On 23 Oct 2012, at 15:35, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

Nothing is true, even comp, until it is proven by experiment.

Then your own consciousness is false, which I doubt.
Then the existence even of the appearance of a physical universe is false.
Since Gödel, we know that, even limiting ourselves to 3p truth on the numbers relations, almost all the true one are unprovable in any theory.
Truth is *far* bigger than proof.
And concerning reality, in science there is no proof at all, as easily explained by the antic dream argument. In science we never prove anything about reality. We postulate theories, and prove only things *in* the theories. Then experiment can disprove a theory, but never prove it to be correct.
Except QM, all theories in physics have been refuted at some time.

Can you think of an experiment to verify comp ?

To make comp scientific, we can only show comp to be experiementally refutable, and yes this has been done, using also the classical theory of knowledge. COMP + classical theory of knowledge entails the physical laws, so to refute comp you can compare the physics extracted from comp, and the physics extraoplated from observation.



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