On 6/19/20 9:40 AM, Mark Abramowitz via EV wrote:
What an incredibly negative and blanket statement, and in my humble opinion, 

Let’s start with the RAV4-EV that still is popular despite battery packs that 
are past their useful life.

Not only did this vehicle meet the needs of many in the EV community, it 
exceeded them. Many of us that wanted them couldn’t get them. And despite being 
expensive to start with, several years after release, these cars were being 
sold at prices *significantly* above their brand new price.

You make my case. The RAV4EV was a great car. I've tried to buy one in Texas. I guess you are aware that there was insufficient supply because Toyota refused to supply most of the country and because Toyota refused to produce volume to satisfy demand in the areas where RAV4EVs were sold?

Do I need to continue?

I suppose so.

Frankly, if your statement were true, there would be no EV market today. Yes, 
Tesla has sparked a lot of interest and moved the industry miles ahead, but 
even without, vehicles were being developed, produced and sold that met the 
needs of some. And only because those vehicles met the needs of at least some.

You minimize what Tesla has done.

And I haven’t even yet mentioned the “other” EV, fuel cell electric vehicles. 
We’ve had three in our family, all from an ICE manufacturer, which have met 
*our* needs, and I just replaced one with another because I liked it so much. 
My wife is ready for a new car, and she will replace the one she has (and has 
loved), with one of the two flavors of EVs, and whichever flavor she chooses, 
it will almost assuredly be produced by an ICE manufacturer.

Producing tiny numbers of fool cell cars is a strategy used by ICE manufacturers to divert consumer attention from practical EVs. Thereby postponing the time when they will be forced to produce practical EVs.

The most egregious strategy was denying the NiMH battery to BEVs.

History has told us it is a very big mistake to expect an ICE manufacturer to 
fulfill any needs of the EV community.
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