Why give AGI the credit when it remains the work of smart people who figured 
out how to automate public opinion? The logic for this is at least 10 years old.

This does not qualify the machine to be credited with consciousness. I think it 
more resembles a magic show, where it uses illusions to try and convince people 
that it has acquired consciousness. In other words, the new frontier of 
computing is all about managing illusions. AGI is not for magicians, but off 
course it would be exploited as a topic.

If anyone wanted an antidote for this particular machine, it could probably be 
engineered and launched to search and confuse. At a certain level the logic is 
so simple as to baffle brains. It is the persistent belief that machines can be 
so incredibly clever that convinces most people to stop trying to specify their 

All you have to do to perpetuate a social meme is to convince the critical mass 
how complicated an AI-labeled machine is, then the grapevine effect would kick 
in and unfit and lazy brains would automatically cut thinking about it out of 
the realm of possible processing. This is human psychology, not AGI.

Rob Benjamin

From: justcamel <justca...@gmail.com>
Sent: 15 February 2017 01:41 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] IIT: Conscious Programming Structures

Every time you are about to fall asleep, you (the awareness that is observing 
and identifying with the "Jim Bromer" input stream) is decoupled from this 
particular experience. With a little bit of practice you can learn to control 
what happens after said decoupling and it becomes obvious that you are the 
perceiver and not the perceived.

When Super Mario falls into the lava pit, a non-addicted player/perceiver can 
decide to do something completely different from playing Super Mario Land and 
identifying with the perceived.

Once we obtain some control over the hypnagogic state and what happens after 
complete sensory deprivation (shutdown of the local input stream) we can do the 
same and switch to different input streams. Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, native 
Americans, Shamans, Jesus, etc., ... they all talked about the transpersonal 
nature of consciousness and they all used their own analogies and metaphors.

"Jim Bromer" ist just happening. There is nobody doing "Jim Bromer". Your 
fascination with the "Jim Bromer" experience, fears and ego just keep you 
"watching" the "Jim Bromer" movie. It really only takes a few days of 
meditation and you can start to experiment with the "consciousness decouples 
from the local input" threshold.

On 14.02.2017 23:27, Jim Bromer wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Jim Bromer 
<jimbro...@gmail.com><mailto:jimbro...@gmail.com> wrote:

A human being is nothing but a very complex rock. Both are just
objects/processes happening within consciousness without requiring anybody
to "do them". There is nobody doing "Jim Bromer".

Whaaa??? Wait a minute...I'm not sure I concur with that either...
Jim Bromer

What, you saying I got lo-phi or something.

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