Why all the haste to get a TX title while DMVs are notorious for taking
~6 weeks to even open their mail?
One of my (former) colleagues worked for our company in GA but then was
asked to come work at HQ
in CA, so he drove his GA car to CA and it was more than a year later
before he had his first comment that
he should move the title over to CA if he (continued) to work here.
He did have problems with unpaid tickets in GA, but never with his
driving a GA plated car in CA
for more than a year.
I presume that in 1 or 2 months, the CA DMV has finally worked though
their backlog and settled you as owner
of your car and then you should have no issue to get it moved to TX.

BTW, this may not be entirely legal as it is often required by (local)
law to get your title updated within weeks
when you move permently or start working in a new state, but how can you
even keep that law if the DMV
that you depend on to be able to register, does not process their
paperwork within a month or two?
Local enforcement also knows this problem and that is probably why there
is little enforcement that I know of
for immediately getting local plates. You do what you can, but you can
only do what others allow you if they
are the ones you depend on for the action you need to take.
Just a thought to wait a little for this to get settled and proudly
drive your CA car till you are official owner.

-----Original Message-----
From: EV [] On Behalf Of brucedp5 via EV
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 1:11 AM
Cc: brucedp5
Subject: [EVDL] Returning x2: (ot): EVLN EV newswire status ...

EVLN news status: the EV news items for a short while began again. But
slowed down today. Let's hope they pick up again. See below* as there
will be delays again in EVLN newswire posts ...

(ot) My status: stable (I have lodging) but I'm still not legal ...
Completed/achieved: a permanent address let me switch my car insurance
to state it is for TX (which is one of the requirements of getting a TX
driver's license).

I sent away for an official copy of my birth certificate, being sent to
a (UPS store) mailing address I bought.

A second call to CA dmv gave a different reason I still do not have what
I need to make TX vehicle registration dept. happy (TX registration &
licenses are separate groups/bldgs). So, CA dmv ('s screwups) has me in

The easiest approach is to let this (CA dmv messed up) vehicle go (find
a new owner for this vehicle and walk away from it. After so much ... it
seems like a shame, but I need to get on with my life and not be
delayed/jerked-around by CA dmv red tape). 
*This means in a few days, I will have to drive this vehicle (2000+mi)
back to CA to get this resolved.

I have had a lot of helpful information given to me by the friendly
local folk. An Uhaul rep that came from CA said, 'Yup CA dmv does screw
up so that is not so strange'. He had to get rid of a good car back in
CA by abandoning it (I am going to try to be as legal as possible). That
last dmv call said my name shows up as the pending owner as soon as a
special dmv dept checks.
Until then (legally) the guy I bought it from is still the owner (what a
limbo-land mess!).

Tomorrow, I hope to finish emptying out the vehicle of all my stuff into
local TX storage, and then spend some time looking around at used
(legal) TX vehicles to know what I will buy when I return. 

Once back in CA and before I lose the (albatrose) vehicle, I will see
about getting an official copy of my birth certificate, if it has not
arrived at the TX mail service. 
When vehicle-less, I will fly back, rent a car, then start looking for a
TX registered (legal) used vehicle, and get on with my life.

As you can read, I have a lot of chores to complete (it is not easy to
become a Texan). But I hope to have better wifi access luck with the
different motels I stay at on the way back, so I can still post/shoot a
few EVLN items out, while I continue to live out of a suitcase.

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