On 1/6/2013 12:42 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
I read some workd of Gintis,. but the experimental game theorists give up when things get complicated. The dynamic of groups stability and cooperation and their mechanisms is an field which has not even started. They do not study the vital role of public cult and rites, for example that are critical for an efficient group.

And when started, the philosophical consequences have not been explored. Because this has profound implicatiopns for what people believe that is true or not.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'philosophical' consequence (isn't this what deconstructionists study - the social construction of 'truth'); but the more practical consequences are *very* extensively studied and the results are applied - in advertising and in political campaigns.


The first of then is that whatever people say have two meanings: one the pure truth content, the other the implication of this truth for the prominence and cohesion of his group, and both appreciations are mixed, bot at the time to communicate it and at the time of evaluating them.

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