On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Damian Gerow wrote:

> And then the whole world dies, because of ...  what?

Natural stupidity.

> Seriously, I *highly* doubt that any nation at this time would *seriously*
> think of bombing another nuclear-enabled nation with a nuclear weapon.  It's
> just suicide.
> 'a couple thousand nukes' later, there's not much left of this planet.  That
> which hasn't been blowed [sic] up is exposed to enough radiation to kill, or
> to cause some serious mutations.

Which is why MAD works.  But a regular bombing run on a few oil refineries
would put the US in a world of hurt really quickly, enough for them to
pull a lot of their troops out of places that happen to be too close to
Russia and China.  Mexico isn't entirely happy with US policy, I'm sure
they could be bribed into letting the other powers use their air and land
space for a "limited" attack.  The US won't use nukes to retaliate, which
was the origin of this line of argument.

If Russia, Chaina and the EU really wanted to, they could use conventional
weapons and force the US to at least retreat from trying to rule the
world.  An attack on Syria and Saudi Arabia or Iran could provoke it.

I don't think it's very likely to happen, but if the US really tries to
attack more countries with the same blatent lies they used on Iraq, I
wouldn't be supprised either.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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