Similar to what some parking lot attendants do all day in San Francisco:
play a game of sliding puzzle with 1 open slot...

Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Proxim Wireless Corporation
Email: Private:
Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626

-----Original Message-----
From: EV [] On Behalf Of Ben Goren via
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 11:25 AM
To: Peri Hartman; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: i3 EV self-parks> driver climbs out of window
toprove (video)

On Aug 6, 2014, at 10:06 AM, Peri Hartman via EV <>

> The other problem with cordless charging - whether robot arm or
induction - is that it requires a certain orientation of the vehicle. In
my case, I back into my driveway because it's too difficult to see when
backing out into traffic.  So I either would need a charge connection on
the back of the car or would need one that I can drive over, somehow.
Or one on each side...

I don't see automated charging being anything other than a luxury item
for personal EVs until they get dirt cheap. But I *do* see them being
indispensable for autonomous vehicle applications.

They'd even make sense for certain fleet applications if the cars only
park themselves and do no other autonomous driving. You could design a
parking lot / charging station with cars packed in with only an inch of
clearance on all four sides from neighboring cars. The car pulls itself
out, the driver gets in and drives away; at the end of the day, the
driver gets out of the car and walks away as the car parks itself into a
space impossible for the doors to even open.

That opens up a *lot* of square footage in what could potentially be an
area with expensive real estate rates.

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