route and subsequent routes as
 the last ones defined in my array of routes defenitions so any static
 routes would be matched first.

What if at some point in the future you need a new static route and a
user already registered with that username?


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Re: Flickr tutorial under 0.9.7?

2008-12-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Matt Feifarek wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Ben Bangert wrote:
  I've updated the front page in the codebase which will soon be up at, to properly reflect what's in Pylons 0.9.7.
  Should be deployed there shortly. I'm also getting most of the links fixed
  up so the site can be ready for launch with 0.9.7 final rather soon.
 Wow, Ben, the new site looks GREAT!
 Well done.

Indeed. And curious wants to know: is that a Pylons-powered CMS? It
looks like one..


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category support for flash

2008-12-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Often it is very useful to have flash/status messages of several
different types, for example to be able to differentiate between
informational messages, warnings and errors. To do that I made
a simple extension to WebHelpers to add category support to its
Flash class. The change is completely backwards compatible, so if
you do not need categories you will never notice them.

Patch attached.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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diff -wurN WebHelpers-0.6.4/webhelpers/ WebHelpers/webhelpers/
--- WebHelpers-0.6.4/webhelpers/	2008-12-01 23:59:25.0 +0100
+++ WebHelpers/webhelpers/	2008-12-19 20:52:10.0 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,17 @@
 # modules should be importable on any Python system for the standard
 # regression tests.
+class Message(object):
+def __init__(self, category, message):
+def __str__(self):
+return self.message
+__unicode__ = __str__
 class Flash(object):
 Accumulate a list of messages to show at the next page request.
@@ -64,13 +75,15 @@
 def __init__(self, session_key=flash):
 self.session_key = session_key
-def __call__(self, message):
+def __call__(self, message, category=notice):
+if category not in [ warning, notice, error, success ]:
+raise ValueError(category)
 from pylons import session
-session.setdefault(self.session_key, []).append(message)
+session.setdefault(self.session_key, []).append((category, message))
 def pop_messages(self):
 from pylons import session
 messages = session.pop(self.session_key, [])
-return messages
+return [Message(*m) for m in messages]

Re: category support for flash

2008-12-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  Often it is very useful to have flash/status messages of several
  different types, for example to be able to differentiate between
  informational messages, warnings and errors. To do that I made
  a simple extension to WebHelpers to add category support to its
  Flash class. The change is completely backwards compatible, so if
  you do not need categories you will never notice them.
 What kind of template do you use to display this?  Do you display all
 categories in the same place or in different places?

I show them in the same manner using self-healing messages (ie the same
kind of thing Growl does on OSX) with different styling for different
types of messages. I have the exact same interface in javascript which
I use to show messages returned by JSON calls or other notices.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: sqlalchemy objects in beaker cache

2008-12-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Tomasz Narloch wrote:
 Andrey Plotnikov pisze:
  Is it safe to cache objects getting from sqlalchemy session query in
  beaker cache?

 I was done that but in that way I loose  connection with sqlalchemy 
 (Session) so

You can re-associate an object with a new session. See


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Re: buildout vs virtualenv for pylons and/or other wsgi apps?

2008-12-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 8:38 PM, Iain Duncan wrote:
  Hi folks, I totally do not want to start a flame war here, but was
  wondering if people could give me their reasons for preferring buildout
  or virtualenv for automated builds of pylons apps or other wsgi apps.
 Virtualenv is more popular because it follows traditional Python usage
 for the most part.  You install packages interactively  and can change
 your mind at any time.  Buildout's configuration recipes are hard for
 many people to memorize, and it's more suited to situations where you
 know ahead of time exactly which libraries you'll need   You can
 change the configuration and rebuild the environment from scratch, but
 it's not as easy as installing an experimental package, trying it out,
 and then uninstalling it if you don't like it.So with virtualenv you
 can use the same tools for development as you use for deployment,
 whereas buildout is more of a deployment-only thing.

I do not fully agree with that: I use buildout for development all the
time. One very very important thing buildout adds is repeatability. I
can take my buildout and deploy it it any random other machine and be
sure that I will have the exact same environment afterwards, down to
exact package versions if needed.

Adding more librares with buildout is just as simple as with virtualend,
the pattern is just a bit different: instead of running easy_install you
add declare the new dependency in and re-run buildout. This
has the advantage of guaranteeing that your dependencies are declared
correctly: buildout will happily install everything you need and
uninstall everything you do not need to keep the system as clean as


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Re: Deploying Pylons project

2008-12-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Pavel Skvazh wrote:
 Can you please point me in the direction the real world pylons apps
 are deployed? I tried mod_wsgi but couldn't get it running. Was a
 while ago. Probably there's a nice tutorial availible.

Personally I use mod_wsgi and deploy the application in a zc.buildout
environment using collective.recipe.modwsgi. That gives me an easy to
manage and predictable setup.


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Re: Django or Pylons - comparison details

2008-12-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously cropr wrote:
 I don't use FormEncode.  It is based on a very common design mistake
 made by a lot of programmers, who think one can better generate html
 from code.  When a graphical artist designs the layout of a web page,
 he uses tools who speak html, css and javascript, but no python (or
 Perl, Java, C++, ...).

While I agree FormEncode is very far from ideal, your argument does not
make sense to me. FormEncode does not generate markup at all unless
you explicitly tell it to. I do exactly what you describe: hand-written
markup written by a designer, with FormEncode on the backend only
doing decoding and validation.


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Re: Django or Pylons - comparison details

2008-12-08 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Alex Marandon wrote:
 2008/12/6 zunzun [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Seems like I should use Django?  Or should it be Pylons instead?
 Here is the advice of an average programmer with no emotional
 involvement in any of these projects.
 I think it depends on your background. The Pylons ecosystem is very
 powerful but it's quite complex and not really suitable for beginners.
 If it's going to be the first web framework you use, you should
 probably stick with Django or even better Rails.

grok might also be a good choice. I'm not quite sure of repoze.bfg is
quite there yet, but it is shaping up to be another excellent candidate
as well.


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Re: Django or Pylons - comparison details

2008-12-08 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Ian Bicking wrote:
 Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  Previously Alex Marandon wrote:
  2008/12/6 zunzun [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Seems like I should use Django?  Or should it be Pylons instead?
  Here is the advice of an average programmer with no emotional
  involvement in any of these projects.
  I think it depends on your background. The Pylons ecosystem is very
  powerful but it's quite complex and not really suitable for beginners.
  If it's going to be the first web framework you use, you should
  probably stick with Django or even better Rails.
  grok might also be a good choice. I'm not quite sure of repoze.bfg is
  quite there yet, but it is shaping up to be another excellent candidate
  as well.
 Grok over Pylons?  I don't think Grok is really any less complex.  Doing 
 basic stuff isn't particularly hard in Pylons, is it?  There's no reason 
 you have to use FormEncode, AuthKit, or any of those other pieces unless 
 you want to, and if you are beginner to Python or web development you 
 might off avoiding those pieces and just writing your own ad hoc code.

grok is much more pluggable than pylons and has more documentation
available (especially if you also consider all zope documentation that
works for grok apps as well).

In terms of complexity for simple apps I don't think grok and pylons
differ much.


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Re: Pyjamas : Python - JS

2008-12-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Eric Ongerth wrote:
 I have heard that the more you try to make Javascript behave like
 Python, the more you end up hating Javascript -- but that says nothing
 about Javascript itself.  Javascript is really a different language,
 with different strengths.  Perhaps the best plan is to use Javascript
 for its strongest points (for example instant-turnkey use of JSON,
 totally anonymous objects, function mutability, etc.) and do your more
 Pythonic tasks in Python.  Pylons makes it quite easy to leave as much
 of your logic as you wish in your controllers and keep your client-
 side view code very very thin.  Especially if you use a lightweight,
 concise JS framework like jQuery to help keep things readable and
 That still leaves the case of the programmer who says, I want to keep
 as much logic as possible on the client side to ease my server load,
 but I hate Javascript.  In that case I don't have any good advice.

Choose a new carreer :)

 The claim that Javascript become[s] quickly unreadable for even
 medium-sized applications really reflects only on the individual
 programmer/developer and not on the language, honestly.  Javascript
 does not deserve to be compared to (e.g.) php, an unruly beast that
 literally encourages a mess.  Javascript is, at worst, neutral with
 respect to organization; at best it embodies the heights of
 abstraction, encapsulation, and readability.  It's all up to you.

A problem with javascript is that most people using it never get beyond
writing tiny bits of code to perform a single effect on a page. With new
frameworks making that even simpler that is even more true now than it
was a few years ago. But once you get beyond that you will indeed see
that javascript is a very nice and fun language.


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Re: Pyjamas : Python - JS

2008-12-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Kless wrote:
 On 6 dic, 03:22, Eric Ongerth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But if you don't like Javascript, you have plenty of company.
  Including myself somewhat recently before I studied it more thoroughly
  and started trying harder with it ;-)
 Well, I hope that any day Lua can be embedded in the browser. I'm not
 the only person that think about it, and nobody should doubt about its
 better performance [1].

Unfortunately in the world of browsers you can not use something until
enough browsers support it. That is why we are still bound by the
capabilities of IE6 even now.


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Re: simplejson install error, need help

2008-11-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Ben Bangert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Mike Orr wrote:
  Is it possible to limit a dependency to certain versions of Python?
  It should be. is just a Python file, I don't see why I can't test
  the Python version and toggle the dependencies.
 Aren't the dependencies stored in the egg_info files and reparsed when
 you call pkg_resources.require()?  Otherwise I don't see how it could
 do its cascade of dependency checking when you load the application
 egg, because isn't available at that point.

It works with source eggs since that python is run during dependency
determination, and for binary eggs since those are python


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Re: Pylons and Python 2.6 (Was: Re: broken on Python 2.6 in Windows?)

2008-11-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Lawrence Oluyede [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Eric Ongerth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Correction: the point at which easy_installing Pylons errored out was
  during the installation of simpleJSON.  So it never reached the point
  of installing paste, pastescript, pastedeploy etc.
  Hey, I thought Python 2.6 includes the former simpleJSON as the new
  json module.  No?
  It does:
 It does but I doubt Python provides sufficient egg-info data for
 easy_install to know the dependency is not needed.

It can: is just python, so you can put conditional code in
there that checks the python version and modifies install_requires
accordingly. You need to do the same thing for the uuid module as well.


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Re: Putting DELETE's params into request.POST

2008-10-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Sok Ann Yap wrote:
 On the other hand, if we look into httplib2's source code, which I
 supposed is everyone's favorite http client library, Joe Gregorio
 doesn't make any distinction between POST and DELETE. You can verify
 that by using httplib2 to send a DELETE request with body to a simple
 wsgi app that echoes back wsgi.input.

Probably because that was just easier. I can not imagine what the
semantics for a body for DELETE would be. What information would you
want to send to something that you are deleting?


Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: Freezing a Pylons app

2008-10-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Christopher Barker wrote:
 So, is there a way to turn off the use of pkg_resources in paste?

No, paste relies on it to handle entry points in various places. That is
a very popular pattern that more and more things are starting to use.


Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Beaker info

2008-10-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Beaker seems to be very little documentation online, so hopefully
someone can help me out here.

I am looking at caching the results of things like expensive function
calls and database queries, and beaker seems to be usable as a caching 
system. What I can't seem to find is how to conveniently handle
per-request and forever-lasting caching. In Zope I can do this:

from plone.memoize import forever
from plone.memoize import view

def expensive_stuff():
The result of this function is cached forever, with the function
and its argument as cache keys.

def expensive_stuff():
The result of this function is cached during this request only,
with the function and its argument as cache keys.

as far as I can see there is no direct alternative for beaker, is that

Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: Freezing a Pylons app

2008-10-10 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Mike Orr wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 11:23 PM, Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Previously Christopher Barker wrote:
  So, is there a way to turn off the use of pkg_resources in paste?
  No, paste relies on it to handle entry points in various places. That is
  a very popular pattern that more and more things are starting to use.
 Popular, but it's still on unstable ground because Setuptools isn't
 built into Python yet,.  This is just one of a series of problems
 people have when installing Pylons.  It's worth remembering that there
 aren't many packages that depend on others, much less a multilevel
 dependency -- Pylons and TurboGears are about it.

The zope libraries are much larger and have much more (too many)
dependencies than Pylons and Turbogears, by several factors.

 Unfortunately that puts the onus on us to either fix the Setuptools
 problems ourselves, complain to the developers, or make Pylons/Paste
 less dependent on Setuptools.

What exactly are 'the setuptools problems'? Entry points and namespaces
are very practical and I wouldn't want to loose them. All the
installation and index-handling logic in setuptools is probably best

 The whole idea of importing an application by entry point when you
 already know what the module is called and it's already been installed
 is kind of funny.  But in this case, the problem seems to be not entry
 points or namespace packages but pkg_resources.require.
 The purpose of pkg_resources.require, according to its documentation,
 is to guarantee version dependencies are satisfied and to activate
 eggs that are along sys.path but not on it.  I tend to think this
 whole concept is obsolete now that you can install different versions
 into different virtual environments.  I don't know of anybody who has
 installed multiple versions of a package into the same directory, and
 then had two applications that each used pkg_resources.require to
 activate a different version.  On the other hand, I know people who
 have hesitated to use pkg_resources.require because that makes the
 application or library depend on Setuptools.

I've never used multi-version support or resources.require, and I agree
that we have better tools now. I think a problem of setuptools is that
it does too many things, and not all of them very well:

- namespace handling
- entry points
- multi-version egg installation
- building and uploading eggs
- egg installation
- remote package searching and downloading

pyinstall already does a better job at the last two. A simple
implementation of the first two in the standard library would go a long
way to improving things.


Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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