On Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 11:36:22 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sun, 2015-02-15 at 04:38 +0000, Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
Well, if you do the document with Latex on git (or some similar version control), you get most of the same stuff. Latex has a comment tool where you can do margin comments if you wish, and of course you can also do comments in the 'code' if you want - they don't show up in the document at all. Heck, I am sure there is a package for everything in Latex if you look hard enough.

(Xe|Lua)LaTeX or AsciiDoc
Git or Mercurial or Bazaar

Publishers have, however, seemed to have decided that sub-editors must work on the original source document files directly. If this is an integral part of the publisher workflow and the sub-editors cannot deal with DVCS or the markup languages, then the publishers refuse to
use those tools.

Still as long as some half-way decent authors are prepared to use Word
and abdicate their responsibility for the content once initially
created, the publishers win.

A MS-word document with 'track changes' on, edited by multiple people, is the greatest eyesore known to humanity. I still don't understand why anyone who had a choice between Latex and MS-Word would pick MS-Word for anything longer than 25 pages...

And who has the current master version, which file is the master,
etc., etc.

Just my personal opinion as one who recently finished a 200 page thesis in Latex, and is now working for a company where we do all our internal documents in Word. Latex certainly has its ugly
but it is so nice for lengthy document1.

Luxury. I typed my thesis (including the maths equations) using a
broken portable manual typewriter. ;-)

And you tell new students these days, and they won't believe you :o)

One other nice thing about LateX is that since you prepare
your content in a text editor, it lets you focus on your content and not be distracted by fiddling with formatting as you go! In theory you should do the same in MS-Word, but its sometimes hard to focus with
all the pretty buttons :o)

Of course, TeX is also a programming language, so for developer types it does present its own distraction. Luckly TeX coding is so obtuse
it is never a serious temptation.

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